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including the collections of voyages i3y de Bry, Hulsius, Hartgers, etc.
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The. indication of the size of the, maps and plates is given in centimeter, French measure, and relates to the copperplate, without the margins. — The abbreviations for the autographs are following: A. L. S., Autograph Letter Signed. — L. IS., Letter Signed, — D. S., Document Signed.
The prices arc in Dutch florins.
1 Aa (P. van dor) Do doorluchtige Scheepstochten der rortugysen na Oost-Indien, gelyk so door J. de Barros beschreven zyn. Uyt h. 1\'or-tug. vert. 2 vols. lol. {The famous voyages of the PoHuguese to East-India, as described iy J. de Barros. Trans!, from the Por tug.) - De gedenkwaardige Voyagien der Spanjaarden na West-Indien, gelyk zedoor A. de Herrera beschreven zyn. Uyt h. Spaansch vert, ii vols. II. (The memorable voyages of the Spaniards to West-India, as described ly A. de Herrera. Transl. from the Spanish). - De wydberoemde Voyagien na Oost- en \\V. Indien der Engelsen; alles onlangs uyt h. Kng. vort. 2 vols. lol. {The widely famous voyages of the English to East- and Irest-India; oil transl. recently from the English.) - Do aanmerkenswaardige Voyagien door Franc., Italianen,DeeneH,Hoogduitsclien en andere vreemde volkeren gedaan na Oost- en W. Indien, leder Keisbeschryv. uyt de oorspronkol. taal vert. 2 vols. lol. (The very interesting voyages by the French, Italians, Danes, Germans and other foreign nations to East- and West-India. Each voyage translated from the original language.) Together 8 vols. I\'ol. Many maps and plates. Leyden, V. v, d, Aa {ViQQ—1). — Complete collection. 25.— |
2 Aa (P. van dor), Same work. Large papor. I\'ol. Calf gilt, yenj fine copy. 45.—. Each work also to be liad separately. 3--Do aanmerkonswaardigste en alomberoeindo Zee- en Landreizen der Portugeezen, Spanjaarden, Engelsen en allerhande natiën, zoo van Fransen, Italiaanen, enz. Voornaanienlyk ondernomen tot ontdekking van de Oost- en West-Indien. Voormaais alleen ten deele verzameld ... door J. L. Gottfried. Maar onlangs uit de Por-tug., Spaansche ... taaien vermeerderd, en nu eerstlyk in het Nederduits overgezet, \'s Gravcnh. en Leyden, 1727. 8 vols. üutch vellum, fine copy. lol. 32.50 {The most remarkable and celebrated Voyages and travels of the Portuguese, Spaniards, English, and various other nations, as French, Italians, etc., undertaken principally for the discovery of the East- and If est-Indies Only partly previously collected\' by J. L. Gottfried; but now augmented from the Portug., Spanish etc., and for the first time translated into hutch.) 4 - Naauwkeurige versameling der gedenkwaardigste zee- en landreysen na Oost- en West-Indien, mitsgaders andere gewesten gedaan sedert 1240 tot op desen tijd. Leyden, P. v. d. Aa, 1707. 28 vols, calf or vellum. Many maps and plates. 8vo. Fine copy. 80.- - {Accurate collection of the most memorable voyages and travels to the East- and West-Indies, and |
io other countries, from the year 1240 down to this time.) same, 8». in 2\'J vols, sewed, this state. 45.— i\\os. are ull one and the same is the iirst folio edition of 17ÜC—7, wherein the voyages are arranged aeeording the nations of the navigators with special titles to each division of 2 vols. — No. 3 is a re-issne, made in 1727 of the unsold copies of that edition, with addition of a (rare) general title for the whole work and omission of the 4 national titles. No. 4 is the original bvo edition, as proposed in the beginning; this is the commeaoemoutofthe whole undertaking. The voyages are arranged in chronological order. G —— Cartes des itinéraires et voiages modernes, qui out csté fails tant par Mer que par Terre dans toutes les parties du Monde, et particulièrement dans l\'Asie, TAfrique et rAmérique, depuis 1240 a ICDO. Leide, _p. v. d. Aa. (1728). calf. squ. fol. Rare. 6.— Colleciion of 114 maps, puhlishcd originally iu the preceding collections of Voyages by v. d. Aa. Wormed in the broad exterior margin, but without any damage to the maps. 7 - Nouveau Theatre du Monde on la Géogra- pliie Koyale, avee description par Gueudeville et Ferrarius. Leide, 1713. calf, roy. fol. — Fine cop//. IS.— Contains 95 fine maps, amongst which 2 of the Globe, a general map of America, Canada, Florida, Mexico, lirasil. — The description of America, pp. 25—34, is by Ferrarius. — At the end of the work an extensive list, pp. 33—76, printed in 3 columns, giving the longitude and latitude of hundreds of places and islands; pp. 09—70 contain those of America. 8 Aan \'t Volk van Nederland, of bewijzen en consideration over de voordelen der Negotie met de Noord-Americanen. (1781.) 8vo. 10 pp. 1.50 (Address to the people of Nelherland, ur considerations on the profits of the commerce with the North-Americans.) 9 Aaumorkingen van eenen reiziger over IIol-landt, Duitschland ... Jirasilie, etc. Anisterd. 1729. 4to. uncul. 1.50 (Notes of a traveller on Holland, Germany ,.. Brazil, etc.) 10 Aanmerkingen over \'t verval van onze West-Ind. eoinuiercie-colouiën. No place (17U0?) 8vo. 1.— (Notes on the decline of our Wesl-lnd. commercial colonies.) 11 Abbing (C. A.), Geschiedenis der stad Heorn, gedur. de XVÜe en XVHIe eeuw, ... beginnende met 1030. Hoorn, 1841—42. 2 vols. Sit. pl. and portr. 8vo. (S.—) 3.50 (History of the city of Hoorn, during the llth and Xülh cenlurg, from 1G30). Contains a reproduction of the Patent granted by Jhc fjtates-Geuer. to John Keeps, for founding a colony ou the Western side of the Kio de las Amazones; with a description of the lands etc. 1089. Aa (P. v. d.) The uncul. Very rare in The 5 precudinj; work. — No. 1 |
12 Abbot (H. L.), Siege-Artillery in the Campaigns against Richmond, with notes on the 15-ineli gun, etc. New-Vork, 1808. 5 plates, cloth. Svo. (9.75) 2.50 Professional papers, Corps of Engineers N0. 14. 13 Abdy (E. S.), Journal of a residence and tour in the United States. Londen, 1835. 3 vols, cloth. 8vo. 3.50 quot;The republication of this work was comraenced in New-York, but suspended on account of its remarks ou Slavery.quot; Habin. 14 Accoord van Urasilien, mede van\'t Recif, Mau-rits-Stadt ende de omleggende Forten van lirasil. Arast. 1054. 4to. (Asher N0. 281.) 4.— (Agreement of Brazil, as also of the lieciffe, Maurils-Siadl, etc.) 15 Accoord tusschen de Geinagtigde van de Staaten van Zeeland en de Bewlndhebberen van de West-Ind. Compagnie wegens \'t overnemen van de Co-lonie van Suriname. (1083.) 4to. 3.— (Agreement between the Commissaries of the tSlales of Zealand and the Governors of the llrest-India t\'omp. about the transfer of the colony of Surinam.) 10 Account (An) of several late Voyages and Discoveries to the South and North, towards the Streights of Magellan, the South-Seas, Nova-Zem-bla, Greenland, Groynland or Engrondland... by J. Narborough, J. Tasman, J. Wood and Fred. Martens. London, 1094. 2 parts in 1 vol. calf, 8 plates. 8vo. 5.50 17 Acosta (Jos.,1, De natura Novi Orbis 11. II. Et de pronmlgatione Evaugclii apud Barbaros, sive de proeuranda Indorum salute 11. VI. Coloniae Agripp., 1590. calf. 8vo. 10.— 3d Edition, the lirst having been published at Salamanca 1589. — The work is especially valuable for the many details about the Indians of Peru, amongst whom the author lived for a series of 17 years. 18 - Historie Naturael ende Morael v. de Wes- terschc Indien. Nu eerstmael u. d. Spaensehen overges. door J. Huyghen v. Linsehoten. Ench. 1598. 8vo. vellum, — Hare. 18.— (Natural and moral History of the West-Indies.) Eirst Dutch edition. Translated on the 2d aud best edition of Sevilla, 1591. The exactness of Lin-schoten\'s version is guaranteed by his name. 19 - The same. Amst., 1024. 4to. vellum. 10.— 2d aud last Dutch edition, with numerous wood-engravings. 20 Act for increasing and encouraging of shipping and navigation (to Asia, America, etc.) Loud. 1739. fol. Uncut. 1.— 21 Acte van de Staten van Groeningen etc... Item een schriftelicke Contestatie van Groeningen tegens Hollandt wegens de Jfortugesche Tructaten. 1002. |
4to. (Asher No. 310.) 2.— {Act of the States of Groningen etc.,. With a written protest of Groningen against Holland regarding the Portuguese treaties). Against the pence with Portugal, and in favour of the West-India-Comp. 22 Acts passed at the 1st session of the 2d Congress of the United States of America, 1791. Phi-lad. (1792.) 175 and III pp. bds. 8vo. 4.50 23 Acts passed at the 2d session of the 3d Congress, 1794-. rhilad. 1795. 8vo. — No title. 4.50 24 Acts passed at the first session of the 4th Congress, 1795. Philad. 179G. sd. uncut. 8vo. 4.50 25 Acts and proceedings of tlic, general Synod of the Reformed Protestant Dutch Church in N. America, convened in extra session, in Now-York. Oct. 20, 1841. N. York, 1842, 14G pp. 8vo. 1.50 20 Adair (Jam), The History of the American Indians, particularly those nations adjoining to the Mississippi, Florida, Georgia, Carolina and Virginia, etc. London, 1774. hf. calf, folding mav. 4to. 15.— quot;One of the best ami most instructive books of its kind.quot; Dibdin. —• The author was «Trader with the Indians and Kesident in their country for 40 years.quot; 27 - Geschichte der Amerikanischen Indianer, besonders am Mississippi, Florida, Georgien etc. Ans d. Engl. Breslau, 1782. ids. 8vo. 2.25 German translation uf the foregoing work. 28 Adams (Hanna), celebrated fmnale writer of Amer., author of Hist, of New England 1799, Hist, of the Jews 1812, cet., — A. L. S. to Rev. Jos. Emerson of Beverley, dat. Boston, Deo. 17, 180C. I p. closely written. 4n. fl.— Very lino letter: \' the greatest attachment I have to life is the affection I feel for a few particular friends; but ... it is out of my power to do them any good. 1 do not feel as if my death would be a veal loss to any one person. However 1 earnestly wish to be able to say, quot;What\'er the colour of my fate. My fate shall be my choice. Determin\'d am 1 while I breathe To praise and to rejoice.quot; 29 Adams (John), Geschied, van het geschil tus-schen Groot-Brittannien cn Amerika, sedert des-zelfs oorsprong in 1754. Amst., 1782. 104 pp. 8vo. With Portr. of J. Adams, bg It. Vinkeles. sd. Uncut. 2.50 (History of the dispute between Or. Brit, and America, from its origin in 1754.) Written in 1774 ; translation from the reproduction in 1775. 30 - Defence of the Constitutions of Government of the United States. London, C. Klly, 1787. 3 vols, calf gilt. 8vo. — Vol. I slightly different in binding. 15.— Presentation-copy of the author to the eminent Dutch publicist J. Lnzac. On the fly-leaf of the |
2d and 3d vol. the autooraph inscription: Mr. Luzac from his friend John Adams. Original edition. — The first volume, being published as a complete work, bears no indication of volume on the title. The 2 subsequent vols, were only written after the first was published. 31 Adams, J., Antwoord op bet werk van Thom. Paine: Rechten van den menscb. Uit bet Eng. Haarlem, 1793. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 (Reply to Th. Paine\'s worii: llights of man.) 32 — Autograph signature. 2.50 Adams probably made use of this signature as a card of introduction to Mrs. Perez Morton, whoso name is inscribed ou the same paper in A\'s handwriting. 33 Adams (J. Quincy), The duplicate letters, the fisheries and the Mississippi Documents relating to transactions at the Negotiation of Ghent. Washington, 1822. bds. 8vo. 3.50 34 —- A. L. S. to Sam. Bell, Governor of N. Hampshire, dat. Washington March 1, 1322. 1 p. fol. 5.50 On the secret Journal of the Old Congress. — Fine Specimen, 35 Addresses and Messages of the Presidents of the United States (from Washington to Van Buren), together with the Declaration of Independence and Constitution ot the U. S. New York, 1839. portr. sheep. 8vo. 2.50 Presentation-copy with inscription from the Historian .f. Ilomeyn Hrodhead, to the Royal Librarian J. W. Holtrop, The Hague, 1840. 30 Aduard (O. A. Lewo v.), Do juris contro-versia Magnam Britanniam inter et eoloniasAmc-ricanas. Lugd. Bat. 1835. 8vo. Thick paper. 1.50 37 Advys op de Presentatie van Portugael. Het Eerste Doel. (No place.) 1048. 21 and 3 uunnmb. pp. 4to. Uncut. — Not in Asher\'s Essnii. 3.— (Advice on the Presentation of Portugal. The first Part.) The Second Part is only mentioned in Triimel\'s Hiblothèque Americaine (nquot;. Ill); a Third Part announced by the author in his scheme, seems not to be published. A Counter-Advice caused by this pamphlet, see Aöher n0. 230. 38 Advysen (Eenige) ende verklaringhen uyt Bra-silie, 19 May 1048, van \'t gepaseerde aldacr. (No place.) 1058. 4 pp. 4to. (Asher N0. 237.) Very rare. 3.-1 (Some advices and declarations from Brazil, on what has happened there, 12—19 May 1048.) 39 Aomilii (Ant.), Dissert, politica, ad Cap. V. Annal. II. Taciti, de maxi mis momentis rei marl-timae in nostra Rep. ad S. P. Q, Batavum. Traj. ad Rhen. 1049. bds. fol. 2.50 Latin discourse with a Greek and Latin poem, all on the victories of the United Provinces by the glorious exploits of the admiral Piet Heyn. |
40 Aon de Iloogh JFoog. Hoeren Staton-Qencraol. -4to. (1674.) 1G pp. 2.50 Request of the slmrcholders of the W. I. 0. for a subvention by the States Gen. — Interesting, as it contains an abriilged liistory of the Company. 41 - The same, amiexeel; an extract (4 pp.) from the resolutions of States Gen. of 1(549, relat. to the pecuniary assistance of the Comp. 3.— 42 Aon-Spracck acn den getrouwen Hollander nopende do Procoduron dor Portugeson in Brasill. \'s Grav., 1645. — Antwoort van den getrouwen Hollander... Ghedr. 1645. — 2 parts in 1. 4to. (Asher. 206 and 207.) 10. - (Address to the faithful Hollander on the pro-ceedimjs of the Fortuyuese in Brazil. - lleply of the faithful Hollander, etc.) Entirely uncut copy of these two rare pamphlets; both very interesting and written by violent adversaries, - - are so closely connected, that they ought always to be kept together. 43 AonwysingG, datnaon van de Oost- en Wost-Indischo Coinpagnien óón Compagnie dione te maken, etc. \'s Gravenh., 1644. 4to. fool uncut. (Asher No. 187.) 36 pp. 2.— {Proof that one Company ought to he formed out of the East- and Wcst lndia Companies.) 4 4--The same. 2do druck vermeerderd on verbetert. Ibid. 2614 (sic! instead of 1644.) 4to. Not mentioned by Asher. 3.— {The same, Id edition enlarged.) 45 Aikln (P. F.), Vergloiehomlo Darstellnng der Constitution Grosz-Britanniens und d. Vor. Staa-ten v. Amerika. Bearb. v. K. J. Clement. Leipz. 1844. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 46 Aitzema (L. van), Historie van Saken van Staet en Oorlogli, in ende omtrent do Vereen. Nederl. beginnende 1621 totl()68. \'sHage, 1657— 1671. 14 vols, in 15. vellum. 4to. 15.— {History of the affairs of Stale and War, of the United Netherlands, 1621 till 1668.) 4 7--The same, with the Supplement by L. Sylvius (1669—97.) s Huge, 1669—99. 11 vols. calf. fol. Best edition. 30,— The high importance of this work consists in its vast mass of original documents, instructions, treaties, memoirs of the ambassadors, resolutions of the States-General etc., which are nowhere else to be found together. The relations of the author with the highest functionaries of the State, enabled him to collect them, and it is a fact sufficiently known, that — where these did not suflice — he even had recourse to corruption and other means in order to get those authentic documents, which make his work one of the richest and most valuable sources existing. It contains numerous pieces concerning New-Ne-therland and the other parts of America, for inst. in vol. 1; The foundation of the West-India Company; Piet Heyn and the capture of the Spanish Silver-fleet; Capture of Oliudo. — Vol. 11; Usselinex and |
