Confifting of
F O R.
fublick and Private Buildings.
Eublifli'd by William Kent,
With fome Additional Defigns.
To His Moft Sacred MAJESTY,
KING of Great-Britain,
France and Ireland, &c. Thefe DESIGNS of
Are with all Humility Dedicated, by
HI S MAJE S T Ys Moft Faithful and Devoted Subjed and Servant,
W. Kent.
jgagfaifcg: HE Character of Inigo Jones is fo univer-
m^^118"^!!!! ^Uy known, that his Name alone will be a
■8' fufficient Recommendation of the following Hi Deligns; the Originals of which (drawn by faMljllB himfelf and Mr. Webb) belong to the Earl of Burlington.
No better Account can be given of his Life than what
Mr. Webb hath already done in the Preface of his excel- lent Defence of that judicious Treatife, entitled, Stonhenge refterd, there being fcarce any Materials left, from whence to compile it. Palladids Defign of the famous Church of Santo Georgio at
Venice, (fo defervedly admired by all good Architects) is added to this Work, to Ihew that as great a Rival as that Re- ftorer of Architecture was to the Antients, his Difciple was in no refpeŁt inferior to him. If the Reputation of this Great Man doth not rife in pro-
portion to his Merits in his own Country, tis certain, in Italy, (which was his School) and other Parts of Europe, he was in great efteem; in which places, as well as in England, his own Works are his Monument and beft Panegyrick; which, to- B gether
gether with thofe of Palladia, remain equal Proofs of the
Superiority of thofe two Great Matters to all others. To this Collection are added Defigns of Doors, Windows,
Gates, Peers, Chimneys, Infides of Rooms, and Ceilings; as alfo fome few Defigns of Buildings by the Earl of Burlington* The other Particulars will be fhewn in the following Tables annex d to each Volume. |
A TABLE of the Plates con-
tained in the Firft Volume. |
are Offices under the Kings Apartments.
C, A Square Court, with an Arcade; about which are the Offices under the ^Apartments
of the Royal-Family.
D, E, Two Courts belonging to the Apartments and Offices of the Royal-Family.
F, G, Two Courts vj'hich belong to the Kings Apartments and Offices. H, The great Hall, with Porticos and Galleries, which includes two Stories.
I, I, Two circular Vefiibules, with Doric Pillars.
K, An open Vejiibule, with Porticos and Arches, the middle Part of which includes
two Stories.
L, A Square Hall with Pillars of the Doric Order, leading to the King's Apartments. M, M, Two Square Vefiibules with Pillars, between the circular Court and the Courts F, G.
N, N, Kitchens, dec. belonging to the King.
O, O, Kitchens, &c. for the Vfe of the Royal-Family.
P, P, Vaults under the Chapel and Banquetting Houfe.
Qj Q, ccc. Arcades and Pajjages for the Communication of the feveral Apartments and
The reft of the Rooms, &x. of this Plan, are for the federal proper Offices belonging to the Palace.
R, R, Are the grand Entrances into the Palace. C PLATE
PLATE 3, 4,
The General Plan of the Principal Apartments of the Palace. A, A, Sec. The Kings Apartments, which are more particularly described in the fol-
lovoing Plan.
B, The Banquetting Houfe.
C, The Chappel
D, E, Principal Rooms for publick Bufinefs.
F F Sec 1
G G ^c<zs^artmentsfor ™e Principal Officers of State.
H, H, Sec. Apartments for the great Officers near the Kings Perjon.
I, I) Sec. Apartments for the other chief Officers attending the Court. K, K, &c. Galleries from the Kings Apartments to the Royal Apartments on the other fide of the Palace.
L, L, Sec. Apartments for the other Officers of the Kings Houfoold. M, M, &c. The principal Apartments belonging to the Royal-Family* N, N, &c. Apartments for their proper Officers. O, O, &c. Apartments for the reft of the Royal-Family. P> i\ ?
' >Sec. Apartments for the other Officers belonging to the Royal-Family. , R, R, Sec. Stair-cafes which lead only to the third Story.
