University Botanic Gardens Utrecht, The Netherlands
No.31 - 1988
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-ocr page 3-VIVM 1323
University Botanie Gardens
P.O. Box 80.162
3508 TD Utrecht The Netherlands
Index Seminum Atque Sporarum No.31 - 1988
-ocr page 4- -ocr page 5-Staff:
Drs. Ing. U.P.A. Lukkien, Beneral Director
A. Leyendekkers, Curator of Gardens
J. Tolsma,
Curator of Collections
L.J.W. van den Wollenberg,
Ass. Curator of Collections
n.H. Ligthart
The Gardens are located at:
Fort HoofddiJk, Utrecht CUniverslty center) Hortus Botanicus, Utrecht Ccity center; mill moved to the University center the coming year) Uon Gimborn arboretum, Doorn
Situation and climate:
Alt.: 2m above sea level
Average rainfall: 796 mm
Mean annual ma;;imum temperature: 31.B‘’C
Mean annual minimum temperature: - 11. G^'C
-ocr page 6-l ntroduction :
With the presentation of our Index Seminum 1900 we take the opportunity to inform you on the latest developments concerning the University Botanic Gardens of the State University of Utrecht.
in the last year our staff has undergone considerable changes. Dur former Scientific Director Dr. P.C. de Jong left us and accepted a position at the Research Station For Nursery Stock in Boskoop, The Netherlands. Drs. ing. U.P.A. Lukkien has been appointed General Director ad interim to fill the vacancy. Nr Leyendekkers was entrusted uith the activities of Curator of Bardens. In addition, L. Snel tsecretariatl left us and this position mas taken over by R. Ligthart.
ISBS: 350 years Botanic Gardens Utrecht.
In ISBS ue mill elaborately celebrate the anniversary of the Botanic Gardens of the State University at Utrecht.
After having concentrated our Gardens last year Cthe Dain Garden Project!, the established quot;nain Garden” with its neu greenhouses uill be officially opened in May ISBS.
Other highlights uill be:
• nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the National Orchid Show Cin coopération uith the Dutch Orchid Society!;
* nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;the National Sweet Pea Show Cin coopération with the Dutch Sweat Pea Society!;
• nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Presentation of the International Dendrology Society Conservation Award to the Uon Gimborn arboretum Cour satellite-garden!;
• nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;a congress on the theme:quot;The future of Botanical Bardens and Collections in The Netherlandsquot;.
After having operated with our databasesystem BUDl for over B years, we now plan a further integration of our collection-administration in an advanced integrated database-system, called BUD3. It will comprise a relational database, affiliated utilities typically used by Botanical Bardens, such as a Crenewed! Seedmanager
-ocr page 7-with quot;Stock-monitoringquot; For the u®®*^^y Seed Exchange, and a multi-user environment for multiple use of our collections-database. The IBPBR-International Transfer Format for date-exchange of plantreoords will be supported.
The stand-alone version of this sgstom will be called BUDE. Both can be purchased by dutch fellow-Botanic Gardens.
For the moment no software can be sold to foreign Institutions or persons since technical support and the release of a manual in the english language is still beyond the scope of our possibilities.
The data for this Index Seminum are automatically processed using BUDl and the accompanying text is added by means of a wordprocessor.
The Decentralized National Plantcollection CD.N.P.l:
In the past the 0 dutch University Botanic Gardens developed a plan for the realization of a National Plantcollection. Each participating Gardens specializes in a number of taxa and takes responsibility for these taxa in the other Gardens. Recently a foundation has been installed by the Dutch Government in order to enhance the the already existing cooperation between the Gardens and to speed up the activities which should render the D.N.P. operational. This foundation is called the quot;Stichting Nederlandse Plantentuinenquot; (Foundation Dutch Botanic Gardens 1.
-ocr page 8-The Botanic Gardens of Utrecht are developing collections of the follouing groups and taxa:
-Alpinous plants Cesp. Arisaema, Arisarum, Fenstemon and Trillium)
-Conifers Cesp. Tsuga)
-Ferns CPolypodiaceae s.s.)
-Flora of the Neotropics: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Flora of the Guianas
-Lactiferous plants: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Euphorbia
-noraceae: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Cecropia
-Broad-leaved hardy trees and shrubs:
Aceraceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Betulaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ericaceae
Euonymus nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laburnum nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;tlagnolia
Ue are especially interested in material From natural sources of the groups end taxa mentioned above. Ue will be much obliged if Cbesides the material from your seedlist) you can supply us uith other species from, or draw our attention to, special stocks in your collections.
UeriF ication:
The seeds and spores in this list have been taken from verified plants and only if ue were reasonably sure that cross-pollination uith related species would be unlikely.
-ocr page 9-Eaplenetion of provenance codes:
E” Seeds derived from a plant of known natural source CFl Benerationl.
S- Seeds derived from a plant in cultivation but from known natural source C not necessarily Fl generationl.
E” Seeds from a plant from other Botanical Garden or Institute; not from known natural source.
Explanation of abbreviated collector-names: | ||||||||||||||||
Notes on ordenno:
Correspondents are asked to use the order-form provided, and send it to the address mentioned upon it. Furthermore, they should check with their own authorities concerning import-regulations and include any necessary permits with their order.
Requests reaching us before March 1383 will be handled in sequence of entry .
-ocr page 10-Aceraceae
1, B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;00ZB003ËB Bear maximouJiczianum niq. CSyn.iA.
nikoense Maxim.3
U) nj
B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;00ZB009S7 Acer micranthum Sieb, ß Zucc.