the Swedish South-Company. Prince John Maurice.— Vol. HI: Affairs in Brazil. — Vol. IV and V ; Negotiations of Downing and Disputes between the W.lnd. Comp. 48 Albany — Accounts of the annual festivals of the St. Nicholas Society at Albany (founded 1827), in commemoration of the relations with the Netherlands, as part of New Nethorland. 1828—42.— 14 Nos. of the Nederl. Staats-courant and Dagblad van \'s Graoenhage. — V. Veegens, Account of the New York Historical Society. Konst- en Letter-bode, 1845. 2 Nos. 8vo. — In all 17 pieces in Dutch ; bound in 1 vol. bds. 4to. 6.— 49 Albany Gazette, Tuesday, March 19, 1799. 1 sheet. 4to. 4.— Interesting specimen of an American News-Paper cont. tidings from Baltimore, New-York,Bassaterre, on the capture of the French frigate Insurgente, on an insurrection in Northampton County (Pennsylvania), etc. 50 Albertini9,Pr., Opusculuin demirabilibusNouae et Veteris vrbis Romae, editiun a Francisco do Albertinis, clerico Klorentino. liomae, per Jacobum Mazochium, 1510. cloth. 4to. 30.— On leaf 101, a passage referring to Vespuccius. — Harrisse, Bibliotli. Amer. Vetustiss. N0. 64 First, edition. 51 Album Amicorum of P. Scriverius, learned Dutch Historian, whoso many relations with the learned Europe of (ho 17th century have made his Album Amicorum the receptacle of the most illustrious names of his century in every region of Science. It contains no less than eighty-two autograph signed insoriptiona, mostly Greek and Latin poems, proverbs, maxims, aphorisms, etc. etc., by Dutch, German, French, Fuglish, Polish and Kussian scholars. Besides five superior drawings by famous Dutch artists. Item-braces a period of 38 years, from 1600 1638. Together 356 pp. in the original vellum binding. royal Squot;. 350.— To give an idea of the interesting contents of this Album a selection of the names is made, amongst which some deserve a prominent place in an American Collection : JosiiPuus Scaliger, Greek poem aud quotations in 5 Oriental languages. 1601. Herhkrstain, O. 11., V. S., and G. S., (Russian Traveller and family), their devices. 1609. J. liouEciiKR Banning, Dutch poem and Latin letter of 3 full pages, written on the Reoif ue Pernamuuco in Brazil, 30 July 1638. Greek poem. 17 lines, with Russian signature and arms, i). Heinsius, Latin poem of 56 lines. With snbscrip-tion : quot;scripsi Amstelreodamj in domo Austriaca.quot; J. C. Gevartius, of Antwerp, proverbs. 1615. I\'ll. CtiUVERlus, the Geographer, quotations. 1617. W. Bedwelujs, Angina llaslingburiousis, inscriptions in Oriental languages. 1612. P. v, K. (Palamedes v. Keulen, Pseudonym of the |
Dutch poet Joost v. Vondel), poem on the Armi-niau liogerbeeta. (See hi.? works edit, by J. van Lennep II, 322.) Hugo Gkotius, Latin poem of 24 lines. 1616. Is. Massa, Dutch Merchant in Russia, author of the very interesting pamphlet on the discoveries of Hudson, the early Voyages to the North-Pole, cet. : Russian inscription. 1627. — uniquk autograph. P. Clio art de Buzanval, French Minister to Holland, Lat. device. 1601. cet. cet. Of the 5 drawings, we mention: J. van de Velde, portrait of an old man, bust, with interwoven inscription: IVE. 1028. — Splendid drawing in red and black chalk. Exceedingly well preserved. J. van Bouchorst, a Haarlem-artist, whose works, engravings and drawings, are of the greatest rarity, 2 beautiful drawings. P. Saenredam, the famous painter, the Marketplace at Haarlem. — Very line drawing in India-ink and pencil, signed and dated 1629. 52 Alexander (G. W.), Letters on the slave-trade, slavery and emancipation. Lond. 1842. sm. 8vo. 1.— 53 Allen, Will., distinguished author. Pres. of Dartmouth Coll. 1817, of Bowdoin Coll. 1820— 39. — A. L. S. to Silas Durkee of Meredith, dat. Bowel. Coll. July 17, 1824. 1 p. 4°. 1.50 On the course of Lectures in the Medical School of Maine. 54 Allert (L,), Der Dollmetscher in Amerika. An-leitung, die engl. Sprache in kurzer Zeit zu ler-nen. Leipz. 1848. bc/s. 8vo. —.80 55 Almanach (Groote Schrijf-) op het jaer 1641. Ghecalculeert door D. Origanus. Amsterd., C. L. van der Plasse. 1641. set. 8vo. 10.— {The Great W riiing - Almanac gt;.. for 1641. Calculated by D. Origanus.) Perfectly clean copy. — This very rare Almanac contains an Appendix of 10 pp.: Een gedenckwaer-dige bedenckinghe van \'t vinden van de Nieuwe Wereld, dat niet laugher geleden is als omtrent 150 jaren . . . door dir. Columbus. {A memorable ac-count of the discovery of the Ncio World, not longer ago than 150 years ... ly Christ. Columbus.) This Appendix may be had separately for flor. 8.— 50 Almanach (De naauwkeurige Hollandsche) 1779. Amsterd., A. Meyer, (1778.) plates, bds. Ujiwo. 4.— {The accurate Dutch Almanac) Very rare and curious. — Besides a Description of the (14) British Colonies in North America, it contains 12 fine engraved satirical plates on the quot;mode of Head dress of both sexes, for every month in the year, and 2 folding plates representing 12 kinds of hair-dressing of ladies. 57 Almanac Américain, Asiatlque et Africain, ou êtat physique, polit., ecelésiast. et militaire des colonies d\'Kurope en Asia, en AtVique et en Amérique. |
Paris, 1786. 390 pp. hf. calf. 12mo. 2.— At tho tud : Kecueil diplomatique pendant 1785. 82 pp. 58 Almanak (Surinaamsche Staatkundige) voor 1705, door Cli. lirouwn. Paramaribo, (1795.) 8vo. — t\'ery rare, 2.— (Political Surinam Almanac for 1795.) 59 Aloo Americana. — Specimen of this plant in llir Uoyal Gardens of (Jopemck (near Berlin), tho fli\'ut which bore liowern in Europe, from 25 May till 28 Oct. 1712. In the distance the palace and the old-styled gardens. Fine and curious engrav. by J. G. Wolfgang, Berlin 1713. With Lat., Germ, and French inscription. 2 sheets. Very Ig. fol. — Together: 112 by CO centim. 8,— GO -- Another specimen, „dorens in Ilorto Vol- cameriano. Norimbergae. 1720.quot; German engrav., with addr. Number;/ beg J. G. Pusohuer. With German legend. Ig. tol. G9 by 45 centim 4.— G1 -- Another specimen, flowering at Leyden. 1757. Dutch engrav. by A. Delfos. Ig. fol. Coloured. O.\'t by 48 centim. — With separate explanation in Dutch. Hare. 4.— 62 - Tho same plant, differ, engrav. sm. 4°. Copy on satin. Verg curious. Unique. — For: The Dutch Mercury, 1757. 4.— 6 3--Another specimen, blossoming in the Imperial Gardens at Schönbrnmi, near Vienna, 1760. Dutch engrav. by A. Delfos. 1762. With Latin inscription. Ig. fol. 61 by 42 centim. 3.— 64 - Another specimen, flowering at Utrecht (Holland), in 1782. Dutch engrav., with Latin inscription, fol. 43 by 26 centim. 2.— 65 —— Another specimen. In full bloom, at the villa Westermeer, near Haarlem (Holland) in 1825. Lith. by Engelmann. With Dutch inscription. Ig. fol. 1.— This curious collection, Nquot;. 59—65, of plates on the vnrious specimens of the Aloe Americana, which llosscmect in Europe, interesting for the many particulars on its growth, etc., if laken together: fl. 20.— 6f) Alphen (D. P. van), De Novo lielgio colonla quondam nostratlum. Lugd. Bat. 1832. 8vo. 1.75 67 America. — The four parts of the World: Europe, Asia, Africa and America, represented by women in earacteristic attire: America as a naked female riding ou a fantastical animal, in perspective cannibals, light of the natives, etc. — Set of 4 emblematical plates (1—4), engrav. after M. de Vos, by A. Collaert, with address of (\'. J. Visscher. (about 1600). Ig. sq. 4°. — Mounted. Fine and rare. 15.— 68 - Same subject. America represented by a scene of native life. — Set of 4 emblematical plates (1—4 ), with address: C. J. Visscher de Jonge. (1650). sq. fol. 12.— 69 -- The four parts of the World. Emblematical plate; on one column the names of tho 13 Unit. States and of the other different countries |
in America, with flguves of the natives of these regions. Invented by J. G. Visser, engrav. by T. Koning, at Amsterdam 1708. Ig. sq. fol. — With engraved key. Ig. sq. 4°. 3.50 70 - Same subject. America represented by a young girl in native dress. — Set of 4 plates by Jiertrand, with address; Paris, Aumont (about 1800). 4°. 4.-- 71 - Same subject. Africa and America repres. by young girls. 2 lithogr. by Lemurcier. sm. fol. 1.50 72 America. — Maps. — Novissimaetaccuvatis-Hima totius Amcricae descriptio per iV, Visscher, (Amst. about 1670). fol. 54 by 44 cent. — Coloured. — Dedicated to C. J. Wit sen, Director of the Dutch W. I. Comp. 2.50 73 - - Same map, but much more correct, especially N. iVuicr,, and larger, by Danckerts. Amst. (about 1080). fol. 59 by 48. 2.50 74 - Recentissima Novi Orbis s. Amer. tabula, by C. Allard. (Amst., about 1095). sq. fol. 58 by 49. 2.50 In the lefl, hnml corner a small separate map of New-Zealand. 7 5--- Sfimo map, the interior of N. Amer., and the form of S. Amer., corrected by G. and L. Valk. (Amst., about 1740). fol. GO by 49. — Coloured. 2.50 The map of New-Zealand offaeod. 7G - Americae tam Sept. quam Mcrid. delineatio, opera A. V. /urneri. Amst., P. Schenk, (about 1700). fol. 58 by 50. — With engrav. represent. Columbus putting an egg on its point and inscription; quot;Nun kiinnen wirs nlle.quot; — Coloured. 2.50 7 7--Map of the Dominions of tho King of Great Britain in America, by Hekman Moll. (London) 1715. 2 sheets, fol. Together; 102 by 61. — Coloured. — Hart\'. 15.— Tnteretiing map, dedicated to Walter Oowglass, Governor of all the Leeward-Islanila in America, 1711. It has 4 special maps, viz; 1. «Improved part of Carolina with the Settlementsquot; and with the proprietors\' names. — 2. Plan of Charlestown. — 3. Louisiana. quot;With the Indian settlements and the. number of the fighting men according to the account of Capt. \'1\'. Nearn a. o.quot; — 4. General map. — Besides an engraving of the Niagara-fall with view of the industry of the beavers. — In tho upper corner an account of the post-regulations in America in 1715, in 21 lines. 78 - Map of the British Empire in America with the French, Spanish and Dutch Settlements, by II. Popple. Amst. J. Covens lt;)\'• C. Mortier, (about 1737). 4 sheets, \'g. fol. Together; 104 by 114. — Coloured. — Venj rare. 15.— Interesting map, on large scale. With approbating note by Edm. Ualletj, Prof, of Astronomy at Oxford. Each sheet forms a whole, having its own border and Frcnch title (in 3 lines): Nouvelle carle de |
VAmerique on sont ex act r ment marquees,quot; etc. — A complete copy rarely occurs. 79 - Grand theatre do la guerre en Amérique. Amst., It. $ J. Ottens. (about 1760). 6 sheets fol., each 53 by 40. — Coloured. 6.— With special plans of Mexico, St. Domingo, Aca-pulco, Vcra-Crnz, etc. 80 - Map of America. Amst., Is. Tirion. 1754. fol. 36 by 34. 1.— 81 —— Map of tho British and French dominions in North-America with tho roads, distances, limits and extent of the settlements, by J. Mitchell. (London) 1755. 8 sheets, fol. Together: 194 by 134. — Coloured. 15.— Very large lino map giving a variety of indications on the natives, their wars, their clestruetion by tho Frcnch and English, etc. — With approbation of the Lords Gommiss, for trade and plantations, signed by John Potvnall, Secretary. 82 - - Same map, but „ With improremetils,quot; and augmented with special plans of Halifax (Nova Scotia) with vicinity, of Quebec, and of Louis-burg and harbour. Amst., J. Covens and C. Mortier. (1760?). 194 by 134. — Coloured. On cloth. 10.— 83 - Map of the English and French possessions in N. America. Amst., Is. Tirion. 1755. sq. fol. 45 by 36. — Coloured. 1.50 84 - Carte des possessions Angloises et Francoises du Continent dc I\'Amer. Sept. Amst., li. et J. Ottens. 1755. sq. lol. 57 by 41. — Coloured. 2.— 85 - Grand Theatre de la Guerre en Amérique. Amst., R. et J. Ottens. (1700). (i sheets, fol. together 156 by 83. — With 8 separate maps of the Harbours of Acapulco, Vcra-Crnz, Havana, Car-thagena, etc. — Coloured. — Hare. 10.— 86 -- Now map of America. Amst., Tirion. (1765). fol. 33 by 28. — Coloured. 1.— 8 7--Map of America, by /\'\'. de Wit. Amst., R. and J. Ottens, (1765). fol. 60 by 49. — Co 2.— loured. 88 - Map of America, corrected by W. A. 11a- chiene, engrav. by J. t\'. Hagen. 1783. fol. 43 by 35. —.75 89 North America.quot;— „Der Groote Noord Zee wassende-gradc-pascaart nienwlycks beschreven door Jacoh Aertz Colom.quot; [Portulano of the large Northern Sea, latch/ described bijJ.A. (Amsterdam, about 1630). Largo sq. fol. 105 by 82. — Printed on Vellum. Coloured. — Okthk utmost rarity. 35.— Highly interesting and very correct portulano, delineating the whole coast of N. America, from Sir Thomas Smith Sound till Florida. — The names of the various places in Canada, Acadia, quot;Norem-hegaquot; are given in French, those of New-Nether-land (which name however not yet occurs) in Dutch, those of Virginia in English, of Floiiila in Spanish. |
Fukderik Mui,leu amp; C,,