PLATE ?, &
The Plan of the Kings Apartments, Drawn by the Scale of the
following Front.
A, The Guard-Chamber, with Pillars of the Corinthian Order, Jupporting a Gallery open
to the third Story.
B, B, Two principal Stair-cafes to the Apartments.
C, C, The Anti-Chambers of State.
D, D, The Prefence Chambers, with Canopy of State.
E, E, Privy Chambers, with the fame.
F, F, Audience Rooms, with the Kings Throne. .
G,G, The circular Gallery, or principal Way to the Kings Apartment.
H, The Kings Gallery.
I, I, Anti-Rooms.
K, K, Dreffng Rooms.
L, L, Bed-Chambers.
M, M, The Kings Clofets.
N, N, Sec. Waiting-Rooms.
O, O, Sec Apartments for Officers that conjiantly attend on the King's Perfon.
P, P, The Kings private Way to the State-Rooms.
Q, Q, The Back Stair-cafes.
R, R, Sec. Little angular Courts, which give Light to the inner Apartments.
T J? Private Stairs for the Servants.
P LATE 7, 8, 9, io.
The Front of the Palace next the Park, which is more particularly exprefs'd by the
following Specimens.
The firft Order of one of the Pavillions of the foregoing Front with the Plan, by
a. larger Scale.
The fecond Order in large, with the Plan. • P LATE 13.
The third Order in large, with the Plan.
PL ATE 14, 15, 1$ 17-
The Front of the Palace next the River.
The firft Order of the Wing of the foregoing Front in large, with the Plan. PLATE 19.
The fecond Order in large, with the Plan.
PLATE 20, 11, 12, 23.
The Front next Weftminfter. P L ATE 24.
The firft Order of one of the Towers of the foregoing Front in large, with
the Plan.
The fecond Order in large, with the Plan. PLATE 16.
The third Order in large, with the Plan.
The Cupola in large, with the Plan. P LAT E 28, 29, 30, 31.
The Front of one fide of the Palace, within the great Court and Section of the
Buildings at each end of it, with the Side of the Towers. if Li A J. E 3^' 33'
The firft Order of the middle of the foregoing Front in large, with the Plan. D PLATE
P LA TE 34> 35-
The fecond Order in large, with the Plan,
P LATE 36, 37.
The third Order in large, with the Plan. PLATE 38.
The Bafement and firfl Order of one of the Pavillions of the foregoing Front, in large,
with the Plan.
P LATE 39.
The fecond Order in large, with the Plan.
P LATE 40, 41, 41, 43.
A Section of the Palace through the Square Court, and the Courts on each fide of it;
with the Fronts of the Courts on that fide next the Thames. PLATE 44-
The firfl Order of the Front of one of rhc Side-Courts in large, with the Plan. P LATE 45.
The fecond Order in large, with the Plan.
P LATE 46, 47.
The Section of the King's Apartments, with the Front of the circular Court. P LATE 48..
The firfl Order of the foregoing Front, which is the Perfian, in large, with the Plan. PLATE 49.
The fecond Order, which is the Cariatides in large, with the Plan.
P LATE 50/
The Section of the Chapel, by the fame Scale as the foregoing Specimens. . P LATE 51.
The Section of the Banqueting-Houfe, by the fame Scale.
P LATE 51.
The Plan of the Ceiling of the Banqueting-Houfe, by the fame Scale; the Compart-
ments of which were painted by Rubens. Jr Lj ji. X L 5?*
DefiVns for Windows; the three uppermofl are Doric, Ionic, and Corinthian , the
three others are of the fame Orders, without Pilafters or Columns j the Height of the circular Opening of the Window, is twice the Bieadth to the Center of the Arch; the Height of the reft are twice the Breadth, |
Venetian Windows. The firft with three-quarter Columns, where the Side opening is
equal to the Diameter of the Pillar : The fecond with three-quarter Columns, and a Recefs, where the Side Opening is one third of the middle Opening; and the third with Pilafters, where the Side Opening is equal to half the middle Opening, which is twice the Breadth of the Opening to the Center of the Arch. PLATE 55-
Defigns for Doors, the Height of the Openings is twice the Breadth, and the Recefs
equal to the Architrave, which is one fixth part of the Opening. PLATE 56.
