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University Botanie Gardens
P.O. Box 80.162 3508 TD Utrecht The Netherlands
Index Seminum No. 32 - 1990
-ocr page 4-Staff: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;General Dept.:
V.P.A. Lukkien, M.Sc.,
General Director
A. Leijendekkers,
Curator of Gardens
A. Ligthart,
Curators’ Dept.:
J. Tolsma,
Curator of Collections
L.J.W. van den Wollenberg, M.Sc.,
Curator of Collections
Educational Dept.:
J. Vos, M.Sc.,
Education officer
A. Kühn,
Education officer
The gardens are located at:
Utrecht: Fort Hoofddijk (University center) Doorn: Von Gimbornarboretum
Situation and climate:
52°06’N, 5°11’E
Alt.: 2m above sea level
Average rainfall: 796 mm
Mean annual maximum temperature: 31.8 “C
Mean annual minimum temperature: -11.5 °C
-ocr page 5-Introduction:
With the presentation of our Index Seminum 1990 we take the opportunity to inform you on the latest development concerning the University Botanic Gardens of the State University of Utrecht.
. Due to our activities for the celebration of the 350^** anniversary in 1989, we were unable to produce an Index Seminum for that year. From now on we intend to issue one again every year.
. In the past two years the staff has been expanded with an Educational Department, consisting of Mrs. A. Kühn and Mr. J. Vos, both on a voluntary basis.
. In 1989 the Government supported the Utrecht University financially to build new greenhouses to accommodate the Utrecht half of the Willy Commelin Scholten Institute for Phytopathology, formerly located in Baarn (the Institute was a joint venture between the Universities of Amsterdam and Utrecht). In 1990 the building activities started.
. In 1991 the Utrecht University celebrates her 355*^*’ anniversary. To celebrate this, amongst others, an international congress on education for botanic gardens will be supported. This congress, quot;A Natural Environment for Learningquot;, that will be held 13 -16 May 1991, is organized by the quot;Botanic Gardens and Industrial Liaison Office Utrecht Universityquot;, the quot;Dutch Botanic Gardens Foundationquot;, the quot;Botanic Gardens Education Network (B.G.E.N.)quot;, and the quot;Botanic Gardens Conservation Secretariat B.G.C.S.quot;. The purpose of the congress is to inform the staff of botanic gardens about the possibilities that are open to them, and to forge co-operation between botanic gardens in the field of Education on Nature and Environment (E.N.E.).
-ocr page 6-The Botanic Gardens of Utrecht are developing specializations on the following groups and taxa:
-Alpinous plants
-selected woodland plants (Arisaenia, Arisarum, Penstemon amp;nbsp;Trillium)
-Conifers (esp. Tsuga)
-Flora of the Neotropics: Flora of the Guianas
-Lactiferous plants: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Euphorbia
-Broad-leaved hardy trees and shrubs:
Aceraceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Betulaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ericaceae
Euonymus nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laburnum nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magnolia
These specializations are given extra attention regarding verification, nomenclature etc.
We are especially interested in material from natural sources of the groups and taxa mentioned above. We will be much obliged if (besides the material from your seedlist) you can supply us with other species from, or draw our attention to, special stocks in your collections.
Furthermore, we intend a closer cooperation with Botanic Gardens with specializations on one or more of the taxa mentioned above. Enclosed you will find an inquiry about the specializations you hold from the taxa mentioned above. You are kindly requested to fill it out, and return it, even if you are not interested in co-operation, as the information thus gathered may also be useful to our Dutch colleagues.
The seeds in this list have been taken from verified plants and only if we were reasonably sure that cross-pollination with related species would be unlikely.
-ocr page 7-Explanation of provenance codes:
Seeds derived from a plant in cultivation but from known natural source ( not necessarily Fl generation). Seeds from a plant from other Botanical Garden or Institute; not from known natural source.
Explanation of abbreviated collector-names:
CYT nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;research-group Cytotaxonomy (P.E.B.)
EAM nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;E.A. Mennega
HAWK nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;j.G. Hawkes
HVDW nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H. v.d. Werff
JVL nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J.Chr. v. Loon
Lamp;G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J.C. Lindeman amp;nbsp;A.R.A. Görts
MAAS nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P.J.M. Maas
MJJ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M.J. Jansen-Jacobs
PL nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;T. Plowman
Sources of illustrations used:
Fig. 1: A.R. Clapham, T.G. Tutin amp;nbsp;E.F. Warburg; drawings:
S.J. Roles: Illustr. of the Fl. of the Brit. Isles vol. II, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, U.K., 1960.
Fig. 2: idem, vol. IV, 1965.
Fig. 3: R.H. Molenbroek (ed.): Illustr. Flora of Illinois, Southern Illinois Univ. Press, Carbondale amp;nbsp;Edwardsville, ill., U.S., 1981, ISBN 0-8093-0920-3
Fig. 5: idem
Fig. 4: F.K. Makins, Herb. Garden Fl., J.M. Dent amp;nbsp;Sons Ltd., London, U.K., 1957.