\'JO North-America. — Amériquo Septontrionale, par Sanson. Paris, II. Jaillot. (1695). lol. G5 by 40. — Coloured. quot;i,— 91 - Amérique Septontrionale, par G. de I\'Isle. Amst., P. Schenk. 1708. sq. tol. 59 by 45. \'2.50 92 - Carte de la Nouvelle France ou so voit Ie cours ties Grandes Rivieres Mississippi et S. Laurens, etc. Amst., Gerard van Keuleh. 1120.2 sheets, fol. Together: 99 by 59. 6._ Interesting map of the coiuitries which nre now the United States, with a special map of the Months of the Mississippi and of the coast of Louisiana. Besides a large number of historical annotations f. i. on the fortilled places by the French, etc. 93 - Amérique Septentr., par U. Jaillot. Amst., li. et J. Otlens. {1755V). sq. fol. 57 by 40. — Coloured. 2.— After the map by Sanson, 1096, with but few corrections. 94 - Map of North-America belonging to the Dutch edition (1772) of iJ. Kalm\'s voyage. 1753. sq. fol. 75 by 50. — Coloured. 1.60 95 - America Septentrionalis a d\'Anville in Gallia edita. Noribergae, tlomaun. 1750. sq. lol. 51 by 40. — Coloured. 3.— Published on account of the war. Some historical observations relating to the English aud French claims occur on the map. 90 - Amérique Septentrionale. Amst., Covens ei Mortier. 1757. sq. fol. 02 by 40. — Coloured. 2.50 With separate map of the Northern parts ol\'America. 97 - Carte du theatre do la guerre entre les Anglais et les Amóricains, par Jirion de la Tour. Paris, Esnauts el Rajntly. 1777. High fol. 51 by 05. — Coloured. 5._ 98 - l\'Amérique Angloise, savoir le Canada, la Nouvelle iicosse ou Aeadie, les 13 Provinces Unies. Augsbourg, M. A. Loiter. (1780). fol. 49 by 00.— Coloured. 4..— 99 ---Carte générale des 13 Elats Unis. Amst., 6\'. Mortier el J, Covens et fits. (1783). sq. fol. 57 by 41. — Coloured. 4.— One of the lirst maps of the Independant United States. 10 0-Central-America. — Map compiled from materials furnished by the Committee on Foreign Relations of the Senate of the U. S., under direction of /A\'. F. Palmer. 1850. Very large map, folded aud bound in-8u. cloth. 1.25 101 -South-America.—Mar diAethiopia: the coasts of S. America.— From; Janssonius\'s Larye Alias. 1657. 2.50 102 - Amérique Méridionale, par Sanson. Paris, H, Jaillot. (1095). fol. 05 by 40. — (\'oloured. 3, — Forms with N0. 90 a very line map of the .New World in 2 sheets. 103 —— South-America, by G. de I\'hie. Amst.» P. Schenk. 1708. sq. fol. 59 by 45. — Coloured, 2.— |
104 - South-America, by d\'Anville. Paris, ehcz rAuteur. 1748. 3 sheets, fol. Together; 78 by 123. — Fine map. G.50 105 - South-America. Amst., Covens en Mortier. 1757. fol. 59 by 54. — Coloured. 2.— With topographical annotations on the map. 100 -— South-America, by if. Jaillot. Amst.,\'7J. et J. Ottens. (about 1700). fol. 00 by 48. — Coloured. _ 107 - South-America\'s Central and Southern part. 2 maps embracing the whole of Brazil, Peru, Chili, Paraguay, etc. No place nor date. (About 1845). Each 198 by 80. - Coloured, on cloth, with wooden rolls. 7.50 108 - Maps of the Rivers Amazon, Huallaga, Ucayalli, from the observations of W. Z. Ilerndon. (1851—2). 3 large maps folded and in 8°. cloth. 1.50 109 American Annual Register, or historical memoirs of the United States, for 1790. Philad., Miore/t amp; Madam, 1797. hf. lid. uncut.tH\\\'0. 288 pp. Contaius interesting anecdotes, historical, topograph, and other notices, etc. 110 American Archives: consisting of a Collection of Authenthick Records, State Papers, Debates and Letters, and other noticcs of Publiek Aflairs; the whole forming a Documentary History of the origin and progress of the North American Colonies; of the causes and accomplishment ot the American Revolution, etc. Published by M. St. Clair Clarke and Peter Force. Fourth Series, from March 7, 1774, to the Declaration of Independence. Washington, 1837—40. 0 vols. — Fifth Series, July 4, 1770 to Sept. 3, 1783. Ibid. 1848— 53. 3 vols. — lor/ether 9 vols, in 2 columns, half Russia, fol. 140.___ quot;This great storehouse of liritish Colonial and quot;American history was printed by order of the Uni-quot;ted States üoverntueut, only Jor distribution and quot;not for sale. It was the inteutiou to divide the -work into Six scries, from 1493 to 1789. The nine quot;Volumes described are ail that have appeared, and quot;the further progress of the work is suspensed. The «manuscript of the unpublished series is in the Li-quot;brary of Congress.quot; See; N. Am. Review. XLVI. 475. — Complete series as this are tw;/also in America. 111 American Ephemeris and nautical Almanac for the year 1850. Washington. 1853. sd. roy. 8vo. 600 pp. Publ. Jlor. 0.— 1.60 112 American idol.— Very rough but apparently a facsimile drawing of an American idol, with a Latin description in handwriting of the very lirst years of the 17th century, signed: A. IViijer. — 31 by 21 centim. 2.50 According to the description: — Idolum a K. P. Soc. Jesu ex Occidentali India MeJiolauum allatum meuse Aprilis Amio 1002, fere eaudem longitudiue\'u habuit quam haec ipsius vera efligics,quot; etc. |
113 American Journals etc. — A collcution of \'25 different numbers of various reviews, journals, etc. published at New-Vork, Washington, Philadelphia, Utica, Charleston, Boston, Buffalo, Cleveland, Richmond, etc. 1854:—56. 4.— 114 American pirates. — Bartholomew the Portuguese, Bock the Brasllian, Francois Lolonois, and John Morgan from Walles. — gt;Set of 4 busts, with represent, of their exploits against the Spaniards in America. Old Dutch cngrav. 4°. From: Exquemelin— Amer. pirates. Amsl. 1678. 4°. — Hare. 4.— 115 American Privateer takes an English paquet, 1777, engrav. by S. Fok/ce. sm. 4°. 1.— 116 Amerika, In alle zyne byzonderheden beschouwd, ter verkrijg, eener naauwkeur. kennis van dat thans üoo gerucht maakend land. Am-sterd., P. Meyer, 1780—82. 4 vols. 2 maps. hf. calf. 8vo. ■ 4.50 (America in all its particularities, for an exact knowledge of Has now so rumour-making country.) 117 Amerikaan (De), blyspel. Gevolgt naar het Fransch. 2e druk, verand. eu verbet. Amsteld. 1756. 80 pp. ttneut. 8vo. 1.50 (The American: comedy, translat. from the French. Id edit, changed and corrected.) 118 L\'Amóriquo dêlivrée; esquisso d\'un poëmo sur l\'lndépendance do rAmérique. Amsterd., 1783. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— quot;Au cpic jioem on the revolutionary war with copious historical notes, deJieatod to J. Adams.quot; Sabin. 119 - The same. ;! vols, ealj gilt, gill edges. \'thick paper. 4.50 120 L\'Amérique et 1\'Enrope en 1846, ou Congres de Panama. Par Mr. (J. L... Brux., 1826. 8vo. 121 Ames, Fisher, one of the most eloquent Members of Congress, 1789—97. A, L.S.toJohn Worthington of Springfield, dat. Dcdham, Oct. 10, 1796. 2 pp. 4,\'\'. 5.- On various subjects: quot;This week will produce the first Dedham news-paper, but our own news will scarcely find matter thu fill it. Like Peter Pindar\'s razors, it may do to sell.quot; 12 2--A. L. S. to the same, dat. April 3, 1799. 2}£ pp. 4I,. 2.50 Money-matters. 123 Ames i.W.), Wedcrlegginge van \'t bericht van II. Jung. Amsterd., voor den Autheur, 1662. 4to. 29 pp. 1.50 {Refutation of the report of II. Jung [against the Quakers\'].) 124 Amherst, Jeffrey, Governor of Virginia, Commander of the British forces in America 1758 — 64. — L. S. to Sir Will. Johnson, dat. N. Y. Dec. 20, 1761. 2 full pp. fol. 10.— |
Interesting letter on various transactions with Hie Cherokees, the Six Nations, the Iroquois, eet., probably to sconre their assistance in the war against the French. The Six Nations receice 4\' 1000, the Cherokees clothes, two Iroquois 40 Dollars each, a gun and clothing, eet. cet. 125 Ampzing (S.), West-IndischeTriumph-Basuyne van wegen de veroveringhe der Spaensche Sllver-vlote van Nova Hispania.,. door P. Pz. Ileyn en H. Kz. Lonk. Haerlem, 1629. 4to. With title-plate representing the capture of the Silver-fleet and 2 small portr. of Piet Heyn and Lonk. (AshcrllG.) [The West-Indian Triumphal Trumpet upon the capture of the Spanish Silver fleet.) 18.— Bound up with the Author\'s : Beschrijvinge en de lof der stad liaerlem .... Mitsgad. F. Scriverii Lanre Krauz voor Laurens Koster, (the inventor of printing.) etc. liaerlem, 1628. qilt. plates. 1 vol. calf. 4vo. (Amsterdam\'s Street- Talk, on something New and something Strange.) 127 - Idem, only the top cut. 3.— (Amsterdam\'s table-talk, on something good, something had, and something needful.) 129 - Idem, uncut, with some contempor. Mss. annotations. 4.— 130 Amsterdam\'s Vuur-praetje, etc. Amst. 1649. 4to. Uncut. (Asher N0. 261.) 4.— (A fire-side chat in Amsterdam.) These 3 pamphlets (Nn. 12C, 128, 180) written in the form of dialogues, contain most curious details regarding the West-India Conip., and its affairs in Brazil, somethnes in a very invectivc manner. 131 Amsterdamsche Veerman op Middelburgh. Vlissingen, 1650. 4to. (Asher 267.) 4.— (Amsterdam skipper to Middelburg,) On the Brazilian affairs of the West-India Comp. 132 Anania (Lor. d\'). L\'Umversalc Fabrica del nioudo, overo cosmografia. Venetia, J. 1\'idali, 1576. ital. caract. hf. vellum. 4to. 9.— 133 - Universale Fabrica del rnondo, overo cosmografia. Venetia, Muschio, 1596. vellum. 4to. Fine copy. 10.— Conlains a large description of America. 134 Anburey (.Th.), Voyages dans \'es parties inf\'crieures de l\'Amérique, pendant Ie cours de la dernière guerre, par un Officier de l\'Armée royale. Trad. de l\'Angl. (par Ie lias.) Paris, 1790. 2 vols. hf. calf. map. 8vo. 3.50 135 Anderson (Joh.1), Beschrijving van Ysland, Groenland en de straat Davis. Uit het lloogd. door J. D. J. Amsterd. 1750, map and plates, vellum. 4to, 2.50 Description of Iceland, Greenland and the Strait of Davis. Transl. from the German. |
Contains pp. 244—280 ; Danish, Dutch and Grcen-landish Vocabulary, Grammar and translations. 136 Anderson, The aamB. With the corrections by N. Hoirebow. Amst. 175G. 2 vols, in 1. map and pi. hf. bd. 4to. 3.— 137 Andree (K.), Nord-Amerika in goograph. u. geschichtlichen Umrissen, mit besond. Bortick-sichtigimg der Elngeborcncn u. der Indianischon Alterthiimer. Braunschweig, 1851. K. tó. roy. 8vo. 1.25 138 Andrews (J. D.), Report on the trade and commerce of the British North American Colonies and of the Great Lakes and Rivers. Washingt. 1853. With 4 (large) maps. 2 vols, cloth. 8vo. 900 pp. 5,— 139 Anecdotes secrètcs sur le 18e Pructidor, et nouv. mémoires des Déportós a la Guiane, ócrits par eux-niêrnes, etc. Paris, G\'ujuul, (1799). plate, sit. uncut, 8vo. 1.25 140 „l\'Angloisatoute extrómitez.\'\' — Dutch caricature. 1780: an Englishman in his bed, suffering from colic; a Frenchman wants to assist him but is prevented by an American, a Dutch farmer all the while looking forward to the Englishman\'s vomiting the Act of Navigation. — With French and Dutch explanation, sq. fol. — Very rare. 4.50 141 Annales (NouvoUes) des voyages, delagéo-graphie et de l\'histoiro, ou recueil de relations originates inédites frangaises et étrangéres, etc. Publ. p. J. li. Eyries ct Malte-Brun. Paris, 1819 — 28. 44 vols. 1—26. hf. calf, 27—44 sewed,mayty maps and plates. 8vo. lyantiny vol. 36 livr. 2—3. (or 2e série livr. 17. 18.) 26.— Cont. many pieces ou North- and South-America amongst which for instance, in the first 8 vols.; Alverez du Prado, lies Guaïconras ou cavaliers ludicns (Brazil) — i/etat dc la religion dans les Etats-Unis. — Details sur la Patagonio, — Voyage de liuenos-Ayres ii San-Jago. — Les Ottavas du Lac Huron, — Ziugaris au liresil. — Le Luxe aux Etats-Unis, — La terre australe an sud de 1\'Aiue-rique. Etat de la colonic de Demerary. — Indiens du fleuve Colombia. — Seorosby, Les courants et les airimalcules de la Mer du Groenland. — Les Ca-pitaneries de Para et de Solimoens au Bresil, etc. 142 Annales Hydrographiques, recueil d\'avis, instructions, documents et mé.noires relatifs a l\'hy-drographie et a la navigation. Paris. 1849—50. 4 torn, in parts. Maps. 8°. (20.—) 3.— 143 Annals of the Minnesota Historical Society, 1856, containing Materials tor the History of Minnesota. Prepared by Edw. 1). Neill. St. Paul, 1856. large 8v0. plates. 2.50 144 Anslijn Nz. (N.), Beschrihing der Washing-tons- en Sandwicheilanden, en van bet Pitcairn-eiland. Leyden, 1834. 6 col. plates, sd. 8vo. 1.— {Description of the llrashinytons-and Sandwich\' islands, and of the Piicairn-island.) |
145 Anson (ö)., Reize rondom de wereld gedaan in 1740—44. Opgesteld ui.\' de papieren van Lord Anson zeiven door R. Walter. Uit het Eng. vert. 3o druk. Leiden, 1765. hf. calf, maps and many flutes. 4to. 4.— {Voyage round the world in 1740—44, Composed from the papers of Lord Ahsux himself by R. IValter, Transl. from the Engl. 3d edit.) This is the translation of Anscns\'s original account, much more ample and trnstworthy, than the antc-rior relations of his voyage. (See followiug Nos.) 14 6--Vierjarige reistocht naar do Zuid-Zee of genoegzaam rondom de waereld, 1740—44. Uit het Eng. Delft, 1745. portr. 4to\' 2,50 (A four year\'s voyage to the South-Sea or almost round the world, Transl. from the Engl.) 147 - The same. 2d edit, augin. and corrected. Ibid. 1749, portr, and plates, 4to. 2.50 lu this edition we find au account of the shipwreck uf the IVai/er iu the South-Sea. This tract, although mentioned likewise un the title of the 1745 edition, is not in the above copy of that edition. 148 Antidotael-Memorio, betreff. dc prysen door de Engelsche oorlogschepen goinaekt op schepen komende uit de West-indien, \'s Grar., 1758. tol. 1.50 (Ani \'idotal memoir on the prizes ma ie hy the English men-of-war, of Dutch vessels coming from the JVest-Indies. In favour of the English.) 149 Antilles Francoises et Isles voisines, par G. de I\'Isle. Amst., J. Covens en (■\'. Mortier, (about 1740). ( oioured. map. fol. 45 by 59. 2.— 150 Antwoordt op sekeren brief Eulalii, verva-tende de redenen waerom dat men met den vyandt in geen conferentie behoort te treden. 1629. 4to. (Asher Nquot;, 126.) 2. — (Answer to a certain letter of Eulalius, contain, the reasons, why not advisable to enter into transactions wiih the enemy.) 151 - The same, other edition, with slight difference in the title. 4to. — Not cited by Asher. 2.50 152 Antwoord .,, op de memorie van conside-ratlen van Uewindhebberen der West-hul. Comp. Amst., 1791. 8vo. 52 pp. i.__ {Reply ... to the memorial of consideration of the Governors of the IV. I. Comp.) 153 Antwoort van den getrouwen Hollander op den „Acnspraeck van den Ik etgebaeckerden Hoi-„lander.quot; 1645. 4to. (Asber Nquot;. 207). 6.— {Reply of the faithful Hollander to the address of the hotheaded Hollander,) 154 Antwoordo van de Staten Gcnerael tegens tversoeck wegens den Koninck van Portugal... om restitutie van Conchin... met bet geenc verders omtrent quot;s Nederlants vrije navigatie oi) do Brasilien past. Schiedam, L. Lambertsen, 1664. 4to. II pp. 2.50 {Reply of the Stales Oen, to the King of Portugal\'s request for the restitution of Couchin ... |
