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Botanische Tuinen Utrecht www.botanischetuinen.uu.nl

Index Seminunt

Un echt University

Botanic Gardens

The Netherlands

Universiteit Utrecht

No. 54-2012-13

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4216 3588

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Utrecht University Botanie Gardens

P.O. Box 80.162

3508 TD Utrecht

The Netherlands

Index Seminum No. 54 - 2012-13

Internet Orders: http;//bot2ard.bio.uu.nl (including many pictures)

In response to the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Utrecht University Botanic Gardens supplies seeds and other plant material in accordance with the Code of Conduct for Botanic Gardens and similar collections. We are IPEN-member (International Plant Exchange Network) and can exchange material with other IPEN-members without bi-lateral agreements

For a list of current IPEN-members check the web-site of BGCI (Botanic Gardens Conservation International).

http;//www.bgci.org/resources/Historv of IPEN/

Non IPEN-members have to return the “Agreement on the supply of living plant material for non-commercial purposes leaving the International Plant Exchange Netyi’ork (IPEN version 2b)” which must be signed by authorized staff. This agreement can be made valid for 1, 3 or 5 years and is printed on the back-side of the order form.

Notes on ordering:


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General Department:

Ing. Arie Oudijk,

General Director

Drs. Akkie J. Joosse,

Communications Officer

Mrs. Petra vanden Beemt


Curators' Department:

Drs. Hans Persoon

Curator and Deputy' Director

Drs. Eric J. Gouda

Curator and Research

Mr. Lennart Everts



A.J.Joosse@uu. nl

PAd.J. vandenbeemt@uu. nl

J. GM. Persoon@uu. nl

E.J. Gouda@uu. nl


Educational Department:

Drs. Nick.A.J Meijdam

Education officer

Ir. RuthC. de Visser-de Jonge,


Coordinator Theme Garden Project

R.C.del'isser@uu. ni

Technieal/culleeting staff (Utreeht)

Gerard van Buiten Hortulanus

Roel Vonk

Ton G. Werensteijn

Fred H.J. Siesling

G. vanBuiten@uu. nl

R. l'onk@uu.nl


F.H.J. Siesling@uu. nl


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Carden location

Utrecht: Fort Hoofddijk (University Centre)

Further (collecting) gardeners for Utrecht: G.E. Bruinenberg, I. van Capel, A. Jacobs, W. Jansen, A. A. Jongerius, R. Koops,, H.W.M. Noordman, H.B. Spoor and B. Valstar.

Situation and climate:

Geographical position of the Main Garden................52° 06' N : 5° 11' E

Altitude...........................................2 m above sea level

Geopgraphical position of the Von Gimbom Arboretum .....52° 00' N : 5°20'E

Altitude...........................................3 m above sea level

Mean daily minimum of the coldest month..........................- 0,6 C

Mean daily maximum of the warmest month ...................... 21,6 °C

Highest temperature ........................................ 36,8°C *

Lowest temperature.........................................-24,8°C’*

Average rainfall..............................................803 mm

*Monitored since 1849

Fort Hoofddijk

Main Garden

Von Gimbom Arboreturn


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From the Curator's Department

With the presentation of this Index Seminum No. 54-2012-13 we take the opportunity, as usual, to inform you on the latest developments in Utrecht University Botanic Gardens.

In general, the activities of the curators are divided in the following main groups:


In the framework of the National Plant Collection (NP), Utrecht University Botanic

Gardens are maintaining specializations on the following groups and taxa:

These specializations are given extra attention regarding verification, nomenclature, wild source material, etc.

We are especially interested in material from natural sources of the groups and taxa mentioned above. We seek cooperation with gardens with identical specializations. If you are interested, please contact us and we will provide additional information.

Worth mentioning is that since 1 January 2010 the Von Gimbom Arboretum is no longer owned by the University of Utrecht. The Foundation Von Gimbom Arboretum is the new owner of the arboretum, including the NP-collections (all former [HP] collections). No seeds were harvested in the arboretum in the years 2010-2012. Some accessiormumber harvested in former years in the arboretum will be offered in this seedlist. This concerns the numbers: 1, 79, 80, 82 and 117.