Notes on ordering:
Correspondents are asked to use the order-form provided, and send it to the address mentioned upon it. Furthermore, they should check with their own authorities concerning import-regulations and include any necessary permits with their order.
Requests reaching us before March 1991 will be handled in sequence of entry.
-ocr page 8-
Aceraceae | ||||||
Aizoaceae | ||
Amaranthaceae | ||||
Amaryllidaceae | ||
Apiaceae | ||
-ocr page 9-
Apocynaceae |
85GR00108 |
Rauvolfia tetraphylla L. Cuba, grounds Calaba-zar,J.B.N. | |
10. |
S I | ||
11. |
Aquifoliaceae G I |
61RD00653 |
Ilex pedunculosa Miq. var. |
12. |
Bignoniaceae G I |
71ZS00029 |
pedunculosa Eccremocarpus scaber Ruiz amp; |
13. |
Boraginaceae G I |
55ZE00789 |
Pav. Lappula squarrosa (Retz.) |
14. |
Brassicaceae G I |
72BL00095 |
Dumort. Fibigia eriocarpa (DC.) Boiss. |
15. |
Calyceraceae G I |
55ZE01000 |
Acicarpha pinnatifida Miers |
16. |
Campanulaceae S I |
83BL00283 |
Edraianthus tenuifolius |
17. |
G I |
72ZE02170 |
(Waldst. amp;nbsp;Kit.) A.DC. Eur. Alps. No further details. Lobelia inflata L. |
-ocr page 10-
Cannaceae | ||||||||||
Capparaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-ocr page 11-Fig. 1: Gaultheria shallon Pursh
27. |
Cistaceae |
62ZE02137 |
Helianthemum ledifolium (L.) P.Mill. [EAM] Spain, Prov. Malaga, near Estepona, along roadside. |
S I | |||
Convolvulaceae | |||
28. |
G I Cucurbitaceae |
53ZE00838 |
Ipomoea purpurea (L.) Roth |
29. |
G I |
54ZE02380 |
Ecballium elaterium (L.) A.Rich. |
30. |
G I Dipsacaceae |
81ZE00337 |
Echinopepon wrightii (A.-Gray) Wats. |
31. |
G V Ericaceae |
71ZS00069 |
Cephalaria gigantea (Ledeb.) Bobrov |
32. |
G I |
64RD00374 |
Bruckenthalia spiculifolia (Salisb.) Rchb. |
33. |
G I |
76RD00148 |
Gaultheria shallon Pursh |
34. |
G I |
00ZG00034 |
Kalmia angustifolia L. |
35. |
G I |
00ZG01222 |
Kalmia latifolia L. |
36. |
G I |
00ZG00883 |
Leucothoe walteri (Willd.) Melvin |
37. |
G I |
00ZG00037 |
Pieris floribunda (Pursh ex Sims) Benth. «amp; J.D.Hook. |
38. |
G I |
00ZG00036 |
Pieris japonica (Thunb.) D.Don ex G.Don |
39. |
G I |
00ZG00097 |
Rhododendron canadense (L.) Torr. |
-ocr page 13-
40. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G I |
00ZG01148 Zenobia pulverulenta (Bartr. ex Willd.) C.Pollard |
Euphorbiaceae | ||||
Fabaceae | ||||||||||||||
Gentianaceae | ||||
-ocr page 14-Fig. 2: Juncus gerardi Loisel.
Geranium robertianum L.
52. S I
The Netherlands
53. G I
65BL00453 Ramonda myconi (L.) Rchb.
Globulariaceae | ||
Hydrophyllaceae | ||
Juncaceae | ||
Lamiaceae | ||||
Limnanthaceae | ||
-ocr page 16-14
-ocr page 17-
Loasaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
Magnoliaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
Malvaceae | |||
68. |
G I |
63ZE00846 |
Anoda cristata (L.) Schlech-tend. |
69. |
S I |
80ZS00010 |
Malva moschata L. France, Chaffois (Doubs), bord de route sol calcaire, expo ensoleille, Alt.: 850m. |
70. |
G I |
73ZS00033 |
Sidalcea neomexicana A.Gray var. parviflora (Greene) Roush |
Myrtaceae | |||
71. |
G I |
75GR00144 |
Syzygium paniculatum Banks ex Gaertn. |
-ocr page 18-
Onagraceae |
53ZE00879 |
Godetia purpurea (Curt.) G. Don | |
72. |
G I | ||
Paeoniaceae | |||
73. |
G I Papaveraceae |
67BL00273 |
Paeonia mlokosewitschii Lomak. |
74. |
G I |
68ZE02407 |
Dicranostigma leptopodum (Maxim.) Fedde |
75. |
G I Phytolaccaceae |
64BL00209 |
Meconopsis betonicifolia Franch. |
76. |
G I Pinaceae |
72ZS00029 |
Phytolacca clavigera W.W.Sm. |
77. |
G I Plumbaginaceae |
00ZG00916 |
Pseudolarix amabilis (A.Nels.) Rehd. |
78. |
S I |
77ZS00007 |
Armeria maritima (Mill.) Willd. s.l. Sweden, Hallands Vdero, Skne. |
79. |
G I |
75ZE00620 |
Psylliostachys suvorovii (Regel) Roshk. |
-ocr page 19-
Polemoniaceae | ||
Polygonaceae | ||||
Primulaceae | ||
Ranunculaceae | ||
Rosaceae | ||||
Rutaceae | ||
-ocr page 20-
Saxifragaceae | ||
Scrophulariaceae | ||||
Sterculiaceae | ||
Styracaceae | ||
Symplocaceae | ||
Taxodiaceae | ||
-ocr page 21-Urticaceae
98. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;I nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;54ZE02481 Urtica pilulifera L.
99. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G nbsp;nbsp;I nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;76GR00299 Clerodendrum speciosissimum
Van Geert
100. G I
Globba marantina L. (syn.: G. schomburgkii J.D.Hook.) (bulbils)
Fig. 4: Adonis aestivalis L.
-ocr page 22-ô^»^ «fe^ç ért
With this inquiry we hope to establish a co-operation with fellow botanic gardens to further develop our current expertise. Such a co-operation can be mutually advantageous (exchange of expertise, quality material, etc.), and can also be instrumental on reducing unnecessary duplication.
A specialization in the sense used here is a (taxonomic) group, which is given extra attention regarding verification, nomenclature, literature gathered, etc.
We intend a close co-operation with Botanic Gardens with specializations on one or more of the taxa mentioned on the next page. You are kindly requested to fill it out, and return it, even if you are not interested in co-operation, as the information thus gathered is also useful for dutch scientists and scientific institutes. If you indicated that you are interested in co-operation, you will be contacted subsequently.
On the next page you will find a survey of the Utrecht specializations. Other specializations are also of importance, as other Dutch Botanic Gardens may also be interested in such a co-operation. You can keep page 2 of this questionnaire for your own information.
Please circle the correct answer, and return this form only to:
Utrecht Botanic Gardens
P.O. Box 80.162
3508 TD Utrecht
The Netherlands
Name and full address of your institute:
Y/N Does your garden specialize in certain taxa
Y/N Are you interested in co-operation in this field?
List your specializations below, and characterize these according to the definitions on the next page (optional).
SPECIALIZATION nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;CHARACTERIZATION
-ocr page 24- -ocr page 25-The Botanic Gardens of Utrecht are developing the following specializations:
Research collections:
-Annonaceae (rsc,ib)
-Flora of the Guianas (rsc)
-Lactiferous plants: (rsc)
-Euphorbia (id)
-Hoya (id)
Garden specializations:
-Alpinous plants (ib,fp)
-selected woodland plants (Arisaema, Arisarum, Penstemon amp;nbsp;Trillium (id,fi))
-Flora of the Guianas
-Gesneriaceae (ib,fp)
-Orchidaceae (ib,fp)
-Zingiberaceae (ib,ref)
-Conifers (ib,fp)
-Tsuga (id,fi)
-Broad-leaved hardy trees and shrubs:
-Aceraceae (ib,fi)
-Betulaceae (ib,fi)
-Betula (id,fi)
-Ericaceae (ib,fp)
-Euonymus (id,fi)
-Laburnum (id,fi)
-Magnolia (ib,fi)
-Oleaceae p.p.:
-Fraxinus (ib,fi)
-Syringa (ib,fi)
research collections research collections are scientifically supported by the scientists working on that group, therefor the composition of this collection is not (solely) determined by Garden policy, rsc research collection: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;collection for scientific (usually taxonomic) purposes. Such
a collection can turn into a reference collection after the
ref reference collection:
(taxonomic) research has been terminated.
a well-documented specialization to which scientific publications preferably refer. Practically all material has been identified and the nomenclature is correct.
Garden specializations
These specialisations are given two qualifications, one stating the stage of development which the collection has reached so far, and one stating the nature of the specialization:
-stage of development:
fi nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;field of interest: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;phase of building up, implicating a strong accent on introduction and study.
fp nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Focal-point collection: nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;phase of maturity, implicating a strong accent on maintenance and publication.
-nature of the specialization:
ib in-breadth specialization: collection covering a relatively large group, e.g. a family, xerophytes, conifers, being a representative collection of such a group.
id in-depth specialization: collection covering a small, sharply defined group, such as a genus or part of one, aimed at reaching a large amount of completeness, including diversity within the species. Such a specialization can result in a reference collection.
in-breadth specialization (fi) in-depth specialization (fi)
---------DEVELOPMENT IN TIME------
in-breadth specialization (fp) in-depth specialization (fp) -----gt; reference collection
-ocr page 26- -ocr page 27-Please return this list, not the catalogue with the numbers you wish to receive duly marked to:
University Botanic Gardens
P.O. Box 80.162
3508 TD Utrecht
The Netherlands
tel.: 030 - 531826
(Your address)
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61 |
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In 1991 the Utrecht University celebrates her 355^ anniversary.