4216 3745
-ocr page 3-Utrecht University Botanie Gardens
P.O. Box 80.162
3508 TD Utrecht
The Netherlands
Index Seminum No. 40 -1998
In response to the Convention on Biological Diversity, Utrecht University Botanic Gardens supply the seed collections requested on the condition that:
a) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;They are used for the common good in the areas of research, trials, breeding, education and the development of public Botanic Gardens.
b) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;If the recipient seeks to commercialise either the genetic material, its products or research derived from it, then prior written permission must be obtained from Utrecht University Botanic Gardens.
c) nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;The genetic material, its products or research derived from it, are not passed to a third party for commercialisation without written permission from the Utrecht University Botanic Gardens.
Notes on ordering:
* Correspondents are asked to use the order-form provided, which must be signed by authorised staff, and send it to the address mentioned upon it. Furthermore, they should check with their own authorities concerning import-regulations and include any necessary permits with their order.
* Only requests, with a maximum of 25 packets, reaching us before March 1,1999 will be handled in sequence of entry.
* Order-forms which will reach us after that date will not be handled!
* Our Fax no. is -1-31 30 2535177 (do not use e-mail).
-ocr page 4-Staff
General Department: | ||||||
| ||||||
Curator Dr. Piet C. de Jong |
Guest Staff Member
Educational Department:
Drs. Jaap Vos, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;
Education officer
Ir. Ruth C. de Visser-de Jonge,
Coordinator Theme Garden Project
Regional office of Botanic Gardens Conservation International
Drs. Bert J.W. van den Wollenberg
L.J. W. vanden Wollenberg @ bio. uu. ni
Web Site:
Regional Office of Botanic Gardens Conservation International at Utrecht University Botanic Gardens
Our Web site;
(Index Seminum; http;//
-ocr page 5-Gardens location
Utrecht: Fort Hoofddijk (University Centre)
Doom: Von Gimborn Arboretum
Situation and climate:
Geographical position of the Main Garden ..........52° 06' N : 5 11' E
Altitude .....................................2 m above sea level
Geopgraphical position of the Von Gimborn Arboretum 52° 00' N : 5°20'E
Altitude .....................................3 m above sea level
Mean daily minimum of the coldest month....................- 0,6 C
Mean daily maximum of the warmest month................. 21,6 °C
Highest temperature................................... 36,8°C *
Lowest temperature...................................-24,8 °C*
Average rainfall........................................803 mm
♦Monitored since 1849
Fort Hoofddijk
Main Garden
Von Gimborn Arboretum
-ocr page 6-From the Curator’s Department
With the presentation of this Index Seminum No. 40-1998 we take the opportunity, as usual, to inform you on the latest developments in Utrecht University Botanic Gardens. Concerning our specializations, there has been a special attention to the Aceraceae and Bromeliaceae.
We have the honour to announce that our Botanic Gardens was asked for a second time to be the Host Garden for the Bursary of the International Dendrology Society. This Bursary for 1998 was generously donated by the I.D.S. to Dr. Cao Wei from Shenyang, China. He start his research for six month on July 1st. 1999., which will be devoted to our Aceraceae Project. Within the Section Platanoidea, the A. pictum - (A. mono) complex is the focal point of a D.N.A. research programme. The research within this Aceraceae Project will take place in a number of phases and we wish to thank the following organisations for their cooperation:
Dutch Botanic Gardens Foundation The Maple Society lUCN-SCC Temperate Broadleaved Trees Specialist Group Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI)
Regional Office of BGCI at Utrecht Professional Growers of Aceraceae and the Keeper of the “Aceretum”, Mr. D.M. v. Gelderen
(Fa. C.Esveld) at Boskoop.
One of the goals will be the production of a survey of taxa of Aceraceae, currently considered threatened (IUCN Conservation Categories) present in the Western Botanic Gardens.
This list will be analised and completed with the threatened species native to Temperate Asia. Special emphasis will be put on specimens of recorded wild origin. In this respect we kindly request the help and support of our Chinese colleagues.
