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Utrecht University

Botanic Gardens

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Utrecht University Botanic Gardens

P.O. Box 80.162

3508 TD Utrecht

The Netherlands

Index Seminum No, 51 - 2009-10

Internet Orders: http://botgard.bio.uu.nl/collection/ (including many pictures)

In response to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Utrecht University Botanic Gardens supplies seeds and other plant material in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Botanic Gardens and similar collections. We are IPEN-member (International Plant Exchange Network) and can exchange material with other IPEN-members without bi-lateral agreements

For a list of current IPEN-members check the web-site of BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International).

http://www.bgci.org/resources/Historv of IPEN/

Non IPEN-members have to return the “Agreement on the supply of living plant material for non-commercial purposes leaving the International Plant Exchange Network (IPEN version 2b)” which must be signed by authorized staff. This agreement can be made valid for 1, 3 or 5 years and is printed on the back-side of the order form.

Notes on ordering:

» Correspondents are asked to use the order-form provided, which must be signed by authorised staff, and send it to the address mentioned upon it. Furthermore, they should check with their own authorities concerning import-regulations and include any necessary permits with their order.


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General Department:

Ing. Arie Oudijk,


A. J. Joosse @ uu. nl

P.M.J. vandenbeemt @ uu.nl

General Director

Drs. Akkie J. Joosse,

Communications Officer

Mrs. Petra vanden Beemt


Curators' Department:

Drs. Hans Persoon

J. G.M. Persoon @ uu.nl




Curator and Deputy Director

Drs. Eric J. Gouda

Curator and Research

Mr. Leimart Everts


Dr. Piet C. de Jong

Guest Staff Member

Educational Department:

Drs. Nick.A.J.Meijdam nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;N.A.J.Meijdam@uu.nl

Education officer

Ir. Ruth C. de Visser-de Jonge, nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;R.C.deVisser@uu.nl

Coordinator Theme Garden Project

Technical/collecting staff (Utrecht)

Gerard van Buiten


Roel Vonk

Ton G. Werensteijn

Pred H.J. Siesling

G. vanB uiten @ uu.nl


A. G. Werensteijn @ uu.nl F. H. J. Siesling @ uu.nl


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Technical/collecting staff Doom

Nico.R. Stolwijk and Wim Wildschut

Gardens location

Utrecht: Fort Hoofddijk (University Centre) Doom: Von Gimborn Arboretum

Further (collecting) gardeners for Utrecht: G.E. Bruinenberg, I. van Capel, A. Jacobs, W. Jansen, A.A. Jongerius, R. Koops, G.C. Mazurel, H.W.M. Noordman, and B. Valstar; for Doom: H.B. Spoor.

Situation and climate:

Geographical position of the Main Garden................52° 06' N : 5 11' E

Altitude...........................................2 m above sea level

Geopgraphical position of the Von Gimborn Arboretum .....52° 00’ N : 5°20'E

Altitude...........................................3 m above sea level

Mean daily minimum of the coldest month..........................- 0,6 °C

Mean daily maximum of the warmest month....................... 21,6 °C

Highest temperature ........................................ 36,8°C *

Lowest temperature.........................................- 24,8°C *

Average rainfall..............................................803 mm

♦Monitored since 1849

Fort Hoofddijk Main Garden

Von Gimborn Arboretum


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From the Curator’s Department

With the presentation of this Index Seminum No. 51-2009-10 we take the opportunity, as usual, to Inform you on the latest developments in Utrecht University Botanic Gardens.

In general, the activities of the curators are divided in the following main groups:


In the framework of the National Plant Collection (NP), Utrecht University Botanic

Gardens are maintaining specializations on the following groups and taxa:

Bromeliaceae Orchidaceae Costaceae

Aceraceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Betulaceae nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Ericaceae Euonymus nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Laburnum nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Magnolia Oleaceae (esp.: Fraxinus and Syringa)

These specializations are given extra attention regarding verification, nomenclature, wild source material, etc.

We are especially interested in material from natural sources of the groups and taxa mentioned above. We seek cooperation with gardens with identical specializations. If you are interested, please contact us and we will provide additional information.


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The research within the Aceraceae Project will take place in a number of phases and we wish to thank the following organisations for their cooperation:

Dutch Botanic Gardens Foundation The Maple Society lUCN-SCC Temperate Broadleaved Trees Specialist Group

* Regional Office of BGCI

* Professional Growers of Aceraceae and the Keeper of the “Aceretum”, Mr. D.M. v. Gelderen

(Fa. C.Esveld) at Boskoop.

Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCl)

One of the goals will be the production of a survey of taxa of Aceraceae, currently considered threatened (IUCN Conservation Categories) present in the Western Botanic Gardens.

This list will be analised and completed with the threatened species native to Temperate Asia. Special emphasis will be put on specimens of recorded wild origin, In this respect we kindly request the help and support of our Chinese colleagues.


