Index Seminum
Utrecht University Botanic Gardens
P.O. Box 80.162
3508 TD Utrecht The Netherlands
Index Seminum No, 37- 1995
Notes on ordering:
Correspondents are asked to use the order-form provided, and send it to the address mentioned upon it. Furthermore, they should check with their own authorities concerning import-regulations and include any necessary permits with their order.
Only requests reaching us before March 1,1996 will be handled in sequence of entry. Order-forms which will reach us after that date will not be handled! Our Fax no. is .. 31 30 2535177
-ocr page 4-Staff: General Department;
Drs. Ing. Vijko P.A. Lukkien,
General Director
Ing. Arie Oudijk,
Deputy Director
Drs. Akkie Joosse,
Public Relations Officer
Ria H. Ligthart,
Curators' Department: email:
Jan Tolsma,
Drs. Eric J. Gouda
Educational Department;
Drs. Jaap Vos,
Education officer
Ir. Ruth C. de Jonge,
Coordinator Theme Garden Project
Regional office of Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Drs. Bert J.W. van den Wollenberg
Regional office of Botanic Gardens Conservation International at Utrecht University Botanic Gardens
-ocr page 5-The gardens are located at:
Utrecht; Fort Hoofddijk (University Centre)
Doom: Von Gimborn Arboretum
Situation and climate:
Geographical position of the Main Garden............52° 06' N : 5° 11' E
Altitude........................................2 m above sea level
Mean daily minimum of the coldest month......................- 0,6 °C
Mean daily maximum of the warmest month................ 21,6C°
Highest temperature..................................... 36,8°C*
Lowest temperature .....................................-24,8 °C*
Average rainfall ..........................................803 mm
-ocr page 6-Introduction
With the presentation of this Index Seminum No. 37-1995 we take the opportunity, as usual, to inform you on the latest developments concerning the Botanic Gardens of Utrecht University.
Last year we have had the official start of the Dutch Regional Office BGCI, established and located at our Gardens. This conservation-unit has two major activities. First the development of a Dutch section of the International Plant Charter Group (a business support group) and the development of concrete conservation projects. In January 1995 a major step was set by signing the deed of purchase for the first project, namely the Trésor Project. This concerns the purchase of 2.400 ha of rainforest and wet savanna in French Guiana. This future nature reserve is located about 40 km. south of the capital Cayenne. For more information we invite you to read an article on this project in the B.G.C.-News, Vol.2 (5) August 1995.
In February we started a discussion list concerning Rock Garden and Alpine Plants at Surfhet (Internet). This is done in cooperation with Harry Dewey from Beltsville USA.
For more information contact:
In April we have had the pleasure to organize a congress and an international exhibition with the N.R. W., The Dutch Rock Garden Society. This event was held at the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the N.R.W. One hundred and fifty (150) participants of 16 countries attended this congress.
1995 was also an important year for our students and the general public. After the opening on 22 June of the Theme Garden, Utrecht Botanic Gardens were enriched with 8.000 m2 new garden. This garden was especially designed for all kinds of public. Not only for students but for public of all ages and abilities, including disabled visitors, (see Roots 8, October 1993).
Last but not least, the living collections have been enriched this year. New plant species and accessions for the Theme Garden have been added to the general collections.
Many new accessions from natural sources replaced accessions from cultivated origin, as part of the long-term collection strategy of replacing plants of cultivated origin for wild-collected stock.
Curator's Department
-ocr page 7-Utrecht Botanic Gardens are developing specializations on the following groups and taxa:
-Flora of the Neotropics; Flora of the Guianas, with special emphasis on:
Bromeliaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Gesneriaceae
Orchidaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Zingiberaceae
-Annonaceae (Research Collection)
-Conifers (esp. Tsuga)
-Broad-leaved hardy trees and shrubs:
Aceraceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Betulaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ericaceae
Euonymus nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laburnum nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magnolia
Oleaceae (esp.: Fraxinus and Syringa)
-Crassulaceae (Research Collection)
-selected woodland plants (Arisaema, Arisarum amp;nbsp;Trillium)
These specializations are given extra attention regarding verification, nomenclature, wild source material, etc.
We are especially interested in material from natural sources of the groups and taxa mentioned above. We have a cooperation with gardens with identical specializations. If you are interested, please contact us and we will provide additional information.