Defigns for Doors with three-quarter Columns: The Height of the Openings are twice
the Breadth, and the Recefs equal to the Architrave, or one fixth part of the Opening.
P LA TE 57.
Defigns for Ruftick Doors, one with an Architrave, one with Doric Pilafters, and the
other with lonicy three quarter Columns: The Height of the Openings of which are twice the Breadth, and the Recefs as before. P LATE 58.
A Defign for Temple-Bary in the Manner of a Triumphal-Arch, the Height of the
middle Opening is twice the Breadth, as are the Arches on each fide. P LATE 59-
Ruftic-Gates, the two firft were Defign'd by the Earl of Burlington, the other, which
is Doric, by Mgo Jones; the Height of the Opening is twice the Breadth; and the Recefs one fixth part of the Breadth. PLATE 60.
Peers, with Columns, Pilafters and Niches ; the Diftance or Opening between them is
equal to twice the Breadth of the Peer.
Ruftic Peers with Niches; the Opening or Diftance of which is twice the Breadth of the
P LATE 6i.
Defigns of Chimney-pieces; the Heights of the Openings are equal to the Breadths.
P LATE 65.
Other Defigns of Chimney-pieces with their Ornaments; the firft is at the Earl of
Burlington^ the middle-moft is at the Honourable Mr. Arundeh, and the third is at the Honourable Mr. Pelhams, Secretary at War; their Openings are as before. PLATE 64.
■A Chimney-piece at the Right Honourable Sir Robert Walpoles at Houghton; the Pannel
over it is in Baffo-Relievo, the Opening as above.
A Chimney-piece in the Drawing-Room at Kenfmgton, the Frame over it was adjufted
for a particular Picture.
P L A TE 66.
Ceilings, the uppermoft at the Honourable Mr. Pelhams; the other by Inigo fonesy in
the King's-Houfe at Greenwich.
P LATE 67.
Sides of two Rooms, the uppermoft is at the Honourable Mr. Arundeh, the other at
the Earl of Burlingtons.
The Side of a Cube Room : The Cove of the Ceiling, is one third of the Height of
the Room, the Opening of the Door is twice the Breadth and one fixth.high. P LATE 69.
Deiigns for a publick Gallery, with Paintings and Statues; the Ceiling in three Com-
partments for Painting. PLATE 70.
A Building of the Earl of Burlingtoris at Chifwkk, of which this is the lower Plan
and one of the Fronts, with the Profile of the Portico. P LATE 71.
The principal Front and Plan of the Apartments of the foregoing Houfe, in the middle,
of which is an Octagonal Hall, which receives its Light by Windows near the Top. PLATE 71.
The Infide of the Octagonal Hall by a larger Scale, with the Pictures and Ornaments. PLATE 73.
The other Front of the foregoing Houfe, and the Plan and Elevation of a Temple
in the Garden at CHI
Our Sovereign Lord KING GEOR GE,
His Royal Htghnefs the Prince of Wales.
Her Royal Htghnefs the Princefs of Wales. |
I Mr. Richard Dobfon.
Mr. William Davis. E
Earl of Effex.
Earl of Exeter.
Sir Jofeph Eyles.
Sir John Evelyn.
Hon. Richard Edgcumbe, Efq;
James Eckerfall, Efq;
Mr. William Etty, of York.
Earl of Fitzwilliams.
Lord Finch, Comptroller of the
Lord Foley. Hon. De Fab rice. Sir Andrew Fountain. Sir Robert Furnefe. Sir Thomas Frankland, Hon- Colonel,'Fane. Lady Fane. Brian Fairfax, Efq; George Fox, Efq; Hon. William Finch, Efq; Ralph Freeman,Efq; John Fountain, Efq; Mr. Richard Franfum. Mr. Jofhua Fletcher. Mr. Mathew Faulkner. Mr. Elias Ferris. Mr. Paul Fourdriener. G
Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamber-
lain of the Houfhold. Earl of Godolphin. Lady Elizabeth Germain. Sir William Gage. Sir Archibald Grant. Luke Gardiner, Efq; James Gibbs, Efq; Richard Graham, Efq; -—------Gibfon, Efq;
Mr. Robert Griffiths.