Very rare, only 60 cofies being \'printed. Contains the very full bibliographical description (in French) of de Veer\'s Voyage to the North (in Dutch) 1598 and 1G05, and Houtman\'s Voyage to E.-India: in Dutch 1597, 1598 ; in Latin 1598; in Frcnch 1598. 180 Asmodóe New York. Revue critique des institutions polit. et civiles de rAmérique, vie publ. et privée, moeurs, eoutumes, anecdotes romanes-ques, etc. Paris, 1868. 503 pp. hdamp;. 8vo. 2.— 190 Asplund (John.), The Annual Register of the Baptist Denomination in North-America to the first of November 1790. {Bated:) Southampton-County, Virginia, July 14, 1791. ZTwcw/. 4to. 60 pp. the last two erroneously page/1 69 and 70. 10.— Very rare and curious. This is the first list of Baptists in America ever published, containing a detailed account of all the churches in the different Slates, counties, towns and Indian settle-meuts, their constitutions, dates of foundation, the ministers\' names, number of each congregation and also quot;remarks upon practical religion.quot; In the preface the author calls himself » Sweede.quot; — B. Benedict in his History of the Baptist Denomination says of him: quot;Thii Register cost the author about //7000 miles\' travel, chiefly on foot . .. The Baptist //churches of America have reason to respect the me-*niory of this diligent inquirer into their number, «origin, character, etc. His Register has been of pe-//culiar service in the preparation of this work.quot; 191 Association, or public virtue displayed in a contrasted view.quot; — 15 Febr., 1780. English caricature: a procession from York, London, etc., by J. S. Publ by J. Wilton, sq. fol. 1.50 192 Atlantis. Journal des Neuesten u. Wissens-würdigsten aus d. Nord-u. Süd-Amerikan. Reiche. Leipzig, 1*27. Vol. I. II. part 1. sd.Syo.pp.W— 104 of vol I. wanting. 2.50 Publisli id by E. F. Rivinui at Philadelphia. Contains a. o.: Topograph. Skiz/.e der Gegend um Ta-lahassee in Florida. — Zustand d. Malerei in Penn-sylvanien — Die Creek-Indianer in Georgien. — Die Universitat von Charlottesville, etc. etc. 193 Atlas. — Historical, Chronolog. and Geographical American Atlas, being a guide to the history of North and South America, and the West-Indies, exhibiting an accurate account of the discovery, settlement and progress of their various kingdoms, states, provinces, etc. According to the plan of Le Sage\'s Atlas. Philad., H. (■. Carry and J. Lea, 1822. 53 coloured maps, with text, hf.calf. large fol. 5.— 194 Atlas belonging to the prize-essay on the Dutch discoveries and the original Dutch names of the discov. islands, capes, etc. by Bennet and van Wijk. Dordr. 1829. 7 plain maps. fol. With the prize-essay. 8®. — Vncut. 4.50 A map of New-Netherland — of the Dutchquot; discoveries in the Polar regions — of their surveys of |
Greenland and Spitzbergen — Cape Horn, Strait Magellan and Le Mai re, etc. 195 Atlas tot opheldering der: Hedendaagsche Historie, verbeterd door W. A. Bachiene, gegrav. d. J. v. Hagen. Amst. 1785. 37 Plain maps, and a Supplement treating exclusively on America, with 32 plain maps. hf. hound. Uncut, fol. 12.— {Atlas elucidating to work: Recent history, revised by W. A. Bachiene, engrav. by J. v. Hagen.) Interesting for America as published just after the Revolution. It is one of the first Atlases with maps of the independent United States. 190 - Same Atlas. Only the Supplement on America. 25 maps. Vncut. 7.50 197 Atlas of the American States. W ei mar, Q en graph. Instilut. (1825). hf. bd. fol. 10.— Collection of 30 Amer. maps, each in a border formed by a German text, giving physical, political and historical particularities. No title. 198 Atlas of the U.States of N.America, by Prof. 11. Rogers and A. Keith Johnston. Loudon. 1857. hf. calf. fol. — 29 Maps. (27.50) 5.— 199 Atlas van omtrent honderd platte gronden der voornaamste vestingen, kasteden en steden van Europa, de Nederlanden en eenige Koloniën. Amst. (1790). 8°. half bound. 5.— {Atlas of about 100 plans of fortified places in Europe and some Colonies.) Among the 100 plans and maps, 14 of American places occur, (on 7 sheets) viz.: Carthagena, Lima, All Saints Bay, Brazil, St. Salvador, Cayenne, the Fortress of Cayenne, Surinam, Berbice, Paramaribo, Curafau, Demerary and Essequebo, New-Orleans, Mouth of the Mississippi. 200 Attlbert (Fr.), Vier jaren in Cayenne. Amst. 1863. roy. 8vo. (1.25) —.75 {Four years in Cayenne.) Translated from the journal of a French exile. 201 Aubéry, Louis Sr. Du Maurier, French Ambassador to the Dutch Unit. Provinces, Historian, d. 1687. — A. L. S. (in French) to Mr. de Péquzé, Counsellor of the Court of Parliament in Provence, dat. The Hague, Dec. 15, 1618. 2 closely written pp. fol. — With seal. —A copy in modern handwriting is appended. 20.— Highly interesting lettkii, giving the opinion of Maurice of Orange, Sladtholder of the Unit. Prov. on the voyages undertaken to find a passige to the East-Indies by the North; some information on the passage discovered by I. Le Maire, and the quarrels between W. C. Schouten and Le Maire, concerning the publication of Schouten\'s voyage: quot;qui est fort defectueuse Vayant mise an jour audevunt de Isaac le Mere avec lequel il a fait ce voiage, dequoi ledic le Mere est fort déplaisant et pour y remedier est rcsolu de faire imprimer la sienne tout au long en jlamand et en Latin, cet.quot; (See for both publications infra.) |
202 Auckland, the Capital of New Zealand, and the country adjacent: including some account of the gold discovery in New Zealand. Lond. 1853. map and plates, cloth, am. 8vo. (3.GO) 2.— 203 Auffenberg (J. v.), Dev Flibustier odcr die Eroberung von Panama. Komantisches Trauer-splel. Hamborg. 1819. hf. calf. Bvo. 1.— 204 d\'Aunet (L.), Voyage d\'une femme an Spitz-bcrg. 2e edit. Paris, 1855. hf. mor. gilt. 8vo. 1.90 205 Avanturen van de kleine Scipio, of Historie van de bereisde Kat. Zinnebeeld, en vermakelijke geschiedenis, getrokken uit een Amerikaansch Handschrift. In Holland (no place.) 1783. 93 pp. 8vo. 4.50 (Adventures of the little Scipio, or history of the travelling cat. Emblematical and pleasant tale, from an American Manuscript.) Curious and scarce pamphlet. — Scipio, taken on hoard of a Dutch man of war bound for England, tulls his adventures to Milady North, goes with Admiral Kodney, to America, meets General Arnold, Washington, etc. 200 Aysma (J.), Spiegel der Sibyllcn, van vier-derley vertooningen. Amst. 1085, 4 part. 938 pp. numerous fine engraved copperplates of religious cere-•taonies, a. o. in Florida, Mexico, etc 4°. 5.— (Mirror of the Sibyls, in four different representations.) This work treats of the different religions in the world and their ceremonies; the Sibyls and their prophecies ; all illustrated by many plates. 207 Aztecs (Histoire des). Paris. 1855. 24 pp. 12mo. Fery rare. 1.— 208 —— Mémoire illustré d\'une expedition remar-i|uable dans l\'Amórique centrale, la découverte de la ville d\'lximaya, et deux merveilleux Aztecs; (léerlte p. J. L. Stephens et d\'antres. Trad, do I\'EBpagn. de Velasquez. Amst. 1857. 44 w. woodcuts. 8vo. — durioHS, Rare. Printed at the occasion of the exhibition of two Aztecs at Amsterdam in 1867. 209 Baanman (Th.) — Ongelukkig of droevig verhaal v. h. schip de Gouden Hays, uitgevaaren ten dienste d. O. I. Comp. in 1093 onder \'1\'. liaanman, volgons de beëedigde verklar. v. D. Silleman en 1gt;. Thys, die alleen v. 190 zielen zyn overgebleven. Amsterd., Gysb. de Oroot en A. van Dam. (1718.) 4to. 2.50 (Unhappij and sad narrative of the ship called the Golden Pipe, which set sail in the service of the E. I. C. in 1694, under T. Jiaanman, according to the sworn declarations of 1). S. and L. T. who alone survived of 190 men.) 210 - The same. Amst., S. en IF. Koene, 1790. 4to. In vellum-wrapper. — Popular edition. 2.50 211 Backhouse (Sam.) A narrative of a visit to the Australian Colonies. London, 1843. cloth, maps, 15 etchings, several woodcuts. 8vo. 5.50 |
212 Baeck, (M.), De topasio caeruleo Brasiliensi. Aboae. 1818. 4to. —.70 213 Baers (Joh.), Olinda, gelegen int landt van Hrasil... met manneljjeke dapperheyt ...inghe-nomen .. door D. v. Weerdenburg. Amst. 1638. 4to. (Asher N0. 141.) 15.— (Olinda, situated in the land of Brazil... happily conquered with manly bravery ... ly D. van It-\'rerdenburg.) An excessively rare little pamphlet, containing a detailed account of the taking of Pernainbuco by tbo Dutch, the first place they retook after being expelled iu 1020. The author accompanied the expedition as minister, bis narration has therefore a special value. 214 Baird iH.), De la religion aux Etats-Uniu d\'Amii-riquo. Origine et,progrèa d.tóglisos Evangél., leurs rapports avec l\'État, etc. Trad, de l\'Angl. p. L. Barnier. Paris, 1844. 2 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 216 - Kerkelijke geschied., statistiek en godsdienstig loven der Vereen. Staten. Schoonhoven, 1840—49. 2 vols. in 3. sd., map. 8vo. (8.—) 2.50 Dutch translation of the preceding. 210 - Geschied, der matigheidsgezelschappen in de Vereen. Staten. Utrecht, 1837. 8vo. (1.25) - .75 (History of the Temperance Societies in Ihe United Stales.) 217 Bancroft (E.), Essay on the natural history of Guiana in South America, with an account of the manners and customs of the Indian Inhabitants. Lond., 1709. calf, plate. 8vo. 2.50 21 8--Naturgesehichte von Guiana in Siid-Ame- rika. Aus d. ICngl. Frankf. u. Leipz. nw. vellum. 8vo. 1.25 210 - Natuurlijke geschied, van Guiana. Uit het Eng. Utrecht, 1782. bds. 8vo. 1.50 Dutch translation from the Engl,, of the preceding. 220 Bancroft (G-.), History of the United States from the discovery of the American continent. London, lioutledge, 1854—01. Vol. 1—G (till 1775.) cloth. 8vo, (10,50) 7.— 221 Bank of the U. St. - Report on the condition (and history) of the Bank of the United States. Philad. 1822. 8vo. fFith the documents. 2,— 222 Barclay (R.) Epistoia amatoria nee non con-sultoria ad legates Magnatum Europao, do pace Christianor. consultandi gratia, Noviomagi congresses. Rotterd., 1078. 4to. 2.— Written from his gaol in Aberdeen in Scotland to the l)cpnteelt; for the peace between Holland, Franco and England, assembled at Nymegen in ilnlland. 223 - Verantwoording van de ware christelyko godgeleerdheid, gelijk dezelve gepredikt word van het volk, spotsgewyze Quakers genaamd. Uit het Latyn vert, door J. II. Qlazemaker. 2do druk. Amst,, 1757. hf. calf. 4to. 2.— (l\'indicntion of the true Christian Theology, as preached by Ihe people, nicknamed Quakers. Translated by Glazenmaker.) The preface is dated 1675. |
224 Barclay (R.), \'J\'lie same. Vncut. 4to. 2.50 225 Bajeri (J. Q.), Synopscos et examlnis tlieolo-ginc Knlhusidstarum seu Quakeroruni, praecipiie li. Barclaü, disscrtationes VI. Jenae, 1701. calf. 4to. 2.50 226 - Collatio doctrinae Quakeronim et Protes- tantium, una cum barmonia orroruin Quakeronim et Heterodoxoruiu aliorum. Jenae, 1094. 4to. 2,— 227 Barbinais (L. G. de Lat, Nouveau voyage autour du monde. Paris, 1728. 3 vols, calf (jilt, ma/is anti views. 8vo. 2.— A large part of the 1st aud 3d vol. treats of South-America. 228 Barlaeus (C.), Rerum per Octo-ennimn in Brasilia et alibi nuper gestarum, sub praefectura Co-mitis J. Manritii Nassav... historia. Arast. J. J3laeu, 1647. calf or vellum, fol. 20.— With beautiful portrait of Prince John Maurice by T. Matham, large map and 50 very fine plates etched by the renowned painter I\'. Post, who ae-cuinpanied Prince Maurice in Brazil. A work uf historical value, almost the only and the best authority upon the events of that period. Not common, a quantity of copies having been consumed in 1072 by the fire, which destroyed the warehouses of the publisher. — A Chilian vocabulary will be fonud on pages 283—8\'J. 23 1--The same Work. Editio 2a. Clivis, 1660. hf. Id. portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 4. — This 2d edition is augmented with the natural history of the country, by G. Piso. The Chilian-Iiatin vocabulary fills p. 474—491. 232 - Brasilianisehe Qeschielite, bey achtjahriger in selbigen Landen gefiiliroter Regierung llerrn Johann Moritz zu Nassau. Cleve, Tol). Silberliny. 1659. vellum, portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 6.— First German edition, contain, the same plates as the Latin of 1600, and being much scarcer. 233 - Triuinpluis super eapta Olinda, Pernain- buci urbe, lacti (sic!) tlucibus Lonckio et Waar-denburgio. Lugd. Bat. Ex offic. G. Ilasson, 1030. sd. fol. 8 pp. — Rarissime. 10.— 234 Barlow (Joel), The Columbiad. A poem, with the last corrections of the author. Paris, 1813. plates and portraits, calf gilt, (jilt edges, large imper. 8vo. 5.50 Fine copy of a splendid edition on vellum paper, illustrated with portraits of Franklin and Washington, etc. 235 - Author of The Columbiad, 1807, Chaplain in the Revol. War 1778—83, Minister to France 1811. —A. L. S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of N. Y., dat. Washington, Jan. 17, 1800. 1 p. 4°. 5.— On the eucuurageinent to line aits in America, cet. 236 - Aut. Billet Signed, no address, nor dato. 1 p. 8°. 2.50 quot;Continue to boste and bang me when you can and try to get me more correct.quot; |
237 Barnard (Edw.) New, complete History of England, from the earliest period of authentic information, to the middle of the year 1783. Bond. 1782. 710 pp. maps and upwards of 100 portraits and plates, on copper, engraved bg the first artists for this work. calf. fol. — Perfect copg. 12.— With portraits and dresses, relating to the «present, verg important crisis \\ viz; Portr. of an Ame-rieau General and rifleman. General taken prisoner, American colonies declared independant. Surrender of Earl Cornwallls in N. Amer., Count de Grasse delivering his sword to Admiral Uodney, Engagement of Capt. Pearson with Paul Jones, Death of Mayor Andre, Attack on Bunkers Hill, etc, etc. 238 Barnard (J. Q-.), The Peninsular Campaign and its antecedents, as developed by the lieport of Maj.-Gen. G. B. Me del Ian, and other documents. N. York, 1864. cloth. 8vo. (3 50) 1.50 239 Barnes, Albert, Presb. Clergyman at Mor-ristown and at Philadelphia, 1825 -70, author of the popular Nftes on the N. Test., firm antagonist of slavery. — A.L.S. to Rev. Rob. Baird of Prin- cetown, dat. Morristown, Oct. 7, 1828. 1 p. 4°. jgt;t_ On an exploring tour in behalf of Sabbath schools. 240 Barriore (P.), Nouvelle relation de la France Equinoxiale, conten. la description des cotes de la Guiane; de I\'isle de Cayenne; ... les inoeurs et coutumes des peuples sauvages . .. Paris, 1743. 19 maps and plates, calf 8vo. 2.75 241 Barros (Giov. di), L\'Asia. Nuovam. U lingua Portoghese trad, de A. Ulloa. Vcneziu, V. ^al-grisio, 1561. 2 vols, in 1. vellum. 4to. 6.— This Italian edition has not been completed, it contains only Uteado T, II. — See for America: Vol. I. leaf 55—57. (Voyages of Columbus), leaf 85—88. (Discovery of Brazil by 1\'. Alvarez.) 242 Barrow (J.), Chronological History of Voyages into the Arctic Regions, chiefly for discovering a North-East, North-West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. Loud. 1818. map. Ids. 8vo. 3.-— 243 - Besuch auf d. Insel Islands, 1834. Stuttg. 1880. music and fig. sd. 8vo. 1.— 244 Barthema (L. di). Seer wonderiycke zee- en landt-reyse in de Morgenlanden, Syrien, Persien, Indien, Egypten, enz. Uyt hot Ital. vert. Utrecht, 1C54. 3 parts in 1 vol. Il\'il/i plates. 4to. 3.50 (ilronderf at voyages and travels through the Eastern countries, Syria, Persia, India, Egypt etc.) 245 Barton, Memoir on the American Alligator. Philad. 1812. 8vo. With plate. 20 pp. Printed fur the author. — Rare. 1.50 246 Bar tram (W.), Voyages dans les parties Sud de rAinérique Septentrion., les Carolines, la Gé-orgie, les Florides, les pays des Chérokées, des Creek et des Chactaws. Trad. p. P. V. Benoist. Paris, an vu (1799.) 2 vols. sd. uncut, large map and plates. 8vo. 3.— |
