[fifth editiok.]
-ocr page 3-The Volume now offered to the public, though of smaller size than the Edition which preceded it, not only containsnbsp;several hundred additional lines, but, by the omission ofnbsp;derivatives obviously deducible from simple words retained,nbsp;has been made to comprehend within its pages a vastnbsp;number of useful terms, the meaning of which could not benbsp;readily gathered from others of the same root. Many words,nbsp;too, of established authority, are included, which have beennbsp;overlooked in the Welsh Dictionaries hitherto published.
W. S.
Carmarthen, September, 1859.
An examination of the present Volume will show that advantage has been taken of the opportunity afforded by thenbsp;issuing of a Third Edition of the Work, to add very considerably to its contents. By a little judicious compression,nbsp;about two thousand additions have been made, includingnbsp;Welsh terms and supplementary definitions, in the introduction of which regard has always been bad to the usefulnessnbsp;of the Work as a book of reference.
W. S.
Carmarthen, November, 1866.
ad of a7i% c ... cn def f impe nf np P pn pr px vt N.W S.W .. synonymous with The word following this mark (=) is preferable to that before it, being either morenbsp;correct or more commonly used. The plural terminations are marked with a hyphen when they are added to the singular word, and with a comma when the singular termination is changed. The singular form is given after some plurals between parentheses. adjective adjective common gender adverb adjective feminine... adjective masculine conjunction collective noun defective ... feminine imperative interjection masculine... noun masculine noun common gender noun feminine... noun plural plural pronoun ... preposition prefix singular verb verb intransitive, or neuter verb transitive, or activenbsp;North Wales ... |
South Wales ansoddair, enw gwan.nbsp;ansoddair o’r rhyw gyffredin.nbsp;gorair, rhagferf.nbsp;ansoddair benywol.nbsp;ansoddair gwrywol.nbsp;cyssylltiad. sylweddair cynulliadol. diffygiol. benywol. gorchymmynol. ebychiad, cyfryngair. gwr3rwol. sylweddair gwrywol. sylweddair o’r rhyw gyffredin. sylweddair benywol. sylweddair lluosog. lluosog. rhagenw. arddodiad. blaenddawd. unig, unigol. perwyddiad, berf. perwyddiad canolig. perwyddiad gweithredol. Gwynedd. Deheubarth. cyfystyr a |
THE LETTERS AND THEIR SOUNDS. | |||||||||||||||||||
TH, thich U, meet., pinnbsp;W, cool, coolcnbsp;Y ƒ 1 curve, cutnbsp;’ ( 2 meet, pin |
A, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;path, pat
B, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;buhhie
C, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;critic
D, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;did
DD=^A in this
The Consonants have each one sound only, as shown above: C, G, S, and TH are always hard; DD—in this, breathe; F=F,‘ FF=i^ English.
CH, LL, and RH represent continuous spirate (or breath) sounds not found in English.
CH,=the Greek bears the same relation to C as TH does to T,
LL is to L, and RH is to R, as TH is to DD, and S to Z.
The Vowels have each a long and a short sound, nearly the same as those in the words set after them above. The long sound is sometimes marked thusnbsp;as, tón, a tune; the short sounds thus (' ); as, tbnau, waves.
Y has its slender or second sound in final syllables and in monosyllables, except dy, dyd, dyt,fy, myn, syr, y, ym, yn, yr, ys, yth.
I, u, and Y slender are pronounced alike in some parts of South Wales.
Words are generally accented on the penultima; the principal exceptions are, myji, tydi, efe, hyhi, chwychwi, hxoynt-hioy; verbs in hau, du, eu, and oi;nbsp;names of places: as, Caergrawnt, Llannon, Penyboni^Pen y Bont; and wordsnbsp;in which the situation of the accent is marked; as, cyh^d, ysgrêch„ystên,ystér.
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Achlysuro v, to occasion, to cause Achlysurol a, occasional, incidentalnbsp;Achlyw n, hearingnbsp;Achofydd -ion n, herald; genealogistnbsp;Achofyddiaeth lif, heraldrynbsp;Achol a, genealogical; heraldicnbsp;Achor a, encircled; choralnbsp;Achos -ion n, cause; case. Achosnbsp;dybryd, foul crimenbsp;Achosadwy a, effectiblenbsp;Achosedigol a, etfectuativenbsp;Achosi V, to cause; to occasionnbsp;Achosol a, efficient, effectual; causativenbsp;Achosoldeb n, effectivenessnbsp;Achre -on nf, covert, coveringnbsp;Achred -ion nf, credibility, pledge, oathnbsp;Achrediad n, pledging of faithnbsp;Achredu v, to pledge by faithnbsp;Achref a, suppliant, cravingnbsp;Achrefiad n, supplicationnbsp;Achrefol a, mendicant; suppliantnbsp;Achrefu v. to crave, to supplicatenbsp;Achrefwr, wyr «, mendicant, supplicatornbsp;Achres -i nf row, rank; pedigree-rollnbsp;Achretor -laid n, creditornbsp;Achreth -au n, trembling. Achreth ynbsp;cryd, fit of the aguenbsp;Achrethiad «, shivering, tremblingnbsp;Achrethu v, to shiver, to tremblenbsp;Achrwm am, crooked or bent: f, achromnbsp;Achrwym -au n, restraintnbsp;Achrwys n, increase, plentynbsp;Achryf am, strong, potent, powerfulnbsp;Achu, Achubaid v, to save, to securenbsp;Achub V, to save, to secure, to protect.nbsp;Achub y blaen, to get foremost,nbsp;Achub yr adeg, to be in timenbsp;Achubadwy a, salvable, savablenbsp;Achubiad n. saving, rescuenbsp;Achubiaeth n, securing, savingnbsp;Achubol rt, saving; deliveringnbsp;Achubwr, wyr, Achubydd -ion n, saviournbsp;Achudd -ion n, seclusion, a secludednbsp;Achul a, narrow; lean, squalid [placenbsp;Achwaed n, consanguinitynbsp;Achwaen ad, presently, anonnbsp;Achwaeth n, sourness, staloness [wanegnbsp;Achwaneg a, more, additional=Ych-Achwanegiad a, augmentationnbsp;Achwanegol a, augmentativenbsp;Achwanegu v, to increase=Ychwanegunbsp;Achwedl -auw,tale, reportnbsp;Achwedd nf, descent, kindrednbsp;Achwerig a, playful, dallying; slownbsp;Achweryd -au n, diversionnbsp;Achwng a, very near, hard bynbsp;Achwlwm, achylymau re,tie; perplexity
Absenwr, wyr n, backbiter; absentee Abwy -on carcase, carrionnbsp;Abwyd -od n, bait; foddernbsp;Abwyd np (-yn n), worms; earthworms.
Abwydyn y cefn, the spinal cord Abwydiad n, baiting, fodderingnbsp;Abwydo v, to bait, to feednbsp;Abwydwr, wyr one who baitsnbsp;Abyrgof -ion n, short memorynbsp;Abyrgofiad n, forgettingnbsp;Abyrgofio v, to forgetnbsp;Abyrgolus a, forgetful, negligentnbsp;Ac c, and. See Anbsp;Acadfydd ad, perchance, perhapsnbsp;Acatoedd ad, possibly, likelynbsp;Acen -ion, Acan -ion nf, accentnbsp;Acenawl a, enunciativenbsp;Aceniad n, accentuationnbsp;Acennod -au nf, accent marknbsp;Acenu v. to accent, to soundnbsp;Acenyddiaeth nf, accentuationnbsp;Acw ad, there, at that place, yondernbsp;Ach -au nf stem, pedigree; fluid, liquidnbsp;Ach pr, near to, by, atnbsp;Achadw v, to preserve, to keepnbsp;Achain a, very preciousnbsp;Achan -ion nf, hymn, chantnbsp;Achaniad n/; chantingnbsp;Achanu v, to hjmn, to chantnbsp;Achar a, affectionate; amiablenbsp;Achas a, very hateful, odiousnbsp;Achel -ion nf lurch, retreatnbsp;Achen nf, lineage; coat of armsnbsp;Aches -oedd nf effluence; the mind;nbsp;Achfen oedd nf the groin [spumenbsp;Achtre -on nf, shelter, shadenbsp;Achlais, leisiau n, weal, stripenbsp;Achian ad, altogether, entirely, whollynbsp;Achles -oedd nf, succour, refuge: m, manure, compost
Achlesol a, succouring nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[manure
Achlesu V, to succour, to cherish; to Achleswr, wyr, Achlesydd -ion n, suc-courer, one who succoursnbsp;Achlod -au -ydd n, disgrace. Achlodnbsp;iti I shame upon thee!
Achlud -oedd n, covert, obscurity Achludiad n, concealing; concealmentnbsp;Achludo V, to obscure, to hidenbsp;Achludol a, obscuringnbsp;Achludd -ion n, obstruction, stoppagenbsp;Achiuddiad n, impeding, hinderingnbsp;Achluddo V, to obstruct, to impedenbsp;Achluddol a, obstructivenbsp;Achlust n, hearing
Achlwm V, to knot, to tie [opportunity Achlysur -on ?i, cause, motive; occasion.
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ADA ADE Achwmwl, achymylau », thick darkness Achwr, -wyr n, genealo^t, heraldnbsp;Achwre -au », snelter, screennbsp;Achwyn -ion n, complaint [lamentnbsp;AchTTyn tgt;, to complain, to murmur, tonbsp;Achwynedigaeth -an », accusationnbsp;Achwynedigol a, accusatorynbsp;Achwynol a, plaintive, complainingnbsp;Achwyngar a, querulous, complainingnbsp;Achwyngarwch », querulousnessnbsp;Achwyniad «, complainingnbsp;Achwyniaeth -au nf, accusationnbsp;Achwynwr, wyr «, complainer; murmur-er; complainant ^ plaintiffnbsp;Achwys -on cause, motivenbsp;Achydd -ion n, genealogist; heraldnbsp;Achyddiaeth genealogy; heraldrynbsp;Achys a, cruel; desperatenbsp;Ad re-, second, againnbsp;Adaddaw v, to promise againnbsp;Adaddewid -ion nf^ second promisenbsp;Adaerwch n, importunitynbsp;Adain, adeiniau ??ƒ, wing; birdnbsp;Adat, edyt pinion, wingnbsp;Adafael -ion n, distraintnbsp;Adafaela, Adafaelu v, to distrainnbsp;Adafaeliad 72, distrainingnbsp;Adail, adeiliau nf^ buildingnbsp;Adalw V, to recall; to revokenbsp;Adalwad n, recalling; revocation Adammeg -ion enigma, riddle i?2^, fin; wing; spoke Adan, edyn Adanadl n, respirationnbsp;Adanad liad n, respiring, breathing againnbsp;Adanadlu v, to respire, to breathe againnbsp;Adanerch -ion n, second greetingnbsp;Adanerch r, to resalutenbsp;Adanerchiad n, resalutingnbsp;Adanfon v, to send againnbsp;Adanfoniad n, sending againnbsp;Adar np (aderyn n), birds, fowls. —nbsp;duon, blackbirds. — gwyrain, barnacles. — ybwn, bitterns. —ycorff,nbsp;screech-owls. —y drudwy, starlings.nbsp;— y Ilwch gwyn, mythological birdsnbsp;so called. — y to, sparrowsnbsp;Adara v, to go a towlin^; to catch birdsnbsp;Adarol a, relating to birdsnbsp;Adardy, dai «, aviary, bird-cagenbsp;Adarddelw r, to reassertnbsp;Adarddeiwad n, reassertionnbsp;Adaren -od n/J female birdnbsp;Adargi, gwn », setting dog, spanielnbsp;Adargoel -ion nf^ augury or divinationnbsp;by the flight of birds, ornithomancynbsp;Adargop -o3 «, spidernbsp;Adargopwe -au n/^ spider’s web |
Adarwr, wyr n, fowler; birdcatcher Adarwriaeth fowlingnbsp;Adaryddiaeth n/, ornithologynbsp;Adaw r, to glide off; to fly; to leavenbsp;Adbarotoi r, to repreparenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing Adbawr, borion n, second chewing; leav-Adbenawd, odion n, subdivision Adbenodi v, to subdivide; to reappointnbsp;Adbenu v, to reassignnbsp;Adberchenogi v, to repossessnbsp;Adblan -oedd second setting [planetnbsp;Adblaned -au nf, satellite, secondarynbsp;Adblaniad n, transplantingnbsp;Adblanu v, to transplant, to replantnbsp;Adblyg -ion 7», second foldnbsp;Adblygadwy 0, reduplicablenbsp;Adblygedd n, recurvitynbsp;Adblygiad n, recurvationnbsp;Adblygu r, to fold back, to reduplicatenbsp;Adborion np, leavingsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[proof Adbrawf, brofion n, second taste or Adbrofi V, to taste or prove againnbsp;Adbryniad n, buying againnbsp;Adbrynol a, redeemingnbsp;Adbrynu v, to repurchase, to redeemnbsp;Adbrynwr, wyr w, repurchasernbsp;Adchwa -oedd nf^ contrary blastnbsp;Adchwaeth -ion w, relish; twangnbsp;Adchwanegadwy a, reaugmentativenbsp;Adchwanegiad «, reaugmentationnbsp;Adchwanegol a, reaugmentingnbsp;Adchwanegu v, to reaugmentnbsp;Adchwedl -au nf, report, rumournbsp;Adchwedledd n, rumouringnbsp;Adchwedlu v, to rumournbsp;Adchwel -ion nf, returnnbsp;Adchweladwy a, returnablenbsp;Adchweliad n, returningnbsp;Adchwelog a, returningnbsp;Adchwelyd v, to return backnbsp;Adchwil -ion n, researchnbsp;Adchwilio tJ, to research, to search againnbsp;Adchwiliwr, wyr n, researchernbsp;Adchwyl n, turn backnbsp;Adchwyladwy a, revolvablenbsp;Adchwyliad revolvingnbsp;Adchwylo v, to revolvenbsp;Ad-dalu V. to repay, to pay back; to retaliate, to requite Ad-dderbyn v, to receive backnbsp;Ad-dderbyniad n, receiving backnbsp;Adef, edyf ^ mansionnbsp;Adeg -au 71/fopportunity, season. Adegnbsp;y iloer, the wane of the moonnbsp;Adegino r, to bud againnbsp;Adeiiad -au «, building, constructingnbsp;Adeiiad -au nf \ building, edificenbsp;3 |
Adeiladaeth n/*, edilicatioa Adeiladol a, edifyingnbsp;Adeiladu v, to build, to edify, to erectnbsp;Adeiladwr, wyr, Adeiladydd -ion »,nbsp;builder, architectnbsp;Adeiledig a, buiit; wattlednbsp;Adeilior -laid n, edilenbsp;Adeilo V, to construct, to build; to interweave; to wattlenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[architect Adeilwr, wyr, Adeilydd -ion n, builder, Adeilyddiaeth nf, architecturenbsp;Adeinio v, to wing, to use wingsnbsp;Adeiniog a, winged; featherednbsp;Adeiniol a, relating to wingsnbsp;Adeiriad «, tautology, repetition ftorynbsp;Adeiriadol a, tautological, circumlocu-Adeiriadu to use tautologynbsp;Adeirio tgt;, to repeat wordsnbsp;Adeiriog a, tautological, circumlocutorynbsp;Adeiriogi v, to use tautologynbsp;Aden -^dd, edyn nf, wing, pinionnbsp;Adenedig a, regenerated, born againnbsp;Adenedigaeth nf regenerationnbsp;Aden! v, to regeneratenbsp;Adennill v, to regain, to get backnbsp;Adennilliad w, regainingnbsp;Adenog a, having wingsnbsp;Adenw -au », second name; adnounnbsp;Adenwad n, naming againnbsp;Adenwi v, to name againnbsp;Aderyn, adar n, bird, fowl. See Adarnbsp;Adethol -ion n, refuse; leavingnbsp;Adtach -au «. the beard of a dartnbsp;Adfachiad «, barbingnbsp;Adlachog a, barbed, beardednbsp;Adfachu v, to barb; to rehooknbsp;Adfai, feiau n, double crimenbsp;Adfail, feilion, feiiiau n, decay, ruinnbsp;Adfan, edfyn «, foreignernbsp;Adfan -au nf retreat, secluded placenbsp;Adfan -au n. secondary point, stage, ornbsp;position; advanced division, — cyn-nydd, the second stage of the moon'snbsp;increase; the second quarter, —nbsp;oil, the second stage in the moon'snbsp;wane; the fourth or last quarternbsp;Adfanach -od n, reclusenbsp;Adfauig -ion n, minim (in music)nbsp;Adfant -au nf hair lip:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pilgrim Adfaon np^ the mob or rabble Adfarch, feirch », geldingnbsp;Adfarn nf reversea judgmentnbsp;Adfarniad n, rejudgingnbsp;Adfarnu v, to rejudge, to reverse judg-Adfath n, recoinagenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;foment Adtathiad n, recoining Adfathu Vj to recoin, to coin again |
Adfedyddio v, to rebaptize Adfedyddiwr, wyr n, anabaptist Adfeddiannu v, to repossessnbsp;Adfeddiant, iannau n, repossessionnbsp;Adfeddwl. yliau n, second thoughtnbsp;Adfeddyliad n, recollectionnbsp;Adfeddylied v, to recollect, to remembernbsp;Adfeiad n, recriminationnbsp;Adfeiliad n, decaying, decay, ruin [eringnbsp;Adfeiliedig a, decayed, in ruins, inould-Adfeilio r, to decay, to moulder; to fadenbsp;Adfeiliog a, decaying, mouldering; innbsp;ruin, dilapidated Adfeio V, to recriminate, to blame again Adfeiwr, wyr n, recriminator Adtel, edfyl n, stranger, refugee Adfer -ion n, what is restored Adferadwy a, restorable, recoverable Adferedig a, restored; returned Adferedigaeth rf, restoration Adferiad restoring, restoration Adferol a, restorative Adferth n, comfort Adferthiad n, comforting Adferthol a, comtorting, cheering Adferthu v, to comfort; to recreate Adferu v, to restore; to return Adferwr, wyr n, restorer Adferyd r, to make restitution, to restore Adiesuro v, to measure over again Adfin -ion n, back edge Adfirain a, unornamental Adtlaguro r, to bud again Adtlas -au ra, insipidity of taste; twang Adflin a, fatigued or weary again Adflino u, to irritate, to tire again Aaflith -ion n, second milk Adflitho to yield second milk [soms Adflodaun^ (adflodeuy n n), second blos- Adflodeuad n refloration, reblossoming AdÜodeuo v, to refiourish,to reblossom Adtiodeuog a, reflorescent Adfod n, second being: v, to re-exist Adfraenar -au second fallow Adtrawd, frodau nf reversed judgment Adfryd -au «, second intention; animad- Adtrydol a, animadvertive [version Adfrydu v, to animadvert Adfudd -iau n, damage, loss Adfuddiog a, unprofitable Adfwl, fyiiaid n, gelded bull Adfwriad n, recasting Adfwrw V, to cast again, to recast Adfwynhau v, to re-enjoy Adfyd n, adversity; misery, distress Adfydig, Adfydus a, distressed,wretched Adfydiog o, m adversity; miserable |
Adfydd ad, perhaps, it may be Adtyddin -oedd nf^ corps of reservenbsp;Adfyfyrdod -au «, reconsiderationnbsp;Adf3rfyrio r, to reconsider, to think overnbsp;Adtyfyrion njo, reflectionsnbsp;Adfyne^iad w, redeclaringnbsp;Adfynegn v, to declare againnbsp;Adlyru v, to cnrtail againnbsp;Adfyw -oedd », fallownbsp;Adfyw a, half-alive; half-deadnbsp;Adfywhau a, to reanimatenbsp;Adfywiad n, revival; reanimatingnbsp;Adfywiant, iannau «, reanimationnbsp;Adfywio v. to revive, to restore to lifenbsp;Adfywiocau t?, to reinvigoratenbsp;Adfywiogi tgt;, to reanimate, to revivenbsp;Adffugio V, to disguise anewnbsp;Adffurfio p, to re-form; to repairnbsp;Adffurti wr, wyr n, re-formernbsp;Adffynu v, to prosper againnbsp;Adgadarnhau v, to refortifynbsp;Adgadw p, to keep againnbsp;Adgais, geisiau w, second attemptnbsp;Adgam a, recurvousnbsp;Adgan -an w/J episodenbsp;Adganu p, to describe; to form an episodenbsp;Adganwr, wyr «, describe!
Adgas a, odious, disagreeable, hateful Adgasglu V, to collect againnbsp;Adgasrwydd n, odiousness, hatefnlnessnbsp;Adgasu p, to act disagreeablynbsp;Adgeiniad, iaid n, a chanternbsp;Adgeisio p, to seek againnbsp;Adgemi n, recurvationnbsp;Adgen -oedd n, growth, producenbsp;Adgenedledig a, regeneratednbsp;Adgenedliad n, regenerationnbsp;Adgenedlu v, to regeneratenbsp;Adgerydd -on n, reprimand, reproofnbsp;Adgeryddadwy a, reprehensiblenbsp;Adgeryddiad n, reprimand, reproofnbsp;Adgeryddol a, reprehensivenbsp;Adgeryddu v, to reprimand, to reprovenbsp;Adgip -ian n, resnatch; reprisenbsp;Adgipio p, to snatch backnbsp;Adglaf a, relapsed to sicknessnbsp;Adglefyciiu p, to relapsenbsp;Adglwyto p, to wound anewnbsp;Adglymiad n, renodationnbsp;Adglymu p, to tie againnbsp;Adgnithio p, to retouchnbsp;Adgno -au n, second chewing, cud. Ad-gno cydwybod, remorsenbsp;Adgnota, fëydd nf, rechewing; remorsenbsp;Adgnoi p, to chew the cud, to ruminatenbsp;Adgodi p, to raise again; to rise againnbsp;Adgodiad n, resurrection=Adgyfodiad
Adgof -ion n, remembrance [remind Adgofio p, to recollect, to remember; tonbsp;Adgoffa -on n, recalling to mindnbsp;Adgoffa, Adgoffau p, to recall to mindnbsp;Adgor -au, edgyr n, teamnbsp;Adgordd -au n, second circle or retinuenbsp;Adgori p, to return; to prepare the teamnbsp;Adgrychyn -an n, semiquavernbsp;Adgryfhau p, to reinvigoratenbsp;Adgrynoi p, to collect againnbsp;Adguddio p, to reconceal, to hide againnbsp;Adgnr -ion n, repulse, rebutnbsp;Adguriad a, repurcussionnbsp;Adguro p, to repel, to strike backnbsp;Adgwyddiad n, relapsingnbsp;Adgwymp n, fall back, relapsenbsp;Adgwympo p, to relapse, to fall backnbsp;Adgydio p, to rejoin, to reunitenbsp;Adgyfansoddi p, to recomposenbsp;Adgyfanu, Adgyfau p, to reintegratenbsp;Adgyfarch p, to resalutenbsp;Adgyflawna p, to complete anewnbsp;Adgyfleu p, to replacenbsp;Adgyfnerthion np, reinforcementsnbsp;Adgyfnerthu p, to reinforcenbsp;Adgyfodi p, to rise again; to raise againnbsp;Adgyfodiad n, resurrectionnbsp;Adgyffroad », resuscitationnbsp;Adgyftroi p, to excite again; resuscitatenbsp;Adgylchaid n, revolutionnbsp;Adgyllaeth n, longingnbsp;Adgymmeradwy a, resumablenbsp;Adgymmeriad w, reassumptionnbsp;Adgymmodi p, to reconciliatenbsp;Adgynneu p, to rekindle, to light againnbsp;Adgynnrychioii p, to represent anothernbsp;Adgynnrychu p, to representnbsp;Adgynnull p, to collect againnbsp;Adgynnulledig a, recollectednbsp;Adgynnyrchu p, to reproducenbsp;Adgyrch -au n, recourse [joiningnbsp;Adgysswllt, sylitiau rejunction, re-Adgyssylltu p, to reunite, to join againnbsp;Adgywain p, to carry backnbsp;Adgyweirio p, to refit, to repair, to mendnbsp;Adgyweiriol a, reparative, restorativenbsp;Adgyweirolion np, restorativesnbsp;Adgyweiriwr, wyr n, repairer, mendernbsp;Adgywreinio p, to make exact againnbsp;Adhaeriad n, reassertionnbsp;Adheddychu p, to repacifynbsp;Adholi p, to re-examine,to question againnbsp;Adhoni p, to reassertnbsp;Adiad, iaid », drake, mallardnbsp;Adiaith, ieithoedd ?lt;ƒ, dialectnbsp;Adlan n, stranger, refugeenbsp;Adian, adienoedd cn, progeny, offspringnbsp;ii
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Adladd -au n, second crop, lattermath Adladd v, to kill againnbsp;Adlaes a, trailing, draggling; limpnbsp;Adlais, leisiau w, reverberation, echonbsp;Adlam -au n* back step; homenbsp;Adlamiad nj) stepping backnbsp;Adlamu v, to step back; to reboundnbsp;Adlamwr, wyr n, one returning fromnbsp;Adlan -au nj] hall, palace [abroadnbsp;Adlaw -laid n, secondary thing. Ad-lawiaid, the rabble; compound metres;nbsp;transmuted letters, as dd, mutationnbsp;Adlaw a, secondary; mean [of c?nbsp;Adlef nf, resonance, echonbsp;Adlefariad n, peroration; reiterationnbsp;Adjefaru v, to perorate; to reiteratenbsp;Adlehad w, repositionnbsp;Adlehau v, to replacenbsp;Adleisio v, to resoundnbsp;Adlenwi v, to fill again, to refillnbsp;Adles -au n, that is not a benefitnbsp;Adlewychu v, to reflect lightnbsp;Adlipryn -au w, fribble, weak onenbsp;Adlir -au n, reflux, ebb tidenbsp;Adlifeiriant, iaint refluencenbsp;Adlifeirio v, to reflow, to flood againnbsp;Adlifiant, adlifiannau n, reflowingnbsp;Adlifo V, to flow back, to reflownbsp;Adlithro v, to slide backnbsp;Adliw -iau n, varnish, retintnbsp;Adlo -i n, chafe; anger, hatrednbsp;Adloddi V, to grow after cuttingnbsp;Adloes wƒ, reiterated pangnbsp;Adloewi v, to brighten againnbsp;Adlog «, compound interestnbsp;Adloni V, to cnerish again; to refreshnbsp;Adlonyddu v, to assuage or quiet againnbsp;Adlosgi V, to burn againnbsp;Ad Inn -ian w, copynbsp;Adlunio v, to re-form, to copynbsp;Adlusgo r, to drag backnbsp;Adlwcn ft, incinerated statenbsp;Adlwg, adlygon n, retrospect; objectnbsp;Adlychwedd n, incinerationnbsp;Adlychweddu v, to incineratenbsp;Adlyfnhau tgt;, to repolish; to level againnbsp;Adlygu V, to take a retrospectnbsp;Adlythyr -au -on n, rescriptnbsp;Adnabod v, to recognize, to know, to benbsp;acquainted with:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;«, recognition,
knowledge, acquaintance Adnabodaeth «ƒ, cognizancenbsp;Adnabodiad », recognizingnbsp;Adnabodus a, knowingnbsp;Adnabyddedig a, acquainted; knownnbsp;Adnabyddiad n, recognition [zancenbsp;Adnabyddiaeth n/] knowledge, cogni-
Adnabyddol a, recognizing Adnabyddus a, knowing, knownnbsp;Adnadd -ion w, chip; shavingnbsp;Adnaid, neidiau fif, reboundnbsp;Adnain, neiniau ti/I echo of a screamnbsp;Adnair, neiriau n, an attendantnbsp;Adnant, ednynt n, crying again or afternbsp;Adnau v, to iterate a callnbsp;Adnaw t;, to keep to one’s self, to possessnbsp;Adnawdd, noddau n, resourcenbsp;Adnawf, nofion n, swimming backnbsp;Adne -au n, custodjrnbsp;Adnerth -oedd n, reinforcementnbsp;Adnerthu v, to reinforcenbsp;Adnes -au 72, guarding, succournbsp;Adneu -oedd w, deposit, pledgenbsp;Adneuad n, pledgingnbsp;Adnewyddiad n, renovation, renewalnbsp;Adnewyddu p, to renovate, to renewnbsp;Adnewyddwr, wyr n, renovatornbsp;Adnod -au «ƒ, verse; sentencenbsp;Adnodi p, to divide into versesnbsp;Adnofio Vf to swim backnbsp;Adnydd -au n, gate postnbsp;Adoew -au n, spurnbsp;Adofidio v, to grieve or vex againnbsp;Adofidiol a, reafflictingnbsp;Adofwyad n, revisitingnbsp;Adofwywr, wyr n, revisitornbsp;Adofyn v, to ask again, to reclaimnbsp;Adohebu p, to respondnbsp;Adolrhain v, to retrace; to reach againnbsp;Adolwch, ychau n. intreaty, prayernbsp;Adolwg, Adolwyn p, to intreat, to beseech, to beg, to pray, to implorenbsp;Adolygiad w, reviewing, reviewnbsp;Adolygu p, to reviewnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[viewer
Adolygwr, wyr, Adolygydd -ion re-Adon, edyn -au tï, sovereign lord Adorth a, diligent, studiousnbsp;Adran -au nf, subdivision; commanbsp;Adranu p, to subdividenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[divider
Adranwr, wyr, Adranydd -ion n, sub-Adre p, to please; to enjoy Adred -ion n, recoursenbsp;Adredeg p, to run back, to recurnbsp;Adrediad n, recurrencenbsp;Adref ad, homewards, homenbsp;Adretu p, to return homenbsp;Adrif -au n, second reckoningnbsp;Adrifiad n, counting again, recountingnbsp;Adrifo p, to recount, to reckon againnbsp;Adrif wr, wyr n, reconn ternbsp;Adrin -ion nf, secret repeatednbsp;Adrodd p, to relate, to recount, to narratenbsp;Adroddi v, to return a gift, to give backnbsp;Adroddiad n, narration; giving backnbsp;6
-ocr page 11-Adwr -wyr re, coward; slave Adwriaeth re, cowardice, slaverynbsp;Adwrygio v, to re-invigoratenbsp;Adwy -au nf, breach; passnbsp;Adwydd re, fallow groundnbsp;Adwyog a, full of gaps or breachesnbsp;Adwyn -au re, metalnbsp;Adwynig a, metallic; glitteringnbsp;Adwynol a, metallicnbsp;Adwyo V, to make gapsnbsp;Adwyr a, recurvous, bent backnbsp;Adwyro v, to recurve, to bend backnbsp;Adwyriad re, recurvationnbsp;Adwys -ion nj', second summonsnbsp;Adwysio v, to reassemble, to resummonnbsp;Adwyth -au re, blast; mischiefnbsp;Adwythol a, blasting; destructivenbsp;Adwythig a, apt to blast; destructivenbsp;Adwythus a, blasting, blighting; des-Adyl re, breathnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[_tructive
Adymanerch v, to re-salute mutually Adymchweliad re, returning againnbsp;Adymddrychiad re, mutual reflectionnbsp;of objects
Adymgasglu v, to reassemble mutually Adymgymmeriad re, mutual reassumption; epanalepsis
Adymgymmodi v, to reconcile mutually Adymgynnull re, to reassemble mutuallynbsp;Adymlid re, to pursue againnbsp;Adymluniad re, mutually forming anewnbsp;Adymrithio re, to appear againnbsp;Adymweled re, to revisitnbsp;Adymmyr re, temperate weathernbsp;Adyn -ion re, wretch, miserable objectnbsp;Adyru re. to drive back, to repelnbsp;Adysgrif-aunbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;copy,transcript,rescript
Adysgrifen 7if copy, transcript Adysgrifenu re, to transcribe, to copynbsp;Adysgrifenwr, wyr re, transcribernbsp;Adysgrifo re, to copy, to transcribenbsp;Adystwytho re, to make pliant againnbsp;Adystyriad re, reconsiderationnbsp;Add px. Intensifies the sense of wordsnbsp;Addail np^ tender leaves; saladnbsp;Addanc-od, eddync re, crocodile, alligatornbsp;Addant re, longingnbsp;Addas a, meet, suitable, propernbsp;Addasair, eiriau re, epithetnbsp;Addasiad re. suiting, fitting, adaptingnbsp;Addasol a, befitting; convenientnbsp;Addasrwydd n, suitableness, fitnessnbsp;Addasu re, to suit, to adapt, to fit [fitternbsp;Addaswr, wyr re, a proper or fit person;nbsp;Addaw -on re, promise: re, to promisenbsp;Addawd, addodau re, repository, Wynbsp;addawd, a nest-egg
Adroddol a, declaratory: n, predicate Adroddwr, wyr n, relaternbsp;Adrop -od », spidernbsp;Adrwym -an restringentnbsp;Adr^vymo v, to rebindnbsp;Adrybudd -ion n, second warningnbsp;Adrybuddio v, to warn againnbsp;Adrysedd n, second excessnbsp;Adryw -iau secondary speciesnbsp;Adrywedd -an n, scent, tracenbsp;Adiywio p, to degeneratenbsp;Adsaf -ion second standingnbsp;Adsain, seiniau nf. echo; soundnbsp;Adsefydlu v, to re-establishnbsp;Adseiltanu v, to found anewnbsp;Adseinio v, to resound, to echonbsp;Adseiniol a, resounding, resonantnbsp;Adson V, to rumour againnbsp;Adsylw n, second observationnbsp;Adsyl wi v, to vie w again, to observe againnbsp;Adsyllu tJ, to glance at againnbsp;Adsynwyro 2?, to recover the sensesnbsp;Adunedig a, reunited, rejoinednbsp;Aduno r, to rejoin; to agree againnbsp;Adurddedig a, reordainednbsp;Adurddiad n, reordinationnbsp;Adurddo v, to honour again; to reor-Adurddol a, reordinativenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;|_dain
Adwaen v, to recognize; to know Adwaeniad n, recognitionnbsp;Adwaenig a, recognizable; knownnbsp;Adwair, weiriau n, hay of the second cropnbsp;Adwaith, weithiau re, work begun anewnbsp;Adwanhan v, to enfeeble againnbsp;Adwanychu r, to re-enfeeble; to relapsenbsp;Adwedyd v, to say again, to repeatnbsp;Adwedd re/J renewed state; one’s originalnbsp;place or statenbsp;Adweddu r, to reinstatenbsp;Adweiriad re, repairingnbsp;Adweirio v, to repair=Adgyweirionbsp;Adwel -ion n, reperceptionnbsp;Adwel -oedd re, strangernbsp;Adweled r, to see againnbsp;Adwelediad re, seeing againnbsp;Adwem -ydd re/) withered growthnbsp;Adwerth re, too low a price; retailnbsp;Adwerthn r, to-sell; to depreciatenbsp;Adwerthwr, wyr re, retailer; depredatornbsp;Adwerydd -on re, second spring: w/Jnbsp;luckless maid, prudenbsp;Adwirio v, to certify againnbsp;Adwiriwr, wyr re, one that recertifiesnbsp;Adwisg -oedd nf, disarray, undressnbsp;Adwledd -au vf slender mealnbsp;Adwneyd v, to undo=Dadwneydnbsp;Adwnïo r, to double-stitch
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Addaweb -ion promissory note Addawiad w, promisingnbsp;Addawl, olion n, worship [promisernbsp;Addawr, ddawyr, Addawydd -ion n,nbsp;Addef -au nf, dwellingnbsp;Addef V, to acknowleoge, to ownnbsp;Addefawd n, confessionnbsp;Addefedig a, confessed, acknowledgednbsp;Addefedigol a, confessionalnbsp;Addefiad n, confession, acknowledgmentnbsp;Addefol a, confessingnbsp;Addefwr, wyr n, confessornbsp;Addewid -ion nƒ, promisenbsp;Addewidiol a, promissorynbsp;Addfain a, slender, delicatenbsp;Addfed a. ripe, maturenbsp;Addfededd, Addfedrwydd, Addfedwchnbsp;n, ripeness; maturitynbsp;Addfediad n, ripeningnbsp;Addfedu r, to ripen, to maturenbsp;Addfeinus a, of a slender framenbsp;Addfwyn a, gentle, meek, mild, kindlynbsp;Addfwynder, Addfwyndod n, gentleness,nbsp;Addiad n, longing, desire [meeknessnbsp;Addiai. ieion nc, strangernbsp;Addiant n, longing, regretnbsp;Addiaw v, to make an effortnbsp;Addibyn -ion n, dependantnbsp;Addien a, faultless; beauteousnbsp;Addig a, jealous; angrynbsp;Addigor -ion jealous onenbsp;Addnaid, neidiau n, refuge, retreatnbsp;Addoed «, set time; hapnbsp;Addoedi y, to defer, to delay, to postpone; to loiter; to proroguenbsp;Aadoediad n, putting off time, delay,nbsp;respiting; postponement; prorogationnbsp;Addoedwr, wyr n, one who loitersnbsp;Addoer a, frigid, chilly, coolnbsp;Addoeredigaeth n. refrigerationnbsp;Addoeri v, to refrigeratenbsp;Addoeriannol a, refrigeratorynbsp;Addoeriant, iannau w. chillnessnbsp;Addoerllaith a, moistly coldnbsp;Addoladwy a, adorablenbsp;Addoldy, dai w, house or place of worship; chapel; meeting-housenbsp;Addoledigaeth «ƒ, adorationnbsp;Addolfa, fUydd place of worshipnbsp;Addolgar a, devotionally inclinednbsp;Addoli V, to worship, to adorenbsp;Addoliad n, worshiping; worshipnbsp;Addoliadol a, devotionalnbsp;Addoliaeth nƒ^ worshipnbsp;Addoliant n, worship, adorationnbsp;Addolwr, wyr n, worshipernbsp;Addon np, fruit; offspring |
Addonwy -on cn, progeny, offspring Addu V, to go, to proceednbsp;Addug -on n, intention, purposenbsp;Adduned -au rif, vow; desirenbsp;Addunedu r, to make a vownbsp;Addunedydd -ion w, vowcrnbsp;Adduniad n, vowing; wishingnbsp;Adduno v, to vow; to make a wishnbsp;Addunol a, votive; wishingnbsp;Addunwr, wyr n, one that makes a vownbsp;Addurn -au n, ornamentnbsp;Addurneg ornament of speechnbsp;Addurniad n, adornment, decorationnbsp;Addurniaeth nf, omaturenbsp;Addurno v, to ornament, to decoratenbsp;Addurnol a. ornamental, decorativenbsp;Addurnoldeb n. ornateness [beautifiesnbsp;Addurnwr, wyr n, one that adorns ornbsp;Addwg, eddyg n, taking awaynbsp;Addwyd -au n, imposthumenbsp;Addwyn -au ?i, virtue; honestynbsp;Addwyn a, virtuous; honestnbsp;Addwynder 71, virtue; honestynbsp;Addwyndod n, virtuous statenbsp;Addwynfryd n, virtuous mindnbsp;Addwyno v, to make virtuousnbsp;Addwynryw -iau n, good sort or speciesnbsp;Addwyr a, inclining, bendingnbsp;Addygiad n, a bringing onward; education, instruction, tuitionnbsp;Addygyd v, to bring or carry onnbsp;Addysg Ilf, instruction, learning, education; moral. Can addysg, Cerddnbsp;addysg, didactic poemnbsp;Addysgfa, faoedd, fëydd Tif, seminarynbsp;Addysgiad n, instructing, teachingnbsp;Addysgiadol a, didactic, instructivenbsp;Addysgiaeth tj/J education, teaching,nbsp;tuition, instruction Addysgol a, instructive nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cate Addysgu v, to instruct, to teach,.to edu-Addysgwr, wyr, Addysgydd -ion w, instructor, teacher, educator, tutor Addvsgwych a, well-educated; accomplished; polishednbsp;Aed 77, going; proceedingnbsp;Aedd -ion 7i, noise, din, clamournbsp;Aedd a, noisy, loud, clamorousnbsp;Aeddal a, steady, firmnbsp;Aeg Tif language; expressionnbsp;Ae) -iau 7iy, jut out; brow; skirt. Arnbsp;ael, nigh, near to Ael, eilion litter; brood [precious Aelaw n, produce; wealth: a, productive pnbsp;Aeldrem tif leeringnbsp;Aeldrwm a, heavy-browed, frowningnbsp;Aelddu a, black-browed |
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Aeie, Aeleu a, vroeful, sad, piteous Aeled ailmentnbsp;Aeleu n, dolor, grief, woenbsp;Aelfawr a, big-browednbsp;Aelgerth, eilgyrth nf, the cheekbonenbsp;Aelgeth -i, «y=Aelgerthnbsp;AeJiog a, browed, full-browednbsp;Aelod -au rac, limb; member; consociatenbsp;Aelodaeth, Aelodiaeth nf^ membershipnbsp;Aelodfain a, slender-limbednbsp;Aelodfawr a, large-limbed; bony, burlynbsp;Aelodi r, to form a member; to enrolnbsp;Aelodiad n, forming a member; member-Aelodog fl, limbed; large-limbed [shipnbsp;Aelwyd -ydd nf^ hearth; familynbsp;Aelwydaid, eidiau nf^ hearthfulnbsp;Aeiwydd a, prosperous, successfulnbsp;Aer -au nf^ slaughter; battle, conflictnbsp;Aer -od n, heir
Aerawd, odau 'nf^ slaughtering Aerdrodi y, to march to battlenbsp;Aeres -au ??ƒ, heiressnbsp;Aerfa -oedd vf, slaughter; battle-fieldnbsp;Aerfab, feibion n, son of slaughternbsp;Aerog, Aeroi a, slaughteringnbsp;Aeron np, fruit of trees; fruitsnbsp;Aeru V, to slaughternbsp;Aenrr, wyr«, slaughterer; warriornbsp;Aerwy-on », collar; torque; bandnbsp;Aerwyad n, collaringnbsp;Aerwyli -ion n, demon of battlenbsp;Aerwyo t?, to put on a collarnbsp;Aerwyog a, wearing a collarnbsp;Aerwyol o, like a collarnbsp;Aerwywr, wyr n, collar-maker [clift'nbsp;Aes -au w/, flat body; target; wing; bird;nbsp;Aesdalch a. broken-shieldednbsp;Aesel n, verjuice, vinegarnbsp;Aeserw n/, planknbsp;Aesor -ion targeteernbsp;Aeth, eith,eithion «.point, prickle; gorse,nbsp;fnr2e; shock; painful sensationnbsp;Aeth Vj he went; he is gonenbsp;Aethawl a, poignant, pungentnbsp;Aethiad «, smartingnbsp;Aethlawn a, poignant, painfulnbsp;Aethlyd a, pungent, vexing, shockingnbsp;Aethnen nj, aspen, poplarnbsp;Aethus«, pnngent; grievous, shockingnbsp;Aethwellt«, lattermathnbsp;Aethwlad -on ti, outlaw; exilenbsp;Aethwladu v, to banish; to outlawnbsp;Aethwydd n (-en «ƒ), aspen woodnbsp;Af V, I shall go. Af, ei or ai, a or aiffnbsp;or eifi*, awn, ewch, Entnbsp;Af n, progress, going on [-less, notnbsp;Af px, UD-, dis-, mis-, im-, in-, il-, ir-,
Afach -au n, grapple, holdfast Afaeth n, blandishmentnbsp;Afagddu nf, utter darkness; hellnbsp;Afaith, eithiau n, neighbournbsp;Afal -au n, apple. — Adda, Adam’snbsp;apple; the black briony. — Awst,nbsp;St. James’s apple. — daiar, birth-wort. — dreiniog, — meiwyn, thornnbsp;apple. — euraid, orange. — gronyn-awg, pomegranate. — helyg, bitternbsp;sweeting. — melynhir, lemon. —nbsp;minswy n, j ennetting. —peatus, peach.nbsp;— per, cultivated apple. — pig ynbsp;gohmenf pigeon's biJi. — pryd 7nbsp;gwr, cat-head. — sur, crab. —nbsp;tindoll, — tinegored, medlar. — ynbsp;ddaiar, sow-bread. — y marchog,nbsp;nonpareil
Afaleua v, to gather apples Afaleuog a, full of applesnbsp;Afalwydd np (-en ??f), apple-treesnbsp;A.fall. efyll nf, apple-treenbsp;Afallach n/*, orchardnbsp;Afallen n/j apple-treenbsp;Afallwydd np (-en tï/*), apple-treesnbsp;Afallwyn -i n, apple-grove, orchardnbsp;Afan np (-en Tif), raspberriesnbsp;Afan a, high, loudnbsp;Afanllwyn -i n, raspberry-bushnbsp;Afanc -od, efync n, crocodilenbsp;Afanwydd np (-en nf), raspberry-brakenbsp;Afar griet, sadness; longingnbsp;Afarn -au 71, briberynbsp;Aldrwyth n, strangurynbsp;Afell -au nf bosomnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wholesome
Atiach a, unwell, unhealthy, sickly; un-Afiachus a, sickly, ailing; unwholesome Afiaeth, Afiaith n, blandishmentnbsp;Afiaith, ieitboedd nf solecism [diseasenbsp;Afiechyd -on ?», indisposition, disorder,nbsp;Afieithus a, bland, pleasantnbsp;Aflafar-oedd n, loss of speech: a. dumb;nbsp;Aflafaredd n, dumbness [inarticulatenbsp;Attafarwch n, lack of utterancenbsp;Aflan a, unclean, polluted, foulnbsp;Aflanhau v, to pollutenbsp;Aflariaidd a, ungentlenbsp;Aflathr a, without polishnbsp;Aflathraidd, Aflathraid a, unpolishednbsp;Aflawen a, not merry; cheerless; dismalnbsp;Aflehau v, to displacenbsp;Aflendid n, uncleanliness; pollutionnbsp;Aflenog a, illiterate, unlearnednbsp;Aflenogaeth nf want of learningnbsp;Afler, Aflerw a, untidy, slovenlynbsp;Afles -oedd n, disadvantage, hurtnbsp;Aflesol a, disadvantageous, unprofitablenbsp;9
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Aflesoldeb 72, disadvantageousness Aflesrwydd ti, disadvantagenbsp;Aflesu 27, to damage, to hurtnbsp;Aflettygar a, unhospitablenbsp;Afleu 17, to put out of placenbsp;Afloew a, not clear, turbid; opaquenbsp;Afionder n, uncheerfulnessnbsp;Aflonydd a, unquiet, restlessnbsp;Afionyddiad n, molestationnbsp;Aflonyddu 27, to disquiet, to molestnbsp;Aflonyddwcn «, disquietudenbsp;Aflonyddwr, wyr n, molester, disturbernbsp;Afiun -iau caricaturenbsp;Aflun a, void of form,, ’ Ailuniad n, deforming Afluniaidd a, deformed, shapelessnbsp;Aflunieiddio 27, to disfigure, to deformnbsp;Aflunio 27, to deform, to misshapenbsp;Aflwydd «, misfortunenbsp;Aflwyddiannol, Aflwyddiannus a, un-prosperous, unlucky, unfortunatenbsp;Aflwyadiant ti, misfortune; adversitynbsp;Aflwyddo 27, to miscarrynbsp;Aflwyddog a, unfortunate, adversenbsp;Aflwyddol a, unprosperousnbsp;Aflwyr a, incomplete, imperfectnbsp;Afiwys a, unhallowednbsp;Aflyfnder ti, ruggednessnbsp;Aflym o, not sharp, bluntnbsp;Aflymder n, want of sharpness, bluntnessnbsp;Aflywodraeth n/, misrule, misgovern-Aflywodraethus a, ungovernable [mentnbsp;Afn 72, boldness, temeritynbsp;Afnaws a, uncandidnbsp;Atneued n, indifferencenbsp;Afon -ydd njl rivernbsp;Atonfarch, feirch ti, Afonig nfj rivulet, small stream Afonog a, having riversnbsp;Afonol a, like a river; fluvialnbsp;Afr 72, flowing principlenbsp;Affad -au n, want of thrift, wastenbsp;Afradiad ti, lavishing, squanderingnbsp;Afradlawn a, extravagant, prodigalnbsp;Afradlondeb, Afrad lonedd t2, prodigality,nbsp;extfavagance, wastenbsp;Afradloni 27, to lavish wastefullynbsp;Afradu 27, to lavish, to squandernbsp;Afradwy a, prodigal, lavishnbsp;Afraid a, unnecessary, needlessnbsp;Afraid, reidiau n, what is unnecessarynbsp;Afraslawn a, graceless; nefariousnbsp;Afrddwl a, solicitous; pensivenbsp;Afrdwyth -i ti, passion, impulsenbsp;Afrdwytho v, to anger, to enragenbsp;Afrdwythol a, impassionednbsp;Afreidiol a, unnecessary, needless |
Afreol nf, disorder Afreolaeth nf^ irregularity, disordernbsp;Afreolaidd a, irregular; disorderlynbsp;Afreoledd t2, irregularitynbsp;Afreolus a, irregular; unrulynbsp;Afrif fl, numberless, innumerablenbsp;Afrifad 72, innumberablenessnbsp;Afrifed a, innumerable; surpassingnbsp;Affifo 27, to miscount, to miscalculatenbsp;Afrllad np (-en ti/*), consecrated wafersnbsp;Atrugl a, falteringnbsp;Affull a, niggardly, illiberalnbsp;Afrwydd a, difficult, not easynbsp;Afrwydd -ion t2, difficultynbsp;Afrwydd-deb ti, unpropitiousnessnbsp;Afrwyddiad t2, obstructionnbsp;Afrwyddo 27, to obstruct, to hindernbsp;Afrwyddol a, unpropitiousnbsp;Afrwym a, unbound, untied; loosenbsp;Afryn a, unsubstantialnbsp;Affys a, void of haste, tardynbsp;Afrysedd 72, slowness, tardinessnbsp;Afryttel ti, zincnbsp;Afryw a, unnatural; ungenialnbsp;Afrywiad ti, degenerationnbsp;Afrywiaeth -au tj^ degeneracynbsp;Afrywiedig a, degenerated; degeneratenbsp;Afrywio 27, to degeneratenbsp;Affywiog a, unkindly, harshnbsp;Afrywiogi 27, to grow unkindnbsp;Afry wiogrwydd t2,degeneracy, harshnessnbsp;Afrywiogyn 72, surly fellownbsp;Afrywiol a, degeneratenbsp;Afu -au 72, the livernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f livergreen Afuad 72, liver distemper in sheep; the Afuol a, hepaticalnbsp;Afwch 72, sharpness; keennessnbsp;Afwy a, sharp, keen; ardentnbsp;Afwyn -au nfy the rein of a bridlenbsp;Affaith, eithiau ti, effect; dispositionnbsp;Affan 72, conflict, uproarnbsp;Affeithio 27, to effectnbsp;Affeithiol a, accessorynbsp;Afflau 72, hold, grasp, gripnbsp;Aftwys -au t2, precipice; bottomless pitnbsp;Affwys lt;2, steep; bottomlessnbsp;A.g Tj/] opening, cleftnbsp;Ag c, as: pr, with: /gt;t2, who, which,nbsp;that. Used before vowels. 5ee Anbsp;Agal cn, spoils of warnbsp;Agalen ti/*, whetstonenbsp;Agarw a, rough, ruggednbsp;Agatfydd ady peradventure, perhapsnbsp;Agde a, expanding; generatingnbsp;Agen -au nfy cleft, chink, chopnbsp;Agenaidd a, like a cleftnbsp;Agendor -au 72, yawning gulf; gulfnbsp;10 |
Angenog a, necessitous, needy Angenoctyd n, necessitude, wantnbsp;Angenrhaid, rheidiau «, necessitynbsp;Angenrhaid a, necessary, needfulnbsp;AngenrheiJio v, to necessitatenbsp;Angenrheidiol a, necessary, needfulnbsp;Angenu p, to necessitate, to wantnbsp;Angenus a, necessitous, needy, destitutenbsp;Angerdd steam; heat; strength; disposition; spiritsnbsp;Angerddol a, vehement, intensenbsp;Angerddoldeb n, vehemence, intensitynbsp;Angeu -od n, deathnbsp;Angeuo p, to render deadlynbsp;Angeuol a, deadly, mortal, dyingnbsp;Angeuoldeb n, mortalitynbsp;Anghadarn a, unpowerful, weaknbsp;Anghadredd a, impotencenbsp;Anghaeriad n, dismantlingnbsp;Anghaeth a, unconfined, freenbsp;Anghaftaeliad », nonattainmentnbsp;Anghaledu p, to make inobduratenbsp;Anghaloni p, to dishearten [dentnbsp;Anghall a, indiscreet, unwise, improvi-Anghalled n, indiscretion, imprudencenbsp;Anghanmoli p, to discommendnbsp;Anghar a, unlovelynbsp;Angharad a, forlornnbsp;Anghariad n, disaffectionnbsp;Angharu p, to cease to lovenbsp;Anghariiaidd o, unlovelynbsp;Anghauad a, unshut, unclosednbsp;Anghawr a, illiberalnbsp;Anghefnoctyd 7i, discouragementnbsp;Anghetnogi p, to discouragenbsp;Anghel a, uncovered, not hidnbsp;Angheledig a, unconcealednbsp;Angheltydd a, unskilfulnbsp;Anghelfyddyd n. unskilfulnessnbsp;Anghelu p, to reveal, to disclosenbsp;Anghenedledig a, ungeneratednbsp;Anghenfigenus a, unenviousnbsp;Anghenfil -od n, monsternbsp;Angheniatau p, to disallownbsp;Angberdded -ion ?7, wandering out ofnbsp;the way; misfortunenbsp;Angherydd -on n, impunitynbsp;Anghes -au ?»/, stranger: o, strangenbsp;Angheugant o, uncertainnbsp;Anghladd a, unburiednbsp;Anghlaer a, not bright, not clearnbsp;Anghlau a, insincerenbsp;Anghlod -ydd dispraise, dishonournbsp;Anghlyd a, not warm; uncomfortablenbsp;Anghoel -ion nf, disbelief, void of creditnbsp;Anghoelgar a, disbelieving, incredulousnbsp;Anghoelio p, to disbelieve, to discreditnbsp;11
Ageniad n, cleaving, chopping Agenig n/J small cleftnbsp;Agenog o, full of clefts; leakynbsp;Agenu t), to split, to cracknbsp;Ager, Agerdd n, steam, vapournbsp;Agerddol a, steaming, reekingnbsp;Agerfa, fèydd nf, a ventnbsp;Agerfad, Agerddfad -an steamboatnbsp;Agerlong, Agerddlong -au nf^ steamer,nbsp;Agem r, to cast a steam [ steamshipnbsp;Agerw vapour, exhalationnbsp;Aglenwi to calk
Agolch -ion n, slop, hog-wash; lotion Agor -au n, opening, aperturenbsp;Agor, Agoryd v, to open, to expandnbsp;Agorad n, openingnbsp;Agored a, open, expandednbsp;Agorfa -oedd ^ opening, orificenbsp;Agori p, to open, to expandnbsp;Agoriad n, opening; keynbsp;Agoriadol a, aperient, openingnbsp;Agoriawclwr, iodron n, openernbsp;Agorol a, opening, expandingnbsp;Agorwr, wyr n, openernbsp;Agos a, proximate, near, nighnbsp;Agosau p, to approximate, to draw nearnbsp;Agosi p, to approximate; to approachnbsp;Agosiad n, approximationnbsp;Agosrwydd 7i, nearness, proximitynbsp;Agro a, very heavy; pensivenbsp;Agwedd -au «/j form, conditionnbsp;Agweddadwy a, modifiablenbsp;Agweddi, ïau 7i, dowry, jointurenbsp;Agweddiad «, modificationnbsp;Agweddïol a, relating to a dowrynbsp;Agweddol a, habitualnbsp;Agweddoldeb n, habitualitynbsp;Agweddu p, to form, to modifynbsp;Agwrdd a, potent, stout, robustnbsp;Agwyddor, ion 7if, rudimentnbsp;A^yr a, awry, askewnbsp;Ang a, open, broad: n, capacitynbsp;Angad nf, grasp of the handnbsp;Angar the abyss; hellnbsp;Angau, Angeu w, deathnbsp;Angawd 7i, capacity; contentsnbsp;Angder ti, capaciousness, largenessnbsp;Angdde a, spacious, capaciousnbsp;Angel, ylion, engyi n, angel. Angelnbsp;ystor, recording angel; evangelistnbsp;Angell, engyll nf, pinion; fore legnbsp;Angen -ion n, destitution, want; neednbsp;Angen -ion iif, necessity, need, wantnbsp;Angenad n, extreme unctionnbsp;Angenan n/, extreme unctionnbsp;Angendod n, necessitudenbsp;Angeniad a, necessitating
-ocr page 16-ANGH ANGH
Anghof -ion forgetfulness, oblivion Anghofio V, to forgetnbsp;Anghofraith, reithiau nf, amnestynbsp;Anghofus a, forgetful, obliviousnbsp;AnghorfFol a, incorporealnbsp;Anghosp a, without punishmentnbsp;Anghraff a, void of snarpnessnbsp;Anghraifft, Anghreifftiau nf, a pattern,nbsp;examplersEnghraifflnbsp;Anghred nf^ unbelief, infidelitynbsp;Anghred a, unbelieving, infidel. Gwladnbsp;anghred, a country out of Christendomnbsp;Anghredadwy a, incrediblenbsp;Anghredadyn -ion w, unbeliever, infidelnbsp;Anghrediniaeth nf^ unbelief, infidelitynbsp;Anghredu to disbelievenbsp;Anglireffdd nf^ irreligionnbsp;Anghrefyddol a, irreligiousnbsp;Anglireifftio y, to reprovenbsp;Anghreifftioli v, to exemplifynbsp;Anghrist -iau n, antichristnbsp;Anghroew a, inarticulatenbsp;Anghrwm am^ not bent: yj anghromnbsp;Anghrwn am, not round: /, anghronnbsp;Anghrybwyll a, without a hintnbsp;Anghryno a, incompact; diffusenbsp;J^nghrynodeb n, incompactnessnbsp;Anghudd, Anghuddiedig a, unhiddennbsp;Anghuedd n, unlovelinessnbsp;Anghweithach ad, much lessnbsp;Anghwaneg a, additional=YchwaDegnbsp;Anghwanegiad n, augmentationnbsp;Anghwanegol a, augmentativenbsp;Anghwaneg a v, to augmentnbsp;Anghwbl a, incomplete, defectivenbsp;Anghwbledd n, incompletenessnbsp;Anghwl a, harmless^ blamelessnbsp;Anghychwyniad n, immobilitynbsp;Anghydbarth a, disproportionatenbsp;Anghydbwys a, unequal in weightnbsp;Anghydfod w, dis.igreementnbsp;Anghydfodol a, disagreeingnbsp;Anghydfyddiaeth i-i/, variancenbsp;Anghydfyddus a, mscordantnbsp;Anghydffurfiad n, noncomformingnbsp;Anghydffurfiaeth nf, nonconformitynbsp;Anghydffurfio v, to dissent; to refusenbsp;to conform Anghydffuriiol a, nonconforming Anghydffurfiwr, wyr n, nonconformistnbsp;Anghydgerdd rif, discordancenbsp;Anghydlais a, inconsonantnbsp;Anghydlyniad n, discontinuitynbsp;Anghydnabod a, void of acquaintancenbsp;Anghydnabyddol a, unrecognizingnbsp;Anghydnabyddus a, unacquaintednbsp;Anghydnaws a, unsocial; inhuman |
Anghydoddef a, intolerant, overbearing Anghydol a, incontiguous Anghydranu v, to disproportionnbsp;Anghydred a, not concurringnbsp;Angnydsaf a, not standing togethernbsp;Anghydsafol a, inconsistentnbsp;Anghydsail a, incompatiblenbsp;Anghydsain a, dissonantnbsp;Anghydsynio v, to dissent, to disagreenbsp;Anghydsjmiol a, dissenting, disagreeingnbsp;Anghydwasg a, imcompressivenbsp;Anghydwedd a, void of conformitynbsp;Anghydweddiad n, inconformitynbsp;Anghydweddol a, incongruous, inconsistent, unaccordantnbsp;Anghydwybod a, not conscientiousnbsp;Anghyfa a, imperfect, incompletenbsp;Anghyfaddas a, unfit, unsuitable [lynbsp;Anghyfaddasol a, incongruous; unseein-Anghyfaddasu v, to make unmeetnbsp;Anghyfaddef a, unconfessednbsp;Anghyfael a, unsociablenbsp;Anghyfagos a, uncontiguousnbsp;Anghyfamser a, inopportunenbsp;Anghyfamserol a, unseasonablenbsp;Anghyfan a, incompletenbsp;Anghyfannedd a, uninhabited, desertnbsp;Anghyfanneddfa -oedd nf, desolate placenbsp;Anghyfanneddle -oedd ?i, desert ornbsp;desolate placenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lation Anghyf'annedd-dra n, desolateness,deso-Anghyfanneddol a, depopulating; desert Anghyfanneddrwydd 71, desolationnbsp;Anghyfanneddu v, to depopulatenbsp;Anghyfanrif -au n, fractionnbsp;Anghyfansawdd a, decompositenbsp;Anghyfansoddi v, to decomposenbsp;Anghyfarch 7i, surreptionnbsp;Anghyfarchol a, surreptitiousnbsp;Anghyfarchu v, to act under handnbsp;Anghyfarchwyl a, improvidentnbsp;Anghyfartal a, disproportionatenbsp;Anghyfartaledd n, disproportionnbsp;Anghyfartalu v, to disproportionnbsp;Anghyfarwydd a, unacquainted, ignorant, unskilful, unapt, inaptnbsp;Anghyfatebol a, not correspondingnbsp;Anghyfath a, dissimilar [kindrednbsp;Anghyfathrach a, without affinity ornbsp;Anghyfeiliorn a, unerringnbsp;Anghyfeillgar a, unfriendly, unsociablenbsp;Anghyfeiriad n, indirectionnbsp;Anghyfeisor a, unparallelednbsp;Anghyter a, not oppositenbsp;Anghyfiaith a, of a strange tonguenbsp;Anghyfiawn o, unrighteous, unjustnbsp;Anghyfiawnder «, injustice, iniquity |
Anghyüawnhaol a, unjustitying Anghyiiawnii ü, to make unjustnbsp;Anghyfieithiad n. mistransiationnbsp;Anghyiieuad n, disjunctionnbsp;Anghyfladd a. incongruousnbsp;Anghydafan a, without violencenbsp;Anghyfiafar a, inconsonantnbsp;Anghyfiawn a, incomplete, imperfectnbsp;Anghyhawnder n, incompletenessnbsp;Anghyfie n, want of opportunitynbsp;Anghyöead n, displacingnbsp;Anghyfleus a, inconvenientnbsp;Anghyfleusdra n, inconveniencenbsp;Anghyhiw a, of different coloursnbsp;Anghyilog a, without wagesnbsp;Anghyfiudd a, unrestrainednbsp;Anghyliuniad n, disconformitynbsp;Anghyflunio to disconformnbsp;Anghyfiwg a, unenlightenednbsp;Anghytlwydd a, unprosperousnbsp;Anghytiwyth a, cf uneoual pressurenbsp;Angbyflym 0, not quicknbsp;Anghyflys a, not courtly, rudenbsp;Anghyfnerth -oedd n, impotencenbsp;Angbytnerthu v, to enfeeblenbsp;Anghytnewidiad n, immutabilitynbsp;Anghyfnewidioi a, unchangeable, imnbsp;mutable, changelessnbsp;Anghylnifer a, of unequal numbernbsp;Anghyfnod a, inopportunenbsp;Anghytochr a, not parallelnbsp;Anghyfooli v, to make of unequal rhymesnbsp;Anghyfodol a, not risingnbsp;Anghyfoed a, of unequal agesnbsp;Anghyfoes a, not contemporarynbsp;Anghytoeth a, without wealthnbsp;Aughyfogwydd a, unbiassednbsp;Anghyfor a, without overflownbsp;Anghyfradd a, of unequal degreenbsp;Anghyfraid a, insufBcientnbsp;Anghyfraith, reithiau nf, what is contrary to law;illegality; transgressionnbsp;Anghyfranol a, incommunicativenbsp;Anghyf rawd a, inconcurrentnbsp;Anghyfrben a, incompletenbsp;Anghyfrdan a, incongruousnbsp;Anghytrdelid a, unexcellednbsp;Anghyfrdo a, imperfectnbsp;Anghyfrdwyth a, unelasticnbsp;Anghyfredol a, inconcurrentnbsp;Anghyïreidiol a, unnec^sary, needlessnbsp;Anghyfreithgar a, unlitigiousnbsp;Anghyfreithiol a, unlawful, illegalnbsp;Anghyfreithlawn a, unlawful, illegalnbsp;Anghyfreithioni r, to make nullnbsp;Anghyfres a, disorderlynbsp;Anghyfrestru to disarray |
Anghytrgoil a, uncondemned Anghytrif a, unnumberednbsp;Anghyfrin a, without mysterynbsp;Anghytrith a, without semblancenbsp;Anghyfrodeddu v, to untwinenbsp;Anghyfroddol a, uncontributivenbsp;Anghyfwng a, immediatenbsp;Anghyfrwydd a, inexpeaitiousnbsp;Anghyfrwys a, uncunningnbsp;Anghyfryngiad n, non-interventionnbsp;Anghyfrymus a, of unequal strengthnbsp;Anghyfrysedd a, inexcessivenbsp;Anghyfryw a, uncongenialnbsp;Anghyfundod n, disagreement, disunionnbsp;Anghyfunhyd a, of unequal lengthnbsp;Anghyfurdd a, of unequal ranknbsp;Anghyfuwch a, unequal in heightnbsp;Anghytwedd a, incompatiblenbsp;Anghyfwerth a, inequivalentnbsp;Anghytwlch a, incongruousnbsp;Anghyfyng a, unstraitenednbsp;Anghyfys a, incorrosivenbsp;Anghytystlys a, uncollateralnbsp;Anghyfystyr a, of different importnbsp;Anghyttelyb a, dissimilar, unlikenbsp;Anghyfired a, uncomprehended [rarenbsp;Anghyftredin a, uncommon, unusual;nbsp;Anghyftro a, immovablenbsp;Anghyffwrdd a, incontiguousnbsp;Anghyngel -ion », monsternbsp;Anghynghanedd -ion n, inconsonancynbsp;Anghynghlo a, inconclusivenbsp;Anghyngborus a, unadvisednbsp;Anghynglyn a, unconjoinednbsp;Anghyngwasg a, uncompressednbsp;Anghyngwedd a, incongruousnbsp;Anghynghyd a, undilatorynbsp;Angbyhafal a, unlike, dissimilarnbsp;Anghyhoedd a, not public; privatenbsp;Anghyhuddol a, unaccusednbsp;Anghyhyd a, of unequal lengthnbsp;Anghyhyrddol a, unopposingnbsp;Anghyhyrol a, unmuscularnbsp;Anghylch a, without a circlenbsp;Anghylus a, irreprehensiblenbsp;Anghymdeithas 7^ unsociablenessnbsp;Anghymhar a, matchless, peerlessnbsp;Anghymheiliad w, non-compulsionnbsp;Anghymhen a, inelegantnbsp;Anghymhieth a, uncomplicatednbsp;Anghymblith a, unintermixednbsp;Anghymhlyg a, uncomplicatednbsp;Anghymhorthus o, uncontributorynbsp;Anghymhwyll a, irrational [unfitnbsp;Anghymhwys a, improper, unsuitable,nbsp;Anghymmaint a, not so largenbsp;Anghymmal a, jointless; uniointednbsp;13 |
Anghymmath a, dissimilar, different Angbymmedr a, disproportioned, disproportionate : n, disproportionnbsp;Anghymmedrol a, immoderatenbsp;Anghymmedroideb n, immoderationnbsp;Anghymmeradwy a, unacceptablenbsp;Anghymmes a, inordinatenbsp;Anghyinmesur a, nnproportionednbsp;Anghymmodiad n, disagreeingnbsp;Anghymmodlawn a, implacablenbsp;Anghymmodlonedd n, implacabilitynbsp;Anghymmon a, unstable; untidynbsp;Anghymmraint a, of unequal ri^htnbsp;Anghymmrodedd irreconciliationnbsp;Anghyramwynas nƒ, unkindness, incivinbsp;Angbymmydogol a, unneighbourly [litynbsp;Anghymmyn a, intestatenbsp;Anghymmyredd a, unacceptablenessnbsp;Anghymmysg a, unmingled, unmixednbsp;Anghymwl a, unclouded, cloudlessnbsp;Anghyndyu a, inobstinatenbsp;Anghynddrychol a, unrepresentednbsp;Anghynenid a, uncongenialnbsp;Anghynhebyg a, dissimilar, unlikenbsp;Anghynhenol a, uncontentiousnbsp;Anghynhes a, not warm; uncomfortablenbsp;Anghynhyrfiol a, undisturbing; una-Anghynnar a, not early, late |_fleetingnbsp;Angiiynneddf a, void of qualitynbsp;Anghynnefin a, unusual, unaccustomednbsp;Anghynnefod a, uncustomarynbsp;Anghynnifer a, of unequal numbernbsp;Anghynnil a, unfrugal; inaccuratenbsp;Anghynniweiriol a, not frequentingnbsp;Anghynnorthwy a, unassisted, unaidednbsp;Anghynnrychol a, not presentnbsp;Anghynnull a. uncollectivenbsp;Anghynnwys a, incontinentnbsp;Anghynnyrch a, void of increase, unproductive
Anghynnyred a, unresorted [dowed Anghynnysgaeth a, unportioned, unen-Anghyrchedig a, unapproached, unre-Anghyrchiol a, unrecurrent [sortednbsp;Anghyrhaeddiad », non-attainmentnbsp;Anghyrrith a, unsparingnbsp;Aughysbell a, out of the way; remotenbsp;Anghysgodi v, to unshelternbsp;Anghysgog a, motionlessnbsp;Anghyssain a, dissonantnbsp;Anghyssefin a, not primitivenbsp;Anghysseilt a, inopportun ^ [inconsistentnbsp;Anghysson a, inharmonious; irregular;nbsp;Anghyssylltiad n, disjunctionnbsp;Anghystadledd ?i, disproportionnbsp;Anghystal a, unequivalent, not so goodnbsp;Anghysteg a, untroubled
Aig, elgiau, eigion n/, female, the womb; the
Anghystlynol a, unallied [afflicting Anghystuddiol a, untormenting, un-Anghystwyol a, unchastizingnbsp;Anghysur -on w, comfortlessnessnbsp;Anghyttoni v, to be discordantnbsp;Anghyttras a, void of kindrednbsp;Anghyttrefiadu v, to undomiciliatenbsp;Anghyttrigiant n, unneighbourlinessnbsp;Anghyttro -ion n, inconversionnbsp;Anghyttueddu v, not to convergenbsp;Anghyttyn a, not drawing together;
disagreeing, inconcurrent Anghyttynu v, to draw contrariwisenbsp;Anghytun, Anghytun, a, discordantnbsp;Anghytuno v, to disagree, to differnbsp;Anghythruddol a, unperturbatednbsp;Anghywair a, inaccurate; discordantnbsp;Anghyweithas a, untowardnbsp;Anghywerth a, unequivalentnbsp;Anghywilydd a, shamelessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[less
Anghywir a, inaccurate; unjust; faith-Anghywlad -on n, absentee Anghywrain, Anghywraint a, unskilfulnbsp;Anghywreiurwydd n, unskilfuluessnbsp;Anghywrys a, uncontentiousnbsp;Angladd -au n, funeral, burial, buryingnbsp;Anglas -au n, gleaning blade, cutlassnbsp;Anglawdd, angloddiau n, cemeterynbsp;Anglef -au n/J hollow noise; yellnbsp;Angnawd a, unusualnbsp;Augol a, capaciousnbsp;Angor -ion -au », anchornbsp;Angordreth -i nf, anchorage dutynbsp;Angorfa -oedd 7i/, anchoragenbsp;Angori v, to anchornbsp;Angoriad », anchoringnbsp;Angorol a, grappling; anchoringnbsp;Angraddol a, ungraduatednbsp;Angreddfol a, degeneratingnbsp;Angreidioi a, unscorchingnbsp;Angryd a, trembling, shiveringnbsp;Angu V, to contain, hold, or comprisenbsp;Anguriol a, poignant, grievous, painfulnbsp;Angylaidd a, angelical, angelicnbsp;Angyles -au «ƒ, female angel; goddessnbsp;Angyliaeth angelic statenbsp;Aha i, of exulting, or of rejoicingnbsp;Ai ad, is it ? what ? Ai ïe ? is it so ?
Ai c, or; either: v, thou wilt gossEi:
V, he went, or used to go Aicn, eichiau nf, scream, roarnbsp;Aid, eidiau n, living principle; lifenbsp;Aidd, eiddion n, zeal, ardencynbsp;Aie ad, is it so ?
Aiff' V, will go. See Af
the sea, the ocean, the deep; shoal 14
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Allor -au nf^ altar Allt, elltydd the side of a hill; woody cliff; tract of woodland; a wood=:Galltnbsp;Alita -on n, foreigner, aliennbsp;Alltra pr, beyond, on the further sidenbsp;Alltraw -on n, sponsornbsp;Alitrawd, trodion n, foreignernbsp;Alltrem -iau nf, wild starenbsp;Ailtremio v, to stare wildlynbsp;Alltrodiaeth nf^ banishment, exilenbsp;Alltrodio t?, to estrange, to banishnbsp;Alltud -ion n, one ot another country,nbsp;alien; exile: f, alltudesnbsp;Alltud a, of another land, foreignnbsp;Alltudaeth, AUtudiaeth nf^ banishment,nbsp;exile, transportationnbsp;Alltudedd n, banishment, exilenbsp;Alltudes -au nf^ alien; exilenbsp;AUtudo, Alltudio u, to exile, to transport; to alienate; to banishnbsp;Alltudocau V, to exile, to banishnbsp;Alltudog a, exiled, alienatednbsp;Alltudol a, banishing, exilenbsp;Alltudryw a, heterogeneousnbsp;Alltudwr, wyr n, one who exilesnbsp;Alltwf a, of foreign growth, exotic. All-tyfion, exotics Allwaith, weithiau n, another time Allwedd -au, -i nf, key. Ailwedd costrel,nbsp;bottle screw, corkscrewnbsp;Ailwest -i n, public feast; grassnbsp;Allwlad, wledydd, -oedd nf, anothernbsp;Allwladu V, to exile, to banish [countrynbsp;Aliwy V, to empty, to shednbsp;Allwydd -au n, key. AHwyddau Mair,nbsp;ash-keys All wyddor -ion n, treasurer Allwyn n, sorrow, grief, pensivenessnbsp;Allwynig o, sorrowful, pensive, sadnbsp;Allwynin a, sorrowful, pensivenbsp;Allwyr a, complete, quitenbsp;Allwys V, to pour, to emptynbsp;Am pvj round, about. — danaf, amnbsp;danat, am dano, am dani, am danom,nbsp;am danoch, am danynt, about me,nbsp;thee, him, her, amp;c.: c, for, becausenbsp;Am px, circum-, amphi-, about, aroundnbsp;Amad a, bordering all roundnbsp;Amadfyw a, alive on all sidesnbsp;Amadlaes a, drawling, sluggishnbsp;Amadrwy -on w, trailnbsp;Amaerwy -on n, fringe, skirtnbsp;Araaerwyo v, to fringenbsp;Amaerwyog a, fringednbsp;Amaeth, emeith », husbandman, A-maeth-aradr, ploughmannbsp;Amaethiad n, husbandry |
Amaethiaeth nf, husbandry Amaethol a, relating to husbandry Amaethon -iaid n, agriculturistnbsp;Amaethu v, to farm; to cultivate, to tillnbsp;Amaethwr, wyr, Amaethydd -ion «,nbsp;farmer, agriculturistnbsp;Amaethwriaeth, Amaethyddiaeth nfnbsp;agriculture, farming, tillagenbsp;Amaethyddol a, agriculturalnbsp;AmafaeJ, Amfaelyd v, to wrestlenbsp;Amair, eiriau n, circumlocution, peri-Aman -au nf stablenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[phrasis Amar -oedd n, noise round about Amarfog a, armed on all sidesnbsp;Amarwain v, to lead aboutnbsp;Ambais, beisiau nf safeguard, riding-dress, habit Ambawr, Ambor, borion n, greensward; pasture. Cylch ambawr, greenswardnbsp;circle, in the mysteries of the bardicnbsp;Gorsedd; called also Cylch Gorseddnbsp;and Cylch Gwyngil. Bwyd ambor,nbsp;luncheon taken by shepherds out innbsp;the fields; also, in South Wales, annbsp;afternoon luncheon, correspondingnbsp;with the cynnwysfwyd of Northnbsp;Wales. Ambedogion np, amphipodes Ambeiriannu v, to defend on all sidesnbsp;Ambeil a, some, few, scarcenbsp;Ambellenig a, one here and there; spar-Amboeri v, to spit about [ing; solitarynbsp;Amboethi v, to heat all aboutnbsp;Ambor -ion n, greensward; pasturenbsp;Amborthi v, to bear or carry aboutnbsp;Asnbrynu v, to purchase, to buynbsp;Ambwl am, blunt all roundnbsp;Ambwyll n, excusenbsp;Ambwyad n, beating roundnbsp;Ambylu v, to blunt all roundnbsp;Amcan-ion n, purpose, intent; guess. Ar amcan, at a venture, at random Amcandyb -iau nf hypothesisnbsp;Amcaniad n, purposingnbsp;Amcauiaeth nf conjecture; purposenbsp;Amcanol a, intentional; conjecturalnbsp;Amcansail, seiliau nf hypotnesisnbsp;Amcanu v, to purpose; to guessnbsp;Amcanus a, inventivenbsp;Amcanwr, wyr n, designer; inventornbsp;Amchwaen, chweiniau nf chance, accident, casualty Amchwareufa -cedd nf amphitheatre Amchwyl -ion nf circumvolutionnbsp;Amdaerawd, odau », importunitynbsp;Amdan nf trivetnbsp;Amdawd, dodau n, raiment, dressnbsp;16 |
Amde -on w, covering, vesture Amdeithiog a, itinerant; wanderingnbsp;Amdiawd a, very wretched or poornbsp;Arado n, shroud, winding-sheetnbsp;Amdoedig a, shrouded, envelopednbsp;Amdoi V, to enwrap, to shroudnbsp;Amdorch, dyrch nf^ encircling wreath,nbsp;clasper^ tendril Amdorchi r, to clasp about; to wreathe Amdori v., to amputate; to cut roundnbsp;Amdowellt n, lyme-grassnbsp;Amdrai a, diminished all roundnbsp;Aradraill, dreillion n, circumvolutionnbsp;Amdramwy v, to wander aboutnbsp;Amdraul, dreulion corrosionnbsp;Amdrechu to strive, to endeavournbsp;Amdreiglad n, circumrotationnbsp;Amdreiglo v, to revolve; to rotatenbsp;Amdreillio v, to circumvolvenbsp;Amdremu v, to gaze aboutnbsp;Amdrist a, surrounded with griefnbsp;Amdroad circulationnbsp;Aradroch af, spraying aboutnbsp;Amdroi v, to revolve, to turn roundnbsp;Amdrom heavy with youngnbsp;Amdromi to become pregnantnbsp;Amdrosi v, to circumductnbsp;Amdruthio v, to fawn to allnbsp;Amdrwch am. broken on all sidesnbsp;Amdrwch, drychau n, apocopenbsp;Amdrwm am, heavy on all sidesnbsp;Amdrws -ion n, wrappernbsp;Amdrychiad n, amputationnbsp;Amdrychu v, to amputatenbsp;Amdrymder -au n, heavinessnbsp;Amdrymu v, to grow heavynbsp;Amdryni -on n, strength on all sidesnbsp;Amdrywanu v, to pierce roundnbsp;Amdno v, to incline to all sidesnbsp;Amdwll a, full of holes, perforatednbsp;Amdwyo v, to trim all roundnbsp;Amdyhon up, exogensnbsp;Amdyfu v, to grow aboutnbsp;Amdyllu v, to pierce on all sidesnbsp;Amdyrddu v, to noise aboutnbsp;Amdyru v, to heap aboutnbsp;Amdywallt v, to pour aroundnbsp;Amdywynu r, to shine aroundnbsp;Amdywys v, to lead roundnbsp;Amdywysiad n, leading roundnbsp;Amddadlu v, to converse; to debatenbsp;Amddal v, to have respectnbsp;Amddifad a, destitute; orphannbsp;Amddilad, faid nc, orphannbsp;Amddifadu v, to make destitute or asnbsp;an orphan; to bereave, to deprivenbsp;Amddiiatty n, an orphanagenbsp;2 |
Amddifedi w, orphanage; privation Amddiffwys a, steep on all sidesnbsp;Amddiffyn v, to defend, to protect; tonbsp;Amddiftyn -ion n, defence [fortifynbsp;Amddiftynadwy a, defenciblenbsp;Amddiffynblaid, bieidiau nf, defendantnbsp;Amddifiynedig a, defended, fortifiednbsp;Amddiffynfa, fëydd njl stronghold, fortification, fortress, place of defencenbsp;Amddiftyniad n, protection; fortificationnbsp;Amddiffynu v, to defend=Amddifiynnbsp;Amddiffynwr, wyr ?i, defender, protectornbsp;Amddigonawd n, sufficiency aboutnbsp;Amddrych a, showy on all sidesnbsp;Amddrychfa -oedd 7if, amphitheatrenbsp;Amddwll a, gloomy all roundnbsp;Amddychwel -ion nf, polyptote [sidesnbsp;Amddychweliad n, reverting from on allnbsp;Amddifri v, to irrigate, to waternbsp;Addyfrwys a, watery on all sidesnbsp;Amddyfrwys -on n, watery placenbsp;Amddyrnu v, to beat about with the fistsnbsp;Amddystrwch a, mangled aboutnbsp;Amelfogion, Amelfeniaid np, amphibianbsp;Amesgud a, quick on all sidesnbsp;Ameth -ion n, failurenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[round Amfachiad n, grappling or hooking Amfachu v, to clasp or twine aboutnbsp;Amfar -oedd w, wrath on all sidesnbsp;Amfordwyad /i,circumnavigation[ roundnbsp;Amfordwyo v, to circumnavigate, to sailnbsp;Amfordwywr, wyr n, circumnavigatornbsp;Amfrwys a, branching about; ambrosialnbsp;Amfylchu v, to notch aboutnbsp;Amgadarnhau v, to strengthen roundnbsp;Amgadr a, mighty, potentnbsp;Amgaer -au nf, fortificationnbsp;Amgaerfa, fëydd nf, fortified placenbsp;Amgaeru v, to immure, to wall round,nbsp;Amgall a, circumspect, wary [to fortifynbsp;Amgan ^ minstrelsynbsp;Amgant n, environ: a, roundnbsp;Amgarn -au n, ferrulenbsp;Amgaru v, to doat, to fondlenbsp;Amgau V, to shut round, to hem innbsp;Amgauedig a, hemmed in, enclosednbsp;Amged -au iif, general benefitnbsp;Amgeiniad, iaid n, minstrelnbsp;Amgeledd n, succour; solicitudenbsp;Amgeleddiad n, succouring, cherishingnbsp;Amgeleddol a, succouringnbsp;Auigeleddu v, to succour, to cherish; tonbsp;take care of; to fosternbsp;Amgeleddus a, succouring; fosteringnbsp;Amgeleddwr.wyr n, succourer, protectornbsp;Amgelog a, circumspectnbsp;Amgelwch », solicitude |
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Amgeii a, having many cells
Amgellog a, many-celled Amgen arf, otherwise; also; better. Nidnbsp;amgen, that is to say, namely, to wit,nbsp;that is, videlicetnbsp;Amgenach ad, rather betternbsp;Amgenaeth differencenbsp;Amgenair, eiriau w, paraphrasenbsp;Amgeneirio v, to paraphrasenbsp;Amgeniad -au parallax (in astronomy); variation
Amgenu v, to vary, to alter [lence Amgerth w, intensity, vehemence, vio-Amglawdd, gloddiau ?j, entrenchmentnbsp;Amgledru v, to rail round, to impalenbsp;Amgludo V, to carry aboutnbsp;Amglwm, glymau claspnbsp;Amglymu v, to clasp aboutnbsp;Amglywed v, to apprehendnbsp;Amgneiffo v, to clip or shear roundnbsp;Amgnoi v, to corrode, to bite roundnbsp;Amgoch a, red all roundnbsp;Amgodiad n, resurrectionnbsp;Amgoed a, surrounded by woodnbsp;Amgor n, surrounding border [hornnbsp;Amgorn, gyrn n, circling horn; the outernbsp;Amgorni v, to enwrap, to envelopnbsp;Amgrain, greiniau n, rolling about, wallowing. Yn ei amgrain, prostratenbsp;Amgreinio v, to roil sioout, to wallownbsp;Amgrwm am, convex: ƒ amgromnbsp;Angrwn am, globular:yamgronnbsp;Amgud, amgudyn -au n, lock or ringletnbsp;of hair, curly locknbsp;Amgudd -ion n, treasurenbsp;Amguddio v, to hide on all sidesnbsp;Amguedd n, rarity, curiositynbsp;Amgueddfa, feydd n/, museumnbsp;Amgueddgeil -oedd nj] museumnbsp;Amgwyn -ion n, the herb tarragonnbsp;Amgyff -ion n, support on all sidesnbsp;Amgyftrawd, rodau n, imaginationnbsp;Amgyli'red -ion n, comprehensionnbsp;Amgyffred v, to comprehendnbsp;Amgyttrediad n, comprehensionnbsp;AmgyfTredol a, comprehendingnbsp;Amgyffroi v, to agitate all round, or onnbsp;Amgyff’rynw,trembling aboutLevery sidenbsp;AmgyttVynu v, to agitate aboutnbsp;Amgylch -oedd -ion -au n, circuit; environ. Oddi amgylch, 0 amgylch,nbsp;round about, about, around. Am-gylchion geiriau, circumlocutionnbsp;Amgylch a, round about, surroundingnbsp;Amgyichedd n, circumferencenbsp;Amgyichiad -au n, surrounding; circumstance, occasion; position
Amgylchiadol a, circumscribing; sur
rounding; circumstantial Amgylchiaith, ieithoedd periphrasisnbsp;Amgvlchu V, to surround. Acen am-gyichedig, Tón amgylchedig, circumflex accent
Amgyichwedl -au iif, circumlocution Amgylchyn n, circumferenternbsp;Amgylchyniad w, encompassingnbsp;Amgylchynol a, encompassing, surrounding, circumambientnbsp;Amgylchynu v, to encompass, to surround ; to circumscribenbsp;Amgylchynwr, wyr «, circumscriber,nbsp;one who encompassesnbsp;Amgynniweirio v, to hover roundnbsp;Amgynnull v, to collect togethernbsp;Amgynnulliad n, collecting aboutnbsp;Amgyrfod a, curvetingnbsp;Amgyrhaedd n, extent, range, compassnbsp;Amgyrhaedd v, to extend on all sides;
to expand, to extend Amgyrnaeddiad n, expansionnbsp;Amgyrhaeddu v, to extend aboutnbsp;Amgywain v, to carry roundnbsp;Amhad cn, mixed seednbsp;Amhad a, sown every sidenbsp;Amhafai a, parallelnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[awdwr
Amherawdr, odron n, emperor= i mher-Amherawdwr, wyr n, emperor Amherodraeth -au empirenbsp;Amherodres -au nf, empressnbsp;Amhir a, lengthened aroundnbsp;Amhwedd v, to entreatnbsp;Amhvvead 7i, entreatynbsp;Amias n, sensation aroundnbsp;Amig -ion n, greedinessnbsp;Ami a, frequent; many; plentiful: ad^nbsp;often, oft, frequentlynbsp;Amlaes a, trailing ail roundnbsp;Amlaeth n, mixed milfcnbsp;Amlaethai, eion n, milkwortnbsp;Amlafn n, lock scutcheonnbsp;Amlan a, of various fashionsnbsp;Amlaw -iau n/, glove, gauntletnbsp;Amlbnodas nj\ polygamynbsp;Amlder, Amldra n, frequency; plenty;
abundance; numerousness Amldroed -ion n, polypednbsp;Amlddeiliog, Amlddalenog a, polyphyl-lous, many-leavednbsp;Amldduli a, multiformnbsp;Amldduw -iaid, Amldduwiad, iaid n,nbsp;polytheist
Amldduwiaeth polytheism Amlediad n, expansionnbsp;lAmledd n, abundance; storenbsp;18
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Amleiriog a, verbose, wordy, multilo-quent, talkative, prolix Amlen -i nf, cover, envelope, wrappernbsp;Amlenu v, to envelop, to covernbsp;Amlenw a, multinomialnbsp;Amlenwi v, to fill aroundnbsp;Amlew a, devouring on all sidesnbsp;fnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Amlewychu v, to shine about
Amlhad n, increasing Amlhau v, to make or become plentiful,nbsp;to increase, to multiplynbsp;Amliaith, Amlieithog a, polyglotnbsp;Amlifad n, flowing roundnbsp;Amlifeiriad n. circumfluencenbsp;Amlifo V, to flow aboutnbsp;Amlinell -au nf^ outline, contour [gatednbsp;Amliw -iau n, stain: a, stainedj varie-Amiiwiad n, variegated, stainingnbsp;Amliwiog a, motley-coloured, variegatednbsp;Amlochrog a, multilateral, many-sidednbsp;Amlosgi V, to burn roundnbsp;Amiran, Amlranog a, having many partsnbsp;Amlryw a, multifarious, variousnbsp;Amlsill, Amlsillog a, poilysyllabicnbsp;Amlun a, of various forms; ranged innbsp;Amluniad n, conformation [formsnbsp;Amlwedd a, of many formsnbsp;Amlwg a, apparent, evident, plain, obvious, manifest; visible, conspicuousnbsp;Amlwg, lygion w, apparencynbsp;Amlwreicaeth v/, polygamynbsp;Amlyfu V, to lick overnbsp;Amlygadwy a, demonstrablenbsp;Amlygder «, conspicuousnessnbsp;Amlygedig a, manifestednbsp;Amlygedd n, apparentnessnbsp;Amlygiad n, manifestationnbsp;Amiygiadol a, explanatorynbsp;Amlygol a, demonstrativenbsp;Amlygrwydd w, obviousnessnbsp;Amlygu V, to manifest; to explainnbsp;^^^J-^jïïAmlygyn n, illustrator; exemplarnbsp;Amiym a, sharp on all sidesnbsp;.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Amlyniad n, adhesion round
^ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Amlynu v, to adhere around
• Ammaeth -au dainty Ammarchfaen, feini n, horseblock [blenbsp;Ammeg -ion nf, sentence, saying; para-Ammeuthu v, to make daintynbsp;Ammeuthyn -ion n, daintynbsp;Ammeuthyn a, dainty, delicatenbsp;Ammhali a, unfailingnbsp;Ammhar a, out of repairnbsp;'nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ammharch n, disrespect; dishonour
Ammharchu, Ammherchi v, to dis-i nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;honour, to disrespect
E nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ammharchus a, disrespected
Ammharod a, unprepared, unready Ammharotoawl a, unpreparatorynbsp;Ammharthedd n, indivisibilitynbsp;Ammharthredol a, unsystematicalnbsp;Ammhech a, sinless, immaculatenbsp;Ammhefredd n, unhandsomenessnbsp;Ammheiriannedd n, inorganizationnbsp;Ammheithioi a, unprospectivenbsp;Ammhell a, unremote, nearnbsp;Ammhendod n, indecisionnbsp;Ammhenodol a, indefinite; vaguenbsp;Ammherchenogi v, to unappropriatenbsp;Ammherthynasol a, unappertainingnbsp;Ammherthynu v, to make irrelevantnbsp;Ammhetrus a, indubious, without hesi-tation=Dibetrusnbsp;Ammheu -on n, doubt, hesitationnbsp;Ammheu v, to doubt, to hesitate, to benbsp;dubious; to suspect tonbsp;Ammheuaeth Tif, dubitation, doubtnbsp;Ammheuawd n, doubtingnbsp;Ammheugar a, scrupulous; scepticnbsp;Ammheugarwch n, scepticismnbsp;Ammheuol a, doubtfulnbsp;Ammheus a, doubting, ambiguousnbsp;Ammheusrwydd n, doubtfulnessnbsp;Ammheuwr, wyr «, doubter; scepticnbsp;Ammhlant, Ammhlantadwy a, childless,nbsp;barren
Ammhleidgar, Ammhleidiol a, impartial Ammhleidgarwch n, impartialitynbsp;Ammhlethoi a, uncomplicatednbsp;Ammhiitho r, to decomposenbsp;Ammhlygu to endouble, to infoldnbsp;Ammhorth «, misfortune; disgrace;
want of support Ammhorthol a, unsupportingnbsp;Ammhosibl a, impossiblenbsp;Ammhreiddiog a, not predatorynbsp;Ammhreswyl a, uninhabitednbsp;Ammhridiant w, inexpiationnbsp;Ammhriod a, unmarriednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[unfit
Ammhriodol a, inappropriate, improper, Ammhrofiadol a, unprobationary; inex-Ammhrudd a, insedate [periencednbsp;Ammhryderus a, unanxious, void of carenbsp;Ammhrydferth a, inelegant; uglynbsp;Ammhrydlawn a, unseasonable, inopportune, untimely, ill-timednbsp;Ammhrydlwyd ?i, fleabanenbsp;Ammhrydus a, uncomely, unseemlynbsp;Ammhryleu n, utterancenbsp;Ammhrysur a, not diligent [lutednbsp;Ammhur a, impure, foul, vitiated; pol-Ammhurdeb, Ammhuredd n, impurity;
pollution; feculence Amrahwyll -ion n, indiscretion; insanitynbsp;19
Ammhwyllo a, to lose one’s senses [sane Ammliwyllog a, unwary, indiscreet; in-Ammhwyntindisposition, illnessnbsp;Ammhybyr a, impotent; not bravenbsp;Amminiog a, abutting upon; bordering.nbsp;Amminiogion, borderers, Amminiog-au, borders, frontiersnbsp;Ammlasus a, insipid, tastelessnbsp;Ammlaen n, fore-partnbsp;Ammod -au nf contract, covenant, compact, agreement; condition. Ammod-au, terms, conditionsnbsp;Ammodi v, to make a conditionnbsp;Ammodiad contracting, agreementnbsp;Ammodol a. conditionalnbsp;Ammodoldeb conditionality [mentnbsp;Ammodrwym -au n. lease; bond, agree-Ammodwr, wyr n, contracting partynbsp;Ammoethyn -ion n, daintynbsp;Ammor -au w, placidity. Blodau am-mor, amaranthnbsp;Ammori v, to become placidnbsp;Ammraint,mreintiau,mreiniau », breachnbsp;of privilege; dishonournbsp;Ammrawdd, oddion w, circumlocutionnbsp;Ammreinio v, to violate privilege; to dis-Ammreiniol a, unprivileged [honournbsp;Ammri «, want of privilege; disesteem,nbsp;disgrace =:ADfri Ammrwd a, unheated; unboiled; raw AmmwlclT, mylchau n, opportunitynbsp;Ammwlch a, having no breach or gapnbsp;Ammwyth -on », carousalnbsp;Amnad a, guarding on all sidesnbsp;Amnaid, neidiau «/*, beck, nodnbsp;Amr-awdd a, defending on all sidesnbsp;Amneidio v, to beckonnbsp;Amner -au pursenbsp;Amnerydd -on n, pursernbsp;Amnhêdd, Amnheddu v, to crave, to begnbsp;Amnhwyth a, elastic on*ali sidesnbsp;Amnifer -oedd n, odd numbernbsp;Amniferedd n, imparity [numerablenbsp;Amniferog a, uneven in number; in-Amnod -au n, mark aroundnbsp;Amnoddi v, to guard aroundnbsp;Amnoeth a, naked all round [stripnbsp;’ Amnoethi v, to denude, to denudate, tonbsp;Amnwyth n, pleasantrynbsp;Amnyddu v, to twine aboutnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fee Amobrwy n. commutation fee; virgin Amobrwyo v, to commutenbsp;Amogor -au «/*, shelter aroundnbsp;AmoUid -au nf, cheering warmthnbsp;Amorchudd -ion cover aroundnbsp;Amorchuddiad n, overwhelmingnbsp;Amosgre -on «, opportunity |
Amp n, calmness, serenity Ampwy a, calm, gentle, pleasantnbsp;Amrafaei -ion «, contention, quarrelnbsp;Amrafaeigar a. contentiousnbsp;Amrafaeliad bickeringnbsp;Amrafaelio v, to contend, to strivenbsp;Amrafaeius a, contentiousnbsp;Amrain n, the pennywortnbsp;Amran -au nf circular divisionnbsp;Amraniad dividing roundnbsp;Amrant -au n, the eyelid; instantnbsp;Amrant-hun n, short sleep, doze, napnbsp;Amrant-huno v, to slumber, to sleepnbsp;Amrantu v, to wink, to blinknbsp;Amranu v, to divide roundnbsp;Amranwen nf whitewort, wild chamomile. Amranwen Hajen Lueddog,nbsp;spicknel, bald-money, meunbsp;Amrawdd, roddion n, discoursenbsp;Amred -ion nf circular motionnbsp;Amredeg v, to run roundnbsp;Amrediad n, running roundnbsp;Amredol a, circumambient [to feignnbsp;Amredu v, to imitate; to counterfeit,nbsp;Amrentyn n, close of the eye, dozenbsp;Amrith a, of various aspectsnbsp;Amrithder -au n, varietynbsp;Amrithio v, to variegate, to diversifynbsp;Amrod rf, circumvolutionnbsp;Amrodi v, to circumvolvenbsp;Amrodol a, circumvolutorynbsp;Amroddi v, to give aroundnbsp;Amrosgfil -od n, megatheriumnbsp;Amrosgo a, unwieldy, vastnbsp;Amrosgoedd n, unwieldinessnbsp;Amrosgoew a, in various directionsnbsp;Amrwth a, yawning all roundnbsp;Amrwygiad a, tearing roundnbsp;Amrwym n, bandage roundnbsp;Amrwymo v, to bind aboutnbsp;Amrwys a, ambrosial: n, ambrosianbsp;Amrwysol a, ambrosialnbsp;Amryallu a, multipotentnbsp;Amrydreigl a, heteroclitenbsp;Amrydwll a, porous, perforatednbsp;Amrydyb -iau n, paradoxnbsp;Amryddarn a, of various piecesnbsp;Amryddawn a, versatilenbsp;Amryddoniaeth nf versatilitynbsp;Amryddull a, multiformnbsp;Amrydduwiaeth rif, polytheismnbsp;Amryfal a, diverse, sundry, manifoldnbsp;Amryfaledd », diversitj^ Amryfaiiad n, diversifying Amryfalu v, to diversify, to varynbsp;Amryfath a, multifarious, miscellaneousnbsp;Amryfetliad », variation |
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Amryfeiliant, iannau n, diversity Amryfeilryw a, heterogeneousnbsp;Amrytiad n, excessnbsp;Amryfodd a, of various modesnbsp;Amr3rfol a, haughty, arrogantnbsp;Amryfoldeb n, excess; arrogancenbsp;Amryfu o, to commit excess; to errnbsp;Amiyfus a, arrogant; erroneous, faultynbsp;Amryfusedd n, error, mistake, oversightnbsp;Amryfuseddu v, to fall out, to errnbsp;Amryfwyd -ydd n, variety of viandsnbsp;Amryfflau a, very great, hugenbsp;Amrygant n, circling rimnbsp;Amrygar a, loved on all sidesnbsp;Amrygoll -ion n, loss in every waynbsp;Amrygur -on n, pain in every way; concussion Amrygwydd n a fall every way Amrygwyn -ion n, a great tribulationnbsp;Amryhollt a, multifidousnbsp;Amrylais a, of divers soundsnbsp;Amrylaw a, of various handsnbsp;Amrylawr a, of several floors. am-rylawr, a house of several storiesnbsp;Amrylef a, of many tonesnbsp;Amryliw, Amryliwiog a, of variousnbsp;colours, variegatednbsp;AmryJon a, pleased various waysnbsp;Amrylun a, of various formsnbsp;Amrylys -iau n, mixed herbagenbsp;Amrynerth a multipotentnbsp;Amryochr a, polyheuronnbsp;Amryochrog a, polyhedralnbsp;Amryonglog o, polygonalnbsp;Amrysain a, of different soundsnbsp;Amrysedd n, excess on ail sidesnbsp;Amrysili a, polysyllabicnbsp;Amryson n, contention, strifenbsp;Amryson v, to contend, to quarrelnbsp;Amrysongar a, contentiousnbsp;Amrysongarwch n, contentiousnessnbsp;Amrysoniad n, contentionnbsp;Amrysonol a, contendnignbsp;Amry w a,divers sundry .various,several. Amrywion, miscellanies, varieties Amrywaith, weithiau n,variegated worknbsp;Amrywedd a of various aspecrsnbsp;Amrywellt cn, mixed herbagenbsp;Amry werth a differing in value or worthnbsp;Amrywiad n diversificationnbsp;Amrywiaeth n, variety, diversitynbsp;Amrywiaethu v, to diversifynbsp;Amrywiaith, ieithoedd nf, dialectnbsp;Amrywio v to diversify; to vary, to differnbsp;Amrywiog a, having variety, diversifiednbsp;Amrywiogaeth vf. intermixturenbsp;Amrywioi a, miscellaneous; several |
Amrywiolaeth vf^ diversity, variety Amrywioli v, to diversify, to varynbsp;Amsang n, treading aboutnbsp;Amsathr «, treading about. Amsathrnbsp;dynion, the footsteps of men. Lienbsp;amsathr, a place trodden on every sidenbsp;Amsathru v, to tread aboutnbsp;Amseinio v, to reverberatenbsp;Amser -oedd -au n, time; seasonnbsp;Amsergyff -ion w, era, epochnbsp;Amseriad n, timing, datingnbsp;Amseriadur -on n, time-piecenbsp;Ainserlyfr -au «, chroniclenbsp;Amsernod -au «, era, epoch, point of timenbsp;Amserol a, timely, seasonable; temporalnbsp;Amseroldeb 71, seasonablenessnbsp;Amseroli v, to make seasonable ornbsp;Amseroni, iau n, almanac [timelynbsp;Amseronydd -ion n, almanac-makernbsp;Amseru v, to time, to fix a time; to datenbsp;Amserydd -ion w, chronologist, chro-nologer, chronographernbsp;Amseryddiaeth n/, chronologynbsp;Amseryddol a, chronologicalnbsp;Amsud n, appropriate qualitynbsp;Amug V, to defend, to protectnbsp;Amwain v, to lead aboutnbsp;Amwailt a, encircled with hairnbsp;Amwasg -oedd n, compressionnbsp;Amwasgu v, to compress, to press aroundnbsp;Amwe -oedd n/| selvage, skirtingnbsp;Amwedd -au nf, conformity; stylenbsp;Amweddi nf, solemn prayernbsp;Amweddu v, to make conformablenbsp;Amwel a, circumspect, warynbsp;Amweled v, to be circumspectnbsp;Amwes -au «, enjoymeutnbsp;Amwesu v, to take enjoymentnbsp;Amweu v to make a selvagenbsp;Amwg, ygon n. defence, securitynbsp;Amwib -iau «ƒ circular coursenbsp;Amwibon -iaid nf. amphisboenanbsp;Ainwisg -oedd ??ƒ envelope; shroud,nbsp;winding-sheet; upper garmentnbsp;Amwisgo V, to enwrap to shroudnbsp;Amwiw a, excellent all waysnbsp;Amwregysu v, to begird; to surroundnbsp;Amws emys w, stallion, steednbsp;Amwyd np (-yn n), earth wormsnbsp;Amwydd cn, framenbsp;Amwyll a gloomy all roundnbsp;Amwyllt a, wild in all directionsnbsp;Amwyn u, to defend, to guardnbsp;Amwys a, witty; equivocal, ambiguousnbsp;Amwysedd n, ambiguitynbsp;Amwysiad n, punningnbsp;Amwyth n, wratu; ferocity 21 |
Analluo v, to render impotent Analluog a, unable; impossiblenbsp;Analluogi v, to disenable, to incapacitate ; to disablenbsp;Analluogrwydd n, inabilitynbsp;Analluoldeb n, impossibilitynbsp;Anambell ad, scarce; seldomnbsp;Anamgyffred -oedd n, incomprehensionnbsp;Anaml a, infrequent; scarcenbsp;Anamlder «, inirequencynbsp;Anamlwg a. not manifest, indistinctnbsp;Anamlygiad a, indistinctionnbsp;Anammheuaeth nf indubitationnbsp;Anammodol a, unconditionalnbsp;Anamryfns a, not liable to errornbsp;Anamser -oedd n, unfit timenbsp;Anamserol a, untimely, unseasonablenbsp;Anamseru v, to render untimelynbsp;Anamynedd n, impatiencenbsp;Anamyneddgar a, impatientnbsp;Ananian -au nf lack of naturenbsp;Ananianol a, unnaturalnbsp;Ananianoldeb «, unnaturalnessnbsp;Anant np, harmonies; musesnbsp;Ananwyi a, unendearingnbsp;Anaradwy a, unarablenbsp;Anaraf a, not slow, expeditiousnbsp;Anaralliad », inalienationnbsp;Anaraul a, not calm, not serenenbsp;Anarbed, Anarbedol a, unsparingnbsp;Anarcbolladwy o, unvulnerablenbsp;Anardymmer n, indispositionnbsp;Anarfer -ion nf want of usenbsp;Anarferol a, unaccustomed, unusual, extraordinary, uncommon, strangenbsp;Anarferu v, to disusenbsp;Anarfog a, unarmed, ^
Anarloes a, unemptied Anarwydd a, without a signnbsp;Anatebol a, unanswerablenbsp;Anattaliadwy a, unrestrainable [ mouynbsp;Anau np, elementary principles of har-Anaw -on n, poetic genius; songsternbsp;Anawdurdodi v. to revoke authoritynbsp;Anawel n, vocal musicnbsp;Anawell nf, inciter of harmonynbsp;Anawenydd a, void of geniusnbsp;Ancr n, anchoret, anchorite. Fel yrnbsp;ancr, like a hermit; honest, sincerenbsp;Ancres -au rf, anchoressnbsp;Ancwyn -ion n, dainty; dessertnbsp;Ancwynai, eion n, epicurenbsp;Anchwant«, inappetencynbsp;Anchwardd a, void of laughternbsp;Anchwiliadwy a, unsearchablenbsp;Anchwith a, not sinisternbsp;Andaw v, to listen, to hearnbsp;22
Amwytho r, to push fiercely [bread Amyd n, mixed corn, Bara amyd, mixednbsp;Amyi^iad n, giving refugenbsp;Amygu V, to defend, to guardnbsp;Amyn c, unless, except, butnbsp;Amynedd patience, forbearancenbsp;Amyneddgar, Amyneddus a, patient,nbsp;forbearing, long-sufferingnbsp;Amjrneddgarwch n, long-sufferingnbsp;Amyriad w, intermeddlingnbsp;Amyru v, to interferenbsp;Amysgar -oedd c«, entrails, bowelsnbsp;An (Sn) «yj element, principle, materialnbsp;An px, un-, dis-, mis-, im-, in-, il-, ir-,nbsp;Anach -au nf, impediment [-less, notnbsp;Anad a, especial, peculiar. Yn anadnbsp;dim, above all things; especiallynbsp;Anadl -au nf. breath. Diffyg anadl,nbsp;shortness of breath; asthma dyspnoeanbsp;Anadlfyr a, having short breath; asth-Anadliad n, respirationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[matic
Anadlog a, breathing, respiring Anadlu v, to breathe, to respirenbsp;Anadlyn », single breathingnbsp;Anadnabod want of recognitionnbsp;Anadnabyddus «, unknownnbsp;Anaddas o, unmeet, unseemly, improper,nbsp;unfit, unsuitable, inappropriatenbsp;Anaddasu v, to disqualiiynbsp;Anaddefiad n, disallowancenbsp;Anaddfed a, unripe, immaturenbsp;Anaddurn -au n, disarray, undressnbsp;Anaddwyn a, inelegantnbsp;Anaddwyno r, to make inelegant ornbsp;unfit; to disqualify; to attaintnbsp;Anaddysg n, lack of educationnbsp;Ana-^le a, terrific, direfulnbsp;Anaf -au n, blemish, defect; woundnbsp;Anafael a, void of holdnbsp;Anahad tz, blemishingnbsp;Anafod n, ailment; boil, sorenbsp;Anafu V, to blemish, to maim [strousnbsp;Anafus a, maimed; blemished; mon-Anagwcdd nf, want of formnbsp;Anagweddus a. unseemlynbsp;Ananghofus a, unforgettingnbsp;^ Anair, eiriau n, ill report, infamy; reproach, disgrace
Anal -au breath, respirationrrAnadl Analiad n, respiringnbsp;Analu V, to breathe, to respirenbsp;Analwedig a, uncallednbsp;Analledig a, impossiblenbsp;Anallu -oedd «, inability; impotencynbsp;Analluadwy a, impossiblenbsp;Analluedigaeth nf impotencynbsp;Analluedd n, impotency
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Andawgar a, wistful, attentive Andawiad n, listeningnbsp;Andras -iaid n, enemy; Satan, the devilnbsp;Andred n, untrodden spotnbsp;Andwyo v, to disorder, to ruin [fulnbsp;Andwyol a, disordering, ruining, harm-Aneang a, unspacious, unamplenbsp;Anebrwydd a, not quick, dilatorynbsp;Anedifar a, remorselessnbsp;Anedifarus a, unrelenting, unrepentingnbsp;Anedifeiriol o, impenitentnbsp;Anedifeirwch n, impenitencenbsp;Anedmyg a. unhallowednbsp;Anedmygedd n, irreverencenbsp;Anedwaint n, amaranthnbsp;Aneffeithiol a, ineffectual, inefficaciousnbsp;Aneglur a, indistinct, not clearnbsp;Aneglurdeb n, indistinctnessnbsp;Aneglwg n, void of splendournbsp;Anegni », inertia, inactivitynbsp;Anegwan o, unfeeble, potentnbsp;Aneiddil a, unslender; nervousnbsp;Aneilun -on n, phantomnbsp;Aneiran a, ungainly, unseemlynbsp;Aneirif a, innumerable, numberlessnbsp;Aneirifedd n, innumerableness; infi-Aneirio v, to slander \ nite numbernbsp;Aneiriol a, slanderous, defamatorynbsp;Aneirioes a, void of splendournbsp;Anelw a, gainless; destitutenbsp;Anelyf a, void of musicnbsp;Anenwog a, unrenowned, ignoblenbsp;Anenwogi v, to make ignoblenbsp;Aneofn, Aneon a, not bold, timidnbsp;Anerch -ion n. salute, addressnbsp;Anerch v, to salute, to greet, to addressnbsp;Anercheb -ion nf addressnbsp;Anerchiad n, salutation addressnbsp;Anerchol a, gratulatorynbsp;Anerchwr, wyr », complimenternbsp;Anerfai a, faultless, blamelessnbsp;Auesgarad n, inseparabilitynbsp;Anesgor a, without deliverancenbsp;Anesgorol a, irremediable;, incurable;nbsp;inexorable; inextricable; inevitable;nbsp;insuperable,unsurmountable; intoler-Anesgud a, not quicknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[able
Anesmwyth a, uneasy, restless Anesmwythder n, uneasinessnbsp;Anesmwytho v, to make uneasynbsp;Anesmwythyd w uneasiness; anxietynbsp;Aneuog a, unguilty, guiltlessnbsp;Aewig o, melodious, tunefulnbsp;Anewyllysgar a, unwillingnbsp;Anfab, feibion n, infant: a, childishnbsp;Anfad a, naughty, villainousnbsp;A.nfadu v, to become naughty
Anfadus a, iniquitous, impious Anfaddeuant n, unforgivingnessnbsp;Anfael a, profitless, gainlessnbsp;Anfalch a, void of pride, humblenbsp;Anfanwi a, inaccuratenbsp;Anfarwaint w, amaranthnbsp;Anfarwol a, immortal, deathlessnbsp;Anfarwoldeb n, immortalitynbsp;Anfas a, not shallow; deepnbsp;Anfedrus a, unskilful, bunglingnbsp;Anfedrusedd n, unskilfulnessnbsp;Anfeddylgar a, thoughtlessnbsp;Anfeidredd n, immensity, infinitynbsp;Anfeidroi a, infinite, immensenbsp;Anfelus a, not sweet, insipidnbsp;Anferth a, without beauty, unsightlynbsp;Anferthedd n, unsightlinessnbsp;Anferthlun -iau «, caricaturenbsp;Anferthol o, unsightly, monstrousnbsp;Anferthwch n, unsightlinessnbsp;Anfesuri n, immensity, infinitynbsp;Anfethiant, iannau n, infallibilitynbsp;Anfethlig a, unembarrassednbsp;Anflas n insipidity, tastelessnessnbsp;Antiasus a. tasteless, insipid, unsavourynbsp;Anflys -ion n, inappetencynbsp;Anfodd -ion n, displeasure. Gwneuthurnbsp;anfodd ar un, to ravish. 0 anfodd,nbsp;against one’s will, unwillinglynbsp;Anfoddedig a, displeasednbsp;Anfoddgar u, displeasingnbsp;Anfoddhad n-, displeasure [disobligenbsp;Anfoddhau, Anfoddio v, to displease, tonbsp;Anfoddlawn a, discontented, displeased.nbsp;Anfoddlondeb discontentednessnbsp;Anfoddlongar a, unsatisfactory; dissatisfied, discontentednbsp;Anfoddloni v, to discontent, to dissatisfy, to displease, to offend; to benbsp;offended or displeasednbsp;Anfoddlonus o, discontentednbsp;Anfoddog a, dissatisfied; fretfulnbsp;Anfoddogi v, to discontent, to displeasenbsp;Anfoes -au nf, immorality; rudenessnbsp;Anfoesgar, Anfoesog a, unmannerly,nbsp;rude, ill-bred, coarse, vulgarnbsp;Anfoesgarwch n, rudeness, incivilitynbsp;Anfoesol a, immoralnbsp;Anfoesoldeb n, immoralitynbsp;Anfoethus a, not daintynbsp;Anfoliant, iannau n, disparagementnbsp;Anfon V, to send; to transmit, to despatchnbsp;Anfon a, missive sendingnbsp;Anfonadwy a, that may be sentnbsp;Anfonedd a, without nobilitynbsp;Anfoneddig a, ignoble, ungenteelnbsp;Anfoniad n, mission; transmission
Anfonog a. missionary. Anfonogion, missionaries
Anfonol a, missive; missionary Anfraint «, want of privilegenbsp;Anfreiniad n, disfranchisementnbsp;Anfreinio v, to disfranchise=Difreinionbsp;Anfreiniog a, unprivilegednbsp;Anfri -on n, disrespect, disesteera; dishonour; tuberous moschatelnbsp;Anfucheddol a, immoral, depravednbsp;Anfucheddoldeb n, immorality, want ofnbsp;moral conduct, depravitynbsp;Anfudd a, unproGtable=Difuddnbsp;Anfuddiant, iannau n, disadvantagenbsp;Anfuddiol a, unprofitable, profitlessnbsp;Anfuddioldeb n, unprofitablenessnbsp;Anfwyn a, unkind, uncivil, ungentlenbsp;Anfwynder n, unkindnessnbsp;Anfwynhau v, to rob of enjoymentnbsp;Anfwyth a. not tender, harshnbsp;Anfyfyrdod n, unstudiousnessnbsp;Anfyged w, disgracenbsp;Anfyn a, ungentle, morosenbsp;Anfyniad n, nolitionnbsp;Anfynog a, ungentlenbsp;Anfynych a, unfrequent, seldomnbsp;Anfywiog a, inanimate, lifelessnbsp;Anfywiol a, unanimatingnbsp;Anffaeledig a, infallible, unfailingnbsp;Anftaeth a, not mellownbsp;Anftawd, odau, odion rif, misfortunenbsp;Anffel a, not cunning, unwilynbsp;Anftbdiog Anfibdus a, unfortunatenbsp;Anffrwythlawn a, unfruitful, barrennbsp;Anfturfio t?, to disfigure, to deformnbsp;Anfïyddiaeth n, infidelity, unbeliefnbsp;Anrtyddiawn a, unfaithful, faithlessnbsp;Anffyddlondeb n, unfaithfulnessnbsp;Anftyddwr, wyr», infidel; an unbelievernbsp;Antfyniant, iannau «, adversitynbsp;Anhad a, peevish, fretfulnbsp;Auhadledd n, incorruptionnbsp;Anhaddef a, homelessnbsp;Anhaeddiannol, Anhaeddol a, undeserving, unmeritorious, unworthynbsp;Anhaed diant, iannau w, demeritnbsp;Anhael a, ill.beral; mean, stingynbsp;Anhaelioni n, illiberality; niggardlinessnbsp;Anhaeredd n, inassertionnbsp;Anhagredd n, indeformitynbsp;Anhail a, without servicenbsp;Anhaint a, undiseasednbsp;Anhalar a, unenlivenednbsp;Anhalog a, undefiled; purenbsp;Anhalit a, not saltnbsp;Anhamhwyllog o, unpremeditatednbsp;Anhanesol a, unhistorical
Anhanfod a, nonexistent Anhap -ion n, mischance, mishap. An-hap ei fam, bastard. Dywedyd ei hapnbsp;a’i auhap, Adtodd ei hap a’i anhap, tonbsp;relate one’s adventuresnbsp;Anhapus a, unfortunate, unluckynbsp;Anhardd a, not handsome; unseemly,nbsp;Anharddwch n, uncomeliness [indecentnbsp;Anhatru v, to uncovernbsp;Anhaw a, immature, unripenbsp;Anhawdd a, not easy, difficultnbsp;Anhawddgar a, unamiablenbsp;Anhawddgoll a, not easily lostnbsp;Anhawl. bolion n/, nonsuitnbsp;Anhawnt n, indispositionnbsp;Anhawr a, unindulgentnbsp;Anhawsder », difficultynbsp;Anhebgor a, indispensablenbsp;Anhebgor -au -ion ?i, what is indispensable; reijuisite, essentialnbsp;Anhebgorol a, indispensablenbsp;Anheddog a, unpacificnbsp;Anheddychlawn a, unpeacefulnbsp;Anheddychol «, unpacificatorynbsp;Anhefelig a, unimitativenbsp;Anhefeiwch n, unimitableness [slownbsp;Anheinif. Anheini a, listless, sluggish,nbsp;Anhelaeth a, unspacions, confinednbsp;Anhelbulus a, not teased or perplexednbsp;with business or caresnbsp;Anhelynt a, unemployednbsp;Anhepwedd a, neealessnbsp;Anhewyd a, not in earnestnbsp;Anhewydd a, immaturenbsp;Anhidlaid a, undistilled; unstrainednbsp;Anhiliog a, unprolific: n, barrenwortnbsp;Anhiriant a, undilatorynbsp;Anhocedus a, undeceitfulnbsp;Anhoddiad w, undefeasibilitynbsp;Anhoedd a, unconspicuous [gishnbsp;Anhoenus a, unlively, unsprightly, slug-Anhoft' a, unamiable; disgustingnbsp;Anholiadol, Anholedigol a, uninterroga-Anholltog a, uncleft, unsplit [torynbsp;Anhonedig a, unassertednbsp;Anhorol a, unindulgentnbsp;Anhortiol a, unchidingnbsp;Anhuaiu v, to unfetternbsp;Anhudol a, unalluring, unenticingnbsp;Anhuddo v, to uncover, to expose, tonbsp;Anhuddol a, uiiobscuring [disclosenbsp;Anhuenig a, not sunny, gloomynbsp;Anhulio v, to develop, to uncovernbsp;Anhun n, wakefulness; sleeplessnessnbsp;Anhunanol a, unselGsh, disinterestednbsp;Anhunedd n, wakefulness; troublenbsp;Anhwyl n, indisposition} sicknessnbsp;24
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Anhwylio r, to distract, to derange Anhwylus a. out of order; unwell, sick,nbsp;ailing; inconvenientnbsp;Anhwylusdod n, obstructionnbsp;Anhy, Anhyf o, not bold, bashful, shynbsp;Anhyall a, impossible, infeasiblenbsp;Anhyalled «, impossibilitynbsp;Anhyar a, not easily ploughednbsp;Anhyawdledd n, ineloauencenbsp;Anhyball a, indefectible; infalliblenbsp;Anhybarth a, unworthy of respectnbsp;Anhybarthedd n, indivisibilitynbsp;Anhybech a, impeccable, sinlessnbsp;Anhyblyg a, inflexible, stiff, rigidnbsp;Anhyboen a, impassiblenbsp;Anhyborth a, unassistingnbsp;Anhybrawf a, undemonstrablenbsp;Anhybwyll a, imprudentnbsp;Anhychwal a, indispersiblenbsp;Anhychwant a, uncovetingnbsp;Anhydaen a, inexpansiblenbsp;Anhydaith a, untraversiblenbsp;Anhydawdd a, indissolvablenbsp;Anhydeiml o, impalpablenbsp;Anhyder distrust; diffidencenbsp;Anhydor a, unfrangible, not fragilenbsp;Anhydraeth a, unutterablenbsp;Anhydraidd a, impenetrablenbsp;Anbydraul a, indigestiblenbsp;Anhydrefn a, not easily arrangednbsp;Anhydreigl a, undeclinablenbsp;Anhydrig a, uninhabitablenbsp;Anhydrin a, unmanageablenbsp;Anhydro a, unconvertiblenbsp;Anhydrwch a, irrefrangiblenbsp;Anhydwyll a, undeceivablenbsp;Anhydwyth a, unelasticnbsp;Anhydyb o, inconceivablenbsp;Anhydyn a, intractablenbsp;Anhyddadl a, indisputablenbsp;Anhyddal a, not easily heldnbsp;Anhyddawn a, not easily giftednbsp;Anhyddring o, not to be climbednbsp;Anhyddwyn a, unbearable, unsufferablenbsp;Anhyddyn a, unfrequented by mannbsp;Anhyddysg a, indocible; unteachable;nbsp;Anhyedd «, want of courage [unversednbsp;Anhyfaeth a, not easily nursednbsp;Anhyfai a, irreprehensiblenbsp;Anhyial a, not pulverizablenbsp;Anhyfarn a, injudicablenbsp;Anhyfawl a, illaudable, uncommendablenbsp;Anhyfedr a, inexperienced, unskilfulnbsp;Anhyfeidr a, immeasurablenbsp;Anhyfel a, unlike, dissimilarnbsp;Anhyferw a, undecoctiblenbsp;Anhyfeth a, infallible, not readily failing
Anhyffin o, indefatigable Anhyfodd a, implacablenbsp;Anhyfoes a, unmannerlynbsp;Anhyfraw a, not easily scarednbsp;Anhyfreg a, infrangiblenbsp;Anhyfriw a, infrangiblenbsp;Anhyfryd a, unpleasantnbsp;Anhyfud a, immovablenbsp;Anhyffawd a, unfortunatenbsp;Anhyffer a, incongealablenbsp;Anhyffordd a, impassable; uninformednbsp;Anhyffrwyn a, not easily bridlednbsp;Anhygael a, unattainablenbsp;^Anhygall a, unwarynbsp;Anhygar o, unamiable, unlovelynbsp;Anhygas a. inexecrablenbsp;Anhygawdd a, not easily offendednbsp;iAnhyged a, illiberal, stmgynbsp;Anhyglod a, illaudable; infamousnbsp;Anhyglud a, not portablenbsp;Anhyglust a, not of quick earnbsp;Anhyglwyf a, invulnerablenbsp;Anhyglyw a, inaudiblenbsp;Anhygoel a, incrediblenbsp;Anhygof a, immemorablenbsp;Anhygoll a, not easily lostnbsp;Anhygosp a, incorrigiblenbsp;Anbygred a, incrediblenbsp;Anhygryn a, not apt to tremblenbsp;Anhygudd a, not easily hiddennbsp;Anhygwl a, irreprehensiblenbsp;Anhygwymp a, unapt to fallnbsp;Anhygwyn a, unapt to complainnbsp;Anhygyrch a, unaccessibienbsp;Anhyiadd a, not easily cut offnbsp;Anhylanw a, insatiable, not easily tillednbsp;Anhylar a, not easily tirednbsp;Anhylaw a, unhandy, inexpertnbsp;Anhyled a, inexpansiblenbsp;Anhyles a, unbeneflcialnbsp;Anhylith a, untractablenbsp;Anhylon a, uncheerful, dismalnbsp;Anhylosg a, incombustiblenbsp;Anhyludd a, unopyxisablenbsp;Anhyiun a, not easily formednbsp;Anhylwgr a, incorruotiblenbsp;Anhyiwydd a, unprosperousnbsp;Anhylys a. unrejectablenbsp;Anhynaws a, unaffable; untowardnbsp;Anhynod a, unnotable, common-placenbsp;Anhyran a, indivisiblenbsp;Anhyrew a, not easily frozennbsp;Anhyrif a, uncountablenbsp;Anhyrodd a, unbountifulnbsp;Anhyrus a, not apt to startnbsp;Anhyrwydd a, unfeasible, uneasynbsp;Anhyrwyg a, illacerable, not easily rentnbsp;25
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Anhyrwym a, not easily bound Anhysbys a, unmanifest; ignorant of;nbsp;Anhyserch o, unamiable [unknownnbsp;Anhysom a, undeceivablenbsp;Anhysou a, unutterablenbsp;Anhysyn a, imperceptiblenbsp;Anhywaith a, untractablenbsp;Anhywan a, invulnerablenbsp;Anhywedd a, untowardnbsp;Anhywel a, unconspicuousnbsp;Anhywell a, irremediablenbsp;Anhywerth o, inestimable; unsalablenbsp;Anhywest a, inhospitablenbsp;Anhywyw a, unfadingnbsp;Aniach a, unwell, indisposed=Afiachnbsp;Aniachol a. unsalutarynbsp;Aniaeth n/, temperament; naturenbsp;Anial -oe5d «, desert, wildernessnbsp;Anial, Anialog a, desert, wild, uncul-Anialfa «oedd nf, wilderness [ tivatednbsp;Anialfan -au wilderness, desertnbsp;Anialu v, to desolate, to lay wastenbsp;Anialus a, of a desert aspectnbsp;Anialwch n, wilderness, aesertnbsp;Anian -au nf, nature; instinct; geniusnbsp;Anianaeth nf, physicsnbsp;Anianawd. odau «, temperament; phy-Aniander n, naturalness [siologynbsp;Aniandraw n, physiologynbsp;Anianddysg nf, physiologynbsp;Anianeg nf^ physicsnbsp;Anianodol a, physiologicalnbsp;Anianol a, natural; wonderfulnbsp;Anianolaeth n, natural propertynbsp;Anianolder», natural right or conditionnbsp;Aniant np^ vocal harmonies; poetsnbsp;Anianu u, to render naturalnbsp;Anianydd -ion u, naturalist [physicsnbsp;Anianyddiaeth nf, natural philosophy,nbsp;Anianyddol a, physicalnbsp;Aniawn a, improper, unjustnbsp;Aniawnder n, improprietynbsp;Anifail, feiliaid n, animal, beastnbsp;Anifeilaidd a, brutish, bestialnbsp;Anifeileiddio v, to imbrute, to brutalizenbsp;Anifeilhau to brutalizenbsp;Anifeilig a, animal, animalishnbsp;Aniolaid a, unpraisednbsp;Anian a, not clean, unclean=Aflannbsp;Anlanwaith a, uncleanly, impurenbsp;Anlanweithdra », uncleanlinessnbsp;Anlew a. not brave; not clevernbsp;Anlewder, Anlewdid n, cowardice, dastardliness, want of couragenbsp;Anloew a, not bright, not lucidnbsp;Anllad a, wanton, lasciviousnbsp;Anlladaidd a, apt to be wanton
Anlladedd wantonness [wantonness Anlladrwydd n, lasciviousness, lust,nbsp;Anlladu tgt;, to grow wantonnbsp;Anlladwst nf, venereal disease, syphilisnbsp;Anllai ad^ neverthelessnbsp;Anllariaidd a. ungentlenbsp;Anllathraidd a, not resplendentnbsp;Anllathrudd a, chaste; unviolatednbsp;Anllawch a, unprotectednbsp;Anllawd a, not cravingnbsp;Anllawdineb n, uncravingnessnbsp;Anllawdd a, rich, preciousnbsp;Anllenog a, illiterate, unlearnednbsp;Anllenogrwydd n, illiteratenessnbsp;Anlles a, void of benefitnbsp;Anllesg a, unfeeble, vigorousnbsp;Anilesol a, disadvantageous^Aflesolnbsp;Anllettygar a, inhospitablenbsp;Anlliw -iau n, stainnbsp;Anlliw a, colourlessnbsp;Anlliwgar a, ill-lookingnbsp;Anlloedd wp, riches, meansnbsp;Aniloeddi tgt;, to squandernbsp;Anlloeddog a, affluent, richnbsp;Anllofi r, to handle, to reachnbsp;Anllosgadwy a, incombustiblenbsp;Anllosgedig a. unbumt, unignitednbsp;Anlluddedig a, unfatiguednbsp;Aniluosog a, unfrequent, not numerousnbsp;Anllwyddiant, iannau u, misfortunenbsp;Anllwythedig a. unburdenednbsp;Anllygradwy n, incorruptiblenbsp;Anllygredigaeth nf, incormptionnbsp;Anllygredd n, incorruptionnbsp;Anllythyreg nf, bad grammar; wrongnbsp;orthography, misspellingnbsp;Anllythiyreuog, Anllythyrog a, illiteratenbsp;Anilywodraeth nf anarchy [trovertiblenbsp;Annadleuadwy a, incontestable, incon-Annarbodaeth nf improvidencenbsp;Annarbwylliad n, impersuasionnbsp;Anarfod a, endless, infinitenbsp;Annarllenol u, illegible, unreadablenbsp;Annarmerthedd n, unpreparednessnbsp;Annarostyngiad n, insubjectionnbsp;Annarpar a, unpreparednbsp;Annattodol a, inexplicablenbsp;Annattoddiad «. insolubilitynbsp;Annattro a, not recurrentnbsp;Annawd v, to reproachnbsp;Annawn, noniau n, ill-luck, misfortunenbsp;Anneall n, lack of understandingnbsp;Anneall a. unintelligent; ignorantnbsp;Annechreuol a, without beginningnbsp;Annedwydd a, unhapny, lucklessnbsp;Annedwyddwch n, unhappinessnbsp;lAnnedd -au nf, dwelling, residencenbsp;26
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Aunhlysni w, inelegance Annho a, void of coveringnbsp;Annhoddadwy a, insolublenbsp;Annholiad n, indiminutionnbsp;Annholladwy a, indeductablenbsp;Annhoradwy a, infrangible; irrefragablenbsp;Annhoraeth a, void of producenbsp;Annhostedd n, inseveritynbsp;Annhosturi n, want of pitynbsp;Annhosturiol a, unpitying, cruelnbsp;Annhrachwantus a, uncovetousnbsp;Annhraethadwy a, inexpressiblenbsp;Annhraethol a, inexpressive, ineffablenbsp;Annhrafodol a, unbustlingnbsp;Annhrafferthus a, free from troublenbsp;Annhrallodus a, unafflictingnbsp;Annhrancedig a, unannihilatednbsp;Annhras a, void of kindrednbsp;Annhraw a, without a guidenbsp;Annhred a, unresorted; solitarynbsp;Annhrefig o, non-residentnbsp;Annhrefn -au mf disorder, confusionnbsp;Annhrefnu v, to disorder, to disarrangenbsp;Annhrefnus a, disorderly; untidynbsp;Annhreiddiol a, unpenetratingnbsp;Annhresig a, inoppressivenbsp;Annhremygol a. undespisingnbsp;Annhrethadwy a, untaxablenbsp;Annhreuliedig a, unconsumednbsp;Annhrigant n, non-residencenbsp;Annhrugarog a, unmerciful, mercilessnbsp;Annhruthiol a, unfulsomenbsp;Annhrwsiadus a. not dressynbsp;Annhrwyadl a, not thorough or completenbsp;Annhrwydded a, unlicensednbsp;Annhrybelid a, ineloquentnbsp;Annhryloew o, untransparentnbsp;Annhrywanadwy o, impenetrablenbsp;Annhuddo v, to uncovernbsp;Annhueddol a, impartialnbsp;Annhueilu v, to undecknbsp;Annhwng o, nonjuringnbsp;Annhwyllo v, to undeceivenbsp;Annhwyllodrus a, candid, honestnbsp;Annhwysgol a, unaccumulatingnbsp;Annhwythol a, unelastic [cessfulnbsp;Annhyciannus a, unauspicious; unsuc-Annhyciant n, unprosperity, non-successnbsp;Annhynged -ion nf misfortunenbsp;Annghyngedfen -oedd nf misfortunenbsp;Annhyngwr, wyr nonjurornbsp;Annhymmerus a, intemperatenbsp;Annhymmig a, premature, unseasonablenbsp;Annhymmoraidd a, unseasonablenbsp;Annhymmoreiddrwydd », inclemencynbsp;Annhyner a, unkindly, harsh; tough, notnbsp;Annhywyll a, inobscurenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f tender
Anneddf a, lawless: nf, disorder Anneddf a, f ëydd, fan, nfy dwelling-placenbsp;Anneddfolder immoralitynbsp;Anneddiad n, residing, residencenbsp;Anneddle -oedd n, dwelling-placenbsp;Anneddu v, to dwell, to residenbsp;Annefnyddiol a, unsubstantial, uselessnbsp;Annefod -au nf, lack of ceremonynbsp;Annefodol a, unceremonialnbsp;Anneffro a, unawakenbsp;Anneheuder n, indexteritynbsp;Anneilio v, to drop leavesnbsp;Anneillduoldeb n, inseparabilitynbsp;Anneiryd a, irrelevantnbsp;Anneisyfol o, unrequestingnbsp;Annel-autension; prop; agin, Rhoinbsp;gwaew ar annel, to couch a lancenbsp;Anneliad n, stretching; aimingnbsp;Annelog a, on the bend; bent; aimingnbsp;Annelu r, to bend; to stretch; to aimnbsp;Annelwig a, shapeless, unformed. An-nelwig ddefnydd, embryo, foetusnbsp;Anner, neirod nf, heifernbsp;Annerbynioldeb «, unacceptablenessnbsp;Annerth n, impotencenbsp;Annestl a. indelicate; inelegantnbsp;Aunestledd n, indelicacy; inelegancenbsp;Annewisol a, ineligible; undesirablenbsp;Annewr a, irresolute; cowardnbsp;Annhaeniad a, inexpansionnbsp;Annhaemi «, lack of importunitynbsp;Annhangnefedd n, want of peacenbsp;Annhalmedd n, non-impressionnbsp;Annhanadwy a, unignitablenbsp;Aunhaw a, unsilent, untacitnbsp;Annhawel a, not calm, unsilentnbsp;Annhebyg a, unlike, dissimilarnbsp;Annhebygol a, improbable, unlikelynbsp;Aunheg a, unfair, unjustnbsp;Aunhegwch n, unfairnessnbsp;Annheilwng a, unworthynbsp;Annheimlad n, apathy, insensibilitynbsp;Annheithig a, void of facultiesnbsp;Annhelaid a, incompact; ungracefulnbsp;Annhelediw a, ungraceful. Cyfiafannbsp;annhelediw, a horrid catastrophenbsp;Annheredd n, impuritynbsp;Annherfyn a, boundless, infinitenbsp;Aunherfynol a, infinitive; infinite,nbsp;boundless; endless. Modd annher-fynol, infinitive moodnbsp;Annherfysgol 0, untumultuonsnbsp;Annherwyn a, not ferventnbsp;Annhesog a, void of sanheatnbsp;Annheuluog a, undome^ticnbsp;Annhiriog a, void of landnbsp;Annhirion a, ungentle; cruel
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Annïangol a, unescaped [revenge Annïal, Annïaledd n, being withoutnbsp;Annïaledig a, unrevengednbsp;Annïarebol, Annïarebus a, unproverbialnbsp;Anniau a, uncertain, dubiousnbsp;Annïasp, Annïaspad a, without shoutsnbsp;Annïaspedain v, to cease from shoutingnbsp;or screaming Annibech a, not sinless, peccable Annibellt a, not incompactnbsp;Annibiog a, unskirtednbsp;Annibyniad, iaid «, independentnbsp;Annibyniaeth n/, independencenbsp;Annibynol a, independentnbsp;Annibynwr, wyr n, independentnbsp;Annicra a, unsatiatednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cere Annichellgar a, guileless; candid; sin-Annichon, Annichonadwy a, impossible Annichonedd », impossibilitynbsp;Anniddig a, uncontented; peevishnbsp;Anniddigrwydd n, peevishnessnbsp;Anniddos a, not secured from wetnbsp;Anniddymol a, indefeasiblenbsp;Annïelwig a, uncontemnednbsp;Annieii a, unhandsomenbsp;Annïen a, uncertain, dubiousnbsp;Annieurwydd «, uncertaintynbsp;Annifaedd n, undestructivenessnbsp;Annifai a, not blamelessnbsp;Annifant n, perennitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[able Annifrol a, unconsuming; unconsum-Annifeirioi a, innumerable [petual Anniflan, Anniflanol a, unfading; per-Annitianadwy a, immarcessiblenbsp;Anniflanu v, to cease disappearing; notnbsp;Auniflas a, not tasteless [to fade awaynbsp;Annifrif a, unsedatenbsp;Annifro a, unbanishednbsp;Annifrodol o, undilapidatingnbsp;Anniffeithiol a, undesolatingnbsp;Anniffer, Annifteriog a, unprotectingnbsp;Annifflais a, insecurenbsp;Anniffoduadwy a, unquenchablenbsp;Anniffred a, defencelessnbsp;Anniffygiadwy a, indefectiblenbsp;Annigiol a, unofi’endingnbsp;Annigonedd n, insufficiencynbsp;Annigrifol a, unamusingnbsp;Annileadwy a, indeliblenbsp;Annilynol a, inconsequentnbsp;Annilys a, uncertain, not surenbsp;Annillyn a, inelegantnbsp;Annillynu v, to make inelegantnbsp;Annïodgar a, not gjven to drinknbsp;Anniofal a, not carelessnbsp;Annïog a, unslothful, not idlenbsp;Anniogel a, insecure, unsafe |
Annïol, Annïoledig a, unobliterated Annïolchgar a, ungrateful, unthankfulnbsp;Annïolor a, unexterminatingnbsp;Annïosg a, not disarrayednbsp;Annlrgel a, unconcealed, not secretnbsp;Anniriol a, unimpulsivenbsp;Annirmygol a, undespicablenbsp;Annirnadiad n, inapprehensionnbsp;Annirper a, unnecessarynbsp;Annirprwyol o, unsupplying [nencynbsp;Annirwest Annirwestwch n, inabsti-Annirwyol a, not liable to penaltynbsp;Anniryw a, undegeneratenbsp;Annisberod a, undispersednbsp;Annisborth a, unconsumptivenbsp;Annisbwyll a, not indiscreetnbsp;Annisgynol a, undescendingnbsp;Annistrywiol a, undestructivenbsp;Anniwair a, unchaste, incontinentnbsp;Anniwallus a, unsatiatingnbsp;Anniwedd a. endless, infinitenbsp;Anniweirdeb n. incontinencenbsp;Anniwyd a, not diligent, indolentnbsp;Anniwyg n, bad habit; disordernbsp;Anniwygiol a. unreformingnbsp;Anniwylliedig a, uncultivatednbsp;Anniwyn a, inviolatenbsp;Annod -au n. stop, delay; suspensionnbsp;Annod, Annodi v, to suspend, to delay. Annod y gyfraith, to make void a suit Annoeth a, unwise, imprudentnbsp;Annoethineb n, indiscretionnbsp;Annoti V, to become refractory [mentnbsp;Annog V, to incite; to exhort: incite-Annogaeth rif, admonition, exhortationnbsp;Annogiad w, inciting; incitementnbsp;Annognedd n, incompetencenbsp;Annogol, Annogus incitingnbsp;Annolurus a, unpainful [talentednbsp;Annoniog a, giftless, ungifted, notnbsp;Annos n, driving, chasingnbsp;Annos v, to drive, to chase, to incitenbsp;Annosbarth a, unclassed; indistinct;nbsp;Annuli a, void of form [indiscreetnbsp;Annuw a, atheistic; faithlessnbsp;Annuw -iaid, Annuwiad, iaid n, atheist,nbsp;Annuwiaeth «ƒ atheismnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[infidel Annuwiol a, ungodly, godless Annuwioldeb n, ungodlinessnbsp;Annwf n, Annwn n, the lowest state in thenbsp;circle of transmigration (according tonbsp;the bardic doctrine of metempsychosis) ; the lowest point of existence;nbsp;lowest hell; hell; tne bottomless pit;nbsp;the great abyss; the deep; the lowernbsp;regions; the state or receptacle ofnbsp;the dead |
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ANN ANO Anoluddiol a, unobstructed Anolwg a, sightless, eyelessnbsp;AnoJygiadol a, unspeculativenbsp;Anolygus a, unsightlynbsp;Anollyngedig a, unloosenednbsp;Aoommedd a, without refusalnbsp;Anorbwyliig a, not frantic [wealth Annwyd », cold, chillness. Cael yr an-nwyd, Dal yr annwyd, to catch cold. Mae wedi cael annwyd, he has caughtnbsp;cold. Twymyn annwyd, influenzanbsp;Annwydaidd a, chillynbsp;Annwydedd n, chillinessnbsp;Annwydo v, to get chillynbsp;Annwydog a, cold, chillynbsp;Annwyf n, ennui; a, listlessnbsp;Annwyn a, unkind ^ surlynbsp;Annwys a, unpressed; incompactnbsp;Annyben a, endless; untidy; slovenly; slow, dilatory; purposeless, confused Annybendod n, endlessness; tediousness; slovenliness, untidiness, confusion Annybenol a, inconclusivenbsp;Annybiyg a, unfoldednbsp;Annybryd a, not dismalnbsp;Annychryn a, fearless, undismayednbsp;AnnyehweJadwy a, irreversiblenbsp;Annychymmygol a, unimaginarynbsp;Annyddan a, comfortless, unhappynbsp;Annyfal a, indolent, lazy, heedlessnbsp;Annyfnig a, unusual, uncommonnbsp;Aunyfodaowy a, inaccessiblenbsp;Annyfrol a, not waterynbsp;Annyfyn a, unsummoned, uncitednbsp;Annygnad », being unafilictednbsp;Annygwydd a, without chancenbsp;Annygylchynol «, uncircumscribi/ignbsp;Annygymmodol a, unconciiiatorynbsp;Annygyrchedig a, unapproached, unre-Annyheurad n, inassertion [sortednbsp;Annyhewyd «, want of devotionnbsp;Annyhuddiant n, implacabilitynbsp;Annyled -ion that is not due; pretended debt Annyledog a, not having claim Annyiedus a, unincumbent; unduenbsp;Annymchweladwy a, not returnablenbsp;Annymunol o, undesirablenbsp;Annynog a, unmanly, cowardnbsp;Annynoi a, inhuman, cruelnbsp;Annynsawd a, impersonalitynbsp;Annynsodol a, impersonal ^nbsp;Annynwaredol a, unimitativenbsp;Annyoddefadwy a, insutferablenbsp;Annyryswch n, imperplexitynbsp;Annysbeidiol a, unihtermittingnbsp;Annysbendod -au «, inconcJosivenessnbsp;Annysbwylliant«, irrationalitynbsp;Annysg n, lack of learningnbsp;Annysgedig a, unlearned, untaughtnbsp;Annysglaer a, not brightnbsp;Annysgwyliad n, inexpectationnbsp;Annysgymmod n, discordancenbsp;Annystaw a, not silent |
Annyundeb n, disagreement Annyuno r, to disagreenbsp;Annywalder n, want of ferocitynbsp;Annywedadwy a, unspeakablenbsp;Annyweddïaeth nf, celibacynbsp;Annyweddog a, unconjugalnbsp;Annywyllyniog a, uncultivatednbsp;Anobaith n, despairnbsp;Anobeithiad n, desperationnbsp;Ancbeithio v, to despairnbsp;Anobeithiol a, hopeless, despairingnbsp;Anobeithlawn a, unhopefulnbsp;Anober -ion n, triflenbsp;Anoberi n, mere nothingnbsp;Anobrwy a unrequited, unrewardednbsp;Anobryo a, void of reward or desertnbsp;Anobwyli a, improvidentnbsp;Anochel, Anocheladwy a, unavoidable,nbsp;Anodidog a, unexcelling [inevitablenbsp;Anodinebus a, unadulterousnbsp;Anodoriant, iannau n, non-interruptionnbsp;Anoclrig a, undilatorynbsp;Anoddefadwy a insufferablenbsp;Anoddefol a, intolerablenbsp;Anoddeu -on n, unintentional actnbsp;Anoddyfn, Anoddyn -au n, abyss; thenbsp;deep. Dwfranoddyfn,very deep waternbsp;Anoeth -au n, incomprehensibility; difficult action or adventure Anofal a, careless; imprudentnbsp;Anofidiol a. untroublednbsp;Anofnog, Anofnus a, fearlessnbsp;Anofwyedig a, unvisitednbsp;Anofyddol a, undisciplinary; unphilo-sophical; unscientificnbsp;Anofynol a, uuinquisitive; unnecessarynbsp;Anoganol a, unsatincalnbsp;Anogawn a, insatiatenbsp;Anogonol a, ingloriousnbsp;Anogwydd a, disinclinednbsp;Anogyfio tgt;, to make unequalnbsp;Anogyfred a, of unequal pacenbsp;Anohebol a, uncorrespondingnbsp;Anoleilhiog a, of no slight havocnbsp;Anolesg a, unenfeeblednbsp;Anoleu a, indistinct; gloomy, duskynbsp;Anolo a, ineftectual; voidnbsp;Anolrhain a, trackless I be tracednbsp;Anolrheinadwy a, unsearchable; not tonbsp;Anolud, Anoludog a, poor, destitute of |
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Anrheithio v, to prey, to spoil, to plunder to pillage, to depredatenbsp;Anrheithiol a, depredatingnbsp;Anrheithiwr, wyr n, desolatornbsp;Anrheithoddef n, in the Welsh laws, onenbsp;liable to have his property confiscated,nbsp;on account of having been foundnbsp;guilty of robbery, murder, amp;c.nbsp;Anrhiniol a, unmysteriousnbsp;Anrhinwedd n, want of virtuenbsp;Anrhithio to disappearnbsp;Anrhodresol a, unostentatiousnbsp;Anrhoddedig a, unbestowednbsp;Anrhull a, not lavish or freenbsp;Anrhusog a, not apt to startnbsp;Anrhwydd a, not free, difficultnbsp;Anrhwygadwy a, illacerable; illaceratenbsp;Anrhwyin a, unbound, untiednbsp;Anrhwysog a, unvigorousnbsp;Anrhwysgol a, unswayingnbsp;Anrhwystrus a, unobstructivenbsp;Anrhyal n, breednbsp;Anrhybuddiedig a, unforewarnednbsp;Anrhydedd -au n, honour; precedencenbsp;Anrhydeddiad », honouring, payingnbsp;respect
Anrhydeddocau v, to honour, to revere Anrhydeddoi a, honouringnbsp;Anrhydeddu a, to honournbsp;Anrhydeddus a, honourable. Gwirnbsp;anrhydedüus, right honourablenbsp;Anrhyddedig a, unliberatednbsp;Anrhyddid a, void of libertynbsp;Anrhyeddog a, unsuperfiuousnbsp;Anrhyfeddol a, not marvellousnbsp;Anrhyfygus a, unpresumingnbsp;Anrhythedig a, undistendednbsp;Ansadrwydd n, instabilitynbsp;Ansafadwy a, unstable, unfixed; ficklenbsp;Ansangedig a, untramplednbsp;Ansail a, baselessnbsp;Ansalw a, not vile or meannbsp;Ansarddol a, unchidingnbsp;Ansarhaus a, uninsultingnbsp;Ansarig a, not froward or surlynbsp;Ansathredig a, untroddennbsp;Ansawd, sodion, sodau nc, being, personnbsp;Ansawdd, soddau, soddion,nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;con
dition, state; quality. Ansawdd dam-weiniol, accidental quality; adjective Ansefydlog a,unstationary; ticklenbsp;Anseibiant tz, want of leisurenbsp;Anseiliedig a, unfoundednbsp;Anseiniol a, unresoundingnbsp;Anseirchiog a, unharnessednbsp;Anseithug a, unfrustratednbsp;Ansenol a, unrebuked
Anorchafus a, unexaited Anorchestol a, unexceliingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ble
Anorcbfygol a, unconquerable, invinci-Anorchuddio v, to uncover Anorchwylog a, unemployednbsp;Auorddwyol a, inoppressivenbsp;Anoresgynadwy a, unconquerablenbsp;Anorfod a, unsurmounted; invinciblenbsp;Anoriog a, unfickle; sedatenbsp;Anormeiiiad n, inoppressionnbsp;Anormesol a, unmolestingnbsp;Anorphen a, endless, infinite; unfinishednbsp;Anorphennod -au n/, hyphennbsp;Anorphenol a, imperfect; uncompleted.