Study and devellopment in the Bromeliaceae collection has several focus points. In the first place the Bromeliaceae research project for the “Flora of the Guianas” and for the Flora of Ecuador: we try to grow all possible species from this area. Beside this, the Tillandsioideae collection (as Subfamily of the Bromeliaceae) is part of the National Plant Collection (NP). The genus Tillandsia of the Andian countries (especially Bolivia amp;nbsp;Equador) has a special attention because of the various taxonomic problems on species level in these areas. To increase the general knowledge about the recognised genera in the Family we try to grow representatives from all genera. It is evident that our Bromeliaceae Collections will increase dramatically in both size and quality.


The last few years we have been very active with this group. Increasing the number of wild collected species in the collection. Some areas, like the Peat Garden, have been improved to grow more Arisaemas. International contact with various Arisaema (Araceae) specialists caused considerable improvement of the collection.

Last but not least, the living collections have been enriched this year. Many new accessions from natural sources replaced accessions from cultivated origin, as part of the long-term collection strategy to replace plants of cultivated origin for wild-collected stock.


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Codes used


The seeds in this list have been taken from verified plants and only if we were reasonably sure that cross-pollination with related species would be unlikely. Verification codes used:

Explanation of provenance codes of the plants:

W= Accession of wild source (treat as 'Z' because the donor plant is cultivated in our B.G., except W*, which is wild collected seed, distributed as such.)

Z= nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;from a wild source plant in cultivation.

G= nbsp;nbsp;Garden origin.


The first two positions are the iso-code of the country of origin, xx means: country of origin unknown.

The next position is a digit meaning: special restrictions (1) or not (0).

The next position is the abbrevation of the garden introducing the material in IPEN (in this seed-list only u).

The rest consists of the internal accession number:

The first four digits of it indicate the year of registration, (1900 = unknown year of entry).

The next two characters are coding for the garden location or specific group of plants: GR=Green houses; BL=Rock Garden; ZG=Orlg. Von Gimbom Arboretum; RD=Woody Plants; SL= Seedlist only; ZE=Annuals and Biennials; ZS and ZB= Perennials.

The other five digits are a sequence number within a year.

The IPEN-number as a whole stays attached to the accession, wherever it may go, so that it it allways possible to trace back its origin.

The * at the end of the description is followed by the seed-list collecting year.

Source of illustrations used:

Erom colour illustrations made by the late Dr. C.D. Laros, Utrecht University Botanic Gardens


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'0 1. 2G

Acer maximowiczianum Miq.

[IPENxx0u-1900ZG00968] *2009

/ 0 2. 2G

Acer micranthum Siebold amp;nbsp;Zucc.

[IPENxx0u-1978RD00987] *2009

? 3. 2G

Acer tataricum subsp. ginnala (Maxim.) Wesm.

[IPENxx0u-1900ZG00987] *2009

ó 4. 2G

Acer triflorum Kom.

[IPEN xx0u-1978RD00724] *2009


X 5. 2G

Astrantia trifida G.F.Hoffm.

[IPEN xx0u-1970BL00073] *2009


6. 2G

Ilex pedunculosa var. pedunculosa Miq.

[IPEN xx0u-1961RD00653] *2009


/ g 7. 3W

Arisaema cillatum var. liubaense Gusman amp;nbsp;Gouda

[IPEN cn0u-1989BL00077] China: Sichuan , Liuba Alt.: 3600

m. Coll.: Teune, C. 369 14/09/1981 *2008

/ 5“ 8. 2Z

Arisaema flavum var. flavum

[IPEN in0u-2000BL01126] India: Himachal Pradesh , Upper

Kulu Valley (from Manali) Alt.: 2200 m. Coll.: Chadwell, C. et al. 92/853 *2008


ƒ 9. 2W Aristolochia trilobata L. [IPEN gf0u-1992GR00904] French Guiana , Saül. Coll.: Mori,

S. 22351 *2007

Q 10. 2G Saruma henryi Oliv.

J nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[IPEN xx0u-1998ZS01035] *2009


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[IPEN fr0u-1967BL00147] France , E.Pyrenees, Llo. Alt.:

1400 m. *2009

[IPEN atOu-1984BL00074] Austria , S.Tirol, Ahmtal, Kasem,

Tal oberhalb Trinkstein, Alt.: 1850 m. *2009

[IPEN fr0u-1962BL00274] France , without locality. *2009

[IPEN fr0u-2002BL00804] France, Dept. Haut Pyrenees ,

Centre d'Ecologie, Montagnarde, Gabas Coll.: Em,H. 7249 *2009

[IPEN za0u-2005BL01021] South Africa , Drakensberge *2009

[IPEN it0u-2002BL01271] Italy, Alps , Dolomites, Canazei -Arabba, Passo di Pordoi. Alt.: 2400 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 2002-32 04/08/2002 *2009

[IPEN de0u-1965BL00167] Germany , without locality. *2009

[IPEN xx0u-1978BL00425] *2008

[IPEN fiOu-1990BL00036] Finland , Koillismaa Taivalkoski, Hanhela; coll.: 88-08-27 *2009

[IPEN us0wurzb-02-47-K-10] United States: Utah, Emery Co., San Rafael Swell Alt.: 2080 m. *2009


[IPEN us0u-2001BL00058] United States: North Carolina , Haywood County, Pisgah Nat. Forest, State Highway 215, shade. Alt.: 1000 m. 14/09/2000 *2009

[IPEN xx0u-2000BL00886] *2009


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Z / 23. 2W Betula lenta subsp. lenta

[IPEN ca0u-1986RD00002] Canada: Ontario , Niagara Reg., Louth Tp., only verified population in Canada, steep slope above Lake Ontario; 1985. Alt.: 88 m. *2007



y 24. 2W Cardamine kitaibelii Bech.

-' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[IPEN at0u-1998BL00976] Austria , ColL: Zetterlund, H.

(Göteborg) 90 *2009

\ 25. IW Hesperis matronalis L.

[IPEN at0u-2008BL00147] Austria: Salzburg(erland), Puch bei Hallein, Schloss Urstein S 200 m Alt.: 440 m. Coll.: Johann

Peter Gruber 06/2007 *2009

± 26. IW Pachyphragma macrophyllum (Hoffm.) N.Busch

' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[IPEN xxOu-1998BL00720] Caucasus , NW. *2007


  • 27. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3Z Aechmea aquilega (Salisb.) Griseb.

[IPEN xx0u-1998GR00809] Dominican Republic , *2009

  • 28. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2W Aechmea aquilega var. aquilega

[IPEN srlu-1999GR00107] Suriname , Parimaribo (Suriname

Riv.). ColL: Gouda, E.J. 99-41 1999 *2009

  • 29. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3Z Aechmea bromeliifolia var. albobracteata Philcox

[IPEN xx0u-1997GR00626] *2009

o 30. 3Z Aechmea caudata cf. f. albiflora W. Weber amp;nbsp;Röth

' nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[IPEN br0u-2004GR00485] Brazil, Coll.: Kuzma *2009

^' 31. 3W Aechmea coelestis var. coelestis

[IPEN br0u-1997GR00639] Brazil, Rio de Janeiro,

Z nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Teresopolis. Coll.: Leme, E. 1922 *2008

ü 32. 3W Aechmea distichantha var. schlumbergeri

[IPEN ar0u-2005GR01554] Argentina , *2009

  • 33. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3G Aechmea fraseri Baker

[IPEN xx0u-2006GR01609] *2008


if 34.

^ 35.



Aechmea mexicana Baker

[IPEN xx0u-1999GR00789] *2009

Aechmea nudicaulis var. nudicaulis

[IPEN ve0u-2005GR01419] Venezuela , N. Venezuela Coll.:

Peter Bak s..n. 2003 *2009


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)

V 36.


Aechmea nudicaulis var. nudicaulis

/ 37.


[IPEN br0u-1996GR00653] Brazil: Bahia , Mun. Camaca, Estrada BRIOI, 2 km S Camaca, quot;mata higrofilaquot; with Cacao.

Epiphyt Coll.: Leuenberger et all. 3096 23/04/1983 *2009

Aechmea nudicaulis var. nudicaulis

/ 0 38.


[IPEN ve0u-2005GR00895] Venezuela , *2009

Aechmea strobilina (Beurling) L.B.Sm. amp;nbsp;Read

3 39.


[IPEN xx0u-1997GR00056] *2009

Billbergia brasiliensis L.B.Sm.



[IPENxx0u-1997GR00500] *2009

Billbergia pallidiflora Liebm.

ƒ 41.


[IPENxx0u-1999GR00805] *2009

Billbergia zebrina (Hemert) Lindl.

S 42.


[IPEN br0u-1996GR01181] Brazil: Rio de Janeiro , Rio de

Janeiro City, Tijuca National Park Alt: 500 m. Coll.: Leme, E.

128 05/1981 *2009

Dyckia ferox Mez

3 43.


[IPEN py0u-1997GR00647] Paraguay , Dept. Cordillera, hills W of Tobati Alt.: 450 m. Colt: Till, W. 6050 09/02/1991


Dyckia velascana Mez



[IPEN xx0u-1990GR00444] *2009

Edmundoa lindenil var. rosea (E.Morren) Leme



[IPEN br0u-2000GR00727] Brazil: Santa Catarina , Municipality of Florianopolis, from Ilha de Santa Catarina.

Backup *2009

Fosterella penduliflora (C.H.Wright) L.B.Sm.

ƒ quot;^^


[IPEN xx0u-2007GR01025] *2009

Fosterella rojasii (L.B.Sm.) L.B.Sm.

1/ 47.

1(9 48.


[IPEN xx0u-2007GR01026] *2009

Fosterella rusbyi (Mez) L.B.Sm.


[IPEN bo0u-2000GR01112] Bolivia , La Paz, Puente de

Coripata Alt.: 1150 m. *2009

Guzmania fusispica Mez amp;nbsp;Sodiro

3 49.


[IPEN ec0u-2004GR01099] Ecuador , Haciënda Selva negra, road to Quito Coll.: Rauh, W. 34472 *2009

Guzmania monostachia var. alba Ariza-Julia

/ 50.