Mr. John Grant. H
Marquis of Hartford.
Lord Vifcount Harcourt. Lord Herbert. 2 Setts. Lord How. Lord Hartington. Sir John Hobart. Sir Charles Hocham. Sir Thomas Hanmer. Sir Carnaby Haggerftone, <?/Hag- gerftone, in Northumberland. Sir Walter Hawkfworch. Rt. Hon. Lady Betty Hafiings. Hon. Mrs. Howard.' George Harrifon, Efp John Hed worth, Efq; John Henley, Efq; Maurice Hunt, Efq; Richard Hill, Efq, James Home, Efq; Nicholas Hawkfmoor, Efq; Hugh
DUKE of Ancafter, Great
Chamberlain. Duke of Argyle, Mafier of the Ordnatzce.
IDuke of St. Albans. Marl of Arrarr, Lord A fh burn ham. Hon. Richard Arundel, Efq; John Aiflabie, Efq; Archer, Efq;
EdwardAfb, Efq; Mr. William Aires. Mr. John Alingham. B.
'Duke ^Bedford.
Dutchefs of Bedford.
Duke (/Beaufort. *
Marquis of Bland foixh
Earl of Burlington. * 12 Setts,
Countefs of Burlington.
Dowager Cotmtefs of Burlington.
Lord Bruce.
Lady Bruce.
Lady Jane Boyle.
Lady Harriot Boyle.
Lord Bathurft.
Lord "Binning.
Lord Bingley.
Lord Brooke.
Lord Vifcount Bateman. 2 Setts.
Sir Henry Bedingfield.
Lady Betty Bedingfieid.
Sir Humphry Briggs, "Bart.
Sir Edward Blount, of Sodington,
in the County of Worcefter. <5V'r Griffith Boynton.
Bon. Robert Bruce, Efj;
Henry Boyle, Efq; 2 Setts,
James Bateman, Efq;
William Benfon, Efq;
Benjamin Benfon, Efq;
John Buxton, Efq;
William Ballwanng, Efq;
Nathaniel Blackerby, Efq;
George Bowes, of the County of
Durham, Efq--, "William Beecher, Efq;
Robert Briftol, Efq;
Alexander Burne, Efq-,
Hugh Bethell, Efq;
The Rev. Mr. Benfon, Arch-Dea-
con of Berks, a?id Trebendary ^Durham. Mr. John Booth. Mr. Samuel Booth. Mr. Charles Bridgman. Mr. Thomas Brath wait. Mr. Baldwin. Mr. Thomas Bridge. Mr. William Blakefly. Mr. John Barnes. Mr. John Burton. Mr. John Bacchus. Mr. John Bagutti. Mr. Thomas Beale. Mr. William Bell. Mr. James Browne. |
Duke of Chandois.
Earl 0/Carlifie. Earl of Cholmondley. Earl of ChefterfieJd. Earl ^Cardigan. • Lord Clinton. Lord Chetwynd. 2 Setts. Lord Caftlemain. 2 Setts. Lord James Cavendifh. Rt. Hon. Sir Spencer Compton, Speaker of the Houfe of Com. Sir Clement Cottrell. xSVrThomasCoke,.K>.0/>^ Bath. Colonel Churchill. Colonel John Campbell. Colen Campbell, Efq< \ William Chetwynd, Efq;
Ralph Carr, of the County rf Dur- ham, Efq; . Edward Conyers, of Waltham- flow, in Effex, Efq;
Thomas Carter, Efq; Cutbert Conftable,'i?/^; Alexander Choche,Efq'i Richard Chifwell, Efq; John Coke, Efq; Andrew Crotty, Efq; Baron Clark. Hugh Cholmondley, 2?/^ Mr. Thomas Churchill,Bricklayer Mr. Chriftopher Cafs, Ma/on. Mr. Charles Corner. Mr. Richard Colebourne. Mr. John Craig, of Giafgow, in Scotland.