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Aceraceae | ||||
Agavaceae | ||
Amaranthaceae | ||
Annonaceae | ||||
Apiaceae | ||
Aquifoliaceae | ||
-ocr page 9-Fig. 1: Aristolochia flmbriata Cham. (Aristolochiaceae)
-ocr page 10-Araceae
11. G I
Nephthytis afzelii Schott
Aristolochiaceae | ||||
15. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G I
16. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S 1
80RD00057 Periploca sepium Bunge
64BL00042 Vincetoxicum hirundinaria Medik.; [KLIPH]
Asteraceae | ||||
Brassicaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
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Bromeliaceae | ||||||||||||||||
Campanulaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||||||||||
subsp. lobelioides |
Cannaceae | ||||||||
| ||||||||
Capparaceae |
33. G I 91GR0i779 Cleome gigantea L.
34. G I 76BL00052 Dianthus giganteus d'Urv.
-ocr page 13-
35. G 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;83BL00090 |
Dianthus knappii (Pant.) Asch. amp;nbsp;Kanitz ex Borbas |
36. S I 94BL00402 |
Dianthus tristis Velen.; Greece, Nomos Pellis, Tzena, silicate, alt.: 1170m. |
37. G I 94BL00278 |
Petrorhagia graminea (Sm.) P.W. Ball amp;nbsp;Haywood |
38. G I 84BL00124 |
Silene quadridentata (Murr.) Pers. |
Celastraceae | ||
Clusiaceae | ||
Crassulaceae | ||||||
Cuscutaceae | ||
Cyperaceae | ||
-ocr page 14-
Ericaceae | ||||||
Euphorbiaceae | ||||
Fabaceae | ||||
Fumariaceae | ||
-ocr page 15-
Gentianaceae | ||
Gesneriaceae | ||
Grossulariaceae | ||
Iridaçeae | ||
Lamiaceae | ||
-ocr page 16-14
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Liliaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
75. G I
53ZE00859 Blumenbachia hieronymi Urb.
Lythraceae | ||||||
77. |
G |
I |
00ZG00099 |
Liriodendron tulipifera L. |
78. |
G |
I |
00ZG01142 |
Magnolia hypoleuca Siebold amp;nbsp;Zucc. |
79. |
G |
I |
65RD00047 |
Magnolia tripetala (L.) L. |
80. |
G |
1 |
00ZG01144 |
Magnolia virginiana L. |
81. G I
82. S
68GR01510 Pavonia praemorsa (L.f.) Cav.
92GR00179 Urena lobata L. subsp. lobata; Japan, Honshu, Tanegashima Exp. St. of Med. Plants, Kumage-gim, Kagoshima Pref.
-ocr page 18-
Meliaceae | |||||||||||||||
Ranunculaceae | ||||||||
-ocr page 19-17
Rosaceac | ||||||||||||||||||
Solanaceae | ||||||||||||
Styracaceae | ||||||||||||||||
-ocr page 21-104.
G 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;00ZG00909 Symplocos paniculata (Thunb. ex Murray)
G 1 nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;00ZG01861 Sciadopitys verticillata (Thunb. ex Murray)
Siebold amp;nbsp;Zucc.
70ZE02101 Fedia comucopiae (L.) Gaertn.
-ocr page 22-Verification:
The seeds in this list have been taken from verified plants and only if we were reasonably sure that cross-pollination with related species would be unlikely.
Explanation of provenance codes:
E= Seeds directly from natural source.
S= Seeds derived from a plant in cultivation but from known natural source ( not necessarily F1 generation).
G= Seeds from a plant from other Botanical Garden or Institute; not from known natural source.
K= Nursery origin; not from known natural source.
Explanation of abbreviated collector-names:
AH nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;K. Alpinar amp;nbsp;H.'t Hart
Gamp;W nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;A.R.A. Görts amp;nbsp;L.J.W. van den Wollenberg
HVDW nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;H. v.d. Werff
JCL nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J.C. Lindeman
KLIPH nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;E. Kliphuis
Lamp;G nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;J.C. Lindeman amp;nbsp;A.R.A. Görts
MAAS nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;P.J.M. Maas
MJJ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;M.J.Jansen-Jacobs
MORI nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Scott Mori
STOLZE nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R.G. Stolze
W0LB nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;L.J.W. van den Wollenberg
Sources of illustrations used:
From colour illustrations made by Dr. C.D. Laros, Utrecht University Botanic
This Index Seminum has been produced on Chlorine-free paper.
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