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Stuch' and devellopment in the Bromeliaceae collection has several focus points. In the first place the Bromeliaceae research project for the “Flora of the Guianas” and for the Flora of Ecuador: we try to grow all possible species from this area. Beside this, the Tillandsioideae collection (as Subfamily of the Bromeliaceae) is part of the National Plant Collection (NP). The genus Tillandsia of the Andian countries (especially Bolivia amp;nbsp;Equador) has a special attention because of the various taxonomic problems on species level in these areas. To increase the general knowledge about the recognised genera in the Family we try to grow representatives from all genera. It is evident that our Bromeliaceae Collections will increase dramatically in both size and quality.


The last few years we have been very' active with this group, increasing the number of wild collected species in the collection. Some areas, like the Peat Garden, have been improved to grow more Arisaemas. International contact with various Arisaema (Araceae) specialists caused considerable improvement of the collection.

Last but not least, the living collections have been enriched this year. Many new accessions from natural sources replaced accessions from cultivated origin, as part of the long-term collection strategy' to replace plants of cultivated origin for wild-collected stock.


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Codes used


The seeds in this list have been taken from verified plants and only if we were reasonably sure that cross-pollination with related species would be unlikely.

Verification codes used:

0= not been determined by any authority;

Explanation of rgt;rovenance codes of the plants:

W= Accession of wild source (treat as 'Z' because the donor plant is cultivated in our B.G., except W*, which is wild collected seed, distributed as such.)

Zf from a wild source plant in cultivation.

G= Garden origin.


The first two positions are the iso-code of the country of origin, xx means: country of origin unknown.

The next position is a digit meaning: special restrictions (1) or not (0).

The next position is the abbrevation of the garden introducing the material in IPEN (in this seed-list only u).

The rest consists of the internal accession number:

The first four digits of it indicate the year of registration, (1900 = unknown year of entry).

The next two characters are coding for the garden location or specific group of plants: GR=Green houses; BL=Rock Garden; ZG=Orig. Von Gimborn Arboretum; RD=Woody Plants; SL= Seedlist only; ZE=Annuals and Biennials; ZS and ZB= Perennials.

The other five digits are a sequence number within a year.

The IPEN-number as a whole stays attached to the accession, wherever it may go, so that it it allways possible to trace back its origin.

The * at the end of the description is followed by the seed-list collecting year.


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[IPEN xx0u-1986BL00211] *2012

[IPEN cn0u-1989BL00077] China: Sichuan , Liuba Alt.:

3600 m. Coll.: Teune, C. 369 14/09/1981 *2012

[IPEN xx0u-1996BL01189] *2012

[IPEN in0u-1997BL00004] India: Uttar Pradesh , Kumaon area, C.Himalaya Alt.: 1500 -2800 m. Coll.: Chadwell, C. et al. CC-1760 *2012

[IPEN us0u-1998BL00681] United States: Massachusetts , Hadley *2012


'pPENïw9u-1998GR00723] *2012


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[IPEN zaüu-2005BL01021j South Africa , Drakensberge *2010


[IPEN pa0u-2004GR00872] Panama , Fortuna Alt.: 1000

m. Coll.: Maas, P.J.M. et al. s.n. 25/05/2004 *2012



[IPEN ca0u-1986RD00002] Canada: Ontario , Niagara Reg., Louth Tp., only verified population in Canada, steep slope above Lake Ontario; 1985. Alt.: 88 m. *2011 quot;



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[IPEN es(Xi-2004BL00061] Spain: Prov. Teruel, Siërra de Javelambre, Pico Javelambre Alt.: 2000 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 03-56 22/07/2003 *2012


[IPEN ec0u-2012GR00300] Ecuador , Alt.: 1154 m. Coll.: Jan Verkade *2012

[IPEN br0u-1997GR00639] Brazil: Rio de Janeiro , Teresopolis Coll.: Leme, E. 1922 *2012

[IPEN brOb-l850397] Brazil: Santa Catarina, Joinville near Campo Alegre, Rio de Julio Alt.: 750 m. Coll.: Leme,

E. 1650 *2012

Aechmea coelestig^t^. coelestis

[IPEN brPdN 997GR00639] Brazil: Rio de Janeiro , Tere^tJ^lis Coll.: Leme, E. 1922 *

[IPEN xxÓB-l 151283] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2006GR01609] *2012

[IPENxx0u-2006GR0108 8] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2005GR01551] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2007GR00347] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2005GR00235] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2003GR01722] *2011


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Bromcliaceae (cont.)

31. 3W

Brocchinia tatei L.B.Sm.