[IPEN xxOfrp-17793] *2009

Guzmania wittmackii (André) André ex Mez

[IPEN xx0u-1996GR01170] *2009


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)

I Jf 51. 3W

^ 53. 3W

^ 54. 3W

ƒ 55. 3W

Z 56. 3G

3 60. 3Z

IO(gt;^- 3Z

3 62. 3Z

^3. 3W

Hechtia carlsoniae Burt-Utley amp;nbsp;J.F.Utley

[IPEN nix0u-1996GR00536] Mexico , Guerrero, near Igvala

(type locality). *2009

Orthophytum sanctum L.B.Sm.

[IPEN xx0u-1992GR01144] *2009

Pitcairnia altensteinii (Link, Klotzsch amp;nbsp;Otto) Lem.

[IPEN ve0u-2006GR01032] Venezuela , N.-Venezuela, rancher station National Park Henri Pittier near Aragua and

Carabobo *2009

Pitcairnia aureobrunnea Rauh

[IPEN eclu-2006GR00038] Ecuador: Prov. El Oro , Road

Passaje - Catamayo (not main road) Alt.: 1020 m. Coll.:

E.J.Gouda amp;nbsp;J.Manzanares 05-29 23/11/2005 *2009

Pitcairnia caricifolia Mart.ex Schult.f.

[IPEN ve0u-2005GR01552] Venezuela , Ilu (weide) Tepui


Pitcairnia echinata Hook.f.

[IPEN xx0u-2004GR00680] *2009

Pitcairnia flammea var. glabrior L.B.Sm.

[IPEN br0u-2001GR00086] Brazil, Teresopolis *2007

Pitcairnia flammea var. roezlil (E.Morr.) L.B.Sm.

[IPEN br0u-2000GR00771] Brazil: Guanabara , Rio de Janeiro

City Coll.: Leme, E. s.n. *2008

Pitcairnia grafii Rauh

[IPEN velheid-102579] Venezuela , E Tachira, SW of El Capacho, down to San Antonio Alt.: 1000 m. Coll.: Graf, H.

Venezuela s.n. (R64680) 27/02/1993 *2009

Pitcairnia heterophylla (Lindl.) Beer

[IPEN ec0u-2001GR00065] Ecuador: Prov. Esmaraldas.,

Lita-San Lorenzo *2008

Pitcairnia hitchcockiana L.B.Sm.

[IPEN ec0u-2006GR01008] Ecuador , Mera Alt.: 1300 m.

ColL: Fläschendräger, A. s.n. 20/04/1995 *2009

Pitcairnia imbricata (Brongn.) Regel

[IPEN gt0u-2005GR00894] Guatemala , 20 km from

Guatemala City towards el Rancho Alt.: 800 m. Coll.:

Radtke/Moldenhauer 183 *2009

Pitcairnia integrifolia Ker Gawl.

[IPEN ttlu-1993GR00746] Trinidad and Tobago: Trinidad,

Mt. Benedict, on sandy slope. Alt.: 250 m. Coll.: Maas, P.J.M.

et al. 8141 *2009


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)


















^l 71. 3Z ƒ 72. 3W ^ 13. 3W

74. 3W

^'^ 75. 3W

Pitcairnia longissimiflora Ibisch, R.Vasquez amp;nbsp;E.Gross

[IPEN boOb-2890200] Bolivia: Dept Cochabamba , Prov.

Chapaie, Parque Nacional Carrusco Alt.: 300 m. Coll.:

T.Kromer 8664 *2009

Pitcairnia paniculata (Ruiz amp;nbsp;Pav.) Ruiz amp;nbsp;Pav.

[IPEN xx0u-2005GR01560] Peru , Tarapoto - Moyobamba

Alt.: 700 m. Coll.: Peter Bak s.n. 09/2003 *2009

Pitcairnia villetaensis Rauh

[IPEN co0u-2000GR00646] Colombia , Bogota - Villeta Alt.: 900 m. Col!.: Rauh, W. 37089 *2009

Pitcairnia xanthocalyx Mart.

[IPEN xx0u-1997GR00501] *2009

Puya floccosa (Linden) E.Morren

[IPEN ve0u-2008GR01403] *2009

Puya mirabilis (Mez) L.B.Sm.

[IPEN xx0u-2001GR00867] *2009

Quesnelia quesneliana (Brongn.) L.B.Sm.

[IPEN br0u-1998GR01185] Brazil, Estado Rio de Janeiro,

Mun. Petropolis, along the BR-040 from Rio de Janeiro to

Petropolis, about 10 km SW of Petropolis, epiphytic; 22 Feb 1989. Alt.: 20 m. Coll.: Till, W. 4095 *2009

Racinaea insularis (Mez) M.A.Spencer amp;nbsp;L.B.Sm.

[IPEN ec0u-2000GR00640] Ecuador: Galapagos , Coll.: Rauh, W. 34230 1979 *2009

Tillandsia caliginosa W.Till

[IPEN ar0u-1997GR00635] Argentina, without details; 1986 Leuenb. *2009

Tillandsia caliginosa W.Till

[IPEN bo0u-1998GR01073] Bolivia, near Cochabamba or

Sucre?; nov.1989. Coll.: Gouda, C.S. s.n. *2009

Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz amp;nbsp;Pav.

[IPEN bo0u-1996GR01251] Bolivia: Prov. Tarija , S Tarija.