Amser anorphenol, imperfect tense Anorphwyllog a, undistractednbsp;Anorphwys a, restless, unquietnbsp;Anorsafol a, unstationarynbsp;Anorseiddiog a, unsedentarynbsp;Anorthous, Anorthoawl a, unshelteringnbsp;Anorthrechol a, unsubduingnbsp;Anorthrymiad n, inoppressionnbsp;Anorweddol a, unrecumbentnbsp;Anosgeddig a, uncomely, unsightlynbsp;Anosgo a, unstarting; undauntednbsp;Anosodedig a, undepositednbsp;Anosteg a, unsilent, unquietnbsp;Anostyngol a, unsubjectednbsp;Anras n, gracelessness; mischief; thenbsp;evil principle
Anraslawn, Anrasol a, graceless; nefarious, iinpious=Diras Anrhadlawn a, ungraciousnbsp;Anrhagder n, nonresistancenbsp;Anrhagddarbodus a, unforeseeingnbsp;Aiirhagddarpar a, unpreparednbsp;AnrhagflaenoJ a, unanticipatingnbsp;Anrhaghanfodol a, not pre-existentnbsp;Anrhagluniaethol a, not providentialnbsp;Anrhagorol a, not excellingnbsp;Anrhagrithiol a, not hypocriticalnbsp;Anrhaith, rheithiau n/, pillage; pre^,nbsp;spoil; distress. Anrhaith gribddaii,nbsp;a total confiscation. Anrhaith oddef,nbsp;confiscation of movablesnbsp;Anrhanog a, unparticipatingnbsp;Anrhed a, positive, determined, obstinatenbsp;Anrhedu r, to oppose, to staynbsp;Anrheg -ion present, giftnbsp;Anrhegiad presentingnbsp;Anrhegol a, presentingnbsp;Anrhegu v, to present, to givenbsp;Anrheidiol a, not necessarynbsp;Anrheidus a, not necessitousnbsp;Anrheithgar a, depredatorynbsp;Anrheithi n. uncontrolled statenbsp;Anrheithiad depredation, spoiling
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Anserch want of love; hatred Anserchog a, void of lovenbsp;Anserchogi v, to become lovelessnbsp;Anserchu vi, to cease lovingnbsp;Anserfyll v, not crazynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mute Ansiaradus a, not loquacious; silent, Ansicr a, uncertain Ansigladwy a, firm, unshakable, stead-Ansiomgar a, undeceiving nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fast Ansodi v, to personify Ansoaiad n, personificationnbsp;Ansodol a, personoinbsp;Ansodwedd -an nf, prosopopoeianbsp;Ansoddadwy a, qualifiabienbsp;Ansoddair, eiriau adjective f qualifynbsp;Ansoddi u, to endow with quality; tonbsp;Ansoddiad n, qualificationnbsp;Ansoddol a, component; qualifyingnbsp;Ansoniarus a, not sonorousnbsp;Ansoriant n, lack of pleasurenbsp;Ansyberw a, uncourteousnbsp;Anysberwyd w, incivilitynbsp;Ansylw inadvertencenbsp;Ansylweddol a, unsubstantialnbsp;Ansymmudoldeb n, immobilitynbsp;Ansyniad n, inadvertencynbsp;Ansynwyr n, want of sense, nonsensenbsp;Ansyrthiol a, not apt to fallnbsp;Ant (^ant) v, they will go. See Afnbsp;Anterth n, the forenoonnbsp;Antur -ion n, attempt; venturenbsp;Antur ad, scarcely, hardlynbsp;Anturiaeth nf, enterprise, attemptnbsp;Anturio v, to venture, to attemptnbsp;Anturjog a, enterprisingnbsp;Anturioi a, adventurous, daring, boldnbsp;Ann vi, to contain, to holdnbsp;Anudon «, false oath, perjurynbsp;Anudoniaeth n, perjurynbsp;Anudonog a, forsworn, perjurednbsp;Anudonol a, falsely swearingnbsp;Anufudd a, disobedientnbsp;Anufudd-dod n, disobediencenbsp;Annfuddgar a, disobedientnbsp;Anufuddhau v, to disobeynbsp;Anundeb n, disunionnbsp;Anuniawn a, indirect, not straightnbsp;Anuniondeb n, indirectnessnbsp;Anuno v, to disunite, to separatenbsp;Anunol a, disagreeingnbsp;Anurddas n, dishonour, degradationnbsp;Anurddasol a, dishonourablenbsp;Anurddasu v, to dishonour; to degradenbsp;Anurddo v, to deprive of orders; to marnbsp;Anwadadwy a, undeniablenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing Anwadal a, unsteady, inconstant, waver-Anwadalder n, unsteadiness, fickleness |
Anwadalu v, to act inconstantly Anwadaiwch n, fickleness, inconstancynbsp;Anwaddodlyd a, unfeculent, dreglessnbsp;Anwaddol, Anwaddolog a, dowerlessnbsp;Anwaei a, not vile, not basenbsp;Anwaered n, ascentnbsp;Anwaeredd «, incontinencynbsp;Anwahaniad n, indiscriminationnbsp;Anwahanred a, uncharacteristic; indiscriminate Anwahardüus a, unprohibitory Anwair a, incontineiit, unchastenbsp;Anwaith n, inactionnbsp;Anwar a, ungentle; arrogant; savage,nbsp;barbarous, uncivilised, wildnbsp;Anwaradwyddus a, not disgracefulnbsp;Anwaredol a, not delivering [barbaritynbsp;Anwaredd n, ungentleness; savageness,nbsp;Anwarthruddol a, unignorainiousnbsp;Anwarthus a, shamelessnbsp;Anwasanaethol a, unserviceablenbsp;Anwasgar a, unscatterednbsp;Anwasgodol a, unshelterednbsp;Anwastad a, uneven, not even; unsteady,nbsp;inconstant, unstable, fickienbsp;Anwatwar a, underidingnbsp;Anwe -oedd nf, woof [monstrousnbsp;Anwead n, steam: a, shapeless, formless,nbsp;Anweddaidd a, unseemly, indecentnbsp;Anw'eddog a, unyoked; unmarried,nbsp;unwedded. Alerch anweddog, spinster.nbsp;Mab anweddog, bachelornbsp;Anweddog -ion nc, unmarried personnbsp;Anweddogaeth nf, celibacynbsp;Anweddol a, immoderatenbsp;Anweddus a, unbeseeming, unbecomingnbsp;Anweinyddol a, unconductivenbsp;Anwel a, invisible; unseennbsp;Anweladwy a, invisible; out of sightnbsp;Aiiweiedig a, unseen, not seennbsp;Anwelladw^ a, incorrigible; incurablenbsp;Anwenwynig a, unpoisonousnbsp;Aiiwes n, indulgence; peevishness. Capel anwes, chapel of ease Anwesog a, indulgent; peevishnbsp;Anwir a, untrue, lying, false; wickednbsp;Anwir -iaid n, wicked one [iniquitynbsp;Anwiredd -au n, untruth, falsehood;nbsp;Anwireddol, Anwireddus a, untruthful,nbsp;false, lying; iniquitousnbsp;Anwiro v, to falsifynbsp;Anwirion a, not innocentnbsp;Anwirionedd n, untruthnbsp;Anwiw a, unworthy; uselessnbsp;Anwladaidd, Anwledig a, not rusticnbsp;Anwledychiad n, misgovernmentnbsp;Anw’neuthuradwy a, impracticablenbsp;31 |
Anwyr a, unoblique, uncurved Anwyrthiol a, not miraculousnbsp;Anwysedig a, unsummoned, uncitednbsp;Anwystledig a, unpledgednbsp;Anwythol a, not ferociousnbsp;Anwywder n, unfadingnessnbsp;Anwywig w, mossy tillseanbsp;Anymadroddus a, not talkative, taciturnnbsp;Anymarbed a, incontinentnbsp;Anymarfer a, unaccustomednbsp;Anymarfoll a, unconfederatenbsp;Anymaros a, unforbearingnbsp;Anymarous a, impatientnbsp;Anymatebol a, irresponsivenbsp;Anymattalus a, incontinentnbsp;Anymbleidiol a, impartialnbsp;Anymborthol a, unalimentarynbsp;Anymbrofol a, unexperimentalnbsp;Anymchweladwy a, irreversiblenbsp;Anymdaenol a, inexpansivenbsp;Anymdrechol a, uncontentiousnbsp;Anymddibyniaeth nf, independencenbsp;Anymddibynoi a, independentnbsp;Anymddibynwr, wyr independentnbsp;Anymddiried n, diifidence; mistrustnbsp;Anymddiried v, to mistrustnbsp;Anymddygiad n, misdemeanournbsp;Anymeirioi a, undeprecatingnbsp;Anymgadw a, inabstinentnbsp;Anymgais lack of exertionnbsp;Anymgeledd want of cherishingnbsp;Anymgyfred a, uncoincidentnbsp;Anymgyffred a, incomprehensiblenbsp;Anymgynnal a, incontinentnbsp;Anymgynnwys a, incontinentnbsp;Anymgyrchol a, incongressivenbsp;Anymhyrddol a, inconcussivenbsp;Anymladdgar a, not apt to fightnbsp;Anymlediad «, inexpansionnbsp;Anymliwiol a, not unbraidingnbsp;Anymlynol a, inadherentnbsp;Anymmodiad immobilitynbsp;Anymofynol a, uninquisitivenbsp;Anymogel a, incautiousnbsp;Anymorchestiad w, ceasing to emulatenbsp;Anymorchudd a, unsecludednbsp;Anymranol a, unschismaticnbsp;Anymrithiol a, undisguisingnbsp;Anymroad n, non-resignationnbsp;Anymroddiad inapplicationnbsp;AnymrysonoJ a, not contentiousnbsp;Anymsyniad n, inconsiderationnbsp;Anymuniad n, disunionnbsp;Anymwad a, unrenouncednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sett
Anymwaredus a, unable to save one’s Anymweddiad w, non-compliancenbsp;Anymwthgar a, inobtrusivenbsp;32
Anwogawn a, impotent, inlirm Anwr -wyr n, sorry fellow, fribblenbsp;Anwreigaidd a, ineffeminatenbsp;Anwresog a, unfervid; not wantonnbsp;Anwrol a, unmanly; cowardlynbsp;Anwroldeb, Anwrolder «, unmanliness,nbsp;invlrility; cowardicenbsp;Anwrteithiol a, uncultivatednbsp;Anwrthblaid a, unopposednbsp;Anwrthbrawf a, unrefutednbsp;Anwrthdro a, unrecurrentnbsp;Anwrthebol a, unreplyingnbsp;Anwrthgas a, unperversenbsp;Anwrthgil a, unrecedingnbsp;AnwrthJadd a, unresistingnbsp;Anwrthneidiol a, unresilientnbsp;Anwrthneugar a, unrefusingnbsp;Anwrthnysig a, unrefractorynbsp;Anwrthodadwy a, unrejectablenbsp;Anwrthredol a, unretrogradenbsp;Anwrthrynol a, unresistingnbsp;Anwrthsafiad n, inoppositionnbsp;Anwrthun a, undeformednbsp;Anwrthwynebadwy a, irrefragable, indisputable, incontrovertiblenbsp;Anwrthwynebol a, inopposingnbsp;Anwrysiad ra, incontentionnbsp;Amwrywio w, to emasculatenbsp;Anwybod -au ignorancenbsp;Anwybodaeth nf, ignorancenbsp;Anwybodus, Anwybodol a, ignorantnbsp;Anwybodusyn, usion n,, ignoramusnbsp;Anwybyddiaeth rif, inconsciousnessnbsp;Anwych a, not brave; infirmnbsp;Anwychr a, irresolute, not gallantnbsp;Anwyd -au n, temper; dispositionnbsp;Anwydaidd a, affecting, disposingnbsp;Anwydiad dispositionnbsp;Anwydol a, temperamentalnbsp;Anwydd n, steam=Anwedd [dear menbsp;Anwyl a, beloved, dear. 0’r anwyl,nbsp;Anwylad, Anwylawd n, endearingnbsp;Anwylaelh nf, endearmentnbsp;Anwylaidd a, endearing, lovelynbsp;Anwyldeb, Anwylder, Anwyldra, An-wyledd n, belovedness, dearnessnbsp;Anwyiddyn -ion », sweetheart; favouritenbsp;Anwylhau v, to endearnbsp;Anwyliaid njp, beloved onesnbsp;/Anwylo v, to become lovelynbsp;Anwylid -on wc, beloved one; sweetheartnbsp;Anwylyd n, love, endearment, friendshipnbsp;Anwylyn n, favouritenbsp;Anwyll a, inobscure, not gloomynbsp;Anwyllt a, unwild, not furiousnbsp;Anwymp a, unbeauteous: y) anwempnbsp;Anwyn a, unimpassioned
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Anymyrgar, Anymyrol, Anymyrus a, inofficious, not intermeddling Anymyrgarwch n, inofficiousnessnbsp;Anynad a, peevish, petulentnbsp;Anynadrwydd n, petulencenbsp;Anynawd a, petulent, fractiousnbsp;Anyni n, inertia Anysbaith a, without circumspection Anysbeiiiog a, not predatorynbsp;Anysplenydd a. unresplendentnbsp;Anysborthol a, unsustainingnbsp;Anysbryd -ion n ghost, apparitionnbsp;Anysbrydol a, unspiritualnbsp;Anysgogol a, unmovable, fixednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ten Anysgrifedig, Anysgrifenedig a,unwrit-Anysgrythyrol a, unscriptural Anysgyfrith a, unfeignednbsp;Anysgymmod n, dissentionnbsp;Anystig a, unassiduousnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness Anystryw n, want of cunning, unwili-Anystumiad n, inflexibility, rigidity Anystwyth a, unpliabie, rigid, inflexiblenbsp;Anystwytho v, to grow stiff, to stiffennbsp;Anystyniad w, inextension [rashnessnbsp;Anystyriaeth nf, inconsiderateness;nbsp;Anystyrio », to be inconsideratenbsp;Anystyriol a, inconsiderate, thoughtless; heedless; rashnbsp;Anystywallt, Anystywell o, untoward,nbsp;Apostol -ion 71, apostle [unmanageablenbsp;Apostoliaeth apostlesUipnbsp;Appèl, Appeliad ti, appealnbsp;Appelio r, to appealnbsp;Appwyntio ®, to appointnbsp;Ar (Sr) -oedd n, surface; ploughed landnbsp;Ar nf^ the faculty of speechnbsp;Arpr, on, upon; over. Ar draws, crosswise. Ar i fyny, upwards. Ar inbsp;waered, downwards. Ar y goreu, atnbsp;best. Ar y lleiaf, rather too little.nbsp;Ar y mwyaf, rather too much. Arnbsp;gerddcd, going on. See Amnbsp;Ar px, gives intensity to the signification of words; very, great, high; arch-Arab a, joyous, merry; pleasant; witty,nbsp;jocular; drollnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tiousness, wit Arabedd n, jocundity, drollery, face-Arabeddiaith «ƒ, pleasing discourse; wit Arabeddu v, to create mirth; to jestnbsp;Arabeddus a, facetious; burlesquenbsp;Arabhawl vf. trifling action at lawnbsp;Arabol a, yielding mirth; wittynbsp;Arabwr, wyr ». jester, buffoonnbsp;Arad, eryd, Aradr, erydr, ereidr 7t,nbsp;plough. Amaeth aradr, ploughmannbsp;Aradiad n, tillage, ploughingnbsp;Aradol a, ploughing; arablenbsp;3 |
Aradu v, to plough, to till=Aredig Aradwr, wyr w, ploughmannbsp;Aradwy a, arable: n, ploughing [speechnbsp;Araeth, Araith, areithiau nf^ oration,nbsp;Araf a, slow, soft, mild, still. Yn arafnbsp;deg, gently and slowly; by degreesnbsp;Arafaidd a, rather slow; gentle, softnbsp;Arafedd n, slownessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[come slow Arafeiddio v, to slacken pace; to be-Arafu V, to go slower; to moderate Arafwch slowness: mildnessnbsp;Arail a, attending; managingnbsp;Arail v, to attend; to look after; to agreenbsp;Arain o, eloquent; pretty; pertnbsp;Arail, ereiii a, another, other [phrasenbsp;Araliair, eiriau, Aralleiriad -au n, para-Araileg -au 72, allegorynbsp;Arahegol a, allegoricalnbsp;Arallegu v, to allegorizenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[freely Aralleirio v, to paraplirase; to translate Aralliad 72, alteration; conveyancenbsp;Arallrwydd n, altermtynbsp;Arallu V, to alter; to invert; to transfernbsp;Arallus a, altering; invertingnbsp;Aramred -ion n, perambulation [rentnbsp;Aramledol a, ambulatory, circumcur-Aran -au high place, alpnbsp;Arau 72, plain falsehoodnbsp;Araul a, serene; pleasant; sunnynbsp;Araw u, to wait, to attend [speechnbsp;Arawd, rodion eloquence; oration,nbsp;Arawn, aronau 72, eloquence; oratorynbsp;Araws ad, almost; scarcelynbsp;Arbai, beion 72, prospectnbsp;Arbais, beisiau upper coat; safeguardnbsp;Arbaith, beithiau 72, perspectivenbsp;Arbawr, borion nf^ kitchen gardennbsp;Arbed, Arbedu to spare, to savenbsp;Arbedol a, sparing, savingnbsp;Arbeiol a, prospectivenbsp;Arbeithig a, perspective; perspicuousnbsp;Arbel -au nf^ convex formnbsp;Arbellt ti, what is rounded overnbsp;Arbellus a, compact; roundnbsp;Arben -iaid -au 72, sovereignnbsp;Arbenaeth nf^ sovereigntynbsp;Arbenig, Arbenigol a, principal; excellent; superior; peculiar; especialnbsp;Arbenigedd, Arbenigrwydd n, supremacy, excellency; peculiaritynbsp;Aroenog o, principal, supremenbsp;Arbenol o, sovereign, supremenbsp;Arbenor -ion n, principal [greatlynbsp;Arberyglu », to endanger, to hazardnbsp;Arbetrus o, very dubious or doubtfulnbsp;Arbetruso r, to doubt muchnbsp;Arblaid, bleidiau nf, sect, factionnbsp;33 |
Arbod n, forecast, foresight Arbram, breiniau n, great banquetnbsp;Arbres great hurrynbsp;Arbrestledd n, witty discoursenbsp;Arbrinder n, great scarcitynbsp;Arbrydus a, very comelynbsp;Arbwyll -ion reasonnbsp;Arbwylleb, Arbwylleg nf, logicnbsp;Arbylu v, to blunt greatlynbsp;Arch, eirchion, archau nj\ request, petition, demand; commandnbsp;Arch, eirch nf, trunk, chest; ark. Archnbsp;y cyfammod, the ark of the covenantnbsp;Arch -au n, an arch. Llys yr Archau,nbsp;Court of Arches. Deon yr Archau,nbsp;Dean of the Archesnbsp;Archjja;, chief topmost, principal, arch-Archadw v, to guard carefullynbsp;Archaeddon -iaid w, archdeaconnbsp;Archafad n. exaltationnbsp;Archafael v, to exalt, to raisenbsp;Archangel, Arangel, ylion «, archangelnbsp;Archan nf, deprecationnbsp;Archar a, chiding, rebukingnbsp;Archdeyrn ?i, monarchnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[monarchy
Archdeyrnaeth, Archdeyrnogaeth nf, Archdeyrnol a, monarchial, monarchicalnbsp;Archddiacon -laid n, archdeaconnbsp;Archddug -iaid archdukenbsp;Archdduges -au nf, archduchessnbsp;Archddugiaeth nf archdukedom; arch-Archddu^ol a, archducal [duchynbsp;Archeb -ion nf ordernbsp;Archedig a, demanded, requirednbsp;Archedigaeth nf requisitionnbsp;Archedigol a, imperativenbsp;Archen -au nf shoenbsp;Arciienad n, apparel, clothing, raimentnbsp;Archenu v, to put on shoesnbsp;Archenydd n, shoemakernbsp;Archesgob -ion archbishopnbsp;Archesgobaeth nf, archbishopricnbsp;Archesgobawdjbodaun/jarchiepiscopatenbsp;Archesgobdy, dai nf archbishop’s palacenbsp;Archfain a, slender-waistednbsp;Archgrwn am, round-bodied: f archnbsp;Archiad n, demanding; charge [gronnbsp;Archiagon -iaid n, archdeaconnbsp;Archlawd a, empty-belliednbsp;Archlen -au nf the loin or waistnbsp;Archlyfn a, sleek-bodiednbsp;Archmain », thrift (in botany)nbsp;Archoft’eiriad, iaid «, high priestnbsp;Archoil -ion, erchyll nf wound, cutnbsp;Archolladwy a, vulnerablenbsp;Archolledig a, woundednbsp;Archolli v, to wound, to gash, to cut
Archre np, raiment, clothes
Archreth, erchryth n, shivering Archro np, clothes, dressnbsp;Archwa -oedd nf steam; stenchnbsp;Archwaeth n, savour; tastenbsp;Archwaethu v, to taste; to savournbsp;Archwaethus a, savoury; tastefulnbsp;Archwareu -on n, disport, playnbsp;Archwyth -iaid n, houndnbsp;Archyliu v, to wound=Archollinbsp;Archyth n. eructation, belchingnbsp;Ardafod -au «, epiglottisnbsp;Ardal -oedd nf border of a country;
marches; region; province; neigh-Ardalaeth n, marquisate [bourhood Ardalm -oedd n, preparationnbsp;Ardalor -ion n, marquisnbsp;Ardalwr, wyr n, borderer; marquisnbsp;Ardalydd -ion n, marcher, marquisnbsp;Ardant «, clamorous, tumultuousnbsp;Ardawch a, hazy and sultrynbsp;Ardeb -au n, portraitnbsp;Ardebed n, the facenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nacle
Ardeml -au nf edifice, building; taber-Ardemlu v, to entertain Ardochi v, to become hazynbsp;Ardraws a, transverse, crossnbsp;Ardrem -iau nj, prospectnbsp;Ardremu v, to beUold, to surveynbsp;Aroremynt n. surveynbsp;Ardres n, labour, toil; troublenbsp;Ardresol a, laborious, toilingnbsp;Ardreth -i nf^ chief rate, taxnbsp;Ardrethol a, rated, taxednbsp;Ardrethu v, to rate, to taxnbsp;Ardud n, bordering landnbsp;Ardum n, form, image, figurenbsp;Ardumio v, to form; to organizenbsp;Ardumiol a, forming; organizingnbsp;Ardwy -on n, government; conductnbsp;Ardwyad, aid n, governor; controllernbsp;Ardwyo v, to govern, to managenbsp;Ardwyth re, elasticitynbsp;Ardwytho v, to render elasticnbsp;Ardymmer, Ardymmyr re, t3mperaturonbsp;Ardymmerol a, temperamentalnbsp;Ardymmeru v, to tempernbsp;Ardyst -ion re, open witness [tif/nbsp;Ardystio v, to certify, to witness; to tes-Ardystiolaeth nf protestationnbsp;Ardystiwr, Ardystwr, wyr re, protestant jnbsp;Ardywyn -ion re, splendid light [witnessnbsp;Ardd re, ploughed land=Arnbsp;Arddadgan v, to denounce; to proclaimnbsp;Arddadgudd -iau re, apocalypsenbsp;Arddadlu v, to plead, to debatenbsp;Arddadlwr, wyr re, pleader, advocate
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Arddangos v, to indicate, to represent Arüdan4.osfa -oedd n/, exhibition, shownbsp;Arddangos'.ad n, indication; exhibitionnbsp;Ardaangosoi a, inoicative, exhibitivenbsp;Arddal n, support, bearingnbsp;Arddal, Aradaiu v, to support, to bear upnbsp;Ardaamchwa -oedu, 7if. overwhelmingnbsp;Aradanneddog a, gag-toothednbsp;Arddansawda, Arudansoadiad n, ontology, metaphysics, the science of entitiesnbsp;ArdoansoQUol a, metaphysicalnbsp;Arddant, duannedd, ddaint n, gag-toothnbsp;Arduaw^d, ddodion n, prefix, adjunctnbsp;Arodawn ddoniau n, talentnbsp;AradeUig a, tilled, ploughednbsp;Arddeaufol a, institutionalnbsp;Arddeddf -au n/, institutenbsp;Aradefod -au rif. ceremonynbsp;Arddefodol a, ceremonialnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to 20 Arddegau np. teens; numbers from 10 Arddei, Ardaelw, Arddelwi v, to claim;nbsp;to assert; to avow Arddeiw n, claim; challenge; assertion Ardoelwad n, averment; avowalnbsp;Ardderch a, aloft, exaltednbsp;Arddercheda n, excellencenbsp;Ardderchog a, excellent, noble, exaltednbsp;Ardaerchogi v, to dignify, to ennoblenbsp;Arddiad a, ploughing, aration [dancenbsp;Arddigon superHuity, superabun-Arddigoni v, to make an excessnbsp;Arddigonol a, superabundant, excessivenbsp;Ardaisgyn v, to befall, to happennbsp;Araaisum a, diminutive, very smallnbsp;Aradisumol, Ardaisumig a, very smallnbsp;Arddodi v, to prefix; to imposenbsp;Arddodiad, iaid n, preposition; prefixnbsp;Arddodiad -au to, prefixion, imposition;nbsp;prothesis, Arddodiad dwylaw, thenbsp;imposition of handsnbsp;Arddodol, Arddodedigol a, prepositivenbsp;Arddoloch «, extreme woenbsp;Arddoniant, iannau to, great endowmentnbsp;Arddosbarth to, discretionnbsp;Arddrud a, intrepid, very boldnbsp;Arddrych -au nj. hemispherenbsp;Arddu a, very black or darknbsp;Arddu V, to plough, to tillnbsp;Arddufrych a, swarthynbsp;Arddug -iaid », archdukenbsp;Ardduges -au nf^ archduchess [domnbsp;Arddugiaeth wy, archduchy; archduke-ArOduil -iau «ƒ, form, image; stylenbsp;Arddun a, sublime; simplenbsp;Ardduniaith nf^ the subfime [nitynbsp;Ardduniant, iannau to, sublimity; dig-Ardduno to dignify; to revere |
Arddunog a, grand; sublime Arddunol «, unique; majestic; sublimenbsp;Ardduo v, to blacKen over ( dispositionnbsp;Arddwl, ddyiion », prevailing passion ornbsp;Arddwll, d^yllion to, gloom, loweringnbsp;Arddwr, wyr to, ploughmannbsp;Arddwriaeth nf, agriculturenbsp;Arddwrn, ddyrnau to, wristnbsp;Arddwy -on to, managementnbsp;Arddwyad, aid to, managernbsp;Arddwyo v, to managenbsp;Arddwyrain v, to be exaltednbsp;Arddwyre v, to extol; to elevatenbsp;Arddyar to, uproar, outcrynbsp;Arddygraff-ion «ƒ, orthographynbsp;Arddygraffol a, orthographicalnbsp;Arddygrattu v, to impress a character; to write a correct orthography Arddyled -ion nf^ obligation, dutynbsp;Arddyledog a, under obligationnbsp;Arddyledus a, highly incumbentnbsp;Aradylyniad to, adhesionnbsp;Arddyiiest nf^ veil of darkness, mysterynbsp;Arddymchwelyd v, to overwhelmnbsp;Arddymgeisio v, to strugglenbsp;Arddymnoddi v, to guard safelynbsp;Aradyoresgyn v, to cause a conquestnbsp;Arddyorfod v, to cause an overthrownbsp;Ardderch a, uplifted, exaltednbsp;Arddyrchaf a, exalting, dignifyingnbsp;Arddyrchafad, Arddyrchafael, Ar-ddyrchafiad to, aavancementnbsp;Arddyrchafiaeth nf^ supereminencenbsp;Arddyrchafu v, to highly exaltnbsp;Arddysbaid, beidiau to, discontinuitynbsp;Arddysbwylliad to, ratiocinationnbsp;Aradysg n, classical learningnbsp;Arddysglaer a, resplendent, splendidnbsp;Arddysgogan vf, prognosticnbsp;Arddysgori v, to scream violentlynbsp;Arddysgwyl v, to be in expectationnbsp;Arddysmeg -au nf, confabulationnbsp;Arddystaw a, very silent or calmnbsp;Arddystru a, greatly vexednbsp;Arddystyru v, to contemplatenbsp;Arddywal a, very ferociousnbsp;Areb -ion nf^ the faculty of speakingnbsp;Arebol a, fluent, witty, smartnbsp;Arebu v, to talk wittily or facetiouslynbsp;Arebydd -ion to, witty person [tillagenbsp;Aredig v, to plough, to till:», ploughing,nbsp;Areilio v, to attend, to guardnbsp;Areiliwr, eilwyrto, looker after; shepherdnbsp;Areitheb -ion to/J part of a sentence:nbsp;Areitheg nf, rhetoric f clause; periodnbsp;Areithfanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;oratory; pulpit; platform Areithio to harangue, to make a speech 35 |
Areitiiiol a, oratonai, oratorical Areithydo -ion n, oratornbsp;Areithvddiaeth nf, oratory; elocutionnbsp;Aren kidney. Arenau, reinsnbsp;Areiniol a, tending to be wittynbsp;Aresgob, Aresgobaeth, Aresgobawd. Ar-esgobdy, amp;c.=Archesgob, amp;c.nbsp;Areuledd n. serenitynbsp;Arf, arfau, eirf, nf, weapon. Arfaunbsp;boneda, ensigns armorial; coat armour. Tynu arfau, to blazon arms.nbsp;Arfau tSn, fire-arms. Arfau awch,nbsp;Arfau miniog, edged instruments;nbsp;cutlery. Arfau gwynion,white armournbsp;Arfaeth -au «ƒ aesign, purpose; decreenbsp;Arfaethoi a, intentionalnbsp;Arfaethu v, to design,to purpose[ ventivenbsp;Arfaethus a, purporting,designing; in-Arfaethwr, wyr n, designer, inventornbsp;Arfaid, feidiau n, wolfnbsp;Arfaidd a, adventurous, daringnbsp;Arfail, feiliau n, destruction, ruinnbsp;Arfal «, toll for grindingnbsp;Arfknol a impressivenbsp;Arfknu V, to impress, to marknbsp;Arfanwl a very accurate or exactnbsp;Arfarw, feirwon n, being deadnbsp;Arfawd fodau nf, stroke of a weaponnbsp;Arfdy, dai n, armourynbsp;Arfedd -ion n design, purpose; usenbsp;Arfedo tgt;, to intend; to accustomnbsp;Arfed dog, Arfeudol a, purposingnbsp;Arfeddu v. to intend; to usenbsp;Arfeddyd » design; usagenbsp;Arfeichio v, to give bail; to overburdennbsp;Arfeiddio v, to adventure, to darenbsp;Arfeilio r. to decaynbsp;Arfeiiyn -ion n, sashoonnbsp;Arfei -ion nf, design, portraiture. Ys-golioD arfei, schools of designnbsp;Arfelu V. to draw a likeness; to designnbsp;Arfeiydd -ion n, delineatornbsp;Arfer -ion nf, use, custom; fashionnbsp;Arfer v, to use, to accustomnbsp;Arferiad «, accustomingnbsp;Arferiad nf, use, custom, habitnbsp;Arferol a, customary, usual, ordinarynbsp;Arferoldeb n, usage, custumarinessnbsp;Arferu. Arferyd v, to use, to inurenbsp;Arfgeil -oedd nf armourynbsp;Arfien -i -au nf heraldic shieldnbsp;Arfiodeuad n, reflcrescencenbsp;Arfod nf opportunity, seasonnbsp;Arfodig a, convenient, timelynbsp;Arfodigaeth n, opportunitynbsp;Arfodog a, having opportunitynbsp;Arfodol a, opportune |
Arfoei a, bald-pated Arfoelaidd a. tending to baldness Arfoeledd, Arfoelni n, baldnessnbsp;Arfoeli r, to grow bald, to lose one’s hairnbsp;Arfog a, armed, bearing arms: «, hedge-Arfogaeth nf armournbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;( mustard Arfogaethu v, to put in arms, to arm Arfogai nc, the palmer or canker-wormnbsp;Arfogi V. to put in arms, to armnbsp;Arfogion np, armed mennbsp;Arfogwl nf dried skin on a post, withnbsp;pebules in it used to scare cattlenbsp;Arfoledd «, exultation, triumphnbsp;Arfoleddu v, to exult, to triumphnbsp;Arfoliant, iannau n, encomiumnbsp;Arfoioch a, troublesome, molestingnbsp;Arf oil -aunbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;reception, Tvelcome; con tract; promise Arfoliedigaeth nf reception [ceive Arfolli V, to entertain, to receive; to con-Arfor -ion n, armed one, soldiernbsp;Arfor -oedd n, the sea side: a, maritimenbsp;Arfordir -oedd n, maritime landnbsp;Arfordref -i -ydd nf maritime town,nbsp;seaport town Arfordwy -on nf maritime region Arforol a, maritime, seafaring [tivenbsp;Arfraint, freintiau, freiniau if preroga-Arfri -oedd «, high privilegenbsp;Arfrig -au n, top branch: cn, topsnbsp;Arfrisg -oedd w, track, printnbsp;Arfrith a, of variegated surfacenbsp;Arfriw -iau «, external woundnbsp;Aifrochell nf tempestnbsp;Arfrochi tgt;, to rave violentlynbsp;Arfrud -iau », chroniclenbsp;Arfrudiaeth nf chronologynbsp;Arfrwynio v, to ache greatlynbsp;Arfrych a, brindled, frecklednbsp;Arfrythwch », fierce onsetnbsp;Arfu V, to arm, to put in armsnbsp;Arfwisg -oedd nf armournbsp;Arfwll, fyllau n, great ardencynbsp;Arfysgafn a, light-armednbsp;Arfiea -au nf lap; forepartnbsp;AHtedaid, eidiau nf lapfulnbsp;Arffedog -au nf apronnbsp;Arffedog -ion nc, fosterer; guardiannbsp;Arffedogaeth nf fosteragenbsp;Arffordd, flfyrdd nf high or main roadnbsp;Arfforddi v, to direct the waynbsp;Arfforddol o, wayfaringnbsp;Argae -au n. stoppage; damnbsp;Argaedigaeth nf obstructionnbsp;Argaeol a, astringentnbsp;Argaeth a, enslaved, captivenbsp;Argan a, very bright |
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Arganfod v, to perceive; to fascinate Arganfod n. perception; fascinationnbsp;Arganlyn v, to accompany, to follownbsp;Arg^nu V to elucidatenbsp;Argau V, to enclose, to shut in [chequernbsp;Argedfa-oedd Tj/* Argedlys -oedd n, ex-Argedlen -i nf^ exchequer billnbsp;Argeisiad -au n, experimentnbsp;Argeisio v to endeavour, to try; to seeknbsp;Argeithig a, captivatednbsp;Argeithiw a in bondagenbsp;Argel -ion nf, sequestered place: a, se-Argeledd n, seclusion [eluded, hiddennbsp;Argelu V, to seclude, to secrete, to concealnbsp;Argiawdd n, embankmentnbsp;Argiedriad, iaid », protectornbsp;Argledru v. to ward, to defendnbsp;Arglon n, fame, renownnbsp;Arglodig a famous, renownednbsp;Argiudo V, to deportnbsp;Argludd a, obscure, gloomynbsp;Arglwydd -i n, lord, master. Yr Ar-glwvdd Dduw, the Lord Godnbsp;Arglwyades -au nfy ladynbsp;Argiwvddiaeth nf, dominion; lordshipnbsp;Argiwyddiaethu, Arglwyddo r, tonbsp;govern; to domineer, to lord it overnbsp;Arglwvddwialen, wiail nf, sceptrenbsp;ArgJyt)od to get noticenbsp;Arglyw n, the sense of hearingnbsp;Arglywed v, to hear ofnbsp;Argnif n, ardent labournbsp;Argnoi V to chew, to masticatenbsp;Argob -au nf surtout, overcoatnbsp;Argoch n, reddennig, blushingnbsp;Argochedd w, ruddinessnbsp;Argochi v, to redden, to blushnbsp;Argoddi v, to offend greatlynbsp;Argoed -ydd nf shelter of woodnbsp;Argoel -ion nf omen, token, prognosticnbsp;Argoeli, Argoeiio v, to portend, to betokennbsp;Argoelus a, ominous, forebodingnbsp;Argof -lou n. remembrance; recordnbsp;ArgoHo r, to call to memorynbsp;Argoll 7f, perdition, total lossnbsp;ArgoUi V, to lose; to condemnnbsp;Argoniant «, magnificencenbsp;Argor n. hign circlenbsp;Argosp n, public punishmentnbsp;Argospi V, to punish openlynbsp;Argrad n glory: a, gloriousnbsp;Argraft' -ion -au if impression; print;nbsp;stamp; inscription. Argraff y ddaiar,nbsp;description of the earth, geographynbsp;Argraffdy. dai«, printing-house or officenbsp;Argraftedig a. impressed, printednbsp;Argraffiad n, impression; edition
Argraffiech -au -i nf writing-table; in-scrioed tablet
Argrafilen -i nf print; map Argrafilun -lau «, diagram [graphicalnbsp;Argraffol a, impressive; printing, tyoo-Argraffu v. to print; to impress; to in-Argraftwaith w, typography [scribenbsp;Argraffwasg nf printing-press [printernbsp;Argraff'wr, wyr, Argraftydd -ion n,nbsp;Argraffyadiaeth nf printer’s art, typo-Argraidd, eiddiau n. furrowing [graphynbsp;Argrain, einiau trampnngnbsp;Argrap -iau n, slight touchnbsp;Argre nf origin, beginningnbsp;Argread n, inchoationnbsp;Argred -ion n, token, signnbsp;Argreol a incipient; primevalnbsp;Argreu r, to inchoate, to originatenbsp;Argreth, Argredd », predominant passionnbsp;or nature
Argrwm awi, protuberant: f argrom Argrwn awi, convex: f argronnbsp;Argrwydro v to wander aboutnbsp;Argrych a. ruffled or frizzled overnbsp;Argryd -iau n, tremulationnbsp;Argryn a, tremulous, shiveringnbsp;Argu a, very precious; lovelynbsp;Argudd -ion n. covering, shadenbsp;Arguiio », to pain greatlynbsp;Argwl iiy great crimenbsp;Argwll, gylloedd », heave of the breastnbsp;Argwn, gynau n, capital, topnbsp;Argwsg », light sleep, dosenbsp;Argydgam «, mimicrynbsp;Argydgamu v, to mimicnbsp;Argyfedd -au », carousalnbsp;Argyfenw -au », paronomasia [masynbsp;Argyfenwad n, agnomination; parono-Argyfenwi v, to use the paronomasianbsp;Argyfio Vy to equalizenbsp;Argvfieu v, to locate; to placenbsp;Argvfiudd n, irnpeilimentnbsp;Argyflwg a, conspicuousnbsp;Argyfnerth -oedd n, corroborat'onnbsp;Argvfnod -au conjuncturenbsp;Argyfrain v. to mangle, to dragnbsp;Argyfran -au nf allotmentnbsp;Argyfreu -on n, portion, dowrynbsp;Argyfres -au nf uniformity; seriesnbsp;Argyfrin -iau n, consciousnessnbsp;Argyfrwyddo v, to expeditenbsp;Argyfryd n, mental exertionnbsp;Argyffin -iau n, abutmentnbsp;Argyffrawd, odion n, apprehensionnbsp;Argyffre -on n, capitalnbsp;Argyffred v, to comprisenbsp;Argynghrair, eiriau «, confederacynbsp;37
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Ariaith, ieithoedd nf, snblime language Arial -au n, vigour; wantonnessnbsp;Ariala v, to wanton, to frisknbsp;Arialu v, to invigoratenbsp;Arialus a, vigorous, wantonnbsp;Arian«, silver: cn silver money, money,nbsp;cash, — bath, coin, current money,
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;byw, quicksilver mercury. —nbsp;cochion, copper money. — cor. fairynbsp;money. — drwg, base com. —nbsp;gwion, — y cor, — gweirwyr, yellownbsp;rattle. — gwynion, — gleision, silvernbsp;money white money, silver. — mel-ynion, gold money, — rhif, currentnbsp;money, coin. — parod, ready money,
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sychion, hard cashnbsp;Ariana tgt;, to save or get moneynbsp;Arianaid a, silvery; silvered overnbsp;Arianaidd a, silvery
Ariandag n, silver quinsv; bribery Ariandal n, payment in moneynbsp;Ariandlws.dlysau n, silver prize or medalnbsp;Ariandlysog a, having won prizes ornbsp;Ariandy, dai n. banknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[medals
Arianell nf, silver hue [avaricious Ariangar a. loving money; covetous,nbsp;Ariangarwch n, love of money; avaricenbsp;Arianglawdd n. silver minenbsp;Arianiad vj* argentationnbsp;Arianlliw a, silver-colourednbsp;Arianllu -oedd era, mercenary hostnbsp;Arianllys ra, meadow ruenbsp;Arianof -iaid ra, silversmithnbsp;Arianog ra, moneyed, wealthy, richnbsp;Arianola of a silver quality; pecuniarynbsp;Arianrod the constellation Coronanbsp;Septentrionalis or Northern Crown;nbsp;called also Caer Arianrod [moneynbsp;Ariant, iannoedd ra, silver; argent: era,nbsp;Arianu V, to silver [changer; bankernbsp;Arianydd -ion, Arianwr, wyr ra, money-Arianwaith n, silverworknbsp;Ariawl vf, entreatynbsp;Anen -oedd w, hoarfrost, rime; dewnbsp;Arienog a, rimed hoarynbsp;Aries nf, omen, forebodingnbsp;Arioli V, to intercedenbsp;Arith ra, guess, conjecture. Yn arith,nbsp;at random, by way of conjecturenbsp;Arlachar a very bright or glitteringnbsp;Arlafan nf, atrocious deednbsp;Arlafar ra faculty of speech: a, perspicuous in speechnbsp;Arlafariad ra. enunciationnbsp;Arlain, leiniau nf foremost ranknbsp;Arlais, leisiau nf. the templenbsp;Arlamu v, to bound up
Argynghryn a. mutually trembling Argyngreddf nf, congenialitynbsp;Argyngyd -iau n, cogitation [vinciblenbsp;Argyhoeddadwy a, reprehensible; con-Argyhoeddi v. to reprimand; to convincenbsp;Argyhoeddiad «, reprehension; convic-Argyhoeddiadol a, convincing [tionnbsp;Argyhoeddol, Argyhoeddus a, reprenen-sive, culpable; convincingnbsp;Argyhoeddwr, wyr ra, admonishernbsp;Argyhuddiad impeachmentnbsp;Argyhuddo v, to impeach, to chargenbsp;Argylchedd », alternitynbsp;Argylchol a. alternatenbsp;Argyllaeth n, ardent desirenbsp;ArgyJlid n, longing; desirenbsp;Argyllig a, yearning, longing [pressnbsp;Argymhell r, to constrain; to force; tonbsp;Argymhenu v, to debate, to arguenbsp;Argymhwyll -ion n, reasoningnbsp;Argymhwyso to make equablenbsp;Argymmediw -au n, token of respectnbsp;Argymmeriad n, paragoge [complimentnbsp;Argymu v, to accord togethernbsp;Argynan n, clamournbsp;Argynddeiw -au n, archetypenbsp;Argynddwl, ddylau n, characteristic;
leading impulse Argynddylan remarkable trait ornbsp;Argynddylig a,characteristic' characternbsp;Argynfelyn a, tipt with yellow or goldnbsp;Argyniad n, elevationnbsp;Argyniiai v, to upholdnbsp;Argynnelw -au n, archetvpe; originalnbsp;Argynnelwi v, to characterizenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[trait
Argynnil a, very saving Argyilnyg -ion w, venturenbsp;Argynrith -iau -ion n, perceptionnbsp;Argyrch -ion n, assaultnbsp;Argysswrw n, trepidationnbsp;Argvstwy -on n, chastisementnbsp;Argythwy -on n, astonishmentnbsp;Argywain v, to carry uponnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[chief
Argywedd n, detriment, damage, mis-Argyweddiad «, detrimenting Argywedool a, detrimental; painfulnbsp;Argyweddu w, to harm, to hurtnbsp;ArgyweithSs r*/J intercoursenbsp;Arhawl, holion «/*, interrogatory; actionnbsp;Arhelfa, fëydd n, huntnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[at law
Arhoew a, very sprightly Arholi V to interrogate, to examinenbsp;Arhudo v, to fascinatenbsp;Arhudd -ion overshadownbsp;Arhwyliad n, progressionnbsp;Ariad -au w, ploughing, arationnbsp;Ariad, iaid n, reciter; songster
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Arlan -an nf^ brink or bank Arlanastru v, to scatter abroadnbsp;Arlanw n, overflowingnbsp;Arias a, tipped with bluenbsp;Arlathru v. to polish highlynbsp;Arlaw a, contiguousnbsp;Arlawd, Arllawd n, pomp, shownbsp;Arlawdd, loddion n, flatterynbsp;Arlechu v. to seclude, to skulknbsp;Arlechwedd vf, slope of a hillnbsp;Arlediad w, extensionnbsp;Arlef -au nj\, exclamationnbsp;Arlefariad n. enunciationnbsp;Arlemain v, to prance, to bound upnbsp;Arlen -i nf, veil; envelopmentnbsp;Arlenwi v, to overflow; to fill up overnbsp;Arlesgu r, to enfeeblenbsp;Arlesivant n, great advantagenbsp;Arlesin a, clad with verdurenbsp;Arlethrid -ion n, coruscationnbsp;Arlethu v, to overlay, to crushnbsp;Arliw -iau n, glazing; varnishnbsp;Arlochi v, to protect safelynbsp;Arloesi, Arlloesi, Arlloes v, to empty, tonbsp;Arlog n compound interest [evacuatenbsp;Arloni v, to please highlynbsp;Arlosgiad n. singeingnbsp;Arlost, Arllost -au stock, shaft, ornbsp;Arluched nƒ, radiationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[butt
Arluddiad «, interception Arluddias v, to intercept, to hindernbsp;Arluddiol a, intercipientnbsp;Arlun -iau «, portrait, likenessnbsp;Arluniaeth nf, prefigurationnbsp;Arluniaethu v, to prefigurenbsp;Arluniad ?i, delineation; paintingnbsp;Arlunio v. to delineate, to pourtraynbsp;Arluo r, to obstruct, to hindernbsp;Arlwg, lygion », view, perspectivenbsp;Arlwm a, very bare or exposednbsp;Arlwnc n, great indraughtnbsp;Arlwrw, Ivryau n, depositnbsp;Arlwrw ad, towards, forwardnbsp;Arlwy -on n, provision; messnbsp;Arlwyant, annau n, preparation of foodnbsp;Arlwybr -au n. track, footstep, pathwaynbsp;Arlwvdd-iw, lord; masterssArglwyddnbsp;Arlwvddes -au n/, lady; mistressnbsp;Arlwvddiaeth nf, dominion; lordshipnbsp;Arlwvddiaethu v, to exercise rulenbsp;Arlwyddo v, to prosper, to succeednbsp;Arlwvo V. to prepare food, to cooknbsp;Arlwyso v. to purge, to cleansenbsp;Arlwytho v, to burdennbsp;Arlwvwr, wyr n, caterer; cooknbsp;Arlvdan a, superficialnbsp;Arlyfasu to adventure
Arlym a, very pungent or piercing Arlyre a, lying along, prostratenbsp;Arlyriad n. prostrationnbsp;Arlys -oedd n, supreme courtnbsp;Arlysenw -au n, cognomennbsp;Arlythyriad superscriptionnbsp;Arlyw n, supreme directornbsp;Arlywel n, sensible horizonnbsp;Arlywmdraeth nf, supreme governmentnbsp;Arlywydd -ion w, presidentnbsp;Arllad np (-en nf ). consecrated wafersnbsp;Arlladlys cn, centaurynbsp;Arllwys r, to pour out, to emptynbsp;Arma, mau tij, omen; oraclenbsp;Armaeg -au nf, oracular voicenbsp;Armael w, second milknbsp;Armain v, to prognosticatenbsp;Armell -au nf, hedgehog, urchinnbsp;Armerth n, providing; bakingnbsp;Armerth, Armerthu v, to provide, tonbsp;prepare; to bakenbsp;Armes -au n/, presage, omennbsp;Arn pr, upon, on (used in compositionnbsp;only)=Ar. Arnaf, arnat, arno, arni,nbsp;arnom, arnoch, arnynt, upon me, amp;c.nbsp;Arnabod n, cognitionnbsp;Arnod -au n, mark, characternbsp;Arnodi v, to mark, to note; to annotatenbsp;Arnodiad n, annotationnbsp;Arnodydd -ion ?}ƒ annotatornbsp;Arnodd -au n/, ploughbeamnbsp;Arnoethi v, to denudate, to denudenbsp;Arnwyd -au «, essential qualitynbsp;Arnwyf -au n, vigour, spiritnbsp;Arnwyfiad n, invigorationnbsp;Arnwyth -on n, oddity of characternbsp;Arnyfed n, disposition, habitnbsp;Arnyfel », ardour, tempernbsp;Aro i, I praynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Arobaith, beithiau n, earnest expecta-Arobrid -au n, desert, merit Arobrwyo v, to rewardnbsp;Arobryn n, desert, meritnbsp;Arodawr, orion n, rhetoriciannbsp;Aroddef v, to endure, to bear, to suffernbsp;Aroddetiad n, passiveness; endurancenbsp;Aroediad n, prorogationnbsp;Arofni o, to overawe, to terrifynbsp;Arofydd -ion n, upper graüuatenbsp;Arofyn -ion n, intent, designnbsp;Arofyn v. to intend, to designnbsp;Aroganu v, to portendnbsp;Arogl, Arogledd -au «, scent, smellnbsp;Aroglber. Arogleuber a, odoriferousnbsp;Arogldarth -au n, incensenbsp;Arogldarlhu a. to burn incensenbsp;Arogli V, to scent; to smellnbsp;39
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Arolo, oedd «, shading Aroli V, to adumbrate; to covernbsp;Arolwg, ygon n,survey; superintendencenbsp;Arolygiad n, surveying; surveynbsp;Arolygu v, to survey; to superintendnbsp;Arolygwr, wyr surveyor; overseer;nbsp;Aroli n, cleft, rift, split [superintendentnbsp;Arolli V, to split, to lay opennbsp;Aronan n, oratornbsp;Arorair, eiriau w, adverbnbsp;Aros V, to stay, to wait, to stop, to tarrynbsp;Arosiad n, tarrying, stayingnbsp;Arosoi a, tarrying, lingeringnbsp;Arostwng v, to subjectnbsp;Arpar -au n, what is in ordernbsp;Arparu v, to preparenbsp;Arsaf -au -ion n, station, standnbsp;Arsafiad n, situationnbsp;Arsain, seiniau «ƒ, pealnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[charm Arsangw, imposition; pressure; instep; Arsangu v, to tread upon; to press, tonbsp;Arsarig a, very perversenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[stamp Arsathru v, to trample upon Arsawdd soddion n, square rootnbsp;Arsawr n, savour, scent, smellnbsp;Arsedd -au nf. high seat, thronenbsp;Arseddiad n, sitting; seatingnbsp;Arsefydliad n, stationingnbsp;Arseibiant n. leisurenbsp;Arseinio v, to resound, to ring, to pealnbsp;Arselu v, to perceive, to descrynbsp;Arserth a, very steep or abruptnbsp;Arsill au nf, particlenbsp;Arsoddiaeth nf, square root (as a rule)nbsp;Arsteinio v, to reverberatenbsp;Arswl, sylon n, prospect, viewnbsp;Arswll, syllon n. stedfast looknbsp;Arswllt, syiltau n, compactnessnbsp;Arswn. syniau n, great noisenbsp;Arswyd n, dread, terror, horrornbsp;Arswydfa -oedd nf. place of terrors; hellnbsp;Arswvdiad w, dreadingnbsp;Arswydo v, to dread, to be afraidnbsp;Arswydol, Arswydus a, fearful, terriblenbsp;Arswydd -au nf ostensible officenbsp;Arswyddog -ion n, high officernbsp;Arswyddogaeth -au nf, ostensible office;nbsp;commission Arswyn -ion nf, felicity; charm Arsyberw a, very arrogantnbsp;Arsyfed a, instantaneousnbsp;Arsylw «, keen look, starenbsp;Arsylwedd -au «. substancenbsp;Arsyllfa, fëydd nf observatorynbsp;Arsylliad n, observationnbsp;Arsyllu v, to gaze earnestlynbsp;Arsyn a, astonished; stupefied |
Arsyth a upright: rigid Artaith, teithiau nf torture, tormentnbsp;Arteithfa -oedd, fëydd nf place ofnbsp;Arteithio v, to torturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[torture Arteithiol a, torturing, tormenting Arteithydd, -ion «, torturernbsp;Arth, eirth, arthod nc, bearnbsp;Arthaidd a, bear-likenbsp;Arthal v, to growl Arthan nc, what is rough; bear's cub. Alban arthan, winter solstice Arthen nf a voung she-bearnbsp;Arthes -au nf a she-bearnbsp;Arthfar a having a bear’s furynbsp;Arthio V. to bark, to growlnbsp;Arthlwg n, a baitingnbsp;Arthlvgu V, to bait, to buffetnbsp;Arthog a, l)earish, gruff' Aru V, to plough, to till Aruchaf pr, over, uponnbsp;Aruchaf a, upmost, topmostnbsp;Aruchafad n, exaltationnbsp;Aruchedd w, upperpart, a surfacenbsp;Aruchel a, very high, lofty; suolimenbsp;Arucho V, to exalt, to upliftnbsp;Aruthr, Aruthrol a, marvellous, wonderful, prodigious; strange; direnbsp;Aruthredd «, amazementnbsp;Aruthro v, to wondernbsp;Aruthroldeb n, wonderfulness; awful-Arwadu v, to deny openlynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness Arwaeddi v, to exclaim, to shout Arwael a, very low or vilenbsp;Arwaen n, rupture, rentnbsp;Arwaes n, earnest, pledgenbsp;Arwaesaf n, support; w'arrantynbsp;Arwaesawg a, warranted, pledgednbsp;Arwaeseb -au nf certificatenbsp;Arwaesgoel -ion nf great sealnbsp;Arwaesogaeth n, warrantynbsp;Arwaesu v, to warrant, to certifynbsp;Arwaethl n, contentionnbsp;Arwain v, to conduct, to lead, to guidenbsp;Arwaith weithiau n, superstructurenbsp;Arwall -au «, omission, neglectnbsp;Arwar «, quiescent statenbsp;Arwasg nf pressure, pressnbsp;Arwasgodi v, to overshadownbsp;Arwasgu v, to overpressnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to deride Arwawdio v, to laud, to praise; to jeer, Arwawl « luminarynbsp;Arwe -oedd nf texture; woofnbsp;Arwedd nf carriagenbsp;Arweddawd, odau », conveyancenbsp;Arweddu v, to convev, to bearnbsp;Arweiniad «, conducting ^ [nisternbsp;Arweinidog -ion n, chief or prime mi-40 |
Asgell, esgrll nf, wing; the vagina of certain animals
Asgellhaid, heidiau wing-swarm Asgellog a, winged, having wingsnbsp;Asgellu ü, to wing; to Aynbsp;Asgellwaith n, flankwork, flankernbsp;Asgellwrych -ion ?i, spraynbsp;Asgellwynt -oedd n, side-windnbsp;Asgen -an nf, harm, damagenbsp;Asgenol a, pernicious, hurtfulnbsp;Asgenu w, to harm, to injurenbsp;Asgethr -au n/*, splinternbsp;Asgethrog a, splintered, spikednbsp;Asgethru v, to splinternbsp;Asglinen nf^ stem, lineagenbsp;Asglod -ion np (-yn ti), chipsnbsp;Asglodi V, to cut off chips, to chipnbsp;Asglodioni p, to cut chipsnbsp;Asglolf a limping, haltingnbsp;Asgori V, to separate, to partnbsp;Asgre -on nf, the heart; the bosomnbsp;Asgri n, tremor, tremblingnbsp;Asgwrn, esgyrn n, bonenbsp;Asgyrneiddio v, to become bone, to ossifynbsp;Asgyrniad w, ossificationnbsp;Asgyrnig a, bony, large-honednbsp;Asgvrnog a, bony, full of bonenbsp;Asgyrnu to ossifynbsp;Asio V, to join; to solder; to cementnbsp;Asp -iaid aspnbsp;Aspygan nj\ daisy
Assedda, Asseddu v, to seat; to sit down Asserw a, sparkling, glitteringnbsp;Asswyno v, to absent; to excuse absencenbsp;Asswynwr, wyr n, absenteenbsp;Assyn n, absence; essoinnbsp;Astalch, estvlch nf, shield, bucklernbsp;Astell,'estyll ~od nf plank; shinglenbsp;Astellu V, to plank, to boardnbsp;Astrus a, perplexed, difficultnbsp;Astrusi », perplexity, troublenbsp;Astnd a, studious, diligent, meditativenbsp;Astudfa -oedd nf, a studynbsp;Astudiaeth nf, study, meditationnbsp;Astudio V, to study, to cogitatenbsp;Astudrwydd w, studiousnessnbsp;Astyllen nf, plank, board^Estvllennbsp;Astyllenlya -iau n Astyllenes nf, ribwortnbsp;Astyllfa -oedd nf, plank-yard [plantainnbsp;Astyllodi v,to plank,to board —Estyllodinbsp;Astyr -on n, adjunctnbsp;Asu V, to join splinters, to unitenbsp;Asur tt, blue sky azure: a, azurenbsp;Asw n, the left: a, left =Aswynbsp;Aswellt n, pasture grass landnbsp;Aswy n, the left: a. left, sinisternbsp;Aswyno v, to beg, to implore, to crave
Aswys -au n, left side Aswys, Aswvso v, to choosenbsp;Asyn -od n, he-ass: ƒ, asen -odnbsp;At^r, to; towards; so far as. Ataf, atat,nbsp;ato, ati, atom, atoch, atynt, to me, amp;c*nbsp;At px, back, again, re-. In somenbsp;words, retaining its meaning as anbsp;preposition, it signifies to; as atiynu,nbsp;to draw to, to attractnbsp;Atddodiad -au n, apposition; appendixnbsp;Ateb V, to answer, to reply, to respondnbsp;Ateb -ion n, answer, reply, responsenbsp;Atebol a, responsible, answerablenbsp;Atgludo V. to importnbsp;Atgludiad n, importationnbsp;Atgludion np, importsnbsp;Atgrvmu v, to incurvate, to bend innbsp;Atoedd ad. otherwisenbsp;Atolwg ad, I pray, pritheenbsp;Atolwg n, importunity, entreatynbsp;Atolygu V, to importune, to beseechnbsp;Atoralw v, to call again; to replynbsp;Attaenu, Attaenellu v, to respersenbsp;Attafael n, distraint, seizurenbsp;Attafaela, Attafaelu v, to distrain, tonbsp;Attafaeliad n, confiscation [confiscatenbsp;Attafodog, Attafodiog -ion n, secondarynbsp;Attai, teion n, vagabond (speakernbsp;Attaith, teithiau nf, returnnbsp;Attai -ion nf stop, hindrance. Attainbsp;dywedyd, impediment of speech, stammering. Mae attai arno, he stammersnbsp;Attai V. to stop, to detain, to withholdnbsp;Attaiedigaeth -au nf repaymentnbsp;Attalfa,fëydd nf, impediment; stoppagenbsp;Attalgar a, retentivenbsp;Attaliad -au n, stoppage ( siopesisnbsp;Attaiiaeth rf, impediment, check; apo-Attaliaith nf aposiopesisnbsp;Attaliedigaeth -au nf stoppagenbsp;Attaliedvdd -ion u. restrainernbsp;Attaliol a, preventivenbsp;Attalmu V, to act upon againnbsp;Attalnod -au stop (in reading)nbsp;Attalnodi v, to point, to punctuatenbsp;Attalnodiaeth rf, punctuationnbsp;Attalu V, to repay, to pay back, to retaliate to requitenbsp;Attalwr. wyr n. reimbursernbsp;Attarddiad n, renascencenbsp;Attaro V, to strike againnbsp;Attarw, teirw n, gelded bullnbsp;Attawd, toriion n, affix, suffixnbsp;Attawr, torion n, repentancenbsp;Atteg -ion nf prop, staynbsp;Attegu V, to stay, to upliold, to propnbsp;Attil -ion n, second conceptionnbsp;42
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Attill -ion n, reduplication Attod V, to put together. Dattod acnbsp;attod, to unfix and refix [to suffixnbsp;Attodi tJ, to append; to add; to affix,nbsp;Attodiad-au n, appendix, supplement,nbsp;Attodiaeth addition [additionnbsp;Attoi tgt;, to come on again, to returnnbsp;Attor -ion u, denudationnbsp;Attorchi v, to fold backnbsp;Attori V. to refractnbsp;Attrais, treisiau n, reprisal. Llythyraunbsp;attrais letters of reprisalnbsp;Attraws a, crossing backnbsp;Attref -au nf deserted placenbsp;Attrefiad n, depopulationnbsp;Attrefnu v, to arrange anewnbsp;Attreg -an n, delay stop; demurnbsp;Attreiddio v. to penetrate againnbsp;Attreiglo v, to roll again, to roll backnbsp;Attreisio v, to make reprisalnbsp;Attrethu v, to tax againnbsp;Attro -ion recurrence; repeatnbsp;Attroi V to returnnbsp;Attrosi V, to pass over againnbsp;Attrwch, trychion n, recisionnbsp;Attrws n. second dressnbsp;Attrwvdd n, regress returnnbsp;Attrvchu V. to cut anew; to refractnbsp;Attudd «, second coveringnbsp;Attuedd -au n, contrary Wasnbsp;Attuellu V, to shade againnbsp;Attiim -iau n, recurvationnbsp;Attwf, tvfion n, second growthnbsp;Attwg, tvgion n, prosperingnbsp;Attwyn V, to bring backnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Attwvsgiad n, Attwysgaeth nf, reduc-Attwvs'io V, to subdivide; to reduce Attwvthiad w, leaping backnbsp;Attvbiad n, reconsiderationnbsp;Attvblygu V, to reduplicatenbsp;Attvchwel V. to return againnbsp;Attychwel -ion n, falling backnbsp;Attvtiant n, regerminationnbsp;Attymp n, second seasonnbsp;Attyniad n. attractionnbsp;Attynol, Attyniadol a, attractivenbsp;Attynu V. to attract, to draw tonbsp;Attywallt V, to regurgitatenbsp;Attywyu 7t, reflectionnbsp;Ath -an n, pervading quality; heatnbsp;Athafar a, magnificentnbsp;Athalmu V to impressnbsp;Atharddu v to gush violentlynbsp;Atharfn v to scatter aboutnbsp;Athaw a, verv silent or stillnbsp;Athech a skulking, lurkingnbsp;Athelaid a, very fair or elegant
Atherydd a, very vehement Athlaw -iaid n, foreignernbsp;Athlwg. lygon «, glancenbsp;Athlygu a, to glance over; to reviewnbsp;Athor a, broken,fractured,brittle,fragilenbsp;Athori V, to fracture, to breaknbsp;Athost a, pungent, severenbsp;Athrai n, falling awaynbsp;Athrais n, violence
Athraw -on n teacher; master; doctor Athrawd, rodion n. calumnynbsp;Athrawiaeth nf, instruction; doctrinenbsp;Athrawiaethu v, to indoctrinate, to iu-Athrawn n, ontologynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[struct
Athrawu v, to instruct Athrawus a instructivenbsp;Athreeh a, vanquishingnbsp;Athrechu v, to vanquish, to overcomenbsp;Athref -i nf domain, mansionnbsp;Athrefiad n, domesticationnbsp;Athrefig a, domestic homelynbsp;Athrefniad -au n, regulationnbsp;Athreiddio v, to penetratenbsp;Athreigl n. turning or going roundnbsp;Athreiglad -au n, revolutionnbsp;Athreio v, to diminish, to lessennbsp;Athrem -iau nf glance, looknbsp;Athrewyn n,conciliation: v,to conciliate,nbsp;Athrig n, stav, delaynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to pacify
Athrin n, conflict, toil Athrist a. very sad, pensive, sorrowfulnbsp;Athrodi v, to calumniate, to defamenbsp;Athrodiaeth nf defamationnbsp;Athrofa -oedd, fëydd, fau nf academynbsp;Athrofaol, Athrofaus a, academicalnbsp;Athrofawr, fawyr n, academiciannbsp;Athrolith if pWlosophynbsp;Athrolithio v to philosophizenbsp;Athronawl, Athronyddol, Athronïol a,nbsp;philosophicalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[philosophy
Athronddysg, Athroni Athroniaeth nf^ Athronydd -ion w. philosophernbsp;Athru a, very pitiful or vilenbsp;Athru V, to tread, to tramplenbsp;Athrugar a, pitiful, merciful; vastnbsp;Athrwch n cut throughnbsp;Athrwm a, very heavy, ponderousnbsp;Athrwst n, great noise, tumultnbsp;Athrwydd a, very fluent. Athrwyddnbsp;awen, flowing muse
Athrylith rf intuition; genius; fancy; Athrylithedd n, discipline [inventionnbsp;Athrylithgar a. intuitive, ingeniousnbsp;Athrywyn -ion n, happiness, pacificationnbsp;Athrywynu. Athrywyn w. to conciliatenbsp;Athu p, to go, to proceed=Mynednbsp;Athwll ttf in holes, raggednbsp;43
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Athwn a. shattered, broken: athon Athwr, athyroedd n, mound, heapnbsp;Athwvth n. elasticity; sparingnbsp;Athvn a. very tenacious; cohesiyenbsp;Athywyil a, tenebrous, gloomynbsp;Athywyn n, splendournbsp;Athywys t;, to conduct, to lead, to guidenbsp;Au, euon n, the liyer~=Afunbsp;Au V, to go, to proceeds My nednbsp;Auad «, affection of the liyernbsp;Aul n, dung, manurenbsp;Auon n/, halfpenny; scruplenbsp;Aur n, gold. Aur coeth, refined goldnbsp;Aw -on n, fluid; flowingnbsp;Awall -on n, lapse; errornbsp;Awch n. edge; sharpness; ardencynbsp;Awchlym am, sharp-edged: ƒ, awchlemnbsp;Awchu, Awchlymu v, to sharpen, tonbsp;whet, to edge Awchus a, sharp, keen; greedy Awd 71/*, song, laynbsp;Awd, odiau n, season, ouportunitynbsp;Awdl, odiau, awdlau nƒ. ode; rhymenbsp;Awdurdod -au n, authoritynbsp;Awdurdodi v, to authorizenbsp;Awduraeth nf. authorshipnbsp;Awdurol a authorial; classicalnbsp;Awdwr, wyr, Awdur -on n, authornbsp;Awdwyl -au n, opportunitynbsp;Awdd, oddion w, participationnbsp;Aweddwfr, Aweddwr n, fresh or running water Awel -on nf. gale, breeze, wind Awelaidd a. like a soft gale, breezynbsp;Awelan nf, gale, breezenbsp;Awelopf a breezy, windynbsp;Awelu V, to blow a soft galenbsp;Awelyn 7i, soft gale, gentle breezenbsp;Awell -au nf conduit, pipenbsp;Awelliaeth nf hydraulicsnbsp;Awellig a. hydraulicnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[muse Awen -au nf, genius; fancy; taste; the Awen -au nf rein of a bridle; mandi-inbsp;Awenad n, slap on the chops ' blenbsp;Awenes -au, Awenyddes -au nf musenbsp;Awenol a, poeticalnbsp;Awenu v, to smile; to simpernbsp;Awenydd -ion n, poet, geniusnbsp;Awenyddiaeth nf. poetry, poesynbsp;Awenyudol a, poeticalnbsp;Awg n, keenness; eagernessnbsp;Awgryin -au n, sign; beckoning; hintnbsp;Awgrymu v, to make signs; to hintnbsp;Awl n, primeval light; praisenbsp;Awn n, flowing together of atoms ornbsp;particles: v, we will gonbsp;Awon nf, flow of water; river |
Awr, oriau if hour. Yn awr, yr awr hon, now. Yn awr fach, just now,nbsp;Awr ac orig, continuallynbsp;Awran ad, at present, nownbsp;Awrgylch -au n, horary circlenbsp;Awrlais, leisiau n clock, horologenbsp;Awron aa. at present, nownbsp;Awrol a. horary; relating to the hournbsp;Awrwydr -au n, hour-glassnbsp;Aws, osiau n. defiance; challengenbsp;Awsaflaeth rf hydrostaticsnbsp;Awsafol a, hydrostaticnbsp;Awsaidd a, ripe; tender; softnbsp;Awst n, the month of August [aviditynbsp;Awydd n, ardent or earnest desire;nbsp;Awyddfryd 11, zealnbsp;Awyddo 0, to desire earnestlynbsp;Awyddol a, desirous; zealousnbsp;Awyddu v, to be anxious for, to desirenbsp;Awyddus a, desirous eager; zealousnbsp;Awyn n, rein of a bridlenbsp;Awyr -on nf, air; the air, the skynbsp;Awyraidd a, aerial, airynbsp;Awyrbwysai, eion n, barometernbsp;Awyrbwysiad n, aerostationnbsp;Awyrbwysiaeth nf, aerostaticsnbsp;Awyrddvsg, Awv'reg nf, aerologynbsp;Awyrell -au nf, air vessel; balloonnbsp;Awyren -au -1 vf balloon [stonenbsp;A wyrfaen, feini, fain n, aerolite, meteoricnbsp;Awyrfeidraeth nf aerometrynbsp;Awyrfeidr -au n aerometernbsp;Awyrgoel -ion if, aeromancynbsp;Awyrgylch -au -oedd 11, atmospherenbsp;Awyriad n, ventilationnbsp;Awyrnen -au nf, firmamentnbsp;Awyro v, to air; to ventilatenbsp;Awyrog a, pneumatic; airynbsp;Awyrogaeth nf pneumaticsnbsp;Awyrol a aerial, airynbsp;Awyrolaeth nf pneumaticsnbsp;Awyroldeb n, airinessnbsp;Awyroli v to make or become airynbsp;Awyru V, to air; to ventilatenbsp;Awvrydd -ion n, aerologistnbsp;Awyryfldiaeth nf. aerology, aerographynbsp;Awys -ion n, general invitation; marriage rites Ba, oedd n, being in; immersion Ba px, what=Pa Baban -od n, babe: mutation of Maban Bacas, baesau nf footless stockingsnbsp;Bacon np, berries; mutation of Maconnbsp;Baewn n, bacon—Gig mochnbsp;44 |
Bach -au re, hook, grapne] Bach a, little, small, minute. Bach y nyth, the last or youngest of a hatch,nbsp;brood, or litternbsp;Bachdro -ion n sharp turnnbsp;Bachdrofa, fau, fëydd nf, labyrinthnbsp;Bachdroi v, to turn sharplynbsp;Bachell -au nf, nook, corner; snarenbsp;Bachellu v, to gra pple; to snare; to hooknbsp;Baches -au nf little darlingnbsp;Bachgen, bechj^yn re, boy, child. Yrnbsp;Hen Fachgen, Old Hicknbsp;Bachgenaidd a, boyish, childishnbsp;Bachgenes -au nf young girlnbsp;Bachgenos np little youngstersnbsp;Bachgenyn a, little boynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Itook Bachiad n, hooking, grappling; bending Bachig a, smallish, diminutivenbsp;Bachigyn re, very small or little thingnbsp;Bacliog Ö, hooked, crookednbsp;Bachol a, grapplingnbsp;Bachu V, to hook, to hitch, to grapple; to crook; to get into recesses Bad ~au re, boat, ship’s boatnbsp;Badaid, eidiau n, boatfulnbsp;Badwr, wyr re, boatmannbsp;Badd -au «, bath; bathing-placenbsp;Baddon n, bath; bathing-placenbsp;Baedd -od n, boarnbsp;Baeddaidd a, like a boarnbsp;Baeddgig re, boar’s flesh, brawnnbsp;Baeddredog a, going after the boarnbsp;Baeddu r, to beat, to strike, to thumpnbsp;Baesg re, the rim of a wheelnbsp;Bagad -au re, cluster; troop, multitudenbsp;Bagadog a, clustered; having pendantsnbsp;Bagadu v, to cluster, to groupnbsp;Bagedyn re, small pendantnbsp;Bagell -au nf nook; snarenbsp;Bagl -au nft crook; crutch. Ffon faglnbsp;(pi ftyn baglau) crutchnbsp;Baglan nf crook; hooknbsp;Baglog a, having a crook; crutchednbsp;Baglor -laid -ion re, bachelornbsp;Bagloriaeth 7if bachelorshipnbsp;Baglu Vjto hold with a crook; to entanglenbsp;Bagwn re, strength, potencynbsp;Bagwy -on re, cluster, bunchnbsp;Bagwyo v, to clusternbsp;Bagwyog a, clusteringnbsp;Bai, beiau re, fault; vice; defect[8creamnbsp;Baich, beichiau re, burden, load; outcry,nbsp;Baid, beidiau re, briskness, livelinessnbsp;Baidd, beiddiau re, challenge, daringnbsp;Bais rep, flats, shallowsnbsp;Bfil, baloedd nf prominence; peak, £irynbsp;y fal, the snow of the peak |
re, bundle; bud. B^l o lin, a ball or bundle of flax Bal a, having a white mark, spot, or streak on the forehead. Ceft'yl bal,nbsp;(ƒ caseg fal), a horse with a whitenbsp;blaze in his foreheadnbsp;Bala -on re, shoot out, budding, effluxnbsp;Balaen re, steel Balalwyf cn (-en ƒ), palm-tree Balannu re, to shoot, to budnbsp;Balant, annau n, shooting, buddingnbsp;Balasar a, azure, sky-bluenbsp;Balasarn -au n, ballastnbsp;Balasarnu re, to ballastnbsp;Bale -iau re, ridge; break in a furrownbsp;Balcio re, to break furrowsnbsp;Balciog a, having j idgesnbsp;Baich a, proud; superb; toweringnbsp;Balchder, Balchedd re, pride, pompnbsp;Balchineb re, hauteur; arrogancenbsp;Balchïo re, to grow proudnbsp;Baldar re, the herb saiyrionnbsp;Baldardd re, buddingnbsp;Baldarddu re, to bud, to shootnbsp;Baldog a, short stout personnbsp;Baldordd re, babbling, tattling, bothernbsp;Baldordai re, to babble, to tattlenbsp;Baldorddus o, babbling, tattlingnbsp;Baldorfl re, to mutter, to babblenbsp;Balddu a, black-visagednbsp;Balennyn «, bud, sproutnbsp;Balgur -on re, sprout, germnbsp;Balhau re, to spring up, to bud [horsenbsp;Bali re, whiteness in the forehead of anbsp;Balog rf, protection; pinnacle; tongue,nbsp;flap, valve Balog a, jutting, flapped; valved Balon a contented, at easenbsp;Balwg cn, tufts of flaxnbsp;Balwydd np t^-en nf'), palm-treesnbsp;Balwyf CM (-en nfpalm wood; palm-Ball -au re, eruption; plague [treesnbsp;Ballasg -au re, shell, husk, porcupinenbsp;Ballasgu re, to husk, to shellnbsp;Ballaw re, to shout, to screamnbsp;Ballaweg -au nf wear netnbsp;Balleg -au nf oow net; pursenbsp;Balleglys -oedd re, hanapernbsp;Ballegrwya -au nf bow netnbsp;Ballog -ion re, hedgehog, urchinnbsp;Ban -au re, prominence; peak; highland;nbsp;part; branch; strain; drinking horn.nbsp;-- hydd, stóg’s horn. — pennill,nbsp;division of a stanza. Banau Brychein-iog, Breconshire Beacons. Banaunbsp;flydd, articles of belief. Ban cyn geni,nbsp;Man cyn geni, mole, mother’s marknbsp;45 |
Ban a, lofty, high; loud Banad, Banal np, the broomnbsp;Banadl np (-en ?//¦), the broom. Ban-adl pigog, butcher’s broom. Banadlnbsp;aur, dyer’s broom, dyer’s greenweed.nbsp;Banadlen, broom bushnbsp;Banadlog a, full of broomnbsp;Banadlos sweet-broom, dyer’s broomnbsp;Banan w, alarm
Banc -iau platform; table; bank Banc, bencydd n, hill; upland, highnbsp;land; eminence; heightnbsp;Bancaw -iau n, top tie, tuftnbsp;Bancawio v, to tie or whip round thenbsp;top; to tie or bind aboutnbsp;Bancr -au n, basket _ [erau, colours
Baner -au nf, banner, flag, ensign Banffagl -au nf, bonfire, blazenbsp;Banfl'aglu v, to light a bonfirenbsp;Bangaw v, compact; fluentnbsp;Bangeibr -au minsternbsp;Bangor -au nf, upper row; high circle;
college; coping; defence Bangoren -au nf, wattling-rod; copingnbsp;Bangori igt;, to copy or bind together; tonbsp;wattle
Banhau v, to make conspicuous Banhwch, hychod nf^ wild sownbsp;Baniar, ieri «ƒ, banner, flag, ensignnbsp;Banllef-au n/'loud shout: a,loud voicednbsp;Banllefain r, to shout, to cry outnbsp;Bannas -au n, mat
Bannod -au w, clause; article; name given by some grammarians to thenbsp;adjective y or yrnbsp;Bannodi v, to make clausesnbsp;Banog a,prominent,conspicuous,notable.nbsp;Nod banog, article=Bannod. Ychainnbsp;banog, the mythological oxen of Hunbsp;Gadarn: also called Ychain manognbsp;Banog -ion «/J article=Bannodnbsp;Banon nj\ lofty one, queennbsp;Bant, bentydd w, high place, heightnbsp;Bant a, prominent, high, lofty, elevatednbsp;Banu V, to raise, to erectnbsp;Banw -od n, swine, barrow pignbsp;Banwel -ion n, upward look; skynbsp;Banwes -od nf^ sow, barrow sow; thenbsp;fish gilt-headnbsp;Banyn -au «, particlenbsp;Bar, baroedd n, ire, fury; wrath; troublenbsp;Bar n, top, summit; tuft, bunchnbsp;Bar -au n, bar, bolt, rail; bar (in anbsp;court of justice); bar or sandbanknbsp;Bara n, bread. — can, — gwyn, —nbsp;peillied, wheaten bread. — barlys,nbsp;— haidd, barley bread, — cri, —
crai, — croew, unleavenea bread. — plane, griddle cake, plank bread. —nbsp;can y defaid, sea plantain, can ynbsp;gog, wood-sorrel. — can a llaeth,nbsp;greater stitchwort. — y cythraul,nbsp;devil’s bit scabiousnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wren
Baran -edd n, the countenance; presence; Baranedd 7i, presence [of soldiersnbsp;Baranres -i n^, front rank; rank or filenbsp;Baranu v, to front; to presentnbsp;Barcer -iaid n, tannernbsp;Barclod -iau n^, apronnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[buzzard
Barcud -iaid, Barcutan -od n, kite; Bardys np (-en ƒ), siirimpsnbsp;Bardd, beirdd, beirddion ra, bard; poetnbsp;Barddaeth nj^, bardismnbsp;Baradas??/^ Oardism; bardic lorenbsp;Barddawd n, bardic sciencenbsp;Barddawl a, bardic; poeticnbsp;Barddawr, orion n, bardic geniusnbsp;Barddas -au n/) female bard, poetessnbsp;Barddgwcwll, gycyllau n, bard’s cowlnbsp;Barddoni n, baroic science; poetrynbsp;Barddoneg nƒ, bardic lore; poesynbsp;Barddoniaeth bardism; poetrynbsp;Barddonïaidd a, bardic; poetic [calnbsp;Barddonol a, relating to bardism; poeti-Baren -au nj^, branchnbsp;Barf -aunƒ, beard; whiskers. — yr afr,nbsp;goat’s beard. — y bwch, meadownbsp;sweet. — y gwr hen, traveller’s joy.nbsp;Barfau y derw, tree lichen or mossnbsp;Barfle -oedd n, crest of a helmet; beavernbsp;Barfog a, bearded: n, the finfish; thenbsp;Barfogyn barbel [lesser wood-chatnbsp;Barfrwyn np (-en nf), sea-rushesnbsp;Barfu V, to heardnbsp;Barfwr, wyr k, barber, shavernbsp;Bargeinio, Bargena v, to bargain, to buynbsp;Bargen -ion 75^ bargain, contractnbsp;Bargod-ion «, jut; skirt; eaves. Bar-godiaid, Bargodion, the inhabitantsnbsp;of the marches or frontiers. Rhyfelnbsp;bargod, border warnbsp;Bargodi v, to overhangnbsp;Bariaeth nƒ, viciousnessnbsp;Baril -au nf, barrel, casknbsp;Barilaid, eidiau nf barrelfulnbsp;Barilan 7j/| small barrel; ankernbsp;Barilo v, to barrelnbsp;Bario v, to bar, to boltnbsp;Barlen -au nf, the lapnbsp;Barlin n, superior liueage or extractionnbsp;Barlys n amp; c«, barley. 5ee Baranbsp;Barlysa v, to gather or collect barley;
to go about begging for barley Barlysen nf Barlysyn n, barleycornnbsp;46
-ocr page 51-BED
Barn -au vf, judgment; sentence. Barn dremyg, nugatory judgmentnbsp;Barnedig a, judged; condemned; sen-Bamedigaeth nf, judgment [tencednbsp;Barnodydd -ion «, judgenbsp;Barnol o, judging, casting; judicialnbsp;Barnu v, to judge; to condemnnbsp;Barnwr, wyr, Barnydd -ion n, judgenbsp;Barog -ion spurnbsp;Barog a ireful, wrathfulnbsp;Baron -iaid n. chief; baron, lordnbsp;Barones -au nf, baronessnbsp;Baroniaeth n, barony, baronagenbsp;Baronig -ion n. baronetnbsp;Barth n, ground hoor, floornbsp;Barthlys n, pellitory of the wallnbsp;Barug n, hoar frost, rimenbsp;Barugo v, to cast hoar frostnbsp;Barus a, vicious, mischievousnbsp;Barwn -ion -iaid baronnbsp;Barwnes -au baronessnbsp;Barwniaeth ??/,’ baronage, baronynbsp;Barwnig -iaid n, baronetnbsp;Baryw a. topmost, superiornbsp;Barywlen ?[/* outer coveringnbsp;Bas, beisiau n, shallow, shoalnbsp;Bas a, shallow, low, flat: p, beisionnbsp;Basaidd a, shallowishnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[child Basdardd -iaid n, bastard; illegimate Basdarddes -au njr, female bastardnbsp;Basdarddiaeth bastardynbsp;Basdarodio v, to bastardizenbsp;Basdaradu v, to rise from a base originnbsp;Basaer n, shallownessnbsp;Basg vj] plaiting, basketworknbsp;Basged -i-anwy*,basket. Basgedcleddyf,nbsp;the guard of a swordnbsp;Basgedaid, eidiau «ƒ, basketfulnbsp;Basgedog a, having a basketnbsp;Basgedol a, basketednbsp;Basle -oedd n, shallow place, shoalnbsp;Basu V, to make shallow; to lowernbsp;Batel -oedd n, drawing a bow; battlenbsp;Batelu V, to draw a bow; to battlenbsp;Bating w, paring and burning peat ornbsp;turf. Llosgi bating, to burn turfnbsp;Batingen, batingod nj] pared turf; sheafnbsp;of corn threshed; defloured womannbsp;Batingo, Batio i;, to pare and burn peatnbsp;or turf; to hoe; to threshnbsp;Bath -au n,likeness; emblem; copy; coin.nbsp;Arian bath, coined money; coin, current moneynbsp;Bathdy, dai «, mintnbsp;Batheiniau hieroglyphics; medalsnbsp;Batheinio r, to stamp effigiesnbsp;Batheiniol a, medallic; hieroglyphic |
Batheinydd -ion n, medallist Bathell -au «ƒ, small coinnbsp;Bathfa -oedd nf^ mintnbsp;Bathodyn n, medal; coinnbsp;Bathofydd -ion n, numismatistnbsp;Bathofyddiaeth numismaticsnbsp;Bathog a, having coin; moneyednbsp;Bathol a, coining; coinednbsp;Bathor -ion dormousenbsp;Batnu v, to coinnbsp;Bau -on «, hoofnbsp;Bauad 71, bearer of a saw-pitnbsp;Bauol -ion n, broad but; tunbellynbsp;Baw n, dirt, mire, dung, filth; a, dirty,nbsp;filthy, vile. Baw^ mwci, burdocknbsp;Bawacli np, mean dirty wretchesnbsp;Bawai, eion nc, dirty vile W'retchnbsp;Bawaidd a, dirty, vile; sordid, meannbsp;Bawd, bodiau nf^ thumb. Bawd troed,nbsp;the great toe, big toe. Bawd y mel-inydd, the fish millers thumb. Bawdnbsp;car, piece under a dragnbsp;Bawdfedi v, to reap in a particular waynbsp;Bawdfys, Bodfys -edd «, the thumbnbsp;Bawdle thumb-stallnbsp;Bawdy, dai w, necessary house, privynbsp;Bawdd 71, drowning; demersion. Arnbsp;fawdd, on the point of drowningnbsp;Bawddyn -ion n, dirty fellownbsp;Bawedi ri, nastinessnbsp;Baweiddio v, to grow filthynbsp;Bawgi, gwn ti, dirty dog; vile wretchnbsp;Bawlyd a, dirty, imry, nastynbsp;Bawyn -ach «, dirty W'retchnbsp;Be c, mutation of Pe, ifnbsp;Bechan q/*, little, small: 7», bychannbsp;Bechan little femalenbsp;Bechanigen nf, tiny femalenbsp;Bechgynach np, youngstersnbsp;Bechgynos np, little boysnbsp;Bechyn n, small hooknbsp;Bedlem -od nf strollernbsp;Bedlemes -au «/’, strollernbsp;Bedlemydd -ion n, vagabondnbsp;Bedlemyn ti, vagabond, strollernbsp;Bedw' np (-en nf), birch: nf birch grovenbsp;Bedwen nf, birch-tree. Bed wen chwerw,nbsp;hemp agrimony. Y fedw, Y fedwerw’nbsp;Llwyn bedw the birch grovenbsp;Bedweni np, birch grovenbsp;Bedwerw -i nf birch grovenbsp;Bedwin a, birchen, of birchnbsp;Bedwlwyn -i n birch grove [firmationnbsp;Bedydd n, baptism. Bedydd esgob, con-Bedyddfa, fau nf baptistry [fontnbsp;Bedydufaen, fain n, Bedyddfan -aunbsp;Bedyddiad -au n, baptizing; baptismnbsp;47 |
Bedyddio v, to baptize, to christen Bedyddiol a, baptismalnbsp;Bedyddiwr, wyr n, baptistnbsp;Beayssawd n, the universe=BydyssHwdnbsp;Bedd -au -i n, ^rave, sepulchre, tombnbsp;Beddadail, eiliau nf, sepulchral monunbsp;Beddaid, eidiau n graveful [mentnbsp;Beddargralï -ion n, epitaphnbsp;Beddarj^raffiad -au n epitaphnbsp;Beddfaen, feini rt, tomostonenbsp;Beddgor -au », mausoleumnbsp;Beddlech -i -au gravestonenbsp;Beddlith -iau ?i, epitaplinbsp;Bedd-d a, sepulchralnbsp;Begegvr -on drone, hummernbsp;Beibl Biol -au ra, Biblenbsp;Beichio v, to bawl; to load, to burdennbsp;Beichiog a, burdened; pregnantnbsp;Beichiofcji v to conceive; to get withnbsp;child: w, conceptionnbsp;Beidiog a, lively; vigorous: »ƒ, evergreen. — goch, — rudd, amphibiousnbsp;persicaria. — las, ground-ivy. —nbsp;Iwyd, mugwort, heart’s-easenbsp;Beiddgar a, presumptuousnbsp;Beiddio v, to presume, to darenbsp;Beiddiol a, presuming, daringnbsp;Beigri, ïau n, great misfortunenbsp;Beiii, ïau «, outlet; court, yard; moundnbsp;Beilio V, to issue forthnbsp;Beio V, to blame, to censurenbsp;Beiol a blaming, censuringnbsp;Beiri ïon «, icite Eeirniad, iaid «, judge; umpire; critic Beirniadaeth nf. criticismnbsp;Beirqiadol a. criticalnbsp;Beirniadu v, to judge; to criticisenbsp;Beisdon -au nf, sea-brink, beachnbsp;Beisdonell nj', plantain shoreweednbsp;Beisfa -on, Beisfan -au nf^ shallownbsp;place: shallow, shoalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[shoaly Beisfaog a, having shoals or shallows; Beisfaol a, shoaly, shallowy shelfynbsp;Beisfor -oedd n, shallow sea; shallownbsp;Beisgawn, gonau n, stack, mownbsp;Beisgawnu v, to stack cornnbsp;Beisio v, to grow snallownbsp;Beisiol a, shallowingnbsp;Beisle -oedd n snallow place, shoalnbsp;Beisleog a, having shallow placesnbsp;Beius a, faulty, blamable, aefectivenbsp;Beiusrwydd n, blamablenessnbsp;Beiwr, wyr «, blainer, censornbsp;Bel, byl n, tumult; havoc, waxnbsp;Bela -on », wolf; the henbanenbsp;Bela V to wrangle; to bicker; to warnbsp;Belach n, trouble, molestation |
Bele -od n, the marten. — y coed, wood marten. — y graig, rock martennbsp;Beli w, havoc, devastationnbsp;Beliaid np. warriors, soldiersnbsp;Beiu V, to bicker, to brawlnbsp;B^lwys np, depredatorsnbsp;Belys np, material for thatchingnbsp;B^lvsen Ilf, bundle of thatchnbsp;B.*ll a, compact, firm, closenbsp;Beilach ad, further; at length; nownbsp;Ben nf, active or living priaciple=Mennbsp;Ben -1 nf cart, wain=Mennbsp;Benaid, eidiau nf, cartful, cart-loadnbsp;Bendigaid Bendigedig a, blessednbsp;Bendigeidlys n, common avensnbsp;Bendigo V, to bless [mamau, fairiesnbsp;Benuilh -ion n/, blessing. Bendith eunbsp;Bendithio v, to blessnbsp;Benen nƒ, young female; birdnbsp;Benthyg n, loan; what is lent or borrowed. Khoi benthyg, to lendnbsp;Benthyca, Bentnycio, Benthygio v, tonbsp;borrow; to lendnbsp;Benyn n, wain, cartnbsp;Benyw -od -aid nf, woman, femalenbsp;Benywaidd a, feminine; effeminatenbsp;Benywen nf, little femalenbsp;Benywetach np, little gossipsnbsp;Benywol a, feminine, femalenbsp;Bêr, berau nf. lance, pike; spitnbsp;Ber, bèrau nf, shank, legnbsp;Ber af short, brief, scanty: m, byrnbsp;Bera -on n, pyramid, stacknbsp;Beraes nf, short shieldnbsp;Berai, eion n, turn-spit, jacknbsp;Beran nf, little spit; broachnbsp;Berasgell, esgyll nf, tbe penguinnbsp;Berdas, dys n, shrimpnbsp;Berdroell -au «/^jack-wheelnbsp;Berdysyn n, shrimp: nf, berdysennbsp;Berduig n, bardic, poeticalnbsp;Berf -au nf, vero Berfa, fau nf barrow nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cress Beifain a, slender-shanked: nf, wall Berfaydd -ion n, barrow-mannbsp;Berfayddes -au nf. barrow-womannbsp;Berfol a, verbal. Berfolion,verbal nounsnbsp;Bergam a, bowleggednbsp;Beri -ion n, kite Bernais, eisiau nf, varnish; cover Beriau, ieuau nf, short yokenbsp;Berllysg -au nf, truncheonnbsp;Beroes -au nf, short life; a, shortlivednbsp;Berrwy -on'n, fetternbsp;Berth -on n, perfection, beautynbsp;Berth a, fair, pleasant, richnbsp;Berthaidd a, well favourednbsp;48 |
Berthedd », endowment; riches Berthfa, fan, Berthfan -au nf^ fair ornbsp;rich spot; beauty-spotnbsp;Berthog a, endowed; wealthynbsp;Berthogi v, to endownbsp;Benhu V, to beautify; to enrichnbsp;Berthyd n, ornament; jewelnbsp;Berthyll a, enriched; elegantnbsp;Bern v, to spike, to spitnbsp;Beru r, to drop, to oozenbsp;Berw -on n, boiling, ebullitionnbsp;Berw, Berwr, Ben\7 cw, cresses. Ber-wyV dwfr, water cress. —V fagwyr,nbsp;wall cress. —’r fam, flixweed. —nbsp;Ffrengig, — yr ardd, garden cress. —’rnbsp;gauaf, winter cress. — yr iar, knotgrass. —’r moch, swine-cress. —nbsp;Taliesin, orpine, livelongnbsp;Berwad -au n, boiling, decoctionnbsp;Berwedydd -ion n, boilernbsp;Berwedd n, boiling statenbsp;Berweddu v, to brewnbsp;Berwi r, to boil; to bubble; to effervescenbsp;Berwol, Berwog a, boiling, bubblingnbsp;Berwyd w, ebullitionnbsp;Berwydydd -ion boilernbsp;Berwydd -ion boiler; brewernbsp;Berwydda v, to brewnbsp;Berwyddfa, fëydd nf^ brewerynbsp;Bery -on n, kitenbsp;Beryn n, candytuftnbsp;Beryryn n, annual cress rocket LP^ynbsp;Berysgrifen nf, stenography,brachygra-Beryw. Berywydd cw, juniper=:;Merywnbsp;Bet nf, hatred, grudge. Dal bet. tonbsp;bear ill will; to be angry. Nid oesnbsp;dim ond y fet rhyngddynt, there isnbsp;no love lost between themnbsp;Bettws, tysau «, secluded or shelterednbsp;spot; subordinate church or religiousnbsp;house; chapel. It forms the namesnbsp;of several churches in the Principality.nbsp;0 fryn i fettws, from hill to dalenbsp;Betys cn (-en n/quot;), beet=Melgednbsp;Beth, a mutation of Peth: used con-tractedly for Pa beth, what thing,nbsp;Beudag -au nf, the larynx [whatnbsp;Beudail n, cowdungnbsp;Beudy, dai, dyau n, cow-housenbsp;Beunos ad, nightly, every nightnbsp;Beunydd, Peunydd ad, daily, every daynbsp;Bewyd n, filthiness, dirtinessnbsp;Bi V, will be, there shall be=Byddnbsp;Bicra v, to fight, to bickernbsp;Bid tgt;, let it be, be it=Bydded, Boednbsp;Bid -au n, quickset hedge. Mutation ofnbsp;Bidan nf^ twig: «, sorry fellow [Mid |
Bidio V, to set a hedge Bidog -au nf, hanger; bayonet Bidogann/*, Bidogynn,dagger; poniard Bidogi V, to stab, to bayonet Bidoglys, Bidawglys n, water lobelia Bidogwr, wyr n, bayoneteer; cut-throat Bidwal«, encampment Bidwoseb -au n, visiting Bieting -au 7is=:Bating Bing -au n. the alley between two rows Bilwg, ygau n, billhook nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[villain Bilain, einiaid n, tenant in villainage; Bileinllu cn, mob, rabble Bileindref -i nf farm held in villainage, Bir n, beer nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[or by servile tenure Bis wail n, dung or droppings of cattle; dung; stale. Cleddyf biswail, the milt Bisweiiio v, to drop dung; to stalenbsp;Bisweilyn n, cow-dungnbsp;Bitolws n, bullnbsp;Biw np, kine, cattlenbsp;Biwiith «, cow-wheatnbsp;Blaen a, fore, foremost, first; leading. Blaenaf, first, foremost Blaen n, point; extremity, end; top;nbsp;former or foremost part; priority,nbsp;precedence. Blae.niaid, leaders.nbsp;Blaerdaid ac oliaid, leaders and followers; van and rear. Blaenau, extremities; the borders of a country;nbsp;the furthest and more mountainousnbsp;parts of a country. Blaenau Lloegr,nbsp;the borders or frontiers of England;nbsp;the marches. Blaenau afonydd, thenbsp;sources of rivers. Blaenion, the best,nbsp;chief, or principal part. Blaenionnbsp;llaeth, the first milic (in milking).nbsp;Blaenion eu nerth, the chief of theirnbsp;strength. Blaen cleddyf, the pointnbsp;of a sword. Blaen ac ol, first and last;nbsp;fore and aft; before and after. Ymnbsp;mlaen, Yn y blaen, forward, on. Ynnbsp;ol acymmlaen, backward andforward.nbsp;Ym mlaen Haw, before hand. Ac fellynbsp;ym mlaen, Ac felly yn y blaen, and sonbsp;forth, amp;c, Rnag blaen, before; forward ; ofi hand. Dos rhag dy fiaen, gonbsp;straightforward. Ü fiaen, before; innbsp;the presence of. 0’r biaen, formerly,nbsp;previously. Y nos o’r blaen, the previous nignt. Achub y biaen, to getnbsp;first or foremost. Blaen newydd, thenbsp;new moon. Blaen yr iwrch, perennialnbsp;mercury. Blaen y conyn ar y mêl,nbsp;common agrimony. Blaen y gwaew,nbsp;lesser spearwort Blaenafiaeth nf, primacy; precedence 49 |
Blaenanedtg a, first-born Blaendardd n, drst baddin?
Blaendocio v, to beard wool Blaendori t», to cut the endnbsp;Blaendrwch, drychion n, aphaeresisnbsp;Blaendrwyth -au prime solventnbsp;Blaenddawd, ddodiaid n, prefixnbsp;Blaenddodiad -an n, prefixingnbsp;Blaeneudir -oedd n, bordering landnbsp;Blaenfain a, sharp-pointednbsp;Blaenfed a. antecedentnbsp;Blaenffrwyth -au to, first-fruitnbsp;Blaengar a, apt to be foremostnbsp;Blaengeiniad, iaid to, precentornbsp;Blaentjis -ion n, first blownbsp;Blaengnaif, gneifion to, bearding of woolnbsp;Blaengnwd, gnydau to, first cropnbsp;Blaenhogi lo sharpen the pointnbsp;Blaenliaeth to, first milknbsp;Blaenilaw a, beforehand^ forwardnbsp;Blaenilaw first-handnbsp;Blaenllym a, sharp-pointednbsp;Blaenol a, foremost, primarynbsp;Bjaenor -iaid to, leader, chiefnbsp;Blaenori v, to precede; to leadnbsp;Blaenoriad to, preceaing; prioritynbsp;Blaenonaeth w^antecedence; precedencenbsp;Blaenorol o, antecedent, previousnbsp;Blaenred, Blaenredol a, precurrentnbsp;Blaenred -ion to, the foremostnbsp;Blaenrediad «, precurringnbsp;Blaenredu v, to forerun; to precedenbsp;Blaenu v, to point; to outrun; to precedenbsp;Rlaenwead -au to, summit [horizonnbsp;BLenwel -ion to, the furthest sight;nbsp;Blagur -on cto, sprouts, buds; youngnbsp;sprigs or shoots
Biaguro v, to sprout, to bud; to flourish Blagurol, Blagurog a, sprouting, budding; flourishingnbsp;Blaguryn to, sprout, bud, shootnbsp;Blai, Melon to, ravager; wolf [the visagenbsp;Blaidd, bleiddiaid, bleiddiau n, wolf;nbsp;Blan TO, splendour; ligntnbsp;Blanc, blainc to, young horsenbsp;BIhuu V, to cast a splenaournbsp;Bias -au to, taste, savour, relishnbsp;Blasaidd a, having some tastenbsp;Blaseiddio v, to give a tastenbsp;Blaslyn -au-oedd to, saucenbsp;Blasu V, to taste; to relishnbsp;Biasus a, relishing, savoury, palatablenbsp;Blasuso V, to give a relishnbsp;Blaw -on to, effusion, flownbsp;Blawd, blodion to, bloom; meal, flour.
Blawd llif, saw-dust Biawdd, bioddion », activity; tumult
Blawdd a, active, quick, ready Blawn to, essence, fat, oily principlenbsp;Blawr, Blawrwyn a, like nitre; hoary;nbsp;of a whitish grey
Blawr to, nitre; salts; grey colour; rime BUwrgoch TO, russet: a, russetnbsp;Blawrio v, to generate nitre; to becomenbsp;Ble -on TO, plain, open field [hoarynbsp;Bledd TO, ravage; spoilnbsp;Bieiddadwy a, raveningnbsp;Bieiddast,eist, Bleiddiast.ieist ti/*, wolf-Bleidd-dag «, wolf banenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bitch
Bieidd-drem n, small bugloss Bleiddgi, gwn «, wolf-dognbsp;Bleiddian, iain n, young wolfnbsp;Bleiddig a. like a wolfnbsp;Bleiddychfa nf the visagenbsp;Bleiddyd to, depredatornbsp;Bleiddyn to, wolfs cubnbsp;Bleidaynead n, cadaverous aspectnbsp;Bleiniad, iaid to, leader; ear of cornnbsp;Blew np (-yn ra), hairs; hair; fur: notnbsp;hair of the head, which is G-walltnbsp;Blewach, Blewiach np, tender hairs;
down nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I cen
Blewcyn to, hairy little fellow: ƒ, blew-Blewgeirch cn, bristle pointed oats Blewio V, to grow to hairnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mullein
Blewog a, hairy, shaggy: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;great
Blewogi V, to grow hairy or shaggy Blewogrwydd to, hairinessnbsp;Biewvn to, a hair; blade of grassnbsp;Blewynog to/! mouse-ear hawkweednbsp;Bliant, aint to, fine linen, cambricnbsp;Biif -an -ion to, catapuitanbsp;Blifai, eion to, projectilenbsp;Blifio V, to cast from an enginenbsp;Biifwr, wyr «, artillerymannbsp;Bnfyn to, budet, ball, projectilenbsp;Blmg -ion to. Haying, strippingnbsp;Blingo V, to flay, to akin, to excoriatenbsp;BLn a, tired, we-iry; troublesomenbsp;Blmcwra to, blisternbsp;Blinder -au to, trouble; fatiguenbsp;Blinderog, Blinderus a, fatigued, tired;
tiresome; troublesome, painful Blinfyd to, tribulationnbsp;BJinor, to trouble, to tire; to be fatiguednbsp;Blisg CTO, shells, husksnbsp;Blisgo V, to shell, to Imsknbsp;Blisgyn n, shell; husknbsp;Biith -ion to. milk: a, milch. Gwarthegnbsp;b.itmon, Da blithion, milch cowsnbsp;Blithog a, giving milk, milchnbsp;Bliw, Bliwlys, Bliwyn n, spurge-olivenbsp;Blochas 7)f, box=Biwchnbsp;Blochta TO, whey cheese
Blodau np (blodeujn n), flowers. —’r brenin, peony. —’r fran, meadownbsp;lychnis. — cenin y brain, blue bells.nbsp;—V go£j, cuckoo flower. —’r gwynt,nbsp;anemone. — Mihangel, Calathiannbsp;violet. —V Pasc, pasque flower. —nbsp;ymenyn, butter-cupsnbsp;Bloden flower, floweret:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;blodyn
Bioaeuad n, flowering, blooming Blodeufag a. floriferousnbsp;Bloaeugerdd -i n, anthologynbsp;Blodeulyd a, flowered; mouldynbsp;Blodeuo V. to flower, to flourish, to bloomnbsp;Blodeuog a, flowery, bloomy; flourishingnbsp;Bloaeuol a. floweringnbsp;Bloaeuwedü nf^ epithet for the owlnbsp;BlodeuwyUd np (-en »?ƒ), floweringnbsp;shrubs or trees
Blodeuyn n, flower. See Blodau Blodfresych np (-en nƒ), cauliflowersnbsp;Biodio V to make mealnbsp;Blodiog a, farinaceousnbsp;Biodionos npj floweretsnbsp;Bloiiionyn n floweret: ƒ, blodionennbsp;Biodiwr, wyr n meal-mannbsp;Biodon n flower, blossomnbsp;Bloowaith n, meal-dustnbsp;Biodwraig wragead nf. meaUwomannbsp;Biodwy c. farinaceous; mellownbsp;Bloawyad n growing mealynbsp;Blodyn n flower, floweret: ƒ blodennbsp;Bloddest -au n/) rejoicing, applausenbsp;Bioddestu r, to make rejoicingnbsp;Bloead -iau n/, shout outcrynbsp;Bioeadfawr a, vociferous, shoutingnbsp;Bioeddgar a apt to vociferate [ingnbsp;Bloeddian v, to keep shouting or bawi-Bloeddio v, to shout, to vociferatenbsp;BloeOdioi a shouting, bawlingnbsp;Bloeddiwr, wyr n, shouternbsp;Bloen Ttf. floweret, blossomnbsp;Bioenol, Bioynol a, blossoming, blooming, blowing as flowersnbsp;Blöenu V, to blossom, to bloomnbsp;Bloesg a. lisping; faltering; not speakini;nbsp;Bioesgeda, Bioesgni n, lisping [plainnbsp;Bloesgi V, to lisp, to falternbsp;Bloesgwr. wyr, Bloesgyn n, lispernbsp;Bloffi. Bloffieü p, to jumble, to minglenbsp;Blongfl/. biunt, surly, crabbed: m, blwngnbsp;Btoneg n lard, grease. Bloneg y derw.nbsp;oak-leatner. Bloneg y ddaiar, reu-berried briony
Bionegen nƒ, the leaf or caul that covers the stomach: m, blonegynnbsp;Biota P, to meal; to beg mealnbsp;Blotai, eion nc, beggar of meal
Bloteiaeth nf, mealing, begging meal Biotty, tai n. meal-housenbsp;Bloth -ion nf, blast, puffnbsp;Blotbach fat womannbsp;Blowmon -iaia n, blackamoor, negronbsp;Bloyn -au n, blossomnbsp;Bloynu v, to blossom, to flowernbsp;Blwch, blychau », boxnbsp;Blwng, biyngau n, angry look: aw, surly,nbsp;frowning angry, crabbed: ƒ, blongnbsp;Biwydd -i -au nf, year, twelvemonthnbsp;Blwyddiad, iaid n, yearling; annualnbsp;flower, amp;c.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[almanac
Blwyddiadur -on », annual; year-book, Blwyddol a, annual, yearlynbsp;Blwyddyn -edd n/, year. Blwydd3mnbsp;naid, leap year, bissextilenbsp;Blycbaid, eidiau n, boxfulnbsp;Blychu V, to put m a boxnbsp;Blychyn n, little boxnbsp;Blydd a sappy: soft, tendernbsp;Blyddiad n, rising of sapnbsp;Blyngder n, ruffled tempernbsp;Blynghau p, to grow angry or surlynbsp;Blyngu V, to ruffle; to frownnbsp;Blynedd, blynyddoedd, blynyddau nƒ,nbsp;year, twelvemonthnbsp;Blynyddoi a, annual, yearlynbsp;Blys -iau n, longing, craving; lustnbsp;Biysgar a, craving; hankeringnbsp;Blysig p, voluptuous, lustfulnbsp;Blvsigrwyda n, voluptuousnessnbsp;Biysio p to long, to lustnbsp;Blysion np, dainties, nicetiesnbsp;Blythach n, fat paunchnbsp;Blythai, eion nc, guzzle-gut, gluttonnbsp;Blythar, eiriau n, belch, eructationnbsp;Biytheirio v, to belch, to eructate [bonbsp;Bop mavbe: n,bugbear, scarecrow; i,nbsp;Bocsacn n, vaunting, boastnbsp;Bocsacnu p, to vaunt, to boast, to bragnbsp;Bocsachus a, vaunting, boastingnbsp;Boch -au nj‘y cheek; chap, chopnbsp;Bochaid, eidiau nf, chop-fullnbsp;Bochdew a, fat-cheekednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tooth
Bochddant, ddaint, ddannedd n, eye B )ch*iem -au »/’, jowlnbsp;Bochgernaid n, chop-fullnbsp;Bochgiug a, blubber-cheekednbsp;Bochio p, to munchnbsp;Bochlaes a, flabby-cheekednbsp;Bochlwyd a, pale-cheekednbsp;Bochiwyth -i n, chop-fullnbsp;Bocnlw) tho p. to stuff greedily, to gobblenbsp;Bochog a, blubbed-cbeekednbsp;Bod a. to be, to exist. G vvyr fy mod ynnbsp;dyfod, he knows 1 am comingnbsp;51
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Bod -au », being, Uving being; residence Bod -ion, Boda -od n, mountain kitenbsp;Bodfys -edd w, the thumbnbsp;Bodlawn, Bodlon, amp;c.=Boddlawn, amp;c.nbsp;Bodo n/*, aunt (in fond language)nbsp;Bodofyddiaeth Tj/j ontologynbsp;Bodol a, being, existingnbsp;Bodoliaeth, Bodolaeth itf, existencenbsp;Bodoldeb », existencenbsp;Bodrwy -au nf, ring=Modrwynbsp;Bodrwywr, wyr n, ring-makernbsp;Bodrydaf -au «, resort; hivenbsp;Bodd -ion n, will, good will, consentnbsp;Bodda -od w, the red-shanks=Troedgochnbsp;Boddfa -oedd drowning-placenbsp;Boddgar a, easily pleasednbsp;Boddgarwch contentednessnbsp;Boddhaol a, pleasing, satisfactorynbsp;Boddhau v, to please, to satisfynbsp;Boddi V, to drown; to be drowned; tonbsp;Boddineb «, contentment [^inundatenbsp;Boddio V, to please, to satisfynbsp;Boddlawn, Boddlon a, contented; willingnbsp;Boddlondeb n, contentmentnbsp;Boddlonedigol a, satisfactorynbsp;Boddlongar a, contentednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tent
Boddloni v, to satisfy, to please, to con-Boddlonol a, tending to please Boddlonrwydd w, contentednessnbsp;Boddlonus a, satisfied, contentednbsp;Boddog, Boddol o, pleased, contented,nbsp;Boddus a, pleasing, agreeable [willingnbsp;Bogail, eiliau n (N. W ), nf (S. W.),nbsp;navel; nave. — yForwyn, —Gwener,nbsp;common navelwortnbsp;Bogail, geiliaid nfy vowelnbsp;Bogeilaiad, Bogeiliaidd 0, umbilicalnbsp;Bogeiicbwydd n, swelling of the navelnbsp;Bogeilgen re, umbilicated liverwortnbsp;Bogeil-lys re, navelwortnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[knob
Boglwir, glymau, Boglyn -au re, boss, Boglynon cw, eryngo. — arfor, seanbsp;eryngo, sea hollynbsp;Boglynu v, to boss; to bubblenbsp;Boglynwaitb re, embossmentnbsp;Bogwn, ynau re, might, potencynbsp;Bogynog a, mighty, potentnbsp;Bol -iau, Bola re, belly, paunch; stomachnbsp;Bolaid, eidiau re, bellyfulnbsp;Bolcb, bylchau nf gap; notchnbsp;Bolch a, having a gap, notchednbsp;Bolchwydd re, swelling of the belly;
pregnancy; swaggering Bolcbwyddo re, to swell the bellynbsp;Boldesa, Boidesu re, to bask in the sunnbsp;Boldyn a, tight-bellied, full-belliednbsp;Bolera re, to guzzle, to sponge
Bolerai, eion re, guzzler Bolgan -au nf budget, pouchnbsp;Bolgi, gwn re, greedygut, gluttonnbsp;Bolglwm, glymau re, boss; tuftnbsp;Bolgodogion re/?, marsupialianbsp;Bolgwd re, paunch-bellynbsp;Bolheulo re, to bask in the sunnbsp;Bolio re, to belly, to gorgenbsp;Boliog a, big-belliednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tation
Bolocn re, disquietude, trouble, molcs-Bolol -ion re, bugbear, goblin Bolrwth a, gluttonous, greedynbsp;Bolrwym a, costive, boundnbsp;Bolrwymedd re, costivenessnbsp;Bolrwymo re, to make costivenbsp;Boirwymyn -au n, belly-bandnbsp;Bolrythi re, greedinessnbsp;Bolrythu re, to gormandizenbsp;Bolwag a, empty-bellied [in the bellynbsp;Bolwst, ystiau nf^ hernia; cholic; painnbsp;Bolwynt nf^ fiatulency; wind cholicnbsp;Boly re, belly, paunch=Bol, Bolanbsp;Bolysothach re, mixed language, jargonnbsp;Bolystog a, having hernianbsp;Bolystyn re, hernia, rupturenbsp;Bollt -au, byllt nf bolt, dart, sparnbsp;Bolltaid, eidiau nf^ bolting; stalknbsp;Bolltiad re, bolting, dartingnbsp;Bon-au,-ionre, stem, base; stock. Ychnbsp;bon, Boniad, the hindmost ox in anbsp;plough or team. Bon y gler, thenbsp;lowest class of minstrelnbsp;Bonad, eidiau re, basementnbsp;Bonbren -i re, harness stretchernbsp;Boncath -od -au re, buzzardnbsp;Bonciust -iau re, box on the earnbsp;Bonciustio re, to box the earnbsp;Boncyff -ion -iau re, stump, trunk, stocknbsp;Bondew a, thick-legged, squabbynbsp;Bondid -au nf^ plough-chainnbsp;Bondo c?re, eaves, first thatchnbsp;Bonedd re, descent, stock, nobleness ofnbsp;birthj lineage, pedigree: ere, gentry;nbsp;nobility. Dwyn plant ar fonedd, tonbsp;give children a liberal educationnbsp;Boneddes -au nf lady=Boneddigesnbsp;Boneddig a, noble; genteel, gentlemanly. Gwr boneddig, gentleman.nbsp;Gwraig foneddig, lady. Mab boneddig, young gentleman. Merch foneddig, young lady; lady. Boneddig-ion, gentlemen; gentrynbsp;Boneddigaeth nf gentilitynbsp;Boneddigaidd a, noble; genteelnbsp;Boneddiges -au nf ladynbsp;Boneddu re, to ennoblenbsp;Boneddwr, wyr re, gentlemannbsp;.52
-ocr page 57-Bonfras a, thick-legged; clumsy Bonffagl, amp;c. n/==:Banffagl, amp;c,nbsp;Bongam a, bandy-leggednbsp;Bougamu v, to waddlenbsp;BoDgemi n. bandy-legged statenbsp;Bonglerwch n clumsiness, awkwardnessnbsp;Bonglwm, glymau n, knob on the endnbsp;Bontad, iaid n, the aft ox in a teamnbsp;Bonllef n/=Banllefnbsp;Bonllost -an vf^ the tail, genitalnbsp;Bonog o, stemmed, stalked; thick-Bosang -an nf, base; layer [shankednbsp;Bons^g -an nf, plough-chainnbsp;Bontin -au nf, buttock, rumpnbsp;Bontinog a, large-buttockednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[stem
Bonyn -au, Bonwn, ynau n, stump, stock, Bor -au n, focus; centre of a circlenbsp;Bord -ydd -au (S. W.) 7^—Bwrddnbsp;(N.W.)» table, board. —gron, roundnbsp;Bordaid eidiau r^, tablefulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f table
Bore, Boreu *au n, morn, dawn: a, early Boregwaith, Boreugwaith n, ¦ morningnbsp;time, a certain morningnbsp;Boreubryd n, breakfastnbsp;Boreuddydd, Boreddydd -iau n, dayspring, break of day, morningnbsp;Boreuedd n, earlinessnbsp;Boreufwyd, Borefwyd -ydd n, breakfastnbsp;Boreuo v, to become morning, to becomenbsp;Boreuol a, dawning,morning, early [daynbsp;Bost -iau n, boast, braggingnbsp;B(»tio V, to boast, to bragnbsp;Bot -iau n, round bodynbsp;Botas -au botasen n/, buskin; bootnbsp;Botaswr, wyr n, bootmakernbsp;Botwm. ymau n, boss; buttonnbsp;Botymog a, bossed; buttonednbsp;Botymu v. to boas; to buttonnbsp;Both -au nf, nave of a wheel; bossnbsp;Bothell -i njf', rotundity; bottle; blisternbsp;Bothog o, rotund
Brae a, frank, free, open; boastful Brad -au n, treachery, treason; perfidy;nbsp;Bradbwli, byllau n, trap pit [plotnbsp;Bradfwriad -au 71, seditionnbsp;Bradfwnadu v, to plot seditionnbsp;Bradgyfarfod n, ague continuing butnbsp;one day; ephemeranbsp;Bradog, Bradol, Bradus a, treacherousnbsp;treasonable, traitorous; deceivingnbsp;Bradu tgt;, to commit treason; to plotnbsp;Bradw a, mouldering, fretting awaynbsp;Bradwch, ychau n, treachery, proditionnbsp;Bradwr, wyr n, traitor, betrayernbsp;Bradwriaeth -au nf traitorous act trea-Bradwrus a, traitorous [son, treacherynbsp;Bradwy -on n, break off; blemish
Bradwy v, to crumble off Bradychol, Bradychus a, betrayingnbsp;Bradychu v, to betraynbsp;Bradyn -ion n. prodigalnbsp;Bradyniaeth nf, prodigalitynbsp;Braen -ion n, rot, corruptionnbsp;Braen a, rotten, corruptnbsp;Braenar -au w, fallow, ploughed laudnbsp;Braenaru v, to fallownbsp;Braendail, Braendir -oedd n, land manured by cattle feeding on itnbsp;Braenedigol a, putrefactivenbsp;Braenedd n, putridity, rottennessnbsp;Braenllyd a, putrid; mouldynbsp;Braenliydedd n, mouldinessnbsp;Braenu v, to putrify, to rotnbsp;Brag n, sprouting; maltnbsp;Bragad cn, offspring; the van guardnbsp;Bragal v, to vociferatenbsp;Bragas-iaidft slim fellow; longstridernbsp;Bragaldian, Bragaldio v, to jabber, tonbsp;babble, to gabble, to prate, to pothernbsp;Bragdy, dai n, malt-housenbsp;Bragio v, to issue, to branch; to bragnbsp;Bragod -ion n, sprouting; compound;
braget; liquor so called [ment Bragodi v, to be active, to stir; to fer-Bragodlyn -oedd -au n, bragget liquornbsp;Bragodyn on, sprout, germnbsp;Bragu, Brago v, to make malt; to maltnbsp;Bragur -on n, sprout, germnbsp;Braguro v, to sprout out, to germinatenbsp;Bragwair, weiriau n, viviparous grasses;nbsp;sort of marsh-pent
Bragwr, wyr, Bragydd -ion n, maltster Brai, breion n, that is broken outnbsp;Braich breichiau n arm; branch; versenbsp;Braidd a, near: arf, just, hardly, scarce-Brail cn, the rose [ly; nearly, almostnbsp;Braint, breintiau, breiniau nf, privilege.
right;prerogative;dignity [with child Braisg a. gross, thicR., large; pregnant,nbsp;Braith of, variegated, motley: ni, brithnbsp;Braith n=Praith
Bral -au n, rag. shred. Brenin y bralau, tatterdemalion. Bral 0 ddyn, Brelynnbsp;o ddyn, ragged fellownbsp;Bralgi, gwn n, ragged fellownbsp;Bralog a, ragged, tattered; hairbrainednbsp;Bram -au nf short puffnbsp;Bramu v, to break windnbsp;Brdn, brain ?if, crow; bridge of a fiddlenbsp;Bran n, bran, husknbsp;Branaidd o, like a crownbsp;Branel -au «, the piece of timber whichnbsp;holds the mouldboard of the oldnbsp;Welsh plough; big rustic fellownbsp;53
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— wen, the small pox. —- y c^, mange. — y fuwch, cow pox. — yrnbsp;luddewon, leprosy. — y moch, swinenbsp;pox. — yr leir, chicken pox. 01 ynbsp;f rech, pits or marks of the (small) poxnbsp;Brech of. brindled, freckled: m, brychnbsp;Brechdan -au T^slice of bread and batternbsp;Brechlyd, Brechog a, having eruptionsnbsp;or pox; pocky
Brechlys n, common chickweed Bredych n, fright, terror; surprisenbsp;Bredychu igt;, to betray; te deceivenbsp;Bref -au nf lowing; bleatingnbsp;Brefai, Breflys n, pennyroyalnbsp;Brefan -au nf lump of butternbsp;Brefant, annau », the windpipe. Afalnbsp;brefant, top of the windpipenbsp;Brefer a, vociferous, loud, shrillnbsp;Brefiad, Breferad -au n, bellowingnbsp;Bref a v. to low, to bellow; to bleatnbsp;Breg -au «, rupture, fissurenbsp;Bregedd n, fragility, frailtynbsp;Bregol a, fragile, brittle, frailnbsp;Bregu u, to become fragilenbsp;Bregus, Brecus a. broken, fractiousnbsp;Bregyn n, grain of maltnbsp;Breiad, iaid n. topping; ripplingnbsp;Breian -au nf, lump; rippUng ot waternbsp;Breichaid, eidiau nf armfulnbsp;Breichdlws, dlysau nf braceletnbsp;Breicheidio v, to embracenbsp;Breichell -au nf sleevenbsp;Breichf ras a,strong-armed, stout-armednbsp;Breichio v, to use the armsnbsp;Breichiol a, brachialnbsp;Breichied, Breichrwy, Breichledr -aunbsp;nf, braceletnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[excess
Breichlwytho v, to load the arms to Breichrwy0 v, to put on braceletsnbsp;Breichrwyol a, armillarynbsp;Breiddfyw a, scarcely alivenbsp;Breiddgof a, scarcely rememberednbsp;Breing np, the commonaltynbsp;Breila, Breilw -on c», rose; wild rosenbsp;Breindir, Breinttir -oedd », allodialnbsp;Breinfa -oedd u/, palatinate [landnbsp;Breinfawr a, highly privilegednbsp;Breiniarli, ieirll n, count palatinenbsp;Breiniarllaeth nf, palatinate [chisenbsp;Breinio v. to give privilege, to enfran-Breiniog a. privileged, enfranchisednbsp;Breiniol a privileged, freenbsp;Breiniolaetn -au nf enfranchisementnbsp;Breinioli v, to enfranchise
Breintlen. Breinlen -i n, charter [conrt disease. — ffoch, thelBreintlys, Breinllys-oedd n, prerogativenbsp;— las, confluent small pox.lBreintlythyr -au n, letters-patent
Branes np, flight of crows Branos np^ young crowsnbsp;Bras -au n, cross-bownbsp;Bras a, gross, large, thick; fat; coarsenbsp;Bras yr yd, Aderyn bras yr yd, Brasnbsp;y ddrutan, buntingnbsp;Brasau v, to grow gross or fatnbsp;Brasbwyth -au n, basting-stitchnbsp;Brasder n, grossness, fatness; fatnbsp;Brasderog a, fat; greasynbsp;Braslïain, tïeinian n, coarse linennbsp;Braslun -iau n, rough-cast, sketchnbsp;Brasnaddu v, to rough-hewnbsp;Brasu v. to make gross or roughnbsp;Brasweithio v. to rough-worknbsp;Brat -iau n, clout, piece, rag; pinaforenbsp;Bratiog a, clouted, raggednbsp;Brath -au n, stab; sting; bitenbsp;Brathlys », pimpernelnbsp;Brathoi a, stabbing; bitingnbsp;Brathu v, to stab; to sting; to bitenbsp;Brau a, brittle, frail; frangible, fragilenbsp;Braw, BrSwch n, terror, dread, frightnbsp;Brawd, brodyr brother; fellow; friar.
Brawd yng nghyfraith, brother-in-law Brawd-au^ judgment, Terdict. Dyddnbsp;brawd, day of judgmentnbsp;Brawdfa -on n, juagment-seatnbsp;Brawdfaeth -i n, brother-fosteringnbsp;Brawdfaethu v, to foster as a brothernbsp;Brawdgarwch n, brotherly lovenbsp;Brawdio v, to give judgment [cidenbsp;Brawdladd, Brawctiaddiad -au n, fratri-Brawdle -oedd nfj judgment-seatnbsp;Brawdleiddiad, laid n, a fratricide, brother slayer
Brawdol a, brotherly, fraternal Brawdoldeb n, brotheriinessnbsp;Brawdoiiaeth -au nf, fraternity [shipnbsp;Brawdoriaeth nf, brotherhood; fellow-Brawdwr, wyr n, judgenbsp;Brawddeg -au njf\ sentencenbsp;Brawl, broliau n, boast, vaunt, brag;nbsp;Brawddegol a, sentential [gabble, tattlenbsp;Brawlgi, gwn n, a brawler, a babblernbsp;Brawn n, produce. Brawn y ddaiar,nbsp;vegetable soil [terrific, frightfulnbsp;Brawychol, Brawychus a, terrifying,nbsp;Brawychu v, to terrify, to affrightnbsp;Bre -on nƒ, peak, mount, hillnbsp;Brebwl, byliaid n, blockheadnbsp;Brecan -au nf, rug, coverlidnbsp;Breccini n, despumationnbsp;Breci ïau n. wort, sweet wortnbsp;Brecb -au nf eruption, pox. — fawr,nbsp;venerealnbsp;measles.
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Breisgad, Breisgiad n, becoming large or bulky, thickening [or bulky Breisgao^ Breisgio v, to become largenbsp;Breisgion np tow, oakum; refusenbsp;Breitbeil -au nf, what is of varied texture; caul; conflict. — yryrnenydd.nbsp;membrane enclosing the brain, duranbsp;mater Breithgan -au nƒ, macaronic poem Breith-hin nf, broken weathernbsp;Breith-hinon w/, interval of fair weathernbsp;Breitbred -ion, Breithrwy -on conflictnbsp;BreJyn small rag or shred. See Bralnbsp;Bremain a, pufBngnbsp;Bremian v, to puffnbsp;Bren n, supremacynbsp;Brenig np (-en n/), limpetsnbsp;Brenin -oedd n, king, sovereign. —nbsp;cyfeddacb, king of good fellows. —nbsp;pen beirdd, herald king at armsnbsp;Breninaidd a, kingly, king-likenbsp;Breninbysg -od np, the king fishnbsp;Brenindod -au », royalty [auguratenbsp;Brenindodi u, to confer royalty; to in-Breuiudj, dai n, king’s house or palacenbsp;Breniues -au ny, queennbsp;Breuinesol a, belonging to a queennbsp;Breninfraint, freintiau, freiniau w, royalnbsp;privilege or prerogativenbsp;Breniniaeth -au ny kingdomnbsp;Breninllys -oedd n, king s courtnbsp;Breninliys -iau », basil. —• dof, greatnbsp;basil. — gwvllt, wild basilnbsp;Breniool a, kingiv, royal, regalnbsp;Breninoli to royalizenbsp;Breninwisg -oedd rt/J royal robenbsp;Bresych np (-en «ƒ), cabbagesnbsp;Bresychu v, to crumplenbsp;Bretyn », little rag Brethyn -au n, wooden cloth. — dines-ig, superfine cloth. — denied, broad cloth. — unlled. narrow cloth. —nbsp;pentan, homespun clothnbsp;Brethyniaeth nf, woollen draperynbsp;Brethvnol a, of clothnbsp;Brethynwr, wyr, Brethjnydd -ion »,nbsp;woollen drapernbsp;Brëu r, to low; to bleatnbsp;Breuad, md n, cannibal; grave-worm Brenan, ain ^ carrion crow Breuan -au nf, handmill. — dinfoel, the lesser handmillnbsp;Breuandy, dai n, mill-housenbsp;Breuanllif -au nf, grindstonenbsp;Breuant, annau n, windpipenbsp;Breuanu v, to bray, to poundnbsp;Breuawd n, brittleness, frailty |
Breubys -ion cn (-yn »), bit, crumb Breuder », brittleness, frailtynbsp;Breuddil -au », grindernbsp;Breuddilo v, to grindnbsp;Breuddwyd -ion n, dream. — o ddyn,nbsp;dreamer, mope, moping fellownbsp;Breuddwydio v, to dreamnbsp;Breuddwydiol a, dreamingnbsp;Breuddwydiwr, wyr », dreamernbsp;Breufer a. sonorous; lowingnbsp;Breulif a brittle-edgednbsp;Breno v, to ^row brittlenbsp;Breuol a, brittle, frail, fragilenbsp;Breaolaeth, Breuolder n, brittlenessnbsp;Brè'yr -on n, baronnbsp;Brëyrdir -oedd n, baron-landnbsp;Breyres -an nf baronessnbsp;Breyriaeth -au nf baronagenbsp;Brëyrlys -oedd n, court-baronnbsp;Breyrol a, baronialnbsp;Bri -au n, dignity, honour; ranknbsp;Briad -au », dignifyingnbsp;Brial cn, grass of Parnassusnbsp;Briallu np (briallen «/*), primroses.nbsp;— Mair disawr, oxlip, great cowslip.nbsp;^ Mair sawyrus, cowslip, paiglenbsp;Bricyil np (-en nf), apricotsnbsp;Bricyllwydd np (-en «ƒ), apricot-treesnbsp;Brid -iau n, eruption; the scabnbsp;Brido tgt;, to break out, to eruptnbsp;Bridol a, eruptive, scabbynbsp;Briduw », warranty, earnestnbsp;Bridd -iau n, springing forwardnbsp;Brig n, top, summit: cn, -an, tops (as ofnbsp;trees and plants); top - branches;nbsp;twigs; the hair. Brig pren, the topnbsp;of a tree, or the upper branches,nbsp;Brigau coed, the branches or tops ofnbsp;trees. Brigau’r twynau, yeliow bed-straw, Ym mrig y nos, im mrig yrnbsp;hwyr, in the dusk. Codi ym mrignbsp;un, to attack a personnbsp;Brigant, annau n, summit; Highlandernbsp;Brigbori v. to browse, to nibblenbsp;Bcigdori v, to top. to prunenbsp;Brigddyrnu r, to thresli out the topnbsp;Briger -au cn, tuft; hair of the head.nbsp;— blodeuyn, capiilaments of a flower. Gwener, —- Gweno, true maidenhair Brigeraidd, Brigerol a, capillary [date Brigfaen n, pointed, accuminated, cuspi-Brigfeinio to point, to sharpennbsp;Brigfrig ad, top to top; at loggerheads;nbsp;in a scuffle Brigladd r, to lop the tops [sprays Briglas a, having blue (or dark green)nbsp;65 |
Briglwyd a, hoary-headed Briglwydo v, to grow hoarynbsp;Brigo V, to top; to flourishnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[^ing Brigog a, having tops; branchy; flourish-Brigol a, shooting up; branching Bngwellt w, hairgrassnbsp;Brigwlydd cn, water starwortnbsp;Brigwn, ynau n. andironsnbsp;Brigwyn a, white-topped: ƒ, brigwennbsp;Brigyn n, top branch, twignbsp;Brigynoi a, branching outnbsp;Brigystod -au nf^ the top rownbsp;Bril, Brilyn n, clout, ragnbsp;Brilwm, lymiaid w, bare or naked onenbsp;Bril-lys -iau w, bastard pimpernel, smallnbsp;Brio to dignify, to honour [chaffweednbsp;Briol a, dignifying; honorarynbsp;Brisg -ion n, track, tracenbsp;Brisgo to track, to tracenbsp;Brith a, mixed, motley, pied, speckled: braith. Cetfyi brith, piebald horse Bnthawd n, variegationnbsp;Brithawdl, odJau nf^ mixed rhymenbsp;Brithdwym n, a sort of caudlenbsp;Britheg nf. chequered daffodilnbsp;Brithedd to, variegationnbsp;Brithgi, gwn to, mongrel dognbsp;Brithgoch a, variegated with rednbsp;Brithiaith, ieithoedd nf, mixed language; patois; provincial dialectnbsp;Bnthlas a, dappled graynbsp;Brithlen -i nf, arrasnbsp;Britho to variegate; to dapple; tonbsp;speckle; to break (as milk in churn-ing) Brithodli v, to use mixed rhyme Brithog a, variegated, dapplednbsp;Brithog lif fricassee, fritter; custardnbsp;Brithol a, variegatingnbsp;Brithred -ion to, confusion, turmoilnbsp;Brithryw a, heterogeneousnbsp;Brithwlaw to, drizzling rainnbsp;Brithwr, wyr to, one having his skinnbsp;stained; one wearing a particolourednbsp;dress; Piet Brithwy -on to, confusion Brithwyn a, motley-whitenbsp;Brithvd to, mixed corn, meslin. Baranbsp;brithvd, meslin breadnbsp;Brithyli -od -iaid w, trout. Brithyll ynbsp;dom, prickle-back, stickle-backnbsp;Brithyn to, macaroninbsp;Briw -iau to, wound, cut; matter, pus. Briw y march, common vervain Briw a, broken; brayednbsp;Briwant, annau to, broken statenbsp;Briwdoni v. to break the surface |
Briwddail «p, herbage Briweg c», stonecrop. Briweg y ceryg,nbsp;English stonecropnbsp;Briwennig a, shattered, brokennbsp;Briwfara to, broken breadnbsp;Briwiaith, ieithoedd nf jargonnbsp;Briwion np (-yn to), fragmentsnbsp;Briwioni v, to crumole; to pulverizenbsp;Briwlys to, woundwort. tewbanog,nbsp;d 0 wny woundwort. — y taiog, marshnbsp;woundwort Briwo r, to break, to crumble; to cut, to wound; to hurt; to be hurtnbsp;Briwod w, driven snownbsp;Briwsion «p (-yn to), crumbs, fragmentsnbsp;Briwsioni v, to crumblenbsp;Briw-wlaw to, drizzling rainnbsp;Briwwydd wp, dry brushwoodnbsp;Briwydd nf bedstraw. — wen, smoothnbsp;heath bedstraw, — felen, yellownbsp;bedstraw Briwys -ion cn, small crumb Bro, broydd nf inhabited land; countrynbsp;Broaidda,rural,country-like; pleasantnbsp;Broawl a, like cultivated landnbsp;Broc a,of a mixed colour; roan; grizzled;nbsp;TO,mixed colour; roan colour. Ceffylnbsp;broc, roan horse. Dafad froc, dafadnbsp;frogla, grizzled sheepnbsp;Brocen -au nf the breast, the bosomnbsp;Broch -ion to, din, tumult; badger: w/’,nbsp;froth, foam; wrathnbsp;Brochell -au nf tempestnbsp;Brochi to chafe, to fume; to blusternbsp;Brochus a, fuming; blusteringnbsp;Brodedd to, fraternitynbsp;Brodio v, to embroider, to darnnbsp;Brodiog 0, embroidered, darned [paignnbsp;Brodir-oedd to/’,cultivated land; cham-Brodor -ion to, member of society; nativenbsp;Brodordy, dai to, collegiate housenbsp;Brodoriad -au to, fraternizationnbsp;Brodoriaeth -au nf, fraternitynbsp;Brodoriol a, federativenbsp;Brodorol a, nativenbsp;Brodre to, social intercoursenbsp;Brodyr np (brawd to), brothers, brethrennbsp;Brodyrdde to, fellowshipnbsp;Brodyriol a, fraternalnbsp;Broddeg -au «y’^Brawddegnbsp;Broddosbarth nf chorographynbsp;Broes -au to, a small pointed piece ofnbsp;wood, — edafedd, — gwlan, yarnnbsp;slipper, yarn stick = Pric edafedd.nbsp;— canwyllau, candle slipper, [spawnnbsp;Broga -od to, frog. Gritï't y broga, frog-Brogla a, grizzled, grisled. «See Broc-56 |
Bröig a, pleasant as a vale nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing Brol, Broled n, boast; bragging; vaunt* Brolaidd, Brolig a, luxuriant, fertilenbsp;Brolian, Brolio v, to brag, to vauntnbsp;Brolwydd patriotismnbsp;Bron -au n/J breast, pap: Bron -ydd nf,nbsp;breast of a hill. — alarch, cuttle-fishnbsp;bone. Ger bron, in presence of, before. Ym mron, almostnbsp;Bron ad, almost, nearly, on the point ofnbsp;Brona v, to give the breastnbsp;Bronaidd a, swelling as a breastnbsp;Bronallt, elltydd nf, smooth declivitynbsp;Brondor -au nf, breastplatenbsp;Bronddu a, black-breasted. — y twyn-Broneg -au n/, breastplate [au, plovernbsp;Bronfoll -au n, stomacher [thrushnbsp;Bronfraith a, mottled-breasted; nf,nbsp;Brongengl -au nf breast-leathernbsp;Bronglwm, glymau n, breast-knotnbsp;Brongul a, narrow-chestednbsp;Bronguli n, narrowness of the chestnbsp;Bronheilin a, free-heartednbsp;Bronig nf, little papnbsp;Bronisel a, low-chestednbsp;Bronlliain, llieiniau nf breastcloth, bibnbsp;Bronllydan a, broad-chestednbsp;Bronog a, full-breastednbsp;Bronrhain a, high-breasted [redbreastnbsp;Bronrhuddog, Bronrhuddyn -od n, thenbsp;Bronto/J filthy, dirty; surly: w, brwntnbsp;Bronten -od nf dirty wenchnbsp;Bronuchel a, high-chestednbsp;Bronwala n, contentmentnbsp;Bronwedd -an nf the bosomnbsp;Bronwen q/J white-breasted:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;weasel Bronwerth nf borage. — y wiber, viper’s bugloss Bronwst nf pain of the breast Bronwyn a, white-breasted: f bronwennbsp;Bronwys, Bronwst n, pilewortnbsp;Broth -au nf stir, tumult=:Brwthnbsp;Bru n, the womb: the bellynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ine Bruawl a, belonging to the womb; uter-Brud -iau n, chronicle; surmise; con-Brudai, eion n, chronicler [jecture Brudiaeth rf, chronologynbsp;Brudio v, to record, to chronicle; to surmise, to conjecture; to prophesynbsp;Brudiol a, chronologicalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wizard Brudiwr, wyr n, chronicler; diviner, Brut -iau n, chronicle. — y tywys-ogion, chronicle of the princesnbsp;Brwch, brychion n, ferment, stirnbsp;Brwchan n, caudle, thin flummerynbsp;Brwd a, hot, warm; acridnbsp;Brwdfrydedd n, zeal, enthusiasm |
Brwdfrydig a, zealous, enthusiastic Brwg, brygau n, growth; brakenbsp;Brwmstan n, brimstonenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bront Brwnt am, foul, nasty, dirty; surly: f Brwth, brythau n, stir, tumultnbsp;Brwyd -au n, brooch; braid; broideringnbsp;frame. Brwydau, braids of a loomnbsp;Brwyd a, full of holes; torn, rentnbsp;Brwyden rif, the reeds of a loomnbsp;Brwydo v, to make interstices; to em-Brwydr -an rif, battle, conflict [broidernbsp;Brwydrin -au nf combatingnbsp;Brwydro v, to battle, to fight in warnbsp;Brwydrol a, battling, fightingnbsp;Brwydwaith n, embroidery [broiderernbsp;Brwydweithydd, Brwydydd -ion n, em-Brwyn -ion n, pricking; smartingnbsp;Brwyn np (-en nf\ rushes, Brwynennbsp;afon, the middle stream of a river.nbsp;Brwynen ffordd, the trodden part of anbsp;Brwynddail np, spiderwortnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[road Brwyneg nf a place where rushes grow Brwynfryd n, anxious mindnbsp;Brwyniad, iaid?i, smelt; sparlingnbsp;Brwynou, to gather rushes; to prick;nbsp;Brwynog a, having rushes [to throbnbsp;Brwys a, luxuriant, fertilenbsp;Brwysedd n, luxuriancenbsp;Brwysg a, unwieldy; drunknbsp;Brwysgedlys n, coriandernbsp;Brwysgedd n, unwieldiness; inebrietynbsp;Brwysgo v, to become drunknbsp;Brwysgol a, unwieldv, drunknbsp;Brwyso V, to grow luxuriantlynbsp;Bry a, high: ad, upwards, above=Frynbsp;Brycan -au n, rug=:Brecannbsp;Brycell -au nf covert, brakenbsp;Brvch -au n, rough covering; the afterbirth of a cow: a (^f brech), brindled,nbsp;freckled Brychan n, brindled covering; plaid Brychau np (euyn n), motes, fluenbsp;Brychell -iaid n, troutnbsp;Brychen -au nf, bubbling springnbsp;Brycheulyd a, full of dirty spotsnbsp;Brycheuo v, to pick; to maculatenbsp;Brycheuog a, spottednbsp;Brvcheuyn n, mote; hair: p, brychaunbsp;Brychiad, iaid n, salmon troutnbsp;Brychni n, freckledness, frecklesnbsp;Brychlyd, Brychog a, brindled, frecklednbsp;Brychu v, to brindle, to frecklenbsp;Brychwyn a, of a brindled whitenbsp;Brychyn n, speckled onenbsp;Brychynu v, to specklenbsp;Bryd n, impulse; mind, thoughtnbsp;Brydai, eion a heating iron, heaternbsp;57 |
Brydaint, Brydaniaeth n, inflammation Brydiau to inflame; to throbnbsp;Brydiannol a, simmering; heatingnbsp;Brydiannu v, to simmer; to throbnbsp;Brydiannus a, heating; throbbingnbsp;Brydiant, iannau n, heating; throbbingnbsp;Brydio v, to heat, to inflame; to throbnbsp;Brydiog a, heated; throbbingnbsp;Brydiol a, of a heating qualitynbsp;Brydlawn a, resolute, intentnbsp;Brydlonedd n, resolutenessnbsp;Brydd a, feeble, weak, sicklynbsp;Bryddon n, feebleness, debilitynbsp;Bryddoneg -au nf^ babbling, jargonnbsp;Brygai, eion n, what overgrowsnbsp;Brygain a, luxuriant; ranknbsp;Brygaint n, luxuriance [talk foolishlynbsp;Brygawthan u, to babble or prate, tonbsp;Brygawthen ?i/] rigmarole, prattlenbsp;Brygawthwr, wyr 7i, babblernbsp;Brygu p, to grow out, to overspreadnbsp;Bryn -iau n, hill, mountnbsp;Br^n, brynau n, grudge, malicenbsp;Brynach, aich n, highland regionnbsp;Bryncyn -an n, clod; little hillocknbsp;Bryncynog a, full of clods; unevennbsp;Bryncynu p, to break clodsnbsp;Brynial p, to be heapingnbsp;Bryniog a, full of hillsj hillynbsp;Bryntij Bryntni «, filthiness, dirtinessnbsp;Brys -lau «, quickness, hastenbsp;Brysebyr -on, Brysfynagjfyneig ?*,tele-Brysfyneg -ion nf, telegram [graphnbsp;Brysg a, quick, nimble, brisknbsp;Brysgar a, quickening; h,astynbsp;Brysglud -ion «, a diligence; expressnbsp;Brysgyll -au n, truncheon [carriagenbsp;Brysio p, to hasten, to speednbsp;Brysiol a, hastening, hurryingnbsp;Bryslythyr -au », dispatchnbsp;Brysyll -au n, truncheonnbsp;Brytwn », Briton; field southernwoodnbsp;Brythai, eion «, rioternbsp;Brythain a, riotous, brawlingnbsp;Brythaint», riot, tumultnbsp;Brythar, Brytheiriad », eructationnbsp;Brythawd, odau », riot, disturbancenbsp;Brytheirio p, to belch, to eructatenbsp;Brythol a, turbulent, riotous [s, Britonnbsp;Brython -iaid n^, a trioe of Britons:nbsp;Brythoneg, Brytnonaeg n/J the Brythonnbsp;speech; British languagenbsp;Brythonig a, relating to the tribe ofnbsp;Brython, or their languagenbsp;Brythred -ion nf^ conflictnbsp;Brythu p, to quarrel, to brawlnbsp;Brythus a, turbulent, brawling |
Brythwch «, tumult, brawl Brythwy -on n, tumult, uproarnbsp;Brythyn n, stir, brawl; Britonnbsp;Bryw », vigour, brisknessnbsp;Brvw a, vigorous, brisk, wantonnbsp;Brywder «, vigorousnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[liquor Brywes n, bread steeped in broth or pot Brywio p, to invigoratenbsp;Brywiog a, vigorous, livelynbsp;Brywiol a, invigorativenbsp;Brywus a, vigorous; wantonnbsp;Brywusder «, wantonnessnbsp;Bu -on «, a being: cownbsp;Bn p, was, it came to passnbsp;Buach », churl, clownnbsp;Buachn p, to act churlishlynbsp;Bual, ail p, buffalo, bison; bnglenbsp;Bualgen -an », buffalo hide; buff leathernbsp;Bualgorn, gvrn n, bugle hornnbsp;Buan a, swift, nimble, fast, quick, fleetnbsp;Buander, Buanedd, Buandra n, swiftness, speed; velocitynbsp;Buanaroed a, swift-footednbsp;Buanocau p, to acquire speednbsp;Buanog a, full of swiftnessnbsp;Buanol a, accelerativenbsp;Buanred a, of swift coarsenbsp;Buarth -au n, cattle yard; fold; yardnbsp;Buarthfa, feydd nf^ folding-placenbsp;Buartho, Buarrhu p, to shut in a foldnbsp;Buarthog a, folded, pennednbsp;Buch nf^ life; manner of lifenbsp;Buch, Buchod np, cattle, kinenbsp;Buchedd -au 7\f^ course of life; moralitynbsp;Bucheddoc lU, Bucheddu p, to lead a lifenbsp;Bucheddol a, living; moral. Ymad-roddion Ducheddol, moral or practicalnbsp;Bucheddoldeb n, morality \ discoursesnbsp;Bucheddogaeth »ƒ, course of life; lifenbsp;Buches-au «ƒ, milking-fold. — ddefaid,nbsp;fold for milking sheepnbsp;Buchio p, to low, to bellow; to crynbsp;Budr a, dirtv, nasty, filthy, foul, vilenbsp;Budrchwil, Budrchwilen -od n/, waternbsp;newt; lizardnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nastiness, filth Budredd, Budreddi n, filthiness, dirt, Budreddu p, to defile, to soilnbsp;Budrhaol a, defiling, pollutingnbsp;Budrhau p, to defile, to soil, to pollutenbsp;Budriaith obscene speech, foul lan-Budro p, to dirty, to soilnbsp;Budrog a, abounding with dirtnbsp;Budrogen -od nf^ filtny wenchnbsp;Budrogi p, to make filthynbsp;Budrol a, dirtying, soilingnbsp;Budd -ion n, profit, gain ^ [bitternnbsp;Buadai, eion nf^ ctiurn: n, gainer; thenbsp;58 |
Burgynio v, to mangle to death;
make a dead carcase of Burgyniol o, cadaverousnbsp;Buria n, carcase, carrionnbsp;Barth -on n, violent thrust [ awaynbsp;Burthio v, to repulse, to repel; to chasenbsp;Burwy -on n, cow fetternbsp;Bury -on n, carnivorous birdnbsp;Burym », barm, yeast; frothnbsp;Bury mu v, to froth; to fermentnbsp;Bus -au nf, the human lipnbsp;Bustach, tych -iaid n, bullock; steernbsp;Bustachu V, to buffet about; to beat;
to wrangle nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ddaiar, centaury
Bust! -au n, gall, bile; choler. Bustl y Bustlaidd a, like gall; bitter as gallnbsp;Bustlo V, to yield gallnbsp;Buwch, Buw -od nf, cow. Y fuwchnbsp;goch gota, lady cow, lady birdnbsp;Büyn n, bullock
Bw -on «, threat; terror; bugbear Bw i, of threateningnbsp;Bwa, bwau n, bow; archnbsp;Bwad, adau n, bowing, boweringnbsp;Bwau V, to bend like a bow; to archnbsp;Bwbach -od n, bugbear, goblin; scarecrow. — dallan. blindman’s buffnbsp;Bwbaches -au rf, sne-goblinnbsp;Bwbachog a, abounding with hobgoblins; terrifyingnbsp;Bwbachu v, to scare; to buffetnbsp;Bwbachus a, easily scarednbsp;Bwbechni n, bestialitynbsp;Bwcai, eion n, maggotnbsp;Bwci, lod «, hobgoblin, bugbearnbsp;Bwcl, byclau n, bucklenbsp;Bwcled, Bwcledr -au nf, bucklernbsp;Bwch, bychod n, buck. — gafr, le-goatnbsp;Bwg -au n, hobgoblinnbsp;Bwgan -od n, bugbear, hobgoblinnbsp;Bwgwl, bygylan n, threat, menacenbsp;Bwgwtn, bygythion », thread, menacenbsp;Bwgwth V, to threaten; to scare=sBy-gwth, Bygythionbsp;Bwng n, orifice, bungnbsp;Bwngler -iaid n, bungler, botchernbsp;Bwhwman v, to waver: n, fluctuationnbsp;Bwl, bylau n, round hollow body, —nbsp;cart, the nave of a cart wheelnbsp;Bwia -on n, bull; galenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[budget
Bwlan -od nf, straw vessel to hold corn Bwlch, bylcnau w,gap; defile; notchnbsp;Bwlch a, broken, notched. Bwlch yn ynbsp;wefus, hair-lip
Bwlg -au, bylgan n, bulky round body Bwlgan -au vf, straw com vessel;nbsp;Bwltys «, yellow water-lilynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[budget
Baddel, Buddelw, Buddeilw gt;jdd n, cowhouse postnbsp;Büddfawr a, advantageousnbsp;Buddiant n, advantage, gainnbsp;Bnddio v, to profit, to availnbsp;Buddiol a, profitable; beneficialnbsp;Buddioldeb n, profitablenessnbsp;Buddioli to make profitablenbsp;Buddred -ion «/*, advantage, profitnbsp;Baddng -ion n/*, victorious one; goddessnbsp;of victory; Boadiceanbsp;Budaugo », to triumph; to gain advantage ; to obtain victorynbsp;Buddogol a, victorious, triumphantnbsp;Buddngoliaeth nf^ victorynbsp;Buddugoliaethu v, to be victoriousnbsp;Buddugoliaethus, Buddugoliaethol a,nbsp;victorious, triumphant [victornbsp;Buddugwr, Buddugoliaethwr, wyr »,nbsp;Buelin a, of a buffalo’s horn: w, buglenbsp;Bugad n, confused noisenbsp;Bugadu r, to threaten, to vauntnbsp;Bugail, eiliaid, Bugeiliwr, wyr, Bugeii-ydd -ion w, shepherd, herdsmannbsp;Bugeila, Bugeilio r, to tend a fiock.nbsp;— brain, to scare away crows. —-plant, to take care of childrennbsp;Bugeilaidd, Bugeiliaidd, Bugeiliol a,nbsp;pastoral
Bugeileg -ion, Bugeilgerdd -i bucolic, pastoral poem^ ecloquenbsp;BugeileS; Bugeilies, Bugeilyddes -an nf^nbsp;shepherdess
Bugeiiffon, ffyn shepherd’s crook Bngeilgan -au nf^ pastoral songnbsp;Bugeilgi, gwn «, shepherd’s dognbsp;Bugeiliaeth -au nf^ pastoral carenbsp;Bugeilwriaeth -au pastoral ofiicenbsp;Buglawdd «, earth turned up by a bullnbsp;Bugloddi, Bugloddio v, to turn up thenbsp;Bugraffiad -an n, biography [groundnbsp;Bugraffyüd -ion «, biographernbsp;Bugraffyddiaeth -au biographynbsp;Bugunad -au n, bellowing; roar [to roarnbsp;Bugunad, Buguned, Buguno v,to bellow,nbsp;Bugunwr, wyr n, one who roarsnbsp;Bui -ion n, seed-vessel of some plants;nbsp;Buladd n, water hemlocknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[hull
Bulwg n, cockle-weed, corn-rose, •— t'frengig, poppy. — Rhufain, coriander of Rome
Bumuatl tt, ozbane; hemlock Bun nf, woman, maiden; fair one [lionnbsp;Buna -on «, ten hundred thousand, mil-Bunnywen -od nf, goddess; nymphnbsp;Bur -ion n, violence, ragenbsp;Burgyn -ion «, carcase, carrion
Bwlwg », the threatening attitude of a Bwmbwr n, murmur, roarnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[^ull
Bwmp, bympiau w, hollow sound. A-deryn y bwmp, Aderyn y bwn, bittern. Chwil y bwmp, Chwilen y bwmp,nbsp;Bwnjbyniaid «,the bittern^black beetlenbsp;Bwn, bynau n, spear-headnbsp;Bwr-au»,entrenchment; embankmentnbsp;Bwra rj, croft by a housenbsp;Bwrch, byrchau », rampart, wall; em-Bwrdais, deisiaid n, burgess [bankmentnbsp;Bwrdeisaref -i -ydd nf^ borough townnbsp;Bwrdeisiaeth nf^ municipalism, munici-Bwrdd^ byrddau », table; board[palitynbsp;Bwrgais, geisiaid », burgessnbsp;Bwriad -au », casting; design, purpose, intentionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[_ designed
Bwriadol a, purposing or intending; Bwriadu v, to purpose, to intend, tonbsp;design; to resolve; to devisenbsp;Bwriadus a, purposingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bubbling
Bwrlwm, lymau », bubble; gurgling, Bwrlyraol a, gurglingnbsp;Bwrlymu v, to gurgle, to bubblenbsp;Bwrn, byrnau «, truss, heap, loadnbsp;Bwrnel -i », bundle, packnbsp;Bwrw », cast, throw; woof. Haiarnnbsp;bwrw, cast iron
Bwrw r, to cast, to throw; to imagine to calculate; to strike; to rain. —nbsp;amcan, to guess. — eira, to snow.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ergyd, to give a blow. — ewyn,nbsp;to foam. — gwlaWjtorain. Nidwyfnbsp;ya bwrw mo’i ol, I take no notice ofnbsp;It: I do not care for it
Bwsg, bysgau », grafting-tool Bwt, kytiau », hole, button-hole; dungnbsp;cart; basget placed in a stream tonbsp;catch fish
Bwtias -lu C», pair of boots. Bwtias y gog, Botas y gog, Botasen y gog.nbsp;wild hya::inth
Bwth, bythtd », hut, booth, cot Bwthyn -od % small cabin, hutnbsp;Bwyd -ydd », meat, food, victuals. —nbsp;y barcud, — y boda, — y llyffaint, —nbsp;ellyllon, agaric, toadstool, fungus.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;yr hwyaid, duckweed. —allyn,
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a diod, meat and drink. — ynbsp;moch, haws. — y gwcw, wood sorrel
Bwydiar -au vo^er
Bwydiog a, gluttonous
Bwydlys -iau », salad
Bwydo V, to feed, to give food
Bwydwr, wyr », feeder
Bwyell, eill axe, hatchet
Bwyellan, Bwyellig small hatchet
Bwyellawd, odau »/*, stroke or cut with Bwyellgaib, geibiau nf, pickaxe [an axenbsp;Bwygilydd ad, severally; mutually. 0nbsp;ben bwygilydd, from one end to thenbsp;other
Hwyllwrw, llyriau », provisions for a Bwyst a, savage, ferocious [journeynbsp;Bwyst -ion », wildness, ferocitynbsp;Bwystfil -od », wild beast; beastnbsp;Bwystfilaidd a, beastly, brutishnbsp;Bwystlawn a, voracious, devouringnbsp;Bwystnon n, cattle pestilence, murrainnbsp;Bwystus a, brutal, ferociousnbsp;Bwyta V, to eat, to take food. Bw3rtainbsp;ef, he would eat. Bwytei di, thou wiltnbsp;Bwytad », eatingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[eat
Bwytadwy a, eatable, edible Bwytai, eion greedy eaternbsp;Bwytal n, victuals, viandsnbsp;Bwytaol a, eating; eatablenbsp;Bwytawr, awyr », eaternbsp;Bwyteig a, given to eatingnbsp;Bwyteigrwydd n, gluttonynbsp;Bwytty, tai ?i, pantry, butterynbsp;Bvchod », wretched beingnbsp;Bychaidd a, like a bucknbsp;Bychan a, little, small:yj bechannbsp;Bychander, Bychandra, Bychanedd «,nbsp;littleness, dimmutivenessnbsp;Bychanig a, diminutive: ƒ, bechanig.
Bychanigion, diminutives BychanijiO v, to disparage [nute thingnbsp;Bychanigyn n, very little, small, or mi-Bychanu v, to lessen; to slight, to disparage, to depreciatenbsp;Bychanus a, tending to lessen; dispa-Bychod small matternbsp;Bychotiedd », small quantitynbsp;Bychodog a, destitutenbsp;Bychydig a, trifling, very littlenbsp;Bychygyr -on n, dronenbsp;Byd -oedd the world; the universe;nbsp;state; life. Mawr byd, very great,nbsp;vastly bia-, vast, huge. Gwyn ei fyd,nbsp;happy or blessed is henbsp;Bydaf -au », nest of wild beesnbsp;Bydan », little world, microcosm; periodnbsp;of the world
Bydgarwch w, love of the world Bydiaeth nf, livelihoodnbsp;Bydiaethof a, of a course of lifenbsp;Bydiant, lannau », a livingnbsp;Bydio Vy to pass a life, to livenbsp;Bydiog o, having life: ƒ, evergreen.nbsp;— ias, ground-ivy, gill. — Iwyd,nbsp;mugwortnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[as a midwife
Bydiogi v, to bring to the world; to act
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Bydol a, worldly, secular, mundane Bydoideb n, worldlinessnbsp;Bydolddyn -ion w, worldlingnbsp;Bydraith, eithiau nf^ law of the worldnbsp;Bydu r, to give existencenbsp;Bydwr, wyr «, accoucheurnbsp;Bydwraig, wragedd nf^ midwifenbsp;Bydyssawd n, the universenbsp;Bydd -ion n, tie, keeping together:nbsp;Byddag -an n/*, snare, springenbsp;Byddagl -an «ƒ, snare, trapnbsp;Byddaglu r, to ensnare, to trapnbsp;Byddair, eiriau n/*, ambuscadenbsp;Byddar a, deafnbsp;Byddar -iaid n, deaf personnbsp;Byddardod, Byddarwch, Bydderi w,nbsp;Byddarllys «, the house-leek [deafnessnbsp;Byddaru r, to deafen, to stunnbsp;Byddin -oedd n/J band or troop; army.
Y fyddin, the army Byddino u, to embattle, to set in arraynbsp;Byddinol a. embattlingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[agrimony
Byddon w/, agrimony.—chwerw, hemp-Byddu V, to be; to exist=Bod Bygant, aint n, scarer; bailiffnbsp;Bygant », small coin; triflenbsp;Bygegyr -on n, drone beenbsp;Bygel -ydd n, bugbear, scarecrow, hobgoblin. — nos, phantom, hobgoblin.nbsp;5ce Bueailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tually
Bygiiydd, Bwygily dd arf, severally; mu-Bygwl, ylau threat, intimidation Bygwl. Bygylu v, to threaten, to menacenbsp;Bygwtn, ythion n, threat, menacenbsp;Bygwth r, to threaten, to intimidate,nbsp;Bygwydd -au w, hobgoblin [to menacenbsp;Bygylus o, intimidating, scaringnbsp;Bygvthio to threaten, to menacenbsp;Bygythiol a, threatening, menacingnbsp;Byl -au n and n/*, brim, edge. Hyd ynbsp;fyl, to the brimnbsp;Byichog o, breached; notchednbsp;Bylchu V, to make a notch, to breachnbsp;Byle -on «, box, trunknbsp;Byliad n, edging
Byr a, short, brief; abrupt: ƒ, ber.
Ar fyr, shortly; in short Byrhau v, to shorten, to abridgenbsp;Byrbryd -iau w, luncheonnbsp;Bvrbwyll a, thoughtless, giddy, rashnbsp;ByibwylJdra, Byrbwylledd «, thoughtlessness, rashnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;shortly
Byrder, Byrdra shortness. Ar fjr-Byrdon nf^ bass (in music)
Byrdraith, dreithiau brachylogy Byrdwn n, bass (in music)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fellow
Byrfwch, fychod », badger; hairy little
Byrfwch a, hairy, shaggy; rough
Byrfyfyr a, impromptu Byrfys -edd «, the little fingernbsp;Byrhoedledd «, shortness of lifenbsp;Byrhwcb, hychod n, badgernbsp;Byriad -au n, armnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[loRf
Byriaith, ieithoedd nf^ laconism, brachy-Bvriau, ieuau nf^ short plough yoke Byrieuwys nj?, oxen in a short yokenbsp;Byrllawiog o, having a short hand;nbsp;without means. Hael byrllawiog,nbsp;liberal without meansnbsp;Byrilysg -au n, truncheonnbsp;Byrnaid, eidiau «, truss, bundlenbsp;Byrnio v, to truss, to bundlenbsp;Bys -edd w, finger; the hand of a clocknbsp;or watch. — troed, toe. — bach,nbsp;little finger. —blaen,fore finger. —ynbsp;fodrwy, ring-finger. Bawdfys, thumb,nbsp;Canolfys, middle finger. Bysedd ynbsp;cwn, — cochion, — ellyllon, foxglove.nbsp;— yr iar, wild radishnbsp;Bysaid, eidiau as much as can benbsp;held on the finger
Bysio r, to finger nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fingers
Bysiog, Byseddog a, fingered, having Bysle -oedd w, finger-stallnbsp;Byson -au finger-ring; ringnbsp;Bystwn », wnitlownbsp;Byswain, weiniau thimblenbsp;Byswellt n, cock’s foot grassnbsp;Byth », eternity: ac?, for ever; ever,nbsp;always; never. —bythoedd, for evernbsp;and ever. a hefyd, ever and anonnbsp;Bythddeiliog a. evergreennbsp;Bvtheirio v, to oelch, to eructatenbsp;Bytheuad, aid w, houndnbsp;Bytheuades -au, Bytheuadast, eist nf^nbsp;hound-bitch
Bvtheuadgi, gwn hound-dog Bythfyw a, overlivingnbsp;Bvthol, Bythig a, eternal, perpetualnbsp;Bytholrwydd w, everlastingnessnbsp;Bythwyrdd -ion «, evergreennbsp;Byw v] to live, to exist; to reside. Ynnbsp;byw, living, existingnbsp;Byw a, alive, living, quick. Yn fyw,nbsp;By wed n, core of fruit; pith [alivenbsp;Bywedyn core; pithnbsp;Byweiddio v, to animatenbsp;Bywfyth a, everliving: nf^ the house-leek. Y fywfyth leiaf, biting stone-crop; wall-peppernbsp;Bywgraffiad -au «, biographynbsp;Bywgraffydd -ion «, biographernbsp;Bywiawdwr, wyr n, giver oi lifenbsp;Bywhad, Bywiad -au », vivificationnbsp;61
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Cadgyrch -axi military expedition invasion
Cadgyrchu v, to march to battle; to make an expedition; to invadenbsp;Gadlan -an nj, field of battlenbsp;Cadlanc «iau n, cadetnbsp;Cadlas -an, lesydd n, close, croft, yard;
butt; dance, merrymaking Gadlong -an nf, ship of war [quartersnbsp;Gadlys -oedd nf^ intrenchment; headnbsp;Cadlyw, Cadlywydd -ion n, commandernbsp;of an army; field marshalnbsp;Cadnaw -on, Cadno -aid n, foxnbsp;Cadnoes, Cadnawes -an Tify she-foxnbsp;Cadofyddiaeth military tacticsnbsp;Cadofier cw, artillerynbsp;Cadol a, relating to war or battlenbsp;Cadr a, strong, stout, mightynbsp;Cadraith, reithiau nf^ military disciplinenbsp;Cadrawd n, range of battlenbsp;Cadredd r?, might, fortitudenbsp;Cadres -i nf^ line of battle. Llong ynbsp;gadres, ship of the linenbsp;Cadrwch », fortitudenbsp;Cadseircn tj/J war-harnessnbsp;Cadu r, to battle, to conflict, to fightnbsp;Cadw to keep, to preserve; to save;
to stay; to abide: n, flock, herd Cadwad -au «, keepingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lactery
Cadwadog -ion nf^ preservative; phy-Cadwadol a, preservative; conservative Cadwaith n, action, oattlenbsp;Cadwedigaeth nf^ preservation; custodynbsp;Cadwedigol a, preservative; savingnbsp;Cadweidiaeth nf^ preservationnbsp;Cadweini ?j, knight-servicenbsp;Cadweinydd -ion n, aide-de-campnbsp;Cadwen -i nf, chain, bandagenbsp;Cadwent, ennoedd field of battlenbsp;Cadwfa, fëyad n, reservoirnbsp;Cadwr, cedwyr warriornbsp;Cadwraeth nf, preservationnbsp;CadwraiJd n, radiation of sinews. Cad-wraidd y Uaw,the back of the handnbsp;Cadwriaethol a, conservativenbsp;Cadwhaethwr n, conservativenbsp;Cadwy -au n, covering, rugnbsp;Cadwydd np, brakenbsp;Caawyn -au -x chain, bondnbsp;Cadwynedigaeth nf catenationnbsp;Cadwvno v, to chainnbsp;Cadwynooli r, to rhyme alternatelynbsp;Cadwynog o, chained, in chainsnbsp;Cadwynol a, chainingnbsp;Cadwynor -ion n, binder in chainsnbsp;Cadymbaid, beidiau n, trucenbsp;Caddug n, obscurity; mist, fog
Caddugo V, to obscure, to darken Caddugol Ö, gloomy, obscurenbsp;Cae -au n, inclosure; hedge; fieldnbsp;Caead -au n, cover, lid: a, inclosed, shut,nbsp;Gauadlen -i -au nf curtain [closednbsp;Caeadu v, to inclose; to close; to cover;nbsp;to bind (a book)
Gael V, to have; to obtain, to get, to attain; to find; to enjoynbsp;Caen -au nf, surface; peelnbsp;Caened nf, sprinkling; hoarinessnbsp;Caenen -au nf, covering; layernbsp;Caenenu v, to incrustate, to coatnbsp;Caenn v, to incrust, to coat overnbsp;Caeog a, inclosed; wreathednbsp;Caeol a, tending to closenbsp;Caeor -au n, sheep-foldnbsp;Caer -au nf wall; fort; city.nbsp;Gwydion, milky way, galaxy,nbsp;yr haul dan ei gaerau, the sun has setnbsp;Caerog a, fenced, fortified, walled.nbsp;Brethyn caerog, kersey-woven cloth.nbsp;Ooron gaerog, mural crownnbsp;Caeru v, to wall, to fortifynbsp;Caerwaith n, fortificationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[close
Caeth a, bond; bound; strait; confined, Caeth -ion n, bondman, slavenbsp;Caethder w, restriction, stringencynbsp;Caethes -au nf, bondwoman, femalenbsp;Caethfab, feibion n, bondman [slavenbsp;Caethfasnach nf, slave tradenbsp;Caethforwyn -ion nf, bondwomannbsp;Caethfyd n, state of slaverynbsp;Caethglnd -ion captivenbsp;Caethyludo v, to carry captivenbsp;Caethiant n, confinementnbsp;Caetliiwed n, slavery, bondagenbsp;Caethiwo v, to confine, to enslavenbsp;Caethiwol a, confining, enslavingnbsp;Gaethlong -au^, slave-ship, slavernbsp;Caethlwnc n, difficult swallowingnbsp;Caethu v, to confine, to enslavenbsp;Caethwas, weision n, bondman [slaverynbsp;Caethwasanaeth, Gaethwasaeth n,nbsp;Caf -au n, void; hold; cave: v, I shallnbsp;Cafad n, hollow; holdingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[have
Caf ael f, to hold; to get; to grasp: n, at-Cafaeth n, taking hold nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tamment
Cafell -au nf, cell, chancel Cafn -au n, trough; canoe, boatnbsp;Catnbeithyn -au nc, gutter-tilesnbsp;Cafnu, Cafnio v, to scoop, to hollow outnbsp;Cafod -au -ydd ri/*-=Cawodnbsp;Cafodi V, to shower=Cawodinbsp;Caff -iau n, grasp, grapple; a sort ofnbsp;dung-fork with the prongs set nearlynbsp;at right angles with the handlenbsp;63
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CafFad, CafFaeliad, Caiïawd getting hold of, acquirement, acquisitionnbsp;Caffael v, to get, ,to obtain=Gaelnbsp;Caffell -au nf, grasper j valvenbsp;Caffio V, to throw the arms about; tonbsp;catch; to overreach; to cheatnbsp;Catflo V, to cheatnbsp;CafFtion np, refuse of soft or woollynbsp;substances; refuse
Cagl-au », sheep-dung; mire; daggle Caglog a, bedaggled, dagglednbsp;Caglu, Caglo v, to bedaggie, to bespatternbsp;Gang -au nf^ branch, boughnbsp;Gangen -au nf^ branch; nymphnbsp;Cangenog a, naving branches; knottynbsp;Gangenu v, to branch out, to ramifynbsp;Ganghell -au nj\ a chancelnbsp;Ganghellog a, having a chancelnbsp;Ganghellor -ion, Canghellwr, wyr.
Canghellydd -ion w, chancellor Ganghelloriaeth, Canghellwriaeth,nbsp;Canghellyddiaeth nf^ chancellorshipnbsp;Gai. ceion w, concrete, massnbsp;Gain, ceibiau nf, mattock, hoenbsp;CaingjCeingiau w/,branch,bougb=:Caincnbsp;Gail, ceiliau nf^ fold, sheep-foldnbsp;Gaill,ceiiiiau nf^ testicle. Ceilliau’r cinbsp;orchis, cullions
Gam a, clear, bright, ^ir, beautiful Caine, ceinciau n/quot;, branch, bough;nbsp;strand; song, lay, strain, tune. Corffnbsp;y gaine, the burden of a song Cainenbsp;0 gerdd, a tune in music. Rhaffnbsp;dair cainc, a rope composed of threenbsp;.strands. Cainc o for, an arm of thenbsp;Caineirian the herb twayblade ( seanbsp;Caint, ceintiau plain, held; conflictnbsp;Cair, ceirion c», berriesnbsp;Cal -ion. Gala -on, Calaf -on nf^ stalk,nbsp;reed, ftem. Calaf y gethlydd, wakenbsp;Calafaidd a, like a reednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[robin
Galafog a, having a reed (Jalan -au «, the first day of everynbsp;month. Y calan, Dydd calan, New-year’s day. Calan gauaf, Allhallow-tide, Allsaints. Calan Mai, Calan-mai, May-day; the beginning ofnbsp;Calaniadur -on n, calendar f summernbsp;Galch 71, lime; enamel for armournbsp;Galchaid, eidiau tz, coat of enamelnbsp;Galchaidd a, calcareousnbsp;Calchdo 7J, enamel coveringnbsp;Calchiasar a, of blue enamelnbsp;Calchog a, calcareous, limednbsp;Galchu, Calcho v, to lime; to enamel.nbsp;Caichu tir, Calcho tir, to manure!nbsp;land with lime
Calchwr, wyr «, lime-burner Caldrist nf^ helleborine. Caldrist ynbsp;banadl, broom-rape
Caled a, hard; hardy; severe, harsh.
Mae yn galed amo, he is iu a strait Caled -ion ti, hardness; hardshipnbsp;Caleden nf, corn in the skinnbsp;Caledi 72, hardness; hardshipnbsp;Caledrwydd,Caledwch ti,hardness; ob-Caledu v, to hardennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[duracy
Calefyn 7^, stalk, reed Galen -au nf^ whetstone, lump; printnbsp;Calenig ti, new year’s gift; Christmasnbsp;box
Caliwlyn y mêl ti, common agrimony Calon -au nf^ heart; centre. Calon ynbsp;gwir^ the very truthnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bravery
Calondid, Calonogrwydd ?i, heartiness; Calonog a, hearty; valiant; courageousnbsp;Calonogi v, to hearten up, to encouragenbsp;Call a, prudent, wise; cunning, slynbsp;Callder, Calledd ti, prudence, circumspection; discreetnessnbsp;Called Tip, thistle stalksnbsp;Caiiestr, cellystr nj\ pyrites, flintnbsp;Callestren nf^ flint
Callestrig, Callestrol a, flinty, of flint Callineb «, prudence, discretion, circumspection ; cunning, slynessnbsp;Caliod Tip, fungi; agaric. Callod ynbsp;coed, fungi of trees. Called derw,nbsp;lungwort
Callodr np stalks of thistles and the like; the lichen: s, cailodryn: ƒ, call-Callor -au ti, cauldronnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[odren
Calloraid, eidiau 71, cauldronful Callu V, to be circumspectnbsp;Callus a, apt to be discreetnbsp;Cam -au 71, injury, wrong; step, stride,nbsp;or pace. Gael cam, to be wronged.nbsp;Cam neu gymhwys, right or wrong;nbsp;hit or miss
Cam a, crooked, wry; wrong; one-eyed Camalwad 7i, miscallingnbsp;Camamcan -ion 71, false notionnbsp;Camamseriad -au ti, parachronismnbsp;Camamseru r, to misdatenbsp;Caman -au nf^ way, pathnbsp;Camarfer -ion nf^ misusagenbsp;Camas -au «ƒ, parade walknbsp;Cambren -i ti, crooked stick; swingle-tree; horizontal piece of timber fornbsp;hanging meatnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[vature
Camder, Camedd ti, crookedness; cur-Camdriniaeth nf^ mismanagement Camdroi i?, to pervert, to distortnbsp;Camdwy -on ti, iniquity; misrulenbsp;64
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Canmoliaethol a, commendatory Cannerth -oedd n, assistance, aidnbsp;Cannerthol a, co-operatingnbsp;Cannerthu », to co-operate, to aidnbsp;Cannorth n, succour, assistance, help,nbsp;aid=Cynnorth
Cannorthwy «, assistance nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[aid
Cannorthwyo v, to succour, to help, to Cannorthwyol a, subsidiary, auxiliarynbsp;Cannu v, to containnbsp;Cannwriad, iaid n, centumvirnbsp;Cannwriaeth nf, centumviratenbsp;Cannwynol a, congenialnbsp;Canol -an n, middle, centre; umpirenbsp;Canolaidd a, middling; centralnbsp;Cauolbarth -an n, middle point or regionnbsp;Canolbris -oedd average pricenbsp;Canoldir -oedd k, inland region. Mdr ynbsp;Canoldir, the Mediterranean Seanbsp;Canolffo, Canoltfoawl a, centrifugalnbsp;Canolgais, Canolgyrch a, centripetalnbsp;Canoli v, to centrenbsp;Canoliad, iaid n, what is centralnbsp;Canolig a, middling; ordinary; mean.
Yn ganolig iawn, very poorly, ill, or Canolog a, middlemost, central [unwellnbsp;Canolydd -ion n, middlemannbsp;Canon -au nf, song; rule, canonnbsp;Canonwr, wyr n, canonistnbsp;Canor -ion a, singer, songsternbsp;Canpen, Canpeniog a, hundred-headednbsp;Canplyg a, hnndred-foldnbsp;Caurain, reinion nf, train of followersnbsp;Canrawd, rodion », convolutionnbsp;Canre -on concurrence; pursuitnbsp;Canred -ion nf, concurrence; pursuitnbsp;Canreg -ion nf, endowmentnbsp;Canri nf, centaury. Canri felcn eiddil,nbsp;least gentianella
Gaurif -au -oedd nf and n, century Canryg n, rye-flournbsp;Cant -au n, orb, rim or verge of a circlenbsp;Cant, cantoedd, cannoedd n, hundrednbsp;Cantafod n, pellitory of the wallnbsp;Cantel -au n, rim of a circlenbsp;Cantell -au nf, rim, vergenbsp;Cantor -ion n, singernbsp;Cantores -au nf, songstressnbsp;Cantref -i -ydd n, canton, hundrednbsp;Cantro a, centuple
Cantroed n, centipede; a, centipedal.
Neidr gantroed, centipede Cantwn a, all to shiversnbsp;Cantwr, wyr n, singer, songsternbsp;Cantwraig nf, songstress, singernbsp;Canu V, to sing j to play music; to crow.nbsp;— cloch, to ring a bell. — com, to
blow a horn. — yn iach, to bid farewell. — telyn, to play the harp Canu -on -au n, songnbsp;Cknu V, to bleach, to whitennbsp;Canuan nf, sonnet=Canignbsp;Canwaith a and nf, hundred timesnbsp;Canwelw a, whitish, palenbsp;Canwr, wyr n, singernbsp;Chnwr, wyr «, bleachernbsp;Canwraeth nf, company of a 100 mennbsp;Canwraidd a, hundred-rooted; nf, whatnbsp;has a hundred roots. — las, ground-ivy. — Iwyd, mugwortnbsp;Canwraig, wragedd nf, songstressnbsp;Canwriad, iaid », centurionnbsp;Canwriadaeth nf, centurion’s officenbsp;Canwy -on n, bright white; splendournbsp;Canwyl -on n, horse’s masknbsp;Canwyll -au nf, candle. — Hygad,nbsp;pupil of the eye. — yr adar, greatnbsp;mullein. — gorif, corpse candlenbsp;Canwyllarn -au, erni, Canwyllbreu -inbsp;-au n, candlestick, candleholdernbsp;Canwyllwr, wyr, Canwyllydd -ion n,nbsp;chandler, dealer in candlesnbsp;Canwyllyr -ion n, chandelier [of beastsnbsp;Cauwyr n, plane; indentation in the earsnbsp;Canwyro v, to plane; to mark beastsnbsp;by cutting the earnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[planer
Canwyrydd -ion, Canwyrwr, wyr n, Canydd -ion n, singernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[music
Cauyddiaeth nf, the art of singing; Canymdaith, deithion n, companionnbsp;Canymdeithiad n, concomitancenbsp;Canymdeithio, Canymdaith v, to accom-Canymdeithiol a, accompanying [panynbsp;Canymdeithydd -ion n, fellow-travellernbsp;Canymdo -ion n, convoynbsp;Canymdoi v, to convoynbsp;Canys c, because, for; sincenbsp;Cap -iau n, cap, hood [canonical capnbsp;Capan -au n, cap; lintel. Oapan c6r,nbsp;OaMl -i -au -ydd n, chapel; place ofnbsp;divine worship. Capel anwes, chapelnbsp;Oapio V, to cap; to cringe [of easenbsp;Capwm, yrniaid, Caprwn, troiaid, Oap-wllt, ylltiaid n, capon, gelded cocknbsp;Car, ceir n, raft; frame; drag. Car yrnbsp;ên, the jawbone. Car llnsg, dray,nbsp;cart without wheelsnbsp;CSr, ceraint n, friend; relationnbsp;Oarpr, on, by, at=Cer, Gernbsp;Carad n, endearmentnbsp;Caradwy a, amiable, lovelynbsp;Carai, eiau, eion nf, lace, thongnbsp;Caraid, eidiau n, drag-fullnbsp;Caran -au nf, crown of the headnbsp;66
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Garant, ceraint «, relation, kin Carbwl o, clumsy, awkwardnbsp;Care », care, solicitudenbsp;Carens a, solicitous, anxious, carefulnbsp;Oarchar -au n, prison; restraint; fetters. Carchar dwr, ischnry, dysury Carcharedigaeth nf, Carchariad n, imprisonment, incarceration, carcerationnbsp;Oarcharor -ion n, prisonernbsp;Carcharu v, to imprison; to restrain;nbsp;Gardail n, pure manure [to fetternbsp;Oardod -au nf, charity, almsnbsp;Cardodi v, to give charity or almsnbsp;Cardodol a, charitablenbsp;Oardota v, to go a begging, to begnbsp;Cardotai, eion nc, beggarnbsp;Cardoteiaeth rf, mendicitynbsp;Cardoteiol, CardotSig a, mendicantnbsp;Cardotty, tai n, almshousenbsp;Cardotyn n, beggarnbsp;Cardydwyn the youngest of a broodnbsp;or litter; f, cardydwennbsp;Cardd, ceirdd n, exile; disgracenbsp;Oarddagl -au n, skirtnbsp;Oarddawd, odau n, banishmentnbsp;Oardden -au nf, thicket, brake [ingnbsp;Carddenin a, outcast; waudering, stroll-Carddenyn », exile; wanderernbsp;Carddotai, eion nc, strollernbsp;Carddu v, to exile, to banishnbsp;Caredig a, beloved, dear; loving; kindnbsp;Caredigo v, to caress; to endearnbsp;Caredigol a, caressing, lovingnbsp;Caredigrwydd n, kindnessnbsp;Careg, ceryg nf, stone. — fedd, tombstone. — lefain, — lafar, echo stone.nbsp;— dan, flint. — nadd, freestone.nbsp;Ceryg haiarn, iron stone, ore of ironnbsp;Caregl -an n, chalice, cupnbsp;Caregog a, full of stones, stonynbsp;Caregol a, petrifactivenbsp;Caregos np, pebbles, small stonesnbsp;Caregu v, to petrify, to become stonenbsp;Carennydd n, kindness; kindrednbsp;Cares -an nf, female friend, kinswomannbsp;Carfagl -au nf, trapnbsp;Carfaglu v, to entrap, to ensnarenbsp;Oarfan -scinf, supporter; binder; stead; beam; rail; row; ridge Carfen -i nf, cup, bowlnbsp;Carlil -od n, beast used for drawingnbsp;Carfyl -od n, the auknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Lg“g® Cargychwyn v, to move bag and bag-Cariad n, love; affection; charity Cariad -au -on nc, lover, sweetheartnbsp;Cariadaidd a, lovely, amiablenbsp;Cariades -au, Cariadferch nf, mistress |
Cariadog a, having love [caressing Cariadol, Cariadus a, loving, endearing,nbsp;Cario v, to carry, to bear. Cario’r dydd,nbsp;to win the daynbsp;Carlam -au n, prance, gallopnbsp;Carlamog a, prancing, gallopingnbsp;Carlamu v, to prance, to gallopnbsp;Carlwm, l3miod n, ermine, stoatnbsp;Cam -au n, hoof; hilt, haft, handle. —nbsp;yr ebol, tussilago, colt’s foot. — yrnbsp;ebol y gerddi, asarabacca. — yr ebolnbsp;y mor, sea-bindweednbsp;Cam -au nf, heap, heap of stones; cairn,nbsp;tnmulus=Carnedd. Cam fradwr,nbsp;base traitor. Cam leidr, notoriousnbsp;Cam a, notorious, arrantnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[thief Carnaflog a, cloven-footed Cambwl a, clumsy, bunglingnbsp;Camedd -au nf, heap; cairn, tumulus; heap of stones; groundsel Oameddog a, having stone heapsnbsp;Carneddu v, to heap up stonesnbsp;Camen nf, heap; wild sownbsp;Camewiu -edd ?f, fore part of a clawnbsp;Carnfilain o, very savagenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[shoe-sole Carnial n, beating with noofs; foot-sole, Carnialwch n, sandalnbsp;Carnog a, having a hoof, hoofednbsp;Camog a, hoofed, hoofed-like. Carnol-ion, Camogion, hoofed animalsnbsp;Camu V, to heap, to pile upnbsp;Carnwyd -on n, hoofed animals; horsenbsp;Carodog a, having charitynbsp;Carodol a, exciting amitynbsp;Carodor -ion n, friendly one; Quakernbsp;Carodyn n, lover; friendnbsp;Carol -au n, love song; carol; songnbsp;Carol! v, to sing love songs; to carolnbsp;Carp -ian n, clout, ragnbsp;Carpio v, to tear to ragsnbsp;Carpiog a, ragged, tatterednbsp;Cart, ceirt n, cart, wain [tref, at homenbsp;Cartref -i -ydd n, house, abode. Gar-Cartrefaidd, Cartrefig, Cartrefol a,nbsp;domestic, homely. Khyfel cartrefol,nbsp;civil war Cartrefeiddrwydd n, homeliness Cartrefle -oedd n, homesteadnbsp;Cartreflu -oedd n, militia, trainbandsnbsp;Cartrefu v, to stay at home [scouri^nbsp;Garth -ion n, hemp; tow, oakum; ofPnbsp;Carthai, eion n, carthartic, drasticnbsp;Carthben n, candle-wicknbsp;Carthbren -i», plough-staffnbsp;Oartheig nf\nipplewortnbsp;Carthen -i nf, sheet of coarse cloth;nbsp;winnowing-sheet |
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Carthglwyd -i dung-barrow Carthion np^ onscouring; excrements;
refuse nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;T ptirge
Carthlyn -oedd n, cathartic, drastic, Carthol a, hempen; scouring; catharticnbsp;Carthu r, to scour, to cleanse, to purge;
to clean out nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[caru, lover
Caru V, to love; to like; to court. Gwr Carüaidd a, loving, endearing, kindnbsp;Carueiddio v, to endearnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness
Carueiddwch n, endearingness, kind-Carw, ceirw n, hart, stag. Oarw' dwfr, water spidernbsp;Carwas n, caraway
Carwden -i rif, hanging withe; back chain, ridge band; blank gawkynbsp;Oarwiwrcl^ iyrchod n, roebucknbsp;Carwlys, Carllys n, hartwortnbsp;Carwr, wyr n, lover, wooernbsp;Cas a, hateful, odious, disagreeable: nnbsp;enmity, hatred, envy. — gan arddwr,nbsp;rest-harrow. — gan bladurwr, mat-grass. — gan fursen, hemp. —• gannbsp;gythraul, common vervainnbsp;Gasai, eion nc, hater, foenbsp;Casaol, Casaus a, hateful, odiousnbsp;Casau V. to hate, to detest, to abhor;
to be disgusted at or with Casawr, wyr «, hater [thing; nuisancenbsp;Casbeth -au n, hateful or disgustingnbsp;Casedd n, hatred, enmitynbsp;Caseg, cesyg nf, mare. — eira, largenbsp;snowball. — f agu, — rwys,—rcwys,nbsp;• brood mare. — fedi, harvest queen.nbsp;— forter, hod. — y ddryghin, fieldfare. — wanwyn, woodpeckernbsp;Casgl -ion n, collection, heapnbsp;Casgledigol a, collectivenbsp;Casgiiad », collection; inferencenbsp;Casgliadol a, collective; illativenbsp;Casglu Vj to collect, to gather, to heapnbsp;together; to infernbsp;Casglwr, wyr w, collector, gatherernbsp;Casineb n, hatred, enmitynbsp;Casmai up, ornamentsnbsp;Gasnach np, nap of cloth; flocksnbsp;Casnar n, indignationnbsp;Gasnod np (-yn n/*), flocks of woolnbsp;Casnori v, to persecutenbsp;Gasogen nf^ hateful one [demainnbsp;Cast -iau n, trick. Castiau hug, leger-Castan -au n/*, chestnutnbsp;Castanwydd np (-en nf), chestnut-treesnbsp;Castell, cestyll castle, fortressnbsp;Castellu V, to spread round; to fortifynbsp;Gastio e^, to play tricksnbsp;Castiog a, full of tricks
Castr, cestr w, horse’s organ of genera-
Casul-au w, chasuble; cloak [tion Caswenwyn «, devil’s bit scabiousnbsp;Oat -iau bit, piece, fragment. Torinbsp;yn gatiau, to break in or to piecesnbsp;Catai, eion ti, cutter; swing clubnbsp;Catau V, to combat, to bicker [bickernbsp;Cateia v, to throw a swing club; tonbsp;Cateri, Oaterw np (-en n/quot;), spreadingnbsp;Catffwl, fiyliaid n, wiseacre [oaksnbsp;Catrawd, trodau n/J regimentnbsp;Catrodawl regimentalnbsp;Catrodi v, to form into regimentsnbsp;Catteryn -edd -oedd «, war-king; generalissimo of a federal army,or combinednbsp;expedition; commander-in-chiefnbsp;Catwrdd, yrddod numbskullnbsp;Catyrfa-oedd n/J army; 100,000nbsp;Oath -od -au nfy cat. — ball, —nbsp;balug, the glossy-coated cat, a felinenbsp;animal mentioned in the Triads. —nbsp;eithin, hare. — for, ray, skate. —nbsp;goed, wild cat. Gwrcath, he-catnbsp;Cathaidd a, like a cat, felinenbsp;Cathderica^ Catherica v, to cauterwaulnbsp;Cathdericai, eion nc^ cauterwaulernbsp;Cathderig n and a, cauterwaulingnbsp;Cathefn -au nf^ battle arraynbsp;Cathes -au nf, she-catnbsp;Cathewrach v, to irritate; to molestnbsp;Cathl -au «ƒ, melody, hymnnbsp;Cathlu v, to sing, to hymn; to chirpnbsp;Cau V, to shut, to inclose; to covernbsp;Cau, ceuoedd w, hollow, vacuumnbsp;Cau a, hollow; shut, inclosednbsp;Cauad w, inclosing; cover, lid: v, to shut,nbsp;to close: a, shut, inclosed, closenbsp;Cauadfrig a, shady, close-branchednbsp;Cauedig a, shut, close, inclosednbsp;Cauedigaeth nf^ shutting [chylenbsp;Caul, ceulion ti, maw; rennet; curd;nbsp;Caw-iau band, wrapper. Bardd caw,nbsp;graduated bard. Car caw, relativenbsp;in the ninth degree. Cawiau, swaddling-bands
Cawad -au nf^ shower=Cawod Cawci, ïod jackdaw [vexationnbsp;Cawdu, coddion displeasure; offence;nbsp;Cawell, cewyll «, hamper, basket. —nbsp;saethau, quiver
Oawellaid, eidiau w, hamper-full Cawellan nf^ Cawellyn », small hampernbsp;Cawellu to hamper; to stuffnbsp;Cawg -iau «, basin, bowlnbsp;Cawgaid, eidiau n, basinfulnbsp;Cawgyu small basinnbsp;Cawiad n, binding round
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Cawl n, pottage; broth, gruel j hodge-
dge. — cig, meat broth. — dwr, th without meat; water gruel. —nbsp;Uaeth, oatmeal and milk,milk porridge.nbsp;— pys, pea soup
Cawl cn(-en^), cabbage. —Ffrengig, French colewort. —gwyllt, wild cole-wort. —y mor,—y graig,sea-cabbagenbsp;Cawlai, eion nc, feeder on pottagenbsp;Cawlio V, to mix disorderlynbsp;Cawn np (-en rj/*), reeds, stalks j reednbsp;grass. Cawnen, burreed. Cawnennbsp;ddn, mat-grassnbsp;Cawna r, to gather reedsnbsp;Cawod -ydd -au nf, shower. — arnbsp;goed, blast on trees. — o haul, shortnbsp;interval of sunshine. — o wynt, blastnbsp;Cawodi V, to showernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[of wind
Cawr, cawri, cewri n, giant; mighty man Cawraidd a, gigantic; mightynbsp;Cawrchwii -od nf, bullchafer [puissancenbsp;CawrdebjCawredd «, munificence,might,nbsp;Cawres -au n/*, female giant, giantessnbsp;Cawrfarch, feirch n, camelnbsp;Cawrfil -od «, elephantnbsp;Cawmaid, neidiau nf, great leapnbsp;Caws n and cn, cheese; curd,nbsp;llyffant, agaric. — llyffant draenog,nbsp;hedgehog mushroomnbsp;Cawss r, to gather cheesenbsp;Cawsai, eion nc, cheese-collectornbsp;Cawsaidd a, cheese-like; curdlednbsp;Cawsdy, dai n, cheese-housenbsp;Cawsellt -au n, cheese-vatnbsp;Cawselltu v, to put cheese in a vatnbsp;Cawsio, Cawsu v, to turn to cheesenbsp;Cawsion np^ curds, curdingsnbsp;Cawslestr -i n, cheese-mouldnbsp;Cawsnur n, caseinnbsp;Cawswasg -au n/j cheese-pressnbsp;Cawswr, wyr n, cheesemongernbsp;Cebr, ceibr nf, rafternbsp;Cebystr -au tether, halter. Llwyth ynbsp;cebystr, crackbempnbsp;Cecr n, Cecraeth n/| brawl, wranglingnbsp;Cecrai, eion tic, wrangler, brawlernbsp;Cecraidd o, apt to wrangle, captiousnbsp;Cecren -od nj^ shrew, scoldnbsp;Cecri», snappishness, wranglingnbsp;Cecru V, to wrangle, to bickernbsp;Oecrus lt;z, snappish, quarrelsomenbsp;Cecryn n, wrangler, brawler [locknbsp;Cecys np (-en hollow stalks; hem-Cecysaidd a, tubulous; like hemlocknbsp;Ced -ion ti/, favour, gift, reliefnbsp;Cedaflen -i nf^ napkinnbsp;Cedeu
Cedenog a, shaggy, hairy Cedenu v, to make shaggynbsp;Cedfawr a, beneficent; lavishnbsp;Cedig a, munificent, bounteousnbsp;Cedor -au nf^ hair of pubescence. Ced-owrach, Cedor y wrach, burdock, burrnbsp;Cedorfa nf^ the bottom of the abdomennbsp;Cedorwydd on, giant fennelnbsp;Cedowydd, Cedowys cn, the fieabanenbsp;Cedr cn, cedar. Coed cedr, cedar-treesnbsp;Cedrwydd np (-en «ƒ), cedar-trees,nbsp;cedar-wood, cedars
Cedrwydd a, liberal, bountiful [cedrine Cedrwyddain, Cedrwyddvn a, of cedar,nbsp;Cedrwys a, munificent; lavishnbsp;Cedu r, to confer a favour or giftnbsp;Cedwid n, custody, possessionnbsp;Cedwidydd -ion ti, possessornbsp;Cedym »/gt;, strong or mighty onesnbsp;Cedys np (-en n/*), faggots, bundlesnbsp;Ceddw, Cedw », mustard. Cedw gwyllt,nbsp;charlocknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Tu cefn, behind
Cefn -au n, back; ridge; second; support. Cefnaiut », middle part. — nos, deadnbsp;of night
Cefnant, aint support; great-gr^t Cefnbant a, saddle-backed [grandchildnbsp;Cefnbeithyn -au cn, ridge tilesnbsp;Cefndedyn ti, the mesentery [cousinnbsp;Cefnder, dyr, Cefnderw, dyrw », firstnbsp;Cefndwn a, broken-backednbsp;Cefnddryll -iau n, chinenbsp;Cefnen -au »i/*, gently-rising hillnbsp;Cefnfor -oedd n, the main sea, oceannbsp;Cefngrwba a, hunch-backednbsp;Cefngrwca a, crook-backednbsp;Cefngrwm o, hump-backednbsp;Cefnhwrwg a, hunch-backednbsp;Cefnllif «, high flood, deluge, torrentnbsp;Cefnoctyd n, support, encouragementnbsp;Cefnog a, backed; courageous; heartynbsp;Cefnogaeth nf^ backing, encouragementnbsp;Oefnogi v, to back, to encouragenbsp;Cefnogol, Cefnocaethol o, encouragingnbsp;Cefnraff -au backhand, ridgeband.nbsp;Bhoi cefnraff i nn, to give one a strokenbsp;across the back
Cefnu Vy to back; to turn the back Cefnwyden, Cefnwden -i «ƒ, ridge-bandnbsp;Ceffyl -au n, horse, steed. — adara,nbsp;— adarwr, — brethyn, — cynfas,nbsp;stalking-horse
Ceg -au nfy throat; mouth; an opening Cegaid, eidiau nf, mouthfulnbsp;Cegddu », the hake fishnbsp;Oegid np (-en nf\ the hemlock: nf,nbsp;the witwall. Cegiden y dwr, horse-
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bane. —fenyw, cow-parsley. —wen, sweet cicelynbsp;Ceginiaeth cookerynbsp;Ceginwr, wyr n, cook, kitchenernbsp;Cegio V, to mouth; to chokenbsp;Cegol a, of a month, mouthed; gutturalnbsp;Cegrwth a, wide-mouthednbsp;Cegrythu v, to open the mouth widelynbsp;Cegu r, to mouth; to glut [hemlocknbsp;Cegyr cn, hemlock. — mawr, waternbsp;Cengl -au nf, band; girth; hanknbsp;Cengliedydd -ion, Cengl wr, wyr n, reelernbsp;Cenglog a, reeled; in hanksnbsp;Cenglu Vj to hank; to girth; to windnbsp;Cenglyn -ion n, bandagenbsp;Ceian nf, pink
Ceibio v, to use a hoe or mattock; to hoe Ceibiwr, wyr », worker with the mattock; common labourer; fumblernbsp;Ceibrad n, fastening togethernbsp;Oeibren -i «ƒ, rafternbsp;Geidwad, aid », keeper, preserver, saviour:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sage, salvia [servatism
Ceidwadaeth-au w/5 preservation; con-Ceidwades -au njl conservatrix Ceidwadol a, preservative, conservativenbsp;Ceingel. yin,tank; girthnbsp;Oeingeli n/J Ceingyll -au n,reel to twistnbsp;Ceingliadur -on n, winding-reel [ropesnbsp;Ceinglo v, to hank; to girthnbsp;Oeingoreth -au setonnbsp;Ceilfraint, freintiau n, foldagenbsp;Ceilio ZJ, to fold cattlenbsp;.Ceiliog -od n. cock, male bird. —nbsp;aradr, the oridle of a plough. —nbsp;coed, cock pheasant. — du, heathnbsp;cock, the black game. — gwynt,nbsp;weatner cock. — mwyalch, the malenbsp;ousel, blackbird. ¦— neidr, basilisk.nbsp;— rhedyn, grasshoppernbsp;Ceilioges -au n/j hen: used only in anbsp;metaphorical sense, and applied chiefly to women. Mae hi yn un geilioges,nbsp;she is in good health and high spiritsnbsp;Ceiliogi v, to tread (as fowls)
Oeiliogiar, ieir nyj hermaphrodite fowl; Ceiliogwydd -au n, gander [crowing hennbsp;Ceiliogyn n, cockerelnbsp;Ceilys n, pink=Ceiannbsp;Oeilys np (-yn n), ninepins. Chwareunbsp;ceilys, to play at ninepinsnbsp;Ceimiad, laid n, wanderer, pilgrimnbsp;Ceimle -oedd n, plain; commonnbsp;Ceimmen nf^ whirlernbsp;Ceimmenen nf^ winnowing-sheetnbsp;Oeimmiad, iaid, Ceimmyn w, striver innbsp;Ceimmio v, to strive in games [gagies
Ceimwch, ychaid lobster. — Mairgt; — coch, crawfishnbsp;Ceinach, ych nf^ harenbsp;Ceincedd branching, ramificationnbsp;Ceincio v, to branch out, to ramifynbsp;Ceinciog, Oeinciol a, full of branchesnbsp;Ceinder », elegance; beautynbsp;Ceinfalch a, ostentatiousnbsp;Ceinfawl n, panegyricnbsp;Ceinfod », state of blissnbsp;Ceinfoli r, to panegyrizenbsp;Ceiniad n, circumspection, perceptionnbsp;Ceiniad, iaid w, singer, chanternbsp;Ceiniades -au nf^ chantressnbsp;Ceiniadu t?, to look warilynbsp;Ceiniadur -iaid », singer, songsternbsp;Ceinio r, to survey; to perceivenbsp;Ceinioca v, to collect money, as by brief;
to gather pence; to beg Ceiniog -au nf^ pennynbsp;Ceinioglys n, moneywortnbsp;Ceiniogwerth -au nfy pennyworthnbsp;Ceinion no, ornaments, jewels; beautiesnbsp;Ceinionydd -ion », jewellernbsp;Ceinlly nf^ sharp or clear sight. —nbsp;goch, sparrow hawknbsp;Ceinmyg o, splendid, honourablenbsp;Ceinmyged -au nf^ reverencenbsp;Ceinmygu o, to revere, to respectnbsp;Ceinmynu o, to receive splendidlynbsp;Geinrad -au », splendid giftnbsp;Ceintach -au n/J brawl, scuffle [grumblenbsp;Ceintachu v, to brawl, to scuffle; tonbsp;Ceinwen a/] splendidly whitenbsp;Ceirch n and cn, oats, oatnbsp;Oeirchen nf^ Ceirchyn n, grain of oatsnbsp;Ceirchwellt«, oatgrassnbsp;Ceiriad, iaid n, bearernbsp;Ceirios np (-en, cherriesnbsp;Ceirniad, iaid n, hoofed animalnbsp;Ceisbwl, byliaid «, catchpole, bailiffnbsp;Ceisiad, iaid n, extortioner; bailiff; tax-Ceisiad n, seeking; trying [gatherernbsp;Ceisiedydd -ion n,one who seeks, seeker,nbsp;Ceisio V, to seek; to attempt, to endea-Ceisiwr, wyr », one who seeks [vournbsp;Ceithialedd », slavery, bondagenbsp;Ceithio v. to confine=Caethunbsp;Cel a, hia, concealednbsp;Cel -ydd n, shelter, hidingnbsp;Gelach -od nc, fribblenbsp;Gelaig, eigion n, secluded one; stagnbsp;Celain nf^ carcase; corpsenbsp;Ceian -edd nf, dead bodynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[uage
Celauedd -au nf^ heap of carcases; car-Gelaneddog a, strewed with the dead Gelaneddu v, to make a carnagenbsp;70
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Celc n, concealment; wile Celen V, to conceal, to secretenbsp;Celcyn n, dissemblernbsp;Celcyniaeth nf, dissimnlationnbsp;Celch a, round, encirclingnbsp;Celdy, dai n, arbour, bowernbsp;Oeledigaeth nf, concealmentnbsp;Celefenrydd c», stubblenbsp;Celefrad,Celyfrad «,refuge for criminalsnbsp;Oelf-an «ƒ,art; mystery; craft. Celfnbsp;a gwyddor, art and sciencenbsp;Celfan -au nf place of retreatnbsp;Celfi np (celfijfn »), tools, instruments;
fumitnre; trifles. —min, edged tools Celfydd a, artificial; skilfulnbsp;Celfyddawd, odion nf, art, skillnbsp;Oelfyddgar o, ingenious; scientificnbsp;Celfyddu v, to use ingenuity fnbsp;Celfyddus a, technical; ingenious, skil-Celfyddyd -an nf, art; skill; craftnbsp;Celfyddydol a, artificialnbsp;Celff -i B, stock, pillarnbsp;Celffain a, stiff, rigidnbsp;Celffaint, einiau b, stock, stumpnbsp;Celffeinio ®, to dry up, to grow stiffnbsp;Cell n, the secret one: the Deitynbsp;Celt, ceilt b, covert, shelternbsp;Celtiad, laid n, dweller in coverts; Celtnbsp;Celu V, to hide; to concealnbsp;Celwm, ymau n, bucket, pailnbsp;Celwydd -au b, lie, falsehoodnbsp;Celwyddo v, to lie; to confoundnbsp;Oelwyddog a, given to lyingnbsp;Celwyddus a, lying; shamefulnbsp;Celwyddwr, wyr n, liarnbsp;Celydd -on n, sheltered place; bowernbsp;Celyn np {-en nf), the holly. —nbsp;Mair,—Ffrainc, knee-holly,butcher’snbsp;broom. — brith, variegated hollynbsp;Celyneg, Celynog nf holly grovenbsp;Celynog a, having hollynbsp;Celymaid, eidian «, tubful [bournbsp;Cell-oedd -au nf, cell,closet; grove; ar-Cellaig, eigion n, stag, hartnbsp;Cellawg a, abounding with cellsnbsp;Celli, fan nf grove; bowernbsp;Celliwig -oedd nf, forest; grovenbsp;Cellt -au nf, flint stonenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sarcasm
Cellwair, weiriau n, joke; hint. — du, Cellwair, Cellweirio », to joke, to jestnbsp;Cellweirgar, Cellweiriol, Cellweirus o,nbsp;joking, jocose, jocular, jestingnbsp;Cemi B, crookedness, wryness [circusnbsp;Cemmaes, meusydd n, circle for games;nbsp;Cemyw -ion n, male salmonnbsp;Cen pr, with, in possession of: c, for;nbsp;because, forasmuch=Can, Gan
Cen cn, skin, peel, scales; lichen, liver-,
wort. Cen y ceryg, leprous liverwort Cenad -au - on m/j mission; permission,nbsp;leave; messenger; ambassador; missionarynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(mission
Cenadaetb, Cenadiaeth nf, embassy, Cenadiad b, mission; permissionnbsp;Cenadol a, missive; permissive; mis-Cenadu v, to permit; to send [sionarynbsp;CenadwrjWyr n, messenger; missionairnbsp;Cenadwri, Cenadwriaeth nf mission,nbsp;embassy
Cenal -edd nf, tribe, clan, nation
Cenatau o=Caniatau
Cenaw -on n, offspring; cub, whelp;
scion. Cenawon cjll, hazel catkins Cenawes -au nf, she-cubnbsp;Cenedl -oedd nf nation, kindred, tribe;nbsp;gender; sort; species. Y Cenedloedd,nbsp;the Gentiles
Cenedlaeth nf, generation Cenedlaethol a, nationalnbsp;Cenedledigol a, generativenbsp;Cenedlgarwch b, nationalism; patriotismnbsp;Cenedhad », procreation, generationnbsp;Cenedlig o, national, gentile; pagannbsp;Cenedlog a, having a familynbsp;Oenedlol of a familynbsp;Cenedlor -ion it, progenitornbsp;Cenedlu v, to beget, to generatenbsp;Oenel -au n/j tribe, nation=Cenedlnbsp;Ceneu n, cub, whelpnbsp;Cenfaint, feiniau b, progeny; herdnbsp;Cenfigen -au nf envy, malicenbsp;Cenfigenol, Centigenns, Cenfigenllyd a,nbsp;envying, envious, spitefulnbsp;Cenfigenu v, to envy, to grudgenbsp;Cenfil-od B, perfect beptnbsp;Cenig if, sonnet=Canignbsp;Cenin np (-en nf), leeks. — ewinog,nbsp;garlic. — y brain, wild hyacinth.nbsp;— gwynydd, — Pedr, daffodilnbsp;Cenio ®, to perceive, to surveynbsp;Cenllif B, high flood, torrent=:Cefnllifnbsp;Cenllysg cn, stormy shower; hailstone;nbsp;Cenog a, scaly, scurfynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[hail
Cenu V, to scale, to scurf Cer cn (ceryn n), tools; furniturenbsp;Cerp, near, close by=Grernbsp;Geraint np, relatives, kindrednbsp;Cerbyd -au n, chariot, coach, carriagenbsp;Oerbydres -i nf, railway trainnbsp;Cerch, cyrch b, rising up, setting upnbsp;Cerchafael -ion n, exaltationnbsp;Cerchafu v, to uplift, to exaltnbsp;Cerdin (S. W.) np (-en nf), mountainnbsp;ash. See Oerddin (N. W.)
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Cerdd -i iif^ art; craft; art of poetry; piece of poetry or of music; song,nbsp;poem. — anerch, epistolary poem;nbsp;poetical epistle. — dafod, vocal song;nbsp;vocal music. — dannau, instrumental music. — draith, recitative poetry. —* hanes, epic poemrsHanes-gerdd. haw! ac ateb, poem in thenbsp;form of a dialogue. — hud a Ued-rith, dramatic poemnbsp;Cerdded to walk; to ^o; to travel. — tai, to go about begging Cerddedi n. going; pacenbsp;Cerddediad «, walking, going; pacenbsp;Cerddedor -ian sojournernbsp;Cerddedores -au «/*, female travellernbsp;Cerddedrwydd n, peregrinationnbsp;Cerddedvrr, wyr n, walkernbsp;Cerddenin a, wayfaring, wanderingnbsp;Cerddgar a, harmonious, musicalnbsp;CerddiD np f-en nf\ quicken-trees,nbsp;mountain asn. Cerddinen ddof, truenbsp;service-tree. — wen, white beam-tree. — wyllt, wild service-treenbsp;Cerddoliad, laid w, harmonlzernbsp;Cerddor -ion m, artist; singer, musiciannbsp;Cerddores -au nf^ female musiciannbsp;Cerddoriaeth nf^ the science of singing;nbsp;Cerddorol a, musical [ music; minstrelsynbsp;Cerd dwriaeth nf. the art of poetry; musicnbsp;Cerf -au method; art; tradenbsp;Cerfiad n, carving; sculpture; figuringnbsp;Cerfiadaeth 7»/*, carving; sculpturenbsp;Qerfio V, to form; to model; to carvenbsp;Cerflun -iau n, piece of sculpture; statuenbsp;Cerfyll -oedd n, sculpture: statuenbsp;Cerhynt -iau », current [medlar-treesnbsp;Ceri wp(cefien «ƒ),medlars; kernels; thenbsp;Ceriach small tools; triflesnbsp;Cerlyu n, miser^ hunks, churlnbsp;Cem -au nf^ siae of the head; the jawnbsp;Cernhep -iau nf^ buffet or blow on thenbsp;cheeknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[jawing Cerniad », turning the side of the head; Cernial to go cheek by jowlnbsp;Cemio v, to turn the jawnbsp;Cernod -iau blow on the cheeknbsp;Cernodio to buffet or beat the headnbsp;Cerpyn w, clout, ragnbsp;Cert -i njfj cartnbsp;Certaid, e\diau cart-loadnbsp;Certiad n, cartingnbsp;Certwyn -i cart, wainnbsp;Certh a, evident; imminentnbsp;Certhedd, Certhrwydd awfulness, im-Cerwyd -on stag, hart [minencenbsp;Cerwyn -i mashing-tub |
Cerwynaid, eidiau tubful Cerydd -on n, correction, chastisementnbsp;Ceryddedigaeth «/) chastisementnbsp;Oeryddiad n, correction, rebukenbsp;Ceryddol a, castigatory, correctionalnbsp;Ceryddu v, to correct, to chastise; tonbsp;rebuke, to reprovenbsp;Ceryddus o, reprovingnbsp;Ceryddwr, wyr », chastisernbsp;Ceryglyd, Cerygog a, stonynbsp;Cerygos np, pebbles, small stonesnbsp;Ceryn, cêr ?i, tool; surly chapnbsp;Ces -i nf^ point of divergencynbsp;Cesail, eiliau nf^ arm pit; bosomnbsp;Cesair np (ceseiryn »), hailstonesnbsp;Cesellaid, eidiau nf^ armfulnbsp;Ceseiliad taking in the armsnbsp;Ceseilwrn, ymau », burden that maynbsp;be taken under the armnbsp;Geseirio v, to shower hailnbsp;Cest -au nf^ receptacle; paunch; narrow-mouthed basket Cestog o, round-bellied; swelled out Cestu r, to swell out the bellynbsp;Cestyn n. little sly tricknbsp;Ceten nfl little cabinetnbsp;Cetenin a, curious, prociousnbsp;Ceto nf^ satchel, bagnbsp;Cetyn », piece, bit, scrap; pipe. —nbsp;diogel, good bit; considerable portion.nbsp;Er ys cetyn, a while agonbsp;Cethal a, terrible, awfulnbsp;Cethem np, fiends, furiesnbsp;Cethin a, dun, dusky; ugly, hideousnbsp;Cethinen nf^ swarthy onenbsp;Cethino v, to make dusky; to makenbsp;ugly; to become ugly or hideousnbsp;Cethledd n, melody, singingnbsp;Cethlyd n, melody of birds [cuckoonbsp;Cethlydd -ion n, singer, warbler: nfy thenbsp;Cether -i n, spike, nailnbsp;Cethrai, eion n, driver, hammernbsp;Cethrain v, to drive^ to urge; to drivenbsp;the plough; to drive oxennbsp;Cethrawl a, prickingnbsp;Cetliren n/*, spike, nailnbsp;Cethreor -ion, Cethreinwr, wyr n, drivernbsp;Cethreu tgt;, to drive onwardsnbsp;Cethrin piercing; horridnbsp;Cethror -ion «, pikenbsp;Cethru to drive in, to piercenbsp;Cethrwr, wyr n, one who drives innbsp;Gethw n, mustardnbsp;Ceuad w, excavationnbsp;Ceubal -au », ferry-boat, skiffnbsp;Ceubalfa n/*, ferry-placenbsp;Ceubont -ydd tubular bridgenbsp;72 |
Ceubren -i n, hoilow tree Ceubwll, bjllau «, pit, hollow pitnbsp;Ceudod -au n, hollowness; beilj, paunch,nbsp;inward parts; the bosomnbsp;Ceuedig a, hollowed, excavatednbsp;CeueddjCeudeb «, hollowness, concavitynbsp;Ceufa -oedd n/l ^Iph, abyssnbsp;Ceufad -au n, canoenbsp;Cenfaes, feusydd n, parknbsp;Ceufawr a, yawningnbsp;Ceuffordd, ffyrdd n, tunnelnbsp;Ceugant », vacuity; infinitynbsp;Ceugant a, certain, surenbsp;Ceulad n, coagulationnbsp;Ceulaidd a, li£e curdsnbsp;Ceulan -au, lenydd njl hollow bank ornbsp;Ceuled n, rennet [side of a rivernbsp;Ceuleden n, curd Cenlfraen w, crumbling cheese-curds Ceulfraenu v, to make cheesenbsp;Ceulo Vy to coagulate, to curdlenbsp;Ceulon w, cheese-rennet, galium verumnbsp;Ceulor -au «, cnrdling-traynbsp;Ceunant, nentydd », ravine, brooknbsp;Ceuo V, to excavate; to make hollownbsp;Ceuol o, inclosing; hollownbsp;Cewig a, shackled, fetterednbsp;Cewyn -au », band; napkin; shred [fishnbsp;Ci, n, dog; holdfast. Ci coeg, dog-Ciaidd a, dog-like, dogged; cruel, brutalnbsp;Cib -au n, cup; seed vessel; husk: nf,nbsp;Cibaid, eidiau n, cupfulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[brim Cibo Vy to raise the rim; to knit the Cibog a, having a cup or shell [brownbsp;Cibddall a, purblind, dimsightednbsp;Cibddar a, vehementnbsp;Cibddu a, swarthy, dusky, darknbsp;Cibedrycn v. to glance overnbsp;Cibellyn, Cioellys «, chive garlicnbsp;Cibglawr, gloriau 7i, trap doornbsp;Cibli, ion nfy favourite thing; toast;nbsp;Cibno -au wf, bowl, cup [trump cardnbsp;Cibog ft, panic-grassnbsp;Cibwst nfy chilblains, kibesnbsp;Cibyn ft, cup; follicle; half a bushel. Cibyn wy, eggshell Cibynaid, eidiau «, half a bushel-fulnbsp;Cibynog o, having a shellnbsp;Cica Vy to hunt for fieshnbsp;Cicai, eion ftc, feeder on fieshnbsp;Cicwr, wyr n, footmannbsp;Cid -iau », havoc, destructionnbsp;Cidwm, ymod n, voracious beast; wolf:nbsp;Cidws, ysod tif, greedy one \_/y cidymesnbsp;Cidysen, cidysod nfy kid; faggotnbsp;Cieiddio v, to grow dogged or cruelnbsp;Cig ft, fiesh; fiesh-meat. — bras, — |
gwyn, — tew, fat meat. — cochgt; lean meat. — dafad, — llwdn, —nbsp;myharan, mutton. — dannedd, gums.nbsp;— eidion, beef. — luddew, asafoe-tida, — llo, veal. -- moch, pork,nbsp;bacon. — marw, proud fieshnbsp;Cigaidd like fleshnbsp;Cigdy, dai n, shamble; butcher’s shopnbsp;Cigfa -oedd «/*, shamble; meat-marketnbsp;Cigfach -au n, flesh-hooknbsp;Cigfran^ frain nfy raven, carrion crownbsp;Oigfremn a, ravenousnbsp;Cigiadd ft, carrionnbsp;Cigliw a, flesh-colourednbsp;Ciglyd a, like flesh Cignoeth a, grinning, snarling; caustic Cigo Vy to grow fleshynbsp;Cigog a, full of fieshnbsp;Cigol a, of flesh, sarcotic [clutchnbsp;Cigwain, weiniau nfy flesh-fork; spear;nbsp;Gigweinio v, to clutchnbsp;Cigwr, wyr, Oi^dd -ion n, butchernbsp;Cigyddes -au /^female butcher [tradenbsp;Oigyddiaeth nf butchery; butcher’snbsp;Cigyddio p, to butcher; to slaughternbsp;Cigysol a, carnivorous. Cigysolion,nbsp;carnivora Cingroen nfy stinking mushroom Gil -iau -ion ft, back; recess, corner;nbsp;retreat, flight. Cnoi cil, to chewnbsp;the cud. Cil y lleuad, wane of thenbsp;moon. Cil y llygad, corner of the eyenbsp;CilcTO -ion -os n, fragmentnbsp;Cilcnweryn -au ft, glandnbsp;Cildant, dannau n, alto harp-stringnbsp;Cildrem -iau nfy leering looknbsp;Cildremio, Cildremu v, to leernbsp;Oildro -ion ft, turn backnbsp;Cildroi v. to turn backwardnbsp;Cildyn, Cildynog o, obstinate, stubbornnbsp;Cildynu v, to pull back; to be obstinatenbsp;Cilddant, ddannedd, ddaint », jaw-toothnbsp;Ciledrych r, to look asidenbsp;Cilegored a, partly open, ajarnbsp;Cilegori ft, to partly opennbsp;Oiler -i -au nf. butter-traynbsp;Cilfach -au nf nook; creek, baynbsp;Cilfin -iau », brow, edge, margin, brinknbsp;Ciifyru ft, to curtail, to abridgenbsp;Cilffed -au nf brow; leernbsp;Gilgain n, asphodelnbsp;Cilgant -au ft, crescentnbsp;Cilgi, gwn ft, cowardly dog; cowardnbsp;Cilgïedd ft, cowardicenbsp;Cilgwthio ft, to drive back; to pushnbsp;Cilio ft, to retreat, to withdraw, to gonbsp;out of the way; to put to flightnbsp;73 |
Oiliorni v, to scare back Oilolwg, ygon nf, sly look, leer Oilolygu V, to leer Cilwen -au nf, half smile Cilwenu v, to simper, to smile Cilwg, ygon n, frown Cin -ion n, surface; cuticle Ciniach np (ciniechyn »), shreds, snips Ciniachu v, to cut in shreds Oiniaw, Cinio, ciniawau n, dinner Ciniawa v, to dine Cinionen nf, thin sheet or coyering Cinmael -an nf, retreat, covert Cinwgl, yglau », entangling Cinyglog a, entangled Cinyn -ion n, shred, snip Cinyniach np, shreds, snips Cinynio v, to shred, to mangle Ciog n, burdock Cip -ion n, quick pull or snatch; glance. Cip y coed, tilled liverwort Cipdrem -iau nf, quick glancenbsp;Cipedrych v, to glancenbsp;Cipen nf, grapnelnbsp;Cipgais n, scramblingnbsp;Cipgar a, snatching; captionsnbsp;Cipiad, iaid n, bulldognbsp;Cipio V, to snatch; to whisk awaynbsp;Cipiol o, snatching; whisking oftnbsp;Cipiwr, wyr n, snatchernbsp;Cipod, Cipolwg tf, glancenbsp;Oippill -ion n, dry stumpnbsp;Cippysg -od cn, the carpnbsp;Oiprys -au n, scramble; brawlnbsp;Ciprysgar a, given to brawlingnbsp;Ciprysu v, to scramble; to bickernbsp;Oir -ion n, bounty, boon, benefitnbsp;Ciried n, beneficencenbsp;Cirio V, to cherish; to pitynbsp;Ciriolaeth nf, munificencenbsp;Ciros cn, dogrose, heptreenbsp;Cis -ion n, slap, pat, blownbsp;Cisio V, to slap, to strikenbsp;Oist -iau tf, chest, coffer,box. Cist cast-an, chestnut chest, chest of chestnutnbsp;Cistau -au nf, small chest, cabinet [ woodnbsp;Oistanwr, wyr n, cabinetmakernbsp;Cistbridd n, potter’s claynbsp;Cistfaen, feini n, a British monument,nbsp;consisting of four flat stones placednbsp;at right angles, with a fifth on topnbsp;Cistwely -au n, press-bednbsp;Cittrach n, conflictnbsp;Oittrachu v, to fightnbsp;Ciw a, clever; trim, neatnbsp;Ciwdod -au n, tribe, clan, nationnbsp;Ciwed cn, rabble, mob; crew |
Cladd -an n, trench; pit; a pool where fish shed; a place where anything isnbsp;hid or buried; diggingnbsp;Cladde -au n, chimney-piece [termentnbsp;Claddedigaeth nf, burying, burial, iu-Claddfa, fëydd nf, burying-place, cemetery ; place where fish spawnnbsp;Claddogof -au nf, catacombnbsp;Claddu o, to dig a pit; to bury, to inter; to deposit spawn Claer a, clear, bright, shiningnbsp;Claerder n, clearness, brightnessnbsp;Claerllys n, water pimpernelnbsp;Claes, cleision n, haft end of a blade. Olaes Mair, wild English clary Olaf a, sick, ill, poorly, diseasednbsp;Claf, cleifiou n, sick person; patientnbsp;Clafaidd. Clafus a, sickly, ailingnbsp;Clafdy, dal n, hospital, infirmarynbsp;Clafr, clefrion n, scurf; scab; leprosynbsp;Clafrdy, dai n, lazarettonbsp;Clafrgen n, leprous liverwortnbsp;Clafrilyd aj leprous; mangy; scabbynbsp;Olafrllys -iau n, scabious. — mawr,nbsp;Clafru V, to grow leprous [elecampanenbsp;Clafu, Olafyehu w, to sicken, to fall illnbsp;Clai, cleiau n, clay; marlnbsp;Claig, cleigion nf, whirlpool [volumenbsp;Claing, cleingiau, oleingiou nf, folding;nbsp;Clain, cleinian n, prostrate, grovellingnbsp;Clairch, cleirchion n, decrepit one [statenbsp;Clais, cleisiau n, stripe; bruise, mark;nbsp;rividet; ditch, trench; field scabious,nbsp;Maen clais, marble Clamp, Clap -iau n, mass, lump. Clamp 0 ddyn, big lusty mannbsp;Clap n, clack; gossip, talebearingnbsp;Clapgi, gwn re, talebearer, blabnbsp;Clapian v, to carry tales; to gossipnbsp;Clapio V, to make a lumpnbsp;Clapiog a, lumpy, in lumpsnbsp;Clas -au re, space; plat; regionnbsp;Olasdir -oedd re, glebe landnbsp;Clasg re, heap, collection, pilenbsp;Clasgor -au re, collegenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Casglu Clasgu V, to gather or heap togetherrr Clasor -au re, enclosure; cloisternbsp;Clasordy, dai re, cloister-housenbsp;Claswydd np (-en nf), the elmnbsp;Clan a, incessant; quick, fast; even;nbsp;temperate; sincere Clauar o, temperate, mild; lukewarm Clauarder, Clanaredd, Clauarineb re,nbsp;mildness, temperateness [peppernbsp;Clauarllys re, biting stonecrop, wall-Clauarn v, to make or become mild ornbsp;Clawd, Clodion re, shingle; patch [tepidnbsp;74 |
Clawdd, cloddiau n, ditch, dyke, pit quarry; fence, hedge; embankmentnbsp;Clawr, cloriau n, surface; cover, lidnbsp;Claws, closydd w, close, yard, court;nbsp;Cleb -ion n, drivellernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cloister
debar n, silly talk or clack Glebarddus a, clacking, babblingnbsp;Clebren n/J prattling gossipnbsp;Clec -ion nj, crack, smack; gossipnbsp;Cieca tgt;, to clack; to gossipnbsp;Clecm, eiod, eion nf^ ciacker; gossipnbsp;Clecëig a, prattling, gossipingnbsp;Cleciad n, crackingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to chatter
Ciecian v, to crack; to smack; to snap; Cled q/J sheltering, warm: m, clydnbsp;Cledr -au, Cledren n/J flat body; shingle;nbsp;stave; rail. — y ddwyfron, thenbsp;breastbone. — Haw, the palm of thenbsp;Cledrffordd, ffyrdd nf^ railway [handnbsp;Cledro v, to beat soundlynbsp;Cledrog a, shingled, railednbsp;Cledru to rail; to palenbsp;Cledrwy -on nf^ lattice-worknbsp;Cledd -au », rest; the left; north; swordnbsp;Cleddau n, sword; blade=:Cleddyfnbsp;Cleddiwig «/*, quarry, minenbsp;Cleddlaw left handnbsp;Cleddog, dleddyfog a, bearing a swordnbsp;Cleddyf -au «, sword, blade. Cleddyfnbsp;Bleddyn, the spleennbsp;Cleddyfain v, to cut with a swordnbsp;Cleddyfaint w, rage of swords [swordnbsp;Cleddyfal, Cleddyfawd n, stroke of anbsp;Cleddyflys, Cleddlys «, burreednbsp;Cleddyfwr, vryr n, swordsmannbsp;Cleddyfyddiaeth rif, the use of the swordnbsp;Clefri», the leprosy; scab. —dyfrlJyd,nbsp;water farcy. — mawr, farcynbsp;Clefryd n, eruptive diseasenbsp;Clefryn n, sheep’s bit, sheep’s scabiousnbsp;Clef wch, Clef ni n, disease, ailment, sick-Clefyca a, valetudinary [ness, illnessnbsp;Clefycian v, to be sicklynbsp;Clefychiyd a, valetudinary, ailingnbsp;Clefychu p, to fall sicknbsp;Clefyd -au -on n, sickness, disease,nbsp;complaint, disorder; fever (N.W.). —nbsp;drwg, — poeth, — trythyll, venerealnbsp;disease. — melyn, jaundice. — ynbsp;breniojscrofula. —y cymmalau,gout.nbsp;—ydaueg,spleen. —y gïau,rheumatism ; nervous disorder. — y gwaed,nbsp;dysentery. — y mor, sea-sicknessnbsp;Cleg -ion «, hard mass or lumpnbsp;Clegar, Ciegr, Clegyr p, to clack, tonbsp;cackle; to tackle; to cracklenbsp;Clegyr, Ciegr -au n, rock, cliff
Clegyrog a, rocky, rugged Cleiad, aid, Cleianen »ƒ, a casing; peat,*nbsp;cowdung dried for fuelnbsp;Cleibwll, byllau n, clay pitnbsp;Cleidir -oedd n, clay landnbsp;Cleien n/*, rotten or soft stonenbsp;Cleifaen, fain, feini n, shalenbsp;Cleigio p, to dip, to immerge, to plungenbsp;Cieilyd a, clayey, clayishnbsp;Cleinio p, to lay prostrate; to procreatenbsp;Cleio p, to become claynbsp;Cleiog a, abounding with clay, clayeynbsp;Cleiriach decrepit onenbsp;Cleisen 71^, bruisenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to dawn
Cleisio p, to streak, to mark, to bruise; Cleisiog a, streaked; bruisednbsp;Clem -iau slice, tbin piece; shape,nbsp;Clemio p, to slice; to piece [mannernbsp;Clemog a, ill-shaped, deformednbsp;Clep -iau nf, clack, clap; cragnbsp;Clepai, eion nf^ a babbling gossipnbsp;Clepian, Clepio p, to clack, to Dabble,nbsp;to gossip; to prate; to carry talesnbsp;Cler cn, itinerant minstrelsnbsp;Cler np (-en n/*), gad-flies. Cleren, thenbsp;rattles in the throatnbsp;Clera p, to stroll as minstrelsnbsp;Clerig a, clericalnbsp;Clerigwr, wyr w, clergymannbsp;Clerwr, wyr », itinerant minstrelnbsp;Clerwriaeth nfy minstrelsynbsp;Cleudeb n, evenness, equanimitynbsp;Cleuder, Cleufrydedd n, sinceritynbsp;Cleufryd a, sincerenbsp;Clewt -iau w, clatter; scoldingnbsp;Clewtian p, to clatter, to scold [jawbonenbsp;Ciicied -au «ƒ, latch, catch. — gên,nbsp;Cliciedu p, to fasten with a latchnbsp;CJimach -od «, a slim tall fellownbsp;Clin n, spark, sparklenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[crackle
Clindarddach crackling noise: p, to Clip -au n, precipice, crag; snap, catchnbsp;Clipan n, sturdy beggarnbsp;Clir a, clear
Cliw a, compact; clever; pert Clo -ion -iau «, knob; close; locknbsp;Cload n, closing; lockingnbsp;Cloadur n, closurenbsp;Clop -au n. knob, bossnbsp;Cloben n/) large or fat femalenbsp;Clobyn n, large lump; bouncernbsp;Clocian p, to cluck as a hennbsp;Cloch, clych, clychau nf, bell. — ynbsp;dwfr, bubble. — maban, snowdrop.nbsp;— ymadrodd, uvula. — yr eos, harebells. Un o’r gloch, one o’clock. Bethnbsp;o*r gloch yw hi ? what o’clock is it ?