quot;A most interestinfc work to lovera of natural history, especially of Botany.quot; Lowndes. 217 Bartram (W.), Reizen door Noord- on Zuid-Carolina, Georgia, Oost- on West-Florida, onz. Haarlem, 171)4. 2 vols, in 1. hf. bet. uncut, map. 8vo. (5.—) 1.80 Dutch translation of the prtccdiug. 248 Battles in Brazil, fought by Colonel Arcis-zewsly. Commander of the Dutch W. I. Troops, against the Spanish General Don Luis da RocJias. 1036. Plan of the battleground with the position of the armies, sq. fol. 2.— 249 Battle of Bunkershill. Death of General tVarren. 1775. J. Trumbull px., engrav. by J. G. Muller. — Fine impress, but stained. )g. sq. fol. 4.— 250 - Same subject, same disposition. French litli. by Ostervald. With Spanish and French subscription. sq. fol. 2.— 251 Battle of Quebec. —Death of Ooncral Montgomery. 1770. J. Trumbull px., engrav. by J. J. Clemens. Publ. by A. C. de Poggi, March. 1798. Very Ig. sq. fol. 10.— With rare key in outlines and names of the persons represented. 252 Battlefields of the South, from Bull Run to Vredoricksburg; with sketches of Confederate Commanders and gossip of the camps, by an Kn-glish combattant. Lond. 1803. 2 vols. maps, cloth. 8vo. — One map wanting. (12.00) 4.— 253 Baudartius (Gul.), Memoryen ofte Cort ver-hacl der gedenckweerdichste so kerckl. als weroltl. gheschiedenissen van Nederland, Vranckryck, Hooghduytschland, Gr. Brit., Hispan. .. . 1603— 1024. 2d od. Arnh. en Zutpli. 1624—25. 2 vols. fine portr. of the author, and many other portraits, bds. uncut, fol. — little stained by water. — Scarce. 10.— (Memorials of the most remarkable ecdesiast. anil worldly occurrences in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Gr. lirit., Spain, etc. 1003—24. id ed. augment.) These chronicles by an highly esteemed author, contain an ample description of the armies and Ueets in Brazil, in 1024. Vol. 11, Book XVI, pp. 72—100 and elsewhere. 254 Baumann (L. A.), Abriss der Staatsverl\'assung dor vornehmsten Liinder in A\'.rika u. Amerika. Brandenb. 1V76—38. 2 vols. bds. uncut, 8vo. 2,50 255 Baumbach (L. v.). None Briefe aus d. Ver-ein. Staaten von N.-Amerika. Cassol, 1850. 8vo. (1.90) 1.25 256 Bayard (F. M.), Voyage dans I\'intérieur des E tats- Uil is, a Bath, Winchester, dans la vallée le Shenaiidoha, etc. en 1791. Paris, 1797. sd., uncut. 8vo. 1.80 257 Bayer (P. W.), Keize naar Peru, 1749 -70. Amst., 1782. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 (Voyage to Peru, 1749—70.) Pages 157—59 treat of the Quichua-laugunge, with the Pater-Noster in yuichua. |
258 Beatson (AÏ.), Naval and Military memoirs of Great Britain, 1727-1762. Lond. 1790. 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 2.— 259 Beauoliamp (A. de), Histoire de Brêsil depuis sa dócouverte jusqu\'en 1810. Paris, 1815. 3 vols. hf. calf, map and 2 plates. 8vo. 3. — 200 Beaulieu (A. van) Rampspoedige scheepvaert naar Oost-Indien, niet veele aanmerk, bosehryvin-gen dor plaatsen, inwoondera, etc. lilt hot Fransch vert, door J. H. Glazemakcr. Amst., 1009. plates. 4to. 3.— (Unfortunate voyage to East-India, with descriptions of the places, inhabitants etc. 201 Beaumarchais (P. A. Caron de). Observations sur lo Ménioire justificatif de la Cour de Londres. A Lond., a Philad., et partout, 1779. 8vo. 1.25 quot;Apologie de la conduite de la France, relative-ment ii riusnrrection des colonies Anglalses.quot; 202 Beaumont (G. de), Marie on Tosclavago aux Etats-Unis. Bnix. 1825. 2 vols. hf. calf. 12mo. 1.50 263 [Beaumont (S. de)], Pertinente Boschryvinge van Guiana, gedegen aan de vaste kust van America. Hier is bygevoeght der Participanten pro-fyten ... als oock de Conditiën van de Staten van Ilollamlt voor die gene, die nae Guiana be-geeren te varen. Amst., ./. Claesz ten Jloorn, 1070. 4to. XII ami 55 pp. With a map and view of the coast of Guiana on the title, hf, vellum. Very fine copy. — Rare. 27.50 (Accurate description of Guiana, situated on the coast of America, IVith addition of the projds of the shareholders, and the Conditions for those, who wish to sail for Guiana.\') 204 Bechor (Joh. Joach.), Politischer Discurs von den oigcntlichen Ursachen doss Aull- u. Ab-nehmens der Stiidt, Lander u. Kepublicken. 2te Edition. Frank!\'. 1073. vellum. 8vo. about 1300 pp. Highly interesting for the documents relating to Guiana. — The whole 5th part (pp. 909—1272) treats of transmarine commerce, and the foundation of a German Kast- and West-India-Company, the plan of a Colony in Guiana. The author gives all the (locumeuts relating to this affair, and many others especially on the Dutch West-India Comp., the colony of Gerhier etc., for inst.; pp. 1052—79 Translation of I.a Barre\'s Relation de la Guyane.—■ pp. 1138—50 Privileges of the States General of Holland for founding a German colony in Guiana within the limits of the West.-lnd.-Comp. Translated from the Dutch, (Is the original Dutch ever priu-ted ?) — pp. 1213 —18 Translation of the Privileges granted to B. Gerhier, ctc. 205 - The same. 3d edition. Ibid. 1088. vellum. 8vo. 6.— 266 - The sauio. 4tli edit. Ibid. 1721. 8vo. 6.— 267 -Narrischo Weissheit u. weiso Narrheit. BARTRAM — ÜlieiIEK. |
224 Barclay (R ), The same. Uncut. 4to. 2.50 225 Bajeri (J. Q.), Sjaiopaeos et examlnia thoolo-giae Knthusiastarum sou Qiiakeroruin, praecipue K. Bnrclaii, dissertationes VI. Jenae, 1701. calf. 4to. 2.50 226 •—— Collatio doctrinae Quakerorum et Protes-tantium, una cum harmonia errorum Quakerorum et Heterodoxorum aliorum. Jenae, IGOi. 4to. 2.- 227 Barbinals (L. G. de Lal, Nouveau voyage auteur du monde. Paris, 1728. 3 vols, calf (jilt, mafs and views. 8vo. 2.— A largo part of the 1st ami 3d vol. treats of South-America. 228 Barlaeus (C.), Rerum per Octo-ennium in Brasilia et alilii nuper gestarum, sub praefectura Co-initis J. Mauritii Nassav... historia. Amst. J. Jilaeu, 1647. calf or vellum, fol. 20.— With beautiful portrait of Prince John .Maurice by T. Matham, large map and 50 very fine plates etched by the renowned paluter Post, who accompanied Prince Maurice in Brazil. A work of historical value, almost the only and the best authority upon the events of that period. Not common, a i|uaiitity of copies having been consumed in 1072 by the fire, which destroyed the wurchonaes of the publisher. — A Chilian vocabulary will be found on pages 283—81). 23 1--The same Work. Editio 2a. Clivis, 1600. hf. btl. portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 4. — This 2d edition is augmented with the natural history of the country, by G. Piso. Tho Chilian-Latin vocabulary fills p. 474--491. 232 - Brasilianische Geschiohte, bey aclitjiihrlgor in selbigen Landen gefiihreter Reglerung Herrn Johann lloritz zu Nassau. Cleve, Tub. tSilberliny. 1650. velltim, portr., maps and plates. 8vo. 6.— First German edition, contain, the same plates as the Latin of 1600, and being much scarcer. 233 - Trinm phus super capta Olinda, Pernam- buci urbe, I\'acti {sic!) dueibus Lonckio et Waar-deuburgio. Lugd. Bat. Ex o-ffic. G. ISassun, 1030. sd. lol. 8 pp. — Rarissime. 10.— 234 Barlow (Joel), The Columbiad. A poem, with the last corrections of the author. Paris, 1813. plates and portraits, calf gilt, gilt edges, large imper. 8vo. 5.50 Fine copy of a splendid edition on vellum paper, llustratud with portraits of Franklin and Washington, etc. 235 --Author of The Columbiad, 1807, Chaplain in tho Kevol. War 1778—83, Minister to France 1811. —A.L. S. to Sam. M.Hopkins ofN. Y., dat. Washington, Jan. 17, 1800. 1 p. 4°. 5.— On the eucouragenient to line arts in America, cet. 236 - Aut. Billet Signed, no address, nor date. 1 i). 8°. 2.50 quot;Continue to boste and bang me when you can and try to get me more correct.quot; |
237 Barnard (Edw.) New, complete History of England, from the earliest period of authentic information, to tho middle of the year 1783. Lond. 1782. 710 pp. maps and upwards of 100 portraits and plates, on copper, engraved bg the first artists far this work. calf. fol. — Perfect oopg. 12.— AVith portraits and dresses, relating to the «present, verg important crisis \\ viz: Portr. of an American General and rifleman, General Lec taken prisoner, American colonies declared independant. Surrender of Earl Cornwallis in N. Amer., Count de Qrasse delivering his sword to Admiral Rodney, Engagement of Capt, Pearson wilh Paul Jones, Death of Mayor Andre, Attack on Bunkers Hill, etc. etc. 238 Barnard (J. G.), The Peninsular Campaign and its antecedents, as developed by the Report of Maj.-Gen. G. B. Mc Clellan, and other documents. N. York, 1864. cloth. 8vo. (3 50} 1.50 230 Barnes, Albort, Presh. Clergyman at Mor-ristown and at Philadelphia, 1825 -70, author of the popular Ndes on the N. Test., Hrm antagonist of slavery. — A.L.S. to Rev. Rob. Baird of Prin-ectown, dat. Morristown, Oct. 7, 1828. 1 p. 4°. 2.— On an exploring tour in behalf of Sabbath schools. 240 Barriure (P.), Nouvelle relation de la France Equlnoxiale, conten. la description des cótes de la Guiane; de I\'isle do Cayenne; ... les moeurs et cofitumes des peuples sauvages ,.. Paris, 1743. 19 maps and plates, call. 8vo. 2.75 241 Barros (Giov. di), L\'Asia. Nuovam. 11 lingua Portoghoso trad, de A. Ulloa. Vcnezia, V. Val-grisio, 1561, 2 vols, in 1. vellum. 4to. 0.— This Italian edition has not been completed, it contains only Decade I, II. — See for America: Vol. I. leaf 53—57. (Voyages of Columbus), leaf 85—88. (Discovery of Brazil by P. Alvarez.) 242 Barrow (J.), Chronological History of Voyages into (he Arctic Regions, chiefly for discovering a North-East, North-West, or Polar Passage, between the Atlantic and Pacific. Lond. 1818. map. bds. 8vo. 3.— 248 - Besuch auf (1. Insel Islands, 1834. Stuttg. 1886. music and fig. sd. 8vo. 1.— 244 Barthema (L. di). Seer wonderljjcko zee- en landt-reyse in do Morgonlaiulen, Syrien, Persien, Indien, Egypten, enz. Uyt hot Ital. vert. Utrecht, 1654. 3 parts in 1 vol. With plates. 4to. 3.50 (U\'ondcyful voyages and travels through the Eastern countries, Syria, Persia, India, Egypt etc.) 215 Barton, Memoir on the American Alligator. Philad. 1812. 8\\\'o. ÏVith plate. 20 pp. Printed for the author. — Rare. 1.50 246 Bartram (W.), Voyages dans les parties Sud de lAmérlque Septentrion., les Carolines, la Gé-orgie, les Florldes, les pays des Chérokées, des Creek et des Chactaws. Trad. p. P. V. Benoist. Paris, an vu (1700.) 2 vols. sd. uncut, large map and plates. 8vo. 3.-— |
quot;A most interesting work to lovers of natural history, especially of Botany.quot; Lowndes. 2t7 Bartram (W.), Reizen dooi- Noord- on Zuid-Carolina, Georgia, Oost- en West-Klorida, enz. Haarlem, 17114. 2 vols, in 1. hf. bd. uncut, map. 8vo. (5.—) 1.80 Dutch translation of the preceding. 248 Battle in Brazil, fought by Colonel Arcis-zewsky. Commander of the Dutch \\V. I. Troops, against the Spanish General Don Luis de liochas. 1036. Plan of the battleground with the position of the armies, sq. fol. 2.— 249 Battle of Bunkershlll. Death of General IVarren. 1775. J. Trumbull px., ongrav. by J. G. Muller. — Fine impress, but stained. Ig. sq. fol. 4.— 250 - Same subject, same disposition. French lith. by Ostervald. With Spanish and French subscription. sq. fol. 2,— 251 Battle of Quebec. —Death of General Montgomery. 1770, J. Trumbull px., engrav. by J. J. Clemens. Publ. by A. C. de Poggi, March. 1798. Very Ig. sq. fol. \' 10.— With rare key in outlines and names of the persons represented. 252 Battleflelds of the South, from Bull Run to Vredericksbiirg; with sketches of Confederate Commanders and gossip of tho camps, by an English combattant. Lonrt. 1803. 2 vols. maps, cloth. 8vo. — One map wanting. (12.00) 4.— 253 Baudartius (Gul.), Memorycn ofte Cort ver-hael der gedenekweerdichste so kerckl. als wcreltl. ghoschiedenissen van Nederland, Vranckryck, Hooghduytschland, Gr. I5rit., Hispan. ... 1003— 1024. 2d ed. Anih. en Zutph. 1024—25. 2 vols. fine portr. of the author, and many other portraits, bds. uncut, fol. - little stained by water. — Scarce. 10,— {Memorials of the most remarkable ecclesiast. and worldly occurrences in the Netherlands, France, Germany, Or. Brit., Spain, etc. 1003—24. id ed. augment.) These chronicles hy an highly esteemed author, contain an ample description of the armies and fleets in Brazil, in 1G24. Vol. 11, Book XVI, pp. 72—100 and elsewhere. 254 Baumann (L. A.), AbrissderStaatsverfassung dcr vornehmsten Liinder in Afrika u. Amerika. Brandenb. 1V76—38. 2 vols. bds. uncut, 8vo. 2.50 255 Baumbach (L. v.). None Briefe aus d. Ver-ein. Staaten von N.-Amerika. Cassel, 1850. 8vo. (1.90) 1.25 256 Bayard (F. M.), Voyage dans l\'intérieur des Etats-Unis, a ISath, Winchester, dans la vallée lo Shenandoha. etc. en 1791. Paris, 1797. sd., uncut. 8vo. \' 1.80 257 Bayer (p. W.), Reize naar Peru, 1749-70. Amst., 1782. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 (Voyage to Peru, 1749—70.) Pages 157—59 treat of the Quichuu-langunge, with the Pater-Noster in Quichuo. |