Alt.: 2000 m. Coll.: Gouda, C.S. 96-35 11/1996 *2009

Tillandsia capillaris Ruiz amp;nbsp;Pav.

[IPEN bo0u-1996GR00012] Bolivia: Prov. Santa Cruz , road from Samaipata to Comarapa km 351, 70 km from Samaipata.

Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 95-52 12/1995 *2008


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)

/ 016.


Tillandsia complanata Bentham

/ ? 77.


[IPEN ve0u-2000GR00757] Venezuela, Merida. Alt.: 2300 m.

Coll.: Frank Hase (Bochum, Germany) s.n. *2009

Tillandsia extensa Mez


[IPEN pel heid-130109] Peru , Cochabamba, on the ground Alt.: 3400 m. Coll.: Rauh, W. 20559 27/08/1967 *2009

Tillandsia extensa Mez

i r 79.


[IPEN pel held-130095] Peru , Valley de Rio Sauce, Puente Popoyan Alt.: 500 m. Coll.: Rauh, W. 20242 07/1967 *2009 Tillandsia oerstediana L.B.Sm.

8 80.


[IPEN xx0u-2005GR01563] *2009 Tillandsia polystachia (L.) L.



[IPEN gt0u-1998GR00904] Guatemala , Zacatepequez, valley of Antigua Alt.: 800 m. 1992 *2009

Tillandsia polystachia (L.) L.

Ü 82.


[IPEN mq0u-2006GR01059] Martinique , *2008 Tillandsia schiedeana Steud.


3 82-


[IPEN mx0u-1996GR01215] Mexico, without locality. *2009 Tillandsia schiedeana Steud.



[IPEN hn0u-1994GR02192] Honduras , without locality.


Tillandsia viridiflora (Beer) Baker

8 85.


[IPEN xx0u-2004GR01126] *2009

Ursulaea macvaughii (L.B.Sm.) R.W.Read amp;nbsp;H.U.Baensch

Q 86.


[IPEN xx0u-1999GR00775] *2007

Vriesea saundersii (Carr.) E.Morr. ex Mez



[IPEN xx0u-2006GR01612] *2009

Werauhia notata (L.B.Sm. amp;nbsp;Pittendrigh) J.R.Grant

[IPEN cr0u-2006GR01558] Costa Rica , Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 06-25 05/08/2006 *2009


if 88.


Campanula barbata L.

[IPEN it0u-2008BL00377] Italy , Timelsjoch pass on border

with Austria Alt.: 2150 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 07-13 11/08/2007



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Campanulaceae (cont.)

( C89.


Campanula incurva Aucher, ex A.DC.

[IPEN gr0u-2000BL01032] Greece , Magnisia: Tsangarada.



Campanula primulifolia Brot.

[IPEN pt0u-1997BL00455] Portugal, Algarve, Serra de

Monchique, Perna de Negra; 94-08-00 *2009



Campanula sibirica L.

[IPEN ruObern-2001/228] Armenia , Caucasus *2009

/D ^^■


Campanula takeslmana Nakai

[IPEN kr0u-1992BL01300] South Korea , Ullung IsL, Chonbu-ri *2009

6 93.


Campanula takesimana Nakal

[IPEN kr0u-1998BL00925] South Korea , To-Dong,

Ullung-Gun, Kyongsang Pukto. Alt.: 150 m. *2009

S 94.


Campanula thyrsoides L.

[IPEN it0u-2004BL00944] Italy , Monte Faverghera, Belluno

(BL) Alt.: 1500 m. *2007

I 95.


Campanula thyrsoides L.

[IPEN xxOramb-206925] *2009

Zf 96.


Campanula versicolor Andr.

[IPEN gr0u-2007BL01006] Greece: Peloponesos , Mt Menaio, Alt.: 1600 m. Coll.: Marijn vd Brink en KeesJan van Zwienen s.n. 2006 *2009

3 97.


Edraianthus tenuifolius (Waldst. amp;nbsp;Kit.) A.DC.

[IPEN xx0u-1998BL01370] *2009

5 98.


Lobelia cardinalis L.

[IPEN us0u-2006ZE01427] United States: New Jersey , Sussex Co. Sparta Turnpike, Sparta Mountain 20/09/2005 *2008



Lobelia siphilitica L.

[IPEN us0u-2006BL00742] United States: Michigan, Clinton county , S Shrub-Carr, Rose Lake Fen 2-track Alt.: 256 m.


3 100-


Phyteuma scheuchzerl All.

[IPEN xx0u-1999BL00256] *2009


Ÿ ‘01-


Heptacodiurn miconioides Rehder

[IPEN xx0u-1985RD00389] *2009


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Heptacodium micomoides Rehder (Caprifoliaceae)


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Dianthus plumarius L.







[IPEN sk0u-1977BL00186] Slowakia, Montes Malâ

Fatra-Slovacia Septentrionalis, Alt.: 600 -1700 m. *2009 Dianthus superbus subsp. superbus

[IPEN at0u-2008BL00148] Austria: Salzburg(erland), Grödig, Fürstenbrunn E, Glaneigg casle NW Alt.: 435 m. Coll.: Günter 08/2007 *2009

Drypis splnosa L.