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Clol -iau nfy pate, skull Clolian r, to prate, to gabble | gornbsp;Clone -iau^ hollow sound, clang, clan-Cloncian, Cloncio v. to clank, to clashnbsp;Cloncwy -au n, addle egg
Clopa, clopanaun/*,noddle; knob; club
Clopen r^y noddle; jolthead Olor npy earth nuts. — y brain, whitenbsp;saxifrage. — y moch, trufflenbsp;Cioren -au n/y rump, tailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lance
Clorlan -au n and nfy pair of scales; ba-Clorianu v, to balance, to weigh Clorio Vy to put on a cover; to cover withnbsp;Cloriog a, having a cover or lid [a lidnbsp;Cioron np (-en «/*), potatoesnbsp;Cloryn n, small cover or lidnbsp;Clos afy compact, neat, tidy: m, clwsnbsp;Clos -ydd ?i=Clawsnbsp;Cios -au, Closyn n, pair of breechesnbsp;Clowjm «, knob, boss; bilenbsp;Cloyn -au », boss, knob; the eyeball.
Cloyn ia, Clo ia, icicle Cloyniad n, embossingnbsp;Cloynog a, embossed, studdednbsp;Cloynu Vy to emboss, to studnbsp;Clud -au nfy any sort of carriage: «,nbsp;Cludadwy a, portablenbsp;Cludai, eion n/J carriage, coachnbsp;Cludair, eiriau nfy heap, pilenbsp;Oludeirio tgt;, to heap, to pile [veyancenbsp;Cludfa -oedd nfy carrying-place; con-Ciudiad n, bearing; carriage, conveyancenbsp;Cludo Vy to carry, to convey; to heapnbsp;G Indies -i nfy railway train, trainnbsp;Oludwair, weiriau nf deposit, heap, pilenbsp;Cludwr, wyr, Oludydd -ion «, porter,nbsp;Cluddio Vy to overwhelm [carriernbsp;Clug -ion n, a mass; the mumpsnbsp;Clugiar, ieir nfy partridgenbsp;Clugio Vy to squat; to perchnbsp;Clul -iau », passing-bellnbsp;Clun -iau nf hip, haunch,nbsp;glun, step by step, slowly,nbsp;glun, by his sidenbsp;Clunhecian v, to limpnbsp;Clunheciant n, spring haltnbsp;Glunlaes a, hipshot, limpingnbsp;Olunhwst nfy the sciaticanbsp;Cluro V, to rub; to whisknbsp;Giust -iau nfy ear; handle. — aradr,nbsp;the bridle of a plough. — yr arth,nbsp;wood sanicle. — yr asen, conicnbsp;livergreen. — yr ewig, spurge laurel.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y fuwch, — y tarw, great mullein.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;liygoden, mouse-ear chickweed.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;yr luddew, Clustiau’rysgaw, Jew’snbsp;ear, Clustiau’r dderw, tree lungwort
Glochaidd sonorous, noisy [ing 01oclidar,Clochdardd n,clucking; chirp-Olochdar v, to cluck; to chirpnbsp;Clochdarddain to clucknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tower
Clochdy, dai n, steeple, belfry, clock-Clochi V, to rise in hubbies, to bubble Olochydd -ion n, bellman; sexton; erroneously, but commonly, a parishnbsp;clerknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[commendation
Clod -au -ydd nf and n, praise, fame, Clodadwy «, laudable, commendablenbsp;Clodfawr a. celebrated, famousnbsp;Clodforedd n, celebrity, renownnbsp;Clodfori to celebrate, to extolnbsp;Clodforus Ö, commendable; praisingnbsp;Olodiad praisingnbsp;Glodiaeth nf, celebrity, famenbsp;Glodus a, extolling, praisingnbsp;Clodwiw a, commendablenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fame
Clodymgais, Clodymgeisio v. to seek Oioddio V, to dig, to delve; to trench;
to embank; to make fences or hedges Cloddiog a, trenched, embankednbsp;Cloddiwr, wyr w, ditcher; common la-Cloe a, swifi brisk, dexterous [bourernbsp;Gloedig a, closed; lockednbsp;Cioen -au n/, boss, studnbsp;Cloer -au n, locker; nichenbsp;Cloeren -au nf, small windownbsp;Clofen -au ny, knot or point of ramification in trees; branch=Oolfennbsp;L'lofenog a, branchingnbsp;Olofenu Vy to branch, to sprignbsp;Oloff a, lame, limping, haltnbsp;Cloffi V, to lame, to grow lame, to haltnbsp;Clofïhi, Cloffi Uy lameness, limpingnbsp;Cloffrwym -au n, fetter. — y cythraulnbsp;— y mwci, great bindweednbsp;Oloffrwymo v, to fetternbsp;Clog -au », large stone; cloaknbsp;Clogan -au rif. large stonenbsp;Clogor -au w, protuberancenbsp;Clogoren nfy bubblenbsp;Clogorenu Vy to bubblenbsp;Ologwrn, yrnau n, crag, rocknbsp;Clogwyn -i -au w, precipicenbsp;Clogwynog a, full of precipicesnbsp;Clogyn -au n, cloak, mantlenbsp;Clogyrnach n, what is craggy; a metrenbsp;Clogyrnog u, craggy, rocky [ so callednbsp;Cloi Vy to close; to shut; to locknbsp;Cloig -ion nfy hasp, hitch: npy bundlesnbsp;of straw for thatchingnbsp;Cloegen, cloig n/y what is tied at the end;
whisk of straw for thatching Oioigyn n, hasp, hitchnbsp;Cloigynu v, to hitch
0 glun i Wrth ei
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Clustea nf^ auricle [ listen closely Clustfeinio v, to prick up the ears; tonbsp;Clustgyfaddefiad «, auricular confessionnbsp;Clustiog a, having ears, earednbsp;Clustlipa o, flap-earednbsp;Ciustog -an nf, cushion, pillow. —nbsp;Fair, thrift, gilliflowernbsp;Clustogen n/J small cushionnbsp;Clustogi V, to cushionnbsp;Clusttlws, tlysau », ear-ringnbsp;Clustweini v, to promptnbsp;Clwc -ion n, cluckingnbsp;Clwc a, tender, soft to the touch; broken-sounded; addle. Wy clwc, addle eggnbsp;Clwcian tJ, to utter indistinct sounds;nbsp;Clwch, clychod n, cragnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to cluck
Clwg, ciygau n, large stone, crag Clwm, clymau «, knot, tienbsp;Clwpa -od n, knob; club; doltnbsp;Clws aw, compact, neat, trim: ƒ, closnbsp;Clwt, clytiau n, piece, patch, cloutnbsp;Clwtyn «, small patch, rag, clout [gatenbsp;Clwyd -an -i n/, plaited work, hurdle,nbsp;Clwyden -i nf^ hurdle; flakenbsp;Clwydo V, to wattle, to hurdle; to roostnbsp;Clwyf -an », wound; disease,nbsp;penau, mumps. — y brenin, thenbsp;ting’s evil, scrofula. -- y march-ogion, piles, hemorrhoidsnbsp;Clw^ad «, wounding; sickeningnbsp;Clwyfiant», sickness, disordernbsp;Ciwyfo V, to wound; to sickennbsp;Clwyfol a, wounding; sickeningnbsp;Clwyfus a, wounded; sicknbsp;Clwys -au «, close, inclosurenbsp;Clwysdy, dai», cloister-housenbsp;Cly -on », gravitation to a pointnbsp;Clybod », the hearing: v, to hear=nbsp;Ciyw, Cly wed [bodigion, accousticsnbsp;Clybodig a, relative to nearing. Cly-Clybodigaeth n/*, the hearingnbsp;Clyda, sheltering; comfortable; ƒ,clednbsp;Clydach -au n/) sheltered gladenbsp;Clydfan -au shelternbsp;Cly donbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;to render comfortable [state
Clydrwydd », comfortableness, sheltered Clydwr n, shelter, refugenbsp;Clymog a, knotty, entanglednbsp;Clymog, Clymlys », knotgrass. Clym-ogyn troeilog, whorled knotgrassnbsp;Clymu r, to knot, to tienbsp;Clyn -oedd «, brake, thicketnbsp;Clynog a, abounding with brakesnbsp;Clyr ny? (-yn »), hornets, gad-flies=CIernbsp;Clys -ion, Olysur -on n, impulse, motivenbsp;Clytio V, to patch, to piecenbsp;Clytiog a, patched; ragged
Clytwaith n, patchwork Clyw n, the sense of hearingnbsp;Cly wed r, to hear; to have sensation;nbsp;to perceive by any of the senses exceptnbsp;the sight: n, the hearing. — arnbsp;galon, to feel disposed or inclined.nbsp;— arogl, to smell. —- bias, to taste,nbsp;to relish. — dolur, — poen, to feelnbsp;pain. — llais, to hear a voicenbsp;Clywedig o, that is heard, audiblenbsp;Clywedigaeth nf^ the sense of hearingnbsp;Clywiadur -iaid n, auditornbsp;Cna -oedd n, knob, door buttonnbsp;Cnaif, cneifion n, crop, shearingnbsp;Cnap -iau », knob; buttonnbsp;Cnapen, Cnapan -au nf^ knob; bowlnbsp;Cnapio v, to form knobsnbsp;Cnapiog a, knobbed; bumpynbsp;Cnaun/gt;(cneuen^),nuts. ^SeeCneuennbsp;Cnawd human fleshnbsp;Cnawd a, congenial; habitual=Grnawdnbsp;Cnawdiad, Cnawdoliad Cnawdoliaethnbsp;nf. incarnation
Cnawdio, Cnawdoli v, to incarnate Cnawdol o, carnal, fleshlynbsp;Cnee -ion -iau n/J crash, snap, jarnbsp;Cnecian to crash, to jarnbsp;Cnecni«, jarring, snappingnbsp;Cnecu tgt;, to jar, to wranglenbsp;Cnecus a, jarring, wranglingnbsp;Cneifüy, dai«, shearing-housenbsp;Cneifio V, to shear, to clipnbsp;Cneition w^, clippings, flocksnbsp;Ones -au i?/’, deposit; preynbsp;Cneua v, to go a nuttingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mond
Cneuen, cnau nf, nut. — Groeg, al-Cneuo V, to become nuts Cnewull wp (-yn »), kernelsnbsp;Cnewuilu v, to become a kernelnbsp;Cnic -au n, slight rap, snapnbsp;Cmceii-ausmacker,snapper; peckernbsp;Cnif, Cniff -ion «, toil, pain, troublenbsp;Cniflo, Cniffio u, to toil; to molestnbsp;Cnill -iau ?i, passing-bellnbsp;Cnipws fillip of the fingernbsp;Cnitn -ion re, soft touch or tapnbsp;Cnithio v, to tap, to twitch; lo nibblenbsp;Cniw -iau re, pack, groupnbsp;Cno -ion re, bite, chewingnbsp;Cnoc -iau n, rap, knock, strokenbsp;Ciiocell -au nf sudden stroke. — y coed,nbsp;the woodpecker. — o dywydd gwlyb,nbsp;interval of wet weathernbsp;Cnocellu v, to rap; to pecknbsp;Cnocio V, to knock, to strike, to beatnbsp;Cnod -au nf crop; growthnbsp;Cnodig a, fleshy; fat
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Cnodol a, congenial Cnofa, fëydd nf, gnawing, griping. —nbsp;cydwybod, remorsenbsp;Cnofain v, to gnaw incessantlynbsp;Cnoi V, to gnaw, to chew, to bite, tonbsp;masticate
Cnoi -iau nf, round mass; hillock, knoll Cnu -an n, fleece=Cnufnbsp;Cuuch -ion n, junction, jointnbsp;Cund -oedd n, group, packnbsp;Cnuf -iau n, fleece
Cnul -iau n, passing-bell, knelbsCniU Cnuwch -iau n, bundle, bushnbsp;Cuwb, cnybiau n, bunch, knobnbsp;Cnwc, cuyciau n, bump, lump; hillocknbsp;Cnwd, cnydau n, produce; crop; cover-Cnwff, cnyffiau «, lump, hunchnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing
Cnwpa n, knobj club. Ffou gnwpa, Cnwyf n, mashing [pastoral stall'nbsp;Cnycio v, to form into knobsnbsp;Cnyciog a, having bumps; full of tumpsnbsp;Cnycyn n, bump; small hillocknbsp;Cnydfawr a, fructiferous, productivenbsp;Cnydio v, to yield increase, to producenbsp;Cnydiol a, fructiferousnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[crop
Cnyw -ion n, autumn pig; badger Co nf, rotundity; concavitynbsp;Cob -iau n, thumb; embankmentnbsp;Cob, cbbau nf. tuft; spidernbsp;CSb, cobau nf, cloak; coat; cope. Cobnbsp;aradr n, tie-bow of a ploughnbsp;Coban -au nf, mantle; coatnbsp;Cobio V, to tuft; to thumpnbsp;Coblyu n, thumper; pecker; sprite,nbsp;goblin. Ar gefn ei goblyn, in verynbsp;bad humour. — y coed, woodpeckernbsp;Cobyn -au n, tuft, bunchnbsp;Cocas -au nf cog of a wheelnbsp;Cocos, Coes np (cocsen nf), cockles;nbsp;cogs of a wheel. By wion cocs, cocklesnbsp;out of the shellsnbsp;Coer n, coaxing, fondlingnbsp;Cocraeth nf, fondlingnbsp;Cocri V, to fondle, to indulgenbsp;Cocw n, hard mass, lumpnbsp;Coewy n, matured eggnbsp;Coewy V, to impreguate eggs; to treadnbsp;Coch a, red; ruddy: n, red. Y gochnbsp;gam, Ehobiu goch, redbreastnbsp;Cochder n, rednessnbsp;Cochddu a, of a reddish blacknbsp;Oochem -au nf, rubynbsp;Cochfelyn a, cmper-colourednbsp;Cochgangeu nf chub-fishnbsp;Cochi », to redden; to blushnbsp;Cochiad, laid n, grouse, red gamenbsp;Cochl -au n, mantle, cloak
Coch las a, reddish blue, purple Cochni n, redness; ruddinessnbsp;Cochrudd a, crimson, ruddy [cochwennbsp;Cochwyn am, reddish white; pink; fnbsp;Cod -au nf bag, pouch; budgetnbsp;Codaid, eidiau nf bagful, pursefulnbsp;Coden -au nf, bag, pouch; husk. —nbsp;hyred, — euiych, — euraid, puffballnbsp;Codenog a, having bags or podsnbsp;Codenn v, to bag; to blisternbsp;Codgen -au nf, blister [to swell upnbsp;Codi, Oyfodi v, to rise; to raise, to lift;nbsp;Codiad n, rising; raisingnbsp;Codog a, having bags; rich: nf, sainfoinnbsp;Codowedd n, ploughman’s spikenardnbsp;Codrwth n, bladder campion (donnanbsp;Codwarth n, deadly night-shade, bella-Codwm, codymau n, fall, tumble. Ym-aflyd codwm, to wrestlenbsp;Codymu », to fall, to tumble; to wrestlenbsp;Codymwr, wyr n, tumbler; wrestlernbsp;Codywasg n, mithridate mustardnbsp;Codded -au nf, vexation, offencenbsp;Coddeidio v, to vex; to straitennbsp;Coddi », to vex; to chidenbsp;Coddiant n, vexation; troublenbsp;Coddyn -au n, privy, stoolnbsp;Coed -ydd on, wood, timber, trees. —nbsp;Coeda v, to gather wood [cedr,cedar treesnbsp;Coeden nf, standing tree, treenbsp;Coedgae -au n, live fencenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wooded
Coedog, Coediog a, having trees, woody, Coedol a, of the woods; woodennbsp;Coedrwym, Coedgwlwm n, black brionynbsp;Coedwal -au ^f, wood covertnbsp;Coedwig -oedd nf, wood, forestnbsp;Coedwrych -oedd n, quicksetnbsp;Coedwyrdd n, wintergreennbsp;Coedwys np, people of the woodsnbsp;Coeg a, empty; vain; saucy; sterile; silly,nbsp;Coegathraw -on n, pedantnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[foolish
Coegchwedl -au n and nf, empty tale Coegdyb -iau n and nf, whim, whimsey,nbsp;idle conceit
Coegddall a, half blind, purbUnd Coegddellni n, purblindnessnbsp;Coegedd n, emptiness; sillinessnbsp;Coegen -od nf, vain wench; coquettenbsp;Coegeuaidd a, coquettishnbsp;Coe^aloh a, conceitedly proudnbsp;Coegfeddyg -on n, quack doctor, quacknbsp;Coegfeddyginiaeth nf, quackerynbsp;Coegfolach n, vain boastingnbsp;Coegfran, frain «/, jackdawnbsp;Coegfrwnt a, obscenenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pretend
Coegio o, to make void; to trick; to CoeglofB -ydd nf, garret
Coler -i w, collar. Coleru r, to collar Colfach -au w, hinge. Colfachn v, tonbsp;Colfen -i bough, branch [hingenbsp;CoUant w, Colsaid, seidiau nf, the partnbsp;of a scythe, and similar instruments,nbsp;that is let into the handlenbsp;Coiias -au «/*, pain of a stingnbsp;Coliog a, having a sting; beardednbsp;Colion npy beard of cornnbsp;Colof -au n, stem; prop; pillarnbsp;Colofn -au nf^ column, pillar, supportnbsp;Coloraen -od nf^ dove, pigeonnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cot
Colomendy, dai w. pigeon-house, dove-Colon -au n/J peak, point; prop Colp -au pointed spar; dartnbsp;Colpes -au n/, pointed wedgenbsp;Coludd -ion nc (-yn w), the bowelsnbsp;Coludd -lys cn, pennyroyalnbsp;Coluddyn gut, bowelnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[son
Colwydd w/gt;, neck bones, scrags of veni-Colwyn -au », bantling, cub Colwynes -au, Colwyuwraig, wrageddnbsp;nf, midwifenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to prattle
Colwyno v, to act as midwife; to fondle, Colwynwr, wyr n, accoucheur, man-Colwynyddiaeth nf, midwifery[ midwifenbsp;Colyn -au nf^ pivot; stingnbsp;Colynog a, having a pivot or stingnbsp;Colynu v, to stingnbsp;Coil n, loss, damagenbsp;Coll, c^ll cn (coilen hazel woodnbsp;Colloorth, byrth «, the gate of perditionnbsp;Collddyn -ion to, condemned one; convictnbsp;•Colled-ion w/and to, loss, damagenbsp;Colledaint n, misfortune, lossnbsp;Colleaigaeth nf perdition, lossnbsp;Colledu V, to occasion lossnbsp;Colledus a, losing, damagingnbsp;Coilen, cfll nf sapling; hazelnbsp;Collfarn -au nf condemning sentence;
condemnation; conviction Collfarnu v, to condemn; to convictnbsp;Colli V, to Jose; to spill; to be lostnbsp;Collwydd np (-en nf), hazel woodnbsp;Collwyn -i to, hazel grovenbsp;Com -ion to, curve; circlenbsp;Comio V, to go round; to conversenbsp;Comp -ion nf circlenbsp;Compawd, odau «, compassnbsp;Con -au TO, peak, conenbsp;Conach to and o, upstart [matternbsp;Conach v, to grumble, to murmur, tonbsp;Couea TO, towering; pridenbsp;Conead n, pomp, pride, glorynbsp;Coneli -au nf tail, rumpnbsp;Cono TO, pert upstart, smart fellownbsp;Conyn to, stalk; point; sting; stump
Cop -an TO, top, summit [the head Copa, an nf top, tuft, crest; crown ofnbsp;Copinod -au to, information, intelligencenbsp;Copog a, tufted, crested, high-toppednbsp;Copyn -au to, tuft; spidernbsp;Cdr, corau to and nf circle; stall, crib;nbsp;college; choir
Cor -od TO, point, dwarf; spider: px, small, little, lesser, dwarfnbsp;Corach -od «, dwarf, pigmynbsp;Corafon -ydd nf rivuletnbsp;Cbraidd a, dwarfish, pigmeannbsp;Corawd, odion to, lavishnessnbsp;Corawg fl, lavish, liberalnbsp;Corawl a, circling, rounding; choralnbsp;Gorbed -au », corbel; jutting outnbsp;Corbedw np, the last of a broodnbsp;Corbedwyn to, darling: f corbedwennbsp;Corbenfras to, haddocknbsp;Corberth -i nf dwarf bushnbsp;Corbwll, byllau w, puddlenbsp;Corbwyll -ion to, slight hintnbsp;Corbwyllo v, to hint, to suggest=Cry-Corbwyo v, to domineernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bwyli
Core a, compact, neat, smart Corcen -od nf smart girlnbsp;Cord, cyrd w, twist; cordnbsp;Cordedd to, twisted statenbsp;Cordeddu v, to twist, to twinenbsp;Gorden -i nf rope, stringnbsp;Cordref -i -ydd nf hamlet, villagenbsp;Cordwal to, Cordova leathernbsp;Cordd -ion to, circle; tribenbsp;Cordderw np (-en «ƒ), dwarf oaksnbsp;Corddi vfo churn; to turn; to agitatenbsp;Corddlan -au nf^ fold; cemeterynbsp;Corddyn -au to, pivot; the rim of a tubnbsp;Cored -au nf wear, dam [or barrelnbsp;Coredu to, to form a wear; to wear, tonbsp;Coredd to, turning; aberration [damnbsp;Coreddu to, to circulatenbsp;Coreddus a, circling, rotatorynbsp;Corelw -on to, reel, dancenbsp;Corelwest -i nf ball dancenbsp;Corelwi to, to dance; to skip aboutnbsp;Coren, Cores nf female dwarfnbsp;Corf, cyrf, amp;c.=:CorfF, amp;c.
Corfais «/gt;, ribs of the body Corfan -au », metrical foot. — erwn, —nbsp;cydbwys, — hir, spondee. — crychnbsp;disgynedig, dactyl. — erveh dyreh-afedig, anapaest. — dyrchafedig, —nbsp;talgrwn, iambus. — rhywiog, trochee. — trwm, tribrachnbsp;Corfran, frain nf jackdawnbsp;Corfryn -iau to hillocknbsp;Corff, cyrff », body; corpse; social bodynbsp;80
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Corffi V, to body; to take into the body; to taste
Corffilyn n, small thing, corpuscle, atom Corfflan -au nf, burying-placenbsp;Corflfog a, hodied, corpulentnbsp;Corffol a, bodied, corporealnbsp;Corifolaeth n/, personality; wholenbsp;Corifolaethn v, to personifynbsp;Corffor -oedd «, bodynbsp;Corfforaeth rif, corporationnbsp;Corffori», to form into a body; to incor-Corfforol a, corporeal, corporal ([poratenbsp;Corgan -au chantnbsp;Corgann », to chantnbsp;Corgeimwch, mychiaid n, prawnnbsp;Corgeiniad, laid n, chorister, chanternbsp;Corgi, gwn «, cur dog, curnbsp;Corhedydd -ion », the titlarknbsp;Corhwyad, aid rpquot;, tealnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[contract
Cori V, to stint the growth; to shrink, to Coriaith nj'^ jocular language; jest, ban-Coriar, ieir vf, partridgenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ter
Corig nf, little dwarf Corlan -au nf sheep fold, pennbsp;Corlanaid, eidiau nf fold-fullnbsp;Corlanu », to fold, to pennbsp;Corlong -au nf small ship, smacknbsp;Corlöyn -od n, small butterflynbsp;Corlyn -an n, small poolnbsp;Com, cyrn », hom; trumpet, clarion;nbsp;com; anything protecting. Comnbsp;chwyth, — y geg, trachea, windpipe.nbsp;— pori, gullet. — mwg, chimneynbsp;Comaid, eidiau «, horo-fnllnbsp;Comant, uentydd », brook, rillnbsp;Cornbig -au n, sea-pikenbsp;Cornboer -ion n, phlegmnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[^wing
Comchwigl, Comchwiglen -od nf, lap-Cornel -au -i n, comer, angle Comelog a, concerned, angularnbsp;Cornelu v, to make a comer; to capturenbsp;Cornelyn n, little nooknbsp;Comi 0, to grow homy; to rollnbsp;Comicell -au nf reed, pipe; plovernbsp;Comicyll -od n, plover, lapwing: f cor-Comicylla v, to wheel round [nicellnbsp;Comig nf little horn; whirlingnbsp;Comio V, to hom, to buttnbsp;Comiog a, horned; tnrretednbsp;Corner -ion «, leadernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tilenee
Comwyd -ydd n, boil, imposthume; pes-Cornwydol a, pestilential Comyn n, little roll, cone; pert onenbsp;Corodyn n, lavishernbsp;Coroli V, to reel, to dancenbsp;Coron -au nf, crown, diademnbsp;Coronedigaeth nf, coronationnbsp;6
Coroni v, to crown
Coronig nf, coronet
Coronllys «, peony
Coronog a, having a crown, cmwned
Cors -ydd ff, bog, fen
Corsen -an, cyrs nf, bog plant, reed
Corsenog a, full of reeds, reedy
Corswig, Corswigen n/j guelder rose
Cort, cyrt, Cortyn -au n, cord, rope
Corwalch, weilch n, sparrow-hawk
Corwg, ygau n, trunk, carcase
Corwgl, yglau n, coracle
Corwynt -oedd n, whirlwind
Coryu -au n, crown of the head
Cbryn -od n, dwarf, pigmy; spider.
Cbryn ystwc, the handle of a pail Corynfoel a, baldpated; having thenbsp;crown shorn: n, shavelingnbsp;Corynrwy -on n, diademnbsp;Corynu v, to shave the crownnbsp;Corysgwr, gyrion n, radiationnbsp;Cos, Cosfa, fëydd nf itchingnbsp;Cosfa, fëydd nf, beating, thrashing.
Rhoi cosfa i, to belabour, to thrash Gosgordd -ion nf, retinue=Gosgorddnbsp;Cosi V, to scratch; to itchnbsp;Cosp -au rf, punishment, chastisementnbsp;Cospad, Cospiad n, punishing, chastisingnbsp;Cospadwy a, punishablenbsp;Cospedigaeth nf punishmentnbsp;Cospedigol a, castigatory, retributivenbsp;Cospi V, to punish, to chastisenbsp;Cospol a, castigatory; penalnbsp;Cospwr, wyr, Cospydd -ion, Cospadurnbsp;-laid », one who punishesnbsp;Cost -au 7f, cost, charge: n, coastnbsp;CostiOj Cost! V, to expend; to costnbsp;Costiol a, relating to costnbsp;Costog a, surly; morosenbsp;Costogi V, to grow surlynbsp;Costrel -au -i nf bottle, jar, flaggonnbsp;Costrelaid, eidiau jarfulnbsp;Costrelan nf phial, jarnbsp;Costrelig nf smalt ]ar, bottlenbsp;Costrelu v, to put in a jar or bottlenbsp;Costus a, chargeable; dear, expensivenbsp;Cosyn n, single cheese: p, cawsnbsp;Cot -ian nf, short tail, cropnbsp;Cota af short, cropped; bobtailed;
squabby: m, cwta Coton -au nf little tallnbsp;Cotwm, tymau n, wool in locks; cottonnbsp;Cotymog a, in locks; erminednbsp;Cotyn -laid n, one having bags, misernbsp;Coth -an n, ejectionnbsp;Cothi V, to squirt out, to ejectnbsp;Cothiad n, squirting out, ejectionnbsp;81
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Cothyn -au », privy, jakes Cowydd, amp;c.=:Cjrwydd, amp;c. Cowyll -ion », veil of secrecy; marriage Cowyllu », to envelopnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gift Cowyn », plague, pestilence Cowynog a, full of boilsnbsp;Crab n, wrinkle, shrinkingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[scrape Crabinio v, to gr^ple; to scramble; to Crach np (-en n/), scabs; itch; mangenbsp;Orach o, scabby; mangy; dwarf; petty,nbsp;Crachenu v, to form a scab [punynbsp;Crachfardd, feirdd n, dogerel rhymesternbsp;Crachfeddw o, half-drunknbsp;Crachfeddyg -on «, quack-doctornbsp;Crachlyd, Crachog a, scabby; mangynbsp;Crad -au n, ardency; vigournbsp;Craell nf, arid qualitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[garlic Craf cn, claws; garlic. — y gerddi, Crafangaid, eidiau nf, gripe; handfulnbsp;Crafangio, Crafangu v, to claw, to gripenbsp;Crafanc, angau ^ claw; ctab fishnbsp;Craf ell -au -inbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;scraper; slice; blade Crafellu ii, to use a slice; to scrape Crafen -au nf, flake; crustnbsp;Grafion np, scrapings; shavingsnbsp;Craflech -an nf, stone shardnbsp;Craf u », to scrape; to scratch: n, the itchnbsp;Graff -an n, clasp; cramp; holdnbsp;Craff a, securing; safe; intent; quick,nbsp;Craffaint n, steadfastnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[keen Craffder, Craffineb n, keenness; skill Craffinio v, to scarifynbsp;Craflbl -ion n, graver; style, writing-pennbsp;Craffu V, to secure hold; to kennbsp;Craffus a, penetrating, piercing, keennbsp;Craffwr, wyr n, perceivernbsp;Crag -au n, hard crust, coatingnbsp;Cragen, cregyn nf, shell; callositynbsp;Cragenaidd, Cragenog a, crustaceous; having a shell Crangen -au nf, a wennbsp;Crangenog a, full of wensnbsp;Crai n, heat; potency; the heart; thenbsp;eye of a needle; the hole in the han-(Ue (of a weapon) Crai a, vivid; fervid; fresh. Bara crai, nnleavened bread Craid, creidion n, vehemeucy; force Craidd, creiddiau n, centre; the heartnbsp;Craiff a, merciful, forgivingnbsp;Craifit, creifftiau nf, print, inscriptionnbsp;Craig, creigiau nf, rock, cragnbsp;Crain, creinion », prostrate statenbsp;Crain a, prostrate; tumblingnbsp;Crair creiriau n, token, relicnbsp;Graith, creithiau nf, scar, cicatricenbsp;Cram b, incrustation |
Cramen -au nf, scab over a sore; scab Crameniad n, scabbingnbsp;Cramenu v, to scab overnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fritter Crammwyth np (-en nf), pancake. Crane -od n, crab; cancernbsp;Crap -iau n, grapnel, catchnbsp;Crapiedydd -ion n, grapplernbsp;Crapio v, to grapple; to snatchnbsp;Crapiog a, grapplingnbsp;Cras, creision n, what is parched; toastnbsp;Cras a, pai'ched, dry, arid; saucy, severenbsp;Crasboeth a, arid; pungentnbsp;Crasdant, dannau n, sharp notenbsp;Crasder n, aridity; saucinessnbsp;Craseiriog a, malapert, saucy, pertnbsp;Crasfa, fëydd nf, sound beatingnbsp;Crasgalaf cn, the herb flavinnbsp;Cras^oi v, to cranchnbsp;Crasineb n, parchednessnbsp;Crasodyn a, kiln-dried. Bara crasodyn,nbsp;bread made of corn dried in a kilnnbsp;Crasol a, parching, dryingnbsp;Crasu V, to parch, to roast, to bake; tonbsp;Craswr, wyr n, parcher, dryer [toastnbsp;Crasyd cn, parched cornnbsp;Crau n, gorCj bloodnbsp;Craw -on n, novel; pig-stynbsp;Crawcio, Craweian », to croak; to kawnbsp;Crawd n, coating, surfacenbsp;Crawen -au nf, crustnbsp;Crawenog a, crusted, crustynbsp;Crawn n, collection; matter, pusnbsp;Crawnu v, to collect; to form pus, tonbsp;gather, to suppuratenbsp;Crawnol a, collecting; purulentnbsp;Crawr n, heap, huddlenbsp;Cre n, combining cause; principle; whatnbsp;pervades; a cry Cread -an n, creation; the universe Creadigaeth nf, creationnbsp;Creadol, Creadigol a, creating, plasticnbsp;Creadnr -laid n, creaturenbsp;Creadnriaeth nf, system of creationnbsp;Creawd n, formation, creation [atornbsp;Creawdwr, wyr, Creawdydd -ion n, cre-Crebach -od n, what is shrunknbsp;Crebach a, shrunk, witherednbsp;Crebwyll -ion n, invention, fancynbsp;Crec, Creciad n, chirpingnbsp;Grecian v, to chirp, to chatternbsp;Creciar, ieir hen landrailnbsp;Crech -au n/j shriek=Y3grêchnbsp;Crech af, rough, rugged; curled: m,nbsp;Crechiad n, shrieking out [crychnbsp;Crechian v, to shriek; to crashnbsp;Crechol a, shrieking, screamingnbsp;Crechwen -au nf, shrill or loud laughnbsp;82 |
Crechwenu v, to langh out [heron
Crechydd -ion n, one who screams; Cred -au «/[ belief, faith; religion;nbsp;Christendom. Cyn Cred, before thenbsp;Christian eranbsp;Credad «, believingnbsp;Credadyn -ion n, believernbsp;Credadyniaeth Tifj believingnbsp;Crededd n, belief; credibilitynbsp;Credin a, believing; credulousnbsp;Crediniaeth nf, beliefnbsp;Credo -au creed, beliefnbsp;Credol a, believing, creditingnbsp;Credu v, to believe; to credit; to persuade one’s selfnbsp;' Credus a, inducing beliefnbsp;Credwr, wyr «, believernbsp;Ci^dd -au n, temper; purposenbsp;Creddiad n, temperamentnbsp;Creddol n, temperamentalnbsp;Creddu v, to disposenbsp;Crëedig a, created, formednbsp;Creedigaeth »/=Creadigaethnbsp;Cref qy, strong, powerful: m, cryfnbsp;Cref -ion cry, screamnbsp;Crefadur -lau «/quot;, the dura maternbsp;Crefiad n, craving, suingnbsp;Crefol a, craving, imploringnbsp;Crefu V, to cry; to crave, to implorenbsp;Crefydd -au «/*, religion, devotionnbsp;Crefydda, Crefyddu tgt;, to profess religion; to perform religious duties; tonbsp;act religiously, to be devoutnbsp;CrefyddoLCrefyddus a,devout,religious.
Crefydaolion, religionists Crefyddoldeb w, religiousnessnbsp;Crefyddoliaeth n/] religionismnbsp;Crefyddwr, wyr n, religious mannbsp;Crefft -au nf, handicraft; tradenbsp;Crefftwr, wyr n, handicraftsman, mechanic, artist, tradesmannbsp;Cretïyn -au «, brace, claspnbsp;CrefFynu v, to brace, to platenbsp;Creg of, hoarse, of rough voice; m, crygnbsp;Cregen -au «/J earthen vesselnbsp;Cregenu v, to make potterynbsp;Cregenydd -ion «, potternbsp;Creglais, leisiau », hoarse voicenbsp;Creglyd a, apt to be hoarsenbsp;Cregu V, to become hoarse^Crygunbsp;Cregyna tgt;, to gather shellsnbsp;Cregynog c, having shellsnbsp;Cregynol a, testaceousnbsp;Cregynydd -ion n, conchologistnbsp;Cregynyddiaeth «ƒ conchologynbsp;Cre^yr -on n, screamer; heronnbsp;Creiad », freshening
Creider n, freshness, purity
Creiddffoawl a, centrifugal Creiddgeisiol a, centripetalnbsp;Creiddineb w, pervasivenessnbsp;Creiddio v, to pervade, to intromitnbsp;Creiddiol a, pervasive, penetrativenbsp;Creiddyn -au n, what juts into; pointnbsp;Creifion np, scrapingsnbsp;Creiffiant«, forgivenessnbsp;Creighalen n, saltpetre, nitrenbsp;Creigio v, to grow rockynbsp;Creigiog a, rocky, cragCTnbsp;Creigiol a, apt to be rocky [shorenbsp;Creiglan -au, lenydd «/*, rocky or shelvynbsp;Creilwg np (creilygen n/*), charred furzenbsp;Creilygu r, to burn furzenbsp;Creinio v, to wallow; to lie downnbsp;Creiniol a, wallowing, rollingnbsp;Creio to freshen; to briskennbsp;CreirhSd swearing by relicsnbsp;Creirhau p, to swear by relicsnbsp;Creirfa -oedd place for relics; reliquary; museumnbsp;Creiries -au nf, jewel; a beautynbsp;Creirwy -on w/J jewel, gemnbsp;Creisier -au n, furnacenbsp;Creisierydd -ion », calcinernbsp;Creision np (-en nf\ calcined matter;
dross of any thing burnt; cinders Creisioni v, to calcinenbsp;Creithen -au nf cicatrice, scarnbsp;Creithio to cicatrisenbsp;Creithiog a, full of scarsnbsp;Cremog, Crempog -au nf pancakenbsp;Cremogen, Crempogen nf pancakenbsp;Crencyn n, small crabnbsp;Crepa -od n, crabbed dwarfnbsp;Crepian v, to creep, to hobblenbsp;Crepianog a, creeping: nf the creepernbsp;Crepog o, shrunk, witherednbsp;Gres w, hardening by heatnbsp;Gres a, parching, aridnbsp;Gresiad n, inflammationnbsp;Grest lt;?», scurf; crust; scum; dregsnbsp;Gresten crusted surface; crustnbsp;Grestenu to gather scurfnbsp;Grestog a, being crusted over, scurfynbsp;Grestol a, apt to incrnstatenbsp;Grestu tgt;, to incrnstatenbsp;Cresu Vi to parch, to scorchnbsp;Greth -au n, disposition; purposenbsp;Grethiad n, temperamentnbsp;Grethyll«, propensitynbsp;Greu V, to give existence, to createnbsp;Creu V, to cry; to crave; to kawnbsp;Creuan -au nf the craniumnbsp;Creuder », goriness; crueltynbsp;83
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Creulawn a, bloody, cruel Creuled af, drenched in gore: m, creulydnbsp;Creulonaeth, Creulondeb », crueltynbsp;Creuloni v, to wax cruelnbsp;Creulys n, groundselnbsp;Crenol a, gory, bloodynbsp;Creuolder n, gorinessnbsp;Crew -ion n, shout, outcrynbsp;Crewcian v, to caw; to croaknbsp;Crëwr, crewyr n, creator, formernbsp;Crewt -iau n, faint crynbsp;Crewtian, Crewtio v, to whine, to pulenbsp;Crewtiol a, whining, pulingnbsp;Crewtyn n, little whinernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[corn Crewyn «, crop; rick; the last load of Creydd -ion, Creyr -od «, heron; gad-fly,nbsp;Crëyr glas, stork; heronnbsp;Creyrfa -oedd nf heronrynbsp;Crëyryn », gad-flynbsp;Cri -au «, cry, clamournbsp;Cri a, rough, rude; raw; fresh. Baranbsp;cri, unleavened breadnbsp;Criad «, crying, bawlingnbsp;Crib -au nf, comb; crest; summitnbsp;Cribach -au n, hay-hooknbsp;Cribarth -au, eirth tf, ridged hillnbsp;Cribddail nf, extortion; rapinenbsp;Cribddeilio v, to deal hardly, to extortnbsp;Cribddeiliwr, wyr n, extortionernbsp;Cri bell-au nf, cook's comb; yellow rattlenbsp;Cribiad n, combingnbsp;Cribin -au nf, hay rake, rakenbsp;Cribinio v, to rakenbsp;Cribiniwr, wyr n, rakernbsp;Cribion np, combingsnbsp;Cribo V, to comb, to cardnbsp;Cribog a, indented; crestednbsp;Cribwr, wyr n, comber, cardernbsp;Cribyn -au », crest, top, rakenbsp;Cricell -od nf, cricketnbsp;Cricellu v, to chirp, to chatternbsp;Criciad, iaid, Criciedyn n, cricketnbsp;Criciedydd -ion », creakernbsp;Crif -iau n, row of notches; notchnbsp;Crifed -an nf, notch; engravingnbsp;Crifedel -au if, public reapingnbsp;Crifell -au nf notcher, gravernbsp;Crifelliad n, engravingnbsp;Crifellu v, to notch, to engravenbsp;Crifiad n, notching, engravingnbsp;Crig -ion n, cracknbsp;Crigl -au n, trace, vestigenbsp;Criglyn -au vestigenbsp;Crigyll n, ravine; creeknbsp;Crim -ion nf, ridgenbsp;Crimeidio v, to crimpnbsp;t Crimell -an nf, sharp ridge |
Crimog -au nf, shin; greave Crimogio v, to shin; to play at kickingnbsp;Crimp -iau n, sharp ridge [shinsnbsp;Crimpio v, to crimpnbsp;Crimprew n, sharp frostnbsp;Crin a, brittle, fragile; dry and brittle,nbsp;Crinad », growing brittlenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[niggard Grinder n, brittleness Crinell -au nf, what is clung; cracklingnbsp;Crinelliad n, crepitationnbsp;Crinelln v, to dry up; to cracknbsp;Crinllys cn, the violetnbsp;Crino v, to wax brittle; to cling; tonbsp;Crintach a, niggardly, stingy [withernbsp;Crintachu Oj to grow niggardlynbsp;Crinwas, weis n, niggard. Mab y crin-was, miser Crinwydd cn, dry brushwood Crio Oj to cry; to clamour; to weepnbsp;Crip -iau B, scratch; notchnbsp;Cripian v, to keep scratching; to crawlnbsp;Cripio V, to scratch, to clawnbsp;Crlpiog a, having scratchesnbsp;Cripiol a, scratcÜng, clawingnbsp;Gris -iau -ion B, seme, hard crustnbsp;Crisbilio v, to scale, to peelnbsp;Crisial -au, Crisiant, iannau b, crystalnbsp;Crisialaidd a, crystalline, like crystalnbsp;Crisialiad b, crystallisationnbsp;Crisiatu, Crisiannu v, to crystallisenbsp;Crisiannaidd a, crystalline, crystalnbsp;Crisp -ion n, crisp coatingnbsp;Crispin a, crumbling, crispnbsp;Crispinio v, to crisp, to drynbsp;Cbist -iau B, Christ, Messiah. Gannbsp;Gristiau, false Christsnbsp;Cristian, amp;c.=Cristionj amp;c. Cristion -iaid n, Christian Cristionog, Cristianus a, Christian. Cristionogion, Christians Cristionogaeth nf Christianitynbsp;Cristionogaidd a, Christian-likenbsp;Cristionoges -au nf female Christiannbsp;Cristionogi v, to Christianise; to become Christiannbsp;Cristionogol a, Christianlynbsp;Cristionogrwydd n, Christianitynbsp;Cro -ion «, round, curvenbsp;Crob -ion tf, round hunchnbsp;Croca af crooked, tortuous: m, erwoanbsp;Crocau v, to make orooked=s:Crwcaunbsp;Croch a, rough, forcible; eager; loudnbsp;Crochan -au n, boiler, potnbsp;Crochanaid, eidiau n, potfulnbsp;Crochenu v, to make ^tterynbsp;Crochenydd -ion b, potternbsp;Crochenyn n, little ^t |
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Crogen -au «/*, gill; jaw; shell Crogi r, to hang, to suspendnbsp;Croglath -au nf^ springe, a ginnbsp;Croglen -i nf^ hanging, curtainnbsp;Croglith -iau n, the mass of the cross.
Pydd Gwener y Croglith, Good Friday Crogwedd -au nf^ crucifixnbsp;Crogwr, wyr », hangmannbsp;Crogwydd n, cross, crucifixnbsp;Crogyn «, one fit for hangingnbsp;Cronglwyd -i n/J roof hurdle; roofnbsp;Crom qy, bending, bowed: m, crwmnbsp;Crombeithyn -au nc (-en »/*), crest tilesnbsp;Cromeu -au »ƒ, dome, cupolanbsp;Cromfach -au nf^ crotchet; parenthesisnbsp;Cromglwyd -i », thatch hurdlenbsp;Cromil, Crombil -iau nf^ the craw, crop,nbsp;or gorge of a bird [n/*, craw-fullnbsp;Cromilaid, eidiau^ Crombiiaid, eidiaunbsp;Cromlech -au nf, incumbent flag; stonenbsp;of covenant—Pruidical relicnbsp;Cron af round, circular: m, crwnnbsp;Cronbleth -au nf bobbinnbsp;Crondoddaid navelwortnbsp;Cronell -au nf sphere, globenbsp;Cronellog a, globularnbsp;Cronellu v, to glomeratenbsp;Cronen -au nf globe, spherenbsp;Cronfa, fëydd rf, receptacle; reservoir;
a dam; collection Croni v, to hoard; to damnbsp;Cronicl -au nf chroniclenbsp;Cropa -od nf crop, crawnbsp;Cropiad «, creepingnbsp;Cropian v, to creep, to crawlnbsp;Cropiedydd -ion n, creepernbsp;Crotawg a, plump, roundnbsp;Groten -od, Crotes -au -i nf little girlnbsp;Crotio V, to make or become plumpnbsp;Crotyn n=Crwtynnbsp;Croth -au nf bulge; wombnbsp;Crothell, crythyll nf bulge; bansticlenbsp;Crothog a, gibbous; big-belliednbsp;Crowyn n, round paunch; hamper; bownbsp;Croyw=Croewnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[net
Cru n, hollow rotundity Grub -ion n, swelling outnbsp;Crud -ion n, cover, casenbsp;Crudr -on w, covering; armournbsp;Crug -iau n, heap, tump; barrow; stacknbsp;Crugdardd w, pustulenbsp;Crugdarddu v, to break out in pustulesnbsp;Crugio Vy to heap; to swellnbsp;Crugiog a, having heapsnbsp;Cruglwyth -au n, heap, pile
’ ytho V, to heap, to pile up; to ¦od », hovel, hut [overloadnbsp;85
Crochi V, to wax rough, fierce, or loud Crochlais, leisiau n, rough or loud Toicenbsp;Crochlef -au, Crochwaedd n/J shrillnbsp;shout, scream, shrieknbsp;Crochlefain, Crochleisio, Crochwaeddinbsp;Vj to scream, to vociferatenbsp;Croeg «ion nf^ closing; covernbsp;Croen, crwyn n, skin, hidenbsp;Groenen -au nf^ cuticle; w, croenyn,
Croengyrchu r, to wrinkle a skin Croeni v, to skin, to skin overnbsp;Croenllwm am, callow, naked: croen-Croenog a, having a skinnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Horn
Croenol a, cutaneous Croenyn «, thin skin, cuticlenbsp;Croes -au tj/J cross^ crucifix; affliction,nbsp;adversity: «, transeptnbsp;Croes a, cross, transversenbsp;Croesan -iaid n. buffoonnbsp;Croesanaeth nj, buffoonerynbsp;Croesaren n/J ribaldry, farcenbsp;Croesaw n, welcome: v, to welcomenbsp;Croesawd -od -au «, crusadenbsp;Croesawgar a, hospitablenbsp;Croesawl o, transversal, crossingnbsp;Croesawu r, to welcomenbsp;Croesawus a, hospitablenbsp;Croesbren -au n and nf^ crossnbsp;Croesdroi r, to contortnbsp;Croesdynu v, to contendnbsp;Croesen -od nf^ coquette, jiltnbsp;Croesffon. ffyn nf^ cross-staffnbsp;Croesfforad, ffyrdd nf^ cross-roadnbsp;Croesgad -au n/J crusadenbsp;Croesgynghanedd -ion «/J alliterativenbsp;Croeshoeliad w, crucifixion [consonancynbsp;Croeshoelio v, to crucifynbsp;Croesi v, to cross, to put acrossnbsp;Croesig nf^ little crossnbsp;Croesineb crossness; adversitynbsp;Croeslath -au purlinnbsp;Croew a, clear; brisk; fresh. Baranbsp;croew, unleavened breadnbsp;Croewder «, clearness; freshnessnbsp;Croewi v, to freshennbsp;Croewineb «, freshnessnbsp;Crofen -i 'nf^ crust=Crawen. Yr hennbsp;grofen! the withered old hag!
Crog -au ??ƒ, cross; crucifix. Gwyl y Grog, Holy Cross Pay, Holy Roodnbsp;Pay, Sep. 14
Crog a, hanging, pendant, overhanging Crogadwy o, that may be hung or hangednbsp;Crogbren -i n and nf^ gallows, gibbetnbsp;Crogbris -iau ?i, exorbitant pricenbsp;Crogedyf «ƒ, the dropwort [meat innbsp;Crogell -oedd nf, safe; place to hangjCrugnyth
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Crugo Vy to vex, to plague Crugyll -au n, place of tumpsnbsp;Crugyn -au small heapnbsp;Crugynu v, to pile, to heapnbsp;Crugynog a, full of tumpsnbsp;Crui -iau paunch, bellynbsp;Crw -on w, curve, roundnbsp;Crwb, crybau n, round hunchnbsp;Crwbach, crybachau n, hook, crooknbsp;Crwban, crybanod n, tortoisenbsp;Crwc, cryciau n, bucket, pailnbsp;Crwca aw, crooked, bowed, bent:ƒ, crocanbsp;Crwcau v, to bow, to curvenbsp;Crwcwd », round squatnbsp;Crwd 71, round lumpnbsp;Crwdd «, stretch roundnbsp;Crwg, crygau n, crook, hooknbsp;Crwm a, bending; concave: fy cromnbsp;Crwmach, crymachau n, convexitynbsp;Crwn a, round, circular: cronnbsp;Crwst -iau w, crust, hard surfacenbsp;Crwt, crytiaid », boy, lad, chapnbsp;Crwtyn », little boy or chap: crotennbsp;Crwth, crythau w, anything swellingnbsp;out; bulge; trunk; belly; crowd;nbsp;violin, fiddle
Crwybr -au », scum; honeycomb Crwydr-au n, wanderingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fing
Crwydrad -au », perigrination, wander-Crwydrai, eion wc, vagabond; tramp Crwydredigaeth n/] vagrancynbsp;Crwydrivagrancy, strollingnbsp;Crwydriad, laid, Crwydryn n, vagabond,nbsp;vagrant, stroller; trampnbsp;Crwydrol a, wandering, strolling, va-Crwynllys w, the gentian [grantnbsp;Crwynwr, wyr », skinnernbsp;Crwys npy crosses: s, croesnbsp;Crwys -au nfy cross=Croesnbsp;Crwysedd n, contentionnbsp;Crwysgad -au nfy crusadenbsp;Crybwch a, shrunk, crinklednbsp;Crybwyll -ion n, hint; ideanbsp;Crybwyll, Crybwyllo v, to hint, to mention, to allude to, to intimatenbsp;Crybwylleb nfy paralepsisnbsp;Crybychiad n, shrinking, wrinklingnbsp;Crybychol a, shrinking, wrinklingnbsp;Crybychu », to shrink, to wrinklenbsp;Orycydu v, to squat downnbsp;Crych -ion n, wrinkle; ripplenbsp;Crych a, wrinkled; rumpled; ripplingnbsp;Crychedd «, roughness, curlinessnbsp;Crychiad n, wrinkling; shake in musicnbsp;Crychiant n, curlinessnbsp;Crychias nfy rough boiling. Berwi ynnbsp;grychias, to boil bubblingly
Crychlais, leisiau n, broken voice; qua-Crychlam -au n, caper nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[vö*
Crychlamiad n, capering Crychnaid, neidiau n/j skipnbsp;Crychneidio v, to skip, to frisknbsp;Crychni n, curlinessnbsp;Crychnod -au n, cjuavernbsp;Crychrawn a, frizzly-hairednbsp;Crychu i?, to ruffle, to crimp; to ripplenbsp;Crychydd -ion n, ruffler; heronnbsp;Crychyn -au ouavernbsp;Cryd -iau n, snaking; fever; ague;nbsp;cradle. — cymmalau, rheumatism.nbsp;— a mwyth, ague, intermittent fevernbsp;Crydian v, to keep shiveringnbsp;Crydio w, to shiver, to quakenbsp;Crydiol, Orydus a, shivering, quaking,nbsp;tremulous, tremblingnbsp;Crydu v, to shiver, to tremble, to shud- .nbsp;Crydwellt n, quaking grassnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[der
Crydwst nfy shivering fit nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cobbler
Crydd -ion w, shoemaker, cordwainer; Cryddaniaeth, Cryddiaeth nfy shoemaking, shoemaker’s tradenbsp;Oryddu tgt;, to stretch roundnbsp;Cryf a, compact; strong, mighty: ƒ, crefnbsp;Cryfder, Cryfdra «, strength, mightnbsp;Cryfiiau tgt;, to strengthen; to get strongnbsp;Cryf bans, Cryfhaol a, strengthening;
invigorating; restorative, tonic Cryg, Crygedd », hoarsenessnbsp;Cryg a, rough, harsh, hoarse: /J cregnbsp;Crygeidwen nfy the galaxynbsp;Crygen «ƒ, fit of hoarsenessnbsp;Crygi, Crygni », roughness, hoarsenessnbsp;Cryglus npy cranberriesnbsp;Cryglyd a, apt to be hoarse; hoarsenbsp;Crygu n, to make or become hoarsenbsp;Crygwst nfy croupnbsp;Crygyn n, fit of hoarsenessnbsp;Crymain a, flexuous, flexilenbsp;Crymaint n, flexionnbsp;Crymal -au n, buttock, cruppernbsp;Cryman -au n, reaping-hook, sicklenbsp;Crymaniad w, benaingnbsp;Crymanu v, to use a sicklenbsp;Crymder, Crymedd n, bend, curve, de-Crymdwyn -au w, tumulus [flexurenbsp;Crymfach -au n, crochet=Cromfachnbsp;Crymol a, bowing, curving, convexnbsp;Crymu v, to bow, to curvenbsp;Cr^n n, shake, quake [earthquakenbsp;Ci^n a, shaking, quaking. Daiar grfn,nbsp;Cryn a, middling, mdifterent. — dipyn,nbsp;Crynach shiver, shudder [a good bitnbsp;Crynachol a, shudderingnbsp;Crynachu to shudder
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Cudynog a, having flowing locks
Cudd -ion n, gloom; hiding Oudd hidden, concealednbsp;Cuddamcan -ion », intriguenbsp;Cuddan -od nf, wood-pigeonnbsp;Oudded -au nf, concealment
Cnddfa,fëydd hiding-place; hoard ;un(’
Cuddiadan a, clandestine: private Cuddiedigaeth rf, concealmentnbsp;Cuddigl -au n, private room; retreatnbsp;Cuddio V, to hide, to concealnbsp;Cuddiog, Cuddiol a, hiding, concealing,nbsp;Cuddon -od nf, wood-pigeon [lurkingnbsp;Cuedd n, affection, fondnessnbsp;Cueddaint n, affection, amitynbsp;Cueddol a, aflectionate, lovingnbsp;Cueddu V, to render lovingnbsp;Cuelli n, stupidity; ferocity, savageuessnbsp;Cufydd -au n, cubit; half a yardnbsp;Cul -ioD n, narrowness, the leannbsp;Cal a, narrow, strait; lean [isthmusnbsp;Ouldir -oedd n, narrow strip of land,nbsp;Culfain a, strait and smallnbsp;Culfor -oedd n, narrow sea, straitnbsp;Culhad n, narrowingnbsp;Culhau V, to narrow; to grow leannbsp;Culder, Culi, Culni n, narrowness; lean-Culo tgt;, to narrow, to straiten [nessnbsp;Culwydd a, love-prosperingnbsp;Cun -laid n, leader, cniefnbsp;Cun a, attractive; lovely=:Cunbsp;Cunar -au tf, sow; breeding sownbsp;Cunell -au nf, phalanxnbsp;Cuniad -iaid n, leader, chiefnbsp;Cunnellt np, weapons of warnbsp;Cunnog, Cunnach -au nf milk-pailnbsp;Cunnogaid, eidiau nf, pailfulnbsp;Cunnogi v, to put in a pailnbsp;Cunnogyn n, pigginnbsp;Cuol a, loving, affectionatenbsp;Cur-iau n, anxiety; stroke; throbbingnbsp;pain; affliction; cure; care, chargenbsp;Curad-iaid curate. Curad raewn gofal,nbsp;Curadiaeth nf curacy [curate-in-chargenbsp;Curas -au nf, cuirassnbsp;Curfa, fëydd nf beating; throbnbsp;Curio », to pine, to vex; to wastenbsp;Curiol a, pining, vexing, wastingnbsp;Curioldeb n, vexationnbsp;Curo V, to beat; to strike; to throbnbsp;Curwlaw n, heavy rainnbsp;Curyll -od «, sparrow-hawk; kestrel;nbsp;Cusan -au n, kissnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[falcon
Cusaniad n, kissing Cusanu, Cuso V, to kissnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pig-sty
Cut -iau n, hovel, shed, sty. — moch, Cuthan -od nf wood-pigeonnbsp;87
Crynder, Crynedd rotundity, round-Cryndod n, shivering, shudder [ness Cryndro a, round (not angular); curvednbsp;Crynedigaeth nf^ tremulationnbsp;Crynfa, fëydd «ƒ, trembling-fitnbsp;Crynfaen, fain, feini «, pebblenbsp;Crjnfylchu v, to indent in curvesnbsp;Crynhad «, roundingnbsp;Crynhau u, to conglomeratenbsp;Cryniad «, tremblingnbsp;Ciyno a, compact, trim, neat, tidynbsp;Crynoad ti, compendium, summary;
collection^ making tidy or trim Crynoawl, Crynous a, gathering togethernbsp;Crynodeb «, compactness; compendium;nbsp;Crynoi v, to collect together [sketchnbsp;Crynog -au nf^ eight bushel measure.
— ymherodrol, imperial quarter Crynoi a, shaking, tremblingnbsp;Crynswth, Crynswdd w, mass, wholenbsp;Crynsypio u, to conglomeratenbsp;Crynu to tremble, to quakenbsp;Crynwas, weis », sorry fellownbsp;Crynwr, wyr n, trembler, one whonbsp;quakes; Quakernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ roots
Crynwraidd np (wreiddyn n), bulbous Crys -au n, shirt, shift; haste, velocitynbsp;Crysbais, beisiau waistcoat, jacketnbsp;Crysfad -au », bishop's confirmationnbsp;Crysia. Crysio r, to hasten, to speednbsp;Crysiol a, hastening, speedingnbsp;Cryslain, leiniau n, shirt bosomnbsp;Crytiad n, growing plumpnbsp;Crythedd n, gibbositynbsp;Crythog a, gibbous; bulkynbsp;Crythor -ion -laid », fiddler, violinistnbsp;Crythu r, to swell out, to bulgenbsp;Crythyn n, small box; small fiddlenbsp;Cryw -ion n, slice; bow net; wicker bas-Crywyn «, slice; coulternbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ket
Cu a, amiable, beloved. Tad cu, grand-Cu », approximation [father. See Tad Cuaidd a, loving, ajffectionatenbsp;Cuain a, lovely, amiable, affectionatenbsp;Cuaint w, affection; amitynbsp;Cuail, cueill », dangerous idiotnbsp;Cuail a, stupid, oafish, ignorant; fierce,nbsp;Cuan -od nf, owl; rock owl [savagenbsp;Cub -au n, mass, heap; cubenbsp;Cuhol a, aggregate; cubicalnbsp;Cuch -iaun,knitting of the brow; frownnbsp;Cuchio Vj to knit the brow^ to frownnbsp;Cuchiog, Cuchiol a, frowning, angrynbsp;Cud -ionn, celerity; flight; falcogenusnbsp;Cudeb n, affection, amitynbsp;Cudyll -od n, sparrow-hawk^Curyllnbsp;Cudyn -au n, lock (as of hair)
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CWM_ Ouwch -iau », knitting of the brow Cuwg n, frown=Ouwchnbsp;Ciiwr, cuwjr «, wooer, lovernbsp;Cw «, concavity; lettucenbsp;Cw ady wherefrom, whencenbsp;Owar -au, Cwer -i w, share^beamnbsp;Cwb, cybau », concavity; kennel; cotnbsp;Cwbl a, all, whole, total, entirenbsp;Cwbl n, whole, totalnbsp;Owbledd entirenessnbsp;Owblh^d n, fulfilling, fulfilmentnbsp;Cwblhau V, to fulfil, to finishnbsp;Owcw, Cwcwg «/*, ctickoo=Oognbsp;Cwcwll, cycyliau n, hood, cowlnbsp;Owch, cychod », round concavity; boat; hive; crown of a hat Cwd, cydau n, pouch; bag. Owd ynbsp;gwenwyn, a very peevish personnbsp;Gwdd n, cavity; shelternbsp;Cwdd ad, whence, wherenbsp;Cwddechwydd n, night-fall, eveningnbsp;Cwddedu v, to hem roundnbsp;Cwddu V, to turn up, to shelternbsp;Cwddyn n, shelternbsp;Oweryl -on n, strife, quarrelnbsp;Cwerylu v, to quarrelnbsp;Owf n, rising overnbsp;Cwfl -au n, hood, cowlnbsp;Cwflen -au nf, cap; jockey-cap; hatnbsp;Owg », rising; jet; knobnbsp;Cwgn, cygnau n, knot; knucklenbsp;Cwnwfan n, waving; panting [fannbsp;Cwhwfanu v. to wave; to pant=Cwhw-Cwl -ion n, nagging; fault; a box fornbsp;raising coals Owla a, faltering, languid, ailing Cwlas -au n, apartment; compartmentnbsp;in a buildingnbsp;Owlbren -i n, bludgeonnbsp;Cwllf, cylffau «, shapeless piece; lumpnbsp;Cwlio V, to make faultynbsp;Cwlm, cylmau n=Cwlwmnbsp;Cwlwm, cylymau n, knot, tie [monynbsp;Cwlyn n, what droops. — y mêl, agri-Cwll, cyilau n, separation; stomachnbsp;Cwlltyr, cylltyrau, Cwlitr, cylltrau n.nbsp;coulter Cwm, cymau, cymydd, cymoedd n, hollow between two hills, dale, dingle Cwman -od n, kive, tub; rumpnbsp;Cwmarch -au n, deep dinglenbsp;Cwmmwd, cymmydau n, subdivisionnbsp;of a hundred, commotnbsp;Cwmp », round; circlenbsp;Cwmpas -oedd -au n, compassnbsp;Cwmpasol a, compassingnbsp;Gwmpasu v, to compass, to surround |
_CWT Owmpawd, odau n, compass Cwmwl, cymylau n, cloudnbsp;Cwu np, dogs: 8, cinbsp;Own 7i, top, summit, apexnbsp;Cwnan », rising, elevationnbsp;Cwnawl a, rising, elevatingnbsp;Cwndid -an n, songnbsp;Cwndidwr, wyr n, song-writernbsp;Owning -od ^ rabbit, coneynbsp;Cwningen «/frabbit: p, cwningodnbsp;Gwnsallt n, cloak, robenbsp;Cwnsyllt -au n, anvilnbsp;Cwnu V, to arise, to rise; to raise, tonbsp;lift; to support=:Codinbsp;Cwnwg n, summit; apexnbsp;Cwpan -au n and nf, cup, bowlnbsp;Cwpanaid, eidiau «, cupful; dry measure equal to about a gallonnbsp;Cwpl -au n, couple, coupling; principalnbsp;rafter; chevron. Cyplau, principalsnbsp;Cwpla vstCwblhaunbsp;Cwplws, cyplysau n, couplingnbsp;Cwppwrdd, cyppyrddau «, cupboardnbsp;Cwr, cyroedd n, circle; skinnbsp;Cwr, cyrau u, limit, border; cornernbsp;Cwrach -au n, book, volumenbsp;Cwran -au nf, buskin, bootnbsp;Cwranog a, buskined, bootednbsp;Cwrc, c^cau n, rotundity; stoopingnbsp;Cwrcwd, cyrcydaun, stooping; squattingnbsp;Cwrdwal n, Cordova leathernbsp;Cwrdd V, to meet, to touchnbsp;Cwrdd, cyrddau n, meeting. Tytwrdd,nbsp;meeting-housenbsp;Cwrel -au n, coralssGwylarnbsp;Cwrf, cyrfau n, trunk, body; curvenbsp;Cwrian v, to squat, to cowernbsp;Cwrlid -au n, coverlidnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[knob Cwrn, cyrnau n, spire; pile; stack; Cwmaid, eidiau curvetingnbsp;Cw^us a, apt to be ill or sick; ailing. sickly nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[yarn Cwrt, cyrtiau n, mound; down; court, Cwrw n, ale, strong beer. Dail y cwrw,nbsp;laurel Cwrwf, cyryfau n, ale. strong beer Cwrwg. cyrygau n, frame; carcase; boatnbsp;Cwrwgl, cyryglau n, coraclenbsp;Cwrwm n. bowing; bendingnbsp;Cwsg n, sleep; state of rest; slumbernbsp;Cwsgbar a, somniferous, soporific; nar-Cwst n, toil, drudgerynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cotic Cwswr n, refuse Cwt, cytiau n, roundness; cot, sty: nf, rump, tail, skirt Cwta am, short; abrupt; bobtailed: ƒ, Cwtau V, to shorten, to curtail [cotanbsp;88 |
CYB__ Cwtiad, iaid n. plover Cwtiar, ieir nf^ coot, water railnbsp;Cwtog a, bobtailed, squabby: n/J squabnbsp;Cwtoges -au short squabnbsp;Cwtogi to shorten, to curtailnbsp;Owtws, cytysau w, lot:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;scut, short- Cwtyn n, plover nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tail Owtyn «, tuck (in a garment) Owtysyn «, lot, ticket Cwth throw offnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[turn Cwthr, cythrau n, the fundament, rec-Owthwn n, gust, squall Cwybr -au n=Crwybrnbsp;Cwyd 71, stir, agitation: w, rise; will risenbsp;Cwydd », fall, lapsenbsp;Cwyddol o, falling; ruinousnbsp;Cwymp -au fall, tumblenbsp;Cwympawd, odau 71, falling; case (innbsp;Owympiad 7i, fallingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[grammar) Cwympo r, to fall; to fell; to lower Cwympol o, falling; decliningnbsp;Owyn -ion ti, complaint; plaint, suitnbsp;Owynfan -au n, lamentationnbsp;Cwynfan, Cwynfanu r, to complain, tonbsp;bewail, to bemoan, to lamentnbsp;Cwynfanus a, complaining, grievingnbsp;Cwyno, Cwynofain v, to complain; tonbsp;lament, to bewailnbsp;Owynofaint tï, wailingnbsp;Cwynol a, complainingnbsp;Cwynos -au 7i, suppernbsp;Cwynosa v, to eat supper, to supnbsp;Cwynwr, wyr ti, complainer; complainant, plaintiff Gwyr 72, wax; gum. Canwyll gwyr, Cwyraid a, waxednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wax candle Cwyraidd, Cwyrol 0, waxy Owyreli 72, cerate, salvenbsp;Cwyren -au cake of waxnbsp;Owyriad 72, waxingnbsp;Cwyro r, to cover with waxnbsp;Cwyrol a, of a waxy qualitynbsp;Cwyros cti, cornel-treenbsp;Cwys -au -i furrow: the strip ofnbsp;soil turned up by the ploughnbsp;Cwysed -i nf^ gore, gussetnbsp;Cwysiad ti. furrowingnbsp;Cwysig nj^ small furrownbsp;Cwyso V, to furrow; to ploughnbsp;Owysol a, furrowingnbsp;Cy /)«, jointly, together, mutually, co-,nbsp;col.; com-, con-, cor-=Cyd, Cyf,nbsp;Cym, Oyn, Cys, Cytnbsp;Oybol a, holding, graspingnbsp;Cybolfa nf^ hodgepodge, medleynbsp;Cyboli V, to blena, to mix; to make anbsp;hodgepodge or medley |
__CYD Cybydd -ion tz, miser, niggard Cybydd-dod, Cybydd-dra ?2, Cybydd-iaeth nf^ avarice, covetousnessnbsp;Cybyddes -au ri/j female miser, covet-Cybyddiad 72, coveting [ous womannbsp;Gybyddlyd, Gybyddol, Cybyddus a, coveting, greedy; miserly, avariciousnbsp;Cybyddu v, to act miserlynbsp;Oywallt -iaid 72, cuckoldnbsp;Cycyllog a, hooded, cowlednbsp;Cycyllu V, to wear a hoodnbsp;Cycyllyn 72. chaperonnbsp;Cychaid, eidiau 72, boatful; hivefulnbsp;Cychawl a, boat-like; hive-likenbsp;Cychedd 72, concavitynbsp;Cychiad 72, covering; hivingnbsp;Cychu V, to cover; to hivenbsp;Cychwant 72, mutual desirenbsp;Cychwardd 72, laughing togethernbsp;Cychwedl -au nf^ whisper; talenbsp;Cychwedlu v, to whispernbsp;Cychwlyn 72, agrimonynbsp;Cychwn 72, mutual risingnbsp;Cychwnfa, fau nf^ setting off, startnbsp;Cychwniad, Cychwyniad 72, mutualnbsp;rising; commencement; setting offnbsp;Cychwnu to set off; to begin; to startnbsp;Cychwyfan -au nf^ hovering; rockingnbsp;Cychwyfan v, to hover; to rocknbsp;Cychwyfiad 72, coagitation ( movenbsp;Cychwyn r, to stir; to set off: 72, stir,nbsp;Cychwynfa, fau 72/*, setting off; origination, beginning; startnbsp;Cyd 72, junction; coupling: o, joint,nbsp;united, common; ad^ whilst, as longnbsp;as: c, forasmuch; since: px. See Cynbsp;Cyd a, as long=Cyhydnbsp;Cyda^, with; in addition to=G-ydanbsp;Cydaddoli v, to worship togethernbsp;Cydaflen 72/, tall gawkynbsp;Cydaid, eidiau 72, bagfulnbsp;Cydair a, unanimousnbsp;Cydamserol a, contemporarynbsp;Cydan 72, small bag; walletnbsp;Cydanian a, connaturalnbsp;Cydawr conclamationnbsp;Cydbell a, equidistantnbsp;Cydblaid, bleidiau nf^ confederatenbsp;Cydbwys a, of equal weightnbsp;Cydbwyso v, to equipoisenbsp;Cydchwant -au 72, concupiscencenbsp;Cydchwyf 72, mutual agitationnbsp;Cyd-deimlad 72, sympathy, commisert-tion, fellow-feeling=Cytteimladnbsp;Cyd-deimlo v, to sympathise, to c(Xn-Cyd-dynu tz, to concur [miseratenbsp;Cyd-ddwyn v, to concur; to bear ' |
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Cydeffaith, tfeithiau nf^ coefficiency Cydenw -au w, namesakenbsp;Cydenwad agnominationnbsp;Cydestyniad coextentionnbsp;Cydetifedd -ion n, coheirnbsp;Cydfa -on, fëydd w/J conventionnbsp;Cydfaethiad w, connutritionnbsp;Cydfagu v, to rear togethernbsp;Cydfantoli v, to equalise, to equipoisenbsp;Oydfaol o, synodicalnbsp;Oydfeddiannu v, to possess jointlynbsp;Oydfil -od », the third stage in thenbsp;bardic circle of transmigration, succeeding Obryn, and followed by Dyn-dody or state of humanitynbsp;Cydhoedd n/J conclamationnbsp;Cydfod -au coexistence; concord,nbsp;agreement: v, to agree, to accordnbsp;Cydfodd w, concord, agreementnbsp;Cydfrad -au n, conspiracy, plotnbsp;Cydfrawdoliaeth «ƒ, confraternitynbsp;Cydfwriad -au w, mutual purposenbsp;Cydfydiant«, coexistencenbsp;Cydfydriad n, commensurationnbsp;Cydfynediant w, concomitancynbsp;Cydffrydiant w, confluencenbsp;Gydffurfio v, to conformnbsp;Cydgadwyno v, to concatenatenbsp;Cydgam dalliance; delaynbsp;Cydgamu v, to step together; to attendnbsp;Cydgan -au nf, chorus; concertnbsp;Cydganu v, to sing in concertnbsp;Cydgar, geraint w, correlativenbsp;Cydgarennydd consanguinitynbsp;Cydgeisio to competenbsp;Cydgerdd -i -au symphony; concertnbsp;Cydgerddediad w, concomitancenbsp;Cydgeulo v, to concoagulatenbsp;Cydglymiad n, alligationnbsp;Cydgor -iau n, united choir. Wythnosnbsp;y Oydgoriau, Ember Weeknbsp;Cydgorffoli v, concorporatenbsp;Cydgwyniad n, condolence [incidenbsp;Cydgyfarfod r, to meet together; to co-Cydgyfartal a, coequalnbsp;Cydgyfathrach -au nf, associationnbsp;Cydgynghorfa, fau -oedd nf^ congressnbsp;Cydgylchiad n, convolutionnbsp;Cydgyrchu v, to assemble togethernbsp;^J^amp;yï*haeddiad », coextension
to harmonise together (..ydhanfod », coexistence; v, to coexistnbsp;Cydiad «, joining together; junction,nbsp;wupling; biting; laying holdnbsp;Cydiaith a, of one languagenbsp;Cylieuad n, conjugationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gate
Cydieuo v, to yoke together; to conju-
Cydio V, to join; to couple; to bite; to take hold. Cydio yn, to lay hold ofnbsp;Cydlais, leisiau consonancenbsp;Cydlawenhau to congratulatenbsp;Cydlechu u, to hide or shelter togethernbsp;Cydlef -au nf, joint shout, conclamationnbsp;Cydlefaru r, to speak togethernbsp;Cydlehau v, to collocatenbsp;Cydles n, mutual advantagenbsp;Cydlif -au, Cydli confluxnbsp;Cydlyniad w, cohesionnbsp;Cydnabod»,acquaintance; recognition:
to acknowledge; to own Cydnabyddiaeth acquaintancenbsp;Cydnabyddus a, acquainted together;nbsp;Cydnad-au conclamation [expertnbsp;Cydnaws a, connaturalnbsp;Cydnerth-oedd n, equipolence: a, wellnbsp;Cydnesu to approach mutually [setnbsp;Cydnewid v, to interchangenbsp;Cydoddef -ion «, sympathy: v, to for-Cydoed -ion n, contemporary [bearnbsp;Cydoes, Oydoed a, coevalssCyfoesnbsp;Cydoesi u, to contemporisenbsp;Cydofal -on 7^, mutual carenbsp;Cydol a, complete, wholenbsp;Cydolig a, universal; catholic. Cyd-oligion, Catholicsnbsp;Cydradd a, of equal degree, equalnbsp;Cydraddoldeb «, equalitynbsp;Cydraid, reidiau », mutual wantnbsp;Gydran -au n/, joint sharenbsp;Cydrawd -iau concurrencenbsp;Cydred a, concurrentnbsp;Cydrino r, to dispute togethernbsp;Cydroddi to give or bestow mutuallynbsp;Cydrwymo », to bind togethernbsp;Cydryw -iau «c, herma^roditenbsp;Cydryw a, homogeneousnbsp;Cydrywiaeth nomogeneitynbsp;Cydsain,seiniau Tj/Jconsonancy, rhythmnbsp;Cydsain, seiniaid nf^ consonantnbsp;Cydsefyll z?, to stand togethernbsp;Cydseinio r, to sound together; to accordnbsp;Cydser -au n and cn, constellationnbsp;Cydserch n, mutual lovenbsp;Cydsereddiad -au n. constellationnbsp;Cydsiarad ra, confaDulation: v, to con-Cydsoriant «, mutual offence [versenbsp;Cydsylweddiad n, consubstantiationnbsp;Oydsylltiadnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;conjunction ( consent
Cydsyniad nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;unanimity, agreement,
Cydsynied, Cydsynio v, to agree, to acquiesce, to consentnbsp;Cydu u, to bag, to pouchnbsp;Cydun a, accordant, unitednbsp;Cydundeb n, unity, union
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Cydano v, to unite, to agree Cydwaed a, consanguineousnbsp;Cydwaeddiad w, conclamationnbsp;Cydwas, weision n, fellow servantnbsp;Cydwe -oedd nf^ contexturenbsp;Cydwedd -au, Cydweddog -ion nc, yokefellow, associate, partner; consort;nbsp;husband or wife. Brenines gydwedd,nbsp;Brenines gydweddog, queen consort.nbsp;Tywysog cydweddog, Tywysog cydwedd, prince consortnbsp;Cydweddog a, conjugalnbsp;Cydweddu tgt;, to accord, to agreenbsp;Cydweinidog -ion n, fellow servant ornbsp;Cydweithio r, to co-operate [ministernbsp;Cydwelydd -ion n, associatenbsp;Cydwerth n, an equivalent: a, equivalentnbsp;Cydweu Vy to interweavenbsp;Cydwlad, wledydd nfy common country,nbsp;united state: a, of the same countrynbsp;Cydwr, wyr », party-mannbsp;Cydwybod -au nfy consciencenbsp;Cydwybodol a, conscientiousnbsp;Cydwynebiad n, confrontingnbsp;Cydwysiad », convocationnbsp;Cydyfed ©, to drink togethernbsp;Cydymaith. eithion », companionnbsp;Cydymattal v, to abstain mutuallynbsp;Cydymdaith, deithion n, companionnbsp;Cydymdeimlad n, mutual sympathynbsp;Cydymdeithas -an nfy companynbsp;Cydymdeithasu v, to consociatenbsp;Cydymdrafodi u, to strive mutuallynbsp;Cydymddiried n, mutual trustnbsp;Cydymddwyn r, to bear mutuallynbsp;Cydymgeisiol a, competitivenbsp;Cydymgilio r, to recede mutuallynbsp;Cydymgyrch n, concurrencenbsp;Cydymholi r, to inquire mutuallynbsp;Cydymliw tgt;, to reproach one anothernbsp;Cydymoddef r, to near mutuallynbsp;Cydymranu tJ, to secede togethernbsp;Cydymroddi t», to yield mutuallynbsp;Cydymroi r, to resign togethernbsp;Cydymryson -au «, mutual strife; v,nbsp;to contend togethernbsp;Cydymuno r, to unite or join togethernbsp;Cydymweddu tJ, to conform mutuallynbsp;Cydyn n, little bag, pouchnbsp;Cydyru Vy to drive togethernbsp;Cyf yxy jointly, together. See Cynbsp;Cyfa a, whole=Cyfannbsp;Cyfab a, in foalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ [tony
Cyfacan, cenion, Cyfacen -ion iify mono-Cyfacenu v, to speak in one tone Cyfachludd n, concealmentnbsp;Cyf ad eg -an nfy unity of time
Cyfadgan -au, Cj^adgen -au nfy proverb
Cyfadnabod n, acknowledgment Cyfadref 0, domestic, familiarnbsp;Cyfadrodd -ion n, conversationnbsp;Cyfaddas a, convenient, meet, suitablenbsp;Cyfaddasu v, to render fit, to adaptnbsp;Cyfaddaw v, to promise mutually, tonbsp;compromise
Cyfaddawd, odau », compromise Cyfaddef v, to confess, to acknowledgenbsp;Cyfaddewid -ion nf, mutual promisenbsp;Cyfael -ion nfy associatenbsp;Cyfael a, of the same partynbsp;Cyfaeru r, to conflictnbsp;Cyfaeth a, nurtured togethernbsp;Cyfaethiad n. connutritionnbsp;Cyfager «, collection of vapour or steamnbsp;Cyfagos a, contiguous, near, proximatenbsp;Cyfagosau, Cyfagosi v, to approximatenbsp;Cyfagu V, to nurse together [phoresisnbsp;Cyfagwedd -au nf conformity; sym-Cyfagweddiad n, conformationnbsp;Cyfagweddu v, to conformnbsp;Cyfagwy a, clustered togethernbsp;Cyfaill, eillion, Cyf aillt, eilltion n, friendnbsp;Cyfaint, einnoedd conventnbsp;Cyfais a, collateralnbsp;Cyfal a, similar, likenbsp;Cyfaledd -au n, analogynbsp;Cyfalhau v, to liken, to resemblenbsp;Cyfalw Vy to call togethernbsp;Cyfall a, matched, joinednbsp;Cyfallëu v, to match, to connectnbsp;Cyfallu -oedd coeniciencynbsp;Cyfallwy a, coefficient, efficientnbsp;Cyfammod -au w, covenant, contractnbsp;Cytammodi r, to make a covenant, tonbsp;covenant; to bargainnbsp;Cyfamryson -au n, competitionnbsp;Cyfamser -oedd n, interim, mean timenbsp;Cyfamserol a, opportunenbsp;Cyfamseru v, to make opportunenbsp;Cyfamwg, Cyfamwyn v, to protect mutuallynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Cyfanion, integers
Cyf an a, entire, complete: k, the whole. Cyfander, Cyfanedd n, entirenessnbsp;Cyfandir -oedd n continentnbsp;Cyfandroed a, web-footednbsp;Cyfanerch -ion n, congratulationnbsp;Cyfanfor -oedd main sea, oceannbsp;Cyfaniad n, making wholenbsp;Cyfanian -au nf, unity of naturenbsp;Cyfanlloer -au nf full moonnbsp;Cyfannedd -au nf inhabited place: a,nbsp;inhabited; domesticnbsp;Cyfanneddol a, domestic; inhabitednbsp;Cyfanneddrwydd ?i, domestic lifenbsp;91
Cyfanneddu v, to inhabit, to dwell Cyfannod, Cyfanod -au nf^ full stopnbsp;Cyfannogi to excite mutuallynbsp;Cyfanol n, integral, entirenbsp;Cyfanrif -au «, integer, whole numbernbsp;Cyfanrwydd «, entireness, entiretynbsp;Cyfansawdd a, composite, compoundnbsp;Oyfansoddi tgt;, to compose, to put togethernbsp;Cyfansoddiad n, compositionnbsp;Cyfansoddol 0, compositive [positornbsp;Gyfansoddwr, wyr ?i-, composer f com-Cyfanswm, symiau n, sum total, a-mount total, the wholenbsp;Cyfanu v, to make wholenbsp;Cyfanwaith «, complete work; wholenbsp;Cyfanwerth n and a, wholesalenbsp;Oyfanwerthwr, wyr, Cyfanwerthyddnbsp;-ion rij wholesale dealernbsp;Cyfar, eiriau n, joint ploughing; acrenbsp;Cyfarail, eiliau w, joint guardingnbsp;Cyfaran a, confrontednbsp;Oyfarch n, address, greeting: v, tonbsp;address, to greet, to salutenbsp;Oyfarchafu v, to exalt togethernbsp;Cyfarchedigol a, congratulatorynbsp;Cyfarchiad w, greetingnbsp;Cyfarchol a, complimentarynbsp;Cyfarchwel -au n, reproachnbsp;Cyfarchwyl -au «, survey, watchingnbsp;Cyfarchwyliaeth nf, surveyorshipnbsp;Cyfarddu v, to plough togethernbsp;Cyfarddun a, simple; sublime [mationnbsp;Cyfardduniad w, simplification; subii-Cyfaredd -ion w/J charm, nostrumnbsp;Cyfareddu Vy to cure by charm; to en-Cyfaretri «, joint ploughing [ chantnbsp;Cyfarf, eirf nfy combat, conflictnbsp;Cyfarfaeth -au nfy unity of designnbsp;Cyfarfaethu v, to concur in designnbsp;Cyfarf an -au nfy opposite place: fronting, facing, opposing Cyfarfod v, to meet, to assemblenbsp;Cyfarfod -ydd -au «, meeting, assem-Oyfarfog a, mutually armed [blynbsp;Cyfargod -ion », eaves, skirtnbsp;Cyfariaith, ieithoedd nfy conversationnbsp;Cyfarial liveliness, gaietynbsp;Cyfaros v, to continue, to remainnbsp;Cyfarosol a, resident, residing [ratusnbsp;Cyfarpar -ion -au «, preparation; appa-Cyfarparoi o, preparatorynbsp;Cyfarsang -au njy tramplingnbsp;Gyfarsangol a, tramplingnbsp;Cyfarsangu v, to vanquish, to subduenbsp;Cyfartal a, proportional, equalnbsp;Oyfartalai, eion nc, standardnbsp;Oyfartaledd », proportionateness |
Cyfartaliad n, equation Cyfartalu v, to proportionate, to equalisenbsp;Cyfartelid o, equatie, equal; steadynbsp;Cyfarth v, to bark, to yelp: n, barkingnbsp;Cyfarthfa, fau «ƒ, baiting with dogsnbsp;Cyfarthfa, fëydd nfy junction of hillsnbsp;Cyfarthiad «, barkingnbsp;Cyfaru v, to plough togethernbsp;Cyfarwain r, to conduct; to introducenbsp;Cyfarwaith », conflictnbsp;Cyfarwar a, soothing, calmingnbsp;Cyfarwas n, contentionnbsp;Cyfarwel -ion prospectnbsp;Cyfarws -au nfy present, reward; pen-Gyfarwyd -ion n, controversy [sionnbsp;Cyfarwydd a, skilful; acquaintednbsp;Cyfarwydd -ion », wizard: n/J glow-Cyfarwyddiad w, direction [wormnbsp;Cyfarwyddiadur -on n,director, directorynbsp;Cyfarwyddo y, to direct, to guide; tonbsp;inform, to instructnbsp;Cyfarwyddol a, directing, guidingnbsp;Cyfarwyddwr, wyr riy guide, directornbsp;Cyfarwyddyd w, direction, instruction,nbsp;guidance; experience; guidenbsp;Cyfarwyneb right against, oppositenbsp;Cyfarwynebol o, confrontingnbsp;Cyfarwynebu v, to confrontnbsp;Oyfarwyre -on «ƒ, consurrectionnbsp;Cyfarwys -au n/J present, gift; pensionnbsp;Cyfarwysiad n, presenting; pensioningnbsp;Cyfarwyso v, to present; to pensionnbsp;Cyfarwysog a, pensioned: nc, pensionernbsp;Cyfarystlys a, sideways; in profilenbsp;Cyfastellu v, to lay boardsnbsp;Cyfateb v, to correspond, to tallynbsp;Cyfatebiad w, corresponding, mutuallynbsp;answering; correspondence [logynbsp;Cyfatebiaeth correspondence; ana-Cyfatebol a, corresponding; suitablenbsp;Cyfattal «, obstructive. Tywydd cyf-attal, broken or unsettled weathernbsp;Cyfattal v, to restrain mutuallynbsp;Cyfattaliad ti, repressionnbsp;Cyfattegu r, to uphold jointlynbsp;Cyfattynu v, to attract mutuallynbsp;Cyfathrach -au nfy affinity, kin, alliancenbsp;Cyfathrachu v, to join alliance; to joinnbsp;in matrimony; to allynbsp;Cyfau Vy to make wholenbsp;Cyfawd », rising, getting upnbsp;Cyfawr, orau n, whole; fulnessnbsp;Cyfdaeru v, to contend togethernbsp;Cyfdderbyn v, to receive jointlynbsp;Cyfddull -iau n, conformitynbsp;Cyfddulliad w, configurationnbsp;Cyfddwyre v, to uplift jointlynbsp;92 |
Cyfddydd -iau n, the day spring, dawn
Cyfebol a, big with foal, in foal Cyfebr a, in foalssCyfabnbsp;Cyfebriad n, gestation [to get in foalnbsp;Cyfebru r, to gestate, to go with young;nbsp;. Cyfebrwydd n, foal in embryonbsp;Cyfechni«, joint securitynbsp;Cyfechwyn «ion n, joint loannbsp;Cyfedliw -iau n, mutual reproachnbsp;Cyfedd -au n. compotationnbsp;Cyfeddach ^ banquet, festivity; ca-Oyfegydd -au «, pickaxe [rousalnbsp;Cyfeiaetb », turmoil, troublenbsp;Cyfeidduned -au nf, mutual wishnbsp;Cyfeidduno tgt;, to wish mutuallynbsp;Cyfeiedd n, tribulation, troublenbsp;Cyfeiliad n, compilationnbsp;Cyfeilio igt;, to compile, to constructnbsp;Cyfeiliom n, deviation, errornbsp;Cyfeiliornad n, going astray; heresynbsp;Cyfeiliorni v, to deviate, to err, to straynbsp;Cyfeiliomus a, devious,erring, erroneousnbsp;Cyfeiliomwr, wyr », wanderer^ rover,nbsp;rambler; one who errs; hereticnbsp;Cyfeiliw a, of the same colournbsp;Cyfeillach-au ?!ƒ, friendship; fellowshipnbsp;Cyfeillgar a, friendly, sociablenbsp;Cyfeilles -au nf^ female friendnbsp;Cyfeillio ü, to associatenbsp;Cyfeinniol a, coventualnbsp;Cyfeireb -ion nf^ directive note, rubricnbsp;Cyfeirgi, gwn n, pointer, setting-dognbsp;Cyfeiriad «, directionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J_tory
Cyfeiriadur -on », director, guide, direct-Cyfeirio v, to direct; to refer; to make Cyfeiriol a, directing, leading [towardsnbsp;Cyfeimod -au nf^ note of referencenbsp;Cyfeiryd r, to direct, to leadnbsp;Cyfeisieu », mutual wantnbsp;Cyfeisor -ion », match, fellownbsp;Cyfeisor a, collateral; equalnbsp;Cyfeistedd -au n, the breechnbsp;Cyfeisteddfod -au nf^ committee, congress, convention
Cyfeisteddwr, wyr n, committee-man Cyfeistyddio to make to sit in ordernbsp;Cyfeithrin tgt;, to nurse together [togethernbsp;Cyfelin -au w/J cubit; half a yardnbsp;Cyfelinaid, eidiau n/J cubit lengthnbsp;Cyfenw -au «, surnamenbsp;Cyfenwi fgt;, to surname ^ [oppositenbsp;Cyfer opposite situation.^ Ar gyfer,nbsp;Cyferbyn a, opposite, frontingnbsp;Cyferbyniad n, contrapositionnbsp;Cyferbyniad, iaid n, opponeDt,antagonistnbsp;Cyferbynu, Cyferbynied v, to set innbsp;opposition; to contrast; to counteract
Cyferddawn, ddoniau n, virtue, efficacy
Cyferddoniad giving a virtue Cyfergyd -ion n, concussionnbsp;Cyfergydio v, to strike togethernbsp;Cyfergyr -oedd «, rencounternbsp;Cyfergyru v, to assail, to assaultnbsp;Cyferlyn v, to pursue togethernbsp;Cyferthi », sanctity, holinessnbsp;Cyferthu r, to consecrate, to sanctifynbsp;Cyferthwch », panting togethernbsp;Cyferthychain tgt;, to pant togethernbsp;Cyferwen -au «/quot;, flattering smilenbsp;Cyferwenu v, to flatternbsp;Cyferwyr n, iniquitynbsp;Cyferyd », opposite placenbsp;Cyfesgar -aint n, mutual foenbsp;Cyfethol t», to constitute; to disputenbsp;Cyfhogi V, to shaimen togethernbsp;Cyfhwrdd, amp;c.=Oyffwrdd, amp;c,nbsp;Cyfiachyddiaeth n/J etymologynbsp;Cyfiaith, ieithoeddwj'^vernacular speech:nbsp;a, of the same language. Cyfieithion,nbsp;translations
Cyflawn a, just, righteous, equitable Cyfiawnder -au n, justice, equitynbsp;Oyfiawnedd n, justnessnbsp;CyfiawnhM n, justificationnbsp;Cyfiawnhau p, to justifynbsp;Cyfiawniad n, rectifying, justificationnbsp;Oyfiawnu p, to justify; to rectifynbsp;Cyfieithiad, Cyfieithad-au w, translationnbsp;Cyfieithu p, to translate, to construenbsp;Cyfieithydd -ion, Cyfieithwr, wyrnbsp;translator, interpreternbsp;Cyfieuad n, conjugationnbsp;Oyfieuo p, to conjugate, to yoke togethernbsp;Cyfiewin a, equal, similarnbsp;Cytio p, to make equablenbsp;Cyfladd, Cyfiaddol a, coincident, fittingnbsp;Cyfladd p, to coincidenbsp;Cyfiaddiad n, coincidencenbsp;Cyflafan -au nf, heinous deed, crime;
massacre: hairweed Cyflafanu p, to massacrenbsp;Cyfiafar a, mutually noisynbsp;Cyflafaredd nf, parley; arbitrationnbsp;Cyflafaru o. to parleynbsp;Cyflaid, eidiau rf, the arms-fullnbsp;Cyfiaith n, confectionnbsp;Cyflam a, attendantnbsp;Cyflanw n, complementnbsp;Cyflawn o, complete, full, perfectnbsp;Cyfiawnder, Cyflawnedd n, complete*nbsp;ness; plenitude, fulnessnbsp;Cyflawnu p, to make complete, to fulfilnbsp;Cyfle -oedd n, opportunity; placenbsp;Cyflechu p, to skulk togethernbsp;93
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Gyfled a, of equal breadth
Cyflediad n, coextension
Cyfledu », to coextend
Cyflef a, concordant in voice
Cyflefain v, to shout together
Oyflegr -au », gun, canon
Cyflegriad n, cannonading
Cyflegru v, to fire a gun, to cannonade
Cyflehau », to collocate=Cyflëu
Cyfleidio », to embrace=Cofieidio
Cyflenwad n, repletion, supply, supple-
Cyflenwi v, to fulfil nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ment
Cyfies n, mutual benefit
Oyflesau, Cyflesu v, to benefit mutually
Cyflesfa -oedd nf, club
Oyflëu V, to collocate; to put, to place
Oyfieuer a, of equal lustre
Cyflëus a, convenient, suitable
Cyfleusdra, Cyfleusdod n, convenience
Cyflewych a, of equal light
Cyfiewyn n, reflection
Cyflin, Cyflinell -an nf, parallel line.
Cyflinau, Cyflinellau, parallels Oyflino V, to contortnbsp;Cyfliwlo », to tint alikenbsp;Oyflo a, big with calf, in-calfnbsp;Cyfloca V, to take hirenbsp;Cyflochi V, to harbour equallynbsp;Oyflog -au n, wages, salary, stipendnbsp;Oyflogi V, to hire; to engage in servicenbsp;Cyflogwas, weision «, hired servantnbsp;Cyfludwad n, reducing to ashesnbsp;Cyfludd -ion n, impediment: v, to ob-Cyfluddiad n, impedingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[struct
Cyfluedd n, mutual warfare Oyflun a, of the same formnbsp;Oyflunedd n, uniformitynbsp;Cyfluniaeth n, ratio of foodnbsp;Cyflunio », to form alike; to organisenbsp;Cyfliiyddiaeth joint warfarenbsp;Cyfiw -on «, mutual oathnbsp;Cyflwch, lychau «, falling togethernbsp;Cyflwg, lygau «, mutual viewnbsp;Cyflwng a, swallowing upnbsp;Cyflwnc n, fasting
Cyflwr, lyrau », condition, state. — enwadol, nominative case. — gwrth-ddrychol, objective case. — medd-iannol, possessive casenbsp;Cyflwydd n, prosperitynbsp;Cyflwyddo v, to prospernbsp;Cyflwyn -ion n, what is presented.
Llythyr cyflwyn, epistle dedicatory Cyflwyniad n, presentation; dedicationnbsp;Cyflwyno », to send; to address; tonbsp;dedicate; to presentnbsp;Oyflwyr o, total, utter, complete
Cyflwyrder n, totality, completeness Cyflwys a, sanctified, holynbsp;Cyflwysedd «, sanctitynbsp;Cyflwyth -au ra, compressurenbsp;Cyflwytho v, to compressnbsp;Cyflychu v, to yield; to begin to be unwell ; to begin to be in labournbsp;Cyflychwyr n, twilightnbsp;Cyflyfr -au n, volume, tomenbsp;Cyfiym a, swift, quick, nimble; keennbsp;Cyflymder n, swiftness, speed, nimble-Cyflymiad », accelerationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ ness
Oyflymu v, to accelerate Cyflyn n, mutually adheringnbsp;Cyflyniad n, agglutinationnbsp;Cyflyniadol a, conjunctivenbsp;Cyflynu v, to agglutinate, to coadherenbsp;Cyflys a, courtly, courtlikenbsp;Cyflywodraeth nf, federal governmentnbsp;Cyfnaith, neithion n, troth, pledgenbsp;Cyfnaws a, of the same qualitynbsp;Cyfneithio v, to betrothnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ally
Cyfnerth -oedd n, support; auxihary, Cyfnerthedd n, compactnessnbsp;Cyfnerthi n, steadinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ment
Cyfnerthiad n, confirmation; enforce-Cyfnerthu v, to conform, to corroborate;
to aid, to enforce, to assist Cyfnesdd, cyfnesiad n, approximationnbsp;Cyfnesaf a, next, nearestnbsp;Cyfnesafedd n, contiguitynbsp;Cyfnesafiad, iaid n, next of kinnbsp;Oyfnesau, Cyfnesu v, to approximatenbsp;Cyfnewid, Cyfnewidiad n, Cyfnewid-iaeth nf change, exchange, alterationnbsp;Cyfnewid, Cyfnewidio v, to exchange,nbsp;to commute, to barternbsp;Cyfnewidial v, to reciprocatenbsp;Cyfnewidiog, Cyfnewidiol a, alternate;
being by turns; reciprocal; changeable Cyfnewidioldeb n, commutabilitynbsp;Cyfnewidiwr, wyr n, chapmannbsp;Cyfnifer -oedd n, even numbernbsp;Cyfnifer a, of even numbernbsp;Cyfnither -oedd nf, female cousinnbsp;Cyfnod -au n, conjuncture; periodnbsp;Cyfnodiad n, connotation [periodicalsnbsp;Cyfnodol a, periodical. Cyfnodolion,nbsp;Cyfnos -au n, evening twilightnbsp;Cyfnosi v, to become nightnbsp;Cyfnydd a, intertwined: n, doddernbsp;Cyfnyddu v, to twine togethernbsp;Cyfochredd n, parallelismnbsp;Cyfochrog a, collateral, parallel, equila-Cyfod n, tarrying, abiding [teralnbsp;Cyfodedyn n, what is moveablenbsp;Cyf oden -au nf, pimple
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Cyfodi tJ, to arise, to get up; to raise Ojfodiad «, rising up, resurrection Cyfodli V, to rhymenbsp;Oyfodd a, content, satisfiednbsp;Cyfoddiad n, contentingnbsp;Cyfoddiant n, complacencynbsp;Cyfoed a, coeval, contemporarynbsp;Oyfoedydd -ion n, contemporarynbsp;Cyfoen a, big with lamb=Oymmwynnbsp;Cyfoes a, coetaneous, coeval [powernbsp;Cyf oeth -an n, opulence; riches; wealth;nbsp;Cyfoethog a, rich, wealthy; powerfulnbsp;Cyfoethogi v, to enrich; to becomenbsp;rich or wealthynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[emetic Cyfog -ion, Cyfoglyn -oedd vomit. Oyfogi V, to vomit, to cast upnbsp;Cyfogiys n, asarabaccanbsp;Cyfogwydd n, convergencynbsp;Cyfongl -au nf^ right angle [angularnbsp;CyfongljCyfonglog a, rectangular; equi-Oyfoli r, to praise togethernbsp;Cyfoliant w, universal praisenbsp;Cyfolwg, olygion «ƒ, synopsisnbsp;Oyfoll a, integral; completenbsp;Cyfor -au n, confine, bordernbsp;Cyfor a, even with an edgenbsp;Cyforddwy -on expeditionnbsp;Cyforddwyn n, synecaochenbsp;Cyforddyl plaudit, applausenbsp;Cyfore a, even with the momnbsp;Cyforio to fill up to the brimnbsp;Cyfosod V, to place together, or in con-Cyfosodiai n, synthesis [nectionnbsp;Cyfosodol a, syntheticalnbsp;Cyfrad n, conspiracy, plotnbsp;Cyfradu v, to conspire, to plotnbsp;Cyfradd a, of equal de^eenbsp;Cyfrae, reiau n, chain, leash, bracenbsp;Cyfragod -au n, ambuscadenbsp;Cyfragod r, to lie in waitnbsp;Cyfrang -au nf^ rencounter [togethernbsp;Cyfrangu v, to come in contact, to meetnbsp;Cyf raid, reidiau n, competency; needfulnbsp;possession: a, necessary, needfulnbsp;Cyfraith, reithiau nf, law, statutenbsp;Cyfran -au nf^ portion, share; ratenbsp;Cjrfranai, eion wc, participle [cativenbsp;Cyfranedigol a, contributive, communi-Cyfraniad n, contribution; participlenbsp;Cyfraniadol a, participialnbsp;Cyfranog -ion wc, participationnbsp;Cyfranog, Cyfranol a, participantnbsp;Cyfranogi p, to participate ^ [partakenbsp;Cyfranu p, to contribute; to impart; tonbsp;Cyfranwr, wyr «, sharer, dividernbsp;Oyfrau np, ornamentsnbsp;Oyfrban a, complete, perfect |
Cyfrbeniad n, consummation,completion Cyfrbenu p, to consummate Cyfrbwyll o, of sound mindnbsp;Cyfrdal -ion », equivalence, valuenbsp;Cyfrdan n, variance, discordnbsp;Cyfrdelaid, Cyfrdeiid 0, all gracefulnbsp;Cyfrdo a, complete, whole; compactnbsp;Cyfrdost a, very vigorousnbsp;Cyfrdwy cn, oak fernnbsp;Cyfrdwyth a, very elasticnbsp;Cyfrdy, dai n, assembly-housenbsp;Cyfrddawn, ddoniau », virtuenbsp;Cyfred a, of equal speed or coursenbsp;Cyfredeg p, to concur, to run togethernbsp;Cyfrediad, iaid n, gerundnbsp;Cyfrediad -au n, concurrence, coinci-Cyfredlin -au nf, parallel line [dencenbsp;Cyfref a, of equal thicknessnbsp;Cyfreidiad », necessitynbsp;Cyfreidiol a, necessary, requisitenbsp;Cyfreithgar a, litigiousnbsp;Cyfreithiad a, litigationnbsp;Cyfreithio p, to litigate, to go to lawnbsp;Cyfreithiol a, legal, lawfulnbsp;Cyfreithiwr, wyr n, lawyer, attorney;nbsp;Cyfreithlawn a, langui [litigantnbsp;Cyfreithlondeb », legalitynbsp;Cyfreithloni p, to legalisenbsp;Cyfrenin a, mutually sharingnbsp;Cyf res -i 7if, seriesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[together Cyfrestru v. to interweave; to range to-Cyfrgoll 7?/, perdition, loss Cyfrgolli p, to lose utterlynbsp;Cyfri n, equality of rank or dignitynbsp;Cyfrif -on account,reckoning, Gwnen-thur mawr gyfrif 0, to highly esteemnbsp;Cyfrif p, to count, to reckonnbsp;Cyfrifeb -au -ion account, return,nbsp;Cyfrifiad n, countingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[report Cyfriflyfr -au n, account-book Cyfrifol a, of account; reputednbsp;Cyfrill -iau nf, parallel row [gethernbsp;Gyfrillio p, to set in rows; to range to-Cyfrin a, privy; conscious. Oyfrinnbsp;gynghor, the privy councilnbsp;Cyfrinach -au nf, secretnbsp;Cyfrinachol a, private, secret [atenbsp;Cyfrinachu p, to talk secrets; to associ-Cyfrinfa -oedd, fan n/, place of privacy •nbsp;lodge (as of Free-masons, amp;c.)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;* Cyfriniaeth nf, mystery Cyfrinio, Cyfrino p, to mysterisenbsp;Cyfrinioi, Cytrinol a, mysterious, mysticnbsp;Cyfrith -ion n, image; pretencenbsp;Cyfrithio p, to appear, to seemnbsp;Cyfrodedd n, concurrent state: a, combined, twisted together; regularnbsp;95 |
Cyfrodeddiad n, twining, entwining Cyfrodeddu v, to twine together, to twistnbsp;Cyfrodol a, concurrentnbsp;Cyfroddiad n, contributionnbsp;Cyfrol -au «ƒ, volume, tomenbsp;Cyfrugliad n, confricationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[view Cyfrwch, rychau n, conjunction; inter-Cyfrwng, ryngau n, interval; channel, mediumnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[saddle Cyf rwy -au n, saddle. — untuog, side-Cyfrwydd a, expeditious Cyfrwyddo v, to expedite, to facilitatenbsp;Cyfrwyddol a, facilitatingnbsp;Cyfrwyddyd », expedition, facilitynbsp;Cyfrwymiad n, constrictionnbsp;Cyfrwymo v, to bind togethernbsp;Cyfrwymyn -au «, bracer, bandagenbsp;Cyfrwyo v, to saddlenbsp;Cyfrwys a, cunning, subtle, sly, craftynbsp;Cyfrwysdra, Cyfrwysder n, craftiness,nbsp;Cyfrychol a, conjunctive [subtletynbsp;Cyfryd n, unanimity: a, unanimousnbsp;Cyfrydd a, altogether freenbsp;Cyfryddid ti, liberty, precinctnbsp;Cyfryngdod -au «, mediationnbsp;Cyfryngiad n, mediating; conjunctionnbsp;Cyfryngol a, intermediate; mediatorialnbsp;Cyfryngn ®, to intercede; to mediatenbsp;Cyfryngwr, wyr n, mediator, intercessor, umpire [force; equivalentnbsp;Cyfrym », equality of force; o, of equalnbsp;Cyfrys a, apt to rush togethernbsp;Cyfrysedd », contentionnbsp;Cyfryw a, homogeneous; like, suchnbsp;Cyfrywiad «, assimilationnbsp;Cyfrywiaeth nf, homogeneitynbsp;Cyfrywiol a, homogeneousnbsp;Cyfu V, to accord, to unite [simplenbsp;Cyfun a, agreeing, accordant; equal;nbsp;Cyfunawd n, accordancenbsp;Cyfnndeb -au n, unity,union; associationnbsp;Cyfundod -au », concord, unity; connex-Cyfundraith, dreithiau nf, system [ionnbsp;Cyfnndrefn -au nf, systemnbsp;Cyfuniad n, combinationnbsp;Cyfuno V, to accord, to combinenbsp;Cyfunrhyw a, homogeneous; similar,nbsp;Cyfunwedd a, uniform; like [likenbsp;Cyfurdd a, of equal ranknbsp;Cyfurddo v, to make equal in ranknbsp;Cyfurddor -ion n, compeernbsp;Cyfnwch a, of equal height, as highnbsp;Cyfwasg a, being compressednbsp;Cyfwasgiad », compressionnbsp;Cyfwasgu v, to compress, to squeezenbsp;Cyfwedd -au nf resemblance [togetliernbsp;Cyfweddiad «, comparison |
Cyfweddu v, to resemble Cyfwerth a, of equal value [distancenbsp;Gyfwng, yngau n, intervention; space,nbsp;Cyfwlch a, intersecant; suitablenbsp;Cyfwriad », joint projectionnbsp;Cyfwriadn v, to plan togethernbsp;Cyfwrw V, to cast togethernbsp;Cyfwyl n, presencenbsp;Cyfwyneb a, face to facenbsp;Cyfwynebiad », confrontation [togethernbsp;Cyfwyrain a, rising together: v, to risenbsp;Cyfyd V, will rise (from Cyfod) Cyfyng a, narrow, strait, close Cyfyng-gynghor -ion n, perplexity ofnbsp;mind; difficulty; distressnbsp;Cyfyngder n, narrowness; distressnbsp;Cyfyngfor n, narrow sea, straitnbsp;Cytyngiad n, narrowingnbsp;Cyfyngu v, to narrow, to closenbsp;C3rfyl n, contignity: a, contiguousnbsp;Cyfymborth «, joint messingnbsp;Cyfymbwyll -ion n, mutual reasoning,nbsp;conversation, dialoguenbsp;Cyfymbwys n, correspondence of partsnbsp;Cyfymdrechiad n, mutual strivingnbsp;Cyfymgloi v, to interjoiu [attractionnbsp;Cyfymgyrch, Cyfymgyrchiad n, mutualnbsp;Cyfymliw v, to reproach mutuallynbsp;Cyfymlyn o,mutually adherent; mutually pursuing Cyfymran a, equally sharing Cyfymrediad », conjugationnbsp;Cyfymredu v, to conjugatenbsp;Cyfyrder, dyr n, second cousinnbsp;Cyfys », mutual consumingnbsp;Cyfysgrif, Cyfysgrifen -au nf, copy,nbsp;Cyfysiad n, corrosionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[apograph Cyfystlys a, equilateral Cyfystrawd, trodau n, saddle [synonymsnbsp;Cyfystyr a, synonymous. (Jyfystyron,nbsp;Cyfysn v, to consume, to corrodenbsp;Oyff -ion n, stock, stem, stump; block.nbsp;— cenedl, stock of a tribe or nation.nbsp;—cler, butt of ridicule. Cyffioncyrf-in, frame-stocks; the stocks formingnbsp;the frame of the ancient Peiihynea,nbsp;in which the lettered staves werenbsp;inserted Cyffaith, ffeithiau n, confection; pickles Cyffawd n, pleasurenbsp;Cyffeithiad n, confectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dress Cyffeithio v, to preserve; to picHe; to Cyftelyb a, like, similarnbsp;Cyffelybiaeth nf, similitude, comparisonnbsp;Cyffelybiaethu v, to make a similenbsp;Cyffelybu v, to compare, to likennbsp;Cyffer -i n. confection, drug, nostrtunnbsp;96 |
Cynghroesi v, to intersect Cynghrwm o, convex: cynghromnbsp;Cynghrwn «, spherical: ƒ, cynghronnbsp;Cynghryn a, mutnally tremblingnbsp;Cynghudd a, concealed togethernbsp;Cynghwll, yllau «, top of the stomach;nbsp;Cynghwydd mutual falling [the cudnbsp;Cynghwyn -ion n, condolence [ e^)nbsp;Cynghwys -au nf^ rabbet-work (in join-Gynghyd -ion ra, conjuncture, conventionnbsp;Oynghylla n, top of the stomach ] the cudnbsp;Cynghywair a, in complete ordernbsp;Cynglan, nglenydd nf, parallel banknbsp;Cynglinio w, to kneel togethernbsp;Cynglyn a, conjoined, couplednbsp;Cyngobrwy -on mutual rewardnbsp;Cyngoddef tgt;, to suffer mutuallynbsp;Cyngofal -on mutual carenbsp;Cyngofwy -on n, mutual visit [gethernbsp;Gyngogwyddo v, to bend or incline to-Gyngorchest -ion nf, mutual emulationnbsp;Gyngorchudd a, totally obscured [or featnbsp;Gyngorfod -au n, joint victorynbsp;Cyngorfoledd n, joint rejoicingnbsp;Cyngormes -ion nf mutual molestationnbsp;Cyngosodiad n, constitutionnbsp;Cyngre -oedd nf aggregatenbsp;Gyngreawd n, aggregationnbsp;Cyngreddf -au nf intuition; instinctnbsp;Cyngres -i nf commixion, compoundnbsp;Gyngrod -au nf winding-reelnbsp;Gyngwarchadw n, possessionnbsp;Cyngwasg -au «, compressionnbsp;Cyngwasgedd compressibilitynbsp;Oyngwastad a, uniformly evennbsp;Oyngwedd -au nf conformitynbsp;Cyngweini to serve mutuallynbsp;Oyngwerth a, equivalentnbsp;Gyngwerthu v, to barter, to exchangenbsp;Cyngwrys n^ contentionnbsp;Gyngwydd n, mutual presencenbsp;Cyngwys -ion nf, mutual citationnbsp;CyngwystI -on n, mutual pledgenbsp;Cyngyd n, cogitation; purpose; hesita-Cyhafal a, similar, likenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Gyhafalhau v, to compare Cyhoedd a, public; notorious: n, thenbsp;public. Ar gyhoedd, publicly, openlynbsp;Gyhoeddi v, to publish, to announcenbsp;Cyhoeddiad n, publication; announce-Cyhoeddwr, wyr «, publisher [mentnbsp;Gyhudd -ion n, impeachmentnbsp;Gyhttdded -au nf accusation, chargenbsp;Gyhuddiad n, accusation, impeachmentnbsp;Cyhuddo v, to impeach, to accuse, tonbsp;charge, to inform againstnbsp;Cyhuddol a, impeaching, accusative
Cyhuddwr, wyr n, accuser, prosecutor Cyhwrdd, amp;c.=:Cyffwrdd, amp;c.
Cyhyd, Cyhyd a, so long, as long, of equal length; ad, as, sincenbsp;Cyhydedd -au nf quantity (of a syllable) ; metre, verse, stichnbsp;Cyhydedd -au n, coextension; equation;
the equator or the equinoctial line Cyhydeddu, Cyhydu v, to coextendnbsp;Cyhydiad n, coextensionnbsp;Cyhydlin -au n, equinoctial linenbsp;Cyhydnos -au «, equinoxnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tend
Cyhydreg nf mutual strife: v, to con-Cyhydriad n, contention Cyhydru v, to strive together, t« contendnbsp;Cyhynt a, concomitantnbsp;Cyhyr -au n, muscle; tendon; sinewnbsp;Cyrhyraeth nf muscular system: »,nbsp;skeleton; spectre-funeral; wraithnbsp;Cyhyrddu v, to touch^Cyftwrddnbsp;Cyhyredd n, muscularitynbsp;Cyhyrog a, abounding with muscle,nbsp;Cyhyrwch n, brawniness [brawnynbsp;Cyhyryn n, piece of flesh or musclenbsp;Cyhysed nf Cyhysedd n, contentionnbsp;Cyl -ion n, concavity; kilnnbsp;Cylafaredd -au nf parley; arbitrationnbsp;Cylafareddu v, to conciliate, to arbitratenbsp;Cylafareddus a, conciliatorynbsp;Cylch -au -oedd n, circle; zone; cycle;nbsp;round; circuit; rim; hoop; pr,about,nbsp;round; concerning :^a;,circum-, about,nbsp;around. —yr arffed, share-bone. —nbsp;poeth, torrid zone. — rhewllyd, frigidnbsp;zone. — tymmerus, temperate zonenbsp;Cylchdaith, deithiau nf revolution,nbsp;circuit, orbit, coursenbsp;Cylchdroad -au n, revolutionnbsp;Cylchdroi v, to circumvolve, to revolvenbsp;Gylched -au nf circumferencenbsp;Cylchedlen -i nf curtainnbsp;Gylchedydd -ion n, circumferentornbsp;Cylchedd -au n, circumferencenbsp;Cylchen -au nf circuit, compassnbsp;Cylchfrith a, ring-streakednbsp;Cylchgrawn, gronau n, magazinenbsp;Cylchig nf circlet, small circlenbsp;Cyichlyfiant n, circumfluencynbsp;Cylchlwybr -au », orbitnbsp;Cylchlythyr -au n, circularnbsp;Cylchog a, circled, hooped [roundingnbsp;Cylchol a, circular; periodical; sur-Cylchrediad n, circulationnbsp;Cylchu V, to encircle, to hoopnbsp;Cylchwr n, coopernbsp;Cylchwy -on nf circle; shieldnbsp;Cylchwyl -iau nf anniversarynbsp;98
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Oylchyn n, circlet; round Cylchynawl a, circling, surroundingnbsp;Cylchynu v, to compass, to encirclenbsp;Cylfar -au «, collegiate hallnbsp;Cylion np (-en nf^ -yn flies, gnats.
— Paradwys, canthandes, Spanish Cylor np, eartli nutsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[flies
Oylus o, culpable, faulty Cylymu, Clymu v, to tie, to fasten, tonbsp;Cylyn -od «, kiln, furnacenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[knot
Cyll np (collen njquot;)^ hazel-trees Cylla -on «, maw, stomachnbsp;Oyllaeth n, sorrow, grief, melancholynbsp;Cyllaig, eigiau n, stag in seasonnbsp;Cyllell, yllnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cutter, knife. Cyllell
gam, Twca cam, scooping-knife Cyllellawd n/J cut with a knifenbsp;Cyllellu r, to cut with a knifenbsp;Cyllen -au nf^ cutter, choppernbsp;Cyllestr -au nf^ fire-stone, flintnbsp;Cyllestrig, Cyllestrog a, of flint, flintynbsp;Cyllid -au n, revenue, income-taxnbsp;Cyllideb -aunbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;budget [exchequer
Cyllidfa -oedd n/J Cyllidlys -oedd », Cyllido Vj to pay a taxnbsp;Cyllidwr, wyr, Cyllidydd -ion «, tax-Cyllig a, parting, dividing [gatherernbsp;Cylliso n, burying-cloth, shroudnbsp;CylJor -ion ?j=Cwlltyrnbsp;Cyllu V, to make a partingnbsp;Cym pxj with=Cy, Cyd, Cyf, Cysnbsp;Cyma ad, here, lo herenbsp;Cymdaith, deithiau nf, companynbsp;Cymdaitb, deithion n, companionnbsp;Cymdeithas -au nf. society, associationnbsp;Cymdeithasfa -oeda nf, associationnbsp;Cymdeithasiad n, associating, associa-Cymdeithasol a, sociable, social [tionnbsp;Gymdeithasu, Cymdeithio, Cymdeith-iogi V, to associate
Cymdeithiwr, wyr, Cymdeithydd -ion n, one who journeys with another;nbsp;companion, associatenbsp;Cymhar, mheiriaid, -iaid -ion wc, partnernbsp;Cymhares -au nf partnernbsp;Cymhariaeth nf comparison, similenbsp;Cymharol a, paired, coupled; compara-Cymharu v, to pair; to compare [tivenbsp;Cymhelri n, perturbation, troublenbsp;Cymhell -ion n, compulsion [inducenbsp;Cymhell y, to compel; to force; tonbsp;Cymhellai, eion nc, spur, stimulusnbsp;Cymhelliad a, compulsion; inducementnbsp;Cymhen a, eloquent; pert; tidy, compact, in good order. Nid wyf dipynnbsp;gymnenach, I am not a bit the betternbsp;Cymhendod n, eloquence; tidiness
Cymheniad n, adorning, trimming Cymhenu v, to set off, to adorn; to trimnbsp;Cymhercvn o, tottering, infirm, feeble ;nbsp;Cymherchen a, jointly owning [lamenbsp;Cymherfedd -ion n, centre: a, centralnbsp;Cymherthynas -au nf correspondencenbsp;Cymhibau np, the windpipe and liver;nbsp;hemorrhage
Cymhlanfa -oedd nf, plantation, nursery Cymhlegid n, concern: pr, because ofnbsp;Cymhleth a, twisted togethernbsp;Cymhlethiad n, intertexture [weavenbsp;Cymhlethu v, to twist together; to inter-Cymhlith a, blended togethernbsp;Cymhlithiad n, commixionnbsp;Cymhlitho v, to blend, to mix togethernbsp;Cymhlyg a, complexnbsp;Cymhlygiad n, complicationnbsp;Cymhlygiaeth rf, complexitynbsp;Cymhiygu v, to complicatenbsp;Cymhorth -au n, assistance, aid, helpnbsp;Cymhorth v, to assist, to aid, to helpnbsp;Cymhorthiad n, succouringnbsp;Cymhorthol a, succouringnbsp;Cymbrafif a, of equal thicknessnbsp;Cymhrain nf family, societynbsp;Cymhryder n, anxietynbsp;Cymhwy -au -on n, afflictionnbsp;Cymhwyll -ion n, reason; discoursenbsp;Cymhwyllad n, reasoning, arguingnbsp;Cymhwyllo v, to reason; to mentionnbsp;Cymhwyo v, to afflict, to vexnbsp;Cymhwys a, of equal weight; suitable,nbsp;proper, fit, meet^ convenient, adaptednbsp;Cymhwysiad n, adjustinetit; applicationnbsp;Cymhwyso v, to adapt; to apply; to ad-Cymmaeth a, jointly nourished [justnbsp;Cymmaethlu n, familynbsp;Cymmaint, Cymmain a, of equal bigness, quantity, or number. Cymmaintnbsp;arall, Dau gymmaint, twice as muchnbsp;Cymmal -au n, joint,articulation of limbsnbsp;Cymmalog a, jointed^ knotty; clumsynbsp;Cymmalu v, to form jointsnbsp;Cymmalwst nf goutnbsp;Cyminan a, complete, perfect [tionnbsp;Cymmanfa -oed»I nf assembly, associa-Cymmaran a, confrontednbsp;Cymmath a, of equal sortnbsp;Cymmathiad n, assortmentnbsp;Cyrnmathu v, to assortnbsp;Cymmaws n, complacencynbsp;Cymmed -au nf hedge-stilenbsp;Cymmediw -au n, compliment; presentnbsp;Cymmedr -oedd n, proportion: a, fitnbsp;Cymmedredd n, proportionatenessnbsp;Cymmedriad n, proportioningnbsp;99
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Cymmedrol a, proportioDable j moderate Cymmedrolaetn nf, proportionalitynbsp;Oymmedroldeb n, proportionateness; moderation; temperance Cymmedroli v, to proportionnbsp;Cymmedm v, to quadrate, to propor-Cymmeinio v, to equalise [tionatenbsp;Cymmeiniol a, equalisingnbsp;Cymmeintioli», equal bulknbsp;Cymmer -au », junction, confluencenbsp;Cymmeradwy a, acceptablenbsp;Cymmeradwyaeth nf, recommendationnbsp;Oymmeradwyo », to make acceptablenbsp;or suitable; to recommendnbsp;Cymmeradwyoldeb K, acceptablenessnbsp;Cymmeredigaeth, Cymmenaeth tf, acceptance; reputation, characternbsp;Cymmeriad n, acceptation; reputation,nbsp;Cymmerwi », to concoct [characternbsp;Cymmeryd v, to take, to accept, to re-Cymmes -au n, mediocrity [ceivenbsp;Oymmesur a, suitable, proper, adapted; proportionate, proportional Cymmesuriad n, commensurationnbsp;Cymmesuro », to proportion; to rendernbsp;meet, fit, or propernbsp;Cymmesurol a, commensuratenbsp;Cymmichdan v, to squeal outnbsp;Cymmid a, jointly dartingnbsp;Cymminad «, contactnbsp;Cymmined -au nf, conjuncturenbsp;Cymrainedd n, conflict, battlenbsp;Cymminog a, borderingnbsp;Cymmlawdd a, mutually activenbsp;Cymmle -oedd n, common fieldnbsp;Cymmod -au n, concord, peace; atonement; reconciliationnbsp;Cymmod v, to be conciliated; to agreenbsp;Cymmodi», to reconcile; to set at peacenbsp;Cymmodiad n, conciliationnbsp;Cymmodloni v, to make contentednbsp;Cymmodog -ion n=Cymmydognbsp;Cymmodol a, reconciling; atoningnbsp;Cymmodroddi v, to appease, to pacifynbsp;Cymmon a, compact; regularnbsp;Cymmondeb n, compactnessnbsp;Cymmones -au nf, mistressnbsp;Cymmoni r, to make compactnbsp;Cymmrad -au n, conspiracynbsp;Cymmradw a, perishablenbsp;Cymmraint a, of equal rightnbsp;Cymmraw o, consternation, terrornbsp;Cymmrawd, mrodyr », consociate, fel-Cymmrawd -au equitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[low Cymmrawdd n, mscourse Cymmrawu v, to terrifynbsp;Cymmri a, of equal honour |
Cymmriw -iau n, contusion Cymmriwel -au nf, a mortarnbsp;Cymmrodedd n, conciliation [accordantnbsp;Cymmrodeddu v, to conciliate; to makenbsp;Cymmrodiad n, consociationnbsp;Cymmrodial v, to consociatenbsp;Cymmrodor -ion n, consociate, fellownbsp;Cymmrodoriaeth nf, confraternitynbsp;Cymmrwd n, mortar, plasternbsp;Cymmrwys a, very luanriantnbsp;Cymmrwysg o, overbearingnbsp;Cymmrydn v, to plasternbsp;Cymmrys a, altogether hastynbsp;Cymmun -an n, communion [ionnbsp;Cymmundeb, Cymmuniad n, commun-Cymmuno v, to commune, to communicate, to take the sacramentnbsp;Cymmwd,mydauii,commot=Cwmmwdnbsp;Cymmnedd -au n, jestingnbsp;Cymmwyn a, big with lamb=Cyfoennbsp;Cymmwyn a, jointly enjoyednbsp;Cymmwynas -au nf, kindness, good turnnbsp;Cymmwynasgar o, obliging, kindnbsp;Cymmwynasu v, to act kindlynbsp;Cymmwythach n, flatterynbsp;Cymmydaeth nf, vicinage, vicinitynbsp;Cymmydai, eion nc, neighbournbsp;Cymmydeithio v, to neighbour, to benbsp;Cymmydog-ion », neighbour [near tonbsp;Cymmydogaeth -au nf neighbourhooanbsp;Cymmydoges -au nf neighbournbsp;Cymmydogol o, neighbourlynbsp;Cymmydu v, to consociatenbsp;Cymmyg -ion n, fancy; enigmanbsp;Cymmyn, Cymmynrodd -ion n, bequest. Llytnyr cymmyn, will,-testament Cymmyn -au », excision; cut [mentnbsp;Cymmynaeth nf, bequeathing; testa-Cymmynai, eion nf, felling-hatchet: nc,nbsp;Cymmynediw -an n, behest [testatornbsp;Cymmynedd ti, excisionnbsp;Cymmyniad », hewing off; bequeathingnbsp;Cymmynn v, to hew, to fell; to MqueatJinbsp;Cymmynwr, wyr n, bequeather; hewernbsp;Cymmyr n, confidence [», estimationnbsp;Cymmyraeth -an nf Cymmyredd -aUnbsp;Cymmyrn v, to confide; to esteemnbsp;Cymmysg -ion n, mixture: o, compound, mixed; confusednbsp;Gymmysgedd n, commixture; mixturenbsp;Cymmysgiad n, mixing, com^undingnbsp;Cymmysgn v, to compound, to inixnbsp;Cymraeg nf Welsh languagenbsp;Cymraes, -au nf, Welshwomannbsp;Cymreig a, Welsh Cymreigaidd, Cymreigiol a, Welshified Cymreigeiddio v, to become Welshifiednbsp;100 |
Oymreiges -au n/*, Welsh-speaking woman, Welshwomannbsp;Cymreigiaeth »i/!Wallicism,Welsh idiomnbsp;Oymreigio r, to translate into Welshnbsp;Cymrei^dd -ion, Oymreigwr, wyr n,nbsp;Welsh critic, one skilled in Welshnbsp;Oymro n, Welshman: p, Cymrynbsp;Cymroaidd a, Welshynbsp;Cymru »»ƒ, Wales, Cambria [briannbsp;Cymmain a, relating to Wales, Cam-Cymry np, Welshmen: s, Cymronbsp;Cymu V, to close togethernbsp;Cymwedd -an nf, connectionnbsp;Cymweddiad n, connectionnbsp;Cymweddu r, to connectnbsp;Cymwl, ylau n, cloud=Owmwlnbsp;(STnyliad n, cloudingnbsp;Cymylog a, cloudy, gloomynbsp;Cymylu to cloud overnbsp;Cyn n, foremost part, chief: a, first,nbsp;chief: pr^ before: arf, before; c, soonernbsp;than; as: px, before, prior, pre-Cyn px=Cf^ Cyd, Cym, Cysnbsp;C^, cynion n, wedge, chiselnbsp;Cyna v, to follow dogsnbsp;Cynaber -oedd, ebyr n, head of a streamnbsp;Cynad n, rising, ascentnbsp;Cynag ad, soever
^*ynaig a, apt to follow dogs [word Cynair, ciriau n, etymon, root, primitivenbsp;Cynallu -oedd n, first powernbsp;Cynamser -oedd n, antiquitynbsp;Cynan -au n, faculty of speechnbsp;Cynaniad n, pronouncing, pronunciation,nbsp;enunciationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pronouncing
Cynaniadol, Cynaniaethol, Cynanol a, Cynaniaeth nf, pronunciationnbsp;C3rnanu v, to speak, to pronouncenbsp;Cynaraeth, eithiau nf, prolegomenanbsp;Cynarawd, odion nf, exordiumnbsp;Cynarch, eirchion nf prerequisitenbsp;Cynarchwaeth -au n, foretastenbsp;Cynarddelw v, to afiirm beforehandnbsp;Cynarfaeth -au nf premeditationnbsp;Oynarfaethu v, to premeditate; to design beforehand; to predestinatenbsp;Cynarfer -ion nf original usagenbsp;Cynauaf -au n, harvest; autumnnbsp;Oynauafa, Cynauafu v, to harvestnbsp;Cynbechod-au w, original sin [ynnbsp;Oynblant np, the first-born: $, cynblent-C3mbrawf, brofion n, rudiment; firstnbsp;attempt, trial, or experimentnbsp;Cynbryd -iau n, prototypenbsp;Cynbwvll -ion n, forethoughtnbsp;Oyndad -au n, first parent, patriarchnbsp;Cyndaeth -au n, first essence
Oyndaid, deidiau n, ancestor Cyndardd -ion n, first issuenbsp;Cyndawd n, antecedencenbsp;Cyndeyrn -edd -oedd n, sovereign princenbsp;Cyndwf, dyfion n, first growthnbsp;Cyndy, dai n, dog-house, kennelnbsp;Cyndyn a, stubborn, perverse, frowardnbsp;Oyndyniog a, contumacious f tiousnessnbsp;Cyndynrwydd n, stubbornness, conten-Cynddangosiad n, premonstratingnbsp;Cynddail np, the first leavesnbsp;Cynddar n, giddiness in the headnbsp;Cynddarbod v, to preconceive; to usenbsp;foresightnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sight
Cynddarbodaeth nf preconception; fore-Cynddaredd nf madness, distraction, fury, rage; rabies, hydrophobianbsp;Cynddawd, ddodiaid, ddodion n, prefixnbsp;Cynddeall v, to preconceivenbsp;Cynddeddf -au nf original law; instinctnbsp;Cynddefod -au nf precept, primitivenbsp;usage, original customnbsp;Cynddefnydd -iau n, original matternbsp;Cynddeiriog, Cynddeirus a, rabid, mad;
furious, outrageous Cynddeiriogi v, to madden, to enragenbsp;Cynddeiriogrwydd n, rage, fury, madness, fiercenessnbsp;Cynddelw -au n, archetypenbsp;Cynddethol, Oynddewis v, to pre-electnbsp;Cynddirnad n, presurmisenbsp;Cynddodiad, iaid n, preposition, prefixnbsp;Cynddodiad -au n, preposing, prepositionnbsp;Cynddosbarth -au n, premonstrationnbsp;Cyuddrwg a, as bad; as wickednbsp;Oynddrych -au n, objectnbsp;Cynddrychol, Cynddrychiol a, presentnbsp;Cynddrygedd n, mischiefnbsp;Cynddull-iau n, first formnbsp;Cynddulliad n, prefig^rationnbsp;Cynddwl, ddylau n, first ideanbsp;Oynddydd -iau n, break of day, dawnnbsp;Cynddyledd n, premonitionnbsp;Oynddysg n, primitive lore; ancientnbsp;Oynechwydd n, the first of eveningnbsp;Cyneica v, to go after dogsnbsp;Cyneifiad, iaid n, predecessornbsp;Cyneiriadur -on, Cyneirlyfr -au », etymological dictionary, etymologiconnbsp;Cynell -au nf dog-kennelnbsp;Cynenid a, pnmogenealnbsp;Cynenidedd n, primogeniturenbsp;Cynenwad n, prenominationnbsp;Cynesgor n, first deliverynbsp;Cynethol v, to pre-electnbsp;Oynfab, feibion n, firstborn sonnbsp;I Cynfalant np, first buddingnbsp;101
-ocr page 106-CYN CYN
Oynfam -au tj/J first mother Oynfaran n, presencenbsp;Cynfardd, feirdd n, primitive bard; onenbsp;of the earlier bards
Cynfas-au nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sheet of clothrsCynfasen
Cjnfas -au canvas, coarse cloth Ojnfebyd early youthnbsp;Cynfedydd n, first baptismnbsp;Cynfedd -ion original biasnbsp;Cynfeddiaut, iannau n, prepossessionnbsp;Ojrnferth a, first in beautynbsp;Cynferthyr -on w, protomartyrnbsp;Cynfigen -au nf^ envyssCenfigennbsp;Cynfil -od n, monster; strifenbsp;Cynflaen -ion «, first pointnbsp;Cynflas n, foretastenbsp;Cynflith -ion n, first milknbsp;Cynflithed n, forthcoming of milknbsp;Cynfod -au n, pre-existencenbsp;Cynfodawl a, pre-existentnbsp;Cynfraint, freintiau nfj prerogativenbsp;Cynfrith a, of variegated frontnbsp;Cynfro, froydd nf^ first countrynbsp;Oynfrodor -ion n, original inhabitant.
Cynfrodorion, aborigines Cynfrwydr -au nf, front of battlenbsp;Cynfyd -oedd n, primitive world; ante-Cynfyi n, native place [diluvian worldnbsp;Cynfibn -au nf, tail, rump [vilelynbsp;Cynffoni v, to form a tail; to follow ser-Cyntfonog a, having a tail. Seren gyn-ffonog, Seren gynffon, cometnbsp;Cynfifrwyth -au n, first fruitnbsp;Oynhafad a, spreading; dilatoiynbsp;Cynhaid, heidiau «ƒ, first swarmnbsp;Cynhanfod n, pre-existencenbsp;Cjmhasedd w, mutual bond [hebrwngnbsp;Cynhebrwngft,funeral procession=Can-Oynhebyg a, alike, similarnbsp;Cynhebygol a, comparative, similarnbsp;Cynhebygu v, to comparenbsp;Cynhen -au nf^ contention, strifenbsp;Cynhenid a, inbred, naturalnbsp;Cynhenllyd, Cynhenol, Cynhenus a, contentious, quarrelsome [wranglenbsp;Oynhenu v, to contend, to quarrel, tonbsp;Cynhes a, warm; cheering, comfortablenbsp;Gynhesiad w, warmingnbsp;Cynhesrwydd «, warmthnbsp;Cynhesu v, to warm; to grow warmnbsp;Cynheulu -oedd «, joint familynbsp;Oynhewi r, to keep silencenbsp;Cynhewydd w, early maturitynbsp;Cynholi v, to pre-examinenbsp;Cynhraw -ion w, similar formnbsp;Cynhrawiad n, conformationnbsp;Oynhrwyawi a, all-pervading
Cynhugl -au n, plaited work Oynhwrf, nhyrf oedd «, commotion, stir;
trouble; disturbance Cynhwyth a, all-elasticnbsp;Cynhyrfiad «, agitating, agitationnbsp;Cynhyrfu v, to move; to stir up; tonbsp;convulse, to agitatenbsp;Cynhywyll a, altogether darknbsp;Cyni n, anguish, anxietynbsp;Cyuiad, laid », principalnbsp;Cyniant n, priority; precedencenbsp;Cynio v, to wedge; to chiselnbsp;Cyniol a, cuneiform, wedge-shapednbsp;Cynllaeth n, first milknbsp;Cynllaithj lleithion to, humiditynbsp;Cynlliw -idu n, primitive colournbsp;Oynllog -au «, common interestnbsp;Cynllun -iau n, pattern, model; schemenbsp;Cynllunio v, to model; to schemenbsp;Cynllwst, llystau w, dog-kennelnbsp;Cynllwyd a, hoary-headed [the evil onenbsp;Cynllwyn -ion n, waylaying, ambush;nbsp;Cynllwynfa, f ëydd nf^ ambush, ambus-Cynllwynig Ö, wicked; devilish [cadenbsp;Cynllwyno to waylay; to lie in am-Cynllyfan -au n, leash, slipnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bush
Cynllyfanu tgt;, to leash hounds Cynmyged -au w/j inventionnbsp;Cynnadgan -au njf'^ predictionnbsp;Cynnadl -au nf^ converse, colloquynbsp;Cynnadledd -au nf^ colloquy, conferencenbsp;Cynnadliad conversingnbsp;Cynnal to sustain, to bear; to main-Cynnaliad n, supportingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tain
Cynnaliaeth nf^ maintenance, support Cynnar a, early, timely, soonnbsp;Cynnarparu y, to predispose, to preparenbsp;Cynnaru y, to be earlynbsp;Cynnarwch «, earlinessnbsp;Cynnawn, noniau n, leading traitnbsp;Cynnaws -au n, ruling passionnbsp;Cynne w, ignition, burningnbsp;Oynneall n, preconceptionnbsp;Cynnebrwydd o, equally thicknbsp;Cynnechreu y, nrst origin [instinctnbsp;Cynneddf -au nf. disposition, quality;nbsp;Gynaeddfol a, haoituai; instinctivenbsp;Cynneddfu y, to habituatenbsp;Cynnefin o, accustomed, inurednbsp;Cynnefindod, Cynnefindra inurementnbsp;Cynnefiniad n, accustomingnbsp;Cynnefino y, to accustom, to inurenbsp;Cynnefuydd -iau n, first matternbsp;Cynnefod -au nf^ custom, usagenbsp;Cynnefodi y, to habituatenbsp;Cynnefodig a, accustomednbsp;Cynneiliad, iaid «, upholdernbsp;102
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Cynnuta v, to gather fuel Cynnwll nf clear sky; seasonnbsp;Cynnwyn n, first produce, first fruitsnbsp;Cynnwynol a, naturalnbsp;Cynnwyrain r, to lift in frontnbsp;Cynnwyre », first rising up; leveenbsp;Cynnwyre ^ to ascendnbsp;Cynnwys, Gynnwyso v, to contain, tonbsp;comprise, to comprehend; to admit ofnbsp;Cynnwys -ion n, admission, leavenbsp;Cynnwys a, compact, close, compendiousnbsp;Cynnwysder n, compactnessnbsp;Cynnwyseb -ion nf table of contentsnbsp;Cynnwysfawr a, comprehensivenbsp;Cynnwysfwyd -ydd n, repast taken between dinner and supper (N.W.)nbsp;Cynnwysiad n, contents; epitome; inclusion; making compact; admissionnbsp;Cynnwyth -ion n, whimnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sical
Cynnwythig a, of an odd whim, whim-Cynnydd n, increase, growth Cynyddeb -ion, Cynnyddiaeth nf aux-Cynnyddiad n, increasingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ esis
Oynnyddol a, increasing Cynnyddu v, to increase, to augmentnbsp;Cynnyg -ion n, offer; attempt [to movenbsp;Oynnyg r, to offer, to tender; to attempt;nbsp;Cynnygiad », proposition; motionnbsp;Oynnygiol a, tenderingnbsp;Cynnygydd -ion n, one who proposesnbsp;Cynnyllu o, to clear upnbsp;Cynnyrch -ion cn, produce, increasenbsp;Cynnyrchiad n, productionnbsp;Cynnyrthiol a, productivenbsp;Cynnyrchioldeb m, productivenessnbsp;Cynnyrchioli v, to make productive; tonbsp;become productivenbsp;Oynnyrchu r, to produce, to increasenbsp;Cynnyred n, freauentingnbsp;Cynnyred v, to trequent, to visit often;nbsp;Cynnysg n, first instruction [to milknbsp;Cynnysgaeth nf portion, fortunenbsp;Cynnysgaethiad n, endowment, settlingnbsp;a fortunenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dow, to endue
Cynnysgaethu, Cynnysgaeddu v, to en-Cynoes -oedd-au n/*, first age, antiquity Cynoesol a, primevalnbsp;Cynog -ion », superior, chiefnbsp;Cynol a, apt to rise; primenbsp;Cynon -laid n, principal; canonnbsp;Cynor -ion n, huntsman; dog trainer=nbsp;Cynos no, little dogs, puppies [Cynyddnbsp;Cynosod -au », onset, attacknbsp;Oynosod v, to place before; to attacknbsp;Cynrabad n, state of plenty
*•/2. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J wjuiauau /», auai/C U1 picUtj'
congregation nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• [depository Cynradd-au primary degree
Cynnnllfan -au «/¦, place of assembling ;lCynraid, reidiau n, prerequisite
Cynneiliaeth maintenance Cynneilwad, aid n, an originalnbsp;Cynneiljdd -ion n, supporternbsp;Oynneiriog, amp;c.5sCynddeiriog, amp;c,nbsp;Cynnelw -an n, patternnbsp;Cynnerth -oedd n, first power [nownbsp;Cynnen alt;Z, ere now, a while agOj justnbsp;Cynneu r, to kindle, to fire, to light:
n, burning, ignition Cynnewis n, pre-electionnbsp;Oynnhefig a, principalnbsp;Cynnherfyn -ion to, the preteritnbsp;Cynnherfynuto predeterminenbsp;Cynnholi t?, to prescindnbsp;Cynnhorf -oedd «ƒ, van of an armynbsp;Cynnhrig a, first inhabited, aboriginal.
OynnhrigolioD, aborigines Cynnhwf «, first growthnbsp;Ojmnïebryd frustrationnbsp;Cynnif -ion nj, conflict, toilnbsp;Cynnifer a, of equal number, as manynbsp;Cynniferedd even numbernbsp;Cynniferydd -ion n, quotientnbsp;Cynnifiad, iaid n, conflictor [savingnbsp;Cynnil a, skilful; thrifty, economical,nbsp;Cynnilad n, using skill; savingnbsp;Cynnildeb, Cynniledd n, accuracy; frugality, savingnees, economy, thriftnbsp;^•ynnilo v, to use skill; to save, to benbsp;thrifty or frugal; to economisenbsp;Oynniwair, weirion nf, hovering aboutnbsp;Cynniweirfa -on nf, place of resortnbsp;Cynniweirio v, to hover about, to resortnbsp;Cynniweiriol a, hovering, resortingnbsp;Cynnod -au n, prime marknbsp;Cjmnodiad n, prime mark; character-Cjmnodiad n, Cynnodiaeth 71/*, additionnbsp;Cynnor -au n, entrance, porch, outernbsp;Cynnor -ion n, chief onenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[door
Cynnordy, dai«, court-house Cynnorth, Cynnorthwy n, succour, aidnbsp;Cynnorthwyo *, to support; to maintain ; to succour, to help, to assistnbsp;Cynnoithwyol a, auxiliarynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[men
Cynnrych -au n, object, example, speci-Cynnrychiad », exhibition Cynnrychiol, Uynnrychol a, present.nbsp;Cynnrychioldeb n, presence [presentia!nbsp;Cynnrychioli v, to representnbsp;Cynnrychiolwr, wyr, Cynnrychiolyddnbsp;-ion «, representativenbsp;Cynnud cn, firewood, fuelnbsp;Cynnull, Cynnulliad n, collectionnbsp;Cynnull v, to collect, to gathernbsp;Cynnulleidfa -oedd -on nf assembly,
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CYN CTK Cynweled ra, foresight: v, to foresee Cynwyd -ion ra, primary mischiefnbsp;Cynwyd a, evil; destructivenbsp;Cyuwyl a, bashful, modestnbsp;Cynwyledd n, bashfulness, modestynbsp;Cynyd, Cynydo o, to rise, to arisenbsp;Cynydd -ion ra, huntsmannbsp;Cynyddiaeth n, huntsmanshipnbsp;Cynysgrif, Cynysgrifen -au nf, originalnbsp;writing or manuscript; first copynbsp;Cyplysnod -au nf, hyphen (-) Cyplysu V, to couple or join together Cyraf ra, deletion; forgivenessnbsp;Cyrafol, Gyrafon np, service berriesnbsp;Cyrafu v, to obliteratenbsp;Cyraith, reithiau nf law of fatenbsp;Cyrawel rap (-en nf), berries. Cyrawelnbsp;y moch, hawsnbsp;Cyrawel rap, service berriesnbsp;Cyrbibion rap (cyrbibyn n), dribbletsnbsp;Cyrbwyll, amp;c.=Crybwy]l, amp;c. Cyreydu v, to squat, to cower Cyrch -au n, centre, goal; inroad; attack, assault; gravitynbsp;Cyrchafael ra, nplifting. Dydd Iannbsp;Cyrchafael, Ascension Thursdaynbsp;Gyrchell -an nf circle; differentnbsp;Cyrchfa -oedd, fan nf resortnbsp;Cyrchiad ra, drawing together ,nbsp;Cyrchle -oedd n, place of resortnbsp;Gyrchnaid, neidiau nf bound aboutnbsp;Cyrchu v, to approach; to set on, to an. let uu, — alii Oynrain, reinion «, origin; kindred Cynraith, reithiau nf, preceptnbsp;Cynran -au nf, primary partnbsp;Cynreiniad », predestinationnbsp;Cynrenin o, first sharingnbsp;Oynrif -au n, prime numbernbsp;Oynrith -iau ra, first perceptionnbsp;Cynron np (-yn ra), maggots; wormsnbsp;Oynroni ®, to breed maggotsnbsp;Cynronllyd a, breeding maggots, mag-Cynrysedd ra, superfluitynbsp;Cynryw -iau ra, essencenbsp;Oynrywiaetb ra, originationnbsp;Cynsail, seilian nf rudiment; premise,nbsp;premiss; proposition; snbplinthnbsp;Cynsefydlu », to predeterminenbsp;Gynseilio », to premisenbsp;Cynsylw ra, presciencenbsp;Cynsylwi », to foreseenbsp;Oynsymmndiad ra, first actionnbsp;Gynsyniad ra, presurmisenbsp;Cynt a, first, earliest, prime: ad, formerly, lately, before; soonernbsp;Cynta ad, behold, lo here [swiftestnbsp;Cyntaf a, first, earliest; chief; fleetest,nbsp;Oyntafanedig a, firstbornnbsp;Cyntafenid a, primogenialnbsp;Cyntair ra, prognostic; signnbsp;Cyntanedig a, primogenial, firstbornnbsp;Oyntanedigaetn ra, primogeniturenbsp;Cyntedd -au ra, entry, porchnbsp;Cynteddfa, fau nf, entry, entrancenbsp;Cyntetig a, primary, primitive. Cynt-efigion, pnmitives Cyntefigaeth, Cyntefigiaeth rf, primi-Cyntetigiad ra, origination [tive state Oyntefin ra, the first of May. — dydd,nbsp;early morn. — haf, the first day ofnbsp;Oyntefin a, amphibious [summernbsp;Cyntefyn -od ra, amphibious animalnbsp;Cynteig a, prime, primal=Cyutefignbsp;Cyntenid a, primogenialnbsp;Oynt-haid nf swarm of virgin beesnbsp;Cynt-hun n, first sleep; napnbsp;Oyntor -ion ra, principalnbsp;Cyntor -an raj porch, doorway, entrancenbsp;Cynn v, to arise to rise up=Cwnn, Codinbsp;Cynwaith, weithiau nf first actionnbsp;Cynwan -au rf first openingnbsp;Oynwaneg -au nf, first coursenbsp;Cynwarchad n, preoccupationnbsp;Cynwarchae ra, foreclosurenbsp;Cynwas, weision ra, chief ministernbsp;Cynwawl n, primeval lightnbsp;Oynwawr rf first dawnnbsp;Cynwe -oedd tf end of webnbsp;Cynwedd -au iiy, first appearance |
fetch; to go; to gravitate, to rush or sally outnbsp;Cyrchwyledd ra, diffidence, modestynbsp;Cyrchyd -on ra, circuit, rimnbsp;Oyrchyn a, surroundingnbsp;Cyrchynad n, a resortingnbsp;Cyrchyniol a, approachingnbsp;Cyrchynn », to resort, to visitnbsp;Cyrddyd v, to meet=Cwrdd, Cyfarfodnbsp;Cyreifiad ra, form vingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness Oyreifiant ra, deletion; pardon, forgive-Cyrfaidd, Cyrfol a, rotund, circling Cyrfawd n, curveting, curvetnbsp;Cyrfdy, dai ra, alehouse, tavernnbsp;Cyrfen -au nf curvenbsp;Oyrfin -au tf framenbsp;Cyrfin a, that is a frame; oonstmoted. Cyfiion cyrfin, see Cyff nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[together Cyriino », to frame, to construct, to put Cyrfinydd -ion ra, framer, constructor,nbsp;Cyrfydd -ion n, ale-brewer [inventornbsp;Cyrfyll -od ra, trunk; bustnbsp;Oyrhaedd n, reach, extentnbsp;Cyrhaedd, Oyrhaeddu, Cyrhaeddyd v,nbsp;to attain, to reach; to arrivenbsp;104 |
Cyrhaeddadwy a, attainable 03rrhaeddiad w, reachingnbsp;Cyrhaeddol a, reachingnbsp;Cyrid n, carnal intercoursenbsp;Cyrio v, to skirt; to rimnbsp;Cyriogi v, to set a bordernbsp;Cymad n, blowing a homnbsp;Cymaid, neidiau nf^ bound, curvetnbsp;Cymeidio v, to prance, to boundnbsp;Cymen -an nf^ cone; stacknbsp;Oymenu r, to pile upnbsp;Cymicyll -od «, cornuto, cuckoldnbsp;Cymig a, corneous, homednbsp;Cyraio r, to project as a horn; to pilenbsp;Cyraiog a, horny, homed [up, to stacknbsp;Cyraiogyn n, pigginnbsp;O^rith a, sordid, saving [frugalitynbsp;Cyrrith, Cyrrithrwydd n, niggardliness;nbsp;0y8pa;=Cy, Cyd, Cyf, Cymnbsp;Gysbeidiad n, concessionnbsp;Cysbell n, propinquity: a, close together, compactnbsp;Oysbelliad n, concentrationnbsp;Cysbellu v, to concentratenbsp;Cysbellus a, concentricnbsp;Cysbod -au n, coexistencenbsp;Cysborthi r, to contributenbsp;Cysbwy -on n, combatnbsp;Cysbwyll -ion n, considerationnbsp;Cysbwylliad n, ratiocinationnbsp;Cysbwyllo v, to reasonnbsp;Cysbwyllus a, argumentativenbsp;Oysbwys n, eauipoisenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[depository
Cysdawd, dodau », putting together; Cysdodi v, to place together, to depositnbsp;Cysgadrwydd n, drowsiness, sleepinessnbsp;Cysgadur -laid n, one who sleeps, sleepernbsp;Cysgaid n, quiescence; sleepnbsp;Cysgfa -oedd Tif, numbnessnbsp;Cysgiad n, sleepingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cotic
Cysgiadol a, soporific, somniforous, nar-Cysgiadyr n, opiate; nightshade, poppy ^ysglyd a, sleepy, drowsynbsp;Cysglys, Cysgnur n, opium, morphianbsp;Oysglyn », laudanum, tincture of opiumnbsp;Oysgod -au -ion », shadow; shelternbsp;^sgodfa, fëydd n/^, shady placenbsp;wsgodi Vy to shadow, to shelternbsp;Cysgodig a, umbrageous [teringnbsp;Cysgodog, Cysgodol a, shadowy, shel--ion w, concussion, shakenbsp;^y®Sogawl a, concussivenbsp;^ysfiogi V, to strike togethernbsp;~y®Kogiad », concussionnbsp;Oysgolion np, narcoticsnbsp;Oysgrwydd n, sleepinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[numbed
Cysgu tgt;, to sleep; to benumb; to be
Cysgwal -au n/, dormitory, bed Gysiad n, somnolencenbsp;Cysitheriaeth nf^ permutationnbsp;Cyslafen -i n/J linnetnbsp;Cysmeriad, iaid «, customernbsp;Cysmeriaeth nf, customnbsp;Cysni, Cysoldeb n, drowsinessnbsp;Cysoli V, to set to sleepnbsp;Cyssaf w/J mutual standingnbsp;Cyssafiad n, standing togethernbsp;Cyssail, seiliau w/, constituent partnbsp;Cyssain, seiniau Tif, consonancy: o,nbsp;consonant, of the same soundnbsp;Cyssain, seiniaid nfy consonantnbsp;Cyssawd, sodau n, affix, suffix; systemnbsp;Cyasawdd, soddion n, compoundnbsp;Cyssedd -au nfy sitting together; committee
Cyssefin a, primary, primitive, original Cyssetiniad «, making originalnbsp;Cyssefino v, to originatenbsp;Cyssefylliad n, standing togethernbsp;Cyssegr a, sacred
Cyssegr -oedd -au », sacred place, sanc-Cyssegriad », consecration [tuary Cyssegrladrad n, sacrilegenbsp;Cyssegrol a, consecratednbsp;Gyssegru v, to consecrate, to devotenbsp;Cysseigio v, to mess togethernbsp;Cysseiliad n, constitutionnbsp;Cysseiniad, seiniaid consonantnbsp;Cysseinio v, to sound togethernbsp;Cysseliad -au n, syllabusnbsp;Cyssellt«, opportunitynbsp;Cyssewyr «, fragrancynbsp;Cyssodi Vy to compose, to constitutenbsp;Cyssodol a, compositive, combiningnbsp;Cyssodoldeb », compositivenessnbsp;Cyssodwr, wyr, Cyssodydd -ion composer ; compositornbsp;Cyssodyr -on », composing-sticknbsp;Cyssoddi v, to combine, to blend; tonbsp;composenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sistent
Cysson a, concordant, harmonious, con-Cyssondeb n, concordance, harmony;
agreement, consistency; analogy Cyssoni r, to make consonant, to harmonise; to make consistentnbsp;Cysswllt, sylltau n, junctionnbsp;Cysswr n, contempt: a, scornfulnbsp;Cysswy -on n, regulationnbsp;Cysswyn -ion n, acknowledgment.
G-air cysswyn, motto nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tard
Cysswynfab, feibion », love-child, bas-Cysswyno r, to confide mutually; to Cysswyo v. to regulate [acknowledgenbsp;Cyssychiaa n, constipation
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Cyssycbu igt;, to constipate Cyssyl -ion w, counsel, advicenbsp;Cyssyliad «, consultationnbsp;Oyssylwedd », joint substancenbsp;Cyssylweddiad consubstantiationnbsp;Cyssylweddu v, to unite substancesnbsp;Oyssylltiad -au n, conjoining, joining,nbsp;adjunction; connection [mar)nbsp;Cyssylltiad,iaid w,conjunction (in gram-Oyssylltu v, to conjoin, to join, to unitenbsp;Oyssynio v, to consent=Cydsynionbsp;Cyssyru r, to become sullennbsp;Cystadl a, disputable; elt;^ualnbsp;Cystadlaeth nfy competitionnbsp;Cystadleuaeth nf, competitionnbsp;Oystadliad n, mutual disputingnbsp;Cystadlu v, to vie; to compete; to debatenbsp;Cystal a, equivalent, equal, as good,nbsp;so good: ad, as well, so wellnbsp;Cystawcci, cwu n, mastiffnbsp;Cystedlydd -ion n, competitornbsp;Cysteg -au n, toil, trouole, griefnbsp;Cystegiad n, toilingnbsp;Cystegu V, to toil; to afflictnbsp;Cystig a, severe, austere, harshnbsp;Oystled a amp; alt;f=:Cystalnbsp;Cystlwn, lynau n, kindred, affinitynbsp;Cystlynan rif, family stock [alliancenbsp;Cystlyned nf, Cystlynedd n, kindred;nbsp;Oystlynu v, to form connection, to joinnbsp;Cystog a, toiling, laborious [in alliancenbsp;Cystoges -au nf, drudgenbsp;Cystogi V, to toil, to drudgenbsp;Cystraw -ion n. concord; criticismnbsp;Oystrawen -i nf syntaxnbsp;Cystrawenu v, to constructnbsp;Cystrawiad n, constructionnbsp;Cystrawiaeth nf, construction; syntaxnbsp;Cystrawiedydd -ion n, grammariannbsp;philologist; constructionistnbsp;Cystrawu v, to constructnbsp;Cystrig n, cohabitingnbsp;Cystrigo v, to cohabit=Cyttrigonbsp;Cystrin -ion n, secrecynbsp;Cystudd -iau n, affliction, grief, troublenbsp;Cystuddiedydd -ion n, tormentornbsp;Cystuddio v, to afflict, to troublenbsp;Cystuddiol a, afflictingnbsp;Cystwy -on n, chastisementnbsp;Cystwyo V, to chastise, to castigatenbsp;Cystwyol a, castigatorynbsp;Cysu V, to assuage; to sleepnbsp;Cysur -on n, comfort, consolationnbsp;Cysuriad n, comfortingnbsp;Cysuro v, to comfort, to consolenbsp;Cysurol a, comforting, cheeringnbsp;Cysurus a, comfortable, consolatoiyr
Cysj^mdaith, deithiau nf, accompani-Cytiad n, abbreviation nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ment
Gytio u, to abbreviate Cyttaenu v, to spread togethernbsp;Cyttalu V, to pay at the same timenbsp;Cyttarddu v, to spring, bud, or grow atnbsp;the same time
Cyttaro v, to strike together Cyttawdd n, melting togethernbsp;Cytteimlad -au n, fellow feeling, commiseration, sympathynbsp;Cytteimlo v, to sympathisenbsp;Cytteithio v, to travel togethernbsp;Cytteithiwr, wyr n, fellow travellernbsp;Gytterfynol a, having the Same limitsnbsp;Gytterfynu v, to end togethernbsp;Cytterfysg -oedd n, united disturbancenbsp;Gyttir -oedd », commonnbsp;Cyttoddi v, to melt togethernbsp;Cyttoddol a, fusible togethernbsp;Gyttosturi n, mutual sorrow or sadnessnbsp;Cyttosturio v, to grieve togethernbsp;Oyttraethu v, to recite together [panynbsp;Cyttrafferthu v, to toil or labour in com-Cyttrais, treisiau n, joint oppressionnbsp;Cyttramgwyddo v, to stumWe togethernbsp;Gyttramwy n, travelling togethernbsp;Gyttramwy v, to go about in companynbsp;Cyttrefn -au nf systemnbsp;Cyttrefnu v, to order or regulate jointlynbsp;Cyttreiddio v, to pass through togethernbsp;Cyttreisio v, to jointly oppressnbsp;Gyttreisiwr, wyr n, leagued tyrantnbsp;Cyttreulio v, to consume, waste, ornbsp;spend in companynbsp;Cyttrigiant n, cohabitationnbsp;Cyttrigo V, to dwell together, to cohabitnbsp;Cyttrugarhaol a, sympathisingnbsp;Cyttrugarhau v, to commiseratenbsp;Cyttuedd n, mutual inclinationnbsp;Cyttneddol a, convergingnbsp;Cyttwyll n, joint fraud; collusionnbsp;Cyttwyllo V, to cheat each other; to col-Cyttwytho v, to spring together [ludenbsp;Gyttyb -iau n, uniformity of opinionnbsp;Cyttybied, Cyttybio v, to agree in sen-Gyttyfu V, to grow together [timentnbsp;Gyttyngu v, to swear together; to con-Gyttyn a, accordant, concurring [spirenbsp;Gyttynu v, to pull together; to concurnbsp;Oyttynwr, wyr n, one who pulls withnbsp;another; one who assentsnbsp;Gyttywallt v, to pour out togethernbsp;Cyttywys v, to conduct togethernbsp;Cytdn, Cytun o, of one accord, unanimous, coincident [tract, compactnbsp;Cytundeb n, unanimity, agreement; con-106
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Cytuno Vj to agree, to consent; to coincide ; to contract; to come to terms Cytnnwr, wyr », one who agrees, non-Cythiad n, casting otfnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(^dissentient Cythlwng n, fasting, fast Oythraul, threuliaid n, the devil, Satan,nbsp;demon. Ceryg y cythranl, Ceryg ynbsp;gythreules, meteoric stones, aerolitesnbsp;Cythrenles -an n/, female devil, furynbsp;Cythreuliaeth n/, the rule or the worship of the devil Cythrenlig a devilish. Cythreuli^on, Cythriad n, excretionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ demoniacs Oythrol a, adverse Cythm r, to eject, to oast oflFnbsp;Cythrudd -ion n, perturbationnbsp;Oythrnddedigaeth n/j perturbated statenbsp;Oythruddiad », pertnrbating, ruffling,nbsp;disquieting, provocationnbsp;Cythmddo v, to provoke; to agitate, tonbsp;disturb, to disorder, to rufflenbsp;Cythrwfl n, row, disturbance, rontnbsp;Cythiybln, Cythryblio v, to disturbnbsp;Cythrym -ion n, instantnbsp;Cythrymedd «, instanty ^ Cythiymol o, instantaneous nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;' Cythu V, to eject, to expel, to oast off Oythwy -on n, expulsionnbsp;Cyun a, united, accordantnbsp;Cyuniad n, unitingnbsp;Oyuno e, to unite, to accordnbsp;Cyw -ion n, young bird, chick. Thenbsp;young of almost all animals are sonbsp;called in North Walesnbsp;Oywaethlu v, to contendnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[com Cywain v, to convey; to carry or load Oywair, weiriau n, connection, order; key in music; rennet Gywair o, accordant, orderlynbsp;Cywaith, weithian n, joint effectnbsp;Cywala n, fellow: a, likenbsp;Cywall -au n, misfortunenbsp;Cywanu v, to divide, to opennbsp;Cywarch n, hemp, flaxnbsp;Cywarchlen -i canvas coveringnbsp;Cywarsang -au nf, tread overnbsp;Cywarsangol a, subjectingnbsp;Cywarsangu v, to subjectnbsp;t^ed B, unity of kindnbsp;Cywedd -au iif, conformationnbsp;Oyweddol a, conformablenbsp;Cyweddoldeb n, conformitynbsp;Cyweddu p, to conformnbsp;Cyweg a, fluctuating; weaknbsp;Cywemiad n, conveyingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[note Cyweirdant, dannau b, key-string; key-Cyweirdeb n, correctness |
Cyweirgorn, gyrn n, tuning-key Cyweiriad n, correction; tuningnbsp;Cyweirio v, to correct, to rectify, to repair ; to tune. — gwely, to make anbsp;bed. — croen, to dress a skinnbsp;Cyweiriol a, correctivenbsp;Cyweithas-au itf, society; commerce; intercourse: a, social Cyweithasiad n, associationnbsp;Cyweithasol a, socialnbsp;Cyweithasu v, to have intercourse; tonbsp;be social togethernbsp;Cyweithi b, co-operationnbsp;Cyweithio v, to co-operatenbsp;Cyweithydd -ion B, coefficient; auxiliary; multitude Cywely no, bedfellow; consort; partner Cywelyes -au nf, concubinenbsp;Cywelyog a, having a bedfellownbsp;Cywelyogaeth nf, concubinagenbsp;Cywen -od nƒ, young hennbsp;Cywenam Cywenig nf, little pulletm:nbsp;Cywer, Cywerdeb B, what curdles, ren-Cywerth n, equivalencenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[net Cywerthol a, equivalent Cywerthu v, to bargainnbsp;Cywerthydd -ion n, equivalentnbsp;Cywerthyddu v, to estimatenbsp;Cywes -au nf, little chickennbsp;Cy west B, connection; conversationnbsp;Cywestu v, to consociatenbsp;Cywestwch n, cohabitationnbsp;Cywng a, near, contiguousnbsp;Cywilydd -ion b, shamOj disgracenbsp;Oywilydd-dra n, bashfulness [modestnbsp;Cywilyddgar a, shameful; bashful;nbsp;Cywilyddio v, to shame; to make a-shamed; to be ashamednbsp;Cywilyddus a, shameful, scandalousnbsp;Cywir a, correct; just; honest, sincerenbsp;Cy wirdeb b, correctness; integritynbsp;Cywiriad, iaid b, loyahst [sincerenbsp;Cywiro v, to perfect; to fulfil; to bonbsp;Cywiw a, well worthynbsp;Cywlad -oedd, wledydd nf, borderingnbsp;country; one of the same countrynbsp;Cywlad a, of the same countrynbsp;Cywladu v, to naturalisenbsp;Cywladwr, wyr b, compatriotnbsp;Cywledd -au nf, banquetnbsp;Cywledda, Cywleddu v, to feast togethernbsp;Cywleidiad b, compatriotnbsp;Cywrain a, skilful; accurate; curious. Cywreinion, curiosities Cywraint, wreinnion n, skilful one, vir-Cywreindeb n, accuracynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tuoso Cywreinfa -oedd nf, museum 107 |
Cywreinio p, to make accurate Cywreinrwjdd w, skilfulness, skill; acnbsp;curacy; curiositynbsp;Oy wres -au »ƒ, concubinenbsp;Oywrys, Cywrysedd w, contentionnbsp;Cywiyseddu, Cywrysio v, to contendnbsp;^wyd n, temper; passionnbsp;Cywydiad n, temperamentnbsp;Cywydio tb habituatenbsp;Cywydd -au «, kind of poem not dividednbsp;into stanzas; poem; perceptionnbsp;Oywyddiaeth ti, rationalitynbsp;Cywyddol a, consciousnbsp;Cywyllculture, tillagenbsp;Cywylliad «, cultivationnbsp;Cywyllodraeth husbandrynbsp;Cywyllu, Cywyliio v, to cultivatenbsp;Cywyn n, rising, swellingnbsp;Cywynad n, risingnbsp;Gywynu v, to rise, to mountnbsp;Cywyrain, Cywyre v, to rise togethernbsp;Oywystl -on », mutual pledgenbsp;Cywystliad u, confederationnbsp;Cywystlo v, to confederatenbsp;Cywystlor -ion n, confederatenbsp;Oywyth n, mutual wrathnbsp;Cywythol«, infuriate
Chwa -on -oedd Tif, blast, pui¥
Ohwad n, gust, jerk Ohwaedd «, relish, taste=:Chwaethnbsp;Chwaeg nf, gust, relishnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[hap
Chwaen, chweiniau n/^ start; chance, Ghwaenu v, to happennbsp;Ghwaer, chwiorydd n/*, sister. Chwaernbsp;yng nghyfraith, sister-in-lawnbsp;Onwaeroi 0, like a sister, sisterlynbsp;Chwaeroliaeth nf, sisterhoodnbsp;Chwaeth -oedd n, savour, tastenbsp;Chwaethiad n, tastingnbsp;Ohwaethn v, to savour, to tastenbsp;Ohwaethus a, sapid, gustful, tastefulnbsp;Ohwaf -oedd n/J strong gustnbsp;ChwaflF -iau «, gust: ad, instantlynbsp;Ghwai a, active, brisk, alert, quicknbsp;Chwain np (chwanen »ƒ), fleasnbsp;Ohwaith ad, neither; much less. Nanbsp;chwithau chwaith, nor you eithernbsp;Ohwaithach=Chweithachnbsp;Chwal n, spreading^ scatteringnbsp;Chwal a, loose; friable; soft; spreadnbsp;Pridd chwal. loose crumbling mouldnbsp;Chwaldod n, iale talknbsp;Ohwaldodi v, to talk idly [gobbetnbsp;Ohwalff -an n, shapeless piece, lump,
Ghwaliad n, scattering Chwalp -iau n, lump, massnbsp;Chwalpiog a, lumpy, full of lumpsnbsp;Chwalu V, to strew, to spread; to talknbsp;idly, to babble, to pratenbsp;Chwan n, impulse, tendencynbsp;Chwaneg a, more: n, greater quantity.
ChwanegioD, additions, addenda Chwanegiad n, additionnbsp;Chwanegol a, additionalnbsp;Chwanen, chwain nf, fleanbsp;Chwannog a, desirous, greedynbsp;Chwannogi v, to grow greedynbsp;Chwant -au n, desire, appetite, lost.
Ghwant bwyd, hunger Chwanta, Chwantu v, to lust, to covetnbsp;Chwantach n. desire, lustnbsp;Chwantus a, lusttal, lustingnbsp;Chwap -iau n, sudden stroke: ad, in-Chwapio V, to strike, to sl^ [stantlynbsp;Chwar n, quick rise or punnbsp;Chwara, eon n. play: v, play=KÜhwareunbsp;Chwardd n, laugh, laughter: v, willnbsp;Chwarddiad n, laughingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[laugh
Chwarddol o, laughing Chwarddu v, to laugh=Chwerthinnbsp;Chwarddus a, apt to laughnbsp;Oh ware -on n, play: v, to play=sOh warennbsp;Chwarel -au n, dart; lump, as from milknbsp;curding in the breast; quarrynbsp;Chwareliad n, darting; kerningnbsp;Chwarelu v, to dart; to kernnbsp;Ohwaren n/, gland; blotch; plague;nbsp;Gbwarenaidd a, like a gland [murrainnbsp;Chwareniad n, kerningnbsp;Chwarenog a, full of glandsnbsp;Ohwarenol a, glandulons, glandularnbsp;Chwarenu v, to kem; to form blotchesnbsp;Chwareu n, play, sport: v, to play.nbsp;— hud a lledrith, dramatic entertainment or performancenbsp;Chwareuad, Chwaread n, playingnbsp;Chwareuaeth nf, diversionnbsp;Chwarendy, dai n, Chwareufa -oedd nf,nbsp;playhouse, theatrenbsp;Chwareufwrdd, fyrddau n, stagenbsp;Ohwareugar, Chwareuol. Chwareol,nbsp;Chwareus o, playful, blithe, blithsome,nbsp;sportive
Chwarëydd -ion », player, actor [ tress Chwarëyddes -au nf, female player, ac-Ohwareyddiaeth nf, play, the dramanbsp;Chwarf -au nf, whirl, fuseenbsp;Chwariau a, placid, slow, softnbsp;Chwarieua v, to move slowly, to saunternbsp;Ohwarieniad n, saunteringnbsp;Ohwarienu p, to become slownbsp;108
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Chwarth n, laugh, titter nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ter
Chwarthol -ion, Cnwarthor -au «, quar-Chwarw n, sport: o, sportive Chwarwriaetn n/J player’s artnbsp;Chwarwy -on n, disport, playnbsp;Chwarwyo r, to dis^rtnbsp;Chwarydd, amp;c.=Cüwarëydd, amp;;c.nbsp;Chwaw -iau nf^ blast, puff, breezenbsp;Chwawio v, to puff, to blastnbsp;Chwe’ (N.W.) ft, six=Chwech (S.W.)nbsp;Chwebain sextainnbsp;Cliweban, uhwebanog a, consisting ofnbsp;six lines or of six feet. Chweban-ogion, hexametersnbsp;Chweblwydd ft, sexennialnbsp;Chweeh -au n, six. 6, vi,: ft, sixnbsp;Chweehed, Chweenfed ft, sixthnbsp;Chweehedran nf^ sixth partnbsp;Chweehedwaith ??ƒ, sixth timenbsp;Chweeheiniog -au n/J sixpence, 6d.nbsp;Chwechplyg a, of six folds, sexto, 6to.nbsp;Ohwed w, expressionnbsp;Chwedeg a amp; n, sixty, 60, lx.=Trigainnbsp;Chwedegfed o, sixtieth=:Trigeinfednbsp;Chwedi then; ^r, afternbsp;Chwedl -au n/] saying, sentence; fable.nbsp;Chwedla v, to gossipnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[story, tale
Chwediai, eion n/J gossip, tattler Chwedleig a, gossipingnbsp;Chwedleua v, to gossipnbsp;Chwedleuaeth nf^ colloquynbsp;Chwedleugar, Chwedleuog, Chwedlgarnbsp;ft, fond of tolk, talkative; loquacious;nbsp;gossiping, pratingnbsp;Chwedleuo r, to discoursenbsp;Chwedleuol o, colloquialnbsp;Chwedleuydd -ion discoursernbsp;Chwediiad n, fablingnbsp;Chwedloniaeth nf^ mythologynbsp;Chwedlonydd -ion, Chwedlonwr, wyrnbsp;n, mythologist
Chwedlu r, to fable, to fabulise Chwedlydd -ion », fabulist, fabulatornbsp;Chweddl -au ^i=Chwedlnbsp;Chwefr «, violence, rage: ft, severe, vio-Chwefredd «, severitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lent
Chwefriad », raging Chwefrin a, severe, ragingnbsp;Chwefrol a, violent, severenbsp;Chwefror, Chwefrol», Februarynbsp;Chwefru r, to act violentlynbsp;Chweg ft, sweet, dulcet, lusciousnbsp;Chwegiad «, dulcificationnbsp;Chwegr w/j mother-in-lawnbsp;Chwegrwn n, father-in-lawnbsp;Chwegu r, to dulcify, to sweetennbsp;Chweider », agility
Chweina v, to catch fleas
Chweinial v, to hop as fleas Chweiniog, Chweinllyd a, full of fleasnbsp;breeding fleasnbsp;Chweinllys cn, fleabanenbsp;Chweio V, to move brisklynbsp;Chweiol ft, full of agility, agilenbsp;Chweithach ad, much less; so much thenbsp;Chwel -ion nf, course; turn [lessnbsp;Chweledigaeth n/J revolutionnbsp;Chweliad n, rotationnbsp;Chwelidydd -ion w, dispersernbsp;Chweliedydd -ion n, wnat rotatesnbsp;Chwelog ft, tending to turnnbsp;Chwelyd n, detournbsp;Chwelyd v, to turn overnbsp;Chwelydr -au n, rotator; mouldboardnbsp;or turnsoil of a ploughnbsp;Chwennych, Chwennychu v, to covet,nbsp;Chwcnnychiad n, desiring [to desirenbsp;Chwennychol ft, desirousnbsp;Chwennycholdeb n, the quality of beingnbsp;desirable, desirableness, desirabilitynbsp;Chweochr -au w, hexagonnbsp;Chweochrog a, sixsided, cubicnbsp;Chweonglog a, hexagonal, sexangularnbsp;Chwepyn n, sudden pat; instantnbsp;Chwerfan -au nf, whirl; fuseenbsp;Chwerfiad «, whirlingnbsp;Chwerfol a, whirlingnbsp;Chwerfu v, to whirlnbsp;Chwerfysgu v, to mix in playnbsp;Chweriad n, playing aboutnbsp;Chwerig ft, playful, sportivenbsp;Chwern a/*, rapid, violent: m, chwymnbsp;Chwerthin v, to laugh: n, laughter.nbsp;Chwardd, will laugh. Chwarddais,nbsp;I laughednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bilitj
Chwerthinedd n, laughableness; risi-Chwerthingar, Chwertniniog, Chwerth-iniol ft, apt to laugh, merry, laughing Chwerw a, bitter; sharp; severe.
Chwerwon, bitters Chwerwad n, making bitternbsp;Chwerwder n, bitterness, sharpnessnbsp;Chwerwddyfrlys -iau n, cucumbernbsp;Chwerweiddio v, to embitter, to imbit-ter; to grow bitternbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gall
Chwerwfustledd n, bitterness, enmity, Chwerwi v, to become bitter; to embitter; to snarl, to growlnbsp;Chwerwlys, Chwerlys », wormwoodnbsp;Chwerwol ft, embitteringnbsp;Chwerwyn n, bitter snarlernbsp;Chwerp n, gland; kernelnbsp;Chwesill ft, of six syllables [bymthegnbsp;Chwetheg namp; a, sixteen, 16,xvi.=un arnbsp;109
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Chwethro o, sextuple, sixfold Ohwëu w, to grow sharpnbsp;Chweugain, Chweugaint n h a, sixnbsp;score; 120 pence, lOs., half a sovereignnbsp;Chwi -on n, swift turnnbsp;Chwi^ira, you, yenbsp;Chwiawr, orydd nf, fellow; sisternbsp;Ohwib -au nf, pipe, tubenbsp;Chwiban nf, whistle: v, to whistlenbsp;Chwibaniad n, whistlingnbsp;Chwibanllyd a, apt to whistle; hissingnbsp;Chwibanogl -au nf, flageolet; flute.
— y mynydd, curlew Chwibanol a, whistlingnbsp;Chwibanu v, to whistlenbsp;Chwibanydd -ion n, whistler; the bull-Chwibio V, to quaver, to trill [finchnbsp;Chwibiol a, trillingnbsp;Ohwibl a, tart, sour, acid, sharp, acerbnbsp;Chwiblad n, souringnbsp;Chwiblaidd a, somewhat sournbsp;Chwibledd, Ghwiblni n, sourness, acidi-Chwibleian -od nf, nymph [ty, acerbitynbsp;Chwiblen nf, sour or flat drinknbsp;Chwibol -au nf, tube, pipenbsp;Ohwibolog a, tubularnbsp;Chwibon -laid n, whistler; storknbsp;Chwibwrn n, giddiness: a, giddy, dizzynbsp;Chwid -ion n, quick turnnbsp;Chwido «, to quirk, to juggle; to makenbsp;a quick movenbsp;Ohwidog a, full of quirksnbsp;Chwidog -ion », juggler; conjurornbsp;Chwidogaeth nf, juggling, legerdemainnbsp;Chwidogi V, to practise jugglerynbsp;Chwidr a, flighty, crazy; giddynbsp;Chwidredd n, flightiness, giddinessnbsp;Chwidro v, to move giddilynbsp;Chwidrol a, flighty, giddynbsp;Chwidryn -od n, flighty personnbsp;Chwidw -on «, juggler, conjurornbsp;Chwidwen -od nf, coquettenbsp;Chwif -iau -ion nf, whirl, turnnbsp;Chwifiad, laid n, vagabondnbsp;Chwiflo V, to fly around, to wandernbsp;Chwifiol a, whirling; vagrantnbsp;Chwiff -iau nf, hiss, whiff, puffnbsp;Chwiflio V, to hiss, to whiff; to smokenbsp;Chwiffiol a, sibilant; whiffingnbsp;Chwig n, whey fermented with sweetnbsp;Chwig a, fermented; sournbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[herbs
Chwigl n, acid, tartar Chwiglen -od nf sharp one: m, chwiglynnbsp;Chwigws n, whey drink: a, sour, tart,nbsp;Chwigyn n, whey drinknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sharp
Ohwil -od nf, beetle, chafer Chwil o, whirling, reefing
Ohwil -ion nf, search, scrutiny
Chwilast, eist nf, gadder Chwilbawa v, to trifle away time undernbsp;the semblance of doing somethingnbsp;Chwilboeth a, scorching, burning hotnbsp;Chwildarw, deirw n, the dragon-flynbsp;Chwildro -ion n, dizzy turnnbsp;Chwildroad n, reeling; revolutionnbsp;Chwildroi v, to turn dizzilynbsp;Chwilen, chwilod nf, beetle, chafernbsp;Chwilena v, to pry; to picknbsp;Chwilenai, eiod tic, pilferernbsp;Chwiler -ion nf, Chwileryn n, chrysalis;
maggot; wheal, pimple Chwilfa, fëydd nf, researchnbsp;Chwilfriw a, shattered, all to piecesnbsp;Chwilfriwio v, to shatter, to break tonbsp;pieces, to smashnbsp;Chwilfrydedd n, curiositynbsp;Chwilfrydig a, curious, inquisitivenbsp;Chwilfwnwg, Chwilfynwg ra, neck jointnbsp;Chwilgi, gwn n, prying dognbsp;Chwilgorn, gyrn n, pivot: a, reelingnbsp;Chwiliach v, to pry; to pilfernbsp;Ohwiliad n, search; inquirynbsp;Chwiliadol a, searching, scrutinisingnbsp;Chwilied v, to search, to examinenbsp;Chwiliedydd -ion n, searchernbsp;Chwilio V, to search, to seek, to look fornbsp;Chwiliog -ion n, sorcerernbsp;Chwiliogaeth nf, sorcerynbsp;Chwilioges -au nf, sorceressnbsp;Chwiliores -au rf, hornetnbsp;Chwilioryn nf maggotnbsp;Chwil-lys -oedd n, the inquisitionnbsp;Chwilmanta v, to pry about [guillemotnbsp;Chwilog a, whirling: -od n, the lessernbsp;Chwilota V, to catch beetlesnbsp;Chwilotai, eiod n, pryer aboutnbsp;Chwiltath v, to pry aboutnbsp;Chwim -iau n, motionnbsp;Chwimio v, to move, to be in motionnbsp;Chwimiol a, full of motion; brisknbsp;Chwiml n, quick motionnbsp;Chwimio V, to move briskly; to stirnbsp;Ohwimmwth a, nimble, speedy, quicknbsp;Chwimmythder n, nimblenessnbsp;Chwimp -iau n, turn; hapnbsp;Chwimpleian -od nf, nymphnbsp;Chwimpyu n, sharp turnnbsp;Chwin -ion n, activity; toilnbsp;Chwinsa, Chwinsang n, the eveningnbsp;Chwintan -au nf, sort of game LPJ'ffnbsp;Chwiogen, chwiogod nf, cake, mufiin,nbsp;Chwiogl -au nf, intrigue, craftnbsp;Chwiori v, to turn briskly [quick, swiftnbsp;Chwip -iau n, quick turn; whip: o,nbsp;110
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Chwipiad whipping nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nimbly
Chwipio p, to whip, to move briskly or Chwipyn quick turn: a, quick. Ynnbsp;chwipyn, instantlynbsp;Chwired -ion n/1 quirk; craftnbsp;Ohwiredol a, full of quirks; craftynbsp;Chwiredu v, to play tricksnbsp;Chwiredus a, sly, deceitfulnbsp;Chwiredyn sly onenbsp;Chwistl, Chwistlen nƒ, the shrewnbsp;Chwistrell -au n/*, syringe; squirt;nbsp;clyster-pipe
Ohwistrellu v, to syringe; to squirt; to clyster; to inject
Chwitchwat n, sly pilferer: a, fickle, inconstant, changeable (S.W.) Chwittafad w, small drinknbsp;Chwith, Chwithig o, sinister, left; untoward; awkward
Chwithigrwydd, Chwithrwydd,Chwith-dod n, strangeness; chagrin, huff; dismal sensation; insipidity, fiatnessnbsp;Chwitho V, to feel awkward; to benbsp;tonished; to be insipidnbsp;Chwithrwd «, rustling: v, to rustlenbsp;Chwiw-iau^, whirl; attack or fit ofnbsp;disease. Chwareu chwiw, to play atnbsp;hide and seeknbsp;Chwiwbigo v, to pilfernbsp;Chwiwdwll, dyllau rt, lurking-holenbsp;Chwiwell -au nf^ whirler; the widgeon;
the female salmon. Chwiws, widgeons Chwiwgi, gwn n, skulking dog, sneak;
pilferer, thief, rogue Chwiwiaid iw, the female salmonnbsp;Chwiwian, Chwiwio v, to hunt; to flynbsp;about; to pry, to pilfernbsp;Chwiwladrad n, pilfering, petty theftnbsp;Chwiwladrata v, to pilfernbsp;Chwiwleidr, ladron », pilferernbsp;Chwiws np, widgeonsnbsp;Chwychwi np, you, yourselvesnbsp;Chwyd «, ejection,vomit. Chwyd awyr,nbsp;viscous matter, said to drop fromnbsp;Chwydalen -au nj', blister [meteorsnbsp;Chwydalu v, to blisternbsp;Chwydawiaeth nƒ, gesticulationnbsp;Chwydawydd -ion », buffoonnbsp;Chwydiad n, vomitingnbsp;Chwydo V, to gesticulatenbsp;Chwydr, Chwydredd n, ejected matter.