B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B4RD0044S Acer nipponicum Hara Seeds collected
from S4-year old tree in the Zuiderpark at The Hague. Rare in cultivation. The seeds may not dry out and have to be soum immediately after receipt.
Amaranthaceae | ||
| ||
1974 . |
5. B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7BBR00015 Artabotrys hexapetalus CL.f.) Bhandari
Apocynaceae | ||||||
| ||||||
7. B B1RD00B53 Ilex pedunculosa Miq. |
Araceae | ||||||
11 . E
77BL00245 Cirsium yezoense (Maxim.) Mak.
Coll.: Japan, 1977.
BBBR01070 Heliotropium amplexicaule Uahl
-ocr page 11-Acer œicranthun ( nr. 2, see page 6)
1. female flowering branchlet from nonoecious tree. 2. ? flower
5- ^ flower .After P.C. de Jong,Flowering and eex expreesion in Acer L. A bioeystematic etudy. Keded.Landbouwhogecchool Vageningen 76-2 (1S76)
-ocr page 12-Brassicsceae
14 .
17 .
IB .
72BL00095 FibiQia enocarpa CDC.) BoASS.
eSyn.: Farsetia enocarpa DC . 1
77CROOOB0 Puya ferruginea CRuiz 8 Pav.j L.B.5m.
G0GR001B4 Cercis siliquastrum L.
B3BL002B3 Edraianthus tenuifollus CDaldst. 8
Kit.l A.DC. Coll.: Eur. Alps, 19B2.
B3BL0015B Physoplexis comosa CL.) Schor Cell.:
Italy, Brenta, alt.: 1700m., 1982.
76GR0010B Canna paniculate Ruiz 8 Pav. [PLKENN57003
Cell.: Peru, Dept. Huanuco. Puente Durand, alt.: 1000m., 1976.
B0GR002B7 Canna tuerckheimil Kraenzl . ChlAASl Coll.: Ecuador, near Alluriquin, alt.: B50m., 1990.
B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B3BL00090 Dianthus knappii CPant.) Aschers. 8
Kanitz ex Borb.
G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;75GR00274 Clethra arborea Alt.
G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;BBGR01043 Garcinia xanthochumus J.D.Hook, ex
G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G0RD00794 Davidia involucrata Baill. var.
vilmoriniana CDode) Wanger.
-ocr page 13-
Ericaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
BBGR00e79 Phyllanthus angustifdius CSui.) Su.
74GR00741 Carmichaelia cunninghamii Raoul
69GR00253 Gloxinia lindeniana (Regeli Fritsch Hippocrateaceae
35. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;BBGR009Ee Salacia uregaensis R.Uilczek var.
aurantiaca N.Kalle CUE3 Coll.: trop. U.Africa, 1951.
35. B nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;74RD004B4 Hydrangea petiolaris Sieb. 8 2ucc,
37. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;77BL00409 Iris magnifica Uved.
38. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;E nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;7BBL00211 Sideritis scardica Criseb. Cell.: Greece. Mt. Dlympos. 1977.
-ocr page 14-flnórosace slbana Stev. Cnr.
8 U.E. Loue, quot;Androsaces”, 1377 .
61, see page 101. After G.F. Smith an Alpine Garden Society Guide,
Li 1laceae | ||
nagnoliaceaa | ||
dalvaceae | ||||||||||||||||||
55. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G
55. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G
B3GR00S31 Hillerla latifolia (Lam.) H.UJalt.
BBBROOBBB Rivïna humilis L. var. humilis
57. G
75GR00B55 Pittosporum undulatum Uent.
5B. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;5
53. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B
77BL0017B Armeria girardii CBemisl Litard.
Coll.: France, Hrault, Les Rives alt.: BOOm., 137B.
75GR00B33 Ceratostigma ujillmottianum Stapf
Portulaca mucronata Link CJCLl Coll.: Brazil, 13G7. (annual!
51 . GB.
Androsace albana Stev.
Primula vialii Delav. ex Franch
Spiraea japonica L.f. var. fcrtunei CPlanch.1 Rehd.
Dphiorrhiza mungos L.
Sherardia arvensis L.
B4. 55 .
BBBR00130 552E0073B
BB. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B
B7. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;B
B3BR002B0 Glycosmis arborea (Roxb.) DC. 7BRD0057B Zanthoxylum slmulans Hance
So far hardy in our climate.
7BBL00473 Saxifrage Fernandi-coburgii Kellerer
6 Suenderm. CCYTl Coll.: Greece, Garmila fits., near Prisscchori, Bit.: IBOOm., 137G.
B3 .
B1BL00E3B Saxifrage sempervivum K.Koch
CCYie43033 Coll.: Bulgeria, Rhodope Fits., alt.: 1050m., 1373.
-ocr page 18-Sciadopitys verticillate CThunb.j Sieb. 8 Zucc. Cnr. 73, see page lij. After L. Beissner, quot;Handbuch der Nadelgehdlze”, 1303. l:tujig with male inflorescence; E: twig with female inflorescence.
-ocr page 19-
Scrophulariaceae | ||||||
Solanaceae | ||||
Styracaceae | ||||
Symplocaceae | ||
Taxodiaceae | ||
Uerbenaceae | ||
Zingiberaceae | ||
-ocr page 20-nonocostus uniflorus CPoepp. ex O.G. Peters.) Maas Cnr. BE, see page 11), Drawing: T. Schipper.