Mr. James Cradock. Mr. Samuel Chandler. D
Duke of Devonfhire, Trefident
of the Council.
Duke of Dorfet, Lord Steward of the Houfhold.
Lord Dun more. Lord Digby., Lord Delaware. His Excellency, Major-General Dormer.
Sir Mat hew Decker. Sir John Dutton. Hon. George Dodington, Efq; Robert Dormer, Efq; Montague Gerard Drake, Efq-7 Sir James Dalrymple. Col. Difney. Ambrofe Dickens, Efq; Anthony Duncombe, Efq; Nicholas Dubois, Efq; Hon. Edward Digby, Efq; Charles Delafaye, Efq; Mr. Difton. Mr. Thomas Dunn. Mr. Thomas Dubi (Ton. Mr. John Desborough. Mr. George Devall. Mr. Edward Dennis. Mr. William Dixon. F |
Thomas Smith, Ejq;
Edward Southwell,
John Stroubridge, Efq>
Mr. William Stanhope.
Mr. Stanley.
Mr. Shrider, Painter to theKing
of Sweden.
Mr. Thomas Shirley, of the City of Durham
Mr Edward Strong. Mr. Edward Stanton. Mr. Jonathan SilTon. Mr. Robert Sparke. Mr. William Sykes, Paiftter. Mr. John Smallwell, Joyner. Mr. John Sturges, Joyner. Mr. Peter Scheemaker, Statuary. Mr. John Spicer, Carpenter. Mr- John Symonds, Joyner. Mr. Abraham Sturges. Mr. James Slater. Mr. Benjamin Smith, Mr. Stephen South. Mr. Samuel Savil. Mr. Mark Selbjc. Mr. John Sanderfon. Mr. William Scarfe. T.
Rt. Hon. Lord Vifcount Town-
fhend ,one of hjsMajeftfs Prin- cipal Secretaries of State. Lord Tyrconnel.
Lord Thomond.
Hon. Mr. Tufton.
John Talbot, Efq;
George Tilfon, Efq; 2 Setts.
Coll. Tyrrell.
William Thomas, Efq;
Mr. Benjamin Timbrell.
Mr. William Townfend, Mafon
at Oxford. William Thornton, Efq;
Thomas Uthwat, Efq;
Mr. Vane.
Lord Walpole.
Rt. Hon. Sir Robert Walpole,/r/f
Lord Commiffoner of the Trea- furyyand Knt, of the Garter, 2 Setts. Sir William Wentworth.
Sir Thomas Wentworth.
Sir Robert Walter.
Sir William Windham.
Sir Anthony Weftcomb.
Sir Francis Webfter.
Lieut. General Wade.
Chriftopher Wren, Efq;
Thomas Woodford, Efq;
Thomas Walker, Efq;
Granvill Wheeler, Efq;
Withers, Efq; Mr. Leonard Woodefon.
Mr. Thomas Williams.
Mr. Hugh Warren.
Mr. Wickham.
Mr. Wynne.
Mr. Peter Walter, School-mafien
Mr. Edward Weathersby.
Mr. John Wilkins.
Mr. John Woodall, Mafon.
Mr. George Worral, P.laiflereu
Mr. John Walker.
Mr. Richard Wright.
Mr. Ifaac Ware.
Mr. John Willis.
Mr. Thomas Woodftock.
Mr. John Woodroof, Mafon-
' Sir Michael Newton, Knt.ofthe
Bath. Eon. Col Negus. David Nixon, Efqi Mr. John Neale. Edward EarlofOxfovd and Earl
Mr- Oglethorpe. P.
Earl of Pembroke.
Earl of PontefraQ:, 2 Setts.
Lord Percival.
Hon. Henry Pelham, Secretary at
War. Lady Catherine Peiham.
Hon. William Pultney, Efq.
Coll. Paget.
Thomas Palmer, Efq',
Thomas Parker, Efq;
William Philips, jE/^;
John Plumtree, Efq',
Mr. William Privet. ^
Mr- Bartholomew Piefly, Mafon
at Oxford. Mr. Leonard Philips, Timber-
Merchant. Mr. Thomas Philips, Carpenter.