Chwydredd ser=Chwyd awyr Chwydu Vj to vomit, to spuenbsp;Chwydus a, apt to vomitnbsp;Chwydd, Chwyddi, Chwyddiad w, swel-Chwyddo v, to swellnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ling
Chwyddol a, apt to swell, swelling
Chwyddwydr -au, Chwyddiadur -on microscope, magnifying glassnbsp;Chwyf -ion n, motion, stirnbsp;Chwyfain a, fluctuatingnbsp;Chwyfan, Chwyfiad «, waving, stirringnbsp;Chwyfu V, to stir, to wavernbsp;Chwyl -ion w/*, turn; course; while;nbsp;Chwyldro-ion «, turn; vortex [eventnbsp;Chwyldroad -au n, revolutionnbsp;Chwyldroi v, to whirl roundnbsp;Chwylfa -on nf, orbit, coursenbsp;Chwylgnoi v, to chew quicklynbsp;Chwylgylch -au «, orbitnbsp;Chwyliad rotationnbsp;Chwylo v, to turn, to revolve; to run anbsp;course; to bustle; to hovernbsp;Chwylus a, rotative, rotatorynbsp;Chwylwib -iau nƒJ rotatory coursenbsp;Chwyn w, stir, motionnbsp;Chwyn cn, weeds: w, a weednbsp;Chwynan n/J fly-wheelnbsp;Chwyniad », weedingnbsp;Chwyno w, to stir aboutnbsp;Chwynog a, full of weedsnbsp;Chwynogl -au n/J weediiig-hook, hoenbsp;C hwy nogli, Ch wy nu v, to grub up weeds;nbsp;Chwyr n, strong impulse [to hoenbsp;Chwyrn n, whirl; snarlnbsp;Chwyrn am, rapid, swift; active,•aspirate : ƒ, chwern
Chwyrnad », whirling; snoring Chwymdra n, rapidness, rapiditynbsp;Chwyrned n, snarling; wranglingnbsp;Chwyrnell -au nf, whirligignbsp;Chwyrnelliad w, whirling; whizzingnbsp;Chwyrnellu v, to whirl; to whiz, tonbsp;move with a whizzingnbsp;Chwyrnfor -oedd n, strong eddynbsp;Chwyrniad, iaid n, snarlernbsp;Chwyrnog a, whirling; snarlingnbsp;Chwyrnogl -au nf, rattlenbsp;Chwyrnogli v, to rattle; to whiznbsp;Chwyrnolad v, to snort: n, snortingnbsp;Chwyrnolawd n, snortingnbsp;Chwyrnores -au nf, hornetnbsp;Chwyrnu v, to hum; to whiz; to snortnbsp;to snarl; to snorenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^
Chwys n, sweat, perspiration Chwysbair a, sudorific, diaphoreticnbsp;Chwysdwll, dyllau n, sv/eat porenbsp;Chwysfa, fëydd nf, sudatorynbsp;Chwysiad n, sweatingnbsp;Chwysig a, apt to sweatnbsp;Chwysigen -au nf, blister, bladdernbsp;Chwysigeniad », blisteringnbsp;Chwysigenog a, blisterednbsp;Chwysigenu v, to blister
-ocr page 116-DAD DAD
Chwysigl, Chwysiglen -an nf, blister Chwyslyd a, apt to perspirenbsp;Ohwysog a, fall of sweatnbsp;Chwysoglen nf, the sharp docknbsp;Chwysol a, sweatingnbsp;Chwysu V, to sweat, to perspirenbsp;Chwyth, Ghwythad n, blast; breathnbsp;Chwythbren -i re, blow-pipe; bellowsnbsp;Chwythedd re, act of blowingnbsp;Chwythell -an re/J whistlenbsp;Chwythelliad n, whistlingnbsp;Chwythgorn, gym re, cornetnbsp;Chwythiad re, blowingnbsp;Chwythiant re, respiration, blowingnbsp;Chwythiedydd -ion re, blowernbsp;Chwythig a, windy; inflatednbsp;Chwythigell -an, Chwythigen «ƒ, bottlenbsp;Chwythlyd a, blowing, puffing [maticnbsp;Chwythola, blowing; breathing; pnen-Chwythryn re, puff of breath; atom,nbsp;Chwythu e, to blow, to blast [morselnbsp;Chwythwm, ymau re, gust, squall
Da -oedd ore, possessions; goods; chattels; stock; cattle
Da a, good, wholesome, well: ad, well.
Daed, as well, so well Dabre », come, come hithernbsp;Dabred », to move, to comenbsp;Dabrediad re, passing onnbsp;Dabredu v, to pass onnbsp;Dacw ad, there is, yonder is, see therenbsp;Dad px, re-, an-, dis-, hack. May benbsp;prefixed to verbs and their derivativesnbsp;generally, giving them a negative or:nbsp;opposite meaning: as,—
Dadadeilio, to unbuild. —afaelu, to relax, to let go a hold. —angori, tonbsp;disanchor. —annelu, to nnstretch.nbsp;—ansoddi, to divest of a quality.nbsp;—arfogi, to disarm. —blann, to dis-plant. —blygu, to unfold. —boeni,nbsp;to divest of pain. —brofi, to disprove.nbsp;—brynn, to repurchase. —bwytno, tonbsp;unstitch. —bynio, to disburden. Dad-chwedlu, to recapitulate. —chwerwi,nbsp;to disembitter. —chwilio, to searchnbsp;again. —chwimio, to move backward.nbsp;—chwylo, to retrocede. Dad-daenu,nbsp;—drefnu, amp;c.=Dattaena, amp;c. Dad-ddaiaru, to exhume. —ddal, to desistnbsp;from holding. —ddanfon, to send back.nbsp;—ddeddfu, to annul a law. —ddefodi,nbsp;to abolish a custom. —ddeilio, to shednbsp;foliage. —dderbyn, to desist from re
ceiving. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;—ddewis, to select again.
—ddinasn, to deprive of the privilege of a citizen, to disfranchise. —ddir-gelu, to bring to light. —ddirprwyo, tonbsp;deprive of authority or agency. —ddodi,nbsp;to displace. —ddringo, to descend afternbsp;climbing. —ddyblygu, to unfold.—ddy-eithro, to familiarise. —ddywedyd, tonbsp;unsay. —ebru, to resuscitate. Dad-echwyno, to return a loan. —edfryd,nbsp;to restore. —edwi, to restore what isnbsp;withered. —ef ryddu, to divest of lameness. —egnib, to cease toiling. —egru,nbsp;to make brisk what is flat or stale.nbsp;—ennyn, to extinguish. —erbyn, tonbsp;receive back. —ergydio, to repel, tonbsp;repulse. —esmwytho, to divest of ease.nbsp;—euogi, to clear of guilt. —fachellu,nbsp;to ungrapple. —fachu, to unhook,nbsp;—faglu, to disentangle. —fagwyo, tonbsp;unciuster. —falchïo, to cure of pride.nbsp;—farnu, to revoke judgment. —farw-hau, to resuscitate. —fechnio, to exonerate bail. —feddiannn, to diplt;^nbsp;sess. —feddwi, to soberise. —feicnio,nbsp;to disburden. —feilio, to fall to ruin,nbsp;to decay. —feio, to clear of fault.nbsp;—ferthu, to revive. —feru, to resolve,nbsp;to dissolve. —flaenu, to blunt a point.nbsp;—flasu, to divest of taste. —flino, tonbsp;rid of fatigue, to refresh. —flisgo, tonbsp;oast off a shell. —fiodeuo, to dropnbsp;blossoms. —flysio, to divest of longing.nbsp;—foddloni, to dissatisfy. —fori, to import. —fraenu, to rid of putridity.nbsp;—freinio, to disfranchise. —fr'io, tonbsp;dishonour. —frochi, to unruffle. Dad-frythu, to quell a tumult. —fyddam,nbsp;to cure of deafness, —ffrydio, to flownbsp;back. —gadwyno, to unchain. Dad-gaenu, to take off the surface. —gaeru.nbsp;to dismantle, to reduce a fortification,nbsp;—gaethu, to disenthral. —garcham,nbsp;to disincarcerate, to free from prison.nbsp;—garegu, to unpetrify. —gladdn, tonbsp;disinter. —gloi, to unlock. —groeni,nbsp;to remove the skin or bark; to sUn; tonbsp;decorticate. —groni, to undam. Dad-grychn, to rid of roughness; of unwrinkle. —grymu, to unbend. —gudd-io, to reveal, to disclose, to discover.nbsp;—gydio, to disjoin, to depopulate.
gyfanneddu, to leave off innaoiting, —gyfartalu, to disproportion. —gyf-rodeddn, to untwine. —gylchn, to nn-circle. —g3rmmalu, to disjoint, to dislocate. —gymmysgu, to divest ofnbsp;112
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DAG (^See DA0 px,)nbsp;DAL
Dadgan -au «, recital; repetition Dadganiad recitingnbsp;Dadgeiniad, iaid n, reciternbsp;Dadguddiad n, revelation, apocalypsenbsp;Dadgydiad n, disjunctionnbsp;Dadgyfaniad disruptionnbsp;Da dgyfluniad n, divesting of organisationnbsp;Dadgyssylltiad disconnection, disjunction; dissolutionnbsp;Dadhanfodiad n, annihilationnbsp;Dadiain n, renovated statenbsp;Dadl -au debate, controversy, discussion; dispute; casenbsp;Dadlai, eion nc, disputantnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[thaw Dadlaith n, redissolved state, thaw: v, to Dadlam -au reboundnbsp;Dadlenu v, to unveil, to uncovernbsp;Dadlenwad «, depletionnbsp;Dadleu v, to argue, to dispute; to pleadnbsp;Dadleu -on n, dispute, debatenbsp;Dadleuad n, disputationnbsp;Dadleuwr, wyr n, disputer, controver-tist, controversialist; advocatenbsp;Dadlif -au «, reflux, ebbnbsp;Dadlu w, to argue, to debate, to discussnbsp;Dadnaid, neidiau nf, reboundingnbsp;DadnawS n, indispositionnbsp;Dadran -au iif, subdivision, sectionnbsp;Dadsafiad n, repositionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[uproar Dadwrdd, yrddau n, noise, stir, bustle, Dadwrdd, Dadyrddu v, to make a noise,nbsp;Dadysgrif -au nf, transcript [to pratenbsp;Daear, amp;c.=Daiar, amp;c. Daer -oedd n, fixed state; a, slow Daerawd, odau Uy fixing; claimingnbsp;Daered -au nj] appurtenance; mortuary,nbsp;Daergi nfy doleful cry [revenue, incomenbsp;Daeriad n, settling; fixingnbsp;Daerodi v, to decree, to assignnbsp;Daeru v, to decree, to fixnbsp;Daf -oedd n, what is given out; goodnbsp;Dafad, defaid nfy sheep, ewenbsp;Dafaden -au nfy wart; scirrhous. Da-faden wyllt, cancernbsp;Dafadenog a, full of warts; scirrhousnbsp;Dafadenu u, to grow wartynbsp;Dafates -au nfy flock of sheepnbsp;Dafn -au, defni Uy drop; particlenbsp;Dafniad «, droppingnbsp;Dafnog a, having dropsnbsp;Dafnol o, dropping, tricklingnbsp;Dafnu Vy to drop, to tricklenbsp;Dagr -au n, tear, tear-drop; daggernbsp;Dagrau np, tears: s, deigrynnbsp;Dagreuad », lachrymation -Dagreuo v, to cause tears; to shed tearsnbsp;Dagreuol o, lachrymal |
Dagru Vy to shed tears Dangos v, to show, to exhibit, to discover, to disclose, to make knownnbsp;Dangosadwy a, ostensiblenbsp;Dangosedigol a, demonstrativenbsp;Dangoseg -ion nf indexnbsp;Dangosfa -oedd nf, show, exhibitionnbsp;Dangosiad n, showingnbsp;Dangosiadol a, demonstrativenbsp;Dangosiadus a, ostentatiousnbsp;Dangosoi a, indicativenbsp;Dai, deion n, that causes; the Deitynbsp;Daiar -oedd nf earth, land, groundnbsp;Daiaraidd a, earthynbsp;Daiarawd n, intermentnbsp;Daiarbellafiant n, apogeenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tals Daiarblant wp, children of earth; mor-Daiardy, dai n, burrow; dungeon Daiarddysg, Daiareg nfy geologynbsp;Daiaregwr, wyr n, geologistnbsp;Daiaren nf, the earthnbsp;Daiarfochyn, daiarfoch n, badgernbsp;Daiarfyd n, terrestrial worldnbsp;Daiargi, gwn n, terriernbsp;Daiargoel nf geomancynbsp;Daiargryd -ion, Daiargryn, Daiargryn-fa, fëydd nfy earthquakenbsp;Daiargyrch a, earth-seekingnbsp;Daiarhwch, hychod nf female badgernbsp;Daiariad n, grounding; buryingnbsp;Daiarlawr, loriau n, ground-floornbsp;Daiarlen -i nf, mapnbsp;Daiarllyd a, earthynbsp;Daiarllys -iau «, peonynbsp;Daiarnesafiant n, perigeenbsp;Daiarog a, terrestrial, earthly, sublunarynbsp;Daiarogan n, geomancynbsp;Daiarol a, terrestrial, earthly, terrenenbsp;Daiaroldeb n, terrestrialnessnbsp;Daiaroli v, to treat as earthlynbsp;Daiaru v, to earth; to internbsp;Daiarydd -ion ti, geographernbsp;Daiaryddiaeth nf, geographynbsp;Daiaryddol a, geographicalnbsp;Daif, deifion «, singeing; blastnbsp;Daig, deigion w, what is effused; efiusionnbsp;Dail np (^dalen, deilen nf), leaves; fo-Daill, deilliau «, issue; product [liagenbsp;Dain a, fine; delicate; purenbsp;Daionawl a, tending to goodnbsp;Daionedd n, goodnessnbsp;Daioni n, goodness; goodnbsp;Daionus a, good; beneficialnbsp;Dair, deiri nf, effusion; songnbsp;Dais, deision n, desire, wishnbsp;Daith, deithion », blaze, flashnbsp;Dal n, hold, catch; stop |
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Dal, Dala, Daly v, to hold; to bear; to catch; to detain; to arrest; to last.nbsp;Dal sylw, to take noticenbsp;DM, deilion n, lamina, leafnbsp;Dalbren -au n, holdfast, catchnbsp;Dalen, dail, dalenau rif^ leaf; lobenbsp;Daleniad n, foliationnbsp;Dalenog a, foliaceous, leavednbsp;Dalenu v, to foliatenbsp;Dalfa, fëydd hold; capture; arrestnbsp;Daliad n, holding; catching; captionnbsp;Daliaden nf, support, propnbsp;Daliedydd -ion n, detainernbsp;Dalus a, lasting, durablenbsp;Dalw, Daly 2;=l)al, Dalanbsp;Dalyn -au n, holder^ supporter; bracenbsp;Dali a, blind: /?, deillionnbsp;Dalian nc, blind onenbsp;Dalles -au blind femalenbsp;Dalliad n, blindingnbsp;Dallineb n, blindness, blind statenbsp;Dallneidr, nadroedd w/J blindwormnbsp;Dalit n. the understanding: i?, to understand (N.W.)=:DeaUnbsp;Dallu r, to blind; to grow blindnbsp;Dam /gt;*, about, around, circum-Damaethu 2;, to be husbanding or cultivatingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sional
Dambell a, being here and there, occa-Damblygu 2?, to fold round Damborthi 2;, to upholdnbsp;Dambrynu to purchase, to redeemnbsp;Dambwyo v, to beat aboutnbsp;Damcanrion », theorynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[theory
Damcaniad -au re, Damcaniaeth -au Damcanu v, to contrive, to theorisenbsp;Damchwa -oedd, chwëydd nf^ overturn,nbsp;steam; stench
Damchwaen, chweiniau re/) accident Damchweinio v, to happen, to chancenbsp;Damchwylo v, to whirl roundnbsp;Damdeithio v, to perambulatenbsp;Damdoi v, to cover aboutnbsp;Damdorchi y, to wreath aboutnbsp;Damdori v, to break roundnbsp;Damdramwy v, to travel aboutnbsp;Damdreiglo v, to circumvolvenbsp;Damdremio v, to look aboutnbsp;Damdroi v, to turn roundnbsp;Damdrosi v, to drive aboutnbsp;Damdrychu v, to amputatenbsp;Damdwng re, appraisementnbsp;Damdwyo v, to castigatenbsp;Damdyfu v, to grow aboutnbsp;Damdyngu 2?, to swear to a thing; tonbsp;Damdyru to heap about [appraisenbsp;Damdywys v, to lead about
Damddal v, to hold in Damddyblygu v, to hold aboutnbsp;Damfachu 2?, to gi apple aboutnbsp;Damfwrw v, to cast aboutnbsp;Damffrydio 2), to flow aboutnbsp;Damgaeru 0, to fortify about, to wallnbsp;Damgenu 2gt;, to varynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[round
Damgludo v, to carry about Damglymu 2?, to tie aboutnbsp;Damglywed v, to feel impulsenbsp;Damgnoi v, to fret or eat aboutnbsp;Damgreinio v, to crawl aboutnbsp;Damgyffredu 2;, to imaginenbsp;Damgyffroi 2gt;, to agitatenbsp;Damgylchu 2gt;, to surround, to encompassnbsp;Damgylchynu v, to circumscribenbsp;Damledu v, to expand roundnbsp;Damlenwi v, to All roundnbsp;Damlewychu v, to illuminenbsp;Damlifo v, to flow roundnbsp;Damlunio v, to formnbsp;Damlygu 2;, to elucidatenbsp;Damlynu v, to adhere aboutnbsp;Dammeg -ion parablenbsp;Dammegol a, allegoricalnbsp;Dammegu v, to allegorisenbsp;Damnoddi v, to protectnbsp;Damnoethi v, to exposenbsp;Damnyddu v, to twist aboutnbsp;Damranu v, to separatenbsp;Damred -ion re/, circulationnbsp;Damredu v, to circulatenbsp;Damrithio 2gt;, to seemnbsp;Damrodi v, to wheel roundnbsp;Damrwymo re, to tie roundnbsp;Damryson re, to disputenbsp;Damrywio re, to varynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[trample
Damsang, Damsangu re, to tread, to Damsathru re, to tread roundnbsp;Damuno re, to desire=Dymuno [hapnbsp;Damwain, weiniau ?i/) accident, chance,nbsp;Damweiniad n, chancingnbsp;Damweiniaeth nf, chancenbsp;Damweinio re, to happennbsp;Damweiniol a, accidental, casualnbsp;Damwyn -ion re, fortune, hap [hindnbsp;Dan n, lure, charm. Gafr ddin, doe,nbsp;Dan (mutation of Tanquot;) pr, under, beneath, underneath, belownbsp;Danad, Danadl np (-en re/), nettles.
Danadl-darddiant, nettle-rash Danas, Danys cn, deer; venisonnbsp;Daufou V, to send, to conveynbsp;Danfoniad re, sendingnbsp;Danfonol a, missionarynbsp;Danneddiad re, dentitionnbsp;Danneddog a, toothed; jaggednbsp;115
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Darchwyddo tgt;, to swell up Darddangos v, to show, to exhibit, tonbsp;Darddiffynu v, to protectnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[represent
Darddilyn v, to pursue eagerly Darddisgyn v, to descendnbsp;Darddodi v, to prefixnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[allowance
Darddogni v, to proportion, to fix an Darddonio v, to endownbsp;Darddosbarthu v, to elucidate, to de-Darddringo v, to climb up [monstratenbsp;Darddullio v, to describenbsp;Darddwyrain v, to soar aloft [heavynbsp;Darddwyso v, to make dense, solid, ornbsp;Darddychrynu v, to intimidatenbsp;Darddychwei v, to recurnbsp;Darddyfod v, to come to passnbsp;Dareb -ion nf, proverb, adages^Diarebnbsp;Darebu v, to use a proverbnbsp;Daredrych v, to observenbsp;Daredd n, tumultuous noisenbsp;Daregnïo v, to use great exertionnbsp;Daren n, noise, dinnbsp;Darennynu v, to set on firenbsp;Darestyn v, to extend overnbsp;Darfachu v, to grapple overnbsp;Darfaddeu v, to remitnbsp;Darfalannu v, to bud outnbsp;Darfanu v, to impressnbsp;Darfathru v, to trample overnbsp;Darfeddwi v, to intoxicatenbsp;Darfeilio v, to pile upnbsp;Darfelydd -ion n, imaginationnbsp;Darfelyddu v, to imaginenbsp;Darferu v, to accustomnbsp;Darferthu v, to miscarrynbsp;Darfinio v, to sharpen, to edge, to whetnbsp;Darfod n, ceasing to be, endnbsp;Darfod v, to finish, to end, to cease; tonbsp;happen. — am dano, to perish. Anbsp;ddarfu i chwi ei weled? aid you seenbsp;Darfodadwy a, perishablenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ him ?
Darfodedig a, evanescent Darfodedigaeth -au n, being brought tonbsp;an end; consumption, phthisisnbsp;Darfodiad n, finishing, concludingnbsp;Darfodol a, finishing, endingnbsp;Darfodoldeb n, transientness, evanes-Darfoddio v, to make pleased [cencenbsp;Darfoethi v, to nourishnbsp;Darfoli v, to celebratenbsp;Darfolli v, to receive kindlynbsp;Darfradu v, to act treacherynbsp;Darfrathu v, to wound, to stabnbsp;Darfreinio v, to dignifynbsp;Darfr:tho v, to variegatenbsp;Darfriwo v, to break, to bruisenbsp;Darfrochi v, to ruffle
Danneddu v, to teeth; to bite Dannod n, reproachnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f twit
Dannod v, to reproach^ to upbraid; to Dannodiad n, reproachingnbsp;Dannodd toothache, pain in thenbsp;Dannogen nf^ the betonynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[teeth
Dansawdd, soddion principle Dansoddi v, to form a principlenbsp;Dansoddiad abstractionnbsp;Dansoddiaeth ri/, metaphysicsnbsp;Dant, dannedd, daint n, tooth; tinenbsp;cog. Boch-ddaint, the eye-teethnbsp;Dannedd blaen, fore-teeth. Danneddnbsp;mala, grinders, jaw-teeth. Dantnbsp;Hew, dandelionnbsp;Dantaeth, teithion », daintynbsp;Danteiddiad making daintynbsp;Danteiddiol, Danteithiol a, daintynbsp;Danys cn, deer. Bwch danys, Bwchnbsp;daniog, buck. Gafr danys, Gafrnbsp;ddan, doe, hindnbsp;Dar, as a prefix, has sometimes an intensive meaning=Ar: sometimes,nbsp;like ar, it corresponds with the Latinnbsp;prae; and sometimes it has a partlynbsp;negative force [=di-ar], as in dar-gwsg, darhumnbsp;Dar «, noise, din
DS,r, deri nf and «, male oak, oak Darafal -an n, oak-applenbsp;Darammheu v, to hesitatenbsp;Daramred -ion tz, circulationnbsp;Daramred to go aboutnbsp;Daramrediad «, circulatingnbsp;Darbenol a, perpendicularnbsp;Darbenu v, to raise upright; to form anbsp;Darblygu r, to fold over [perpendicularnbsp;Darbod -au n, preparationnbsp;Darbod v, to prepare, to providenbsp;Darbodaeth nf^ foresight, precaution,nbsp;Darbodiad n, preparing [provisionnbsp;Darbodol, Darbodus a, precautions, provident, prudent, heedfulnbsp;Darbodoldeb n, precaution, circumspectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[person
Darbodwr, wyr «, prudent or provident Darborthi v, to sustain with foodnbsp;Darbwylliaeth nf, persuasionnbsp;Darbwyllo v, to persuadenbsp;Darbwyo v, to beat continuallynbsp;Darbwys -au n, preponderancenbsp;Darbwyso v, to preponderate [chefunbsp;Darchefn ad, once more, agam=Tra-Darchwantu v, to covet, to desirenbsp;Darchwareu tgt;, to sport aboutnbsp;Darchwennych v, to covet greatlynbsp;Darchwilio v, to pry about
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Darfrodio t;, to embroider Darfrudio to prog^nosticate Darfrydio v, to inflame, to throb Darfrysio r, to haste, to hasten Darfrythu v, to raise a tumult Darfrywio v, to make brisk Darfwytho v, to blandish Darfydio v, to exist Dargadw r, to secure, to preserve Dargaenu v, to overspread Dargaethu p, to restrict, to restrain Dargamu v, to bend Darganfod to discover Darganfyddiad -au n, discovery Dargantu v, to form a rim Darg^nu tgt;, to blanch, to bleach Dargasglu v, to heap, to pile Dargau v, to envelop Dargeisio v, to persevere Dargelu v, to overveil Dargestu v, to bulge out Dargilio to recede Dargipio tgt;, to snatch Dargledru v, to lattice over Dargleinio v, to crawl Dargleisio v, to make black and blue Darglodi v, to be extolling Dargindo to transport Dargluddio tgt;, to overwhelm Darglymu v, to knot Dargnifio v, to toil Dargnithio v, to pat Dargnoi v, to keep gnawing Dargochi v, to redden, to blush Dargod -ion n, tumour, abscess Dargodi zj, to rise over Dargoddi v, to oversway Dargoelio v, to credit partly Dargoethi z?, to purify Dargofio v, to call to mind DargofFa, Dargoffau v, to commemorate, Dargolledu v, to cause loss [to record Dargolli v, to lose Dargosi v, to scratch Dargospi v, to castigate Dargrafu v, to scrape Dargraft'u ??, to cause an impression Dargrasu v, to parch slightly Dargredu v, to naif credit Dargroni u, to collect Dargrothi v, to bulge, to swell out Dargrwydro v, to wander about Dargrybwyllo v, to intimate slightly Dargrychu v, to make rough Dargrynu v, to conglomerate Dargrysio v, to accelerate Darguchio v, to frown, to knit the brow |
Darguddio v, to seclude Dargulo v, to narrownbsp;Darguro v, to reverberatenbsp;Dargwsg n, slumber, light sleepnbsp;Dargwyddo, Dargwympo v, to fallnbsp;Dargydio v, to joinnbsp;Dargyfaddaw v, to menacenbsp;Dargyfaddef v, to own partlynbsp;Dargyhoeddi v, to expose [to surroundnbsp;Dargylchu, Dargylchynu v, to encircle,nbsp;Dargynnull, Dargynnullo v, to heapnbsp;Dargynnwys v, to make compactnbsp;Dargynnygio v, to offer, to attemptnbsp;Dargynnyddu v, to augmentnbsp;Dargynu v, to elevatenbsp;Dargyrchu v, to resortnbsp;Dargyrhaedd v, to reach, to extendnbsp;Dargysbellu v, to concentratenbsp;Dargystadlu v, to proportionnbsp;Dargysgodi v, to adumbrate [asleepnbsp;Dargysgu v, to dose; to nod, to fallnbsp;Dargyssodi w, to combine, to connectnbsp;Dargyssoni v, to harmonisenbsp;Dargyssylltu v, to conjoinnbsp;Dargystuddio v, to excruciatenbsp;Dargywain v, to convey, to carrynbsp;Darhedeg v, to hover, to fly aboutnbsp;Darheidio u, to swarmnbsp;Darhoni i;, to assert; to dogmatisenbsp;Darhuno v, to dozenbsp;Dariad n, making a dinnbsp;Dariasu v, to pervadenbsp;Darladu v, to be benevolent; to blessnbsp;Darlafaru v, enunciatenbsp;Darlamu r, to hopnbsp;Darlechu r, to skulk, to lurknbsp;Darledu v, to expand, to spreadnbsp;Darieddfu v, to slant, to inclinenbsp;Darleisio v, to resound, to reverberatenbsp;Darleithio r, to make humidnbsp;Darlenwi v, to superaboundnbsp;Darlesu v, to cause benefitnbsp;Darlethru v, to slope, to inclinenbsp;Darlethu v, to overlaynbsp;Darlewychu v, to shinenbsp;Darlidio v, to inflamenbsp;Darlifo v, to flownbsp;Darlith -iau -oedd n/*, lecturenbsp;Darlithio r, to lecturenbsp;Darlithiwr, wyr n, lecturernbsp;Darliwio t?, to give a tintnbsp;Darlochi v, to give refuge, to shelternbsp;Darloesi r, to empty overnbsp;Darloni v, to gladden, to cheernbsp;Darlosgi v, to singe, to scorchnbsp;Darluchio v, to sprinklenbsp;Darluddio v, to oostruct |
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Darlun -iau w, portrait, picture Darlunfa -oedd w/J place of drawingnbsp;Darlunio v, to portray, to depict, tonbsp;draw, to delineate, to representnbsp;Darlunlen -i nf^ mapnbsp;Darlwybro v, to tracenbsp;Darlwyddo v, to cause prosperingnbsp;Darlwytho v, to loadnbsp;Darlyfnu r, to polishnbsp;Darlyncu v, to belch, to eructatenbsp;Darlynu v, to adhere, to sticknbsp;Darlythyru v, to superscribenbsp;Darlywio tgt;, to superintendnbsp;Darllain, Darlleam v=Darllennbsp;Darllaw n, brewing
Darllaw r, to pour; to brew; to handle Darllead «, lecturingnbsp;Darlleain v, to lecture=Darllennbsp;Darllen v, to read, to prusenbsp;Darllenydd, Darllëydd -ion, Darllenwr.
wrr n, reader; lecturer Darlleo, Darlleu v=:Darllennbsp;Darllewyrchu v, to illuminenbsp;Darllofi V, to handlenbsp;Darmain w, prognosticationnbsp;Darmain i;, to prognosticatenbsp;Darmerth -oedd n, preparationnbsp;Darmerthu v, to prepare, to providenbsp;Darn -au n, piece, fragment, patchnbsp;Damaid, neidiau nf^ hop, leapnbsp;Darneidio v, to hop, to vaultnbsp;Darnio to piece, to break in piecesnbsp;Darnod -au «, distinctionnbsp;Darnodi to distinguish; to definenbsp;Damofio w, to swim, to floatnbsp;Daroddef to suffer, to endurenbsp;Darofyn r, to intimatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Darogan -au nf^ prediction, prognostica-Darogan, Daroganu v, to predict, to foretell, to prognosticatenbsp;Daroganiad w, predictingnbsp;Darogwyddo u, to inclinenbsp;Daron, Daronwy n, the thunderernbsp;Darostwng », debasementnbsp;Darostwng, Darostyngu v, to debasenbsp;to subdue; to subjectnbsp;Darpar -ion w, preparationnbsp;Darpariad n, preparingnbsp;Dai'pariaeth, Uarparaeth n/*, preparationnbsp;Darparu v, to prepare, to make readynbsp;Darre v, to effuse; to blushnbsp;Darstain, steiniau n, tinkling, clangingnbsp;Darstain, Darsteinio v, to tinkle, tonbsp;clang, to peal
Darswydo v, to intimidate, to terrify Darswyddo v, to superintendnbsp;Darswyno v, to encnant, to charm
Oarsylw, Darsylwad w, observation Darsylweddu v, to form elemental prin-Dasylwi v, to observenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cvples
Darsyllu v, to stare, to gaze; to observe Daru V, to finish, to end; to tinkle, tonbsp;Darwain, weiniau n, ministration [clanknbsp;Darwain v, to lead; to administernbsp;Darware -on n, disport, playnbsp;Darwareu v, to disportnbsp;Darwedd -ion «ƒ, compliancynbsp;Darweddu v, to directnbsp;Darweinio v, to lead; to ministernbsp;Darweithio v, to supererogatenbsp;Darwel, Darweliad n, perceptionnbsp;Darweled v, to perceivenbsp;Darwenu v, to smilenbsp;Darwib -iau nƒ. hoveringnbsp;Darwibio w, to hover, to fly aboutnbsp;Darwirio v, to assertnbsp;Darwystlo v, to pledgenbsp;Darymchwelyd v, to revertnbsp;Darymdeithio tgt;, to sojourn [endeavournbsp;Darymgeisio v, to make an effbrt, tonbsp;Darymranu to dividenbsp;Darymred -ion n, excursion; colliqua-tion; diarrhoea; looseness,laxness. —nbsp;gwaed, dysentery, bloody fluxnbsp;Darymred v, to run; to move about;
to run out; to frequent Darymrithio v, to seem, to appearnbsp;Darymroi v, to resign [pie, to treadnbsp;Darymsangu, Darymsathru v, to tram-Darymsawdd, soddion », adjunctnbsp;Darystain, einiau n, tinkling; pealnbsp;Darysteinio to tinkle, to ringnbsp;Das -au, deisi «ƒ, stack, rick, mow; heapnbsp;Dasgwm, gymau w, cone; ricknbsp;Dasgyrniad, Dasiad n, ricking, stackingnbsp;Dasmal w, gentle touchnbsp;Dasmalu v, to touch gentlynbsp;Dasol a, cumulated; stackednbsp;Dasu V, to stack, to ricknbsp;Daswl, ylau n, pile; stacknbsp;Daswrn, ymau n, cone; pilenbsp;Dasyliad », piling upnbsp;Dasylu v, to pile, to ricknbsp;Dasyrnu v, to heap, to ricknbsp;Dat px^Dad
Dattaenu v, to spread out anew Dattaith, teithiau nf, journey backnbsp;Dattai -ion «, repaymentnbsp;Dattalu V, to repay, to reimbursenbsp;Dattanio v, to quenchnbsp;Dattaro to strike back, to repulse^nbsp;Dattardd -ion to, obstructed eruption;
checked budding I breaking out Dattarddu v, to cease budding; to ceasenbsp;118
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Dattarthu t?, to clear of vapour Dattebyg a, unlike, dissimilarnbsp;Datteimio v, to cease feelingnbsp;Datteithio v, to return, to journey backnbsp;Datterfynu v, to remove a boundarynbsp;Datterfysgu v, to cease riotingnbsp;Datterwynu v, to allay heat, to coolnbsp;Dattesu v, to cease being sultrynbsp;Dattirioni r, to become unamiablenbsp;Dattochi v, to dissipate vapournbsp;Dattod Vj to loosen, to undo, to unloosenbsp;Dattodwr, wyr w, one who loosensnbsp;Dattodi V, to dissolve againnbsp;Dattoi V, to remove a covering; to un-Dattolcio Vy to take out dents [roofnbsp;Dattoli, Dattolio v, to diminish againnbsp;Dattorchi v, to unwreathnbsp;Dattori v, to break again; to refractnbsp;Dattraethu v, to recapitulate; to reiter-Dattrafodi v, to give over toil [atenbsp;Dattrafferthu Vy to cease being busynbsp;Dattreigl -ion n/J movement or rollingnbsp;backwardsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[of coming back Dattramwy -on nfy recurrence; the act Dattramwyo v, to move backnbsp;Dattrefn -au nƒy disarrangementnbsp;Dattrefnu v, to discompose, to disordernbsp;Dattreiddio r, to penetrate againnbsp;Dattreiglo u, to roll backnbsp;Dattro -ion », turn backwardsnbsp;Dattroi v, to turn back; to untwistnbsp;Dattrwsio to disarraynbsp;ï)attuddo Vy to uncover, to denudenbsp;Dattueddu r, to unbiasnbsp;Dattwytho v, to deprive of elasticity, tonbsp;render rigid Dattyb -iau to, reversed opinion Dattybio v, to change sentimentnbsp;Dattynhau v, to relaxnbsp;Dattynu v. to pull backnbsp;Dattyru v, to level a heapnbsp;Dattywynu v, to reflect raysnbsp;Dathl a, celebrated, famousnbsp;Dathlud n, celebrationnbsp;Dathlu Vy to celebratenbsp;Dan w amp; a, two: ƒ, dwy. Ein dau, bothnbsp;of us. Eich dau, both of you. Illnbsp;dau, Bill dau, both of themnbsp;Daw -on, Dawf, dohon «, son-in-lawnbsp;Daw Vy will come Dawd, dodion n, deposit; giving; datum Dawed r, to come=Dyfod [Gwauddnbsp;Dawes -au nfy daughter-in-law =nbsp;Dawg n, portion, sharenbsp;Dawn, doniau n, gift; virtue; gracenbsp;Dawns -iau n, dancenbsp;Dawnsio v. to dance |
Dawnu v, to gift, to endow Dawnus a, gifted; virtuousnbsp;Dawr Vy to care, to regard; to cause care. Ni’m dawr, I do not care De -au Uy activity; parting; right side; the south=Dehau [right; south De Vy to part; to right: a, separate;nbsp;Dead n, parting, separationnbsp;Deadell -au • oedd nfy flock, herdnbsp;Deadelliad », herdingnbsp;Deadellog a, gregariousnbsp;Deadellu v, to form a herdnbsp;Deaeth nf, separationnbsp;Deall n, intellect, understandingnbsp;Deall Vy to understandnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ble Dealladwy a, intelligible, comprehensi-Dealledigaeth nf understanding, com-Dealledigol a, intellectual [prehension Deallgar a, intelligent, wisenbsp;Deallgarwch intelligencenbsp;Dealliad, Dealltiad n, understandingnbsp;Deallol a, intellectualnbsp;Deallt n, understanding=Deallnbsp;Dealltwr, wyr n, intellectualistnbsp;Dealltwri n, intelligencenbsp;Dealltwriaeth », understanding, comprehension, intelligencenbsp;Dealltwrus a, intelligentnbsp;Deallu Vy to understand=Deallnbsp;Deallus a, intelligent, knowingnbsp;Deau ?i, the right side; the south: a,nbsp;south; right=Dehaunbsp;Deawl a, tending to separatenbsp;Debed v, to go, to departnbsp;DechreUj Dechre w, beginning, origin: v,nbsp;to begin, to commence, to originatenbsp;Dechreuad, Dechread n, beginning,nbsp;commencement, originationnbsp;Dechreuedigaeth nf commencementnbsp;Dechreuol, Dechreol o, original, initial,nbsp;primitive Dedfryd -au nf restoration; verdict, adjudication, sentencenbsp;Dedfrydiad w, adjudicationnbsp;Dedfrydol a, adjudicatingnbsp;Dedfrydu v, to sentencenbsp;Dedlidio «?, to be angry againnbsp;Dedwinedd n, evanescencenbsp;Dedwino v, to fade awaynbsp;Dedwinoldeb n, liability to fadenbsp;Dedwydd n, regained knowledge; statenbsp;of bliss; felicity Dedw’ydd a, happy; discreet; virtuous Dedwyddiad w, beatiflcationnbsp;Dedwyddo Vy to beatify, to make happynbsp;Dedwyddol, Dedwyddus a, beatific;nbsp;blessed, happ'^ |
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Dedwyddwch, Dedwyddyd «, happiness Dedwyn a, calmed of passionnbsp;DedyIliadnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;suckling; sucking
Dedyllio to suckle, to suck Dedd nf^ order, rulenbsp;Deddf -au nf^ statute, ordinance, lawnbsp;Deddfod -au «, statute, ordinationnbsp;Deddfol a, ceremonialnbsp;Deddfoli v, to make ordinal [givernbsp;Deddfroddwr, wyr «, legislator, law-Deddf u to institute; to enactnbsp;Deddfwr, wyr «, legislatornbsp;Deddfwriaeth nf^ legislaturenbsp;Def -ion «, one’s own; rightnbsp;Defeidiog -au nf^ sheep-walknbsp;Deflys, -oedd w, court of common pleasnbsp;Defn n. matter, stuffnbsp;Defni np^ dropping, drops: dafnnbsp;Defniad n, tricklingnbsp;Defnïo r, to drop, to tricklenbsp;Defnydd -iau n, element, matter, substance. Gwneuthur defnydd o, tonbsp;make use of
Defnyddgar a, substantial, useful Def nyddiad w, substantiality; usefulnessnbsp;Defnyddiadu r, to make materialnbsp;Def nyddio v, to prepare matter; to makenbsp;use of, to use; to utilisenbsp;Defnyddiodraeth nf^ materialismnbsp;Defnyddiol a, material; usefulnbsp;Defny ddioldeb n, materiality; usefulnessnbsp;Defnyddu v, to form matternbsp;Defnyn -au w, drop, particlenbsp;Defnyniad n, droppingnbsp;Defnynu v, to drop, to tricklenbsp;Defod -au usage, custom; ceremonynbsp;Defodi V, to fix or institute a customnbsp;Defodiad «, institutionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[monial
Defodol a, customary; ritualistic, cere-Defodoldeb n, usage Defol a, being in the usagenbsp;Deff -ion n, quotientnbsp;Deffinio v, to definenbsp;Deffiniad n, definitionnbsp;Defiol to select, to pick=Detholnbsp;Deffoliad n, selectionnbsp;Deffro a, wakeful, awakenbsp;Deffro, Deffroi v, to rouse; to wakenbsp;Deffroawl a, tending to awakenbsp;Defi’rous a, wakeful; excitingnbsp;Deg -au n, ten, 10, x.; decade: a, tennbsp;Degaid, eidiau n, decadenbsp;Degban n, having ten partsnbsp;Degeidio v, to form decadesnbsp;Degfed a and n, tenthnbsp;Degiad n, decimal. Degiadau, decimalsnbsp;Degly V, to hearken, to listen
Degol a, decimal. Degolion, decimals
Degoli Vy to decimate, to tithe
Degoiiad n, decimation
Degoliaeth tithing
Degplyg a, tenfold
Degryn n, single drop=:Deigryn
Degryniad n, dropping
Degrynu v, to fall in drops
Degsill a, of ten syllables
Degtant, tannau n, ten-stringed instm-
Degtro a, of ten turns nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ment
Degu V, to decimate
Degwm, ymau n, tenth, tithe
Degymiad tithing
Degymol a, relating to tithe
Degymu v, to tithe; to take tithe
Deng fl, ten=:Deg
Dengwaith n Sc ad, ten times or turns Dengyn clownish, rusticnbsp;Deheu south
Deheu a, southern; south; right Deheuad «, righting; southingnbsp;Deheubarth -au w, south region. De-henbarth Cymru, Deheudir Cymru,nbsp;South Wales
Deheuder, Deheudra, Deheuedd, Deheu-rwydd «, dexterity, expertness, skill Deheudir -oedd n, southern region.
Deheudir America, South Amenca Deheuig a,dexterous; dexter; southernnbsp;Deheulaw nf, right handnbsp;Deheuo v, to put on the right; to go tonbsp;the south, to south; to use dexteritynbsp;Deheuol a, dexter; southernnbsp;Deheuwynt n, south windnbsp;Deifiad «, singeing; blastingnbsp;Deifio Vy to singe; to blastnbsp;Deifiol a, singeing; blastingnbsp;Deifnio v, to nurturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ent
Deifniog a, nurtured; trained; constitu-Deifr n, regimen; verse: npy waters Dyfroedd. See Dwfrnbsp;Deifriad n, setting in ordernbsp;Deifrio v, to put in regimennbsp;Deigr n and c», drop, tear: p, dagraonbsp;Deigriad n, weepingnbsp;Deigrio v, to shed tears; to tricklenbsp;Deigrol a, lachrymalnbsp;Deigryn n, drop; tearnbsp;Deigryniad tricklingnbsp;Deigrynol a, falling in dropsnbsp;Deigrynu v, to fall in dropsnbsp;Deigyniad n, emanationnbsp;Deigynol a, emanantnbsp;Deigynn Vy to emanatenbsp;Deilad -on n, tenant; subjectnbsp;Deilen, dail nf, leaf, foil
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Delwad n, formation Delwadol a, formativenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f images
Delwaddoli v, to idolatrise, to worship Delwaddoliad worshiping of idolsnbsp;Delwaddoliaeth -au n, idolatrynbsp;Delwaddolwr, wyr n, idolator, iconolaternbsp;Delwant n, imagerynbsp;Delwdorwr, wyr n, iconoclastnbsp;Delwedd -au '.if, resemblance; imagenbsp;Delweddu r, to portraynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[a statue
Delwi to give a form; to become as Dell 71, slit, cleftnbsp;Delli, Dellni n, blindnessnbsp;Dellt np (-en nf), splinters; laths; lat-Dellteniad 7i, splinteringnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tice
Delltenog a, splintered; latticed Delltenu v, to splinternbsp;Delltiad ti, splintering; latticingnbsp;Dell tog o, in splinters; latticednbsp;Delltu V, to splinter; to lattice, to shivernbsp;Demi -au n, outskirtnbsp;Dengar a, alluring, enticingnbsp;Deniad n, alluringnbsp;Denol a, alluring, enticingnbsp;Denu Vy to allure, to enticenbsp;Deongli, Deongl v, to interpretnbsp;Deongliad interpretationnbsp;Deongiydd -ion «, interpreternbsp;Deol«, exile, banishmentnbsp;Deol V, to separate; to exile, to banishnbsp;Deolawd w, separationnbsp;Deoliad n, separation; banishingnbsp;Deon -laid », distributor; deannbsp;Deon np, visitors, strangersnbsp;Deoniaeth nf deanerynbsp;Deor n, hatching, hatchnbsp;Deor Vy to brood, to hatchnbsp;Deoraid, eidiau «, hatched broodnbsp;Deorain r, to hatch, to broodnbsp;Deorawd, Deoriad w, hatchingnbsp;Der a, stubborn, froward, sullennbsp;Dera -on nf fury, fiend, devil; thenbsp;Deraidd o, apt to be stubborn [staggersnbsp;Derbyn v, to receive; to admit; to accept. Heb dderbyu wyneb, withoutnbsp;respect to personsnbsp;Derbyniad n, reception; admissionnbsp;Derbyniadwy a, receivable; admissiblenbsp;Derbyniol a, receivable, admissible; ac-Derbynioldeb n, acceptableness[ceptablenbsp;Derch a, elevated, exaltednbsp;Derchafu, amp;c.=Dyrchafu, amp;c.
Derdri n, obduracy
Deri np, female oak-trees: nf oak grove Deriad n, froward actingnbsp;Derio, Deru r, to act frowardlynbsp;Derlewyn -ion », radiance
Deiliach np, mixed leaves Deiliad », foliationnbsp;Deiliad, iaid n, tenant; subjectnbsp;Deiliadaethnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;foliage; tenantry,tenancy
Deiliant n, foliage, Miation Deiliar a, foliaceous. leafynbsp;Deilio to put out leavesnbsp;Deiliog a, bearing leaves, leafynbsp;Deiiw -on n, the small of the legnbsp;Deilliad n, proceeding, issuingnbsp;Deillio r, to proceed; to flow, to issuenbsp;Deilliol a, proceeding; issuing, derivingnbsp;Deincod, Dincod cn, teeth on edgenbsp;Deincodyn, Dincodyn «, apple seednbsp;Deiniad n, alluringnbsp;Deinio v, to allurenbsp;Deinofyddiaeth estheticsnbsp;Deintbylor n, toothpowdernbsp;Deintgraff -au «, instrument for extracting teeth
Deintgryd n, gnashing of teeth Deintiad dentitionnbsp;Deintio w, to teeth; to bitenbsp;Deintiol a, dental. Deintolion, dentalsnbsp;Deintlwch n, toothpowdernbsp;Deintrod -au cogwheelnbsp;Deintws n, little toothnbsp;Deintwst iif, toothachenbsp;Deintydd -ion n, dentist [things onnbsp;Deintyr -iau n, tenter; hook to stretchnbsp;Deiryd v, to pertain, to belong; to benbsp;Deiseb -au n/j petitionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[related
Deisebu v, to petition Deisyf -ion », request, entreaty: v, tonbsp;request, to entreat, to beseechnbsp;Deisytiad n, requesting; requestnbsp;Deisyfol a, beseeching, suppliantnbsp;Deisyfu, Deisyf v, to request; to crave,nbsp;to entreat, to beseechnbsp;Deisyn n, hank, skeinnbsp;Del, Delo, Daw v, will comenbsp;Del 71, progress; approachnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[neat
Del a, stift’; pert, saucy; smart, pretty, Delbren -i w, cudgel; log; stick tied tonbsp;a dog’s tail; idle or stupid fellownbsp;Delder «, stiffness; sauciness; prettinessnbsp;Delfaen n, delvin, substance found innbsp;Delfryd -au n, ideanbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tin mines
Delfysg -oedd «, amalgam ' Delfysgu r, to amalgamatenbsp;Delft 7ï,numskn 11; churlnbsp;Delffaidd a, oafish; stupid; churlishnbsp;Delfieiddio r, to stupefy; to becomenbsp;DelW -au n, mineral, metal [stupidnbsp;Delidfaen, fain, feini ?i, mineralnbsp;Delor -au nf, the woodpeckernbsp;Delw -au njl image; idol
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Derlin n, the heart of oak Derlwjn -i n, oak grovenbsp;Derllydd a, poured, effusednbsp;Derllyddiad depletionnbsp;Derllyddu v, to pour outnbsp;Dernyn -au n, piece, patch, fragmentnbsp;Derw n, the male oak; rif, oak grovenbsp;Derwen, derw, deri oak-tree, oaknbsp;Derwin a, oaken, made of oaknbsp;Derwydd -on druidnbsp;Derwyddiaeth nf^ druidismnbsp;Derwyddol a, druidic, druidicalnbsp;DerwyddoniDerwyddoniaeth nf^ dru-Des -au w, system, order, rule [idismnbsp;Deseb -au nf^ systemnbsp;Desgyn v, to ascend, to mount=Esgynnbsp;Dest », order, trim Destl, Destlaidd, Destlus a, neat, trim, tidy, spruce; delicate, daintynbsp;Destliad putting in trimnbsp;Destlu to make neatnbsp;Dethol to select, to pick, to choosenbsp;Dethol, Detholedig a, select, choice,nbsp;chosen. Detholion, selectionsnbsp;Detholiad selecting, selectionnbsp;Deu u, to come, to arrivenbsp;Deuad coming, arrivalnbsp;Deuawd m, duet, duettonbsp;Deubarth of two parts; two partsnbsp;Deubarthiad bisectionnbsp;Deubarthu v, to bisect; to dividenbsp;Deuben np, two heads; a pairnbsp;Deuben, Deubenog a, two-neadednbsp;Deublyg a, doublenbsp;Deublygiad w, doublingnbsp;Deublygiaeth duplicatenbsp;Deublygu v, to doublenbsp;Deudro two turns: a, twicenbsp;Deudroed np^ two feetnbsp;Deudroediog a, bipedal, bipednbsp;Deuddaint o, bidentalnbsp;Deuddeg a and w, twelve, 12, xii.nbsp;Deuddyblyg cs, twofold, duplicatenbsp;Deueiriog equivocalnbsp;Deuenwol a, binomialnbsp;Deufed am, second :/Jdwyfed. Deufednbsp;ar hugain (22fed), 22nd [edgednbsp;Deufin, Deufiniog 0, of two edges, two-Deugaiu, Deugaint a amp; «, forty, 40, xl.nbsp;Deugeinfed (40fed) a, fortiethnbsp;Deunanner o, of two halvesnbsp;Denials a, of two soundsnbsp;Deulasnur ra, bichloridenbsp;Deuleisiad, iaid n, diphthongnbsp;Deulin np^ the two kneesnbsp;Deuliw np, two colours; two parties:nbsp;a, of two colours, bicolor |
Deulun npy two forms; a pair: a, of Deulygeidiog a, binocular f two formsnbsp;Deuuaw a and n, eighteen, 18, xviii.nbsp;Deunawfed (18fed) a, eighteenth, 18thnbsp;Deunydd -iau=Defnyddnbsp;Deuochrog a, of two sides, bilateralnbsp;Deuoedd np, the twain, the twonbsp;Deuol a, future, coming; dualnbsp;Deurudd np, the cheeksnbsp;Deuryw np, two sorts or kind; a, of do.nbsp;Deutu np, two sides; compass. 0nbsp;Deuwedd wp,two forms [ddeutu, aboutnbsp;Deuw^ebog a, having two faces; hypocritical : n, the heart’s-easenbsp;Dew n, he who wills; the deitynbsp;Dewaint n, midnight, dead of nightnbsp;Dewid -ion n/J promise, vownbsp;Dewin -ion -iaid n, wizard, soothsayernbsp;Dewin a, divine, theological [sorcerernbsp;Dewines -au nf, witch, sorceressnbsp;Dewiniaeth nf, divinationnbsp;Dewinio v, to divinenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ydd Dewinydd -ion n, theologianssDuwin-Dewinyddiaeth nf, theology Dewis -ion n, choice; v, to choosenbsp;Dewisiad n, choosingnbsp;Dewisol a, choice, desirable, selectnbsp;Dewr a, brave, bold, valiant; stoutnbsp;Dewr -ion n, brave one, heronbsp;Dewrder, Dewredd n, bravery, valournbsp;Dewrhau v, to grow boldnbsp;Dewryn n, pert or brave onenbsp;Dipr, without. Di ben draw,without end,nbsp;endless. Di alw yn ol, irrevocable. Dinbsp;dderbyn wyneb, impartialnbsp;Di px, without, void of, destitute of, notnbsp;having; dis-, il-, im-, in-, ir-, un-,nbsp;non-, -less, not. A numerous classnbsp;of adjectives of negative significationnbsp;is fonned by prefixing this particle tonbsp;nouns or to other words used as nouns.nbsp;The following are some of the morenbsp;important: for others not included innbsp;the list, the nouns of which they arenbsp;formed must be referred to:—nbsp;Diabred, unprogressive. Diacli, ignoble. Diachles, unsuccoured. Diachludd,nbsp;unobscured. Diachor, being uneucircled.nbsp;Diachos, without cause, causeless. Di-achris, uncovered ^nobscured. Diachub,nbsp;not to be saved. Diachudd, unsecluded.nbsp;Diachwyn, uncomplaining. Diadbryn,nbsp;without redemption. Diadchwaeth,nbsp;Diadflas, void of relish. Diadchwyl,nbsp;unrecurring. Diadeg, inopportune. Di-adfyd, unafilicted, unvexed. Diad-fyw, void of revival. Diadgof, void ofnbsp;122 |
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recollection. Diadlais, void of reso- dered. Dianial, not run wild. Diaman, nance. Diadlam, not to be repassed, unnatural. Diannedd, without a dwel-Diadlif, without a reflux. Diadnabod, ling. Diannel, aimless. Diannod, instan-unrecognised. Diadnaid, void of resil- taneons. Diannog, unexcited. Dian-ience. Diadnair, reproachless. Diadred, nwyd, unchilled. Dianrheg, giftless. Di-void of recurrence. Diadrwym, unre- anrhydedd, without honour. Diansawd,nbsp;stricted Diadwaith, not to be undone, impersonal. Diantur, without mter-Diadwedd, void of retrospect. Diad- prise. Dianudon, not pequred. Dian-werth, undepreciated. Diadwyth, in- wadal, unwavering. Dianwes, unindul-noxious, innocuous. Diaddfed, imma- gent. Dianwylyd, not aftectionate.nbsp;ture, unripe. Diaddum, unadorned. Diarab, not joyous, sad. Uiarat, notnbsp;Diaddysg, unlearned, illiterate. Diael, dilatory or slow. Diaraul, inclement,nbsp;without a brow. Diaeled, unafflicted, not Diarbed, unsmring. Diarchar, daunt-ailing. Diaeth, without pain. Diafael, less. Diarchen, uncovered, unshod,nbsp;without a hold. Diafar, without sorrow. Diarcheuad, unclothed. Diarcholl,with-Diaflwydd, void of misfortune. Diaflym, out a wound, unscathed. Diarchwarth,nbsp;not blunt. Diafrad,without waste. Diafr- tasteless. Diardres, without toil. Di-dwyth, unimpassioned. Diaf reel, undis- ardwy, without sway. Diarddel, ^aim-ordered. Diafrwydd,unobstructed. Di- less: ti, to disclaim, to repudiate. Diart,nbsp;afryw, undegenerate. Diagor, without unarmed. Diarfaeth, void of purple,nbsp;opening. Diagro,undejected. Diagwedd, Diarfer, without usage; unusual. JJi-void of method or form. Diangeu, death- arfod, inopportune. Diarftordd, out otnbsp;less, immortal. Diaidd, void of zeal, the way, Diargae, without obstacle,nbsp;without energy. Diail, without a second, Diargel, undisguised. Diargratt, _un-nnequalled. Diailenedig,unregenerated, printed; without impression. Diar-Diaill, not otherwise. Diaillt, matchless, gysswr.undaunted. Diargywedd,bla,me-nnmatched. Diainc, void of greediness, less. Diarial, spiritless, faint. Diarloes,nbsp;Dialaeth, void of sorrow. Dialar, not exhaustless. Diarludd, unobstructed,nbsp;mourning. Dialw, uncalled, unnamed. Diarlwy, unprovided. Diarmerth, with-Diallu, unable, impotent. Diambell, out preparation or provision. Diarnabod,nbsp;scarce. Diamcan, voidi of design, pur- unrecognised. Diarnod, uncharacteris-poseless. Diamdlawd, not necessitous; tic. Diarobryn, unmerited. Diarofyn,nbsp;abundant. Diamddiflfyn,defenceless. Di- unintentional. Diarogl, without semt,nbsp;ameth, unfailing. Diamgall.notcircum- scentless. Diaros, without delay. Di-spect. Diamgant, unencircled. Diam- arswyd, dauntless, fearless. Uiartaitn,nbsp;geledd, succourless. Diamgelog, uncir- without torture. Diarw, not rough ornbsp;cumspect. Diamgen, not otherwise, rugged. Diarwais, without earnestness.nbsp;Diamgudd, not enveloped. Diamgyffred, Diarwedd, without conduct. Diarwel,nbsp;void of comprehension, Diamgylch, not conspicuous. Diarwellyg, undetect-nnsurrounded. Diamhafal, without ible. Diarwybod, unknowing, una-parallel, incomparable. Diammbeu, in- wares. Diarwydd, without token. Lli-dubitable, doubtless. Diammod, uncon- arymcbwel, unreverting. Diarynaig,nbsp;ditional Diamrafael, uncontentious. dauntless. Diasbri, without wiles. Ui-Diamrosgo, not unwieldy. Diamryson, asgell, wingless. Diasgen, unblemished;nbsp;void of strife. Diamryw, not heteroge- unhurt. Diasgloff, without lameness,nbsp;neons Diamwedd, incongruous. Diam-Diasgwrn, without bone. Diastrn3,un-wel uncircumspect. Diamwes, void of perplexed. Diasw, not left or awkward,nbsp;enjoyment. Diamwys, unequivocal. Di- Diateb, unanswered. Diattal, unim-amynedd, impatient, Dianad, unexcep- peded, unstopped, incessant. Diattreg,nbsp;tionable. Dianadl,breathless. Dianaf, undelayed,unimpeded; direct. Diattro,nbsp;Without defect, perfect. Dianair, re- without reversion. Diathraw, withoutnbsp;proachless. Dianerch, ungreeted. Dian- ft teacher. Diathrawd, uncensured,nbsp;ferth, not unsightly. Dianfodd, not un- Diathrin, unused to labour. Diau,true,nbsp;willing. Dianfon without mission, un- certain, Diawch, blunt; without ap-sent. Dianfudd,not unprofitable. Dian- petite; unapt. Diawgrym, unskilful,nbsp;ffawd, without misfortune. Dianhap, Diawr, without doubt. Diaws, unapt,nbsp;without mischance. Dianhwyl, undisor- Diawydd, without activity, not zealous.
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Dibaid, incessant, unceasing, ceaseless. Dibaith, indistinct. Diball, infallible; sure. Dibara, not durable; short. Dibarch. void of respect. Dibech, sinless, witnout sin. Dibedrylaw, inexpert.nbsp;Dibelre, without perplexity. Dibellt,nbsp;incompact. Diben, headless, endb^ss.nbsp;Dibenaeth, without a chief or leader.nbsp;Diberchen, unpossessed. Diberfedd,nbsp;without entrails. Diberthynas, irrelevant. Diberygl, without danger. Di-betrus, unhesitating, decided. Dibil,nbsp;having no peel. Diblaid, without party.nbsp;Diblant, childless. Dibleth, unpJaited.nbsp;Diblisg, without shell or husk. Diblu,nbsp;featherless, unfledged. Diblwyf, having no parish. Diblydd, not mellow ornbsp;soft. Diblyg, without a fold. Dibobl,nbsp;without people, unpopulated. Diboen,nbsp;painless; unwearied. Diboeth, withoutnbsp;neat. Diborth, helpless, unaided. Di-braidd, without flocks. Dibrawf, without proof. Dibrestl, without prattling.nbsp;Dibreswyl, having no abode. Dibrid,nbsp;priceless. Dibridd, without earth. Di-brin, unscanty, unscarce. Dibrïod, unmarried, single. Dibris, worthless, valueless, of no account. Dibrudd,indiscreet.nbsp;Dibrwy, improvident. Dibryd, inopportune. Dibryder, without anxiety. Di-bryn, without purchase. Dibrysur,nbsp;not diligent. Dibuch, without desire.nbsp;Dibur, impure, unrefinedsrAmmhur.nbsp;Dibwyll, senseless, witless. Dibwys,nbsp;light, not heavy; unimportant. Dibyd,nbsp;without danger Dichwant, without desire. Dichwerw, not bitter. Dichwedl, without a word,nbsp;silent. Dichwith, not awkward Didad, fatherless. Didaen, without expansion. Didaer,unimportunate. Didal, unpaid. Didalch, unfractured. Didalm,nbsp;incessant. Didanc, not tranquil. Di-dardd, uneftusive. Didarf, unscared,nbsp;nnchased. Didaro, not struck, without anbsp;blow;unaffected,unconcerned. Didarth,nbsp;without vapour. Didasg, without tasknbsp;or job. Didaw, not silent or tacit.nbsp;Didawel, not calm, untranquil. Didawl,nbsp;incessant, unabated. Didech, withoutnbsp;skulking. Dideimlad, unfeeling, inhuman. Dideithi, imperfect in kind. Didel,nbsp;not stretched. Didelaid, not beautiful.nbsp;Dider, impure, unrefined, Diderfyn,nbsp;boundless, endless, infinite. Diderfysg,nbsp;undisturbed. Didlawd, not poor oinbsp;destitute. Didolc, without a dent. |
Didoll, free of toll, toll-free. Didon, having the surface removed. Didon^d,nbsp;unfroward, Didor, uninterrupted. Di-doraeth, unprofitable; silly and changeable; fickle; shiftless; uncontinuing.nbsp;Didorch, unwreathed. Didoriad, unbroken. Didost, unsevere, Didosturi,nbsp;without pity, pitiless, incompassionate.nbsp;Didra, without excess. Didrachwant,nbsp;without lust, Didrafn, without change.nbsp;Didrafferth, Didrafod, without bustle.nbsp;Didraha, without haughtiness. Didrai,nbsp;undiminished. Didraill, unrevolving.nbsp;Didrain, unagitated; solitary. Didrais,nbsp;without oppression. Didrallod, withoutnbsp;distress. Didramgwydd, unstumbling;nbsp;without offence. Didramwy, unfrequented. Didranc, endless; incessant. Di-dras, without kindred. Didraserch^nbsp;without doating. Didraul, wasteless;nbsp;inexpensive; without diminution. Di-drawd, without currency. Didrawiad,nbsp;unimpelled. Didraws, not cross; notnbsp;freward. Didref, without a dwelling;nbsp;desert. Didrefn, disordered, irregular.nbsp;Didremyg, without contempt. Didres,nbsp;without labour. Didreth, free of tribute, tax-free. Didro, without a turning, direct. Didroed, footless; withoutnbsp;a leg or stand. Didrofa, without anbsp;turning. Didrosedd, without transgression. Didru, without misery. Di-drugar, Didrugaredd, unpitying, merciless, pitiless, unmerciful. Didrwch,nbsp;not fractious. Didrwm, not heavy, light.nbsp;Didrwst, noiseless, without din. Di-drwydded, unlicensed. Didrydar, without clamour. Didrythyll, not wanton.nbsp;Didry wedd, without instinct, Didueban,nbsp;without grumbling. Didudd, withoutnbsp;covering. Diduedd,impartial, unbiassed,nbsp;Didwf, without growth. Didwg, unpros-perous. Didwll, having no hole. Didwn,nbsp;unfractured, whole. Didwrf, withoutnbsp;tumult. Didwy, unarranged. Didwyll,nbsp;without guile, undeceitful. Didwyth,nbsp;unelastic. Did^, houseless. Didyb,nbsp;unsuspected. Didymmestl, untemp^-tuous, Didyner, not mild or tender.nbsp;Didywyll, not dark, unobscured, inob-scure. Didywyn, without resplendence,nbsp;Didda, Diddaioni, void of goodness.nbsp;Diddadl, without dispute, undisputed,nbsp;indisputable, Diddail, leafless, apetal-ous. Diddannod, reproachless. Didar-bod, improvident, Diddarfod, endless;nbsp;perennial. Diddawn, ungifted; grace-124 |
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leas. Diddawr, unconcerned. Diddeall, Toid of understanding, irrational. Di-ddefnydd, unsubstantial; useless. Di-dderbyn, unreceiving. Diddestl, untidy.nbsp;Diddewis, without choice. Diddial,nbsp;without revenge, Diddicheli, undesigning, guileless. Diddiflan, not evanescent.nbsp;Diddiffodd, unquenchable. Diddig, un-impassioned, without anger; appeased;nbsp;contented; unmurmuring. Diddillad,nbsp;without clothes. Diddim, having ornbsp;being nothing; worthless. Diddïogi,nbsp;not lazy. Diddïolch, without thanks;nbsp;unthankful. Diddirnad, not comprehended. Diddiwedd, endless, infinite.nbsp;Diddiwyll, uncultivated. Diddolur,un-ailing; painless. Diddos, without drops.nbsp;Diddosbarth, unclassified. Diddrwg,nbsp;void of evil, innocent, harmless. Diddrwg didda, neither good nor bad; in-difierent. Didduw, godless; atheistical.nbsp;Diddyblyg, undoubled. Diddychryn,nbsp;fearless, dauntless, unintimidated. Di-ddyled, out of debt. Diddyrys, notnbsp;intricate. Diddysg, unlearned, illiterate.nbsp;Diddyweddi, unconjoined; unafiiancednbsp;Dieching, unstraitened. Diechrys, notnbsp;alarming. Diechwng, not contiguous.nbsp;Diechyr, inflexible; sturdy. Diedfydd,nbsp;Diedlais, without drooping. Diedlid,nbsp;without anger. Diedliw, reproachless.nbsp;Diedlym, without pungency. Diedmyg,nbsp;without reverence. Diedrin, withoutnbsp;bustle. Diedrysedd, without superfluity,nbsp;piedw,unfaded, unwithered. Dieddaint,nbsp;incompact. Dieddrin, not mysterious.nbsp;Dieddyl, not inherent. Diefras, slender.nbsp;Diefrydd,unmaimed. Dieffaith, ineffectual. Diegin, having no germs. Dieglur,nbsp;indistinct. Dieglwg, not manifest. Di-eglyd, unwavering. Diegni, withoutnbsp;exertion. Diegryn, untrembling. Di-egwan, not fe^le or weak. Diegweddi,nbsp;dowerless. Diegwyl, inopportune. Di-eiddii, not slender; not feeble. Dieiddo,nbsp;without property. Dieilig, unharmon-ious. Dieinig, without a^tation. Di-eiriach, without dispute. Dieiriol, without intercession. Dieisieu, unnecessary,nbsp;needless. Dieisor, matchless. Dieithi,nbsp;without exception. Dielusen, withoutnbsp;charity. Dielw, worthless; ignoble,nbsp;piell, unblemished, perfect. Dien, moving with ease, nimble, mettlesome,vigorous; not broken with labour or age;nbsp;calm; pleasant; certain, Dienaid, inanimate, soulless. Dienbyd, without
peril. Diencil, not receding. Dienig, without activity; sad. Dienllib, irreproachable. Diennill, unprofitable, profitless. Dienw,anonymous, nameless. Di-epil, having no issue. Dierbyn, withoutnbsp;reception. Diergryd, without trembling. Diergryn. unshaken; fearless.nbsp;Diergyr, unimpelled. Dierlid, Dierlyn,nbsp;unpursued. Dierwin, not rough ornbsp;harsh. Diesgud, not nimble or active.nbsp;Dietifedd, without issue, childless, without an heir, heirless, Diewyllys, intestate, without a willnbsp;Difad, destitute of good. Difaddeu,nbsp;without remission, unpardoned. Di-fael, void of profit. Difaeth, withoutnbsp;nourishment, unnourished. Difai, blameless, faultless. Difalch, void of pride;nbsp;humble. Difam,motherless. Difan, spotless, unspotted, immaculate. Difanw,nbsp;evanescent, perishing. Difanwl, notnbsp;exact, inexact. Difar, without wrath.nbsp;Difarf, beardless, shaved. Difariaeth,nbsp;without mischief. Difarn, void ofnbsp;judgment. Difarw, deathless, immortal. Difas, not shallow. Difaswedd,nbsp;without levity, Difechni, not havingnbsp;bail, unbailed. Difedr, unskilled, unskilful. Difedydd, unbaptized. Di-feddiant, unpossessed, without possession. Difefl, void of reproach. Difeth,nbsp;infallible, certain. Dinn, without edge,nbsp;edgeless, blunt. Diflaen, without anbsp;point. Diflan, without lustre; fading.nbsp;Diflas, tasteless; disgusting; insipid,nbsp;disagreeable. Diflin, Diflino, not tired,nbsp;unwearied, untiring. Diflisg, withoutnbsp;shell; unpeeled. Diflodau, destitute ofnbsp;flowers. Difiwng, not sullen. Difoes,nbsp;void of manners, rude. Difrad, notnbsp;treacherous. Difradw, not defective.nbsp;Difraint, unprivileged; nnfranchised.nbsp;Difrau, not fragile or brittle. Difraw,nbsp;fearless; careless; courageous. Difre^,nbsp;not frail. Difri,undignified; ignoble. Di-frig, not having tops; pruned. Difrisg,nbsp;without trace, trackless. Difro, exile.nbsp;Difryd, having no mind; listless. Di-frys, not in haste. Difryw, not luxuriant. Difuchedd, immoral. Difudd,nbsp;gainless, not profitable. Difwng, unwavering, steady. Difwlch, breachless.nbsp;Dilwriad, undesigned^ without purpose.nbsp;Dilwrw, improvident; inconsiderate. Di-fwyn, unenjoyed; unprofitable: t», tonbsp;spoil. Difydr, without metre. Di-fyfyr, uncontemplated, impromptu.
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Difwgl, unintimidated. Difygwtli, void of threatening, unthreatened. Di-fyngial, without stammering; articulatenbsp;Diifaeth, unfruitful, barren; uncleared.nbsp;Diffaith, vile, dishonest,filthy, base. Di-ffawd, unfortunate, luckless. Difilais,notnbsp;ravaged. Diffordd, having no road, pathless. Diflrwyn, unbridled. Difirwyth,nbsp;fruitless; unprofitable. Diffuant, unfeigned, sincere. Diffur, without perception. Diffyniant, unprosperousnbsp;Digabl, uncalumniated. Digae, unenclosed, unfenced. Digaer, unwalled,nbsp;unfortified. Digaeth, Digaethiwed, unconfined, Digainc, without branches.nbsp;Digais, not seeking; negligent. Di-galon, heartless, dispirited, dewessed.nbsp;Digam, not bent; unperverted. Digam-wedd, void of iniquity, faultless. Di-gamwri, void of iniquity. Digar, notnbsp;loved; forlorn. Digarad, disregarded;nbsp;forlorn. Digarc, careless; unanxious.nbsp;Digarchar, unimprisoned. Digardd,nbsp;unstigmatised.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Digariad, unbeloved;
forlorn. Digas, without hatred, unhated. Diged, without treasure. Digeintach,nbsp;wifliout bickering. Digel, not hiddennbsp;or secret; open. Digelwydd, free fromnbsp;falsehood, truthtelling. Digellwair, notnbsp;joking. Digen, without scales or scurf.nbsp;Digenedl, without a family. Digenfi-gen, without envy, unenvious. Diger-aint, without kindred. Digerdd, artless;nbsp;songless. Digerth, not imminent. Di-gerydd, without rebuke, unrebuked.nbsp;Digib, having no husk. Digig, withoutnbsp;flesh, fleshless. Digil, unreceding; firm.nbsp;Digilwg, without a frown. Diglef-yd, free from disease. Digliw, incompact; deformed. Diglod, withoutnbsp;fame; unrenowned. Diglwyf,uninfected; sane. Diglyw, deaf. Digoddiant,
¦ without annoyance. Digoed, without wood or timber. Digoll, without lossnbsp;or lapse. Digolled, free from loss, safe.nbsp;Digosp, unpunished. Digost, withoutnbsp;expense. Digraid, not passionate. Di-grawn, unaccumulated. Digred, unbelieving, infidel. Digribddail, without extortion. Digrintach, not miserly. Digroen, having no skin or crust.nbsp;Digroniad, unbounded. Digrybwyll, notnbsp;alluded to. Digrych, unwrinkled, unruffled. Digryn, without trembling.nbsp;Digu, not affectionate. Digudd, unconcealed. Digwl, blameless, faultless. Di-', cloudless, unclouded. Digwsg,
sleepless. Digwydd, Digwymp, without lapse. Digydwybod, unconscionable,nbsp;without conscience. Digyfannedd, notnbsp;domestic. Digyfedd, without feasting.nbsp;Digyfludd, unimpeded. Digyflwyn, unattached. Digyfnerth, helpless, unaided.nbsp;Digyfnewid, unchangeable, immutable.nbsp;Digyfoeth, destitute of wealth. Di-gyfraid, wanting necessaries. Digyf-raith, without law ; lawless. Digyfran,nbsp;unparticipated. Digyfrif, of no account.nbsp;Digyfrwng, not intervening, immediate.nbsp;Digyfrwydd, unpropitious. Digyfrwng,nbsp;immediate, close, Digyfyng, unconfined.nbsp;Digyffelyb, dissimilar, unparalleled. Di-gyffro, undisturbed, unmoved. Di-gynghor, void of council. Digyngwedd,nbsp;unassimilating. Digynyd, inconsiderate. Digyrahar, matchless, peerless.nbsp;Digymhell, unconstrained. Digymhorth,nbsp;succourless, helpless. Digymhwyll, irrational. Digymmal, jointless. Di-gymmeriad, of no estimation, disreputable. Digymmysg, uncompounded. Di-gynhen, not discordant; without disputenbsp;or strife. Digynhwrf, unagitated; undisturbed. Digynnaliaeth, without supportnbsp;or maintenance, Digynneddf, withoutnbsp;virtue. Digynniwair,unfrequented. Di-gynnorthwy, helpless; unaided. Digyn-nydd, without increase. Digynnyrch,nbsp;unproductive. Digynnyred, unfrequented, Digynnysgaeth, unendowed. Di-gyrrith, not mean. Digyssellt, unadapted. Digysswllt, disjunctive. Di-gvstadliad, incomparable, unequalled.nbsp;Digywair, without order. Digywilydd,nbsp;shameless, impudent, barefaced
Dihaeddiant, unmerited, Dihafarch, energetic; courageous. Dihail, withoutnbsp;service. Dihain, not epidemic. Dihaint,nbsp;without infection. Dihalen, without salt.nbsp;Dihalog, unpolluted, undefiled. Dihallt,nbsp;not salt, not saline. Dihamdden, without leisure. Dihanfod, without existence, nonexistent. Dihap, luckless,nbsp;unfortunate. Dihawdd, not easy ornbsp;facile. Dihawl, without claim. Di-hawnt, without alacrity. Dihedd, peaceless ; discordant. Dihewyd, withoutnbsp;zeal. Dihil, without progeny, Dihoced,nbsp;fraudless; sincere. Dihoen, dispirited,nbsp;cheerless. DihofiP, unainiable, unloved.nbsp;Dihort, without rebuke. Dihudd, without covering. Dihun, sleepless. Dihwyl,nbsp;disorderly; not in humour. Dilwder,nbsp;without reliance, distrustful, unconfidentnbsp;126
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DIO (Dlnbsp;DIW
Diladrad, without theft. Dilaeth, without milk. Dilafar, not loquacious,nbsp;mute. Dilawch, without refuge. Dile,nbsp;without place; extinct. Dilech, not aptnbsp;to skulk. Diled, without breadth. Di-ledach, not of base origin. Diledfryd,nbsp;not listless. Dilediaith, free from provincialisms. Diledlef ,of unbroken accent.nbsp;Diledlytb, undejected. Diledryth, voidnbsp;of delusion. Diledryw, undegenerate.nbsp;Dileddf, unbiassed; direct. Diles, useless; profitless. Dilesg, not weak, un-feeble. Dilew, not sKilful or clever.nbsp;Dilewyrch, unilluminated; not bright ornbsp;light; gloomy. Dilid, not angry or wrathful. Diiiw, colourless. Diludd, unobstructed. Diludded, indefatigable. Di-lun,formless; awkward. Dilwgr,undefiled, unpolluted. Dilwrf, uncowardly.nbsp;Dilwybr, pathless, trackless. Dilwydd,nbsp;unprosperous. Dilwyth, not having anbsp;burden. Diiyfn, not smooth or sleek.nbsp;Dilygad, eyeless, sightless. Dilys, una-yoidaole; certain. Dilyth, not feeble;nbsp;infallible. Dilywodraeth, anarchial
Dinag, without exception or refusal. Dinam, unexceptionable. Dinawdd,nbsp;without protection. Dinerth, impotent; unable, feeble. Dinewid, withoutnbsp;change, immutable. Dinidr, withoutnbsp;delay or hindrance. Diniwed, harmless,nbsp;innocent. Dinod, of no note or mark.nbsp;Dinodd,without juice or sap. Dinodded,nbsp;defenceless. Dinwyf, without liveliness.nbsp;Dinwyth, innoxious.
Diobaith, without hope, hopeless. Diober, worthless, useless. Diochel,nbsp;unavoidable. Diodid, not dubious. Diodor, uninterrupted. Dioddef, without suffering. Dioed, without delay.nbsp;Dioedran, not of age. Dioer, doubtless;nbsp;verily. Diofal, careless; secure. Di-ofid, without afiliction. Diofn, fearless,nbsp;undaunted. Diogan, reproachless, Di-ogel, unexposed; secure. Diogwydd,nbsp;uninclined. Dioheb, unanswerable. Di-ohir, without delay. Diol, having nonbsp;marks, trackless. Diolrhain, uninvestigated. Diolud, without wealth. Di-oludd, unobstructed. Diolwg, sightless,nbsp;blind. Diommedd, without refusal. Di-orchudd, undisguised; uncovered, Di-orchwyl, unemployed. Diorfod, unconstrained. Dioriog, unfickle; steady.nbsp;Diormail, Diormes, unoppressed, unmolested. Diorphen, without end, perpetual, constant. Diorphwys, restless.
Diorsaf,unstationary. Diorsedd,without a throne. Diorwag, not trifling. Diorwan,nbsp;without feebleness. Dioryfyg,unpresuming; not curious. Dios, undubitable,nbsp;doubtless. Diosgryn, unagitatednbsp;Diradd, having no degree or rank*nbsp;Diragfarn, unprejudiced. Diragfwriad,nbsp;improvident; without predetermination*nbsp;Diragfyfyr,unpremeditated,impromptu.nbsp;Diragofal, improvident. Diragor, without excellence. Diragrith, withoutnbsp;hypocrisy. Diragwel, without foresight.nbsp;Diraid, unnecessary, useless. Diras,nbsp;graceless. Direswm, irrational. Dirin-wedd, without virtue. Dirodres, without pomp. Dirwgnach, unmurmuring.nbsp;Dirwym, without restriction. Dirwystr,nbsp;unobstructed. Dirybudd,without notice.nbsp;Diryfedd, not marvellous. Diryfyg, un-presumptuous. Dirym, powerless; feeble,nbsp;weak. Diryw, degenerate, debasednbsp;Disathr,untrodden,unbeateD. Disefyd,nbsp;unstaying; sudden. Diseibiant, umn-dulged; without leisure, leisureless. Di-serch, without fondness or affection.nbsp;Diserfyll, not tottering. Disiarad,without talk; tacit. Disigl, unshaken, firm.nbsp;Dison, without noise, silent. Disorod,nbsp;defecate; pure, without dross. Disoth-ach, clear of refuse. Disudd, disug,nbsp;juiceless, sapless, not juicy. Disut, outnbsp;of order; unwell; small. Diswn, withoutnbsp;noise. Diswrth, not sluggish. Diswta,nbsp;not sudden. Diswydd,without office. Di-swyn, without charm. Disyched, without thirst. Disyfiyd, without motion.nbsp;Disyfyd, unstaying; sudden. Disylw,nbsp;heedless,inadvertent; insignificant. Di-sylwedd, unsubstantial. Disymmud,nbsp;immovable. Disyndod, without surprise. Disynwyr, senseless, foolishnbsp;Diunon, undoubted, indubitable. Di-urddas, without dignitynbsp;Diwad, without denial. Diwaddod,nbsp;without dregs. Diwael,not wretched,vile^,nbsp;or base. Diwaelod, bottomless; withoutnbsp;dregs, Diwageddj without vanity. Di-wagl, immovable, firm, stable. Diwahannbsp;indiscriminate. Diwahardd, unforbidden. Diwahodd, uninvited. Diwairnbsp;continent, chaste; faithful; loyal. Di-waith, without work. Diwala, unsatisfied; not full. Diwall, not lacking.nbsp;Diwallt, hairless, bald. Diwarafan unbegrudged. Diwarth, Diwarthrudd, reproachless. Diwarthaf,without superior.nbsp;Diwasanaeth, unserviceable. Diwasgar,nbsp;127
-ocr page 132-DIY {See Dl px,)nbsp;DIB
undispersed. Diwasgod, without shelter.
Diwatwar, without mockery. Diwegi, without vanity. Diweirin, continent,nbsp;chaste. Diweithred, without deeds ornbsp;acts. Diwellig, not apt to fail. Diwellt,nbsp;without grass. Diwen, without smiling.nbsp;Diweniaith, without flattery. Diwen-Wyn, not venomous. Diwerth, worthless, valueless. Diwes, immediate;nbsp;proximate. Diwest, unvisited, visitless.nbsp;Diwestl, without confusion. Dïwg, notnbsp;frowning. Diwir, without truth. Diwisg,nbsp;without covering. Diwlith, dewless.nbsp;Diwlvdd, without vegetation. Diwni.nbsp;seamless; not sewed. Diwobrwy, rewardless. Diwosgo, without flinching.nbsp;Diwosgryn, without trembling. Di-wraidd, without root, rootless. Diwres.nbsp;without heat. Dïwrtaith, unameliorated; unmanured. Dïwrth, without opposition. Dïwrthdro, without reverting,nbsp;bïwrthdyn, without contention. Dïwrth-ddadl, without controversy. Diwrtheb,nbsp;uncontradicted. Dïwrthladd, unrepug-nant. Dïwrthlam, without recurrence.nbsp;Dïwrthryn, without resistance. Dïwrth-wyneb, unopposed. Di'wrthymdrech,nbsp;irresistible. Dïwryg, infirm; feeble.nbsp;D'iwrym, seamless, without a seam.nbsp;Diwybod, unknowing, ignorant. Diwyg.nbsp;not vitiated. Diwyl, unbashful; impudent. Diwyn, not white or fair. Diwyr,nbsp;not oblique. Diwyth, without wrathnbsp;Diymadferth,inactive; helpless. Di-ymanerch, ungreeted, Dlymaroed, unab-Stem'ous. Diymarbod, unprepared. Di-ymarfer, unaccustomed. Diymattal, unrestrained. Diymchwiliad, uninquisitive.nbsp;Divmdaro, unable to strive. Diymdro,nbsp;inflexible. Diymddiried, unconfiding.nbsp;Diymgais, void of exertion. Diymgel,nbsp;unsecluding. Diymgudd, unsecluded,nbsp;unsecluding. Diyragyrch, unapproached.nbsp;Diymmod, motionless. Diymogel, unguarded. Diymoralw, uninquisitive,nbsp;nnimportunate. Diymosgryn, unable tonbsp;crawl. Diymroad, unresolved. Diym-ryson, without dispute. Diymsyniad,nbsp;insensible. Diymwad, undeniable. Di-ymwan, undefending. Diymwared, irremediable. Diymwasg, uncompressed.nbsp;Diymwel, unvisiting. Diymwrthladd,nbsp;unopposing, Diymwrthryn, unresisting.nbsp;Diyni, without vigour. Diysbryd, spiritless, lifeless. Diysig, unconsuming.nbsp;Diysgog, immovable, firm, stable. Di-ystryw, void of tricKJ
subjected. Diystyr, inconsiderate; unmeaning; unimportant Diaelodi r, to dismembernbsp;Diafl -iaid, dieifi «, devil, Satannbsp;Diafn -au w, fainting hotnbsp;Diafol, diafliaid n, devil, Satannbsp;Diangiad n, escapingnbsp;Diangol a, escapingnbsp;Diane n, escape, retreatnbsp;Diane v, to escape, to avoidnbsp;Dial w, vengeance; revengenbsp;Dial ü, to avenge; to revengenbsp;Dialbren -i», gallowsnbsp;Dialedd », vengeancenbsp;Dialeddgar a, revengeful, vengeful^ vin-Dialeddiad n, avengingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dictive
Dialeddoi a, avenging Dialeddu, Dialu v, to revenge, to avengenbsp;Dialfawr, Dialgar a, revengefulnbsp;Dialiad n, revengingnbsp;Dialydd -ion », avenger [vengeancenbsp;Dialyddiaeth, Dialyniaeth revenge,nbsp;Diammheuaeth nf^ certaintynbsp;Diammheus a, unsuspectingnbsp;Diammodol a, unconditionalnbsp;Dianiaeth indispositionnbsp;Diarddel, Diarddelwi, Diarddelw r, tonbsp;disclaim, to repudiatenbsp;Diareb -ion nf^ proverb, adagenbsp;Diarebol a, proverbialnbsp;Diarebu v, to use adagesnbsp;Diarebydd -ion w, proverbialistnbsp;Dias n, din, clamournbsp;Dias V, to make a clamournbsp;Diasp nf, shrill noise, crynbsp;Diaspad -au nf^ clangor, crynbsp;Diasped v, to clang, to clamournbsp;Diaspedain v, to resound, to ringnbsp;Diasu V, to ding, to clamournbsp;Diau ady certainly, surely, truly, indeednbsp;Diawdlyn -oedd w, beveragenbsp;Diawdlys «, the give-alenbsp;Diawdwydd np (-en nf\ bay-treesnbsp;
Diawl -iaid devils Diawlaidd a, devilish; hellishnbsp;Diawledig a, possessed of a devilnbsp;Diawles -od -au nfy she devil, furynbsp;Diawlig a, devilish, satanicnbsp;Diawlio w, to call the devilnbsp;Dib -ion », fall, depthnbsp;Dibl -au n, skirt; dagglenbsp;Oiblath -au nfy pistonnbsp;Dible npy skirts; dagglesnbsp;Dibliad n, bedagglingnbsp;Diblo Vy to dag^e, to draggle, to be-ouauic. Diblog a, bedagglednbsp;Diystwng, un-|Diboeni v, to put out of pain
DIDD (^Sec Dij^a?.)nbsp;DIF
DIDD (^Sec Dij^a?.)nbsp;DIF
Diddymiad re, annihilation
Diddymol o, annihilating Diddymu r, to annihilate; to annul, tonbsp;disannul, to abrogate; to depreciatenbsp;Diebreidiad re, frustrationnbsp;Diebreidio v, to frustratenbsp;Diebryd, Diebrydiad re, frustrationnbsp;Diebrydol a, obstructivenbsp;Diebrydu v, to frustratenbsp;Diebvd re, assault, onsetnbsp;Diechwith a, not awkwardnbsp;Diedifar,Diedifarus a, impenitent=An-Dieflig a, devilishnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[edifarus
Dieflyn re, little devil Diengyd, Diengu re, to flee, to escapenbsp;Dien re, extinction; deathnbsp;Dienoed re, reprieve, respitenbsp;Dienwaededig a, uncircumcisednbsp;Dienwaediad re, uncircumcisionnbsp;Dienydd -iau n, violent death, executionnbsp;Dienyddfa -oedd ?i/*=sDienyadle -oeddnbsp;re, place of executionnbsp;Dienyddiad re. putting to deathnbsp;Dienyddol a, lite-divestingnbsp;Dienyddn, Dienyddio re, to put to deathnbsp;Dienyddwr, wyr re, executionernbsp;Diesgeulus a, not negligentnbsp;Diesgud a, not nimblenbsp;Dietifeddu re, to disinheritnbsp;Dieuog a, guiltless, not guiltynbsp;Dieurwydd re, certaintynbsp;Dif -ion re, cast off, ejectionnbsp;Difa re, to consume; to destroy; to devour ; to waste, to ravagenbsp;Difa re, extermination; destructionnbsp;Difad re, exterminatingnbsp;Difalch a, void of pride; humblenbsp;Difancoll «ƒ, total loss, perditionnbsp;Difaniad re, vanishingnbsp;Difant re, vanished statenbsp;Difanu re, to vanish; to fade away, tonbsp;Difanwl a, not exact, unexact [decaynbsp;Difeddw a, sober, not drunknbsp;Difeio re, to exculpatenbsp;Difeiriad n, repentingnbsp;Difenwad re, contemning [to revilenbsp;Difenwi re, to contemn; to call names;nbsp;Difiad re. annoyance
Difinyddiaeth 7i/\ divinity, theology^ Duwinyddiaetfanbsp;Difio re, to fling; to annoynbsp;Difiog a, annoying; wild; untractablenbsp;Diflanedigaeth re/*, disappearancenbsp;Diflaniad re, vanishingnbsp;Diflanol a, evanescentnbsp;Diflant re, evanescencenbsp;Difianu re, to vanish away
Dibr -au n, saddle
Dibra v, to put on a saddle Dibrisdod n, depreciation; disregardnbsp;Dibrisio r, to depreciate, to undervalue;
to disregard; to despise, to contemn Dibybyr a, void of energy [precipicenbsp;Dibyn -au steep, hanging ground,nbsp;Dibynai, eion «, pendulumnbsp;Dibyniad w, impending; dependingnbsp;Dib3mog a, appendantnbsp;Dibynol a, impending; dependentnbsp;Dibynu v, to impend, to hang; to dependnbsp;Dibynydd -ion w, dependentnbsp;Dicra a, puny, squeamish; delicatenbsp;Dicrawch re, squeamishnessnbsp;Dichell -ion wile, trick, craftnbsp;Dichellgar, Dichellus a, wily, crafty,nbsp;Dichelliad re, devisingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[designin,
Dichellu v, to use craft nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pici
Dichlyn a, assiduous: v, to choose, to Dichlynder, Dichlynedd re, assiduitynbsp;Dichlynu v, to choose, to picknbsp;Dichon », to be able; to be permittednbsp;by circumstances. Dichon i mi, I maynbsp;Dichonadwy a, possiblenbsp;Dichoni to be effectualnbsp;Dichoniad re, effectuationnbsp;Dichwain, weiniau 7if^ chance, lotnbsp;Dichwyn, Dichyn -ion re, fragmentnbsp;DM -an re/*, teat; fluencynbsp;Diden -au nf^ nipple, teatnbsp;Didenog a, having teatsnbsp;Diderf -oedd re, wildernessnbsp;Didi «ƒ, nipple, papnbsp;Didoi Ü, to uncover, to unroofnbsp;Didoni tj, to pare, to peel the surfacenbsp;Didraw re, strayingnbsp;Didreftadu r, to disinheritnbsp;Didri re, perplexity, trouble [boragenbsp;Didrist a, undejected: ïi/*, the plantnbsp;Didryf -oedd re, solitary spotnbsp;Didryf wr, wyr, Didryfydd -ion re, hermitnbsp;Didyo V, to eject, to unhousenbsp;Didyr re, sorrow, sadnessnbsp;Diddigrwydd re, freedom from passionnbsp;or anger; contentmentnbsp;Diddosben re, head-covering, hatnbsp;Diddosfa -oedd nf, covert from rain,nbsp;shelter; sheltered placenbsp;Diddyfniad re, weaningnbsp;Diddyfnu v, to weannbsp;Diddyfnyn re, weanlingnbsp;Diddym a, destitute, voidnbsp;Diddymadwy a, defeasiblenbsp;Diddymder re, nothingnessnbsp;Diddymedig a, annullednbsp;Diddymed^aeth nf^ abrogation
-ocr page 134-{See Dl px.)
Öifiasdod n, disgust; insipidity Diflasiad n, disgustingnbsp;Diflasu V, to disgust; to become dis-Diforwyno v, to constuprate [gustednbsp;Difr -au n, cast; metrenbsp;Difraisg a, not bulky or largenbsp;Difrawu v, to grow carelessnbsp;DifrHwch n, unconcern; fearlessnessnbsp;Difregawd «, rebusnbsp;Difreinio v, to disfranchisenbsp;Difrif, Difrifol a, void of trifling; serious, earnest, sedate, thoughtfulnbsp;Difrifo V, to make or become seriousnbsp;Difrio V, to abuse; to debasenbsp;Difrod, Dlfrawd, frodau «, waste; devastation, desolation; depredationnbsp;Difrodaeth nf^ extravagancenbsp;Difrodi v, to make havoc, to waste, tonbsp;desolate, to devastatenbsp;Difroi V, to banish, to expatriate, to exilenbsp;Difrwysg a, not inebriatednbsp;Difrycheulyd a, immaculate, spotlessnbsp;Difrydaeth w/*, inattentionnbsp;Difuddio v, to deprive of gain or profitnbsp;Difwyno v, to make unprofitable, tonbsp;mar, to spoil; to defile; to sullynbsp;Difyn -ion^i, fragment, piece, morselnbsp;Difyniad n, cutting to piecesnbsp;Difyniaeth nf, anatomy [to anatomisenbsp;Difynio v, to carve, to mince; to dissect,nbsp;Difyr a, diverting, amusingnbsp;Difyredigaeth nf, amusement,relaxationnbsp;Difyrgar a, tending to divert, amusingnbsp;Bifyriad n, diverting, recreationnbsp;Difyru v, to divert, to amusenbsp;Difyrus v, divertive, amusingnbsp;Difyrwch n, diversion, play,‘amusementnbsp;Difysgu V, to unmix, to separatenbsp;Difyw a, lifeless, inanimatenbsp;Difi' -od w, cast, throw, dartnbsp;Diffaeth, tfeithydd n, wilderness, desertnbsp;Diftaeth a, waste, desertnbsp;Diifaethfa, fëydd nf foul groundnbsp;Diffaethwch n, wildernessnbsp;Diffawd, ftbdion nf, misfortunenbsp;Diffeithder n, foulnessnbsp;Diffeithio v, to lay wastenbsp;Differ -ion n, defence, guardnbsp;Difieriol a, defensivenbsp;Differu, Differyd v, to defend, to guardnbsp;Diffodd n, what is extinctnbsp;Diftbdd, Diffoddi v, to extinguishnbsp;Diffoddiad n, extinctionnbsp;Diffoddyr -on 7i, extinguishernbsp;Diffred, Diffredu v, to protectnbsp;Diffrediad n, protectionnbsp;Ditfreidiad, iaid n, protector
Diffreidio v, to protect, to defend Diffreidiog -ion tc, guardiannbsp;Diffrwy tho v, to make abortive or barren;nbsp;Diff'ryd v, to protect [to neutralisenbsp;Diffwyn n, defence, guardnbsp;Diffwys -ydd n, precipicenbsp;Diffydd -ion n, infidelnbsp;Diffyg -ion n, defect, failure. Diffygnbsp;ar yr haul, an eclipse of the sun,nbsp;Diffyg anadl, shortness of breath.nbsp;Cylch y Diffygion, the eclipticnbsp;Diffygiad n, defectionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to fail
Difiygio V, to be defective; to be tired; Di%giol a, defective; weary, tirednbsp;Diffyn -ion ?i, defence, guardnbsp;Diifyniad n, defendingnbsp;Diffynol a, defensivenbsp;Difiynu v, to defend, to guardnbsp;Dig 71, passion, anger, ire, wrathnbsp;Dig a, angry, wrathful; displeasednbsp;Digaeth n, unconfined, unrestrainednbsp;Digalondid tj, heartlessnessnbsp;Digaloni v, to disheartennbsp;Digaru v, to cease lovingnbsp;Digedenu v, to remove nap from clothnbsp;Digio tgt;, to offend; to anger; to benbsp;Digloff a, not lame or halt [offendednbsp;Digllawn a, wrathful, angry, irratenbsp;Digllonder, Digllonedd n, wrathfulness,nbsp;Diglloni V, to be displeased [displeasurenbsp;Digofaint n, displeasure, anger, wrathnbsp;Digollediad n, indemnificationnbsp;Digollediant n, insurance [demnifynbsp;Digolledu v, to make good a loss, to in-Digon a, enough, sufficient: ra, enough:
ac?, enough. Digon da, good enough Digonedd n, abundance; sufficiencynbsp;Digoni r, to suffice; to satisfynbsp;Digonol a, sufficient; satednbsp;Digonoldeb, Digonolrwydd abundancenbsp;Digonoli v, to satiate, to satisfynbsp;Digor 7J, habit, passionnbsp;Digorffori v, to disembodynbsp;Digrain a, wandering, strayingnbsp;Digrif, Digrifol a, amusing; jocosenbsp;Digrifedd, Digrifwch n, pleasantry, a-musementnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[=Anghryno
Digryno a, incompact; untidy, slovenly Digter n, anger, displeasurenbsp;Digu a, not affectionatenbsp;Digus a, displeasing, vexatiousnbsp;Digyfieuo v, to disjoin; to unyokenbsp;Dihatru v, to strip, to undressnbsp;Diheuydd w. he that is without origin.nbsp;Yr hen Ddihenydd, the Ancient ofnbsp;Days (Dan. vii. 9)
Diheurad, Diheurawd w, apology 130
-ocr page 135-(^See Dl px.)
Diheureb nf, adage Diheuro v, to apologisenbsp;Dihoeni r, to grow Jangnid [honeycombnbsp;Dil -iau 71, structure; texture. Dil mel,nbsp;Dilaes a, without trailing or lownbsp;Diiain a, worked upon; wastednbsp;Dilead n, abolition, deletionnbsp;Dilechdid », dialecticsnbsp;Dileedigaeth ??ƒ, extinctionnbsp;Diler -au n, instrument, toolnbsp;Dilerbren -i meting-rodnbsp;Dileu V, to displace; to blot out, to delete; to abolish; to raze; to annulnbsp;Diliad ra, operation Dilio to make accurate. Dilio caeth-iwed, to emancipate from bondage or Diliw 71, phantomnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[thraldom Diluddedu v, to rid of fatigue Diluw, Dylif 77, deluge, floodnbsp;Dilwydd nf^ the celandinenbsp;Dilwyn v, to shed, to cast otfnbsp;Dilyn, Dilyd r, to follow; to pursuenbsp;Dilyniad 71, followingnbsp;Dilyniaeth nf, following, pursuitnbsp;Dilynol a, following; consequentnbsp;Dilyr -ion 71, instrument, toolnbsp;Diiyrbren -i Dilerbrennbsp;Dilysdod 71, unavoidableness; certaintynbsp;Dilysiad 77, making certainnbsp;Dilysiant 7i, certaintynbsp;Dilysiol a, unexceptionablenbsp;Dflysrwydd 7i, certitudenbsp;Dilysu V, to make unavoidable; to cer-Dill -ion 77, plait, foldnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;ftify Diliad 77J?, clothes, apparel, raiment Dilladiad n, clothingnbsp;Dilladu v, to clothe, to dressnbsp;DiRadwr, wyr, Dilledydd -ion 77, clothier; tailor, habitmakernbsp;Dilliad 77, folding Dillni 77, smartness; elegance [beauties Dillyn -ion 77, ornament. Dillynion,nbsp;Dillyn o, smart, trim, sprucenbsp;Dillynder 77, smartness, gaiety, neatnessnbsp;Dillynes -au nf smart femalenbsp;Dim 7», nothing; anything; something;nbsp;everything; trifle: a, no; any: ad^ innbsp;no degree, not at all. Dim wy, thenbsp;pellicle inside an eggshell. Dim ynnbsp;y byd, nothing at all. Dyfod i ddim,nbsp;to come to nought. Heb ammheunbsp;dim, nothing doubting. Heb ganddonbsp;ddim i dalu, having nothing to pay,nbsp;being without anything to pay. Uwchnbsp;law pqb dim, above all thingsnbsp;Dimah eiau nf halfpennynbsp;Dimedd -au ?7, nothingness |
Dimeiwerth -au nf halfpennyworth Diymwybodyddion np^ Knownothingsnbsp;(an American faction); Agnosticsnbsp;Din -ion nf hill fort; fortress; campnbsp;Dinas -oedd nf city; fortressnbsp;Dinasfraint, freintiau nf freedom ornbsp;privilege of a city Dinasol a, belonging to a city; municipal Dinasydd -ion, Dinaswr, wyr 77=Dines-Dinerthedd tj, impotencenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[y^^d Dinesgob -ion 77, metropolitan Dinesig a, belonging to a city; civil,nbsp;civic. Brethyn dinesig, broad clothnbsp;Dinesydd -ion 77, citizen, denizennbsp;Dinesyddiaeth nf municipalitynbsp;Dinesyddio v, to denizen, to enfranchisenbsp;pinystr -au ?7, destructionnbsp;Dinystrio v, to destroynbsp;Dinystriol a, destructivenbsp;Diod -ydd nf drink, beverage; alenbsp;Diodgar a, given to drinkingnbsp;Diodi V, to give drinknbsp;Diodlestr -i tï, drinking-cupnbsp;Diodlyn -oedd ti, beveragenbsp;Diodrydd a, given to drinkingnbsp;Diofaledd 77, carelessnessnbsp;Diofalu V, to become careless; to makenbsp;Diofalus a, negligentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[secure Diofalwch 77, negligence, carelessness Diofryd 77, decision; vownbsp;Diofrydiad 77, vowingnbsp;Diofrydog a, devoted; vowednbsp;Diog a, slothful, sluggish, lazy, slownbsp;Diogeledd 77, security, safetynbsp;Diogeliad 77, securing; insurancenbsp;Diogelu v,to secure, to guard, to insurenbsp;Diogelwch 77, security, safetynbsp;Diogelwr, wyr n, one who makes safe; securer; insurer; conservative Diogi 77, idleness, laziness, sloth: 27, tonbsp;grow idle or lazy Diogyn 77, idler, lazy one, sluggard Diolch, Diolwch 77, thanks; praisenbsp;Diolch 27, to give thanks, to thanknbsp;Diolchgar a, thankful, grateful; obligednbsp;Diolchgarwch 77, thanksgiving, gratitudenbsp;Dioli 27, to blot out, to obliteratenbsp;Dioliad 77, obliterationnbsp;Dioloi 27, to develop Diolwch 27, to show gratitude=Diolch Diorseddu 27, to dethronenbsp;Diosg 27, to undress; to put off one’snbsp;Diota 27, to tipplenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[clothes Diotach tippling Diotty, tai 77, ale-house, tippling-house Diotwr, wyr 77, Diotai, eion ?7C, tippler.nbsp;Dir -iau 77, force; certaintynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sot |
-ocr page 136-DIR (^See Di px.)nbsp;DIS
DIR (^See Di px.)nbsp;DIS
Dir flj of force; certain, sure; px, denoting vehemence or excesss=Gor, Er Diraddio v, to degradenbsp;Dirasrwydd », gracelessnessnbsp;Dirboen -au nf^ extreme painnbsp;Dirboeni v, to excruciate, to torturenbsp;Dirchwant n, ardent desirenbsp;Dirchwys n, profuse perspirationnbsp;Dirdaen a, extremely distendednbsp;Dirdra w, outrage
Dirdyniad -au w, tension; convulsing;
torture. Dirdyniadau, convulsions Dirdynu t?, to pull extremely; to rack;nbsp;to torture
Dirddwys a, extremely condensed Direb -ion rif^ common saying, adage;nbsp;Direidi «, mischievousness [axiomnbsp;Direidio to become unluckynbsp;Dirfaint n, extreme bulknbsp;Dirfarn -au nf, harsh sentencenbsp;Dirfawr a, extremely large, very great,nbsp;Dirfod V, to be of necessity [immensenbsp;Dirgais, geisiau n, extreme effortnbsp;Dirganfod v, to look earnestlynbsp;Dirgariad w, extreme lovenbsp;Dirgel -ion «, secret place or thingnbsp;Dirgel o, secret, occultnbsp;Dirgeledigaeth -au nf^ mysterynbsp;Dirgeledd -au w, secrecy; mysterynbsp;Dirgeifa -on nf^ secret placenbsp;Dirgel-gynghor -au privy-councilnbsp;Dirgeli w, secrecy, privacynbsp;Dirgelu Vy to secrete, to conceal, to hidenbsp;Dirgelwcli n, secrecynbsp;Dirglwyf -au », extreme achingnbsp;Dirglymu v, to tie tightlynbsp;Dirgrynu v, to convulsenbsp;Dirgwyn -ion w, extreme complaintnbsp;Diriad n, iteration; impulsenbsp;Diriaid a, mischievous, unluckynbsp;Dirio u, to iterate; to urge, to pressnbsp;Diriol a, iterating; urgentnbsp;Diriais, leisiau n, emphasisnbsp;Dirmyg ri, contemptnbsp;Dirmygiad n, slightingnbsp;Dirmygol a, contemptuousnbsp;Dirmygu u, to contemn, to despise [blenbsp;Dirmygus a, contemptuous; contempt!-Dimad discernment, surmisenbsp;Dimad, Dimadu v, to surmise; to discern, to comprehendnbsp;Dirnadiad n, comprehendingnbsp;Dimadwy a, comprehensible, discerniblenbsp;Dirni», extremity, urgencynbsp;Dirnwy n, extreme vivacitvnbsp;Diroddef u, to suffer greatlynbsp;Dironi u, to shed grain
Dirperiad w, meriting Dirperu v, to deserve, to meritnbsp;Dirprwy -on n, supply; substitutenbsp;Dirprwyo v, to supplynbsp;Dirprwywr, wyr w, one who supplies;
agent; attorney; commissioner Dirus a, without starting, unhesitatingnbsp;Dirwaedd nf, outcrynbsp;Dirwaenu v, to dissevernbsp;Dirwan a, extremely weaknbsp;Dirwarthu v, to covernbsp;Dirwasgu v, to press extremely, to crushnbsp;Dirwen -au nf, broad smilenbsp;Dirwenu v, to smile, to laugh [perancenbsp;Dirwest -au nf, abstinence, fast; tem-Dirwestfa, fau nf, fasting, fastnbsp;Dirwestty, tai n, temperance-housenbsp;Dirwestu v, to abstain, to fastnbsp;Dirwy -on nf, penalty, linenbsp;Dirwyn n, violent passionnbsp;Dirwyo v, to fine, to amerce, to mulctnbsp;Dirwyol a, finable, penalnbsp;Dis px, not, un-, -less=Dinbsp;Disbar a, without parity; oddnbsp;Disberod n amp; a, wanderingnbsp;Oisborth a, without supportnbsp;Disbrofi v, to disprovenbsp;Disbur a, impure, uncleannbsp;Disowyll a, distracted, crazynbsp;Oisefydlu v, to rid of stabilitynbsp;Diserth a, not declivousnbsp;Disgar a, unloved; inamiablenbsp;Disgaul a, uncoagulatednbsp;Disgloff a, not lame, not haltingnbsp;Dis^rafi' a, not apt to discernnbsp;Disgudd a, uncovered, unmaskednbsp;Disgwall a, without defectionnbsp;Disgwrth a, without resistancenbsp;Disgytrith a, uncongenial; harshnbsp;Disgyn to descend, to alightnbsp;Disgynfa, fëydd nf place of descentnbsp;Disgyniad n, descendingnbsp;Disgvnol a, descendingnbsp;Disgyr a, without impulsenbsp;Disioini, Disomi v, to undeceivenbsp;Disiumiant », indeception: a, certainnbsp;Disliw a, colourless; palenbsp;D.slyncu v, to disgorgenbsp;Dismanu v, to disappearnbsp;Diso ad, beneath, belownbsp;Disodli V, to trip up the heelsnbsp;Disoddi V, to cease sinkingnbsp;Disoniarus a, unsonorousnbsp;Disorodi v, to clear of drossnbsp; -iau n, joist in a fioornbsp;Distadl a, worthless, abjectnbsp;Distadledd n, worthlessnessnbsp;132
(See Dl px.^
Distrych «, spume, froth Distrychu v, to spumenbsp;Distryw n, destruction, desolationnbsp;Distrywgar a, destructivenbsp;Distrywiad «, destroyingnbsp;Distrywio v, to destroy, to demolishnbsp;Distr)rwiwr, wyr n,destroyer, demolishernbsp;Distyll -ion n, dropping; the ebbnbsp;Distylliad w, distillationnbsp;Distyllu V, to distil
Diswyddo v, to remove from office; to dismiss, to discharge, to discaranbsp;Disychedu v, to allay thirstnbsp;Disymmudedd n, immobilitynbsp;Disymmwth, Disymmythol a, sudden,nbsp;abrupt, subitaneousnbsp;Disymmythu v, to go suddenlynbsp;Ditiad », uttering
Ditian, Ditianu v, to speak, to say, to Ditio V, to utter, to express [questionnbsp;Diurddiad », degradationnbsp;Diw -ion n, entireness: a, totalnbsp;Diwadnu v, to trip up the heelsnbsp;iwaddoli v, to defecatenbsp;Diwaddoli v, to disendownbsp;Diwael a, not vile or basenbsp;Diwaelodi v, to clear of leesnbsp;Diwag a, not empty or vaguenbsp;Diwalliad n, satiating; providingnbsp;Diwallu V, to provide, to supply; tonbsp;satiate; to divest of wantnbsp;Diwarogaeth n/, emancipationnbsp;Diwarogi to emancipatenbsp;iwarthau v, to uncovernbsp;Diwarthu tr, to clear of reproachnbsp;Diwasgodi r, to unshelter [the daynbsp;Diwedydd n, the evening; the. end ofnbsp;Diwedd -ion n, end, conclusion, termina-Diweddaf a, last, latestnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Diweddar a, late; modem; tardy, slow.
Y diweddariaid, the moderns J)iweddarhau v, to make latenbsp;Diweddaru v, to become latenbsp;Diweddarwch «, latenessnbsp;Diweddglo -ion n, conclusion [nationnbsp;Diweddiad ending, conclusion; termi-Diweddol a, conclusive [to finishnbsp;Diweddu v, to end, to conclude, to close,nbsp;Diweddwr, wyr finisher; the last mannbsp;Diweirdeb, Diweirdod n, continencenbsp;DiwellUu V, to cease mending or improv-Diwestlu V, to rid of confusion [in^nbsp;Diwesu V, to approximatenbsp;Diwlith, Diwlydd nƒ. true maidenlxairnbsp;Diwregysu v, to ungirdlenbsp;Diwreiddiad n, eradicationnbsp;Diwreiddio r, to eradicate, to uproot
Diwrnod, Diwarnod -au n, day Diwmodol a, diurnalnbsp;Diwrnodio v, to do a day’s worknbsp;Diwyd a, assiduous, diligent, industriousnbsp;Diwydiaeth nf^ assiduitynbsp;Diwydio v, to be diligent or industriousnbsp;Diwydrwydd ?i, diligence, industrynbsp;Diwyg -ion », repaired state; attire,nbsp;Diwygiad n, reformation, reform [dressnbsp;Diwygiadus a, emen datorynbsp;Diwygio p, to correct, to amend, to reform, to make betternbsp;Diwygiol a, corrective, reformatorynbsp;Diwygiwr, wyr n, reformer; correctornbsp;Diwyledd ti, impudencenbsp;Diwyll -ion n, clearance; culturenbsp;Diwylliad w, cultivationnbsp;Diwylliant«, culture; worshipnbsp;Diwylliawdr -iodron «, cultivatornbsp;Diwyllio to cultivate; to worshipnbsp;Diwylliodraeth nf^ cultivationnbsp;Diwyniad 72, dirtyingnbsp;Diwyno ix, to sully, to dirty, to soilnbsp;Diystyriaeth inconsideratenessnbsp;Diystyru v, to disregard; to despisenbsp;Died -ion nf^ debt; dutys=Dylednbsp;Do ad, yes, yea (in answer to questionsnbsp;Dobrwy-on «, bribe; fee (in past tense)nbsp;Dobrwy ad, below, underneathnbsp;Dobrwyo v, to bribe; to fee [pintnbsp;Dobyn -au n, a measure equal to half anbsp;Doco ad, yonder, lo yondernbsp;Dodi V, to put, to lay, to deposit, tonbsp;ce; to givenbsp;Dodiadol, Dodawl a, positional, set, laidnbsp;Dodion np, datanbsp;Dodrefn -oedd cn, furniturenbsp;Dodrefniad n, furnishingnbsp;Dodrefniedydd -ion n, cabinetmakernbsp;Dodrefnu v, to furnishnbsp;Dodrefnyn n, piece of furniturenbsp;Dodw n, laying, settingnbsp;Dodwi, Dodwy v, to lay, to depositnbsp;Doddi V, to comenbsp;Doe n, yesterday: ad, yesterdaynbsp;Doedyd v, to say, to speak=Dywedydnbsp;Doeth a, wise, sage, prudent: -ion n,nbsp;Doethder n, wisdom [wise man, sagenbsp;Doethi V, to show wisdom; to talk pertlynbsp;Doethineb n, wisdom; sagacity; discre-Doethor -iaid n, doctornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Doethyn n, wiseacre Dof -od n, useful thing, utensilnbsp;Dof a, trained; tame, gentle. Dafadennbsp;Dofaeth n, domesticity [ddof, wartnbsp;Dofawd n, training
Doti V, to tame; to break in; to assuage
Dofn af^ deep; jw, dwfn Dofr -au «, trained statenbsp;Dofraeth -au nf^ usage; domesticitynbsp;lodging, quartersnbsp;Dofrawl a, domiciliatingnbsp;Dofreithiad, Dofriad domiciliationnbsp;Dofreithio, Dofri v, to domiciliatenbsp;Dofydd -ion one who forms or trainsnbsp;tamer; the Lord; dominatornbsp;Dofyddiad, iaid n, organisernbsp;Dogn -au n. due quantity; share, proportion; Qose; enoughnbsp;Dognedd w, quantity; enoughnbsp;Dogni V, to proportion; to apportionnbsp;Dognol a, proportionalnbsp;D61, dolydd, dolau nf^ winding; bow;
dale; meander; ring; noose, loop Dol q/j foolish, stupid: w, dwlnbsp;Dolef -au nf, shout; loud noisenbsp;Dolefain 27, to utter a noisenbsp;Dolen-au?^, winding; bow; ring; loopnbsp;Doleniad ?2, loopingnbsp;Dolenog a, ringed, looped; meandrousnbsp;Dolenu v, to form a ring; to loop; tonbsp;Dolff -au curve, bow [meandernbsp;Dolffyn -iaid », dolphinnbsp;Doli v, to form a ring or loopnbsp;Doloch «, wailing, moannbsp;Dolog a, having windingsnbsp;Dolur -iau w, ache, pain, sore; grief.nbsp;Dolur rhydd, diarrhoea. Dolur y mor,nbsp;sea-sickness. Gwneyd dolur i, to hurtnbsp;Dolurio V, to pain, to ache, to grieve, tonbsp;Dolurus a, painful, sore; grievous [hurtnbsp;Dolwch w, adorationnbsp;Dolystain, ysteiniau n, trembling noisenbsp;Dolysteinio v, to quivernbsp;Dolystum -iau curved formnbsp;Dolystumio v, to curvenbsp;Dollwng 27, to let loosenbsp;Dom n, dung, dirt, manurenbsp;Dondio v, to taunt, to chidenbsp;Donio 27, to endow, to giftnbsp;Doniog a, endowed, gifted, talentednbsp;Doniola, enduing, giving; giftednbsp;Dor -au ^i/] clausure; doornbsp;Dorfod 27, to be concernednbsp;Dorglwyd -i n, a covering hurdlenbsp;Dori 27, to be concerned or interestednbsp;Dorlawd n, fondlingnbsp;Dorlota 27, to fondlenbsp;Dorth w, covering; limitnbsp;Dos -au n, drop, particlenbsp;Dos 27, do thou go [class: «ƒ, systemnbsp;Dosbarth -au «, discrimination; division;
Dosbarfhedigaeth nf, distinction, dis-lDremio 27, to take a look=Tremio Dosbartliol a, distributive [crimination Drew -ion ft, atiuk, stench
Dosbarthu 27, to distinguish, to discriminate, to determine; to divide; to class; to distribute; to systematisenbsp;Dosbarthus a, discretivenbsp;Dosbarthwr, wyr n, analyser; distributornbsp;Dosben -au n, particularnbsp;Dosbeniad ft, definitionnbsp;Dosbenu 27, to define, to particularisenbsp;Dosi 27, to drop, to tricklenbsp;Dosog a, having drops; spottednbsp;Dosol a, dropping, tricklingnbsp;Dosran -au Tif, division, sectionnbsp;Dosraniad ft, analysing; analysisnbsp;Dosranu 27, to analyse; to separatenbsp;Dotiad ft, confusingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to puzzle
Dotian, Dotio 17, to confuse, to put out, Draen, drain w, prickle; thornnbsp;Draenblu np, down feathersnbsp;Draened -au w, hedgehog=Draenognbsp;Draenen, drain nf^ thorn, thombushnbsp;Draeneta 27, to hunt hedgehogsnbsp;Draenglwyd -i nf, thorn hurdlenbsp;Draenllwyn -i n, thorny brakenbsp;Draenog -od n, hedgehog, urchinnbsp;Drag -iau n, fragment, piecenbsp;Dragio 27, to tear in piecesnbsp;Dragiog a, having rentsnbsp;Dragon -au ft, leader in warnbsp;Dra^wm n, scaly coat of animalsnbsp;Draig, dreigiau nf^ dragon; lightningnbsp;Drain np^ thorns; prickles: a, draen,nbsp;draenen
Draw acf, yonder, at a distance Dref -au nf^ bundle, tienbsp;Drefa, fau nf^ twenty-four sheavesnbsp;Drefion np, shivers, shatters, fragments.
Tori yn ddrefion, to break in pieces Drefu 27, to bundle; to thravenbsp;Dreng a, morose, surlynbsp;Drengyn ft, surly chapnbsp;Dreigio 27, to lighten mthout thundernbsp;or at a distancenbsp;Dreigiol a, like a dragonnbsp;Dreinach, Dreiniach np, small pricklesnbsp;Dreiniog, Dreiniol a, spinous, thornynbsp;Dreiniog ft/*, the siskinnbsp;Dreinllyd a, prickly, thornynbsp;Dreinos ftp, small pricklesnbsp;Drel -iaid n, clown; dunce; knavenbsp;Drelaidd a, churlish, boorish, clownishnbsp;Drelgi, gwn n, churlish dog, disobligingnbsp;fellow; knave
Drelio 27, to use low abuse; to treat a-Drelyn », churlish ene nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[busively
Drem-iau sight, look, aspect=Trem
-ocr page 139-DRY DUL
Drewbryf -ed c«, bugs Drewchwa -oedd nf,, mephitisnbsp;Drewdod, Drewi w, stinic, stench, fetornbsp;Drewg, Drewlys nf, the darnelnbsp;Drewgoed c», bean trefoilnbsp;Drewi v, to stink
Drewiant n, stinking, stink, stench, fetor Drewllyd a, stinking, fetidnbsp;Drewsawr «, fetid, smell, fetornbsp;Dring -an «, flight of stepsnbsp;Dringediad «, escaladenbsp;Dringfa, fëydd nf place to climbnbsp;Dringedydd, Dringiedydd -ion n, climbernbsp;Dringad n, climbingnbsp;Dringlyn -au ?i, pendulumnbsp;Dringo, Dringad r, to climb [instead ofnbsp;Dros (mutation of Tros);?r, over; for;nbsp;Drud n, daring one, heronbsp;Drud a, daring; dear, costly, expensivenbsp;Drudaniaeth nf dearth, scarcitynbsp;Drudiant n, forwardnessnbsp;Drudwen -od nf starlingnbsp;Drudwst», chattering [starlingsnbsp;Drudwy w, chatter; starling: p, drudws,nbsp;Drwg, drygau n, evil, mischiefnbsp;Drwg a, evil, bad, naughty, wickednbsp;Drwg-dybio v, to suspectnbsp;Drwg-weithredwr, wyr n, evil-doer,
malefactor; culprit, felon Drws, drysau n, door, doorwaynbsp;Dry a, forward, foremostnbsp;Drych -au n, aspect; spectacle; mirror.
Drych Gwener, com bell-flower.
Drych meirionig, scarecrow Drychianog a, sightlynbsp;Drychiannol a, prospectivenbsp;Drychiant, iannau w, prospectnbsp;Drychiolaeth nf, apparition, phantomnbsp;Drychioli v, to make apparentnbsp;Drychol a, relating to aspectnbsp;Drychu v, to make apparentnbsp;Drychwydrau np, spectaclesnbsp;Drychynog a, sightly, comelynbsp;Dryd n, economy: a, thriftynbsp;Drydol a, economical, frugalnbsp;Drygair «, ill report; scandalnbsp;Dryganedd n, evil dispositionnbsp;Dryganiaeth nf misenief, malignitynbsp;Dryganian n/', malignitynbsp;Dryganianu v, to fly into a passionnbsp;Drygarfer -ion nf bad custom or habitnbsp;Drygbwyll a, irrational: n, bad sensenbsp;Drygchwant*-au n, evil desire [picionnbsp;^^ygdyb-iau n amp; nf bad opinion, sus-Drygdybio v,to think evil of, to suspectnbsp;Drygdybus a, apt to think evil,suspiciousnbsp;Drygddamwain, weiniau nf mischance
Drygddyn -ion n, mischievous person,
Drygedd n, malignity [wicked fellow Drygewyllys -iau n, ill willnbsp;Drygfoes -au nf ill mannersnbsp;Drygfwriad n, evil intention, malicenbsp;Drygfyd n, adversitynbsp;Dryghin nf bad weathernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[chief
Drygioni n, wickedness, badness, mis-Drygionus o, vicious, wicked, bad Dryglam -au -n, mischance, mishapnbsp;Drygnad -au nf. howl, howling, yellnbsp;Drygnadu Vj to howl, to yellnbsp;Drygnaws -lau n, peevishnessnbsp;Drygsawr n, bad smell, stench, fetornbsp;Drygu Vy to hurt, to harm, to damagenbsp;Drygus a. tending to evilnbsp;Drygweitnred -oedd nf evil deednbsp;Drygweithredwr, wyr n, evil-doer, malefactor; culprit, felonnbsp;Drygyrferth wailingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ket
Dry 11 -iau n, piece, fragment; gun, mus-Drylliach np. dribblets, snips Dryllio v, to oreak in pieces, to shatternbsp;Drylliog a, shattered, brokennbsp;Dryllyn n, small piece, fragmentnbsp;Dryllyniach npy dribbletsnbsp;Dryntol, Dyrnddol -au n, the ear ornbsp;handle of a cup, pot, or jugnbsp;Dryon the supreme onenbsp;Drysor -ion doorkeeper, porternbsp;Drysores -au nf doorkeeper, portressnbsp;Dryw -od druid; wrennbsp;Drywol a, druidical, druidic [inknbsp;Du a, black, sable; gloomy; «, black;nbsp;Duad «, blacking; bay in a building;
length of ploughed land Ducli «, sigh; groannbsp;Duch law ady overhand, abovenbsp;Ducho ady above, upwardnbsp;Duchiad, Duchiant n, sighnbsp;Duchio Vy to sigh, to groan [gloomnbsp;Duder, Duedd «, blackness; darkness;nbsp;Dudew a, thick and blacknbsp;Dueg nf melancholy, spleennbsp;Dug -iaid », duke: r, he bore (past tensenbsp;Dugesau -au nfy duchess [of Dwyn)nbsp;Dugiaetli -au nf dukedomnbsp;Dugiol a, belonging to a duke [bruisenbsp;Duglais, gleisiau », black stripe ornbsp;Duglwyd -i nf the rest-harrownbsp;Dul -iau n. bang, thump, beatnbsp;Dulas a, blackish blue; raven graynbsp;Dulio Vy to bang, to thump, to beat, tonbsp;Duloew a, of shining blacknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[knock
Dulwyd n, dusky colour: a, dusky Dulyn -oedd n, black water; melancholy;nbsp;Dulys npy Alexandersnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Dublin
-ocr page 140-Dwy_ DY
Dwy_ DY
Owned to express, to say, to speak
Dwr n, water; fluid=Dwfr
Dwrd », chiding; threat
Dwrdio v, to chide; to threaten
Dwrdiol a, chiding
Dwrdd, dyrddau n, rustle, stir
Dwrn, dyrnau n, fist
Dws what oozes out
Dwsel 72, faucet, tap
Dwthwn 72, juncture; day
Dwy -on n, cause; rule, order
Dwy afamp; nfj two: m dau
Dwyadeiniog a, having two wings
Dwyar np, stirrups
Dwydon -au »ƒ, diphthong
Dwyddalenog n, bipetalous
Dwyeg nf^ milt, spleen
Dwyen 72/^ the gills
Dwyf «, the Self-existent
Owyfasglog o, bivalvular, bivalvous
Dwyfed a, second nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ocracy
Dwyflywiaeth, Dwyflywodraeth nf^ the-
Dwyfog nf^ the hetony
Dwyfol a, divine, godly
Dwyfolaeth nf^ deification
Dwyfolder n, godliness
Dwyfoli V, to deify
Dwyfron np, the breasts. Cledr y ddwyfron, the chestnbsp;Dwyfroneg -au nf, breastplatenbsp;Dwyfyddiaeth nf theologynbsp;Dwylaw 72^, the two han^
Dwyliw np, two female parties [ hands Dwylofaid, eidiau nf the full of bothnbsp;Dwylofi to stroke with the handsnbsp;Dwyn V, to bear, to carry; to carrynbsp;Dwyn a, agreeable [away; to stealnbsp;Dwyndeb n, pleasantnessnbsp;Dwynol a, pleasing, agreeablenbsp;Dwyr 72, the dawn; orientnbsp;Owyrain w, the east: a, east, orientnbsp;Dwyran nf two shares: a, of two sharesnbsp;Dwyre ti, bursting to lightnbsp;Dwyre, Dwyreain v, to rise to viewnbsp;Dwyreiniol a, eastern, oriental, orientnbsp;Dwyreinwynt -oedd n, the east windnbsp;Dwyreol a, ortive, surgent, risingnbsp;Dwys a, dense, heavy, grave; deepnbsp;Dwysder 72, density, gravity; importancenbsp;Dwysill -au nf, dissyllablenbsp;Dwyso V, to condensenbsp;Dwysogaeth nf, condensationnbsp;Dwysog, Dwysol a, condensingnbsp;Dwyw n, producing causenbsp;Dwywaith ad^ twicenbsp;Dy px, denoting force and iteration; andnbsp;sometimes^ continuance of actionnbsp;136
Dull -iau », figure, shape, form, manner;
mode; scheme; pattern DuVliad », formation; modificationnbsp;Dullio V, to form, to shape, to modifynbsp;Dullnewid v, to transfigurenbsp;Dullnewidiad n, transfigurationnbsp;Dullwedd -au nf^ stylenbsp;Dundeb n, unity, accordancenbsp;Duno V, to unite, to agreenbsp;Duo V, to blacken; to darkennbsp;Dur -iau n, steel
Duraidd a, of a steely nature; chalybeate Durdeb », steeliness; soliditynbsp;Duren -au nf, steel to strike firenbsp;Durew «, black frostnbsp;Durfin ct, dense, close, hardnbsp;Dnrfing o, dense; austerenbsp;Durio, Duro v, to steel; to edgenbsp;Duriol, Durol a, of steel; solid, densenbsp;Duryn -au n, beak, snoutnbsp;Durynog a, beaked, snoutednbsp;Duw -iau M, God, the Deity; a godnbsp;Duwdeb, Duwdid n, divinity, godheadnbsp;Duwdod w, godhead, divinity, deitynbsp;Duwiaeth n/*, deismnbsp;Duwies -au n/*, goddessnbsp;Duwin a, of divine naturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[divinity
Duwindet), Duwineb ??/*, divine nature Duwinydd -ion n, theologian, divinenbsp;Duwinyddiaeth theology, divinitynbsp;Duwiol a, godly, pious. Duwiolion, godlynbsp;Duwiolaeth n/, theocracy [peoplenbsp;Duwioldeb «, godliness, pietynbsp;Duwioli V, to deifynbsp;Duwioliad n, deificationnbsp;Duwioliaid n;?,-pietistsnbsp;Dwb -ion n, mortar, cementnbsp;Dwbio Vy to daub, to plasternbsp;Dwbiwr, wyr n, plasterer; daubernbsp;Dwbl a, twofold, double=Dyblygnbsp;Dwf, dyfydd n, what glides; glidernbsp;Dwfn am, deep: dofnnbsp;Dwfr, dyfroedd n, waternbsp;Dwg n, bearing; carrying: v, will bear;
bear thou, 5ee Dwyn Dwgan -od rif, trull, drabnbsp;Dwl n, reason, judgmentnbsp;Dwl a, blunt; dull; stupid, foolish: ƒ, dolnbsp;Dwlw n, action of the mindnbsp;Dwll », overspreadnbsp;Dwn n, murmur; bassnbsp;Dwn a, dun, dusky, swarthynbsp;Dwnad n, report, rumour; expression;
saying; grammar Dwndriad n, pratingnbsp;Dwndro v, to prate, to chat; to clamournbsp;Dwndwr n, confused noise, clamour
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Dyjpn, thy, thine Dyad «, effect, efficacynbsp;Dyadel v, to leave, to suffernbsp;Dyall n and tJ=Dealinbsp;Dyanerch to dedicatenbsp;Dyar w, din, noise, soundnbsp;Dyar v, to make a tumultnbsp;Dyarchiad «, demandingnbsp;Dyaros v, to be tarryingnbsp;Dyban -od n, ant, emmetnbsp;Dybarthu v, to be separatingnbsp;Dyben -ion conclusion, endnbsp;Dybendod «, conclusion, terminationnbsp;Dybeniad w, concludingnbsp;Dybenol o, concludingnbsp;Dybenrwydd », conclusivenessnbsp;Dybenu r, to conclude, to finish. Yrnbsp;wyf wedi dybenu, I have donenbsp;Dybleidio v, to take a partnbsp;Dyblisgo v, to strip off shells or husksnbsp;Dyblyg -ion n, double, fold • Dyblyg a, double, folded Dyblygiad ra, doubling, duplicationnbsp;Dyblygol a, duplicativenbsp;Dyblygu v, to double, to foldnbsp;Dyboeri r, to spit aboutnbsp;Dybori r, to browsenbsp;Dyborth -ion n, supportnbsp;Dyborthi w, to support, to sustainnbsp;Dybreiddio v, to be depredatingnbsp;Dybry, Dybryan -od nf^ sea-hennbsp;Dybryd a, sad; ugly; horridnbsp;Dybryder w, pensivenessnbsp;Dybryderu v, to be sadly musingnbsp;Dybryn n, purchase; meritnbsp;Dybrynol a, meritoriousnbsp;Dybrynu v, to get esteemnbsp;Dyburo to purifynbsp;Dybwyllo to persuadenbsp;Dybyr a, pensive, sadnbsp;Dybyrdod n, melancholynbsp;Dybyrio i;, to depressnbsp;Dych n, groan, sighnbsp;Dychau -an «ƒ, lampoon, satire; jeernbsp;Dychaniad n, lampooningnbsp;Dychanol a, lampooning, satiricalnbsp;Dychanu v, to lampoon, to satirisenbsp;Dychior, Dychiori v, to utter sighsnbsp;Dychlaig, leigion n, drooping leisiau n, breaking out Dychlam, Dychlymiad », flutteringnbsp;ijychlamol a, fluttering; palpitatingnbsp;Dychlamu r, to flutter; to palpitatenbsp;Dychlud «, what is carriednbsp;Dychludo v, to carrynbsp;Dychluddo v, to inclosenbsp;Dychrain w, crawling |
Dychre nf^ croaking Dychrëu v, to croak Dychrymu v, to bownbsp;Dychryn «, terror, fright, horrornbsp;Dychrynadwy a, terrible, horriblenbsp;Dychryndod n, terrornbsp;Dychrynllyd a, fearful, terrible, horriblenbsp;Dychrynol a, terrifyingnbsp;Dychrynu v, to frighten, to terrifynbsp;Dychrynwr, wyr w,trembler; frightenernbsp;Dychrys to, haste, hurrynbsp;Dychrysio v. to hurrynbsp;Dychurio v, to be afflictednbsp;Dychwaen, weiniau nf^ chance, eventnbsp;Dychwaeth, weithiau to, relishnbsp;Dychwant -au «, appetitenbsp;Dychwardd to, laughternbsp;Dychwedlu v, to discoursenbsp;Dychwel -ion to/*, turn, coursenbsp;Dychweladwy a, revertiblenbsp;Dychweledig a, reversednbsp;Dychwelfa, fëydd to, recurrence; returnnbsp;Dychweliad to, recurring; returning; conversion nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[returns; convert Dychwelwr, wyr to, one who turns or Dychwelyd v, to returnnbsp;Dychwydd -au to, heavingnbsp;Dychwyl -ion vf, revolutionnbsp;Dychwysu v, to sweatnbsp;Dychyfaer -au to/*, rencounternbsp;Dychyfalhau v, to assimilatenbsp;Dychyfarfod to, to meetnbsp;Dychyfeirio to, to come in contactnbsp;Dychyfiad to, equalisationnbsp;Dychyfuno to, to agreenbsp;Dychyffroi to, to agitatenbsp;Dychymmyg -ion to, invention; riddle.nbsp;Dychymmygol a, imaginary [enigmanbsp;Dychymmygu to, to devise, to imaginenbsp;Dychymmygwr, wyr to, deviser, inventornbsp;Dychymmysg to, commixionnbsp;Dychyrchu to, to come on, to resortnbsp;Dyd i, hold, avast=Dytnbsp;Dydach to, to skulk, to lurknbsp;DydvHnio to. to take fire, to ignite f forthnbsp;Dydarddu to. to break out, to springnbsp;Dydechu to, to skulknbsp;Dydi (mutation of Tydi) pn, Ihou, theenbsp;Dy doledig a, segregated; parted, dividednbsp;Dydoleg, DydoTnod -au n/j diJeresisnbsp;Dydoli TO, to segregate, to separatenbsp;Dydoiiaeth nf, Dydoliant to, segregationnbsp;Dydolwr, wyr «, separator; dividernbsp;Dydoni to, to pare the surfacenbsp;Dydori to, to break, to be breakingnbsp;iDydreiddio to, to penetratenbsp;IDydreu to, to bore, to piercenbsp;137 |
Dydrwyno v, to follow a scent Dydwytho ü, to make elasticnbsp;Dydynu v, to attractnbsp;Dydd -iau n, day; day-time. Fournbsp;divisions of the day: bore, morning;nbsp;anterth, forenoon; nawn, noon; ech-wydd, evening
Dyddamwain, weiniau nf^ casualty Dyddan a, amusing, alluring, pleasantnbsp;Dyddangar a, diverting, amusingnbsp;Dyddaniad n, divertingnbsp;Dyddanol a, tending to allure or amusenbsp;Dyddanu v, to divert, to amuse; to comfortnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[comfort, consolation
Dyddanwch », diversion; pleasantness; Dyddanwr, wyr, Dyddanydd -ion n.
comforter, consoler; diverter Dyddarbod -au n, providencenbsp;Dyddarfod v, to be endingnbsp;Dyddarnu to cut in piecesnbsp;Dyddawr n, being concernednbsp;Dyddeisyf to implorenbsp;Dyddelwi y, to be as an imagenbsp;Dyddenu v, to enticenbsp;Dyddestlu v, to decoratenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[come
Dyddeued, Dyddawed, Dyddelu v, to Dyddfu to grow pale; to faintnbsp;Dyddhau v, to become day, to dawnnbsp;Dyddiad », dating; datenbsp;Dyddiadur -on «, diary, journalnbsp;Dyddiant fixing a day; datenbsp;Dyddigio u, to irritatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[date
Dyddio v, to become day, to dawn; to Dyddiol o, daily, diurnalnbsp;Dyddisgyn to descend, to alightnbsp;Dyddiwr, wyr w, daysmannbsp;Dyddlyfr -au n, diary, journal; almanacnbsp;Dyddolwch w, worshipnbsp;Dyddon n, blank: a, blanknbsp;Dyddonio v, to endownbsp;Dyddordeb concern, interestnbsp;Dyddorgar a, concerned, interestednbsp;Dyddori v, to be concerned; to care fornbsp;Dyddoriant w, concern, care; anxietynbsp;Dyddorol, Dyddorus a, interesting; en-Dyddosbarthu v, to analyse [tertainingnbsp;Dyddwyn v, to bear; to conveynbsp;Dyddwyrain, Dyddwyre v, to rise, tonbsp;Dyddwyso v, to condense [ascendnbsp;Dyddyfnu Vy to absorb; to abstractnbsp;Dyddyfru v, to water, to irrigatenbsp;Dyddygyd v, to convey, to bearnbsp;Dyddymgytchu v, to congregate [to risenbsp;Dyddyrchafu, Dyddyrchu v, to mevate,nbsp;Dyeithr -iaid n, strangernbsp;Dyeithra, excepted; strange; c, except,nbsp;Dyeithriad n, estrangement [unless
Dyeithriad, iaid n, stranger Dyeithrio v, to estrangenbsp;Dyelw n, right
Dyerbyn w, to receive; to oppose Dyerchi v, to demandnbsp;Dyethol v, to selectnbsp;Dyeuro v, to guildnbsp;Dyfachu v, to grapplenbsp;Dyfais, feisiau nf^ device, inventionnbsp;Dyfal -on simile; riddle [industriousnbsp;Dyfal a, incessant; tedious; diligent;nbsp;Dyfalder diligence, assiduitynbsp;Dyfalgan -au, Dyfalgerdd -i nf^ descrip-Dyfalnau to be assiduous [tive songnbsp;Dyfaliad w, making a similenbsp;Dyfalu to make a simile, to liken; tonbsp;guess; to conjecture; to describenbsp;Dyfamu v, to pass sentencenbsp;Dyfeiliorni u, to go wrongnbsp;Dyfeirio v, to grow furiousnbsp;Dyfeisiad invention, devicenbsp;Dyfeisio u, to devise, to invent; to guessnbsp;Dyfeithiin r, to be nursingnbsp;Dyfelu V, to bicker, to brawlnbsp;Dyferiog a, dropping; leakynbsp;Dyferion dropsnbsp;Dyferu u, to drop, to drizzlenbsp;Dyferwad ebullition, effervescencenbsp;Dyferwi v, to boil, to effervescenbsp;Dyferyn -au «, single dropnbsp;Dyferynu y, to drizzlenbsp;Dyfeth w, failing; nullitynbsp;Dyfetha y, to destroy^
Dyfethiad », destroying, destruction Dyfethlu y, to entanglenbsp;Dyfethwr, wyr w, destroyer; wasternbsp;Dyfian y, to move slowlynbsp;Dyfinio y, to set an edgenbsp;Dyflaenu y, to sharpennbsp;Dyflanu y, to illuminenbsp;Dyflisgo y, to strip of shell, to shellnbsp;Dyfloen -au «/, splinternbsp;Dyfnad what is inurednbsp;Dyfnawd n, profunditynbsp;Dyfnder -au -oedd n, deepness, depthnbsp;Dyfneual y, to train up; to be wontnbsp;Dyfnhau y, to deepennbsp;Dyfnu V, to suck; to be usednbsp;Dyfod V, to come; to be, to come to passnbsp;Dyfodiad n, coming, approachnbsp;Dyfodiant n, futurity; adventnbsp;Dyfodol «, adventitious, coming, futurenbsp;Dyfolio y, to guzzle, to eat voraciouslynbsp;Dyfrbwysiant w, hydrostaticsnbsp;Dyfrefu y, to bleat, to lownbsp;Dyfrfarch, feirch «, hippopotamusnbsp;Dyfrfydrai, eion n, hydrometernbsp;138
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Djgyfarwyddo v, to direct lgt;ygyfeirio tgt;, to meet togethernbsp;Dygyfio V, to equalisenbsp;Dygyfiwyn u, to approachnbsp;Dygyfodi v, to risenbsp;Dy^for V, to cause tumultnbsp;Dygyfranc v, to deal togethernbsp;Dygyfwrw v, to castnbsp;Dygyfysgi w, confusionnbsp;Dygyffroi v. to agitatenbsp;Dygynweddu v, to complynbsp;Dygyhoeddi v, to publishnbsp;Dygylchu v, to encompassnbsp;Dygylchynu v, to circumscribenbsp;Dygyllaeth n, longingnbsp;Dygymhell v, to instigatenbsp;Dygymmeryd v, to acceptnbsp;Dygymmod to agreenbsp;Bygymmrodedd », congenialitynbsp;Dygymmynu v, to hew, to hacknbsp;Dygymmeryd n, estimationnbsp;I^ygy^ïiiysgu v, to mixnbsp;Dygynnal v, to upholdnbsp;Dygynnull v, to collectnbsp;Dygynnwys «, continencenbsp;Dygynu v, to rise overnbsp;Dygyrchu v, to assailnbsp;Dygyrhaedd u, to attainnbsp;Dygysgodi v, to adumbratenbsp;V, to slumbernbsp;Dygystuddio v, to afflictnbsp;Dygythruddo v, to ruffle, to agitatenbsp;Dygywain v, to carrynbsp;Dyhaeddu v, to meritnbsp;Dyhaenu t?, to spread overnbsp;Dyhaeru v, to affirm, to assertnbsp;Dyhaith t?, to meritnbsp;Dyhead w, pantingnbsp;Dybebgor v, to dispensenbsp;Dyhebu v, to respondnbsp;Dyhedeg w, to hovernbsp;Dyheiddio v, to meritnbsp;Dyheiro v, to loiter, to lingernbsp;Dyhenydd w, giver of lifenbsp;Dyhëu v, to pant, to puff, to gaspnbsp;Dyheueg »/, sigh; wishnbsp;Dyheuro v, to assertnbsp;Dyhewjd -ion n, devotion; resolutionnbsp;Dyhewydd re, maturity,* autumnnbsp;Dyhewyn w, what is maturednbsp;Dyhidlo v, to distil
Dylhra,loitering; worthless; scoundrel Dyhiriant w, prolongationnbsp;Dyhirio, Dyhiro v, to loiter; to triflenbsp;Dyhirwch re, worthlessnessnbsp;Dyhiryn re, worthless one; scoundrelnbsp;Dyhoddi v, to tranquiiise
Dyhoddio v, to facilitate Dyholi V, to investigatenbsp;Dyhudded, Dyhuddiant re, consolationnbsp;Dyhuddo r, to appease; to cover overnbsp;Dyhynt -iau re/*, journeynbsp;Dyhyntio v, to take a coursenbsp;Dyhyspyddu v, to drain, to exhaustnbsp;Dyl -ion re, due, debt, rightnbsp;Dylad re, fluxion, flowingnbsp;Dyladwy a, suitable, meet, duenbsp;Dylafwch re, scratching; itchnbsp;Dylaith, leithiau re, dissolution; corpsenbsp;Dylaith a, dissolving; fluentnbsp;Dylamu re, to skipnbsp;Dylan -an re, fluid; oceannbsp;Dylanwad -au re, influence [influencenbsp;Dylanwadu re, to influence, to exercisenbsp;Dylathru re, to give a polishnbsp;Dylawch re, protectionnbsp;Dylechu re, to skulknbsp;Dyled, Dylêd -ion re, due, right, debtnbsp;Dyiedach, Dyletach np, small debts,nbsp;Dyledgar a, dutifulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dribblets
Dyledog a, having due; noble. Dyled-ogion, proprietor, noblemen Dyledoges -au ij/J noble womannbsp;Dyledogi re, to ennoblenbsp;Dyledswydd -au nf, duty, obligationnbsp;Dyledu re, to make duenbsp;Dyledus a, obligatory, duenbsp;Dyledwr, wyr re, debtornbsp;Dyleddtiad, iaid re, supine (in grammar)nbsp;Dylefain re, to clamournbsp;Dylenwi re, to fill; to influencenbsp;Dyleu re, to be obligednbsp;Dyli, ïau re, temper, habitnbsp;Dyli re, flood=Dylifnbsp;Dyli, Dylni re, dullness, stupiditynbsp;Dylid re, obligation, dutynbsp;Dylif -au -ion re, flood: re/*, warpnbsp;Dylifiannu re, to flownbsp;Dylifiant re, defluxionnbsp;Dylifo re, to flow; to warpnbsp;Dylinio re, to kneelnbsp;Dyliw -iau re, shadow, huenbsp;Dylo re, to own; to be interested; to benbsp;Dylochi re, to protect (in duty boundnbsp;Dylod re, shrillness; key of D (in music)nbsp;Dylofi re, to handle; to stroke with thenbsp;Dylofyn re. handful [hand; to allaynbsp;Dylor re, snrill utterancenbsp;Dylosg re, coke; charcoalnbsp;Dylosgi re, to calcine, to charnbsp;Dylu re, to be obliged, to owe. Dylwn,nbsp;I ought to, I shouldnbsp;Dyluchio re, to be throwingnbsp;Dyludo re, to adhere
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Dylunio v, to delineate
Dylusg -ion nf^ what is drifted on shore
Dylusgo V, to hale, to drag [by floods
Dylw », obligation, duty
Dylwch «, fluid; deluge
Dylwf, lyfion bundle, whisp
Dylwr Uy the hind part: a, liindmost
Dylwyf n, fire-wood, fuel
Dyly Vy to be due; to claim
Dylyed -ion nf, obligation, debt
Dylyedogi v, to render entitled
Dylyfu Vy to lick
Dylymu Vy to sharpen
Dylynu v, to adhere
Dylyu Vy to be on duty
Dyllu Vy to overshadow
Dylluan -od nfy owl
Dyllwng Vy to let go
Dyllyr n, the abyss
Dym pa;=Dy-ym
Dyma ad, here, lo here, here is; this is Dymborthi v, to be mutually aiding; to
3rt one’s self
vel, Dymchwelyd v, to overturn Bymchweliad n, subversionnbsp;Djrmchwelwr, wyr «, destructive radicalnbsp;Dymchwelydr -aun, the earth-board of anbsp;Dymchwydd n, sweiling,tumour[ ploughnbsp;Dymdaenu Vy to spreadnbsp;Dymddadlu Vy to dispute togethernbsp;Dymddenu v, to allurenbsp;Dymddwyn r, to bearnbsp;Dymestyn r, to extendnbsp;Bymfod v, to existnbsp;Dymfoddio v, to please one’s selfnbsp;Dymgadw r, to abstainnbsp;Dymgaru v, to be mutually lovingnbsp;Dymgeisio Vy to exertnbsp;Dymgelu r, to concealnbsp;Djrmgilio v, to recedenbsp;Dymgodi v, to lift one’s selfnbsp;Dymgoddi v, to vexnbsp;Dymgofio r, to remembernbsp;Dymgredu v, to trust mutuallynbsp;Dymguro v, to beat mutuallynbsp;Dymgyfarcn v, to greetnbsp;Dymgyrchu t;, to resort togethernbsp;Dymheddu r, to pacifynbsp;Dymhuno u, to dozenbsp;Dymnoddi t?, to take refugenbsp;Dymoddef r, to suffernbsp;Dymollwng v, to let one’s self loosenbsp;Dymranu tgt;, to dividenbsp;Dymroddi v, to resignnbsp;Bymuniad -au n, desiring; wish, desirenbsp;Bymuno v, to desire, to wishnbsp;Bymunol a, desirable, pleasant
Dymwadu v, to deny one’s self
Dymwared v, to deliver, to extricate Dymweled v, to visitnbsp;Dyn -ion nc, man, prsonnbsp;Dyna ady there, lo tnere, there is; that isnbsp;Dynan nCy little personnbsp;Dyndeb, Dyndid n, manhood, manlinessnbsp;Dyndod n, humanitynbsp;Dyne n, effusion; pantingnbsp;Dyneol a, effusive; sheddingnbsp;Dynes -au nfy woman, femalenbsp;Dynesau v, to approximatenbsp;Dynesiad n, accession, approximationnbsp;Dynesu v, to draw nearnbsp;Dynëu v, to efiuse; to shednbsp;Dyngarwch philanthropynbsp;Dyngasedd n, misanthropynbsp;Dyniad -on n, human beingnbsp;Dyniadu Vy to humanisenbsp;Dyniawed, iewyd steer, heifernbsp;Dyniedigaeth nfy personificationnbsp;Dynionach npy frail men, contemptiblenbsp;Dynionos np, little folksnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[men
Dyno nc, little person Dynodi v, to discriminate; to signifynbsp;Dynoethi r, denudate, to denude, tonbsp;bare, to exposenbsp;Dynol a, human, of mannbsp;Dynoli v, to make humannbsp;Dynoliaeth nf humanitynbsp;Dynolryw cn, mankind=Dynol rywnbsp;Dynos wo, little peoplenbsp;Dynsawd, sodion, sodau w, personnbsp;Dynsodach npy ignoble personsnbsp;Dynsodechyn w, insignificant little fellownbsp;Dynsodi v, to personifynbsp;Dynsodiant w, Dynsodwedd nf personi-Dynwared v, to imitatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fication
Dynwarediad n, imitation Dynwaredoldeb n, imitabilitynbsp;Dynweddiad w, person (in grammar)nbsp;Dynweddiadol a, personalnbsp;Dynyddu v, to twistnbsp;Dynygu r, to thrivenbsp;Dynyn w, little mannbsp;Dyochri r, to squarenbsp;Dyodwf w, augmentationnbsp;Dyoddef v, to suffer, to abide, to endurenbsp;Dyoddefadwy a, sufferablenbsp;Dyoddefaint, Dyoddefiad, Dyoddefiantnbsp;w, sufiering, passionnbsp;Dyoddefoldeo «, capacity to suffernbsp;Dyoddefwr, wyr «. sufferernbsp;Dyoddefgar, DyoddefoL Djroddefus o,nbsp;Dyoedi o, to delay [patient, passivenbsp;Dyoerain o, to coolnbsp;Dyofalu v, to care for
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Dyrysi w, intricacy; brake [bles
Dyrysi np (dyrysïen nf\ briars, bram-
Dyryslwyn n, bramble brake
Dyrysni n, intricacy
Dyrysu v, to entangle, to puzzle
Dyrywio v, to asssimilate
Dys pa;=Dy-ys
Dysaethu r, to shoot
Dysail, seiliau foundation
Dysathru v, to tread, to trample
Dysbaddu v, to castrate, to geld
Dysbeidio v, to desist
Dysbeilio v, to unsheath, to brandish
Dysbeinio to divest of; to pillage.
Djsbeinio fifa, Plisgo ffa, to shell beans Dysbeithio v, to bring to viewnbsp;Dysbenu r, to determinenbsp;Dysbieidio v, to take partnbsp;Dysbleinio v, to radiatenbsp;Dysborthi v, to supportnbsp;Dysbwyll -ion discretionnbsp;Dysbwyllo v, to reasonnbsp;Dysbwyo v, to reverberatenbsp;Dyseiliad «, foundingnbsp;Dysenu v, to vituperatenbsp;Dyserenu v, to sparklenbsp;Dyserth -au w, desertnbsp;Dysg nf, learning, eruditionnbsp;Dysgad instruction [apprenticenbsp;Dysgadur -on ra, one instructed; pupil;nbsp;Dysgarthu v, to cleansenbsp;Dysgawdwr, wyr n, instructornbsp;Dysgedig a, learned; instructednbsp;Dysgedigoi u, instructivenbsp;Oysgeidiaeth ^learning; instruction,nbsp;tuition, educationnbsp;Dysgethrin a, rough, rudenbsp;Dysgeulyd », coagulationnbsp;Dysgiad w, tuition, teachingnbsp;Dysgl -au nf^ dish, platter; platenbsp;Dysglaer a, splendid, glittering, brightnbsp;Dysglaid, eidiau dishful, platefulnbsp;Dysglain, gleinion glare: a, brightnbsp;Dysgleinio v, to glare=DysgIeirionbsp;Dysgleirdeb w, splendour, brightnessnbsp;Dysgleirio to glitter, to shinenbsp;Dysgleiriol a, shining, brightnbsp;Dysgloen nf^ splinternbsp;Dysgloffi to make lame, to lamenbsp;Djsglu to put in a disn or platenbsp;Dysgodres -au n/*, tutoressnbsp;Dysgogan -au predictionnbsp;Dysgogan, Dysgoganu v, to predictnbsp;Dysgogi to agitate, to stirnbsp;Dysgol a, instructivenbsp;Dysgor -au n, tabernaclenbsp;Dysgori v, to shut round
Dyoganu tr, to predict Dyogwyddo v, to inclinenbsp;Dyol -ion », track; footstepnbsp;Dyolaeth nf^ tracingnbsp;Dyolaith n, dissolutionnbsp;Dyoli V, to follow a tracknbsp;Dyolwch ?i, gratitude; worshipnbsp;Dyollwng v, to let loosenbsp;Dyor, Dyoryd v, to frustrate, to obstructnbsp;Dyoresgynu v, to subjugatenbsp;Dyorfod v, to conquer, to overcomenbsp;Dyorladu v, to blessnbsp;Dyormesu r, to molestnbsp;Dyrag «, progress: pr, beforenbsp;Dyragu v, to precede, to go beforenbsp;Dyrain v, to frisk about; «, frisknessnbsp;Dyranu to dividenbsp;Dyrathu v, to rub, to chafenbsp;Dyrawr ra, impulse: a, urgentnbsp;Dyrch », rising; assaultnbsp;Dyrchaf -ion w, assaultnbsp;Dyrchafael n, ascensionnbsp;Dyrchahad n, elevation, exaltationnbsp;Dyrchafiaeth n/*, promotionnbsp;Dyrchafol a, elevatingnbsp;Dyrchaf u, Dyrchu v, to lift up, to elevate,nbsp;to exalt; to advance; to ascendnbsp;Dyrchiad n, exaltationnbsp;Dyre 71, wantonness, lustnbsp;Dyre, Dyrcd to move on; to comenbsp;Dyredeg v, to run to and fronbsp;Dyreidio v, to necessitatenbsp;Dyres -ion nf^ flight of steps, stairsnbsp;Dyrewi v, to freeze
Dyri, ïau, Dyrif -au n/J kind of metre Dyrifiad w, numerationnbsp;Dyrllyd a, wateryssDyfrllydnbsp;Dyrllyddu v, to deservenbsp;Dyrnaid, eidiau n, handfulnbsp;Dyrnchwith a, left-handed [or potnbsp;Dyrnddol -au 7?/j handle of a cup, jug,nbsp;Dyrnfedd -i wƒ, hand-breadth, handnbsp;Dyrnflaidd, tleiddiau w, battle-axenbsp;Dyrnfol, fyl nf^ gauntletnbsp;Dymod -iau ?i, box, cuff, blownbsp;Dyrnu v, to thresh; to boxnbsp;Dyrnwr, wyr n, threshernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[yield
Dyroddi, Dyroi v, to bestow, to give, to Dyrraith, reithiau «ƒ fate; jeopardynbsp;Dyru V, to impel, to drivenbsp;Dyrwn hollow noisenbsp;Dyrwyddo v, to acceleratenbsp;Dyrwyn t), to wind, to twistnbsp;Oyrwyniad n, windingnbsp;Dyrwynwr, wyr », one who winds yarn,nbsp;Dyrynu to wind roundnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[winder
Dyrys a, intricate, entangled
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Dysgri, ïon n, clamour, outcry Dysgrifiad descriptionnbsp;Dysgrifio v, to describenbsp;Dysgrïo v, to clamournbsp;Dysgu V, to learn; to teachnbsp;Dysgubell 4 nf^ besom; slutnbsp;Dysgwedyd r, to recitenbsp;Dysggt;?Feinu r, to ministernbsp;Dysgwr, wyr n, learner; teachernbsp;Dysgwyl -ion n, expectation; watchnbsp;Dysgwyl, Dysgwylio v, to expect; tonbsp;Dysgwylgar a, watchfulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[watch
Dysgwyliad n, expectation Dysgybl -ion n, disciplenbsp;Dysgyblaeth nf^ disciplinenbsp;Dysgyblu v, to disciplinenbsp;Dysgyfrith n, congenial formnbsp;Dysgymmod w, agreementnbsp;Dysgymmodi v, to concurnbsp;Dysgymmon w, combustiblenbsp;Dysgyr n, scream, cry, wail ‘nbsp;Dysgyrchiad, Dysgyrchiant n, gravitation; gravitynbsp;Dysgyrchu v, to gravitatenbsp;Dysgyrio v, to screamnbsp;Dysgyrnu v, to grin, to snarlnbsp;Bysgywen a, splendid, brightnbsp;Dyslyncu v, to gulp upnbsp;Dysmegu v, to enunciatenbsp;Dysmythu v, to vanish, to disappearnbsp;Dyspyddu V, to drain; to bale; to exhaustnbsp;Dystain, teiniaid one who lays thingsnbsp;Dystaw a, silent; calm [in ordernbsp;Dystawiad n, silencingnbsp;Dystewi v, to silence; to calm; to holdnbsp;Dystraw n, sneezenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[one's peace
Dystreulio v, to rinse Dystrewi v, to sneezenbsp;Bystroi v, to whirlnbsp;Bystru n, pity; concernnbsp;Dysuddo v, to sinknbsp;Dysychu v, to drynbsp;Dysylu v, to make compactnbsp;Dysyllu v, to gaze, to starenbsp;Dyt i, hold, avast, stopnbsp;Dyuno v, to unite, to agreenbsp;Dyw -iau «, that is; daynbsp;Dywadnu v, to take to the heelsnbsp;Bywadu v, to renouncenbsp;Bywaesu v, to warrantnbsp;Bywal a, fierce, furiousnbsp;Bywalder w, fiercenessnbsp;Bywalgi, gwn n, tigernbsp;Bywalhau v, to grow tiercenbsp;Bywallo to pour, to shednbsp;Bywalltram v, to lavishnbsp;Bywanu v, to digress
Dywasgaru v, to scatter Dywasgodi v, to shelternbsp;Dywasgrynu v, to tremblenbsp;Dywasgn v, to constrictnbsp;Dywawd v, to utter, to speak; has saidnbsp;Dywededig a, said, spoken, utterednbsp;Dywediad «, saying, maximnbsp;Bywedwst «ƒ, the mumpsnbsp;Dywedyd, Dyweyd v, to speak, to saynbsp;Dyweddi, ïau no, espousals, marriage-contract; betrothed person; spouse,nbsp;husband or wife
Byweddïo v, to espouse, to wed; to be-Dyweinio », to convey nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[troth
Bywellygio t?, to fail Bywenu v, to smile
Bywenydd n, pleasure, bliss, happiness
Bywirio v, to verify
Bywisgo V, to dress
Bywrthebu v, to respond
Bywrthredu v, to go adversely
Dywthio v, to protrude
Bywy-on w, vapour; fog nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[udder
Bywydd n, swelling with milk in the
Bywyllu v, to darken over
Bywyn v, to make fair or white; to bless
Bywyndeb », blessedness
Bywynu n, blessing
Dywystlo r, to pledge
E, Ef, Efe, Fepn, he, him; it: an affirmative adverb. Fe’m poenir, I am tormented
E px, gives intensity to signification of words, as eaw^, from anp; effraw^nbsp;from ffrav}
Eang a, ample, large, commodious, free Eangder», amplitude; spacenbsp;Eangiad n, amplifying; enlargementnbsp;Eangu V, to make ample, to extendnbsp;Eb -ion nf^ issuing out; utterancenbsp;Eb, Ebu V, to say. Eb, Ebe, Ebr, say,nbsp;says, quoth, Ebai, saidnbsp;Ebach -au nf^ nook, cornernbsp;Ebaeth «, nook; covenbsp;Eban, ebyn f^passing by or throughnbsp;Ebargofiad, Ebargofiaut n, forgetting,nbsp;Ebargofio v, to forgetnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[oblivion
Ebargofraith, reithiau amnesty Ebediw -iau heriotnbsp;Kbiaith, ieithion nf, part of a sentencenbsp;Ebill -ion n, auger; peg; key of a musical instrumentnbsp;Ebillen «ƒ, gimlet; pegnbsp;Ebillio V, to bore, to peg
Eginol a, genninant, shooting Eglan-oedd-au bank; gulf; channelnbsp;Eglog a, gaping, yawningnbsp;Eglui* a, bright, clear; plain, evident; obvious, manifest; lucid Egluradwy a, demonstrable, explicablenbsp;Egluraint», splendournbsp;Eglurdeb n, clearness, perspicuitynbsp;EglurhS.d, Egluriad n, explanationnbsp;Eglurhau v, to explain, to expoundnbsp;Eglurhaol, Egluriadol a, explanatorynbsp;Egluriadur -on expositor, glossarynbsp;Egluro V, to manifest, to explainnbsp;Eglurwr, wyr w, illustratornbsp;Egluryn n, exemplar, manifestonbsp;Eglwg a, manifest, lucid=Eglurnbsp;Eglwys -i -ydd -au nf, churchnbsp;Eglwysiad n, churchingnbsp;Eglwysig a, of a church; ecclesiastical. Gwr eglwysig, clergyman, ecclesiastic Eglwyso, Eglwysa v, to churchnbsp;Eglwyswr, wyr, Eglwysydd -ion n,nbsp;churchman; clergymannbsp;Eglyd a, hovering; waveringnbsp;Eglyn w, the golden saxifragenbsp;Egni, ïon «, eÖbrt, endeavournbsp;Egnïo r, to endeavour, to make an eifortnbsp;Egniol a, vigorous, forciblenbsp;Egn'ius a, impetuous, forciblenbsp;Egor n, opening: r, to opennbsp;Egored, amp;c.;=Agored, ékc. Egr a, sharp, tart; eager; sour; stale Egri, Égredd n, staleness, aciditynbsp;Egriad ?i, growine stale or acidnbsp;Egrid -iau n, oxiaenbsp;Egridiad n, oxidationnbsp;Egrido V, to oxidise, to oxidatenbsp;Egroes np (-en rif}, eglantine berriesnbsp;Egru V, to grow stale or acidnbsp;Egruflft n, spawn of frogs: -ion, griffonnbsp;Egryd, Egryn n, tremblingnbsp;Egrygi n, hoarsenessnbsp;Egwal -au u, cot, hutnbsp;Egwan a, feeble, weak, droopingnbsp;Egwanaeth nf, imbecilitynbsp;Egwander «, feebleness, debilitynbsp;Egweddi, ïau n, dowrynbsp;Egwy -on n, plague, pestnbsp;Egwya V, to break in blotchesnbsp;Egwyd -ydd n/quot;, the fetlocknbsp;Egwydled n, small of the legnbsp;Egwyddor -ion -au nf, rudiment; principle ; the alphabetnbsp;Egwyddori v, to initiatenbsp;Egwyddoriad n, initiationnbsp;Egwyddorol a, rudimental; alphabeticalnbsp;Egwyl -ion «/*, opportunity |
EIDD Egyr -au n, acre: v, will open Eng -ion n, space: a, amplenbsp;Engherdded -ion w, sojourningnbsp;Enghraift't, enghreifftiau nf, examplenbsp;Englyn -ion n, metre so called; epigram; stanza nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to be delivered Engu V, to set at large, to free, to loose; Engur a, marvellous, amazingnbsp;En^rio v, to marvel, to wondernbsp;Engwarth, weirth n, beachnbsp;Engwawd n, panegyricnbsp;Engwth n, a push: a, sudden [angelsnbsp;Engyl n, expanding principle, fire: np,nbsp;Engyn n, outcast, wretchnbsp;Engyrth a, awful, direfulnbsp;Ehagru v, to make uglynbsp;Ehed -ion nf, flight: a, flyingnbsp;Ehedeg v, to fly, to skimnbsp;Ehedfaen, fain, feini n, loadstonenbsp;Ehedfan v, to hover, to flynbsp;Ehediad n, flight, flyingnbsp;Ehediad, iaid n, fowl, birdnbsp;Ehedion np, refuse of cornnbsp;Ehedog a, having flight, flyingnbsp;Ehedol a, relating to flightnbsp;Ehedydd -ion n, flyer; larknbsp;Ehedyn n, winged creaturenbsp;Ehegr n, the staggers, disease in horsesnbsp;Ehegr a, abrupt: ad, quicklynbsp;Bhegru v, to move rapidlynbsp;Ehelaeth, amp;c.=Helaeth, amp;c. Ehoeg a, green Ehud a, flighty, heedless, rash Ehudrwydd n, rashness Eihis, him; her; its, it: v, thou Eich pn, your nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wilt go Eichio V, to sound; to cry out Eidio V, to enliven; to frisk Eidiog, Eidiol a, lively, vigorous Eidiogi V, to invigorate, to enliven Eidion -au n, ox, steer, bullock Eidral cn, ground-ivy Eiddew cn, ivy Eiddgar a, zealous, ardent Eiddgarwch w, zealousness, zeal, fervour Eiddiar n, heath, heather, ling Eiddig a, jealous Eiddigedd n,jealousy; zeal Eiddigeddu, Eiddigo v, to grow jealous; Eiddigor n, superior [to grow zealous Eiddigus a, jealous; zealous Eiddil a, slender, small; feeble, weak Biddildeb n/*, diminution; meiosis EiddilhM n, extenuation Eiddilhau v, to grow slender Eiddiliad n, extenuation Elddilo V, to extenuate |
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Eiddilwch «, slenderness j smallness Eiddio V, to possessnbsp;Eiddiog a, owned: n, slavenbsp;Eiddion np, personal propertynbsp;Eiddiorwg cn, ivy=Eiddewnbsp;Eiddo », property, chattels: pn, his, amp;c.nbsp;Eiddof, eiddot, eiddi, eiddo, eiddom,nbsp;eiddoch, eiddynt, mine, thine, bis,nbsp;hers, onrs, yours, theirsnbsp;Eiddun a, desirous, fondnbsp;Eidduned -au nf^ desire, choice; vownbsp;Eiddunedu, Eidduno v, to desire, to wish,nbsp;Eidduniad n, desiring [to vow; to praynbsp;Eiddunol«, delectablenbsp;Eiddwg, Eiddwng a, contiguous, nearnbsp;Eiddyganu v, to approximatenbsp;Eigiaeth ti/quot;, teeming statenbsp;Eigian n, centre; origin; forcenbsp;Eigian igt;, to bring forth; to sobnbsp;Eigio V, to generate, to bring forthnbsp;Eigiol a, teeming, prolific [the deepnbsp;Eigion -au n, middle; abyss, the ocean,nbsp;Eigr -ion tj/J virgin, maid; nymphnbsp;Eigraeth virgin state, virginitynbsp;Eigrau np, stockings without feetnbsp;Eingio tgt;, to expand, to dilatenbsp;Eingion -au nj'y anvilnbsp;Eilar n, second ploughingnbsp;Eilchwyl ad, once more, againnbsp;Eilewydd -ion n, musiciannbsp;Eilfaint n, second rate; a, second ratenbsp;Eilfam -au nf, second mothernbsp;Eilfydd a, second, like, similarnbsp;Eilfyddu v, to imitatenbsp;Eiliad -au n, constructing; a secondnbsp;Eiliant n, constructurenbsp;Eiliasaf n, melodious flownbsp;Eilier -au n, the butterflynbsp;Eilig a, apt to glide; playfulnbsp;Eilio V, to place alternately, to plait, tonbsp;construct; to secondnbsp;Eilir -ion », regeneration; spring. Alban eilir, vernal equinoxnbsp;Eiliw «oedd n, aspect, figure, huenbsp;Eiliwed n, reproach, shamenbsp;Eiliwr, wyr n, secondernbsp;Eiloes nf, second age: ad, againnbsp;Eilon n, music, melodynbsp;Eilou », hart, roebucknbsp;Eilnn -od n, image; idolnbsp;Eilun -iau n, copynbsp;Eilunaddolgar a, idolatrousnbsp;Eilunaddoli v, to worship idols [idolatrynbsp;hi unaddoliad n, Eilunaddoliaeth nfnbsp;hilunaddolwr, wyr n, idolater, worshipernbsp;hiluniaeth nf, imitation [of imagesnbsp;hilumant n, portraiture |
Eilunio v, to imitate, to copy Eilw n, music, melody Eilwaith nf second time or turn Eilwy -on n, musician Eilwydd n, love meeting Eilydd -ion n, musician Eilyg n, melody; delight Eilyw n, music, melody Eilywiant n, minstrelsy Eili pn, their, they=Iil Eilldu n, outward side Eilliedydd -ion n, cutter, shaver, barber Eilllo V, to cut off, to shave Eilliwr, wyr n, shaver, barber Ein pn, our, us. Einom, Einym, ours Einawr ad, now, at present Einioes nf, course of life, life, lifetime Einion -au nf, anvil=Eingion Eira n, snow. Bwra eira, to snow Eiras n, that glows, burning cinders Eirchiad, iaid n, one who demands Eirchiol a, mandatory, commanding Eirfdy, dai n, armoury; arsenal Eirfydd -ion n, blazoner of arms Eiriach v, to deprecate, to spare Eiriachus a, deprecatory Eirian a, splendid, bright, fair Eirianedd n, splendour Eirianol a, tending to make fair Eirianrod nf, the galaxy, the milky way Eirianu v, to make splendid Eirias -au n, glowing or burning cinder Eirias a, burning, glowing, fiery Eiriasedd n, the state of being glowing Eiriasfaen, feini n, ruby Eiriasu v, to burn fiercely Eiriesyn n, glowing cinder Eirif -ion n, number; counting Eirifo V, to enumerate Eirig a, splendid, shining, gyr ^ Eirin np [-en nf), plums. Eirin Mai, Eirin Mair, gooseberries. Eirin gwlan-og, peaches Eirinwydd np (-en nf), plum-trees Eirio V, to brightennbsp;Eirioes nf, purity of lifenbsp;Eiriol V, to intercede; to intreatnbsp;Eiriolaeth nf, Eirioled, Eiriolwch n, intercession; intreaty ; prayernbsp;Eirioli v, to intreat; to intercede; to praynbsp;Eiriolus a, persuasive; intercedingnbsp;Eiriolwr, wyr, Eiriolydd -ion n, intercessor, mediatornbsp;Eiriolyddiaeth nf, mediatorshipnbsp;Eirion np, ornaments, jewelsnbsp;Eirioni n, border; rufflenbsp;Eirioni v, to adorn with jewelsnbsp;117 |
Eirionynu to fringe; to ruffle Eirllyd a, apt to be snowing, snowynbsp;Eiros n, bright or flame colour; scarletnbsp;Eirosglwyf, Eirosgryd n, scarlet fevernbsp;Eirthio v, to growl; to baitnbsp;Eirw, Eirwy -on n, cataract, waterfall,nbsp;Eirwiaw fz, sleetnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;\_See Aerwy
Eiry n, snow=Eira Eiryaidd, Eiryog o, like snow, snowynbsp;Eisen, ais nf^ rib; lathnbsp;Eisglwyf -an «, pleurisynbsp;Eisio v, to lathe; to latticenbsp;Eisieu «, want, need, lacknbsp;Eisin bran, husknbsp;Eisinaidd, Eisinllyd, Eisinog a, abounding with bran, nuskynbsp;Eisiw -on w, want, need, povertynbsp;Eisiwed, Eisiwyd re, indigence, wantnbsp;Eisiwo V, to become destitutenbsp;Eisoes, Eiswys, Eisys: ac?, likewise; al-Eisor a, equal, similar, like [readynbsp;Eisorawd re, counterpartnbsp;Eisori r, to make similarnbsp;Eissilledd, Eissillydd cw, offspring, issuenbsp;Eistedd, Eiste re, sitting; the act otnbsp;sitting:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;to sit, to be seated
Eisteddfa -oedd, fau nf, Eisteddle -oedd re, seat
Eisteddfod -au nf^ sitting; session;
congress of bards or literati Eisteddial v, to sit oftennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tary
Eisteddig a, accustomed to sit, seden-Eisteddol a, sitting, sedentary Eiswng, yngion re, sob, sighnbsp;Eithaf a, extreme, farthest, utmostnbsp;Eithafed -oedd re, extremitynbsp;Eithaflg a, extreme, ultimatenbsp;Eithafoedd rep, remotest region, uttermost parts; extremesnbsp;Eithafradd -au re/*, superlative degreenbsp;Eithen re/*, prickle or pointnbsp;Eithin np^ furze, gorse.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Eithinfyw,
Eithin a, full of prickles [savine Eithinen nf^ furze bushnbsp;Eithinog a, full of furzenbsp;Eithiw a, full of pricklesnbsp;Eithrpr, except; besides: c, butnbsp;Eithriad, Eithrad -au re, exceptionnbsp;Eithro re, to except; to excludenbsp;Eithrol o, exceptive; exclusivenbsp;El -od re, intelligence, spiritnbsp;Elaeth re/J spiritual beingnbsp;Elaig re, hermit, anchoritenbsp;Elain, einod re/, hind, fawnnbsp;Elanedd rep, intestinesnbsp;Elawch re, indulgencenbsp;Elcys np (-en n/)^ wild geese
Elech -au nf^ slate, flag Elen -od nfy nymphnbsp;Eleni, Elenid ad^ this yearnbsp;Elest rep, flags, sedgesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[iris
Elestr -on ere (-en nf\ flag; fleur de lis; Elfaeth nf^ constitutionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[equinox
Elfed re, autumn. Alban elfed, autumnal Elfen -au nf^ element; particlenbsp;Elfenol a, elemental, elementary^ con-Elfenu re, to constitutenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ stitnent
E Ifod-au re,intellectual existence; demon Elfyd -oedd re, intellectual worldnbsp;Elfydd -au re, elementary principle,nbsp;element; earth, landnbsp;Elfyddan -au nf. the earthy globenbsp;Elfydden -au nf, earth; regionnbsp;Elfyddu re, to elementnbsp;Elff, eilff re, pure state; demonnbsp;Elgain supremely fairnbsp;Elgeth -1 nf the chin, the jaw [plasternbsp;Eli, elïau, elïon re, ointment, salve;nbsp;Elin -au nf angle; elbownbsp;Elindys rec, caterpillars=Llindysnbsp;Elino re, to angle, to elbownbsp;EUnog a, angular; jointynbsp;Eiïo re, to apply salve, to anointnbsp;Elor -au nf biernbsp;Elorwydd re, hearsenbsp;Elu V, to move on; to go=Mynednbsp;Eius a, bounteous, charitablenbsp;Elusen -au -i nf bounty, almsnbsp;Elusendod re, almsgivingnbsp;Elusendy, dai re, almshousenbsp;Elusengar a, charitable^ benevolentnbsp;Elusengarwch re, almsgiving, charitynbsp;Eluseni re, bounty, charitynbsp;Elw-oedd re, goods; profit, gain. Ynnbsp;fy elw, in my possessionnbsp;Elwa V, to gain, to profit; to get wealth;nbsp;El want re, profit; lucre [to tradenbsp;Elwch re, shout of joy, joynbsp;Elwi re, to turn to profit, to gainnbsp;Elwig a, tending to produce [elwlennbsp;Eiwl -od cw, the reins, the kidneys: sfnbsp;Elydn, Elydr -on re, brass; bell-metalnbsp;Elydraidd a, like brass, brassynbsp;Elyf a, gliding, smoothnbsp;Elyw re, aloes, juice of aloesnbsp;Ellael -iau nf eyebrownbsp;Ellaig np (elleigen nf), pearsrsGcllaignbsp;Ellain a, radiant; splendidnbsp;Ellast n, carline thistlenbsp;Ellbwyd re, famine, hungernbsp;Ellmyn rep, foreigners; Germansnbsp;Elltrewen -au nf gossip; stepmothernbsp;Elltyfion rep, exogensnbsp;Elltyfol a, exogeneous
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Eiiwedd nf^ ontward aspect
Ellydd n, cutting off
Ellyll -on n, elf, goblin, demon
Ellylldan n, ignis fatuus
Ellylles -au nf^ she-gobiin; she-demon
Ellyllyn n, little imp
Ellyn -od », cutter, razor
Ellynedd od, last year
Em -au nf^ gem, jewel
Emano ad, three days hence
Emendigaid a, cursed
Emenydd -iau the brain—Ymenydd
Emig nf^ little jewel
Eminiog -au nf, door-post
Emyn -au », hymn, chant
Emynu v, to hymn, to chant
En, an enhancing prefix
Enaele, Enaelen n, blemish; wound
Enaid, eidiau soul; life
Enaint. einiau 7è, ointment ,
Enawel nf, hurricane
Enawr «, intelligence
Enbyd a, dangerous, perilous
Enbydrwydd n, peril, danger
Enbydu v, to endanger, to hazard
Enbydus a, perilous, dangerous
Encil-ion «, retreat, flight
EncUio to retreat; to withdraw
Encilydd -ion w, retreater, seceder
Encudd -ion n, concealment
Encnddio tgt;, to conceal
Encyd n, space; while
Enchwardd loud laughter
Enderig -edd n, steer, ox
Endid -au n, entity
Enddawd n, setting mark
Enddodiant n, distinction
Enddwl, ddyion w, the affection or will
Eneidfaddeu », one cast for death
Eneidio v, to endue with soul
Eneidiog a, having a soul
Eneidiol a, animated; of the soul; living
Eneidioli v, to animate
Eneidnrydd n, the temples
Eneinio v, to anoint
Eneiniog a, anointed; n, the Anointed Eneirchio r, to put in armour [Christnbsp;Ener «, intelligencenbsp;Enfawr a, very great, huge, immensenbsp;Enfil -od n, animal, beastnbsp;Enfyged nf, worship, respect, honournbsp;Enfys, Enfysg -au rainbow; irisnbsp;Enhudded nf^ envelopmentnbsp;Enhuddo v, to envelop, to shadow; tonbsp;Enhuddol a, envelopingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cover
Enhued n, follower of the chase Em V, to exert the soul
Enain «, temperature: a, very clear; Enid -iau nf^ woodlarknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[intense •
Enig a, full of spirits, lively, vigorous Eniwaid, Eniwea n, damage, harmnbsp;Eniwedu, Eniweidio, Eniwo v, to damagenbsp;Eniwol a, hurtful, noxiousnbsp;Enllib -ion -iau w, slander, calumny.nbsp;Enilibio to slander, to detract [libelnbsp;Enllibiol a, calumnious, libellousnbsp;Enliibiwr, wyr «, slanderer, defamernbsp;Enllibus a, calumnious, slanderousnbsp;Enllyn -oedd «, anything eaten withnbsp;bread, as butter, cheese, or meat;nbsp;obsonium; sowl (Pembrokeshire).nbsp;Enllyn gwyn, butter and cheese, asnbsp;distinguished from meat. Bara acnbsp;enllyn, bread and what is eaten withnbsp;Enllynu v, to moisten foodnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[it
Ennill -ion n, advantage, gain, profit Ennill v, to get advantage, to gainnbsp;Ennillgar n, advantageousnbsp;Ennyd n, while, time, spacenbsp;Ennyn », kindling; v, to kindle, to burnnbsp;Ennynfa -oedd inflammationnbsp;Ennynol a, tending to kindle, inflamma-Ennynu v, to kindle, to inflame [torynbsp;Enrhy -on n, abundance, muchnbsp;Enrhyal », breed, increasenbsp;Enrhydedd, amp;c.=Anrhydedd, amp;c.nbsp;Enrhyfedd a, wonderful, strangenbsp;Enrhyfeddu v, to marvel, to wondernbsp;Enserth n, slip; a, slipperynbsp;Entraw -on w, professor, masternbsp;Entrew -au », sneeze; snortnbsp;Entrewi r, to sternutate, to sneezenbsp;Entrewiad n, sternutationnbsp;Entrych, Entyrch «, the firmamentnbsp;Enw -au «, name, appellation. Enwnbsp;cadarn, noun substantive. Enwgwan,nbsp;noun adjective. Enw priod, Enw pri-odol, proper name. Galw un allan o’inbsp;enw, to call one namesnbsp;Enwad n, naming; denomination, sectnbsp;Enwadol a, denominative; nominativenbsp;Enwadur -on nomenclature, diction-Enwaededig a, circumcised [ary of termsnbsp;Enwaediad circumcisionnbsp;Enwaedu, Enwaedio v, to circumcisenbsp;Enwaered a, very low; pronenbsp;Enwai, eion «, nominative casenbsp;Enwaid a, having a namenbsp;Enwair a, full of energynbsp;Enwaisg a, very brisk or gaynbsp;Enwawd ft, nomination, titlenbsp;Enwedig a, specified, especial, particularnbsp;Enwedigaeth «/*, specificationnbsp;Enwedigo v, to specify, to particularisenbsp;149
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Euwedigola,especial, particular: nomi-Enweirus a, energetic nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[native
Enwi V, to name, to entitle Enwir a, very true, perfectnbsp;Enwog a, renowned, famous. Enwog-ion, celebrated persons, eminent mennbsp;Enwogrwydd n, renown, celebritynbsp;Enwol a, nominal, naming. Enwol-Enwyllt a, very wild [iaid, Nominalistsnbsp;Enwyn a, very white. Llaeth enwyn,nbsp;Enycha i, behold, lonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[buttermilk
Enydd seat of intellect Enyfed n, energy, vigournbsp;Eoca Vj to catch salmonnbsp;Eofn a, bold, daring, forwardnbsp;Eofnder n. confidence, boldness, daringnbsp;Eofneg nj, freedom of speech, parrhesianbsp;Eog -laid n, salmon. Eogyn n, samletnbsp;Eon, amp;c.=Eofn, amp;c.
Eorth a, diligent, assiduous Eorthedd «, diligencenbsp;Eos -au nf, nightingalenbsp;Eosaidd a, like a nightingalenbsp;Eosig nfj little nightingalenbsp;Epa -od «, ape, monkeynbsp;Epil -oedd cn, offspring, issuenbsp;Epilgar a, prolific, teemingnbsp;Epilio V, to bring forthnbsp;Eples w, leaven, fermentnbsp;Epynt n, ascent, slopenbsp;Er w, impulse forwardnbsp;Er pvj for, because of, in the place of,nbsp;in order to; towards; to; for thenbsp;sake of; since. Erof, erod, erddo,nbsp;erddi, erom, erddoch, erddynt, for me,nbsp;for thee,amp;c. Er ys dyddiau, days agonbsp;Er c, though, since, notwithstandingnbsp;Erj^a;, enhancing the meaning of wordsnbsp;Eraint ball; cup; pearnbsp;Erbarch n, respect, deferencenbsp;Erbin w, the calaraintnbsp;Erbwl a, very bluntnbsp;Erbylu v, to blunt=Pylunbsp;Erbyn -ion w, contrast, oppositionnbsp;Erbyn pr, against, opposite, bynbsp;Erbyniad n, receivingnbsp;Erch w, dark brown or dunnbsp;Erch a, dusky, dun; dismal; direnbsp;Erchi w, to ask, to demandnbsp;Erchlais, leisiau n, dismal noise; wailingnbsp;Erchlas w amp; a, raven gray, graynbsp;Erchliw n, dun colournbsp;Erchryn a, agitating, quakingnbsp;Erchrynu v, to agitate, to shakenbsp;Erchwyn w, tradition; side. Erchwynnbsp;gwely, bedsteadnbsp;Erchwynedig a, transitive
Erchwyniad n, transition, transit Erchwynio v, to make a transitnbsp;Erchwys nf, pack of houndsnbsp;Erchyll a, ghastly, horrible, terriblenbsp;Erchylldod, Erchylldra n., ghastlinessnbsp;Erchyllu v, to make ghastlynbsp;Erchynu v, to upliftnbsp;Erchywynu v, to transmigratenbsp;Erchdolygu, Erdolwg v, to beseechnbsp;Erdd n, impulse, forwardnessnbsp;Erdd/7r, for the sake of, for=Ernbsp;Erddrwng a, confusednbsp;Erddrym a, potent, robustnbsp;Erddrymedd n, potencynbsp;Erddwyn to bear awaynbsp;Erddygan -au n/^ euphony; tunenbsp;Erddyganu v, to produce melodynbsp;Erddygnu v, to toil hardnbsp;Ereill np, othersnbsp;Ereinnwng nf, pear-orchardnbsp;Eres a, marvellous, strangenbsp;Esesi n, amazement, wondernbsp;Erestyn «, hurdy-gurdynbsp;Eresu v, to marvel, to wondernbsp;Erf n, briskness: a, brisknbsp;Erfai a, brisk, gay, livelynbsp;Erfawr a, very great, vast, hugenbsp;Erfid n, junction; conflictnbsp;Erfid V, to go to loggerheadsnbsp;Erfin np (-en n/’),turmps:=Maip (N.W.)nbsp;Erflawdd a, tumultuousnbsp;Erfyn -ion n, request, petition, prayernbsp;Erfyn -au n, weapon; toolnbsp;Erfyn v, to ask, to request, to pray, tonbsp;Erfyniad n, petition [beg, to petitionnbsp;Erfyniol a, supplicatorynbsp;Erfyniwr, wyr n, one who solicits ornbsp;Erganu v, to celebratenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ begs
Erglyw n, listening Ergiywed v, to listen, to hearnbsp;Ergryd n, trembling, dreadnbsp;Ergrydio v, to quake; to cause to quakenbsp;Ergryf a, endowed with strengthnbsp;Ergryn n, terror, horrornbsp;Ergrynawd n, trepidationnbsp;Ergryniad, Ergrydiad n, tremulationnbsp;Ergrynig a, apt to tremblenbsp;Ergrynol a, terrifyingnbsp;Ergrynu v, to tremblenbsp;Ergwydd n, tumble, fallnbsp;Ergwyno v, to complainnbsp;Ergyd -ion n, throw, cast; shot; charge;nbsp;stroke; gist,meaning, purport, scope;nbsp;drift. Ergyd yr haul, sun-stroke, coupnbsp;de soleilnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[projectiles
Ergydiaeth nf, gunnery; science of Ergydio v, to cast, to shootnbsp;160
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Ergydioi a, propulsive, projectile Ergydiwr, wyr 71, thrower, caster; shotnbsp;Ergyr -ion «, impulse, thrustnbsp;Ergyrch «, onset, attacknbsp;Ergyrchu r, to make onsetnbsp;Ergyrio v, to thrust, to pushnbsp;Ergyriol a, impulsivenbsp;Erhelfa, fau hunting partynbsp;Erioed ad, from the beginning, evernbsp;Eriw -ion «, progress, coursenbsp;Erlewin -oedd n, splendour, glarenbsp;Erlid -iau nf, pursuit, cnase: v, tonbsp;chase, to pursue; to persecutenbsp;Erlidfa, fau nf, pursuit, chasenbsp;Erlidigaeth nf, persecutionnbsp;Erlidio v, to pursue, to chase [cutingnbsp;Erlidiol a, pursuing, chasing; perse-Erlidiwr, wyr n, pursuer, chaser; per-Erlif -ion n, great torrentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[secutor
Erlifo V, to stream, to deluge ,
Erlyn -ion n, pursuit, chase; prosecution Erlynadn, following; prosecutionnbsp;Erlyniad, iaid n, pursuer; prosecutornbsp;Erlyniaeth nf prosecutionnbsp;Erlynol a, prosecutingnbsp;Erlynydd -ion, Erlyniwr, wyr n, prose-Erllen -au rf, lampnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cutor
Erllyfasu v, to adventure Erllyriad, iaid n, the plaintainnbsp;Ermaes a, external, outwardnbsp;Ermid n, junction; conflictnbsp;Ermig -ion n, instrument, toolnbsp;Ennilus a, prowling aboutnbsp;Ermoed ad, in all my lifenbsp;Ermyg, Ermygedd n, respect, honournbsp;Ermygu v, to adore, to reverenbsp;Ern n, earnest, pledgenbsp;Ernes -au n/*, earnest, pledgenbsp;Erniw -ion n, harm, hurtnbsp;Emiwed, Emiwiant detrimentnbsp;Emiwo V, to harm, to injurenbsp;Emiwol a, detrimentalnbsp;Erno V, to give earnestnbsp;Emwy n, briskness, vivacitynbsp;Eruych n, that gives anguishnbsp;Ernychol a, tormentingnbsp;Ernychu v, to torment, to vexnbsp;Ernyd n, precipicenbsp;Ertrai, treion n, ebb, ebb tidenbsp;Erth 71, effort, pushnbsp;Erthiad n, exertionnbsp;Erthrwch, thrychion n, rent, tearnbsp;Erthrychu v, to mangle, to tear, to rendnbsp;Erthu V, to make effortnbsp;Erthwch, ychion n, puffing, anguishnbsp;Erthychain v, to puff; to groannbsp;Erthychiad n, puffing
Erthygl -au nf, article. Erthyglau fiydd, articles of faithnbsp;Ertnyl -od n, untimely birth, abortionnbsp;Erthyliad ti, abortion, miscarriagenbsp;Erthylog a, miscarrying, abortivenbsp;Erthylu v, to bring forth out of time, tonbsp;Erthryst n, testimony, test [miscarrynbsp;Erw-au ri/jslang of land; acre. Erw’rnbsp;gwaed, the field of bloodnbsp;Erwain cn, goat’s beardnbsp;Erwaint cn, meadow-sweetnbsp;Erwan n, stab, stingnbsp;Erwanu p, to stab, to stingnbsp;Erwawd n, panegyricnbsp;Erwch n, impulse, drivenbsp;Erwig 71, small plot of landnbsp;Erwyd -oedd ff pole, perchnbsp;Erwydd np (-en rf), cooper’s stavesnbsp;Erwydd -au rf, pole, perchnbsp;Erwyll a, gloomy, duskynbsp;Erwyn a, very white; splendidnbsp;Erwyr o, oblique, awry, crookednbsp;Erydd -on n, eagle=Eryrnbsp;Eryf -oedd n, impulse, pushnbsp;Eryfed n, quaffingnbsp;Eryl -oedd tf watch, looknbsp;Eryr -od n, eagle. Eryrod, shingles.