2 r

  • 105. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IW

  • 106. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2W

  • 107. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;IW

  • 108. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2W


  • 109. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2W

  • 110. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3W

  • 111. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;2G

  • 112. nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;3G

[IPEN sl0u-1998BL00808] Slovenia , Trnovski Gozd

(Temovaner Wald), Adovscina, Aufstieg von der Zavetisce Bavcerja Zurn M.Gora. Alt.: 1000-1200 m. ColL: Steffan, F.

09/1997 *2007

Gypsophila repens L.

[IPEN it0u-2002BL01316] Italy, Alps , Dolomites, Canazei -

Caprile, Mnt. Marmolada. Alt.: 1650 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J.

2002-75 09/08/2002 *2009

Gypsophila repens L.

[IPEN it0u-2002BL01308] Italy, Alps , Dolomites, Canazei -

Caprile, Mnt. Marmolada. Alt.: 1850 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J.

2002-67 07/08/2002 *2009

Lychnis flos-jovis (L.) Desr.

[IPEN it0u-2007BL00773] Italy , Epinel, Lessert Alt.: 1300 m.


Silene saxifraga L.

[IPEN si0u-1994BL00089] Slovenia , Steiner Alpe, Grintovec, ascent from Ceska Koca to Grintovec Alt.: 1500 -2200 m.

Coll.: Steffan, F. amp;nbsp;Th. Ster 08/1992 *2009

Euonymus alatus var. alatus

[IPEN jp0u-1991RD00617] Japan , Gunma Pref.,

Tanbari-shitsugen, Minakami Town. *2009

Euonymus atropurpureus Jacq.

[IPEN us0u-1980RD00469] United States: Kentucky , Union

County. ColL: Shacklette, H.T. 1979 *2009

Euonymus cornutus var. quinquecornutus (Comber) B lakelock

[IPEN xx0u-2003RD01696] *2009

Euonymus hamiltonianus var. sieboldianus (Blume) Kom.

[IPENxx0u-1978RD00258] *2009

li f


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Celastraceae (cont.)

IJ 113. 2W

114. 2W

^ 115. 2G

Euonymus macropterus Rupr.

[IPEN jp0u-1986RD00034] Japan: Honshu , Yamanashi

Prefecture, area around Oshino-Mura village, near Mt. Fuji.

Alt.: 95 -1000 m. *2009

Euonymus oxyphyllus Miq.

[IPENjp0u-1986RD00213] Japan: Honshu , Kuriyama Mura,

Fukushima Prefecture, roadside verge, Alt.: 500 m. *2009

Euonymus sachalinensis (F.Schmidt) Maxim.

[IPEN xx0u-1991RD01554] *2009


[IPEN in0u-2006BL00191] India: Himachal Pradesh ,

Borderlands of W.Tibet (from Lahoul), Chandra Valley Alt.:

4450 m. Coll.: Chadwell, C. et al. 5288 2005 *2009

[IPEN tr0u-1993BL00010] Turkey , Prov. Bolu, 20 km S. of Gerede,, W. of the road to Kizilcahaman. Alt.: 1350 m. Coll.: Alpinar, K. amp;nbsp;H.'t Hart 33 *2009

[IPEN bg0u-1978BL00340] Bulgaria , Rila Mts. *2009


^ 120. 2G Carludovica palmata Ruiz amp;nbsp;Pav. [IPEN xx0u-1968GR00859] *2009


^ nbsp;nbsp;121. 2W Scabiosa cinerea subsp. cinerea Lapeyr. ex Lam.

[IPEN it0u-1994BL00090] Italy , Puglia, Promontorio del Gargano, NE Coast, ca. 2 km. ESE Coppo dei Fossi, Macchie Alt.: 150 -200 m. Coll.: Gigerl, P. 09/1992 *2009

[IPEN at0u-2008BL00149] Austria: Salzburg(erland), Wals S,

Untere Langwiesen, Latschenwirt NE, Krüzersberg W Alt.:

570 m. Coll.: Günter 08/2007 *2009


-ocr page 20-


[IPEN xx0u-1900ZG00184] *2009

[IPEN xx0u-1900ZG01222] *2009


[IPEN it0u-2003BL01367] Italy , Altopiano delle Manie (SV). Alt.: 300 m. 14/07/1999 *2009

[IPEN it0u-2001BL00098] Italy , Südtirol, Bozen SE, Tiers N,

Völsegg, Trockenhang. Alt.: 1200 m. 06/2000 *2009

[IPEN hu0u-1999BL00727A] Hungary , Magyarorszag,

Kishunsag between Duna R. and Tisza R. near Tatatszentgyorgy and Orgovany *2009


[IPEN xx0u-1996BL00905] *2008


[IPEN pk0u-1999BL00369] Pakistan, NW Frontier Prov. Swat Div., Gabral-Tal. Alt.: 2600 m. *2009

[IPEN pk0u-1998BL00788] Pakistan, without details. *2009

[IPEN tr0u-1984BL00082] Turkey: Turkey-in-Europe , SE Denizli, Kazikbeli, Alt.: 1200 m. 1972 *2009


[IPENxx0u-1966BL00054] *2009


-ocr page 21-


133. 2Z

Globularia cordifolia L.