258 Beatson (Al.), Naval and Military memoirs of Groat Britain, 1727—1762. Lond. 1790. 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 2.— 259 Beauchamp (A. de), Histoire de Brésil dépuis sa découverte jusqu\'en 1810. Paris, 1815. 3 vols. hf. calf, map and 2 plates. 8vo. 3. — 200 Beaulieu (A. van) Rampspoedige schcepvaert naar Oost-lndion, met veele aanmerk, bcschryvingen der plaatsen, invvoonders, etc. Uit het Franseh vert, door J. II. Glazeinaker. Amst. 1009. plates. 4to. 3,— {Unfortunate voyage to East-India, with descriptions of the places, inhabitants etc. 201 Boaumarchais (p. A. Caron d9). Observations sur lo M(lmoire justiflcatif do la Cour do Londres. A Lond., a Philad., ct partout, 1779. 8vo. 1.25 »Apologie de la conduite de la France, rolative-ment a l\'iusurrection des colonies Anglaises.quot; 202 Beaumont (G. de), Marie ou I\'osclavagoaux Etats-Unis. Brux. 1825. 2 vols. hf. calf. ]2ii.o. 1.50 263 [Beaumont (S. de)], Pertinente Beschryvinge van Guiana, gelegen aan de vaste kust van America. Ilior is bygevoeght der Participanten i)ro-fyten ... als oock de Condition van de Slaton van Ilollandt voor die gene, die nao Guiana be-geeren te varen. Amst , Claesz ten Hoorn, 1070. 4to. XII and 55 pp. fVith a map and view of the coast of Guiana on the title, hf. vellum. Very fine copy. — Hart\'. 27.50 {Accurate description of Guiana, situated on the coast of America. IVith addition of the profits of the shareholders, and the Conditions for those, who wish to sail for Guiana.) 264 Bechor (Joh. Joach.), Politischor Discurs von den eigentlichen Ursachen doss Auti- n. Ab-nehmens dor Stiidt, Lander u. Republieken. 2te Edition. Frank!\'. 1073. vellum. 8vo. about 1300 pp. 10.— Highly interesting for the documents relating to Guiana. — The whole 5th part (pp. 909—1372) treats of transmarine commerce, and the foundation of a German Kast- and West-India-Company, the plan of a Colony in finiana. The author gives all the documents relating to this affair, and many others especially on the Dutch West-India Comp., the colony of Gcrhier etc., for inst..- pp. 1052—79 Translation of La Barre\'s Kelatiou de la Gnyane.—• pp. 1138—50 Privileges of the States General of Holland for founding a German colony in Guiana within the limits of the West.-Ind.-Comp. Translated from the Dutch, (Is the original Dutch ever printed ?) — pp. 1213 —18 Translation of the Privileges granted to B. Gerhier, etc. 205 - The same. 3d edition. Ibid. 1088. vellum. 8vo. 0.— 266 - The same. 4th edit. Ibid. 1721. 8vo. 6.— 267 - Narrische Weissheit u. wcise Narrheit. |
Frankfurt, 168S. Ids. 16mo. — Hare. B.— Very curious contniuing an account of disoovcrica, invcutioun, etc. which have been declared quot;feolishquot; at first, and have turned out very reasonable, and vice-versa. We find amongst them : Nu. 2. Various voyages and discoveries in the East- and West-Indies. — N0. 4. Prince llupprechts Beaver-Company in America. 5. The Dutch colonisation of Guiana, etc. 208 Bochlor (Gust. R.), Atlas showing battles, engagements and important localities, connected with the Campaigns in Virginia. Philad. 1804. 10 plates doth. sin. sq. 4to. — Plate 10 wanting. (11.20) 2.50 209 Beckmann (J.), Litteratur der alteren Keise-beschreibungen. Gött. 1808. 2 vols. /lt;/. calf. 8vo. 3.50 This is not a simple nomenclature, but rather a critical review of some of the most interesting voyages, as: Sagard, Voyage au pays des Ilurons. 1033. — Voyage of Martinière. — Mocqnet, Voyages anx hides Occid. et Orient. Kouen, 1045. — Relations du Brésil. 1051, etc. 270 Bedenckingo over d\'antwoordt d. Bewint-hebbera vande Oost-lnd. Comp... belang, de combinatie der twee Compagnien. \'s Gravcnb. 1644. 4to. (Asher N0. 202.) 2 50 {Reflections on the answer of the Directors of the East-Ind. Camp, concern, the combination of the two Comp.) 271 quot;Bedlam of the world.quot; — Dutch caricature with Engliscb subscription. King George dozing and signing the manifest against Holland; whilst the candlestick tumbles down, one of his Ministers reads a paper, headed: „gewapende Neutraliteitquot; (armed Neutrality) of the Europ. continent during the Amer. war which highly aggravates another Minister. Invented and cngrav. by P. Dutsman. (Pseudonym.) 1781. sq. 4° —- fine and rare. 6.— 272 Begin en Voortgangh v. de Vereen. Geoctr. Oost-Indische Compagnie. Vcrvatcnde de voor-uaamste Keysen by de Inwoond. ders. Provinciën derwaerts gedaen. Nevens beschryv. d. Rycken, Eylanden, en/.. In 2 din. (met 14 en 12 Voyagien.) (Amsterdam) 1045. 2 vols. aqu. 4to. — Very rare. 230 maps and plates. Fine copy. hf. calf (jilt. {Tide N0. 4.) \' 55.- {Orii/in and progress of the United Octr. East India-Company; comprising the principal I\'oyagi/s thither by the inhabitants of these Provinces. Ifit/i descr\'-ptions of the States, Islands, Government of those nations, etc. In 3 vols, (comprising 11 and 12 Voyages.) This collection is one of the most valuable ever mode in any language. It comprises the most interesting voyages to the East and North, and, besides the Journals of the 20 Voyages mentioned on the title, the book contains short narratisns of nearly 1Ü0 miuor voyages as appendices to the other ones. 16 |
All these journals are either reprinted with slight varitions from the original editions, or from the autograph iMSS. placed at the disposal of the editor, or from personal narratives of the voyagers made to him. The compiler is the learned Isaac Commelin at Amsterdam. The vast mass of plates and maps in this work, are either copied from the original editions, or from the autograph maps of the navigators. The collection was first published in 1645, as some very rare titles bear that date. The edition with the year 1040 is that generally found, but very fine copies are rare in consequence of the frequent usage of these volumes. 273 —— Same work. Edition of 1046. 2 vols, old calf. gilt. Very neat copy. (Tielo N0. 6.) 33.— 274 - Same work. Edition of 1046. 2 vols, vel- lavi or calf. Ordinary copy. 20.— 275 Behr (Joh. v. d.), Diarium, oder Tagebuch, fiber dasjenige, so sich zur Zeit einer neunjahrigen lieise zu Wasser u. Lande, in Dienst der Niederl. Ost-lndian. Compagnie... zugetragen. Jena, 1008. vellum, plates and portr. 4to. — Hare. 5.— 270 Belknap, Jeremy, distinguished Historian, founder of the Massachus. Mist. Society. — A. L. S. to Mr. David Mc Clure of Portsmouth, dat. Dover, Febr. 14, 1774. 4quot;. 3.75 277 Bellegarde (Abbe de), Histoive universelle des voyages. Amst., 1708. calf. 8vo. 2.— Vol. I. (all published) treating exclusively of America; Extracts from Petrus Martyr on the discovery of America; the account of 1\'. Cortez of the discovery of New-Spain, etc. 278 Bellot (J. R), Journal dun voyage anx inera polaires, a la recherche de Sir J. Franklin, 1851— 52. Préc. d une notice s. I\'autcur, p. J. Leincr. Paris, 1854. portr. and map. hf. mor. uniut. 8vó. 2.50 279 Beltrami (J. C.), A pilgrimage in Europe and America, leading to the discovery of the sources of the Mississippi and Bloody River. Lond: 1828. Vol. I. bds., plates. 8vo. 1.50 280 Benedict (D.) A general History of the Baptist Denomination in America and other parts of the world. Boston, 1813. 2 vols. mlf. 8vo. 18.— First edition, very rare, not mentioned by Rich ; it contains matters which have been omitted in the subsequent reprints.) 281 Benezet (A.), Observations sur 1\'origine, les principes et 1\'établisscment en Amérique des Quakers. Lond. 1817. övo. 1.50 282 Bennett (G.), Acclimatisation: its eminent adaptation to Australia. A lecture delivered in Sydney. Melbourne, 1802. 8vo. 1.— 283 - Rules and objects of the Acclimatisation Society of Victoria, with the report at the first general meeting, etc. Ibid. 1861. 8vo. —.00 |
296 Berbice.— Map of the Colony. Amst., ü. amp; ƒ. Oitens. 1740. Large sq. tol. 97 by 47. 3,— With special map uf the coast from Rio Berbicc till Kio Marawiui, aud separatey printed list of the plantations aud the names of the proprietors. 297 - Same map, later edition. Amst., U. amp; J. Ottens (1763). — Same size. 2.— With engraved account of a Negroe-insurrection, 25 Kebr. HtiS. — Tbo printed list not republished. 298 -- lierblce and Surinam, with plan of Paramaribo. Amst., {Tiriun. 1755). fol. 40 by 34. 1.50 299 - Berbice and Surinam. Without name or place. (Amst. 1780.) fol. 65 by 45. 2.— With separate plan of the llcrnhut-colouy Pil-gerhuth. 300 - Berbice. Map of the Colony, after the surveys of Wiedeman and Koelofa, by Major v. Bou-chenroeder. Amst., Mortier, Covens amp; Z. 1802. fol. 59 by 59. 3.50 The proilucticns of the plantations are indicated by different colours. — Un a separately printed sheet the names of the plantations and their proprietors. 301 Borckel (P. J. van), first Dutch Minister to the U. S. 1783. — Dutch emblemat. platu: a man of war surrounded by Tritons, ongrav. by K. 1\'. Bendorp. 8quot;. 1.— 302 - His first audience in America, 1783, en- grav. by 11. Vmkeles. 8°. 1.— 303 Bergh (L. Ph. C. v. d.), Nederlands aanspraak op de ontdekking van Amerika voor Columbus. Arnli. (1850). 8vo. 1.— {The claim of Nelherlund to the discovery of America before Columbus.) 304 Borghaus (H.), Almanach auf d. Geblete der Erd-, Liindcr-, Volker- u. Staatenkunde. Uotha, 1837—41. 5 vols. With maps, plates and portraits of J. Cook, F. Drake, Frobis/ter, etc. 4.— 305 Berkeumoyor, (P. L.), Lu curieux antiquaire ou recueil géograph. et histor. des choses les plus remarquables dans lea quatre part, de I\'Univei\'s. Leide, 1\'. v. d, Aa, 1729. 3 vols, vellum, plates. 8». 3.50 Pp. 984—1031 aud 3 plates treat on America. At the end of the last vol. the publisher has added a complete catalogue of the maps, plates, portraits, views etc., be has published, very interesting as we find in it the exact enumeration of the plates of most of v. d. Aa\'s great publications, for iust.; the collection of voyages by Dapper, Nieuhoff, Monta-nus etc. 306 -- The Same. 3 vols, old calf. 8vo. 2.— Without the catalogue of the publisher. 307 - Neu vermehrtur curieuser Antiquarius, ... zum 7den Mahl vermehret. Hamburg, 1738—42. 2 vol. vellum, plates. 8°. 2.50 The second volume is entitled ; Forlsetzung .... di Menkwiirdiykeiten in Asia, Africa und America, |
Pp. 333—384 of this vol. treat on America. Vau der Aa\'s catalogue is not reproduced in this edition, 308 Bernagio, Sebast. (Curacovia Amerieanus), Do fidejussoribus. Lugd. Bat., Ahr. Elzevier, 1705. calf extra, richly gilt. 4to. 1.26 309 Bornhard, llerzog zu Sachsen-Weimar-Eise-nacli. Keise (lurch Nord-Amerika. Ilerausgeg. von H. Luden. Weimar, 1828. 2 vols, sd., plates and maps. roy. 8vo. 2.— 310 - Rcize naar en door Noord-Amcrika. Dordr. 1829. 2 vols, sd., plates. 8vo. 1,50 Dutch translation of the preceding. 311 Boschrijviago van eenigc voorname kusten in Oost- en West-Indien, als Zuriname, Niouw-Nedorland, Florida, Kuba, Brazil, Suratte, Madagascar, Batavia, Peru en Mexico, Van haar ge-legentheid, aart en gewoonte der volkeren, enz, Leeuwarden, 1716. /ƒ. vellum. 4tg. (Aahcr N0. 19,) (Description of some principal coasts in East-and West-India, as Surinam, New-Netherland, Florida, Cuba, Brazil, Peru, Mexico, etc. On their situation, the manners of the inhabitants, etc.) Interesting volume. The description of New-Ne-therland fills p. 50—76. 312 Beschrijvinghe van Virginia, Nieuw-No-dorlandt, Nieuw Engelandt, en d\'eylanden Ber-mudes, Barbados en S. Christoffel. Amsterdam, J. Hartgers, 1651. 4to. If itli, map, a Yie\'v of N. Amsterdam and engravings repres. the aboriijmes, etc. 225.-- (Description of Virginia, New-Netherland, New-England, and the islands of Bermuda, Burbadoes and St, Christopher.) One of the most interesting, scarcest, aud first books on New-Netherland. — See cn it at large: Asher\'s Essay Nfl. 6. 313 Beschryvinghe vau Moscovien ofte Ruslandt en Weghwyser om te reysen door Moscovien enz. na Groot Tartaryen. Amst., ff. J. Saeghman (1663.) bds. 4to. (Tide Nquot;. 208.) 20.— (Description of Moscovy, or Russia, and guide for travelling through Moscovy lo Great Tartary.) One of the rarest of Saeghumn\'s publications. — This work is u reprint of J. Danckaert\'s description of Moscovy, first printed in 1615. In the collection of voyages by Saeghman is auo-ther edition of this book, of 40 pp. only, .n which the 1st or historical part is omitted. 314 Bosohryvingo (Korte en wouderlycke) vau de seltsame wanschepsels van menschen, die gevonden worden in het coninckryck Guianae, aen het Meyr Parime. Alsmede van de Satyrs, en van de Vrouwen die Amazoonen genoemt worden. Amsterd., O. J. Saeghman (about 1663.) plates. 4to. (Short and curious description of the monstruous men, who are found in the Kingdom Guiana, near the lake Parimei also of the Satyrs and women |
called Amaiones.\') This is by fur the rarest of all the parts of Saegh-mnn\'s collection of Voyages, to which it forms the last part. The curious subject must have given to this work as chapbook, a gtvat number of readers and caused the present rarity of it. 315 Boughem, C. a, Bibliographia historiën, ehro-nolngica CX fieoyrnplnca Anist , Jipu\'i Jansson. Waes-bnrgios. 1085. vellum. 12°. — Contains many interesting accounts on Bh\'au and other Atlases, having been published by the successors of Bleau\'s competitors. 310 Beulloch (M.), La Moxiqno en 1823, on vo-yaK\'o dans la Nouvelle Espagne. A v. des pièees justiflcat. ot dos notes p. Sir John üyerley. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1824. 2 vols. 8vo. and Mlas of 20 fartly colour, plates. 4to. hf. id. 4.— 317 - Mexico in 1823, of rois door Nieuw-Spanje. Delft, 1825. 2 vols, sd., uncut, plates. 8vo. 2.— Dutch translation of the preceding work, augmented with historical annotations by the author and the translator. 318 [Beverley (R.)] Histoire de In Virginie, ... trad. d\'Angl. Amst., 1\'h. Lomhrail, 1707. 15 plates including frontispice; old calf. Svo. 5.— Esteemed work for the informations on Ihe Native Indians, their religion, laws and enstoms. The plates are copied from those in the collection of Voyages by de IIry. — The author, a native of Virginia, died 1716. 319 - The same. Amst., CI. Jordan, 1712. Xhplates. old calf gilt. sin. 8vo. ft.— Same edition as the foregoing, with a changed titel. 320 Beyer (M.), Auswandernngsbueh nacli America u. Texas. Leipzig, 1846. sd. 8vo. -—.50 321 Bibliotheca Americana. Catalogue of a valuable collection of books, pamphlets, MSS., maps, engravings and portr., illustrat. the history and geography N. and S. of America and W.-lndia, by J. Russell Smith. Lond. 1865-67. 6508 and 892 lots. hf. calf. 8vo. 4.— 322 - Catalogue of a private Library comprising a large assortment of rare and valuable books relating to America. N. York, Leaviit, Strehergh amp; Co., 1870. 1262 lots, with the prices- 8vo. 2.50 Important collection of valuable works. 323 Bibliotheca Mejicana. A Catalogue of an extraordinary collection of books and MSS., relating to the history and literature of N. and S. America, particularly Mexico. Lond., Puttick amp; Simpson, 186!). 2!)02 lots with prices and pur- \' chasers\' names, cloth. 8vo. Important coll ction formed by Rev. A. Fischer, the confessor of the unfortunate Emperor Maxiinilian of Mexico. 324 Bibliothóquo gcogniph. et instructive ou re-cneil de voyages intéressants dans toutes les par- |