[IPEN ve0u-2005GRül567] Venezuela , *2010

32. 3W

Canistrum montanum Leme

[IPEN br0u-2002GR01569] Brazil: Bahia, Mun. Una, road Sao Jose - Una, km 9. Atlantic Rainforest. Coll.: Leme, E. 3022 07/04/1995 *2011

33. 2G

Dj ekia velascana Mez

[IPEN xx0u-1990GR00444] *2010

34. 3G

Fosterella penduliflora (C.H.Wright) L.B.Sm. [IPEN xx0u-2007GR01025] *2010

35. 3G

Fosterella rojasii (L.B.Sm.) L.B.Sm.

[IPENxx0u-2007GR01026] *2010

36. 3W

Guzmania monostachia (L.) Rusbv ex Mez

[IPEN crOu-2010GR00755] Costa Rica , Coll.: Leo

Dijkgraaf (BCG) s.n. *2012

37. 3G

Guzmania osyana (E.Morren) Mez [IPEN xx0u-2007GR00669] *2012

38. 3Z

Guzmania osyana (E.Morren) Mez

[IPEN ec0u-2004GR01099] Ecuador, Hacienda Selva

negra, road to Quito Coll.: Rauh, W. 34472 *2010

39. 3U

Guzmania osyana (E.Morren) Mez [IPEN xx0u-2007GR01390] *2011

40. 2G

Guzmania wittmackii (Andr,) Andr, ex Mez [IPEN xx0u-1996GR01170] *2012

41. 3W

Pitcaimia altensteinii (Link, Klotzsch amp;nbsp;Otto) Lem.

[IPEN ve0u-2006GR01032] Venezuela , N.-Venezuela, rancher station National Park Henri Pittier near Aragua and

Carabobo *2010

42. 3W

Pitcaimia caricifolia Mart.ex Schult.f.

[IPEN ve0u-2005GR01552] Venezuela , Ilu (weide) Tcpui


43. 3G

Pitcaimia echinata Hook f.

[IPEN xx0u-2004GR00680] *2010

44. 3Z

Pitcaimia flammea var. glabrior L.B.Sm.

[IPEN br0u-2001GR00086] Brazil, Teresopolis *2012


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)

[IPEN ec0u-2006GR01008] Ecuador, Mera Alt.: 1300 m. Coll.: Fl,,schendr„ger, A. s.n. 20/04/1995 *2011

[IPEN gt0u-2005GR00894] Guatemala , 20 km from Guatemala City towards el Rancho Alt.: 800 m. Coll.:

Radtke/Moldcnhauer 183 *2011

[IPEN eclu-2006GR00034] Ecuador: Prov. Azuay , Road Cuenca - Passaje Alt.: 700 m. Coll.: E.J.Gouda amp;nbsp;J.Manzanares 05-24 22/11/2005 *2011

[IPEN co0u-2000GR00646] Colombia , Bogota - Villeta Alt.: 900 m. Coll.: Rauh, W. 37089 *2011

' [IPEN ve0u-2008GR01403] *2010

' [IPEN xx0u-2005GR01069] *2012

[IPEN ecOu-2011GR00563] Ecuador , Coll.: Elly Bak (NL) 1990 *2012


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)

[IPEN br0u-2008GR01719] Brazil, Santana *2011

[IPEN br0u-2003GR01849] Brazil, without locality *2012

[IPEN xx0u-1997GR00760] *2011

[IPEN mx0u-2000GR00736] Mexico , (Ver.?), Cordoba.

Coll.: Ehlers, Renate EM79759 *2011

[IPEN ar0u-1997GR00635] Argentina, without details;

1986 Leuenb. *2011

[IPEN bo0u-1998GR01073 ] Bolivia , near Cochabamba or Sucre?; nov.1989. Coll.: Gouda, C.S. s.n. *2011

[IPEN pe0u-1998GR01463] Peru , Peru, 1984. *2010

[IPEN pel heid-13 0095] Peru , Valley de Rio Sauce, Puente Popoyan Alt.: 500 m. Coll.: Rauh, W. 20242 07/1967 *2010

[IPEN mx0u-2004GR01125] *2011

[IPENxx0x-1996GR00627] *2012

[IPENxx0u-1983GR00435] *2011

[IPEN mx0u-1994GR02029] Mexico (?) Coll.:

Mulder-Roelfsema,Tineke *2011

[IPEN pe0u-2007GR01373] Peru , *2012

[IPEN xx0u-1998GR01215] *2012


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Bromeliaceae (cont.)