[IPEN at0u-1995BL00195] Austria , Niederösterreich,

Eichkogel. Alt.: 230 -350 m. *2009


134. 2W

Iris ensata Thunb.

[IPEN kr0u-1994BL00073] Korea, Republic of: Cheju Do

(Quelpaert Isl.), Mt. Halla. Alt.: 1100 m. *2008

135. IW

Iris foetidissima L.

[IPEN lf0u-1999BL00576] France , Finistere,

Mouelan-sur-Mer, Pointe de Kerhermen. Alt.: 10 m. *2008

136. 2W

Iris lutescens Lam.

[IPEN at0u-1964BL00083] Austria , *2009

137. 2Z

Iris sintenisii subsp. slntenisii Janka

[IPEN bg0u-1995BL00180] Bulgaria , Eastern Sredna Gora

Mts Coll.: Sterz *2009

138. 2W

Iris spuria subsp. spuria

[IPEN cs0u-1964BL00020] Czechoslovakia , without details.


139. IZ

Iris spuria subsp. sogdiana (Bunge) Mathew

[IPEN ru0u-1982BL00251] Russian Federation: Asiatic Russia exact location not known 1981 *2009


140. IW

Luzula nivea (L.) DC.

[IPEN it0u-2003BL02015] Italy: Toscana , Monti Pisani,

Santallago (PI) Alt.: 800 m. *2009


141. IW

Horminum pyrenaicum L.

[IPEN it0u-2005BL01310] Italy: Dolomites , Marmolada Alt.:

1500 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 05-04 09/07/2005 *2009

142. IW

Nepeta nuda L.

[IPEN hu0u-2000BL00489] Hungary, Magyarorszag, Csobanc

(Volcanic hill). *2009


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Lamiaceae (cont.)

143. 2Z

Nepeta podostachys Benth.


144. IW

[IPEN pkOb-2607983] Pakistan , NW frontier Province, Swat Division, Ushu valey Alt: 3000 m. Coll.: Ein/Prelaz 7579 *2009

Prunella laclniata (L.) L.

145. IW

[IPEN fr0u-2007BL00907] France , Curley N04/0473 2004


Salvia pratensis L.


146. 2W

[IPEN it0u-2002BL01298] Italy, Alps , Dolomites, Canazei -

Caprile, Mnt. Marmolada. Alt.: 1600 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 2002-57 07/08/2002 *2009

Scutellaria indica var. parvifolia (Mak.) Mak.


147. 2W

[IPEN jp0u-2006BL00251] Japan , Hayama Kanagawa pref.

Alt.: 170 m. Coll.: Michael Guess, Setagaya, Tokyo JP s.n. 2005 *2009

Thymus pulegioides L.


148. IW

[IPEN ch0u-1964BL00054] Switzerland , no further details !

ColL: Kliphuis, Dr. E. 1963 *2009

Asphodelus ramosus L.


149. IW

[IPEN fr0u-2001BL00156] France , Sèvres (Deux),

Saint-Maurice La Fougereuse, 'Bois d'Anjou'. *2009

Camassia scilloides (Raf.) Cory


150. IW

[IPEN us0u-1987BL00430] United States: Pennsylvania , Peimsylvania, Wildflower Preserve. *2009

Lilium sargentiae E.H.Wilson


151. 2W

[IPEN cn0u-2002BL01491] China: Yunnan, *2008

Malanthemum racemosum (L.) Link


152. 2U

153. 2G

[IPEN us0u-1999BL00238] United States: Michigan , Ingham

County, Mesic S Forest; 98-09-23. Alt.: 265 m. *2009

Paris quadrifolla L.

[IPEN xx0u-2007BL00933] *2009

Veratrum nigrum L.


154. 2Z

[IPEN xx0u-1965BL002711 *2008

Veratrum oxysepalum Turcz.

[IPEN cn0u-1997BL01048] China , S-Chekiang. *2008


-ocr page 23-

Magnol iaceae




Magnolia kobus var. kobus




[IPEN xx0u-1985RD00237] South Korea , Chollipo Arb., from exceptionally heavy flowered and fruited tree *2009

Magnolia sieboldii K.Koch



[IPEN kr0u-1985RD00188] South Korea , Suweon, Mt.

Kwanak. 1984 *2009

Magnolia tripetala (L.) L.



[IPENxx0u-1965RD00047] *2009 Magnolia virginiana L.


[IPEN xx0u-1900ZG01144] *2009


~^ 159. 2W Cocculus trilobus (Thunb.) DC.

[IPEN tw0u-1980GR00388] Taiwan , approx. S top (Coast)

Coll.: Kramer, K.U. 7928 1980 *2008


^ 160. IG Meconopsis betonicifolia'Alba'Franch.

_ nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;[ IPEN xx0u-2003BL01541] *2008

S 161. 2G Meconopsis betonicifolia Franch. [IPEN xx0u-1964BL00209] *2009


l 1 162. 2G Pseudolarix amabilis (A.Nelson) Rehder

[IPEN xx0u-1900ZG00915] *2009


163. IG

164. 2G

Acantholimon ulicinum subsp. ulicinum

[ IPEN xxOu-1990BL01181] *2009 Llmonium minutum (L.) Fourr.