Eryr y mor, the ospray tf, Eryrai rf, the eagle-stonenbsp;Eryran nc, young eagle, eagletnbsp;Eryres -au nf, female eaglenbsp;Eryrfaen, fam n, aetites, eagle-stonenbsp;Eryri nf shingles=:Eryrod, Eryrnbsp;Eryrol, Eryraidd a, aquilinenbsp;Erysgwyddiad n, shouldering, juttingnbsp;Erysi n, amazement, wonder [ outnbsp;Es n, separation; shootnbsp;Es pr, since=Er ysnbsp;Esolydd a, delicate, tendernbsp;Esblydden nf, pippin [explanationnbsp;Esboniad n, exposition, commentary;nbsp;Esboniadur -on n, expositor, glossarynbsp;Esbonio, Esboni v, to explain, to expoundnbsp;Esg n, what shoots outnbsp;Esgaeth a, void of restraintnbsp;Esgaidd a, nimble, brisk=Esgeiddignbsp;Esgair, eiriau nf, shank, leg; a longridgenbsp;Esgar-ion ti, separation; foe; divorce.
Llythyr esgar, bill of divorcement Esgarant, esgeraint n, adversarynbsp;Esgard -ion n, cleft, chapnbsp;Esgarden -au nf splinternbsp;Esgardio v, to cleave, to splinternbsp;Esgardd -ion 71, rupturenbsp;Esgardde nf, dispersionnbsp;Esgaredd n, Esgaredigaeth nf, separa-Esgario V, to separatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
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Esgeiddig a, moving gracefully, nimble Ksgeirca v, to move the shanksnbsp;Egeiriog a, having shanksnbsp;Esgemydd -an nj\ berfchnbsp;Esgeulus a, negligent, heedless, carelessnbsp;Esgeulusdod, Esgeulusdra n, disregard,nbsp;negligence, carelessnessnbsp;Esgeuluso V, to disregard, to neglectnbsp;Esgeuluswr, wyr n, neglecternbsp;Esgid -iau nf^ shoe. Marw yn esgidiau,nbsp;Esglyw «, defence, shelter [to be hangeanbsp;Esglywu v, to defendnbsp;Esgob -ion, esgyb tj, bishop, diocesannbsp;Esgobaeth n/, bishopric, see, episcopatenbsp;Esgobawd w/, diocesenbsp;Esgobdy, dai w, bishop’s housenbsp;Esgobol a, episcopal, diocesan; episco-Esgobydd -ion n, episcopalian [paliannbsp;Esgor n, parturitionnbsp;Esgor v, to bring forth, to be deliverednbsp;Esgordd -ion cn, strangersnbsp;Esgori to quit, to get over; to bringnbsp;Esgorllys c», the birth-wort [forthnbsp;Esgorol, Esgoredigol a, parturientnbsp;Esgorwraig, wragedd nj, midwifenbsp;Esgoryd v, to part from, to bring forthnbsp;Esgoirdd -ion w, accoucheurnbsp;Esgud a, nimble, flippant, activenbsp;Esgudogyll», woodlarknbsp;Esgus -ion n, refraining; excusenbsp;Esgusawd, odion «, excuse, apologynbsp;Esguso, Esgusodi v, to make excuse; tonbsp;excuse, to apologise for [geticnbsp;Esgusodol, Esgusol a, excusing, apolo-Esgusodydd -ion n, apologistnbsp;Esgymmun a, excommunicate,execrablenbsp;Esgymmuniad a, excommunicationnbsp;Esgymmuno v, to excommunicatenbsp;Esgymol a, unassociatingnbsp;Esgymu v, to dissolve societynbsp;Esgyn Vy to ascend, to risenbsp;Egynedigaeth n/y ascensionnbsp;Esgynfa, feydd «, ascent, risenbsp;Esgynfaen, fain n, horse-blocknbsp;Esgyniad n, ascensionnbsp;Esgyniaith nf^ climaxnbsp;Esgynlawr », platform, stagenbsp;Esgynol a, ascending, risingnbsp;Esgyr -oedd nf, day’s ploughing; acrenbsp;Esgyrndy, dai n, bone-housenbsp;Esgyrniad n, ossificationnbsp;Esgyrniog a, bony, scraggynbsp;Esgyrnol a, ossific, osseousnbsp;Esgyrnygu Vy to grin, to gnash the teethnbsp;Esing n, act of bursting outnbsp;Esiw a, in a state of wantnbsp;Esiwo V, to cause want
Esiwydd n, state of want Esiwyddu Vy to feel wantnbsp;Esmwyth a, soft, smooth; easy; quietnbsp;EsmwythSd, Esmwythiad n, smoothingnbsp;Esmwythau, Esmwytho tgt;, to smooth,nbsp;to ease; to appease; to softennbsp;Esmwythder n, smoothness; easenbsp;Esmwythyd n, state of easenbsp;Esogryn nJ, the mumpsnbsp;Espyd npy guests, strangersnbsp;Essill -ion cn, offspring, progenynbsp;Essilling n, origin, sourcenbsp;Essillvdd cn, onspring, issuenbsp;Essyllt 7^y what is fair or opennbsp;Est n, stató of separationnbsp;Estarddn v, to break out, to issuenbsp;Estricio Vy to bustle; to snatch awaynbsp;Estrig «j apt to dart awaynbsp;Estron -laid », stranger, foreignernbsp;Estroneiddio, Estroni v, to estrange, tonbsp;become estrangednbsp;Estrones -au «ƒ, female strangernbsp;Estroniad n, estrangementnbsp;Estronol a, strange, foreignnbsp;Estrys -laid n/j ostrichnbsp;Estyfion, Estyfoiion npy exogensnbsp;Estyflys cn, exogensnbsp;Estyfol a, exogenousnbsp;Estyllnü(-enn/‘),staves,shingles,board8nbsp;Estyllodi Vy to slit into boardsnbsp;Estyllu Vy to do with shingles, to boardnbsp;Estyn -ion », extent; grantnbsp;Estyn, Estynu v, to extend, to reach ornbsp;Estyniad n, reaching out [stretch outnbsp;Estynol a, extending, stretcning outnbsp;Esu Vy to push awaynbsp;Eswyn n, fetlock jointnbsp;Esyddyn n, dwellingnbsp;Esyth np, sharp sticks: Sy asethnbsp;Esythu V, to drive a stake throughnbsp;Etewyn -ion n, firebrandnbsp;Etifedd -ion n, heir; infant. Etifeddnbsp;cyn delwad, imperfect fcetus. Gwraignbsp;etifeddog, woman in childbednbsp;Etifeddes -au nA heiressnbsp;Etifeddiaeth nj, inheritancenbsp;Etifeddog a, having a childnbsp;EtifeddoT a, hereditarynbsp;Etifeddu r, to inheritnbsp;Etifeddwely -au », childbednbsp;Etifiant n, heirshipnbsp;Etifo Vy to inherit; to ownnbsp;Etifol o, hereditarynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[od, again
Eto, Eton, Etwa, Etwaeth c, yet, still: Ethais n, what spreads outnbsp;Ethol n, selection, choice: a, select,choicenbsp;Etbol Vy to elect, to select, to cholt;»enbsp;152
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Ffesawd «, craft, subtlety
Ffesol a, of a subtle nature
Ffest a, fast, speedy, quick
Ffestin a, of active nature [haste
Ffestinio, Ffestu v, to hasten, to make
Ffesu V, to penetrate, to ken
Ffetan -au sack, bag; pert girl
Ffetanu v, to budget, to bag
Ffetur n, wild oats
Ffetus a, subtile, subtle, sly, wily
Ffeutur pewter
Ffiaidd a, loathsome, detestable Ffieiddglwyf -au n, foul diseasenbsp;Ffieiddiad w, abominationnbsp;Ffieiddio v, to loathe, to abominatenbsp;Ffigys np (-en nf), figsnbsp;Ffigysbren -au w, fig-treenbsp;Ffigyswydd np (-en ^), fig-treesnbsp;Ffil w, scud, quick dark '
Ffilcas np, oftcasts, old rags Ffilog -od nf, wing; fillynbsp;Ffiloges -au r^, flirting girlnbsp;Ffilor -ion n, minstrel, fiddlernbsp;Ffilore^ nfj vain babbling, nonsensenbsp;Ffilores -an nf, female minstrelnbsp;Ffill -ion nf, twist, turnnbsp;Ffillio V, to writhe, to twistnbsp;Ffin -iau nf, boundary, limit; fine, mulctnbsp;Ffinio V, to bound, to limit, to abutnbsp;Ffiniol a, bounding, limitingnbsp;Ffinion, Ffinionllyd a, abominable, dis-gusting, loathsome
Ffinioni v, to be disgusted. Ffinioni ar.
to be disgusted with, to loathe Ffiogen, ffiogod nf coney, rabbit [dishnbsp;Ffiol -au rf, vial; bowl, cup; platter,nbsp;Ffiolaid, eidiau nf, bowlful, cupful;nbsp;measure of capacity, in some partsnbsp;equal to about of a bushelnbsp;Ffion cn, the digitalis: a, crimsonnbsp;Ffith n, gliding motionnbsp;Ffithell -od nf, young salmonnbsp;Ffithlen -i nf, what glides, glidernbsp;Ffithlio V, to glide; to dartnbsp;Fflaced -au nf, flock, bunchnbsp;Fflach -iau nf, flash. Fflach o dan, anbsp;flash of fire
Fflachio v, to flash, to glare, to gleam iö a, flashing, glaringnbsp;Ffladr a, doatish; oafish; flatteringnbsp;Ffladru v, to doat, to fondle; to flatternbsp;Fflag -iau nf, sedge, flagnbsp;^nangell -au nf, whip, scourgenbsp;^nangellu v, to scourge, to whipnbsp;flaim, ffleimiau nf lancet, fleamnbsp;F flair, ffleiriau nf, puff
Fflais, ffleisiau n, break, rent; open Fflam -iau -au nf, flame, blazenbsp;Fflameg nf, infammation. Fflameg ynbsp;brefant,bronchitis. Fflameg y Hygad,nbsp;Fflamio v, to flame, to blaze [ophthalmianbsp;Fflamiol a, flaming, blazingnbsp;Fflamlliw a, flame-colourednbsp;Fflamllyd a, flamy, flamingnbsp;Fflamwch n, flaming statenbsp;Fflamychu v, to emit flamesnbsp;Fflasg -au nf, basket; flasknbsp;Fflasgaid, eidiau rf, basketful [ketnbsp;Fflasged -i nf, straw vessel, shallow bas-Fflau nf, spreading outnbsp;Fflaw, filoion nf, ray, dart; flaw; splinternbsp;Ffiawnt a, smart, gay, gaudynbsp;Ffle n, hem roundnbsp;Fflech -au nf, squeak, squealnbsp;Ffled -ion if, restraint; refusalnbsp;Ffled a, restricted; scarce: ??, cheatnbsp;Ffleg -au nf squeak, squealnbsp;Fflegain a, sq^ueaking; chucklingnbsp;Ffleimgoed, Fflamgoed nf, the spurgenbsp;Ffleimio v, to lancenbsp;Ffleirio v, to stinknbsp;Ffleiryn n, stinkardnbsp;Ffles, ffleision n, lees, dregsnbsp;Fflew -ion n, what keeps in; guardnbsp;Fflicio V, to be overcastnbsp;Fflicws a, drizzlingnbsp;Fflich -iau nf squeak, squealnbsp;Fflichio V, to squeak outnbsp;Ffliw -iau if, a blow, a smacknbsp;Ffload n, darting, radiationnbsp;Ffloch af, abrupt, quick: m, fflwchnbsp;Fflochen -au nf splinter, riftnbsp;Fflochenu v, to splinternbsp;Fflochi V, to dart suddenlynbsp;Ffloew a, radiant, lucidnbsp;Ffloi V, to radiate, to beamnbsp;Fflöyn n, splinter; shred: f ffloennbsp;Fflar -oedd n, bright hue; bloomnbsp;Fflureg -au nf, prow of a shipnbsp;Ffluro V, to seem bright; to bloomnbsp;Ffluwch n, bushy hair: a, bushynbsp;Fflwch a, rife, full; brisknbsp;Fflwr n, fine meal; flournbsp;Fflwring -od n, florinnbsp;Fflychio v, to break out suddenly; tonbsp;apply or exert one’s self; to bustlenbsp;Ffo n, flight, retreat: v, to fleenbsp;Ffoad n, flight, fleeing, retreatingnbsp;Ffoadur -iaid, Ffoaduriad, iaid «,fugi-Ffoawl a, fugitive, retreating [fivenbsp;Ffoc -au nf, fire-place, furnace; focusnbsp;Ffod -au n, shank, legnbsp;Ffodog a, thick-shanked
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Ffodio tr, to prosper, to thrive Ffodiog, Ffodiol, Ffodus a, prosperous,nbsp;lucky, fortunatenbsp;Ffoddgraff -au n, photographnbsp;Ffoddgraffiaeth nf^ photographynbsp;Ffoddi to cast a splendournbsp;Ffoedigaeth flightnbsp;Ffoi V, to flee, to retreatnbsp;Ffol a, silly, foolishnbsp;Ffolcen -od nf^ foolish or silly womannbsp;Ffoledd «, foolishness, follynbsp;Ffolen -au nf^ buttock, haunchnbsp;Ffolenig w/J little buttocknbsp;Ffolenog a, having large buttocksnbsp;Ffolenu v, to become rotundnbsp;Ffoles -au, Ffolog -od nf^ silly femalenbsp;Ffoli », to accuse of follynbsp;Ffolineb foolishness, follynbsp;Ffoli n/5 broad squabnbsp;Ffollach -au nf, squab, waddlernbsp;Ffollach -od, fibllych n/I patten; clognbsp;Ffon,fFyn^, staff; cudgel. Ffonddwy-big, quarter-stafl; pitchfork. Ffonnbsp;dafl, sling. Chwareu’r ffon ddwybig,nbsp;to prevaricate; to play fast and loosenbsp;Ffonod -iau nf^ stroke with a stick,nbsp;bastinadonbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[with a stick
Ffonodio, Ffondorio v, to cudgel, to beat Ffonwaew, ffynwewyr n/*, javelin, hal-Ffor -iau «ƒ, passage; roaa (berdnbsp;Fforcfa -au, ffyrch nf^ fork; prongnbsp;Fforchdroed, draed n, cloven footnbsp;Fforchi v, to forknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[straddling
Fforchog, Fforchol a, forked, bifurcate; Fforchogi r, to fork; to straddlenbsp;Fforchwain, weiniau nf^ rustic cartnbsp;Ffordd, ffyrdd n/J way, road; passage;nbsp;distance. Ffordd fawr, highway.nbsp;Ffordd haiarn, railway, Lleidr pen-ffordd, highwaymannbsp;Fforddio, Fforddoli w, to explore a way;
to direct or point a way Fforddol, Fforddrych a, wayfaringnbsp;Fforddwydd n, waynbsp;Fforest -ydd -au nf^ forest; parknbsp;Fforestu v, to forestnbsp;Fforfied -ion nf^ forfeitnbsp;Fforftetio, Fforffedu v, to forfeitnbsp;Fforio V, to explore^ to spy or scoutnbsp;Fforiol a, exploratorynbsp;Ffortun -au nf^ fortunenbsp;Ffortunus, Ffortuniol a, fortunatenbsp;Ffos -ydd nf^ ditch, trench, dikenbsp;Ffosawd n, gash, cutnbsp;Ffosi V, to trench, to ditchnbsp;Ffosp -au nf^ breach, gapnbsp;Ffoswn », gasher; sword
Ffothell -au -i «ƒ, blister; wheal Ffothellu V, to blister; to rise in blistersnbsp;Ffraeth a, prompt, fluent; witty; flippantnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[quence; flippancy
Ffraethder, Ffraethineb n, fluency, elo-Ffraetheb n/J oratory; witty expression Ffraethebu 9, to haranguenbsp;Ffraethoneg ti/J elocutionnbsp;Ffral -oedd n, crazy fellownbsp;Ffranc -od n, youth, freemannbsp;Ffranc a, prompt; free, francnbsp;Ffrancon n, beavernbsp;Ffrantr n, pewter
Ffrau, flreuon n/*, flux, torrent; gush Ffrau a, streaming, gushingnbsp;Ffraul, ffreulon w, ripplingnbsp;Ffraw w, state of motion, bustlenbsp;Ffraw a, full of motion, alertnbsp;Ffrawd, ffrodiau tj, commotion, bustlenbsp;Ffrawdd «, stir, tumult: a, agitated;nbsp;Ffrawdden «ƒ, humour, fancy [promptnbsp;Ffrawddenus a, humonrsomenbsp;Ffrawddiain a, full of motionnbsp;Ffrawddu v, to be full of bustlenbsp;Ffrawddun n, commotionnbsp;Ffrawddus a, agitated, bustlingnbsp;Flrec, Ffreg nf. chatter, gibberishnbsp;Ffregod-au Ti/; preachment; babblenbsp;Ffregodi v, to chatter, to talk gibberishnbsp;Ffrengig a, active, of free or full growth;nbsp;French. Llygod Ffrengig, rats. Onaunbsp;Ffrengig, walnutsnbsp;Ff reinig a, free; of free growthnbsp;Ffres, Ffresg o, active; pure, freshnbsp;Ffresio, Ffresgu tgt;, to freshennbsp;Ffreulo v, to ripple, to purlnbsp;Ffreuo v, to gush, to spout, to spurtnbsp;Ffreuol a, gushing, spoutingnbsp;Ffreutur -iau n, friary.
Ffrew n, state of stillness
Ffrewyll -au n/, scourge, whip
Ffrewyllio, Ffrewyllu v, to whip, to
Ffrewylliwr, wyr n, scourger [scourge
Ffrewyn n, quelled state
Ffrewynu v, to quell, to still
Ffrid -iau «, sudden start
Ffridd -oedd »/*, forest; park; enclosure
Ffring -au », brow, ledge
Ffril -ion n, trifling thing
Ffrill -ion n, twittering, chattering
Ffrin -iau », brow of a cliff
Ffris -iau n, nap, frieze
Ff rist -iau n, cube; a die to play with
Ffristial, Ffristiol «, dice-box
Ffrit -iau n, quick start or jerk
Ffriten nf, slight female, little girl
Ffritian v, to tipple
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Ffrityn «, slight fellow, little chap Ffriw- iau nf^ mien, aspect, phiz; disknbsp;Ffroch -ion w/*, fury, rage: a, ragingnbsp;Ffroell n, inflammationnbsp;Ffroen -au «/*, nostril, nosenbsp;Ffroeni v, to snort, to snuff, to sniffnbsp;Ffroeniol a, of the nostrilnbsp;Ffroenochi v, to turn up the nose; tonbsp;snort; to disdainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[disdainful Ffroenochlyd «, turning up the nose; Ffroenuchel a, of a high gait, haughtynbsp;Ffroes -au omeletnbsp;Ffroga -od [S.W.) re, frog=-Broganbsp;Ffrom a, fuming; testy; touchynbsp;Ffromder re, testinessnbsp;Ffromffol a, passionate, recklessnbsp;Ffromi v, to lume; to be in a pet; to benbsp;, testy, to grow angrynbsp;Ff rone -iau nf^ cage; hutnbsp;Ffros re, quick rise, toss lt; Ffrost n, vaunt; pomp, ostentation Ffrostio tgt;, to vaunt, to brag, to boastnbsp;Ffrostiwr, wyr re, braggart., ooasternbsp;Ffrowyll re, outrage, tumultnbsp;Ffrowyllu v, to commit outragenbsp;Ffrowys a, turbulent; terriblenbsp;Ffrwch, ffrychion n, violent ruptionnbsp;Ffrwd, ffrydiau re/) stream, torrentnbsp;Ffrwg n, violence, outragenbsp;Ffrwgwd re, squabble, brawl, fraynbsp;Ffrwm a, luxuriant; ranknbsp;Ffrws, ffrysoedd w, sudden motionnbsp;Ffrwst re, quick emotion; hurry, bustle,nbsp;Ffrwt, ffrytian re, jet, toss, frisk [hastenbsp;Ffrwt ad, soon, suddenly; at once;:nbsp;Ffrwyd -au re. pulsion, impulse [plumpnbsp;Ffrwydriad, Ffrwydrad re, explosionnbsp;Ffrwydro r, to explodenbsp;Ffrwydrol a, explosivenbsp;Ffrwyl re, mist; drizzling rainnbsp;Ffrwylo Vy to drizzlenbsp;Ffrwyn-i re/) bridle; restraint. Ffrwynnbsp;ddall, bridle with blinders or blinkersnbsp;Ffrwyno v, to bridle, to curbnbsp;Ffrwynol a, bridlingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[violent Ffrwys w, vehemency: a, vehement, Flrwyso p, to act ardentlynbsp;Ffrwyth-an re, fruit; vigour [tionnbsp;Pfrwythiad, Ffrwythiant re, fructifica-Ffrwythiannu p, to fructify [ergeticnbsp;Ffrwythlawna,fruitful; luxuriant; en-Ffrwythlondeb,Flt;rwythlonder,Ffrwyth-lonedd, Ffrwythineb re, fruitfulnessnbsp;Ffrwythloni p, to be fruitful [invigoratenbsp;Ffrwytho p, to fructify, to bear fruit; tonbsp;Ffrychwyllt o, wild, rapid, furiousnbsp;Ffrydan re/*, streamlet |
Ffrydio p, to stream, to gush Ffrydiol a, streaming, gushingnbsp;Ffrymio p, to grow luxuriantnbsp;Ffryn -iau re, quiver, shuddernbsp;Ffrysio p, to bustle, to hasten, to hurrynbsp;Ffrystell -oedd re, hurly-burlynbsp;Ffrystellach, Ffrystellu p, to bustlenbsp;Ffrystio p, to hurry offnbsp;Ffrystiol a, full of bustlenbsp;Ffu -on re, fleeting state; a, passingnbsp;Ffuannol, Ffuantus a, feigning, dissembling Ffuannu p, to feign, to dissemble Ftuant, annoedd re, feint, pretencenbsp;Ffug -ion 71, feint, disguise, guisenbsp;Ffugeb -ion re/) fable, novelnbsp;Ffugenw -au re, pseudonym, sobriquetnbsp;Ffugio p, to disguise, to dissemble, tonbsp;pretend, to feign; to forgenbsp;Ffugiwr, wyr re, dissembler, impostor,nbsp;Ffugio p, to inflatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[hypocrite Ffugr -au nf^ type, figure Ffugryn -au re, figure: y) ffugrennbsp;Ffull -ion re, haste, celeritynbsp;Ffullio p, to hasten, to bustlenbsp;Ffulliog a, full of bustlenbsp;Ffumer -au n, chimney; funnelnbsp;Ffun re, breadth; gaspnbsp;Ffun -oedd nf^ bundlenbsp;Ffunell nf^ small bundle [ing linenbsp;Ffunen w/)lace,fillet; handkerchief; fish-Ffunenu p, to bind, to lacenbsp;Ffunud re, figure, manner [glovesnbsp;Ffuon cn, what blushes or blooms; fox-Flur a, wary, wily, crafty, wisenbsp;Ffured -au nf^ wily one; ferretnbsp;Ffuredu p, to ferret outnbsp;Ffurf -iau nf^ shape, form, ordernbsp;Fturfafen firmament, sky, heavennbsp;Ffurfeiddio p, to framenbsp;Ffurfio p, to form, to shapenbsp;Ffurflywodraeth re/) constitutionnbsp;Ffurtwasanaeth re, liturgynbsp;Ffuro p, to act warilynbsp;Ffust -iau flail; threshernbsp;Ffustfa,fëy(ïd»/)boxing-match; beatingnbsp;Ffusto p, to beat, to bang, to threshnbsp;Ffwd re, quick motionnbsp;Ftwdan -au nf, bustle, hurry, flurrynbsp;Ffwdanu p, to be in a flurrynbsp;Ffwdanus 0, fidgety, flurriednbsp;Ffwg re, what is volatilenbsp;Ffwgws re, dry leaves; tobacconbsp;Ffwng, ffyngoedd re, fungusnbsp;Ffwl, tfyliaid re, blunt one, fool. Ffwlnbsp;y flair, merry-andrewnbsp;Ffwlach cw, refuse; light comnbsp;157 |
Ffwlbart -iaid n, fitchet, polecat Ffwlbri n, trash, stuff, refuse, dregsnbsp;Ffwlcyn w, foolish or silly fellow; wise-Ffwn n, puff, sighnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[acre
Ffwndwr n, confusion, hurly-burly, bustle, fussnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to spring out
Ffwnt what is generated or caused Ffwr «, divergency; fur: /?r, offnbsp;Ffwrch, ffyrchod, ffyrchau n, fork; thenbsp;junction of the thighsnbsp;Ffwrdd i, off, away: ad, awaynbsp;Ff^wrn, ffyrnau nƒ, furnace, ovennbsp;Ffwrnais, eisiau nf, furnacenbsp;Ffwrw, Ffwrwr n, soft hair, furnbsp;Ffwtiar n, squabnbsp;Ffwtog ny, short tail, scutnbsp;Ffwyl -au n, stroke; foilnbsp;Ffwyn n, hay newly cutnbsp;rfw3men hay, bandagenbsp;Ffwynog *ydd, Ffwyneg -au nf, meadownbsp;Ffwyr rf, drive; onsetnbsp;Ffwyro v, to impel, to expel; to assaultnbsp;Ffyd «P, garments, robesnbsp;Ffydd nf faith, reliancenbsp;Ffyddfrawd, frodyr », brother in faithnbsp;Ffyddio v, to have faithnbsp;Ffyddiol a, relating to faithnbsp;Ffyddlawn a, faithful, loyalnbsp;Ffyddlondeb «, faithfulnessnbsp;Ffyddloni v, to be faithfulnbsp;Ffyddloniad, iaid n, faithful one. Ynbsp;iffyddloniaid, the faithfulnbsp;Ffyngwy n, ketchupnbsp;Ffylor n, dust, powdernbsp;Ffyll a, overgrown; gloomynbsp;Ffyllio V, to overshadenbsp;Ffyllwydd np (-en nf'), the cypressnbsp;Ffyned nf, respiration, breathingnbsp;Ffynegl -au nf furrownbsp;Ffyneglu v, to furrownbsp;Ffynel -oedd nf air hole, ventnbsp;Ffyniannus a, prospering, successfulnbsp;Ffyr.iant w, prosperity, success [treesnbsp;Ffynidwydd np (-en nf), fir-trees, pine-Ffynnon -au nf, fountain, well, spring;nbsp;Ffynnonell -au nf issue; spring [sourcenbsp;Ffynnoni v, to rise in springsnbsp;Ffynu V, to prosper, to thrivenbsp;Ffyr cn, pine, fir .
Ffyrf am, thick; firm, steady: f fferf Ff yrfder, Ffyrfiant n, thickness,firmnessnbsp;Ffyrfhau, Ffyrfeiddio, Ffyrfio v, to become firm or thick; to make nrm^nbsp;Ffyrling, Ffyrlling -au -od nf farthingnbsp;Ffyrnig a, outrageous, fierce, cruelnbsp;Ffyrnigo v, to grow fiercenbsp;Ffyrnigrwydd n, fierceness, ferocity
Ffyrnigwr, wyr n, violent or outrageous Ffysg -ion n, impetuositynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[man
Ffysg a, hasty, impetuous Ffysgio V, to hastennbsp;Ffysgiol, Ffysgiolin a, impetuousnbsp;Ffysgiolyn n, one of a quick or impetuous course; hero
Gadael, Gadaw, Gadu v, to quit, to leave; to give over; to forsake; tonbsp;permit, to let, to allownbsp;Gadawedigaeth rf, act of leavingnbsp;Gadawiad n, leavingnbsp;Gaddaw v, to promise, to assure=Addawnbsp;Gaddewid -ion nf promise=Addewidnbsp;Gaf ael -ion nf hold, grasp; tenure; chordnbsp;(in music). Gafael wyth, octavenbsp;Gafaelfach -au n, grappling-hooknbsp;Gafaelgar a, apt to hold, graspingnbsp;Gafaelgi, gwn n, mastiffnbsp;Gafaeliad n, hold; capturenbsp;Gafaeliog a, having hold, graspingnbsp;Gafaelu, Gafaelyd v, to hold, to graspnbsp;Gafaelus a, apt to lav hold, graspingnbsp;Gafl -au, geifl fork; the stride [dartnbsp;Gaflach -au n, fork; the stride; angle;nbsp;Gafiacliog a, forked; waddling; carry-Gaflachu v, to fork; to beard [ing a dartnbsp;Gaflaw -on salmon peelnbsp;Gaflaweg -au nf salmon netnbsp;Gafr, geif^gafrod, geifrod nf goat, she-goat. Geifr danys, fallow deernbsp;Gafraidd o, like a goatnbsp;Gafren if little goatnbsp;Gafrewig -od nf gazelle, antelopenbsp;Gafrio v, to stack corn; to capernbsp;Gafrlam -au n, capriole, prancingnbsp;Gag -au nf ^erture, clett=Agnbsp;Gagen -au nf cleft, chinkasAgennbsp;Gagendor -au n, yawning gulf, gulfnbsp;Gai n, foam, spray, frothnbsp;Gaing, geingau nf wedge; chiselnbsp;Gail, geiliau n, the eyelidnbsp;Gair, geiriau n, word, saying. Gairnbsp;cyfystyr, synonyme. Gair dodi,nbsp;epithet. Gair llanw, expletive. Gairnbsp;ymlyn, enclitic. Ar y gair, forthwith ; all of a suddennbsp;Gaith, geithoedd nf utterance: a, opennbsp;Gal, geli n, plain; jail, gaolnbsp;Gal a, spread out; clear, fairnbsp;Gal -on n, enemy, foenbsp;Galaeth nf the galaxy, the milky waynbsp;Galaeth 7j=:Alaethnbsp;Gaian -oedd nf dead body, corpsenbsp;158
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Galanas -an nf^ Galanasdra », murder, Galanasol a, murderous [massacrenbsp;GaJanasu v, to murder, to massacrenbsp;Galar -au «, mourning, griefnbsp;Galareb -ion nf^ threnody; monodynbsp;Galargan -au, Galargerdd -i nf^ monodynbsp;Galarioes -au nf^ pang of griefnbsp;Galarnad -au w/*, lamentationnbsp;Galamadu r, to utter moans, to moannbsp;Galamwyf -au «, passion of griefnbsp;Galaru v, to lament, to mournnbsp;Galarus a, mournful, sad, lamentablenbsp;Galarwisg -oedd Tif, mourning-dressnbsp;Galawnt a, fair, brave, gallantnbsp;Galeg nf, Gaulish tonguenbsp;Galiaid, Galiod np, people of Gaulnbsp;Galon np (gal n\ hostile ones, foesnbsp;Galw V, to call; to invoke; n, call;nbsp;vocation. Galwch, you will call,nbsp;Galwn, we shall call [professionnbsp;Galwad n, calling; vocation; nf calling,nbsp;Galwai, eion n, vocative casenbsp;Galwedig a, called, namednbsp;Galwedigaeth nf^ calling, professionnbsp;Galwedigol a, denominative; vocativenbsp;Galwyn -i n, gallon, eight pintsnbsp;Galwys np, people of Gaulnbsp;Gdll n, energy; ability=Gallunbsp;Gallad n, being ablenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to be able Gallael v, to be possible; to be of power; Galldwymyn -au n/*, tertian aguenbsp;Galldwyn n, the plaguenbsp;Galledig, Galledigol a, potentialnbsp;Galiedigaetb nf, possibilitynbsp;Gallmarw a, ready to dienbsp;Gallofydd -ion n, mechanicnbsp;Gallofyddol a, mechanicalnbsp;Gallofyddiaeth nf, mechanicsnbsp;Gallt, gelltydd nf, ascent; cliff; a woodnbsp;Galltofydd -ion n, mechanicnbsp;Gallu -oedd n, power, abilitynbsp;Gallu V, to be able. Gallaf, I can; I maynbsp;Galiuad n, making ablenbsp;Galluadwy a, possible, effectiblenbsp;Galluedigaeth nf, making ablenbsp;Galluedigo v, to make ablenbsp;Galluedd n, might, puissancenbsp;Galluo V, to give powernbsp;Galluog a, powerful, mightynbsp;Galluogedd n, potentialitynbsp;Galluogi V, to empower, to enablenbsp;Galluol a, energetic, potentnbsp;Gallus a, powerful, mightynbsp;G^n nf, birth; the thrushnbsp;Gan -oedd n, capacity; mortisenbsp;Gan pr, with, by. Gan hyny, therefore.nbsp;Gan ddywedyd, saying. Gan wneu- |
thur 0 honot hyn, as thou hast done this. Mae genyf, I have. Mae yn gy-wilydd genyf, I am ashamed. Drwgnbsp;genyt, thou art sorry. Gas ganddo, henbsp;hates. Gwell ganddi, she prefers Danbsp;genym, we are glad, Edifar genych,nbsp;you re^nt. Kid oes ganddynt, theynbsp;Ganu V, to contain, to hold [^have notnbsp;Gar -au nf 8c n, the ham, the shanknbsp;Gar pr, at, by, nigh, near=Gernbsp;Garau -od nf, shank; cranenbsp;Garanu v, to shank, to shaftnbsp;Garawys n, Lentnbsp;Gardys, Gardas -au -on n, garternbsp;Gardd, gerddi nf gardennbsp;' Garddu v, to make or cultivate a gardennbsp;Garddwr, wyr n, gardenernbsp;Garddwriaeth, Garddoriaeth nf horti-Garddwy n, caraway seed [culturenbsp;Gargam a, knock-kneednbsp;Garhir a, long-shankednbsp;Garliaes a, limping, haltingnbsp;Garlleg np (-en nf\ the garlicnbsp;Garllegan nf head or clove of garlicnbsp;Garm -oedd nf shout, outcrynbsp;Garmio v, to set up a cry. to shoutnbsp;Garmiol a, shouting, bawlingnbsp;Garsyth a, stiff in the ham [inclosurenbsp;Garth -au nf, buttress; ridge; fold ornbsp;Garthatn, Garthen -au nf, encampmentnbsp;Garthon n, ox goad Garw a, rough, rugged [the afterbirth Garw, geirw n, what is rough, torrent;nbsp;Garwedd a, roughnessnbsp;Garwellt n, coarse grassnbsp;Gar wen nf, viragonbsp;Garwhau v, to roughennbsp;Gast, geist nf, bitchnbsp;Gasten nf little bitchnbsp;Gau a, false, lying: n, falsehood, lienbsp;Gauaf -au -oedd n, winternbsp;Gauafdy, dai n, winter housenbsp;Gauahe -oedd winter quartersnbsp;Gauafnos -au rif, winter nightnbsp;Gauafol a, wintry, brumal, hibernalnbsp;Gauafu v, to pass the winter, to winter,nbsp;to hibernate Gaw n, sinew, tendonssGewyn Gawl, golau n, dawn; a, holynbsp;Gawr^ goriau nf, shout, outcry; graynbsp;Gawn V, to shout, to bawlnbsp;Gawy a, sinewy; nervousnbsp;Gefail^ feiliau nf, tongs, pincers; smithynbsp;Gefeilio v, to use pincers or tongsnbsp;Gefell -iaid -od nc, twin: f, gefellesnbsp;Gefyn -au n, fetter, gyvenbsp;Gefynog a, fettered, shacklednbsp;159 |
Gefjna v, to fetter, to shackle Geian », spray, foamnbsp;Geingio v, to drive a wedge; to wedgenbsp;Geilig a, hunting, exploringnbsp;Geiiwad, waid caller; drivernbsp;Geirda », good report, fame=Gair danbsp;Geirdardd, Geirdarddiad n, etymologynbsp;Geirdro -ion n, pun, quibblenbsp;Geirdroi v, to pun, to quibblenbsp;Geirddadlu r, to cavilnbsp;Geirddoeth, Geirgall a, of discreet wordsnbsp;Geirfa -on «ƒ, vocabularynbsp;G-eirgar a, verbose, wordynbsp;Geirgrawn n, collection of wordsnbsp;Geiriad », wording, phraseologynbsp;Geiriadu to word, to phrasenbsp;Geiriadnr -on «, dictionary, lexiconnbsp;Geirio v, to word, to phrasenbsp;Geiriog a, verbose, wordynbsp;Geiriol a, verbal
Geiriolaeth n/*, phraseology, diction Geirioli v, to use wordsnbsp;Geiriolus a, garrulous, talkativenbsp;Geirlyfr -au », dictionary, lexiconnbsp;Geirlyfryn -au w, vocabulary, smallnbsp;dictionary, glossarynbsp;Geirllaes a, of drawling wordsnbsp;Geirilwydd a, persuasivenbsp;Geirofyddiaeth nf, lexicology, sciencenbsp;of words, philology fology; dialectnbsp;Geirwedd nf^ Geirweddiad «, phrase-Geirwir a, of true words, truth-shakingnbsp;Geirydd -ion worder, speaker; phi-Geiryddiaeth nf^ etymology [lologistnbsp;Gel, Gele, Gelen, Geleu -od nf^ leechnbsp;Gelach «c, sorry fribblenbsp;Geleuan nf, small leechnbsp;Geleurydd a, crimson-stainednbsp;Geli, ion n, shooting outnbsp;Gelin n, shoot, sprignbsp;Geloer a, temperately coldnbsp;Gelwain to be crying outnbsp;Gelwig -oedd nf^ brushwoodnbsp;Gelyn -ion n, foe, enemynbsp;Gelynes -au nf^ female foenbsp;Gelyniaeth nf, hostility, enmitynbsp;Gelyniaethus a, hostile, inimicalnbsp;Gelynol a, hostile, adversenbsp;Gelynoldeb n, state of warnbsp;Gelyst np^ sedges, flagsnbsp;Gell a, of a dun colournbsp;Gellaig np (gelleigen nf)^ pearsnbsp;Geilaist, eist nf^ buck-houndnbsp;Gelleigwin », perrynbsp;Gelieigwydd np (-en n/*), pear-treesnbsp;Gellgi, gwn », buck-houndnbsp;Gellhesg rzp, the com-sedge
Gem -au nf, gem, jewel Gemu V, to set with gemsnbsp;Gemwaith n, jewellery, jewelrynbsp;Gemydd -ion n, jewellernbsp;Gen, genoedd n, intellect; soul; lifenbsp;Gen, genau n/J jaw, chin, mouthnbsp;Genedigaeth nf nativity, birthnbsp;Genedigol a, native, natalnbsp;Geneth -od nf girl, daughternbsp;Genethaidd a, girlish, maidishnbsp;Genethan, Genethig nf, little maidnbsp;Geneu -au n, mouth; pass, opening of anbsp;Geneuaid, eidiau n, mouthful [valleynbsp;Geneugoeg -ion nf lizardnbsp;Geneuol a, oral, by mouthnbsp;Genfa, fau nf snaffle, bitnbsp;Gengload n, locked jawnbsp;Geni y, to be brought forth, to be bomnbsp;Gèni V, to be containednbsp;Genid n, nativity, birthnbsp;Genidfraint, freintiau nf birthrightnbsp;Genill -ion «, offspring, issuenbsp;Genilles -au tf, young nymphnbsp;Genogl -au nf the mandiblenbsp;Genol a, relating to birthnbsp;Genwair, weiriau nf angling-rodnbsp;Genweirio v, to angle, to fishnbsp;Genyf, amp;c. See Gan prnbsp;Geol -au -ydd nf jailnbsp;Ger, gerau n, utterance, crynbsp;Ger pr, by, at, near, hard by. Gernbsp;bron, Ger gwydd, Ger gwyneb, in thenbsp;presence of, before. Ger flaw, neai\nbsp;Gerag pr, in a direction [by; at handnbsp;Gerain v, to squeak, to crynbsp;Gerfod n, presencenbsp;Gerfydd pr, in contact with, b]^
Geri n, cnoler, bile, gall. V gen marwol, the cholera morbusnbsp;Gerïaidd a, choleric, choleraic, biliousnbsp;Gerïol a, relating to bilenbsp;Germain v, to be wailing; to cij oftennbsp;Gern -au «, progenitor in the ^fth de-Gerwin a. rough, severenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gr®®
Gerwindeo n, roughness, severity Gerwino v, to roughennbsp;Gerwinol a, rough; horridnbsp;Geryn -od n, one that squeaks. Gerynnbsp;hwyad, drake
Gestwng v, to bow, to lower—Gostwng Geuaddoliad «, idolatrynbsp;Geuawd n, falsifyingnbsp;Geubwyll -ion n, false reasonnbsp;Geudeb n, falsehood, deceitnbsp;Geudy, dai n, privy house, Jakesnbsp;Geuddadlu v, to deceive with wordsnbsp;Geuddadlwr, wyr «, sophistnbsp;160
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Geudduw lt;iau n, false god Genedd n, falsity, fallacynbsp;Geuffydd false faithnbsp;Geugred -au, Geugrefydd -an Geu-lith -iau «, false faith, heresynbsp;Genlun -iaa n, chimeranbsp;Geuo V, to falsify, to lienbsp;Geuol a, false, deceivingnbsp;Geurith -iau n, phantomnbsp;Geuwedd illusionnbsp;Gewach -od n, gluttonnbsp;Gewai, eiod n, lean gluttonnbsp;Gewyn -au n, sinew, tendonnbsp;Gewynog o, having sinews, sinewynbsp;Gewynola, relating to sinewsnbsp;Gi, gïau nf^ fine fibre, nervenbsp;Gïwih -od snipe GiSr, gieir n/, hen (S.W.)=I^r. Giary rhos, grouse Gïau np (gi, gien nf\ nerv^ Gid nf, sne-goat, goat Giden nf^ little goat, kidnbsp;Gïen nf^ single nervenbsp;Gieuedd «, tlie nervous systemnbsp;Gil -ion n, yielding; fermentnbsp;Gild-iau n, what is producednbsp;Gildio v, to yield, to producenbsp;Gilydd mutual selves, each othernbsp;person or thingnbsp;Gin-ion n, pelt; thin skinnbsp;Ginio u, to nay, to stripnbsp;Giog a, having nervesnbsp;Gïol a, relating to the nervesnbsp;Girad n, mourning: a, piteousnbsp;Giten little she-goatnbsp;Gith w, cocklenbsp;Glafoerio ®=Glyfoerio, amp;c. Glafru V, to Hatter Glai a, glistening, smoothnbsp;Glaif, gleifiau n, crooked sword, glaivenbsp;Glain, gleiniau n, what is pure, gem;nbsp;angel, saint. Glain y cefn, the backbone, spine Glain a, pure, clear, holy nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ fair Gian ct, pure,clear,clean; holy; beautiful, Gian -au, glenydd n/, brink, side, shorenbsp;Glanbarol a, detergent, cleansingnbsp;Glandeg a, comely and fair, beautifulnbsp;Glanhaol a, cleansing; purgingnbsp;Glanhau r, to purify, to cleansenbsp;Glaniadur -on n, pair of snuffersnbsp;Glanio r, to go ashore, to landnbsp;Gianwaith, Glanwedd a, clean, tidynbsp;Glanweithdra u, cleanlinessnbsp;Glanweithus a, abstergentnbsp;Glas, gleision ?i, blue; verdancy:«, blue;nbsp;pale; gray; verdant, green, fresh. |
Glas y dorian, kingfisher. Glas y pared, titmouse. Caseg las, graynbsp;mare. Gias roesaw, cool or indifferentnbsp;reception, sorry or half welcome. Arnbsp;ei oreu glas, to the utmost of his abilitynbsp;Glas ad^ Ytrj. highly, extremelynbsp;Glasan -au, élasanen «ƒ, graylingnbsp;Glasbaill n, bloom of fruitnbsp;Glaschwerthin v, to simpernbsp;Glasdoneu scarlet oaknbsp;Glasdorch, dyrch nf^ leveret; cubnbsp;Glasdwr, Glasddwr «, milk and waternbsp;Glasddydd n, dawning daynbsp;Glasem -au ??ƒ, sapphirenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[vitriol Glasfaen, feini, fain n, blue stone, Roman Glasfaran -edd samletnbsp;Glasgangen graylingnbsp;Glasglwyf n, green sickness, chlorosisnbsp;Glasgoch a, purple: «, purplenbsp;Glasgoludd np, the small gutsnbsp;Glasgroen, grwyn n, cuticle, membranenbsp;Glashaid, heidiau nf^ young swarmnbsp;Glasiad n, tinging with bluenbsp;Glaslanc -iau 7J, half-grown youthnbsp;Glaslys n, the woadnbsp;Glasnur n, chloride Glasog n/, gizzard; liver: a, blue, livid Glasrew n, hoar frostnbsp;Glasu f7, to make blue; to grow palenbsp;Glaswelw a, of a blue palenessnbsp;Glasweilt cn, green grassnbsp;Glaswelltyn n, blade of green grassnbsp;Glaswen nf^ simper, smirknbsp;ülasw'enu r, to simpernbsp;Glaswst n/J chlorosis, green sicknessnbsp;Glaswydd np (-en ny), green saplingsnbsp;Glaswyn am, bluish white Glaswennbsp;Glaswyrdd a,bluish green :yfGlaswerddnbsp;Glaw n, brightness, luciditynbsp;Glawdd w, lustre, splendournbsp;Gledd -au », the green swardnbsp;Gleiad, aid n/J dung dried for fuelnbsp;Gleiaden nf^ piece of dung for fuel;nbsp;Gleifio fgt;, to use a scimetar [casingnbsp;Gleindid n, purity; holinessnbsp;Gleindorch, dyrch nf, string of beadsnbsp;Gleinfaen, feini, fain n, alabasternbsp;Gleiniadur -on n, pair of snuffersnbsp;Gleinio v, to purify; to hallow; to sanctifynbsp;Gleisiad, iaid, Gleisiedyn salmonnbsp;Gleisiadeg nf^ salmon netnbsp;Gleision np, clarified wheynbsp;Glendid n. purity; fairness, beautynbsp;Glesid ft, blueness; palenessnbsp;Glesin n, the green swardnbsp;Glesnin, blueness; paleness; verdancy;nbsp;the chlorosis, green sicknessnbsp;161 |
Gleswg », blueness; verdancy ülesygen nf, green spot Glesyn n, what is bluenbsp;Glew -ion n,resolute man: a, persevering; brave, stout, valiant, daring; clever Glewa V, to scrape togethernbsp;Glewai r«^ acute onenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bravery Glewder, Glewdid, Glewyd n, resolution; Glin -iau », the kneenbsp;Glingam a, knock-kneednbsp;Glinio V, to knee, to kneelnbsp;Gliniogai », cow-wheatnbsp;Glo n, coal Globwll, byllau n, coal pit=Pwll glo Gloddest -au », carousal, revellingnbsp;Gloddestu », to carouse, to revelnbsp;Gloddestwr, wyr «, reveller, voluptuarynbsp;Glöeu nf, glower; glow-wormnbsp;Gloes -au -ion nf, pang; qualm. Gloesnbsp;ymadrodd, trope Gloesi V, to cause a pang; to vomit Gloesineb, Gloeswg n, state of anguishnbsp;Gloesygiad, Gloesyniad n, swooningnbsp;Gloesygu v, to swoon, to faint, to havenbsp;Gloesyn n, pang, qualm [a qualmnbsp;Gloesyndod n, fainting state [a qualmnbsp;Gloesymu v, to swoon, to faint, to havenbsp;Gloew a, bright, shining; transparent,nbsp;clear, lucid, limpid [brightnessnbsp;Gloewder », clearness, transparency,nbsp;Gloew ddu a, shining blacknbsp;Gloewgoch a, bright rednbsp;Gloewi V, to clear, to brightennbsp;Gloewineb n, luciditynbsp;Gloewlys -iau », the euphrasynbsp;Gloewon np, the clear of liqmdsnbsp;Glofa nf, colliery Gloth of, voluptuous, greedy, gluttonous, gorging: m, glwth Glothineb », voluptnonsness=Glythinebnbsp;GlBwr, wyr n, colliernbsp;Glöyn », burning coal; glow-worm. Glöyn byw, Glöyn fyw, butterfly Glud -ion «, leader, chiefnbsp;Glnd -ion n, glue; birdlime; pastenbsp;Glud d, tenacious; diligent [minessnbsp;Gludedd, Gludrwydd n, viscidity, ciam-Glndio V, to cement, to gluenbsp;Gludiogj Gludiol a, viscous, glutinousnbsp;Gludiogi, Gludioli v, to make viscidnbsp;Gludwydd np (-en nff lime twigsnbsp;Glwth, glytnion n, voluptuary; conch: a, voluptuous, sensual, gluttonous Glwthfainc, leinciau n, sofa, couchnbsp;Glwyd, Glwys a, of fair appearance; pure; holy; fair Glwysdeb n, sanctity, sanctitude |
Glwysfudd -ion n, benefice Glwyso V, to sanctifynbsp;Glwysol a, sanctified; purenbsp;Glyfaen, fain, feini n, gypsumnbsp;Glyfoer -ion n, drivel, slavernbsp;Glyfoerio v, to slabber; to foam, to frothnbsp;out; to drivel, to slavernbsp;Glyfoerllyd a, drivellingnbsp;Glyn -oedd n, deep vale, glennbsp;GIfn a, adhesion, sticking; a, sticking,nbsp;adherent, cleaving Glynol a, adhering, sticking; infections Glynu V, to stick; to cling, to adherenbsp;Glynwr, wyr b, adherent, sticklernbsp;Glythedd, Glythi n, voluptuousnessnbsp;Glythig, Glythog, Glythol a, voluptuous,nbsp;greedynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sensuality Glythineb, Glythni n, riotous living, Glythinebn, Glythu v, to revel, to livenbsp;sensually, to glut, to gormandisenbsp;Glythyn n, small couch [ting, rulingnbsp;Glyw -ion b, governor, ruler: a, regula-Gnawd, gnodan n, habit, custom: a,nbsp;habitual, usualnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[genial Gnaws n, nature, quality: a, natural, Gne -oedd n, hue, tint, complexionnbsp;Gnes n, fluttering, hoveringnbsp;Gni, ïon «, what pervades; shocknbsp;Gnif -ion n, pain, anxiety; toilnbsp;Gnis -iau n, Wndish, flourishnbsp;Gnisiad n, Wndishingnbsp;Gnodi V, to habituate [common, usualnbsp;Gnodig, Gnodol a, habitual, customary,nbsp;Gnotai, eion nc, token; halonbsp;Gnotaol a, accustomed, usualnbsp;Gnotau v, to accustomnbsp;Gnwth, gnythiau b, voracity, greednbsp;Gnythol o, voracious, greedynbsp;Gnythu v, to eat greedily, to devournbsp;Go ad amp; px, somewhat, partly, slightlynbsp;Goachul a, somewhat punynbsp;Goafael n, feeble holdnbsp;Goair n, half-wordnbsp;Goarfoel a, somewhat baldnbsp;Goarswyd -ion b, degree of dreadnbsp;Goathnst a, somewhat sadnbsp;Goathrod -ion n, slight reproachnbsp;Gob -an nf, pad, cushionnbsp;Gobaill», coarse flournbsp;Gobaith, beithion b, hope, expectationnbsp;Gobant, bentydd n, small dinglenbsp;Gobed -an b, cob-iron, andironnbsp;Gobeithgar a, hopeful, sanguinenbsp;Gobeithio », to hope, to be in hopenbsp;Gobeithiol, Gobeithns a, hoping, relyingnbsp;Gobeithioldeb », hopefulnessnbsp;Gobell -au nf, pad; saddlenbsp;162 |
GOD GODD Godebyg a, slightly similar ;n?j, lark, s' Gobelin to put on a pad Goben -au penultimanbsp;Gobenol a, penultimatenbsp;Gobenn v, to conclude nearlynbsp;G^obenydd -ion -iau «, bolster, pillownbsp;Gnbenyddiad n, bracketing; penultimanbsp;Gobenyddu to bracket; to bolsternbsp;Gober -oedd n, operation, deednbsp;Gdberol o, operativenbsp;Goberu tgt;, to operatenbsp;Gobiso n, the diabetesnbsp;Goblyg -ion n, half doublenbsp;Qoborthi r, to yield sustenance or sup-Goborthiant n, sustenancenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[port Ghgt;br -au n, recompence, fee Gobrid a, somewhat dearnbsp;Gobrol a, compensativenbsp;Gobru V, to compensatenbsp;Gkibrwy -on n, reward, fee; bribenbsp;Gubrwyaeth -au nf, act of feeingnbsp;Gobrwyedigaeth n/, remune/ationnbsp;Gobrwyo v, to reward, to remuneratenbsp;Gobrwyol a, rewarding, feeing, requitingnbsp;Gobryn -au n, desert, meritnbsp;Gobrynol o, meritingnbsp;Gobrynu v, to merit, to deservenbsp;Gobwyll -ion n, considerationnbsp;Gobwyllo V, to considernbsp;Gobwyllus a, consideratenbsp;Gobwys a, tendency to pressnbsp;Gobwysiad n, gravitationnbsp;Gobwyso », to gravitatenbsp;Gkichana v, to lampoonnbsp;Gochel -ion n, avoidance; heednbsp;Gochel Vj to avoid, to beware, to shunnbsp;Gocheigar a, apt to shun; shy; cautiousnbsp;Gochelgarwch n, circumspectionnbsp;Gochelog a, avoiding, wary, cautiousnbsp;Gochelus a, apt to avoid; reservednbsp;Gochelyd v, to avoid, to shunnbsp;Gochrymu v, to couch, to bend a littlenbsp;Gochrynu tgt;, to quake a littlenbsp;Gochwaeth n, slight tastenbsp;Gochwilio V, to search slightlynbsp;Gochwimio tr, to move slightlynbsp;Gochwith a, rather awkwardnbsp;Gochwys », degree of sweatnbsp;Gochwyth n, slight puffnbsp;God n, incontinence; adulterynbsp;Godaran -au n/, slight murmurnbsp;Godard -au «f, cupnbsp;Godardd -au «, slight flow or oozenbsp;Godarth n, slight vapournbsp;Godawdd, doddion «, what is halfnbsp;melted or half dissolvednbsp;Godeb n, incontinencenbsp;Godebog a, incontinent |
Godech n, lark, skulk Godechiad n, lurking aboutnbsp;Godecbial v, to be lurkingnbsp;Godechwr, wyr «, skulker, lurkernbsp;Godechwydd n, eveningnbsp;Godeimlo Vy to feel slightlynbsp;Godemles n, serenity: a, serenenbsp;Godid «, what is out of ordernbsp;Godidog a, rare, excellentnbsp;Godidogi r, to make excellentnbsp;Godidogrwydd n, excellencenbsp;Godineb n, adultery, fornication, incon-Godinebol a, adulterous [tinencynbsp;Godinebu v, to commit adulterynbsp;Godinebus'a, adulterousnbsp;Godinebwr, wyr 71, adulterer; fornicatornbsp;Godo the water orchisnbsp;Gododdi V, to half dissolvenbsp;Godor -au », rupturenbsp;Godori v, to interrupt; to hindernbsp;Godoriant n, interruptionnbsp;Godorun n, tamultnous noisenbsp;Godowydd n, water orchisnbsp;Godre -on n, skirt, edgenbsp;Godread n, skirtingnbsp;Godref -i nfy lodgementnbsp;Godrem -ion n/. glance; glimmernbsp;Godremio to look slightlynbsp;Godrig -ion n, delay; dwellingnbsp;Godrin 7i, bustle; conflictnbsp;Godro V, to milknbsp;Godmdd a, slightly agitatednbsp;Godrwy -on », wreath, chainnbsp;Godrwyth wild beet; melilotnbsp;Goduth -iau n. jog trotnbsp;Godwrdd, d3rraaau », murmur, dinnbsp;Godwrf, dyrfau «, rustling noisenbsp;Godwyth 7», slight elasticitynbsp;Gody, dai n, shed, outhousenbsp;Godyrddu r, to murmurnbsp;Godyrfu v, to rumble, to murmurnbsp;Goddail np (ddeilen nf\ tender leavesnbsp;Goddaith, ddeithiau n, burningnbsp;Goddau np, shrubs; shrubberynbsp;Godde -on », design, purposenbsp;Godde Vy to design, to intendnbsp;Goddef -ion «, sufferance, leave: tgt;, tonbsp;bear, to suffer; to permit, to allownbsp;Goddefaint n, sufferance, p^sionnbsp;Goddefgar o, forbearingnbsp;Goddehad n, suffering, endurancenbsp;Goddefiaeth nfy Goddenant n, sufferancenbsp;Goddefol a, suffering, passivenbsp;Goddefns a, passive; forbearingnbsp;Goddeg -au nfy utterance, speechnbsp;Goddegiad n, enunciation |
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Goddeithio v, to burn up Goddeu -on n, intent, design: v, to in-Goddiff V, to fling, to castnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tend
Goddiwedydd to, day of doom Goddiwedd -ion n, overtakingnbsp;Goddiweddu v, to overtakenbsp;Goddiweddwr, wyr «, one who overtakesnbsp;Goddiwes v, to come up withnbsp;Goddodolion np, suppositivesnbsp;Goddoli V, to enrich, to endownbsp;Godduned -au nf, vow, pledgenbsp;Godduw -iau to, demigodnbsp;Goddwr, wyr n, counsellor, advisernbsp;Goddyar to, soft murmurnbsp;Goddyaru v, to murmurnbsp;Goddyfod v, to come graduallynbsp;Goddyn -au «, axisj pivotnbsp;Goen TO, influence, biasnbsp;Goer TO, freshness: a, freshnbsp;Gof -iaid to, smith. Gof arian, silversmith. Gof aur, goldsmith. Gofnbsp;efvdd, coppersmith. Gof gwyn,nbsp;wnitesmitn. Gof du, blacksmithnbsp;Gofail, eiliau nf, smithyssGefailnbsp;Gofal -on to, care, anxiety, charge. Dannbsp;ei gofal, pregnant, encientenbsp;Gofaledd n, solicitudenbsp;Gofalhau v, to grow anxiousnbsp;Gofalu V, to care, to mind, to take carenbsp;Gofalus a, careful; solicitousnbsp;Gofalwr, wyr to, care-taker, one whonbsp;takes care ofnbsp;Gofan, ain, Gofant^ aint to, smith; artistnbsp;Gofaniaeth nƒ, smith’s craftnbsp;Gofar TO, wrath, ire, furynbsp;Gofardd, feirdd «, poetasternbsp;Gofeg -au nf, mind; will; affectionnbsp;Gofeiliant, iaint to, solicitudenbsp;Gofer -oedd to, Goferen nf, rivulet, rillnbsp;Goferini«, brooklimenbsp;Goferol a, purling, ripplingnbsp;Goferu v, to effuse slowly, to flow outnbsp;Goferwi v, to parboilnbsp;Gofid -iau -ion to, affliction, troublenbsp;Gofidio V, to afflict, to grieve, to vexnbsp;Gotidiol a, afflicting, vexingnbsp;Gofidus o, vexatious, grievousnbsp;Goflawd to, mijl dustnbsp;Goflodi V, to sprinkle mealnbsp;Gofod -au to, space, room; whilenbsp;Gofras a, somewhat coarsenbsp;Gofreg -au to, frolic, gambolnbsp;Gofri, ion to, attribute; glorynbsp;Gofron -ydd nf, gently-rising hillnbsp;Gofrwy -oedd to, what spreads outnbsp;Gofrwyd -au to, quirk; mazenbsp;Gofryd to, design, purpose
Gotrys to, slight haste
Gofunad, aid, Gofuned -au nf, vow, wish, promise
Gofunedu, Gofuno v, to make a vow; to Gofwr, fyrau n, mound, heap [wishnbsp;Gofwy -on n, visit, visitationnbsp;Gofwyaeth -au nf, visitationnbsp;Gofwyo V, to visit, to seenbsp;Gofwyol a, visitingnbsp;Gofydd -ion ra, artist; smithnbsp;Gofyged -au nf, dignified statenbsp;Gofyn -ion to, demand, question, querynbsp;Gofyn TO, to demand, to ask, to solicitnbsp;Gofynag, egion nf, confidence, trustnbsp;Gofynaig, eigion nf, requestnbsp;Gofynedigaeth nf inquirynbsp;Gofynedigol a, inquisitorialnbsp;Gofyniad to, asking; questionnbsp;Gofyniaeth nf, interrogationnbsp;Gofynnod -au to, Gofyneb -ion nf, notenbsp;of interrogation (?)
Gofynol a, inquisitive, asking; required Gofysio TO, to finger gentlynbsp;Goffrwd, ffrydiau nf, streamletnbsp;Gog -ion TO, activity; velocitynbsp;Gogamp -au nf, minor gamenbsp;Gogan -au nf, satire, lampoonnbsp;Goganol a, lampooning, satiricalnbsp;Goganu to, to satirise, to lampoonnbsp;Gogarth -ion to, what is cleansingnbsp;Gogawn to, plenitude: a, plenary; to, tonbsp;Gogelu to, to eschew [render plenarynbsp;Gogeln to, to shun, to avoidnbsp;Gogerdd -i nf, burlesquenbsp;Gogerdded to, gentle pacenbsp;Gogern -au to, leer, sly looknbsp;Gogi to, to sh^e, to agitatenbsp;Gogil -ion to, small declinenbsp;Gogilio V, to recede slightlynbsp;Gogis -ion to, gentle slapnbsp;Goglais, gleisiau «, slight mark; ticklingnbsp;Goglais TO, to ticklenbsp;Goglawd TO, murmur, humnbsp;Gogledd TO, north: a, northnbsp;Gogleddol, Gogleddig a, northern, borealnbsp;Gogieddu to, to veer northward, to turnnbsp;or go to the northnbsp;Gtegleddwawr nf, aurora borealisnbsp;Gogleddwr, wyr to, northmannbsp;Gogieddwynt -oedd to, north windnbsp;Gogleisio to, to ticklenbsp;Goglofif a, somewhat limpingnbsp;Goglud TO, dependence, trust, reliance:
V, to depend, to rely Goglywed to, to overhearnbsp;Gognaw to, activity: a, activenbsp;Gognoi TO, to gnaw slightly
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Golesg a, somewhat feeble Goleu -OU n, light; a, light [luminarynbsp;Goleoad n, illamination, lighting, light;nbsp;Goleaadol a, illuminativenbsp;Goleuannu v, to illuminatenbsp;Goleuant n, illuminationnbsp;Goleuder n, light, brightnessnbsp;Goleuddal n, chandeliernbsp;Goleuddydd n, splendid daynbsp;Goleuedigaeth enlighteningnbsp;Goleuen -od n/*, glow-wormnbsp;Goleufer w, light, splendournbsp;Goleufynag, eig n, explanationnbsp;Goleulawn a, refulgentnbsp;Goleuliw -iau r, light huenbsp;Goleulonder n. lightsomenessnbsp;Goleulosg n, nammationnbsp;Goleune n, light tintnbsp;Goleuni n, light, splendournbsp;Goleuo tgt;, to light, to illuminatenbsp;Goleuod np, glow-wormsnbsp;Goleuol fl, enlighteningnbsp;Goleuwel n, perspicuitynbsp;Goleuyn n, small lightnbsp;Golewychu v, to shine faintlynbsp;Golf -au r/*, swallow; gulfnbsp;Golfan -od nf^ sparrownbsp;Goiiannu v, to illuminatenbsp;Goliant r, illuminationnbsp;Golinio tgt;, to elbownbsp;Golithro v, to slip graduallynbsp;Goliw -iau n, faint hue or tintnbsp;Golo, oedd r, covering; protectionnbsp;Golo R, to envelop; to protectnbsp;Golochi v, to protectnbsp;Golochwyd n, retreatnbsp;Grolochwyda v, to live secludednbsp;Golochwydol 0, eremiticalnbsp;Golöed R, covering; vestmentnbsp;Golof -oedd nf^ cover, shelternbsp;Golofrudd a, ferocious, fiercenbsp;Gobi Ü, to envelop; to protectnbsp;Gbloni V, to cheer a littlenbsp;Golosg -ion R, coke: a, cokednbsp;Golosged R, what is partly burnt; thenbsp;snutf of a candle; tindernbsp;Golosgi V, to char, to singe, to blastnbsp;Golnch -ion r, adoration, worshipnbsp;Golucho V, to adore, to worshipnbsp;Golud -oedd r, wealth, richesnbsp;Goludog a, wealthy, richnbsp;Goludogi R, to make rich, to enrichnbsp;Goludd -ion n, slight obstructionnbsp;Goluddio tr, to obstruct slightlynbsp;Golwch, ychion n, adoration, worshipnbsp;Golwg, ygon nf amp; r, sight, look, viewnbsp;Golwst, yst n, interpreter
Golwth, ythau r, couch, sofa Golwybr -au r, slight trace, vestigenbsp;Golwyth -ion n, collop, chopnbsp;Golwytho r, to cut chopsnbsp;GolychuR, to adore, to worship, to yieldnbsp;Golychwyd n, adoration [reverencenbsp;Golygawd nf, view, scenenbsp;Golygfa, fëydd nf scenery, scene; look-Golygiad r, looking; visionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[out
Golygiadu to superintend Golygiannol a, speculativenbsp;Golygiannu v, to speculatenbsp;Golygiant, iannau n, scenery; spectaclenbsp;Golygol a, perspective; visualnbsp;Golygu v, to beWd, to view; to meannbsp;Golygus a, slightly comelynbsp;Golygwedd -au nf featurenbsp;Gnlygwel -ion «, specimennbsp;Golygwr, wyr, Golygydd -ion r, overseer; editor; supervisornbsp;Golyn -au n, guard of a swordnbsp;Golyrchaid, eidiau n, boxfulnbsp;Gollewin n, the rear: a, westssGorllewinnbsp;Gollwng n, loosening, dropping asunder;nbsp;leak: v, to loosen; to let go; to absolve, to remit; to leak. Gollwng ynnbsp;anghof, to forget. Gollwng yn rhydd,nbsp;to free. Gollwng gwaed, to bleednbsp;Gollyngdod n, absolution; releasenbsp;Gollyngiad r, loosening, letting gonbsp;Gollyngol a, loosening; laxativenbsp;Gomach -au nf shank, shinnbsp;Gommedd r, refusal, denialnbsp;Gommedd, Gommeddu v, to refuse, tonbsp;Gommeddiad r, refusingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[deny
Gonaddu to shave, to plane Gonaid, neidiau nf hop; hobblenbsp;Goneges n. petty errandnbsp;Gonest a, honest, sincerenbsp;Gonestrwydd w, honesty, sinceritynbsp;Gonofio V, to swim partlynbsp;Gor, goroedd r, extreme; opening; rim;
pus; brood; a, broody Gor o, extreme; high: ad^ extremely;nbsp;above: px^ over-, super-, very, mucO)nbsp;excessive, in a great degreenbsp;Goradain o, of great velocitynbsp;Goraddfed a, over-ripenbsp;Goraddw3m a, supremely blestnbsp;Goraf a, most excellent, best=:Goreunbsp;Goraig, eigiau nf superior sourcenbsp;Gorair, eiriau r, adverbnbsp;Goralw r, calling out aloud: o, to callnbsp;Gorall R, superior power [out loudlynbsp;Gorallt, elltydd nf overhanging cliffnbsp;Gorallu -oedd r, superior powernbsp;Goramledd n, superabundancenbsp;166
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Gorchfygu v, to overcome, to vanquish,
to conquer, to subdue, to defeat Gorchfygwr, wyr ft, vanquisher, subduer,nbsp;Gorchi v, to fence round [conquerornbsp;Gorchoddion np, potentatesnbsp;Gorchordd -ion n, supreme circlenbsp;Gorchrain a, extremely abjectnbsp;Gorchroni v, to aggregate greatlynbsp;Gorchrwm a, extremely bowingnbsp;Gorchrydu v, to shiver muchnbsp;Gorchrynu tgt;, to quake much [ingnbsp;Gorchudd -ion w, envelope, cover, cover-Gorchuddio v, to cover, to envelopnbsp;Gorchuddiol a, envelopingnbsp;Gorchwai a, very nimolenbsp;Gorchwant ft, extreme desirenbsp;Gorchwidr a, extremely giddynbsp;Gorchwil n, cautious glancenbsp;Gorchwilio v, to look cautiouslynbsp;Gorchwim -iau n, quick emotionnbsp;Gorchwimio v, to twitternbsp;Gorchwir », clear truthnbsp;Gorchwith a, very awkwardnbsp;Gorchwiw -iau ff, sudden whirlnbsp;Gurchwsg ft, dead sleepnbsp;Gorchwy -oedd ft, overwhelmingnbsp;Gorchwyd -oedd n, excessive vomitnbsp;Gorchwydd ft, excessive swellingnbsp;Gorchwyf «, swift motionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[business
Gorchwyl -ion «, employ, labour, work, Gorchwylgar a, laboriousnbsp;Gorchwylio, Gorchwylo v, to labour, tonbsp;transact businessnbsp;Gorchwyo v, to overwhelmnbsp;Gorchwyth «, violent gustnbsp;Gorchyfant, fannau ft, the palatenbsp;Gorchyfarwy «, twilightnbsp;Gorchyflym a, very nimblenbsp;Gorchyfnai, neiaint ft, descendant in thenbsp;eighth degree
Gorchyfran nf, super-proportion Gorchyfrif -on n, over-reckoningnbsp;Gorchymmaint ad, so very great,nbsp;more than equal bulknbsp;Gorchymmyn -ion ft, command, commandment, precept, ordernbsp;Gorchymmyn v, to command [mandingnbsp;Gorchymmynedigaeth nf, act of com-Gorchymmyngar a, peremptoiynbsp;Gorchymmyniad ft, commandingnbsp;Gorchynan n, extreme loquacitynbsp;Gorchythrudd «, extreme agitationnbsp;Gordaenu v, to overspreadnbsp;(rordalu v, to overpaynbsp;Gh)rdarddu v, to issue greatlynbsp;Gordasg -au nf, excessive tasknbsp;Gordaw o, very silent or tacitnbsp;167
Goramlu v, to superaboand Goramlwg a, very conspicuousnbsp;Gorammheu n, excess of doubtnbsp;Goranian a, supernaturalnbsp;Gorarianu v, to silver overnbsp;Gorarw a, extremely roughnbsp;Gorasglod np (-yn ft), fine shavingsnbsp;Gorasgwn ft, excrescencenbsp;Gorawen n/, transport, joynbsp;Gorawenu r, to be joyousnbsp;Gorbais, beisiau n/, upper coatnbsp;Gorbarchu to overprize, to overesteemnbsp;Gorbell a, very distant or farnbsp;Gorben n, pre-eminencenbsp;Gorbicrwyad ft, remorsenbsp;Gorbigo v, to prick greatlynbsp;Gorborth carrying offnbsp;Gorbwyll -ion n, intimationnbsp;Gorbwyllo fgt;, to hint, to intimatenbsp;Gorbwys «, dependence; overweightnbsp;Gorbwyso to depend, to rest upon; tonbsp;outweigh, to overweigh [sure; fencenbsp;Gorch -au what encompasses, enclo-Gorchadw v, to keep strictlynbsp;Gorchaeth a, greatly straitenednbsp;Gorchafarwy n, overspreading, gloom;nbsp;Gorchafedd n, supremacynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ evening
Gorchafiaeth nf, superiority, supremacy Gorchafu v, to overcomenbsp;Gorchafus a, overcomingnbsp;Gorcbaled a, extremely hardnbsp;Gorchalledd ft, conceitedness, extremenbsp;Gorcham -au «, overstridenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cunning
Gurchamu v, to overstride Gorchan -au nf, canon, fundamentalnbsp;song; incantation [mouth, palatenbsp;Gorcharfan nf upper jaw, roof of thenbsp;Gorcharfanedd np, palatenbsp;Gorchaw -on «, descendant in the fifthnbsp;Gorchawn a, towering, grand [degreenbsp;Gorcheidwad -on «, guardiannbsp;Gorcheifn -aint n, collateral relation innbsp;the seventh degree
Gorcheiniad, iaid n, enchanter [mancy Gorcheiniaeth nf incantation; necro-Gorchest -ion wy, enigma; question;
feat, exploit; excellency Gorchestol a, excellent; heroicnbsp;Gorchestu v, to do a featnbsp;Gorchfannad ft, upper jawnbsp;Gorchfannedd np, the palatenbsp;Oorchfant, fannau », upper jaw, palatenbsp;Gorchfantol a, palatal. Gorchfantolion,nbsp;Gorchfannoiion, palatal consonantsnbsp;^rchfyg n, subjectionnbsp;Gorchfygadwy a, vinciblenbsp;Gorchfygol a, vanquishing, victorious
Gordawel a, very serene or calm Gordew a, excessively thick or fatnbsp;Gordirion a, over kind or pleasantnbsp;Gordon -au ;^,th€ epidermis, scarf skinnbsp;Gordrethu v, to overtaxnbsp;Gordrist a, extremely pensive or sadnbsp;Gordroi r, to turn excessivelynbsp;Gordrymhau v, to depress muchnbsp;Gordudd », outer coveringnbsp;Gordudded tï/J overcovernbsp;Gorduddo v, to cover overnbsp;Gordwf, dyfion n, overgrowthnbsp;Gordwyllo r, to deceive muchnbsp;Gordwyo v, to overrulenbsp;Gordwyth great elasticitynbsp;Gordyfu v, to overgrownbsp;Gordynu v, to pull extremelynbsp;Gordywyll a, extremely darknbsp;Gordd, gyrdd n/^ impetus; mallet;
sledgehammer; beetle; churn staff Gordd a, impetuous, ardentnbsp;Gorddail exterior leavesnbsp;Gorddal, Gorddaliad ?i, upholdingnbsp;Gorddal v, to upholdnbsp;Gorddawd ra, impulse; stroke [tinynbsp;Gordden -au nf, impulse; necessity, des-Gordderch -ion, Gordderchad -on nc,nbsp;paramour, wooer, adulterer; concubine, mistress. Mab gordderch. bastard SOD. Merch ordderch, illegitimatenbsp;Gordderchfun nf^ concubine [daughternbsp;Gordderchol a, wooing; adulterousnbsp;Gordderchu v, to gallant [adulterernbsp;Gordderchwr, wyr n, paramour; wooer;nbsp;GorddeStlu v, to trim overmuchnbsp;Gorddethol 0, very selectnbsp;Gorddewis n, nice choicenbsp;Gorddewr o, brave to excess; fool-hardynbsp;Gorddi r, to impel; to thumbnbsp;Gorddi'al«, extreme revengenbsp;Gorddibed, Gorddibl -au outskinnbsp;Gorddibyn -ion n, overhanging precipicenbsp;Gorddibynol a, overhangingnbsp;Gorddibynu v, to overhangnbsp;Gorddichellu v, to be over craftynbsp;Gorddichlyn a, over diligentnbsp;Gorddichoni r, to be more than ablenbsp;Gorddifant, annau utter deletion, an-Gorddifanw a, very fleeting [nihilationnbsp;Gorddifwng a, extremely firmnbsp;Gorddig a, very irritable or angrynbsp;Gorddigon n, redundance, superabundance: o, over much, superabundant,nbsp;redundant, superfiuousnbsp;Gorddigor n, prevailing passionnbsp;Gorddillyn a, prim to excessnbsp;Gorddin impulse
Gorddinhau, Gorddino v, to impel Gorddi'og a, extremely lazynbsp;Gorddïogi v, to be very lazy.
Gorddirwy -on tif, excessive fine Gorddisgyn to descend precipitately;
-ion n, steep pitch or descent Gorddiwedd, Gorddiweddu, Gorddiwesnbsp;to overtake, to come uponnbsp;Gorddiwedd -ion n, extreme endnbsp;Gorddiwyd a, over diligentnbsp;Gorddodi r, to place overnbsp;Gorddodo n, burrowingnbsp;Gorddodol a, positive. Gorddodolion,nbsp;Gorddodyn burrower [pwitivesnbsp;Gorddoeth a, over wise, very sapientnbsp;Gorddol a, impulsive, drivingnbsp;Gorddor -au nf, hatch, wicketnbsp;Gorddrud a, over daring; very dearnbsp;Gorddrws, ddrysau «, wicket; lintelnbsp;Gorddryn a, terrificnbsp;Gorddu a, of a blackish tingenbsp;Gordduo v, to black overnbsp;Gorddwfn a, profound, very deepnbsp;Gorddwfr, ddyfroedd n, water brinknbsp;Gorddwy -oedd n, impulse; violencenbsp;Gorddwyar nf, din of violencenbsp;Gorddwyn n. mallet; rammernbsp;Gorddwyo, Grorddwy v* to oppressnbsp;Gorddwyol a, oppressivenbsp;Gorddwyrain v, to over-exaltnbsp;Gorddwyre a, being extremely exaltednbsp;Gorddwyreain v, to rise overnbsp;Gorddwys a, extremely densenbsp;Gorddyar n, roar: a, roaringnbsp;Gorddyaru v, to roarnbsp;Gorddyeithr a, over strangenbsp;Gorddyfn -oedd n, habit, customnbsp;Gorddyfnaid v, to habituatenbsp;Gorddyfnawd geniusnbsp;Gorddyfnder -au n, profundity, depthnbsp;Gorddyfniad «, habituatingnbsp;Gorddyfniad, laid », one who habitnatesnbsp;Gorddyfnu v, to accustom, to habituatenbsp;Gorddyfod v, to come upon, to supervenenbsp;Gorddyfodiad n, superventionnbsp;Gorddygai, eion n, what draws away;nbsp;Gorddygan -au harmony [abductornbsp;Gorddygiad n, abductionnbsp;Gorddygnu v, to overtoilnbsp;Gorddygyd v, to superinducenbsp;Gorddylif -oedd n, overflownbsp;Gorddylifo v, to overflownbsp;Gorddyn -au n, boundarynbsp;Gorddyneu v, to effusenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[exalt
Gorddyrehafu v, to over-raise, to over-Gorddysgwyl t», to expect earnestly Gorddywal a, extremely fiercenbsp;168
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Gorfainc, feinciau nf, supreme seat Gorfaint n, oversizenbsp;Gorfaith 0, extremely tediousnbsp;Gorfalch a, superciliousnbsp;Gorfan o. extremely loftynbsp;Gorfanaol n, broom-rapenbsp;Gorfanson mutteringnbsp;Gorfant, fannau 71, upper mandiblenbsp;Gorfantol n, overbalancenbsp;Gorfantoli r, to overbalancenbsp;Gorfaran w, grand frontnbsp;Gorfas a, extremely shallownbsp;Gorfawr a, extremely great, immensenbsp;Gorfeddu v, to possess overmuchnbsp;Gorfeiddio v, to over-darenbsp;Gorfelyn a, very yellow; yellow-toppednbsp;i Gorferw n, froth, scumnbsp;Gorferwi v, to bubble upnbsp;Gorfethiant n, extreme debilitynbsp;Gorfethu to fail completelynbsp;Gorfin -ion », the outer edge; extremenbsp;Gorflawdd n, extreme uproar [edgenbsp;Gorflin a. very tiresomenbsp;Gorfloedd -iau nf, outcrynbsp;Gorflwch, flychau n, goblet, cupnbsp;Gorflwng a, very sullennbsp;Gorfiychaid, eidiau n, cupfulnbsp;Gorfod -au n, impulse; necessity, compulsion; mastery; victorynbsp;Gorfod V, to get superior, to overcome;nbsp;to necessitate, to oblige, to compel, tonbsp;force; to be obligednbsp;Gorfodaeth nf, compulsion; victorynbsp;Gorfodedd n, ascenaancynbsp;Gorfodog a, being compellednbsp;Gorfodi v, to compel, to obligenbsp;Gorfodogaeth n/J obligation [pelnbsp;Gorfodogi v, to make obligatory, to com-Gorfodol a, compulsivenbsp;Gorfoledd -au «, triumph; joy; gladnessnbsp;Gorfoleddiad w, triumphing [greatlynbsp;Gorfoleddu v, to triumph, to rejoicenbsp;Gorfoleddus a, triumphant; joyfulnbsp;Gorfoli V, to flatter, to overpraisenbsp;Gorfoliant», adulation, flatterynbsp;Gorforio v, to go on the seanbsp;Gorfras a, over gross, over fatnbsp;Gorfraint, freintiau nf^ superior privi-Gorfrau a, extremely brittle [legenbsp;Gorfraw », extreme panicnbsp;Gorfrwd a, very ardentnbsp;Gorfryd, Gorfrydedd n, magnanimitynbsp;Gorfrydiant tj, paroxysmnbsp;Gorfrydio r, to overheatnbsp;Gorfrydol a, magnanimousnbsp;Gorfrys n, great hastenbsp;Gorfuan o, over quick
Goreb -ion n, response Gorebu v, to respondnbsp;Gored -au w, fisning-wear=Corednbsp;Goredu v, to set a wear, to wearnbsp;Gorefras a, rery plumpnbsp;Gorecni, ion n, over-exertionnbsp;Goreilid grievancenbsp;Goreilidio to aggrievenbsp;Goreilio v, to superstructnbsp;Goreirian a, extremely fairnbsp;Goreiriol a, adverbialnbsp;Goreistedd n, sitting aloft: v, to sitnbsp;above, to presidenbsp;Goreisteddiad n, presidingnbsp;Gorel -an n, aperturenbsp;Gorelu v, to make an aperturenbsp;Gorelwain v, to keep cryingnbsp;Gorentrych a, supercelestialnbsp;Gorenw -au n, surnamenbsp;Gorenwi r, to snrnamenbsp;Gorergyd -ion n, overshotnbsp;Gorerlid v, to pursue eagerlynbsp;Gorerlyn tgt;, to follow eagerlynbsp;Gores -au »/j waste: a, opennbsp;Goresgyn -oedd n, coming upon; possession; conquest; lease: w, to comenbsp;into possession, to conquer, to subduenbsp;Goresgyniadn,overcoming; conqueringnbsp;Gores^niaeth nf^ subjugation, conquestnbsp;Goresgynol a, overcomingnbsp;Goresgynu v, to overcome, to subjugatenbsp;G^resgynwr, wyr, Groresgynydd -ion n,nbsp;occupant; vanquisher; conqueror;nbsp;descendant in the fifth degree, grandchild of a grandchildnbsp;Goresiad n, laying opennbsp;Gorest -au nf, waste: a, open, wastenbsp;Gorestwng v, to yield homagenbsp;Gorestyngiad, iaid n, liege subjectnbsp;Gorestyn », over-extensionnbsp;Goresymu v, to talk familiarlynbsp;Goreth -au n, tent of a woundnbsp;Gorethol, Goretholi to select nicelynbsp;Goreu a, best. 0’r goreu, very well.
Goreuon, the best of persons or things Goreu v, to make, to create:=Gwneuthurnbsp;Goreuad -on n, betteringnbsp;Goreuaeth nf^ optimismnbsp;Goreuant annau optimacynbsp;Goreugwyr np (-gwr n), grandees,nbsp;Goreuo y, to make better [aristocracynbsp;Goreuraid a, done with gold, giltnbsp;Goreuro r, to gildnbsp;Gorewi v, to freeze slightlynbsp;Gorewydd n, bodily vigournbsp;Gorewyn -oedd n, mantling foamnbsp;Gorewynu v, to foam over
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Gorhidd -ion n, supreme gain Gorfurth ft, violent thrustnbsp;Gorfyd -oedd n» superior worldnbsp;Gorfyged -au nf^ extreme glorynbsp;Oorfygu tgt;, to vanqui3h=Gorchfygunbsp;Goriyn -au «, rivalship, envynbsp;Gorfynog, Gorfynig a, emulous, enviousnbsp;Gortynt, fynnau n, ambition, envynbsp;Gortynu i?, to rival, to envynbsp;Gorfyny,Gorfynydd ft, ascent=Gorifynynbsp;Gorfyw a, living beyond: ft, to survivenbsp;Gorflfaig, ffeigiau nf^ extreme difficultynbsp;G^rffawd, ffodau, fFodion «ƒ, extremenbsp;Gorffawg ft, extreme blissnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[luck
Gorfflam -au nf^ bright flame Gorfflemychu ft, to flame greatlynbsp;Gorfflwch a, extremely rifenbsp;Gorffrwd, ffrydiau nf^ violent torrentnbsp;Gorffwyr n, extreme impulsenbsp;Gor^niant«, excess of prosperitynbsp;Gorffysg n, extreme speednbsp;Gorgoch a, extremely rednbsp;Gorgoddi ft, to vex, to excessnbsp;Gorgoapi ft, to punish to excessnbsp;Gorgred -au n/*,implicit belief; credulity;nbsp;superstition
Gorgryd n, extreme agitation Gorguddio ft, to cover overnbsp;Gorgyfuwch a, superior, highernbsp;Gorgyffraw «, extreme agitationnbsp;Gorgyflred -ion n, surmisenbsp;Gorgylch -au -oedd ft, outer circlenbsp;Gorgylchynu ft, to surroundnbsp;Gorhaedd «, overreachingnbsp;Grorhael o, over liberal, prodigalnbsp;Gorheb -ion n, responsenbsp;Gorhediad w, flying abovenbsp;Gorhelaeth a, over amplenbsp;Gorhenaint n, extreme agenbsp;Gkirhendad -au «, great grandfathernbsp;Gorhendaid, deidiau w, great greatnbsp;grandfather
Gorhentam -au nf^ great grandmother Gorhengaw n, ancestor in the fifthnbsp;degree, great great grandfathernbsp;Gorhennain, neiniau nf^ great greatnbsp;grandmothernbsp;Gorhesg n/gt;, large reedsnbsp;Gorhewg a, malapert, saucynbsp;Gorhiliog a, very prolificnbsp;Gorhiiiiog -au nf^ lintelnbsp;Gorhirio v, to Unger much, to loiter; tonbsp;Gorhoen nf^ extreme vivacity [adjournnbsp;Gorhoeni ft, to exhilaratenbsp;GorhofF a, very delectable or delightfulnbsp;Gorholi ft, to inquire overmuch, tonbsp;question overmuch
Gorhoni ft, to assort overmuch
Gorhud ft, extreme illusion Gorhudd -ion, Gorhul -ion «, coveringnbsp;Gorhun nf, excess of sleep, lethargynbsp;Gorhydri ft, over-confidencenbsp;Gorhynod a, extremely notable or remarkable
Gorhynt -iau nf, superior course Gori ft, brooding; suppuration: ft, tonbsp;brood; to fester, to gather, to sup-Goriain ft, to keep crying out [puratenbsp;Gorian ft, to be querulousnbsp;Gorifyny, Gorifynydd n, ascent, acclivitynbsp;Gorimyn -au ft, chink, cleftnbsp;Goris pr, inferior to, below: ad, beneath,nbsp;underneath, undernbsp;Goriselu ft, to make very lownbsp;Gorisgell ft, scum of liquornbsp;Gorith -iau n, phantom, illuaionnbsp;Gorith a, illusive, half-seemingnbsp;Goriw -iau nf, gentle ascentnbsp;Gorlad -au n, supreme gracenbsp;Gorlaes a, very low or trailingnbsp;Gorlaes, leisiau n, shrill tonenbsp;Gorlaith a, extremely moistnbsp;Gorlam -au ft, overskipnbsp;Gkirlamu ft, to overskipnbsp;Gorlanha -i ft, superpurgationnbsp;Gorlanw ft, repletion; high tidenbsp;Gorlas », superior blue: a, of do.nbsp;Gorlasar n, blue enamelnbsp;Gorlasu ft, to give a blue huenbsp;Gorlawen a, extremely joyfulnbsp;Gorlawn a, over full, redundantnbsp;Gorlechi rf, kind of slatenbsp;Gorledu o, to over-expandnbsp;Gorlefain ft, to cry out aloudnbsp;Gorlenwi ft, to over-fillnbsp;Gorlesu ft, to benefit extremelynbsp;Gorlidio ft, to chafe extremely, to become wrathfulnbsp;Gorlif -ion n, upper currentnbsp;Gorlifiant n, flowing overnbsp;Gorlifo ft, to flow very strongly; to flo^nbsp;Gorlithro ft, to overslipnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[above
Gorliw -iau n, apparent hue Gorliwio ft, to colour overnbsp;Gorloes -au nf murmuring sound; of'nbsp;gan: a, murmuringnbsp;Gorloni ft, to cheer extremelynbsp;Gorlosgi V, to over-burn; to burn thenbsp;Gorlosten -i nf earwignbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[surface
Goriudd n, extreme depression Gorludded nf extreme fatiguenbsp;Gorlwng a, extreme indraughtnbsp;Gorlwm a, extremely barenbsp;Gorlwybro ft, to over-trace
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Gorlwyddo v, to help on Gorlwyno to escort; to coDvejnbsp;Gorlwyth -i n, overloadnbsp;Gorl^i^ho Vf to overburdennbsp;Gorlyd a, broody; suppurativenbsp;' Gorlyfnu to smooth overnbsp;Gorlyna to tipple to excessnbsp;Gorlyncu p, to gorge, to gulp, to swal-Gorllad n, benediction [ low greedilynbsp;Gorlladen, gorllad consecrated breadnbsp;Gorllaes a, trailing; droopings^Gorlaesnbsp;I Gorllaesu p, to trail; to drawlnbsp;Gorllanw n, high water, full tidenbsp;Gorllawes a, extremely expertnbsp;Gorllawn a, over full, repletenbsp;Gorllechu v, to skulk muchnbsp;Gorllenwi v, to over-fill=.Gorlenwinbsp;Gorllewin, Gorllewydd n, the vest; rearnbsp;GorlJewinol«, westerly, occidentalnbsp;Gorllif, amp;c.=Gorlif, amp;c. Gorllwyn n, escort Gorllyd a, suppurativenbsp;Gorliydd -ion 7i, embryonbsp;Gorllygu p, to escort, to guardnbsp;Gorllym a, extremely sharpnbsp;Gorm n, plenumnbsp;Gormail, eilion n, oppressionnbsp;Gormant, aint n, plenitudenbsp;^ Gormedd -ion n, overrunning Gormeilio v, to prevail, to predominate; to overrun; to oppress Gormeisiad, iaid, Gormesiad, iaid n,nbsp;molester, encroacher [intrusionnbsp;Gormes -ion n, oppression; molestation,nbsp;Gormesdeym -eud n, usurping prince,nbsp;oppressing tyrant, despot, tyrantnbsp;Gormeslyn -oedd «, pletnoranbsp;Gormesol a, molesting, intrusivenbsp;Gormesn r, to molest, to intrudenbsp;Gormesydd -ion molester, oppressornbsp;Gormi v, to intrude; to pervaaenbsp;Gormod -oedd, Gormodd -ion n, excess,nbsp;^ superfluitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[perabundan^ Gormodedd, Gormodoldeo n, excess, su-Gormodi p, to superabound Gormodol a, superabundantnbsp;Gonnwyth -oedd n, rheum, catarrhnbsp;Gormwythig a, rheumy, catarrhalnbsp;Gormwytho p, to generate rheumnbsp;I Gome -oedd n, superior or exterior hue;nbsp;blushnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wort Gornerth -oedd n, superior power; fig-Gomerthu p, to excel in power Gomofio p, to swim abovenbsp;^mwyf n, extreme vivacitynbsp;Gorober -oedd n, supererogationnbsp;Gorofni p, to fear extremely |
Gorol a, efiectual, successful Gorolchi p, to wash over Gorolygu v, to supervise, to overseenbsp;Goror -au nf, confine, border, coastnbsp;Gorphen -ion w, conclusion, end, completion: p, to conclude, to end, tonbsp;finish, to complete; to determinenbsp;Gorphenaf «, Julynbsp;Gorpheuiad n, finishing, completionnbsp;Gorphenol a, concluding, finishing. Am-ser gorphenol, perfect tensenbsp;Gorphwyll -ion n. madness; follynbsp;Gorphwylliad n, distracting, distractionnbsp;Gorphwyllo p, to grow madnbsp;Gorphwyllus a, irrationalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[rest Gorphwys -ion, Gorphwysdra n, repose, Gorphwys, Gorphwyso p, to repose, tonbsp;rest, to take a respite, to leave offnbsp;Gorpbwysfa -oedd resting-placenbsp;Gorphwysol a, quiescent, restingnbsp;Gorsaf -oedd -ion n/l station, standnbsp;Gorsafol a, stationary, Brwydr or-safol, pitched battlenbsp;Gorsafu p, to station; to withstandnbsp;Gorsangu p, to overtread [court of lawnbsp;Goreedd -au nff supreme seat, throne;nbsp;Gorseddfainc, feinciau «/’, thronenbsp;Gorseddol a, relating to sessionnbsp;Gorseddu p, to preside, to thronenbsp;Gorseddwr, wyr n, presidentnbsp;Gorsefyll p, to take a stand, to stationnbsp;Gorsengu p, to over-treadnbsp;Gorselu p, to gaze steadfastlynbsp;Gorsing, Gorsin -au «, door ^stnbsp;Gorsylw n, earnest regardnbsp;Gorsyllu p, to look steadfastlynbsp;Gorsynu p, to amaze greatlynbsp;Gort n, sharp springnbsp;Gortain p, to spring sharplynbsp;Gorth n, what stands oppositenbsp;Gorthasgu p, to over-tasknbsp;Gortfaaw fi, taciturnity; patiencenbsp;Gorthew o, extremely thick or grossnbsp;Gorthir -oedd n, upper countrynbsp;Gortho «, envelope; roof; canopynbsp;Gorthoi p, to cover overnbsp;Gorthorch, thyrch n/. torque; collarnbsp;Gorthordd -ion «, exilenbsp;Gorthori p. to cut overnbsp;Gorthoriant n, incisionnbsp;Gorthrain a, lavish to excessnbsp;Gorthrais, threisiau ti, extreme violencenbsp;Gorthrech -ion n, mastery; victorynbsp;Gorthrechiant n, dominationnbsp;Gorthrechol o,conquering; domineeringnbsp;Gorthrechu p, to master; to overcome,nbsp;to subdue, to conquer; to oppressnbsp;171 |
Gorthrechwr, wyr n, conqueror; domi-nator, oppressor Gorthrin -ion n, extreme toilnbsp;Gorthroi v, to turn overnbsp;Gorthrwch, thrychion n, groovenbsp;Gorthrwm a, oppressive, very heavy: n,nbsp;Gorthrychiad n, grooving [oppressionnbsp;Gorthrymder, Gorthrymiant n, oppression; heaviness; troublenbsp;Gorthrymu v, to oppressnbsp;Gorthrymus a, oppressivenbsp;Gorthrymwr, wyr n, oppressor [cencenbsp;Gorthwf, thytion n, overgrowth, excres-Gorthwym, Gorthwym3rn fl, over warmnbsp;Gorthynu v, to overstrainnbsp;Gorthywys n, generalissimonbsp;Goru r, to cause, to accomplish, to donbsp;Goruch -ion n, superior; supreme: a,nbsp;upper: ad, above, over: px, super-,nbsp;preter-, over, abovenbsp;Goruchadeilad «, superstructurenbsp;Goruchaf a, most high, highestnbsp;Goruchafiaeth n/*, supremacy, promotion; triumphnbsp;Gomchafol a, supereminentnbsp;Goruchafu v, to exalt overnbsp;Goruchanianol a, supernaturalnbsp;Gomchanianoldeb n, preternaturalnessnbsp;Goruchder n, superiority; supremacynbsp;Goruchel a, supreme, very highnbsp;Goruchelder n, summitnbsp;Goruchelion n, meteorsnbsp;Goruchelu v, to render lofty, to exaltnbsp;Goruchiad n, heavenly body; planetnbsp;Goruchiant n, supereminencenbsp;Goruchio v, to raise supremenbsp;Goruchiol a, supereminent, pre-eminentnbsp;Goruchion np (-en nf), meteorsnbsp;Goruchlyw n, lord paramountnbsp;Goruchragor n, superexcellence [ingnbsp;Goruchwyliad n, supervising, overlook-Goruchwyliaeth n/J supervision; dispensation; stewardship; agencynbsp;Goruchwylied v, to superintend, to oversee, to supervise; to take care ofnbsp;Goruchwyliwr, wyr n, agent, stewardnbsp;Gorug V, did, did perform, did act; henbsp;did, he made. Past tense of Gorunbsp;Gorugo V, to accomplishnbsp;Gorun «, surge, spray, foamnbsp;Gorurddas -au n/. supreme ranknbsp;Goruthro V, to amaze exceedinglynbsp;Goruwch pr, above, over, superior tonbsp;Gorwaedd n/l loud crynbsp;Gorwael a, extremely abject or meannbsp;Gorwaered n, declivity, descentnbsp;Gorwag a, vain-glorious, vain, empty
Gorwagedd -au n, vain glorj Gorwall -au n, extreme remissness; extreme fault
Gorwan a, extremely weak Gorwancu v, to overgorgenbsp;Gorwar a, extremely gentle [worthynbsp;Gorwas, weision, Gorwr, wyr n, hero,nbsp;Gorwasgu v, to overpressnbsp;Gorwedd v, to lie, to recline: n, recumbence, posture of lying. Yn ei or-wedd, lying down; recliningnbsp;Gorweddfa -oedd, Gorweddfan -au n/lnbsp;place to lie down, resting-placenbsp;Gorweddiad n, lying downnbsp;Gorweddial n, concubinagenbsp;Gorweddle -oedd n=Gorweddfa ^nbsp;Gorweddog, Gorweiddiog a, bedriddennbsp;Gorweddol a, recumbentnbsp;Gorwegi n, extreme vanitynbsp;Gorwel -ion », tlie horizonnbsp;Gorweled v, to see overnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gorwyn
Gorwen a/, extremely white or fair: m, Gorwenu v, to laugh, to grinnbsp;Gorwerthu v. to oversellnbsp;Gorwir o, quite truenbsp;Gorwireb -ion nf, hyperbolenbsp;Gorwisg -oedd nf, outer garment; cover,nbsp;envelope, wrappernbsp;Gorwiw a, superexcellentnbsp;Gorwlad, wledydd nf bordering countrynbsp;Gorwlyb a, extremely wetnbsp;G-orwlychu v, to over-drenchnbsp;Gorwregys -au n, bracing girdlenbsp;Gorwy -on n, margin, rimnbsp;Gorwych a, extremely brave or grandnbsp;Gorwydr n, hoar frostnbsp;Gorwydd -ion w, summit, topnbsp;Gorwydd -au n, courser, steednbsp;Gorwydd a, of easy progressnbsp;Gorwyddawd, odion », cavalrynbsp;Gorwyddfaren, feirch n, managed horsenbsp;Gorwygo tgt;, to tear partlynbsp;Gorwy 1 n, owlookingnbsp;Gorwylio v, to overlooknbsp;Gorwyll o, extremely gloomynbsp;Gorwyllt a, frantic, mad, wildnbsp;Gorwym -au », slight bandagenbsp;Gorwympam,extremely fair: J^,gorwempnbsp;Gorwyn am, over white: f gorwennbsp;Gorwyr -ion n, great grandson ^nbsp;Gorwyrain nf, the theme of praisenbsp;Gorwyres -au rf, great grand-daughternbsp;Gorwys -ion nf public summonsnbsp;Gorwyth n, extreme irenbsp;Gorymboeni v, to overfatigue one’s selfnbsp;Gorymborth n, excess of foodnbsp;Gorymchwal n, over-spreading one’s selfnbsp;172
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Gusgudd a, skulking, lurking Gosgymmon n. combustible; fuelnbsp;Goslef - au -oeud rify organ of utterance;
tone, note; the throat Gosmeithio », to yield alimentnbsp;Gosod -au », placing; statute, ordinance;nbsp;position; onset
Gosod V, to put, to set, to lay, to place Gosodedigaeth nƒ, proposition, ordinancenbsp;Gosodi r, to set, to put, to laynbsp;Gosodiad n, placing; position; establishing; propositionnbsp;Gosodol a, positional; statutenbsp;Gosog -od n, goshawknbsp;Goson -ion intimation, rumournbsp;Goson r, to intimate slightlynbsp;Gosonial t?, to be whisperingnbsp;Gosori », to be half oflendednbsp;Gosoriant n, slight offence [evensongnbsp;Gosper -au n, evening; evening prayer,nbsp;Gosranu v, to divide partlynbsp;Gosteg -ion nf^ silence^ attention; publishing; address; invocation; prelude. Ar osteg, in public hearing,nbsp;after proclamation of silence. Gos-tegion priodas, banns of matrimonynbsp;Gostegu t), to silence, to stillnbsp;Gostegwr, wyr w, the crier of a court,nbsp;who commands silence; silencernbsp;Gostrodyr -iau n, panel, packsaddlenbsp;Gostwng to lower, to bring down; tonbsp;humble, to abase [bled, abasednbsp;Gostyngedig a, lowered; humble; hum-Gostyngeiddio v, to become abased, tonbsp;become humble
Gostyngeiddrwydd humility, lowliness Gostyngu v, to lower, to abase, to humblenbsp;Gostyngwr, wyr, Gostyngydd -ion n, onenbsp;who abases, inclines, lowers, or hum-Goswydd-au «/J petty office [blesnbsp;Goswyn -ion slight charmnbsp;Gosymaith, ymeithion n, support, foodnbsp;Gosymdaith, deithion n, provision, supportnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[vide sustenance
Gosymdeithio, Gosymeithio », to pro-Gosymmud n, slight move: v, to move Gosymu v, to warblenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[a little
Gosymwy a, warbling, trilling Gosyn a, half amazednbsp;Gosynio tgt;, to considernbsp;Gosyrthio v, to totternbsp;Got n, incontinencenbsp;Gotio t?, to commit adulterynbsp;Gotoew -on spur
Goth n, repulsion; pride [proudly Gothi V, to scorn, to be proud, to actnbsp;Gowaered «, declivity, slope, descentnbsp;173
Gorymchwel -ion «/, conTersion Gorymchwylo v, to be subvertednbsp;Gorymdaenu v, to overspread one’s selfnbsp;Gorjmdaith, deithiau n/*, procession;nbsp;perambulation
Gorymdaith, Gorymdeithio v, to sojourn Gorjmdeithjdd -ion u, one who travelsnbsp;much; wayfaring mannbsp;Gorymddwyn w, embolism, insertion,nbsp;intercalation. Dyddiau gorymddwyn,nbsp;intercalary daysnbsp;Gorymddygiad n, abductionnbsp;Gorymegnïad n, over-exertion,over-toil-Gorymyl -on n, extreme edge [ingnbsp;Gk)rymyru r, to over-pursuenbsp;Goryn -od n, pimple, whealnbsp;Goiynog a, having pimples or blainsnbsp;Gorynys -oedd nf, peninsulanbsp;Gorysgwr n, yokenbsp;Gorysgwydd «, jutting overnbsp;Gorysu u, to consume extremelynbsp;Goryw -iau n, degenerate kind: v,nbsp;d\d=Gwnaethnbsp;Gorywio v, to degeneratenbsp;Gosaig, seigiau n, slight mealnbsp;Gosail, seiliau n, groundwork;
basis; sole; subject (of a verb) Gosathru r, to tread slightlynbsp;Gosbaith a, polished, glitteringnbsp;Gosbarth -au n, distinct partnbsp;Gosbarth pr^ towardnbsp;Gosbenu v, to particularizenbsp;Gosborthi v, to support slightlynbsp;Gosbwyllo u, to decide partlynbsp;Goseb -ion gift, handselnbsp;Gosefyli v, to stand slightlynbsp;Goseiiio v, to found; to lay a foundationnbsp;Gosel -ion n, peep, glancenbsp;Gosenu v, to chide or rebuke slightlynbsp;Goser np (-en nf )^ asteroidsnbsp;Gosgedd -au n, figure, shapenbsp;Gosgeddiad n, shapingnbsp;Gosgeddig a, shapely, comelynbsp;Gosgel -ion w, gloom: a, gloomynbsp;Gosgelu u, to nalf-concealnbsp;^ Gosgil n, half-retreatnbsp;w Gosglwin, glymau n, tent fasteningnbsp;wsglymu y, to tie slightly [slopingnbsp;uosgo^ n, obliquity, slope. Ar osgo,nbsp;Gosgoi V, to go aside, to avoidnbsp;Gosgordd -ion nf, retinue, train. Serennbsp;• osgordd, Lleuad osgordd, satellitenbsp;Gosgorddi r, to form a retinuenbsp;Gosgordalu -oedd n, body guardnbsp;Gosgrain a, partly crawlingnbsp;^gred -ion «ƒ, faint beliefnbsp;Gosgrynu v, to cause quaking
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Gowanu v, to divide; to gash Gowel a, transparent, clearnbsp;Growelw a, somewhat palenbsp;Gowena v, to half smilenbsp;Gower -an n, croft, closenbsp;Gowni 7», basting stitchnbsp;Gowregysu v, to gird slacklynbsp;Gowrid n, slight blushnbsp;Gowrthodi v, to half rejectnbsp;Gowybod r, to know partlynbsp;Gowych a, somewhat bravenbsp;Goyfed », slight sippingnbsp;Goynys -oedd «ƒ, peninsnlanbsp;Goysu Vj to half consumenbsp;Gra n, nap, frieze of clothnbsp;Grab lt;oedd n, cluster, exuberancenbsp;Graban -au nf, vineyardnbsp;Graban era, corn marigoldnbsp;Grabin a, clasping; scramblingnbsp;Grabinio v, to scramblenbsp;Gradell, gredyll Ttfj circular plate of castnbsp;iron to bake bread or cake upon; bake^nbsp;stone 5 griddle; grate=Greiaell (N.W.)nbsp;Gradd -au nf, degree, rank, state, qualitynbsp;Graddeb -ion nf^ climaxnbsp;Graddedigaeth «ƒ, graduationnbsp;Graddeg -au nf^ scale; gradientnbsp;Graddiad «, graduationnbsp;Graddtaith climaxnbsp;Graddiannu t;, to graduatenbsp;Graddiant, iannau n, graduationnbsp;Graddineb «, gradualitynbsp;Graddio, Graddogi, Graddoli v, to confer rank, to graduatenbsp;Graddog a, graduated: -ion n, graduate:nbsp;Graddoi progressive [nf^ scalenbsp;Graddor -ion », graduatenbsp;Grae ra, what is asperate, sharp, or roughnbsp;Graen ra, asperity; grief; grain, glossnbsp;Graen a, asperate; grievousnbsp;Graender «, poignancynbsp;Graenon np, gravelly particlesnbsp;Graenu v, to make roughnbsp;Graenus a, glossy; of good grainnbsp;Graf rap, the garlicssCrafnbsp;Grafel, grefyl ra, lubber; ruffiannbsp;Grai, greioedd ra, blight, blastnbsp;Graian era (greienyn ra), gravel, coarsenbsp;Graiander ra, granulositynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sand Graianen grain Graianog, Graianoi, Graianllyd a, gra-Graianu tr, to granulate [velly, gritty Graid, greidiau n, sun heat; ardencynbsp;Graid a, ardent, vehementnbsp;Grain, greinion nf^ socket; ringnbsp;Gramadeg -au ra, grammarnbsp;Gramadegol a, grammatical |
Gramadegwr, wyr, Gramadegydd -ion n, grammarian Gran -au ra, the cheekbone; eyelid Gran a, precipitous, shelvy GrEn ra, grain, gloss, lustre Granwg ra, side of the face Granygre ra, the visage Gras -au ra, grace Graslawn a, full of grace, gracious Grasol, Grasusol, Grasns a, gracious Grasusau rap, graces=Grasau Grawn rap (gronyn n), berries; grain; roe of fish, Grawn Corinth, currants Grawnafal -au ra, pomegranatenbsp;Grawnwin rap, grapesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, Grawth ra, plunge ' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;• Grawthu tgt;, to plunge Grawys ra, festival; Lent=Garawysnbsp;Gre -on «/, flock, herd; studnbsp;Gread ra, herding, flockingnbsp;Greal -on ra, aggregate of elements; code; collection; magazine, miscellany Grealu Vy to aggregate elementsnbsp;Greant n, aggregate; collection; codenbsp;Greawd ra, aggregatenbsp;Greddf -aunbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nature; instinct; dispc«i- Greddflad ra. nabituating nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion Greddfol a, Habitual, natural Greddfu to habituatenbsp;Greff -ion nf, sneer; ironynbsp;Greffiad ra, sneeringnbsp;Greg n, cackle, cacklingnbsp;Greiad ra, singeing, blastingnbsp;Greian -au 9^, what gives heat; the sunnbsp;Greidell -i ra/, griddle. See Gradellnbsp;Greidio tgt;, to scorch, to singenbsp;Greidiol a, scorching, blastingnbsp;Greidyll -au ra, griddle, grid-ironnbsp;Greienjm, graian ra, grain of gravelnbsp;Greinio », to form a ringnbsp;Greinyn ra, ear-ring; pendantnbsp;Grelo Vy to singe, to blastnbsp;Greiol a, singeing, blastingnbsp;Grelyn -au ra, drinking-poolnbsp;Grem -iau ra, crash; gnashnbsp;Gremio v, to crash; to gnashnbsp;Gren -i nf, large earthen vesselnbsp;Greolen ra/ brionv plantnbsp;Greor -ion ra, flock, herdnbsp;Gresaw -on ra, welcomesGroesawnbsp;Gresawiad n, welcomingnbsp;Gresawu v, to welcomenbsp;Gresi ra, pity, compassionnbsp;Gresyn n, pity; misery: a, piteousnbsp;Gresyudod ra, pitilulnessnbsp;Gresyngar a, compassionatenbsp;Gresyni ra, piteousness |
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Gresynol a, deplorable, pitiable Gresynu r, to commiseratenbsp;Gresynus a, miserable, pitifulnbsp;Greu V, to aggregatenbsp;Grewys «, herd; studnbsp;Griddfan -au n, groan, moannbsp;Griddfan r, to groan, to moannbsp;Griff, Grifit -oedd n, frog spawnnbsp;Gri^ll «, frog spawnnbsp;Grig n, low rustlenbsp;Gri^d n, rustlingnbsp;Grill «iau n, creak, chirpnbsp;Grill a, creaking, chirpingnbsp;Grillgnoi w, to cranchnbsp;Grillian v, to ^ep creakingnbsp;Grilliedydd -ilt;Mi n, cricketnbsp;^illio V, to creak, to crash; to chiipnbsp;Gro np (groyn n), pebbles: n/j ridgenbsp;of pebbles formed by the seanbsp;Groeg nf^ the Greek language, Greek;nbsp;Gronell -au »/Jhard roe of fiwi [Greecenbsp;Gronellu », to generate roenbsp;Gronyn -au r, grain, particlenbsp;Gronyniad n, granulationnbsp;Gronynog a, having grainsnbsp;Gronynoi a, granularnbsp;Gronynu r, to granulatenbsp;Groyn », pebble, single pebblenbsp;Grual «, gruel, porridgenbsp;Grualu v, to turn to gruelnbsp;Grud n, grain of stone, gritnbsp;Grudd -iau nf, cheek ^ne, cheeknbsp;Gruff, Gruflt -ion n, what is fieixe,nbsp;Grug -oedd n, heath, ling [griffinnbsp;Gmgiad, iaid n, emmetnbsp;Grugiar, ieir nf, moor-hen, grousenbsp;Grugion np (-yn »), emmets, antsnbsp;Gruglwyn -i n, sweet broomnbsp;Gruglys »p, heath berriesnbsp;Grugo r, to gather heathnbsp;Grugog a, full of heathnbsp;Grut«, grit; fossilnbsp;Grutio V, to lay on gritnbsp;Grwgach v, to rumblenbsp;Grwgn n. broken rumblingnbsp;Grwgnacti tgt;, to grumblenbsp;Grwng n, grunt; rumbling noisenbsp;Grwm n, murmur; growlnbsp;Grwn, grynau n, ridge in a fieldnbsp;Grwu n. trembling noise, cooingnbsp;Grwnach n, grumbling=Grwgnachnbsp;Grwnan n, hum; purring; cooingnbsp;Grwnan r, to hum, to dronenbsp;Grwniad n, droningnbsp;Grwys np (-en n/*), wild gooseberriesnbsp;Grwyswydd np (-en nf), gooseberry-trees, goosebeiTy-bushes |
Grwyth n, murmur Grwytho r, to murmurnbsp;Gryd -iau n, scream; war-whoopnbsp;Grydian, Grydio tgt;, to scream, to whoopnbsp;Grydiant n, screaming outnbsp;Grydwst«, murmurnbsp;Gryg -oedd «, harshness, roughnessnbsp;Gryngian, Gryngio tgt;, to be grunting, tonbsp;grunt Grym -oedd n, force, energy: a, powerful Grymial, Grymiala v, to mutter, tonbsp;make a murmur Grymialog, Grymialus a, muttering Grymian u, to drone; to gruntnbsp;Grymiannu, Grymio, Grymuso r, tonbsp;make potent or energetic, to strengthen, to give energynbsp;Grymiant n, potency, energynbsp;Grymus a, powerful, strong, nervousnbsp;Grymusder n, potency, strengthnbsp;Grynio to form or lay ridgesnbsp;Gryw Greeknbsp;Gubain v, to hold, to moannbsp;Gwach -au n/*, hole; cavitynbsp;Gwachell, gwechyll «/*, sKewer; knit-Gwachellu v, to skewer [ting-needlenbsp;Gwachul a, lean, lank; feeblenbsp;Gwad 7gt;, denial, disowningnbsp;Gwadaeth, eithi n, spout, cock, thenbsp;spout of a flour millnbsp;Gwadal a, staunch, firmnbsp;Gwadaliad n, staunchingnbsp;Gwadalu v, to make staunchnbsp;Gwadalwch n, staunchnessnbsp;Gwadiad n, denyingnbsp;Gwadn, Gwaddn -au n, base, solenbsp;Gwadnu v, to sole; to foot itnbsp;Gwadol a, denying, negativenbsp;Gwadu V, to deny; to disownnbsp;Gwadd -od rif, molenbsp;Gwaddeg -au nf^ spout; scuttlenbsp;Gwaddod -ion sediment, lees, dregsnbsp;Gwaddodi v, to cast a sedimentnbsp;Gwaddodlyd a, feculent, dreggynbsp;Gwaddol -ion n, portion; moneynbsp;Gwaddoli r, to dower, to portionnbsp;Gwaddolog a, dowered. Brenines wa-ddolog, queen dowagernbsp;Gwaddotwr, wyr, Gwaddwr, wyr n,nbsp;Gwae -oedd n. woe [molecatchernbsp;Gwaed w, blood, gore. Gwaed cynnbsp;delwad, fcetus, embryo in the womb.nbsp;Curiad y gwaed, pulsenbsp;Gwaedboer n, blood-spittingnbsp;Gwaedffrau n/| blood-spillingnbsp;Gwaedgi, gwn «, bloodhoundnbsp;Gwaedglais, gleisiau u, blood stripenbsp;175 |
Gwaedgoch a, blood-red Gwaedgoll«, bloodshednbsp;Gwaedgrawn pus, matternbsp;Gwaedguriantpulsenbsp;Gwaediad bleeding, phlebotomynbsp;Gwaedlawn a, whole bloodnbsp;Gwaedled o/J bloody, blood-stainednbsp;Gwaedlif, Gwaedlin -oedd n, bloodynbsp;flux, dysentery, issue of bloodnbsp;Gwaedlyd a, bloody, sanguinary; cruelnbsp;Gwaedlydu w, to stain with bloodnbsp;Gwaedlys w, bloodwort; centinodynbsp;Gwaedneu w, blood issuenbsp;Gwaedog a, abounding with bloodnbsp;Gwaedogaeth sanguinity [puddingnbsp;Gwaedogen nf^ blood pudding, blacknbsp;Gwaedogi, Gwaedoli r, to sanguifynbsp;Gwaedol a, sanguineous, of bloodnbsp;Gwaedoliaeth «/’, kindred by blood,nbsp;consanguinity ?
Gwaedrawd », course of blood Gwaedu v, to bleed, to let bloodnbsp;Gwaedd wy, cry, shoutnbsp;Gwaeddan w, bawlernbsp;Gwaeddfan w, loud shoutingnbsp;Gwaeddfawr 0, crying, heinousnbsp;Gwaeddgreg a, hoarse shoutingnbsp;Gwaeddi v, to cry, to shoutnbsp;Gwaeddol a, crying, shoutingnbsp;Gwaeddolef -au w, cry of woenbsp;Gwaeddolef -au nf, exclamationnbsp;Gwaefyd w, state of woenbsp;Gwaeg fibula; claspnbsp;Gwaegu w, to buckle; to claspnbsp;Gwael a, low, base, vile; poorly, illnbsp;Gwaelder, Gwaeledd, Gwaelni n, vileness; misery; wretchedness; illnessnbsp;Gwaeleddu w, to make wretchednbsp;Gwaelod -ion «, bottom, base; dregs,nbsp;bottoms, leesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[produce dregs
Gwaelodi v, to bottom, to settle, or to Gwaelu v, to grow low or poor; to become faint; to make vilenbsp;Gwaell,Gweyll,Gwaell,gweillw^,skewer,nbsp;broach; knitting-needle; spindle.nbsp;Gwaell neidr, dragon-flynbsp;Gwiiellu v, to skewer, to broachnbsp;Gwaen, gweunydd nf^ plain meadownbsp;Gwaened a, headlong; furiousnbsp;Gwaent«, full viewnbsp;Gwaenu v, to put in viewnbsp;Gwaenyd to go headlongnbsp;Gwaer w, downward look; simplicitynbsp;Gwaer a, simple; rustic, clownishnbsp;Gwaered -ydd w, descent, slopenbsp;Gwaeredu v, to tend downwardnbsp;Gwaerol a, simple; rustic
Gwaes -ydd n. pledge; deposit Gwaesaf -oeda n,pledge; deposit; war-Gwaesafol a, deponent[rant; depositionnbsp;Gwaesafu v, to pledge; to insurenbsp;Gwaesol a, earnest; warrantingnbsp;Gwaesu v, to pledge; to deposit; to pawnnbsp;Gwaeth, Gwaethach a, worse, more badnbsp;Gwaethaf a, worst, most bad. Gwaethafnbsp;y modd, so much the worse, I amnbsp;sorry to say, to make things worse.nbsp;Er ei waethaf, in spite of himnbsp;Gwaethau v, to grow worse, to impairnbsp;Gwaetherwydd t, alasnbsp;Gwaethliad w, strugglingnbsp;Gwaethu v, to make worsenbsp;Gwaethwaeth ad^ worse and worsenbsp;Gwaethwg n, impaired statenbsp;Gwaethygiad n, impairing [worsenbsp;Gwaethygu v, to impair; to becomenbsp;Gwaew, gwaewyr a, pang, pain, agony,nbsp;spasm: nf^ spear, lancenbsp;Gwaewffon, Ifyn «/J javelin, halberdnbsp;Gwaewr, Gwaewor,Gwaewawr,gwaewyrnbsp;spearman, lancer
Gwag a, void, empty, vacant: n, void, Gwagder n, emptinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[vacuum
Grwagedd -au re, emptiness; vanity Gwageddu v, to act vainlynbsp;Gwagelog a, circumspect, warynbsp;Gwagelu v, to act cautiouslynbsp;Gwagelyd v, to shun, to avoidnbsp;Gwagfa, fëydd «ƒ, vacuumnbsp;Gwagfalch a, vaingloriousnbsp;Gwagfolach re, vain boastingnbsp;Gwaghau, Gwagio tr, to make a voidnbsp;Gwagiad re, making voidnbsp;Gwagiaith n/^ vain prattlenbsp;Gwagl re, waggling, instabilitynbsp;Gwaglais, leisiau re, hollow voicenbsp;Gwagle -oedd re, empty place, space, voidnbsp;Gwaglog a, unsteady, wagglingnbsp;Gwaglwyf ere (-en ?i/), the lindennbsp;Gwagnod -au re, cipher, nought, 0, zeronbsp;Gwagogoniant re, vain glorynbsp;Gwagorchest -ion «ƒ, ostentatious skillnbsp;Gwagorfoledd re, vain triumph, boastingnbsp;Gwagr, Gogr -au re, sieve; riddlenbsp;Gwagraid, eidiau re, sievefulnbsp;Gwagrwr, wyr re, sievemaker [ ingnbsp;G wagymffrost re, rodomontade, swagger-Gwagymgais re, vain attemptnbsp;Gwang nf^ greed, voracity=Gwancnbsp;Gwangen, gwangod «/*, the shad fishnbsp;Gwangiad, laid re, the sewin fishnbsp;Gwahan re, separation; difference; 0,nbsp;separate, distinct. Ar wahan, sepa*nbsp;rately, apart, by themselvesnbsp;176
-ocr page 181-GWA GWA
Gwahanai, eion genitive case Gwabanblyg -ion «, the diaphora [casenbsp;Gwahanedigaethydd -ion n, the genitivenbsp;Gwahanfod -an w, individualnbsp;Gwahanglaf a, leprous. Gwahangleif-Gwahanglwyf w, leprosy [ion, lepersnbsp;Gwahanglwyfus a, leprousnbsp;Gwahauiadol a, disjunctive [distinctionnbsp;G'wahaniaeth separation; dilïerence,nbsp;Gwahaniaethol a, disjunctivenbsp;Gwahaniaethu v, to differ; to discrimi-Gwahanlen -i «/*, separation veil [natenbsp;Gwahannod -au n and iif, colon (:)nbsp;Gwahannodiad n, Gwahannodiaeth nf,nbsp;punctuation, pointingnbsp;Gwahanol a, separating; different. Cleifion gwahanol, lepers Gwabanoldeb n, separatenessnbsp;Gwahanoli v, to make distinctnbsp;Gwahanran -au w/, paragraphnbsp;Gwahanred -ion nj^ discriminationnbsp;Gwahanredol a, discriminating [minatenbsp;Gwahanredu v, to distinguish, to discri-Gwahansang -au parenthesis ( )nbsp;Gwahansangiad to, interpositionnbsp;Gwahansangol a, parentheticalnbsp;Gwahansangu to interpose [guishnbsp;Gwahanu v, to divide, to part; to distin-Gwahardd, Gwaharddu tJ, to prohibit, tonbsp;Gwahardd -oedd n, prohibition [forbidnbsp;Gwaharddeb -ion to/, injunctionnbsp;Gwaharddol a, prohibitorynbsp;Gwahen n, exhaustionnbsp;Gwahenu v, to exhaust, to emptynbsp;Gwahénydd -ion to, one wbo pours outnbsp;Gwahodd -ion, Gwahoddiad -au to, bidding, invitation Gwahodd, Gwahoddi to invite, to bid Gwahoddwr, wyr to, inviternbsp;Gwail, gweilion n, what is over or sparenbsp;Gwain, gweiniau to/*, what serves or supports; carriage; sheath, scabbardnbsp;Gwain, Gwaint a, smart, neat, brisknbsp;Gwair, gweiriau to, hay; a, fresh, sprouting; ardentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lively Gwaisg TO, briskness; vigour: a, brisk, Gwaith, gweithiau to, act, action; work. Gweithiau, works, manufactories Gwaith, gweithiau course, turn, timenbsp;Gwaith c, because that, sincenbsp;Gw^l, gwalau coucn; inhabited region; plat; fallow. Gw^l ci, kennelnbsp;Gwal ysgyfamog, hare’s formnbsp;Gwal -iau, gwèlydd n/, wall, rampartnbsp;Gwala TO/j fullness, sufficiency, enoughnbsp;Gwalabr -au nf^ pathwaynbsp;Gwalad TO, arrangement, order |
Gwaladr, gwelydr «, ruler, sovereign Gwaladru to, to arrange, to ordernbsp;Gwalaeth to, grief, sorrow=Galaethnbsp;Gwaiaethu to, to grievenbsp;Gwalas -au nf, couch; low landnbsp;Gwalbant to, the top of a w'all of anbsp;building where the beams restnbsp;Gwalc -iau turn up; fence work; battlement, parapet, rail; cock of a hat Gwalcio TO, to turn up, to cock [tiednbsp;Gwalciog a, turned up, cocked; embat-Gwalch, gweilch to, what soars; hawk;nbsp;hero; fellow Gwalches -au nf, female hawk Gwalchu TO, to soar aloftnbsp;Gwalchwr, wyr n, falconernbsp;Gwalchwriaeth, Gwalchyddiaeth nf,nbsp;Gwald -iau to, hem; welt [falconrynbsp;Gwaldas -au nf strengthening weltnbsp;Gwaldon -au nf raised banknbsp;Gwaldu V, to welt, to hemnbsp;Gwales -au nf couch; regionnbsp;Gwalfa, fan, feydd nf layer, stratumnbsp;Gwaling -au «, litter, broodnbsp;Gwalio TO, to wall, to fencenbsp;Gwaltes, eisiau nf, welt of a shoenbsp;Gwalteisio to, to form a weltnbsp;Gwalwys np, the Gauls=Galwysnbsp;Gwaly -on to, capacity, insidenbsp;Gwalyo to, to make full [negligencenbsp;Gwail -au », defect, want; neglect,nbsp;Gwallawd to, failure, mistakenbsp;Gwallawiad w. pouring outnbsp;Gwallbwyil to, irrationality, defect ofnbsp;Gwalldan -au to, wildörenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[reason Gwallfarn -au nf faulty judgment GwaUgam -au to, false stepnbsp;Gwallgof TO, distraction, madnessnbsp;Gwallgof, Gwallgofus a,mad,distracted,nbsp;insane, derangednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[asylum Gwallgofdy, dai to, madhouse, lunatic Gwallgofi to, to become distracted, deranged, or insane Gwallgofiaid np, lunatics, madmen Gwalio to, to pour, to emptynbsp;Gwallofaint», defection, failingnbsp;Gwaliofi TO, to pour outnbsp;Gwaliofiad, iaid », tapsternbsp;Gwallog a, defective, faultynbsp;Gwallogair «, error in pleadingnbsp;Gwallt TO amp; CTO (-yn »), hair of the headnbsp;Gwalltiad to, growing of hairnbsp;Gwalltog a, having hair, hairednbsp;Gwalitu TO, to grow hair [erroneousnbsp;Gwallus a, negligent, faulty, defective;nbsp;Gwallusdra to, negligencenbsp;Gwallwg, ygion to, defectionnbsp;177 |
Gwargrymu v, to stoop the back Gwarhad n, making tamenbsp;Gwarbau r, to tame, to make gentlenbsp;Gwarineb », gentlenessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;| burse Gwario v, to expend, to spend, to dis-Gwarllost, Gwarog -au nf, the bar part Gwarogaeth homage [of a yokenbsp;Gwarogi to subjugatenbsp;Gwarogiad «, subjugatingnbsp;Gwarsangiad n, tramplingnbsp;Gwarsyth a, stiffneckednbsp;Gwarsythni n, stiffneckednessnbsp;Gwart», guard, wardnbsp;Gwartiad », guardingnbsp;Gwartu v, to guard, to wardnbsp;Gwarth », reproach, shame, disgracenbsp;Gwartha r, to asperse, to reproachnbsp;Gwarthad, Gwarthaed », as^^rsionnbsp;Gwarthaf-ion n, summit,surface. Dyfodnbsp;ar warthaf, to assail, to come uponnbsp;Gwarthafi -au nf, stirrupnbsp;Gwarthaflu ü, to put on a stirrupnbsp;Gwarthafu u, to go upon; to ridenbsp;Gwarthal -ion «, thing to boot; agionbsp;Gwarthan «ƒ, covert, shelternbsp;Gwarthau v, to aspersenbsp;Gwartheg np^ horned cattlenbsp;Gwarthegydd -ion w, cattle-dealernbsp;Gwarther -au m, cavaliernbsp;Gwarthfa -oedd «ƒ, thé private partnbsp;Gwarthfael nƒ^ mean advantagenbsp;Gwarthfor -oead n, scurf of the seanbsp;Gwarthiad », aspersionnbsp;Gwarthle -oedd n. the privitiesnbsp;Gwarthlef -au n/, calumnynbsp;Gwarthol -ion stirrupnbsp;Gwarthor -ion n. quadrature, quarternbsp;Gwarthrudd -iau n, disgrace, contumelynbsp;Gwarthruddo v, to scandalize, to dis-Gwarthruddiol a, scandalizing [paragenbsp;Gwarthu t7, to asperse, to degradenbsp;Gwarthus o, shameful, disgracefulnbsp;Gwarwch n, gentlenessnbsp;Gwarwg, ygau n, stoop, bendnbsp;Gwarwy -on », pleasure; playnbsp;Gwary n, bow of yokenbsp;Gwas, gweision n, youth; servant.nbsp;Gwas y dryw, titmouse. Gwas ynbsp;gog, hedge sparrow. Gwas y neidr,nbsp;dragon-fly, Yr hen was, the devilnbsp;Gwasaeth n, attendance, servicenbsp;Gwasaethu to ministernbsp;Gwasaidd a, servantlike, servilenbsp;Gwasan nc, youth; pagenbsp;Gwasanaeth n, service. Gyda*m gwas-anaeth, with my complimentsnbsp;Gwasanaethgar a, serviceable |
Gwasanaethiad n, serving Gwasanaetbol a, ministeringnbsp;Gwasanaethu v, to servenbsp;Gwasanaethwr, wyr, Gwasanaethyddnbsp;-ion », servant, servant-mannbsp;Gwasanaeth wraig, wragedd, Gwasan-aethyddes -au nf^ maid-servantnbsp;Gwasant -au «, ministrationnbsp;Gwasarn -au n, foundation; what isnbsp;strewed; Utter; bootynbsp;Gwasarniad n, strewingnbsp;Gwasarnu v, to strew, to litternbsp;Gwasel -au «, glance, sight, aimnbsp;Gwasg -oedd -au, gweisg press,nbsp;waist; pressure Gwasgar -ion «, dispersion: a, scattered, Ar wasgar, scattered abroad, dispersednbsp;Gwasgarawd n, dispersionnbsp;Gwasgaredd, gwasgaroldeb «, the quality of being dispersednbsp;Gwasgarfa -oedd nf^ scene of scatteringnbsp;Gwasgariad n, scattering [or dispersionnbsp;Gwasgarog a, being scatterednbsp;Gwasgarol a, scatteringnbsp;Gwasgaru, Gwasgar v, to scatter, to disperse, to spread, to distributenbsp;Gwas^a, fëydd -on nf^ pressure; pang;nbsp;Gwasgiad w, pressingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fit Gwasgod -ion n, shelter, covert Gwasgod -au waistcoatnbsp;Gwasgodfa -on nf^ covert; bowernbsp;Gwasgodi v, to shelter, to shadenbsp;Gwasgodlen -i nf. awningnbsp;Gwasgodoi a, shelteringnbsp;Gwasgodwydd n, bower, arbournbsp;Gwasgol a, pressing, squeezingnbsp;Gwasgrwym -au », bandage. Gwasg-rwymau, stays Gwasgu V, to press, to squeeze Gwasgwyn, gweisgwyn », gentle risenbsp;Gwasgwynfarch.feirch », managed horsenbsp;Gwasod a, tufty (as a cow) Gwasodi r, to be tufty Gwasodrwydd n, tuftinessnbsp;Gwasol a, ministering, servingnbsp;Gwastad -oedd «, level plainnbsp;Gwastad a, level, plain, smooth; steady;nbsp;constant. Yn wastad, always, fornbsp;ever, constantly, continuallynbsp;Gwastadedd n, evenness, level [placenbsp;Gwastadfa, Gwastadle -oedd », levelnbsp;Gwastadfod -au nf constant statenbsp;Gwastadiad n, levellingnbsp;Gwastadol a, uniforrfi; continued, continual. Yu wastadol, continually,nbsp;Gwastadoldeb n, continuity [alwaysnbsp;Gwastadrwydd n, evennessnbsp;179 |
Gwastadu r, to make level Gwastata v, to be steady or evennbsp;Gwastatau r, to level, to smooth; tonbsp;make even; to rest; to be composednbsp;Gwastraff -ion «, waste, prodigalitynbsp;Gwastraffu v, to squander, to wastenbsp;Gwastrafiwr, wyr n, prodigal or wasteful man, waster
Gwastrawd, trodion w, groom, equerry Gwastrin -ion n, servitude, toilnbsp;Gwastrodedd n, office of a groomnbsp;Gwastrodi v, to serve as a groomnbsp;Gwasu V, to make a servantnbsp;Gwatwar -oedd n, mockery, jest [culenbsp;Gwatwar v, to mock, to deride, to ridi-Gwatwaredigaeth nfy derisionnbsp;Gwatwareg rj/J sarcasm, ironynbsp;Gwatwargar a, derisive, sarcastic [ poonnbsp;Gwatwar^erdd -i nf, irony, satire, 1am-Gwatwariaith nf^ ironynbsp;Gwatwaru v, to mock, to jest, to deridenbsp;Gwatwarus mocking, sarcastic, deriding, ironicalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[satirist
Gwatwarwr, wyr n, mocker, scoffer; Gwatwor, amp;c,=Gwatwarnbsp;Gwau, gweuoedd «, weaving; knitting:
t?, to weave; to knit Gwaudd, gweuddau tj/J daughter-in-lawnbsp;Gwawch «ƒ, loud screamnbsp;Gwawd -iau n, panegyric; irony, jeernbsp;Gwawdgar a. fond of praise; apt to jeernbsp;Gwawdio », to panegyrize; to jeer; tonbsp;Gwawdodyn «, metre so called [mocknbsp;Gwawdus a, encomiastic; jeering, ironical, mocking
Gwawdydd -ion w, panegyrist; mocker Gwawl 7Ï, light, radiancynbsp;Gwawn «, the gossamernbsp;Gwawr hero, worthynbsp;Gwawr -oedd n/j dawn, day-break; huenbsp;Gwawrio r, to dawnnbsp;Gwb n, moan, doleful crynbsp;Gwd n, wind, twist, turnnbsp;Gwden -i, gwdyn «A, withe; coilnbsp;Gwdeniad «, withingnbsp;Gwdenu v, to twist a withenbsp;Gwdd n, what twists or turnsnbsp;Gwddi, ïod w, hedging-billnbsp;Gwddor -au n/j wooden bridgenbsp;Gwddf, gyddfau, Gwddwg, Gwddw n,nbsp;the nec^ throatnbsp;Gwddwgen n/quot;, neckclothnbsp;Gwe -oedd nf, web, web of clothnbsp;Gwe^a;=;Go, Gwa, Gwonbsp;Gwead rt, weaving; knitting [weavernbsp;Gweadur -iaid, Gweawdr, od^ron n,nbsp;Gweb -au t^, visage; phiz
Gwecry a, vapid, feeble, flimsy Gwech af, brave; fine, gay: m, gwychnbsp;Gwed n, utterance; sayingnbsp;Gwedi, Gwedyjjx, after, later than: ad,nbsp;after, afterwards. Gwedi myned,nbsp;gone. Mae wedi bod, has beennbsp;Gwediad n, saying
Gwedn af, tough, tenacious: m, gwydn Gwedol a, relating to speechnbsp;Gwedresi nf, lizardnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Gweyd
Gwedyd v, to say, to speak=Dywedyd, Gwedyn ad, afterwardsnbsp;Gwedd -au vf, aspect, form; yoke; teamnbsp;Gweddaidd a, orderly, appropriate, suitable, decent, becomingnbsp;Gweddeidd-dra n, orderliness, propriety,nbsp;decency; moderation; handsomenessnbsp;Gweddeiddgar a, orderly, decentnbsp;Gweddeiddio v, to make decentnbsp;Gweddi, ïau nf, prayer, supplicationnbsp;Gweddïad n, prayingnbsp;Gweddiad n, conformingnbsp;Gweddiant n, conformitynbsp;Gweddig a, seemly, decentnbsp;Gweddill -ion n, remnant; leavingsnbsp;Gweddillio v, to leave remnantsnbsp;Gweddillyn n, small remnantnbsp;Gweddïo v, to pray, to supplicatenbsp;Gweddïwr, iwyr n, supplicator, suppliant, petitionernbsp;Gweddlys -iau n, herb woadnbsp;Gweddnod -au nf featurenbsp;Gweddog a, connected, yoked [wellnbsp;Gweddol a, orderly; moderate, prettynbsp;Gweddoldeb n, orderliness, reasonable-Gweddoli v, to render orderly [nessnbsp;Gweddu v, to render orderly; to yoke;
to wed; to become, to suit, to befit Gweddus a, orderly; seemly; fittingnbsp;Gweddusdra n, orderliness; fitnessnbsp;Gweddusiad n, making orderlynbsp;Gwedduso v, to render orderly or fitnbsp;Gweddw a, fit for connection; single;nbsp;widow. Gwraig weddw, widow.nbsp;Merch weddw, unmarried woman,nbsp;spinster. Hen ferch weddw, oldnbsp;maid. Mab gweddw, bachelor, singlenbsp;man. Maneg weddw, odd glove.nbsp;Ych gweddw, ox deprived of a fellownbsp;Gweddwad n, rendering or becomingnbsp;single or widowed
Gweddwdod «, single state; widowhood Gweddwi v, to render singlenbsp;Gweddyg -au n, shoe-lastnbsp;Gwefi -au nf, chop, chap, snout, lipnbsp;Gweflaid, eidiau nf, chopfulnbsp;Gweflo V, to lick; to cry; to snivelnbsp;180
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GWK_ Gweflod -iau n, dash on the chops Gweflodio r, to dash the chopsnbsp;Gweflog o, blubber-lippednbsp;Gwefr -an n. ambernbsp;Gwefraidd, Gwefrol o, of the nature ofnbsp;amber; electric. Hysbysai gwefrol,nbsp;electric telegraphnbsp;Gwefreiddio p, to electrifynbsp;Gwefru r, to do with ambernbsp;Gwefus -au n/*, the hnman lipnbsp;Gwefusglec -lau nf^ smack of the lipnbsp;Gwefnsiad n, touching the lipnbsp;Gwefuso V, to touch lipsnbsp;Gwefusog a, having lips I olion, labialsnbsp;Gwefusol a, labial, of the lip, Gwefus-Gweg n, totter waggingnbsp;Gwegi», vanity, levitynbsp;Gwegian v, to keep totteringnbsp;Gwegil -au the nape of the necknbsp;Gwegilio v, to turn the backnbsp;Gwegiisyth a, stiffneckednbsp;Gwegio r, to totter, to wagnbsp;Gwegiol a, tottering, waggingnbsp;Gweglyd a, tottering, feeblenbsp;Gwegriad n, searcing, siftingnbsp;Gwegru v, to scarce, to siftnbsp;Gwegrwr, wyr, Gwegrydd -ion n, sifter;nbsp;sieve-maker Gwegryn n, searcing, sifting Gwegryniad n, searcingnbsp;Gwegrynu, Gwegryn v, to searce, to siftnbsp;Gwengyn n, the sewin fishnbsp;Gweheiyth -au nf. lineage; pedigree,nbsp;genealogy; tribe amp; ’nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;’ Gwehil n/J imperfect fruit Gwehilio v, to yield refusenbsp;Gwehilion np^ refuse, trash, outcasts.nbsp;Gwehilion y bobl, refuse of society,nbsp;scum of the earth, mobnbsp;Gwehilioni v, to yield refusenbsp;Gwehyn -ion n, exhanstionnbsp;Gwehyn a, pouring, sheddingnbsp;Gwehynai, eion n, exhausternbsp;Gwehyniad », effusiounbsp;Gwehynol a, effusing, pouringnbsp;Gwehynu v, to effuse, to pour; to drawnbsp;tiweilchydd -ion n, falconernbsp;Gweilgij loedd nf^ torrent; oceannbsp;Gweilging -oedd n, beam, bar, perchnbsp;Gweih n, spare, surplusagenbsp;Gweilig o, being over, sparenbsp;Jewelling n, pale brass, brassnbsp;Gweilw n, spare, surplusnbsp;Gweilydd -ion n, sparer; absolvernbsp;Gwemi n, service, servitudenbsp;Gweini to attend, to minister, to servenbsp;Gweiniad n, serving; sheathing |
__GWE Gweiniant n, ministration Gweinid «, attendance; servicenbsp;Gweinidog -ion », minister; servantnbsp;Gweinidoga v, to perform service, tonbsp;minister Gweinidogaeth »ƒ, ministry, service Gweinidogaethu v, to ministernbsp;Gweinidoges -au tif, maid-servantnbsp;Gweinidogi Vj to minister, to servenbsp;Gweinidogol a, ministrant, ministerialnbsp;Gweinif n, ministrationnbsp;Gweinifiad, iaid n, one who servesnbsp;Gweinig o, ministrant, servingnbsp;Gweinigio v, to ministernbsp;Gweinigiol a, ministrantnbsp;Gweinio v, to put in a sheathe, to sheathenbsp;Gweiniol a, ministrant; sheathingnbsp;Gweinydd -ion n, attendant; servitornbsp;Gweinyddes -au n/*, female attendantnbsp;Gweinyddferch -ed rif, serving-womannbsp;Gweinyddiad «, ministeringnbsp;Gweinyddiadu r, to minister, to officiatenbsp;Gweinyddiaeth «ƒ, ministry [waitnbsp;Gweinyddu v, to minister; to attend, tonbsp;Gweinyddol a, ministeringnbsp;Gweirdir -oedd n, hay land froeadownbsp;Gweirglawdd, gloddiau n/*, nay-field,nbsp;Gweirio w, to make or become haynbsp;Gweiryn «, blade of haynbsp;Gweisgen -au nfy press, stampnbsp;Gweisgi a, alert, brisk, gay. Onaunbsp;gweisgi, ripe nuts, slipshell nutsnbsp;Gweisgio », to slip out; to make brisknbsp;Gweisgion np, husks, shellsnbsp;Gweisgioni to husk; to crumblenbsp;Gweisionain np, tiny striplingsnbsp;Gweitio v, to wait Gweithdy, dai n, workhouse; workshop Gweithfa, fëydd nf, manufactorynbsp;Gweithfaol a, manufacturingnbsp;Gweithfuddng a. victoriousnbsp;Gweithgar o, industrious; laborioiwnbsp;Gweithian ad, now, at length [timesnbsp;Gweithiau ad, sometimes, at times: np,nbsp;Gweithiedydd -ion n, operatornbsp;Gweithio n, to work, to operate, to labournbsp;Gweithiol a, workingnbsp;Gweithiwr, wyr n, workman, labourernbsp;Gweithle -oedd », workshopnbsp;Gweithon ad, at present, nownbsp;Gweithred -oedd n/^ action, act, deednbsp;Gweithredai, eion n, operatornbsp;Gweithrediad n, working, operationnbsp;Gweithrediadu, Gweithrediannu v, tonbsp;Gweithrediant n, operation [operatenbsp;Gweithredol a, operative, activenbsp;Gweithredu v, to operate, to act, to worknbsp;181 |
Gweithredwr, wyr «, worker, operator Gwel n, the si^ht or visionnbsp;Gweladwy a, what may be seen, visiblenbsp;Gwelameg nf. haw in the eyenbsp;Gwelchyn n, pert little fellownbsp;Gweled to see; to perceive; to observe : n, sight, visionnbsp;Gwelediad n, seeing, perceptionnbsp;Gwelediant», vision, perceptionnbsp;Gweledig a, being seen, visiblenbsp;Gweledigaeth nf^ a vision; apparitionnbsp;Gweledydd -ion n, spectator, seernbsp;Gwelgin «, tong; hitchnbsp;Gweli, ïau », wound; calumnynbsp;Gweliug -an clear space; lawnnbsp;Gweli'o V, to lay open; to woundnbsp;Gwelw a, pale: », pale huenbsp;Gweiwad », making palenbsp;Gwelwder n, palenessnbsp;Gwelwi V, to grow palenbsp;Gwelwlas a, pale blue; palenbsp;Gwely -au n, bed, couch; plat; tribenbsp;Gwelyawd n, lying-innbsp;Gwelyd -on n, opening; woundnbsp;Gwelydd -on n, bed; stock of familynbsp;Gwelyddaint n, state of reposenbsp;Gwelyddu v, to take reposenbsp;Gweiyddyn n, repositorynbsp;Gwelyf -au ti, conch, bednbsp;Gwelyfod n, lying-innbsp;Gwelyfodi v, to lie innbsp;Gwelyg -au n, wine-pressnbsp;Gwelygordd -au nf, kindred, tribenbsp;Gwelyo r, to put in bed, to bed [ditarynbsp;Gwelyog a, bedded, having a bed; faere-Gwell a, better. Ei well, his superiornbsp;Gwella V, to better, to mend, to improvenbsp;Gwellad n, bettering, improvementnbsp;Gwellaif, eifiau », shears, scissorsnbsp;Gwellau v, to better, to improvenbsp;Gwelleifio tgt;, to cut with shearsnbsp;Gwelliad n, bettering, improvementnbsp;Gwelllannu v, to better, to amendnbsp;Gwelliant n, amendment, improvementnbsp;Gwellig a, improving, mendingnbsp;Gwelling n, benedictionnbsp;Gwellineb n, improvementnbsp;Gwellt cn, grass; sward; strawnbsp;GwelJtglas la, ground on which grassnbsp;Gwelltio V, to turn to straw [growsnbsp;Gwelltog a, grassy; having strawnbsp;Gwelltorio v, to cover with grassnbsp;Gwelltyn n, blade of grass; a straw:nbsp;yj gwellten
Gwellweil ad, better and better Gwellynio r, to improvenbsp;G wemp af, fair, gay, splendid; TO,g wymp
Gwempl -an nf, wimple, veil Gwên, gwenau nf, smile, simpernbsp;Gwen white, fair, beautiful; m, gwynnbsp;Gwen nf, fair one, beautynbsp;Gwenan nf blister on the skinnbsp;Gwenci, lod nf, stoat, weazelnbsp;Gwendid -au n, weakness, frailty.nbsp;Gwendid y lleuad, the wane of thenbsp;moon. Mae gwendid ar y lleuad, thenbsp;moon is in the wanenbsp;Gwenddydd nf, the morning starnbsp;Gwener nf what yields bliss; Venus.nbsp;Dfdd Gwener, Friday. Gwenerau,nbsp;Fridays
Gwenfa, fan rf, curb of a bridle=Genfa Gwenhwys, Gwenhwyson nf, men ofnbsp;Gwent or Monmouthshirenbsp;Gwenhwyseg^Monmouthshire dialect,nbsp;the Silurian
Gweniaithr^, bland speech; flattery Gwenieithio, Gwenieitho tJ, to flatternbsp;Gwenieithns a, apt to flatternbsp;Gwenith -oedd -au n amp; cn, wheat[ wheatnbsp;Gwenithen nf, Gwenithyn n, grain ofnbsp;Gwenithfaen, fain, feini n, granitenbsp;Gwennol -iaid nf swallow; shuttlenbsp;Gweno nf, the evening starnbsp;Gwenol a, smiling, pleasingnbsp;Gwent -oedd nf, fair or open region; anbsp;name for Monmouthshirenbsp;Gwentas -au nf high shoe, buskinnbsp;Gwenu v, to smile, to simpernbsp;Gwenwisg -oedd nf surplicenbsp;Gwenwyn n, venom, poisonnbsp;Gwenwyndran, poisonousness; fretful-Gwenwynig a, poisonousnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness
Gwenwynl^^d, Gwenwynol a, poisonous, venomous; peevish, fretful [to fretnbsp;Gwenwyno v, to poison; to be peevish,nbsp;Gwenyd n, felicity, happiness, blissnbsp;Gwenydfa -oedd nf the place of blissnbsp;Gwenydiad n, making happynbsp;Gwenydu v, to felicitatenbsp;Gwenyddiad n, felicitynbsp;Gwenyddol a,felicitous; amusingnbsp;Gwenyn np (-en nf), bees. Gwaith Jnbsp;gwenyn, checker worknbsp;Gwenymle -oedd », place for beesnbsp;Gwenynllestr -i », beehivenbsp;Gwenynog a, abounding with beesnbsp;Gweol a, relating to weaving, textilenbsp;Gwep -au nf, visage, phiznbsp;Gwepia, Gwepa nf, the visage or looknbsp;Gwepio V, to make a long facenbsp;Gwer n, shadenbsp;Gwer n, tallow, suetnbsp;Gwerchyr -iau n, cover, lidnbsp;182
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Gwerydu r, to sward; to grow moss; to till; to manure
Gwerydwedd nf^ the face of the earth Gwerydd -on «, spring; youthnbsp;Gweryddol o, tending to springnbsp;Gweryddu fgt;, to spring; to wantonnbsp;Gweryn -od n, worm, botnbsp;Gweryru v, to neighnbsp;Gwes, gwys n, what is movingnbsp;Gwesgrydd n, circumrotationnbsp;Gwesgryn n, agitationnbsp;Gwesgrynu r, to cause agitationnbsp;Gwesawd «, departurenbsp;Gwest -i -au «/*, visit; entertainmentnbsp;Gwesta r, to go visitingnbsp;Gwestach n, the state of being a guestnbsp;Gwestai, eion nc, visitor, guestnbsp;Gwesteiad, Gwestiad n, visiting aboutnbsp;Gwesteiaeth nf, act of visitingnbsp;Gwestfa, fau n/j lodging; entertainment,nbsp;parlour, guest-chambernbsp;Gwestfil -od n, prowling animalnbsp;Gwestifiant, iaint n, visitor, guestnbsp;Gwestl -au n, hurly-burly, riotnbsp;Gwestle -oedd n, place of entertainment,nbsp;lodging-house
Gwestledd n, tumultuous state Gwestlog a, riotous, tumultuousnbsp;Gwestlu V, to raise a tumultnbsp;Gwestr -au n/*, hitch, noosenbsp;Gwestty, tai n, inn, hotelnbsp;Gwestu tgt;, to lodge; to entertainnbsp;Gwestwng n, going downnbsp;Gwestyngu r, to decline=Gostwngnbsp;Gwesn v, to depart, to go outnbsp;Gwesyn n, youth; pagenbsp;Gwesyndod n, servilitynbsp;Gwethl n, start, springnbsp;Gwethlu r, to start, to springnbsp;Gweu r, to weave, to knitnbsp;Gweuad n, weaving; knittingnbsp;Gweunblu np (-en n/quot;), meadow-downnbsp;Gweundir -oedd n, meadow-landnbsp;Gweuol a, weaving; knittingnbsp;Gweurydd -on n, slavenbsp;Gweus -au n=Gwefusnbsp;Gwew n, purgency; smartnbsp;Gwewyr », pain, anguish: «/gt;, spearmennbsp;Gwewyrlys n, anise-seednbsp;Gweyd v, to say, to speaknbsp;Gweydd - ion n, weavernbsp;Gweyddes -au female weavernbsp;Gwëyddiaeth n/J weaver’s tradenbsp;Gwg, gygon n, frown; glancenbsp;Gwi n, sudden emotion, gleenbsp;Gwial, gwiail np^ rods, twigsnbsp;Gwiala r, to gather twigs
Gwercbyrio v, to cover with a lid Gwerdd q/J green, verdant: to, gwyrddnbsp;Gwerddem -an, Gwerdden nf^ emeraldnbsp;Gwerddon -au n/J green spot, meadnbsp;Gwerddonell n/*, wild clarynbsp;Gwerddyr «/*, the sharebonenbsp;Gweren -i «ƒ, cake of tallownbsp;Gwerf -au n/quot;, verbnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[people
Gwerin en, the multitude; the common Gwerin o, vulgar; universalnbsp;Gwerinad n, becoming generalnbsp;Gweriniaeth democracynbsp;Gweriniaethol a, democraticnbsp;Gwerinlywodraeth -au nf^ democracy,nbsp;democratic governmentnbsp;Gwerino v. to make or become prevalentnbsp;or common
Gwerinol a, universal; vulgar Gwerinos cn, the rabble, the mobnbsp;Gwerinwr, wyr, Gweriniaethwr, wyr «,nbsp;democrat; democratist; republicannbsp;Gwerlas -au nf^ green meadownbsp;Gwerlin n, pure descentnbsp;Gwern -ydd n/*, swamp; mead; aldernbsp;grove: np, alder-treesnbsp;Gwernen -i n/*, alder-tree; mast of a shipnbsp;Gwerol a, tallowy; like suetnbsp;Gwers -i n/| space, while; verse. Gwersnbsp;tra gwers, alternatelynbsp;Gwersa t?, to tattle, to gossipnbsp;Gwersig n/j short lessonnbsp;Gwersigl -au n/J versiclenbsp;Gwersyll, Gwersyllt -oedd n, encampment, camp; garrisonnbsp;Gwersyllfa -oedd n/quot;, site of a campnbsp;Gwersylliad n, encamping, castramen-GwersvUu r, to encampnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tation
Gwerth n, value, price; sale Gwerthadwy a, saleable, vendablenbsp;Gwerthedigaeth nf^ sale, venditionnbsp;Gwerthetin a, sovereignnbsp;Gwerthfawr o, valuable, preciousnbsp;Gwerthfawredd «, preciousnessnbsp;Gwerthfawrog o, precious. Gwerth-fawrocaf, most preciousnbsp;Gwerthiad n, selling, vendingnbsp;Gwerthiant«, price; venditionnbsp;Gwerthiog a, precious, valuablenbsp;Gwerthu o, to sell; to trafficnbsp;Gwerthyd -au n/j spindle, axisnbsp;Gwerthydaid, eidiau nf, spindlefulnbsp;Gwerthydu r, to put on a spindlenbsp;Gwerthyr -oedd n, fortification, fortnbsp;Gweru o, to generate tallownbsp;Gweryd -au n, sward; manure; mossnbsp;Gwerydre, rau n/J cultivated land; inhabited region; landscape
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Gwialen -i, gwiail nf^ rod; perch Gwialenaid, eidiau nf^ length of a rodnbsp;Gwialenflfust -iau nf^ fiail-yardnbsp;Gwialenod -iau n/j stroke of a rod, stripenbsp;Gwialenodio v, to beat with a rodnbsp;Gwialffnst -iau flail-yardnbsp;Gwib -iau «ƒ, serpentine course; range;nbsp;drive : a, wandering. Seren wib,nbsp;wandering star; cometnbsp;Gwibad ranging aboutnbsp;Gwibdde nf^ darting aboutnbsp;Gwiber -od n/J serpent; vipernbsp;Gwibfa -oedd wandering coursenbsp;Gwibhwylio tgt;, to cruisenbsp;Gwibiad, iaid u, stroller, vagrantnbsp;Gwibio to rove, to gad, to wandernbsp;Gwibiol a, erratic, wanderingnbsp;Gwibli n, gadding, vagrancynbsp;Gwibio to fly or gad aboutnbsp;Gwiblong -au nf^ cruisernbsp;Gwiblu -oedd «c, band of vagrantsnbsp;Gwibwrn, yrnau whirling eddynbsp;Gwica r, to hawk or cry aboutnbsp;Gwiced -au n/*, wicket, gatenbsp;Gwicor -ion w, hawker, pedlernbsp;Gwich -iau w/, crash; squeaknbsp;Gwichad n, squeakingnbsp;Gwichell -od nf^ creaker, squeakernbsp;Gwichiad, iaid, Gwichiedyn n, perinbsp;winkle, sea snail (.ing or squealingnbsp;Gwichian, Gwichial v, to keep squeak-Gwichio to creak; to squeak, to squealnbsp;Gwichydd -ion, Gwichyll, Gwichyn -odnbsp;Gwid w, quick whirlnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[u, fitchet
Gwidd Ö, dried, withered Gwiddan -od, Gwiddanes -au n/*, hag;nbsp;Gwiddiant«, witheringnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(_witch
Gwiddon -od nf^ witch, hag Gwiddon np, rotted particles; mitesnbsp;Gwiddoni v, to dry rot; to breed mitesnbsp;Gwiddonog a, having mitesnbsp;Gwif -ion -iau n, lever, crow-barnbsp;Gwifr -au n amp; n/J wire, wires: a, gwifrennbsp;Gwifrwym -au «, fulcrumnbsp;Gwig -oedd ti/J nook, cove, lodge; opening in a wood; a woodnbsp;Gwigfa -oedd nf^ cove, retreatnbsp;Gwing -au nf^ wriggle, wince; winknbsp;Gwinged n, wriggling; wantonnessnbsp;Gwingiad n, wriggling; wincingnbsp;Gwingo r, to wriggle; to wince; to winknbsp;Gwingog, Gwingol a, wriggling; wink-Gwingwr, wyr n, straggler; wincer [ingnbsp;Gwil», shunning, avoidingnbsp;Gwilfrai », badger; herb yarrownbsp;Gwilff -od «ƒ, epithet for a marenbsp;Gwiihersiromping
Gwilhersu v, to romp about Gwilhobain v. to be gallopingnbsp;Gwiliad n, taking carenbsp;Gwiliadwraeth bewaringnbsp;Gwilied v, to take care, to guardnbsp;Gwiiio V, to take care, to bewarenbsp;Gwilog V, full of starts: n/l marenbsp;Gwilri w, wantou squeal [squealnbsp;Gwilrin n, squeal of ecstacy:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;to
Gwilwst w/*, epithet for a mare Gwill -ion n, strayer, vagabondnbsp;Gwilliad, iaid n, vagrant; lurkernbsp;Gwilliades -au female strollernbsp;Gwin -oedd u, winenbsp;Gwina v, to tipple winenbsp;Gwiniaeth tï/*, vintagenbsp;Gwinaethu v, to gather the vintagenbsp;Gwinc -od nf, the chaffinchnbsp;Gwinegr w, vinegarnbsp;Gwineu «, bay, auburnnbsp;Gwineuo ?gt;, to turn to a bay colournbsp;Gwingafn -au n, wine-pressnbsp;Gwinien nf^ vine-tree, vinenbsp;Gwiniolen nf^ maple-treenbsp;Gwiniolwydd np (-en maple-treesnbsp;Gwinllan -oedd -au nf, vineyard: plau-Gwinol a, of wine, vinous [tationnbsp;Gwinrawn np, vine grapesnbsp;Gwinsang, Gwinwasg -au tj/*, wine-pressnbsp;Gwinwr, wyr, Gwinydd -ion n, vintnernbsp;Gwinwryf -au -oedd », wine-pressnbsp;Gwinwydd np (-en «/*), vinesnbsp;Gwipai, eiod nf, sparrow-hawknbsp;Gwir -oedd n, truth; purity; justice;nbsp;Gwir a, true, just, right; pure [ethernbsp;Gwiredd -au », verity, truthnbsp;Gwireddol a, veritablenbsp;Gwireddoli v, to realizenbsp;Gwireddu v, to verifynbsp;Gwirf -ion n, alcoholnbsp;Gwirfoddn, good will, consent; contentnbsp;Gwirf oddeb -au nf voluntary (in music)nbsp;Gwirfoddol a, voluntary; wilfulnbsp;Gwirfoddoldeb n, voluntarinessnbsp;Gwiriad n, verifyingnbsp;Gwiriadwy a, verifiablenbsp;Gwiriant», verificationnbsp;Gwiriedigaeth nf verificationnbsp;Gwiriedigaethu v, to verifynbsp;Gwirin a, of pure or true naturenbsp;Gwirineb », v^ty, truthnbsp;Gwirio to verify, to certify; to assertnbsp;Gwiriol a, verifying; positivenbsp;Gwirion o, truly right; innocent; weak-minded ; -iaid innocent; idiotnbsp;Gwiriondeb n, innocence; ignorancenbsp;Gwirionedd -au n, truth, veritynbsp;184
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Gwiawiol Uj relating to rain Gwlawlen -1 rif, umbrellanbsp;Gwlawlyd o, apt to rain, rainynbsp;Gwlawog o, of rain, rainynbsp;Gwlawogydd np, rains, showersnbsp;Gwleb q^ wet, moist: m, gwlybnbsp;Gwledig a, countrified, rustic, rural;
boorish; supreme Gwledigo v, to rusticate; to rulenbsp;Gwledwch n, dominionnbsp;Gwledychfa -oedd nf, settlement, colonynbsp;Gwledd -au -oedd nf, banquet, feastnbsp;Gwledda v, to carouse, to leastnbsp;Gwleddiad n, carousingnbsp;Gwleddog a, having a feastnbsp;Gwleddol a, festival, festive [ti(»nbsp;Gwleiaiadaeth, Gwleidyddiaeth nf, poli-Gwleidiadol, Gwleidyddol a, politicalnbsp;Gwleidiadur -iaid n, politiciannbsp;Gwleiddiad -on n, one of a country; ca-Gwlf, gylfon n, channel, notch [rousingnbsp;Gwlith -oedd n, dew, dew-fallnbsp;Gwlithen -i n/] blister; the dew-snailnbsp;Gwlithfalwen, falwod «/*, dew-snailnbsp;Gwlithiad n, falling of dewnbsp;Gwlitho V, to cast a dew, to dewnbsp;Gwlithog a, having dew, dewynbsp;Gwiithwlaw n, small or drizzling rainnbsp;Gwlithyn n, dewdrop: p, gwlithosnbsp;Gwlw - on n, channel, notchnbsp;Gwlyb -ion n, liquid, moisture; spoonnbsp;Gwlyb a, liquid, wet, moist [victualsnbsp;Gwlybaniaeth n, humidity, moisturenbsp;GwlybhSd », humefactionnbsp;Gwlybhau v, to humectatenbsp;Gwlybiad, Gwlybiant, Gwiychiadn,wetting; humectationnbsp;Gwlyborliyd o, humid, moist, wetnbsp;Gwlybu V, to wet, to moistennbsp;Gwlybwr, yrau, yrion », liquidnbsp;Gwlybyrog a, humid, rainynbsp;Gwlych n, moistnro, humiditynbsp;Gwlychu V, to wet, to moistennbsp;Gwlydd -ion cn, soft stems of plantnbsp;Gwlydd a, mild, tender, soft, gentlenbsp;Gwlyddh^d, Gwlyddiad n, mollifyingnbsp;Gwlyddhau v, to mollify, to softennbsp;Gwn, gj^nau charger, bowl; gunnbsp;Gwn V, 1 know, present tense of Gwybodnbsp;G^, gynau n, gown, loose robenbsp;Gwnaeth v, past tense of Gwneuthurnbsp;Gwneddyd, Gwnelid, Gwneuthyd =snbsp;Gwneuthur
Gwneuthur, Gwneyd r, to do, to execute, to perform, to make. Gwna di hyn, do thou this. Gwna y tro, itnbsp;Gwni », stitch, sewingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[will do
Gwirioneddiad n, verification Gwirioneddu v, to verifynbsp;Gwirioneddus a, verifyingnbsp;Gwirioni v, to become an innocent ornbsp;idiot; to grow foolish, to dotenbsp;Gwirioniad, laid n, innocentnbsp;Gwirionyn «, simpletonnbsp;Gwirod -an -ydd n and jj/J spiritousnbsp;liquor; liquor; wassailnbsp;Gwirodi v, to serve spirits or liquornbsp;Gwirodol a, spiritousnbsp;Gwirota r, to tipple liquorsnbsp;Gwirotai, eion »c, dram-drinkernbsp;Gwirotty, tai w, ginshop, dramshopnbsp;Gwisg -oedd nj] garment, dressnbsp;Gwisgad, Gwisgiad, Gwisgogaeth «,nbsp;dressing; wearing, Gwisgad, dress.nbsp;Gwisgi a=iGweisginbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[apparel
Gwisgo, Gwisgiadu v, to dress, to put on; to apparel
Gwiw a, apt; fit, meet, worthy [ness Gwiwdeb, Gwiwdod w, fitness; worthi-Gwiwell -od iif, widgeon; female salmonnbsp;Gwiwer -od n, squirrelnbsp;Gwiwsain, seiniau n/| euphonynbsp;Gwiwydd np (-en «/*), poplar-treesnbsp;Gwlad,gwledydd,gwladoedd n/l country,nbsp;region. Gwlad ac eglwys, churchnbsp;and state
Gwladaidd a, country-like, rustic [ful ^wladeiddio v, to rusticate; to be bash-Gwladeiddrwydd n, rusticitynbsp;Gwladfa -oedd tj/J colony, settlementnbsp;Gwladgar, Gwladgaroi a, patrioticnbsp;Gwladgarwch n, patriotismnbsp;Gwladgarwr, wyr n, patriotfstate policynbsp;Gwladlywiad n, Gwladlywiaetii nj]nbsp;Gwladogi, Gwladoli r, to rusticatenbsp;Gwladol a, of a country; civilnbsp;Gwladwch w, common wealnbsp;Gwladweinydd -ion n, state8man[patriotnbsp;Gwladwr, wyr n, countryman, rustic;nbsp;Gwladwriaetb government, statenbsp;Gwladwriaethol a, political, politicnbsp;Gwladwriaethwr, wyr n, politiciannbsp;Gwladychfa -oedd n/, settlement, colonynbsp;Gwladychiad n,governing; colonizationnbsp;tjwladychu r, to reign; to inhabit; tonbsp;settle, to colonizenbsp;wlaidd a, Wing moisture; mildnbsp;J^wlan -oedd n, woolnbsp;Gwlana u, to gather woolnbsp;Gwlaneu -i, gwienyn nj] flannelnbsp;«wlaniach np^ downy nairsnbsp;Uwlanog a. having wool, woolly
n, rain. Bwrw gwlaw, to Gwlawio Vj to rainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[rain
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Gwnïad n, sewing, stitching Gwnïadur -iau nf^ thimblenbsp;Gwnïadydd, Gwnïedydd -ion n, stitchernbsp;Ownïadyddes -au nf, seamstressnbsp;Gwnïadyddiaeth nj, the business of anbsp;seamstress, dressmakingnbsp;Gwnïo Cj to sew, to stitchnbsp;Gwo pz, often used for Gonbsp;Gwobr -an nf and ti, reward, fee, prizenbsp;Gwp -iau n, head and neck of a birdnbsp;Gwr, gw Jr «, man, person; husband.nbsp;Gwr priod, gwr gwreigiog, gwr gwraig,nbsp;married man, husband. Y gwr drwg,nbsp;the evil one; the devilnbsp;Gwra Vj to take a husbandnbsp;Gwrab -od n, monkey, apenbsp;Gwrach -od nf, hag, old woman, witchnbsp;Gwrachaidd a, like an old hagnbsp;Gwrachan -od nc, little creaturenbsp;Gwrachanes -au n/| little old womannbsp;Gwracha8teU-odn/',off-board of a ploughnbsp;Gwracheiddio v, to grow haggishnbsp;Gwrachell -od puny dwartnbsp;Gwrachen -od nj, crabbed dwarfnbsp;Gwrachi n, anility; puninessnbsp;Gwrachïaidd a, old-womanishnbsp;Gwrachïo v, to become a hag; to grownbsp;Gwrachiod np, old women [decrepitnbsp;Gwradwydd n, reproach=:Gwaradwyddnbsp;Gwradd », quantitynbsp;Gwraddiad n, aggregationnbsp;Gwraddu v, to aggregate, to heapnbsp;Qwrag n, what curves off; bracernbsp;Gwragen -i nf, rib of a tilt or basketnbsp;Gwragenu v, to rib; to curvenbsp;Gwraich, gwreichion «, sparklenbsp;Gwraid n, what is ardent; flush [rootsnbsp;Gwraidd, gwreiddiau cn (gwreiddyn n),nbsp;Gwraidd a, manly
Gwraig, gwragedd nf woman; wi/e. Gwraig briod, gwraig wriog, marrieQnbsp;woman, wife. Gwraig foneddig, ladynbsp;Gwrageddos np, gossips; silly womennbsp;Gwraint np, worms in the skin; tettersnbsp;Gwrandaw^ Gwrando tgt;, to hearken, tonbsp;Gwrandawiad n, listening [listennbsp;Gwrandawus o, attentivenbsp;Gwrandawr, wyr n, hearernbsp;Gwrcath -od n, he-catnbsp;Gwrcatha v, to caterwaulnbsp;Gwrcathaint n, caterwaulingnbsp;Gwrch n, what is upon or overnbsp;Gwrda, gwyrda n, man of notenbsp;Gwrdaeth n, manlinessnbsp;Gwrdd a, stout; ardent, vehementnbsp;Gwrddu v, to render ardentnbsp;Gwrddyn », dart; javelin
Gwrechyn «, crabbed fellow Gwregys -an n, girdle, zonenbsp;Gwregysiad n, girdlingnbsp;Gwregysol a, having a girdlenbsp;Gwregysu v, to girdle, to girdnbsp;Gwreng -od n, plebeian; yeoman: cn,nbsp;the common peoplenbsp;Gwrengaidd a, plebeian, boorishnbsp;Gwrengyn n, surly clownnbsp;Gwreica v, to take a wifenbsp;Gwreigdra n, fondness of women, adul-Gwreichion np (-en nf), emanations,nbsp;sparks
Gwreichioni v, to sparkle, to scintillate Gwreichionog a, full of sparksnbsp;Gwreichionol a, sparklingnbsp;Gwreiddiadur -on n, etymologiconnbsp;Gwreiddio v, to root, to originatenbsp;Gwreiddio v, to make or become manlynbsp;Gwreiddiog a, having roots, rootednbsp;Gwreiddiol a, radical; rooted; originalnbsp;G^reiddiol a, manlynbsp;Gwreiddioldeb n, radicalness; originalitynbsp;Gwreiddionos np, radicles; gwreidd-Gwreiddrndd nf the madder [ionynnbsp;Gwreiddyn, gwreiddiau n, rootnbsp;Gwreigdda nf. good-woman, goodynbsp;Gwreigen nf, little womannbsp;Gwreigeiddio v, to become effeminatenbsp;Gwreighau v, to grow a womannbsp;Gwreigiaidd a, female; matronlynbsp;Gwreigiog a, having a wifenbsp;Gwreigiol a, femininenbsp;Gwreignith -od nf, little womannbsp;Gwreindod, G^reinawd n, virilitynbsp;Gwreinen nf, ringworm: m, gwreinynnbsp;Gwrendy v, will hearkennbsp;Gwres n, heat, warmthnbsp;Gwresfynag, fyneig n, thermometernbsp;Gwresiad n, rendering hotnbsp;Gwresog a, warm; fervent, hearty; hotnbsp;Gwresogi v, to become or make hotnbsp;Gwresol a, of a heating qualitynbsp;Gwresu igt;, to fill with heatnbsp;G wrferch -ed, Gwrforwyn -ion nf, viragonbsp;Gwrgi, gwn », cannibalnbsp;Gwrhau v, to become manly; to donbsp;Gwrhewri n, jocularitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[homag*
Gwrhewcrus a, full of jokes Gwrhewg a, extremely playfulnbsp;Gwrhewgr n, aptness to be jocularnbsp;Gwrhyd -oedd n, fathom, six feetnbsp;Gwrhydri n, heroism, braverynbsp;Gwrhydu v, to fathomnbsp;Gwriaeth nf, man^s estatenbsp;Gwrial n, combating: v, to play the mannbsp;Gwrid n, blush; flush
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Gwridgoch a, florid, raddy, red Gwrido v, to blushnbsp;Gwridog a, having a blush, blushingnbsp;Gwridogi V, to become ruddynbsp;Gwring -oedd », snap; cracklenbsp;Gwringain r, to snap; to cracklenbsp;Gwringeil -au nƒ^ snap; slicenbsp;Gwringelliad n, snappingnbsp;Gwringellu tJ, to snap, to slicenbsp;Gwriog a, having a husbandnbsp;Gwriogaeth nf^ homagenbsp;Gwriogaethu v, to do homagenbsp;Gwrith n, what is apparentnbsp;Gwrm n, dusky hue, dun; a, dusky,nbsp;Gwrmder «, duskiness [dun: q/J gormnbsp;Gwrmlas », sea-greennbsp;Gwrmu tgt;, to make duskynbsp;Gwrn, gyrnau n, cone; um; vesselnbsp;tapering upwardsnbsp;Gwrnerth n, the speedwellnbsp;Gwrol a, manly; valiant, bravenbsp;Gwrolaeth n/j manhood; fortitudenbsp;Gwroldeb n, manUness, courage; virilitynbsp;Gwrolfryd n, magnanimitynbsp;Gwrolgamp -au rif, manly featnbsp;GwroU r, to become manlynbsp;Gwrolwych a, brave, manlynbsp;Gwron -iaid n, worthy, hero [manurenbsp;Gwrtaeth, teithion n, what improves;nbsp;Gwrteithiad n, manuringnbsp;Gwrteithio v, to manure; to refresh; tonbsp;cultivate; to improvenbsp;Gwrteithiol a, meliorating, improvingnbsp;Gwrth -oedd fi, opposition, contrastnbsp;Gwrth px, counter-, contra-, anti-, re-,nbsp;with-, adverse, againstnbsp;Gwrth pxj against, opposite to, bynbsp;Gwrthachos -ion », contrary causenbsp;Gwrthachwyn -ion n, counter complaintnbsp;Gwrthadrodd -ion n, counter recitalnbsp;Gwrthaddysg n, heresynbsp;Gwrthagwedd -au nf, counter formnbsp;Gwrthaing n/, wedgenbsp;Gwrthair, eiriau n, antiphrasis; protestnbsp;Gwrthalw tgt;, to recallnbsp;Gwrthallu -oedd n, opposing powernbsp;^wrthamcan -ion «, counter projectnbsp;Gwrthanfon c, to send adverselynbsp;Gwrthanian nf^ contrary naturenbsp;Gwrthannog -ion », dehortationnbsp;Gwrthansawdd, soddion n, contrarynbsp;Gwrtharddelw n, counterclaim [qualitynbsp;J^wrtharfawd, odau n/*, counter strokenbsp;Gwrtharwain to lead backnbsp;Gwrthateb -ion n, replicationnbsp;^wrthattal -ion n, counter stopnbsp;Gwrthau r, to withstand, to oppose
Gwrthawel -on nf^ adverse gale Gwrthban -au «, blanketnbsp;Gwrthbanu v, to double-millnbsp;Gwrthben -au n, counter-head; rivetnbsp;Gwrthblaid, bleidiau adverse partynbsp;Gwrthblyg -ion n, duplicatenbsp;Gwrthbrawf, brofion n, refutationnbsp;Gwrthbryn n, counter-buyingnbsp;Gwrthbwys -au n, counterpoisenbsp;Gwrthbwyth -au », retaliationnbsp;Gwrthchwyl -ion nf^ counter coursenbsp;Gwrthchwyth n, counter blastnbsp;Gwrthdaith, deithiau counter marchnbsp;Gwrthdal -ion n, counter paymentnbsp;Gwrthdaro r, to repel, to repulsenbsp;Gwrthdir -oedd n, upland, highlandnbsp;Gwrthdor -ion », refractionnbsp;Gwrthdrafod -au nf^ contraventionnbsp;Gwrthdramwy -on n, retrogradationnbsp;Gwrthdrig n, counter residencenbsp;Gwrthdrigolion np, antoecinbsp;Gwrthdrin n, contraventionnbsp;Gwrthdro -ion », turn back, retortnbsp;Gwrthdroedion, Gwrthdroediaid, Gwrth-droedogion np^ the antipodesnbsp;Gwrthdwng n, contrary oath, counternbsp;swearing
Gwrthdwyth ti, springing back; elas-Gwrthdyn n, reluctance nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ticity
Gwrthdynu r, to pull adversely Gwrthdyst -iou n, counter evidencenbsp;Gwrthdywyn n, reflection of lightnbsp;Gwrthddadl -au n/| controversynbsp;Gwrthddadleuwr, wyr «, controvertist;
an opposing pleader, antagonist Gwrthddangos w, contra-indicationnbsp;Gwrthddal with-holdingnbsp;Gwrthddeddtiad -iaid n, antinomiannbsp;Gwrthddrych -au n, objectnbsp;Gwrthddrychiad, iaid n, assign; heirnbsp;Gwrthddysg n, heresynbsp;Gwrthddywedyd v, to contradictnbsp;Gwrthddywediad n, contradictionnbsp;Gwrtheb -ion n, objectionnbsp;Gwrthedrych n, retrospectnbsp;Gwrthegui, ïon n, reactionnbsp;Gwrtheiriad n, antiphrasisnbsp;Gwrthenwad n, antinomasianbsp;Gwrthergyd -ion n, repulsenbsp;Gwrthern -i n, relation in the seventhnbsp;degree of affinity
Gwrthfach -au n, the beard of a dart Gwrthfarn -au nf, adverse judgmentnbsp;Gwrthfechni, ïon n, counter securitynbsp;Gwrthfeiad n, recriminationnbsp;Gwrthfin -ion n, counter edgenbsp;Gwrthfodd -ion n, displeasurenbsp;187
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G'wrlhfrad -au n, counter plot Gwrthfraenol a, antisepticnbsp;Gwrthfur -iau n, contramurenbsp;Gwrthfwriad n, casting backnbsp;Gwrtbgas o, perverse, frowardnbsp;Gwrtligefn -au supportnbsp;Gwrthgerdd n, retrograde coursenbsp;Gwrthgerydd n, recriminationnbsp;Gwrthgil -ion n, receding, revoltnbsp;Gwrthgiliad n, receding, going back;
revolting, backsliding; apostacy Gwrthgilio tgt;, to recede; to revolt; tonbsp;apostatize, to backslide [apostatenbsp;Gwrthgili wr, wyr w, backslider; seceder;nbsp;Gwrthgis -ion n, retort, rebuffnbsp;Gwrthglafrolion np, antiscorbuticsnbsp;Gwrthglawdd, gloddiau n, contravala-Gwrthgloch nf, resounding, echo [tionnbsp;Gwrthgred «ƒ, counter beliefnbsp;Gwrthgri ti, counter clamournbsp;Gwrthgrist -iau w, antichristnbsp;Gwrthgrych a, crossgrainednbsp;Gwrthgnr n, counter strokenbsp;Gwrthgwymp n, apostacy, falling awaynbsp;Gwrthgwyii -ion n, counter complaintnbsp;Gwrthgyfarch n, rencounternbsp;Gwrthgyfer », contr^tnbsp;Gwrthgyfle -oedd n, counter positionnbsp;Gwrthgyfnewid -iau -ion n, counternbsp;change
Gwrthgynghor -ion n, dehortation Gwrthgyhndded ti/J recriminationnbsp;Gwrthgylch -au n, counter circlenbsp;Gwrthgynllwyn -ion », counter plotnbsp;Gwrthgynnal n, counter supportnbsp;Gwrth-hawl, holion ^ counter pleanbsp;Gwrth-hoei -ion nfy plug; rivetnbsp;Gwrthiad n, opposingnbsp;Gwrthiaith «ƒ contradictionnbsp;Gwrthias -au nf, counter shocknbsp;Gwrthio v, to oppose, to resistnbsp;Gwrthladd », resistance: v, to resistnbsp;Gwrthlais, leisiau n, counter soundnbsp;Gwrthlam -au n. counter stepnbsp;Gwrthief -au nf^ cry againstnbsp;Gwrthlewych n, reflected lightnbsp;Gwrthlif -oedd n, counter currentnbsp;Gwrthlun -iau », antitypenbsp;Gwrthlyngyrlon np, anthelminticsnbsp;Gwrthlys n, repugnance; colt’s footnbsp;Gwrthlyw n, counter guidenbsp;Gwrthnaid, neidiau r^. leap backwardsnbsp;Gwrthnaws n, antipathy, dislikenbsp;Gwrthnerth -oedd n, counter powernbsp;Gwrthneu -on n, objection; protestnbsp;Gwrthnewid -iau n, counter changenbsp;Gwrthnod -au n, counter mark
Gwrthnysig a, refractory; stubborn Gwrtho V, to withstandnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dicate
Gwrthod to refuse, to reject, to ab-Gwrthod n, refusal, rejection Gwrthodiad n, rejectionnbsp;Gwrthol fl, adverse, contrarynbsp;Gwrtholwg retrospectnbsp;Gwrtholygn v, to take a retrospect; tonbsp;look contrarily
Gwrthosod v, to place in opposition Gwrtbosodiad n, placing in opposition;
opposition; counter proposition Gwrthran -au n/J counter sharenbsp;Gwrthrawd, rodion n/) hostile armynbsp;Gwrthred -ion «ƒ, recurrencenbsp;Gwrthreithiad, laid n, antinomiannbsp;Gwrthres -i ^ adverse rownbsp;Gwrthrif -au n, counter reckoningnbsp;Gwrthrimyn -au -od n, pair of pincersnbsp;Gwrthrith -ion n, reflected objectnbsp;Gwrthrod -au nfy counter wheelnbsp;Gwrthrodiad », retrocessionnbsp;Gwrthrodd -ion nf^ counter giftnbsp;Gwrthrwyf -au n, counter impulsionnbsp;Gwrthrwym -au », counter bondnbsp;Gwrthryd -au n, adverse coursenbsp;Gwrthryfel -oedd n, rebellion; mutinynbsp;Gwrthryfela, Gwrthryfelu v, to rebelnbsp;Gwrthryfelgar a, rebellious; mutinousnbsp;Gwrthryfelgarwch n, rebelliousnessnbsp;Gwrthryfelwr, wyr n, rebelnbsp;Gwrthrym -iau «, contrary energynbsp;Gwrthryn -ion n, oppugnancynbsp;Gwrthryw -iau «, contrary kindnbsp;Gwrthsaf -ion n, oppositionnbsp;Gwrthsain, seinian nf, counter soundnbsp;Gwrthsefyll r, to withstand, to resistnbsp;Gwrthsur o, antacidnbsp;Gwrthsyniad n. counter designnbsp;Gwrthun a, ugly, unseemly, illfavoured;nbsp;Gwrthuni n, deformity, ugliness [absurdnbsp;Gwrthwad n, counter denialnbsp;Gwrthwahan n, counter divisionnbsp;Gwrthwaith », retroactionnbsp;Gwrthwal -iau n/J contramurenbsp;Gwrthwan nf, contraventionnbsp;Gwrtbwe -oedd nfy liningnbsp;Gwrthwead n, counter weavingnbsp;Gwrthwediad n, contradictionnbsp;Gwrthwedd -au n/J contrastnbsp;Gwrthwel -ion n, retrospect [doWnbsp;Gwrthwenwyn n, counter poison; anti-Gwrthwrwst a, antispasmodicnbsp;Gwrthwyneb «, contrariety; nauseanbsp;Gwrthwynebadwy a, that may be opposed, resistiblenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tatiou
Gwrthwynebiad », opposition, confron-
Gwnllio Vy to bloom, to blossom
Gwy -on w, fluid, liquid, water Gwyach -od «/quot;, water-fowl; grebenbsp;Gwyal -au goal; the templenbsp;Gwyalen, Gwyalfan -au nf^ goal, marknbsp;Gwyar «, gore, congealed bloodnbsp;Gwyban -od nf^ any sort of flynbsp;Gwy bed np (-yn n), gnats, fliesnbsp;Gwybedydd -ion «, one who knows;nbsp;Gnostic
Gwybod -au n, knowledge, science. Gwybodau a chelfyddydau, sciencesnbsp;and arts
Gwybod tgt;, to know, to perceive Gwybodaeth nf, knowledgenbsp;Gwybodol o, knowingnbsp;Gwybodus a, knowing, being informednbsp;Gwybren -au nf, ether, the skynbsp;Gwybro v, to grow subtilenbsp;Gwybrol a, ethereal, aerialnbsp;Gwybyddiad -au n, being conscious:
laid n, one who is conscious [ ledge Gwybyddiaeth nf consciousness; know-Gwybyddol a, conscious; knowingnbsp;Gwybyddu v, to be conscious; to informnbsp;Gwybyddus a, conscious, acquaintednbsp;Gwych a, gallant, brave; gaudy, gay;
healthy: f gwech. Bydd wych, fare-Gwychder gallantry; pomp [well Gwychi n, wax^ scum of honeynbsp;Gwychiais, leisiau n, squeaking voicenbsp;Gwychr a, valiant, bravenbsp;Gwychu V, to make gallant; to adornnbsp;Gwychydd -ion n, hero, worthynbsp;Gwyd -iau n, passion, vice, sinnbsp;Gwydio v, to become viciousnbsp;Gwydiol a, vicious, wickednbsp;Gwydn a, tough, tenacious, viscidnbsp;Gwydnedd n, toughness, tenacitynbsp;Gwydnhau v, to become toughnbsp;Gwydr -au n, glass; drinking-glassnbsp;Gwydraid n, glassfulnbsp;Gwydraidd, Gwydrin a, vitreous, glassynbsp;Gwydro v, to do with glassnbsp;Gwydrogi v, to turn to glassnbsp;Gwydrol a, vitreous, glassynbsp;Gwydroli r, to vitrify, to turn to glassnbsp;Gwydrwr, wyr n, glaziernbsp;Gwydryn -au n, drinking-glassnbsp;Gwydus a, of a stubborn bent, viciousnbsp;Gwyddn, presence: a, overgrown; wildnbsp;Gvvydd, gwyddau nf goosenbsp;Gw^dd n, knowledge; frame of wood,nbsp;loom; plough: np (-en nf), treesnbsp;Gwyddan -od nf sylvan, satyrnbsp;Gwyddanes -au nf wood nymphnbsp;Gwyddawd n, knowledge
Gwrthwynebrwydd n, opposedness; opposition; nauseousness [to confront Gwrthwynebu tJ, to resist, to oppose;nbsp;Gwrthwynebns a, tending to turn a-gainst; disgusting, nauseous; adversenbsp;Gwrthwynebwr, wyr «, opposer, adversary, opponentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[trary wind
Gwrthwynt -oedd n, adverse wind, con-Gwrthymdrech -ion «, oppugnancy Gwrthymdyn ©, to contend againstnbsp;Gwrthymddadlu r, to disputenbsp;Gwrthymegnio v, to exert one’s self a-Gwrthymiadd n, oppugnancy [gainstnbsp;Gwrthyni w, counter ener^nbsp;Gwrthysgrif -au ri/l rescriptnbsp;Gwrwraig, wragead njl hermaphroditenbsp;Gwrwst the crampnbsp;Gwrych -oedd nf^ hedge-row; bristlesnbsp;Gwrycheil -oedd nf^ thicket, brakenbsp;brush; hedge-sparrownbsp;Gwrychu v, to make a hedge-row; tonbsp;Gwrychyn n, hedge-row; bristle [bristlenbsp;Gwryd -ion n, manlinessnbsp;Gwryd -ion chainnbsp;Gwrydd -au n, wreathnbsp;Gwryddol a, wreathingnbsp;Gwryddu v, to wreath; to twinenbsp;Gwryt -au -oedd n, spring; pressnbsp;Gwryfio r, to press
Gwryfiwr, wyr n, one who presses, Gwryg -ion n, energy, vigour [pressmannbsp;Gwrygiant n, vigournbsp;Gwry^o r, to grow vigorous or energetic ; to invigoratenbsp;Gwrygiol a, invigoratingnbsp;Gwrym -iau n, seam; wealnbsp;Gwrymio v, to seamnbsp;Gwrymseirch tip, harnessnbsp;Gwrys -oedd n, ardency, violencenbsp;Gwrysedd n. fervidity, violencenbsp;Gwrysg np (-en n/*), boughs, branches,nbsp;Gwrysgio v, to put out boughs [stalksnbsp;Gwrysio t?, to strive ardentlynbsp;Gwrystog a, having the crampnbsp;Gwryw -od -aid », malenbsp;Gwryw, Gwrywaidd, Gwrywola, mascu-line, of the male kind, malenbsp;Gwrywes -au nf, viragonbsp;Gwrywgydiwr, wyr n. Sodomitenbsp;Gwst, gystion nf, humour; maladynbsp;Gwth n, push, thrust, shovenbsp;Gwthgar n, apt to push, press, or impelnbsp;Gwthio ©, to push, to thrust, to shovenbsp;Gwthiol a, pushing, thrustingnbsp;Gwthrym n, impulsive forcenbsp;Gwthwynt -oedd n, squall of windnbsp;Gwull cn, flowerets, flowers
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GWY nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;_ Gwyddbwyll game of chess Gwyddel -od, Gwyddelian n, Irishmannbsp;Gwyddeli np, bushes, brakesnbsp;Gwyddelig a, sylvan; savage; Irishnbsp;Gwydden -i 7i/j standing treenbsp;Gwydderbyn pr, in front ofnbsp;Gwyddfa, f au, fëyddnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tumulus, tomb; monument. Yr Wyddfa, Snowdon Gwyddfaol a, monumentalnbsp;Gwyddfarch, feirch n, epithet for a shipnbsp;Gwyddfid n, woodbine, honeysucklenbsp;Gwyddfil -od », wild animalnbsp;Gwyddfoch np (-yn n), wild swinenbsp;Gwyddfod n, presencenbsp;Gwyddfodol a, presentnbsp;Gwyddgi, gwn n, wild dog; foxnbsp;Gwyddhwch, hychod n/| wild sownbsp;Gwyddi n, quickset hedgenbsp;Gwyddiad n, knowing, cognitionnbsp;Gwyddiadu v, to be versed innbsp;Gwyddiant n, science, knowledgenbsp;Gwyddif -au «, hed^ng-billnbsp;Gwydding -od n, quickset hedgenbsp;Gwyddlan -au nf, plantation of treesnbsp;Gwyddle -oedd n, woody placenbsp;Gwyddlwdn, lydnod n, wild beastnbsp;Gwyddlwyn -i n, the pimpernelnbsp;Gwyddol a, scientificnbsp;Gwyddon -iaid n, philosophernbsp;Gwyddoni v, to philosophizenbsp;Gwyddoniadur -on », cyclopaedia [thesisnbsp;Gwyddoniaeth nf^ mathematics, ma-Gwyddonol a, philosophicalnbsp;Gwyddonwr, wyr, Gwyddonydd -ion n,nbsp;mathematician Gwyddor -ion -au nf, rudiment, science Gwyddori r, to form a rudimentnbsp;Gwyddoriaeth nf, science [scientificnbsp;Gwyddong, Gwyddorol a, rudimental,nbsp;Gwyddwal, weli n/J thicket [nessnbsp;Gwyddwig -iau -oedd n/J wood;^ fast-Gwyddwydd np (-en nf), woodbinenbsp;Gwyf -on n, what yields or extendsnbsp;Gwyfarcb, feirch », hippopotamusnbsp;Gwyfen nf, moth, wormnbsp;Gwyfenog a, having mothsnbsp;Gwyfo V, to run out or flatnbsp;Gwyfon np, gooseberriesnbsp;Gwyfn -od n, moth, wormnbsp;Gwyg cn, what is flaccid; vetchnbsp;Gwygbys np (-en nf), the chit-peasnbsp;Gwygiyd a, flaccid; void of energynbsp;Gwygl a, flaccid; sultrynbsp;Gwyl 0, modest, bashfulnbsp;Gwyl -lau nf, holiday; festivalnbsp;Gwyl a, festival. Dydd gwyl, holiday.nbsp;Gwyl mabsant, parish wake |
__GWY Gwylad n, beholding; watching Gwylad v, to watch, to sit up Gwylaeth n, the lettucenbsp;Gwylan -od nf, gull, sea mewnbsp;Gwylar n, the coralnbsp;Gwylch n, semblancenbsp;Gwylchu V, to seem [bashfulnessnbsp;Gwylder, Gwyledd, Gwyleidd-dra n,nbsp;Gwyldy, dai n, watch-housenbsp;Gwyled v, to behold, to seessGwelednbsp;Gwylfa, fëydd watching-placenbsp;Gwylfan -au n/f sentry placenbsp;Gwyliadur -iaid, Gwyliwr, wyr, Gwyl-ydd -ion n, watchman, sentinelnbsp;Gwyliadwriaeth -au nf, the ofllce or dutynbsp;of a watchman; watch (of the night)nbsp;Gwyliadwrus a, watchful, vigilantnbsp;Gwylied, Gwylio v, to watch; to expectnbsp;Gwyliedydd -ion n, sentinel, watchmannbsp;Gwylmabsanta v, to keep wakesnbsp;Gwylnos -au nf, wake nightnbsp;Gwylnosi v, to keep vigilsnbsp;Gwylo V, to be basnful; to weepnbsp;Gwylog -od nf, the guillemotnbsp;Gwylys -iau n, the licorice plantnbsp;Gwyll -ion, Gwyllon n, gloom, darkness:nbsp;a, gloomy, dark, dusky. Gwyllion,nbsp;shades, ghosts, goblins, hobgoblinsnbsp;G^yll nf, witch, hag; nightmarenbsp;Gwylledd n, gloom, duskinessnbsp;Gwyllt -oedd n, wild, wildernessnbsp;Gwyllt a, savage; rapid. Dafadennbsp;wyllt^ cancer, schirrusnbsp;Gwylltnl -od «, wild animalnbsp;Gwylltineb n, wildness; ragenbsp;Gwylltio V, to make wild; to ragenbsp;Gwyllyn -ion n, culture; arationnbsp;Gwyllynio v, to culture, to cultivatenbsp;Gwyilys -iau -ion n amp;; n/j the will; de-Gwyllysgar a, willing; tractable [sirenbsp;Gwyllysged -au nf, legacynbsp;Gwyllysio v, to will; to desirenbsp;Gwyllysiol a, willing; desirousnbsp;Gwyilysu v, to will; to desirenbsp;Gwymon n, sea weed, water weednbsp;Gwymp a, smart, trim; fair; f gweropnbsp;Gwympedd n, smartnessnbsp;G^n a, white; fair; blessed: gwen. Gwyn ei fyd, happy of blessed is he Gw^n», rage; smart; lustnbsp;Gwynad n, smartingnbsp;Gwynaeth n, felicity; blissnbsp;Gwynaf n, fretful statenbsp;Gwynafog o, peevish, viciousnbsp;Gwynafu v, to act trowardiy [pyreannbsp;Gwynaint n, the highest heaven, tne em-Gwynblwm n, white lead |
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Gwynder, Gwyodra «, whiteness Gwyndod n, felicity, blissnbsp;Gwyndraw », stupor; numbnessnbsp;Gwyndwn n, lay land; Jay haynbsp;Gwynddas a, peevish, fretfulnbsp;Gwynddasu v, to act peevishlynbsp;Gwyneb -au n, face, visage. Derbynnbsp;wyneb, to have respect to persons.nbsp;Di-dderbyn-wyneb, without respectnbsp;of persons, impartialnbsp;Gwynebedd n, superficesnbsp;Gwynebiad n, facingnbsp;Gwyneblasu r, to turn palenbsp;Gwyneblun -iau n, front view, fa9adenbsp;Gwynebol a, facing, frontingnbsp;Gwynebu r, to face, to frontnbsp;Gwynebwarth n, shame of face; a finenbsp;so called in the Welsh laws [matismnbsp;Gwyneg -au throb; spasm; rheu-Gwynegiad «, throbbing; acliingnbsp;Gwynegol a, throbbing; spasmodicnbsp;Gwynegu v, to throb; to achenbsp;Gwyneithu v, to consecratenbsp;Gwynfa -oedd tj/J paradisenbsp;Gwynfryd n, happy mindnbsp;Gwynfyd n, felicity, happinessnbsp;Gwynfydedig o, blessed, happynbsp;Gwynfydiad n, becoming fanaticnbsp;Gwynfydu v, to become frantic; to be-come fanatic Gwynfydwr, wyr n, enthusiast, fanatic Gwyngalch a, being whitewashednbsp;Gwyngalchiad », whitewashingnbsp;Gwyngalchu v, to whitewashnbsp;Gwynhad n, whitening, blanchingnbsp;Gwynhau v, to become whitenbsp;Gwyniad, iaid n, whiting, making white; whiting (fish) Gwyniaeth n, blessed state Gwynias a, of glowing heatnbsp;Gwyniasu v, to make red hotnbsp;Gwyniedyn n, whitingnbsp;Gwyning n, the sap of timbernbsp;I Gwynio Vj to throb; to lustnbsp;I Gwynias a, pale blue, whitish blue Gwynllif n, leucorrhcea, whites, fluor ' Gwynnaeth n, flatulencynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[albus Gwynnon np^ dry sticks for fuel Gwynod h, hasty puddingnbsp;Gwynog o, passionate, full of ragenbsp;Gwynrew numbness by coldnbsp;Gwynt -oedd n, wind; breath. Gwyntnbsp;yn y cylla, flatulencenbsp;Gwyntchwydd n. flatulencenbsp;Gwyntell -au n/, a round basket with-out a handle Gwynt-hollt n, wind-crack |
Gwyntio v, to blow; to ventilate Gwyntog a, windy, stormy; boisterousnbsp;Gwyntyll -au n/] ventilator, fannbsp;Gwyntylliad n, ventilationnbsp;Gwyntyiho v, to ventilatenbsp;Gwyntyrol o, carminativenbsp;Gwjmu V, to whiten, to bleachnbsp;Gwynwg n, whitenessnbsp;Gwynwy n, white of eggnbsp;Gwynwydd np (-en tj/*), woodbinesnbsp;Gwynygio v, to glitter, to glarenbsp;Gw^r n, pure element; ether; freshness; green tinge nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pure; lively Gwyr, Gwyra a, fresh,vigorous; verdant; Gwyr npf men: s, gwrnbsp;Gwyr a, oblique, sloping: v, he knowsnbsp;G wyrad n, making awrynbsp;Gwyraeth, Gwyraint n, sublimationnbsp;Gwyrain np, barnacles: v, to sublimatenbsp;Gwyrch n, overtoppingnbsp;Gwyrdra n, freshnessnbsp;Gwyrdro -ion n, perversionnbsp;Gwyrdroi r, to pervertnbsp;Gwyrdynu v, to draw obliquelynbsp;Gwyrdd a, green: », green: ƒ, gwerddnbsp;Gwyrddedd w, greennessnbsp;Gwyrddfaen, feini n, emeraldnbsp;Gwyrddiad n, making greennbsp;Gwyrddias a, greenish blue, bluish greennbsp;Gwyrddon -au n, verdant platnbsp;Gwyrddu v, to make greennbsp;Gwyredd, Gwymi n, obliquity; wryness;nbsp;Gwyreinio v, to sublimatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bias Gwyrenig a, luxuriant; lively Gwyrf a, pure, fresh, not salt: f, gwerfnbsp;Gwyrfedd n, pureness, freshnessnbsp;Gwyrfio t», to freshennbsp;Gwyrgam a, obliquely crookednbsp;Gwyrgamu v, to turn awrynbsp;Gwyriaws, Gwyraws cn, the privetnbsp;Gwyrin a, of a fresh nature; chastenbsp;Gwyrios np, ignoble personsnbsp;Gwyrlen -i nf, garlandnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cows Gwyrni np, bots or wornils, maggots in Gwyro v, to swerve, to deviate, to slope,nbsp;to decline, to stoop, to bendnbsp;Gwyrol o, slanting, incliningnbsp;Gwyrth -iau n/*, virtue ; miraclenbsp;Gwyrthio v, to conler virtue; to make anbsp;miracle Gwyrthiol a, virtuous; miraculous G-wyrthioldeb n, virtuousness; miraculousnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[chaste; bachelor Gwyrydd -on nc, one that is pure or Gwyryf -on nc, virgin, maid; bachelornbsp;Gwyryf a, fresh, pure, untaintednbsp;Gwyryfdod n, virginity, chastitynbsp;191 |
Gwyryfdfj dainunnery Gwyryfol a, virginal, maiden [freshnbsp;Gwyryfu v, to make or become pure ornbsp;Gwyryng maggots, wornils, botsnbsp;GiVys C», people; peopled, regionnbsp;Gvvys n, profundity; o, deepnbsp;Gw^s, gwysion nf^ notice; summonsnbsp;Gwysedig a, cited, summonednbsp;Gwysfil -od 71, gregarious animalnbsp;Gwysg -oedd n, gravity; streamnbsp;Gwysg a, precipitate, headlongnbsp;Gwysgawd -ion n, precipitationnbsp;Gwysgi «, tendency to a levelnbsp;Gwysgio 0, to precipitatenbsp;Gwysgiol a, precipitantnbsp;Gwysgion n, pottage, porridgenbsp;Gwysigen -au nf, blister, bladdernbsp;Gwysio, Givyso v, to summon, to citenbsp;Gwysiol a, summoningnbsp;Gwyslythyr -au n, writ of citationnbsp;Gwyst -ion what is shrunk or lownbsp;Gwystl -on n, pledge; hostagenbsp;Gwystledigaetn nf,^ the act of pledgingnbsp;Gwystleidiaeth f^pledging; mortgagingnbsp;Gwystlu V, to pledge, to pawnnbsp;Gwystlwr, wyr n, pawner, pledgernbsp;Gwystno v, to become dry, to withernbsp;Gwystyn a, withered, driednbsp;Gwyth -i «ƒ, channel; drain; veilnbsp;Gwyth », wrath, indignationnbsp;Gwythad irritation, chafingnbsp;Gwythaint n, bird of wrathnbsp;Gwythawd «, irritationnbsp;Gwythen -au t^, duct, veinnbsp;Gwythenog a, having veinsnbsp;Gwythenol a, venal, of veinsnbsp;Gwythïen -au vein, blood-vesselnbsp;Gwythi w, muscle, muscuions fleshnbsp;Gwythi np, veins, musclesnbsp;Gwythig, Gwythlawn o, wrathful, furi-Gwythlondeb u, wrathfnlness, furynbsp;Gwythloni v, to grow wrathful or turiousnbsp;Gwytho V, to irritate; to throb [ragingnbsp;Gwythog, Gwythol a, wrathful, angry,nbsp;Gwythred -ion «ƒ channel of a streamnbsp;Gwythreden -au 7^, rivuletnbsp;Gwythwr, wyr ti, angry mannbsp;Gwyw a, withered, faded; feeblenbsp;Gwywder «, faded or withered statenbsp;Gwywel n, withered vegetationnbsp;Gwywo Vy to wither, to fadenbsp;Gwywol a, tending to withernbsp;Gybain v, to wail, to moannbsp;Gybol a, wailing, moaningnbsp;Gyda, Gydag (mutation of Cyda) pr,nbsp;with; in contact with. Yng nghyd S,nbsp;together with
Gyferbynpr^ over against; opposite
Gygiad 71, glancing; frowning, looking : Gygol a, glancing; frowning [grimlynbsp;Gygu Vy to glance; to frownnbsp;Gygus a, frowning; grim, glumnbsp;Gy If -au, Gylfant, fannau n, bill, beaknbsp;Gylfgragen, gregyn nf, scollop-shellnbsp;Gylfin -od 71, bill, beaknbsp;Gylfinbraff re, the cross-beaknbsp;Gylfingam a, hook-beakednbsp;Gylfingroes ti, the cross-beaknbsp;Gylfinhir «, the curlewnbsp;Gylfinog njy daffodilnbsp;Gylfog «, having a beaknbsp;Gylyf -au w, sickle, reaping-hooknbsp;Gyllyngu r, to loosen, to relax=Gol]wngnbsp;Gynaid, eidiau tj, cupfulnbsp;Gyndwll, dyllau n, port-holenbsp;Gynell nf, close gownnbsp;Gynfad -au 7^, gunboatnbsp;Gynnen ady a little while ago[gownsmennbsp;Gynog a, wearing a gown. Gynogion,nbsp;Gynt (mutation of C^nt) ady formerly,nbsp;lately, of late, of yorenbsp;G^nydd -ion, Gynwr, wyr n, gunnernbsp;Gyr -oedd ti, drive; impulse; onset;nbsp;attack; drove
Gyrawd n, driving; impulsion Gyrddu v, to act vehementlynbsp;Gyrddwynt -oedd hurricane, tornadonbsp;Gyrfa, fëydd nfy drive; coursenbsp;Gyrfarch, feirch Uy race-horsenbsp;Gyrferth -au 7^, breathing outnbsp;Gyrferthu Vy to breathe outnbsp;Gyrfëydd -ion », driver; racernbsp;Gyrhynt -iau ti, currentnbsp;Gyriad ti, driving; racingnbsp;Gyriedydd -ion, Gyrwr, wyr ti, driver,nbsp;Gyrn a, imperious; supreme [racernbsp;Gyrol a, driving; impulsivenbsp;Gyrth -iau ti, touch; dash; hit; pushnbsp;Gyrthio tgt;, to touch; to pushnbsp;Gyrthiol a, coming in contactnbsp;Gyru V, to drive; to race; to send, ^nbsp;convey, to despatchnbsp;Gyrwynt -oedd 71, tornado, hurricanenbsp;Gysp fly staggers; black beetlenbsp;Gysplys Hy water hemlock, dropwortnbsp;Gyst a, humid, moist, dampnbsp;Gystlys 77, tansynbsp;Gystwng v, to lower=Gostwngnbsp;Gystog a, distempered, diseasednbsp;Gystu Vy to grow diseasednbsp;Gyth -ion «, murmurnbsp;Gythiad «, murmuring, grumblingnbsp;Gythol a, murmuring, grumblingnbsp;Gythu Vy to murmur, to grumblenbsp;192
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Ha iy ha! hey day! hey. Ha ha! ha ha! Hab n, chance, luck, fortune. Pa hab,nbsp;why, for what causenbsp;Hac -iau nƒ, cut, notch, hacknbsp;Hacio Vy to hack, to cutnbsp;Had «au cn (-en nf, hedyn ti), seednbsp;Had o, easily yielding; pliantnbsp;Hadadfer n, harvest seasonnbsp;Hadaidd a, like seed, seedynbsp;Hadiad n, seminationnbsp;Hadl o, rotten, corruptnbsp;Haidlaidd a, somewhat corruptnbsp;Hadledd rottenness, corruptionnbsp;Hadlestr -i w, seed-vesselnbsp;Hadlif n, gonorrhoea, spermatorrhoea,nbsp;Hadlog Oy corrupted, decayed [gleetnbsp;Hadlu Vy to decay; to corruptnbsp;Hadlyd a, rotten, corruptednbsp;Hadog a, having seed, seedynbsp;Hadogol a, semnificalnbsp;Hadol a, seminal, of seednbsp;Hadolaeth nƒy seminality [of lifenbsp;Hados npy small seeds; seedlings; atomsnbsp;Hadred n, gonorrhoeanbsp;Hadu Vy to seed, to run to seednbsp;Hadwr, wyr w, seedsman; sowernbsp;Hadyd c«, seed cornnbsp;Haddef -au nƒy dwelling, homenbsp;Haddefu t?, to inhabit, to dwellnbsp;Haddfa, fëydd nf^ dwelling abodenbsp;Haech -ydd skirt; hemnbsp;Haedd -ion nfy reach; meritnbsp;Haeddbarch o, resectable; meritoriousnbsp;Haeddedigaetb nj, desert, meritnbsp;Haeddedigoi a, meritoriousnbsp;Haeddel -i nfy plough handle. Yrnbsp;Haeddel, Charles’s Wainnbsp;Haeddiad », reaching; meritingnbsp;Haeddiant«, attainment; meritnbsp;Haeddoi, Haeddiannol a, meritoriousnbsp;Haeddu tgt;, to reach; to merit; to attainnbsp;Hael -ion -on », liberal onenbsp;Hael a, generous, liberalnbsp;flaelder, Haelioni, Haeledd n, liberality,nbsp;munificence, generosity, bountynbsp;^ Haelionus a, apt to be liberal, generous,nbsp;munificent, bountifulnbsp;«aels np (-en nf\ shotnbsp;Haelu Vy to become liberalnbsp;tiaen -au nfy stratum, layer; foldnbsp;Haenu to put in layersnbsp;Haer a, positive; stubbornnbsp;tiaer .au nfy assertion, positivenessnbsp;tiaenad n, being positive; assertionnbsp;tiaeriannu v, to vindicatenbsp;13
Haeriant », affirmation; vindication Haerllug a, importunate; saucy, impu-Haerllugo v, to urge obstinately [dentnbsp;Haerol a, affirmative; positivenbsp;Haem, Haero v, to affirm, to insistnbsp;Haf -au n, summernbsp;Hafaidd a, like summer, estivalnbsp;Hafal a, like, similar; eq^ualnbsp;Hafarch a, listless; restivenbsp;Hafdy, dai summer-housenbsp;Hafin n, summer seasonnbsp;Haflug n, abundance: a, uberousnbsp;Haflugo Vy to make uberousnbsp;Hafn -au n, haven, port, harbour, safenbsp;station for shipsnbsp;Hafnai, eiod nfy slattern, slutnbsp;Hafnen nf slattern, trollopnbsp;Hafnol a, slatternly, sluttishnbsp;Hafod -au rfy summer dwelling; dairynbsp;Hafodi Vy to reside in a summer dwellingnbsp;Hafodwr, wyr, Hafotwr, wyr n, dairy-Hafog waste, havocnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[man
Hafog a, abundant; common Hafogi Vy to commit havocnbsp;Hafol a, of summer; estivalnbsp;Hafota Vy to pass the summer [housenbsp;Hafotty,tai n, summer residence; dairy-Hafr -od nf slattern; gelded goatnbsp;Hafrog a, slatternly: n/J -od, trollopnbsp;Hafren -od rfy trollop, strumpet; thenbsp;Hafru Vy to render sluggishnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Severn
Hafu Vy to become summer Haff -iau », snatch, catchnbsp;Haffio V, to snatch, to seize [stillnbsp;Hagen c, yet, nevertheless: ady after all,nbsp;Hagr a, ugly, unseemlynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[i^^ly
Hagrhau, Hagru v, to make or become Hagriad, HagrhM n, rendering uglynbsp;Hagrwch, Hagredd w, uglinessnbsp;Hai «,excitation, haste; v, quick, makenbsp;haste, do. Hai how, heigü ho I alas!nbsp;Hai hwchw, hallo, murder!