ties du monde. Paris, 1804—7, 74 vols, sd., maps and plates, sm. 12mo. 8.— 325 Billiard (A.) Voyage aux Colonies orientales on Lettres éerites des iles de France et de Bourbon. 1817—20. Paris, 1822. sa 8vo. 1.50 326 Bion, (A.), rUsage des glooes cólestes et ter-restres et des spheres. Paris, 1099. 2 parts. 1 vol. plates, vellum. 80. 1.50 327 Eissolii (Joa ) Argonaut icon Americanorum, sive historia periculomm Petri de Victoria ae so-ciorum ejus. Monachii, 1047. vellum, front, and map. l2mo. 4.50 Not in Sabiu\'s Bibliothccn Americana. Priced in Stevens\' N nggets £ 1.11.6. 328 - Ie ar ia, Recusa Allopoli (Monachii?) 1667. vellum, map. 24mo. 1.50 Description of- and stay at an imaginary island. 320 Blaeu (W. J.) — Terrestrial and Celestial Globes by Guilielmus Janssonius Blaeu. Amsterdam, 1509—1603. Both coloured and illuminated, with brass meridian; in the origina1 wooden stands. Diameter: 34 centimeter. — In excellent state of preservation. — unique. 500.— Sec on the high importance and the exceeding rarity of Blaeu\'s Globes, Mr. P. J. 11. Baudefs Prize-essay on the Life ami Works of W. J. Blaeu, Utrecht 1871, 8°, pp. 35—52. Notwithstanding Mr. Bau-det\'s utmost exertions, he could find in Holland but two pairs, one in the Astronomical Observatory at Lffiden, the other in the Physical Museum at Amsterdam. As to the importance of Blaeu\'s Globes it will snftice to say that they form the second link in the chain of which the celebrated Globe of Martin Be-haim at Niirnbcrg (1402) is the first. All links laying between these, viz. the work of Schoner, Gemma Frisius, G. Mercator, Jodocus Ilondius and of M. Florentius van Lang eren, are lost and gone, with exception of 3 Globes of different date in the Ducal Library at Weimar, and a Globe by van Langeren in the Library at Gent. This last however, not being anterior to the year 1617, is nothing more then contemporaneous to these by Blaeu. (See Baudet, p. 35—37). Blaeu\'s Globes are formed by engravings pasted on wood; in this way, he was able to introduce each progress, made in the Geographical Science of his days, by correcting the original copperplates and giving then new editions of his Globe. The present specimen still bears on the Earth-globe the date of the first edition: quot;1599quot;, under the inscription, beginning: „Spectatori meo S. Ilanc torrae marisque faciem qui aspic is sic inspice ne dispicias ■ mult a hie mutata {sed nihil temere) quae nisi attendas facile fugiant. etc.quot; — This copy, however, is not of so early a date: the almost correct delineation of America even with the Strait of Le Maire, Staten-Island and the Islands of Bar nevelt, all discovered in 1016, proves that we have here a revised edition quot;multa hie mutataquot;, as the above cited inscription |
tells. The year 1620 will not be far from the truth. Tn another inscription on the Earth-glebe the »immortal e nomen et gloriam incomparabilemquot; of Columbus are mentioned, besides the discoveries of Ma-gellaen, Cortez, the English, and last: quot;his demum passi groviora Batavi\\ the unsuccessfull exertions of the Dutch, to find a passage by the North-East to the Indies (1594-90), ending with the energetic advicej: «male coepisti si hie sist as: Durum hoc sed per dura ; ne cede malis, sed contra audentior ito. Fata viam expedient.\'\'\'\' On this Globe a posterior adress of J. de la Feuille, map and printseller in Amsterdam in 1680— 1700, is afterwards pasted, telling, that he sells -tons Globes et Spheres que defunt J. Blaeu a laissé de plu si ears Autheursquot; The Celestial Globe is of the highest interest to the History of Astronomical Science. The date of publication //1603quot; is still preserved on it. It offers the result of Blaeu\'s residence and studies at liven, (about 1591) in the Astronomical Observatory of Tycho Bra me, as is stated in the inscription; quot;Sphaera stellifera ..... a Guilielmo Janssonio, magni Tychonis quondam discipulo, accuraiissime disposita, etc. Sec on Blaeu\'s friendship with Tycho Brahe (whose portrait occurs on the globe): O. J. VoetiuSy De Scientiis mathematicis, p. 263, and J. F. Foppens, Biblioth. Belgica, p. 408. An examination of Blaeu\'s Globes, preserved at Leyden and Amsterdam, and those in my possession, offer many variations. Also the size widely differs, — Each may thus be considered as nearly unique. 330 Blaou, (W. J.), Tweevoudigh onderwijs v. de Hemelsche en Aerdsche Globen, na Ptolemaeus en Copernicus. Anist., W, J. Bleau. 1G38. vellum, woodcuts. 4°. 1.60 {Twofold instruction of the\'celestial and terrestrial globes, after Ptolemaeus and Copernicus.) 331 - Same work. Amst., J. Blaeu. 1055. woodcuts. 4°. 1.50 332 - Institutie astronomica de usu Globorum et Sphaeraruin coolest, et terrestr. Latine redd. aM. Hortensio. Ainst., J. et C. Blaeu. 1040. vellum. With Jigg. 8°. 1.50 333 - Same work. Amst., J. Blaeu. 1G52. Uncut. With figg. 8°. 1.50 334 - Same work. Amst., J. Blaeu. 16G8. vellum. With figg. 8°. 1.50 Blaeu wrote this manuel for those who bought his globes. The editions (in Dutch: 1620, 1647, 1655, 1666, 1669, etc. — in Latin: 1634, 1640, 1652, 1655, 1668 etc., and in French: 1642, 1658,1669 etc.) offer no variations. The Latin edition is augmented with a prefage by Hortensius, the translator. (See Baudot, pp. 45—52.) 335 Blaeu (W. J.), Zeespiegel, inhoud, een korte onderwysinghe ende konst der zeevaert en be-schryv. der seen en kusten v. de Oostersche, |
Noordsche en Westersehe schipvaert. Amst., 1627. Vol. I and lil (6 parts) in 1 vol. vellum, maps. fel. — 2 leaves (pp. 1, 2 and 31, 32 of part I) wanting. Rare. 8.— {Mirror of the sea, contain, a short instruction in the art of navigation and a description of the seas and coasts in the Fast, North and West.) With autograph of E. de liuyter, son of the celebrated Dutch Admiral. 33G BlaeuJ.),Theatre du monde ou nouvelAtlas, etc. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1G38. 2 vol. vdlum^ gilt edges, 204 coloured maps roy. tol. — French text. 18.— William Jansz. Blaeu commenced his renowned cartographical publications in the early years of the 17th century; in 1606 he had already published a map of the World, followed by several other separate maps, which he united, in 1631, into an Atlas entitled: Appendix Theatri Orielii et Atlantis Mer-catoris, containing 103 maps. This work, now of the utmost rarity, forms the starting-point for Blaen\'s set of Atlases. The firm of J. Janssonius and //. Hondius, who had continued to publish the old maps of Mercator and Rondius (see infra) tried in vain to beat the new competitor by editing a similar Appendix of 106 maps, in 1633. Both, Janssonius and Blaeu, continued in doing their utmost to outdo each other, by enlarging, correcting and refining their Atlases, even by pirating each other\'s publications, untill that of Janssonius reached at last its tenth volume (the Or bis Antiquus), to which he afterwards (in 1661) added Cellarius, Har-monia Macrocrosmica; the Atlas of Blaeu reached the highest pitch by the magnificent Latin edition of 1665, in 11 vols., to which he added the Thea-trum TJrbium (of the 17 States of the Netherlands) in 2 vols., that of Savoye and Pieraont in 2 vols, and of Italy with Naples in 3 vols., all large folio. The present edition is the Appendix of 1631, but remoulded and augmented; it gives 14 maps of America: General map; Nova Belgia et Anglia Nova; W. Indian-Islands; the Bermudas; Virginia; Nova Hispania et Nova Galicia ; Granada and Popayan; Venezuela; Guiana; Brazil; Paraguay and adj. couu-tries; Strait Magellan and Lc Maire, Chili, Peru. Blaeu\'s maps excel by an accurate and very artis-tical execution; almost each map is adorned with figures bearing on the customs of the inhabitants or the productions of the soil. — See on Blaeu\'s Atlases: Clément, Bibl. Curieuse, IV, 267—^-76, and Baudel\'s Biogr. of Blaeu. Utrecht. 1871. pp. 7 6—114. 337 - Theatre du monde, ou nouvel Atlas, etc. Amst., J. Blaeu, 1G45—55. 6 vols, gii\'t vellum. Fine copy with 412 plain maps. roy. fol. — French text. 20.— The 2 volumes of the foregoing edition are here increased unto 6, divised: T, 2 parts in 1vol. ;(1j^ part): The Northern and Eastern parts of Europe (Arctic regions, llussia, Poland etc.), 20 maps; Germany, 65 maps; (2öf part): the Low Countries, 36 maps. — II. 2 parts in 1 vol. (1^ part): France 48 maps; (2rf part): Spain, 13 maps; Asia 11 maps. FllEDElUK MULT-ER amp; 0°., BLAEU. |
Africa, 5 maps; America, 15 maps (Genera! map with 10 figg. of natives and 9 plans of cities, New-Netherland with N. Engl, (quite another map as that by Visschar. Asher\'s List n0. 7.) W. Indian Islands, Bermudas, Virginia, Florida, N. Spain, Grenada and Popayan, Venezuela, Guiana, Brasil, Para-guaya, Straits of Magellan and of Le Maire, Chili. Peru.) — III. Italy, 51 maps, Greece, 4 maps; Gr. Britain, k maps. — IV. England, 03 maps, with extensive description by Camden. — V. Scotland, 46 maps, (by Janus Gordon^\', Ireland, 5 maps. — VI. China and Japan, 17 maps (by M, MartiniuSy Soc. Jes.) The text is not limited to the geographical description only, giving likewise historical and other notices. 338 Blaeu,(W J.), The same. French text.(S vol. vellum, gilt edges, plain maps. roy. f\'ol. 22.50 Same division and same maps as in the foregoing M0. 339 - Tooneel des Aerdrycx ol\'te Nieuwe Atlas. Joh. Guil. fil. Blaeu, 1(549. 0 vol. vellum gilt, gill edges. Very fine copy. roy. fol. 400 plain maps. 20.— {1 he aire of the World or New Atlas.) Same division and same maps as foreg.: only 6 omitted, viz. I. Northern parts 19 instead of 20.— In III the 4 maps of Gr. Britain omitted, and IV contains C2 instead of (53 maps. 340 - Atlas Major sive Cosmographia Blaviana. Amstelod. 1002. 11 vol. gill vellum, gilt edges. Very fine cojnj with coloured maps. roy. lol. — Latin text. 70.— Collation: I. Map of the Globe; Arctic Kegions 6 m.; Norway 7 m.; Denmark 23 m. (With BrahPs Observatory, etc. See note to iS\'0. 343); Schlesvic 21 m. — 11. Sweden 10 m.; Russia 7 m.; Poland 10 m. ; the Danube and adjacent countries 5 m. ; Greece 0 m. — nr. Germany 95 m. - IV. Bel-gia Regia 35, Foederata 20 m. — V, England 58 m. — VI. Scotland 4\'J in , Ireland 6 m. — VII. France CO in., Switscrland 7 m. — VIII. Italy 62 m. — IX. Spain 29 in. (with the 7 plates of the Escnrial), Africa 13 in. — X. Asia 11 id., China and Japan 17 m. — XI. Treats wholly on America; 387 pages text with the 23 maps as in the Dutch edition. See N0. 343. See on the Latin text the note of N0. 343. 341 - Le grand Atlaa, ou Cosmograpbio Blavi- ane. Amstcrd. IOCS. 12 vol. in vellum. Coluured maps. roy. lol. — Text in Fkkncii. — Kaiik. 110.- Almost the same division as the Latin edition, a few alterations excepted. I. 01 maps. — II. 39 m.— III. Germany has heen angmentud with 13 maps, in all 105. — IV. 02 in. — V. 58 m. — VI. 55 m. — VII and VIII. contain France and Switzerl. 70 m., (which form but one vol. in the Lat. edit.) with other and much augmented text. — IX. Cl m. - x. 42 in. — XI. 28 m. —XII. America with 23 m., and the text translated from the Latin. |
342 Blaeu (W.J.),Grooten Atlas oft Wereltbeschrij-vingr. Amsterdam. 1604—05. 9 vol. gilt vellum, gilt edges, Bkauiiful copy, The maps exquisitely illuminated in colors and gold.— Dutch Text. 55.— 343 - The same. A fine copy, vellum, with coloured maps. 45.— {Great Atlas, or description of the World.) Blaens Great Atlas surpasses by its snmptuousness and correctness all similar pnblicutions of equal extent, up to our time. The part treating on Amorica may be regarded for tlio specialities it gives of 1\'^ ortll-Aruorica as Ww first Atlas of what are now tlie United-States, in the same sense as Wytlliet may be called the first special Atlas of America in general. The contents of this edition is as follows: I. Map of the Globe; Europe, Arctic regions 8 maps ; Norway S m. ; Denmark 22 m. (Amongst which Tycho Brake\'s Astronomical Observatory at liven, and his astrom. instruments, 15 plates^; Schlesvic 21 m.; Sweden 10 m.; Russia 8 m.; Poland 11 m. (the Borysthenes in 4 m., Crimea etc.) — IT. Germany 10(5 in. — III. The Spanish Netherlands and Unit. Prov. G5 in. — IV. England 62 m. — V. Scoihmd 46 m., Ireland 6 m. — VI. France (gt;7 m. (19 in. more than in the edition, in 0 vol.)— VII. Italy (50 m., Grecce C m. — VITT. Spain 28 m. (amongst which the Escnrial iu 7 plates); Africa 13 m.; Amorica 23 m. (the 15 maps of the edition in (5 vol. augmented with a general map of A., the Canibal Islands, Guatemala, Bahia de Todos I. Santos, Capitania di Cirii, Fernamhuco (2 beautiful maps], Paraiba.) — IX. Asia 11 m., Sina 16 m. The text of the Latin and of the French edition is nearly the same, the latter being in most volumes a translation of the former. It contains a geographical and a historical account of the lands, f. i. on the trials of the first colonists, the founding of New-Amsterdam, New-Plymouth, Ja mestown, etc. The text of the Dutch edition is somewhat abridged. 344 —— Atlas Major, sino Cosmographia Blaviana en la qual exact, se descrive la tierre, ei mar y el eielo. Amstcrd. (1650—72). 10 vol. hf. bound. Uncut. Plain maps. roy. fol. — Text in Spanish. 70.— This edition is of the highest rarity. It is known that nearly all copies perished iu a fire of Blaeu\'s magazine iu 1672. Iu the Bibliotheca Vilen-hroufciana (Amst.1730) where the unique copy in large paper occurred, is annotated; quot;Huius Atlantis lingua quot;llispanica non plura quam sex exemplaria, praeter quot;nonnulla charta minori, sunt a llarnmis, quae Ty-\'/pographiam Blavianam devastarunt, vindicata,quot; ctc. These 10 vol. contain only the description of Europe and Asia, the eontinuation (Africa and America) never appeared. The volumes are not nnmbered. The maps correspond with, those in the Latin edition (See JS0. 340), only the North has been augmented with some maps: Arctic regions 2 m., Norway 9 m., Russia 8 m. 345 -- Baudet, P. J. H., Leven en werken |
FllEDERtK Mui-LKU amp; C0.,