[IPEN xx0u-1984BL00199] *2009


-ocr page 24-


165. IW

Bouteloua gracilis (Willd. ex Kunth) Lag. ex Griffiths [IPEN us0u-2002BL00753] United States: South Dakota , *2008


166. 2G

Dodecatheon conjugens E.Greene

[IPEN xx0u-1990BL00120] *2008

167. 2W

Dodecatheon pulchelluin subsp. pulchellum (Raf.) Merr.

[IPEN us0u-1983BL00281] United States: Oregon , N.W. 1982


168. 2G

Primula vialli Delavay ex Franch.

[IPEN xx0u-2001BL00060] *2009


169. 2W

Aconitum lycoctonum subsp. vulparia (Rchb.) Nyman

[IPEN fr0u-1979BL00015] France , Ain mountains (Praffion -Jura Francais), 78-11-01. Alt.: 1350 m. *2009

170. 2Z

Aquilegia vulgaris subsp. vulgaris

[IPEN frOu-1995BL00209] France , Basses-Pyrenees., Pic du

Ger. *2009

171. 2W

Trollius europaeus subsp. europaeus

[IPEN fr0u-1979BL00236] France , (Hautes Pirenees)

Gavarnie, on humid meadow. *2009


172. 2W

Rhamnella franguloides (Maxim.) Weberb.

[IPEN kr0u-1983RD00218] South Korea , Cholla-Namdo, Mt.

Paegyang, near White Sheet Temple *2009


173. 2W

Geum coccineum Sibth. amp;nbsp;Sm.

[IPEN bg0u-1976BL00116] Bulgaria , Vitoscha Mts. *2009

174. 2Z

Geum pyrenaicum Mill.

[IPEN ff0u-1997BL01115] Pyrenees, without details. *2009

175. 2W

Potentilla recta L.

[IPEN yu0u-1977BL00298] Servia, Lovac, mountain meadow

Alt.: 1100 m. Coll.: Cytotax. coll.in Yug. 17398 1975 *2009


-ocr page 25-


/o 176. 2G

Sciadopitys verticillata (Thunb. ex Murray) Siebold amp;nbsp;Zucc. [IPEN xxOu-1900ZG01861] *2009


U 177. IW

Asarina erubescens (D.Don) Pennell

[IPEN bo0u-2005GR01250] Bolivia: Prov. Santa Cruz , direction of Samaipata, near Ayacucho Coll.: Gouda, C.S. s.n.


178. 2W

Digitalis ferruginea L.

[IPEN gr0u-2006BL00502] Greece: Peloponesos , Mt. Killinl


179. 2Z

Digitalis ferruginea subsp. ferruginea

[IPEN tr0u-2000BL00393] Turkey , N.-Anatolia, Bithynia:

Ata-Dag, Kartalkaya 10 km before ski station. Alt.: 1600 m. *2009

( 180. IW

Digitalis grandiflora Mill.

[IPEN fr0u-1999BL00255] Erance, Jura, Chateau vilain;

2_ 181. 2G

98-09-04. Alt.: 650 m. *2009

Digitalis parvlflora Jacq.

[IPEN xx0u-2000BL00573] *2008

182. 2W

Digitalis viridiflora Lindl.

[IPEN bg0u-2002BL01044] Bulgaria , Eastern Rodopi. Alt.: 1700 m. 25503 2002 *2009

J 183. 2G

Mimulus cardinalis Douglas

S'“ 184. 2W

[IPEN xx0u-1977BL00141] *2009

Penstemon alpinus Torr.

[IPEN us0u-1996BL00291] United States: Colorado , Jefferson

County. Alt: 2300 m. *2009

185. IW

Penstemon barbatus (Cav.) Roth

[IPEN us0u-1996BL00222] United States: Oregon , *2009

( 2^186. 2W

Penstemon campanulatus Willd.

[IPEN mx0u-2005BL00272] Mexico , just below the summit of Cerro Potosi Alt: 3800 m. pcha 148 *2009

P 187. 2W

Penstemon digitalis Nutt.

[IPEN us0u-1995BL01112] United States: Michigan, Ingham

county , roadbank above seep Alt.: 259 m. *2009

1 Q 188. 2Z

Penstemon linarioides subsp. coloradoensis (A.Nelson) Keck [IPEN us0u-2006BL00852] United States: Colorado , La Plata

County *2009


-ocr page 26-

Scrophulariaceae (cont.)

[IPEN xx0u-1969BL00346] *2009

[IPEN us0u-1997BL00959] United States: Colorado, Kenosha

Pass, Park County. Alt.: 3110 m. *2008

[IPEN za0u-2004BL01363] South Africa: Eree State , Mt.

Aux-Sources, Witsiehoek Mt. Resort Alt.: 2300 m. Coll.: Lesotho-Edinburgh-Gothenburg Botanical Expedition 315 *2009




[IPEN xx0u-1900ZG00035] *2009




[IPEN xx0u-2005BL00506] *2009


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