Haiach », Haiachen nfy instant, moment: ady instantaneously; almost, Haiarn, heiyrn, heieirn n, iron [mostnbsp;Haiarndde a, teeming with ironnbsp;Haiarnddu a and n, iron-blacknbsp;Haiarnllyd a, feruginousnbsp;Haiarnol a, of iron qualitynbsp;Haiarnu v, to do with ironnbsp;Haiarnwaith n, ironmongerynbsp;Haiarnwedd nfy iron huenbsp;Haiarnwr, wyr, Haiarnydd -ion n, ironmonger, a dealer in ironnbsp;Haib, heibiau nf superabundance; groupnbsp;Haid, heidiau nf swarm, throng, fiocknbsp;Haidd, heiddiau n and c», barleynbsp;193
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Haif, heifiau, hefion r?/', overwhelming Haigjheigiau n/J shoal,multitude [driftnbsp;Hail, heiliau nf^ ratio; bounty; servicenbsp;Hain, heiniau, heinion what spreadsnbsp;through; swarm; infectionnbsp;Haint, heintiau n, infection; disease,nbsp;sickness. — annwyd, influenza. —nbsp;dygwydd, epilepsy. — llfn, glynol,nbsp;neu ymdaenol, epidemic. — y gïau,nbsp;palsy. — y nodau, the plaguenbsp;Hair a, tedious, dilatory, longnbsp;Hais n, what is full of pointsnbsp;Haeth n, aptness to reach [marshnbsp;Hal “ion -oedd n, essential salt; saltnbsp;Hal a, saline, salt; alkalinenbsp;Halaeth n, saturation; fulnessnbsp;Halan salt (in chemistry)
Halant n, plenum; saturation Hald TO, jolt, jerk; rough trotnbsp;Haldian r, to jolt; to jognbsp;Haledd plenum; saturationnbsp;Halen salt. Crwth halen, salt boxnbsp;Halenai n, salt-cellarnbsp;Halenaidd a, of a salt qualitynbsp;Halenog a, abounding in saltnbsp;Halenu r, to turn to saltnbsp;Halenwr, wyr n, salt-merchantnbsp;Haliad w, impregnationnbsp;Haliw 71, saliva, spittlenbsp;Haliwio to salivatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[defiled
Halog lt;2, saturated with salt; polluted, Halogedig a, contaminated, pollutednbsp;Halogedigaeth contaminationnbsp;Halogi V, to detile, to profane, to pollutenbsp;Haloglw n. profane oathnbsp;Halogrwydd n, pollution, corruptionnbsp;Halogwr, wyr n, defiler, profanernbsp;Halit a, salt, saline; severe. Talu ynnbsp;hallt, to pay dearlynbsp;Halltaidd a, somewhat saltnbsp;Halltedd, Halltineb, Halltni n, saltnessnbsp;Halltol lt;1, of a saline tendencynbsp;Halltu V, to salt, to make saltnbsp;Halltwr, wyr, Halltydd -ion n, salternbsp;Ham w, cause, circumstance. Pa ham ?
for what cause ? why ?
Hambwyll -ion n, reflection Hambwylliad «. consideration, reflectionnbsp;Hambwyllo v, to consider, to reflectnbsp;Hamdden nf^ leisure, respitenbsp;Hamddenol a, being at leisure, leisurenbsp;Hainddenu v, to make or take respitenbsp;Han what proceeds from; emanation:nbsp;a, produced; separated: pr, from, outnbsp;of. 0 hanof, o hanot, amp;c.=0 honof.nbsp;Hanaeth nf, procedurenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[5ec Ü
Hanawd n, derivation
Hanbwyll -ion n, consideration Hanbwyllo v, to considernbsp;Hanbwyllog, Hanbwyllus a, consideratenbsp;Handden n, being attractivenbsp;Handdeniad w, attractionnbsp;Handdenol a, attractivenbsp;Handdenn r, to derive attractionnbsp;Handdyfod v, to be, to becomenbsp;Hanedig a, derived, descended. Han-edigion, derivativesnbsp;Hanedigaeth nf, derivationnbsp;Hanes -ion n/ amp; n, history; account;
story, tale; relation Hanesai, eion n, historiographernbsp;Hanesgerdd -i, Hanesgan -au n/J epicnbsp;Hanesiad «, narrationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[poem
Hanesiaeth nf, narration, history Hanesol a, historical, narrativenbsp;Hanesu v, to narratenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ian
Haneswr, wyr, Hanesydd -ion n, histor-Hanesyddiaeth nf, historiography; history (in the abstract)
Hanesyn-aun, anecdote; story; tale Hanfod n, existence, being: v, to becomenbsp;existent; to proceed; to existnbsp;Hanfodiad n, existing, existencenbsp;Hanfodog a, having originnbsp;Hanfodol a, existent; essentialnbsp;Hanfodoldeb, Hanfodoledd n, hypostasisnbsp;Hanfodoli v, to become existentnbsp;Haniad n, proceedingnbsp;Hanner n, moiety, half: o, halfnbsp;Hannercyn n, instant, momentnbsp;Hannereg nf moiety; half share ornbsp;part; flitch; half an acrenbsp;Hannergrwn, grynion n, hemisphere: o,nbsp;half round, hemisphericalnbsp;Hannergylch -au n, semicircle; a, semicircular, half roundnbsp;Hannerob -au nƒ, flitch of baconnbsp;Hannerog a, halvingnbsp;Hannerol a, relating to halfnbsp;Hannersain, seiniau nf, semitonenbsp;Hanneru v, to halve; to divide in twonbsp;Hanred -ion nf parting off; recessionnbsp;Hanredoli v, to render separatenbsp;Hanredoliaeth nf separate statenbsp;Hanu V, to proceed, to be derivednbsp;Hap -iau nf, luck, chance, fortunenbsp;Hapio V, to happennbsp;Hapiol a, happening, eventualnbsp;Hapus a, happening; happynbsp;Hapusrwydd n, happinessnbsp;Har n, aptness to over-topnbsp;Hardd a, handsome, beautiful, comelynbsp;Harddedd, Harddineb, Harddwchnbsp;handsomeness, beauty
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Haiddiad n, rendering comelj Harddu r, to grow finely; to adorn; tonbsp;Haredd n, calmness; peace [beautifynbsp;Hariad n, appeasingnbsp;Hariannu v, to render calmnbsp;Hariant n, quietnessnbsp;Harl w, jangling, wranglingnbsp;Harlach «, janglingnbsp;Harlu V, to jangle, to wranglenbsp;Hamais, eisiau n, harness, trappingsnbsp;Hameisio v, to harnessnbsp;Haru V, to bear, to endure. Ni allaf finbsp;haru mo hono, 1 cannot bear himnbsp;Hatling -au -od nyi mite, half a farthingnbsp;Hatriad n, coveringnbsp;Hatru V, to cover, to dressnbsp;Hau r, to sownbsp;Haul, heuliau n, the sunnbsp;Hauwr, wyr n, sowernbsp;Haw -od «, assnbsp;Hawcaid, eidiau n/J hodfulnbsp;Hawd n, whisk, sweepnbsp;Hawdd a, easy, facile, feasiblenbsp;Hawddammawr n, welcomenbsp;Hawddammori v, to welcomenbsp;Hawddfod n, happy statenbsp;Hawddfryd n, ease of mindnbsp;Hawddfydn,pleasure,happiness; pros-Hawddgar a, lovely, amiable [peritynbsp;Hawddgarwch n, amiablenessnbsp;Hawddineb a, facility, easinessnbsp;Hawes -od n/', female assnbsp;Hawg, hogion n, fulness; perfection;
space; while; age; hod; scuttle Hawg ad, awhile, tor some timenbsp;Hawiad n, becoming full; ripening; becoming sluggish or inactive [rightnbsp;Hawl -iau, holion n/J demand; claim;nbsp;Hawlblaid, bleidiau nf and cn, plaintiffnbsp;Hawlfainc, feinpau Tif, tribunalnbsp;Hawlwr, wyr n, claimant, plaintiffnbsp;Hawn a, eager; brisk; activenbsp;Hawni n, eagerness; alacrity: cn, fluenbsp;Hawniad », doing over slightly [linessnbsp;Hawnid n, eagerness; briskness; live-Hawnt -iau n, alacrity; livelinessnbsp;Hawntio v, to encouragenbsp;Hawntus a, full of alacritynbsp;Hawnu tj, to run over slightlynbsp;Hawr, horion n, spread, stretchnbsp;Hawru v, to spread, to dilatenbsp;Haws n, ease: a, easiernbsp;Hawsder, Hawsdra, Hawsineb », feasi-bleness, practicabilitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Head n,sowing; scattering; dissemina-Heawd, odau », spreading; drifting Heb -ion », pass; utterance, expression
Heb pr, without, void of. Heb law, without, besides. Hebof, Hebot, Heb-ddo, Uebddi, amp;c., without me, amp;c.nbsp;Heb ad, without, beside, bynbsp;Hebgor -au -ion n, being dispensednbsp;Hebgor, Hebgori r, to put aside, tonbsp;dispense withnbsp;Hebgoradwy a, dispensablenbsp;Hebgoriad w, dispensing withnbsp;Hebiad n, uttering, utterancenbsp;Heboca i;, to hunt with a hawk, to hawknbsp;Hebog -au nc, hawk, falconnbsp;Heboglys -iau », the hawkweednbsp;Hebogydd -ion n, hawker, falconernbsp;Hebogyddiaeth n/] hawkingnbsp;Hebogyn n, young hawk, lanneretnbsp;Hebol a, uttering, oralnbsp;Hebraeg n/*, Hebrew, the Hebrew tonguenbsp;Hebred »=Abred
Hebredu v, to go or traverse in the evil circle, to transmigratenbsp;Hebreig a, Hebrew, Hebraicnbsp;Hebrwng ti, mission, sending: », to gonbsp;on with, to send, to accompanynbsp;Hebryngol a, missive, sendingnbsp;Hebryngu v, to go on with, to sendnbsp;Hebryngydd -ion n, conductornbsp;Hebu V, to utter, to 8peak=:Ebunbsp;Heciad n, hopping [hop on one footnbsp;Hecian v, to halt, to limp, to bop; tonbsp;Hecyn n, small notchnbsp;Hecynu v, to mnke a notchnbsp;Hed -iau nf, flight; hatnbsp;Hedeg n, fliijht, flying: v, to flynbsp;Hedegog a, having flight, flying, volant,nbsp;soaring; lofty; aspiringnbsp;Hedegol a, flying, volantnbsp;Hedfan v, to fly; to hovernbsp;Hediant n, the act of flyingnbsp;HediDy Hedinol a, flying, volant, volatilenbsp;Hediniad n, volatilizationnbsp;Hedion np, light corn; chaffnbsp;Hedlam -au gt;i, flying skipnbsp;Hednaid, neidiau flying leapnbsp;Hedwr, wyr, Hedydd -ion », one thatnbsp;flies. Hedydd, the larknbsp;Hedyn », single seed: ƒ hadennbsp;Hedd n, tranquility, peacenbsp;Heddaberth -au n, peace-offeringnbsp;Heddgeidwad, waid n, constable, policenbsp;Heddlu cn, constabulary force [officernbsp;Heddog a, tranc^^uil, calmnbsp;Heddswyddog -ion n, peace-officernbsp;Hedau v, to tranquilizenbsp;Heddus a, pacific, tranquil, peacefulnbsp;Hedduso v, to make pacificnbsp;Heddwas, weision n, policeman,constablenbsp;195
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Heddwch peace, quietness, tranquility Heddy «, this day, the present day: ad,nbsp;on this day, to-day (S.W.)=Heddywnbsp;Heddychawd n, pacihcationnbsp;Heddychiadol a, pacificatorynbsp;Heddychiadu v, to render pacificnbsp;Heddycblawn a, peaceful, peaceablenbsp;Heddychlondeb n, peacefulnessnbsp;Heddychloni v, to make peacefulnbsp;Heddychol, Heddychus a. peaceablenbsp;Heddycholdeb n, peaceaoieness, tran»nbsp;quility
Heddychu r, to pacify, to appease Heddychwr, wyr, n, peacemakernbsp;Heddynad -on, Heddyngnad, aid n,nbsp;justice of the peacenbsp;Heddyw n. this day: arf, to-daynbsp;Hefal a, like, similai'=nafalnbsp;Hefeliad n, making similarnbsp;Hefelig a, having similitudenbsp;Hefeiwch n, similitudenbsp;Hefelychiad n, likening, imitationnbsp;Hefelychu v, to imitate, to liken, tonbsp;compare=Efelychunbsp;Hefelydd a, equal; like, similarnbsp;Hefelyddu r, to imitatenbsp;Hefin a, estival, relating to summer.
Alban hefin, summer solstice Hefrin a, spreading; incompactnbsp;Hefyd c. In addition; also, likewisenbsp;Hefys -au n, smock, shiftnbsp;Hegab -au ^ grasshopprnbsp;Hegl -au nf, limb, shanknbsp;Heglog a, having limbsnbsp;Heiad «, impellingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[by you
Heibio ad, by, beside, aside. Heibioch, Heidio v, to swarm, to throng, to fiocknbsp;Heidiog a, having swarmsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing
Heidiol a, swarming, flocking, throng-Heidden nf, Heiddyn n, barleycorn, grain Heiddio v, to obtain; to merit [of barleynbsp;Heiddiol a, meritorious=Haeddolnbsp;Heiddyd n, attainment, meritnbsp;Heigio V, to yield abundantly, to shoalnbsp;Heigiol a, yielding in shoalsnbsp;Heilgorn, gyrn n, drinking-homnbsp;Heilin a, bounteons, generousnbsp;Heilio V, to deal out, to servenbsp;Heilydd -ion n, one who serves, waiternbsp;Heilyddiaetb, Heilyniaeth nf, the officenbsp;of a waiter
Heilyn -ion n, waiter, servitor Heilyr -ion -on n, waiter, traynbsp;Heini, Heinif o, lively, cheerful, brisknbsp;Heiniar n, crop, produce [to swarmnbsp;Heinio v, to pervade, to make all alive;nbsp;Heiniog a, being pervaded; teeming
Heintddwyn a, pestiferous; infectious Heintfan -au nf, plague ^potnbsp;Heintfanol a, petechialnbsp;Heintio v, to cause contagionnbsp;Heintiog, Heintiol a, contagious, infectious, epidemicnbsp;Heintnod -au n, pestilencenbsp;Heintnodol a, pestilentialnbsp;Heintus, Heinnus a, contagious, epidemic, pestilential
Heinydd w, seat of life. See Henydd Heislan -od iif, hatchel, instrument tonbsp;Heislanu v, to iiatcbel flax [beat flaxnbsp;Heistain, einiau tf, what whets scythesnbsp;Heisyllt -au nf, flax hatchelnbsp;Heisylltu v, to hatchel flaxnbsp;Hel,heloedd holme; dale: r, to huntnbsp;Hel -ion n, gathering; aggregate: v, tonbsp;gather; to hunt; to send; to drivenbsp;Hela V, to gather; to huntnbsp;Héla V. to drive; to send; to spendnbsp;Helaetn a, ample, extensive; abundantnbsp;Helaethder n, spaciousnessnbsp;Heiaethiad, Helaetbiant n, amplification,nbsp;amplitude, enlargementnbsp;Helaethrwydd n, ampleness; abundance,nbsp;ample stocknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;| extend
Helaethu v, to enlarge, to amplify, to Helaethwych a, abundant, sumptuousnbsp;Helbul -on n, perplexity, troublenbsp;Helbulo V, to be full of care or troublenbsp;Heibulus a, full of perplexity or troublenbsp;Helcu V, to pry carefullynbsp;Heldrin -oedd n, business; bustlenbsp;Heledd -au place to make saltnbsp;Helfa, fëydd %j, aggregate; huntnbsp;Helfion, ffyn nf, hunting-polenbsp;Helgaeth n, grime; sootnbsp;Helgi, gWQ n, hunting-dognbsp;Helgig n, venison, fiesh of the chasenbsp;Helgorn, gyrn n, nunting-hornnbsp;Helgur n, trouble; bustlenbsp;Helgyd v, to pry carefullynbsp;Heigynt -iau ^=Helyntnbsp;Heli n, brine, salt waternbsp;Heliadn,gathering, collecting; huntingnbsp;Helïad n, making of brinenbsp;HeU'aidd a, brinynbsp;Hello V, to season with brinenbsp;Helm -ydd -i nf, stack, rick; helmetnbsp;Helmu V, to form a ricknbsp;Helogan nf, celery
Helw n, possession, ownership. Ar ei helw, in his possessionnbsp;Helwi V, to have possessionnbsp;Helwr, Heliwr, wyr n, gatherer; hunter,nbsp;huntsman, Venator
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Helwriaeth n/J hantsmanship f to hunt Hely n, gathering; hunt: v, to gather;nbsp;Helyddiaeth n/J the business of thenbsp;Helyg np (-en tj/*), willows, salix [chasenbsp;Helyglysn, willow herb [dition; businessnbsp;Helynt -ion -iau -oedd nf, course; con-Helyntio r, to go on a coursenbsp;Hel^h nf, family stocknbsp;Heil af^ ugly, unsightly: m, hyllnbsp;Hellgre n/J ugly hag; scoldnbsp;Helltni n, salt ness, brinenessnbsp;Hem -iau «ƒ, hem, bordernbsp;Hemio r, to hem, to bordernbsp;Hen -ion n, age, antiquity: a, oldnbsp;Henad n, becoming oldnbsp;Henadur -iaid, Henaduriad, iaid n,nbsp;elder; presbyteriannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ianisin
Henaduriaeth «/*, eldership; presbyter-Henadnrol a, presbyterian Henaf a, most ancient, oldest, eldestnbsp;Henafgwr, wyr n, elderly person, old mannbsp;Henahad, iaid », ancestornbsp;Heuafiaeth nf^ antiquity, archaeologynbsp;Henafion np, antiquitiesnbsp;Henafol a, ancient, antilt;|uenbsp;Henaint n, old age, senilitynbsp;Hendad -au n^ grandfathernbsp;Hendaid, deidiau n. great grandfathernbsp;Hender n, antiquity, agenbsp;Hendref -i -ydd nf, established habitation; winter dwellingnbsp;Henddyn -ion n, aged pereonnbsp;Henefydd-ion n, elder,senator; senior;nbsp;Henefyddiaeth nf^ eldership [antiquarynbsp;Heneiddio v, to grow oldnbsp;Heneiddrwydd n, agednessnbsp;Henfab, feibion n, old bachelornbsp;Henfam -au n/*, grandmothernbsp;Henferch -ed Tif. old maidnbsp;Henfon n/*, breeaing cownbsp;Henffych! HenfFych well! i, hail!nbsp;Hengof -ion n, old traditionnbsp;Henieithad n, archaismnbsp;Henllydan n, the plantainnbsp;Hennain. neiniau n/J great grandmothernbsp;Heno n/J this night: ad, to-nightnbsp;Henoed n, old age, decline of agenbsp;Henu r, to grow old or agednbsp;Henur -iaid n, elder, ancientnbsp;Henuriad, iaid n, elder, senatornbsp;Henw -au n, name, appllative=Enw,nbsp;Henwedigol a, nominativenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[amp;c.
Henwr, wyr n, old man Henwrach -od old woman; hagnbsp;Heol -ydd «ƒ, street; road. Heol ynbsp;Gwynt, the Milky Waynbsp;Heolan -au nfy lane, alley
Heor -au «ƒ, anchor Heori r, to anchornbsp;Hep-hun nf, slumbernbsp;Hep-huno r, to slumbernbsp;Hep-hynt -iau n, whim; reverienbsp;Hepian n, nod; slumbernbsp;Hepian v, to keep nodding; to dozenbsp;Hepio V, to nod; to slumbernbsp;Heples », ferment, leavennbsp;Hepwedd -au nfy attributenbsp;Her -iau nfy push; challengenbsp;Herawd n, defiance, challengenbsp;Here -iau nf reach out; jerk. Here anbsp;cham a naid, hop, skip, and jumpnbsp;Herciad «, reaching, jerkingnbsp;Mercian r, to keep jerking; to hop onnbsp;Herciant n, reaching out [one legnbsp;Hercu, Hercyd tgt;, to reach, to fetchnbsp;Hercyn n, reach out; jerknbsp;Herddyll a, handsomenbsp;Heresi, ïau nf heresynbsp;Hergloff a, limping, haltingnbsp;Hergod n, push, thrustnbsp;Hergwd, Hergyd -ion », shovenbsp;Hergydio », to shove awaynbsp;Heri «, jerk; limpnbsp;Herio r, to challenge, to provokenbsp;Herlod -au n, stripling, ladnbsp;Herlodes -i nf damsel, girlnbsp;Herlotyn n, mere stripling [heraldnbsp;Herodr -on, Herod -ion n, ambassador;nbsp;Herodraeth nf embassy; heraldrynbsp;Herodri r, to go on embassynbsp;Herodrig o, heraldicnbsp;Hers », sharp push; floutnbsp;Hersi«, scouting, floutingnbsp;Hersio v, to scout, to pack offnbsp;Herw n, flight; scoutingnbsp;Herwa to scout, to hurrynbsp;Herwad n, scouting, prowlingnbsp;Herwhela r, to poach (game)
Herwm n, the gloss of dressed leather Herwr. wyr n, scout, prowler, fugitive;nbsp;Herwnaeth nf vagrancy [outlawnbsp;Herwth nf the rectumnbsp;Herwydd n, cause, occasion. Herwydd,nbsp;0 herwydd, because of, on accountnbsp;Hesg np (-en n/), ^ges [of, fornbsp;Hesglii -iau t»/) whipsawnbsp;Hesgyu -au «, sieve, riddlenbsp;Hesor -au nf hassock, padnbsp;Hesp af dried up, dry, barren: w, hyspnbsp;Hespen -au nf hasp, farrow cownbsp;Hespin - od yfy yearling ewenbsp;Hespinhwch, hychod nf young sownbsp;Hespwrn, yrniaid n, a young sheepnbsp;Hestor -au nf two-bushel measurenbsp;197
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HIL_ Hestoraid, eidiau nf^ two bushelfuls Het -iau nf, hat; garland Hetiwr, wyr n, hatter Hetys TO, short space, instant Heuad to, sowing, semination Heulawd to, the sun’s shining Heulen to/J partial sunshine Heulfynag, eig n, sun-dial Heuliad n, sunning Heuliadu v, to give a sunning Heulo V, to shine as the sun Heulog «, sunny, sunshiny Heulor -an -ydd «, half door Heulorsaf -ion nf^ solstice Henlrawd to, the ecliptic Heulrod -au nf^ parasol; cap Heulwen the sunshine Heulyd to, sunshine, sun-heat Heuslau np (-leuen n/*), sheep-lice Heuso V, to protect, to shield Heusor -ion to, herdsman Heusori v, to tend herds Hew rtj call of defiance, challenge Hewcri, Hewgrach », pertness Hewiad », hectoring Hewrach to, squabble Hewyd -on to, passion; zeal Hewydus a, passionate; zealous Hewydd to, maturity Hewyn w, what is mature Hi pr,she, her; it Hie -ion to/\ snap; trick Hiced -ion nf^ trick, cheat Hicell -i nf, long-handled bill Hicio Vj to snap; to trick Hidl a, distilling; shedding, pouring Hidl -au to/J strainer, colander Hidlad to, distilling, dropping Hidlaid a, distilling, dropping Hidlon TOp, droppings Hidio u, to distil, to run Hif -ion TO, skin, surface Hifio V, to peel off the skin Hifyn to, strip of skin Hiff-iauTO, flake; drift Hifhant, iaint to, drift; foam Hiffio V, to cast fiakes; to drift Eiffiol Ö, flaking; drifting Hiffl -au TO, gush, spirt Hifflaid, Hifflo r, to gush, to spirt Hiffyn «, flake; drift Hil -ion «ƒamp; CTO, fragment; emanation; nroduce; issue; progeny, offspring, Hilen nf^ bearing femalenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[race Hiliant «, issue, progeny Hilig a, procreative: «, issuenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[duce Hilio r, to yield, to bring forth, to pro- |
__ HIR Hiliog a, having issue Hiliogaeth nf^ offspring, issuenbsp;Hiliogi V, to render prolificnbsp;Hilus a, being in particles or piecesnbsp;Hilyn to, particle, emanationnbsp;Hin «/*, weather; temperaturenbsp;Hindda w/| fair weathernbsp;Hinedd to, state of weathernbsp;Hinfynag, fyneig to, barometernbsp;Hiniog -au nf, door frame; sillnbsp;Hino TO, to change in the weathernbsp;Hinon nf, serene weathernbsp;Hinoni to, to become serenenbsp;Hinsawdd, soddau to, climatenbsp;Hip -iau TO, sudden tapnbsp;Hipio TO, to tap, to tipnbsp;Hir a, long; tedious; dilatorynbsp;Hiraeth », longing; regret. Mae hir-aeth amaf, 1 regret; I longnbsp;Hiraethiad n, longingnbsp;Hiraethlawn a, full of regretnbsp;Hiraethlondeb to, state of longingnbsp;Hiraethog, Hiraethol, Hiraethus a,nbsp;longing; regrettingnbsp;Hirbell a, very far, distantnbsp;EirbwyU to, deliberate caution, long con-Hirchwedl -an long story [sideringnbsp;Hirder to, length; longitudenbsp;Hirdrig a, of long tarryingnbsp;Hirddydd -iau to, long daynbsp;Hirell, Hiriell n, beam of light; angelnbsp;Hirfain a, long and slendernbsp;Hirfaith a, long; tediousnbsp;Hirfod TO, long abidingnbsp;Hirfryd a, of even mindnbsp;Hirglust A, long-earednbsp;Hirglwyf to, long sicknessnbsp;Hirglyw a, being long-eared fhirgronnbsp;Hirgrwn to,cylinder: am, cylindrical:^nbsp;Hirgul A, long and narrownbsp;Hirgwyn -ion «, long complaintnbsp;Hirgylch -oedd -au to, eclipsenbsp;Himau to, to lengthennbsp;Hirheglyn, hegloa n, long-legged spidernbsp;Hirhoediedd to, longevitynbsp;Hirhoedlog a, long-livednbsp;Hirian to, tall lank personnbsp;Hiriannu to, to prolongnbsp;Hiriant to, length, delaynbsp;Htrio to, to lengthennbsp;Hirlidio w, to bear anger longnbsp;Hirnos -au nf^ long nightnbsp;Hirnych n, long afflictionnbsp;Hiroddef », longsufferingnbsp;Hiroed to, long waitingnbsp;Hirsain, seiniau nf, long sound [longnbsp;Hirsain, Hirseiniol a, having long sound; |
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Hirwlydd n, the maidenhair Hitrwm «, fribblenbsp;Hityn n, ragamuiEnnbsp;Hifchau pr^ she aJso, her alsonbsp;Hon,exclamation; call: halloa! oh!nbsp;Hob, hobau, Hobaid, eidiau », measurenbsp;Hob -au », swinenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[of capacity
Hobelu tgt;j to hop, to hobble Hobyn n, deal at cardsnbsp;Hoc nf^ scythe to cut bramblesnbsp;Eoced -ion w/, cheat, deceit, jugglenbsp;Hocedu r, to cheat, to tricknbsp;Hocedwr, wyr n, cheat, trickster, rogue;
one who plays tricks Hocrell -od girl, wenchnbsp;Hocys mallows, althsenbsp;Hoch n/, hawking of phlegmnbsp;Hochi V, to throw up phlegmnbsp;Hodi cn, wild shrubs, brakesnbsp;Hodi tgt;, to shoot, to earnbsp;Hoddio V, to facilitatenbsp;Hoe -on -an tif, rest; respitenbsp;Hoeana t), to take respitenbsp;Hoed ft, delay; regretnbsp;Hoeden -od nf^ flirt, coquette, hoidennbsp;Hoedl -au nj^ duration of life, lifenbsp;Hoedli V, to lead a lifenbsp;Hoedlog a, having life, livednbsp;Hoeg nf and a, greennbsp;Hoel -ion nf^ nail, spikenbsp;Hoelen njT, single nail, nailnbsp;Hoelio r, to nail, to drive nailsnbsp;Hoeliwr, wyr ft, nailer [complexionnbsp;Hoen ft^ good plight; liveliness; hue,nbsp;Hoeni v, to grow blithenbsp;Hoenus a, blithesome, joyousnbsp;Hoenwedd n/*, bhthe aspectnbsp;Hoenyn -au », hair; gin, trap; slipnbsp;Hoenynu v, to set a springenbsp;Hoetian v, to suspend; to dandlenbsp;Hoeth a, exposed, nakedsrNoethnbsp;Hoew o, alert, sprightly, lively, gaynbsp;Hoewal slowiy-flowing water, deadnbsp;water in a river; eddy; the middlenbsp;stream of a sea or river: a, quiet,nbsp;calm, unmoved; whirling, eddyingnbsp;Hoewalu r, to form eddiesnbsp;Hoewan a, weak, feeblenbsp;Eoewdeb, Hoewder n, sprightlinessnbsp;Hoewgall a, quick wittednbsp;Hoewgred a, of ready beliefnbsp;Hoewi V, to become sprightlynbsp;Hoewrym a, of quick energynbsp;Hoewserch «, lively affectionnbsp;Hof nf^ what hangs or hovers [pendnbsp;Hofian V, to hover, to fluctuate; to sus-Hoflo r, to hover; to suspend
HofF a, loved, beloved, lovely, dear Hoffaidd a, tending to be lovelynbsp;Hoflaint n, fondness; delight; lovenbsp;Hoffder n, fondness; delightnbsp;Hofldyn -ion «, cuckoldnbsp;Hoffi V, to delight in, to lovenbsp;Hog ft, sharpening, whetnbsp;Hogal whetstone; stropnbsp;Hogalen nf^ whetstone; stropnbsp;Hogen -od nf, girl, damselnbsp;Hogenig nf, little damselnbsp;Hogfaen, feini n, hone, whetstonenbsp;Hogi Vy to sharpen, to whet, to edgenbsp;Hogl -oedd, Hogldy, dai n, hovel, shednbsp;Hoglanc -iau », stripling, youthnbsp;Hogyn -od, hogiau «, stripling, ladnbsp;Hong «ƒ, hang, danglenbsp;Hongian v, to hang, to danglenbsp;Hoi ft, call of attentionnbsp;Hoiad ft, calling attentionnbsp;Hoian v, to call attentionnbsp;Hoi ft, fetch, bringing tonbsp;Hoi V, to fetch, to go fornbsp;Holadwy a, cognizablenbsp;Hoiawd n, cognizancenbsp;Holedigaeth nf, examinationnbsp;Holedigol a, interrogativenbsp;Hoifainc, feincian tribunalnbsp;Holgar a, inquisitive, curiousnbsp;Holi r, to question, to inquire, to interrogate, to examine, to catechizenbsp;Holiadft, interrogation; questionnbsp;Holiadol a, catechetical; interrogativenbsp;Holiant ft, cognizancenbsp;Holiedydd -ion, Holw^ wyr n, interro-Holio r, to separate [gator; examinernbsp;Hoip ft, loop-hole, loop=:01pnbsp;Holnod -au nf, note of interrogation ( ?)nbsp;Holwyddoreg -au nf, catechismnbsp;Holwyddori v, to catechizenbsp;Holl a, all, whole, every onenbsp;Hollallu -oedd ft, all power, omnipotencenbsp;Hollalluog a, omnipotent, almighty.
Yr Hollalluog, the Almighty Hollalluogaeth nf Hollalluogrwydd n,nbsp;omnipotence
Hollboeth -ion ft, holocaust Hollbresennol a, omnipresent, ubiquitousnbsp;Holibresennoldeb,HollbreseDnolrwyddft,nbsp;omnipresence, ubiquitynbsp;Hollddoeth a, allwisenbsp;HoUfath a, omnifarious, of all kindsnbsp;Hollfyd ft, the universenbsp;Hollgreol a, omnificnbsp;Hoilgyfoethog a, possessing all things;
almighty, all-powerful [mistletoe Holliach a, perfectly well: m, allheal;
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Hollol a, total, whole, entire, complete
Hollryw, Hollrywiol a, omnigenous Hollt -au nf^ slit, cleft, fissure, cracknbsp;Hollti V, to slit, to cleave, to split, tonbsp;Holltog a, full of slits or riftsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f rift
Hoiiwybod n, Hollwybodaeth nf^ omniscience nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[a, omniscient
Hollwybodol, HoIlwybodus,Holiwybodog Hollwyddol a, omnipresent [sencenbsp;Hollwydd, Hollwyddoldeb w, omnipre-Hollysol, Hollysglytiol a, omnivorousnbsp;Hon af^ this: m, hwn. Hon acw, thatnbsp;at a distance: m. hwn acw. Hon yma,nbsp;this, which is nere. Hon yna, that,nbsp;which is there
Hona af^ that (in sight): w, hwna Honaid a, evident, well-known, con-HonawdjHoniad n, affirmation [spicuousnbsp;Honawl a, positive, affirmativenbsp;Hone -iau n/J shake, waggingnbsp;Honcen -od n/J waddling femalenbsp;Honcian, Honcio, Honco v, to waggle,nbsp;to stagger, to totter; to joltnbsp;Honfas -au n/*, chopping-knife, choppernbsp;Honffest -i tunic, vestnbsp;Honi to manifest; to proclaim; tonbsp;object; to insist; to assertnbsp;Honiannol a, affirmativenbsp;Honiant n, affirmation, assertionnbsp;Hbno af^ that (absent): ?n, hwnwnbsp;Honof, honot, hono, honi, honom, honnbsp;och, honynt. See 0nbsp;Honos w, gawky; the lingnbsp;Honsel -au hanselnbsp;Hopran -au «/*, mill hoppernbsp;Hopranu v, to put in a hoppernbsp;Hor -od cn, swine licenbsp;Horen, horod nf^ fat lazy one; swine-Horgest «/*, fat paunchnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[louse
Hort -iau n, reproach, calumny Hortio V, to reproach, to detractnbsp;Hortiol a, reproachingnbsp;Hortr -au n, stick, billet, sparnbsp;Horyn », lazy lump: ƒ, horennbsp;Hosan -au n/*, hose, stockingnbsp;Hosanwr, wyr w, hosiernbsp;Hotan -au nf^ hood, capnbsp;Hotyn -au w, what covers as a capnbsp;How i, heigh ho! alas!
Hoyw a, alert, sprightly=:Hoew Hu «, what is apt to pervadenbsp;Hu a, apt to pervade; bold. See Hynbsp;Huad, aid n, houndnbsp;Huadgi, gwn n, hound dognbsp;Huail n, vicegerentnbsp;Huai -au n, fetter, gyve, shacklenbsp;Hualog a, having fetters, shackled
Hualu to fetter, to shackle Huan n/*, Phoebus, the sunnbsp;Huanaw n, aptitude for harmonynbsp;Huanaw a, harmonic; poeticalnbsp;Hucan -od n/J cob, sea fowlnbsp;Huch -ion thin skin, filmnbsp;Huchen -au nf, film, pelliclenbsp;Hucho w, to skin overnbsp;Hud -ion n, illusion, charm [deceivingnbsp;Hudedd, Hudiad n, allurement, alluring,nbsp;Hudo r, to allure, to beguile, to entice,nbsp;to deceivenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[deceptive
Hudol, Hudolawl a, alluring, enticing, Hudoldeb », illusivenessnbsp;Hudoles -au nf^ deceiver, sorceress: «i,nbsp;Hudoli zr, to render illusive [hudolnbsp;Hudoliaeth «/*, allurementnbsp;Hudoliaethu v, to use deceptionnbsp;Hudwalch, weilch », lure bird, decoynbsp;Hudwg «, bugbear, scarecrownbsp;Hudwy «, phantom; miragenbsp;Hudd -ion covert, shadenbsp;Hudd a, dusky, dark, gloomynbsp;Huddiannu v, to overspreadnbsp;Huddiant n, shading overnbsp;Huddig a, tending to be duskynbsp;Huddo V, to cover, to shadenbsp;Huddol a, covering, shadingnbsp;Huddygl n, sootnbsp;Huddyglyd a, fuliginous, sootynbsp;Huenig a, encirclingnbsp;Huenydd n, what encirclesnbsp;Hufen n, cream
Hufenaidd a, like cream; creamy
Hufenu to gather or form cream
Hufio «?, to mantle over
Hufyll a, humble, submissive
Hufylldod n, humility
Hug -au nf, loose coat; cloak; gown
Hugan -au nf, loose coat, coat; cloak
Hugwd ?i, spectre, bugbear
Hul -oedd n, cover, coverlet
Hulier -au cover, lid
Huling -au », coverlet, rug
Hulio Vf to spread over, to deck
Huliwr, wyr n, decker
Hult, Hultan n, dolt, moper
Hulyn n, coverlet, quilt
Hum -iau n, bat, racket
Human, Humog -au Tif, bat, racket..
Pel human, Pel humog, tennis-ball Hun -au nf, sleep, slumber, napnbsp;Hun n and np^ self, one’s self; selves*nbsp;Hunan, ain n, self: px, self-Hunander, Hunanedd n, selfishness*nbsp;Hunandwyll n, self-deceptionnbsp;Hunandyb -iau n, self-conceitnbsp;200
-ocr page 205-HITS HWS
Hnnandfst n, self-evidence Hunanddoeth o, self-wisenbsp;Hunanfarn nf^ self-condemnationnbsp;Hnnanfawl n, seif-applause, self-praisenbsp;Hunanfod -au self-existencenbsp;Hunanfodd n, self-pleasurenbsp;Hunanfudd n, self-interestnbsp;Hunangar a, selfish, self-lovingnbsp;Hunangariad », self-lovenbsp;Hnnangy^fiawn a, self-righteousnbsp;Hunanhanfod n, self-existencenbsp;Hunanhyder n, self-confidencenbsp;Hunaniad n, becoming selfishnbsp;Hunaniaethnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;self; egotism; identity
Hunanladd, nunanladdiad n, suicide, self-murder, self-destructionnbsp;Hunanleiddiad -iaid n, self-murderer,nbsp;Hunanles n, self-interest (^suicidenbsp;Hnnanol o, relating to self; selfishnbsp;Hunanoldeb n, selfishnessnbsp;Hunanrediad n, self-motionnbsp;Hunanrith », self-evidencenbsp;Hunanryw -iau w, homogenynbsp;Hunanryw a, homogeneousnbsp;Hunansaf «, self-standingnbsp;Hunanu v, to egotizenbsp;Hunanymwad n, self-denialnbsp;Hunanysol a, self-devouringnbsp;Hundy, dai n, dormitorynbsp;Hunddwyn a, soporific, somniferous,nbsp;somnific; sleep-deprivingnbsp;Hunedd n, somnolence, drowsinessnbsp;Hunell -au short sleep, napnbsp;Hunfa, fëydd nf, dormitorynbsp;Hungiwyf -au n, lethargynbsp;Hunllef the nightmarenbsp;Huno V, to sleep, to slumbernbsp;Hunog a, sleepy, drowsynbsp;Hunyn », nap, dozenbsp;Huon n, epithet for the Deitynbsp;Hupynt n, brunt; shock; push; metrenbsp;Hur -iau w, wages, hire [ so callednbsp;Huren -od prostitute, harlotnbsp;Hurio, Huria r, to hire, to take hire ornbsp;Huriwr, wyr », hirernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wages
Hurt n, block: a, stupid Hurtan »c, blockheadnbsp;Hurtio to stupefy ; to stunnbsp;gurtiol a, stupefactive, stupefyingnbsp;Hurtyn -od n, blockhead, doltnbsp;tiurtr -au n, boarded floornbsp;Hurth -od n, block; dolt: a, dull, stupidnbsp;Hurthgen -od n, blockhead, stupenbsp;Hurthio r, to stupefynbsp;Hust n, buzzing noise; hushnbsp;Hustiad n, making a buzz [whispernbsp;Hostingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;to buzz, to whisper:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;buzz.
Hutan -od n, oaf; the dotterel Hutyn », stupid fellownbsp;Huw ri, lullaby, lullanbsp;Huysgain a, apt to scatternbsp;Hiiysgwn a, apt to ascendnbsp;Huysgwr a, aptly energeticnbsp;Hw n, hoot, haloonbsp;Hwa V, to hoot, to halloo: *, geenbsp;Hwala Tif, haloo, crynbsp;Hwan -od ^ hooter, owlnbsp;Hwb n, push; eflPort; lift. Hwb a chamnbsp;a naid, hop, skip, and jumpnbsp;Hwbiad pushing forwardnbsp;Hwbian v, to be pushing onnbsp;Hwca, Hwced a, hooked, turnednbsp;Hwch, hychod sow, swinenbsp;Hwchw n, shout, cry, screamnbsp;Hwd take off or awaynbsp;Hwda n. take off, takingnbsp;Hwda, Hwde w, impevy take, acceptnbsp;Hwdan reach to takenbsp;Hwdog a, unappreciablenbsp;Hwdwg n, bugbear, bugnbsp;Hwdwl n, what is stark madnbsp;Hwf -od n, hood, cowlnbsp;Hwfan n, rising overnbsp;Hwfan, Hwfanu v, to rise overnbsp;Hwff, hyffion n, lumpnbsp;Hwg », hook, bendnbsp;Hwgwd n, dunce, doltnbsp;Hwhw n, hooting of an owlnbsp;Hwi V, to halloonbsp;Hwman «, wavering motionnbsp;Hwn am, this:^^ hon. Hwn acw, thatnbsp;yonder, or at a distance hon acw.nbsp;Hwn yma, this, which is here; fy honnbsp;yma. Hwn yna, that, which is there;nbsp;fy hon yna
Hwna am, that Hn sight): ƒ, hona Hwnt a, outwaru; foreign; other, contrary ; beyond: ad, at a distance; yonder; away, aside. Tu hwnt i, beyondnbsp;Hwntian v, to vibrate; to wagglenbsp;Hwnw am, that (absent): ƒ, hbnonbsp;Hwp fly effort, pushnbsp;Hwpio Vy to pushnbsp;Hwpiol a, pushingnbsp;Hwr riy taking off, takingnbsp;Hwra, Hwre imper, accept, takenbsp;Hwrdd, hyrddau n, push, thrust; butt;nbsp;Hwrdd, hyrddod n, ramnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[onset
Hwre, Hwriwch v (defective), take, ac-Hwrwg fly lump, hunch nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cept
Hws », covering, housing Hwsiad », putting on a covernbsp;Hwsmon, hwsmyn husbandmannbsp;Hwsmonaeth fi/y husbandry, tillagenbsp;201
-ocr page 206-HWY HYD
quot;Hwstr a, froward; morose Hwstredd w, frowardnessnbsp;Hwt«, taking ofi: v, off, awaynbsp;Hwta «, taking off, takingnbsp;Hwtio Ü, to push off; to hootnbsp;Hwy pr, they, them. Hwy eu hunain,nbsp;they themselves Hwy a, longer. Yn hwy, any more Hwyad, aid nf. ducknbsp;Hwyaden ti/*, duck: p, hwyaidnbsp;Hwyddell -od nf^ female salmonnbsp;Hwyedig a, lengthened, elongatednbsp;Hwyedydd -ion », male hawknbsp;Hwyfell -od nf^ female salmonnbsp;Hwyfyd «, long existencenbsp;Hwyhau tgt;, to lengthen, to elongatenbsp;Hwyl-iau course; state, condition,nbsp;plight, disposition; humour; sail.nbsp;Dwyn hwyl, to assaultnbsp;Hwylbren -i, Hwy liar, eri «, mastnbsp;Hwy If a, fëydd nf^ course; lanenbsp;Hwylio V, to set in course; to butt; tonbsp;prepare; to sail; to direct, to ordernbsp;Hwyliog a, having course; being undernbsp;Hwylus a, orderly; prosperous [sailnbsp;Hwyluso *7, to facilitatenbsp;Hwylusdod w, facilitynbsp;Hwyn -ion «, long hair; a ginnbsp;Hwyno v, to lay a springenbsp;Hwyntp», them, theynbsp;Hwyntau they likewise, them alsonbsp;Hwynt-hwy pn, they, they themselvesnbsp;Hwynyn -au n, long slip; hair; a ginnbsp;Hwyr n, lateness; the evening: a, slow. tedious; late, tardy ( peradventure Hwyrach a, slower; later:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;perhaps, Hwyrder, Hwyredd w, tardiness, late-Hwyrdrwm a, sluggish, drowsy [ ness Hv^yrddig a, slow to anger, long-suffer-Hwyrddysg a, slow to learnnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing Hwyrfryd o, of slow disposition Hwyrfrydig a. slowly disposednbsp;Hwyrgoel o, slow of belief, incredulousnbsp;Hwyrgyrch a, of slow approachnbsp;Hwyrhau v, to become latenbsp;Hwyrlid a, slow to anger, forbearingnbsp;Hwyrnaws a, of slow dispositionnbsp;Hwyrol 0, relating to eveningnbsp;Hwyrwan a, slow and feeblenbsp;Hwyrwar a, slow and gentlenbsp;Hwyrweddog a, forbearingnbsp;Hwys -au nf, draught; loadnbsp;Hwysg -au n, sweep; ravagenbsp;Hwysgo V, to sweep awaynbsp;Hwysgynt nf, sweeping coursenbsp;Hwyso t7, to heap togethernbsp;Hwyst rt, dart, glance |
Hwystin n, dart forward Hwythau p», they likewise, them toonbsp;Hy a, apt; bold, audacious: px, implying enhancement, intensity, excess;nbsp;apt to, easy, worthy of; -ble=ett C^r.)nbsp;Hyadlais a, apt to resoundnbsp;Hyall a, possible, effectible, feasiblenbsp;Hyalledd n, possibilitynbsp;Hyar a, apt to resound; vocalnbsp;Hyarwaes a, ready to assistnbsp;Hyarwar a, soothing; calmnbsp;Hyawdl a, eloquent, fluentnbsp;Hyawdledd n, eloquence, fluencynbsp;Hyb n, getting forward; getting foremost; recoverynbsp;Hyball a, fallible, defectiblenbsp;Hyballedd n, fallibilitynbsp;Hybar a, apt to providenbsp;Hybarch a, venerable, reverednbsp;Hybarth a, easily parted, divisiblenbsp;Hybell a, far ranging; distantnbsp;Hyblaid a, apt to take a partnbsp;Hybleth a, apt to weave or twinenbsp;Hyblitb a, easily mixingnbsp;Hyblyg a, easily doubled; flexiblenbsp;Hyboen a, susceptible of painnbsp;Hyboeth a, easily heatednbsp;Hybol a, recovering; savingnbsp;Hyborth a, easily supported; portablenbsp;Hybrawf a, demonstrablenbsp;Hybred a, liable to transmigratenbsp;Uybryn a, easily boughtnbsp;Hybu V, to get foremost; to recovernbsp;Hybwyll o, discreet, prudent, rationalnbsp;Hybwys a, aptly pressingnbsp;Hychan tif, little sownbsp;Hychfryd n, stubborn mindnbsp;Hychgryg n, quinsynbsp;Hychian v, to grunt as a sownbsp;Hychig nf, little or young sownbsp;Hychio v, to thrust, to pushnbsp;Hychwal a, dissipatabienbsp;Hychwant a, lustfulnbsp;Hychwardd a, apt to laughnbsp;Hychwil a, apt to pry aboutnbsp;Hychwyth a, apt to blownbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^ Hyd -oedd -iau n, length; continuityj while. Ar hyd, during, alongnbsp;Hyd pr, to, unto; as far as: ad, till, wnbsp;the time that; while; along, oje***nbsp;Hyd at, as far as. Hyd Ian yr afo^nbsp;to the bank of the river. Hyd gl^nbsp;yr afon, along the bank of thenbsp;Hyd yn oed, even to, even, in asnbsp;as. Hydofjoverrae. Hyd-ddo,overninbsp;Hydag, a, apt to chokenbsp;Hydaith a, apt to travel |
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Hydal o, apt to pay, payable
Hydal a, apt to interrupt Hydardd a, apt to break oatnbsp;Hydarf a, easily scarednbsp;Hydarth a, apt to exhalenbsp;Hydaw lt;z, apt to be silentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[melt
Hydawdd o, dissolvable, soluble, apt to Hydedd n, longitude, lengthnbsp;Hydeg a, tending to be fairnbsp;Hyder «, confidence, trust, reliancenbsp;Hyderiad n. confiding, relyingnbsp;Hyderu to confide, to rely, to trustnbsp;Hyderus a, confident, trustingnbsp;Hydgyllen ti/J the brisketnbsp;Hydiad «, lengtheningnbsp;Hydlath -au nf^ part of the ancientnbsp;Peithynen, being the longitudinal barnbsp;or stave, on which the letters were cutnbsp;and which was fixed in the troslathaunbsp;or cross bars forming the framenbsp;Hydor a, breaking easily, brittle, fragilenbsp;Hydr a, bold, daringnbsp;Hydrach a, rather=Hytrachnbsp;Hydraeth a, aptly recited, efiablenbsp;Hydraidd a, penetrablenbsp;Hydrais a, apt to oppressnbsp;Hydranc o, apt to perishnbsp;Hydras a, of notable kindrednbsp;Hydraul a, easily consumednbsp;Hydraw a, easily instructednbsp;Hydred -ion n, longitudenbsp;Hydredol a, longitudinalnbsp;Hydref -au n, autumn; Octobernbsp;Hydrefn a, well ordered, orderlynbsp;Hydrefol a, autumnalnbsp;Hydrwst a, apt to be noisynbsp;fiydrwyllt a, bold and wildnbsp;Hydwedd r^ƒ¦, longitudinal aspectnbsp;Hydwf a, apt to grow; thriving; lux-Hydwg a, prosperous, lucky [uriantnbsp;Hydwn a, easily broken, fragilenbsp;fiydwrf a, apt to be tumultuousnbsp;Hydwyll o, easily deceivednbsp;Hydwyth a, elastic, supple; nimblenbsp;Wdyn a, easily drawn, tractablenbsp;Hydd -od n, stag, red deernbsp;Hyddadl a, disputablenbsp;Hyddail a, apt to bear leavesnbsp;Hyddawn a, apt to give; liberalnbsp;Hyddes -od -au nf^ hind, red deernbsp;HyddestI a, apt to be nicenbsp;Hyddewis a, aptly selectingnbsp;“yddfref n, rutting of deer; rutting
gyddgant «, herd of deer ^ydagen «, skin of a stagnbsp;gyddgi, gwn n, buckhoundnbsp;-«yddig a, irritable, irascible
Hyddof a, tamable, docile Hyddring a, easily climbednbsp;Hyddrwg a, apt to be badnbsp;Hyddwjn a, easily carried [versednbsp;Hyddysg a, teachable, docible; wellnbsp;Hyedd n, boldness; confidencenbsp;Hyf a, bold, daring; contident=Hynbsp;Hyfaeth a, nourishablenbsp;Hyfagl a, apt to entanglenbsp;Hyfai a, culpable, faultynbsp;Hyfarn a, ready to condemn; censoriousnbsp;Hyfawl a, laudable, praiseworthynbsp;Hyfdra, Hyfdern, boldness; audacitynbsp;Hyfed a, ready for reapingnbsp;Hyfedr o, expert, skilful, clevernbsp;Hvfell a, humblenbsp;Hyferw a, easily boilednbsp;Hvfeth a, fallible; perishablenbsp;Hyfhau tgt;, to become boldnbsp;Hyfloedd a, apt to shoutnbsp;Hyfodd a, easily pleasednbsp;Hyfoes a, of easy mannersnbsp;Hyfr -od », gelded goatnbsp;Hyfraw a, easily awed or terrifiednbsp;Hylrawd a, of apt judgmentnbsp;Hyfrdra n, boldness; audacitynbsp;Hyfriw a, apt to break, fragile, brittlenbsp;Hyfro a, of accessible countrynbsp;Hyfrwd a, being easily heatednbsp;Hyfryd a, cheerful, delightful, pleasant,nbsp;fine. Hyfrydion, pleasuresnbsp;Hyfrydedd «, delightfulnessnbsp;Hyfrydlais, leisiau n, pleasing voicenbsp;Hyfrydu v, to make cheerfulnbsp;Hyfrydwch n, delightfulness, pleasurenbsp;Hyfrys a, hasty, expeditiousnbsp;Hyff -ion n, drive; driftnbsp;Hyffagl a, apt to flamenbsp;HyfFawd a, aptly prosperingnbsp;Hyffio v, to drive on; to driftnbsp;Hvfiiam a, apt to flamenbsp;Hyfilyn w, particle; shrednbsp;Hyffo a, capable of retreatingnbsp;Hyfibrdd a, apt to make way; dexterousnbsp;Hyfiorddi, Hyfforddio r, to direct, to trainnbsp;up, to instruct, to guide, to shownbsp;Hyflorddiad «, forwarding, instructionnbsp;Hyfforddlant«, direction [instructednbsp;Hyfiorddus a, expert, dexterous, wellnbsp;Hyfforddwr, wyr n, guide; directorynbsp;Hygaaw a, easily preservednbsp;Hygael a, easily attainabJe, obtainablenbsp;Hygais a, aptly attemptingnbsp;Hygant«, communitynbsp;Hygar a. amiable, lovelynbsp;Hygardd a, reproachabienbsp;Hygarth a, easily cleansed outnbsp;203
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Hygas a, detestable, hateful [ous Hyged a, ready of gift, liberal, bounte-Hygel a, easily hidden, concealed Hyglod a, susceptible of praise; cele-Hyglust a, of a ready ear [ bratednbsp;Hyglwyf fl, easily woundednbsp;Hyglyw a, easily heard, audiblenbsp;Hygoel a, credible; credulousnbsp;Hygoeledd «, credibility; credulitynbsp;Hygof a, easily remembered, memorablenbsp;Hygoll a, easily lost, apt to losenbsp;Hygosp a, punishable, corrigiblenbsp;Hygred a, credible, apt to believenbsp;Hygryn a, easily shaken, tremblingnbsp;Hygudd a, easily hidingnbsp;Hygwsg a, easily sleepingnbsp;Hygwymp a, easily fallingnbsp;Hygwyn a, apt to complainnbsp;Hygylch a, apt to surroundnbsp;Hyladd a, easily cut offnbsp;Hylafar a, ready of speech, volublenbsp;Hylais a, of free or ready voicenbsp;Hylam a, of a nimble stepnbsp;Hylar a, easily satiatednbsp;Hylaw a, dexterous, handy, expertnbsp;Hylawn a, apt to be full, amplenbsp;Hyled o, aptly spreadingnbsp;Hylef a, of free or ready voicenbsp;Hyles a, apt to benefit, beneficialnbsp;ELylid a, apt to be angry, irasciblenbsp;Hylif a, apt to flow; voluble; liquidnbsp;Hylit -au n, fluid, liquidnbsp;Hylon a, apt to be cheerful, merrynbsp;Hylun a, easily formednbsp;Hylwgr a, corruptiblenbsp;Hylwydd a, prosperous, fortunatenbsp;Hylwyddo u, to prosper, to succeednbsp;Hylys a, being easily rejectednbsp;Hyll a?», gloomy hideous, wild:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;hell Hylldod, Hylldra n, hideousness, ugli-Hylldraw n, wild dismay [ness, wildness Hylldrawu p, to dismaynbsp;Hylldrem -iau «ƒ, grim aspectnbsp;Hylldremio v, to look wildlynbsp;Hyllgrech q/*, hideous: m, hyllgrychnbsp;Hyllgryg a, frightfully hoarsenbsp;Hyllu t), to make ugly; to dismaynbsp;Hyn a, this; these. Hyn acw, thatnbsp;^r those) yonder or at a distance.nbsp;Hyn yma, this, which is here; those,nbsp;which are there. Hyn yna, that,nbsp;which is there; those, which are therenbsp;H^n np. ancestry, ancestorsnbsp;H^n, Hynach o, elder, senior, older=:nbsp;Hyna a, that, that much [Henachnbsp;Hynaf, aif 7», ancestor, elder: a, oldestnbsp;Hynafedd n, seniority, eldership |
Hynafiad, laid n, ancestor, elder Hynafiaeth nf^ antiquity, archaeologynbsp;Hynafiaethol, Hynatiannol a, antiquarian, archaeological [«, antiquarynbsp;Hynafiaethwr, wyr, Hyuafiaethydd -ionnbsp;Hynafiant», archeologynbsp;Hynafol a, ancient, archaicnbsp;Kynaint n, senioritynbsp;Hynawdd o, aptly protectingnbsp;Hynaws a, good-natured, kindnbsp;Hynawsedd n, good naturenbsp;Hynedd n, agedness, oldnessnbsp;Hynefydd -ion n, senior; antiquarynbsp;Hynerth a, endued with stren^hnbsp;Hyni pr^ until, by the time thatnbsp;Hynod a, notable, remarkablenbsp;Hynodi v, to make remarkable or nota-Hynodiaeth n/J notable action [blenbsp;Hynodol a, tending to be notablenbsp;Hynodrwydd », notablenessnbsp;Hynoeth a, apt to make nakednbsp;Hynt -iau tj/J way, course, journey,nbsp;expedition; freak, whimnbsp;Hyntiad », going off abruptlynbsp;Hynwyf a, amorous, wantonnbsp;Hyny a, that (not present); thosenbsp;Hyr -iau », shock, push; snarl; defiancenbsp;Hyran a, aptly parted, divisiblenbsp;Hyranedd », divisibilitynbsp;Hyrdd n, sudden shock: a, eagernbsp;Hvrddawd », impulse, push; buttingnbsp;Hyrddiant n, impulsenbsp;Hyrddol a, impulsive, pushingnbsp;Hyrddu v, to ram; to push, to imp®*»nbsp;to butt; to make assaultnbsp;Hyrddwynt -oedd «, hurricanenbsp;Hyrddyn n, the fish mulletnbsp;Hyred a, apt to run, easily runningnbsp;Hyriad », giving a shock or pushnbsp;Hyrif a, easily numberednbsp;Hyrmer n, jolt headnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, Hyrn -oedd nf, what is round an» smooth, holm, haughnbsp;Hyrodd a, aptly giving, liberalnbsp;Hyrwym a, easily bound, astringentnbsp;Hyrwysg fl, of a free careernbsp;Hys -iau n, snarl; setting onnbsp;Hvsaf a, apt to stand, steadynbsp;Hysain a, easily sounding, sonorousnbsp;Hysathr a, easily trodden [bys, conjure*'nbsp;Hysbys a, manifest, evident. Dynnbsp;Hysbysai, eion n, index. Hysbys^nbsp;gwefrol, electric telegraphnbsp;Hysbyseb n, informationnbsp;Hysbysiad », advertisement, informatjjrnbsp;Hysbysiaeth q/j information, intelh'nbsp;gence; advertisement |
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Hysbysrwydd n, intelligence Hysbysu v, to acquaint, to advertise, tonbsp;inform, to announce, to declarenbsp;Hysbyswr, wyr, Hysbysydd -ion n, onenbsp;who makes evident or announces;nbsp;advertiser; certifiernbsp;Hysgyr -ion «, stave; splinternbsp;Hysiad n, snarling; setting onnbsp;Hysian, Hysio v, to snarl; to set onnbsp;Hysigl a, easily shakingnbsp;Hyson a, apt to make a noise, noisynbsp;Hysp am, dry, dried up; barren:ƒ, hespnbsp;Hyspu V, to render dry, to be driednbsp;Hyspyddiad n, exhausting; drainagenbsp;Hyspyddu v, to exhaust, to drainnbsp;Hyswy -od n/', housewife [rathernbsp;Hytrach a, more forward. Yn hytrach,nbsp;Hyttir -oedd nf^ the length of a ridgenbsp;Hytynt n, course, journey [in a fieldnbsp;H3rwad a, deniablenbsp;Hywain a, aptly ministeringnbsp;Hywaith a, ready at work, dexterousnbsp;Hywall a, liable to fail, falliblenbsp;Hywan a, penetrablenbsp;Hywar a, manageablenbsp;Hywedd a, conformable; gentle; docilenbsp;Hyweddiad n, conformingnbsp;Hy weddiant », tractableness [ or docilenbsp;Hyweddu v, to render tractable, gentle,nbsp;Hywel n, conspicuous, evident, obviousnbsp;Hywell a. remediablenbsp;Hywen a, easily smilingnbsp;Hywerth a, vendible, salablenbsp;Hywir a, truthfulnbsp;Hywiw a, apt to excelnbsp;Hywredd n, manlinessnbsp;Hywydd a, apt to perceivenbsp;Hywyl a, easily perceived, obviousnbsp;Hywys a, convenablenbsp;Hywysti a, easily pledged to his, to her, to its, to their. I fyny, upward, up. I lawr, I waered, down,nbsp;downward. 1 gyd, altogether; thenbsp;whole, I mewn, into; withinnbsp;I I, me T? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cl’oyn ia, Oloch ia, icicle |
la (ia) ad, yes, yeassië (ïe) l*ch a, sane, sound, whole. Oanu ynnbsp;iach,to bid God speed,to bid farewellnbsp;^chfid n, healing, curingnbsp;lachaedigaeth «ƒ, act of healingnbsp;lachol a, of a healing qualitynbsp;lachau v, to cure, to heal; to grow well,nbsp;lacb^f, 1 will heal. lachaf, mostnbsp;lachawd «, the act of healing [healthynbsp;lachawdwr, wyr n. Saviournbsp;lachawGwriaeth nf, salvationnbsp;lachus a, healthy, wholesomenbsp;lachuso V, to render healthynbsp;lachusol a, of a healthy conditionnbsp;lachusrwydd «, healthinessnbsp;lachwydd n, saving knowledgenbsp;lad -au nf, pate, skull, craniumnbsp;laedd n, icy state, icinessnbsp;laen -au nf, sheet of ice; glaciernbsp;I^eth n, iciness, icy statenbsp;lang a, blunt, rude, boorishnbsp;langedd n, rudeness; rusticitynbsp;langu V, to become rudenbsp;langwr, wyr n, rude one, boor; yeomannbsp;Iain a, icy, very cold | speech, tonguenbsp;laith, ieithoedd, ieithiau nf, language,nbsp;lal -au nf, open space or regionnbsp;lal a, clear, open, fairnbsp;lalain a, of a clear qualitynbsp;lalant n, clearness, lustrenbsp;laledd n, clearness, hnenessnbsp;lalen -i nf, sapling; rodnbsp;lar, ieir if, the female of birds, hen. ISrnbsp;fenyn, lar wenwyn, lar gota, butterflynbsp;larpr, from off*, off, from: nj, shouldernbsp;[arc -iau nf what stretches overnbsp;larcw n, what directs, pilotnbsp;lardy, dai n, hen-coopnbsp;larhyd n, shoulder-piecenbsp;laril, ieirll n, earl, lordnbsp;larllaeth nf earldomnbsp;larlles -au nf, earl’s lady, countessnbsp;larn pr, from ofl, from, offnbsp;lamadd ad, from off or abovenbsp;larth, ierthi if, long rod, goadnbsp;las -au nf, what pervades; nature; disposition; shock; shivernbsp;lasaidd a, of a pervading tendencynbsp;lasedd n, pervading tendencynbsp;lasiad n, giving a shock; pervasionnbsp;lasol a, pervasive; apt to shocknbsp;lasu r, to pervade with a qualitynbsp;Iau, ieuau n, liver: nf, yoke; a pair ofnbsp;oxen: n^ Jove. Dydd Iau, Thursdaynbsp;Iau a, junior, youngernbsp;lawd n, season, timenbsp;lawg nf, what is keen or ardentnbsp;lawl, iolau n, the act of glorifyingnbsp;lawn n, right; equity; satisfaction;nbsp;atonement, expiation: a, right, equitable, just ; exact, correct: (id, rightly,nbsp;very: px, ortho-, reet-, rightnbsp;205 |
leuo V, to yoke, to couple, to join
leuol a, being yoked or joined
lewan re, cry, scream
lewin a, clamorous, noisy
lewydd -on re, yoke collar
Ifanc, lefanc a. young=Ienano
Ig -ion -iau nf, vexing; hiccup; sob
Igian V, to be sobbing
Igio V, to sigh, to sob
Igiol a, sighing, sobbing
Ing -oedd re, strait, difficulty
Ing a, strait, narrow, confined
Ingder re, straitness, closeness
Ingol a, tending to straiten; distressing
II nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;-ion nf, what is in motion; fermentnbsp;Iliad re, fermentation, working
llio Uj to ferment, to work
Ilir -ion re, butteiffiy=Eiiier, Eiler
III nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pn, their, they, used for the most partnbsp;with two and three. Ill dau, theynbsp;both. Ill tri. 111 trioedd, they three
Imi. See I
Imp -iau re, scion, shoot, sprout Impio V, to germinate; to graftnbsp;Impiol a, germinating, shooting, ornbsp;Impog re, osculation, kiss [sproutingnbsp;Impnth -iau re, sporule, sporenbsp;Impronoa np (improyn re), sporidesnbsp;Imprithos np (imprithyn re), sporidiolanbsp;Impyn -au re, scion, shootnbsp;Indeg a, sublimate; raving madnbsp;Ini. See I
Iniawn a, strait, direct; even=Un-iawn, amp;c. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[seal, signet
Insel -iau. Insail, seiliau nf, mark; Inselio, Inseilio v, to mark; to sealnbsp;lo », well a-day, lack a-daynbsp;loed re, time past; evernbsp;lolad re, worshiping, adoringnbsp;lolaeth nf, adoration, worshipnbsp;lolaethu v, to worship, to adorenbsp;lolch re, act of devotionnbsp;lolchi V, to act devoutlynbsp;loldy, dai re, conventiclenbsp;loli V, to praise; to worshipnbsp;lolwch re, grateful praisenbsp;lolychu V, to worship, to reverenbsp;lolyn re, wiseacre: f iolonnbsp;Ion re, first cause, the Lordnbsp;lonawr re, Januarynbsp;loR re, the Eternal, the Lordnbsp;lorn re, burst, thrustnbsp;lorni V, to burst throughnbsp;lorth re, continuity: o, continualnbsp;lorthi V, to be continualnbsp;lorthol a, incessant; diligentnbsp;lorthryn re, assiduity
lawnder, lawnedd n, rightness, equity, lawndda a, rightly good [rectitudenbsp;lawnles », right advantagenbsp;lawnol a, of a right tendency; atoning;nbsp;larvnran -an Tif, right share [expiatorynbsp;lawnred nƒ, right coursenbsp;lawnrith -iau n, right appearancenbsp;lawnryw -iau «, right Jcindnbsp;lawnu », to render rightnbsp;lawnedd nf, right aspectnbsp;lawnymgais n, right pursuitnbsp;lawnysgrif -au nf, orthographynbsp;Ich -iau nf, screak, to squealnbsp;Ichian tgt;, to keep screakingnbsp;Ichio V, to screak, to squealnbsp;Id -iau », what is drawn out; pointnbsp;Id pn, it, indeterminatenbsp;Idio V, to accuminate, to pointnbsp;Idd pr, to, towards; for; into. Gadnbsp;iddo, let him be, let him alonenbsp;Iddas a, pungent; subtilenbsp;Iddi, Iddo, Iddynt. See Inbsp;Iddwf n, St. Anthony’s fire, erysipelasnbsp;lë (ïe) ad, it is so; yes, yeanbsp;lechyd n, health, sanitynbsp;lechydol a, healthful, salutary, of anbsp;healing quality; sanitarynbsp;lechydwriaeth salvationnbsp;leinder n, coolness, freshnessnbsp;leithadur -on re, grammarnbsp;leithgarwch re, philologynbsp;leithiad, leitnad re, phraseologynbsp;leithio, leitho », to form a phrasenbsp;leithiog, leithog a, having languagenbsp;leithiogi, leithogi », to form a phrasenbsp;leithiol, leithol a, relating to speech,nbsp;linguistic, philologicalnbsp;leithus o, of ready speech f idiom; stylenbsp;leithwedd -au -on tif, literary style;nbsp;leithofydd -ion re, philologistnbsp;leithofyddiaeth nf, science of language,nbsp;philology, linguisticsnbsp;leithydd -ion re, linguist, grammariannbsp;leithyddiaeth nf, philologynbsp;leithyddu a, to form speech, to philolo-lerthi nf driving rod, goad [gizenbsp;lesin a, radiant, glorious; fairnbsp;lesinder re, radiancy; garishnessnbsp;lesino v, to radiate; to be fair; to ren-Iesu re, Jesusnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[der fair
let -iau «/¦, turnpike gate; gate leuaf, leuangaf a, youngestnbsp;leuangaidd a, somewhat youngnbsp;leuanc ainc re, youth: a, youngnbsp;leuant, aint re, youth; infautnbsp;lenenctyd re, minority, youthnbsp;leugen -od nf, ferret
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Llachar a, gleaming, glittering, bright Llachau n^, gleams; lightningsnbsp;Llachbren -au », cudgelnbsp;Llachdwm n, tub, open shallow vesselnbsp;Llachffon, ffyn n/*, cudgel, batonnbsp;Llachio V, to slap; to cudgel, to beatnbsp;Llachiwr, wyr n, cudgellernbsp;Llad -au n, favour; gift; blessingnbsp;Lladaeth nfy conferring of favoursnbsp;Lladai, eion wc, bearer of favoursnbsp;Lladgawd n, bowlnbsp;Lladin «ƒ, the Latin .languagenbsp;Lladiniaeth n/*, Latinitynbsp;Lladinio v, to Latinizenbsp;Lladinydd -ion «, Latinistnbsp;Lladmer -iaid, Liadraerydd -ion «, interpreter, translatornbsp;Lladmeriaeth nf^ translationnbsp;Lladol a, gracious, beneficentnbsp;Lladrad -au «, theft, robbery; stealthnbsp;Lladradaidd a, thievish. Yn lladrad-aidd, by stealthnbsp;Lladraidd a, thievish; slynbsp;Lladrata i?, to thieve, to stealnbsp;Lladrataeth n/j act of thievingnbsp;Lladrates -au ti/J female thiefnbsp;Lladratiad », thievingnbsp;Lladratwr, wyr », thief, stealernbsp;Xladron np (lleidr w), thieves, robbersnbsp;Lladronacn np, petty thieves, pilferers,nbsp;Lladronaidd a, thievish, pilfering [pngsnbsp;Lladrones -od -au n/J female thiefnbsp;Lladroni v, to become thieves [feringnbsp;Lladronllyd, Lladronig a, thievish, pil-Lladu V, to confer a favour, to blessnbsp;Lladd V, to kill, to murder, to slay; to cut. Lladd gwair^ to mow hay Lladdedig a, cut off; killed. Lladded-igioQ a chlwyfedigion, killed andnbsp;wounded Lladdedigaeth nf, cutting off; killing Lladdfa, fëydd 71^, cutting off; slaughternbsp;Lladdiad », cutting off; killingnbsp;Lladdwr^ wyr », killer, slayernbsp;Lladdwriaeth «/, butcherynbsp;Llae », expanse, spreadingnbsp;Llaer -au n, rippling; refluxnbsp;Llaeru r, to ebb; to grow shallownbsp;Llaes a, loose, slack, lax; trailing; lownbsp;Llaesawd », what is loose; litternbsp;Llaesder «, laxness; trailingnbsp;Llaesiadn, drooping; trailingnbsp;Llaesodr -au n, what is laid as litternbsp;Llaesu v, to slacken, to loosen, to trailnbsp;Llaeth n, milk. Llaeth enwyn, butternbsp;milk, Llaeth tor, biestings, the firstnbsp;milk after calving |
Llaetha v, to collect milk Llaethdwn w, lay landnbsp;Llaethedd n, milkinessnbsp;Llaethfwyd -ydd », milk dietnbsp;Llaethio, loi n, suckling calfnbsp;Llaethlyd a, milky, yielding milknbsp;Llaethog a, abounding in milknbsp;Llaethogi v, to abound with milknbsp;Llaethol a, lacteal; milkynbsp;Llaethon n, the milt of fishnbsp;Llaethu v, to turn to milknbsp;Llaethygen lettucenbsp;Llaethysgall np (-en n), sow thistlenbsp;Llafan -au n, what bears impression; evil, mischief; strand Llafanad, aid n, intellect, sensenbsp;Llafanedd n, the power of intellectnbsp;Llafaniad forming in the mindnbsp;Llafanog nf^ hairweed, crowsilknbsp;Llafanol a, intellectualnbsp;Llafanu v, to form in the mindnbsp;Llafar-au n, utterance, speech; sound;nbsp;voice. Llafar gwlad, customarynbsp;speech, imis loquendinbsp;Llafar a, vocal; loud; resounding. Craignbsp;Llafarai, eion «c, vowel [lafar, echonbsp;Llafarawd n, pronunciationnbsp;Llafarbwys -au n, emphasisnbsp;Llafarddull -iau n, mode of expression;nbsp;dialect, idiom Llafaredigaeth nf, pronunciation Llafarganu r, to sing; to chant, to re-Llafanad n, pronunciation [joicenbsp;Llafariad, iaid «ƒ, vowelnbsp;Llafariaeth nf, orthoepy; pronunciationnbsp;Llafarlais, leisian n, clear tonenbsp;Llafarog -ion nf, vowelnbsp;Llafarol a, enunciativenbsp;Llafarsain, seiniau n/\ vocal soundnbsp;Llafaru v, to speak, to pronouncenbsp;Llafarus a, loquacious, talkativenbsp;Llafarwch », loquacity [dialect, idiomnbsp;Llafarwedd -au nf, mode of speaking;nbsp;Llafarwr, wyr, Llafarydd -ion », enun-ciator; speaker; preachernbsp;Llafasu vsrLlyfasu, amp;c. Llaferydd n, utterance, speech Llafn -au n, blade; Hakenbsp;Llafnawr npj blades, spearsnbsp;Llafnes -od rify strapping girl, a blad*nbsp;of a woman Llafnu tJ, to blade; to flake; to flatten Llafon -au », lamina; flakenbsp;Llafr -au n, spread; breechnbsp;Llafren -od ny, large-buttocked womaQnbsp;Llafru V, to spread oat; to breechnbsp;Llafrwyn np (-en nf)^ bnllrushesnbsp;208 |
Llafur w, toil, labour; tillage: cn, corn (^S.W.). Llafuriau, corn crops. Tirnbsp;llafur, arable land Llafureg -ion nf, poem on agriculture. Llafuregion, georgics [ painstaking Llafurgar a, laborious, industrious,nbsp;Llafuriaeth nf^ labouringnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pains Llafurio v, to labour, to toil, to take Llafurus a, laborious, toilsome [bandrynbsp;Llafurwaith Llafurwriaeth. nf^ hus-Llafurwr, wyr w, labourer, husbandmannbsp;Llag a, stack, loose, sluggishnbsp;Llagad -au 7i, plash full of rashesnbsp;Llai, lleion w, mud; raven graynbsp;Llai a, smaller, less: ad^ in a smallernbsp;Llaib, lleibiau w, sup, lap f degreenbsp;Inlaid, lleidiau n, clay, mire, grimenbsp;Llaidd a, mild; smooth, softnbsp;Llaif, lleifiau 7i, shear; shavenbsp;Llaig, lleigiau «, bubble on waternbsp;Llaing, lleingiau ra, what closes; claspnbsp;Llain, lleiniau nf, patch, piece; longnbsp;slip, slang; bladenbsp;Llair n. wnat droops; satietynbsp;Llais, lleisiau n, voice; soundnbsp;Llaith a, damp, moist; pliantnbsp;Llaith n, humid state; deathnbsp;k'lall, lleill a, other, another. Y naillnbsp;neu’r Hall, one or the othernbsp;Ijlallog -au nc, twinnbsp;Llallogan wc, fellow twinnbsp;Wallogen nf, twin sisternbsp;Wallu V, to alternatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;chance hlam -au n, stride, skip; step; jump; Wamdwyo t?, to convey, to carrynbsp;hlamfa, fëydd nf stepping-place, stilenbsp;l^lamfforch, ffyrch nf stilenbsp;hlamidydd -ion n, vaulter; porpoisenbsp;J-'lamidyddiaeth nf tumblingnbsp;hlamog a, having a stridenbsp;Llamog -au nf stilenbsp;Llamol a, striding; steppingnbsp;hlamre nf skip, bounce; a, curvetingnbsp;hlamsach r, to Jump, to hop, to skip, tonbsp;Llamu V, to stride; to step [capernbsp;Llamwr, wyr w, one who strides or stepsnbsp;Llau -au nf area; yard; churchnbsp;Llanastr -au «, strewed place; confusion. Yn llanastr, Ar llanastr, in confusion, Llanastriad w, a strewing [confusedlynbsp;Llanastrol a, strewingnbsp;Llanastru v, to scatter, to strewnbsp;Llanc -iau n, youth, lad, youngsternbsp;f^lances -au -i nf young woman, lassnbsp;^lancesig nf tiny girlnbsp;Llandref -i -ydd nf church villagenbsp;Llaned a, of a clear surfacenbsp;14 |
Llanerch -i -au -ydd, llenyrch ra, clear area, clear patch; glade; plainnbsp;hlanerchu v, to lay in patchesnbsp;Llant -au 77, enclosed plat (as a cockpit)nbsp;Llanw fullness; influx; tide; v, tonbsp;fill; to flow innbsp;LUnwed n, influx; tidenbsp;Liar what spreads; what is softnbsp;Llariaidd a, mild, meek, gentlenbsp;Llariain a, full of mildnessnbsp;Llarieidd-dra n, meekness, gentlenessnbsp;Llarieiddio, Llareiddio r, to meliorate, tonbsp;make gentle; to become calmnbsp;Llarp -iau shred, clout. Yn llarpiau,nbsp;Yn llaprau, torn in pieces, in shredsnbsp;Llarpio v, to rend, to tear to ragsnbsp;Llarpiog a, tattered, raggednbsp;Llaru V, to satiate, to cloynbsp;Llarwch state of ease, mildnessnbsp;Llarwydd np (-en n/), larchnbsp;Llary a, placid, gentle, meeknbsp;Llarychu v, to softennbsp;Llaryedd mildness, suavitynbsp;Llaryeiddio, Llaryo v, to grow or rendernbsp;Lias w, incrustation; bluenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mild Lias V, was killed=Lladdwyd Llasar n, blue; azurenbsp;Llasarn -au n, pavement; flooring ofnbsp;stones rammed drynbsp;Llasarniad n, pavingnbsp;Llasarnu v, to pave; to floornbsp;Llasarnwr, wyr ?7, paviernbsp;Llasog -au nf streamernbsp;Llast -au n, receptacle, vesselnbsp;Llaswy n, bluish tintnbsp;Llaswyr «, aerial freshness; psalternbsp;Llaswyra v, to take an airingnbsp;Llatai, eion nc, love messengernbsp;Llateiaeth nf love messagenbsp;Llateies -au nf love messengernbsp;Llatwm », latten; brassnbsp;Llath -au nf rod, staff’; yardnbsp;Llathaid, eidiau, Llathenaid, eidiau nfnbsp;yard length, yardnbsp;Llathen -i nf rod; yardnbsp;Llathenu v, to measure a yardnbsp;Llathlud -ion w, seduction, enticementnbsp;Llathludiad w, inveigling, seducingnbsp;Llathludo to seduce, to enticenbsp;Llathr o, glossy, glittering, smoothnbsp;Llathraid a, glittering, polishednbsp;Llathraidd a, smooth; of fine growth;nbsp;free from knots. Coed llathraidd,nbsp;tall trees of fine growth; stately treesnbsp;Llathreidio to make or become glittering, glaring, or glossynbsp;Llathrol a, glittering, glaringnbsp;209 |
Liathru v, to make glossy, to polish; to glitter, to shine Llathrudd n, Llathruddiaeth w/j stimra-Llathruddiad «, stuprating [tion Llathruddo v, to stuprate, deflowernbsp;Llathrwydd np (-en nf), poplarsnbsp;Llathryd n, violence; rapenbsp;Liatfarudo to violate, to forcenbsp;Llathrydd -ion n, polisher, glossernbsp;Llau Vy to lay open, to slaynbsp;Llau np (lleuen nf\ licenbsp;Llaw -iau, dwylaw nfy hand. Allannbsp;law, off hand, at once. Ger llaw, atnbsp;band, near. Curo dwylaw, to clapnbsp;Llawaeth nf, act of handling [handsnbsp;Llawagor n, the culeragenbsp;Llawagor, Llawagored d, open-handed,nbsp;Liawaid, eidiau handfulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[liberal Llawaidd a, handy, dexterous Llawarwain n, manuduction: v, to manu-Llawban w, felt, felt clothnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[duct Llawborth feeding by hand Llawcio V, to gulp, to gorge; to be in anbsp;craving state Llawch u, protection, guard Llawch Vy will fondle (future tense ofnbsp;Llawchwith a, left-handednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[^Llochi) Llawd n, what shoots out; lad Llawd a, tending forward; craving, lewdnbsp;Llawdaro n, hot-cocklesnbsp;Llawdiws a, neat-handed:yilawdlosnbsp;Llawdr, llodrau n, trowsersnbsp;Llawdryfer -au njf, hand harpoonnbsp;Llawdwn a, maimed in the handnbsp;Llawdy wys n, manuduction: v, to manu-Llawdd pleasure, delight [ductnbsp;Llawdd a, delectable, solacingnbsp;Llawddeheu a, right-handednbsp;Llawddewiniaeth nfy palmistry, chiro-Llawddog a, yielding pleasure [mancynbsp;Llawdd ry 11 -iau pistolnbsp;Llawddu v. to delight, to soothnbsp;Llawedrog o, shatterednbsp;Llawegen -au w/j gauntletnbsp;Llawen a, merry, joyful, gladnbsp;Llawenhau v, to gladden, to rejoicenbsp;Llawenu v, to rejoice, to be glad; tonbsp;Llawenwch », merriment [gladdennbsp;Llawenychol a, gladdeningnbsp;Llawenychu v, to rejoice; to gladdennbsp;Llawenydd u, gladness, mirthnbsp;Llawer -oedd n, large quantity or number ; many. — iawn, great manynbsp;Llawer a, many; much; severalnbsp;Llaweredd n, multitudenbsp;Llawes, llewys nf, outskirt; sleevenbsp;Llawesan «/*, kind of play |
Llawesog a, having outskirts or sleeves Llaweth -au nfy handful, gripe; whisk;nbsp;ringlet Llawf, llofau nfy the palm of the hand Llawfaeth a, fed by handnbsp;Llawfeddyg -on w, surgeon, chirurgeonnbsp;Llawfeddyginiaeth surgerynbsp;Llawfoled -au nfy handkerchiefnbsp;Llawfbrwyn -ion nf, handmaidnbsp;Llawfrenin n, the play of questions andnbsp;commands Llawfwyeil, eill nfy small hatchet Llawffon, ffyn nf, walking-sticknbsp;Llawg -iau nfy swallow, gulpnbsp;Llawgaeth a, of restrained hand; nig-Liawgair », plighted troth [gardlynbsp;Llawgallor -au ??, saucepannbsp;Llawgar a, free-handed, liberalnbsp;Llawgauad a, close-fisted, stingynbsp;Llawgeliyddyd -au nfy handicraftnbsp;Llawgell -au nfy pocketnbsp;Llawgist -iau nfy hand chestnbsp;Llawhir a, long-handed; lavishnbsp;Llawhual -au n, manacle, handcuff, gyvenbsp;Llawio V, to hand, to handlenbsp;Llawiog a, having hands, handednbsp;Llawlaw ady hand to handnbsp;Llawlïain, lïeiniau w, to'wel, napkinnbsp;Llawlif -iau nf, hand-sawnbsp;Llawn a, full, complete, replete. 0 lawnnbsp;i lonaid, from full moon to full moonnbsp;Llawnad making fullnbsp;Llawnaeth nfy repletionnbsp;Llawnall, Llawnallu n, plenipotencenbsp;Llawnalluog a and w, plenipotentiarynbsp;Llawnder, Llawndid, Llawndra n, pleni'nbsp;tude, abundance, fullnessnbsp;Llawnfryd w, full purposenbsp;Llawnhwda n, nonplus [full moonnbsp;Llawnlleuad, LlawJloer, Llawluned nftnbsp;Llawnodi v, to signnbsp;Llawnt -au nfy smooth hill, lawnnbsp;Llawnwedd -au nfy full formnbsp;Llawr, lloriau t?, floor; area; ground. Llawr dyrnu, threshing-floor Llawrfardd, feirdd «, poetasternbsp;Llawrig «, the herb periwinklenbsp;Llawrodd -ion nf hand-gift, handselnbsp;Llawrudd -ion murderer=Llofruddnbsp;Llawrudd a, having a red handnbsp;Llawruddiaeth nf bloodshed, murdernbsp;Llawrwydd np^ Llawryf cn (-en «ƒ), thenbsp;Llawryd w, dejection, sadness [laurelnbsp;Llawrydd a, of unchecked hand; liberalnbsp;Llaws a, alert, brisk, readynbsp;Llawwaith «, manufacture, handicraftnbsp;Llawwst nfy gout in the handnbsp;210 |
Llawysgrif -au, Liawysgrifen nf^ manu-Lie -oedd place; stead, room [script Lie ad^ where, at what placenbsp;Llead «, lecturing, reading; positionnbsp;Lleadur -iaid, Lleawdr, odron n. reader,nbsp;Lleain v, to read, to lecture [lecturernbsp;Lleb », pale yellow huenbsp;Lleban -od n, lank formnbsp;Llebanes -au nf^ ghastly womannbsp;Llebliw -iau n, pale yellow huenbsp;Llecawd n, flagging statenbsp;Lleciad w, lagging, flaggingnbsp;Llecin », second wort (in brewing)nbsp;Llecyn -au », place, spotnbsp;Llecn -i -au flat stone, flag, slate;
tablet; skulking. Llecheira,chilblain Llechau -np, ricketsnbsp;Llechen nf^ flag, slatenbsp;Llechfa, fëydd skulk, covertnbsp;Llechfan -au nf^ lurking-placenbsp;Llechfod -au n, skulking statenbsp;Llechgi, gwn n, skulking dognbsp;Llechiad n, skulking; laying flatnbsp;Llechog a, flagged; skulking, hidingnbsp;Llechres -i Tif, catalogue, listnbsp;Llechu V, to skulk; to flag; to shelternbsp;Llechwedd -i n/, flat aspect; side of thenbsp;head; steep or shelving of a hill; slopenbsp;Llechweddu v, to slope, to slant, to in-Llechwen-auT^, inclining gesture [dinenbsp;Llechwr, wyr n, skulkernbsp;Llechwrus a, skulking, lurkingnbsp;Lied -au n, breadth, width. — y pen,nbsp;wide open
Lied a, broader, wider=Lletach Lied ad, in part, half, partly, almost:
P^^ par-, partly, half Lledach -au nf, mean descentnbsp;Lledachwyn v, to half-complainnbsp;Lledaenu v, to make broad; to spreadnbsp;Lledagored a, half open, ajar [abroadnbsp;Lledan w, breadth; floundernbsp;Lledau_?i/), flatfish, floundersnbsp;Lledanvad n, expanding, wideningnbsp;Lledanu v, to make broadnbsp;Lledbai a, awry; unsteadynbsp;Lledbeiedd n, deflexurenbsp;Lledben n, flat head; numskullnbsp;Lledbrofi v, to partly taste or trynbsp;Lledbwyll -ion «. half reasonnbsp;Lledchwelan nj, what is half open,nbsp;rifted, or divided
Lled-dybio v, to suspect; to surmise Lledechwyrth a, half stupefiednbsp;Lledenw -au n, autonomasianbsp;Llederw n, overgrowth of the livernbsp;Lledewig a, partly oozing
Lledewigwst nf, hemorrhoids Lledfan, Lledien a, sprawlingnbsp;Lledfarw a, partly or half deadnbsp;Lledfeddod a, fatuous, stupidnbsp;Lledfegin a, half reared; half domesticated or tamednbsp;Lledfegino v, to domesticatenbsp;Lledfegyn -od partly domesticatednbsp;animal; weaklingnbsp;Lledferwi v, to parboilnbsp;Lledfryd n, listlessnessnbsp;Lledfrydig, Liedfrydog a, listlessnbsp;Lledfy w a, half alive, almost deadnbsp;Lledffer a, half strong; half savagenbsp;Lledgawdd n, half affrontnbsp;Lledgilio v, to recede partlynbsp;Lledglywed v, to hear partlynbsp;Lledgoel -ion nƒ, slight beliefnbsp;Lledgofio V, to partly remembernbsp;Lledgynt n, report, rumournbsp;Lledhynt -iau nf, intent, purposenbsp;Llediad n, making broadnbsp;Llediaith, ieithoedd nf, corrupt speech,nbsp;provincialism, dialect, patoisnbsp;Lledled a, widely spreadingnbsp;Lledlef -au nf, imperfect utterancenbsp;Liedlun -iau », low relief, basso relievonbsp;Lledlw -on n. vain swearingnbsp;Llednais a, elegant, nice, neat, tidynbsp;Llednoeth a, half nakednbsp;Lledoer a, half cold, lukewarmnbsp;Lledol n, the rearnbsp;Lledol a, relating to breadthnbsp;Lledr n, leather
Lledrach np, pieces of old leather Lledrad, amp;c.=Lladrad, amp;c.
Lledran -au nf, halt part or share Lledred -ion n, latitude; broadnessnbsp;Lledriad n, doing with leathernbsp;Liedrin a, of leather, leathernnbsp;Lledrith -ion w, illusion, disguisenbsp;Lledrithiant w, illusion, disguisenbsp;Lledrithio v, to appear illusivelynbsp;Lledrwr, wyr n, manufacturer ot leather,nbsp;leatherseller; curriernbsp;Lledryn, lledrach n, little piece of leathernbsp;Lledryw -iau mongrel kind: a, degen-Lledry wiog a, of degenerate kind [eratenbsp;Lledrywio, Lledrywiogi v, to degeneratenbsp;Lledrywiogedd n, degeneracynbsp;Lledrywiol a, degeneratingnbsp;Lledu V, to widen, to expand, to opennbsp;Lledw w, what is contracted; enjoymentnbsp;Lledw a, contracted, narrownbsp;Lledwad -au nf, ladlenbsp;Lledwedd -au nf^ latitude; broadsidenbsp;Lledwg «, slight frown
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Lledwig a, of a soft quality. Lledwigod, worms, creepersnbsp;Lledwigen nf^ creeping thingnbsp;Lledwigyn -od w, creeper, wormnbsp;Lledwr, wyr w, spreadernbsp;Lledwydd cn (-en «/*), imperfect timber,nbsp;or timber not good in kindnbsp;Lledwyneb -au w, superficies; pagenbsp;Lledymyl -au n, border near the edgenbsp;Lledd a, flat, plain, obliquenbsp;Lieddf a, declining, oblique; flat; soft,nbsp;Lleddfad n, warping; drooping [placidnbsp;Lleddfbetryal -au rhombusnbsp;Lieddf u V, to wharp; to flatten; to soften,nbsp;to assuagenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[a mild nature
Lleddy a, inclining, drooping; flat; of Lief -au nf^ voice; crynbsp;Llefad «, crying outnbsp;Lief ain w, to cry aloud; to cry; to weepnbsp;Llefain «, loud cry; shoutnbsp;Llefar n, utterance, voicenbsp;Llefarwr, wyr, Llefarydd -ion «, speakernbsp;Llefaru v, to utter, to speaknbsp;Llefenu v, to cry exultinglynbsp;Lleferydd utterance, voicenbsp;Llefiad w, crying out; enunciationnbsp;Llefiadoi a, enunciative; vocativenbsp;Llefn af^ even, smooth, sleek: w, llyfnnbsp;Llefnyn n, blade, slabnbsp;Llefod -au state, situationnbsp;Llefog a, shouting, squallingnbsp;Llefr q/j coward, timid, faint; m, llwfrnbsp;Llefrin a, of a spreading naturenbsp;Llefrith n, sweet milknbsp;Llefrithen nfj stye on the eyenbsp;Lleg -au nj^ what whips round; claspnbsp;Llega w, one who lagsnbsp;Llegach -od sluggish onenbsp;Llegai, eion «c, sluggish onenbsp;Llegest -od lobsternbsp;Llegu V, to flag, to lagnbsp;Llegus a, apt to flag, sluggish. Ydnbsp;llegus, presentlynbsp;Llegynt n, oppressionnbsp;Llegyrn -od -edd n, dwarfnbsp;Lleng -oedd nf, legion, hostnbsp;Llengol a, legionary, of a legionnbsp;LlehM w, placing; locationnbsp;Lleiaf a, least, smallestnbsp;Lleiafiaeth Lleiafiant w, minoritynbsp;Lleiafrif, Lleirif -au «, smaller number,nbsp;Lleian -od nun; titmouse [minoritynbsp;Lleianaeth n/, the life of a nunnbsp;Lleiandy, dai n, nunnerynbsp;Lleianu v, to take the veil, to become anbsp;Lleianyn wrennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nun
Lieibio v, to lap, to lick
Lleibiol a, lapping, lambent Lleibiwr, wyr lappernbsp;Lleidio v, to turn to claynbsp;Lleidiog a, lutulent, muddy, dirtynbsp;Lleidr, Hadron n, thief, robber. — pennbsp;ffbrdd, highwayman, freebooternbsp;Lleidryn ?i, petty thief; p, lladronachnbsp;Lleiddawd w, sluggish statenbsp;Lieiddiad, iaid n, slayernbsp;Lleiedigol a, diminutivenbsp;Lleifio V, to cut, to reapnbsp;Lleigio 0, to flag; to sculknbsp;Lleigus a, flagging; drooping. Ynnbsp;lleigus, by and bynbsp;Lleihad n, diminution, decreasenbsp;Lleihau v, to lessen, to diminishnbsp;Lleilai ad, less and lessnbsp;Lleill np, other; the rest: s, Hall. Ynbsp;lleill, the othersnbsp;Lleilldu n, contrary sidenbsp;Lleinell -au ??/', narrow slipnbsp;Lleinio v, to blade; to shrednbsp;Lleion n, dark blue marblenbsp;Lleipio V, to lap, to licknbsp;Lleipr a, flaccid, flabby; feeblenbsp;Lieipro v, to droop, to flag, to turn flabbynbsp;Lleiprog -od nf, lampreynbsp;Lleirfryd n, lively mindnbsp;Lleiriwyd n, fine for adulterynbsp;Lleisio v, to sound, to utter; to bawlnbsp;Lleisiol a, belonging to the voicenbsp;Lleisiwr,wyr n, bawler, squaller; singernbsp;Lleisw n, lixivium, lye; urine [dampiQ^nbsp;Lleithad, Lleithawd n, turning humid,nbsp;Lleithban -od n, milt, soft roe of tish ^nbsp;Lleithder, Lleithdra, Lleithineb n, humidity, dampness, moisturenbsp;Lleithiannu v, to cause dissolutionnbsp;Lleithiant n, dank statenbsp;LleJthiar a, apt to dissolvenbsp;Lleithig n/quot;, bench; thronenbsp;Lleith-hin nf, humid weathernbsp;Lleithio v, to moistennbsp;Lleithion np, moistures, liquidsnbsp;Lleithlyd a, apt to be dampnbsp;Lleithon n, milt of fish, sort roenbsp;Lleithrid n, flash, gleamnbsp;Llelo n, doit, blockheadnbsp;Llem af sharp, pungent: m, llymnbsp;Llemain v, to hop, to skip, to leapnbsp;Llemidydd -ion n, bouncer; porpoisenbsp;Llemysten -od nf sparrow-hawknbsp;Lien nf literature, erudition. — a Ileygjnbsp;clergy and laity. Lien y werin, folklore. Gwr lien, clergymannbsp;Lien -i nf veil, curtain, hangings. —nbsp;gel, — gudd, veil, coveringnbsp;212
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Llencyn w, stripling;, lad Llengig the diaphragm, midriff.
Tor llengig, hernia, rupture Lleniad », veiling overnbsp;Llenlath -au curtain rodnbsp;Llenllïain sheeting, sheets; sheet [ednbsp;Llenog, Llenol a, literate, literary, learn-Llènog, Llènoi a. veiled; concealednbsp;Llenogion, Llenoriaid, Llenorion, Llen-yddion np, literati, learned personsnbsp;Lienor -ion -iaid n, literary man, littér-Llenoriaeth w/J literature \aieurnbsp;Llenorol, Llenyddol a, literarynbsp;Llenu V, to veil, to envelopenbsp;Llenwad n, filling; flowingnbsp;Llenwi v, to fill; to flow innbsp;Llenydd -ion n, scholar; clerknbsp;Llenyddiaeth nf^ literaturenbsp;Lleol u, local
Lleoldeb », locality, localness Llepian r, to keep lappingnbsp;Llepio V, to lap, to Ijck upnbsp;Llepiol a, lapping, lickingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nel
Ller tt, nicety; satiety: cn, cockle, dar-Llerc -iau nf^ frisk; loitering Llercian to lurk about; to loiternbsp;Llercyn -od n, loiterer, lurkernbsp;Llercyna v, to keep loiteringnbsp;Lieren, Her n/J cockle, darnelnbsp;Llerf a, subtile; sharp, acerb, acidnbsp;Llerpyn to, shred, ragnbsp;Llerpyna v, to shred, to tear to ragsnbsp;Llerth frenzy: a. franticnbsp;Llerthu v, to turn franticnbsp;Lleru w, to be nicenbsp;Llerw a, nice, delicate; squeamishnbsp;Lleryn to, weakling: /:», llerach [tagenbsp;Lles^n, benefit, profit, good use, advan-LlesS.d TO, advantage, profitingnbsp;Llesau r, to benefit, to confer or derivenbsp;advantage
Llesg^a, feeble, faint; sluggish Llesgad n, weakening, debilitatingnbsp;Llesgau v, to debilitate, to weakennbsp;Llesgedd to, debility; sluggishnessnbsp;Llesgen n/, sluggish fitnbsp;Lles^ Vj to debilitate, to weakennbsp;Llesiad to, benefiting, benefitnbsp;Llesianol a, advantageous, profitablenbsp;Llesiannu v, to make beneficialnbsp;Llesiant, iannau to, benefit, advantagenbsp;Llesio V, to profit, to benefitnbsp;Llesmair, meiriau to, fainting fitnbsp;Llesineino to, to swoon, to faintnbsp;Llesol a, advantageous, profitablenbsp;Llestair, eiriau to, obstruction, letnbsp;Llesteirio to, to obstruct, to hinder
Liesteiriol a, obstructive, hindering Llesteiriwr, wyr to, obstructer, hinderernbsp;Llestr -i to, vessel; matrix. Llestrinbsp;pridd, Llestri priddion, earthenwarenbsp;Llestraid, eidiau to, vesselful; two andnbsp;a half bushel measurenbsp;Llestrïach cro, small vessels or utensilsnbsp;Llestru to, to put in a vesselnbsp;Llestryn to, small vesselnbsp;Llesu TO, to benefit, to do goodnbsp;Lleswyr to, aerial freshnessnbsp;Lleswyra to, to take airingnbsp;Lletrog -au nf^ flat cake, cakenbsp;Llettem, Llettam -au wedgenbsp;Llettemio to, to wedge, to drive in anbsp;Llettremio to, to glancenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wedge
Llettring -au «ƒ, ladder Llettrod to, traversingnbsp;Lledrodi to, to traverse overnbsp;Lletty, tai, tyau to, lodging; inn-Llettya to, to lodge, to put up, to quarternbsp;Llettyaeth nf^ act of lodgingnbsp;Llettyb -iau n amp; nf, suspicion, surmisenbsp;Llettybio to, to suspect, to surmisenbsp;Llettygar a, hospitablenbsp;Llettygarwch to, hospitalitynbsp;Llettywr, wyr to, lodgernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[spoon
Lletwed -i, Lletwad -au w/*, ladle, large Llettynt -iau w, intent, purposenbsp;Lletli a, flabby, drooping; flattenednbsp;Llethen -au nf^ wafernbsp;Llethgrwn a, spheroidal, oblate: /*, lleth-Llethol a, flattening; overlaying [gronnbsp;Llethr -au -i nf, slope, declivitynbsp;Llethriad to, sloping downnbsp;Llethrid -ion to, flash, gleamnbsp;Llethridiant to, coruscationnbsp;Llethridio to, to flash, to gleamnbsp;Llethrol a, declivous, pensilenbsp;Llethru to, to slope down, to inclinenbsp;Llethu to, to flatten; to overlaynbsp;Lieu TO, to explain, to lecture; to place, tonbsp;Lleuad -au to/J the moon [set, to laynbsp;Lleuadglaf a, moon-sick, lunaticnbsp;Lleuadiad », lunationnbsp;Lleuadol 0, lunar, lunarynbsp;Lleudid to, splendour, brightnessnbsp;Lleuen, Lleuan, llau to/J lousenbsp;Lleuer -au to, light; splendournbsp;Lleuerol a, illuminatingnbsp;Lleueru to, to shine, to glitternbsp;Lleuerwg to, luminous statenbsp;Lleuerydd -ion ?i, luminarynbsp;Lleufer -au to, light; splendournbsp;Lleuferu to, to illuminate, to shinenbsp;Lleuog a, lousy, full of licenbsp;Llew -od TO, lion. Dant y Hew, dandelionnbsp;213
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Llewa V, to devour, to swallow, to take
Llewad n, devouring, swallowing [food Llewen -au point to which anythingnbsp;verges; focus
Llewenydd -ion w, verging point; west Llewes -au nf^ lioness, she-lionnbsp;Llewin a, Occident, western=:Grorliew-Llewino v, to go westwardnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[inol
Llewinol a, western, Occident Llewych n, brightness=Llewyrchnbsp;Llewychad n, reflection of light, shiningnbsp;Llewyg -on n, swoon, trance. — yr iar,nbsp;henbane. — y blaidd, hops. — ynbsp;llau, stavesacre. Llewyg-belen, hysteric ball
Llewygol o, swooning, fainting Llewygu to swoon, to faintnbsp;Llewyn -au n, radiating point; thenbsp;west; gleam; the orachnbsp;Llewynydd -ion «, the Occident, westnbsp;Llewyr -oedd «, radiance, splendournbsp;Llewyrch », brightness; reflection ofnbsp;light; complexion
Llewyrchiant n, illumination [to shine Llewyrchu, Llewyru v, to reflect light,nbsp;Llewyrchus a, lightsome, luminousnbsp;Llewym -au w, meteor, ignis fatuusnbsp;Llewyrnu v, to produce meteorsnbsp;Llewyrol a, radiant, sparkling, glitteringnbsp;Lleyddiaeth nf^ literaturenbsp;Lleyg -ion, Lleygwr, wyr w, laymannbsp;Lleyn -oedd w, low strip of landnbsp;Lleynlys -iau », scurvy grassnbsp;Lli -on fi, flux, flood, streamnbsp;Lliad n, flooding, streamingnbsp;Lliain, Llian. einiau linen cloth, linennbsp;towel, napkin. Llieiniau, linen drapery. Nadd lliain, lintnbsp;Lliant w, torrent, streamnbsp;Llias M, parted state [ceed from; to killnbsp;Lliasu 1?, to part oftquot;, to separate; to pro-Llib n, flaccid statenbsp;Llibin o, flaccid. Umber, soft, droopingnbsp;Llibinio v, to turn flaccidnbsp;Llibyn -od n, lank one, fribblenbsp;Llid 71, wrath, anger, indignationnbsp;Llidiart, Llidiard -au nf^ gate, hurdlenbsp;Llidio V, to inflame; to enrage; to benbsp;Llidiog a, wrathful; inflamed [angrynbsp;Llidiogi V, to become inflamednbsp;Llidiogrwydd w, wrathfulness, indignationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ inflamed
Llidus a, inclined to anger, wrathful; Llieingig «/j the diaphragm, the midriffnbsp;Llieiniad n, putting on linen
Ï linnet nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fl i
i liverwort=:Llinwisg , line, string, twine 9
Llieiniog wearing linen [draperj.Lj4x,^ct4 v, w gw.
Llieiniwr, Liieinwerthwr, wyr re, linen-|Llipryn -od re, what flags; fribble
Llieinnaddion np^ Llieinrwd n, lint Llieinwisg -oedd n/J linen garmentnbsp;Llif -on -au «, flood, delugenbsp;Llif -iau saw. Blawd llif, sawdustnbsp;Llifad n, fluxion, flowingnbsp;Llifaid a, ground, whettednbsp;Difedigaeth «ƒ, the act of grindingnbsp;Llifeiriant, aint n, inundationnbsp;Llifeirio v, to overflow, to inundatenbsp;Llifiant w, defluxion, nownbsp;Llifio v, to saw, to cut with a sawnbsp;Llifion np, sawdust; filingsnbsp;Llifiwr, wyr n, sawyernbsp;Liifo V, to saw; to file; to grind. Maennbsp;llifo, Maen llif, grindstonenbsp;Llifol a, flowing, streamingnbsp;Llifweli, ïau nf^ issuenbsp;Llifwydd np (-en nf\ boards, planksnbsp;LUll - od epithet for a goatnbsp;Llillen n/fa young goatnbsp;Llimp a, sleek, glossynbsp;Llimpryn «, spoon-meatnbsp;Llimpro tgt;, to sup, to sipnbsp;Llin re, fibre; the grain of wood; flax.nbsp;Had llin, linseed
Llin -au n, line, string: nf^ line, streak Llinar a, of a smooth naturenbsp;Llinariad re, assuaging, soothingnbsp;Llinarol a, soothing, anodyne, assuagingnbsp;Llinarolion np, anodynesnbsp;Llinaru v, to assuage, to soothenbsp;Llindag re, strangling; thrush in child-Llindagu v, to stranglenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ren
Llindagwr, wyr n, strangler Llindro re, the doddernbsp;Llindys ere, caterpillarsnbsp;Llinell -au re/quot;, line; streaknbsp;Llinelliad re, making of linesnbsp;Llinellu v, to draw lines, to linenbsp;Llinen nf, splinter; fibrenbsp;LUnglwm re, the doddernbsp;Llinhad -au ere, linseed, flax-seednbsp;LUnhesg cn, water starwortnbsp;Llinon nf, grain of ash; spearnbsp;Llinos -od nf^ linnet; pretty woman.
— y dwfr, duckweed Llinosen re/| little 1‘
Llinwydd ere, the 1 Llinyn-au-on re, 1nbsp;Llinynog a, having stringsnbsp;Llinynu v, to line, to stringnbsp;Lliosog, amp;c.=iLluosog, amp;c.
Llipa a, flaccid, flabby, limp Llipan re, limp or glib onenbsp;Llipanu v, to make glibnbsp;Llipau V, to grow flabby
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Lliprynu r, to render flaccid Llith -iau «, lure, bait; mash: «iaunbsp;-oedd nf, lesson, lecturenbsp;Llithiant w, allectation; allurementnbsp;Llithio V, to draw to, to attract, to entice, to allure; to bait; to lecturenbsp;Llithioei to render alluringnbsp;Llithiol a, allective, alluringnbsp;Llithr -au «, glide, slip; lapsenbsp;Llithred -au nf^ glide, slipnbsp;Llithren -au nf^ slur (in music)nbsp;Llithriad n, gliding, slippingnbsp;Llithriant rt, lubricitynbsp;Llithrig a, sliding, Slippery; fluentnbsp;Llithrigder slipperinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cate
Llithrigo tgt;, to make slippery, to lubri-Llithrigrwydd n, slipperiness; fluency Llithro V, to glide, to slipnbsp;Llithrol a, gliding, slippingnbsp;Llithwr, wyr w, lecturernbsp;Lliw -iau n, colour; figure. — glas,nbsp;indigo. — coch, madder. Wrth iiwnbsp;dydd, by daylightnbsp;liliwadwy a, colourablenbsp;Lliwgar a, of good colournbsp;•Lliwiant n, stain; reproachnbsp;Lliwied v, to stain; to reproachnbsp;Lliwio r, to colour, to dye; to blushnbsp;Lliwiog a, having a colournbsp;Lliwlys n, dyeing plant; woadnbsp;liliwus a, of good colournbsp;Lliwydd -ion n, colourer, dyernbsp;-Lliwyddiaeth nf^ the art of dyeingnbsp;Llo, lloi, lloau n, calfnbsp;Llob -au n, dolt, blockheadnbsp;Lloc-iau w, mound; dam; foldnbsp;Ijlocio V, to pen, to foldnbsp;lilocust -laid locustnbsp;Lloches -au nf^ refuge, hiding-placenbsp;lilochi V, to harbour; to fondlenbsp;Llochiad, iaid n, encourager, harbourernbsp;Llochwes -au Tif^ covert, refugenbsp;Liochwyd w, secret covertnbsp;Llochwyta r, to lurk, to hidenbsp;Llod «, forcible utterancenbsp;iilodedd w, state of cravingnbsp;Xilodes -au -i «y) girl, wenchnbsp;Llodi Vf to reach out; to cravenbsp;Llodiga, craving; brimmingnbsp;Llodigo v, to be in a craving statenbsp;Llodineb n, lewdness, lustnbsp;Xlodrau np, trowsers, breechesnbsp;JLlodri V, to put on breechesnbsp;jLlodro », to breech; to bedagglenbsp;Llodrog a, having breechesnbsp;Xlodrwr, wyr n, breeches-makernbsp;Xlodryn pair of breeches or trowsers
Llodw a, spirting, squirting Llodwedd -i n/, mite, farthingnbsp;Llodwy «, spirt, squirtnbsp;Lloddi V, to solace, to soothenbsp;Lloedd n, abundancenbsp;Lloer -au «ƒ, the moonnbsp;Lloeran, Lloeren -au -i nf. lunette; spotnbsp;Lloercen -od nf, moon-calf, doltnbsp;Lloerenu v, to form spotsnbsp;Lloergan n, moonshinenbsp;Lloergant -au », the orb of the moonnbsp;Lloeriad n, lunationnbsp;Lloerig o, lunatic, crazy: n, lunaticnbsp;Lloerigen nf, female lunaticnbsp;Lloerigo v, to become lunaticnbsp;Lloerigyn », male lunaticnbsp;Lloerni n, the moon’s influencenbsp;Lloerol a, lunar, lunarynbsp;Lloes -au -ion nf, sigh, pangnbsp;Lloesedd n, languishmentnbsp;Lloesi V, to eject; to sigh, to groannbsp;Llof-aun, excrescence; polypusnbsp;Llofeiu V, to coax, to strokenbsp;Llofen -au nf, the fish burbotnbsp;Llofenan nf^ the burbotnbsp;Liofi v, to handle; to bestow; to givenbsp;Llofion «ƒ, pickings, cullingsnbsp;Lloflen -au n/, the palm, the graspnbsp;Lloflenan -od nf^ weaselnbsp;Llofnodi v, to sign=Llawnodinbsp;Llofres -au branching of the ribsnbsp;Llofrudd -ion n, murderer; remainsnbsp;Llofruddiaethnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;murder, manslaughter
Xlofruddio v, to murder Llofyn, Llofn -au whisp, braid ^nbsp;Llofynog, Llofhog a, having a whispnbsp;Lloifa V, to gleannbsp;Lloffiad 71, gleaning
Lloffion np, gleanings nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[rood-loft
Llofft -ydd nf, loft. — y grog, the Lloffwr, wyr n, gleanernbsp;Lloffyn -au n, bundle of glepings [hirenbsp;Llog -au n, compact; benefit; interest;nbsp;Llogail, eiliau », bracer; fence; crib; pennbsp;Llogawd, odau nf space parted off;
closet, cupboard; drawer; chancel Llogeilwydd cn, the eaves beamnbsp;Llogell -au -i nf, partition; closet;nbsp;drawer; pocket
Llogellaid, eidiau nf, pocketful Llogellu V, to put up; to pocketnbsp;Llogfarch, feirch n, hackney horse, hacknbsp;Llogi V, to covenant; to hire; to lendnbsp;Llogol a, relating to interest or hirenbsp;Xlogwrn, ymod n, pigmy, dwarfnbsp;Llogwydd n, chancelnbsp;Llong -au nf, ship, vessel
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Llosgaberth -au n, burnt sacrifice Llosgach n, unnatural lust, incestnbsp;Llosgadwy a, combustiblenbsp;Llosged what is burntnbsp;Llosgedd n, state of burningnbsp;Llosgen -i nf blister (in pharmacy)nbsp;Llosgfa, fëydd nf burningnbsp;Llosgfaen, feini «, brimstone, sulphurnbsp;Llosgfal -oedd w, burning mountainnbsp;Llosgi V, to burn, to be burning, tonbsp;scorch; to smartnbsp;Llosgol o, burning, ignitivenbsp;Llosgrach np^ scabs of itchnbsp;Llosgwannus «, wantonnbsp;Llosgwanrwydd n, wantonnessnbsp;Llosgwrn, yrnau n, tailnbsp;Llosgwy -on w, lavanbsp;Llosgwydr -au burning-glassnbsp;Llosgwynt-oedd w, scorching blast; si-Llosgyrnog a, having a tail [moomnbsp;Llosnur n, phosphorusnbsp;Llost -au Ti/*, dart; sting; tailnbsp;Llosten -i nf tail; genitalsnbsp;Llostio 77, to form a tail [broad-tailednbsp;Llostlydan, ain n, spattle-tail, beaver: a,nbsp;Llostodyn n, metre so callednbsp;Llostruddyn -od n, bird called red-tailnbsp;Liu -oedd n, throng; host, armynbsp;Lluad n, throngingnbsp;Lluadu, Lluo v, to throng, to flocknbsp;Lluan nf, what glitters with lightnbsp;Lluanu v, to reflect lightnbsp;Lluarth -au nf encampmentnbsp;Lluarthu v, to form a campnbsp;Lluaws cn, host, multitude, throngnbsp;Lluch n, throw; glance: a, darting?nbsp;flashing, gleaming
Lluched np (-en nf), gleams, lightning» Llucheden 7f, flash of lightning; fit ofnbsp;Lluchedeniad n, flashingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fever
Lluchedenol a, gleaming, coruscant Llnchedenu v, to gleam, to flash, tonbsp;Lluchediad n, coruscation [coruscatonbsp;Lluchedol a, flashingnbsp;LJuchedu v, to gleam, to flashnbsp;Lluchedyn n, gleam, Öashnbsp;Lluchfa, fëydd rf drift; thrownbsp;LIuchfryd a, of ardent passionnbsp;Lluchfrys a, of ardent hastenbsp;Lluchio V, to throw, to fling, to pelt; tonbsp;Llnchiol a, throwing, flinging [driftnbsp;Lluch lam -au n, darting stridenbsp;Lluchochr n, the coralnbsp;Lluchwaew, waewyr w/*, javelin, dartnbsp;Lluchwres n, ardent heatnbsp;Lluchynt v, violent onset [of ashe»nbsp;Lludlyd a, of the nature of ashes; fnl^nbsp;216
h ; nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;LloDgan small ship, smack [ships
Llongbortn, b7rth -au nf, harbour for Llongdor n, shipwrecknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[wreck
Llongdoriad, Llongddrylliad n, ship-Llongi V, to go on board ship, to embark Llongiadaeth nf^ navigationnbsp;Llongiadu u, to navigatenbsp;Llonglwyth -i n, ship load, cargonbsp;Llongsaer, seiri n, shipwright, shipcar-penter, shipbuilder
Idongsaeriaeth, Llongsarniaeth nf^ the art of shipbuilding
Llongwr. wjr sailor, mariner [tion Llongwriaeth nf^ seamanship; naviga-Llongwrio v, to work or navigate a shipnbsp;Llol nf^ foolish talk, tattlenbsp;Llolian, Llolio v, to babble, to prattlenbsp;Llolyn n, babbler, tattler: ƒ, llolennbsp;Llom of, bare, naked, exposed: m, llwmnbsp;Llomen 7^ naked femalenbsp;Llomi V, to make barenbsp;Lion a, cheerful, glad, pleased; jollynbsp;Llonaid w, fullness, fill, -ful. — Haw,nbsp;Llonaidd a, apt to be cheerful [handfulnbsp;Llonc njl gulp, swallownbsp;Uonder, Llonedd n, cheerfulness, joynbsp;Lloneiddio », to render cheerfulnbsp;Lloni V, to solace, to gladdennbsp;Lloniant, Llonwch n, inward pleasurenbsp;Llonychu v, to make cheerfulnbsp;Llonydd a, at ease, at rest, quiet. Byddnbsp;wch lonydd, be quietnbsp;Llonyddol a, tending to quietnbsp;Llonyddu v, to quiet, to appease, to calmnbsp;Llonyddus a, of a quiet naturenbsp;Llonyddwch n, quietness, quietnbsp;Llop -au buskin; bootnbsp;Llopan -au nf, sort of high shoenbsp;Llopanu v, to wear buskinsnbsp;Llopanwr, wyr n, buskin-makernbsp;Llor n, what bulges out; bulbnbsp;Lloraid, eidiau n, floorfulnbsp;Llorf -au nf, pillar; shank [a harpnbsp;Llorfdant, dannau n, the bass string ofnbsp;Llorio V, to lay a floor, to floornbsp;Lloriog a, floored; grovellingnbsp;Llorion np^ sweepings; bottomsnbsp;Llorlen -i nf^ floor-cloth; carpetnbsp;Llorp -au nf side beam; shank; shaftnbsp;Llorpog u, haying a side beamnbsp;Llorwedd a, horizontalnbsp;Llorwydd np (-en tï/*), laurel-trees [ingnbsp;Llos n, what tends to consume: a, burn-Llosg 7a, burn; heat; inflammation; a,nbsp;burning. — eira, chilblains. —nbsp;cylla, heartburn. Mynydd Hosg,nbsp;volcano, burning mountain
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Lludw n, burnt remains, ashes. JDydd Mercher y Lludw, Ash-Wednesdaynbsp;Lludwad reducing to ashesnbsp;Lludwlys -iau n, fleawortnbsp;Lludwog, Lludlyd a, full of ashesnbsp;Lludd -ion n, obstacle, hindrance, let,nbsp;impedimentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fatigue Lludded -ion nf^ obstruction; burden; Lluddediad w, defatigationnbsp;Lluddedig a, oppressed, fatiguednbsp;Lluddedigaeth nyj fatigue; burdennbsp;Lleddedu r, to fatigue; to be wearynbsp;Lluddiannu v, to form an obstaclenbsp;Lluddiant m, prevention, hindrance; obstruction, let [hinder, to impede Lluddias, Lluddio r, to obstruct; tonbsp;Lluedd n, warfare, hostilitynbsp;Lluedda v, to carry on war, to wage warnbsp;Llueddog a, having a hostnbsp;Llueddwr, wyr n, one who assembles annbsp;army; warrior Lluest -au n, encampment; cottage, Lluestai, eion ?ic, campaigner [boothnbsp;Lluestfa, fëydd encampmentnbsp;Lluestty, tai n, tent; cottage, hutnbsp;Lluestu V, to encampnbsp;Lluestwr, wyr u, one who encamps,nbsp;pitcher of tents -ion w, gleam; blotch a, tending to appear; partly seem-r ing; dawning: aa, partly, in part,nbsp;Llugain a, teeming with light [halfnbsp;Llugan nc, glare, glitternbsp;Lluganiad, Llugeiniad, Llugiant n, glittering; polishingnbsp;Lluganol a, tending to glitternbsp;Lluganu, Llugei nio v, to glitter; to pol-Llugas 'nf^ dawning of light [ishnbsp;Llugdwym a, lukewarmnbsp;Llugdwymo v, to half heatnbsp;Llugenydd -ion w, polishernbsp;Llugfryd a, of lukewarm mindnbsp;Llugiad n, breaking out, dawningnbsp;Lluglawn a, full of lightnbsp;Llugorn, gyrn n, clarion, trumpetnbsp;Llugyn n, beam of lightnbsp;Llum n, what shoots to a pointnbsp;Lluman -au n, banner, standard, ensignnbsp;Llamanwï\ wyr, Llumanydd -ion n,nbsp;standard bearer; ensignnbsp;Llumon -au w, beacon; chimneynbsp;Llun -iau n, form, shape, figure. Dyddnbsp;Llun, Mondaynbsp;LIuniadol a, formativenbsp;Lluniadu v, to form, to shapenbsp;Lluniaeth w, formation; design; support;nbsp;providence; provisions, sustenance |
Lluniaethu v, to put in form; to provide sustenance Lluniaidd a, shapely, well formed Lluniannu v, to modifynbsp;Lluniant w, formationnbsp;Lluniawdr -au w, rulenbsp;Lluniedydd -ion n, delineator; artistnbsp;Llunio V, to form, to shape; to figurenbsp;Lluniodri v, to organizenbsp;Lluniol a, formative, formingnbsp;Llunwedd -au n/^ figure; modificationnbsp;Llunweddu v. to figure; to modifynbsp;Lluosbarth a, of many partsnbsp;Lluosdroed a, many-footed, multipednbsp;Lluosedd n, multiplicitynbsp;Lluosenw n, multinomialnbsp;Lluosgib a, multicapsularnbsp;Lluosi V, to multiplynbsp;Lluosog a, multitudinous, abundant,nbsp;numerous; plural, Lluosocach,morenbsp;numerous, Lluosocaf, most numerous Lluosogaeth, Lluosiaeth nf, multiplica-Lluosogai, eion n, multiplicand [tion Lluosogi V, to multiplynbsp;Lluosogwr, wyr n, multipliernbsp;Llur -ion n, livid hue; gloomnbsp;Llurgyn -oedd w, carcase, carrionnbsp;Llurgynio v, to mangle, to mutilatenbsp;Llurig -au «ƒ, coat of mail, armournbsp;Llurigo V, to wear mail or armournbsp;Llurio V, to make lividnbsp;Llurs -od 7^ razorbillnbsp;Lius, Llusi np (-en t?/*), bilberries. Liusnbsp;duon bach, whortleberriesnbsp;Llusern -au n, lantern, lampnbsp;Llusg -ion draught, dragnbsp;Llusgen nf, one that crawls alongnbsp;Llusgenol a, creeping, dragging, drawingnbsp;Llusgenu v, to drag heavilynbsp;Llusgiad n, dragging, luggingnbsp;Llusgo V, to drag, to halenbsp;Lluswydd np (-en nf), bilberry shrubsnbsp;Lluwch n, motes, dust, spray; driftnbsp;Lluwchio V, to dust; spray; to drift; to raise flue or motes Lluwchiol a, dusty; drifting; sprayingnbsp;Llüydd n, warfare, battle arraynbsp;Llüydda v, to wage war [hostilitynbsp;Lliiyddiaeth n/, Lltiyddiant n, warfare,nbsp;Lliiyddogi v, to make warlikenbsp;Lliiyddol a, military, warringnbsp;Llüyddu V, to wage warnbsp;Lliiyddwr, wyr n, soldier, warriornbsp;Llw -on, llyon n, exclamation; oathnbsp;Llwch, llychion n, dust, powder [beastnbsp;Llwdn, liydnod n, young of animals,nbsp;217 |
LLWY Llwf, Ilyfion «, exclamation; oath Llwfr, Ilyfrion n, timid one, coward: a, timid, cowardly, sottishnbsp;Llwff, llyffion «, jerk, hop, hobblenbsp;Llw^, llygon », what is bright; what isnbsp;livid; blotch; the scurvynbsp;Llwg a, apt to break out; lividnbsp;Llwgr, llygron «, galling, fretting; damage; corruption nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ƒ Horn Llwm a, bare, exposed; destitute, poor: Llwmbren -au n, kiln spar=Llymbrennbsp;Llwnc, Llwng n, gulp, swallow; thenbsp;Llwpai, eiod n/j sownbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gtiUet Llwrf a, apt to go off; timid=:LIwfr Llwrw direction, tendency: a, precipitant; forward: pr, towards: ad,nbsp;towards. Llwrw ei gefn, backwardsnbsp;Llwrwg n, dross, dregs, sedimentnbsp;Llwry 71, what is towards; provisionnbsp;a, precipitant; forward: pr, towards:nbsp;arf, towards, straightwaynbsp;Llws, Llyson n, what shoots off; slimenbsp;Llwst 71. what parts off; tail; kennelnbsp;Llwtrach cn, slimy matternbsp;Llwth, llythion ti, glibness; gulp; greednbsp;Llwth a, glib, slippery; greedynbsp;Llwy -au nf, spoon; spattlenbsp;Llwyaid, eidiau, Llwyaraid, eidiau nf,nbsp;Llwyar, erau nf, spoon, shovel [spoonfulnbsp;Llwyarn, erni nf trowel, spattlenbsp;Llwyaru v, to spoon, to shovelnbsp;Llwybr -au n, path, track. Llwybrnbsp;Llaethog, Milky Way, Galaxynbsp;Llwybraidd a, serving as a pathnbsp;Llwybredd n, passablenessnbsp;Llwybreiddio v, to make passablenbsp;Llwybro v, to go a coursenbsp;Llwybrol a, belonging to a pathnbsp;Llwyd a, brown; gray. Papyr llwyd,nbsp;brown paper. — y baw, — y gwrych,nbsp;hedge sparrow Llwydedd n, grayness; mouldiness Llwydgoch n, russet colour: a, of do.nbsp;Llwydiad n, making gray j poppynbsp;Llwydlas a, grayish blue: w, hornednbsp;Llwydni, Llwydi n, grayness; mouldinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ turn mouldy Llwydo V, to turn gray; to brown; to Llwydrew n, hoar frostnbsp;Llwydrewi v, to cast hoar frostnbsp;Llwydwyn a, drab colour, grayish whitenbsp;Llwydd n, success, prosperitynbsp;Llwyddgar a, prosperous, luckynbsp;Llwyddiannol a, prosperingnbsp;Llwyddiannu v, to prospernbsp;Llwyddiannus a, fortunate [or luckynbsp;Llwyddiannuso v, to make prosperous |
_LLYCH Llwyddiant, iannau w, success,prosperity Llwyddineb n, prosperitynbsp;Llwyddo v, to succeed, to prospernbsp;Llwyddol, Llwyddus a, prosperous, luckynbsp;Llwyeidio v, to take a spoonfulnbsp;Llwyf, Llwyfan,-au nf form, frame; loft, platform, stage: cn, elm Llwyfanen, Llwyfen -au nf the elmnbsp;Llwjrfo V, to make a platformnbsp;Llwyg -au -od 7^, turn round; mitenbsp;Llwygiant n, turning; mazenbsp;Llwygo V, to turn round; to be in anbsp;maze; to be restivenbsp;Llwygol a, being mazed; restivenbsp;Llwyn -i n, grove; bushnbsp;Llwyn -au if, the loinnbsp;Llwynhidl n, the ribwortnbsp;Llwynin a, of the grovenbsp;Llwyno t), to become a grovenbsp;Llwynog -od n, fox, reynardnbsp;Llwynogaidd a, like a fox, foxynbsp;Llwynoges -au nf bitch fox, vixennbsp;Llwynogwydd nf bergandernbsp;Llwynogyn n, young fox, fox’s cubnbsp;Llwynwst nf lumbagonbsp;Llwyo V, to use a spoonnbsp;Llwyr a, utter, clean, perfect, entire, full,nbsp;complete, total: ad, quite, totally,nbsp;completely, altogethernbsp;Llwyrbryn w, full purchasenbsp;Llwyrdeb, Llwyredd «, completeness,nbsp;Llwyrdda a, completely good [ entirenessnbsp;Llwyrddrwg a, completely badnbsp;Llwyrles n, universal benefitnbsp;Llwyrwad n, complete denialnbsp;Llwyrwaith n, complete worknbsp;Llwyrwys -ion nf general summons,nbsp;convocation, dietnbsp;Llwys a, clear, clean; pure, holynbsp;Llwys -edd ti, purity; sanctitudenbsp;Llwysiad n, purging; hallowingnbsp;Llwyso V, to clear; to sanctifynbsp;Llwysog a, cleanly; hallowednbsp;Llwyth -au n, tribe, clannbsp;Llwyth -i n, load, burdennbsp;Llwythiad n, burdening, loadingnbsp;Llwytho V, to burden, to loadnbsp;Llwythog a, burdened, loadednbsp;Llwythol a, burdening, loadingnbsp;Llyad n, licking, lick; slapnbsp;Llyarth -au nf gentle rise, slopenbsp;Llych n, what is flat; squat, skulknbsp;Llychiannu v, to pulverizenbsp;Llychiant n, powderingnbsp;Llychineb n, dustinessnbsp;Llychio v, to reduce to dust; to dust, tonbsp;Llychiog, Llychlyd a, dusty, full of dustnbsp;218 |
Llychlydo v, to render dusty [way Llychlyn -oedd n, gulf; brooklime ;^or-Llychol a, squatting, cowering, skulking; flatteningnbsp;Llychu V, to squat, to cowernbsp;Llychw a, of a dusty qualitynbsp;Llychwin a, dusty; blotted; soilednbsp;Llychwino v, to m^e or become dusty;nbsp;to become of a dusky hue; to tarnish,nbsp;to soil
Llychwyr-on n, decline of light; twi-Llychyn n, particle of dust nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[light
Llyd -oedd «, breadth, extent=Lled Llydan a, broad, wide, spaciousnbsp;Llydander, Llydandra n, broadness,nbsp;breadth, latitudenbsp;Llydandroed a, broad-footednbsp;Llydanddail a, broad-leavednbsp;Llydanedd », broadness, widthnbsp;Llydaniad n, dilation; diffusionnbsp;Llydanu v, to expand, to dilate; to dif-Llydiad n, expandingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fuse
Llydniad n, casting of young Llydnig nf, small animalnbsp;lilydnu V, to bring forth, to foalnbsp;Llydnyn «, little animalnbsp;Llydu V, to expand, to dilatessLledunbsp;lilydw n, abundance, enjoymentnbsp;Llydd a, didused, expandednbsp;lilyddo V, to diffuse, to pournbsp;Llyddus a, diffusive, pouringnbsp;Llyerw a, subtile, delicate, fine=dL,lerwnbsp;lilyest -oedd «, polypusnbsp;lilyf -ion n. stretch out; lickingnbsp;Llyfan -au n/^ string, rope [cattlenbsp;Liyfandafod n, disease in mouths ofnbsp;Llyfanog the liverwort=Llinwyddnbsp;Llyfantws n, burst-cow flynbsp;Llyfanu p, to string, to bind [dafodnbsp;Ijlytanwst nƒ, disease in cattle=Llyfan-Li3rfas -au nf, venture, attemptnbsp;Llyfasol a, venturesome, daring; presumingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[presume, to dare
^lyfasu V, to venture, to attempt, to I^lyfeb - ion rif, juration, swearingnbsp;Llyfelod np, tumoursnbsp;^lyfelu V, to devise, to guess; to levelnbsp;I^lyfelyn n, stye on the eyenbsp;Llyfen -au -i nf, the lion=Llwyn fnbsp;djlyfenol a, relating to the lion, lumbarnbsp;Llyferth -ion n, stretched state; fatiguenbsp;^lyferthedd n, wearisomeness, state ofnbsp;^lyferthiant n, defatigation [fatiguenbsp;^yferthin a, exhausted, wearied [ingnbsp;Llyferthol, Llyferthus a, wearisome, tir-I^lyferthu V, to fatigue; to be weariednbsp;^^lyfi n, what is slimy; snivel
Llyfio V, to snivel Llyfiol a, snivelling; slimynbsp;Llyfn am, smooth, sleek, even, level,nbsp;plane: j, llefn
Llyfnder n, smoothness, sleekness Llyfnh^d, Llyfniad n, making smoothnbsp;Llyfnhau v, to smooth; to level; to polishnbsp;Llyfnu V, to smooth, to make level; tonbsp;Llyfol a, lambative, licking [harrownbsp;Llyfr -au n, book. Llyfr sol, music booknbsp;Llyfr n, what drags, the heel of a dragnbsp;Llyfran -au nc, little book, pamphlet,nbsp;Llyfrder n, cowardliness [bookletnbsp;Llyfrfa -oedd nf, Llyfrdy, dai n, librarynbsp;Llyfrgell -oedd nf library, bookcasenbsp;Llyfrgi, gwn n, coward, poltroonnbsp;Llyfrhau v, to render timid; to be de-Liyfrith a, eruptive; pimpled [jectednbsp;Llyfrithen rf, pimple; styenbsp;Llyfrithiad n, eruptionnbsp;Llyfritho v, to break out as a rashnbsp;Llyfrithol a, eruptivenbsp;Llyfrol a, relating to books [ographynbsp;Llyfroniaeth, Llyfrofyddiaeth nf, bibli-Lljrfrothen -od nf, gudgeonnbsp;Llyfrrwymwr, wyr n, bookbindernbsp;Llyfru V, to put in a book, to booknbsp;Llyfrwerthwr, wyr, Llyfrwerthydd -ionnbsp;n, bookseller, bibliopolistnbsp;Llyfrwr, wyr n, bookman, librariannbsp;Llyfryddiaeth rf, bibliographynbsp;Llyfryn -au n, little book, pamphlet,nbsp;Llyfu V, to lick with the tongue [bookletnbsp;Llyffan -od -iaid, Llyffant, aint -od n,nbsp;what hops; frog; toad. Llyffan du,toadnbsp;Llyffantu, Llyffanu v, to hop as a frognbsp;Llyffeth nf spring up; hopnbsp;Lly ffethar, eiriau n/*,‘fetter; clog; fetlocknbsp;LlyfFetheirio v, to shackle; to fetternbsp;Llyffethr, Llyffethyr -on n, the fetlocknbsp;Llyg -od n, mouse; shrew [ jointnbsp;Llygad, aid -au n. eye. — y dydd, daisynbsp;Llygadbwl a, dull-sightednbsp;Llygad-ddu, Llygeittu a, black-eyednbsp;Llygaden ?ƒ, glance of lightnbsp;Llygadfrith a, wall-eyednbsp;Llygadgall a, squinting outwardlynbsp;Llygadgam a, of winking eye; squint-Llygadgamu v, to wink the eye [ingnbsp;Llygadglaf a, having a sore eyenbsp;Llygadgoch a, red-eyed, blear-eyednbsp;Llygadgoll n, having lost an eyenbsp;Llygadgraff a, keen-eyed, sharp-sighted; acute; observantnbsp;Llygadlas a, blue-eyed [playful eyenbsp;Llygadlon a, having a merry eye, of anbsp;Llygadlym a, keen-eyed, sharp-eyednbsp;219
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Llygadog a, having an eye; sharp-eyed Llygadol a, belonging to tlie eye, oph-Llygadronca a, hollow-eyed [thalmicnbsp;Llygadrudd a, having a red eyenbsp;Llygadrydd a, loose-eyed; feloniousnbsp;Llygadrythiad staring, gazingnbsp;Llygadrythu v, to stare, to gazenbsp;Llygadwib a, of a roving eyenbsp;Llygadwyr a, squint-eyed, gimlet-eyednbsp;Llygaeron np, cranberries, bogberriesnbsp;Llygas rif, splendour, shining lightnbsp;Llygedyn, Llygeidyn -au w, glance ofnbsp;Llygeidiog a, having eyesnbsp;Llygeirin np, bogberriesnbsp;Llygliw n, mouse colour: a, of do.nbsp;Llygo Vj to cast a splendournbsp;Llygol a, brightening; lividnbsp;Llygoden, llygod nj] mouse. Llygodnbsp;Ffrengig, Llygod mawr, ratsnbsp;Llygorn, gym n, lamp, lanthornnbsp;Llygota V, to catch micenbsp;Llygotwr, wyr n, mouse-catcher; ratcatcher; mouser: ƒ, liygotwraignbsp;Llygrad n, corrupting, spoilingnbsp;Llygradwy a, corruptiblenbsp;Llygrawd n, adulterationnbsp;Llygredig a, corrupted, corrupt, depraved, damagednbsp;Llygredigaeth nf, corruptionnbsp;Llygredd n, corruptness, depravitynbsp;Llygriad w, corruptingnbsp;Llygrol a, corruptive, damagingnbsp;Llygroldeb corruptibilitynbsp;Llygru V, to corrupt; to gallnbsp;Llygrwr, wyr n, corrupter, spoiler, de-Llygu V, to break out; to spot [ pravernbsp;Llygwyn n, the herb orachnbsp;Llynges -au «ƒ fleet, navynbsp;Llyngesog a, having a fleet: n -ionnbsp;Llyngesol a, relating to a fleet [admiralnbsp;Jjlyngesor -ion n, admiralnbsp;Llyngesu v, to form a fleet [miralnbsp;Llyngeswr, wyr, Llyngesydd -ion n, ad-Llyngyr nn (-en nf), worms, maw-wormsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ ƒ, Hern
Llym a, sharp, keen, acute, penetrating: Llyma v, imper, lo, here, beholdnbsp;Llymaid, eidiau ri, sup, sip, dropnbsp;Llyman -od n, naked onenbsp;Llymant n, prying about [magic tricksnbsp;Llymanta n, to pry about; to performnbsp;Llymarcli, llymeirch », oysternbsp;Llymder, Llymedd n, sharpness, keenness ; severitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[destitution
Llymder, Llymdra bareness, poverty, Llymdost a, acrimonious, severenbsp;Llymdro a, angular
Llymedras -au nj] whetstone Llymeidfwyd n, spoon meatnbsp;Llymeidio v, to sup, to sipnbsp;Llymeitai, eion, Llymeitiwr, wyr n,nbsp;bibber, one who sips continually;nbsp;tippler, sotnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sip; to tipple
Llymeitia, Llymeitian, Llymeitio v, to Llymes one who is barenbsp;Llymesg, Llymest a, bare; unsaddlednbsp;Llymgi, gwn n, sorry dognbsp;Llymglwm, glymau n, hard knotnbsp;Llymgoes a, bare-leggednbsp;Llymhau v, to make keen, to sharpen;
to make bare Llymhun fainting fitnbsp;Llymhuno v, to faint awaynbsp;Llymin a, of a sharp qualitynbsp;Liyminog a, keen, intensenbsp;Llymio v, to make barenbsp;Llymnoeth a, stark nakednbsp;Llymrïaid np (llymri'en sand eelsnbsp;Llymrïeitia v, to catch sana eelsnbsp;Llymrig a, crude, raw, rash [ rawnessnbsp;Llymrigedd n, harshness, crudeness,nbsp;Llymru, Llymrwd «, wash-brew; flummery, sour oatmeal boiled and jelliednbsp;Llymsi a, sluggish, spiritless; flimsynbsp;Llymu V, to sharpen, to whetnbsp;Llymun a, bare, nakednbsp;Llyraus a, of a sharp qualitynbsp;Llym was, weision w, sharpernbsp;Llymwydd np (-en ^), kiln sparsnbsp;Llymyn «, Llyman «c, bare one; sorrynbsp;fellow
Llymysten -od nƒ, sparrow hawk Llymystrin n. lank figurenbsp;Llyn -oedd -au n, lake; drink. Bwyd »nbsp;llyn, meat and drink. Yn llyn, thu^nbsp;Llyn a, proceeding; contagiousnbsp;Llyna v, to tipple, to boozenbsp;Llyna v, imper, lo there, beholdnbsp;Llynan nf, particle; proceednbsp;Llynclyn -oedd n, vortex, gulfnbsp;Llyncoes n, spavinnbsp;Llyncol a, tending to swallownbsp;Llyncu v, to swallow, to gulpnbsp;Llynedd Tif, preceding year, last yearnbsp;Llyneiddio v, to liquefynbsp;Llyngranc -od n, a wennbsp;Liynio v, to form a poolnbsp;Llyniog a, having poolsnbsp;Llynmeirch n, glandersnbsp;Llynol, Llynorog a, liquid; humouralfnbsp;full of humours
Llynor -od, Llynoryn n, pustule, abscess Llynori v, to imposthumate, to form anbsp;Llynoriad n, imposthumation [pustul®nbsp;220
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Llynu to spread contagion Llynw », collection of liquidnbsp;Llynwyn -au n, puddle, plashnbsp;Llynwys », forming of humours; plaguenbsp;Llyo Vj to reach out; to licknbsp;Llyol a, lambative, licking [shore; seanbsp;Llyr -ion n, duct, course; udder; brink,nbsp;Llyre a, gliding, streamingnbsp;Llyren nf, Llyriad -iaid ri,water-p]antainnbsp;Llyry -on ??ƒ, what glides or stretchesnbsp;out; stream: -od », tortoise [alongnbsp;Llyryad, iaid », what glides or creepsnbsp;Llyryo r, to glide on the streamnbsp;Llys -oedd w, court, hall, palace; slimenbsp;Liysaidd a, court-like, courtly [refusalnbsp;Llysau np (llysieuyn w), herbs, plants=nbsp;Llysblant np, step-children [Llysiaunbsp;Llyschwaer, chwiorydd iif, stepsisternbsp;Llysdad -au n, stepfathernbsp;Llysdy, dai n, court-house, guild-hallnbsp;Llyseiddio v, to render courtlynbsp;Llysenw -au n, cognomen; nicknamenbsp;Llysenwi v, to give a surname or cognbsp;nomen; to nicknamenbsp;Llysewyn n (S.W.)=Llysieuynnbsp;Llysfab, feibion n, step-sonnbsp;Llysfam -au nf, step-mothernbsp;Llysferch -ed nf, step-daughternbsp;Llysfil -od rt, zoophytenbsp;lilysfrawd, frodyr n, step-brothernbsp;Llysfwyd n, loathing of foodnbsp;Llysg -on n, rod, wandnbsp;Llysgbren -au -i n, billet, sticknbsp;Llysgenad -au -on nc, Llysgenadwr, wyrnbsp;n, ambassador
Llysgenadaeth n/l embassy; diplomacy Llysgenadol a, diplomatic; ambassadorial
Llysiad, Llysiant w, setting aside, exception; rejection, refusal Llysiau np (llysieuyn n), herbs, plantsnbsp;Llysieua v, to collect herbs or plantsnbsp;Llysieuaetn r^, botanynbsp;Llysieudy, dai n, conservatorynbsp;Llysieuedd n, herbaceousnessnbsp;Llysieulyfr -au n, herbalnbsp;Llysieuo v, to produce plantsnbsp;Llysieuola, relating to plants, botanicalnbsp;Llysieuwr, wyr, Llysieuydd -ion “nbsp;botanist, herbalistnbsp;Llysieuyn, llysiau n, plant, herbnbsp;Llysiol a, separating; rejectingnbsp;Llyslyn -oedd n, mucilagenbsp;Llysnaf re, running of snivelnbsp;Llysnafedd «, snivel, mucusnbsp;Llysnafol a, snivelly, mucousnbsp;Llysnafu v, to snivel
Llysofydd -ion n, botanist
Llysofyddiaeth nf, science of herbs, Llysol a, belonging to a court [botanynbsp;Llyst n, vessel to hold liquornbsp;Llystyn -au n, recess, lodgementnbsp;Llysu i?, to part off; to loath; to reject,nbsp;to refuse; to disallownbsp;Llysw n, glutinous matternbsp;Llyswen -od, Llys\Vod nf, eel. Llyswennbsp;bendoll, lampreynbsp;Llyswena v, to catch eelsnbsp;Llytrod n, filth, garbagenbsp;Llytroda v, to collect filthnbsp;Llytrodedd n, filthinessnbsp;Llytrodiad n, breeding of filthnbsp;Llytrodol a, breeding filthnbsp;Llyth a, fiat; flaccid, soft; basenbsp;Llythi np, flounders, flatfishnbsp;Llythiad n, rendering flaccidnbsp;Llythiant n, flaccidity, debility, feebleness; softness
Llythien nf, flounder, flatfish [tendency Llythol, Llythus a, flaccid, of a flaccidnbsp;Llythrod cn, rubbish, garbagenbsp;Llythyn n, weaklingnbsp;Llythyr n, engraved character; epistle,nbsp;letter. —cymmyn,will. —ysgar,nbsp;divorce. Yn Hawn llythyr, distinctlynbsp;Llythyr cn, letters (of the alphabet)nbsp;Llythyraeth rf, orthographynbsp;Llythyrdref -i nf post-townnbsp;Llythyrdy, dai n, post-officenbsp;Llythyrddysg n, knowledge of lettersnbsp;Llythyredigaeth nf, lettering, cuttingnbsp;of letters
Llythyreg -au nf, grammar; the science of written language; orthographjnbsp;Llythyregai, eion nc, grammatistnbsp;Llythyregol a, grammaticalnbsp;Llythyren -au nf, letter; type. Prifnbsp;lythyrenau, CAPITAL letters. Prifnbsp;lythyrenau man, small capitalsnbsp;Llythyreniaeth nf, orthographynbsp;Llythyrenoi a, literalnbsp;Llythyrenu v, to letter; to spellnbsp;Llythyrenydd -ion n, type-foundernbsp;Llythyrfa -oedd nf, post-officenbsp;Llythyrglud -ion n, mail coachnbsp;Llythyrgod -au nf, letterbag, mailnbsp;Llythyriant n, literaturenbsp;Llythyrog a, of letters, literary, lettered.
Llythyrogion, literates Llythyrol a, literal; literate, literarynbsp;Llythyru v, to letter; to spellnbsp;Llythyrydd -ion n, letter-writernbsp;Llythyryn -au n, billet, notenbsp;;Liyw V, to lick with the tonguenbsp;221
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Llyw -iau n, ruler; rudder. Lljw morthwyl, the back of a hammernbsp;Llywaeth nf^ guidance, rearingnbsp;Llywed, Llyvredu v, to rule, to guidenbsp;Llywediad to, ruling; steeringnbsp;Llywedydd -ion to, director; pilotnbsp;Llywedyddes -au n/*, governessnbsp;Llywedyddiaeth directorship; gonbsp;vernance; pilotagenbsp;Llywel -ion to, horizonnbsp;Llyweli w, the limit of visionnbsp;Llywelu to form an horizonnbsp;Llywenydd to, western horizonnbsp;Llyweth -au. Llywethan nf^ muscle;nbsp;haudful; ringlet
Lly wethog a,muscular, brawny; in ring-Llywethol a, musculous nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lets
Llywethu v, to become muscular Llywiadaetli nf^ guidance, directionnbsp;Llywiadol a, directive, steering, direct-Llywiadu t?, to direct, to rulenbsp;Llywiadur -iaid «, director, rulernbsp;Llywiadures -au nf^ governessnbsp;Llywiaduriaeth w^directorship, govern-Llywiaeth nf^ guidance, rulenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(ance
Llywiannol a, directive Llywiannu y, to direct, to rulenbsp;Llywiant to, direction, rulenbsp;Llywiawd to, governancenbsp;Llywiawdwr, wyr to, governornbsp;Llywiawdwriaeth nf^ governorshipnbsp;Llywiedigaeth to/*, governancenbsp;Llywiedydd -ion to, governornbsp;Llywiedyddes -au nf^ governessnbsp;Llywiedyddiaeth nf^ directorship, go-Llywiedyddol a, directorial [vernorshipnbsp;Llywio, Llywiedu v, to rule, to direct;nbsp;to steer
Llywiodres, Llywodres -au nf^ governess Llywiog, Llywiol a, having guidance,nbsp;directing, guidingnbsp;Llywion wp, flying particlesnbsp;Llywiwr, llywwyr to, steersmannbsp;Llywodraeth nf^ governmentnbsp;Llywodraethol a, governing, rulingnbsp;Llywodraethu v, to govern, to rule, tonbsp;direct
Llywodraethwr, wyr », governor, ruler Llywy a, of passing beautynbsp;Llywydd -ion to, director; presidentnbsp;Llywyddes -au nf^ female presidentnbsp;Llywyddiaeth nf^ presidencynbsp;Llywyddol a, presidentialnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[side.