Many Bromeliaceae from the Guianas have been added to the collection to be studied in the framework of the research project “ Flora of the Guianas”. The Tillandsioideae as Subfamily of the Bromeliaceae is part of the National Plant Collection (NP). Because Curator Eric J. Gouda is amongst others currently involved in a scientific study on Bromeliaceae, it is evident that our Bromeliaceae Collections will increase dramatically in both size and quality.
Last but not least, the living collections have been enriched this year. Many new accessions from natural sources replaced accessions from cultivated origin, as part of the long-term collection strategy of replacing plants of cultivated origin for wild-collected stock.
-ocr page 7-Specializations
In the framework of the National Plant Collection (NP), Utrecht University Botanic Gardens are maintaining specializations on the following groups and taxa:
-Flora of the Neotropics: [eg] Flora of the Guianas, with special emphasis on: Bromeliaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Orchidaceae Zingiberaceae
-Annonaceae (Research Collection) [EG]
-Conifers (esp. Tsuga) [JT]
-Broad-leaved hardy trees and shrubs: [jT]
Aceraceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Betulaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ericaceae
Euonymus nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laburnum nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magnolia Oleaceae (esp.: Fraxinus and Syringa)
-Alpines [EG]
-Crassulaceae (Research Collection) [EG]
-selected woodland plants (Arisaema, Asarum amp;nbsp;Trillium) [EG]
-Penstemon [EG]
-Lecanopteris [EG]
These specializations are given extra attention regarding verification, nomenclature, wild source material, etc.
We are especially interested in material from natural sources of the groups and taxa mentioned above. We have a cooperation with gardens with identical specializations. If you are interested, please contact us and we will provide additional information.
In brackets and bold are the initials given by whom of the curators is given special attention.
In general, the activities of the curators are divided in the following main groups: Jan Tolsma [jT]: Arboretum, Systematic Garden, Theme Garden and
Eric Gouda [EG]: Greenhouse Collections (focal point: Neotropical Collections) and the Rock Garden
-ocr page 8-Codes used
Explanation of provenance codes:
E= Seeds directly from natural source
S= Seeds derived from a plant in cultivation but from known natural source ( not necessarily Fl generation).
G= Seeds from a plant from an other Botanical Garden or Institute; not from known natural source.
K= Nursery origin; not from known natural source.
The seeds in this list have been taken from verified plants and only if we were reasonably sure that cross-pollination with related species would be unlikely. Verification codes used: V=verified; I=identified; S=identified by specialist
Accession Numbers:
The first two digits indicate the year of registration. The next two characters are coding for the garden location or specific group of plants: GR=Green houses; BL=Rock Garden; ZG^Orig. Von Gimborn Arboretum; RD=Woody Plants; ZE=Annuals and Biennials. The other five digits are a sequence number.
Explanation of abbreviated collector names:
AH |
K. Alpinar amp;nbsp;H.'t Hart |
J.T. |
Jan Tolsma |
C. Gouda |
Lamp;G |
J.C.Lindeman amp; |
CT |
C. Theune |
A.R.A.Görts-van Rijn | |
Erik A. Mennega |
P.J.M. Maas |
E.G. |
Eric J. Gouda |
M.J. Jansen-Jacobs |
EK |
R. Ek |
Scott Mori |
GRamp;SM |
S. Gradsteln amp;nbsp;Smittenberg |
T. Mulder - Roelfsema |
H. v.d. Werff |
A.D. Schilling |
J.H. Willems |
L.J.W. v.d. Wollenberg |
JM |
J. Moonen |
Walter Till |
Source of illustrations used:
From colour illustrations made by Dr. C.D. Laros, Utrecht University Botanic Gardens
This Index Seminum has been produced on recycled and Chlorine-free paper.