[IPEN xx0u-2007GR01408] *2012

[IPEN cr0u-20Ü6GR01545] Costa Rica, Monte Verde

Alt.: 1550 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 06-11 15/07/2006 *2009


[IPEN xx0u-1976GR00558] *2012

[IPEN srlu-1975GR00357] Suriname , no further details! Coll.: Lindeman,J.C. 09/1975 *2012


[IPEN pt0u-1997BL00455] Portugal, Algarve, Serra de Monchique, Perna de Negra; 94-08-00 *2009

[IPEN us0u-2006BL00742] United States: Michigan , Clinton county, S Shrub-Carr, Rose Lake Fen 2-track Alt.: 256 m. *2009


[IPEN fr0u-1994BL01124] France , Hérault,

Felines-Minervois *2010

[IPEN hrOu-2005BL00106] Croatia, Velebit Bot.Garden

Coll.: S. KovaSi‘ s.n. 10/09/2002 *2010


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[IPEN it0u-2002BL01324] Dolomites, Canazei - Caprile, Mnt. Marmolada. Alt.: 1750 m. Coll.: Gouda, E.J. 2002-82 09/08/2002 *2011


[IPEN es0u-1992HR31478] Spain: Canan Is., Exact proveniance unknown *2012

[IPEN es0u-1992HR30479] Spain: Gomera , NW of San Sebastian de la Gomera, along the road to Hermigua Coll.: Loon, J.Chr.v. s.n. 24/10/1985 *2012

[IPEN in0u-2006BL00191] India: Himachal Pradesh , Borderlands of W.Tibet (from Lahoul), Chandra Valley Alt.: 4450 m. Coll.: Chadwell, C. et al. 5288 2005 *2012


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Crassulaceae (cont.)

[IPEN trüu-1993BL0001()] Turkey , Prov. Bolu, 20 km S. of Gerede,, W. of the road to Kizilcahaman. Alt.: 1350 m. Coll.: Alpinar, K. amp;nbsp;H.'t Hart 33 *2010

[IPEN ge0u-1977BL00127] Georgia, Abkhazia (Caucasus), Awadchara. *2011


[IPEN np0u-2002RD00103] Nepal, Himalaya. Mustang, Tukuche area, Forest zone. Coll.: Chadwell, C. et al. 4046 2001 *2011


[IPEN it0u-1994BL00090] Italy , Puglia, Promontorio del Gargano, NE Coast, ca. 2 km. ESE Coppo dei Fossi,

Macchie Alt.: 150 -200 m. Coll.: Gigerl, P. 09/1992 *2009


[IPEN xx0u-1900ZG01222] *2009

[IPEN at0u-2006RD00561] Austria , *2012


[IPEN xx0u-1968GR00714] *2012


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[IPEN xx-O-frp-16423] *2012

[lPENxx0u-1994GR00355] *2012



[IPEN fr0u-1999BL005 76] France , Finistere,

Mouelan-sur-Mer, Pointe de Kerhermcn. Alt.: 10 m. *2008

[IPEN uz0u-1998BL00395] Uzbekistan , Rusdakairg.


[IPEN ru0u-1982BL00251] Russian Federation: Asiatic Russia , exact location not known 1981 *2009


[IPEN deOu-1992ZS00163] Berlin, no further details ! *2012


[IPEN fr0u-1987BL00368] France , Aude, Laprade. 1986


[IPEN be0u-1975BL00208] Belgium , no further details !



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[IPEN xx0u-1991BL01250] *2012

[IPEN sr0u-1980GR00248] Suriname , Kabelebo area, along Barieba Creek Coll.: LindemanJ C. amp;nbsp;A.R A Görts 455 *2012

[lPENxx0u-2005BL01367] *2012

[IPEN us0u-1987BL00430] United States: Pennsylvania , Wildflower Preserve. *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2007GR00505] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-1977GR00234] *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2007BL00933] *2010

[IPENxx0u-I990BL01147] *2012

[IPEN us0u-2007BL01615] Northern America, *2012

[IPENxx0u-2007BL01368] *2012

[IPEN us0u-2008BL01794J United States: Alabama ,


[IPEN xx0u-2009BL01174] *2012

[IPEN ca0u-2002BL00632] Canada. Qu,bec , Vudreuil co., Ile Perrot. 14/07/2001 *2012


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Liliaceae (cont.)

fIPEN us0u-1997BL00184] United States: Michigan , Ingham County, Mesic Southern Forest, sitename: Bear

lake Dunkel Roadbank South. Alt.: 250 m. *2012

[IPEN xx0u-2002BL00679] *2012

[IPENxx0u-2000BL00131] *2012

[IPEN us0u-2008BL01795] United States: Tennessee ,


[IPEN xx0u-1986BL00072] *2012


[IPEN us0u-1997RD00161] United States: Michigan , Ingham County, Mesic Southern Forest, Sitename: Sanford

Woodlot. coll.: 96-10-16. Alt.: 253 m. *2010


[IPEN in0u-1992GR00036] India: Sikkim , along border-river, near (militaiy) check-point. Alt.: 2000 m.