Llywyddu r, to act as president, to pre-Llywyn to, the extreme of light; the west Llywynol a, occidental, westnbsp;Llywynydd to, Occident, west
Ma -oedd nf^ place, spot, space; state: used in composition, the derivativesnbsp;having commonly two piurais,as porfa,nbsp;porfaoedd, or porfëyddnbsp;Mab, meibion, meib to, male; boy; sonnbsp;Mabaidd a, boyish, childlikenbsp;Mahan -od to, babe, babynbsp;Mabanaidd a, babyish, childishnbsp;Mabandod to, childhood, infancynbsp;Mabaneiddio v, to become a baby vnbsp;Mabanoed to, childhoodnbsp;Mabanu v, to make or become as a babynbsp;Mabddall a, blind from birthnbsp;MabddpgTO, infantile tuition; accidencenbsp;Mabgainc, geinciau nf^ shoot; suckernbsp;Mabgar a, fond of childrennbsp;Mabgath -od too, kittennbsp;Mabgoll the poppynbsp;Mabgorn, mebgyrn to, core of a homnbsp;Mabiaeth nf^ childhood, infancynbsp;Mabiaethu v. to treat as a childnbsp;Mabiaith nf^ childish prattlingnbsp;Mabin o, iuvenile, infantinenbsp;Kabineiddio v, to make as a childnbsp;Mabinog a, juvenile, infantinenbsp;Mabinogi, ogion «, infancy; juvenilenbsp;tale; romance
Mablan -au nf^ burying place Mabliw -iau to, reflected huenbsp;Mablygad, aid to, the pupil of the eyenbsp;Mabmaeth -od to, foster-sonnbsp;Maboed w, Mabolaeth to/] childhood, infancy; minoritynbsp;Mabol a, like a child; filialnbsp;Mabolgamp -au nf^ juvenile gamenbsp;Maboli V, to become as a childnbsp;Mabon -iaid to, youth; heronbsp;Mabsant -au to, patron saintnbsp;Mabsanta v, to canonizenbsp;Mabradd -au nf^ bachelor’s degreenbsp;Mabwraig, wragedd nf^ virago; scoldnbsp;Mabwys to, adoption of a sonnbsp;Mabwysiad «, afliliating; adoptionnbsp;Mabwysiadol a, relating to the adoption of a child, adoptivenbsp;Mabwysio, Mabwyso, Mabwyaiadu tonbsp;adopt a son, to affiliate; to adoptnbsp;Macai, eiod nc, maggot, grubnbsp;Maceiad, aid », maggot, grubnbsp;Macon np, berries=Baconnbsp;Macrell, mecryll, Macrellyn «, mackerelnbsp;Macsu V, to brew (S.W.) = DarUa^nbsp;( N. W.)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ brewer-wom^
Maeswr, wyr to, brewer. Macswraig, Maewy -aid », youth, boy, youngsternbsp;222
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Mach, meichiau n, security, surety, bail Machdaitb, deithiau dam, embank-Machiad n, making secure [mentnbsp;Machlud, Machludiad n, setting, goingnbsp;down. Machlud haul, sunsetnbsp;Machlud, Machludo to be obscured,nbsp;to set, to go downnbsp;Mach^ -on n, bay, inletnbsp;Mad -ioedd n/J what proceeds; reptile;
good, benefit. Y fad felen, basilisk Mad a, good, beneficialnbsp;Madalch w, agaric, toadstool, fungusnbsp;Madalchaidd a, viscous, viscidnbsp;Madalchu v, to produce agaricnbsp;Madarch «, agaric, toadstool; corknbsp;Madarchaidd a, tough like agaricnbsp;Madarchen nf, agaricnbsp;Madarchu r, to produce agaricnbsp;Mad-ddall -od n/J blind-wormnbsp;Madedd n, benefit, goodnessnbsp;Maden she-fox, vixennbsp;Madfall -od, feillod Tif^ newt, eftnbsp;Madfelen the knapweednbsp;Madgall -od nf, lizard, newtnbsp;Madiad n, benefitingnbsp;Madiain a, beneficent, bounteousnbsp;Madog a, tending forward, goodlynbsp;Madog -od n, fox, reyndrdnbsp;Madol a, tending to advance, goodlynbsp;Madraidd a, tending to festernbsp;Madreddog a, putrescent ^ addlednbsp;Madreddoi a, putrefactivenbsp;Madreddu v, to generate pus, to putrefynbsp;Madroedd np^ putrid bodiesnbsp;Madron up, collection of humoursnbsp;Madrondod n, dizzinessnbsp;Madroni v, to make or become dizzynbsp;Madru v, to putrefy, to festernbsp;Madrudd -ion n, marrownbsp;Madruddo v, to form or become marrownbsp;Madruddog a, having marrownbsp;Madruddyn », marrow. Madruddyn ynbsp;cefn, spinal marrow, spinal cordnbsp;Madrwy -od nf^ newt, eftnbsp;Madryn «, epithet for a fox, reynardnbsp;Madu u, to render productivenbsp;Madw a, tending to benefitnbsp;Madws w, fulness of timenbsp;Madyn n, epithet for a fox, reynardnbsp;Madywydd n, the sweetgale [to let gonbsp;Madden v, to remit, to pardon, to forgive;nbsp;Maddeuant n, remission, pardon, for-givenessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[giving
Maddengar a, disposed to remit, for-Maddeuol a, remitting, forgiving Maddeuwr, wyr «, forgiver, pardoner;nbsp;liberator
Mae r, is, are; there, is, there are Maedd n, buffet, banging aboutnbsp;Maeddgen -ion n/J buffet on the head;;nbsp;Maeddol a, buffeting, banging [ beatingnbsp;Maeddu v, to buffet, to bangnbsp;Mael, meilion nf, gain, profit, advantagenbsp;what is worked: w, iron, steelnbsp;Maela v, to seek for profitnbsp;Maeian -au wƒ, shopnbsp;Maeldref -i nf, market townnbsp;Maeldoll -au u/, the tariffnbsp;Maelera v, to traffic, to trade _nbsp;Maeleriad, Maeliad n, traffickingnbsp;Maeleriaeth nf^ traffic, trade, commerce-Maelfa -oedd nf, mart, market; shopnbsp;Maelged -ion ?*/, tribute; tollnbsp;Maelgi, gwn n, the angel fishnbsp;Maeliant n, advantage, gainnbsp;Maelier -on n, traffickernbsp;Maelieres -au nf^ chapwomannbsp;Maelierwr, wyr u, merchantnbsp;Maelio to profit, to gain, to tradenbsp;Maelor -au -oedd nf-, mart, marketnbsp;Maelota v, to gain by trafficnbsp;Maelotai, eion uc, retailernbsp;Maelwr, wyr n, retailer, shopkeepernbsp;Maen, meini, main n, stone. Maen ehed,.nbsp;Maenan iif, cob, soft stone [ loadstonenbsp;Maendo -ion », stone coveringnbsp;Maendrychiad n, lithotomynbsp;Maeneiddiad n, lapidificatlonnbsp;Maenfan -au nf, tne bezel of a ringnbsp;Maenfedd -au -i n, stone sepulchrenbsp;Maenglawdd, gloddiau n, stone quarrynbsp;Maenol a, of stone, stonynbsp;Maenol -au nf dale, manornbsp;Maenor -an u/, manor, districtnbsp;Maensaer, seiri u, stone mason [to stonenbsp;Maenu v, to turn to stone; to petrifyjnbsp;Maenydd -ion n, lapidarynbsp;Maer, meiri -od u, steward; mayor:nbsp;Maerdref -i rif dairy hamlet [maeresnbsp;Maerdy, dai n, dairy housenbsp;Maeres, Maerones -au nf, dairy-womannbsp;Maeronaeth nf, dairy farmingnbsp;Maeroni n, dairy husbandry [mannbsp;Maeronydd -ion, Maeronwr,wyr «, dairy-Maes, meusydd n, open field, plain,nbsp;field. I maes, out, from within. ColU’rnbsp;maes, to be vanquishednbsp;Maes ad, out, from withinnbsp;Maesa v, to turn out; to evacuatenbsp;Maesdir -oedd n, champaign landnbsp;Maesdref -i -ydd nf, suburb; hamletnbsp;Maesiad n, taking of the fieldnbsp;Maeslywydd -ion n, field.mar8hal[paignnbsp;Maesol a, belonging to the field, cham-223
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Maessyng v, to trample about Maeth -ion n, nurture; fosteragenbsp;Maethu v, to nourish; to fosternbsp;Maethawd », cherishingnbsp;Maethdad -au ti, foster-fathernbsp;Maethen pampered onenbsp;Maethfab, feibion n, foster-sonnbsp;Maethfam -au re/*, foster-mothernbsp;Maethferch -ed foster-daughternbsp;Maethiad re, nourishingnbsp;Maethiannus a, nutrimental, nutritiousnbsp;Maethiant, iannau re, nourishmentnbsp;Maethid re, nurture, feedingnbsp;Maethidiol a, nutrimentalnbsp;Maethineb re, nourishmentnbsp;Maethol a, nurturing; fosteringnbsp;Maethran «ƒ, mess companynbsp;Maethu v, to nourish, to foster, to cher-Maethus a, alimentary, nutritive [ishnbsp;Mafon np (-en «/*), raspberriesnbsp;Mafonwydd rep (-en nf\ raspberrynbsp;Mag ^,act of nursing, nurture [bushesnbsp;Magad re, brood; multitudenbsp;Magaden nf^ nurslingnbsp;Magawd re, nurturing [ports fire, matchnbsp;Magdan re, combustible, tinder,wnat sup-Magddu nf^ fountain of blacknessnbsp;Magfa, fëydd re^ nursing-place, nurserynbsp;Magi re, principle of generation, oreedingnbsp;Magiad re, breeding, rearingnbsp;Magïaid rep, worms, grubsnbsp;Magien, ïod nf^ worm, glow-wormnbsp;Magi -au re/, snare, gin, springe; meshnbsp;of a net; web on the eyenbsp;Magledigaeth entanglement; mesh-Maglen nf^ springe, gin; mesh [ingnbsp;Maglog a, entangled, snarednbsp;Magln V, to snare, to mesh, to entanglenbsp;Magnel -au re, gun, cannonnbsp;Magnelfa, fëydd nf, batterynbsp;Magodorth re, suppressionnbsp;Magol a, nursing, breedingnbsp;Magon rep, berries; clustersnbsp;Magu re, to breed; to rear; to nurse; tonbsp;Magwriaeth nourishment [bring upnbsp;Magwy -on re, cluster, bunchnbsp;Magwyad re, clusteringnbsp;Magwyr, ydd nf, wall; enclosurenbsp;Magwyren nf^ wall of a buildingnbsp;Magwyriad re, raising of a wallnbsp;Magwyro re, to wail; to enclosenbsp;Mai re, month of May; field: c, that. Am mai felly y mae, as it is so Maid re, what separates or limitsnbsp;Maidd re, whey; curds and wheynbsp;Maig, meigion r\f^ sudden turn, hapnbsp;Mail, mciliau nf^ bowl, basin |
Main a, fine, slender, thin. Main y cefn, Y main gefn, small of the back.nbsp;Main y goes, small of the legnbsp;Maine, meinciau re/*, bench, seat [titynbsp;Maint re, size, magnitude, bigness, quan*nbsp;Maintioli re, size, bignessnbsp;Maip rep (meipen re/*), turnips (N.W.)nbsp;=:Erfin (S.W.) Mais, meisiau nf, device, contrivance Maith a, ample; tedious, longnbsp;Mai a, trivial, small; light: ad, as; like,nbsp;so; in the same manner as=Feinbsp;M^l ft, what extends; what is produced; bounty; what is ground M^l a, ductile; smooth, glibnbsp;Malaith, leithion re, chilblainnbsp;Maldod ft, levity; dalliance; fondness; delight nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[with levity Maldodi re, to dally, to fondle, to act Maldodus a, apt to dallynbsp;Maledd re, dalliance; dotagenbsp;Maleithir, Malerth re, blain; kibenbsp;Malen what is of iron; shield; onenbsp;accustomed to violence; Bellonanbsp;Malhau re, to make similarnbsp;Maliad re, bruising, grindingnbsp;Malio re, to care, to heednbsp;Malpai c, as if it werenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to foam Main V, to bruise, to grind. Mdu ewyn, Malur -ion re, what is reduced small;nbsp;mole hill. Malurion, fragments, brokennbsp;particles, debrisnbsp;Maluria re, mole-hillnbsp;Malurio re, to pound; to mouldernbsp;Maluriol a, moulderingnbsp;Malwod rep (-en nf), snail. Malwodennbsp;dawdd, Malwen dawdd, slugnbsp;Mall nfy want of energy; softness; so^nbsp;den state; malady; evil; blast. *nbsp;Fall, Belial Mallaint, Mallawd re, malaxation Malldan -au re, slow fire; ignis fatuusnbsp;Malldod ft, softness; wantonness; insipidity; blastnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[h^l Malldorch, melldyrch nf^ kibe on the Malldraul ft, bad digestion, indigestionnbsp;Malledigaeth re/J malaxationnbsp;Malledd re, soft state; blasted state;nbsp;Mallgno ft, gnawing pain [wantonnessnbsp;Mallgom, gyrn ft, core of a hornnbsp;Mallgyrch nf^ pandïemoniumnbsp;Mallon re, fiendnbsp;Mallryg n, ergot of ryenbsp;Mailt ft, evil principle; fiendnbsp;Mallu re, to seethe; to blastnbsp;Mallus a, sodden; blastednbsp;Mallwaew, wewyr ft, dull painnbsp;224 |
Mam -au i\f^ mother, dam. Mam j grandmother. Mam wen, stepmothernbsp;Mamaeth motherhoodnbsp;Mamai nf, the birthwortnbsp;Mamaidd a, motherlynbsp;Mamdref -i -ydd n/J chief townnbsp;Mamddinas -oedd nf^ metrowlisnbsp;Mamedd motherhood [dral churchnbsp;Mameglwys -i w/*, mother-church, cathe-Mameiddio f, to become motherlynbsp;Mamen «ƒ, little mothernbsp;Marnes -au -od n/j mother with the firstnbsp;Mammaeth -od n/j nurse [youngnbsp;Mammaethiad «, nursingnbsp;Mammaethu v, to nursenbsp;M!amog o, being a mothernbsp;Mamog -iaid dam, ewenbsp;Mamogaeth njf'^ maternitynbsp;Mamogi v, to become a mothernbsp;Mamogiad -iaid «/*, ewe with youngnbsp;Mamoliaeth n/j maternitynbsp;Mamolrwydd n, motherlinessnbsp;Mamwch maternal fondnessnbsp;Mamwydd -au nf, brood goosenbsp;Mamwyst nf, hysterics, hysterianbsp;Mamwys maternitynbsp;Mamwythen -i nf^ the crural reinnbsp;Mamychn to fondle as a mothernbsp;Mamystog a. hystericalnbsp;Man -au nj and n, space, place, spot. Man cyn geni, mole, mother’s mark MS.n o, small, little, fine; pettynbsp;Manad nf^ mass, lump [lump; printnbsp;Manaid, eidiau nf^ contents of a mould;nbsp;Manarfau np, small armsnbsp;Manawd w, making a space, locationnbsp;Manawyd -ydd «, stafi' of a bannernbsp;Manbaill n, fine flournbsp;^Unbeth -au n, small thing; triflenbsp;Manblu np, down, feathersnbsp;Mandon vj, dandrifl; woodroofnbsp;Mandwyn «, scrofula, king’s evilnbsp;Mandwynog a, strumous, scrofulousnbsp;Mandwynol a, strumaticnbsp;Manddail np, small leavesnbsp;Manddarlun -iau », miniature drawingnbsp;Manddarn -au n, small piece, little bitnbsp;Manddellt np,fine splittingsnbsp;Manddos np, small droppingsnbsp;Manddrain »p, small thorns [gunnbsp;Manddrvll -lan n, small piece; smallnbsp;Manddyledlys -oedd n,small debts court,nbsp;county court ^ned -i nf^ hand basket Maneg, menyg n/*, glove; gauntlet. Mepyg ellyllon, foxglove M.aneilio p, to plait fine worknbsp;15 |
Manfrith a, finely variegated Manfritho r, to stripe finelynbsp;Manfriw a, finely crumblednbsp;Mangaled a, of a hard graspnbsp;Mangan n, fine white flournbsp;Mangaw n, delicate worknbsp;Mangawiau np, trifles, toys, trinketsnbsp;Mangerdded tgt;, to take short stepsnbsp;Mangoed np, brushwood, shrubsnbsp;Mangor -au n, membranenbsp;Mangre nf^ recess; place, spot; tanglenbsp;Manhau n, to make small or finenbsp;Manhedion np, flying motesnbsp;Maniad n, placing, spottingnbsp;Manion np, small things; scraps; trifles; trinkets; empty grains among corn Manleidr, ladron n, petty thiefnbsp;Manlo n, small coals, culmnbsp;Maiillwyn «, mutton fleshnbsp;Manod ft, small or flne snownbsp;Mknog a, having space; spottednbsp;Manogen n/j speckled onenbsp;Mknol a, local; spottingnbsp;Manol a, delicate; accurate, exact, minute, particular, fine=Manwlnbsp;Manoli tgt;, to make nicenbsp;Manolosg n, small coalnbsp;Manon n/, paragon of beautynbsp;Manrinion np, trifling charmsnbsp;Manro small pebblesnbsp;Manson n, small talk, whisperings,' tattlenbsp;Manswyddau np, petty oflScesnbsp;Mant -au n, mandible; mouthnbsp;Mantach n, toothless jaw: a, toothlessnbsp;Mantachu n, to expose the jawnbsp;Mantai, eion nc, mumblernbsp;Mantais, teision advantagenbsp;Manteisio n, to take advantage, to profitnbsp;Manteisiol a, advantageousnbsp;Mantell, mentyll n/quot;, mantle, cloaknbsp;Manteliu v, to mantlenbsp;Mantol -ion n/| balance. Arwydd ynbsp;Fantol, Libranbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[weigh Mantoli r, to turn scales: to balance, to Manu tgt;, to reduce, to make small or finenbsp;Mknu p, to make a space, to spot; tonbsp;Manus cn, husk of corn, chaff [impressnbsp;Manw a, of subtile qualitynbsp;Manwedd nf, subtile texturenbsp;Manweddu p, to render finenbsp;Manwerthwr, wyr n, retailernbsp;Manwg, Manwgln, spottedness; pimplesnbsp;Manwl a, accurate; nice; careful. Seenbsp;Manw law n, small rainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[Manol Manwy a, tine; rare; subtile Manwydd np(-en n/),brushwood,shrubsnbsp;Manwyedd n, exility, finenessnbsp;225 |
Manwyn w, the king’s evil, scrofula, Manwynau, Manwynion, strumasnbsp;Manwynog a, strumousnbsp;Manwyo v, to refine, to subtilizenbsp;Manwythi np (Yen n^), capillary veinsnbsp;Manyd cn^ small grain of comnbsp;Manyglion np^ small particles or spots; empty grains of corn Manyglog nf, the bitter-sweetnbsp;Manyledd «, exactness, nicety, exacti-ManyJiant», refinement ^ [tudenbsp;Manylrwydd n, exactness, minutenessnbsp;Manylu v, to render or become accuratenbsp;Manyiwch «, accuracy, nicetynbsp;Maon np^ people, multitude; inhabitancy; sttojectsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mop Mapwl«, knoD on the middle of a thing; Maran -au «, holm, strand; spawning; alluvium salmon Marc -iau impression, marknbsp;Marcio v, to mark, to note, to observenbsp;March, meirch n, horse, stallion. — ynbsp;dwr, water spider Marchalan «, elecampane nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[jackass Marchasyn -od ne-ass, male-ass, Marchau v, to ride a horsenbsp;Marchbren -au n, main beamnbsp;Marchdaran -au nf^ loud thunder clapnbsp;Marchdy, dai«, stablenbsp;Marchfaen, feini n, horse blocknbsp;Marchfiharen, fieri nf^ white brier^ [antnbsp;Marchforgrug np (-yn »), large wingednbsp;Marchforion np (-en nf\ winged antsnbsp;Marchgau r, to ride=Marchocaunbsp;Marchgen horse’s skinnbsp;Marchgod -au nf^ saddle bagnbsp;Marchiad n, horsingnbsp;Marchlan -au «ƒ, stablenbsp;Marchlu -oedd cn, cavalry, horse soldiersnbsp;Marchnad -oedd «ƒ, market, martnbsp;Marchnadfa -oedd nf^ iimrket-placenbsp;Marchnadiad, Marchnataa n, marketingnbsp;Marchnadol a, of a market, marketablenbsp;Marchnadu, Marchnata v, to market,nbsp;to buy at market [market-mannbsp;Marchnadydd -ion, Marchnatwr, wyr «,nbsp;Marchnatty, tai», market-housenbsp;Marchocau r, to ride a horsenbsp;Marchog -ion n, knight; horseman;nbsp;rider; jug. Haint y marchogion,nbsp;Clwyf y marchogion, hemorrhoidsnbsp;Marchogaeth «ƒ, horsemanshipnbsp;Marchogaeth v, to ridenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ship Marchogaethu v, to practise horseman-Marchoges -au nf^ riding woman; female chevalier nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[diers Marchoglu -oedd cn, cavalry, horse sol- |
Marchogwisg -oedd nf, riding habit Marchogwr. wyr n, rider, horseman Marchol a, Ijelonging to a horse, equinenbsp;Marchon cn, the male ashnbsp;Marchonen nf^ male ash-treenbsp;Marchrawd, rodion nf^ troop of horsenbsp;Marchredyn np (-en nf\ the polypodynbsp;Marchridyll -iau «, sifter, screennbsp;Marchwas, weision, Marchwr, wyr n,nbsp;horseman Marchwiail np (wialen nf)^ saplings Marchwraint np, tettersnbsp;Marchwreinyn n, tetternbsp;Marchwriaeth nf, jockeyshipnbsp;Marchwrio v, to ride, to jockeynbsp;Marchwys cn, cavalrynbsp;Marchysgall np (-en n/), spear thistlenbsp;Mardon nf. dead skin, scurfnbsp;Margan n/, goddess feigned to conductnbsp;a soul on parting from the bodynbsp;Marian -au «, holm, strand; alluviumnbsp;Mariandir -oedd n, holm land; alluvialnbsp;Marianedd n, holm; alluvium [soilnbsp;Marl », rich clay, marlnbsp;Marliad n, marlingnbsp;Marm n, dead earth; chalknbsp;Marmor n, chalky earth; marblenbsp;Marmoraidd a, like marblenbsp;Marmori v, to form marblenbsp;Marsianda v, to carry on commercenbsp;Marsiandiaeth nf merchandizenbsp;Marsiandwr, wyr n, merchantnbsp;Marth n, what is flat, plain, or open; sadness ; what is sure Marw, meirw », the dead; mortalitynbsp;Marw V, to die, to become deadnbsp;Marw a, dead; deceased; mortalnbsp;Marwaidd a, deadish; lifelessnbsp;Marwdon nf scurf, dandriff [tuarynbsp;Marwdy, dai n, escheat by death; mor-Marwdyst n, dead evidencenbsp;Marwdywarchen nf death-clodnbsp;Marwddwfr, ddyfroedd n, dead waternbsp;Marwddydd -iau », mortal daynbsp;Marwedd », deadnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mortify Marweiddio v, to deaden, to benumb; to Marweiddiol a, deadening, mortifyingnbsp;Marwerydd n, delirium, distraction. — y meddwon, delirium tremens Marwgoel -ion nf death omennbsp;Marwgwag n, lethargy; dormousenbsp;Marwhaint, heintiau », mortal diseasenbsp;Marwhaol a, mortifying, deadeningnbsp;Marwhau v, to deaden, to mortifynbsp;Marwhun -au nf death sleepnbsp;Marwlanw n, turn of a tide, high tiunbsp;Marwnad -au nf death cry; elegynbsp;226 |
Marwnadu v, to mourn the dead Marwol a, deadly, mortalnbsp;Marwolaeth rif, death; decease; mor-Marwolaethn v, to put to death [talitynbsp;Marwoldeb n, mortalitynbsp;Marwoli v, to deaden, to grow deadnbsp;Harwolus a, of a dead naturenbsp;Marwor np (-yn n), burning cinders,nbsp;Marwydos np, embersnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[embers
Marwysgafn n/*, death-bed song Marwysgar n, death partingnbsp;Mas -au nf, swoon; ecstacynbsp;Masaidd a, tending to faintnbsp;Masarn cn (-en n/), sycamore; maplenbsp;Masawd n, swooning, faintingnbsp;Masg -au nf, mesh, network, latticenbsp;Masgiad «, reticulation, nettingnbsp;Masgl -au nf, mesh: cn, shells; podsnbsp;Masglog a, reticulated; poddednbsp;Masglu V, to reticulate; to podnbsp;Masgol a, reticulated, meshednbsp;Masgu V, to reticulate, to latticenbsp;Masnach-au nf, business, concern, tradenbsp;Masnachu v, to do business, to tradenbsp;Masnachwr, wyr n, tradesman, dealer,nbsp;chapman, merchantnbsp;Masu V, to swoon, to faintnbsp;Masw, Maswy a, fluttering; wantonnbsp;sportive; soft; light; languishingnbsp;Maswedd n, languor; levity; wantonnessnbsp;Masweddiad n, wantoningnbsp;Masweddol o, languishing; wantonnbsp;Maswedduv, to languish; to wantonnbsp;Mat -iau n, mat, plaited worknbsp;Maten, matan »^=Batingennbsp;Mater -ion n, matter, subjectnbsp;Matog -au nf, mattock, hoenbsp;Matras -an n, mattress; mattingnbsp;Matrasu v, to form a mattressnbsp;^lath -an n, sort, kindnbsp;Mathr n, strew, spreadnbsp;Mathracb, Mathriad n, trampling downnbsp;Mathru v, to trample down, to treadnbsp;Man pr, my, my own. Man ti, my ownnbsp;Maw a, expanding; indulgentnbsp;Mawaid, eidiau nf both hands’ fullnbsp;Mawl 71, praise, worshipnbsp;Mawlhau v, to praise, to extolnbsp;Mawn cn (-en nf'), peat, turfnbsp;Mawnbwll, byliau n, peat-pitnbsp;Mawndir -oedd n, peat landnbsp;Mawnog -ydd njfquot;, peat-pit: a, havingnbsp;Mawr a, great, large, bignbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[peat
Mawrair, eiriau n, boasting word Mawrdeg a, magnificent, grandnbsp;Mawrder, Mawrdra n, greatnessnbsp;Mawrdda n, great good; welcome
Mawrddrwg, ddrygau n, great evil Mawredd n, greatness, grandeur, ma-Mawreddiad n, magnifyingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;pesty
Mawreddog, Mawreddus a, magnificent, grand, majestic
Mawreddu v, to magnify, to exalt Mawrfaith a, far-extendingnbsp;Mawrfalch a, greatly proudnbsp;Mawrfryd n, magnanimitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mous
Mawrfrydig, Mawrfrydus a, magnani-Mawrfrydu v, to grow magnanimous Mawrhau v, to magnify, to enlargenbsp;Mawrhydi n, majestynbsp;Mawrhydig a, majestic, grandnbsp;Mawrio v, to magnify, to enlargenbsp;Mawrth n, Mars; March. Dydd —,nbsp;Tuesday. Nos Fawrth, Tuesdaynbsp;night. — Ynyd, Shrove Tuesdaynbsp;Mawrwerth n, preciousuessnbsp;Mawrwych a, magnificent, gorgeous,nbsp;Mawrygiad n, magnifying [grandnbsp;Mawrygol a, magnificentnbsp;Mawrygu v, to magnify, to extolnbsp;Mawrygwr, wyr n, magnifiernbsp;Maws n, delight, melodynbsp;Maws o, pleasant, gratefulnbsp;Mawsedd n, delectablenessnbsp;Mawsiant n, delectationnbsp;Mawsu V, to delight, to gratifynbsp;Me^r, he, him=Fenbsp;Me ac^E, Fenbsp;Mebai nc, infant, youthnbsp;Mebain a, youthful, juvenilenbsp;Mebaint n, youthfulnessnbsp;Mebin a, intantile, youthfulnbsp;Mebyd n, infancy, childhoodnbsp;Mebydd -ion n, bachelornbsp;Mebyn », male infantnbsp;Mechdeym -edd n, viceroy, regent; lordnbsp;Mechni, ion n, surety, bailnbsp;Mechnïaeth n, suretyshipnbsp;Mechnïaethü v, to act as bailnbsp;Mechnïwr, wyr, Mechniydd -ion n,nbsp;surety, bailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[middle
Med nf what is extended or full; centre; Med pr, to, unto; to the; as far asnbsp;Medel -au nf, reaping; reaping partynbsp;Medelwas, weision, Medelwr, wyr n,nbsp;reaper
Medi n, reaping; the month of September : V, to reap, to cut corn Medr n, skill to elfect, skill; knowledgenbsp;Medraeth nf expertness, skillnbsp;Medrawd n, accomplishmentnbsp;Medrol a, accomplishingnbsp;Medroldeb n, capabilitynbsp;Medroli v, to render capablenbsp;227
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Medni v, to exert skill; to know how to do; to be able; to aim. Medraf, I cannbsp;Medrus a, able to efiect, expert; skilfulnbsp;Medmsedd, Medrusrwydd n, expertnessnbsp;Medryd v, to be able to do; to aimnbsp;Medd n, centre of motion; what causesnbsp;a turning; utterance; mead; what isnbsp;possessed Medd V (^defective), says Meddal a, soft, mollient, tendernbsp;Meddalai nc, what softens; mallowsnbsp;Meddalder,Meddalwch w,softness; mildnessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ mollify Meddalhau, Meddalu v, to soften, to Meddedigaeth possessionnbsp;Weddedigol a, possessorynbsp;Meddf a, soft, mild, mollientnbsp;Meddfu r, to become mildnbsp;Meddiannedigaeth fi/*, possessionnbsp;Meddiannedigol a, possessorynbsp;Meddiannol a, possessing, possessivenbsp;Meddiannu v, to possess, to ownnbsp;Meddiannwr, wyr, Meddiannydd -ion n,nbsp;possessor; ownernbsp;Meddiant, iannau n, possessionnbsp;Meddlys cn, intoxicating herbsnbsp;Meddu V, to possess; to be ablenbsp;Meddw a, drunk, intoxicated. Meddw-on, drunkards, drunken personsnbsp;Meddwad n, intoxicatingnbsp;Meddwdod n, drunkenness, intoxicationnbsp;Meddwi v, to intoxicatenbsp;Meddwl, yliau n, thought, mindnbsp;Meddwi V, to think, to mind; to intendnbsp;Meddwol a, intoxicatingnbsp;Meddwyn «, drunkardnbsp;Meddyd u, to say, to expressnbsp;Meddyg -on «, doctor, physiciannbsp;Meddyges -au w/*, doctress; violetnbsp;Meddygfys -edd «, ring fingernbsp;Meddygiad n, doctoringnbsp;Meddygin a, curative, medicinalnbsp;Meddyginiaeth nf, medicine; physicnbsp;Meddyginiaetboi a, medicinal, belonging to healing Meddyginiaethu r, to cure, to remedy Meddyglyn -oedd n, hydromel; meadnbsp;Meddygol a, medicinalnbsp;Meddygu v, to doctor, to heal, to curenbsp;Meddygyn n, what heals; the violetnbsp;Meddylddrych -au », ideanbsp;Meddyleg nf, mental philosophynbsp;Meddylfryd n, atfection. — daiarol,nbsp;worldlymindednessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ful Meddy l^ar o, mindful, musing, thought-Heddyliad n, thinking Meddylio, Meddylied v, to mind, to think |
Meddylioi a, mental, intellectual Meddylrith -iau n, ideanbsp;Mefl -au n, disgrace, scandalnbsp;Meflfethiant n, disgraceful defectnbsp;Meflhau v, to pollute; to disgracenbsp;Mefliad », polluting; disgracingnbsp;Meflu v, to pollute; to disgracenbsp;Mefus np (-en «ƒ), strawberriesnbsp;Meg jj/) utterance, expression; fetternbsp;Megai, eion wc, the glow-wormnbsp;Megiad «, utterance, expressionnbsp;Megidydd -ion n, one who nourishesnbsp;Megia -au nf, pair of bellowsnbsp;Megino v, to work bellows; to blownbsp;Megyn n, nurselingnbsp;Megys c, as, so as, like asnbsp;Mehefin n, the month of Junenbsp;Mehin n, fat, fat flesh, greasenbsp;Mehinen nf, leaf of fatnbsp;Mehino v, to become greasynbsp;Mehinog a, having greasenbsp;Meia v, to take the fieldnbsp;Meiad n, taking the fieldnbsp;Meibionain, Meibionos np, little childrennbsp;Meichai, eion nc, surety, bailnbsp;Meichio v, to bail, to be bail or suretynbsp;Meichiog a, having suretynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[lane Meidr -on n, measure, rule; limit: nf, Meio V, to make a campaignnbsp;Meidradydd, Meidradur -on n, metrenbsp;Meidraeth nf measurementnbsp;Meidriad, iaid n, one who is able tonbsp;effect or accomplishnbsp;Meidro v, to limit, to metenbsp;Meidrofydd -ion n, geometriciannbsp;Meidrofyddiaeth tf, geometrynbsp;Meidrofyddol a, geometrical [bendingnbsp;Meidrol a, limitable, finite, compre-Meidroldeb n, comprehensiveness, capacity, finiteness Meidroli v, to bring within measure, to Meidroniaeth nf, geometry [limitnbsp;Meidyu n, point; moraent=Meitynnbsp;Meiddiad n, curdlingnbsp;Meiddion np, curds and wheynbsp;Meiddioni v, to turn to curdsnbsp;Meiddlyd a, wheyey, curdlednbsp;Meiddlyu -oedd n, whey drinknbsp;Meiddog a. abounding with wheynbsp;Meilon np (-en «ƒ), raspberries—Mafonnbsp;Meigen -au nf, recess, nooknbsp;Meigiad n, turning suddenly; happeningnbsp;Meigro v, to startle, to startnbsp;Meigryn n, startle; vertigonbsp;Meilaid, eidiau nf bowlfulnbsp;Meiliannu v, to upholdnbsp;Meiliant n, upholding |
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Meilierydd -ion n, the skylark Meilio V, to hold up; to put in a bowl;
to raise with a bowl Meiliorn n, transgressionnbsp;Meiliorni to transgressnbsp;Meilon «p, powder, flour fcome dustnbsp;Meiloni v, to reduce to powder; to be-Meilwn, ynau the small of the legnbsp;Meilyn -au n, loop, eyenbsp;Meilyndorch, dyrch n/J sashoonnbsp;Meillion np (-en nf\ clover, trefoilnbsp;Meillioni v, to yield trefoilnbsp;Meillionog a, having trefoil or clovernbsp;Meincio v, to fix benchesnbsp;Meinder n, exility, finenessnbsp;Meindwf a, of slender growth [fornbsp;Meinfor-oedd n,narrow sea, 8trait=Cul-Meingan nf, delicate fair onenbsp;Meinhau to make fine or slender; tonbsp;Meinilesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;delicate thing [taper
Meinin a, of stone, stony [some woman Meinir n/*, one of delicate growth; hand-Meinllais n, shrill voice; treble (in music)nbsp;Meinllais a, shrill-voiced; fine-tonednbsp;Meinilin w, fine-linennbsp;Meinoles nf^ delicate thingnbsp;Meinus a, delicate, nice, finenbsp;Meinwar a, delicate and gentlenbsp;Meinwedd delicate aspectnbsp;Meinwen nf^ one delicately fairnbsp;Meinwyr a, delicately chastenbsp;Meinyn w, lump of stone [(S.W.)nbsp;Meipen,maip nf, turnip(N.W.) =Erfinennbsp;Meiriol a, dissolving, thawingnbsp;Meiriolad n, thawingnbsp;Meirioli to dissolve, to thawnbsp;Meirion n, tender; dairyman [concubinenbsp;Meiriones-au nf^ dairymaid; mistress,nbsp;Meirioni n, superintendencenbsp;Meirwys -od w/J the ouselnbsp;Meirydd -ion n, steward; mayornbsp;Meis c=Megysnbsp;Meisgyn -od n, mothnbsp;Meisio v, to devise, to inventnbsp;Meisiol a, devising, inventive [masternbsp;Meistr -iaid -i, Meistrad -oedd lord,nbsp;Meistres -au -i -od nf^ mistressnbsp;Meistresan -od ti/*, miss; damselnbsp;Meistrol a, masterly, masternbsp;Meistrolaeth masterynbsp;Meistrolaethu to get the masterynbsp;Meistrolaidd a, masterlynbsp;Meistroli v, to sway as masternbsp;Meityn n, point, space; moment. Ernbsp;ys meityn, gowl while sincenbsp;Meithdra, Meithni n, tediousnessnbsp;Meithio to make tedious
Meithiw a, extensive, tedious Meithrin -ion n, nurture, nursingnbsp;Meithrin v, to nourish, to nurturenbsp;Meithrinfa -oedd njT, seminary, nurserynbsp;Meithriniad n, nurturingnbsp;Mel», honey. Dilmel, honeycomb. Misnbsp;Mela V, to gather honey[mel, honeymoonnbsp;Melawd », sweetness. Melodion, melo-Meldardd o, mellifluousnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dies
Melen a/J yellow; tawny: m, melyn Melengu nj\ the woadnbsp;Melenog vj, linnetnbsp;Melenydd nfy the hawk-weednbsp;Melfed n, velvet; glossnbsp;Melfoch np (-yn n), honey swine, bearsnbsp;Melgawod -au -ydd the honey-dewnbsp;Meiged -ion «ƒ, tribute of honeynbsp;Melgorn, gyrn n, cell of honeycombnbsp;Melin -au n/, mill. — eithin, gorsenbsp;machine. Melin wynt, windmillnbsp;Melina v, to go to millnbsp;Melino v, to grind in a millnbsp;Melinydd -ion n, millernbsp;Melog a, having honey; nf, honeysucklenbsp;Melus a, sweet
Melusder, Melusdra n, sweetness Melusiannu v, to dulcify, to sweetennbsp;Melusiant», dulcificationnbsp;Melusig a, fond of sweetsnbsp;Meluso. Melusu v, to make as honey; tonbsp;Meiusol a, sweeteningnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sweeten
Melwioges nf, snail Melwlitn n, the honey-dewnbsp;Melyen nf snail
Melyn am, yellow: y, melen: n, yellow. — yr eithin, yellow hammer. — wy,nbsp;the yolk of an eggnbsp;Melynder, Melyndra », yellownessnbsp;Melynddu a, tawnynbsp;Melynell nf yellow huenbsp;Melynfaen n, brimstone, sulphurnbsp;Melyngoch a, yellow red, orangenbsp;Melyni n, yellowness; jaundicenbsp;Melynlas a. yellowish blue, greenishnbsp;Melynllwya a, yellowish brownnbsp;Melynllys n, the celandinenbsp;Melynog -idn n, mulatto; linnetnbsp;Melynu u, to make yellownbsp;Melynwy n, the yoke of an eggnbsp;Melynwyn a, yellowish whitenbsp;Melli, Mellni », insipidity; blightnbsp;Mellt np (-en nf\ lightnings, thunder-Mellteniad «, flasliing lightning [boltsnbsp;Melltenu v, to flash lightningnbsp;Melltigaid, Melltigedig a, accursed,nbsp;Melltigo V, to cursenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cursed
Meiltith -ion nf curse, malediction
Melltithio v, to curse Melltithiol a, blasphemousnbsp;Melltithiwr, wyr n, curser, blasphemernbsp;Melltog a, full of lightningnbsp;Memrwn, rynau to, parchment; vellumnbsp;Men TO, active principlenbsp;Men -i to/J wain, waggon, cartnbsp;Menaid, cidiau cart loadnbsp;Menestr -i«, cup-bearernbsp;Menestru to serve, to waitnbsp;Meni», carting, cartagenbsp;Mcniad to, carrying in a cartnbsp;Mensaer, seiri to, cartwrightnbsp;Mentyn to, thin small lipnbsp;Menu r, to impressnbsp;Menw TO, intellect, mindnbsp;Menwedig a, intellectual; blessednbsp;Menwi to, to make intellectualnbsp;Menwin, Menwol a, intelligentnbsp;Menwyd to, intellect; blessednessnbsp;Menwydedd n, intellectualness, state ofnbsp;happiness
Menwydig a, intelligent; blessed Menwydo to, to render intellectualnbsp;Menwydol, Menwydns a, intelligentnbsp;Menwyn «, talent, skillnbsp;Menybr -au to, handle, helve, haftnbsp;Menyd ad, to the place wherenbsp;Menyn to, small spotnbsp;Menynu to, to imprint, to dot
Menyw -od -aid ?i/*, woman=Benyw
I «/¦gt;
Mer TO, what is dropped off or parted;
particle; drop; what is still; what is Mer -ion to, marrownbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[received
Meraidd a, like marrow Merch -ed nf, girl, daughter, womannbsp;Merchaidd a, feminine, femalenbsp;Merchedd to, womanhood [Wednesdaynbsp;Mercher to, Mercury. D^dd Mercher,nbsp;Mercheta «, to go a wenchingnbsp;Merchetach, Merchetos np, mean ornbsp;silly young womennbsp;Merchetwr, wyr «, wenchernbsp;Merchin a, towering, risingnbsp;Merchyn to, a little horsenbsp;Merddrain np, dog briers [nant waternbsp;Merddwfr, ddyfroedd, Myrddwr to, stag-Mered to, dropnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pid, dull
Meredig a, stupid; stupefied; flat, tor-Mereiddio to, to become marrow Merf a, insipid, tasteless, fiatnbsp;Merfdra to, insipidity, flatnessnbsp;Merfu TO, to become insipidnbsp;Merhelyg np (-en to/quot;), yellow willowsnbsp;Meriad », dropping downnbsp;Marin -iau to, dropping,trickling, effusionnbsp;Merino to, to fall in drops
Merinol a, dropping, distilling Merion np, droppings, drippingsnbsp;Merl -od, Merlyn -od w, pony, nag: ƒ,nbsp;Merllyd a, insipid, tasteless [merlennbsp;Merllyn -au to, stagnant poolnbsp;Merllys -iau to, asparagusnbsp;Merog a, having marrownbsp;Merol a, dropping, distillingnbsp;Merolaeth nf, flatness; mustinessnbsp;Meroli to, to grow fiat; to dampnbsp;Meronen nf, tail; trailnbsp;Merth, Merthi to, exhausted statenbsp;Merthu to, to exhaust, to wear outnbsp;Merthyr -on -i to, martyr, sufferernbsp;Merthyraeth nf, martyrology [tyrdomnbsp;Merthyrdod w, Merthyrolaeth nf, mar-Merthyru to, to martyr; to tear, to racknbsp;Meru TO, to droop; to dropnbsp;Merw a, flaccid; flat; insipidnbsp;Merwin, Merwindod, Merwinedd », torpidity, numbness
Merwinad, Merwinawd n, benumbing Merwino to, to benumbnbsp;Merwydd np (-en nf), mulberry-treesnbsp;Merwys -od n, ousel; blackbirdnbsp;Merydd to, what is flaccid or sluggish;
plash; sluggard; sea sedge Meryn «, drop, particlenbsp;Meryswydd np (-en nf), medlar-treesnbsp;Merywnj) (-en nf), juniper treesnbsp;Mes np (-en nf), acornsnbsp;Mesa TO, to gather acornsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[age
Mesfraint, freintiau nf, Mesobr to, pan-Mesglyn to, shell, husk; hull Mesig a, that may be chewednbsp;Mesigo TO, to masticate, to chewnbsp;Mest TO, ^rtion of foodnbsp;Mesur -au to, measure; rule; metrenbsp;Mesur, Mesuro v, to allot a share; tonbsp;measure, to metenbsp;Mesuredigaeth nf, measurementnbsp;Mesureg nf, mensurationnbsp;Mesuriaeth nf, mensurationnbsp;Mesuriant to, measurementnbsp;Mesurydd -ion to, measurer, meternbsp;Mesyryd to, autumnnbsp;Metel nf ^n, metal; mettlenbsp;Metelu TO, to turn to metalnbsp;Metelydd -ion to, metallurgistnbsp;Metelyddiaeth nf, metallurgynbsp;Meth -ion n, miss; abortion; failurenbsp;Methdal -ion to, nonpayment, defaultnbsp;Methdalwr, wyr to, bankruptnbsp;Methedigaeth n/J failure; errornbsp;Methenw -au to, misnomernbsp;Methiad n, failing, missingnbsp;Methiannu to, to become failingnbsp;280
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Metbiannus a, of a fallible nature Methiant, Methineb w, failure, decaynbsp;Methledd n, embarassmentnbsp;Methlu v, to entanglenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[perish Methu Vy to fail, to miss; to decay, to Metbwr, wyr failer, missernbsp;Meudwy -aid -od n, hermit, reclusenbsp;Meudwyaeth hermit’s lifenbsp;Meudwyes -au nf, hermitessnbsp;Meudwyfan, Meudwyfod -au Ji/*, hermit-Meudwyo v, to live a hermit [ agenbsp;Meuedd n, self-possessionnbsp;Mew «, mew, cat’s crynbsp;Mewiad «, mewingnbsp;Mewian, Mewial v, to keep mewingnbsp;Mewn pr, within, in. Y tu mewn, thenbsp;inside, Tu mewn i, inside ofnbsp;Mewnol a, inward, internalnbsp;Mewyd, Mewydedd n, idleness, lazinessnbsp;Mewyda v, to idle, to loungenbsp;Mewydus a, of an idle habitnbsp;Mi pr, I, me Miar, Miaren, mieri nf, bramble, brier Mic -ion nf^ hoot; spite, piquenbsp;Micas n, sop, steeped breadnbsp;Micio V, to hoot; to spitenbsp;Micws w, spray, frothnbsp;Mich «/J squeal, squeaknbsp;Michdan v, to squealnbsp;Mid “iau ft, shallow tub; list for combatsnbsp;Midiad «, hemming innbsp;Midlan -au nf, enclosed area or listnbsp;Midd ft, enclosed place or pitnbsp;Middi ft, pit in a rivernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[briers Mieri no (miaren, mierïen ft/*), brambles, Mierinllwyn -i n, bramble bushnbsp;Mig -ion nf, hoot; spite, malicenbsp;Migen -au nf^ bog; fistulous ulcernbsp;Migiad ft, hooting; spitingnbsp;Mign -oedd w, bog, quagmirenbsp;Mignen -i nf^ bog, quagmirenbsp;Mignio to become boggynbsp;Migus a, hooting; maliciousnbsp;Migusedd ft, spitefulnessnbsp;Migwern -ydd boggy meadownbsp;Migwrn, yrnau ft, knuckle; the anklenbsp;Migwyn ft, white moss on bogsnbsp;Migymguddio v, to play hide and seeknbsp;Migyrnog a, large knucklednbsp;Migyrnu r, to form a knucklenbsp;Mil -od ft, animal, beast, brutenbsp;Mil -oedd nf^ thousand, 1000, m.nbsp;Milaid a, of an animal naturenbsp;Milaidd a, like a beast; brutishnbsp;Miiain, einiaid ft, brute; villainnbsp;Milain a, brutish; cruel, fiercenbsp;Miiast, eist nf^ greyhound bitch |
Milcerdd w, millepede Mildraeth «, zoologynbsp;Mildraethawd ft, zoological essaynbsp;Milddail nf^ the yarrownbsp;Miled ft, wild animalnbsp;Miledd ft, bnitishnessnbsp;Mileiddio tgt;, to brutalizenbsp;Mileingar a. ferocious, fiercenbsp;Mileinig o, orutish, ferociousnbsp;Mileiuio v, to grow fiercenbsp;Milfa, Milodfa, -oedd ft/| menagerienbsp;Milfed a, thousandthnbsp;Milfedol a, millesimalnbsp;Kiifedran -au nf^ thousandth partnbsp;Milfeddyg -on w, veterinary surgeonnbsp;Milfeddygol a, veterinarynbsp;Milfil -oedd nf^ million, 1,000,000nbsp;Milflwydd a, millennialnbsp;Milflwyddiant ft, millenniumnbsp;Milfyd, Milfyw w/*, figwortnbsp;Milgi, gwn ft, greyhoundnbsp;Milhanes nƒ^ zoologynbsp;Milionyn n, animalcule. Milionos, animalcules, aulmalculanbsp;Miliwn, iynau nf, million, 1,000,000nbsp;Miliwniadur «, millionairenbsp;Milodiaeth tj/] zoology, zoograpbynbsp;Milofydd -ion ft, zoologistnbsp;Milofyddiaeth nj, zoologynbsp;Milplyg a, thousand foldnbsp;Milred -ion nf^ millepedenbsp;Milrith -iau -ion n, foetus, embryonbsp;Milrym n, the woodsagenbsp;Milwaith arf, thousand timesnbsp;Milwr, wyr, Milor -ion ft, warrior, soldiernbsp;Milwraidd a, warrior-like; militarynbsp;Milwri ft, warfare, hostilitynbsp;Milwriad, iaid ft, colonelnbsp;Milwriaeth nf, warfarenbsp;Milwrio to carry on warnbsp;Milwrus, Milwraidd a, warlike, militantnbsp;Milwydd ft, the camomilenbsp;Milyn ft, little animalnbsp;Mill cn (-yn ft, -ynen nf \ the violetnbsp;Milltir -oedd nf mile, knotnbsp;Millyn », violetnbsp;Min -ion «, edge; brink; lipnbsp;Mincoca r, to pop the lipsnbsp;Mincog ft, pop of the lipsnbsp;Mindag nf the lampasnbsp;Hindlws a, fine-mouthed: f mindlosnbsp;Mined ft, edging, edgenbsp;Minedd n, sharpness, the edgenbsp;Minfel », the herb yarrownbsp;Minfelus a, sweet-mouthednbsp;Minfin a, edge to edge, lip to lipnbsp;Minfiys », daintiness of mouthnbsp;231 |
Minflysig a, dainty-mouthed Minfwlch n, hare-lipnbsp;Minfylchog a, hare-lippednbsp;Minffug a, of deceitful lipnbsp;Mingam a, wry-mouthednbsp;Mingamiad n, turning a mouthnbsp;Mingamu v, to make a grimacenbsp;Mingrach a, scabby-mouthednbsp;Mingras a, saucy-mouthednbsp;Mingrwn a, of a round mouthnbsp;Minial v, to move the lipsnbsp;Minialedd «, motion of the lipsnbsp;Minio Vy to edge, to sharpennbsp;Mining a, having an edge, edgednbsp;Minllym a, sharp-edged; keennbsp;Minnau pr, me also; 1 then, me thennbsp;Mintai nf, great number, company, hostnbsp;Miod np, fritters; manchetsnbsp;Mir n, what is fair; the visage: a, fairnbsp;Mirach good quality, virtuenbsp;Mirain a, of fair aspect, comelynbsp;Mire n, the aspect or visage [beautynbsp;Mireindod, Mireinwch n, comeliness,nbsp;Mireiniad, Miriad w, making comely,nbsp;rendering comelynbsp;Miriannu v, to render comelynbsp;Miriant n, beauty of aspectnbsp;Mis -oedd n, month. Mis yr afiaeth,nbsp;the honey moon. Mis bach, Februarynbsp;Misol a, monthly. Misolion, monthliesnbsp;Misglen, misgl, misglod n/] muscle. kind of shell fish Misglwyf w, menses, catamenianbsp;Misglwyfus a, menstruousnbsp;Misgwaith n, month’s spacenbsp;Misyriad, iaid w, what is a month oldnbsp;Mit -iau n, shallow vesselnbsp;Mo/??j, it; him, he Mo pr, of, concerning, more of. Mo honof, amp;c. Ni welais mo hono, I sawnbsp;nothing of it, I did not see it (masculine). Ni welais mo hbno, I did notnbsp;see that one (feminine) Moc 71, mock, mimicry Mocio V, to mock, to mimicnbsp;Moch np (-yn n), swine, pigs, hogsnbsp;Mbch a, ready; swift; quick; earlynbsp;Mochaidd a, like swine, hoggishnbsp;Mocheiddio v, to grow hoggishnbsp;Mochi V, to wallow as swinenbsp;Mochyn, moch n, pig, swine, hognbsp;Mochynaidd «, like a hog; nasty, dirtynbsp;Mochyria v, to gruntnbsp;Mod -au n, circle; turn; enclosurenbsp;Modbren -au «, stirring-sticknbsp;Modfedd -i n/j inchnbsp;Modfeddu v. to mete an inch |
Modrwy -au nf, ring, circle Modrwyfil -od n, lizard; eftnbsp;Modrwyig, Modrwyen nf, annuletnbsp;Modrwyo v, to form a ringnbsp;Modi*wyog a, in ringletsnbsp;Modrwyol a, annular; curlynbsp;Modrwywr, wyr n, dealer in ringsnbsp;Modryo -edd nf aunt; damenbsp;Modrydaf -au n, standard; stock of beesnbsp;Modur -iaid n, protector, sovereignnbsp;Modd -ion n, mode, form, way, means; mood (in grammar) Moddiant, iannau w, means; form Moddio V, to bring to a formnbsp;Moddus a, mannerly; decentnbsp;Moel -ydd nf pile; conical hill; bare hillnbsp;Moel a, bare; bald; hornless; polled. Buwch foel, cow without horns Moelcen nf, bald patenbsp;Moelder, Moeledd n, bareness; baldnessnbsp;Moeldes n, clear sunshinenbsp;Moeldesota, Moelystota v, to frisk fromnbsp;Moelddwrn, ddyrnau n, naked fist [heatnbsp;Moelddyrnfedd nf handbreadthnbsp;Moelftbn, ffyn nf spatulanbsp;Moeli V, to pile; to make or become baldnbsp;Moelni n, bareness; baldnessnbsp;Moelron -iaid n, sea calf, sealnbsp;Moelyn n, bald-pated onenbsp;Moes -au nf, civility, behaviour, mannernbsp;Moesaddysg, Moesddysg nf science ofnbsp;Moesog a, mannerly, courteous [ethicsnbsp;Moesol a, moral, ethicalnbsp;Moesolaeth nf Moesoldeb w, moralitynbsp;Moesoli V, to become moralnbsp;Moeth -au n, delicacy, nicetynbsp;Moethen nf, dainty onenbsp;Moethi V, to treat nicelynbsp;Moethineb, Moethusdra w, blandishmentnbsp;Moethol, Moethus a, delicate, daintynbsp;Moethyn -ion n, luxurious personnbsp;Mogfa nf, asthma; shortness of breathnbsp;Mogi V, to stifle; to smothernbsp;Moi V, to throw out; to foalnbsp;Mol n, concretion; gumnbsp;Molach n, slight praisenbsp;Molad n, commendationnbsp;Moladwy a, commendable, praiseworthynbsp;Molafon n, porphyrynbsp;Molaid a, full of particlesnbsp;Molawd n, commendation, praisenbsp;Mold -iau nf, mold ? n, kneadnbsp;Moldio V, to mold; to kneadnbsp;Moled -au nf, muffler; kerchiefnbsp;Moledd n, praise, eulogy; worshipnbsp;Molglafaidd a, gummy and heavy (fornbsp;want of sleep) |
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Moli V, to praise; to adore Moliannol a, commendatorynbsp;Moliannu to praise, to landnbsp;Moliannus a, commendable, adorablenbsp;Moliant n, praise, adorationnbsp;Moloch n, tumult, uproarnbsp;Molo^ a, full of humour; gummy. Y,nbsp;frech folog, the small poxnbsp;Molud TO, panegyric, eulogynbsp;Molwyn TO, foamnbsp;Moll af, sultry, close: m, mwllnbsp;Molliad TO, stretching round [wethernbsp;Mollt, myllt, Mollwyn -od n, mutton;nbsp;Mon nf^ what is isolated; pointnbsp;Mones -od r^, sulky femalenbsp;Monig a, sulky, sullennbsp;Monoch np (-en TOƒ), entrails, gutsnbsp;Monof pr, of me. See Monbsp;Monwent -oedd -y dd -au nf^ churchyard,nbsp;amp;c.=Mynwent, amp;c.nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;, [wes, amp;c.
Monwes -au «ƒ, the bosom, amp;c.=Myn-Monyn to, sulky person: mones Mop -iau, Mopa, Moppren -i «, mopnbsp;Mdr, moroedd, myr to, sea, oceannbsp;Mor -oedd «, what moves; timenbsp;Mor a£?j how, so, as; how muchnbsp;Mora TO, motion of the seanbsp;Morach n, emotion; joynbsp;Moradar rep, sea fowlsnbsp;Moran -edd to, whalenbsp;Morawd to, seafaring; voyagenbsp;Morben -au to, promontorynbsp;Morbryf .ed to, sea animalnbsp;Morbysg -od cto, sea-fishnbsp;Morchwain, chwanen np, insects on thenbsp;sea-shore, sand-hoppersnbsp;Mordaith, deithiau nf^ voyagenbsp;Mordir -oedd to, maritime landnbsp;Mordon, dbnau nf^ sea-breakernbsp;Mordrai to, ebb of the seanbsp;Mordwy -on to, seafaringnbsp;Mordwyaeth nf^ navigationnbsp;Mordwyn -au to, ant hillnbsp;Mordwyo to, to go by seanbsp;Mordwyol Ö, seafaring; sailingnbsp;Mordwys 11, waving cornnbsp;Mordwywr, wyr to, mariner, sailornbsp;Mordywydd to, sweet-galenbsp;Mordywys cro, heart’s-tongue sea-weednbsp;Morddanadl «p, horehound [graphynbsp;Morddarluniad, Morddyluniad to, bydro-Morddraenog -od to, the sea urchin, e-Morddwr to, estuary of the sea [chinusnbsp;Morddwyd -ydd nf^ the thighnbsp;Moreb -ion «, ebb tide of the seanbsp;Moreryr -od to, ospravnbsp;Morfa, fëydd to, sea brink; marsh
Morfalwen, falwod nf^ sea snail
Morfan -au to, sea shore, strand Morfar «, rage of the seanbsp;Morfarch, feirch to, sea horse; whalenbsp;Morfil -od TO, sea animal, whalenbsp;Morfin -ion to, sea brinknbsp;Morflaidd, fleiddiau to, sharknbsp;Morfochyn w, porpoise; grampusnbsp;Morforwyn -ion nf, mermaidnbsp;Morfran, train cormorantnbsp;Morfrwyn np (-en nfquot;), sea-rushesnbsp;Morfuwch -od 7^, walrus, morse, manateenbsp;Morgad -au sea fightnbsp;Morgainc, geinciau arm or branchnbsp;of the sea, gulfnbsp;Morgamlas -au nf, estuarynbsp;Morgant to, sea brinknbsp;Morgaseg, gesyg to/*, sea breakernbsp;Morgath -od nf^ skate, raynbsp;Morgelyn np (-en the eryngonbsp;Morgerwyn -i ?i/, sea gulfnbsp;Morgi, gwn to, dog fish; sharknbsp;Morgranc -od to, crab fishnbsp;Morgrug np (^-yn to), antsnbsp;Morgudyn to, the polypusnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;( fish
Morgyllell -yll«/*,the calamary, cuttle-Morgymmlawdd to, sea raging Morhaig, heigiau nf, shoal of sea fishnbsp;Morhedydd w, sea larknbsp;Morhesg ?ip, the sea sedgenbsp;Morhocys np, marsh mallowsnbsp;Morhwch, hychod to/', grampusnbsp;Morio V, to live at sea; to sailnbsp;Morionen, morion nf, ant, emmetnbsp;Moriwr, wyr to, seaman, sailornbsp;Morladrad -au to, piracynbsp;Morlan -au nf, sea brink, beachnbsp;Morlas n, sea-green colour; a, sea-greennbsp;Morleidr, ladron to, pirate, corsairnbsp;Morlen -i, Morlun -iau to, chartnbsp;Morio, morloi to, sea calf, sealnbsp;Morlwch TO, sea spraynbsp;Morlwvau np, scurvy grassnbsp;Morlyffant, aint to, the frog fishnbsp;Morlyswen -od nf, conger eelnbsp;Mornant, nentydd to, sea inlet [serpentnbsp;Morneidr, nadroedd nf, sea snake, seanbsp;Mornodwydd -au nf, needle fishnbsp;Moron np (-en nf\ carrotsnbsp;Morsarff, seirff nf, sea serpentnbsp;Mortals, leisiau nf mortisenbsp;Morthwyl -ion to, hammernbsp;Morthwylio v, to hammer, to beatnbsp;Morwaneg -au nf, sea wavenbsp;Morwennol -iaid nf, sea swallownbsp;Morwerydd to, sea shorenbsp;Morwiaii np, grass wrack
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Morwiber -od nf^ aquatic viper Morwr, wyr ra, sailor, mariner •nbsp;Morwriaeth nf. seamanship, navigationnbsp;Morwydd np Q-en nf\ mulberry treesnbsp;Morwyf -ion «, bubble [=Merwyddnbsp;Morwyn -ion w, maid, virginnbsp;Morwynaidd, Morwynain a, maidenly,nbsp;Morwyndod virginitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[virgin Morwynig nf^ little maid Morwynol a, of a virginnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[maid Morwynwraig, wreigedd nf^ betrothed Morwys bubbles, bubblingsnbsp;Morwysiad, iaid w, bubblingnbsp;Mory nf^ morrow, to-morrow=Forynbsp;Moryd -au nf^ inlet of sea waternbsp;Morymdaith, deithiau ti/’, voyagenbsp;Mu -on nf^ bulk, massnbsp;Much w, sable, gloomnbsp;Muchiad n, growing sablenbsp;Muchedd n, jet black; jetnbsp;Mud «, remove; mewnbsp;Mud a, dumb, mute, speechlessnbsp;Mudai, eion wc, remover, movernbsp;Mudallu -oedd n, mechanical powernbsp;Mudan -od », mute, dumb one (nessnbsp;Mudaniaeth nf^ mute state, speecnless-Mudanes -od, Mudes -od nf^ female mutenbsp;Mudfa -oedd, feydd nf^ removalnbsp;Mudiad -au w, removing, movementnbsp;Mudliw », motley colournbsp;Mudo Vy to remove, to move; to emigratenbsp;Mudol a, moving, movablenbsp;Mudsain, seiniaid nfy mute letternbsp;Mudw w, what is on the movenbsp;Mudwg Thy state of removingnbsp;Mul -od Uy mulenbsp;Mul a, bashful, modest, simplenbsp;Muldra «, bashfalnessnbsp;Mules -au w/J she-mulenbsp;Mulfran, frain nf^ cormorantnbsp;Mulyn Uy little mulenbsp;Muu -au nfy what forms; handnbsp;Munaid, eidiau nfy handfulnbsp;Muned nfy epithet for a handnbsp;Muneidio t», to give handfulsnbsp;Muner -oedd re, upholder, directornbsp;Munerawd re, maintenancenbsp;Muneru v, to uphold; to rulenbsp;Munud -iau re, gesture; nodnbsp;Munudio v, to make gesturesnbsp;Mur -iau re, wallnbsp;Mur a, firm, fixed, establishednbsp;Murdd re, foundation, basenbsp;Murddyn -od re, shell of a building; ruinsnbsp;Murio Vy to fix; to wallnbsp;Muriwr, wyr re, wall-builder [wallnbsp;Murlysiau np (ieuyn re), pellitory of the |
Murndwrn re, murder; hidden murder Murnio v, to murder; to harmnbsp;Mumiol a, annoying, harming [assassinnbsp;Mumiwr, wyr re, one who lies in wait;nbsp;Mursen -od nf coquette; prudenbsp;Mursendod re, coquetry; pruderynbsp;Mursenu v, to act the coquettenbsp;Mursyn -od re, coxcomb, fopnbsp;Murwull re, wallflower; gillyflowernbsp;Musgrell a, slow, sluggish; slovenlynbsp;Musgrelli, Musgrellui re, helplessnessnbsp;Mwcan nc, cloud of fognbsp;Mwci, ïod re, fog; spritenbsp;Mwch a, hasty, quick, swiftssMbchnbsp;Mwchio V, to hasten, to be quicknbsp;Mwchliad re, jumblingnbsp;Mwd, mydau re, arch, ceilingnbsp;Mwdran re, washbrew; gruelnbsp;Mwdwl, mydylau re, stack, cocknbsp;Mwdd, myddi re, arch, vault; lucknbsp;Mwg re, smoke, fume, reeknbsp;Mwgan re, cloud of smokenbsp;Mwgwd, mygydau re, blind mask. — ynbsp;dali, — yr ieir, blind man’s buffnbsp;Mwngj myngau re, manenbsp;Mwngial V, to speak gutturallynbsp;Mwngial re, mutteringnbsp;M^l, mwlod re, concretion, lumpnbsp;Mwl re, chaff and broken straw on anbsp;floor after threshingnbsp;Mwlwcb, Mwlwg re, refuse, sweepingsnbsp;Mwll am, close, warm, sultry: f, mollnbsp;Mwn, mynau re, necknbsp;Mwn re, particle; mine; orenbsp;Mwnai ere, money, coinnbsp;Mwndill -iau nf spattle; stirrernbsp;Mwndlws, dlysau re, neck ornamentnbsp;Mwndorch, dyrch nf neck collarnbsp;Mwndwll, dyllau re, shaft (of a mine)nbsp;Mwnglawdd, gloddiau re, minenbsp;Mwngloddio v, to minenbsp;Mwnofydd -ion re, mineralogistnbsp;Mwnofyddiaeth mineralogynbsp;Mwnt, mynnau re, mound; mount; hundred thousand, 100,000nbsp;Mwnwgl, mynyglau re, neck; swivelnbsp;Mwnws ere, particles; drossnbsp;Mwri re, crumbling stone: a, crumblingnbsp;Mwrllwch re, fog, vapournbsp;Mwrn n, sultry weather; a, sultry, close,nbsp;Mwmdra re, sultrinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[warm Mwrno v, to become sultry Mws re, what shoots out; effluvia: a, ofnbsp;strong scent, rank, stinkingnbsp;Mwsg n, moscus, musknbsp;Mwstardd n, mustardnbsp;Mwswg, Mwswn re, moss |
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Mwswgl, Mwsogl n, moss Mwtha,rapid, fleet, nimble [more, againnbsp;Mwy a, additional; more; larger: ad^nbsp;Mwyach a, more: ad, more, againnbsp;Mwyad, MwyhM n, increasing, augmenting, augmentationnbsp;Mwyadu to augment, to increasenbsp;Hwyadur -on n, microscopenbsp;Mwyafiaeth nf^ Mwyafiant w, majoritynbsp;Mwyafrif-au:w, greater number,m^oritynbsp;Mwyaid np, consecrated wafers [ouselnbsp;Mwyalch -od, Mwyalchen nf y blackbird,nbsp;Mwyar np^ clustered berries; black-Mwyara u, to gather berries [berriesnbsp;Mwyaren, mwyar nf, single berrynbsp;Hwyd u, what is soaked or steepednbsp;Mwydion np (-yn »), soft parts; crumbs;nbsp;^wydioni v, to become crumby [pithnbsp;Mwydle -oedd «, the fetlocknbsp;Mwydo V, to soai, to moisten [dampingnbsp;Mwydol o, soaking, moistening, steeping,nbsp;^wyedigaeth nf^ augmentationnbsp;Mwyedigo v. to augmentnbsp;^wyeri np, briers, bramblesnbsp;Mwyfwy ad, more and morenbsp;Mwygl a. tepid; warm, sultrynbsp;Mwygledd «, tepidity; sultrinessnbsp;Mwyglen -od n/) wanton wench; harlotnbsp;Mwyglo w, to warm; to grow sultrynbsp;Mwyhau v, to augment, to enlargenbsp;^wy a, emollient, tendernbsp;Mwyn n, enjoyment, use; sake; mine;nbsp;ore. Er mwyn, for the sake of, innbsp;order to. Er ei fwyn, for his sakenbsp;Mwyn a, kind, gentle, mildnbsp;Mwynaidd a, tender, pleasingnbsp;Mwynas -an nf, kindness, favournbsp;Mwynasu to do kindness [dernessnbsp;Mwynder, Mwynedd n, kindness, ten-Mwyneidd-dra n, tenderness ' [pleasingnbsp;Mwyneiddio r, to become kind, tender, ornbsp;Mwynen nf^ pleasing or kind onenbsp;Mwynfawr a, greatly courteousnbsp;Mwynhad n, enjoying, enjoymentnbsp;Mwynhau v, to enjoy, to possessnbsp;Mwyniannau n, to enjoynbsp;Mwyniant, iannau n, enjoyment, usenbsp;Mwynlan a, courteously fairnbsp;Mwyrif -au n, greater number, majoritynbsp;Mwys -au n, what comprehends; whatnbsp;has double meaning; pun; ambiguity:nbsp;hamper; five score of herringsnbsp;Mwys a, ambiguous; witty; elegantnbsp;Mwysair, eiriau n, punning word, punnbsp;Mwysel -i n, bushelfdainties; indulgencenbsp;Mwyth -au n, fever; ague. Mwythau,nbsp;Mwythach w, pampered state
Mwythedd, Mwythiant emolliency,
softness, blandishment Mwythiad «, mollifyingnbsp;Mwythig Ö, puffed up, bloatednbsp;Mwytho t?, to puff; to mollifynbsp;Mwythol a, emollientnbsp;Mwythus a, sleek; delicate, nicenbsp;Mwythusdra n, pampered statenbsp;Mwythusiad pamperingnbsp;My pr, my. Inflected to ft. Fy hun,nbsp;Fy hnnan, myself, menbsp;Mycbedyn -au «, sunbeamnbsp;Mychiad, iaid », swineherdnbsp;Mychol a, of rapid motionnbsp;Myd », example, patternnbsp;Mydaldd a, like an arch, archednbsp;Mydedd n, archedness; curvaturenbsp;Mydiad fi, camerationnbsp;Mydr -au », metre, versenbsp;Mydraeth «ƒ, versificationnbsp;Mydrwr, wyr w, versifier, a poetnbsp;Mydryddiaeth «ƒ, versificationnbsp;Mydryddu, Mydru v, to versifynbsp;Mydu V, to arch, to vaultnbsp;Mydum -iau », gesture; mimicrynbsp;Mydw aptitude; fluencynbsp;Mydwal a, apt to proceednbsp;Mydwaledd «, fluent speechnbsp;Mydylu r, to stack, to cocknbsp;Myddi, lau nf, hogsheadnbsp;Myfi pr, I, me, myselfnbsp;Myfïaeth «ƒ, egotismnbsp;Myfinnaup», I or me likewisenbsp;Myfio V, to egotizenbsp;Myfyr -ion w, muse, studynbsp;Myfyr a, musing, pensivenbsp;Myfyrdod, Myfyriad, Myfyriant My-fyriaeth nf^ contemplation, cogitationnbsp;Myfyrdodol, Myfyrgar a, contemplativenbsp;Myfyrgell -oedd studynbsp;Myfyriadol a, contemplativenbsp;Myfyriannu u, to cogitatenbsp;Myfyrio v, to contemplate, to studynbsp;Myfyriol a. contemplative ^
MyfyrioldeD «, contemplativeness Myfyriwr, wyr n, contemplator, speculator; student
Myg a, holy, sacred,solemn, reverential;
honoured, revered: -ion w, solemnity, Mygawd n, suffocation [sanctitydenbsp;Mygdarth «, vapour, fog; fumigationnbsp;Mygdarthu v, to burn incensenbsp;Myged -au «ƒ, respect, reverence, honournbsp;Myged a, respected, solemnnbsp;Mygedol a, honorarynbsp;Mygedorth -au nf^ funeral pilenbsp;Mygfa, fëydd nf, suffocationnbsp;235
-ocr page 240-MYN MYR
Mygfaen, feini w, brimstone Myglyd a, apt to smoke, smoky, reekynbsp;Myglys w, tobacconbsp;Mygod-darth n, exhalationnbsp;Mygodfa -oedd nf^ asthmanbsp;Mygodorth nf^ flatulencynbsp;Mygol a, furnous, smokingnbsp;Mygr, Mygrol a, majestic, gloriousnbsp;Mygredd w, grandeur, majestynbsp;Mygru to render majestic or grandnbsp;Mygu to smoke; to stiflenbsp;Myngen nf^ the crest of a horse; manenbsp;Myngial w, guttural speakingnbsp;Myngial.Myiigialu to speakgutturallynbsp;Mynglyd a, of the throatnbsp;Myngog a, having a manenbsp;Myhar w, male sheep, ramnbsp;Myharan, heryn w, wether; ramnbsp;Myidardd w, what is in grains; porphyrynbsp;Myllu ü, to grow sultrynbsp;Mympwy -on opinion; humour; whimnbsp;Mympwyaeth nf, opiniatlonnbsp;Mympwyo v, to opinenbsp;Mympwyola, opiniative; whimsicalnbsp;Mymryn -au w, atom, particlenbsp;Myn -oedd ?i, will, desire, mindnbsp;Myn -od ri, kid, young goatnbsp;Myn jjr, by the will of, bynbsp;Mynach -od, myneich monk; postnbsp;Mynachaeth «/, monachismnbsp;Mynachdy, dai n, monastery, conventnbsp;Mynaches -au nun, reclusenbsp;Mynachlog -ydd nf^ monastery, conventnbsp;Mynachol a, monkish, monachalnbsp;Mynag -on, eig, eigion n and w/*, report,nbsp;Mynan «c, young kidnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[recital
Mynas -au nf^ menace, threat Mynawyd -au awl [of a horse collarnbsp;Mynci, ïau, Myncyn -au w, hame, partnbsp;Myncog n, heath, lingnbsp;Mynechdid -au monasterynbsp;Myned w, to go, to set outnbsp;M^ned v (imperative of Mynu)nbsp;Mynedfa -oedd, fëydd nf^ entrance; de-Mynediad ti, going; departing [parturenbsp;Mynedwy running waternbsp;Mynegadwy a, expressiblenbsp;Mynegai, eion tic, index; exponentnbsp;Mynegair, eiriau n, concordancenbsp;Mynegfa -oedd n, cataloguenbsp;Mynegfys -edd ?i, fore-finger; indexnbsp;Mynegiadol a, declaratorynbsp;Mynegiaeth »ƒ, recitalnbsp;Mynegiant w, declarationnbsp;Myneginiaeth n/j expression [cativenbsp;Mynegol a, expressive,declaring; indi-Mynegres -au -i tj/J list, catalogue; index
Mynegu to express, to relate, to declare, to report, to inform Myniant n, volition; willingnbsp;Myniar, ieir nf, snipenbsp;Mynogaeth urbanitynbsp;Mynor -ion », marblenbsp;Mynoren a marblenbsp;Mynori r, to become marblenbsp;Mynta -oedd n, million, 1,000,000nbsp;Myntai, eioedd nf^ multitude, hostnbsp;Mynteio v, to congregatenbsp;Myntumio v, to maintainnbsp;Mynu V, to exercise the will; to attain;nbsp;to seek; to will
Mynud -au n, what is courteous Mynud o, courteous; socialnbsp;Mynudedd n, courteousnessnbsp;Mynudyn n, deportmentnbsp;Mynw n, person, bodynbsp;Mynwair, weir nf^ harness collarnbsp;Mynwed nf^ fellowship, societynbsp;Mynwen -au nf^ sepulchrenbsp;Mynwennol a, monumental [sepulchrenbsp;Mynwent -au -ydd -i n/J churchyard;nbsp;Mynwes -au nf^ the bosomnbsp;Mynwesol a, of the bosom. Cyfaillnbsp;mynwesol, bosom friendnbsp;Mynwesu u, to bosom, to put in thenbsp;bosom; to embrace, to cherishnbsp;Myny=Fynynbsp;Mynych a. frequent, oftennbsp;Mynychiad w, frequenting; repetitionnbsp;Mynychu v, to frequent; to repeatnbsp;Mynyd -au, Mynydyn n (N.W.),nbsp;(S.W.), minute; moment, instantnbsp;Mynydd -oedd -au n, mountainnbsp;Mynyddig, Mynyddog a, mountainous,nbsp;Mynyglog «/j the quinsynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[hilly
Mynyglwisg -oedd nf^ neckcloth Mynyn re, young kidnbsp;Myr a, essential; pure; holynbsp;Myr np seas {s, mor); emmetsnbsp;Myraeth nf, essence; puritynbsp;Myrdwyn -au re, ant-hillnbsp;Myrdd -oedd re, myriad, ten thousand,nbsp;10,000; infinity
Myrddiwn, iynau nf, myriad; 100,000 Myred re, what is essentialnbsp;Myredd re, essential statenbsp;Myriad ti, making purenbsp;I^Iyrierid np (-en nf'). pearlsnbsp;Myrion np (-en nf')^ ants, emmetsnbsp;Myrndra n, sultrinessnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;.
Myrnio r, to become sultry [Coed my^ Myrtwydd np (-en tt/’), myrtle-tre^^
Myrwerydd re, delirium=Marwerydd
Myrvdd rep, sea reed, sea matweed 236
-ocr page 241-NADD NE
Mysangu v, to trample Mysg 71, the middle, the midst. Ymnbsp;mysg, Ar fysg, I fysg, amongnbsp;Mysgaid a, compound; mixednbsp;Mysgedd n, compound statenbsp;Mysgi n, confusion, tumultnbsp;Mysgol a, compoundingnbsp;Mysgu Vy to mix, to mingle, to blendnbsp;Mysorig a, yielding a stenchnbsp;Myswrn, yrnau edged instrumentnbsp;Hyswynog -au -ydd rify farrow cownbsp;Mysygan -au «ƒ soft expressionnbsp;Mysygandod n, soft speech; indulgencenbsp;Mysyganu t?, to talk, fondlynbsp;Hysyglu v, to gather mossnbsp;Mythdra n, swiftness, velocitynbsp;Hythl -ion Uy infected state; cankernbsp;Mythliad n, cankeringnbsp;Mythlu Vy to pervade; to cankernbsp;Mythu «?, to give swiftnessnbsp;Myw -ion what has activity; antnbsp;Mywion np (-yn «, -en nf), ants, emmetsnbsp;^yw3m, Mywynt w, pithnbsp;Mywynog a, having pith
Na, Nac c, nor, neither. Na hen nac ieuanc, neither young nor oldnbsp;Na, Nag c, thannbsp;Na, Nac, ad, no, not. Na ddo, no, notnbsp;done, not happened; i did notnbsp;Na, Nad, Nas ad, that...not. Os nadnbsp;wyf yn camsynied, if [that] I donbsp;not mistake, if I am not mistakennbsp;Nabl -au n, psalterynbsp;Nabod n, cognizance [acquaintednbsp;Nabod V, to know, to recognize, to getnbsp;Nabodaeth nf, cognizance [nizancenbsp;Nabodiad, Nabyddiad n, knowing, cog-Nabyddu v, to recognize, to knownbsp;Nac ad, no, not: c, nor, neither. Nacnbsp;oes, tnere is notnbsp;Naca V, to make a denialnbsp;NacEd n, refusal, denialnbsp;Nacaol a, refusing; negativenbsp;Nacau v, to refuse, to denynbsp;Nad -au nf, shrill cry, clamournbsp;Nad, Na, Nas ad, not; that., .not. See Nanbsp;Nadael v, to hinder, to stopnbsp;Nadiad n, hinderingnbsp;Nadu V, to cry out, to howlnbsp;Nadd -ion n, what is wrought or chipped.
Oareg nadd, freestone; hewn stone Naddol a, hewing, chippingnbsp;Naddial tgt;, to keep chippingnbsp;Naddiant n, Naddiaeth nf, wrought state
Naddion chippings; lint Naddu V, to hew, to chip, to cutnbsp;Naf, neifiou n, creator, Lordnbsp;Nafiad n, operation
Nag n, negative; denial: c, than. Nag e, not that; not so; no, naynbsp;Nagu V, to deny; to hindernbsp;Nai, neiaint n, nephewnbsp;Naid, neidiau nf, jump, leap; refugenbsp;Naill a, one or other, one: c, either, othernbsp;Nain, neiniau, neinoedd nf, grandmothernbsp;Nais, neisiau n, band, tienbsp;Nais a, nice, fine, delicatenbsp;Naith, neithion n, what is passed; trothnbsp;Nam -au n, mark, maim, fault; exceptionnbsp;Nam, Named pr, but, since, exceptnbsp;Namu V, to blemish; to exceptnbsp;Namyn n, exception: pr, except, butnbsp;Nan ad, now; well; yes; whatnbsp;Nant, nentydd, nannau n, brook; dingle;nbsp;Nar -edd n, dwarf; puny thing [ravinenbsp;Nareiddio v, to become dwarfishnbsp;Naru V, to become a dwarfnbsp;Nas, Na, Nad ad, not, that...not. ^SeeNanbsp;Natur -iau 7if naturenbsp;Naturiaeth nf, nature [7i, naturalistnbsp;Naturiaethwr, wyr, Naturiaethydd -ionnbsp;Naturiol a, naturalnbsp;Naw n, nine: a, nine, 9, ix.
Nawd nf, nature; character Nawd ad, effectually, easilynbsp;Nawdeg a, ninety=Deg a phedwar ugainnbsp;Nawdd, noddau n, refuge, protection;
patronage; support; sanction Nawddogaeth nf patronage; protectionnbsp;Nawf, nofion n, swim; the swim ornbsp;wind bladder of a fishnbsp;Nawfed, Nawed a, ninthnbsp;Nawn, nonau n, meridian, noonnbsp;Nawnol a, meridional, noon [meridionalnbsp;Nawnu v, to uphold; to be noon, to bsnbsp;Naws -au nf, nature, disposition. Ninbsp;wn i naws, I know nothingnbsp;Naws a, genial; kind; softnbsp;Nawsedd n, temperature [or temperatenbsp;Nawseiddio v, to render genial, kind,nbsp;Nawsiannol, Nawseiddiol a, tempera-Nawsiant n, temperamentnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mental
Nawsineb n, temperament Nawsio V, to temper; to pervade; tonbsp;Nawsol a, temperate, genial [oozenbsp;Nawsoldeb n, temperaturenbsp;Nawsoli V, to temper; to softennbsp;Nawswyllt a, of wild temper, passionatenbsp;Nawter, Nawtur nf, nature, qualitynbsp;Ne n, state of going; huenbsp;Ne c, or otherwise, either=Neunbsp;237
-ocr page 242-NEI
Neillduoli v, to render distinct
Neillio, Neilliogi v, to diversify
Neilliogaeth njf\ variation
Neina n/y grandmamma, grandmother
Neisiad -au w, kerchief, handkerchief
Neisio v, to trim up nicely
Neitio Vy to leap, to jump=Neidio.
Neitiwr y gwair, grasshopper Neithdar n, nectar
Neithdaraidd, Neithderin a, nectarean Neithio Vy to complete; to confirm; to p^snbsp;Neithiol a, pastnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[feast, bidmng
Neithior -au nfy completion; marriage Neithiori to keep a marriage feastnbsp;Neithr;)r, except=Eithrnbsp;Neithwyr n, the evening past, last nightnbsp;Nemawr n, few in number: ady hardly,nbsp;Nemo pU’pr, except of me [scarcelynbsp;Nen -oedd -nf, ceiling, vault; roof, top;nbsp;the heavens; canopy. Nen cockloft, garret
Nenawr, orau nfy upper story; garret Nenbren -i roof beamnbsp;Nenbwynt w, meridiannbsp;Nenfwd, fydau ceiling, archnbsp;Neniad ceiling, vaultingnbsp;Neniar -oedd nfy roof beamnbsp;Nennig nf small brook, streamletnbsp;Neppell ady at no distance; not farnbsp;Ner -edd, nyr w, the Lordnbsp;Nerth -oedd w, might, power. Nerthnbsp;braich ac ysgwydd, with all one’snbsp;might. Nerth ei draed. full sneed.nbsp;Nerth ei geg, as loud as ne can oawlnbsp;Nerthedd potency, strengthnbsp;Nerthfawr a, of great powernbsp;Nerthiad w, strengtheningnbsp;Nerthiannol a, strengtheningnbsp;Nerthiannu v, to make potentnbsp;Nerthiant n, strengtheningnbsp;Nerthineb n, efficaciousnessnbsp;Nerthog, Nerthol a, powerful, potentnbsp;Nerthogi, Nertholi, Nerthu v, to makenbsp;powerful, to strengthennbsp;Nerthus a, efficacious, potentnbsp;Nerthwch n, potency, energynbsp;Nerthwr,wy r,Nerthy dd -ion supporter,nbsp;Neryn », child of old age [strengthenernbsp;Nes Uy proximate state: a, proximate;
nearer: ady until, before that Nesad n, Nesedigaeth nfy Nesiad, Nes-iant Uy approximation, drawing nearnbsp;Nesaol a, approximating
Nesau, Nesiannu v, to approximate, to approach, to draw near. Nes^fnbsp;nau yn nesaf, I shall approach nextnbsp;Nesefin -ion «, neighbour
Nead n, opening to let out [body Neb, Nebawd nobody; somebody; any-Neb a, any; some; nonenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;•
Nebdyn, Nebun n, any person, any one somebody; no person, nobodynbsp;Neble n, any place; no placenbsp;Nedd, nydd nf^ what turns; dingle: np^nbsp;Neddai, neddyf nf^ adze, tool [nitsnbsp;Neddair nf, grasp of the hand; adzenbsp;Nef -oedd nf^ heavennbsp;Nefol a, heavenly, celestialnbsp;Nefoldeb w, heavenlinessnbsp;Nefolfryd, Nefolfrydig o, heavenly-Nefoli V, to become heavenly [mindednbsp;Nefoliaeth nf^ heavenly statenbsp;Nefoliannu w, to celestifynbsp;Nefoliant n, celestilicationnbsp;Nefwy heavenly statenbsp;Nefyd n, performance [not possiblenbsp;Neg -ion w, what is not open; what isnbsp;Neges -au nf^ errand, messagenbsp;Negesa, Negeseua v, to go on errands;nbsp;to negotiate
Negesai, eion nc, Negeseuwr, Negeswr, wyr, Negesydd -ion one who goesnbsp;errands, messenger, errand-man; commissionaire
Negesiaeth n/j Negesiant », commission Negesog a, having an errand: »c, mes-Negesol a, relating to errands [sengernbsp;Negesyddiaeth nf^ message; business ofnbsp;a messenger; businessnbsp;Negio V, to render impossible, to disablenbsp;Negydd -ion w, denier, refuser; negativenbsp;Negyddiad w, negation, denyingnbsp;Negy ddol a, negative, refusing [ negativenbsp;Negyf -ion «, negation, denial, refusalnbsp;Neidio v, to leap; to jump; to throbnbsp;Neidiol a, leaping; throbbingnbsp;Neidr, nadroedd, nadredd n/J snake.
adder. Gwas y neidr, the dragon-fly Neidrliys «, snakewortnbsp;Neidrwydd -au w, the templenbsp;Neieintgarwch n, nepotismnbsp;Neifion w, creating powers; Neptunenbsp;Neigarwch «, nepotismnbsp;Neillawr ad^ at another timenbsp;Neiildu n, other side, one sidenbsp;Neillduaeth nf, reservation, separationnbsp;Neillduedd n, separateness, seclusionnbsp;Neillduo to go aside; to put aside;
to separate, to set apart Neillduol a, separate, distinct; particular, peculiar, special. Cyfreithiaunbsp;neillduol, by-laws
Neillduolaeth nf, discrimination nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I
Neillduoldeb n, discriminateness nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;!
-ocr page 243-NIF NODD
Neseifiad, iaid w, relative Nesnes ad^ nearer and nearernbsp;Nesrwydd n, nearness, proximitynbsp;Nest w, what is compact or closenbsp;Nester -i «, cupboardnbsp;Nestig o, compactnbsp;Nesu V, to approximate, to approachnbsp;Neu V, to pant; to wish or to pant fornbsp;Nen c, ornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[earnestly
Neuadd -au nf^ hall, large room Neud ac?, not; is it not; verily it isnbsp;Neued Tif^ panting; longingnbsp;Neufedd n, wealth, richesnbsp;Neur, Neus=Neud [change, to alternbsp;Newid -iau », change; bargain: Vy tonbsp;Newidfa -oedd «ƒ, exchangenbsp;Newidiannol a, tending to change or tonbsp;Newidiannu to produce change [alternbsp;Newidiant n, act of changingnbsp;Newidio v, to change, to alter [ablenbsp;Newidiol a, changing, mutable, change-Newidioldeb n, chaugeablenessnbsp;Newidwriaeth nf, commerce, barternbsp;Newitty, tai n, exchangenbsp;Newydd -ion «, what is new, newsnbsp;Newydd a, new, novel; fresh. Papyrnbsp;newydd, Papyr newyddion, newspapernbsp;Newydd-dra n, newness, noveltynbsp;Newyddiad, Newyddiantmaking newnbsp;Newyddiadoi a, of a new qualitynbsp;Newyddiadur -on n, newspapernbsp;Newyddiaduriaeth journalismnbsp;Newyddian -od «0, novicenbsp;Newyddtt ©, to make newnbsp;Newyddyr -on, Newyddor -ion n, news-Newyn hunger; famine [papernbsp;Newyndra n, hungry statenbsp;Newynllyd, Newynog, Newynol a, hungry, starving, famishingnbsp;Newynogaeth njy famishmentnbsp;Newynu v, to famish, to starvenbsp;Nhw, Nhwy pn^ they, themnbsp;ïïhwythau pn^ they likewisenbsp;Ni pn. we, us
Nid, Nis ad^ not. Ni aliaf, Nis gallaf, I cannot. Nid felly, not sonbsp;^idr -an n, impediment; delaynbsp;Nidredd, Nidri n, entanglement; per-^|dro Vy to entanglenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[plexity
^it n, specific number ^ifer -oedd -i ti, number; hostnbsp;^Iferai, eion nc, numeratornbsp;^tferedd », numerousnessnbsp;^iferiad numberingnbsp;^iferiaeth nf^ Niferiant n, numerationnbsp;:^jferiannu to enumeratenbsp;Niferog a, numerous
Niferogi v, to make numerous Niferol a, numerical, numeralnbsp;Niferu v, to number, to reckonnbsp;Niferydd -ion numeristnbsp;Nifwl », mist, fog, cloudnbsp;Nig -ion «, what is straitenednbsp;Nigio V, to straiten; to narrownbsp;Nill -ion w, poppynbsp;Nillai, eion «c, sicklenbsp;Ninnau pn, we also, us toonbsp;Nis, Ni, Nid ad^ notnbsp;Nith -oedd niecenbsp;Nithiant w, purifyingnbsp;Nithio v, to winnownbsp;Nithlen -i nfy winnowing-sheetnbsp;Niwed, eidiau n, harm, damage, detriment, injury, hurtnbsp;Niweidiannol a, of a noxious qualitynbsp;Niweidiannu v, to make a hurtnbsp;Niweidiant n, harmingnbsp;Niweidio r, to injure, to damage, to hurtnbsp;Niweidiol hurtful, noxious, detrimental, injurious
Niweidioldeb n, noxiousness NiwI -oedd n, mist, fognbsp;Niwlacb np^ scattered cloudsnbsp;Niwlen ^ small mist, cloudnbsp;Niwlo to become mistynbsp;Niwlog a, covered with mistnbsp;No n, what stops or keeps innbsp;No, Nog c, than=iNa, Nag. NocrsNacnbsp;Nod -au n 8c nf token, mark. Haint ynbsp;nodau, the plague. Hyd yn nod, even,nbsp;up to the mark=Hyd yn oednbsp;Nodach np, miscellaneous notices; sundry articlesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bazaar
Nodachfa, fëydd nf Nodachdy, dai w, Nodadwy a, remarkable, notablenbsp;Nodeb -au nf characteristicnbsp;Nodedig a, marked, noted, remarkablenbsp;Nodeu -i nf^ thread, yarnnbsp;Nodi Vy to mark, to notenbsp;Nodiadol, Nodiannol a, characteristicnbsp;Nodiadu, Nodiannu v, to characterizenbsp;Nodiantnotation, notingnbsp;Nodog a, having a marknbsp;Nodol «, marked, notable [characternbsp;Nodwedd -au -ion nf characteristic,nbsp;Nodweddiad characterizing; discrimination; character; characteristicnbsp;Nodweddu to characterizenbsp;Nodwydd -au nf needlenbsp;Nndyn -au n, note; mark, signnbsp;Nodd -ion n, moisture; juice, sapnbsp;Nodded nf refuge, protection [arynbsp;Noddfa, fau, fëydd nf asylum, sanctu-Noddi igt;, to give refuge, to protectnbsp;239
-ocr page 244-NWY OBR
Noddiant n, protection, refuge Noddlyd a, juicy, full of sapnbsp;Noddlydrwydd «, jucinessnbsp;Noddiydu v, to become juicynbsp;Noddwr, wyr «, protector,* patronnbsp;Noddyn -au n, aoyss [ing-troughnbsp;Noe -au nf, platter, dish, tray; knead-Noeaid, eidiau n/*, platterfulnbsp;Noeth o, naked, bare, exposed (nessnbsp;Noethder, Noethedd n, nakedness, bare-Noethi, Noethiannu tgt;, to make bare, tonbsp;Noethiannol a, denuding[ bare, to denudenbsp;Noethiant n, denudationnbsp;Noethlun -iau n, a nuditynbsp;Noethlyman nc, stark-naked onenbsp;Noethlymun a, stark-nakednbsp;Noethni w, nakedness, barenessnbsp;Nof -ion «, what moves or flowsnbsp;Notiadaeth n/, art of swimmingnbsp;Nofiadol a, swimmingnbsp;Notiadoldeb n, buoyancynbsp;Nofiadur -on n, what causes to swim;
wind bladder of a ösh nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;f
Nofiedydd -ion, Nofiwr, wyr n, swim-Nofio V, to swim; to float; to cause to Nog «, stop; restive statenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[swim
Nog cn, than=Nag Nogio p, to stop; to be restivenbsp;Noglyd a, restivenbsp;Noi p, to fetch, to bringnbsp;Non, nbnau nf, stream, currentnbsp;Nos -au nf^ night. Min nos, evenbsp;Nosi V, to become nightnbsp;Nosig n/^ night time, nightnbsp;Nosol a, nocturnal, nightly f nightnbsp;Noson 7\f, night time, certain night, onenbsp;Noswaith, weithiau n/J certain nightnbsp;Noswyl -iau n/\ evening tide, vigilnbsp;Noswylio V, to leave work at eve; tonbsp;watch; to keep vigilsnbsp;Nudd n, fog, mistnbsp;Nuddo r, to become foggynbsp;Nug -ion n, quiver, ripplenbsp;Nugiad n, q^iivering; ripplingnbsp;Nur -ion n, pure body; essencenbsp;Nwf n, what is pure: a, holy, purenbsp;Nwy -on n, gas; spiritnbsp;Nwyd -au «, passion; bias; whim, tricknbsp;Nwydedd n, habit of freaksnbsp;Nwydo V, to have a whim or biasnbsp;Nwydol, Nwydus a, whimsical, full ofnbsp;tricks; passionate
Nwydwyllt a, harebrained; passionate Nwydd -au n, essence; substance; effects. Nwyddau, goods, merchandize.nbsp;Nwyddau haiarn, ironmongery. Pernbsp;nwyddau, grocery
Nwyddo v, to make substantial
Nwyddol a, substantial, material Nwyf -au », pervading element; vivacity, energy, vigournbsp;Nwyfiannu v. to cheer the spiritsnbsp;Nwyfiant n, orightness; vigournbsp;Nwyfo p, to enliven, to grow livelynbsp;Nwyfre -oedd n, firmament, atmospherenbsp;Nwyfus, Nwyfol a, full of spirits; wantonnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[spirits
Nwyfuso p, to become wanton or full of Nwyol a, gaseousnbsp;Nwyth -au », bent; whim, pranknbsp;Nwythas -au eccentricity, odditynbsp;Nwythus a, full of whims, freakynbsp;Nych n, languishing, piningnbsp;Nycha », behold, lo, seenbsp;Nychdod n, languishment; consumptionnbsp;Nychlyd a, pining; painfulnbsp;Nychol a, languishing, piningnbsp;Nychu p, to languish, to pine, to vexnbsp;Nydwydd-au broach; needlenbsp;Nydwyddes -au n/^ needlewomannbsp;Nydd -ion n, spin, twistnbsp;Nyddol a, spinning, twistingnbsp;Nyddu p, to spin, to twistnbsp;Nyddwedd n/*, size of yarn in spinningnbsp;Nyf cn, snow
Nyfed n/J pure or holy nature Nyf el «, subtle element, ethernbsp;Nyni pn, we, usnbsp;Nyninnau np, we or us likewisenbsp;Nyth -od -au n/*, nestnbsp;Nythaid, eidiau njl nestfulnbsp;Nythfa -oedd n/j nesting-placenbsp;Nythgyw -ion », nestlingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[nest
Nythu p, to nest, to nestle; to make a Nyw -iau », vivacity; vigour
0 «, what goes or proceeds 0 pr, from j of, out of; by. 0 blegW,nbsp;0 nerwydd, because, for. 0 bobto.nbsp;on all sides, about. 0 braidd, hardly,nbsp;scarcely. 0 ddeutu, on both sides,nbsp;about. 0 honof, o honot, o bono (mhnbsp;0 boui (ƒ), 0 honom, o honocn, “nbsp;honynt, from, of, or out of me, thee,nbsp;him, amp;c. Am glywed o bono hyn;^nbsp;because he heard that. (Hbno Vjnbsp;that: *», hwnw. Am glywed o hbo®nbsp;hyny, because that female heard that.)nbsp;See Oddinbsp;0 e, if=Oa, Odnbsp;0 pn, it; he; she; gt;, oh, alasnbsp;Obry ad, beneath, below
-ocr page 245-Oeryn «, cold person Oes -oedd -au nf^ age, period of life.
Yn oes oesoedd, for ever and ever Oes », there is, is there ?
Oesbarth n, period of existence Oesdaith nf, conrse of lifenbsp;Oesdraul a, life-consumingnbsp;Oesdru n, misery of lifenbsp;Oesfyr a, short-lived: ƒ, oesfernbsp;Oesgwyn a, complaining of lifenbsp;Oesi V, to pass through life; to livenbsp;Oesiad n, passing through life, existingnbsp;Oesog a, aged, in years, oldnbsp;Oesol a, relating to age, aged. Y bryn-iau oesol, the everlasting hillsnbsp;Oesran -au nf, assigned period of lifenbsp;Oesred nf, course of existencenbsp;Oestad a, constant=Gwastad, amp;c.
Oeth a, intense, pungent, harsh Oethi V, to render intensenbsp;Of cn, atoms; particles; motesnbsp;Of a, elementary; crude; raw; insipidnbsp;Ofaidd o, raw; insipidnbsp;Ofawd n, making crude; moulderingnbsp;Ofedd n, elementary state; crudenessnbsp;Ofer a, waste; vain; useless; idlenbsp;Ofera u,to waste; to act idly [expenditurenbsp;Oferdraul, dreulion, dreulian nf, uselessnbsp;Oferddyn -ion, Oferwas, weision »i, dissipated man, spendtnrift, worthlessnbsp;Oferedd n, frivolity; dissipation [fellownbsp;Oferfawl», empty praisenbsp;Ofergais nf, fruitless attemptnbsp;Ofergoel -ion nf, superstitionnbsp;Oferiaith nf, useless idle talknbsp;Oferwaith n, useless worknbsp;Oterwr, wyr n, idler, lazy fellownbsp;Oferymgais «, idle attemptnbsp;Ofiad n, decomposing; moulderingnbsp;Ofiannu v, to render friablenbsp;Ohant n, reducing to atomsnbsp;Oflyd o, decomposing, jumbled; insipidnbsp;Ofii -au n, fear, dread, timidity. Tyngunbsp;ofn un, to swear the peace against onenbsp;Ofnadwy a, terrible, frightfulnbsp;Ofnedd n, fearfulness, timiditynbsp;Ofnhau v, to become fearfulnbsp;Ofni V, to fear, to dread; to terrify, tonbsp;Ofnid n, terror, dread, fear [intimidatenbsp;Ofnog, Ofnus a, fearful, timorousnbsp;Ofnol o, tending to frightennbsp;Ofnusrwydd n, fearfulness [man; ovatenbsp;Ofydd -ion n, philosopher; scientificnbsp;Ofyddiaeth nf, philosophy; sciencenbsp;Ofyddfardd, feirdd n, scientific bardnbsp;Ofyddol n, philosophical; scientificnbsp;Ofi'eiriad, iaid », priest, clergyman
Offeiriadaeth tf, priesthood Offeiriadol a, priestly, sacerdotalnbsp;Offeiriadu v, to ministernbsp;Ofieiriant, iaint n, sacrificenbsp;Ofleiriedyn n, priestiingnbsp;Offer np, implements, tools; gear; harness. Offer awch, cutlery. Offernbsp;cerdd, musical instrumentsnbsp;Offeren -au ii/J sacred service; the mass.
Offeren-grys, surpiice worn at mass Offerena v, to celebrate massnbsp;Offerenol a, relating to the massnbsp;Offerenu ti, to perform massnbsp;Offeriannol, Offerynol a, instrumentalnbsp;Ofteriannu v, to act as agentnbsp;Offeriant», instrumentalitynbsp;Offerol a, instrumental [to harnessnbsp;Offeru V, to equip, to furnish; to shackle;nbsp;Offeryn -au n, instrument, toolnbsp;Oft'rwm V, to offer=Offrymunbsp;Ofi'rwm, ymau n, offering, sacrificenbsp;Oftryraiad n, sacrificingnbsp;Oflrymu v, to offer, to sacrificenbsp;Og -au nf, what is full of motion or life;
youth; harrow: a, apt to move;
Ogaid nf, stroke of a harrow [youtliful i Oged -au -i nf, harrownbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;j
Ogedu V, to use a harrow=Llyfnu Ogfaen, fain n, hip, fruit of the dog-rosenbsp;Ogi V, to use the narrow, to harrownbsp;Ogof -au, fëydd nf, cave, cavern; den ,nbsp;Ogofog a, full of caves, cavernousnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i
Ongl -au nf, corner, angle,
Ongli V, to make angular nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;i
Onglog a, having angles, angular Onglyr -on n, quadrantnbsp;0 hanaf, 0 honof. See 0nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;|
Oi V, to proceed; to come forward Oi i, well, very wellnbsp;Oiad n, attending; waiting; listeningnbsp;Oian «, listening; waitingnbsp;Oianu, Oio v, to listen; to waitnbsp;01 -ion -au -iaid n, mark, trace, track:nbsp;a, hindmost, posterior. Olion, remains,nbsp;leavings, refuse. Olau, marks, impressions, footsteps. Oliaid, those thatnbsp;are behind, or in the rear; the rear.nbsp;Blacniaid ac oliaid, leaders and followers; van and rear. Yn ol, accordingnbsp;to; ago, back, past, after. Bod yn ol,nbsp;to be behind or backward; to be wanting; to fall short. Olaf, lastnbsp;Olafiaid, iaid n, successor. Olafiaid, pos-Olafiaeth nf, successorship [teritynbsp;Olbrain n, the herb crowfootnbsp;Ole -oedd nf, ravinenbsp;Olew -on n, oil, unction
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Parodol a, preparatory, preparing Parodoldeb, Parodrwydd, Parodedd «,nbsp;preparedness, readinessnbsp;Parol a, causing, creativenbsp;Parotoawl a, preparatory, preparingnbsp;Parotoedd n, preparednessnbsp;Parotoi v, to prepare, to get readynbsp;Parsel -au n, what is aimed at, buttnbsp;Parth-au «, part; division; regionnbsp;Parthadwy a, discriminable, divisiblenbsp;Parthed -oedd w, divisionnbsp;Parthedigaeth nf, discriminationnbsp;Parthedigol a, discriminativenbsp;Parthedd w, divided statenbsp;Parthgymmeriad participlenbsp;Parthiannol a, discriminativenbsp;Parthiannu v, to discriminate, to dividenbsp;Parthiant division, sharing pngnbsp;Parthol a, discriminate; parting; divid-Parthred -ion distinction; partynbsp;Parthrediad, Parthrediant «, discrimi-Parthredu v, to discriminate pationnbsp;Parthredus a, discriminating [dividenbsp;Parthu V, to partition, to separate, tonbsp;Partliyd «, distinction; characteristicnbsp;Paru V, to put in continuity; to pairnbsp;Parwar a, silent; calm; stillnbsp;Parwg, ygoedd w, enclosed field, parknbsp;Parwyd -ydd w, Parwyden -au nj, par-Parwydo w, to make a partition [titionnbsp;Parwydd -iaid w, verbnbsp;Parwyddiad, iaid n, verb=Perwyddiadnbsp;Parydd -ion w, causer, procuratornbsp;Pas w, exit; cough; hooping coughnbsp;Pasc n, the festival of Easter, the Pass-over. Pasc Bychan, Low Sunday.nbsp;Dydd Sul y Pasc, Easter Sundaynbsp;Pasg tt, feeding, fatteningnbsp;Pasgedig a, fatted, fattened; fatnbsp;Pasgiad n, the act of fatteningnbsp;Pasgnawd n, tendency to fattennbsp;Pasio V, to expel; to passnbsp;Pastwn, tynau w, long staff', pole; batonnbsp;Pastynu v, to beat with a staffnbsp;Pathawr ad, what matters itnbsp;Pathew -od w, the dormousenbsp;Pau, peuoedd nf^ inhabited region,nbsp;Paun, peunod n, peacock [countrynbsp;Paw n, what extends roundnbsp;Pawan nc, spreader; peacocknbsp;Pawb pa, everybody, all persons, all.
Pawb ac un, one and all Pawd, podau nf^ what stretches out;nbsp;Pawen -au nf, paw; claw; hoof [shanknbsp;Pawenu v, to use the pawnbsp;Pawgeu -au nf^ sock for a footnbsp;Pawl, polion «, pole, stake
I shield
Panwaen, weunydd peat moss Panwr, wyr «, fuller; bangernbsp;Panwriaeth nf^ trade of a fullernbsp;Papyr -au paper. Papyr newyddion,nbsp;newspaper
Papyrfrwyn np (-en w/*), papyri (5, pa-pynts)^ used in ancient Egypt as paper Papyrol a, consisting of papernbsp;Papyryn n, piece of papernbsp;Par -au n, state of readiness; pairnbsp;Par -au w, cause; germ; spearnbsp;Para v, to continue, to last, to endurenbsp;Parabl -au speech; discoursenbsp;Parad w, causation, causingnbsp;Paradwy n, causable, effectiblenbsp;Paradwyo v, to effectnbsp;Paradwys «ƒ, paradise. Cilion parad-wys, Spanish flies, cantharidesnbsp;Paraeth nf, causation, causenbsp;Paraethu v, to render causitivenbsp;Parc -iau -au n, enclosure; parknbsp;Parcio ¦», to enclose, to hedge innbsp;Parch w, respect, reverencenbsp;Parchadwy a, respectablenbsp;Parchedig a, respected; reverendnbsp;Parchedigaeth nj, reverencenbsp;Parchell, perchyll little pignbsp;Parchlawn a, respectfulnbsp;Parchlonder w, respectfulnessnbsp;Parchu v, to respect, to revere, to havenbsp;regard for, to esteem, to reverencenbsp;Parchus a, respectful; respectablenbsp;Parchusedd n, respectablenessnbsp;Pardwn, dynau n, pardonnbsp;Pardynu v, to pardon, to forgivenbsp;Parddu w, fire-black, smutnbsp;Pardduo tgt;, to smut, to grow smuttynbsp;Pared, parwydydd n, partition wall, wallnbsp;Paredlys n, pellitory of the wallnbsp;Parfaes, feisiau n/*, epithet for anbsp;Parfyg w, the herb henbanenbsp;Parhad n, continuance, durationnbsp;Parhaol a, continuing, lasting [tinuenbsp;Parhau to persevere; to last; to con-Parhaus a, constant, of long continuance.nbsp;Pari w, drove, flocknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[perpetual
Pariad n, causing; bidding Parlas -au «, green plat of groundnbsp;I’arlawr, lorau parlournbsp;Parliant7i, interlocutionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[argue
Pariio V, to discourse; to parley; to Parlys «, palsy. Parlys mud, apoplexynbsp;Parlysu r, to paralyzenbsp;Parod a, ready, prepared; promptnbsp;Parodi to make ready, to prepare=nbsp;Parotoi
Parodiaeth 75/*, Parodiant )i, preparation
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Pawr, porion », pasture; grazing; v.
will graze; will devour Pe c, if; thoughnbsp;Pebra v, to keep chatteringnbsp;Pebraeth w, chatteringnbsp;Pebre chatter, chatnbsp;Pebyll tents, pavilions; s, pabellnbsp;Pebyll -au n, tent, pavilionnbsp;Pebyllio, Pebyllu v, to pitch tentsnbsp;Pecaid, eidiau bushel (S.W.)
Pech M, sin
Pechaberth -au w, sin-offering Pechadur -iaid sinnernbsp;Pechaduri, Pechadurusrwydd sinfulnbsp;Pechaduriaeth nf^ sinful state [nessnbsp;Pechadurus a, sinful, wickednbsp;Pechod -au n, sin, evil actnbsp;Pechu V, to commit sin, to sinnbsp;Ped -ion n, what bears onward, footnbsp;Ped, Pe, Pes c, if, thoughnbsp;Pedair aƒ, four: w, pedwarnbsp;Pedeiran w/J one-fourth, quarternbsp;Pedest n, motion of the feetnbsp;Pedestr -on », pedestriannbsp;Pedestres -au nf^ female walkernbsp;Pedestrig n, walking pacenbsp;Pedestrol a, foot-travellingnbsp;Pedestru v, to travel on footnbsp;Pedi n, round way of asking: v, tonbsp;crave indirectly
Pedol -au nf, pedal, shoe (as of a horse) Pedoli Vy to shoenbsp;Pedolog a, shod (as a horse)
Pedrain, einau nf^ buttock; crupper Pedreindor », crupper covernbsp;Pedrog a, of a square formnbsp;Pedrogl, Pedrongl -au w, quadrangle,nbsp;square: a, squarenbsp;Pedroglawd w, quadratingnbsp;Pedrogledd n. quadraturenbsp;Pedrogli, Pendrongli, Pendrori, Pedru v,nbsp;to form a square, to quadrate, to squarenbsp;Pedroglyn -au n, quadrate, quadranglenbsp;Pedronglog a, quadrangularnbsp;Pedror -au n, quadrangle, squarenbsp;Pedrus, amp;c.=retrus, amp;c,
Pedrwg «, quadrature; perfect state Pedrwgl, yglon r?, what is perfect; modelnbsp;Pedryad «, quadrating, squaringnbsp;Pedryael -oedd nf^ what has four skirts;nbsp;Pedrybed -ion n, quadruped [squarenbsp;Pedrychwal a, four ways of spreadingnbsp;Pedrychwelyd v, to spread four waysnbsp;Pedryd -on w, quadrate squarenbsp;Pedrydan what spreads four waysnbsp;Pedrydant n, quadrate statenbsp;Pedrydu to quadrate
Pedrydydd w, fourth day of a week Pedryfal -au « amp; a, squarenbsp;Pedryfan -oedd quarry; quarternbsp;Pedryfanu v, to form quarters, to quarternbsp;Pedrygan «, what is contained betweennbsp;four; pinch between the three fingersnbsp;and the thumbnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[the thumb
Pedryging n, pinch of three finders and Pedrylaw n, square used by artisansnbsp;Pedryled n, square superficiesnbsp;Pedrylef -au n, perfect voicenbsp;Pedryliw -iau «, perfect colournbsp;Pedrylun -iau n, perfect figurenbsp;Pedryo v, to make of four parts [squarenbsp;Pedryoli, Pedryori v, to quadrate, tonbsp;Pedryor -ion quadrate, squarenbsp;Pedryran -au nf, a quadrantnbsp;Pedrysawdd, soddion n, a square rootnbsp;Pedw «, what is complete, a squarenbsp;Pedwar am, four: ƒ, pedair. Pedwar arnbsp;ddeg, fourteen. Pedwar ar bymtheg,nbsp;nineteennbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[thing
Pedwaran -au nc, fourth, quartern, far-Pedwarcarn np, four hoofs: a, four-hoofed
Pedwarcarnog, Pedwarcarnol a, four-footed, having four hoofs. Pedwar-carnolion, quadrupeds Pedwarcarnu v, to gallopnbsp;Pedwardull w, quadriformnbsp;Pedwardyblyg -ion n, quadruplicatenbsp;Pedwaredd af^ fourth: m, pedweryddnbsp;Pedwariad, iaid «, quaternionnbsp;Pedwariannu v, to make up of fournbsp;Pedwariant », quatemitynbsp;Pedwarochrol o, quadrilateralnbsp;Pedwarplyg o, four-fold; quarto, 4tonbsp;Pedwartroed -ion n, quadruped [footednbsp;Pedwartroediog, Pedwartroedol a, four-Pedwerydd (4ydd) am, fourth: ^ ped-Pedyd «p, infantry [waredd (4edd)nbsp;Pedd -au n, foot=Ped, Troednbsp;Peddestr -on »=Pedestr, amp;c.
Peddyd, Peddytos np, infantry Pefr a, fair, beautiful, fine, pretty, smartnbsp;Pefredd «, radiancy; garishnessnbsp;Pefren -od nf, smart little female, bellenbsp;Pefri n, splendour; garishnessnbsp;Pefrin a, radiant, garishnbsp;Pefrol a, radiating; full of gaietynbsp;Pefru V, to radiate; to smartennbsp;Pefrwydd np nf), sprucenbsp;Pefryu -od n, smart beaunbsp;Pefwch, Pefychdod w, dilation; effusionnbsp;Pefychu v, to dilate; to gush, to puffnbsp;Peg -au n, agent of expansion; eightnbsp;bushel measure, quarter
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Pegaid, eidiau contents of a quarter Pegor-au w, pivot; pert onenbsp;Pegori Vj to form a pivot or axisnbsp;Pegwn, ynau w, pivot, pole, axis. Pe-gwn y gogledd, north polenbsp;Pegwr, yrion w, pivot, axisnbsp;Pegynol a, belonging to an axis, polarnbsp;Pegynu r, to form a pivot or axisnbsp;Pei c, if it were, if it should benbsp;Peidio V, to cease, to leave off, Peidiwch,nbsp;Paid, don’t. Peidiwch a gwneydnbsp;hyny, don’t do thatnbsp;Peilio V, to spread out; to radiatenbsp;Peillged -ion nf^ tribute of flournbsp;Peillied w, bolted meal, flournbsp;Peillio V, to bolt, to scarcenbsp;Peillion w/), fine flour, powdernbsp;Peinio v, to yield bloom or farinanbsp;Peio, Peiodi v, to render objectivenbsp;Peiol a, objective; perceptivenbsp;Peiraid, eidiau «/*, cauldronfulnbsp;Peiran -oedd w/j necessarynbsp;Peiriad ^2, causer; cause [organicnbsp;Peiriannol a, instrumental; organized,nbsp;Peiriannoli to render crusativenbsp;Peiriannu v, to put in a state to act; to organize; to harness Peiriannwr, wyr, Peiriannydd -ion «,nbsp;engineer; organizer; harnessernbsp;Peiriant, iannau machine, engine; instrument, implement, tool; organ Peiriennyn », instrumentnbsp;Peirwyddiad, iaid n, verb=Perwyddiadnbsp;Peisgwyn », the great white poplarnbsp;Peisgylch -au re, crinolinenbsp;Peiswyn re, chaffnbsp;Peithas -au ?{/*, scout, scout boatnbsp;Peithiant laying open; scoutingnbsp;Peithin, Peithiw a, being open or plainnbsp;Peithio V, to lay open; to scoutnbsp;Peithiog, Peithig a, open, desert, wastenbsp;Peithwg re, open space; hunting-groundnbsp;Peithwydd rep, the slay or reeds of a loomnbsp;Peithyn -au n and ere (-en what isnbsp;open; open surface; tile, slate; sheet,nbsp;page; slay of a loom; cognbsp;Peithyndo re, tiled roofnbsp;Peithynen nf^ the ancient bardic writingnbsp;frame, consisting of the ehillwydd^ ornbsp;staves, on which the letters were cut.nbsp;and the pUlwydd^ or supporters, innbsp;which the end of the staves werenbsp;Pel -au -i moving body; ball [fixednbsp;Pela -on re, what hovers; titmousenbsp;Peled «ƒ, ball, bulletnbsp;Peledu V, to throw a ballnbsp;Peleidral re, pushing of spears |
Peleidriant re, radiation Peleidrio r, to radiate=Pelydrunbsp;Pelen -i nf^ little ball; bullet; pillnbsp;Pelenu v, to form into a ballnbsp;Peleu -od re, green linnetnbsp;Pelgip -au re/, racket for a ballnbsp;Pelid radiancy, splendournbsp;Pelio V, to ray, to brandishnbsp;Pelre re, turmoil, bustle; billiardsnbsp;Pelu V, to throw a ball; to ballnbsp;Pelwr, wyr re, ball-player, ball-makernbsp;Pelyd re/?, stockings without feetnbsp;Pelydr -on -au re/?, rays, beamsnbsp;Pelydrog a, radiant, gleamingnbsp;Peiydru v, to radiate, to gleamnbsp;Pelydryn re, ray, beamnbsp;Pell a, distant, remote, farnbsp;PellS.d re, removing to a distancenbsp;Pellau re, to put far off; to go far offnbsp;Pellder, Pelldra re, remoteness, distancenbsp;Pelldrem -iau nf, far viewnbsp;Pelldremiant re, far viewingnbsp;Pellddrych -au, Pellwelyr -on re, telescope, spying-glassnbsp;Pellebrol, Pellebyrol a, telegraphicnbsp;Pellebru re, to telegraphnbsp;Pellebyr -on re, telegraph. — trydan,nbsp;— trydanol, electric telegraphnbsp;Pellen -au -i re/ round mass, ballnbsp;Pellenaidd 0, like a ball, roundnbsp;Pellenig a, of distant range, far, remotenbsp;Pellenigrwydd re, remotenessnbsp;Pellenu re, to form into a ballnbsp;Pellfynag, eig re, telegraphnbsp;Pelltyneg -ion nf^ telegram [telegraphynbsp;Pellfynegiaeth, Pellebraeth -au ??ƒ,nbsp;Pellseiniadur, Pellseinur re, telephonenbsp;Peilt re, what is external; surfacenbsp;Pelltu re, to form a surfacenbsp;Pellu, Pellynu re, to remove far offnbsp;Pellus a, surrounding; compactnbsp;Pellynig a, far extendingnbsp;Pen -au re, head; chief; end; top. Ymnbsp;mhen yr heol, at the end of the streetnbsp;Pen a, head, chief, supremenbsp;Penadur -iaid re, supreme, sovereignnbsp;Penadur -on re, sovereign (20 shillings)nbsp;Penaduriaeth nf^ supremacy [chiefnbsp;Penaeth re/ supremacy: re, principal,nbsp;Penaethu re, to act as a chiefnbsp;Penaf a, chief, principal, most eminentnbsp;Penafiaeth nf^ pre-eminencenbsp;Penagored a, open at the topnbsp;Penaig re, sovereign, chiefnbsp;Penant, aint re, supremacy; swaynbsp;Penardd, eirdd nf^ projection of a hillnbsp;Penarth, eirth nf^ promontorynbsp;217 |
Penddar «/*, Penddaredd n, vertigo;
giddiness of the head Penddariad n, growing giddynbsp;Penddaru v, to grow giddy-headednbsp;Penddiged nf^ inflamed tumour, bilenbsp;Penddu n, the bird blackcap; marshnbsp;Penddiiyn -od n, botch, bile (cudweednbsp;Penelin -au nSenf^ top of the elbow; thenbsp;Penelino V, to elbownbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[elbow
Penes -au r^, lady of high rank Peneuryn n, goldfinch; yellow hammernbsp;Penfaddeu a, specially forfeitednbsp;Penfaen a, having a pointed head or top;nbsp;Penfas a, shallow-pated; stupid [coppednbsp;Penfeddal a, soft-headed; simplenbsp;Penfeddw a, giddy-headednbsp;Penfelyn aw, yellow-headed: ƒ, penfelen.
Y penfelyn, the yellow hammer Penfoel a, bare-headed; bald-headednbsp;Penfras a, fat-headed: the codfishnbsp;Penffest o, headstrong; obstinatenbsp;Penfiestin -ion nƒ, helmetnbsp;Penffestr -au n, head-stall; collar; halternbsp;Penfietur a, headstrong; stubbornnbsp;Penffiuwch a, bushy-headed [halternbsp;Penffrwyn -au n, head-stall, muzzle;nbsp;Pengadarn a, strong-headednbsp;Pengaled a, hard-headed; «ƒ, knapweednbsp;Pengam a, having the head turned; obstinate, perverse, headstrongnbsp;Pengamrwydd n, wryness of the head;
perverseness, obstinacy Pengauad a, closed at the topnbsp;Pengernyn n, the gurnard, gurnetnbsp;Penglog -au nƒ, skull, cranium, noddlenbsp;Pengloi V, to close the endnbsp;Penglwm, glymau », knot at the endnbsp;Penglymu v, to tie at the end; to settle,nbsp;to decide, to set at restnbsp;Pengoch a, red-headed: nf^ knotgrassnbsp;Pengoll a, having the end lostnbsp;Pengrach a, scabby-headednbsp;Pengrest a, scurfy-headednbsp;Pengroes a, having the end crossednbsp;Pengrwn am, round-headed: f, pengronnbsp;Pengrych ac, rough or curly headed; /jnbsp;pengrech j gryniaid, the Roundheadsnbsp;Pengryniad, iaid n, roundhead. Y Pen-Penguwch -iau n, cap, bonnetnbsp;Penhaiarn -od n, the gurnardnbsp;Penhwntian v, to be totteringnbsp;Penhwyad, aid n, the pike or jacknbsp;Penhynaif, hyneifion n, supreme eldernbsp;Peniadur -iaid «, principal; topnbsp;Penial n, capital; chief; helmetnbsp;Peniant n, capitationnbsp;Penlg nf, nip, nib, nibble
Penaur n, the yellow hammer Penbaladr a, particular; general, universalnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[gerheads
Penben arf, with heads together; at log-Penbleth w/J distraction of head Penboeth a. hot-headed: nf^ the culeragenbsp;Penbwl a, olunt-headed, thick-headed,nbsp;stupid
Penbwl, Penbwla, Penbyliad, penbyl-iaid n, blockhead, dullard; tadpole. Penbwla, the fish miller’s thumbnbsp;Penbyledd w, blockishness, stupiditynbsp;Pencais, ceisiaid w, receiver generalnbsp;Penceirddiad, iaid n, chief singer ^songnbsp;Penceirddiaeth nf^ office of a chief ofnbsp;Penceisiad, iaid w, chief collectornbsp;Pencenedl -oedd «, chief of a familynbsp;Pencerdd -iaid n, master of songnbsp;Penei, cwn w, the dog-fishnbsp;Penciwdod -iaid w, generalissimonbsp;Penclwm, clymau «, knot at the endnbsp;Penenaw -iau w, receiving end of a jointnbsp;Peneyfeistedd w, high courtnbsp;Pencynghor -iaid w, chief counsellornbsp;Pencynydd -ion n, chief huntsmannbsp;Penchwiban a, light-headed, giddynbsp;Penchwibandod n, capriciousnessnbsp;Penchwibanu v, to become hair-brainednbsp;Pendant a, express; arbitrarynbsp;Pendefig, Pendeddig -ion ?i, grandee,nbsp;nobleman, noble, peer, chieftainnbsp;Pendefigaeth ^ aristocracy, peeragenbsp;Pendefiges -au nf^ lady ofquality,peeressnbsp;Penderfyniad «, conclusion, determina-Penderfynu v, to determine [Honnbsp;Pendew a, thick-headed; stupid. Hwyadnbsp;bendew, loggerhead ducknbsp;Pendifadu v, to distractnbsp;Pendifaddeu «, indispensable, specialnbsp;Pendist -iau o, piazza, colonnadenbsp;Pendodaeth w/i superioritynbsp;Pendodi w, to render peculiai*quot;
Pendodol o, discriminative nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[turvy
Pendraffbllach ac?, heels over head,topsy-Pendramwnwgl a, headlong Pendraphen a, huddled; confusednbsp;Pendrawn a, giddy-headednbsp;Pendreiglo v, to roll the head aboutnbsp;Pendrist a, having a drooping head, sadnbsp;Pendro vertigo; staggersnbsp;Pendroi to become giddynbsp;Pendrondod n, giddjr-headednessnbsp;Pendroni v, to be hair-brainednbsp;Pendrwra am, heavy-headed, top-heavy:nbsp;y] pendrom
Pendrymu v, to grow top-heavy Pendwmpian v, to be nodding
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Penigamp a, excellent, superior Penlas a, blue-headed; nf^ the knotgrassnbsp;Penlin, penliniau top of the knee,nbsp;Penlinio v, to kneel downnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;^knee
Penlöyn n, blackcap; titmouse Penllad supreme goodnbsp;Penile n, heaa-stead; numskullnbsp;Penlliain, liieiniau head-clothnbsp;Penllorcan n, jolt-headnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ sewin
Penllwyd a, gray-headed: n, grayling; Penllwydi, Penllwydni grayness ofnbsp;the headnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I next to a corner
Penllyw -iau «, chief leader; the stone Penllywiawdwr, wyr n, generalnbsp;Penllywodraethnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;supreme government
Penllywydd -ion n, sovereign Penllywyddiaeth nf^ sovereigntynbsp;Pennill -ion n, verse, stanzanbsp;Pennilliach «p, trifling versesnbsp;Penniliio v, to form stanzasnbsp;Pennod -au «ƒ, chapternbsp;Pennoeth a, bare-headednbsp;Penod, Penawd a, conclusion, end, closenbsp;Penodi to specify, to assign, to appointnbsp;Penodol a. particular, especial; dehnite,nbsp;Penodoldeb n, definitiveness [specificnbsp;Penodoli tgt;, to render definitivenbsp;Penol a, capital, principalnbsp;Penon -au nf^ pennant, flagnbsp;Penor -au headpiece; muzzle, head-Penpryd «, visage, aspectnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[stall
Penre nf, hair-lace, fillet Penrhaith, rheithiau «, what has chiefnbsp;right, the chief of the lawnbsp;Penriieithiant n, sovereigntynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[joram
Penrudd a, ruddy-headed: nf^ wild mar-Penrwym -au n, head-band; muzzle Penrydd a, loose-headed; loose-ended;
licentious, profligate Penryn -oedd -au w, promontory, capenbsp;Pensach nf^ the mumpsnbsp;Pensaer, seiri n, chief architectnbsp;Pensag n, the hop-plant, hopsnbsp;Pensedd -au supreme seatnbsp;Pensel -au grand standardnbsp;Penswyddog -ion chief oflBcernbsp;Pensyfrdan a, light-headed, stunnednbsp;Pensyfrdandod n, craziness [stunnbsp;Pensyfrdanu v, to craze the head; tonbsp;Pentan -au », fire back, hob: a, made atnbsp;the hearth, homespun, homemadenbsp;Penteulu -oedd w, head of a familynbsp;Pentewyn -ion ?i, firebrandnbsp;Penteyrn -edd -oedd n, chief princenbsp;Pentir -oedd n, headland; land stewardnbsp;Pentref -i -ydd w, village; homesteadnbsp;Pentrefaeth nf, villagery
Pentwr, tyrau «, raised heap, heap Penty, tai n, penthouse, shed [mulatenbsp;Pentyru v, to heap, to amass, to accu-Pentywysog -ion n, supreme princenbsp;Penu V, to predominate; to s^cifynbsp;Penwag a, empty-headednbsp;Penwag, weig n, herringnbsp;Penwan a, weak-headednbsp;Fenwar -au ?i, head-stall; muzzlenbsp;Penwendid n, weakness of the headnbsp;Penwisg -oedd nJl head-dressnbsp;Penwn, ynau «, banner, standardnbsp;Penwyn am, white-headed: n, baldnbsp;buzzard: of, penwennbsp;Penwyni n, whiteness of headnbsp;Penyd n, atonement, penancenbsp;Penydiad w, doing penancenbsp;Penydiol a, atoning, expiatorynbsp;Penygen njquot;, paunch, gutnbsp;Penygu v, to render peculiarnbsp;Penyn n, capital (in architecture)nbsp;Penynad -on w. chief-justicenbsp;Penysgafn a, light-headednbsp;Pepra v, to keep chatteringnbsp;Pepraetn n, chattering, babblingnbsp;Pepru V, to chatter, to pratenbsp;Per np, pears, pear-trees; sweet-fruitnbsp;Per a, delicious, sweet, lusciousnbsp;Per -au nf, spit=Bérnbsp;Peran -au nf pearnbsp;Perarogl -au nf perfume, aromanbsp;Perarogledd w, perfumerynbsp;Perarogli v, to perfumenbsp;Peraroglus a, odorous, fragrantnbsp;Perc a, compact, trim: n, perchnbsp;Perced nf, wrapper; bow netnbsp;Percell -oedd nf, store, magazinenbsp;Percu V, to trim, to smartennbsp;Percus a, trim, smartnbsp;Perchen -oedd, Perchenog -ion n, owner,nbsp;possessor, Pob perchen anadl, everynbsp;Jiving being
Percheiiogaeth nf, ownership [session Perehenogaethu v, to give or take pos-Perchenogi v, to possess, to own, to claimnbsp;Perchi v, to respect, to reverenbsp;Perdra n, deliciousness, sweetnessnbsp;Pereiddio v, to dulcify; to sweetennbsp;PereiddJais, leisiau n, pleasant voice,nbsp;sweet sound: a, sweet-voicednbsp;Pererin -ion n, pilgrimnbsp;Pererindod w, pilgrimagenbsp;Pererinio v, to peregrinatenbsp;i’erfagl nf, the herb periwinkle [entrailsnbsp;Perfedd -ion -au w, centre: c», inwards,nbsp;Perffaith a, perfect, complete [tionnbsp;Perffeithdra, Perffeithrwydd », perfec-249
-ocr page 254-PER PIR
Perydd -ion ra, causator, causer
Peryf ra, causer; sovereign
Perygl -on ra, danger, peril
Perygledd ra, danger
Peryglu ra, to run into danger, to endanger
Peryglus a, dangerous, perilous
Pes c, if=Pe, Ped
Pesgu V, to feed, to fatten; to grow fat Pestodi ra, to bustle aboutnbsp;Peswch ra, cough: ra, to cough (S.W.)nbsp;Pesychlyd a, troubled with coughnbsp;Pesychlys ra, the coltsfootnbsp;Pesychu ra, to force out, to coughnbsp;Petal ra, if it should be, if it were=Penbsp;byddai, Pe bai
Petrus a, apt to start; hesitating: raj9, partridges: 5, petrusennbsp;Petrusad ra, hesitating, doubtingnbsp;Petrusder n. hesitation, doubtnbsp;Petrusen nj, startler; partridgenbsp;Petrusi ra, startling; hesitationnbsp;Petruso ra, to startle; to hesitatenbsp;Petrusol a, startling; hesitatingnbsp;PetryaeljPetryal -au ra, square: a, squarenbsp;Peth -au ra, thing; something; quantity,nbsp;part; some. Beth, Pa beth, whatnbsp;Pethan -od ra, little thing; babenbsp;Pethyn, pethach ra, little thingnbsp;Peuad, Peuant ra, panting; pausingnbsp;Peuawr a, hourly: alt;?, hourlynbsp;Peues -oedd nf^ place of rest; countrynbsp;Peufer a, whining; neighingnbsp;Peuferu ra, to whine; to neighnbsp;Peunes -od wƒ, peahen; fine girlnbsp;Peunoeth a, nocturnal, nightlynbsp;Peunos, Peunosol a, nocturnal, nightlynbsp;Peunydd, Peunyddiol a, diurnal: ad,nbsp;dailynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to pause, to hesitate
Peuo ra, to spread out; to paut, to puff; Peuol a, panting; pausingnbsp;Peusyth w, dovetail (in joinery)
Peutu ad, on each side, on both sides ^
Pi -od ra, state of being in; pie, magpie
Pia nf, pie, magpie
Plant ra, possession, ownership
Piau ra, to own, to possess
Pib -au nf, pipe; tube; lax
Pibell -i -au-on nf, pipe, tube, ducf;
musical pipe. Pibellion, channels Pibellog a, having a pipenbsp;Pibellu ra, to pipe; to form a pipenbsp;Pibellwr, wyr, Pibellydd -ion ra, piper,nbsp;Piben -i nf, pipe, duct, flue [pipe-makernbsp;Pibglwyf.ra, fistulanbsp;Pibgnau np (gneuen nf), chestnutsnbsp;Piblyd a, apt to squirt, squirtingnbsp;Piblys ra, the flixweed
Peröeithio v, to perfect [sheltering Perging n, screen, settle: a, screening,nbsp;Perhau v, to make or become deliciousnbsp;Peri ra, causation, cause: v, to causenbsp;Periadur -on «, causer, cause [to bidnbsp;Periant n, causationnbsp;Perig a, extreme; perilousnbsp;Perigl w, danger, peril [treme unctionnbsp;Periglo V, to make extreme; to give exnbsp;Periglor -ion -iaid ra, priest, incumbentnbsp;Perlais, leisiau w, Perlef -an nf, melodious voice: a, sweet-voicednbsp;Perlewyg -on w, ecstasynbsp;Perloes -ion nf^ rapture, ecstasynbsp;Perlysiau np^ aromatic herbs; spicesnbsp;Perllan -au nf, orchard. Coch y ber-llan, redstart; bulltinclinbsp;Perllys era, sweet herbs; parsleynbsp;Peron w, cause; the Lordnbsp;Peror -ion ra, melodist, musiciannbsp;Peroriad ra, producing of melody; playing of music
Peroriaeth melody; music; idle talk Peroriaethu v, to make a melodynbsp;Peroriant ra, practice of musicnbsp;Perorio v, to practise musicnbsp;Persain, seiniau nf, euphony: a, eupho-Pert a, smart, spruce, pert [niousnbsp;Pertedd ra, smartness, pertnessnbsp;Pertu V, to smarten, to trim [pertennbsp;Pertyn -od ra, smart little fellow;nbsp;Perth -i nf, bush; brake; hedgenbsp;Perthen nf^ bushnbsp;Perthgae -au ra, quickset hedgenbsp;Perthyn -oedd w, what is appropriatenbsp;Perthyn ra, to appertain, to belongnbsp;Perthynad ra, appertainingnbsp;Porthynas -au ra/j relation; relative;nbsp;appurtenance
Perthynasol a, appropriate; relative Perthynasoli, Perthynasu ra, to rendernbsp;appropriate
Perthynedigaeth «ƒ, appropriation Perthynol pertaining, relative, be-Pertliynoldeb ra, relativeness [ longingnbsp;Perthynoli ra, to render appropriatenbsp;Perthynu ra, to appertain, to belongnbsp;Perthynus 0, appropriate, relativenbsp;Peru ra, to cause; to effect; to bid; tonbsp;Perwg, ygon ra, hurdy-gurdy [maintainnbsp;Perwr, wyr ra, causer; one who ordersnbsp;Perwraidd ra, liquorice rootnbsp;Perwy ra, perry
Perwydd np (-en pear-trees Perwyddiad, iaid ra, verbnbsp;Perwyl -ion ra, occasion, purpose, affairnbsp;Perwylus a, eventual, incidental
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Pibo V, to pipe; to sqnirt Pibol a, piping; squirtingnbsp;Pibonwy cn, iciclesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to bud Pibori », piping; budding: v, to pipe, Piborig a, piping; buddingnbsp;Pibydd -ion u, piper; pipe-layernbsp;Pibyddiaeth nf, pipe-layingnbsp;Picell -au nf^ dart, javelinnbsp;Picellai, eion nc, dart throwernbsp;Picellu v, to throw a dartnbsp;Picffon, ffyn nf^ pike-staiFnbsp;Picfforch, fifyrch nf, pitchforknbsp;Picio V, to dart, to ny suddenlynbsp;Picwd, ydau n, the prickled dog, thenbsp;Picyn -au n, piggin, noggin [hound-fishnbsp;Picynaid, eidiau n, pigginfuinbsp;Pid n, tapering pointnbsp;Piff -iau n, pufï“, sudden blastnbsp;Piffio V, to puff, to whiffnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pip Pig -au nf^ point, pike, nip; bill, beak; Pigawglys, Pigoglys cn, spinachnbsp;Pigfain a, sharp-pointednbsp;Pigfan mark of pointnbsp;Pigfanu V, to puncturenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to point Pigfeinio v, to accumulate, to sharpen, Pigion np, pickings; selectionsnbsp;Pigl n, the herb hound’s-tonguenbsp;Piglas, Piglwyd a, pale-visaged. Ed-rych yn bigias, to look bluenbsp;Pigo to prick, to peck, to pick; tonbsp;Pigoden Tj/*, prickle; shrew [choosenbsp;Pigog a, pointed, full of points, pricklynbsp;Pigoga spinachnbsp;Pigwlaw w, spitting of rainnbsp;Pigwn, ynau n, cone; beacon; turretnbsp;Pigwrda sort of playnbsp;Pigwrn, yrnau u, pinnacle, spirenbsp;Pigws nf^ small or narrow point; smallnbsp;nook or cornernbsp;Pigyn w, stitch; pleurisynbsp;Pigyrnu v, to spire, to bristle upnbsp;Pil -iau ?i, what hovers; serjeant; peel;nbsp;Pila -on n, finch [inlet, creek, estuarynbsp;Pilai, eion nc, moth, butterflynbsp;Pilaid a, transient, frail; meannbsp;Pilan -od nf, sparrow-hawknbsp;Pilcod np (-yn n\ minnowsnbsp;Pilcota V, to eaten minnowsnbsp;Pildin nf, gall by ridingnbsp;Pilen -au nf^ cuticle, rind; fringenbsp;Pilenu r, to form a cuticlenbsp;Filer -au -i », pillar, column [basaltnbsp;Pilergraig, greigiau nf, basalt rock,nbsp;Pileru V, to build upon pillars, to erectnbsp;Piliad, Piliant n, paring, peeling [pillarsnbsp;Pellig n, vessel ot bark; lavernbsp;Pilio Vf to peel, to pare, to strip |
Pilion np (-en nf), peelings, strippings; Pilo n, rod of an apparitornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[film Pilus a, transient, frail; mean Pilwrn, ymau n, dartnbsp;Pilyn -au w, tegument; garment; clout; pilion; side-saddle Pilynu V, to put on a vesturenbsp;Pilys -au n, robe, pelissenbsp;Pill -ion n, pivot; shaft; stem, stock; tong; goal; stronghold; frame; heater Pillgorn, gyrn n, the neck jointnbsp;Pillgyn -ion n, plug, stopplenbsp;Pillwydd np (-en nf), dead standingnbsp;trees; the frame of the ancient Peitk-ynen, being the cross bars, or supporters, in which the ends of the keys ornbsp;staves were insertednbsp;Pillyn n, small stem; pegnbsp;Pin -au n, pin; stile, pennbsp;Pin cu, the pine, firnbsp;Pine, Pincyn n, sprig; chaffinchnbsp;Pine a, smart, brisk; gay; finenbsp;Pincen -od nf, sprig; spray; gay femalenbsp;Pincio V, to cover with sprigsnbsp;Piniwn, iynau n, gable-end, pine-endnbsp;Pinwydd np (-en nf), pine-treesnbsp;Pinygl -au n, pinnacle, turretnbsp;Pinyglu V, to form a pinnaclenbsp;Pioden, piod, Piogen, Piog -od nf,nbsp;magpie, pie. Piogen y coed, jaynbsp;Pipian, Pipianu v, to pipe, to pulenbsp;Pipre nf diarrhoea, laxnbsp;Piser -i n, jug, pitcher, cannbsp;Pisg np, blisters, bladders, podsnbsp;Pisgen nf, wheal; lindennbsp;Pisgenu v, to blister; to podnbsp;Pisglwyf n, diabetesnbsp;Pisgwrn, yrnod n, pimple, whealnbsp;PIsgwrdd np (-en nf), linden-treesnbsp;Pisgyrnu v, to break out in pimplesnbsp;Pistyll -Ofedd n, spout; cataractnbsp;Pistyllio, Pistyllu tgt;, to spout outnbsp;Piswydd np (-en nf), spindle-treesnbsp;Pitan nc, teat, nipplenbsp;Pitw a, minute, pettynbsp;Pith -ion n, what is granulatednbsp;Pithell -od nf the shard fishnbsp;Piw -od n, dag, uddernbsp;Pla, plUu n, the plague; pestilencenbsp;Plad -iau n, flat piece; platenbsp;Pladren nf, one who flauntsnbsp;Pladres -i nf, flaunting womannbsp;Pladur -iau nf, scythenbsp;Pladuro v, to use a scythenbsp;Pladurwr, wyr n, mowernbsp;Plaid, pleidiau nf, side, party; faction;nbsp;sect; partition |
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Plan, planoedd plane
Plan w, plane-tree nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Plan-oedd M, i-ay; scion, shoot; planta-Planad -an n, snooting off; meteor Plane -iau plank, boardnbsp;Planed -au nf, shooting body; planetnbsp;Planfa^ fëydd, Planigfa -oedd nf^ plan-Planiad w, shooting; planting f tationnbsp;Planigyn, planigion w, plant, shoot,vege-Planol a, shooting; plantingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[table
Plant np (plentyn w), offspring, children Plantach, Plantos np^ little childrennbsp;Plantog a, having childrennbsp;Planu V, to shoot off; to plantnbsp;Plas -au hall, palacenbsp;Plastr -au plaister, daubnbsp;Plastriad w, piaisteringnbsp;PJau V, to infect with a plaguenbsp;Pledren -i nf^ bladdernbsp;Pledru V, to stretch outnbsp;Pledryn -au n, slang, slipnbsp;Plegid cause. 0 blegid, because.
0’m plegid, on my account Pleiden -i nf^ hurdle, wattlingnbsp;Pieidgar a, factious, partialnbsp;Pleidgarwch n, partiality, partisanshipnbsp;Pleidiad w, siding with; partisanshipnbsp;Pleidio V, to take a part, to side withnbsp;Pleidiol a, adherent; belonging to anbsp;party; partial
PleidlaiSj leisiau a/J vote, suffrage Pleidleisio to votenbsp;Pleidydd -ion n, partisannbsp;Pleiuiad a, radiationnbsp;Plent -ydd nf^ ray; slidenbsp;Plentyn, plant a, child, babynbsp;Plentynaidd «, childisn, babyishnbsp;Plenydd a, radiance; displaynbsp;Pleth -i -au aƒ plait, braidnbsp;Piethbin -au a, bobbinnbsp;Plethol Ö, plaiting, wreathingnbsp;Plethu V, to plait, to wreathenbsp;Plicio a, to pluck, to peel, to stripnbsp;Plig a, plucking off, peelingnbsp;Pling a, stripping offnbsp;Phngo a, to flay, to strip offnbsp;Plisg ca (-yn a), shells, husks, podsnbsp;Plisgo V, to shell, to husknbsp;Plith a, state of being blended. Ymnbsp;mhlith, among. Plith draphlith,nbsp;belter skelter; confusedly,in confusionnbsp;Plitho V, to blend, to be blended ornbsp;mixed together
Pioc -iau, Plocyn -au a, block, plug Plu np (-en aƒ), feathers, downnbsp;Pluad, Plufiada, feathering, fledgingnbsp;Flucan a, soft feathers, down
Plndd, amp;c.=Plydd, amp;c.
Pluenu w, to plume; to fledge [feathers Pluf np (-en nf, -yn a), plumage,nbsp;Plufio, Pluo v, to plume; to deplumenbsp;Plufol a, feathering, plumingnbsp;Pluog, Plufog a, feathered, fledgednbsp;Plw n, what spreads outnbsp;Plwc a, space, while; deal [troublednbsp;Plwca a, spread; plash: a, muddy,nbsp;Plwng a, plunge, splashnbsp;Piwm a, lead
Piwyf -au -i a, community; parish Plwyfogaeth nf, parish jurisdiction;
parish settlement Plwyfogi v, to settle in a parishnbsp;Plwyfol parochial: a, parishionernbsp;Piwyfoli Vj to render parochialnbsp;Plwyfolion, Plwyfogion np, parishionersnbsp;Plwyn -iau a, maturity; pubertynbsp;Plwyno y, to have signs of pubertynbsp;Plydd a, delicate; Umber, pliant; softnbsp;Plyddhau y, to render pliant or softnbsp;Plyddo y, to soften; to grow limbernbsp;Plyg -ion n, double, foldnbsp;Plygain, geiniau a, early morn, dawn;nbsp;Plygaint a, dawn, day-spring [matinsnbsp;Plygeiniol a, dawning; matinnbsp;Plygiad n, doubling, foldingnbsp;Plygiant a, duplicationnbsp;Plygiedydd -ion a, tweezers; foldernbsp;Plygol a, doubling, folding; bendingnbsp;Plygu y, to double, to fold, to bend, tonbsp;Plym a, what agonizesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[stoop
Flymen -au -i ^ plummet; flake Plymio y, to leaden, to plumbnbsp;Plymnwyd -au aƒ, struggle, conflictnbsp;Plymol a, agonizing, writhingnbsp;Plymu y, to cover with lead [greaternbsp;Po c, if, by how much. Po mwyaf, thenbsp;Fob a, each, every, Pob yn un, one bynbsp;Fob a, bake: a, bakednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[one
Poban -au nf, oven; roaster Pobdy, dai a, bakehouse; ovennbsp;Pobi y, to bake; to roast; to toastnbsp;Pobiant a, baking, batchnbsp;Pobl -oedd ca, peoplenbsp;Poblach np, low or common peoplenbsp;Pobli V, to people, to colonizenbsp;Poblog a, peopled, populousnbsp;Poblogaetn nf^ populousness; populationnbsp;Poblogi y, to make populous, to peoplenbsp;Poburies -au baking-womannbsp;Pobydd -ion, Pobur a, bakernbsp;Pobyddiaeth art of bakingnbsp;Poc, Poca, Pocyn a, smack; ki.ssnbsp;Pod a, what is taken innbsp;Podi y, to take in, to comprehendnbsp;252
-ocr page 257-Podr af^ rotten, putrid; m., pwdr Poen -au pain, torment, agonynbsp;Poenedigaeth nf^ tormentingnbsp;Poeni V, to pain; to suffer painnbsp;Poenofaint w, punishmentnbsp;Poenol a, tormenting, painingnbsp;Poenus a, paining, painful; toilingnbsp;Poenydio v, to torture, to tormentnbsp;Poer -ion n, spittle, salivanbsp;Poerai bastard pellitorynbsp;Poergarthol a, expectorant. Poergarth-olion, expectorantsnbsp;Poeri V, to spit, to expectoratenbsp;Poeriant salivationnbsp;Poerlys cm, bastard pellitorynbsp;Poerol a, spitting, salivarynbsp;Poeryn n, spitter; sycophant, flatterernbsp;Poes -au «, state of beingnbsp;Poesi r, to be existingnbsp;Poeth a, hot, scorching, fierynbsp;Poethder, Poethni n, hotness, heatnbsp;Poethi V, to heat, to be heatednbsp;Poethiad, Poethiant h, heatingnbsp;Poethol o, heating, burningnbsp;Poethwg re, torridity, ariditynbsp;l^oethwy re, the razorbillnbsp;Poethwyn re, burning passionnbsp;Poethwynt -oedd re, horrible tempest;
blast; typhoon, simoom Polio w, to fix a polenbsp;Polion np (pawl, polyn re), stakes, polesnbsp;Polioni V, to set poles; to empalenbsp;Pon re, what is pufied or blisterednbsp;Pona, Ponag c, if not; should it not?nbsp;Ponar puS', pod [unless, exceptnbsp;Pone -iau re/, hillock, tumpnbsp;Poncen re/, Poncyn re, small hillocknbsp;Poncio V, to swell, to puff, to heavenbsp;Pond ad, is it not ? wnat else ?
Poni, Ponid ad, what not? is it not? Ponio V, to swell, to puffnbsp;Pont -ydd, pynt nf, arch, bridge. Pontnbsp;bren, a wooden bridge. Pont gareg, anbsp;stone bridge. Pont yr ysgwydd, thenbsp;collar-bonenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(a bridge
Pontbren -i re, a piece of timber forming Poplys np (-en ?j/), poplar-treesnbsp;Por, p}T re, supreme lordnbsp;Porch -oedd re, pig, swinenbsp;Porchell, perchyll, Porchellan, Porchell-yn re, young pig, little pignbsp;Porchellu re, to bring forth pigsnbsp;Porfa, fëydd re, pasture, grassnbsp;PorfM re, pasturingnbsp;1’orfadir -oedd re, pasture-groundnbsp;Porfau, Porfelu, Poriannu re, to depas-Porfel -oedd re, pasture, grass [ture
Porfelydd -ion re, pasturer, grazier Porffor a and re, purplenbsp;Pori re, to graze, to browse; to eatnbsp;Poriadaeth re/ agistmentnbsp;Poriant re, pasturage, browsingnbsp;Poriol a, pasturing, grazingnbsp;Portreiad re, pattern, sampler, modelnbsp;Forth, pyrth re, aid, help, second; whatnbsp;bears; sustenance; gate, gateway;nbsp;carriage: re/ferry; portnbsp;Portha re, to afford aid or helpnbsp;Porthfa, fëydd nf^ Porthle -oedd re, car-rying-place; port
Porthi, Porthiadu re, to aid, to support; to feed; to bear, to convey. Porthi’rnbsp;gwasanaeth, to respond (in church)nbsp;Porthianna, rorthiannu re, to pi'ovidenbsp;Porthiannus a, having support [supportnbsp;Porthiant, Porthid re, support, succour,nbsp;assistance
Porthladd -oedd -au re, port, harbour Porthloedd re, means of supportnbsp;Porthlys re, porte-motenbsp;Porthmon, myn re, purveyor, drovernbsp;Porthmona re, to act as a drovernbsp;Porthmonaetli nf^ purveyancenbsp;Porthog -au reƒ, portcullisnbsp;Porthol a, aiding, supportingnbsp;Purtholdeb re, supported statenbsp;Portholi re, to render supportnbsp;Porthor -ion re, porter, doorkeepernbsp;Porthordy, dai re, porter's lodgenbsp;Porthorddwy re, aiding of violencenbsp;Porthori re, to act as porternbsp;Porthoriaeth nf^ porter’s officenbsp;Porthwr, wyr re, provider; feeder; porternbsp;Porthwy re, assistance, supportnbsp;Porthwys -ion re, ferrymannbsp;Pos re, growth, increasenbsp;Posel re, curdled milk, possetnbsp;Posfardd, feirdd re, preceptive bardnbsp;Posiar, ieir nf, fattened hennbsp;Posio re, to examine, to posenbsp;Posned -au re, squat; skillet; saucepannbsp;Post, pyst re, post, pillarnbsp;Postio re, to put up a post; to put up onnbsp;Pot -iau re, notnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[a post
Potel -i bottle; truss Potelu re, to bottle; to trussnbsp;Poten -i Ilf, paunch; puddingnbsp;Potenig rf^ little paunchnbsp;Potenog a, having a paunchnbsp;Potenu re, to form a paunchnbsp;Potes re, pottage, broth, soupnbsp;Potio V, to pot; to tipplenbsp;Poth re, what bulges out; bossnbsp;Pothan re, bump, boss; cubnbsp;253
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Pothell -au -i nf^ wiieal, blister Potheliog a, puffy; blisterednbsp;Pothellu 17, to puff; to blisternbsp;Pothon boss; cubnbsp;Powys state of restnbsp;Prad r*, gentle spread; rubnbsp;PrafF a, ample; thick roundnbsp;Praffder w, thickness roundnbsp;Praffu t7, to thicken in compassnbsp;Praidd, preiddiau n amp; c», flock, herd;nbsp;booty, prey Prain, preiniau «, feast, banquet Praith, preithiau w, act, deed; practicenbsp;Franc -iau », frolic, pranknbsp;Prancio i7, to play a prank, to capernbsp;Pratio Z7, to stroke, to coaxnbsp;Praw -on n, essay, trial, proofnbsp;Prawen nf^ essay; cast (in play)nbsp;Prawf, profion w, essay, trial, proofnbsp;Prawfaen, feini w, touchstonenbsp;Pred n, stray, migrationnbsp;Preg w, greet, greetingnbsp;Pregawthen nf^ preachmentnbsp;Pregeth -au nf^ sermonnbsp;Pregethiad n, preachingnbsp;Pregethu v, to preachnbsp;Pregethwr, wyr w, preachernbsp;Pregethwriaeth nf^ homileticsnbsp;Preidio t», to migratenbsp;Preiddin a, gregarious; rapacious, ofnbsp;Preiddio v, to herd, to collect a herd; tonbsp;Preiddwal n/] resort of a herd [predatenbsp;Preiddio to carousenbsp;Preithig a, belonging to practicenbsp;Preithio t;, to practisenbsp;Prelad -«aid w, prelate, bishopnbsp;Pren -au -iau tree, timber; woodnbsp;Prenfol -au wooden chestnbsp;Prenial n, coffer, shrinenbsp;Prenio t?, to timber; to barnbsp;Prenol -au n, busk of staysnbsp;Prensaer, seiri«, carpenternbsp;Pres -i w, whatis quick, sharp, or smart;nbsp;haste; brushwood; fuel; anythingnbsp;strewed; crib; place of resort; brassnbsp;Pres a, quick, hasty; busy; sharp: overrunning; frequent; present Preseb -au n, crib, stallnbsp;Presel -au -i w, place overrun; brakenbsp;Preselu v, to be overrun or foulnbsp;Preselyn n, brake, thicketnbsp;Presen nf, the present; this lifenbsp;Presennol a, imminent; presentnbsp;Presennoldeb m, presencenbsp;Presennu v, to make presentnbsp;Present n, present statenbsp;Presol a, imminent; quick |
Prest quickness, smartness Prest a, ready, quick; soonnbsp;Prestl a, ready, smart, fluentnbsp;Prestlaidd a, apt to prattlenbsp;Presu «7, to hasten; to frequentnbsp;Preswyl n, being present or ready; tarrying; habitation Preswylfa, fëydd w/quot;, place of residence Preswylfod «ƒ, dwelling-placenbsp;Preswyliaeth ?i/] habitationnbsp;Preswylio v, to fix an abodenbsp;Preswyliog a, having resortnbsp;Preswylydd -ion w, inhabitant; occupiernbsp;Pri -on w, origin, what is primitivenbsp;Pric -iau stick; broachnbsp;Prid w, price, value; ransom; o, valuable,nbsp;Pridiant n, ransoming f precious, dearnbsp;Pridio «7, to set a price; to ransomnbsp;Pridiol a, equivalent; redeemingnbsp;Pridioldeb n, equivalencenbsp;Pridwerth n, price of ransomnbsp;Pridd -ion n, mould, earth, soil. Llestrinbsp;pridd, earthenwarenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[clod Priddeii -au -i nf, mass of earth, tile; Priddellog a, consisting of masses ofnbsp;, earth; glebousnbsp;Priddellydd -ion », tile makernbsp;Pridden -i nf, earthen vesselnbsp;Priddfaen, feini n, brick; burnt tilenbsp;Priddgalch n, calcareous earthnbsp;Priddgist n, potter’s claynbsp;Priddin a, of earth, earthennbsp;Priddlestri np^ earthenware utensilsnbsp;Priddlyd a, mixed with earthnbsp;Priddiydu t7, to become earthynbsp;Priddo, Priddio v, to cover; to covernbsp;with earth; to become earthnbsp;Priddol a, of mould, of earthnbsp;Priddred n, earthly statenbsp;Priddyn m, what is formed of earthnbsp;Prif a, prime, principal, chiefnbsp;Prifachos -ion n, primary causenbsp;Prifansawdd, sodaion n, primary qualitynbsp;Prifder Ji, primeness; originnbsp;Prifddinas nf, metropolisnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bard Prif-fardd, feirdd n, chief or primitive Prif-ffordd, ffyrdd nf high road, higd-Prifgantor -ion w, precentor [waynbsp;Prifio V, to thrive, to grow upnbsp;Priflad n, supreme blessingnbsp;Prifles », chief goodnbsp;Priflys -oedd n, supreme courtnbsp;Prifnawd n, original habitnbsp;Prif nod -au n, prime point; epochnbsp;Prifoed n, primitive agenbsp;Prifran -au nf primary divisionnbsp;Prifred n, primary course 254 |
Prifsymmudai ?ic, prime mover Prifwyd n, chief sinnbsp;Prifysgol -ion «/, universitynbsp;Prill -ion -iau «, little brook, rillnbsp;Prin a, scarce, rare, scant, spare: ad,nbsp;scarcely, barely,*hardlynbsp;Prinder, Prindra n, scarcity, wantnbsp;Prinhau w, to make or grow scarcenbsp;Print -iau n, what forms a notch; printnbsp;Printio n, to imprint, to printnbsp;Prinwydd np (-en nj), scarlet oaknbsp;Priod a, appropriate 5 proper, lit; owned; married nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[consort Priod nc, married person, husband, wife, Priodadwy a, marriageablenbsp;Priodas -au nf, marriage, weddingnbsp;Priodasgerdd -i nf, epithalamiumnbsp;Priodasol a, matrimonialnbsp;Priod-ddull w, idiomnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[groom Priodfab, Priodasfab, feibion n, bride-Priodferch, Priodasferch -ed nf, bride Priodi V, to marry, to espousenbsp;Priodol a, proper, appropriate; marriednbsp;l^riodoldeb, Priodoider n, appropriateness, proprietynbsp;Priodoledd -au nf, attributenbsp;Priodoli v, to appropriate, to attributenbsp;Priodoliaeth nf, attribute, propertynbsp;Priodoliaethu v, to attributenbsp;Priodor -ion n, proprietor; nativenbsp;Priodori Vy to be a proprietornbsp;Priodoriaeth iif, proprietorshipnbsp;Prion np (-yn w), origination; impsnbsp;Pris -iau w, price, value, ratenbsp;Prisio y, to value, to price; to prizenbsp;Pro Uy what is across or againstnbsp;Probwyllau np (probwyll w), transversenbsp;bars of a plough handlenbsp;Proc -iau n, thrust, stabnbsp;Procio V, to thrust, to stab; to pokenbsp;Procyr, Prociedydd -on w, pokernbsp;Proest -iau n, counterchangenbsp;Profadwy a, provable, essayablenbsp;Profedigaeth nj\ probation; temptationnbsp;Proli V, to prove; to tastenbsp;Profiad*»;,.proving; probation; tasting;nbsp;essay; experience Proliadol a, probationary; experimental. Profiant n, probation [experieiiceunbsp;ProÜen -i nf, proof-sheetnbsp;Proffes -au nf, profession, vownbsp;Proflesor -iaid professornbsp;ProlTesu v, to profess, to vownbsp;ProfFeswr, wyr professornbsp;Prophwyd -i w, prophetnbsp;Prophwydo v, to prophesy, to foretellnbsp;Prophwydol a, prophetical |
Propliwydoliaeth nf, prophecy Pru n, what tends forwardnbsp;Prudd a, prudent; serious; sadnbsp;Prudd-der, Pruddineb «, seriousness,nbsp;Pruddhau v, to become serious [sadnessnbsp;Prws n, state of bustlenbsp;Prwst n, bustle, turmoilnbsp;Prwy -on w, what reaches forward; agentnbsp;Prwyadur -iaid n, commissionernbsp;Prwys n, tendency to protrudenbsp;Prwysg, Prwysgl ?i, what is impendingnbsp;or surmounting Prwyso V, to protrude, to jut out Prwyst «, what causes anxietynbsp;Prwysti w, anxiety, solicitudenbsp;Prwystl a, tumultuous, bustlingnbsp;Prwystlo V, to bustle, to agitatenbsp;Pry -oedd w, produce, food, victualsnbsp;Pryd -iau n, period, season, time; mealnbsp;time; meal; aspect. Pa bryd, whennbsp;Pryd ad, seeing that, as it is, whilst;nbsp;Pryder w, anxiety, solicitude [whennbsp;Pryderi n, anxiety, deep thoughtnbsp;Pryderol, Pryderus a, anxious, solicitous; provident; thoughtfulnbsp;Pryderu v, to be anxiousnbsp;Prydfardd, feirdd recording bardnbsp;Prydfawr a, magnificent, grandnbsp;Prydferth a, handsome, comely, beautifulnbsp;Prydferthedd, Prydferthwch w, beauty,nbsp;comeliness, handsomenessnbsp;Prydferthu v, to render comelynbsp;Prydiaith nfy poetical languagenbsp;Prydio v, to fix a seasonnbsp;Prydiol a, timely, seasonablenbsp;Prydlaeth n, Tnilk drawn at one timenbsp;Pryd lawn a, seasonable, opportunenbsp;Prydlonder a, seasonablenessnbsp;Prydlonhau v, to become seasonablenbsp;Prydnawii -au n, the afternoon [dinnernbsp;Prydnawnbryd -iau, Prydnawnfwyd n,nbsp;Prydnawngwaith n, one afternoonnbsp;Prydnawnol a, of or for the afternoon;nbsp;Prydred n, chronologynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[evening Prydu v, to delineate; to poetize Prydus a, comely; seasonablenbsp;Prydydd -ion », poet; delineatornbsp;Prydyddes -au poetessnbsp;Prydyddiaeth nf, poetrynbsp;Prydyddol a, poetic, poeticalnbsp;Prydyddu v, to compose poetrynbsp;Prydd -on n, what is productive; dalenbsp;Pryddest -au nf, poems; poetics; metrenbsp;Pryddestawd n, poetical compositionnbsp;Pryddestu v, to compose metricallynbsp;Pryddhau v, to become luxuriant ornbsp;Pryddineb «, luxuriance [teemingnbsp;265 |
Pryf -ed w, what is generated; vermin;
Pryfad, aid re, animal; vermin [worm Pryfedu v, to breed wormsnbsp;Pryfeta v, to hunt verminnbsp;Pryfig a, having wormsnbsp;Pryfyn re, worm
Pryfflau re, spreading out; radiation Pryffwn a, excellent, superior [principalnbsp;PryfFwnt re,source of spreading; centre;nbsp;Pryleu re, fluent utterancenbsp;Prvn re, take; purchase; merit: a.
bought, purchased Pryned re, what takes hold; handnbsp;Prynedigaeth nf^ redemptionnbsp;Pryngar a, inclined to purchasenbsp;Prynol a, purchasing, buying [deemnbsp;Prynu re, to take hold; to buy; to re-Prynwr, wyr, Pryniawdwr, wyr, Pryn-iawdr, odron re, buyer, purchaser, redeemer
Prys -oedd re, covert, brushwood Prysedd re, place of resort [to resortnbsp;Pryseddfa -on, Pryseddfod -au re/, placenbsp;Pryseddu re, to resort; to dwellnbsp;Prysel -au re, covert, brakenbsp;Pryselu re, to become brakynbsp;Prysg -au re, what is over; brushwoodnbsp;Prysgl-au re, copse; brushwoodnbsp;Prysgliach np, stunted treesnbsp;Prysglwyn -i re, copsenbsp;Prysgoed, Prysgwydd re/?, brushwoodnbsp;Prysgyll re, hazel copsenbsp;Pry steil re/ tumult, uproar,
Prystellach re, to raise an uproar Prysu re, to form a resort or covertnbsp;Prysur a, busy, diligent; seriousnbsp;Prysurdeb, Prysurwch re, assiduitynbsp;haste; state of hastenbsp;Prysuro re, to make haste, to hastennbsp;Puch -ion re, sigh; gruntnbsp;Puchiant re, sighing; earnest desirenbsp;Pucho re, to sigh; to pant; to desire; tonbsp;Pul -on re, what tends to straiten [longnbsp;Pum fl, five
Pumbys a, five-fingered Pumcanfed a, five hundredthnbsp;I^umcanmil re, five hundred thousandnbsp;Pumcant re, five hundred, 500, dnbsp;Pumdalen re/ cinquefoil: a,five-leavednbsp;Pumdeg a amp; re, fifty, 50, L=Deg a deu-gainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[a deugain
Pumdegfed (50fed) a, fiftiethssDegfed Pumllyfr re, the Pentateuchnbsp;Pummed (5med) a, fifth, 5thnbsp;Pummil re, five thousand, 5000nbsp;Pumnalen re/J cinquefoilnbsp;Pumochr -au re amp; a, pentagon
Pump -au re, five, 5, v. Dodi pump
arno, to steal it
Pumplyg a, quintuple, fivefold Pumran a, quinquepartitenbsp;Pumsill a, of five syllablesnbsp;Pumtant re, pentachordnbsp;Pumtro a, of five turns or timesnbsp;Pumwaith ad, five times [equivalentnbsp;Pun re, what is equal or even: a, equal,nbsp;Punt, punnoedd, punnau nf, pound, 20nbsp;shillings, Pum punt (6p.), five poundsnbsp;Pur re, what is pure: a, pure [(£5)nbsp;Pur ad, essentially; verynbsp;Purdan re, purgatorynbsp;Purdeb, Puredd re, purity; sinceritynbsp;Puredigaeth n/, purificationnbsp;Puredigol a, purifactorynbsp;Pureiddio v, to render purenbsp;Puren -au re/ sifting-screennbsp;Puriannol a, purificativenbsp;Puriannu v, to purifynbsp;Puriant re, purifyingnbsp;Purion ad, purely; very wellnbsp;Purlan a, purely cleannbsp;Puro V, to purify, to cleansenbsp;Purol a, purifying, cleansingnbsp;Putain, einiaid tj/ whore, harlotnbsp;Puteindra re, whoredom, concubinagenbsp;Puteindy, dai re, bawdy-housenbsp;Puteinig a, whorish, adulterousnbsp;Puteinio v, to go a whoring; to commitnbsp;Puteiniol a, meretricious [fornicationnbsp;Puteiniwr, wyr re, whoremongernbsp;Pw i, pugh! tush! pshaw!
Pwca -od re, hobgoblin; fiend Pwci, ïod re, hobgoblin, goblinnbsp;Pwd re, rot in sheep; sullensnbsp;Pwdr am, rotten, corrupt: ƒ, podrnbsp;Pwdu V, to pout, to sullennbsp;Pw^ pyfiiau re, puff, sharp blastnbsp;Pwffio V, to come in puffsnbsp;Pwg re, what pushes or swells outnbsp;Pwng, pyngau re, cluster; cropnbsp;Pwnga re, gathering; whealnbsp;Pwngo V, to team; to clusternbsp;Pwngol a, teeming; clustering *
Pwl am, blunt, obtuse; dull: ƒy pol Pwl, pylau re, tit, attack, paroxysmnbsp;Pwll, pyllau re, pool; puddlenbsp;Pwmp re, round mass, lumpnbsp;Pwmpio V, to thump, to bangnbsp;Pwmplo V, to boss, to knobnbsp;Pwmplog a, bossed, knobbednbsp;Pwn, pynau re, pack; burdennbsp;Pwnc, pynciau re, point, subject; notenbsp;Pwnio V, to burden; to bangnbsp;Pwnt re, aggregate; reservoirnbsp;256
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Pwr n, what extends; worm Pwrcas -au w, purchasenbsp;Pwrcasu v, to purchase, to buynbsp;Pwsach «, loud outcrynbsp;Pwt, pytiau re, any short thingnbsp;Pwtan, Pwtog nfy squat femalenbsp;Pwtian V, to keep pokingnbsp;Pwtio V, to push, to pokenbsp;Pwtwn re, liquor; whiskynbsp;Pwtyn re, short round bodynbsp;Pwy -on re, beat; buttnbsp;Pwy ad, in advanced positionnbsp;Pwy who. Pwy by nag, whoevernbsp;Pwygilydd ad, one another. 0 bennbsp;bwygilydd, from one end to anothernbsp;Pwyadur -on re, pestlenbsp;Pwy 11 -ion re, impulse; reason, sense,nbsp;wit, discretion. Allan o bwyll, insane.nbsp;Gan bwyll, gently, carefully, by de-Pwyll a, impelling, forward [greesnbsp;Pwy Had -oedd re, impulse; reasonnbsp;Pwyligor -au re, committeenbsp;Pwyllig a, rational; discreetnbsp;Pwyllineb re, rationalitynbsp;Pwyllo V, to reason; to considernbsp;Pwyllog, Pwyllus a, rational, consideratenbsp;Pwyniad -au re, Pwyned spike, skewernbsp;Pwynt -iau re, point; plightnbsp;Pwyntel -i re, pencil; orushnbsp;Pwyntio re, to point; to perfect; to fattennbsp;Pwyntl -au re, pointed endnbsp;Pwyo re, to beat, to batter, to poundnbsp;Pwyol a, beating, batteringnbsp;Pwys -au re, state of rest; weight; poundnbsp;Pwysau re, weight [weight; importancenbsp;Pwysel -i re, bushel Pwysfawr a, heavy, weighty; momentous Pwysi re, weight, heaviness=Pwysaunbsp;Pwysig a, pressing; weighty, heavy; im-Pwyso re, to press, to weigh [portantnbsp;Pwyth -an -on re, point; stitch; gift atnbsp;a bidding. Talu pwyth, to retaliatenbsp;Pwytho re, to thrust in; to stitchnbsp;Py a, what=Pa. Py rag, wherefore,nbsp;Pybl re, energy, vigournbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[why Pyblu re, to invigorate Pybyr a, strenuous, stout, vigorousnbsp;Pybyru re, to take couragenbsp;Pybyrwch re, stoutness, vigour, valournbsp;Pyd a, dangerous Pyd -iau -oedd re, pit; snare; danger Pydew -au re, well; spring; pitnbsp;Pydol a, snaring; perilousnbsp;Pydoldeb re, dangerousnessnbsp;Pydredd re, rottenness, putriditynbsp;Pydru re, to rot, to putnfynbsp;Pydd n, state of runningnbsp;17 |
Pyddu re, to run or spread out Pyg re, pitch, rosin of pinenbsp;Pyglïain, lïeiniau re, pitch-plasternbsp;Pygliw -iau re, pitch colournbsp;Pyglys re, the wild fennelnbsp;Pygo, Pygu re, to cover with pitchnbsp;Pygwydd np (-en re/), pine-treesnbsp;Pyngu re, to teem, to clusternbsp;Pyledd, Pyli re, bluntness; dullnessnbsp;Pylgain, Pylgaint re, dawn of day; matinsnbsp;Pylongl -au nf, obtuse anglenbsp;Pylor -ion re, dust, powdernbsp;Pylori re, to powder, to pulverizenbsp;Pyloryn re, grain of powdernbsp;Pylu re, to blunt; to grow dullnbsp;Pyllu re, to pit; to form into a pitnbsp;Pymtheg a amp; re, fifteen, 15, xv. Ped-werydd ar bymtheg ar hugain, 39yddnbsp;(m). Pedwaredd ar bymtheg arnbsp;hugain, 39edd (ƒ), thirty-ninthnbsp;Pymthegfed a, fifteenth, 15th [nosnbsp;Pymthegnos -au rif, fortnight=Pythef-Pyna, Pynag ad, otherwise: a, soever. Pwy bynag, whoever. Pa bynag Pynas -au re/, tribe, nation [whatevernbsp;Pyncio re, to note; to descantnbsp;Pynciol a, noting; descantingnbsp;Pynfarch, feirch re, pack-horse; damnbsp;Pynio V, to burden, to loadnbsp;Pyniol a, burdening, loadingnbsp;Pynioreg, Pynoreg, -au re/ pack-saddlenbsp;Pyniori, Pynori re, to put on a loadnbsp;Pyr ere, what spires; fir: ad, forward,nbsp;Pfr np, lords: s, pornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ toward Pyrchwyn, Pyrgwyn re, crest of a helmet Pyrdwyo re, to point forward [or plumenbsp;Pyrwydd np (-en re/), sprucenbsp;Pys np (-en ?/), pease; pulsenbsp;Pysg -od ere, nsh: s, pysgodynnbsp;Pysglud re, isinglass, ichthyocolnbsp;Pysgodfa -oedd nf, fisherynbsp;Pysgodlyn -oedd -au re, fishpondnbsp;Pysgodyn, pysgod n, single fishnbsp;Pysgol a, piscatory, of fishnbsp;Pysgota re, to fish, to anglenbsp;Pysgotwr, Pysgodwr, wyr re, fishermannbsp;Pysgydd -ion re, ichthyologistnbsp;Pysgyddiaeth nf, ichthyologynbsp;Pystylad re, restless motionnbsp;Pystyled re, to be agog; to capernbsp;Pystylwyn -au re, saddle cruppernbsp;Pyth -oedd re, period; world: ad, ever,nbsp;Pythefnos -au re/ fortnight [nevernbsp;Pythol a, for ever, eternal=Bytholnbsp;Python re, system of the worldnbsp;Pythorire,to be anxious [complete ;perfectnbsp;Pyw -ion re, member, limb: a, in order-257 |
Rhab force; control, constraint Rhabu ü, to control, to check [spinenbsp;Rhac -au w, what is opposite; wrest;nbsp;Rhac pVf before, from; lorssRhagnbsp;Rhaca -on nf, spectacle, show: n, rakenbsp;Khacai, eion, Rhacan -au w, rakenbsp;Rhacanu v, to rake, to scrapenbsp;Rhaciant n, advancementnbsp;Rhacio tgt;, to come forwardnbsp;Rhaco, Rhacw ad^ yonder, therenbsp;Rhactal -au w, frontlet, frontpiecenbsp;Rhach «, what is forced outnbsp;Rhad -au », grace, favournbsp;Rhad a, free; gratuitous; cheapnbsp;Rhadfawr a, gracious; virtuousnbsp;Rhadferth a, beneficentnbsp;Rhadferthwch n, beneficencenbsp;Rhadforedd «, graciousnessnbsp;Rhadlawn a, gracious, kind; serenenbsp;Rhadlonaeth nf, Rhadlondeb n, gra-Rhadloni v, to be gracious [ciousnessnbsp;Rhadrodd -ion nf, free giftnbsp;Rhadu V, to render freenbsp;Rhadwehyn a, free-diffusingnbsp;Rhadd n, advance, going onnbsp;Rhae, rheiau nf constraint; battlenbsp;Rhael n, bent, inclinationnbsp;Rhaf n, spread, diffusionnbsp;Rhafnwydd np (-en nf), buckthornsnbsp;Rhafol np, service-tree berriesnbsp;Rhafon np, berries growing in clusters;
service-tree berries Rhafu V, to spread, to diffusenbsp;Rhaff -au, Rhaffan nf rope, cordnbsp;Rhaffio V, to rope, to make a ropenbsp;Rhaffwr, wyr n, ropemakernbsp;Rhag -ion n, front, van; entrancenbsp;Rhag pr, before, against; from; lest:nbsp;px, pre-, fore-, ante-, before. Rhagnbsp;Haw, henceforth. Rhag yna, thenceforward. Rhag yno, thenceforth.nbsp;Myned rhagddo, to go on, to go forward. Rhag may be prefixed to verbsnbsp;and their derivatives generally, as:—nbsp;Rhagachub, to get foremost. —ad-rodd, to relate beforehand, to rehearse.nbsp;—-agori, to open before. —agweddu, tonbsp;preform. —alw, to call beforehand.nbsp;—ammheu, to doubt beforehand. —an-fon, to send before. —arfaethu, to predestinate, to predispose. —arganfod,nbsp;to foresee. —arwain, to lead before.nbsp;—ateb, to reply beforehand. —attal,nbsp;to witnhold. —barodi, —barotoi, tonbsp;prepare before. —benodi, to predeter
mine. —brofi, to foretaste. —brynu, to forestall. —bwyso, to weigh before.nbsp;—chwedlu, to prologue. —chwilio, tonbsp;search before. —debygu, to presuppose,nbsp;—deimlo, to feel beforehand. —der-fynu, to predetermine. —drefnu, tonbsp;preordain. —dybio, to preconceive.nbsp;—ddangos, to premonstrate. —ddar-bodi, to provide before. —ddarlunio,nbsp;to prefigure. —ddarmerthu, to preparenbsp;beforehand. —ddarparu, to furnishnbsp;before. —ddeall, to understand before.
dderbyn, to receive before. —ddewis, to choose beforehand, to pre-elect. —nbsp;ddiogelu, to secure beforehand. —ddir-nad, to presurmise. —ddodi, to prepose,nbsp;to prefix. —ddyddio, to antedate. —nbsp;ddywedyd, to foretell; to gainsay. —nbsp;edrycli, to look before. —erchi, to prerequire. —ethol, to pre-elect. —farnu,nbsp;to prejudge. —flaenu, to precede, tonbsp;go before. —foddio, to please beforehand. —fyfyrio, to premeditate. —nbsp;tyned, to go before. —fynegu, to pre-nunciate. —fyrhau, to foreshorten,nbsp;—ganfod, to foresee. —to heapnbsp;before or in front. —glywed, to hearnbsp;before. —haeddu, to premerit. —holi,nbsp;to examine before. —iamu, to step before. —lefain, to proclaim. —lewychu,nbsp;to illume before. —lunio, to perform;nbsp;to provide. —nodi, to mark before.nbsp;—noethi, to mark bare before. —osod,nbsp;to set before. —redeg, to forerun, tonbsp;precede. —reithio, to deliberate. —nbsp;rithio, to dissimulate. —ruthro, tonbsp;rush forward. —rwymo, to bind before, —rwystro,to preclude. —rybuddio,nbsp;to forewarn, to premonish. —sefydlu,nbsp;to pre-establish. —sylwi, to remarknbsp;beforehand. —syllu, to look forward.nbsp;—synied, to prem.editate. —-weini, tonbsp;serve before. —weled, to foresee. —nbsp;werthu, to sell previously. —wirio, tonbsp;certify before. —wybod, to foreknow.nbsp;—ymegnïo, to pre-exert one’s self. —nbsp;ymgais, to attempt beforehand. —ym-guddio, to hide one’s self beforehand.nbsp;—ymlid, to pursue before. —ymor-chestu, to exert one’s self beforehand.
ymroddi, to pre-resign. —ymrwymo, to bind one’s self beforehand. —7®'nbsp;tumio, to mould into form beforehand.nbsp;—ystyrio, to precogitatenbsp;Rhagadail, eiliau nf out-buildingnbsp;Rhagadrodd -ion n, prefacenbsp;Rhagaddewid -ion nf previous promisenbsp;258
-ocr page 263-RHAG (^See RhAG px.)nbsp;RHAG
RHAG (^See RhAG px.)nbsp;RHAG
Rhagaddfed a, precocious Khagafael -ion n, previous holdnbsp;Rhagangen -ion nf, prior necessitynbsp;Rhagair, eiriau n, leading wordnbsp;Rhagamcan -ion n, prenotionnbsp;Rhagammod -au previous agreementnbsp;Rhagamnaid, neidiau nf, previous signalnbsp;Rliagamser -oedd -au n, previous timenbsp;Rhagansawdd, soddion n, prior qualitynbsp;Rhagaraeth, areithiau nf, preface; prolegomena (s, prolegomenon)nbsp;Rhagarawd, odion nf exordiumnbsp;Rhagarchwaeth -au n, foretastenbsp;Rhagarfaeth -au nf, predestinationnbsp;Rhagarfog a, forearmednbsp;Rhagargoel -ion nf foretokennbsp;Rhagarian n, earnest moneynbsp;Khagarlwy -on n, prepared foodnbsp;Rhagarnawdd nf plough tailnbsp;Rhagarswyd n, previous dreadnbsp;Rhagarwedd nf predispositionnbsp;Rhagarwydd -ion nf prognostic; symp-Rhagateb -ion n, prior answer [tomnbsp;Rbagattal n, withholdingnbsp;Rhagawd, odion n, going before; goingnbsp;against; oppositionnbsp;Rhagawd v, to go before; to stopnbsp;Rhagawdl, odlau nf leading rhymenbsp;Rhagawl a, opposite, opposingnbsp;Rhagbenaeth -raid n, vicegerentnbsp;Rhagbenrhaith -iaid n, proconsulnbsp;Rhagborth, byrth n, outer gatenbsp;Rhagbryder n, precautionnbsp;Rhagchwaeth n, foretastenbsp;Rhagchwareu -on n, preludenbsp;Rhagchwegr-au nf grandmother-in-lawnbsp;Rhagchwegrwn n, grandfather-in-lawnbsp;Rhagdal -ion n, payment beforehandnbsp;Rhagder n, advanced postnbsp;Rhagdestyn -au n, preliminary themenbsp;Rhagdraethawd, odau n, prolegomenanbsp;Rhagdy, dai n, outhousenbsp;Rhagdyb -iau nf preconceitnbsp;Rhagdyn n, fore-draughtnbsp;Rhagdyst -ion n, prior witness [toothnbsp;Rhagddant, ddannedd, ddaint n, fore-Rhagddarlun -iau n, prefigurationnbsp;Rhagddarn -au n, fore-piecenbsp;Rhagddawd, ddodion, ddodau n, prefixnbsp;Rhagddawn, ddoniau n, previous giftnbsp;Rhagddelw -au nf, prototypenbsp;Rhagddewis -au nf, previous choicenbsp;Rhagddirnad n, presurmisenbsp;Rhagddodiad, iaid n, preposition, prefixnbsp;Rhagddodiad -au n, preceding position;
prefixing, affixing Rhagddrws, ddrysau n, outer door
Rhagddychymmyg -ion n, presupposal Rhagddyled -inn nf, prior debtnbsp;Rhagddywediad n, gainsaying, contra-Rhagenw -au n, pronoun [dictionnbsp;Rhagenwol a, pronominalnbsp;Rhagfarn -au nf prejudicenbsp;Rhagfed a, foremost, anteriornbsp;Rhagfeddiant, iannau n, preoccupancynbsp;Rhagfeddyliad n, precogitationnbsp;Rhagflas w, foretastenbsp;Rhagfod n, prior existencenbsp;Rhagfoel a, bald beforenbsp;Rhagfraint, freintiau nf prerogativenbsp;Rhagfrawd, frodau nf prejudicationnbsp;Rhagfur -iau n, contramurenbsp;Rhagfwriad n, forecastingnbsp;Rhagfyr n, Decembernbsp;Rhagffysg n, forward hastenbsp;Rhaggaer -au nf advance worknbsp;Rhagglod -au -ydd nf former framenbsp;Rhaggymmeriad n, prolepsisnbsp;Rhaghanfod n, pre-existencenbsp;Rhagial v, to controvertnbsp;Rhaglafar a, prolocutorynbsp;Rhaglaw -iaid n, deputy; lieutenantnbsp;Rhaglawn n, first filling innbsp;Rhaglith -iau-oedd n^ prelection, prefacenbsp;Rhaglofydd -ion n, vicegerentnbsp;Rhagluniaeth nf providencenbsp;Rhagluniaethol a, providentialnbsp;Rhaglyd n, forecast; providencenbsp;Rhaglym a, sharp-frontednbsp;Rhaglys -oedd n, court leetnbsp;Rhaglyw -iaid n, deputy governor; pre-Rhaglywiaeth nf prefecture [feetnbsp;Rhagneuadd -au nf anteroomnbsp;Rhagodfa -on nf ambuscadenbsp;Rhagodi v, to get beforenbsp;Rhagofal -on n, precautionnbsp;Rhagolwg, ygonw, prospect; foresightnbsp;Rhagor -ion -au n, superiority; differ-Rhagorddwyn a, excellent [ence; morenbsp;Rhagorfraint, freintiau nf prerogativenbsp;Rhagorgamp -au if, superior featnbsp;Rhagori v, to excel, to surpassnbsp;Rhagoriaeth, Rhagoriant n, excellence;nbsp;Rhagorineb n, superiority (differencenbsp;Rhagorol a, superior, excellentnbsp;Rhagoroldeb n, excellencenbsp;Rhagraith^ reithiau nf deliberationnbsp;Rhagred -ion nf prior coursenbsp;Riiagrediad n, forerunningnbsp;Rhagrith -ion n, hypocrisynbsp;Rhagrithiant n, simulation I critenbsp;Rhagrithiwr, wyr n, dissimulator, hypo-Rhagsail, seiliau prior foundationnbsp;Rhagsain, seiniau nf leading soundnbsp;259
-ocr page 264-RHAN {8ee RHAG^^aJ.)nbsp;RHED
Rliagu v, to get before; to oppose Rhagwahan », leading division; termnbsp;in prosody Rhagwahannod -au nhnf^ semicolon (;) Rhagwan, Rhagwant -au w, leadingnbsp;division Rhagwas, weision w, deputy servant Rhagwedd -au nf^ presencenbsp;Rhagwisg -oedd «ƒ, fore-garmentnbsp;Rnagvvn n, scarecrownbsp;Rhagwybodaeth nf^ foreknowledgenbsp;Rhagwyneb a,forthcoming: pr, in pre-Rhagwys -iau nf^ premonition [sence ofnbsp;Rhagymadrodd -ion w, prefacenbsp;Rhagymddwyn ra, prolepsisnbsp;Rliagynys -oedd nf^ adjacent islenbsp;Rhag^rwedd -au nf^ threatening aspectnbsp;Rhagysgrif -au nf^ prescriptnbsp;Rhagystafell -oedd nf^ antechambernbsp;Rhagystawd, ystodion nf^ foremost layernbsp;Rhang nf^ content; fulfilmentnbsp;Rhangu v, to fulfil; to satisfynbsp;Rhaha, Rhahawd w, forcing; impulsenbsp;Rhai nn, few: a, somenbsp;Rhaiad w, radiationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fall Rhaiadr -au, rheieidr nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;cataract, water- Rhaiadru v, to spout out Rhaiadu v, to radiate, to raynbsp;Rhaib, rheibiau «ƒ, snatch; greednbsp;Rhaid, rheidiau w, need, necessitynbsp;Rhaid a, needful, necessarynbsp;Rhaidd, rheiddiau nf^ ray; spearnbsp;Rhaien nf^ ray, skatenbsp;Rliail, rheiliau wc, rail; paddlestaff: s,nbsp;Rhain wc, lances, spearsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[rheilen Rhain a, tending forward Rhaint w, what is pervasivenbsp;Rhaith, rheithiau nf^ right; law; jurynbsp;Rhal -oedd «, character, dispositionnbsp;Rhalu 2gt;, to charcterizenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mance Rhamant -au nf^ token; metaphor; ro-Rhamant a, exalting; romantic Rhamanta v, to use hyperbolenbsp;Rhamantol, Rhamantus a, romanticnbsp;Rhamp w, running outnbsp;Rharau v, to rise; to soarnbsp;Rhan -au nf^ part, share, portion, division, section. Mewn rhan, partlynbsp;Rhan ad, on the part of; becausenbsp;Rhanc w, desire, craving: a, content;nbsp;Rhancol a, craving,wanting[satisfactorynbsp;Rhancbodd ?i, satisfactionnbsp;Rhancboddiaeth w, enjoymentnbsp;Rhancu to crave, to wantnbsp;Rhandir -oedd nf^ region; shareland; hamlet; district; division Rliandy, dai house-room |
Rhanedigaeth nf^ distribution Rhanedigol a, distributivenbsp;Rhangymmeriad n, participlenbsp;Rhanu tgt;, to part, to dividenbsp;Rhasg nf^ slice, shavenbsp;Rtiasgl -au w/J sheer; draw-knifenbsp;Rhas^lio w, to use a sheernbsp;Rhath «, cleared spot; plainnbsp;Rhathell -au nf^ rasp, rough filenbsp;Rhathellu v, to use a rasp, to raspnbsp;Rhathiad ??, rubbing offnbsp;Rhathlyn -oedd -au w, embrocationnbsp;Rhau rheuau w/*, band, chainnbsp;Rhaw -iau, rhotiau nf^ shovel, spadenbsp;Rhawaid, eidiau nf^ shovelfulnbsp;Rhawbal -au nf^ iron-edged shovelnbsp;Rhawbalar nf^ delving-spadenbsp;Khawch w, what is extremenbsp;Rhawd -au w/, course, route; crowdnbsp;Rhawden footstep, pathnbsp;Rhawdd what is clearnbsp;Rhawel «, what is clusterednbsp;Rhawffon, ffyn nf^ shovel handlenbsp;Rhawg ac?, for a long whilenbsp;Rhawio v, to shovelnbsp;Rhawlech -i nf^ slice, shovel; peelnbsp;Rhawn wc, coarse long hair; horse hair. Rhawn yr ebol, stonewort Rhawnu v, to grow to long hairnbsp;Rhawnyn single hairnbsp;Khawoi n, cluster, bunchnbsp;Rhawr, rhorau «ƒ, roar, loud noisenbsp;Rhawter nf^ tumultuous routnbsp;Rhawtio v, to hurry onnbsp;Rhawth n, greed; a, greedynbsp;Rhe -on nf^ swift motion^ runnbsp;Rhe a, fleet, speedy; activenbsp;Rhead running; currencynbsp;Rheadu v, to cause a runningnbsp;Rhean tj/J streamlet, rillnbsp;Rheawl a, running, currentnbsp;Rheb w, run by, going offnbsp;Rhebydd -ion n, desolatornbsp;Rhecio v, to hackneynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ravages Rhechdor, dyr w, what breaks out or Rhed -ion nf^ course, race, runnbsp;Rhedain v, to keep runningnbsp;Rhfedant, aint », courser, racernbsp;Rhedeg nf^ run: a, runningnbsp;Rhedeg, Khedu v, to run, to racenbsp;Rhedegfa, fëydd nf, race-course; racenbsp;Rnedegfarch, feirch «, race-horsenbsp;Rhedegiad w, running, racenbsp;Rhedegog a, running, current, flowingnbsp;Rhedegwr, wyr, Rhedegydd -ion, Rhed-ydd -ion w, runner, racernbsp;Rhedfa, fëydd course, runnbsp;260 |
Rheidioli v, to render needful Rheidus a, necessitous, needynbsp;Rheidusni n, neediness, neednbsp;Bheiduso v, to render needynbsp;Rheidusyn, rheidusion n, paupernbsp;Rheiddin a, radiating; profusenbsp;Rheiddio v, to radiate; to dart [atingnbsp;Rheiddiol a, gleaming; darting; radi-Rheiddogion np, radiata, radiariesnbsp;Rheiddyn n, dart, glancenbsp;Rheilen, rheiliau rf, single railnbsp;Rheilffordd, ffyrdd nf railway, railroadnbsp;Rheinio v, to throw a lancenbsp;Rheio V, to radiate, to gleamnbsp;Rheithbrawf, brofion n, trial by jurynbsp;Rheitheg nf canon of speech; rhetoricnbsp;Rheithfawr a, greatly justnbsp;Rheithiad n, regulationnbsp;Rheithiadol a, canonicalnbsp;Rheithiadur -on n, regulator; canonnbsp;Rheitbio v, to hx a law, to regulatenbsp;Rheithiol a, established as lawnbsp;Rheithioreg nf rhetoricnbsp;Rheithiwr, wyr n, jurymannbsp;Rheithlyfr -au n, codenbsp;Rheithor -iaid n, rectornbsp;Rheithysgrif -au nf bill (in Parliament)nbsp;Rhelyw n, trail; residue, the restnbsp;Rhem n, what runs outnbsp;Rhemiad n, running outnbsp;Rhemial n, muttering, murmurnbsp;Rhemmwth to, gorbelly; gluttonnbsp;Rhemog 7f, swelling paunchnbsp;Rhemp rf excess; frenzy: a, bewitched,nbsp;Rhempiad to, infatuationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[crazy
Rhempian v, to snatch greedily Rhempio v, to run to excessnbsp;Rhên TO, the supreme, the Lordnbsp;Rhen nf brook, rivuletnbsp;Rhenc -iau nf, row, ranknbsp;Rhencio v, to place in a rownbsp;Rhent -i to, income; rentnbsp;Rhentu to, to get income; to rentnbsp;Rheol -au nf, rule, ordernbsp;Rheolaeth, Kheoledigaeth nf regulationnbsp;Rheolaidd a, orderly, regularnbsp;Rheoli TO, to order, to sway, to rulenbsp;Rheolus a, orderly, regularnbsp;Rheolwr, wyr «, one who orders; rulernbsp;Rhes -i -au nf row, ranknbsp;Rhesel -i, Rhestl -au to, rack, gratenbsp;Rheselu to, to form a racknbsp;Rhesio to, to set in a row, to rangenbsp;Rhestog -au nf plaited work; matnbsp;Rhestr -i nf array, order, rank; listnbsp;Rhestredigaeth nf, arrangementnbsp;Rhestrig nf row, range
Rhedgyr w, long snout Rhediad n, runningnbsp;Rhediant n, currency; coursenbsp;Rhedol lt;2, current, runningnbsp;Rhedusiad, iaid n, wanderernbsp;Rhedwas, weision n, running footmannbsp;Rhedweli, ïau nf, arterynbsp;Rhedyn np (-en iif), fernnbsp;Rhedyna v, to gather fern [gling fernnbsp;Rliedynach, Rhedyniach np, small strag-Rhedyneg iif, fern brakenbsp;Rliedynog a, abounding with fernnbsp;Rhedynos -ydd nc, small fern brakenbsp;Rhedd -au n, joint, articulationnbsp;Rheddiad n, jointingnbsp;Rlief -au nf, bundle: a, bundled; thicknbsp;Rhefedd n, thickness aboutnbsp;Rhefiant n, thickness, bulknbsp;Rheflog a, blubbering, puffynbsp;Rhefog -au nf, bandage, bandnbsp;Rhefol a, thickening; aggregatingnbsp;Rhefr -au n, anus, rectum; fundamentnbsp;Rhefrog a, large-bottomednbsp;Rhefrolch -ion n, clyster, enemanbsp;Rhefrrwym n, costiveness: a, costivenbsp;Rhefu V, to thicken roundnbsp;Rheffyn -au n, small rope; yarn, rigma-Rheg -ion nf gift, donation [rolenbsp;Rheg -au nf curse, imprecationnbsp;Rhegain v, to keep mutteringnbsp;Rheged nf liberality, bountynbsp;Rhegen -od nf screaïcer; quailnbsp;Rhegta, feydd nf curse; maledictionnbsp;Rheglyd a, given to cursingnbsp;Rhegu V, to consign; to cursenbsp;Rheng -oedd nf row, ranknbsp;Rhengiad n, setting in a rownbsp;Rheian -au nf streak, stripenbsp;Rheianu v, to streak, to stripenbsp;Rheibes -au nf witch, charmernbsp;Rheibiadaeth nf witcherynbsp;Rheibiadu v, to fascinate, to bewitchnbsp;Rheibiadus a, fascinating; rapaciousnbsp;Rheibiaeth nf rapacity; witcherynbsp;Rheibiant forcible possessingnbsp;Rheibio v, to sei^e, to catch; to captivate, to bewitch, to fascinatenbsp;Rheibiol a, seizing; bewitchingnbsp;Rheibioldeb n, seized state [fascinatornbsp;Rheibiwr, wyr n, spoiler; depredator;nbsp;Rheibus a, rapacious, greedy; of preynbsp;Rheidedd n, necessity, want, neednbsp;Rheidiannu v, to necessitatenbsp;Rheidiant n, necessity, want, neednbsp;Rheidio v, to necessitate, to neednbsp;Rheidiol a, necessary, needfulnbsp;Rheidioldeb ?i, necessariness
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Rhestrog a, rowed; plaited, matted Rhestrol a, ordinal; arrayednbsp;Rhestru to range; to marshalnbsp;Rhesu Vy to place in a row, to rangenbsp;Rheswm, ymau n, reason, sensenbsp;Rhesymeg «ƒ, logicnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[able
Rhesymol rational,reasonable; toler-Rhesymoldeb w, rationality, reasonable-Rhesymoliaeth 7if, rationalism [ness Rhesymolig a, rationalistic f rationalistnbsp;Rhesymolwr, wyr, Rhesymoliad, laid 7i.nbsp;Rhesymu v, to reason, to arguenbsp;Rhethr -au, Rhethren nfy lance, pikenbsp;Rheu r, to run about; to movenbsp;Rheuedd n, activity, agilitynbsp;Rheufedd affluence, plentynbsp;Rhew -oedd n, what is slippery; frostnbsp;Rhewi Vy to freeze; to be freezingnbsp;Rhewin -au downfall, ruinnbsp;Rhewino v, to ruin, to destroynbsp;Rhewllyd, Rhewlyd a, frosty, freezingnbsp;Rhewydd-n, wantonness; lust: a, wan-Rhewogydd np, frosts [ ton; lustfulnbsp;Rhewyddu v, to satisfy lustnbsp;Rhewyn -au n, drain, gutternbsp;Rhewys a, wanting, lustingnbsp;Rhi -au -on n, wliat is specific; chiefnbsp;Rhiaidd a, notable, pre-eminentnbsp;Rhial nf, original lineage: a, noblenbsp;Rhialtwch, Rhialltwch n, splendour,nbsp;pomp, state
Rniallu -oedd «, one hundred thousand Rhian -edd -od, rhiain n/, dame, ladynbsp;Rhianaidd a, feminine; femalenbsp;Rhianon nfy goddess, nymphnbsp;Rhiant, aint nc, parent, sourcenbsp;Rhib -ion n, streak; dribbletnbsp;Rhibib -au nf, reed pipe; hautboynbsp;Rhibin -iau n, scanty row, streaknbsp;Rhibio Vy to streak; to dribblenbsp;Rhic -iau », notch; groovenbsp;Rhicio Vy to notch; to groovenbsp;Rhiciol a, notching; groovingnbsp;Rhico Vy to tear, to rend (=Rhwygo);
to brag, to boast Rhid -iau n, dram; semennbsp;Rhidens np, fringesnbsp;Rhidio V, to drain; to secretenbsp;Rhidyll -iau n, riddle, sievenbsp;Rhidyllio v, to riddle, to siftnbsp;Rhidys -au n, drain; rillnbsp;Rhidysio v, to flow dribblinglynbsp;Rhidd -iau n, centre; obstaclenbsp;Rhiddio a, to centre; to repelnbsp;Rhiedd ?i, governancenbsp;Rhieddu v, to act as a chiefnbsp;Rhieiniol a, feminine
Rhieni np ancestry, parents Rhienïaeth n/, parentagenbsp;Rhienïol a, parentalnbsp;Rhies -au n/, dame, ladynbsp;Rhif -au n, number; what dividesnbsp;Rhifeb -ion nf, figure, numeralnbsp;Rhifedi n, numbernbsp;Rhifedi np^ numbers: s, rhifednbsp;Rhifedigaeth n/J Rhifiant n, numerationnbsp;Rhifedydd -ion, Rhitiedydd -ion n, numeratornbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[arithmetic
Rhifedyddiaeth nf, art of numbering, Rhifedd n, numerousnessnbsp;Rhifiad n, numbering, countingnbsp;Rhifiannol a, numerarynbsp;Rhifiannu v, to numeratenbsp;Rhifiog a, numerous, manynbsp;Rhifnod -au 7lƒ amp; n, numeralnbsp;Rhifnodiad n, numerationnbsp;Rhifnodol a, numerical, numeralnbsp;Rhifo, Rhifnodi v, to numerate, to number, to count, to reckonnbsp;Rhifol a, numeral, numericalnbsp;Rhifyddeg, Rhifyddiaeth nf, arithmeticnbsp;Rhifyn -au w, single number, numbernbsp;Rhiff -iau «, what divides or partsnbsp;Rhifft n, what is divided, riftnbsp;Rhig -au n, notch, groove; the pillorynbsp;Rhign -au n, notch, groovenbsp;Rhignedd n, notched partnbsp;Rhigo Vy to notch, to groovenbsp;Rhigod -au n, pillorynbsp;Rhigol -au nf, groove; trenchnbsp;Rhigoli Vy to groove; to trenchnbsp;Rhigolydd -ion n, groove planenbsp;Rhigwm, ymau», long row; rote; rhymenbsp;Rhigymu v, to say by rote; to rhyme,nbsp;Rhigymwr, wyr n, rhymster [to versifynbsp;Rhing «, creak, clinknbsp;Rhingwar n, clamp
Rhingyll-od «, serjaint; beadle; bailiff Rhyngyllaeth nf, serjeantshipnbsp;Rhil -ion n, intersticenbsp;Rhill -iau nf, row; trench; drillnbsp;Rhillio Vy to row; to drillnbsp;Rhim -iau », rim, edgenbsp;Rhimio v, to rim, to edgenbsp;Rhimp -iau n, rim, extremitynbsp;Rhimpyn -au «, extremity; rhymenbsp;Rhimyn -au n, rim, edgenbsp;Rhimynu v, to form a rimnbsp;Rhin -iau -ion nfy what pervades; channel; virtue; secret; charmnbsp;Rhine-iau »ƒ, creak; gnash; quailnbsp;Rhincian, Rhincio v,to creak; to gnashnbsp;Rhinciol a, creaking; clackingnbsp;Rhincyn n, creak, clink, gnash; clacknbsp;262
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Rliinfawr a, greatly endowed Rhinio t?, to endue with a virtue; to usenbsp;Rhiniol a, mysterious, secret [mysterynbsp;Rhinon pattern of virtuenbsp;Rbint -iau n, notch, groovenbsp;Rhintaeh a, notched, grooved, jaggednbsp;Rhin vedd -au nf^ virtue; mysterynbsp;Rhinvreddol a, virtuousnbsp;Rhinweddoldeb w, virtuousnessnbsp;Rhinweddu to give a virtuenbsp;Rhiol ö, noble, royalnbsp;Rhioli Vy to manage, to rulenbsp;Rhip -iau n, over-skip; instrument tonbsp;Rhipai hatchelnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[whet scythes Rhipio, Rhipo v, to pass or skip over; to whet (scythes) Rhis -iau w, what is broken into points Rhisellt -i nf, grater, raspnbsp;Rhisgen -au nf^ dish or bowl of barknbsp;Rhisgl, Rhisg ow, bark, coat, rindnbsp;Rhlsglo, Rhisgo v, to bark, to strip ofnbsp;Rhisglog a, having bark [bark, to peeinbsp;Rhisglyn, Rhisgyn piece of barknbsp;Rhit n, tendency forwardnbsp;Rhith -iau guise, appearance, semblance; embryo, germnbsp;Rhithledd apparentnessnbsp;Rhithiant w, appearancenbsp;Rhithio 2?, to appear, to seemnbsp;Khithiol a, appearing, seeming, apparentnbsp;Rliithiogaeth n/) appearancenbsp;Khithiogi v, to give appearancenbsp;Rhithyn w, small particle, atomnbsp;Rhiw -iau nf^ drift; ascent; acclivity,nbsp;Rho w, what is put off; gift [slopenbsp;Rhoc fly rocking, shakenbsp;Rhocas «, lad, youthnbsp;Rhocian to keep rockingnbsp;Rhocos wpy broken particlesnbsp;Rhoch nfy grunt, groannbsp;Rhochain, Rhochian ti,to keep gruntingnbsp;Rhochan, Rhochiad », gruntingnbsp;Riioclii Vy to grunt, to growl [orbitnbsp;Rhod -au w/, orb; wheel; the ecliptic,nbsp;Khodell -au nf^ whirl, spindlenbsp;Rhodellu to whirlnbsp;Rhoden «/J switch, whipnbsp;Rhodfa, f ëydd nfy course; corridor; walknbsp;Rhodian, Rhodiana, Rhodiena Vy to strollnbsp;Rhodienai nf, gadding gossip [aboutnbsp;Rhodienol a, ambulatorynbsp;Rhodio Vy to walk about; to walk; tonbsp;Rhodl -au nfy paddle, scull [traversenbsp;lihodle -oedd nf course, range; terracenbsp;Rhodii Vy to paddle, to scullnbsp;Rhodol a, wheeling; wanderingnbsp;Rhodre nfy career, course |
Rhodres ostentation, pomp f pompous Rhodresgar, Rhodresol a, ostentatious, Rhodresu v, to swagger, to flauntnbsp;Rhodreswr, wyr boaster; swaggerernbsp;Rhodwedd -i nf orbit, coursenbsp;Rhodwydd ?i, open coursenbsp;Rhodd -ion nf gift, presentnbsp;Rhoddedigaeth nf donationnbsp;Rhoddi Vy to give, to bestownbsp;Rhoddiannol a, donativenbsp;Rhoddiant n, donationnbsp;Rhoddol a, giving, bestowingnbsp;Rhoddwr, wyr w, giver, bestower, donornbsp;Rhofio Vy to shovei=Rhawionbsp;Rhogl -au 7iy scent, odour, smellnbsp;Rhogledd n, scentednessnbsp;Rhogli V, to scent, to smellnbsp;Rhoi V, to give, to bestow; to put. Rhoinbsp;un ar ddeall, to inform onenbsp;Rhoi -iau nf, roll, cylindernbsp;Rnolbren -i -au n, rolling-pinnbsp;Rholen nf roll, rollernbsp;Rholian, Rholio v, to roll, to turn roundnbsp;Kholyn «, roll, roller; chubnbsp;Rhon -iau nf tail; pike, lancenbsp;Rhone -iau nfy sinking [strong, sturdynbsp;Rhone a, sonorous, hollow-sounding;nbsp;Rhonca a, sinking, swaggingnbsp;Rhoncian v, to sink, to become hollownbsp;Rhonell -od 'ify tail; hair of a tailnbsp;Rhonellog a, having a tailnbsp;Rhonos npy small broken particlesnbsp;Rhont -iau ffy frisk, gambolnbsp;Rhonten nfy merry frisker: w, rhontynnbsp;Rhos -ydd nf moor, waste or coarsenbsp;Rhos np (-yn n), roses [highlandnbsp;Rhosdir -oedd u, moorlandnbsp;Rhoslyd a, moory Rhosp -au iiy whim, trick; doggerel Rhospai nc, doggerel rhymsternbsp;Rhost a, dried, browned over, roastednbsp;Rhostio Vy to brown over, to roastnbsp;Rhostog -ion », the plovernbsp;Rhosyn -au n, rose: f, rhosennbsp;Rhoth afy loose; hollow: w, rhwthnbsp;Rhu ny loud utterance, roarnbsp;Rhuad -on w, roaring; loquacitynbsp;Rlmadol a, roaring, blusteringnbsp;Rhuadu Vy to make a roaringnbsp;Rhuadwy, Rhuain a, roaring; blusteringnbsp;Rhuch Uy film; husknbsp;Rhuchen nf coat, film, husk; jerkinnbsp;Rhuchion np (-yn n), husks; filmsnbsp;Rhuchioni v, to clear of husksnbsp;Rhud w, rue Rhudd ruddy hue; crimson Rhuddain a, crimson |
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Rhudded w, red streak; path Bhuddel w, ruddy hue; glownbsp;Rhuddeli, ion red salvenbsp;Bhuddell -au nf, ruddle, red ochre tonbsp;mark sheep; rubricnbsp;Rhuddellen nf, one of a ruddy huènbsp;Rhuddellu to stain with crimsonnbsp;Rhuddem -au n/, ruby; garnetnbsp;Rhudden -au nf^ red streak; rubynbsp;Rhuddfa, fëy^d, Bhuddfan -au nf^nbsp;parched spot
Rhuddfaog a, crimson-stained Bhuddfelyn a, orange yellow:nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;rhudd-
Rhuddgoch a, pink red nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[felen
Rhuddin heart of timber Rhuddion np, husksnbsp;Rhuddlas a, crimson bluenbsp;Bhuddlwyd a, russet colournbsp;Rhuddo V, to make crimsonnbsp;Ehuddog -ion w, the redbreastnbsp;Bhuddos np^ marigoldnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[trees
Ehuddwern np (-en w/), bird cherry-Bhuddygl w, the raddish Bhueinell -au «/*, clarionnbsp;Bhuf n, what breaks out; flushnbsp;Bhufell -od nf^ the fish roachnbsp;Rhufon w, reddened one; warriornbsp;Rhug w, what has breaks or pointsnbsp;Bhugl a, free, ready; fluent; rifenbsp;Rhugledd w, quick motion; fluencynbsp;Rhuglen -i nj^ drum; brushnbsp;Bhuglgroen, grwyn rattle made ofnbsp;dry skin with stones in itnbsp;Bhugliad, Bhuglad «, friction; clearancenbsp;Bhuglo V, to clear, to smooth, to rubnbsp;Bhull a, rife; frank; rash, hastynbsp;Bhullder, Rhulledd frankness; rashnbsp;Bhumen w/, paunchnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness'
Bhummwth n, greedy-gut, glutton Bhumog a, rotund: w/J paunchnbsp;Khun w, lavish onenbsp;Bhuo n, to roar; to talk loudlynbsp;Bhuol a, roaring; loquaciousnbsp;Bhuon w, ravager; warriornbsp;Bhus -oedd w, start, recoil; reynardnbsp;Bhusgar a, apt to start; restivenbsp;Bhuso, Rhusio v, to start; to hesitatenbsp;Bhusoi a, starting; hesitatingnbsp;Bhutb w, breaking out or from; rushnbsp;Bhuthr -au n, rush, assault; attack;
sally; good while Bhuthi'o V, to rush; to assault; to sallynbsp;Ehuthrolnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;rushing; assailing
Khwch -ion n, Bhuwchen nf, exterior Bhwb w, rub, chafenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[coat; rug
Rhwbio, Rhwbian u, to rub, to chafe Bhwch n, what is rough; grunt
Bhwchial n, grunting, grunt Rhwchial, Rhwchiala v, to gruntnbsp;Rhwchial a, gruntingnbsp;Rhwchws w, ray, skatenbsp;Rhwd sediment; smut; rust; oxidenbsp;Rhwdog a, covered with rustnbsp;Rhwf w, what swells or puffs outnbsp;Rhwg w, what projects; rubnbsp;Rhwgn, rhygnau n, rub, frictionnbsp;Rhwng 7Ï, intermediacy: pr^ between,nbsp;among. Khyngoch chwi ac ef, between you and him. Rhwng pawbnbsp;a’u gilydd, between one and anothernbsp;Rhwmp n, borer, augernbsp;Rhwnc snort, snore; rattlenbsp;Rhwnen single pearnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[rough
Rhwnsi w, rough-coated horse: a, coarse, Rhwnt n, what covers overnbsp;Rhwnyn np (-en nf \ pearsnbsp;Rhws n, cultivatea regionnbsp;Rhwysg what is large or ranknbsp;Rhwtio?;, to corrode; to fret [off; dregsnbsp;RhwtioOj Rhytion np^ particles rubbednbsp;Rhwtioni to produce dregsnbsp;Rhwtws np^ broken parts; dregsnbsp;Rhwth a, wide, gaping, yawning; apart:
rhoth nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[much, utterly
Ehwy n, excess, superfluity: ad, too Rhwy nf, a rings=Bodrwynbsp;Rhwyad n, producing excessnbsp;Rhwych nf^ what extendsnbsp;Rhwyd -au nf, net, snarenbsp;Rhwyden -i nf small net; caulnbsp;Rhwydiad n, reticulationnbsp;Rhwydo v, to net, to ensnare; to reticu-Rhwydog a, reticulated, netted [latenbsp;Rhwydronell -i nf, lace; snare, ginnbsp;Rhwydd a, free, easy; tolerablenbsp;Rhwydd-deb, Rhwydded, Rhwyddiant,nbsp;Rhwyddineb n, facility, ease, easiness;nbsp;success; free statenbsp;Rhwyddhau v, to facilitatenbsp;Rhwyddlwyn n, the speedwellnbsp;Rhwyddoli v, to facilitatenbsp;Rhwyddyndod n, unrestrainednessnbsp;Rhwyddynu v, to facilitatenbsp;Ehwyf n, ambition; ruler: -au nf, oarnbsp;Rhwyfadain nf directing finnbsp;Rhwyfadur -iaid n, dictatornbsp;Rhwyfain v, to be swaying [to leadnbsp;Rhwyfan n, impulse; sway: v, to sway;nbsp;Bhwyfaniad, Rhwyfiant n, dominationnbsp;Rhwyfanu v, to dominatenbsp;Rhwyfanus a, imperiousnbsp;Rhwyfenydd -ion n, one who swaysnbsp;Rhwyflong nf, galleynbsp;Rhwyfo V, to sway; to rownbsp;26é
-ocr page 269-RHYB RHYDD
Rhwyfol a, swaying; rowing Rhwyfolaeth nf^ dictatorshipnbsp;Khwyfoldeb n, state of sway [lessnbsp;Rhwyfus a, apt to sway; haughty 5 rest-Rhwyg -au wy, rent, rupturenbsp;Rhwygo V, to rend, to tearnbsp;Rhwygol a, rending, tearingnbsp;Rliwyl -on «, ring-fence; paddocknbsp;Rhwyll -au nf^ interstice, fret work;
aperture, hole; casement Rhwyllo V, to form intersticesnbsp;Rhwy llog a, fretted; cross-barred; gratednbsp;Rhwym -au n, bond, tienbsp;Rhwym. Rhwymedig a, bound, tied.nbsp;Rhwymeb -ion bondnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fastened
Rhwymedigaeth nf^ restriction; obliga-Rhwymedigol o, restrictive [tion Rhwymedd «, restraint; bondagenbsp;Rhwymiant w, restrictionnbsp;Rhwymo to bind, to tienbsp;Rhwymol a, binding; astringentnbsp;Rhwymyn -au «, band; swathenbsp;Rhwymynu v, to swaddlenbsp;Rhwyn -au w, wind, twistnbsp;Rhwyno v, to wind roundnbsp;Rhwyol a, excessive, superfluousnbsp;Rhwyoli to render excessive [ riancenbsp;Rhwys -au vigour; wantonness; luxu-Rhwysedd ra, vigorousnessnbsp;Rhwysg -au w, career; sway; pomp.