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Aceraceae | ||||||
Amaranthaceae | ||
Aquifoliaceae | ||
Araceae | ||||
Aristolochiaceae | ||
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-ocr page 11-
Asteraceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
Brassicaceae |
21. SV 65BL00389 Alyssum alpestre L.; Switzerland, Hte-Maur., Savoie, |
Mt. Cenis. 2200 m Alt. |
22. S I 91ZS00974 Diplotaxis tenuifolia (L.) DC.; Switzerland, Wallis, no |
further details! 700 m Alt. |
Bromeliaceae |
23. S V 97GR00563 Aechmea lueddemanniana (K. Koch) Mez; [W.TILL |
7048] Costa Rica, Prov. Cartago, ruta 10 from |
Cervantes to Birrisito, 8 kms after Cervantes; |
21.2.1991. 1330 m Alt. |
24. S I 97GR00058 Aechmea melinonii Hook.; [JM s.n.] French Guiana, |
without details. |
25. S I 97GR00007 Araeococcus goeldianus L.B.Sm.; [JM-153] French |
Guiana, Savanne Rouche; 96-09-14 |
26. S I 94GR02162 Araeococcus micranthus Brongn.; [JM s.n.] French |
Guiana, near Montagne de Kaw. |
27. S S 95GR00766 Fosterella penduliflora (C.H.Wright) L.B.Sm.; |
[C.GOUDA s.n.] Bolivia, without locality 2600 m Alt. |
28. G S 98GR00242 Guzmania sphaeroidea (Andre) Andre |
29. S I 97GR00147 Mezobromelia capituligera (Griseb.) J.R.Grant; |
Ecuador, near Quito road to the coast; 92-05-00 |
30. S V 96GR01267 Pitcairnia aureobrunnea Rauh; [Rauh 53677] Peru, |
dept. San Martin, between Tarapoto and Yrimaguas |
(Type). 500 m Alt. |
31. G V 96GR00429 Ronnbergia deleonii L.B.Sm. |
32. S I 95GR00033 Tillandsia anceps Lodd.; [WOLB s.n.] French Guiana, |
Tresor area, Crique Favard. |
-ocr page 12-10
-ocr page 13-
33. |
G |
S |
94GR02096 |
Tillandsia magnusiana Wittmack |
34. |
K |
V |
97GR00051 |
Tillandsia oerstediana L.B.Sm. |
35. |
S |
S |
97GR00510 |
Tillandsia tenuifolia L. var. vaginata; Venezuela, Edo Aragua, Choroni. |
36. |
U |
I |
94GR01887 |
Vriesea correia-araujoi E.Pereira amp;nbsp;Penna; unknown, labels have been switched. |
37. |
G |
I |
97GR01015 |
Vriesea pauperrima E.Pereira |
38. |
S |
I |
95GR01187 |
Vriesea procera (Mart, ex Schult.f.) Wittm.; [MAAS s.n.] Brazil, Una Bahia. |
39. |
S |
I |
94GR02106 |
Vriesea rodigasiana E.Morren; [MULDER] Brazil, without locality. |
40. |
S |
V |
95GR01216 |
Vriesea splendens (Brongn.) Lem.; [JM s.n.] French Guiana, Piste Grottes de Kaw. |
Campanulaceae | ||||
41. |
S |
I |
90BL00367 |
Campanula sabatia De Not.; Italia, Altopiano delle Manie (SV). 300 m Alt. |
42. |
S |
V |
90BL00946 |
Edraianthus graminifolius (L.) A.DC.; Germany, Kröchtendorff. |
43. |
S |
V |
91ZE00653 |
Jasione montana L.; Germany, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Niederrhein, Brüggen, R.Seine. |
Cannaceae | ||||
44. |
S |
I |
80GR00287 |
Canna tuerckheimii KraenzL; [MAAS 4796] Ecuador, Alluriquin area, between Sto. Domingo de los Colorados and Quito,mountain forest; 80-10-00, 850 m Alt. |
Caprifoliaceae | ||||
45. |
G |
V |
61RD00626 |
Dipelta floribunda Maxim. |
46. |
K |
V |
85Elt;D00389 |
Heptacodium miconioides Rehder |
CaryophyUaceae | ||||
47. |
S |
I |
94BL00406 |
Dianthus viscidus Bory amp;nbsp;Chaub.; Greece, Macedonia, Nomos, Kastorias, Pefkos/Kastoria, calcareous. 1350 |
-ocr page 14-12
-ocr page 15-48. S V 92ZE00172 Silene noctiflora L.; France, (Hautes Alpes), Gap,
Sigoyer. 1300 m Alt.