-Mr. Thomas Peters, Carpenter.
Mr. Thomas Perfehoufe.
Duke <?/Queensberry and Dover.
Duke of Richmond.
Duke of Rutland.
Duke of Roxburgh.
Lord John Ruffel.
Sir John Rufhout, "Bart.
Thomas Robinfon, Efq; otRookby
in the County of York.
Metcalf Robinfon, of York, Efq; Thomas Ripley, Efq; Comptroller ofhis Majeftfs Works.
Thomas Rowland, Efq; Rev. Dr. Rundle, Prebendary of Durham.
Mr. Rawlinfon. Mr. James Richards, Carver. Mr. Jofeph Roberts. Mr. Robert Reding. Mr. Edward Reves, Carpenter. Mr. John Reynolds. |
;Hugh Howard, Efg;
The Rev. Mr. Jofeph Hedges* George Holmes, Efq; Robert Hardy, Efq; Hedges, Efq-,
Mr. Rob. Hodfon, Cabinet-maker. Mr. John Hodfon, 0/Covent-Gar- den.
Mr. Stephen Horfeman. Mr. Thomas Harbin. 2 Setts Mr. Chriftopher Horfenail. Mr. Thomas Hinton. Mr. John Hallam. M'. Thomas Howard, Carpenter. Mr. John Hughes,cPlaiJierer. Mr. William Hafelgrove. Mr. Thomas Hippiiley, I.
Earl of Inchinquin.
Earl of May. Sir John Jennings. Theodore Jacobfon, Efq:, Edward Jefferies, Efq; Ralph Jannifon, Efq ; Jamesjoye, Efq; Tobias Jenkyns, Efq, Henry Joynes, Efq; Mr. Andrew Jelf. K.
Duke of Kent. John Knight,,Efq; Mr. Thomas Kynafton. Mr. Henry Keene, Carpenter. L.
Earl of .Lincoln.
Lady Lincoln.
Earl of Litchfield.
Earl of Leicefter-
Lord Lonfdale.
Sir William Leman.
Sir Wilfred Lawfon.
Anthony Lowther, Efq\
John Lyfaght, Efq;
Coll. Ligoneer.
'The Library at Lincoln.
Mr. Richard Law ranee, Joyner.
Mr. John Lane, Joyner.
Mr. William Loyd.
Mr. Edward' Linney.
Mr. David Lance.
Duke of Montague. Duke of Matichefter. Earl of Marchmonr. Late Earl of Marr. Lord Morpeth. Lord Montrath. Sir Chriftopher Mufgrave. Richard Mead, M- D. Samuel Molyneux, Efq', John Manley, Efq; John Moncton, Efq', Col. Moyfer. Rev. Mr. Richard Meadowcourt.
Mr. Ma ffingberd. .Mr. John Mafden. Mr. John Mift. Mr.Richard Minns. Mr. Ifaac Mansfield, Plaifierer, Mr. William Moreton, Mafon. Mr. George Mercer, Mafon. Mr. Roger Morris. Mr. John Montigny. N.
Duke of Newcaftle, one of the Principal Secretaries of State. Dutchefs of Newcaftle. |
Duke of Somerfet.
Dutchefs of Somerfet.
Earl of Sunderland, 2 Setts.
Earl of Scarborough.
Countefs of Staremberg.
Lady Vifcoufitefs Scud a more.
Lord Suffex.
Lord Scarfdale.
Lord Southwell.
Sir Robert Sutton.
His Excellency Brigadier Sutton.
Sir John Shelly.
Sir Hans Sloan, M. D-
Sir William Strickland, 2 Setts.
Sir John Stanley.
Thomas Scawen, Efq;
Coll. Selwin.
Thomas Stanhope, Efq;
Charles Stanhope, Efq;
Gervafe Scroope, Ejq.
Robert Surman, Efq;
Samuel Smith, of Weald-Hall in
Effex, Efq;
James Stopford, Efq-, |