Rhwysg malwoden, a snail’s track Rhwysglo tt, to run headlongnbsp;Rhwysglyd a, froward, restive, refractorynbsp;Rhwysgo V, to run a course; to swaynbsp;Rhwysgol u, swaying; riskingnbsp;Rhwysiad, Rhwysiant n, invigorationnbsp;Rhwy sog, Rhwy sol a, vi gorous, luxuriantnbsp;Rhwysogi to luxuriatenbsp;Rhwysoldeb n, vigournbsp;Rhwysoli r, to invigorate [barriernbsp;Rhwystr -au hindrance, obstruction,nbsp;Rhwystri, Rhwystrusi hindrance, letnbsp;Rhwystro u, to hinder, to obstructnbsp;Rhwystrol a, hindering; preventivenbsp;Bhwyth -au n, what pervades; juicenbsp;Rhwytho to pervade, to ooze [oozenbsp;Rhwythol a, tending to pervade or tonbsp;Rhj -on w, excess, superfluitynbsp;Rhy (xd and pa, over, too much, verynbsp;Rhyadaw v, to leave utterlynbsp;Rhyaddaw to promise over-muchnbsp;Rhyal -oedd n, procreationnbsp;Rhyalu ZJ, to procreatenbsp;Rhyall n, superior power: a, invinciblenbsp;Rhyanfon to send fullynbsp;Rhybarch n, extreme regardnbsp;Rhybed -ion w, clinched state, rivet
Rhvbedio v, to clinch; to rivet Rhyborthi v, to support fullynbsp;Rhybrynu v, to purchase fullynbsp;Rbybuch w, earnest longingnbsp;Rhybucho r, to long greatlynbsp;Rhybudd -ion n, notice, warning, cautionnbsp;Rhybuddio t’,to give notice, to admonishnbsp;Rhybuddiol a, warning, monitorynbsp;Rhyburo v, to purify fullynbsp;Rhybwyso v, to overweigh, to outweighnbsp;Rhybwyth w, retort; overpaynbsp;Rhych -au -iau n and trench, furrownbsp;Khychio, Rhychu v, to trench, to furrownbsp;Rhych want -au n, span length; spannbsp;Rhychwantu to spannbsp;Rhychwardd w, excessive laughternbsp;Rhychwareu «, excess of playnbsp;Rhyd -au -iau nf^ course; fordnbsp;Rhydaenu v, to spread greatlynbsp;Rhydaf w, overspreadingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,
Rhydain nf^ young deer, fawn Rhydalu v, to overpaynbsp;Rhydarf excessive routnbsp;Rhydeddu v. to render supreme^nbsp;Rhyderig a, barren (as to breeding)nbsp;Rhydid n, liberated state, freedomsnbsp;Rhydio V, to ford, to pass [Rhyddidnbsp;Bhydle -oedd w, fording-placenbsp;Rhydlyd a, apt to rust, rustynbsp;Rhydni n, rustiness, rustnbsp;Rhydoi v, to overspreadnbsp;Rhydollt n, sawdustnbsp;Rhydres w, arrogancenbsp;Rhydresol a, superciliousnbsp;Rhydu V, to rust, to grow rustynbsp;Rhydweli, ïau nf, arterynbsp;Rhydwf 7i/l exuberancenbsp;Rhydwng n, anathemanbsp;Rhydyllu v, to perforatenbsp;Rhydyn a, overstrainednbsp;Rhydd a, at large; free; liberal; n,nbsp;liberty, freedom
Rhyddadlu v, to dispute overmuch Rhyddail np, second leavesnbsp;Rhydded n, state of libertynbsp;Rhyddedog a,enlarged,exempted; liberalnbsp;Rhyddedogi v, to set at libertynbsp;Rhyddewyllys, Bhyddwyllys n, free willnbsp;Rhyddfrydig a, liberal, generousnbsp;Rhyddhaol a, loosening, freeing; laxative, aperient, openingnbsp;Rhyddhau v, to free, to liberatenbsp;Rhyddiaith free language; prosenbsp;Rhyddiant ??, relaxation, liberationnbsp;Rhyddid, Rhydd-did «, libertynbsp;Rhyddieithol a, prosaic, in prosenbsp;Rhyddineb w, freedom, facilitynbsp;265
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Rliyddodi w, to superinduce Rhyddogni v. to over-supplynbsp;Rhyddonio v, to gift greatlynbsp;Rhyddrent -i n, gavel-kindnbsp;Rhyddyrchafu v, to over-exaltnbsp;Khyerchi v, to ask earnestlynbsp;Rhyf -ion n, puffing out, pride; berry,nbsp;Rhyfion, currantsnbsp;Rhyfael nfy excessive gainnbsp;Rbyfai, feiau w, extreme faultnbsp;Rhyfael w, prepossessionnbsp;Rhyfaint n, excess of quantitynbsp;Rhyfalu r, to grind extremelynbsp;Rhyfanu v, to impressnbsp;Rhyfarnu v, to pre-judgenbsp;Rhyfawrth w, March windnbsp;Rhyfedd «,surprising,wonderful, strangenbsp;Rhyfeddeb nf, admiration ( !)nbsp;Rhyfeddod -au w, surprise, wondernbsp;Rliyfeddol rt, surprising, wonderfulnbsp;Rhyfeddu v, to wonder, to be surprisednbsp;Rliyfel -oedd n, war, warfarenbsp;Rhyfela, Rhyfelu v, to wage war, to warnbsp;Rhyfelawd w, campaignnbsp;Rhyfelgar o, apt to war, warlikenbsp;Rhyfelog a, belligerent, warringnbsp;Rhyferad n, drivellingnbsp;Rhyferthin w, violent gustnbsp;Rhyferthwy n, torrent, tempestnbsp;Rhyferwi v, to over-boilnbsp;Rhyfiad w, arrogatingnbsp;Rhyfoddog a, over indulgednbsp;Rhyf oil w, to praise; to Ratternbsp;Rhyforiad n, scramblingnbsp;Rhyfrys ??, precipitancynbsp;Rhyfwydd np (-en i\f \ currant-treesnbsp;Rhyfyg tt, presumption, insolencenbsp;Rhyfygol a, presuming, insolentnbsp;Rhyfygu v, to presumenbsp;Rbyfygus a, presumptuousnbsp;Rhyffle w, verge, marginnbsp;Rhyg -au n amp; cn, ryenbsp;Rhygaru v, to love to excessnbsp;Rfaygen grain of ryenbsp;Rhyglydd -ion -on -au », desert, meritnbsp;Rhygiyddiannus a, meritoriousnbsp;Rhyglyddiant, iannau n, desert, meritnbsp;Rhyglyddu to deserve, to merit.
Rhyglyddu bodd, to please Rhygnell -au whipsawnbsp;Rhygnen -au nfy rasp, filenbsp;Rhygnol a, rubbing; scoringnbsp;Rliygnu r, to rub; to hacknbsp;Rhygoel -ion nf, superstitionnbsp;Khygoll nj\ extreme lossnbsp;Rhygu a, over fondnbsp;Rhygwelltrye-grass
Rhygyng -au w, ambling pace
Rhygyngen nf, rattle in the throat
Rbygyngu u, to amble
Rhyngad, Rhyngdod w, intervention
Rhyngol a, intervening
Rhyngsang -au nf diacope (in rhetoric)
Rhyngu v, to intervene; to mediate.
Rhyngu bodd, to please Rhylamu v, to overstepnbsp;Khylawn a, redundant, too fullnbsp;Rhyll -au -on n, rift, cleftnbsp;Rhym w, what stretches roundnbsp;Rhyn, Rhynoedd emotion; shiver; instant; cape
Rhyn small quantity; shiver; quake Rhyn «, shivering; terriblenbsp;Rhynaig a, tremulous, shiveringnbsp;Rhynawd w, agitation; moment; while;nbsp;small quantity
Rbynciad n, rattling, gurgling Rhyncian v, to rattle, to gurgle, to gugglenbsp;Rhyndod n, shiveringnbsp;Rhyned nf small apace, small quantitynbsp;Rhynedd n, shiveringnessnbsp;Rhyni «, agitation; shiveringnbsp;Rhynio v, to pervade; to have instinct;nbsp;to agitate
Rhynion np, shelled oats; grits, groats Rhynllyd a, apt to shiver, chillynbsp;Rhyodres n, ostentation [difficultynbsp;Rhys -oedd n, extreme ardency; rush;nbsp;Rhysaeth n, putting in a course; strait-Rhysedd n, excess, superfiuity [eningnbsp;Rhysedda v, to rush onwardnbsp;Rhyselu v, to look stedfastlynbsp;Rhysfa, fëydd nf course; rushnbsp;Rhysgiad n, overgrowingnbsp;Rhysgwydd n, succour, helpnbsp;Rhysio v, to rush; to straitennbsp;Rhysod np (-yn w), burning embersnbsp;Rhysol a, rushing; overrunningnbsp;Rhysu V, to rush; to entanglenbsp;Rhyswr, wyr n, savage; combatantnbsp;Rhyswydd np (-en -if), privet woodnbsp;Rhysyn, Rhysodyn n, burning embernbsp;Rhytion w/?—Rhwtionnbsp;Rhythfol n, gluttonnbsp;Rhythgnawd n, bloated fleshnbsp;Rhythni w, gaping statenbsp;Rhython np, cocklesnbsp;Rhythu V, to stretch out; to gapenbsp;Rhyw -iau n, sort: nf sex; gender: 0,nbsp;some; genial, natural. Dynol ryw,nbsp;Dynolryw, mankindnbsp;Rhyweled v, to foreseenbsp;Rhywfaint n. some quantity, somenbsp;Rhywfan, Rhywle aJ, somewherenbsp;260
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Khywiaeth nf^ distinction of kind Rhywiog a, kindly, genialnbsp;Rhywiogaethol «, genericalnbsp;Rhywiogi r, to render or become genialnbsp;Khywiogrwydd », genialitynbsp;Rhywogaeth, Rhywiogaeth nf^ species,nbsp;Rhywrys a, over ardent [sort, kindnbsp;Rhywun somebody, some onenbsp;Khywynt -oedd n, hurricane
Sach -au «ƒ, sack. Sach diawl, demo Sachaid, eidiau n/, sackfulnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[niac
Sachell -an nf. small sack, bag, satchel Sadie]In v, to nag; to stuffnbsp;Sachlen -i iif, Sachlïain, lieiniau n,nbsp;Sachu V, to put in a sack [sackclothnbsp;Sachwisg «oedd nf, clothing of sack-Sad a, firm, steady; discreetnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cloth
Sadell -i nf, dorser, packsaddle Sadellu v, to put on a dorsernbsp;Sadio r, to make firmnbsp;Sadrwydd n, firmness, steadinessnbsp;Sadwrn, yrnau n, Saturn; Saturday.
Dydd Sadwrn, Saturday Sadyrnolion np, saturnalianbsp;Sae say, stuff so callednbsp;Saer, seiri 7i, wright, artisan; carpenter.
Saer maen, Saer ceryg, stone mason.
Saer cerbydau, coachb^uilder Saeriant n, architecturenbsp;Saerni 7?, wright’s worknbsp;Saernïaeth nf, architecturenbsp;Saernïaidd a, workmanlikenbsp;Saernïo, Saeru v, to work as a wrightnbsp;Saernïol a, architecturalnbsp;Saerol a, mechanical, of a wrightnbsp;Saesoneg, amp;c. See Seisoneg, amp;c.
Saeth -au nf, arrow, dart; sine (in
Saethawd n, the act of shooting Saethfiew cn, coarse hairs in furnbsp;Saethol a, shooting; ejectingnbsp;Saethu v, to shoot; to dart; to ejectnbsp;Saethwraidd n, arrowrootnbsp;Saethyd ?i,shooting; dartingnbsp;Saethydd -ion n, shooter, archernbsp;Saethyddiaeth nf, archerynbsp;Saethytiad n, darting aboutnbsp;Saethytol a, frolicsomenbsp;Saf -ion n/, fixed state; stand [durablenbsp;Safadwy a, able to stand, stable;nbsp;Safaeth nf, the act of standingnbsp;Safedig a, established, fixednbsp;Safedigol a, having power to standnbsp;Safedd n, fixed state, stationariness
Safiad n, standing; stature .
Safiadol a, stationary nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[station
Safle -oedd n, standing-place, stand; Safn -au jaw, chap, chopnbsp;Safnaid, eidiau nf, chapful, chopfulnbsp;Safniad n, jawing, mouthingnbsp;Safnol a, relating to the jawnbsp;Safnrwth a, open-jawednbsp;Safol a, standing, stationarynbsp;Safon -au nf, standardnbsp;Safwerthydd -ion n, stationernbsp;Safwyr n, savoui, odournbsp;Saffr, Saftrwm, Saffrwn n, saffron, cro-Salfwn n, beam, shaftnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cus
Saffwy -on nf, pike, lance Saflwyo V, to use a pikenbsp;Sag n, squeeze of the chapsnbsp;Sagiad n, squeezing in the chapsnbsp;Sag to V, to squeeze in the chaps; tonbsp;Sagmwrnio v, to stranglenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[stifle
Sang -au nf, tread; trample Sangedigaeth nf, the act of treadingnbsp;Sangu V. to tread; to tramplenbsp;Sai n, what is still or at restnbsp;Saib, seibiau n, leisure; sedatenessnbsp;Saib a, quiet; sedate; studiousnbsp;SaidjSeidiau nf, baft; the part insertednbsp;Saig, seigiau nf mess, meal [in the hiltnbsp;Sail, seiliau nf base, foundationnbsp;Saim, seimiau n, grease. Saim collen,nbsp;Sain, seiniau nf sound, tone [a floggingnbsp;Sals n (p, Sevsou), Englishmannbsp;Saith a and n, seven, 7, vii.
Sal n, pass; plight; cast off Sal a, cast off; frail; poor; illnbsp;Salaidd a, somewhat frail or illnbsp;Saldra n, frailty; poorness; illnessnbsp;Salhau v, to grow frail or illnbsp;Saim -au nf, psalm
Saltring -au n, psaltery nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bgly
Salw a, despicable, vile, sorry, debased; Salwder n, frailty; vilenessnbsp;Saiwhau v, to grow despicablenbsp;Salwin a, contemptible, vilenbsp;Salwineb », contemptibleness [pestuousnbsp;Salwino v, to render vile; to become tem-Sallt -au », an exterior statenbsp;Salltiad n, going out; sallyingnbsp;Salltring -au n, snuffers ( Psalmsnbsp;Sallwyr n, the Psalter, the Book ofnbsp;San n, maze: a, wary; amazednbsp;Sanct, Sanctaidd a, holy, purenbsp;Sancteiddhad, Sancteiddiad n, sanctifi-Sancteiddio v, to sanctify [cationnbsp;Sancteiddiol a, sanctifying; holynbsp;Sancteiddrwydd n, holiness, sanctitynbsp;Sanedigaeth nf, amazementnbsp;267
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Sant, saint, seintiau wc, saint Sant, Saiitaidd, amp;c.=Sanct, amp;c.
Santes -au w/j female saint Sanu V, to gaze; to amazenbsp;Sar rage; insult, offencenbsp;Sarch, seirch n, piece of harnessnbsp;Sard -iau w, rebuke, rebuffnbsp;Sardio v, to rebuff, to chidenbsp;Sardiol a, rebuking, chidingnbsp;Sardd w, what is recumbentnbsp;Sarddan nf, creeping thingnbsp;Sarff, seirft nf, serpent. Sarff gapanog,nbsp;cobra da capello, hooded snake. Sarffnbsp;gynffondrwst, rattle snakenbsp;Sarffol a, like a serpentnbsp;Sarffwydd np (-en nf), service-treesnbsp;Sarhad, hadau n, insult, indignitynbsp;Sarhiied nf, affront, reproach, offencenbsp;Sarhaol a, insulting, abusivenbsp;Sarliau v, to insult, to affrontnbsp;Sarhaus a, insulting, offensivenbsp;Sarhausrwydd w, oSensivenessnbsp;Sarid «, overplus
Sarig, Sarug a, surly, stern, dogged
Sarigedd, Sarigrwydd w, surliness
Sarigo v, to grow surly
Sarigyn n, surly fellow
Sarn -au nf, causeway; paving
Sarnu v, to strew; to lay a path
Sarth -oedd nf^ reptile; scorpion;
hedgehog; sarcasm Sarthu v, to creep alongnbsp;Satan, Sathan -iaid w, adversary; Satannbsp;Sathr n, trampling: a, tramplingnbsp;Sathredig a, trodden, trampled. laithnbsp;sathredig, ordinary speech, familiarnbsp;language, coloquialismnbsp;Sathru, Sathryd v, to tread, to tramplenbsp;Saw n, what hems in; stopnbsp;Sawch w, heap, loadnbsp;Sawchu v, to heap up, to loadnbsp;Sawd, sodion «, drift, plight, extremity,nbsp;verge; siege; warfare; base; seatnbsp;Sawdio V, to tend, to vergenbsp;Sawdl, sodlau nf, heelnbsp;Sawdol a, verging; limitingnbsp;Sawdr, Sawdyrn, verge, juncture; soldernbsp;Sawdrio v, to join; to soldernbsp;Sawdwr, Sawdiwr, wyr w, borderer;nbsp;Sawdwriaeth nf, soldiership [soldiernbsp;Sawdwriol Op soldierly [root; powernbsp;Sawdd, soddion n, depth; sink; plunge;nbsp;Sawell -i nf^ smoke hole, chimneynbsp;Sawf n, what stops or standsnbsp;Sawl/?w amp; a, many; such; those; thatnbsp;Sawr, Sawyr -oedd savour, tastenbsp;odour, scent, smell
Sawrio, Sawyrio to savour, to taste; to scent, to smell
Sawrus, Sawyrus a, savory; odorous Saws w, sauce
Se -on nf, what is fixed; a star Se ac?, as stated, to wit, so=:Sefnbsp;Sead n, stating, fixingnbsp;Sebach a, confined, straitened; shrillnbsp;Sebon w, soapnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,
Seboni v, to soap, to lather Sebonol a, saponaceous, soapynbsp;Secu V, to stuff’, to cramnbsp;Sech af^ dry, dried, parched: m, sychnbsp;Sedr a, firm, steadynbsp;Sedd -au «/*, motionless state; a seatnbsp;Sedda v, to sit habituallynbsp;Seddob -au nf^ sofanbsp;Seddoldeb w, sedentarinessnbsp;Seddu a, to seat; to be seatednbsp;Sef c, that is to say; namely, to wit:
a, certain, being true Sefnig nf, the gullet, the swallownbsp;Sefnigol a, guttural. Sefnigolion, guttural consonants, gutturalsnbsp;Sefyd V, to stand; to stop still=Sefyllnbsp;Sefydledig a, stationed, settled, estab-Sefydlog a,standing; stationary [lishednbsp;Sefydlu V, to establish, to settle, to fixnbsp;Sefydlyn -au n, stagnant water (positionnbsp;Sefyll V, to stand; to stop: w, standingnbsp;Sefyllfa -oeddnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;standing-place, situa
tion; condition, state, station Sefyjlfod -au nf^ station, situationnbsp;Selyilian zj, to stand often, to loiternbsp;Sefylliant w, stationingnbsp;Sefyllio V, to stationnbsp;Sefylliog a, apt to stand or loiternbsp;Segan -au ??ƒ, covering, cloaknbsp;Segiad n, envelopingnbsp;Segru zgt;, to secrete, to put apartnbsp;Segur a, untroubled; idlenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[loiter
Segura v, to pursue ease, to idle, to Segurdod n, leisure; idlenessnbsp;Seguriad w, taking leisurenbsp;Segurllyd a, apt to be idle, lazynbsp;Seguryd w, idleness, leisurenbsp;Sengu Vj to tread, to tramplenbsp;Seibiad n, standing at leisurenbsp;Seibiant n, leisure, respitenbsp;Seidyn n, the part of a tool inserted innbsp;Seigen njT^ little mess, meal [the haftnbsp;Seigio V, to take a messnbsp;Seigiwr, wyr messernbsp;Seilddar, dderi nƒ, main beamnbsp;Seilddor -au nf^ threshold, sillnbsp;Seiler -i nf, basement, cellarnbsp;[Seilfaen, feini n, foundation stonenbsp;268
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Seiliant n, foundation Seilio V, to lay a foundation; to foundnbsp;Seiliog a, having foundationnbsp;Seilwaith ground-worknbsp;Seilydd -ion foundernbsp;Seimio v, to grease over, to greasenbsp;Seimiol, Seimlyd a, of a greasy qualitynbsp;Seinfawr a, sonorous, loudnbsp;Seinglawr, gloriau n, sounding-boardnbsp;Seingludydd n, telephonenbsp;Seiniadur n, phonographnbsp;Seiniant n, making a soundnbsp;Seinio v, to sound, to resoundnbsp;Seiniol a, sounding; tonednbsp;Seintio v, to canonizenbsp;Seintiol a, hallowed; saintlynbsp;Seintiolaeth nf, sanctitudenbsp;Seirch np, equipage; harness, trappingsnbsp;Seirchio v, to harnessnbsp;Seirian a, sparkling, glitteringnbsp;Seirianu v, to sparklenbsp;Seison np (s, Sais), English, Englishmennbsp;Seisoneg, Seisonaeg, Seisueg, Seisnaegnbsp;nfy English, English languagenbsp;Seisonig, Seisnig, Seisonaidd a, Englishnbsp;Seisonigo v, to translate into Englishnbsp;Seithdant, dannau w, heptachordnbsp;Seithdegaamp;7i,seventy,70,lxx. Y Seith-deg, the Septuagint; the translatorsnbsp;Seithfed (7fed) a, seventh [of do.nbsp;Seithongl -au tif, septangle; ct, septan-Seithug a, futile, fruitless [gularnbsp;Seithugiant n, frustrationnbsp;Seithugio v, to make futile, to frustratenbsp;Sel -ion n, espying; distant viewnbsp;Sel w, zeal: -iau nf, sealnbsp;Seld -au nj, dresser, sideboardnbsp;Selder n, keen-sightednessnbsp;Seldrem -au nf, prospect; perspicuity;nbsp;Seldremio v, to range [range, layernbsp;Seliad, Seliant n, espying; perceptionnbsp;Selsig -od nf, pudding; sausagenbsp;Selu V, to espy, to gazenbsp;SeJus a, perspicacious, keeunbsp;Selw w, gaze, beholdingnbsp;Sellt», limit, bordernbsp;Seiltu V, to explore, to seeknbsp;Semi of, simple: m, symlnbsp;Sen -au nf, stigma,taunt [ment; synodnbsp;Senedd, Seneddr -au nf senate; parlia-Seneddol a, senatorial, parliamentary.nbsp;Aelod seneddol (A.S.), member ofnbsp;parliament (M.P.)
Seneddu v, to form a senate Seneddwr, wyr w, senatornbsp;Senol a, taunting, scoffingnbsp;Sensigl -on n, daisy
Senu V, to taunt; to chide Senw -au n, stigma, reproachnbsp;Senwad stigmatizingnbsp;Senyllt -laid n, seneschalnbsp;Sèr -oedd n, bill, bill-hooknbsp;Ser np, stars; s, serennbsp;Seraph -iaid n, seraphnbsp;Serbysg -od cn, starfishnbsp;Sereh «, regard or love; affection: pr,nbsp;with respect to, notwithstandingnbsp;Serchog a, loving, amorousnbsp;Serchogi v, to render fondnbsp;Sercholdeb n, amorousnessnbsp;Serchu v, to be affected; to lovenbsp;Serddewiniaeth nf astrologynbsp;Seren, ser 7^ star; spangle; chandelier.
Seren wio, Seren gynffonog, comet Serenig -ion nf an asterisk (*)
Serenog a, starry Serenol a, sparkling as a starnbsp;Serenu v, to sparklenbsp;Serenwyl -iau nf Epiphanynbsp;Serf a, whirling; dizzy, giddynbsp;Serfanol a, startling; staringnbsp;Serfanu v, to startle; to starenbsp;Serfiad n, startling; dizzyingnbsp;Serfyll a, unsteady; shatterednbsp;Serfylliad n, shatteringnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[studded
Serig, Serigl a, starred, spangled; Serigliad n, bespanglingnbsp;Serio, Sefrio v, to searnbsp;Serliw n, starlightnbsp;Serb n, star-glow; sparklingnbsp;Serofydd -ion n, astronomernbsp;Serofyddiaeth nf astronomynbsp;Serofyddol a, astronomicalnbsp;Serog a, having stars, starrynbsp;Seroliaeth nf Sewn n, the starry systemnbsp;Seroni v, to systemize the starsnbsp;Seronydd -ion n, astronomer [clivitynbsp;Serth -oedd nf tendency; steep, de-Serth a, steep, precipitous; obscenenbsp;Serthau nf precipice, cliffnbsp;Serthedd, Serthi n, steepness; obscenitynbsp;Serthiant n, precipitancy, steepnessnbsp;Serthol, Serthus a, precipitous, declivous; obscene
Serthu v, to make steep; to grow steep;
to talk or act obscenely Serw a, sparkling, glitteringnbsp;Serydd -ion, Seryddwr, wyr n, astrono-Seryddiaeth nf astronomynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mer
Seryddol a, astronomical Sew -ion n, gravy; juice; jellynbsp;Sewyd -ion n, diffusion of starsnbsp;Si n, hiss, whiz, buzz; rumournbsp;Siaced -i 7if jacket, coat
sou SWB
Sircyn -an jerkin Sirian cn (-en nf \ cherriesnbsp;Sirig silk Sirio t?, to cheer, to solace Siriol a, cheering, solacing, cheerfulnbsp;Sirioldeb », cheerfulnessnbsp;Sirioli r, to make cheerfulnbsp;Sis tt, low sound, whispernbsp;Sisial «, whisper, gossip: v, to whispernbsp;Sisiala, Sisialu v, to whisper, to mutternbsp;Siteli -i nf^ whisk roundnbsp;Sitellu, Sitio v, to whirl, to whisknbsp;Sitrachog a, jagged, shreddednbsp;Sitrachu r, to jag, to shrednbsp;Siw n, hiss, hush, buzznbsp;Siwen -od the mermaid: m, siwynnbsp;Siwmp -au coatnbsp;Sïwr, siwyr n, hissernbsp;Siwr a, sure, certainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ac?, once Siwrnai, neiau nf. journey; turn, time: Sob -au w/, tuft, bunch, massnbsp;Soba, Soban nf^ small tuft or bunchnbsp;Sobr a, temperate, sound in mind, sobernbsp;Sobrwydd re, sobriety, temperancenbsp;Socan, Socas nf^ wallower; fieldfarenbsp;Socyn 71, pig; little hedgehognbsp;Soch -au nf^ sink, drainnbsp;Sodi V, to constitute, to fixnbsp;Sodli V, to heel; to trip the heelnbsp;Sodlog a, having a heelnbsp;Sodol a, tending to fix or settlenbsp;Sodwedd -au nf^ characteristicnbsp;Soddedigaeth re/, act of sinkingnbsp;Soddi !7, to sink, to submergenbsp;Soddol a, sinking; plungingnbsp;Soddwr, wyr re, sinkernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[draff Soeg re, grains of malt after brewing, Soegen swaggy femalenbsp;Soegi V, to steep, to slabbernbsp;Soeglyd a, puffed by steepingnbsp;Soff -ydd re, standing stubblenbsp;Sofliar, ieir nf, quailnbsp;Soflwydd -au nf, stubble goosenbsp;Sog nfy wallowing, spreading [femalenbsp;Sog^a a, wallowing; slovenly: re, lazynbsp;Som -au nf, disappointment=Siom, amp;c.nbsp;Son re, report, rumour, mentioningnbsp;Sonial n, continued noise: v, to keepnbsp;talking, to chatter, to pratenbsp;Sonio V, to noise, to report, to talknbsp;Soniol a, noising, reportingnbsp;Soniwr, wyr n, mentioner; talkernbsp;Sopen -i nf, mass squeezed togethernbsp;Sopenu V, to bundle, to trussnbsp;Sopiad re, bundling, trussingnbsp;Sor n, chafed state; sullenness: a, sullen, sulky, angry, harsh |
Sori V, to chafe; to offend; to sulk; to be displeased Soriant 11, sullenness; offence, displea-Sorllyd a, apt to grow sullen [sure Sorod rep, dross; dregs; refusenbsp;Sorodi V, to yield dregsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[swrth Sorth af, sudden; fell; slothful: m, Soth re, what is on the outsidenbsp;Sothach cn, refuse, drossnbsp;Sothachu v, to cast refusenbsp;Su re, what pervades; buzznbsp;Suad 11, buzzing; lullingnbsp;Sucan 71, steeping; small beer; wash-brew, gruel, caudle, flummerynbsp;Sud re, exterior; shape; plightnbsp;Sudd -ion 77, what pervades; juice, sapnbsp;Suddas re, sinking, immersion; Judasnbsp;Suddgloch, glychau nf, diving-bellnbsp;Suddiant re, pervasion of moisturenbsp;Suddo r, to sink in, to sink; to oozenbsp;Suddol a, pervading; sinkingnbsp;Sug -ion 77, suck; juice, sapnbsp;Sugaethan n, caudle; poultice, cata-Suger re, extracted juice; cider [plasmnbsp;Sugiad re, becoming juicynbsp;Sugii'ain, lieiniau re, drawing-plasternbsp;Sugnbeiriant, iannau 77, pumpnbsp;Sugnbib -au nf, syringenbsp;Sugndraeth -au re, quicksandnbsp;Sugnedydd -ion re, sucker; pumpnbsp;Sugno v, to suck, to imbibenbsp;Sugnol a, sucking, imbibingnbsp;Sugolaeth 77, succulencenbsp;Sugoli V, to render succulentnbsp;Sugr -on re, extracted juice; sugarnbsp;Sugro V, to sugar, to sweetennbsp;Sugrol a, saccharine; sugarynbsp;Sul -iau 77, the sun; Sunday, Dyddnbsp;Sulgwyn re, Whitsunday [Sul, Sundaynbsp;Sum -iau ?7, magnitude, size; sumnbsp;Sumio V, to deduce the sizenbsp;Sumiol a, relating to sizenbsp;Suo V, to buzz; to lull, to hushnbsp;Sur -ion re, acid: a, acid; stalenbsp;Suran, ain nf, sour plant, sorrelnbsp;Surdoes re, leavennbsp;Surdoesi v, to leavennbsp;Surfedd -au re, syrupnbsp;Surian, iain nf, cherry [stalenessnbsp;Surni, Surder, Suredd, Suri ?7, sourness;nbsp;Suro V, to sour; to turn sournbsp;Suryn re, anything acid; acidnbsp;Sut re, manner, shape; plight. Pa sut ?nbsp;Sutio V, to adapt, to suitnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[how ? Siiwr, suwyr re, one who hushes Sw re, what remains; what is onnbsp;Swb 71, pressed heap; bundlenbsp;271 |
Swba w, small bundle Swbach what is shrunken upnbsp;Swbachu v, to shrink upnbsp;Swci TO, what is soaked. Swci bach ynbsp;merched, a boy fond of accocidtingnbsp;with girls, a molly-coddle [sharenbsp;Swch, sychau, sychod nf^ snout; plough-Swchio to search with the snoutnbsp;Swd manner, shape; plightnbsp;Swdd frame work; framenbsp;Swdden -i nf^ beam, raftnbsp;Swf n, spot, spacenbsp;Swg n, soak, imbibingnbsp;Swga a, soaked; slovenly, nastynbsp;Swgan -od nf, slut, slatternnbsp;Swgiad n, soaking, drenchingnbsp;Swglyd a, nasty, dirtynbsp;Swl flat space; ground; soilnbsp;Swll -oedd 71, scene, prospectnbsp;Swllt, sylltau w, treasure; shillingnbsp;Swm, symiau suranbsp;Swmbwl,symbyiau, Swmwl, symylau ti,nbsp;Swmer -au w, supporter, beam [goadnbsp;Swmeru v, to prop upnbsp;Swn, syniau noise, soundnbsp;Swnio t?, to noise, to soundnbsp;Swp, sypiau re, pressed mass; clusternbsp;Swper 7ilt;N.W.), re/(S.W.\ suppernbsp;Swr re, what is surly or sullen: a, surly,nbsp;sullen, sulky [what; quantity; fetlocknbsp;Swrn, syrnau re, small space; little, some-Swrnach re, snarl, grinnbsp;Swrth am^ sudden; falling, fell, unwieldy; slothful; drowsy: / sorthnbsp;Swrthlyd a, apt to be drowsynbsp;Swrthyn re, clumsy onenbsp;Swrw a, surly, sullen; snarlingnbsp;Swrwd re;?, shreds; dross; fragmentsnbsp;Swt, sytiau w=:Swdnbsp;Swta re, what is volatile; sootnbsp;Swtan, ain re, whiting (fish)
Swtrach ere, dross, dregs Swtrws rep, bruised massnbsp;Swth re, frame; pilenbsp;Swy re, what is on or overnbsp;Swyd re, what extends over; dreadnbsp;Swydlawn a, awful, dreadfulnbsp;Swydo V, to intimidatenbsp;Swydd -au nf^ employ, office, duty, service; suit: -i re/ shire, county [officenbsp;Swyddfa, feydd re/ place of business,nbsp;Swyddog a, having office: -ion re, officernbsp;Swyddogaeth t/, office, duty; commls-Swyddogi v, to hold officenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sion
Swyddweithrediad re, function Swydd wr, wyr re, officer, officialnbsp;Swyf -au re, scum; yeast; suet
Swyfedd re, what is scummed; suet Swyfen nf^ Swyfi re, scum, froth, topnbsp;Swyfo t?, to cast a scum; to yield suetnbsp;Swylo v, to save, to put bynbsp;Swyn -ion re, preservative; charm; magicnbsp;Swyna v, to deal in charms, to enchantnbsp;Swyngyfaredd-ion r/, amulet; witchcraft; spellnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[witch
Swyno v, to preserve; to charm, to be-Swynogl -au nf^ amulet, charm Swynogli w, to fascinatenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sing
Swynol o,preservative; charming; oles-Swynwr, wyr, Swynydd -ion re, dealer in amulets or charms, magician,nbsp;wizard, enchanternbsp;Swyso V, to give emotionnbsp;Sy re, star: v, is, existsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cent
Syber a, elevated; generous; sober; de-Sy berwy d re, stateliness; highmindedness, Sybid re, what is all in a heap [decencynbsp;Sybidyn re, sorry fellow: /, sybidannbsp;Sybwb re, rumplenbsp;Sybwbio v, to rumplenbsp;Sybwll, byllau re, puddle, plashnbsp;Sybwrn, bym re, bundle, packnbsp;Sybwydd rep (-en t/), pines, fir-treesnbsp;Sybyrnio t?, to bundle, to pack upnbsp;Sybyruyn re, small bundlenbsp;Sych re, drought: am, dry: / sechnbsp;Sychbilen -au r/, dry filmnbsp;Sychder re, dryness, droughtnbsp;Sychdir -oedd re, dry landnbsp;Syched re, drought, thirst. Mae sychednbsp;arnaf, I thirst, I am thirstynbsp;Sychedig a, thirsty, drynbsp;Sychedol a, causing thirstnbsp;Sychedu v, to thirst, to be thirstynbsp;Sych-hin nf^ dry weather, droughtnbsp;Sychiant re, desiccationnbsp;Sychu V, to dry, to wipe dry; to wipenbsp;Sychwydd rep, dry wood, fuelnbsp;Sydyn a, abrupt, suddennbsp;Sydynrwydd re, suddenness, abruptnessnbsp;Sydd, Sy v, is, existsnbsp;Syddyn -au -od re, dwelling, tenementnbsp;Syddynu v, to hold a farmnbsp;Syfa -oedd re, riddle, sievenbsp;Syfag -au t/, what spreads outnbsp;Syfaldod re, ficklenessnbsp;Syfi ?ip (ïeu nf\ strawberriesnbsp;Syfi re, tendency to movenbsp;Syfliad re, stirringnbsp;Syflyd 77, to stir, to movenbsp;Syfniad re, making firmnbsp;Syfnol a, of a firm quality [tractionnbsp;Syfrdan, Syfrdandod re, giddiness, dis-Syfrdan a, giddy, stupefied, stunnednbsp;272
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Syfrdanu r, to make giddy, to stun Syfru Vy to render severenbsp;Syfyd n, what forms a spacenbsp;Syg -iau iif, chain, tracenbsp;Sygan nf, whisper, mutternbsp;Syganol a, whisperingnbsp;Syganu v, to whisper, to mutternbsp;Sygn -an -oedd nf, circle; signnbsp;Sygog nfy shove, move ^
Sygogi Vj to shove, to fidget Syl -iau «/*, surface, ground; basenbsp;Sylch -au nf, furrownbsp;Sylchdan -au w, wheel ploughnbsp;Sylfa -on, Sylfan -au nf, foundationnbsp;Sylfaen, feini n, foundation stonenbsp;Syltaenu v, to lay a foundation, to foundnbsp;Sylfaenwr, wyr, Sylfaenydd -ion n,nbsp;Sylfon -au n, ground, subject [foundernbsp;Sylgyngan v, to mutternbsp;Sylu V, to form a basenbsp;Sylw n, view; remark; noticenbsp;Sylwad -au n, observation, remark;
regarding; noticing Sylwedd -au n, substance, matternbsp;Sylweddair, eiriau n, substantive nounnbsp;Sylweddol, Sylweddus a, substantial,nbsp;Sylweddoli v, to make substantial [realnbsp;Sylweddoliaeth nf, materialismnbsp;Sylweddu v, to make of substancenbsp;Sylwi V, to observe, to regard, to noticenbsp;Syll -ion n, view; gaze, starenbsp;Syllbeiriant, iannau n, optical instru-Sylldy, dai n, shopnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ment
Syllddrych -au n, telescope Sylliant tt, observationnbsp;Syllio V, to observe; to gazenbsp;Syllt w, what is fair or clear; looknbsp;Sylltiad n, making clearnbsp;Syllty, tai n, treasury, exchequernbsp;Syilu V, to observe; to gazenbsp;Syllwg n, open prospectnbsp;Syllwr, wyr n, spectatornbsp;Syllwydr'-au n, spying-glassnbsp;Sym -iau n, what is whole: a, whole,nbsp;quot;^integral. Symion, integralsnbsp;Symaeth n, complete statenbsp;Symbal -au n, cymbal [to prick, to goadnbsp;Symbylu, Symbylio, Symlu v, to point;nbsp;Symiant n, comprehensionnbsp;Symio v, to comprehend; to sum upnbsp;Syml ac, simple: ƒ, seminbsp;Symiedd, Symiant n, simpleness, sim-Symlogen -od n, simple girl [plicitynbsp;Symiyn -od ra, simpleton: f symiennbsp;Symmerth n, simple powernbsp;Symmud -ion n, motion: v, to movenbsp;Symmudo v, to move, to removenbsp;18
Symmudfa, fëydd rf transition
Symmudiad n, moving, movement Symmudoldeb n, moveablenessnbsp;Symmwth a, interruptednbsp;Symmythu v, to interruptnbsp;Symol a, integral; middlingnbsp;Symu V, to render integralnbsp;Symwl np (symylen nf), cowslipsnbsp;Symwy a, ample; prominentnbsp;Symylu v, to goad, to prick=Symbylunbsp;Syn a,sensible; concerned; amazed: n,nbsp;feeling, perception
Syndod n, Synedigaeth nf, amazement,
Synedigoi a, sensitive [astonishment
Syniad n, sensation, feeling; notion
Syniadol a, sensitive
Syniant n, sentiment [think, to believe
Synied v, to consider, to suppose, to
Synigliad n, stimulation
Synio v, to feel; to be sensible; to con-
Synioi a, sensible, perceptive [sider
Syniolaeth nf perceptivity
Synioldeb n, perceptibility [amazed
Synu V, to observe stedfastly; to be
Synwyr -au n, sense, meaning; sentence
Synwyreb -au nf sentence
Synwyredd, Synwyrdeb n, rationality
Synwyrgar a, sententious
Synwyriad n, gathering of sense
Synwyrlym a, sagacious, shrewd
Synwyrol a, sensible, rational
Synwyroldeb n, sensibleness
Sypio V, to squeeze together
Sypyn -au n, small bundle, pack, paree
Sypynio v, to pack, to bundle
Syr n, master, lord; sir
S^r np, stars=Ser
Syrch w, striking against; affection
Syre n, sirrah
Syrn ad, partly, rather, half Syrniad w,forming into parts [sort; offalsnbsp;Syrth -oedd n, fall; chance, lot; bias;nbsp;Syrthfa, fëydd nf, fallen statenbsp;Sjrthiant n, propensitynbsp;Syrthio v, to fall, to tumble; to lowernbsp;Syrthiol a, falling, tumblingnbsp;Syrthni n, listlessness, sloth; inertia;nbsp;lethargy, torpor
Syth n, stiff or rigid state; size; starch:
ac, stilt, rigid, erect: ƒ, seth Sythder n, stiffness; erectnessnbsp;Sythi, ion n, what stiffens; beamnbsp;Sythlyd n, starchnbsp;Sytho V, to stiffen; to sizenbsp;Sythol a, tending to stiffennbsp;Sytholdeb n, stiffening tendency [erectnbsp;Sythu V, to stiffen; to make or becomenbsp;273
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Taplasa, Tapiasu v,to gambol; to dance
Tapyn -au n, small ledge or step Tar w, shock, impulsenbsp;Tarad », pervasion; flavournbsp;Taradr, terydrw, piercer, auger.
y coed, woodpecker Taradru igt;, to pierce, to borenbsp;Taran -au nf^ shock; thunder.
taran, thunderbolt Taranol a, thundering [«, the tbunderernbsp;Taranwr, wyr, Taranydd -ion, Taranonnbsp;Taraw t?, to strike=.Taronbsp;Tarawiad -au w, stroke; striking. Tar-awiad amrant, Tarawiad Uygad, thenbsp;twinkling of an eyenbsp;Tarawiadol a, suitable, meet, propernbsp;Tarawr, tarawyr w, strikernbsp;Tardd -ion breaking out, issue, vent,nbsp;Tarddain v, to keep oozing[flow; sproutnbsp;Tarddell -i nf^ issue; springnbsp;Tarddellu v, to issue, to gushnbsp;Tarddeni n/l tiie mouth of any issuenbsp;Tarddiad «,springing; source; derivationnbsp;Tarddiadol a, effusive, eruptive; deriva-Tarddiant, iannau w, emanation [tivenbsp;Tarddol a, issuing, springingnbsp;Tarddu v, to break out; to spring; tonbsp;Tarddwraint on, tettersnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[issue
Tarddwreinyn n, Tarddwreinen n/, ring-Tarell -au issue; spring [worm Taren -i nƒ, spot; tump, knollnbsp;Tarenu r, to form a tumpnbsp;Tarf -oedd w, driving; dispersionnbsp;Targryd », the plant feverfewnbsp;Tarfhutan -od «, scarecrownbsp;Tarflyd a, easily scared; skittishnbsp;Tarfu to expel; to scarenbsp;Targ w, percussion, clashnbsp;Targed -i n/] dasher; targetnbsp;Tarian -au n/l dasher; shieldnbsp;Tarianu v, to use a shield, to shieldnbsp;Tario v, to tarry, to abidenbsp;Tarlais, leisiau w, piercingnbsp;Tarieisio r, to clashnbsp;Tarlwnc n, eructationnbsp;Tariyncu tgt;, to eructate, to belchnbsp;Tarn -au n, wipe; drying upnbsp;Tarnu to absorbnbsp;Taro u, to strike; to affect; to suitnbsp;Tarodwll, dyllau «, punch holenbsp;Tarth -oedd w, vapour, exhalationnbsp;Tarthain v, to keep exhalingnbsp;Tarthedigaeth nf^ evaporationnbsp;Tarthlyd a, vaporous; foggynbsp;Tarthog a, having vapournbsp;Tarthol a, exhaling, vapourynbsp;Tarthu v, to exhale; to evaporate
Tarw, teirw bull Tarwain to gush; to flutternbsp;Tarwden, Taroden nf, ringwormnbsp;Tarwedd pervasion; fermentnbsp;Tarweddiad «, fermentationnbsp;Tarweddu v, to fermentnbsp;Tarwhaid, heidiau nf, second swarmnbsp;Tas rau n, what binds; fascia: nf rick,nbsp;stack. Tas wair, hayricknbsp;Tasel -i n, sash; fringe; tasselnbsp;Taselu r, to fringe; to tasselnbsp;Tasg -au rf, bond; job; tasknbsp;Tasgell -i, tesgyll nf bandiet, bunch,nbsp;whisk; closet, pantrynbsp;Tasgellu v, to form a whisknbsp;Tasgu Ü, to job, to task; to start,nbsp;Tasgu ar, to press or urge uponnbsp;Tasio V, to combine; to bundlenbsp;Tau v, to stretch out; to be stillnbsp;Tau pw, thy, thine [silent: c, thatnbsp;Taw rest, quiet, silence: a, still, quiet,nbsp;Tawch -ion n, vapour, haze, fog: a, hazy,nbsp;Tawchlyd a, hazy, sultry [foggynbsp;Tawd w, spreading, distensionnbsp;Tawdd, toddion n, dissolved statenbsp;Tawdd a, melted, dissolvednbsp;Tawddlestr -i w, melting-potnbsp;Tawed n, state of silencenbsp;Tawedogrwydd n, taciturnitynbsp;Tawedwst a, murmuringnbsp;Tawei a, calm, serene, silent, quietnbsp;Tawelu r, to calm; to grow calmnbsp;Tawelwch n, calmness, serenitynbsp;Tawf nj extended statenbsp;Tawg nf what is lengthenednbsp;Tawiad n, growing silent [tiug offnbsp;Tawl, tolion n, casting off, throw, cut-Tawlfwrdd, fyrddau «, draught-boardnbsp;Tawlffon, ffyn nf throwing-staff, slingnbsp;Tawluerth -oedd «, projectile forcenbsp;Tawlrym -iau n, projectile powernbsp;Tawlu V, to cast off, to throwssTaflunbsp;Tawr, torion covering, surfacenbsp;Tê n, tea
Teb -au n, type, character Tebed «, prospect, spectaclenbsp;Tebedu r, to render prospectivenbsp;Tebyg a, similar, like, likelynbsp;Tebygiaeth nf comparison [likenessnbsp;Tebygiant, Tebygoldeb w, similitude,nbsp;Tebygol a, likely, probablenbsp;Tebygoli v, to make likenbsp;Tebygolrwydd n, likelihood, probabilitynbsp;Tebygu v, to likennbsp;Tecau v, to make fair; to beautifynbsp;Teclyn instrument, toolnbsp;Tech n, skulk, lurk
Techxal, Techu v, to skulk, to lurk Tedu V, to stretch, to distendnbsp;Tedd -au n, display; row, rangenbsp;Teddiad n, displayingnbsp;Teddyf -au n, socket, hollownbsp;Tefu V, to spread; to become spreadnbsp;Teg o, clear; fair; beautiful; finenbsp;Tegan -au n, bauble, toy; jewelnbsp;Teghau v, to make fair=Tecaunbsp;Tegid, Tegwch n, fairness, beautynbsp;Tegolch -au n, cosmeticnbsp;Tegwedd 0, of fair appearance, comelynbsp;Tegwel a, of fair aspectnbsp;Tegychu v, to embellishnbsp;Teng a, tough, tenaciousnbsp;Tengl -au r^, girth, girtnbsp;Tenglu V, to tie with a girthnbsp;Teilchion np, fragmentsnbsp;Teiifforch, tïyrch nƒ, dung-forknbsp;Teilig a, enveloping, coveringnbsp;Teiliwr, wyr, teilwriaid w, tailornbsp;Teilo V, to spread manure, to manurenbsp;Teilwngj a, worthy, deserving; deservednbsp;Teilyngdod n, worthiness, merit; dignitynbsp;Teilyngu v, to merit; to vouchsafenbsp;Teimlad, Teimlawd n, sensation, feelingnbsp;Teimladedd, Teimladrwydd n, feeling-Teimladwy a, sensible, feeling [nessnbsp;Teimlo v, to feel, to be sensiblenbsp;Teios np, cottages, cotsnbsp;Teirthion nf^ ague fit, aguenbsp;Teisban nf, origin; over-spread, quilt;nbsp;hassock. Teisban y ddwyffroen, thenbsp;cartilage between the nostrils, Rhyfelnbsp;teisban, intestine warnbsp;Teisen -au -i nf^ cakenbsp;Teisenan 7j/j little cakenbsp;Teisenu r, to form a cakenbsp;Teithdrwydded -au ^ passportnbsp;Teithfyntai, teion caravannbsp;Teithi on, faculties, characteristics. qualities, accidents. Teithi gwraig, Teithiannol a, itinerary [the catamenianbsp;Teithiannu v, to go on a journeynbsp;Teithiantjourneyingnbsp;Teithig a, characteristicnbsp;Teithio v, to travel, to journeynbsp;Teithiol, Teithiog a, journeyingnbsp;Teithiwr, wyr, Teithydd -ion «, travellernbsp;Tel, tèlau n, stricture; straight line; warp; teat: a, stretched; prompt Tel, teli, telion n, regulator; measure ofnbsp;capacity, five bushels, eight bushels:nbsp;a, regular; compact; fairnbsp;Telaid a, beautiful, fair, gracefulnbsp;Telan -au nf, harp=Telynnbsp;Telawd n, the act of stretching |
Tele », crimpled state, shrinking Teicu V, to shrink, to crimpnbsp;Telchyn n, broken piecenbsp;Teledigrwydd n, handsomenessnbsp;Teiediw a, compact; comelynbsp;Telediwrwydd n, comelinessnbsp;Teleiddio v, to practise minstrelsynbsp;Teleiddyn -ion n, minstrelnbsp;Teleinio v, to play the harpnbsp;Teler -au n, stretcher, frame, Telerau,nbsp;terms, conditionsnbsp;Teigorn, gyrn n, hautboynbsp;Telgwng n, crimplingnbsp;Telgwnw, rebounding; staggeringnbsp;Telgyngu v, to crimplenbsp;Telgynu v, to rebound; to staggernbsp;Tèli n, exactness; artnbsp;Teliad n, making smooth or exactnbsp;Tèlid n, compact, framenbsp;Telïo V, to practise an artnbsp;Tèlio V, to tighten Telio V, to make accordant or elegant Telm -au nf, Telmyn gimcrack; trap; springe; toy Telma v, to play with toysnbsp;Telmu Vy to form a toy; to snarenbsp;Telor -ion n, warbler; goldfinchnbsp;Telori tf, to warble; to quavernbsp;Telpyn n, little lumpnbsp;Telpynu v, to form lumpsnbsp;Telu V, to strain; to make compactnbsp;Telyn -au nyquot;, harp; side of a carcasenbsp;Teiyneg -ion ny lyric poem. Telyn-Telyniad n, harping [egion, lyricsnbsp;Telynor -ion, Telynwr, wyr n, harpist,nbsp;harper: ƒ, teiynores -aunbsp;Telynorio, Telynori v, to play a harpnbsp;Tellu V, to stretch overnbsp;Tellwedd?!/] oblivion; release; amnestynbsp;Teilweddiad w, consigning to oblivion; giving a release Temig -au «, particle; portionnbsp;Teml -au w/j place of sitting; templenbsp;Temlu v, to form a seatnbsp;Teneu a, thin; rarified; leannbsp;Teneuder, Teneudra ra, thinness; tenuitynbsp;Teneuhad, Teneuad n, attenuationnbsp;Teneuhau, Teneuo v, to attenuatenbsp;Tenewyn -au w, flanknbsp;Tenlli ?i, linsey-woolseynbsp;Tennyn -au a, cord; halter [strainednbsp;Tent «, what is strained: a, tightlynbsp;Tepyn -au n, small ledge or stepnbsp;Ter n, aptness to pervadenbsp;Ter a, clear, refined, pure, finenbsp;Terc -iau n, jerk, joltnbsp;Terch -au ny loop, noose |
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Teuiüyddes -au njquot;, housewife Tew a, thick, fat, plumpnbsp;Tewder, Tewdra n, thickness; fatnessnbsp;Tewdws a. thickly collectednbsp;Tewhau v, to thicken, to fattennbsp;Tewi V, to keep silent; to hold one’snbsp;peace. Taw son, hold your tongue;nbsp;you don’t say so!
Tewlyd a, apt to grow thick Tewychiant n, spissitude, thicknessnbsp;Tewychu v, to thickennbsp;Tewyn -ion n, firebrand; torchnbsp;Teyrn -edd -oedd n, sovereign, kingnbsp;Teyrnas -oedd nƒ, kingdomnbsp;Teyrnasiad, Teyrnasiaeth vƒ, reignnbsp;Teyrnasol a, of a kingdom; regnantnbsp;Teyrnasu v, to reignnbsp;Teyrnedd n, monarchynbsp;Teyrnes -au n/*, queennbsp;Teyrnged -ion -au nf, tributenbsp;Teyrnogaeth »/*, kingly officenbsp;Teyrnoldeb n, regalitvnbsp;Teyrnwialen, wiail nf, sceptrenbsp;Ti pn, thou, theenbsp;Tib -ion, Tic -ion n particle, bitnbsp;Ticiad n, forming particlesnbsp;Ticial V, to drain in oropsnbsp;Ticyn -au n, particle, scrap, bitnbsp;Tid -au nƒ, draught chain, chainnbsp;Tidmwy -au a, tether, tienbsp;Tidmwyad n. tetheringnbsp;Tido V, to chainnbsp;Ting n, crinkle; tinglenbsp;Tingo V, to crinKle; to flinch; to tinglenbsp;Til -ion n, minute particlenbsp;Tiliad, iaid n, very small flynbsp;Tim -ion n, little scrapnbsp;Timyn -au n, little bit; scrapnbsp;Tin -au -ion nf, fail, bottom. Tin y nyth,nbsp;the least of the broodnbsp;Tinbais, beisiau nf, petticoatnbsp;Tinben ad, tail to head. Tinben ystrell-ach, topsyturvy
Tmc -iau -ion n, tink, tinkle f tinker Tincerdd -iaid n, the tail of a craft;nbsp;Tincial, Tincian v, to tinkle; to drainnbsp;Tincio v, to tink, to ringnbsp;Tincion np, last drawn milknbsp;Tindaflu v, to throw the tail, to wincenbsp;Tindew a, fat-buttockednbsp;Tindin ad, tail to tailnbsp;Tindopio v, to flouncenbsp;Tindraphen ad^ topsyturvynbsp;Tindro -ion n, turn of the tailnbsp;Tindroed n, the didapper, dabchicknbsp;Tindrwm a, heavy-tailed: f tindromnbsp;Tinfoel a, bare-tailed
Tercliog a, having a loop Terchu v, to loop, to noosenbsp;Teredigaeth nf, clarificationnbsp;Teredd n, clarified statenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[end
Terfyn -au n, extremity, limit, bound; Terfynedigaeth nƒ, determinationnbsp;Terfynfa -oedd nj, boundary line; ter-Terfyngylch -oedd n, horizon [minusnbsp;Terfynoi a, terminating, finalnbsp;Terfynoldeb n. finitenessnbsp;Terfynu v, to limit; to end, to finishnbsp;Terfysg -oedd -au tumult, disturbancenbsp;Terfysgedd ^ tumultuousness [tuousnbsp;Terfysglyd, Terfysgol a, riotous, tumul-Terfysgu v, to raise a tumult or riotnbsp;Teriad n, irritationnbsp;Terica v, to irritate; to rutnbsp;Tèrig a, ardent; violent; harshnbsp;Terig a, ruttingnbsp;Terigiad w, making ardentnbsp;Term -au «, crisis; term; boozenbsp;Termio w, to fix a term; to tipplenbsp;Termudo r, to grow silentnbsp;Termud a, taciturnnbsp;Tern a, ardent, vehementnbsp;Terniad w, moving ardentlynbsp;Terog a, ardent; greedynbsp;Terogen -od n/*, female misernbsp;Terogi v, to be full of aviditynbsp;Terol a, clarifying, refiningnbsp;Tern v, to clear, to refine, to clarifynbsp;Term Teri v, to pout, to sulknbsp;Ter^n a, ardent, ferventnbsp;Terwynder n, vehemencynbsp;Terwynu v, to grow ardentnbsp;Terydd a, ardent; nimblenbsp;Teryg n, what is clotted; crustnbsp;Teryll a, piercing, keen .
Terylm v, to look ardently Tes n, sunshine, warmth, heatnbsp;Tesacn w, heat; wantonnessnbsp;Tesaint n, teaming with heatnbsp;Tesiad w, dispensing heatnbsp;Tesog a, sunny, hot, close, sultrynbsp;Testyn -au n, theme, subject, textnbsp;Testyno v, to set a theme [woodbinenbsp;Teth -au teat, pap. Tetbau’r gaseg,nbsp;Tethan nf, small teatnbsp;Tethog a, having teats. Tethogion,nbsp;Tethu V, to grow a teat [mammalianbsp;Teulu -oedd n, family; tribenbsp;Teuluaeth nf, domestic economynbsp;Teuluaidd a, domestic, familiarnbsp;Teuluedd n, familiaritynbsp;Teulueid'lio v, to domesticatenbsp;Tenlueiddrwydd n, hospitalitynbsp;Teuliiwriaeth nƒ, domestic order
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Tingloff a, hipshot
Tingocli a, red-tailed: «, the redstart Tingrach a, scahby-tailednbsp;Tinlettiu V, to overlaynbsp;Tinliwm am (ƒ, tinllom), Tinnoeth a,nbsp;Tino Vf to form a tail [barebottomednbsp;Tinpe i -1 nf, hassocknbsp;Tinrwth (ƒ, tinroth), Tinwyg a, open-Titisigl n, the wagtailnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tailed
Tip -iau w, particle, bit Tipyo -an », little piece, bitnbsp;Tipynu 1?, to pari or break into bitsnbsp;Tir -oedd n, land, earth, groundnbsp;Tiraeth w, continuationnbsp;Tirdriniad n, dressing of landnbsp;Tirddiwyll n, agriculturenbsp;Tirf a, fresh, luxuriant; livelynbsp;Tirdra w,;hness; richnessnbsp;Tirfhau tgt;, to freshen; to enrichnbsp;Tiriadu V, to make a landingnbsp;Tirio Vj to land; to turn the groundnbsp;Tiriog a, having land, landednbsp;Tiriogaeth iif^ landed estate, territorynbsp;Tirlogi V, to possess landnbsp;Tiriol n, terreous, earthynbsp;Tirion n, familiar spotnbsp;Tirion a, pleasant, geniad, lovely, tendernbsp;Tiriondeb, Tirionwch n. pleasantnessnbsp;Tirioni v, to render or become pleasantnbsp;Tirio JUS a, pieasinir, delujhtingnbsp;Tiro V to extend in continuitynbsp;Tis “ion n, sneeze, sternutationnbsp;Tisian, Tisio v, to sneeze, to sternutatenbsp;Titen n/, Tidiad, iaid n, small flynbsp;Titr n, whirl; metre so callednbsp;Titw nf. puss, cat (in fond language)nbsp;Tithau pn, thou or thee also, thyselfnbsp;Tiawd rt, poor, indigent, needy: plt;, tlodionnbsp;Tlodi n. poverty, wantnbsp;Tlos q/, pretty, fair, handsome: m, tlwsnbsp;Tlosen prettv femalenbsp;Tlottv, tai n, poorhouse, workhousenbsp;Tlws am, pretty, beautiful: ƒ, tlosnbsp;Tlws, tiysau n, jewel, gem; medalnbsp;Tlysedd n, prettiness beautynbsp;Tlvsu r, to render prettynbsp;Tlysyn n, pretty thing, jewel, trinketnbsp;To-ion -au «, covering; roof; generationnbsp;Toad n, covering; roofingnbsp;Tob n, summit, top=Topnbsp;Tooren -i n, thatcher’s dibbernbsp;Tohyn », summit, apex [presentlynbsp;Toe n, cap, hat, bonnet; ad, instantly,nbsp;Toci «, what is cut out; sharenbsp;Tocio V, to clip, to docknbsp;Tocyn -au -od », short piece; ticket;nbsp;pack. Tocyn o blant, pack of children
Tocynu tgt;, to ticket; to draw lots
Tochi V, to soak; to grow hazy Toui V, to construct; to joinnbsp;Toddaid n, what is melting; metrenbsp;Toddi V, to melt, to dissolve. Toddinbsp;dyled, to liquidate a debtnbsp;Toddiant n, solution, meltingnbsp;Toddion np, meltings; drippingsnbsp;Toddol a, dissolving, meltingnbsp;T'ed w, covering; roofingnbsp;Toedig a, covered; rootednbsp;Toen, to nf, sheaf of thatchnbsp;Toes n, dough, paste ot breadnbsp;Toeseg nf kneading-troughnbsp;Toesi V, to make doughnbsp;Toesyn -au n, Jump of doughnbsp;Tofi V, to draw out in a rangenbsp;Togi V, to elongate, to extendnbsp;Toi V, to cover over; to roof; to thatchnbsp;Toiach u, to meddle, to play, to dally:
meddling, playing, dalliance Tolc -iau n, dent or impression bynbsp;punching or strixingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[crease
Tolcio V, to cause a sink, to dent, to Tolch -au, Tolcheu -i nf, coagulatednbsp;Tolchenu v, to form a clod [mass, clodnbsp;Tolchiad n, forming clodsnbsp;Tolfaen, feini n, omen stonenbsp;Tolgorn n, trump, clarionnbsp;Toil V, to curtail; to spare; to deal outnbsp;Toiiant n, privation; sparingnbsp;Tolio V, to diminish; to spare, to econo-Tolnod -au nf, apostrophe (’)nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ mise
Tolws n, what roars; roarer Toll -au nf, fraction; toilnbsp;Tolldy, dai n, custom house; toll-housenbsp;Tollfa, fëydd nf, tolling-placenbsp;Tolli V, to take from; to tollnbsp;Toliiant n, toll, customnbsp;Tom -ydd n, mound; heap of dirt; dungnbsp;Tomen -i nf, mound; dunghillnbsp;Tomi V. to make a heap; to dungnbsp;Tomlyd a, covered with dun^
Ton -iau nf, surface; sward; peel; skin, Ton, tbnau nf. breaker, wave [lay landnbsp;Ton, tonau nf tone, accent; tunenbsp;Tone -iau nf, tink; ring, clashnbsp;Toncio, Toncian v, to tinkle, to ringnbsp;Tonen -i -au nf, coating; cuticle; bognbsp;Tbni V, to form a skin; to parenbsp;Toniad n, making a tonenbsp;Tbniad n, skinning, paringnbsp;Toniar nf piank, shinglenbsp;Toniar, ieri nf breaker, wavenbsp;Tbnog a, turbulent, boisterous; frewardnbsp;Tbnol a, oreaking in wavesnbsp;Tonyddiaeth nf tonation, prosodynbsp;279
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Torogen -od, Toroges -au nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Torogyn
n, big-bellied one
Toron -au nf plat; decking out; cloak,
Tbron -au n, cut nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mantle
Toronaeth Tif, decking out
Toroni v, to deck out; to mantle
Toronog a, decked, mantled
Torp w, round mass, lump
Torpell -i -au ry, lump; clod; dumpling
Torpwth n, short squab
Tors -au n/, covering; shelter
Torsed -i ny coverlet, rug
Torsi V, to cover over
Torstain a, bulging, gorbellied
Torsyth a, stiff-stomached [swagger
Torsythu v, to stiften out the belly; to
Torth -au loaf
Torthi V, to cake; to settle
Torympryd -iau n, breakfast
Tbryn -au n, cut=sTbron
Toryn -iau n, mantle, cloak
Tos -au n, (^uick, jerk, toss ^
Tosio r, to jerk, to toss Tost a, severe, harsh, violent; sorenbsp;Tostedd, Tester ji, severity; strangurynbsp;Tostfrwyn np (-en n/) sea rushesnbsp;Tosti r, to rack, to torturenbsp;Tosturn, misery, severe plight: a,severenbsp;Tosturhau v, to commiserate=Tosturionbsp;Tosturi, Tosturiant n, Tosturiaethnbsp;Tosturio V, to take pity [compassion; pitynbsp;Tosturiol a, compassionatenbsp;Tosturus a, pitiful, piteousnbsp;Towr, Towyr n, one who forms a covering or roof, thatcher, tiler, slaternbsp;Tra n, extreme, excess; turn: ac2, over;
very; whilst: px, over, very, extreme Traberwi v, to overboilnbsp;Trabloedd «ƒ, great outcrynbsp;Trabludd -ion «, trouble; turmoilnbsp;Trabluddio w, to troublenbsp;Trabluddiol a, troublous, troublednbsp;Trach pr, beyond, beside; atnbsp;Trachaer -au nf, advanced wallnbsp;Trachas », extreme hatrednbsp;Trachefn ad, behind; again; afterward»nbsp;Trachoddi v, to vex extremelynbsp;Trachrynu v, to shake extremelynbsp;Trachuedd n, over fondnessnbsp;Trachuro v, to beat extremely [ousnessnbsp;Trachwant -au n, cupidity; lust, covet-Trachwanta, Trachwantu v, to desirenbsp;extremely; to covetnbsp;Trachwres n, extreme heatnbsp;Trachwyllt a, excessively wildnbsp;Trachywed a, very uniformnbsp;Trad n, what spreads out
Top «iau n, top; stopple
Topi V, to butt, to gore with the horns Topio V, to top, to crest; to stop upnbsp;Topyn -au n, top; topplenbsp;Topynu v, to form a topnbsp;Tor -ion n, break, rupture, cut: -aunbsp;bulee; belly; boss. Tor y Haw, palmnbsp;of the hand. Tor y mynydd, breastnbsp;Tór w, mantle; copenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[of the hill
Toraeth, eithiau w, producestore Toraid,eidiau nf. bellyful. Toraid o foch,nbsp;Torben -au n, guillotine flitter of pigsnbsp;Torbwt, bytiaid w, turbotnbsp;Torch, tyrch nf^ wreath; coil; rundlenbsp;Torch! to wreathe; to coilnbsp;Torchog a, wreathed; coilednbsp;Torclioi a, wreathing, coilingnbsp;Torchwr, wyr twister; codernbsp;Tordaen, Tordain v, to loll, to loungenbsp;Tordyn a, tight-beliiednbsp;Tordd murmur, dinnbsp;Torddi v, to murmur, to make a dinnbsp;Tored «, what expands: a, vastnbsp;Toredwynt -oedd n, whirlwindnbsp;Toreithio v, to yieid increasenbsp;Toreithiog, Toreithus a, abundant, full,nbsp;teemingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[multitude
Torf -oedd nf^ crowd; troop; host, Torfa,feydd nf^ host; thousand millionsnbsp;Torfagl nf^ the eye-brightnbsp;Torfi igt;, to collect a hostnbsp;Torfog having a hostnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[head
Torfynyglu v. to break the neck; to be-Torged -ion w, bankrupt Torgedaeth nf^ bankruptcynbsp;Torgedlys -oedd n, bankruptcy courtnbsp;Torgeg -au «, cut-throatnbsp;Torgeingl -au nf^ girth, girtnbsp;Torgest -i hernia, rupturenbsp;Torgestu v, to form a hernia, to rupturenbsp;Torgoch a, red-bellied: charnbsp;Torgochiad, iaid n, char nshnbsp;Tori u, to break, to cut, to fracturenbsp;Toriad, Toriant n, breaking, fracturenbsp;Torlan -au. lenydd n/, broken banknbsp;Torila -od ny, slattern, slutnbsp;Torilwyd, Torllwvdog nf, the wild tansynbsp;Torllwyth nf Sc cn, litternbsp;Tormach n, forfeit of bailnbsp;Tormaen the saxifragenbsp;Tormaint n, surrounding hostnbsp;Tormennu v, to press roundnbsp;Torment«, press round; conflictnbsp;Tormi v, to reassemble roundnbsp;Tornod -au ny comma (,)
Torog a, having a prominence; big-bellied, applied to sows, dogs, and cats
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Tradilyn v, to follow to excess Tradwy n, third day to come: ad^nbsp;three days hencenbsp;Tradynol a, superhumannbsp;Tradd w, extreme motionnbsp;Traddawd delivery overnbsp;Traddodi v, to deliver overnbsp;Traddodiad re, tradition [to purgenbsp;Traddu u, to move violently, to scour.nbsp;Traddygiad re, transferringnbsp;Traddygid r, to transfernbsp;Traed rep (troed re amp; «ƒ), feetnbsp;Traeth -au re, tract; sand, beachnbsp;Traethadur -iaid re, one who treatsnbsp;Traethawd -odau re, treatise, essaynbsp;Traetheg nf^ declamationnbsp;Traethell -i, Traethen -inbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;sand bank
Traethodydd -ion re, essayist Traethodyn re, kind of verse; tractnbsp;Traethu v, to relate; to treatnbsp;Traf re, strain; stir; scournbsp;Trafael -ion extreme effort; travailnbsp;Trafaelu, Trafaelio v, to travail, to toil;nbsp;to travel
Trafaes -oedd re, stir, bustle; pains Trafel -au re, press; hatchel Lamp;tilpnbsp;TraHwnc, lyncau re, draught; guzzle.nbsp;Traflyncu v, to guzzle, to gulpnbsp;Trafn -au re, stir, bustle, range, rotationnbsp;Trafnid re, range; turn, change; commerce, exchange
Trafnidaeth nf^ commerce, business Trafnidio r, to exchange, to transactnbsp;Trafnidiol a, commercial [businessnbsp;Trafnig a, mutable, declinablenbsp;Trafnnoddwr, wyr re, consulnbsp;Trafnoldeb re, mutablenessnbsp;Trafnu v, to range; to revolvenbsp;Trafod -au re/ amp; re, stirring, bustle;
commerce, trade, business Trafod, Trafodi t), to stir, to bustle, tonbsp;strive, to intermeddle; to quarrelnbsp;Trafodaeth nf^ act of stirring, bustling,nbsp;intermeddling; transactionnbsp;Trafodus a, stirring, bustlingnbsp;Trafolio to gormandizenbsp;Trafu to stir; to scournbsp;Traff re, strewing, scatteringnbsp;Traffaith, ffeithiau re, plot, schemenbsp;Traffeithus a, plottingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[trouble
Trafferth -ion re/ business, toil, bustle, Trafferthol, Trafferthus a, bustlingnbsp;Trafferthu v, to bustle, to toil, to troublenbsp;Traffiad re, spreading, strewingnbsp;Traffu V, to strew, to scatternbsp;Traff’wyr re, violent assaultnbsp;Traffysg re, extreme hurry
Trag at?, beyond; beside
Tragor -ion re, superabundance Tragori v, to transcendnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[dency
Tragoriaeth re/ Tragoriant transcen-Tragoroldeb re, superexcellence Tragoruchder re, supereminencenbsp;Tragwerth re, overvaluenbsp;Tragwiw a, most excellentnbsp;Tragwres re, extreme heatnbsp;Tragyfyth a, beyond this world, eternalnbsp;Tragyfythoes ad. eternallynbsp;Tragywydd, Tragwyddoi, Tragywyddol,nbsp;Tragyfythol a, everlasting [ternitynbsp;Tragwyddoldeb, Tragywyddoldeb re, e-Tragwyddoli, Tragywyddoli re, to eternize, to immortalizenbsp;Trang -au re, cessation; deceasenbsp;Traha re, presumptionnbsp;Trahau re, to become arrogantnbsp;Trahaus a, arrogant, haughtynbsp;Trahausder re, presumptionnbsp;Trai re, decrease; ebb tide ^
Traian re, one-third, the third part Traill, treillion «, trail, draught, turnnbsp;Tram, treinion re, stroll, stray, strewnbsp;Trais, treisiau re, rapine, ravishment;
rape; oppression, force Traith, treithion re, expression, treatisenbsp;Trallod -ion -au re, adversity, afflictionnbsp;Trallodi re, to afflict, to vexnbsp;Traliodol, Trallodus a, afflicting, vexingnbsp;TralJwyfldiant re, excess of prosperitynbsp;Trallwytho re, to overloadnbsp;Tramaint re, immensity: a, immensenbsp;Tramglwydd n, stumblenbsp;Tramglwyddo re, to stumblenbsp;Traragwydd -ion re, downfall; offencenbsp;Tramgwyddo re, to stumble; to offendnbsp;Tramgwyddol a, stumbling; offensivenbsp;Tramoli re, to praise to excessnbsp;Tramor a, transmarine; foreignnbsp;Tramori re, to pass over seanbsp;Tramp -au re, ramble, straynbsp;Trampio re, to ramblenbsp;Tramwy, Tramwyad re, going aboutnbsp;Tramwy, Tramwyo re, to go aboutnbsp;Tramwyol a, traversingnbsp;TrSiQ re, space, stretch, districtnbsp;Tran ad, partly, rather, considerablynbsp;Trane re, cessation; end; deathnbsp;Tranced -i reƒ cup with a handlenbsp;Trancedig a, perishing; ended. Y tranc-edig, the deceasednbsp;Trancedigaeth re, death, deceasenbsp;Trancell -au nf, single draughtnbsp;Trancol fl, perishing; endingnbsp;Trancu re, to perish, to die
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Treftadoe: a, having patrimony: -ion n, Treftadol a, patrimonia) ^nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[l^eir
Treftadu v, to form a patrimony Trefu V, to make a homenbsp;Trengholiad », coroner’s inquestnbsp;Trengholwr, wvr. Trengholydd -ion «,nbsp;Trengol a, perishing, vanishing [coronernbsp;Trengreithwyr np, coroner’s jurynbsp;Trenga v, to end, to expirenbsp;Treidio o, to course, to rangenbsp;Treiddiadwy a, penetrablenbsp;Treiddio v, to penetratenbsp;Treiddiol a. penetratingnbsp;Treiddioldeb n, penetrabilitynbsp;Treiddyn -au n, projecting ridgenbsp;Treigl -ion n, turn, revolutionnbsp;Treiglad n, revolving; strolling; inflec-Treiglant revolution; strolling [tionnbsp;Treigiddyn -ion n. wanderernbsp;Treigled n, revolving, rollingnbsp;Treigledigaeth nf^ revolutionnbsp;Treiglo Ü, to turn, to circulate; to roll;nbsp;to stroll, to wander; to traverse, tonbsp;migrate; to trickle. Treiglo gair, tonbsp;decline a word
Treiglwaith ad, once on a time Treillio r, to troll, to dredgenbsp;Treiiliwr, wyr n, trolter, dredgernbsp;Treinio v, to stray; to scatternbsp;Treiniol a, straying; strewingnbsp;Treio v, to decrease, to ebb; to trynbsp;Treisglo v, to clatternbsp;Treisiad, iaid n, forcer: nf, heifernbsp;Treisiaeth nf, ravishmentnbsp;Treisiant n, oppression, foenbsp;Treisig a, apt to ravish: tragicnbsp;Treisio t?, to force, to ravish, to oppressnbsp;Treisioldeb n, oppressivenessnbsp;Treisiwr, wyr, Treisydd -ion n, forcer,nbsp;ravjsher, oppressornbsp;Treithio u, to treat, to discoursenbsp;Trem -iau nf, sight, look, aspect [mentnbsp;Trembeiriant, iannau «. optical instru-Treinfa -oedd, fëydd nf, observatorynbsp;Tremiadur -on n, telescopenbsp;Tremiannu v, to cast a iooknbsp;Tremiant, iannau n, appearancenbsp;Tremid n, appearancenbsp;Tremiuvdd -ion n, observernbsp;Tremio, Tremu v, to look, to observe, tonbsp;Tremiol a, looking, observing [gazenbsp;Tremiwr, wyr n, lookernbsp;Treinofydd -ion n, opticiannbsp;Treinofyddiaeth nf opticsnbsp;Tremwydr -au n, telescopenbsp;Tremyd n, state of being seennbsp;Tremydiad -iaid n, apparition
Tremydd -ion w, observer
Tremyddiaeth rif, science of optics
Tremygu v, to contemn
Tremyn, Tremvnt n, look, view, glance;
Tremynfa -oedd vf watchtower
Tremyngar a, observant, keen
Tremyniad, iaid n, phantom; boar
Tremynu v, to look; to seem
Tremynydd -ion n, explorer
Tren n, force, rapidity: a, impetuous,
Trenig a, impetuous, furious [strenuous
TrenlJif n, rapid torrent
Trent n, force, rapidity
Trenu v, to act rapidly
Trennsdeb n, impetuosity [to-morrow
Trenydd ad, two days hence, day after
Tres -i nf toil; stroke; trace, chain
Tresgl n, the tormentil
Tresglen nf, thrush (bird)
Tresgl -au n, frame; trestle Trestlu v, to put on a frame; to put onnbsp;a trestle; to framenbsp;Tresu v, to put on a tracenbsp;Treth -i nf, tax; cr^, growth. Trethnbsp;fawr, land tax. Treth meddiannau,nbsp;property tax. Treth y cyllid, incomenbsp;tax. Treth y tfordd, highway rate.nbsp;Treth y goleu, window tax. Treth ynbsp;tlocli, Treth y tlodion,poor rate. Trethnbsp;yr Eglwysj church ratenbsp;Trethol a, tributary, taxednbsp;Trethu v, to tax. to rate, to assessnbsp;Treulfawr a, expensivenbsp;Treulgar a, prodigal, profusenbsp;Treuiiad n, consuming; digestionnbsp;Treuiio v, to consume; to digestnbsp;Trew n, the act of sneezingnbsp;Trew V. to sternutate, to sneezenbsp;Trewfiwch, flychau n, snuffboxnbsp;Trewlwch n, snuffnbsp;Trewydd n, push forwardnbsp;Trewyn n, persuasionnbsp;Trewynol a, persuasivenbsp;Trewynu u, to persuade, to conciliatenbsp;Trewynwr, wyr n, persuadernbsp;Tri am, three: f, tair: n. three. Trinbsp;ar hymtheg, eighteen. Tri ar ddeg,nbsp;thirteen. Tri ugain, sixty=:Trigainnbsp;Triad n, forming into three; triadnbsp;Triannol a, tertian, triadicnbsp;Trianu v, to tertiatenbsp;Tftawd n, trio (music)
Triban -au n, triplet (metre) Tribaniaeth nf, triplicitynbsp;Tribanu v, to triplicatenbsp;Tribedd -i nf, tripod, trivetnbsp;283
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Trichanmil ra, three hundred thousand Trichant ra, three hundred, 800, ccc.nbsp;Tridant ra, trident Tride^jthirty,80,xxx.=Deg ar hugain Tridiau n, three days^ spacenbsp;Tridyblyg a, threefoldnbsp;Trig «, stay, fixed statenbsp;Trigad n, staying, tarryingnbsp;Trigadiad, laid n, sojournernbsp;Trigain a Sen, sixty, 60, lx. Trigeinfed (60fed) a, sixtieth, 60th Trigfa, fëydd, Trigfan -au wƒ, dwelliug-place, residence, abodenbsp;Trigfanu v, to form a dwellingnbsp;Trigiannoi a, residentiarynbsp;Trigiannu v, to residenbsp;Trigiant w, residencenbsp;Trigle -oedd n, dwelling-placenbsp;Trigo w, to stay; to dwell; to dienbsp;Trigol a, tarrying; dwellingnbsp;Trin -oedd nf^ management; bustle; trouble; action, battle Trin tgt;,to meddle; to manage; to treat; to labour at; to quarrel Trindod -au nf, trinitynbsp;Trindodiaeth nf^ trinitarianismnbsp;Trindodol a, trinitariannbsp;Trindodydd -ion ra, trinitarian [rellingnbsp;Triniad n, meddling; managing; quar-Triniaeth nf, management; treatmentnbsp;Triniol a, managingnbsp;Trino, Trinio v, to managenbsp;Trinogaeth w/, managementnbsp;Trioedd np, triadsnbsp;Trioii r, to tertiatenbsp;Trip -iau n, trip, slipnbsp;Tripa era, the bowels, intestinesnbsp;Tripian v, to keep trippingnbsp;Triple V, to trip, to stumblenbsp;Trist a, pensive, sorrowful, sadnbsp;Tristan v, to grow sorrowfulnbsp;Tristlawn a sorrowful, rueful, dolefulnbsp;Tristwch, Tristyd ra, sadness, sorrownbsp;Trithro a, of three turnsnbsp;Trithroed a, three-footednbsp;Triunawd w, trinitynbsp;Triundod n, trinity in unitynbsp;Tro -ion ra, turn; time; laxnbsp;Troad ra, turning; flexion; conversionnbsp;Troawl a, turning, revolvingnbsp;TrobwiI, byllau ra, whirlpoolnbsp;Troch -ion nf, spray; lavenbsp;Trochfa, fëydd ra/, bathing-placenbsp;Trochi v, to immerse, to dip, to plunge. to bathe; to soil, to dirty Trochion rap, splashings; sudsnbsp;Trochioni v. to raise a lather |
Trochol a, bathing, immersing Trochwr, wyr, Trochydd -ion ra, one whonbsp;dips, dipper; diver; Anabaptistnbsp;Trodi V, to make a transitnbsp;Trodwen -od ra/j starling; starenbsp;Troddi v, to make a transit, to progressnbsp;Troed, traed ra amp; ra/ footnbsp;Troedfedd -i ra/ foot measurenbsp;Troedgall a, cJub-footednbsp;Troedgam a, wry-footednbsp;Troedig a, turned, convertednbsp;Troedigaeth nf, conversionnbsp;Troedio to root, to pace; to treadnbsp;Troediog a, footed: w, footmannbsp;Troedlas, Troedlath -au nf, treadle, footnbsp;Troedle -oedd ra, trodden place [boardnbsp;Troedlen -i nf foot boardnbsp;Troedlydan a, broad-footednbsp;Troednoeth a, bare-footednbsp;Troedogi v, to fetternbsp;Troedraw -iau nf foot spadenbsp;Troedrudd nf crane’s billnbsp;Troedsang -au nf low hedgenbsp;Troeli -aura/J whirl; wheel; reel; pulley; windlass; screw; trope, figurenbsp;Troellen -i nf whirl, twirlnbsp;Troellhoei -ion nf screw nail, malenbsp;Troelli v, to whirl; to reelnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[screw Troellog a, having a wheel Troellrych -au ra, screw groove, femalenbsp;Troeliwaith ra, wheelworknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[screw TroeJlwr, wyr're, turner Troellymadrodd -ion ra, tropologynbsp;Troen r/, twirl; turn; whilenbsp;Troetys -au n, snare, ginnbsp;Troeth ra, wash; lye; urinenbsp;Troethbar, Troethbarol a, diureticnbsp;Troethlif n, diabetesnbsp;Trof a, fëydd «/, turn; tropic; glancenbsp;Trofaeg, Trofeg -au nf tropenbsp;Trofan -au nf tropicnbsp;Trofau v, to make a turnnbsp;Trofaus a, fiexuous, tortuous; perversenbsp;Trofiad, Trofiant ra, transition; clausenbsp;Trofol a, tending forwardnbsp;Trohidi ra, rope twisternbsp;Troi tgt;,,to turn, to revolve; to convertnbsp;Troiad ra, turning^Troadnbsp;Trol -iau nf cylinder, roll; cartnbsp;Trolaidd a, cylindricalnbsp;Trolen nf roundletnbsp;Tolian, Troiio, v, to roll, to trundlenbsp;Trolyn -au ra, roller; chubnbsp;Trom af heavy, weighty; sad: tn, trwmnbsp;Tron -au nf circle; thronenbsp;Troni v, to render superior [ferencenbsp;Troni v, to form a periphery or circum-284 |
Trontol n, handlessDyrntol, Dyrnddol Tros n, transverse bar; locknbsp;Tros pr, over, for, instead of. Trosof,nbsp;trosot, trosti, trosom, trosoch, tros-tynt, over or for me, thee, amp;c. Danbsp;dros ben, exceedingly goodnbsp;Trosedd, Troseddiad -au n, trangres-Troseddol a, transgressingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sion Troseddu v, to transgress, to offend Troseddwr, wyr,«, offender, trangressornbsp;Trosel -i plaited fencenbsp;Trosenwad «, transnominationnbsp;Trosfa, fëydd nf^ turning-placenbsp;Trosfynediad «, metabasisnbsp;Trosgl af^ clumsy, awkward: m, trwsglnbsp;Trosgludo to transportnbsp;Trosglwyddiad n, transferring j passagenbsp;Trosglwyddo v, to transfernbsp;Trosglwyddol a, transferringnbsp;Trosi V, to turn out; to move onward; to move about; to transfer Troslath -au cross beam or bar, partnbsp;of the ancient PeUhynen, being thenbsp;stock or frame in which the ends ofnbsp;the staves were insertednbsp;Trosodd pr, over; beyond: ad, on thenbsp;Trosol -ion n, lever; bar [other sidenbsp;Trosolwaew «/j lever beamnbsp;Trosolwydd handspikenbsp;Trostan -au, Trosten -i nf^ long slendernbsp;Trostr -au n, slidernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[pole Troterth -od n, trotter Trotial, Totian r, to keep trottingnbsp;Trotio Ü, to go on a trotnbsp;Trotiwr, wyr n, one who trotsnbsp;Troth what tends throughnbsp;Trothyw, from side to sidenbsp;Trothi », passing throughnbsp;Trothwy -on n, thresholdnbsp;Trowynt -oedd «, whirlwindnbsp;Tru n, outcast state: a, wretchednbsp;Truan a, wretched, miserable. Truannbsp;bach, poor little thing. Trueiniaid,nbsp;wretches Truander, Truanedd w, wretchedness Truanen, Truanes nf^ poor wretch,nbsp;wretched femalenbsp;Truanu r, to commiseratenbsp;Truedd «, wretchednessnbsp;Trueiniad, iaid n, wretched onenbsp;Trueinio d, to become wretchednbsp;Trueni», wretchedness ; pitynbsp;Truenus a, wretched, piteousnbsp;Truenusedd », piteousnessnbsp;Trugar a, compassionatenbsp;Trugaredd -au «/, mercy; pitynbsp;Trugareddfa w/, mercy-seat |
Trugareddol a, commiserating, merci- Trugarhad w, commiseration [ful Trugarhau r, to commiserate, to havenbsp;Trugarog a, merciful, pitying [mercynbsp;Trugarogrwydd », mercifulnessnbsp;Trul -iau «, drilling-toolnbsp;Trulio V, to drill a holenbsp;Trull n, store; store of liquornbsp;Trulliad, iaid «, butlernbsp;Trulliadaeth nf, butlershipnbsp;Trullio V, to draw liquornbsp;Trum -iau w, ridge, backnbsp;Truman, ain wc, ridge, copenbsp;Trumbeithyn np (-en «ƒ), ridge tilesnbsp;Trumbren -i w, keelnbsp;Trutniad w, ridging; copingnbsp;Trumiog a, ridged, copednbsp;Trus «, ward, guardnbsp;Trusi w, what is a guardnbsp;Trusiad, iaid w, ward, bulwarknbsp;Trusio V, to guard, to wardnbsp;Truth «, flattery, wheedling, fawningnbsp;Truthad w, wheedlingnbsp;Truthan, ain nc, wheedlernbsp;Truthlad, iaid sycophant, flatterernbsp;Truthio v, to wheedle, to flatternbsp;Trw n, whirl; pervasionnbsp;Trw pr, through, by=Trwynbsp;Trwb w, what is rubbednbsp;Trwc, trycion turn; trucknbsp;Trwca -od «, bowl, cupnbsp;Trwcl, tryclau w, trundle; trucklenbsp;Trwch, trychion n, cut; section; thick-Trwd n, what is pervading [nessnbsp;Trwl, trylau w, pack, cushion, couchnbsp;Trwlian,Trwlio v, to roll together, to roll,nbsp;Trwlyn squabby thing [to bundlenbsp;Trwm aw, heavy, weighty; sad: ƒ, tromnbsp;Trwn, trynion «, circlenbsp;Trwnc w, urine, lye, stalenbsp;Trwodd ad, throughnbsp;Trwpa n, tub, hod; trollopnbsp;Trws -oedd n, covering, dressnbsp;Trwsa, ëydd n, packet, trussnbsp;Trwsgl a, clumsy, bungling; ƒ, trosglnbsp;Trwsglyn n, bunglernbsp;Trwsiad n, dressing; dressnbsp;Trwsiadu v, to clothe, to dress [dressednbsp;Trwsiadus a, dressed, decked, wellnbsp;Trwsio V, to dress, to decknbsp;Trwst, trystau n, noise, rustling; thun-Trwstan a, clumsy; unlucky [dernbsp;Trwstaneiddio v, to become clumsynbsp;Trwstaneiddiwch, Trwstanwch n, clumsiness, awkwardnessnbsp;Trwth, try thion n, what tends to expandnbsp;Trwy -on n, pass through |
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Trwy ;)r, through; by; by means of Trwyad n, permeationnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[thorough Trwyadi a, alert, smart, lively; complete, Trwyadledd n, sprjghtliness; thorougb-Trwyadlu v, to act alertlynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ness Trwyd n, bursting through Trwydo to burst throughnbsp;Trwydol a, bursting, penetratingnbsp;Trwydd «, passing through; borenbsp;Trwydd pr. through; by; by means ofnbsp;Trwyddair, eiriau n, passwordnbsp;Trwydded -au pass, passport, license; fare; receptionnbsp;Trwyddedog a, having license, licensednbsp;Trwyddedogaeth n/*, freedom of passingnbsp;Trwyddedogi r, to give free passagenbsp;Trwyddedu y,to pass freely; to licensenbsp;Trwyddedwr, wyr passengernbsp;Trwyddew n, piercer, borernbsp;Trwyddo v, to pass through; to borenbsp;Trwyddyd -au n, pass; license; farenbsp;Trwyll -au nƒ, swivel; ringnbsp;Trwyllo igt;, to swivel; to trollnbsp;Trwyn -au n, nose, snout, nozzle; pointnbsp;Trwyndrist a, quarrelsome; peevishnbsp;Trwyngornfil -od n, rhinocerosnbsp;Trwynlwch re, snuft'[consonants, nasalsnbsp;Trwynol a, nasal. Trwynolion, nasalnbsp;Trwynswch re, tip of tUe nosenbsp;Trwyo pr, through: at?, throughnbsp;Trwyogaeth nf, pervasionnbsp;Trwyogi r, to make pervasive [urimnbsp;Trwyth -i re, solvent, lye; decoction;nbsp;Trwythbair a, diureticnbsp;Trwythi re, menstruum; lyenbsp;Trwythlif re, diabetesnbsp;Trwytno r, to steep in lyenbsp;Try re, aptness to pass through or overnbsp;Tryad re, pervasionnbsp;Tryal -au re, homesteadnbsp;Tryarllais a, of stunning voicenbsp;Tryawch re, magnetismnbsp;Tryb -oedo re, blended statenbsp;Trybaeddu re, to wallow; to daubnbsp;Trybed -au re, support; brand ironnbsp;Trybedd -i nf^ support; trivetnbsp;Trybeddu re, to set firmlynbsp;Trybelid a, perspicuous, clearnbsp;Trybest re, commotion, bustlenbsp;Trybestu re, to bluster, to bustlenbsp;Tryblith re, chaosnbsp;Tryboethi re, to heat throughnbsp;Trybola re, mixture; wallowingnbsp;Tryboli re, to huddle; to wallownbsp;Trybwyll a, of piercing mindnbsp;Trybylog a, dull Trycio re, to flag, to fail; to drag |
Trych re, opening; scope Trycheb tmesis Trychfa, fëydd place that is cutnbsp;Trychfil -od re, insectnbsp;Trychgyff -ion re, chopping-blocknbsp;Trychiad, iaid re, cutter, loppernbsp;Trychineb re, disaster, calamitynbsp;Trychinebus a, disastrous, calamitousnbsp;Trychion np (-yn re) cuttings, shredsnbsp;Trvchni re, disaster, mishapnbsp;Trycholdeb re, mangled statenbsp;Trychu re. to cut, to cut into, to truncatenbsp;Trychwys re, thorough sweatnbsp;Trychyn re, small cutnbsp;Trydan re, electric fluid, electricitynbsp;Trydaniaeth re, electricitynbsp;Trydanol a, electric, electricalnbsp;Trydanu re, to electrifynbsp;Trydar re, chirp; din: re, to chirpnbsp;Trydaru re, to chatter; to din; to chirpnbsp;Trydedd, Tryde q/*, tnird: m, trydydd,nbsp;Trydiad re, pervasionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[trydy Trydon re/^ agrimony Trydon a, thoroughly tonednbsp;Trydwan ad, four days hencenbsp;Trydydd (3ydd) am, third; f, trydeddnbsp;Trydd re, what is throughnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[(3ecld) Tryddyd re. passage through Tryf re, what is pervasivenbsp;Tryfal -au re, trianglenbsp;Trvfalu re, to form a trianglenbsp;Tryfer -i nf harpoon, spearnbsp;Tryferu re, to harpoonnbsp;Tryfesur -au re, aiameternbsp;Tryfol re, what is all bellynbsp;Tryfolio re, to gormandize [ing; teemingnbsp;Tryfrith a thoroughly mixed; swarm-Tryfritho re to chequer, to variegate, tonbsp;diversify; to be swarmingnbsp;Tryfrwyd a, I'lterweavingnbsp;Tryiais, ieisiau re, tnorough voicenbsp;Trylef -au nƒy thorough utterancenbsp;Trylen re, thorough learning: a, thoroughly learned, eruditenbsp;Tryles re, thorougH benefitnbsp;Trylifo re, to flow throughnbsp;Trvlith re, thorough trainingnbsp;Tryliw -iau re, pervading colournbsp;Tryloes -au 7i/, pervading pangnbsp;Tryloew a, transparent [roughly burntnbsp;Tryiosg re, thorough ignition: a, tho-Trylwyn a, very ready or perfectnbsp;Trylwyr a, thoroughly completenbsp;Trylym a, thoroughly keennbsp;Trym a, compact, tr mnbsp;Trymder, Trymedd re, heavinessnbsp;Trymfryd re, sadness of mindnbsp;286 |
Trymgwsff », dead sleep Trymhau v, to make heavynbsp;Trymiad. Trymh^ n, making heavynbsp;Trymluog a, flaggingnbsp;Tryrawydd np (-en nf \ sprucenbsp;Trymysg «, confusionnbsp;Tryn -i w, ardency; tiercenessnbsp;Tryn a, ardent, fierce, sternnbsp;Trynaws n, pervading qualitynbsp;Trynedd n, ardency; fiercenessnbsp;Trynerth n, thorough strengthnbsp;Trynodd n, pervading juicenbsp;Trynwyd w, pervading emotionnbsp;Tryred 71/*, run through [rough-brednbsp;Tryryw -ian n, perfect kind; 0, tho-Trysain, seiniau rif, perfect soundnbsp;Trysawd n, thorough-basenbsp;Trysawdd, soddion n, cube rootnbsp;Trysgleud n, awkwardnessnbsp;Trysor -au n, treasurenbsp;Trysorfa, fëyda treasurynbsp;Trysori to treasurenbsp;Trysorwr, wvr, Trysorydd -ion », trea-Trystan n. blusterernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[surer
Trystian to keep clattering Trystio tgt;, to bluster, to clatter, to rustlenbsp;Trvthgwd, gyaau satchelnbsp;Trythu v, to swell outnbsp;Trvthyll a, voluptuous, indulgentnbsp;Trythyllu to follow pleasurenbsp;Trvthyliwch n, enjoyment, pleasurenbsp;Tryw what pervades; what is constant; trace; truth; agrimonynbsp;Tryw a, universal; constant [piercednbsp;Trywan n, thrust, stab: a, stabbed,nbsp;Trywanu v.lo transfix; to stab^ to piercenbsp;Trywar a, thoroughly tamenbsp;Trywedd n, trace by scentnbsp;Trywel a, perspicuousnbsp;Trywio v, to pervadenbsp;Trywydd n, trace, scentnbsp;Trywyddu v, to trace by scentnbsp;Trywyllt a, thoroughly wildnbsp;Xrvwyn a, thoroughly happynbsp;Trywyngar a, conciliatorynbsp;Tu -oedd n, side; region; part. Tunbsp;allan, Tu faes, Tu inaes, on the outside. Tu fewn, Tu mewn, inside.nbsp;Tu hwnt, on the other side; beyond,nbsp;Tu yma, on this side.. Tu yna, Tunbsp;acw, on that side. 0 du ei dad, 0 rannbsp;ei daa, on his father’s sidenbsp;Tua, Tuag ad, in a direction to;
towards; about. Tuag at, towards Tuch n, grunt, groannbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[groan
Tuchan n, grumlfling: v, to grumble, to Tuchaniad n, grumbling
Tuchanllyd a, apt to groan or grumble Tuchanol a, grunting, grumblingnbsp;Tuchanwr, wyr n, grumbler, groaner,nbsp;grunter; murmurernbsp;Tud -oedd n, surface; region; landnbsp;Tudalen -au n, side of a leaf; pagenbsp;Tudfach -au «, stiltnbsp;Tudlath -au n/, meting-rodnbsp;Tudlen -i -au n/quot; mapnbsp;Tudwed, Tudwedd wjf, sward, sodnbsp;Tudd -ion n, shade; gloom; vapournbsp;Tudded -au nf, covering, vesturenbsp;Tuddedu v, to put on a vestnbsp;Tuddedyn n, garmentnbsp;Tuddo V, to envelopnbsp;Tuedd -au n, region, district, coast: nf,nbsp;tendency, bias, inclinationnbsp;Tueddol a, inclining, conducive; aptnbsp;Tueddoldeb n, inclinednessnbsp;Tueddoli v, to render partialnbsp;Tueddu v, to incline, to bias, to tendnbsp;Tueddwr, wyr n, one who inclinesnbsp;Tuell -i nf, covert; covernbsp;Tufewnol a, internal, inwardnbsp;Tugel -ion n, ballotnbsp;Tugelu V, to vote by ballotnbsp;Tul -ion n, envelope; shroudnbsp;Tuliad n, shroudingnbsp;Turn -iau n, bend, turnnbsp;Tumiad n, forming a bendnbsp;Turnon nf, bender; spinenbsp;Tumonogion np, vertebrates, vertebratanbsp;Tun n, what pervadesnbsp;Tunad n, pervadingnbsp;Tur n, reverse; turn upnbsp;Turio V, to reverse; to turn upnbsp;Turn n, turn: a, roundnbsp;Turnen -i nf, whirl; turning-wheeljnbsp;shaft of a wheelnbsp;Turnio v, to turn, to do turnerynbsp;Turnwr, wyr n, turnernbsp;Turs -iau n, snout, chopsnbsp;Tnrsyn n, long snoutnbsp;Turtur -od nf turtle dovenbsp;Tus n, what is wrapped; whispnbsp;Tusw, wau, won », whisp, bunchnbsp;Tuswad n, making a whispnbsp;Tuth -iau n, trot; trudgenbsp;Tuthio V, to trot; to trudgenbsp;Tw n, rising up; drive; swaynbsp;Twa V, to drive, to urge onnbsp;Twb -iau n, round lumpnbsp;Twba, twbau n, tubnbsp;Two -ion n, cut, clip, chipnbsp;Twca -od n, sort of a knifenbsp;Twcio V, to clip, to docknbsp;Twdd «, what pokes or juts outnbsp;' 287
-ocr page 292-TWY TYDD
Twddf, tyddfau n, poke; punch Tweg -au nƒ, lock of hairnbsp;Twf w, growth; increasenbsp;Twff rise, liftj tuftnbsp;Twg n, prosperity, lucknbsp;Twng n, lot, plight; oathnbsp;Twl, tylau n, what is rounded; tuftnbsp;Twlc. tylcau, tylci^u n, cot, hovel, stynbsp;Twlcn, tylchau w, tump, knollnbsp;Twlftyn w, squab, chub: ƒ, twlffennbsp;Twlo n, bulk; booth, hutnbsp;Twll, tyllau n, hole; pit; dimple. Twllnbsp;mwn, mine shalt. Twll y liygad, thenbsp;socket of the eyenbsp;Twmffed -i w, funnelnbsp;Twmpj tympiau tump, moundnbsp;Twmpan nf, bulky onenbsp;Twmpath -au n, tump; bushnbsp;Twmpathu t;, to form tumpsnbsp;Twmpethyn w, small tumpnbsp;Twmpian v, to drop, to nodnbsp;Twn -ion n,tracture; splint: a,fracturednbsp;Twnc n, deposit, pledgenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;If, ton
Twniad fracturing Twnrif -au «, fractional numbernbsp;Twr, tyrau », towernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[_the Pleiades
Twr, tyrau «, heap, pile. Y twr ser, Twra n, aggregate, massnbsp;Twrcb, tyrchod n, burrower; hog; molenbsp;Twrd, tyrdau w, shallow tubnbsp;Twred-au w, pile; turret; tub [clapnbsp;Twrf, tyrfau n, stir, tumult, turmoil,nbsp;Twrio V, to rise or throw up, to heapnbsp;Twrlla -od n, mountain mousenbsp;Twrllach -au n, round lumpnbsp;Twrn, tyrnau n, round, turnnbsp;Twrnel -i », tub, vatnbsp;Tws n, extreme; outletnbsp;Twsel -i nf, tap, faucetnbsp;Twt w, what is complete: a, complete,nbsp;neat, smart. Gwas twt, factotumnbsp;Twtacn n, hard breathingnbsp;Twtiintermitted statenbsp;Twtial V, to intermit; to loiternbsp;Twtio V, to make neatnbsp;Twtnais a, altogether neatnbsp;TwylTJ check, stop, restraintnbsp;Twyg -au nf, garment; toganbsp;Twygo to cover, to wrapnbsp;Twyll «, deceit, fraudnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ment
Twylleb -ion nj] sophistry; false argu-Twyllo to deceive Twyllodrus a, deceitful, falsenbsp;Twyliofaint«, circumventionnbsp;Twyllofydd -ion n, sophistnbsp;Twyllresymiad «, sophistry [hot, sultrynbsp;Twym, Twymn w, heat; flush: a, warm,
Twymdra,Twymedd,Twyrader n,warm-Twymdwyr a, lukewarm [ness, warmth Twymfwydoto fomentnbsp;Twymnol 0, warmingnbsp;Twymo, Twymno v, to warm, to heatnbsp;Twymyn-on-aun, heat; fever. Twym-yn annwyd, influenza. Twyrayunbsp;doben, mumps. Twymynfelen, yellownbsp;fever, Twymyu fcaenol, typhus ornbsp;putrid fever. Twymyn goch, scarletnbsp;fever. Twymyn nychlyd,nervous fever.nbsp;Twymyn wely, miscarriagenbsp;Twyn -au w, hillock; bush; headland,nbsp;Twynen -ydd nf, sand-hill [promontorynbsp;Twynyn w, tump; bushnbsp;Twyo Vj to hem in; to checknbsp;Twyr a, agitated; torridnbsp;Twys -au n, top, tuftnbsp;Twys np, ears of cornnbsp;Twysen -i -au ear of cornnbsp;Twyseniad spring; earingnbsp;Twysenol a, spiring; earingnbsp;Twysenu v, to spire; to earnbsp;Twysg 71 mass, quantity [lotnbsp;Twysged, Twysgen nf^ mass, quantity,nbsp;Twysgo «J, to amass; to get to a headnbsp;Twysiad tï, tufting, spiringnbsp;Twyth -ion tï, elasticity; celeritynbsp;Twythad,Twythiad n, bounding, spring-Twythiasit n, resiliencynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ing
Twythig a, elastic; rising T wytho to spring, to boundnbsp;Twythus a, tending to springnbsp;T^, tai, teiau, tyau 7i, house. Teios,nbsp;cots, cottages, small housesnbsp;Tyaeth 71, householdingnbsp;Tyaid, eidiau n, housefulnbsp;Tyb -iau nf amp; ti, opinion, notionnbsp;Tybgar a, opinionatednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;( suspect
Tybied, Tybio v, to suppose, to think, to Tybiol a, supposing, suspectingnbsp;Tyblunio v, to form in the mind, tonbsp;Tybus a,suspecting,suspicious [imaginenbsp;Tybygoliaeth nf suppositionnbsp;Tybygu v, to imaginenbsp;Tyciannu v, to cause successnbsp;Tyciannus a, prosperousnbsp;Tyciant ti, prosperity, successnbsp;Tycio V, to prosper, to succeed, to availnbsp;Tyciol a, prosperingnbsp;Tyd 77, what is continuous; spacenbsp;Tydain 71, Titan; the sunnbsp;Tydi pn, thou, thyselfnbsp;Tyditnau pn, thou too, thyself alsonbsp;Tyddfu V, to poke; to jutnbsp;Tyddiad », spreading outnbsp;Tyddyn -od -au ti, farm; tenementnbsp;288
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Tyfiannu v, to vegetate Tyfiant n, vegetation, growthnbsp;Tyfol a, growing; vegetating. Tyfol-ion, vegetablesnbsp;Tyfu V, to grow, to vegetatenbsp;Tygio v, to prosper, to sncceed=Tycionbsp;Tynged -ion, -an nf^ destiny, fate, lucknbsp;Tyngedfen -au «ƒ destiny, fatenbsp;Tyngedfenu r, to predestinatenbsp;Tyngediad n, adjurationnbsp;Tyngedu v, to adjurenbsp;Tyngiad, Tyngad n, swearingnbsp;Tyngnaith nf, sanctuarynbsp;Tyngu V, to pledge, to swearnbsp;Tylad », making smoothnbsp;Tylath -au »/* house beam, purlin, rafternbsp;Tyle -au n, acclivity, steep, ascentnbsp;Tylino v, to knead doughnbsp;Tylu -oedd n, householdi=Teulunbsp;Tyluedd n, domesticity; societynbsp;Tylwyth -au «, household; familynbsp;Tylwytho tgt;, to form a familynbsp;Tylwythog a, having a familynbsp;Tyllgrug n, chink by droughtnbsp;Tyllog a, having holes, perforatednbsp;Tyllu V, to bore, to make a hole, to perforate, to pierce
Tym n, aptness to enlarge; space Tymmer -au n/J temperamentnbsp;Tymmerol a, temperamentalnbsp;Tymmeredd n, temperaturenbsp;Tymmeru v, to tempernbsp;Tymmerus a, temperatenbsp;Tymmerusedd n, temperatenessnbsp;Tymmestl -oedd nƒ, tempest, stormnbsp;Tymmestlog, Tymmestlus o, tempestuous, stormy, boisterousnbsp;Tyminestlu tgt;, to storm, to be boisterousnbsp;Tymmig a, ample, full timenbsp;Tymmig -ion n, prickle, twitchnbsp;Tymmigiad n, pricklingnbsp;Tymmor -au n, season, timenbsp;Tymmoraidd a, seasonablenbsp;Tymmoreiddiwch, Tymmoroldebnbsp;seasonableness; comfortablenessnbsp;Tymmori », to make or fix a seasonnbsp;Tymmorol a, temporalnbsp;Tymmyr », temporalitynbsp;Tymmyriad n, temperingnbsp;Tymp «, enlargement; bringing forth,nbsp;birth; time, seasonnbsp;Tympan -au nf^ drum; timbrelnbsp;Tyn », pull, stretchnbsp;Tyn ac, tight, stretched; stubborn: /, tennbsp;Tynchwydd «, tumournbsp;Tynder, Tyndra n, tightness; rigidity;nbsp;Tyndir -oedd n, lay land [straitnessnbsp;19
Tyndrec -iau n amp; cn, draught gear
Tynedigaeth nf^ attraction Tynedigol a, attractivenbsp;Tynell -i nf, barrel, tun; tonnbsp;Tynellaid, eidiau nf^ contents of a tunnbsp;Tynellu v, to fill a tunnbsp;Tyner, Tynerus a, tender, lenient, mildnbsp;Tyneriant n, einollitionnbsp;Tyneru v, to make tender, to softennbsp;Tynerwch, Tyneredd w, tendernessnbsp;Tynfa, fëydd nf, draught, pullnbsp;Tynfach -au n, harpoon; grapnelnbsp;Tynfad -au tug-boatnbsp;Tynfaen, feini n, loadstonenbsp;Tynfarch, feirch n, draught horsenbsp;Tynhau v, to tighten, to strainnbsp;Tyniad n, pulling, draughtnbsp;Tyniar -oedd «/*, bubblenbsp;Tyniedydd -ion w, extractor; attractornbsp;Tynlath nf, draught treenbsp;Tyno n, plat, green, dalenbsp;Tynrwyd -au n/j drag-netnbsp;Tynrwydd n, tightness, rigiditynbsp;Tynu V, to draw, to pullnbsp;Tynwydd n, direction; intelligencenbsp;Tynwyddo v, to direct, to guidenbsp;Tynwyddol a, inductivenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tion
Tynwyddyd -au n, intelligence; induc-Tyrchaidd a, hoggish, hog-like Tyrches -od -au nf, spayed sownbsp;Tyrchu v, to burrow, to turnnbsp;Tyrchwr, wyr n, molecatchernbsp;Tyrchyn n, little hognbsp;Tyrddain v, to be blusteringnbsp;Tyrddan, Tyrddiad n, blusteringnbsp;Tyrddu v, to bluster, to stormnbsp;Tyrfa -oedd nf multitude, hostnbsp;Tyrfain v, to be blusteringnbsp;Tyrfhau v, to shrink togethernbsp;Tyrfu V, to rise up; to turn up; tonbsp;contract, to shrinknbsp;Tyru V, to heap, to amassnbsp;Tyrwn, ynod n, sand banknbsp;Tysmwy -on n, throb, tremblingnbsp;Tysmwyad n, throbbing, palpitationnbsp;Tysmwyo v, to palpitate, to throbnbsp;Tyst -ion n, evidence, witnessnbsp;Tysteb -ion n, testimonialnbsp;Tystiant, iaint n, evidencenbsp;Tystio V, to testifynbsp;Tystiol a, testifyingnbsp;Tystiolaeth testimony^ evidencenbsp;Tystiolaethol a, testimonialnbsp;Tystiolaethu v, to testifynbsp;Tysyn n, yarn-ball bottomnbsp;Tytmwy -au n, clasp, bucklenbsp;Tytmwyo v, to clasp, to bucklenbsp;289
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Tywallt V, to pour, to spill Tjwalltiad pouring outnbsp;Tywalltol a, pouring, sheddingnbsp;Tywarch, eirch cn^ sod, clod, turfnbsp;Tywarchen -i, element; sod, turfnbsp;Tywarchu v, to form a sod, to swardnbsp;Tywas, weision house servantnbsp;Tywel -i tj, cloth towelnbsp;Tywell af^ dark, obscure, dusky: ac,nbsp;Tywio V, to spread aboutnbsp;Tywod -ydd n amp; cw, sandnbsp;Tywodi v, to form sandnbsp;Tywodlyd a, full of sand, sandynbsp;Tywodog a, having sandnbsp;Tywodol a, arenaceous, sandynbsp;Tywodwlydd cn, sandwortnbsp;Tywodyn n, a grain of sandnbsp;Tywota to gather sandnbsp;Tywu V, to spread aboutnbsp;Tywydd n, weathernbsp;Tywyll n, dusk, gloom: ac, dark, obscure, dusky: ƒ, tywellnbsp;Tywyllawd n, obscuritynbsp;Tywyllu V, to darken, to obscurenbsp;Tywyllwch, Tywyllwg n, darknessnbsp;Tywyn -au n, spread, ray; strandnbsp;Tywynedigaeth nf, radiancynbsp;Tywynol a, radiant, shiningnbsp;Tywynu v, to radiate, to shinenbsp;Tywynwg radiancy, splendournbsp;Tywynygu v, to illuminate [to guidenbsp;Tywys n, leading, guidance: v, to leadnbsp;Tywysel -i nf, plug, stopple, stoppernbsp;Tywysg n, processionnbsp;Tywysgo V, to proceednbsp;Tywysog -ion n, leader; princenbsp;Tywysogaeth principality; leadingnbsp;Tywysogaeth -au nf, princessnbsp;Tywysogol a, princelynbsp;Tywysoi a, leading, guidingnbsp;Tywysydd -ion, Tywyswr, wyr n, a mannbsp;who leads, leader, guide
Ub n, what is high; howl; cry Ubain n, howling, moaning: v, to howl,nbsp;Uban n, howling, bellowing [to moannbsp;XJch -ion nf, what breaks out; a sighnbsp;Uch a, being over; upper; higher: pr^nbsp;above, over: ad, abovenbsp;Uchad n, rising overnbsp;Uchaf a, upmost, uppermost, highestnbsp;Uchafael n, ascensionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[leather
Uchafed a, being over, upper: n, upper Ucbafedd n, loftiness, heightnbsp;XJchafiad », rising over
Uchafiaeth nf, supremacy Uchanian if superior naturenbsp;Uchanianaeth nf metaphysicsnbsp;Uchanianol a, supernaturalnbsp;Ucham -edd -au nf, the anklenbsp;Uchder, Uchedd n, height, highness,nbsp;loftiness, altitude; topnbsp;Uchedu V, to elevate, to soarnbsp;Uchedydd -ion n, soarer; larknbsp;Uchel a, high, lofty, toweringnbsp;Uchelawg, Uchelawr n, mistletoenbsp;Uchelder -au n, heightnbsp;Ucheledd n, loftiness, elevationnbsp;Ucheldrem -iau nf, haughty looknbsp;Ucheldyb -iau n 8cnf, high opinionnbsp;Uchelfa, fëydd, Uchelfan -au nf highnbsp;placenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[sul
CJchelfaer, feiri n, high constable; con-Uchelfaeronaeth nf consulship Uchelfal, Uchelfan, Uchelfar n, thenbsp;Uchelfryd a, high-minded [mistletoenbsp;Ucheliant n, elevationnbsp;Uchelraith, reithiau nf, grand jurynbsp;Uchelryw -iau n, superior kindnbsp;Uchelsaf nf high standing; high reliefnbsp;Uchelsantaeth nf hierarchynbsp;Uchelu V, to make high, to heightennbsp;Uchelwr, wyr n, freeholder, gentlemannbsp;Uchelwyl -iau nf high festivalnbsp;Uchelydd -ion n, superiornbsp;UcheliawT n, the mistletoenbsp;Uchenaid, eidiau nf sighnbsp;Ucheneidiol a, sighing; aspiratenbsp;Ucheneidio v, to sighnbsp;Ucher -au n, gloom; eveningnbsp;Ucherddaw n, eventidenbsp;Uchergyd -ion ra, lofty shocknbsp;Ucherwest -au nf soireenbsp;Ucherwyl -iau nf vespernbsp;Uchiad n, heighteningnbsp;Ucho, Uchod ad, abovenbsp;Ud n, bowl, yell; blastnbsp;Udain, Udo v, to howl, to yellnbsp;Udfia, fëydd nf, howling, yellingnbsp;Udfil -od n, hyenanbsp;Udgan nf sound of a trumpetnbsp;Udganu v, to sound a trumpetnbsp;Udgom, gyrn n, trumpetnbsp;Udiad n, howling, yellingnbsp;Udlais, leisiau n, howling noisenbsp;Udlef -au nf howling voicenbsp;Udol a, howling, yellingnbsp;Udon n, solemn crynbsp;Udoni V, to imprecatenbsp;Udoniaeth nf, imprecationnbsp;Udd n, chief, lordnbsp;Uddyf a, humble, obedient=Ufuddnbsp;290
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Uf », what is over or spread Ufelai nc, oxygennbsp;Ufelaidd a, sulphurousnbsp;Ufelawd, odion n, sulphatenbsp;Ufeiiar n, sulphurnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[phuric acid
Ufelig a, sulphuric. Sur ufelig, sul-Ufelu V, to generate fire or oxygen Ufeiyddiad n, ignitionnbsp;Ufelyddiaeth nf, pyrotechnynbsp;Ufelyn «, element of firenbsp;Ufell a/ humble, obsequious: m, ufyllnbsp;Ufelldod n, obsequiousnessnbsp;Ufudd a, humble, obedientnbsp;Ufudd-dod », obediencenbsp;Ufuddgar a, obsequious, meeknbsp;Ufuddhau v, to obey, to be humblenbsp;Ufuddiant w, humblingnbsp;Ufuddoldeb n, humblenessnbsp;Ufullder n, humility, meeknessnbsp;Ufyll am, humble: f, ufellnbsp;UfFarn -au nƒ, the anklenbsp;Uffern nf, hell, hadesnbsp;Uffernol a, infernal, hellishnbsp;Ug n, what is envelopingnbsp;Ugain, ugeiniau a amp; n, twenty. Unfednbsp;ar hugain (21fed), twenty-first, 21stnbsp;Ugaint, ugeiniau n, twentynbsp;Ugeinfed (20fed) a, twentieth, 20thnbsp;Ugeinplyg a, twenty-foldnbsp;U1 n, what is humid; closeness: a,nbsp;Uiai nc, hydrogen [damp, close, muggynbsp;Uiiar n, phlegmatic habitnbsp;Ulo V, to damp; to smother; to becomenbsp;close or muggy; to heat with damp-Ulw cn (ulwyn «), ashes, cinders [nessnbsp;Ulwin, Uiwig a, carbonicnbsp;Ulyf n, the remains of anything burnt;nbsp;Ulyfig a, carbonicnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[carbon
Uli what is abrupt or quick Uiliad n, sudden drivingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[oaf
Ullta, Ulltach n, crazy one, fickle one, Un -au nc, individual, onenbsp;Un df one; identical, same: px, one,nbsp;same, mono-. Un ar bymtheg, sixteen. Un ar ddeg, elevennbsp;Unad, Uniad n, making one, unionnbsp;Unben -iaid, byn, Unbeniad, iaid », mon-Unbenaeth «/.monarchynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[arch
UnbenaethoJ, Unbenaidd, Unbenig, Un-benol a, monarchical, monarchial Unbriodas nf, monogamynbsp;' Uncorn, cyrn n, unicornnbsp;Undad a, of the same fathernbsp;Undeb, Under, Undod, Uned -au n,nbsp;unity; union; concord; simplenessnbsp;Undeg o, eleven, ll=Un ar ddeg [riannbsp;Undodiad, iaid, Undodwr, wyr », Unita-
Undodiaeth nf, Unitarianism
Undon, Undonol a, monotonous Undras a, of the same kindrednbsp;Undull a, of the same formnbsp;Undwf o, of the same growthnbsp;Unddalenog a, monopetalousnbsp;Unfaint «, uoity of sizenbsp;Unfed a, first. Unfed ar ddeg (llfed),nbsp;Unfraint a, of equal rank [eleventhnbsp;Unfryd a, of one mindnbsp;Ungor a, of one turn or twistnbsp;Uniad n, uniting, unionnbsp;Uniaith a, of one language, monoglotnbsp;Uniant n, unity, union (just, perfectnbsp;Uniawn a, direct, straight; upright;nbsp;Unig a, sole, only, lonely; singular [tudenbsp;Unigedd, Unigrwydd «, loneliness, soli-Unigol a, singular; disunitednbsp;Unigoldeb, Unigolrwydd «, singularitynbsp;Unigoli V, to make singular [titudenbsp;Uniondeb, Unionder n, straightness; rec-Uniongred nf, orthodoxy: a, orthodoxnbsp;Uniongyrch, Uniongyrchol a, of directnbsp;course; immediate, directnbsp;Unioni v, to straightennbsp;Unioniad n, straighteningnbsp;Unionred a, of direct coursenbsp;Unionsytha, quite erect; perpendicularnbsp;Unllaw a, single-handednbsp;Unlle, Unman n, one place; ad, any-Uniled a, of one breadthnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[where
Unllef a, of the same sound Uniliw a, of one colournbsp;Unllygeidiog a, monocular, one-eyednbsp;Unmodd a, of the same modenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;,
Unnaws a, of the same temper Unnerth a, of equal powernbsp;Uno V, to unite; to accord; to joiunbsp;Unodli V, to agree in rhymenbsp;Unoed a, of the same agenbsp;Unol a, uniting; united; accordantnbsp;Unoldeb «, Unoliaeth nf, Unoliant «,nbsp;identity, unity, onenessnbsp;Unoli V, to become as onenbsp;Unplyg a, of one fold; folionbsp;Unrhyw a, of the same kind; same; anynbsp;Unsain nf, unison; a, of the same soundnbsp;Unsawd a, of the same state [or tonenbsp;Unsill a, of one syllablenbsp;Unswydd a, of one purpose. Yn un-swydd, on purpose, purposelynbsp;Untn «, three united in one [turnnbsp;Untro n, what is of one turn: a, of onenbsp;Untroed n, one foot: a, one-footednbsp;Untu n, one side: a, one-sidednbsp;Unwaith nf, one time: ad, once [mannernbsp;Unwedd a, similar: ad, in the samenbsp;291
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Unwynebog a, of one face Unyd n, continuity: a, continual, likenbsp;Ur n, what is essential or purenbsp;Urdd -au n/l sacred order; ranknbsp;Urddas -au nf^ dignity; holy ordernbsp;Urddasog a, having orders. Urddasog-ion, dignitariesnbsp;Urddasol a, sacred; dignifiednbsp;Urddasu to dignify; to confer ordersnbsp;Urddawd «, ordainingnbsp;Urddedigaeth nf, ordinationnbsp;Urddeiniad dignificationnbsp;Urdden nf, pure intellectnbsp;tJrddiad n, dignitying; ordinationnbsp;Urddin a, dignified, exaltednbsp;Urddineb, Urddoldeb n, dignified statenbsp;Urddo. Urddoli v, to dignify; to ordainnbsp;TJrddol a, dignified, exaltednbsp;Urddon n, hyssop-leaved, loose-strifenbsp;Urddoni v, to exalt; to honournbsp;Urddoniant», exaltationnbsp;Urddun n, exalted statenbsp;Urdduniad w, dignifyingnbsp;Urddwisg -oedd nf, robe of statenbsp;Urddyn n, dignified onenbsp;Uriad, iaid n, exalted one; eldernbsp;Us -ion n. what is external; chafifnbsp;Us a, trifling, light, frailnbsp;Usion np (usyn «), husks, chaffnbsp;Usioni V, to yield chaffnbsp;Uslyd a, full of chaff or husksnbsp;Usog a, having husks or chaffnbsp;Ust n, silence; hush: «, hush! Ustio V, to hush; to hiss Ustus -iaid n, justice, magistratenbsp;Uthredd n, astonishmentnbsp;Uthro r, to astonishnbsp;Uthrol a, astonishing, amazingnbsp;Uthroldeb n, awfuluessnbsp;Uwch a, higher: pr^ above, over. Uwchnbsp;ben, overhead. Uwch law, abovenbsp;Uwchder n, height=Uchdernbsp;Uwchel a, lofty; eminentsiUchelnbsp;Uwd n, hasty pudding; papnbsp;Uwdaidd a, like hasty puddingnbsp;Uwdfys -edd n, nursing-finger Wab n, slab, stroke; check Wabio r, to slap, to bangnbsp;Wb n, the state of being expellednbsp;Wb », out, avaunt, ho! Wbain v, to keep nowling Wbwb t (denoting anxiety) Wch n, expansion Wchw i (denoting distress) |
Wd n, what is extreme or spread out Wedipr, after (mutation of Gtoedi)nbsp;Wedi, Wedyn ad, afterwards, thennbsp;Weithian, Weithion ad^ now at lengthnbsp;Weithiau ad, sometimes, occasionally,nbsp;Wei c, so, well, now [now and thennbsp;Wela, Wele i, look, behold, lonbsp;Wf n, flowing, gliding, runningnbsp;Wff n, motion from or out ofnbsp;Wfft «, push off, flight: fie, for shamenbsp;Wfftio V, to cry fienbsp;Wg n, overspreading; outsidenbsp;Wit, hey; heyday; honbsp;Wihi n, the whinnying of a horsenbsp;Wine -od n/J the chaffinchnbsp;Winwyn np (-yn n), onions. Winwynnbsp;yraör, squills. Winwyn gwyllt, Winwyn y ewn, crow garlicnbsp;W1 n, what is subtle or finenbsp;WII, yllod n, fragment, fraction [lownbsp;Wm, Wmp », covert, shade; void; hol-Wnc, Wng a, close, near, hard by: pr,nbsp;near to, nigh; ad. herenbsp;Wncoy?n, that one aistant (a horse)nbsp;Wo n, stop: stop, wo, standi still (tonbsp;Wp «, state of being out or upnbsp;Wr n, state of being on or atnbsp;Wrch n, what is high or roundnbsp;Wrdd, Wrth n, contact, touch; impulsenbsp;Wrth pr, close to; bv; with. Wrthyf,nbsp;wrthyt, wrtho. wrthi, wrthym, wrth-ych, wrthynt, oy me, amp;c.; to me, amp;c,nbsp;Ws n, action; effort; ardournbsp;Wsg n, what separatesnbsp;Wst «, thrust, push; gustnbsp;Wsw -od n, what is energetic; steednbsp;Wt n, what is extreme or outnbsp;Wtr cn, light grain of comnbsp;Wtre, rëydd nf, lane, bye-roadnbsp;Wttres -au nf, revel, carousalnbsp;Wttresol a, revelling, carousingnbsp;Wttresu tgt;, to revel, to carousenbsp;Wth », what expandsnbsp;Wy -au n, what is produced; eggnbsp;Wybr -au nf, firmament; skynbsp;Wybraeth nf, aerologynbsp;Wybraidd a, atmospherical, aerialnbsp;Wybreiddio Vy to become as airnbsp;Wybren -i n/quot;, firmament, atmospherenbsp;Wybrenol, Wybrol a, firmamentalnbsp;Wybrgoel nf, aeromancynbsp;Wybriad, iaid », what exists in airnbsp;Wybrliw -iau n, cerulean huenbsp;Wybro tgt;, to form air; to go into air; to soar in the air Wyd V, thou artesWytnbsp;Wyf r, I am |
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Wyl n, flow, gnsh; wall Wylo r, to wai], to weepnbsp;Wylof n, Wylofaeth nf, wailing, weepingnbsp;Wylofus a, wailing; dolefulnbsp;Wyn (wyn) n/gt;, lambs: a, oennbsp;Wyneb -an n, face, yisagenbsp;Wynebpryd «, countenancenbsp;Wynebu r, to face, to frontnbsp;Wynos n;?, lambkinsnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ ƒ, wyres
Wyr (wyr) -ion n, grandchild, grandson: Wyrain a, spreading, extendingnbsp;Wyre nf^ spreading, expansenbsp;Wyro to distend, to reach outnbsp;Wys n, aptitude for motionnbsp;Wysg tendency forward; bias; presence; current; course, streamnbsp;Wysg ad, in a forward directionnbsp;Wyt p, thou artnbsp;Wyth a amp; n, eight, 8, ^ii.
Wythban a. of eight parts 1 war ugain Wythdeg, Wythddeg a, ei^ty=Ped-Wythdro a, of eight turnsnbsp;Wythdroed a, having eight feetnbsp;Wythfed a, eighthnbsp;Wythgant n, eight hundred, 800nbsp;Wythnos -an nf^ week. Wythnos inbsp;neddyw^this day weeknbsp;Wythnosi v, to form a weeknbsp;Wythnosol a, weeklynbsp;Wythochr fgt;, octagon: a, octagonalnbsp;Wythol a, belonging to eightnbsp;Wythor a, of eight bordersnbsp;Wythpiyg a, of eight folds, octayo, Svonbsp;Wythran a, of eight shares or partsnbsp;Wythryw a, of eight kinds
T, Tr a, the. Y before a consonant (as y hennod); yr before a vowel (as yrnbsp;adnod); V after a vowel terminationnbsp;which takes a consonant for euphonynbsp;(as gyda'r bennod dr adnod); ’r maynbsp;also be used between a vowel and anbsp;consonant (as mae'r dyn yn tori^rnbsp;coed, or mae y dyn yn toriy coed)
Y, Yr ad, a particle used before some verbs, and having no English equivalent. Y' mae, there is. Yr oedd,nbsp;there was. Er lleied y bo, howevernbsp;small it may be. Felly y gwnaethantnbsp;y tro nesaf, so they did the next timenbsp;Yb n, state of being over, up, or outnbsp;Ybain v. to make a howlingnbsp;Ych, ycnain n, oxnbsp;Ych, Ydych v, you arenbsp;Ycha i, lo, behold, see
Ychad n, coming in view
Ychadaf ad, thus most plainly Ychwaen ad, peradventurenbsp;Ychwaith c, neither, not sonbsp;Ychwaneg ad, more: a, morenbsp;Ychwanegiad n, augmenting, additionnbsp;Ychwanegol a, augmentative, additionalnbsp;Ychwanegu v, to augment, to add, to en-Ychwarddu v, to cause laughter [largenbsp;Ychwarian ad, in a gentle waynbsp;Ychwerig a, playfulnbsp;Ychwinsa ad, immediatelynbsp;Ychydig -ion », little; fewnbsp;Ychydig a, little; few: ad, littlenbsp;Ychydigder n, littlenessnbsp;Ychydigyn n, very littlenbsp;Yd-au namp;cn, corn. Yd meddw,darnelnbsp;Yd olt;f (before a consonant), it; that;nbsp;that it
Ydbysnn (-en n/), vetches, chit-peas Yden vf, Ydyn n, grain of cornnbsp;Ydfaes, feusydd n, corn-fieldnbsp;Ydfran, frain nf, rook, crownbsp;Ydiwyd n, corn foodnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[oats
Ydgeirch np (-en nf, -yn »), cultivated Ydgist -iau rf, corn-binnbsp;Ydgordd -au nf corn-yardnbsp;Ydi ü, is, he is, amp;c., is he, amp;c.=Ydwnbsp;Y dig n, cockle
Ydlan -au -oedd nf, corn-yard, haggard Ydlofit -ydd nf Ydle -oedd «, granarynbsp;Ydoedd v, was=Oeddnbsp;Ydoes V, is=Oesnbsp;Ydog a, abounding with cornnbsp;Ydwal -au nf, corn garthnbsp;Ydwyf, ydwyt, ydyw, ydym, ydych,nbsp;ydynt v, I am, thou art, amp;c.
Ydyn n, Yden nf grain of corn Ydys n, the calendar: v, it isnbsp;Ydyw V, he is. See Ydwyfnbsp;Ydd (before a vowel)=Y, Yr adnbsp;Yf n, liquid, moisturenbsp;Yfadwy a, drinkable, potable [sottishnbsp;Yfed V, to drink; to tipple: n, drinking;nbsp;Yfedgar, Yfgar a, given to tippling,nbsp;Ytedr n, drinking habit [tipplingnbsp;Yfetri v, to drink oftennbsp;Yflad n, drinking; imbibingnbsp;Yfol a, drinking; imbibingnbsp;Yff n, tendency out or fromnbsp;Yfflo V, to break; to shiver [piecesnbsp;Yfflon np (yfiflyn n), shatters, shivers,nbsp;Yg n, open or void statenbsp;Yng n, what is close upon; bare touch;nbsp;Yng pr (mutation of in) [slight hiutnbsp;Yngan v, to intimate; to utternbsp;Yngnad -on n, judge; magistrate, justicenbsp;293
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Ymarferiad n, practising; habit Ymarferu, Ymarfer v, to practisenbsp;Ymarllwys n, self-emptyingnbsp;Ymaroi v, to bear withnbsp;Ymarous a, long sufferingnbsp;Ymarweddiad n, behaviour, conductnbsp;Ymateb -ion n, mutual answernbsp;Ymattal n, self-restraint: v, to restrainnbsp;Ymattreg nf, mutual pause [one’s selfnbsp;Ymbaffio v, to box mutually, to fightnbsp;Ymbalfalu v, to be gropingnbsp;Ymballu v, to fall into errornbsp;Ymbarlio v, to talk togethernbsp;Ymbarotoad n, self-preparationnbsp;Ymbellau v, to render one’s self distant,nbsp;to withdraw one’s self, to retirenbsp;Ymbesgu v, to fatten one’s selfnbsp;Yinbil Vy to implore, to cravenbsp;Ymbincio w, to trim one’s selfnbsp;Ymbleidio v, to confederatenbsp;Ymboeni v, to pain one’s selfnbsp;Ymbrawf, brofion n, experiencenbsp;Ymbryn n, self-redemptionnbsp;Ymburo v, to purify one’s selfnbsp;Ymbwyll -ion n, considerationnbsp;Ymbwys n, self-pressurenbsp;Ymbwyth n, competitionnbsp;Ymbyncio v, to discourse, to conversenbsp;Ymchwedleua r, to chat togethernbsp;Ymchwel -ion nfy return, reversenbsp;Ymchwehad ra, returningnbsp;Ymchwelyd v, to returnnbsp;Ymchwyddo v, to swell one’s selfnbsp;Ymdaclu v, to trim one’s self [selfnbsp;Ymdaenu v, to expand, to spread one'snbsp;Ymdaeru v, to dispute togethernbsp;Ymdaith, deithiau nfy journey, voyagenbsp;Ymdaith v, to journey, to travelnbsp;Ymdaro v, to strike mutually; to shiftnbsp;Ymdawr «, anxious care ( for one’s selfnbsp;Ymdecau v, to make one’s self fair ornbsp;Ymdeimlo v, to feel one’s self [finenbsp;Ymdeithio w, to travel, to journeynbsp;Ymdeithiwr, wyr, Ymdeithydd -ion »,nbsp;passenger, traveller
Ymderfynu V, to limit mutually [ther Ymderfysgu v, to raise a tumult toge-Ymdesach n, wanton dalliancenbsp;Ymdesu v, to bask one’s self in the sunnbsp;Ymdiro v, to bask one’s selfnbsp;Ymdoddi v, to become dissolvednbsp;Ymdopi V, to shift for one’s selfnbsp;Ymdrafodi v, to bestir one’s self; tonbsp;strive together
Ymdrafferthu v, to busy one’s self Ymdrech -ion nhnf mutual struggle,nbsp;exertion; contest
Yngneidiaeth nf, judge’s office Y1«, what pervades or movesnbsp;Yleni ad, this year=Eleninbsp;yil n, what tends to partnbsp;Ylliad n, rippling, dividingnbsp;Ylltrip, rent, partingnbsp;Ylltrjd w, vagabondnbsp;Ylltyd », ripper; ploughnbsp;YUyr -on n, molenbsp;Ym pXy reflects the action expressed bynbsp;the word to which it is prefixed, onnbsp;the actor; as Llosgi, to burn; Ym-toburn one’s seif; Cyfiawnkad,nbsp;justification; Ymgyfiawnnad, selfjustification. It also denotes reciprocity of action; as Cydio, to takenbsp;hold of; Ymgydio^ to take hold ofnbsp;each other. For the meaning ofnbsp;terms with this prefix, not insertednbsp;here, see the words from which theynbsp;are formed
Ym (mutation of Yn)
Ym, My, Fy pn^ my, me Ym (^m) V, we are=Ydymnbsp;Yma ad, here, in this placenbsp;Ymachlud n, envelopingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;(ing
Ymachlud, Ymachludo v, to be obscur-Ymachludd v, to become obscured Ymachub Vy to save one’s selfnbsp;Ymadael v, to forsake, to part, to leavenbsp;Ymadaw v, to forsake, to quitnbsp;Ymadawol a, parting. Pregeth ymad-awol, farewell sermonnbsp;Ymadferth n, self-exertionnbsp;Ymadgudd n, self-revealingnbsp;Ymadnabod n, self-knowledgenbsp;Ymadnewyddu v, to renovate one’s selfnbsp;Ymadrodd -ion w, discourse; speech;
sentence: v, to speak, to discourse Ymadroddi v, to speak, to talk, to commune, to discourse
Ymadroddwr, wyr n, speaker, discourser Ymadwedd w, self-returningnbsp;Ymaddaw v, to promise mutually [glenbsp;Ymafael -ion, Ymaflyd w, wrestle, strug-ymafael, Ymafiyd v, to lay hold; tonbsp;Ymagori v, to open one’s self [wrestlenbsp;Ymagwedd nf, self-conformitynbsp;Ymaith ad, away, hence, avauntnbsp;Ymalw V. to call mutuallynbsp;Yman ad, here, in this place=Ymanbsp;Ymannog n, mutual excitement; selfexcitement: Vy to excite mutuallynbsp;Ymannos ad, night before lastnbsp;Ymarbed n, mutual refraining; savingnbsp;one’s self: v, to save one’s selfnbsp;Ymarfer -ion n/j practice, exercise j
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Ymdrechfa -oedd nf^ place of contest;
contest, struggle, effort [self, active Ymdrechgar a, energetic, exerting one’snbsp;Ymdrechu v, to strive mutually; tonbsp;exert one’s self; to endeavournbsp;Ymdreiglo v, to roll one’s self [one’s selfnbsp;Ymdrin n, mutual striving: v, to busynbsp;Ymdrochi v, to bathe one’s selfnbsp;Ymdroi r, to be delaying, to loiternbsp;Ymdrybaeddu v, to wallow, to welternbsp;Ymdrythyllwch n, self-enjoymentnbsp;Ymdueddu v, to self-inclinenbsp;Ymdwymo v, to warm one’s selfnbsp;Ymdynu v, to pull mutually; to contend together [to self-eradicatenbsp;Ymddadwreiddio v, to be eradicated;nbsp;Ymddangos v, to appear, to seemnbsp;Ymddangosiad appearancenbsp;Ymddantu v, to snarl, to show thenbsp;teeth; to bite each othernbsp;Ymddarostwng w, self-abasementnbsp;Ymddeffroad «, self-wakingnbsp;Ymddïal v, to revenge, to be revengednbsp;Ymddïanc n, self-escapenbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[depend
Ymddibynu v, to hang by or upon; to Ymddïenyddu v, to make away withnbsp;one's self; to commit suicidenbsp;Ymddïenyddwr, wyr n, suicide, self.
murderer nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[orphans
Ymddifad a, forlorn, orphan. Amddifaid, Ymddiflanu v, to cause one’s self tonbsp;vanishnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[fatigue
Ymddiflino v, to divest one’s self of Ymddifregu v, to divest one’s self ofnbsp;frailtynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[enjoyment
Ymddifwyno v, to divest one’s self of Ymddifyru v, to divertor amuse one’s selfnbsp;Ymddiffyn v, to defend one’s seif: n, self-defence. Amddiffyn, to defend anothernbsp;Ymddiffyniad n, defending one’s selfnbsp;Ymddigaloni v, to bocome disheartenednbsp;Ymddigoni v, to self-suffice [friendsnbsp;Ymddigyfeiliio v, to divest one’s self ofnbsp;Ymddigyfoethi r,to divest one’s self ofnbsp;wealthnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[covering
Ymddihatru v, to divest onea self of Ymddihoeni v, to divest one's self ofnbsp;vivacitynbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cheerfulness
Yraddiloni to divest one’s self of Ymddiodi v, to supply one’s seif withnbsp;drinknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[care
Ymddïofalu v, to divest one’s self of Ymddïotidio v, to divest one’s self ofnbsp;affliction, sorrow, or troublenbsp;Ymddi'ogelu v, to secure one’s selfnbsp;Ymddïogi v, to become lazy [fidencenbsp;Ymddiried v, to confide, to trust: n, con-
Ymddiserchu v, to divest one’s self of
affection nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[bearing
Ymddwyn deportment; gestation, Ymddwyn v, to comport, to behave; tonbsp;bear; to conceive
Ymddychrynu v, to frighten one’s self Ymddychwelyd v, to turn one’s self backnbsp;Ymddydoli v, to separate one’s selfnbsp;Ymddyddan -ion conversationnbsp;Ymddyddan r, to conversenbsp;Ymddyeithrio v, to estrange one’s selfnbsp;Ymddyfalu v, to imagine in one’s selfnbsp;Ymddyfetha v, to destroy one’s self, tonbsp;destroy mutuallynbsp;Ymddyfolio v, to be self-gorgingnbsp;Ymddygiad w, behaviour, conductnbsp;Ymddyrchafu v, to uplift one’s selfnbsp;Ymddyrwyn self-windingnbsp;Ymddyrysu to self-entanglenbsp;Ymedliw r, mutual reproachnbsp;Ymegluro v, to self-manifestnbsp;Ymegnïaeth nƒ, effort, exertionnbsp;Ymegnïo v, to exert one’s selfnbsp;Ymeillio w, to shave one’s selfnbsp;Ymelwa v, to employ one’s self in traf-Y menydd-au w, brainnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ticking
Ymenyn n, butter Ymepilio w, to self-producenbsp;Ymerbyn v, to be in oppositionnbsp;Ymerlid v, to be pursuingnbsp;Ymesmwytho v, to make one’s self easynbsp;Ymestyn v, to stretch one’s selfnbsp;Ymethol to elect one’s self _
Ymewino v, to fasten one’s nails Ymfalchi'o v, to pride one’s selfnbsp;Ymfawrhau v, to magnify one’s selfnbsp;Ymflino v, to tire one’s selfnbsp;Ymfoddhau, Ymfoddio v, to please ornbsp;content one’s selfnbsp;Ymfoddlonito acquiescenbsp;Ymfrasau v, to fatten one's selfnbsp;Ymfudo V, to emigratenbsp;Ymfudwr, wyr n, emigrantnbsp;Ymfwynhau v, to enjoy ones selfnbsp;Ymfywhau v, to enliven one’s selfnbsp;Ymffrost », self-vauntingnbsp;Ymgadarnhau v,to strengthen one’s selfnbsp;Ymgadw v, to refrain, to forbearnbsp;Ymgais, geisiau n h nf^ effort, attemptnbsp;Ymgaledu r, to harden one’s selfnbsp;Ymgamu t?, to bend one’s self; to errnbsp;Ymgasglu i;, to collect one’s selfnbsp;Ymgau V, to shut one’s selfnbsp;Ymgeintach v, to bickernbsp;Ymgeisio v, to make effortnbsp;Ymgeledd, amp;c.=Amgeledd, amp;c.nbsp;Ymgenfigenu r, to envy mutuallynbsp;295
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Ymgynhenu v, to employ one’s self in wranglingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to warm mutually
Ymgynnesu v, to make one’s self warm; Ymgynhyrfu p, to disturb one’s selfnbsp;Ymgynnal n, self-support: p, to supportnbsp;one’s self
Ymgynnefino p, to accustom one’s self Ymgynnulliad n, self-collecting; mutual collectingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[tempt
tmgynnyg v, to offer one’s self; to at-Ymgyprys p, to brawl Ymgyrchu v, to approach mutually; tonbsp;assault or assail each othernbsp;Ymgyrhaedd p, to reach one’s selfnbsp;Ymgystadlu r, to make one’s self equalnbsp;Ymgysgodi v, to shelter one’s self; tonbsp;shelter each other [ connect mutuallynbsp;Ymgyssylltu p, to conjoin one’s self; tonbsp;Ymgysuro r, to comfort ones self; tonbsp;comfort each other
Ymgyweirio v, to put one’s self in order Ymgywilyddio p, to shame one’s self; tonbsp;shame each othernbsp;Ymhaeru p, to assert one’s selfnbsp;Ymhagru p, to deform one’s selfnbsp;Ymhaiogi v, to defile one’s selfnbsp;Ymharddu r, to adorn one’s selfnbsp;Ymheddychu v, to pacify one’s self; tonbsp;pacify each other
Ymhel v, to be meddling [enlarge ïmhelaethu v, to amplify one’s self; tonbsp;Ymheneiddio v, to make one’s self seemnbsp;old; to become oldnbsp;Ymherawdr, odron n, emperornbsp;Ymherawdwr, wyr «, emperornbsp;Ymhercyd r, to apprehendnbsp;Ymherodraeth -au t^, empirenbsp;Ymherodres -au nf, empressnbsp;Ymherodrol a, imperialnbsp;Ymhoelyd v, to turnnbsp;Ysnhoewi v, to enliven one’s selfnbsp;Ymhoffi Vf to take delight, to be pleased.nbsp;Ymhofiodd ynof, he had a favournbsp;unto me, he took pleasure in menbsp;Ymholi V, to be questioning; to inquirenbsp;Ymhoni p, to assert one’s selfnbsp;Ymhvvedd », great craving; v, to beseech, to implore, to cravenbsp;Yrahyfrydu v, to delight one’s self •nbsp;Ymiachau v, to heal one’s selfnbsp;Ymladd -au n, combat, battlenbsp;Yrnladd v, to fight, to combatnbsp;Ymladd p, to kill one’s selfnbsp;Ymlaesu v, to be droopingnbsp;Ymlanhau v, to clean one’s selfnbsp;Ymlawenhau w, to gladden one’s self
to become obstinate Ymgynddeiriogi v,to madden one’s self lYmlechu u, to secrete one’s self
Ymgeryddu v, to rebuke one’s self
Ymglodfori v, to exalt one’s self in fame Ymglynm v, to bind one’s selfnbsp;Ymglywed v, to feel one’s selfnbsp;Ymgnoi v, to keep gnawingnbsp;Ymgodi V, to raise one’s selfnbsp;Ymgofleidio r, to embrace mutuallynbsp;Ymgom -ion n, conversationnbsp;Ymgomio v, to converse, to soliloquizenbsp;Ymgratu v, to scratch one’s selfnbsp;Ymgredu v, to believe mutually; tonbsp;pledge mutuallynbsp;Ymgreinio v, to roll one’s selfnbsp;Ymgreuloni tgt;, to fill one’s self withnbsp;cruelty, to become cruelnbsp;Ymgroesi v, to cross one’s self; to be-Ymgrogi v, to hang one’s self [warenbsp;Ymgryfhau v, to fortify one’s selfnbsp;Ymgrymu v, to prostrate one’s self, tonbsp;Ymguddio v, to hide one’s self [ bow downnbsp;Ymgusanu v, to kiss one anothernbsp;Ymgydio v, to lay hold mutually; to joinnbsp;Ymgyfammodi v, to join one’s self innbsp;mutual covenant
Ymgyfarfod v, to come together, to meet Ymgyfarfod -au -ydd «, meeting, interview, coming togethernbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to vie
Ymgyfartalu v, to make one’s self equal; Ymgyfarwyddo v, to acquaint one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyfevllach -au Tif, mutual friendshipnbsp;Ymgyliawnhau v, to justify one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyflawnu r, to complete one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyflogi v, to hire one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyflwyno v, to devote one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyfnewidiad n,mutual interchangingnbsp;Ymgyfodi Vj to raise one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyffanogi v, to render one’s self participatingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ go to law
Ymgyfreithio v, to litigate mutually; to Ymgyfrifiad n, self-estimationnbsp;Ymgyfrwyddo p, to haste, to hurry one’snbsp;Ymgyfuno v, to unite one’s self [selfnbsp;Ymgyfyngu v, to straighten one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyffwrdd n, meeting together: v, tonbsp;meet together, to touch, to come innbsp;contact
Ymgynghori v, to consult nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ self
Ymgymdeithasu v, to associate one’s Ymgymhell v, to urge one’s self; tonbsp;urge mutually
Ymgymhwyso v, to render one’s self proper, to fit one’s selfnbsp;Ymgymmedroii v, to moderate one’s selfnbsp;Ymgymmysgu p, to mix one’s selfnbsp;Ymgyndynu v, to act with mutualnbsp;stubbornness
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Ymledu r, to expand one’s self Ymlefaru v, to be talkin^fnbsp;Ymleihau v, to lessen one’s selfnbsp;Ymlenwi v, to fill one’s selfnbsp;Ymlid -iau n, pursuit, chase; v, tonbsp;Tmlithro v, to slip [pursue, to chasenbsp;Ymliw ti, reproach; v, to expostulatenbsp;Ymloni v, to cheer one’s selfnbsp;Ymlonyddu v, to appease one’s selfnbsp;Ymlosgi V, to burn one’s selfnbsp;Tmlunio v, to form one’s selfnbsp;Ymluosogi V, to become multiplied, tonbsp;Ymlusgo Vf to drag one’s self [increasenbsp;Tmlwybran r, to be creepingnbsp;Ymlwytho v, to burden one’s selfnbsp;Ymlygru v, to corrupt one’s selfnbsp;Ymlyn n, cohesion, adherencenbsp;Ymlyniad, iaid », adherentnbsp;Ymlynu v, to adhere togethernbsp;Ymlysiad n, self-discardingnbsp;Tmlythu v, to gorge one’s selfnbsp;Tmnabod to be acquaintednbsp;Ymnacau v, to refuse one’s selfnbsp;Tmneillduad n, self-secessionnbsp;Ymneillduaeth nf, dissent [dissentnbsp;Tmneillduo r, to separate one’s self; tonbsp;Tmneillduol a, dissentingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[paratist
Ymneilldiiwr, duwyr n, dissenter, se-Tmnerthu v, to strengthen one’s self Tmnesau v, to approach; to draw one’snbsp;Ymnoddwr, wyr «, refugee [self nearnbsp;Ymnoethi v, to denude one’s selfnbsp;Ymnofio v, to swim of one’s self, to floatnbsp;Ymochelyd t?, to bewarenbsp;Ymofidio v, to afflict one’s self [inquirenbsp;Ymofyn r, to be inquiring, to ask, tonbsp;Ymofyngar a, inquisitivenbsp;Tmofyniad n, inquiring, inquirynbsp;Ymofynydd -ion n, inquirernbsp;Ymogelyd v, to beware, to avoidnbsp;Ymogoneddu r, to glorify one’s selfnbsp;Ymogwyddo v, to be inclined [to bathenbsp;Ymolchi, Ymolch v, to wash one’s self;nbsp;Ymollwng v, to drop one’s self; to givenbsp;Ymoralw v, to inquire; to invoke [waynbsp;Ymorchestu v, to emulatenbsp;Tmorfoleddu v, to exult in one’s selfnbsp;Ymorfod n, self-conquestnbsp;Tmorol v, to inquire; to beseechnbsp;Ymorphwys v, to rest one’s self; tonbsp;dependnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[with retinue
Ymosgorddi v, to surround one’s self Ymosod V, to place one’s self. Ymosodnbsp;ar, to attack, to assail, to assaultnbsp;Ymostwng n. self-debasement: v, tonbsp;stoop, to debase or humble one’s self;nbsp;to submit, to yield
Ympryd -iau », fast, fasting Ymprydio tJ, to fastnbsp;Ymrafael -ion n, contention, variancenbsp;Ymrafaelio v, to contendnbsp;Yinran -an Tif, schism, sectnbsp;Ymranu v, to part, to divide, to separate,nbsp;to secede, to become disunitednbsp;Ymresymu v, to conversenbsp;Ymrithio V, to show one’s selfnbsp;Ymroddi, Ymroi v, to resign one's self;
to submit; to exert one’s self Ymruglo v, to trail one’s selfnbsp;Ymrwygo v, to tear one’s selfnbsp;Ymrwymo v, to bind one’s selfnbsp;Ymryson -au », contention, disputenbsp;Ymryson v, to contend, to dispute [t^tnbsp;Ymrysonfa, fëydd provocation; con-Ymrysonwr, wyr n, contendernbsp;Ymsang -au n, parenthesis. Llythyrennbsp;ymsang, epenthesisnbsp;Ymsangol a, epentheticnbsp;Ymsathru v, to tread mutuallynbsp;Ymsefydlu v, to fix one’s self; to settlenbsp;Ymserchu r, to be doatingnbsp;Ymsoddi v, to sink one’s self; to sinknbsp;Ymson -ion n, soliloquynbsp;Ymson v, to soliloquizenbsp;Ymsymmud w, self-motion; v. to movenbsp;Ymunioni v, to straighten one’s self; tonbsp;become straightnbsp;Ymwadu v, to deny one’s selfnbsp;Ymwaedu v, to bleed one’s selfnbsp;Ymwahanu v, to separate one’s selfnbsp;Ymwallgofi r, to distract one’s selfnbsp;Ymwared tgt;, to deliver one’s self; tonbsp;avert mutually
Ymwarthu v, to disgrace one’s self Ymwasgaru v, to be self-scattering; tonbsp;become scatterednbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[together
Ymwasgu v to press one’s self; to press Ymwastatau r, to make one’s self evennbsp;Ymweled v, to visitnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[or fixed
Ymweliad n, visitation Ymwellau v, to better one’s selfnbsp;Ymwerthu v, to sell one’s selfnbsp;Ymwrthod v, to abstainnbsp;Ymwrthodiad n, abstinence. Llwyr ym-wrthodiad, total abstinence, teetotal-ismnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[mutually
Ymwthio v, to push one’s self; to push Ymwychu igt;, to adorn one’s selfnbsp;Ymwylltio w, to make one’s self wild; tonbsp;Ymyfed n, tippling ( get in a passionnbsp;Ymyl -au -on n, side, edge, brinknbsp;Ymylu V, to edge, to rimnbsp;Ymyraeth «ƒ, intermeddlingnbsp;Ymyru, Ymyryd v, to intermeddlenbsp;297
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Ysgafn ft, light body; stack; shock Ysgafnder ft, lightnessnbsp;Ysgafnhau, Ysgafnu ij, to lighten [brownbsp;Ysgafell -au nf^ ledge, rim; scaffold;nbsp;Ysgafellu tJ, to form a ledge; to scaffoldnbsp;Ysgaid ft, sprinklingnbsp;Ysgainc, geinciau ft/*, branch; skeinnbsp;Ysgall np (-en «ƒ), the thistle. Ys-gallen y blaidd, spear thistle. — ddu,nbsp;black chameleon thistle. — ddraen-wen, common carline thistle.
Fair, — fraith, — wen, milk thistle.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;fendigaid, blessed thistle. —nbsp;foglynog, sea eryngo. — fwyth,nbsp;melancholy thistle. — ganpen, fieldnbsp;eryngo. — gotymog, cotton thistle.
— nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;y moch, common sowthistlenbsp;Ysgallog a, full of thistlesnbsp;YsgSr, ysgarau nf^ share [bill of divorcenbsp;Ysgar -ion ft, divorce. Llythyr ysgar,nbsp;Ysgar tJ, to part, to cast offnbsp;Ysgarant, geraint w, adversarynbsp;Ysgaredigaeth separationnbsp;Ysgariad ft, separating, divorcenbsp;Ysgariaeth separation
Ysgario u, to separate, to divorce Ysgariad ft, scarletnbsp;Ysgarm -oedd nf^ outcrynbsp;Ysgarmain v, to cry outnbsp;Ysgarmes -au »/*, shoutingnbsp;Ysgarth -ion ft, offscouring, excretionnbsp;Ysgarthu tgt;, to purge out, to excretenbsp;Ysgatfydd arf, perhaps, peradventurenbsp;Ysgaw Cft (-en nf')^ elder wood, thenbsp;elder. Ysgaw bendigaid, — y ddaiar,nbsp;dwarf elder, danewortnbsp;Ysgawl fl, vehement, activenbsp;Ysgawn w, light body; light=Ysgafnnbsp;Ysgecru tJ, to bicker, to brawlnbsp;Ysgeler a, atrocious, nefariousnbsp;Ysgelerdra n, atrociousness, villanynbsp;Ysgen ft, morphew, dandriffnbsp;Ysgentyn ft, caperer, buffoonnbsp;Ysgerbwd, bydau ft, skeleton, carcasenbsp;Ysgeth -au nf^ spear, lancenbsp;Ysgethru tgt;, to iterate, to repeatnbsp;Ysgi, gïod ft, cutting off; parer; batnbsp;Ysgien w/| sheer; scimitar; turner’snbsp;lathe; tall womannbsp;Ysgil, ysgiliau n, recess, nooknbsp;Ysgilio Vf to set behindnbsp;Ysgin -au nf, skin rope, pelissenbsp;Ysgip -iau ft, quick snatchnbsp;Ysgipio V, to snatch away or oftnbsp;Ysgipiol a, snatchingnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[cousin
Ysgiw -ion nf, screen, settle: ft, third Ysgiwio V, to screen, to shelter
Ysglawring, Ysgrawling n, glue, cement Ysglawringo v, to gluenbsp;Ysglem -iau nf slice, slivernbsp;Ysglemio v, to slice, to slivernbsp;Ysgien -oedd nf, sex, kindnbsp;Ysglenol a, sexualnbsp;Ysglent -iau nf, slide; driftnbsp;Ysglin -ion n, knob, knotnbsp;Ysglinen nf, knob, knotnbsp;Ysglino V, to form a knobnbsp;Ysgloen nf damsel, maid, maidennbsp;Ysglofen -au nf, slip, spraynbsp;Ysglyf -ion n, what seeks for preynbsp;Ysglyfaeth nf, depredation; prey, spoilnbsp;Ysglyfaethu v, to depredate, to spoil, tonbsp;prey on. to ravage
Ysglyfaetnus a, predatory, rapacious Ysglyfiad, iaid n, depredatornbsp;Ysglyfio tJ, to depredate, to prey onnbsp;Ysglymu v, to form a knotnbsp;Ysgoad ft, starting asidenbsp;Ysgoegyn -od ft, coxcombnbsp;Ysgog -ion ft, quick motion, stir [movenbsp;Ysgogi V, to wag, to stir, to shake; tonbsp;Ysgogrym -oedd ft, momentumnbsp;Ysgogyn -oedd ft. flutterer, fop, coxcombnbsp;Ysgol -ion nf, senoolnbsp;Ysgol -ion nf, peak; ladder. Ysgolnbsp;Fair, common centaurynbsp;Ysgolfaer, feiri n, proctor [pedagoguenbsp;Ysgolfeistr, feistri ft, schoolmaster,nbsp;Ysgolhaig, heigion ft, scholarnbsp;Ysgolheigdod n, scholarshipnbsp;Ysgolheigiaeth nf, schoolingnbsp;Ysgolheigio v, to schoolnbsp;Ysgoliad n, schoolingnbsp;Ysgolp -iau ft, sparnbsp;Ysgor -au nf, rampart, bulwarknbsp;Ysgorfa, fëydd nf, place of defencenbsp;Ysgori V, to encircle, to hem, to entrenchnbsp;Ysgornio v, to scorn, to slightnbsp;Ysgorpionllys -iau ft, scorpion-grass,nbsp;mouse-ear
Ysgortio Vjto thunder; to explode Ysgorwg ft, what forms a screennbsp;Ysgoth ft, purge, voidancenbsp;Ysgothfa, fëydd nf, privy-housenbsp;Ysgrad w, what is rigid or stiffnbsp;Ysgraell, Ysgraen rf, the sea-swallownbsp;Ysgraf -ion w, what scrapes offnbsp;Ysgrafell -i nf, scraper; rasp; curry-Ysgrafellu v, to rasp, to scrape [combnbsp;Ysgrafu v, to scrape, to gratenbsp;Ysgraff -au nf, ferry-boat, ferrynbsp;Ysgraffinio v, to scarifynbsp;Ysgraglach cn, rag-tag and bobtail, mobnbsp;Ysgrain ft, what is crawlingnbsp;299
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Ysgrawen -i ‘nf^ hard ernst Ysgrech, grechau nf^ scream, shriek.
Ysgrêch y coed, jay [screaming Ysgrechain, Ysgrechian v, to keepnbsp;Ysgrechio r, to scream, to shrieknbsp;Ysgrechog n/j jaynbsp;Ysgrepan -an n/J wallet, scripnbsp;Tsgri, grïon nf^ shriek, scream [actnbsp;Ysgrif -an -ion nf^ notch; writing; hill,nbsp;Ysgrifell -an nf, writing-pen, pennbsp;Ysgrifen -an nf^ a piece of writing.
Ysgrifen fedd, epitaph Tsgrifeniad n, writingnbsp;Ysgrifenu r, to write, to pen [retarynbsp;Ysgrifenydd -ion n, scribe, writer, sec-Ysgrifiyfr -an n, codex, manuscriptnbsp;Tsgrifnod -an note (of a bank, amp;c.)nbsp;Ysgrifo Vf to notch; to write; to scribenbsp;Ysgrifwas, weision n, clerk, scrirenernbsp;Ysgrin -an nf^ skreennbsp;Tsgrogell -i nf, draw-bridge. Hen ys-grogell, an old hagnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[brute
Ysgrubliad, iaid, Ysgrubl -od n, beast, Ysgriid, ysgrudion ^ frame; skeletonnbsp;Tsgr^d, ysgrydion n, carcasenbsp;Ysgrwth n, heap, bulknbsp;Ysgryd -ion n, shiver, shakenbsp;Ysgrydiad n, shiveringnbsp;Ysgrythyr -au scripturenbsp;Ysgrythyroi a, scripturalnbsp;Tsgub -au nf, sheaf; besomnbsp;Tsgubell -i n/, whisk; besom; broomnbsp;Tsgubion np, sweepingsnbsp;Ysgubo Vj to whisk; to sweepnbsp;Ysgubor -iau nf^ barnnbsp;Ysguborio v, to put in barnnbsp;Ysguth n, scud; whisknbsp;Ysguthan -od n/j ringdove; wood-pigeonnbsp;Ysguthell -od nf, scuddernbsp;Ysguthiad n, scuddingnbsp;Ysgw n, guard, care; refugenbsp;Ysgwad n, guardingnbsp;Ysgwaeth n, guardianshipnbsp;Ysgwaetheroedd ad, more the pitynbsp;Ysgwd n, push; jet; stile'
Ysgwdiad n, pushing on Ysgwfl, ysgyfion n, grapple, snatchnbsp;Ysgwthr, gythrion n, cut out; lopnbsp;Ysgwyd n, shake, flutternbsp;Ysgwyd -au nf, shield; targetnbsp;Ysgwyd V, to shake, to flutternbsp;Ysgwydfa nf, shake; tossnbsp;Ysgwydo V, to use a shieldnbsp;Ysgydwas, weision n, shieldbearernbsp;Ysgwydd -au nf, shoulder. Nerth braichnbsp;; ac ysgwydd, with all one’s might. Pontnbsp;yr ysgwydd, clavicle, collar-bone
Ysgwyddo V, to shoulder, to joust Ysgwydd n, sprinkle; scumnbsp;Ysgydwad n, agitation, shakingnbsp;Ysgyfaint ^ lungs; stranglesnbsp;Ysgyfar -au nf, earnbsp;Ysgyfarn -au nf, ear of a beastnbsp;Ysgyfamog -od nf hare [stranglesnbsp;Ysgyfeinio v, to form lungs; to have thtnbsp;Ysgyfeiniog a, pulmonarynbsp;Ysgyfeinwst n, phthisis, decline, pulmonary consumptionnbsp;Ysgyniad n, ascending=Esgyniadnbsp;Ysgyrion np, staves, splintersnbsp;Ysgyrioni v, to shiver; to stavenbsp;Ysgymwg n, snarl, grin [to snarlnbsp;Ysgyrnygu v, to gnash with the teeth,nbsp;Ysgythr -au n, fang, tusknbsp;Ysgythr-ddant, ddannedd n, fangnbsp;Ysgythrog a, fanged. Mynydd ys-gythrog, peaked, craggy mountainnbsp;Ysgythru v, to lop; to carve; to prunenbsp;Ysiad n, consumingnbsp;Ysiant n, consumptionnbsp;Ysid ad, there is; it may benbsp;Tsig a, fretting; corrodingnbsp;Ysigo V, to fret; to inflamenbsp;Yslac a, distinct, loose, slacknbsp;Y slacio, Yslacau v, to slacke»
Ysiaif, leifiau nf, slash
Yslapiad n, slapping
Yslath -au nf, rod. perch
Ysled -i nf, drag, aray
Ysledfen -i nf drag cart
Yslepan -au nf trap, a gin
Yslipan n, glibeness; burnish
Yslipanu to burnish nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[comical
Ysmala a, fickle; humorous,droll, funny,
Ysmicio v, to blink; to ogle
Ysmot -iau n, patch, spot
Ysmotyn, ysmotiau n, spot
Ysmwcan n, puft’ of fog
Ysnid -au rf snout; snipe
Ysnited nf drop at the nose
Ysnoden -i nf fillet, lace, band, ribbon.
Ysnoden y mor, sea weeds Tsnodenig nf, bandietnbsp;Ysnodenu v, to filletnbsp;Ysol a, consuming; corrosivenbsp;Ysoldeb n, consuming state [hospicenbsp;Yspytty, tai n, hospital. — mynacnoltnbsp;Tssig a, shattered, bruised; sprained_nbsp;Yssigdod n, contusionnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[to sprain
Tssigo V, to bruise, to shatter, to crush; Ystac -iau n, heap, stacknbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[half
Ystaca n, standard; five bushels and a Ystacio V, to pile, to heap, to stacknbsp;YstM, ystadau nf state, conditionnbsp;300
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Ystadaeth nf^ statistics Ystadeg -au nf^ statisticsnbsp;Ystadegol a, statistical [pectablenbsp;Ystadus a, of a position or repute, res-Ystaen n, stain; tin: a, stainednbsp;Ystaeniad n, staining; tinningnbsp;Ystafell -oedd nf^ chamber, roomnbsp;Ystafellog a, having a roomnbsp;Ystafellu to form a roomnbsp;Ystafellydd -ion n, chamberlainnbsp;Ystafellyddes -au «/*, chambermaidnbsp;Ystagu to suffocate, to chokenbsp;Ystang -au «/J perch in measurenbsp;Ystalu r, to form a stocknbsp;Ystalwyn -i«, stallionnbsp;Ystanc -iau n, holdfast, bracket, woodennbsp;hook; stake. Ystanc cefFyl, horse-blocknbsp;Ystancio tgt;, to stanch; to bracketnbsp;Ystarn -au nf^ packsaddla, saddlenbsp;Ystarnu u, to put on a packsaddlenbsp;Ystarnwr, wyr n, saddlernbsp;Ystefaig nf^ the palatenbsp;Ysteinio tgt;, to cause a spreadnbsp;Ystel -ion w, what stretches outnbsp;Ystelc -iau nf^ lurk; loiternbsp;Ystelciad n, lurking; loiteringnbsp;Ystelcian v, to lurk; to loiternbsp;Ystelff -od rt, blockheadnbsp;Ystelffu V, to render rigidnbsp;Ysteliad n, straining outnbsp;Ystem nf^ base, stemnbsp;Ystên, enau »*/, jug, ewer, decanternbsp;Yster -ion «, what is ardentnbsp;Ysteraig a, ardentnbsp;Ystercian v, to be Jerkingnbsp;Ystercio t?, to jerk outnbsp;Ysterlewyn n, radiationnbsp;Ystern, tym n, what is ardentnbsp;Ystern a, of ardent tendencynbsp;Ystem V, to render ardentnbsp;Ystid, tidau n/*, what forms a wreathnbsp;Ystido V, to form a wreathnbsp;Ystig a, strenuous, perseveringnbsp;Ystigl -au nfj stilenbsp;Ystigo Vf to act strenuouslynbsp;Ystigrwydd n, assiduity, diligencenbsp;Ystinos n. asbestosnbsp;Ystle fif mght, retreat; kindrednbsp;Ystlen -i sex, gender, kindnbsp;Ystlenol a, sexual, kindrednbsp;Ystlom n, excrement, ordurenbsp;Ystlomi r, to void ordurenbsp;Ystlum, Ystlumyn -od n, batnbsp;Ystlwn fij connection, kindnbsp;Ystlwyd », of a hoary huenbsp;Ystlwyn -i n, luxuriant grovenbsp;YstJyned society; kindred |
Ystlyniol a, being associated Ystlynu v, to associate Ystlys -au nf^ side, flanknbsp;Ystlysgam a, lop-sidednbsp;Ystlysol a, lateral, sidednbsp;Ystiysn ü, to go to one sidenbsp;Ystlyswedd -au nf^ profilenbsp;Ystod -ion nf^ course; layer; swathenbsp;Ystodi n, to dispose a course, range,nbsp;layer, or swathenbsp;Ystofen nf^ warping-traynbsp;Ystofi V, to range, to warp; to tame; tonbsp;bestow, to give, to presentnbsp;Ystól, tolion, tolau «ƒ, stoolnbsp;Ystola nf^ scarf, stolenbsp;Ystolc -iau «, punched hollownbsp;Ystolciad », buttingnbsp;Ystolcian v, to keep buttingnbsp;Ystolio t), to spreadnbsp;Ystoncyn -au », stump of a treenbsp;Ystör, torau n, bulk; store; stock; quantity nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[amber Ystor -au «, rosin, resin. Ystor coeth, Ystordy, dai «, storehouse, warehousenbsp;Ystordyn n, trigger (in bowling); marknbsp;to jump from Ystori, ïau nf^ history; story, tale Ystori r, to cover with resinnbsp;Ystorio tgt;, to store upnbsp;Ystorïo V, to tell a storynbsp;Ystorm -ydd -oedd n/J tempest, stormnbsp;Ystormus a, tempestuous, boisterousnbsp;Ystrad -au w, flat, vale, dalenbsp;Ystraff nf^ what strews aboutnbsp;Ystraffoi a, strewing; wastefulnbsp;Ystraflu r, to strew, to wastenbsp;Ystraig, treigiau », buckle, claspnbsp;Ystraigl, treiglion n, turn, detournbsp;Ystraill, treillion n, what is trailed, matnbsp;Ystrain «ƒ, tribe, crew, breednbsp;Ystram, ystremydd nf^ framenbsp;Ystranc -iau «/, trick, wilenbsp;Ystrancio v, to play tricks, to pranknbsp;Ystrancus a, apt to play tricksnbsp;Ystraul nf^ what is consumednbsp;Ystraw -on «, what is maturednbsp;Ystrawd, trodion », course, transitnbsp;Ystrawu t), to educate; to maturenbsp;Ystre -on course, rangenbsp;Ystred -i nf^ village, hamletnbsp;Ystref -i nf^ what forms a dwellingnbsp;Ystrefu v, to form a dwellingnbsp;Ystreiglo t), to turn, to rollnbsp;YstreiUach, Ystreilliad », trundlingnbsp;YstreilUo v, to trundlenbsp;Ystrem -iau nf, what is made to appear;nbsp;magic; exposed place |
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Gwyr, Gower Hafren, Severnnbsp;HalcRdin, Halgstonnbsp;Henfifordd, Herefordnbsp;Hispaen=:Yspaennbsp;Uwlffordd, Haverfordwestnbsp;Hymyr, Humbernbsp;lorddonen, Jordannbsp;Isalmaen, Hollandnbsp;Iseldiroedd, Isdiroedd,nbsp;Netherlands Isgoed Celyddon, Scotland Ital=Eidalnbsp;Iwerddon, Irelandnbsp;Llacharn, Laugharnenbsp;Llanandras, Presteignnbsp;Llanbedr, Lampeternbsp;Llandaf j Llandaffnbsp;Llandeilo, Llandilonbsp;Llaududoch, St.Dogmell’snbsp;Llanelwy, St. Asaphnbsp;Llanelli, Llanellynbsp;Llaueurgain, Northopnbsp;Llanfair ym Muallt,Bailthnbsp;Llanffydd, Lampheynbsp;Llaugatwg, Cadoxtonnbsp;Llanilltud, Ilstonnbsp;Llanilltud Fawr, Lantwitnbsp;Major Llansawel, Briton Ferry Llanymddyfri,Llandoverynbsp;Llerpwll, Liverpoolnbsp;Lloegr, Englandnbsp;Llongbortfa, Portsmouthnbsp;Llundain, Londonnbsp;LlwydlOj Ludlownbsp;Llychlyn, Norwaynbsp;Llydaw, Brittany, Bretagne Llyn Tegid, Pemblemere Liynlleifiad, Liverpoolnbsp;Maelor, Bromfieldnbsp;Maesyfed, Radnor. Sirnbsp;Faesyfed, Radnorshirenbsp;Manaw, Isle of Mannbsp;Mancelnion, Manchesternbsp;Meirionydd, Sir Feirion-ydd, Merionethshirenbsp;Misswri, Missourinbsp;Mon, Sir Fon, Angleseynbsp;Mor Adria, Adriatic Seanbsp;Mór Asoff, Sea of Azofnbsp;M6r Gaspiaidd, Caspiannbsp;Mor Coch, Red Sea fSea |
Mor Du, Mdr Ewcsin, Black or Euxine Sea Mor Hafren,Bristol Channel Mor India, Indian Ocean M6r Llychlyn, Baltic Seanbsp;Mor Marw, Mor Sodom,nbsp;Dead Sea MórTawch,German Ocean Mor Tawel, Pacific Oceannbsp;Mor Udd, British Channelnbsp;Mor Werydd, Mdr Atlan-tig, Atlantic Oceannbsp;Mor y Canoldir, Mor Yn-nhir, Mediterranean Seanbsp;Morganwg, Glamorgan.nbsp;Sir Forganwg, Glamorganshirenbsp;Mynnau, Alpsnbsp;Mynwy, Monow; Monmouth. Sir Fynwy,nbsp;Monmouthshirenbsp;Mynyw, St. David’snbsp;Nicaia, Nice, Nic«anbsp;Ninefeh, Ninevehnbsp;Norffolc, Norfolk [Endnbsp;Pen Tir Lloegr, Land’snbsp;Pen y Bont ar Ogwyr,nbsp;Bridgendnbsp;Penfro, Pembroke. Sirnbsp;Benfro, Pembrokeshirenbsp;Penryn Gobaith Da, Capenbsp;of Good Hopenbsp;Penwynion, Apeninesnbsp;Pont ar Fynach, Devil’snbsp;Bridgenbsp;Pont Faen, Pont y Fon,nbsp;Cowbridgenbsp;Pont y Gwr Drwg, Devil’snbsp;Bridge Forth Lludd, Ludgate Forth Madog, Portmadocnbsp;Powys, division of ancientnbsp;Wales, including part ofnbsp;Cheshire, Shropshire,nbsp;Montgomery, Radnor,nbsp;Denbigh, and Flintnbsp;Prwssia, Prussianbsp;Prydain, Britannbsp;Prydain Fechan, Britannynbsp;Pumlumon, Plynlymonnbsp;Pwyl, Polandnbsp;Rhosfair, Rhoshir, New-boroughssNiwbwrch |
Rhufain, Rome Rhwssia, Russia Rhydwely, Bedfordnbsp;Rhydychain, Oxfordnbsp;Safwy, Savoynbsp;Sermamai=Almaennbsp;Taf wys,Tafwysg, Thamesnbsp;Tain, Tyne; Thamesnbsp;Taleithiau Cytunol A-merica, United Statesnbsp;of Americanbsp;Tegeingl, Flintnbsp;Tinbych, Tinbych y Pysg-od, Tenby Trallwng, Welshpool Trefaldwyn, Montgomery.nbsp;Sir Drefaldwyn, Montgomeryshire Trefdraeth, Newport,Pern. Trefesgob, Bishop’s Castlenbsp;Tref Newydd, Newtownnbsp;Treforus, Morristonnbsp;Tref y Clawdd, Knightonnbsp;Trefnwy, Monmouthnbsp;Trefiynnon, Holywellnbsp;Twrci, Turkeynbsp;Ty Ddewi, St. David’snbsp;Tywi, Towy Unol Daleithiau, the United States Y nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Fenni, Abergavenny Y nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gelli, Hay Y nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wyddfa, Snowdon Y nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Wyddgrug, Moldnbsp;YnysAfallon,Glastonburynbsp;Ynys Fon, Angleseynbsp;Ynys Moeirhoniaid, Isle of Skerries Ynys Wen, Britain Yr^s Werdd, Ireland, thenbsp;Emerald Isle Ynys Wyth, Isle of Wight Ynys yr la, Icelandnbsp;Ynysoedd Dedwydd, Canary Islands Ynysoedd Erch, Orkney Islands YrHeledd Ddu,North wich A r Heledd Wem ijantwichnbsp;Yr Wysg, the Usknbsp;Ysgotland=Albannbsp;Yspaen, Spainnbsp;Ystrad Fnur, Strata Florida |
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