S V 77RD00142 Tripterygium regelii Sprague amp;nbsp;Takeda; Korea, Sorok National Park.
50. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S I 62ZE02137 Helianthemum ledifolium (L.) MilL; [EAM s.n.] Spain, Prov. Malaga, near Estepona, along roadside.
51. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;SV 79BL00172 Hypericum humifusum L.; Belgium, Taulx les Tombes
52. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G I 72GR00380 Palisota bracteosa C.B.Clarke
53. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G I 77BL00079 Chiastophyllum oppositifolium (Ledeb. ex Nordm.) Berger
54. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S S 93BL00010 Sedum obtusifolium C.A.Mey.; [AH 33] Turkey, Prov. Bolu, 20 km S. of Gerede,, W. of the road to Kizilcahaman. 1350 mAlt.
S I 94BL00090 Scabiosa cinerea Lapeyr. ex Lam. subsp. cinerea; Italy, Puglia, Promontorio del Gargano, NE Coast, ca. 2 km. ESE Coppo dei Fossi, Macchie. 150-200 m. Alt.
-ocr page 16-
Ericaceae | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
-ocr page 17-S I 84BL00516
details available!
Gentiana lutea L. subsp. lutea; [J.T. s.n.] France, Vosges, Le Hohneck road Kastelberg. 1350 m Alt.
72. S V 98ZS00292 Geranium pyrenaicum Burm.f.; S.E.France, Lux.
73. G V 65BL00453 Ramonda myconi (L.) Rchb.
S V 77BL00056 Gladiolus imbricatus L.; Greece, Dahsia (NE of
Alexandropolos). 330 m Alt.
75. G I 71RD00096 Akebia quinata (Thunb. ex Houtt.) Decne.
Liliaceae | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
Magnoliaceae |
G I 00ZG00099
G V 65RD00047
G I 00ZG01144
Liriodendron tulipifera L.
Magnolia tripetala (L.) L.
Magnolia virginiana L.
-ocr page 18-16
-ocr page 19-Moraceae
84. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;K V 91RD00884 Broussonetia papyrifera (L.) Vent.
85. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S V 91ZE00686 Papaver dubium L.; Belgium, Ruines de Montaigle, Bord de Chemin.
86. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S V 97GR00522 Passiflora rubra L.; Ecuador, without details.
87. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;G I 00ZG00915 Pseudolarix amabilis (A.Nelson) Rehder
88. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;S V 77BL00177 Armeria alliacea (Cav.) Hoffmgg. amp;nbsp;Link; France, Hautes Alpes, Serre Chevalier, (on sand). 1550 m Alt.
89. nbsp;nbsp;S S 94BL01450 Androsace brigantiaca Jord. amp;nbsp;Fourr.; France, Isère.
90. nbsp;nbsp;S V 93BL00179 Dodecatheon mcadia L.; USA, Arkansas, Benton Co.
Ranunculaceae | ||||||||||||
| ||||||||||||
Ötztaler Alps, near Obergurgl, Weixelmahder. 2100 m Alt. |
-ocr page 20-18
-ocr page 21-Rosaceae
94. S V 94RD00736 Rosa arvensis Huds.; The Netherlands, Prov. Limburg,
Epen, 'onderste bos', on cretaceous soil.
95. GV 90ZE00022 Asperula cynanchica L.
96. S I 89GR00095 Coccocypselum guianense K.Schum.; [MJJ 1962] Guyana, Mabura, coll.: Oct. 1989.
97. |
Saxifragaceae | |
S V 94BL00098 |
Saxifraga hostii Tausch subsp. hostii; Slovenia, Jalovec, ascent from Vrsic-Pass. 1600-1750 m Alt. | |
Sciadopityacea | ||
98. |
G I 00ZG01861 |
Sciadopitys verticillata (Thunb. ex Murray) Siebold amp;nbsp;Zucc. |
Scrophulariaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||
-ocr page 22-
Sterculiaceae | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
-ocr page 23- -ocr page 24-