Coll.: Wollenberg, L.J.W. v.d. 91-002 *2012


[IPEN pa0u-1980GR00318] Panama, Chiriqui Mt.wood near Guadeloupe, 2 km N of Cerro Punta. Alt.: 1800 m.

Coll.: Maas, P.J.M. et al. 4985 21/10/1980 *2012


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[IPEN xx0u-2006BL01459] *2012

[IPEN ge0u-2005BL01090] Georgia , Gruzia Alt.: 2600 m. Coll.: Halda,J.J. 9309156 *2012

[IPEN ge0u-2005BL00955] Georgia , Tbilisi 1983 *2012


[IPEN jp0u-2007BL00823] Japan: Shizuoka Pref., Fujinomiya-shi 26/10/2006 *2011




[IPEN us0u-2009BL00514] United States: Arizona,

Cochise Co. Alt.: 2073 m. Coll.: Alan Bradshaw (Alplains)



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flPEN cn0u-2005BL01426] China: Yunnan , Lijiang,

Yulong Shan, Ha Lan Gon Lake Alt.: 3170 m. Coll.: Edinburgh Yunnan Exped. 1990 1018 09/10/1990 *2012





[IPENjp0u-1997BL00485] Japan , Hokkaido, Mt. Nishi-kumaneschiri-dake, Katoh-gun *2011



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146. 2W

Antirrhinum majus subsp. majus

[IPEN it0u-2()06BL()0424] Italy , Mesina, Taormina 07/2001 *2011

147. IW

Asarina erubesccns (D.Don) Pennell

[IPEN bo0u-2005GR01250] Bolivia: Prov. Santa Cmz, direction of Samaipata, near Ayacucho Coll.: Gouda, C.S.

s.n. *2009

148. 2W

Digitalis ferruginea L.

[IPEN gr0u-2006BL00502] Greece: Peloponesos , Mt.

Killini *2012

149. 2Z

Digitalis ferruginea subsp. ferruginea

[IPEN tr0u-2000BL00393[ Turkey , N.-Anatolia, Bithynia:

Ala-Dag, Kartalkaya 10 km before ski station. Alt.: 1600 m.*2011

150. 2W

Digitalis obscura L.

[IPEN es0u-2008BL00641] Spain , Sierra Nevada Alt.. 1700 m. *2011

151. 2W

Digitalis viridiflora Lindl.

[IPEN bg0u-2002BL01044] Bulgaria , Eastern Rodopi.

Alt.: 1700 m. 25503 2002 *2012

152. IW

Penstemon cardwellii T.J.Howell

[IPEN us0u-1991BL00700] United States: Oregon , Multnomah Co., no further details! Alt.: 1080 m. *2010

153. 2G

Penstemon pinifolius E.Greene

[IPENxx0u-1969BL00346] *2010

154. 2G

Penstemon smallii A.A.Heller

[IPEN xx0u-2007BL01697] *2010

155. IW

Penstemon whippieanus A.Gray

[IPEN us0u-2008BL01665] United Slates: California , Mineral Co. Alt.: 3311 m. *2011

156. IZ

Phygelius aequalis Harw ex Hiem

[IPEN za0u-2004BL01363] South Africa: Free State , Mt.

Aux-Sources, Witsiehoek Mt. Resort Alt.: 2300 m. Coll.:

Lesotho-Edinburgh-Gothenburg Botanical Expedition 315 *2011

157. IG

Tetranema roseum (Mart. amp;nbsp;Gal.) Standi. amp;nbsp;Steycrm.

[IPEN xx0u-2007GR00360] *2012


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158. 2G Encephalartos villosus Lem.

[IPEN xx0u-1975GR00125] *2012


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159. 2W Lobelia thapsoidea Schott

[IPEN brlu-2009GR01315] Brazil: Espirito Santo , Santa Teresa ColL: Maas, P.J.M. et al. s.n. 04/05/2009 *2012

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