bouglit at the sale of the Library of ])r. Bodel Nijenhnis. A rupruductiuu facsimile in phololUho-gra}:hy, wit!l the IJutch transcript, the English trfius-lation of the Hon. H. C. Murphy, and a preface by Mr. l\'red. Muller, is to be had. roy. 4°. 15.— See infra Michael ius. 3G0 Boekeren (Q-. R. Voortnoulen v.) Kciiou en ontdekkingstogten van A. Jansz. Tasman. Gro-ning., 1849. plates. 8vo. —.75 {Voyages and discoveris of A. J. Tasman in the South-Sea.) 361 Boelea (J.), Reize naar de Oost- on Westkust van Zuid-Amerika, en van daar naar de Sandwiehs-en Philippünsche eilanden, enz. Amsterd. 1835— 30. 3 voIb. hf. calf neat, maps and plates of costumes, partly coloured. 8vo. (10.80.) 3.50 {Voyage to the Eastern and Ifestern coasts of South-America, and thence io the Sandwich»- and Philippine islands.) 3G2 - The same, sewed, uncut. 2.50 303 Eoëmus (J.), Omnium gentium mores, legos et ritus ... Aphricam, Asiam ot Europain des-crib. Aug. Vindelic., Sig. Grimm, 1520. fol. 3.— First edition; rare. — Stamp on the title, worm-holes, and somewhat stained in the under margins. 304 - Mores, loges et ritus omnium gentium. Ex Nicol. Damasceni historia excerpta quaedam; itidem ex Brasiliana J. Lurii historia. Fides et moros Aethiopum Dam. a Goes auctore, etc. [Lugd.] A pud J. \'lornaesium, 1020. vellum. lOmo. 3.— The part relating to America fills pp. 387—406. 305 — Omnium gentium moros, loges et ritus ... Aocessit lih. de Rogionibus Septentrioiialibus ex Jac. Zieglero. Antvorp., J. Steelsius, 1538. vellum, sm. 8vo. — Slightly stained by water. 4.— Rare edition. — The Supplement un the nations of the North, and on Greenland, by Ziegler, in his üchondia, is not in the Italian edition. — la the same vol.; Mich. Humelbergii Epitome grammat. Graecae. Basil 1532. 300 --The same. Gen., apud J. Tornaesium, 1020. — if. G. Peregrinus, Do Tuvcarum morilms epitome. Gen., J. de Tournes, 1629. — 1 vol. vellum. 12mo. 3.50 367 - Costumi, le leggi et 1\'usanze di tutti le genti, trad, per il Fauno. Tre libri eont. TAlVica, I\'Asia, I\'Enropa. Venetia, 1543. vellum, sm. 8vo. — Slightly stained hy water. 6.50 First edition in Italian. 368 - The same. Venetia, 1685. vellum. 12mo. 5.50 This Italian translation contains a supplementary 4th book by G. Giglio, on the costumes, maauers etc. of the Indians of the New World. — This treatise is not iu the former Latin and French editions. 309 Bolivar y Ponte, Simon, the Liberator of Colombia. — A. L. S. clat, yuartel-Geueral cle |
Angostura, Dec. 14, 1819. 3 pp. 4°. — Copied in lithogr. —.75 370 Bondt (N), Do eer dor regeoring van Amsterdam verdedigd tegen den laster van het Engelsch Ministerie... in ocne Contra-Memorie tegen do ■ Rechtsgeleerde Memorie\'quot; en hoi „Politiek Vertoog.quot; Amst. 1781. 8vo. 2.50 (The honour of the Magistrate of Amsterdam defended against the calumny of the English Ministry, ,. in a counter-memorial against the «Juridical Memorialquot; «Political Deduction.quot;) 371 Bonn (A. C.), Over do Mastodoate van den Ohio, (llaarl. 1809. Extr.) 8vo. 2 pi. 1.— {On the Mammouth of the Ohio.) 372 Bontokoe (Wl. Ysbr.). Journacl ofte gedenck-waerd. beschryv. v. do O. Ind. reyse, begryp. veel wonder!, en gevaerl. saecken hem wedervaren, v. Dec. 1018 tot Nov. 1025, Ilooin, by Is. Willemsz. voor J. J. Leutel, 1040. bds. 4to. (Tiele Nquot;. 108.) {Journal and memorable description of the East-Ind. voyage, comprising many wonderful and perilous, adventures, from Dec. 1618 till Nov. 1625.) — Journael v. de reyse by D. A. Haven, na Spitsbergen in 1039, waerin syn droevighe Schip-breucke, ellende op h. wrack en blyde verlos-singlie. Hoorn, J. J. Deutel, 1647. {Journal of the voyage of D. A. Raven to Spitn-beryen, in 1039, containing his lamentable ship-wreck, his misery on the wteck and joyful deliverance.) First edition of this memorable voyage, the most popular of all Indian voyages, for its great perils and its charm of narration; it is republished iu a great number of editions. With 8 engraved plates and portrait. The perilous voyage of Itaveu in 1639 is nearly always subjoined to that of Boutekoe, bat with separate title and paging (1 to 10;) only iu a few editions of Bontekoe this narrative is omitted. 373 - — Same edition. — Magnificent copy on Large Puper of text and plates. Excessively rare. 16._ 374 - The same, lloorn, Deutel, 1040. With! Raven\'s voyage. — 1 vol. bds. 4to. 10.— Other edition of the same date, but of 73 pages (the former has 76 pp.) The table of fig. is iu this edition at the end of Haven\'s voyage, iu the former on p. 70. This edition is not mentioned by Tiele (pp. 215) — Very rare, 375 - The same. lloorn, J. J. Deutel, 1048. (VIII) and 80 pp. lyu/i portr. and 9 plates. 4to. (Tiele N0. 171. 0.— Augmented edition by the relations of four other expeditions 1645 — 40, and two engravingsin the text. 370 - The same. Amst., J. Ilartgers, 1048. bds. 4to. (Tiele N0. 173.) 4.— Reprint of the preceding edition with Kaven\'t voyage, snd a plate in 0 divisious. |
395 Bossu, Nouveaux voyages aux Indos Occiden-tales, contenant uno relation dea peuples qui habi-tcnl les environs du fleuve Saint-Louis, ou 11 is-sissippi. 2(! édit. Paris, Le Joy, 17(58. 2 vols, calf, plates. 8vo. 3.— 390 - The same. Amst. C/ianguiont 1777. Engrav. frontisp. hy de Saint Aubin. hf. cal/. 8°. 3.75 Sequt\'l to his voyages publisheil at Paris 1708.— The author ciiine iu 1750 at Louisiana and stayed there for 12 years. 397 - Nieuwe reizen naar Noord-Amerika ... besehrtjving van de volken onitrend dc rivier Saint-Louis of Mississippi, enz. Amst. 1709. 2 vols. in 1. sd. uncut, plates. Svo. 2.50 Dutch trauslatiou of the Nquot;. 395. 308 Boston and its vicinity from actual survey by J. G. Hales, lioston, 181!). — Map, 05 by 80 centim., pasted on cloth and folded in-8vo. 1.50 399 Botero (Qiov.), Kelationi universali ... cont. la descrittione dell\' Europa, Asia e Africa; e i costmui, riciihezze, negotii, et industria di ciascuna natione. JOt sf tratta del continente del Mondo Nuevo. lit dell\' isole, et peninsole sine al presente scouerte ... delle superstitioni in che vive-ano gia le gc.nti del Mondo Nuovo; e delle dilli-colta, e mezi, co\'quali si e quivi introd. la reli-gione Christiana, cet. Venetia, 1000. 4 parts. 1 vol. 4to. maps, vellum. 15.— With map of America, engraved on copper. 400 Bothwick (J. D.), Three years in California. Edinb. and Lond. Loud. 1857. 8 plates, cloth. 8vo. (8.40) 2.— 401 Botta (C.), Stnria della guerra della indepen-denza dcgli Stati Uniti di America. Milano, 1820. 3 vols. sd. map. 8vo. 2.— 402 -- History ot the War of Independence of the United States of America. Transl. irom the Italian by (J. A. Otis. 3d edit. New-Haven, 1834. 2 vols, map and pi. sheep. 8vo. 3.— 403 Boturinl Eenaducei (Lor.), Idea de una nueva historia general de la America Septentrional. Madrid, 1740. Engraved frontisp, and portr. vellum. 41o. — Hare. Fine copy in original condition. 24.— At the end of the vol.: Calalogo de (sh) Musea historica Indiana. 4 aud 96 pp. «The curious and learned author of his work arrived in Mexico in 17ö0; . . he made, during eight years he remained there, the most diligent researches iuto its antiquity ... Claoigero. — The appendix to this work is of the highest bibliographical interest. It contains a catalogue of a rich collection of books, MSS., and maps, relating to the ancient histoiy of Mexico, which Uotiirini made during bis travels in the middle of the last century, and which, iufortunately, is now lost,quot; Sabin 0834. — »Ce livre est rare en Europe ... Vendu avec le Catalogo del Museo II 100. — Meerman; soul 43 fr. et 20 fr. Raetzel.quot; — Brunei. — Lord Rothesay\'s copy sold for £ 3. 3 sh. |
404 Boucher do la Hichardorie (G.), liiblio-thèque univ. des voyages oi, notice compl. de tons les voyages anc. et mod. dans les diflerentes parties du monde. Paris, 1808. C vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 405 Boudyck Basüaanso (J. H. v.), Voyage a la cote de Gulnée, dans le golfe de Biafra, a I\'ilo de Fernando-Po, l\'ile de St. Hélène, etc. La Haye, 1853. sd. 8vo. (4.50) 1.50 Chapt. X. treats of America. 400 (Bougainvilla, L. do], Voyage autour du monde, par la frégate La lioudeusi\' et la flute VEtoile, 1700 09. 2e edit. angm. Paris, 1772. 3 vols, calf, maps and plates. 8vo. The first vol. stained hy water. \' 3.— The Kd vol. has the title: Supplément au voyage de M. de Bougainville, ou journal d\'un voyage fait par MM. Banks et Solander, 1708—71. Trad, de l\'Anglais p. de Kreville. 407 - Ueis rondom de weereldt, godaen in 1708- 00. Dordrecht, 1772. hf. calf, maps and pintei. 4to. 1.25 Dutch translation of the preceding work. 408 Bougainville hoisting French colours on a small rock in Maghellan-Straits, 1700. —Engrav. by lloyce. fol. 1,__ 409 --Tiger killed in America by the Prince of Nassau-Siegcn, when on his voyage round the world in the b rigate La Bondeuse, Commanded by Eougainville, 1700. i\'1. (\' sanova |j\\\'., Mezzotent by J. Jacobé, Very Ig. sq. fol. 5,— 410 Bouguor, Reisen nach Peru, Acadien u. Aegypten, worin die Merkvviirdlgkeiten, nebst d. Sitten u. Oewohnheiten d. Eimvohner beschrie-ben werden. Aus d. Pranzös. iibers. (jiitt. 1751. maps and plates, sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.75 411 Boulayo To Gouz, Reyse en opt kcniugli, ... der landen van Italien, Syrlen, Byapour, d\'Oost-Indiens der Portugijsen, Arabien, Polen etc. Uyt \'t Eransch vert. Amst., I(j00. hf. calf. Fine copy, numerous engyavivgs. 4to. 4._ (Voyages and memoirs of different countries: Italy, Syria, Jlyapour, the Portuguese East-Indies, Arabia, Poland, etc.) 412 Bourbon. — Propositions adresséos au Ministre de la Marine pour rintrodnction de cultivateurs libres a l\'ile do Bourbon. 1842. 4to. 20 pp. Litho-graphiié. 1. —■ 413 Bourgos (M. dol, Naauvvkourig verhaal van de reis des Bisschopa van Beryte nit Erankryk naar China, door Syrion, Arabien, Persien, enz. Uit het Eransch vert, door J. H. Ghuemaker. Amst., 1009. It\'ith engravings. 4to. 2.50 {Exact account of the voyage of the Bishop of Beryte from France to China, through Arabia, Persia etc.) |
414 Bourrough (Ed.), Een standaert opgerecht, cndc een banfere voorgehouden tot alle natiën... door duüsendcn van siJn volck, deweleke in spot Quaeckers genaemt zjjn. Uit het Eng. vert. Am-sterd., gedr. in \'tjaer 1959. (sic, instead of 1659.) 4to. 2.— (A sUndard erected and a banner held up to all nations.., by thousands of his people, nicknamed Quakers.) 415 - The same, other edition. Amst., dir. Cun- radus. 10G9. 4to. Uncut. 2.— 410 Bow (J. D. B. de), The Seventh Census of the United States, 1850, embracing a statist, view of eacli of the States and Territories, with the aggregate tables compared with every previous census from 1790. With appendix. Washingt. 1853. 2 vols, c/ot/i. 4to. 8.— Stout volume of 130 aud 1023 pp. 417 Bowditch (N. I.), Suffolk surnames. 2d edition enlarged. Bost»n, 1858. cloth. 8vo. 3.50 A very iuterestiug work, compiled from the »]{e-gistry of Deedsquot; and the quot; Probate ollieequot; of Boston, from the first settlement down the year 1827, and containing names of the first colonists, etc. — Suffolk County denotes Bostou and its immediate vicinity. 418 Bowdoin (Jam..), rhilosophieal Discourse, addressed to the American Academy ol Arts and Sciences, ... 8 Nov. 1780, after the inauguration of the President into Olliee. Boston. 1780. 8vo. Uncut. 4.50 Original edition. 419 Boyle (Rob.), Voyages et avantures. Avec la relation du voyage et du naufrage du Sr. Castel-man, on I\'ou volt una description de la Pensyl-vanie et de Philadelphle. Trad, de I\'Anglais. Am-Bterd., 1730. 2 vols, in 1. sd. uncut, plates. 8vo. 420 Boxhornii (M. Z.), Apologia pro navigatlo-uibus Hollandonun adversus P. Heuterum. Acced. Tractatus pacis et eommercil Londini 1495 con-flrmatns. A\'o place (1050?) l -mo. 2.— On the old Duteli voyages, especially to the North, during the 15lli century. 4,21 Brackenbridge (H. M.), Views of Louisiana, containing geograph., statistical and historical notices of that important portion of America. Baltimore, 1817. calf. 8vo. 3.— 422 Brainerd (Dav.), llistorieseh verhaal van het leven en den doodt van den Eerw. lieer D. Brainerd, bedienaar des Evangeliums bü do Indianen to Kieuw-Jersey. Getrokken uit zijn eigen dagregister enz. door Jon. Edwards. Uit het Eng. Utrecht, 1756. uncut. 8vo. 516 pp. 3.50 (Historical account of the lije and death of the Rev. V. Jlrainerd, Minister of the Gospel among the Indians of New-Jersey, \'laken from his own journal by J. Edwards.) Very interesting. Almoit exclusively taken from the diary of the celebrated Missionary. |
423 Brakel (W. a). Brief aan de lieer N. N.., Koopman in Nicuw-Nederlandt, behels, ecu op-wecklnge en bestieringe tot en In de Bekeeringe, Ileyligmakinge, etc. 5e druk. Kotterd., 1705. vellum. 4to. 10.— (Letter to ilr. N. N., merchant in New Nether-land, contain, an exhortation to conversion, etc.) This copy has the autograph slgnatura, in full: W. a Brakel, of the author at the end. Most copies bear only the initials W. ti if. 424 - The same. 9e druk. Deventer, 1724. 4to. Nearly uncut. 5.— 425 - The same. 10e druk. Oron. 1730. hf. cf. 8vo. 4.— The same. Amsterd., 1835. 8vo. —.80 The same. 10de uitgave. Sneek (1855.) 420 — 427 — 8vo. 428 - Trouwhertige waerschouwlnge ... voor de Labadisten, ende haere dwalingen, etc. Leeuwarden, 1683. sd. 8vo. 3.50 (True-hearted exhortation .., against the Laba-dists, and their errors.) — The Labadlsts, persecuted in Europe, weut to America. 429 Brandes (K.), Sir John Franklin, die Unter-suchungen fiir seine Rcttung, u. d. Nordweatlicho Dnrchlahrt. Berlin, 1851. map. sd. 8vo. (8.40) 1.40 430 Brandt (G.), La vie et les actions mémorables de M. de Huyter. Trad, du Holland. Amst., 1698. int/i fine portr. and plates by Stoopendaal. vellum. fol. 9.— This eminent biography of the celebrated Admiral includes a detailed account of Ids expedition to Guinea and New-Netherland, which he recaptursd on the English. 431 - Lebcn und Thaten des See-IIelden Mich. de Huyter. Aus d. Niederlünd. übersctzt. Amst., 1087. With portr. and plates by Stoopendaal. hf. bound, fol. 6.— 432 — Historie der vermaarde zee- en koopstadt Enkhulzen. Enkhuiz., vellum. 4to. 8.— (History of the renowned sea- and trading-placce Enkhuizen.) Contains a nomenclature of the Governors etc. of the West-India Comp. aud a list showing what sum each place in Holland bad contributed to its capital. 433 - Historie der Reformatie en andere kerke- lyke geschiedenissen. Amsterd., 1071—1704, 4 vols. vellum, line copy. 4t0. 10.— (History of the Reformation and of the other church affairs.) This is the standard-work and very ample collection of documents for the history of the Protestant religions movements from 1610 to 19 in Holland, which had such immense iulluence on the development of the West-India Comp. and of New-Netherland. The author makes also mention of the lirown-ists. See on this at large: Jsher\'s Essay, pp. 31 aud foil. |
457 Brazil — A Landscape in Brazil. Charming picture: a large hacienda (tiinn); on the foreground the landliolder und his wife, a negro and other figures; to the left a palmtree; in the distance a cultivated country. Painted in oil and signed by the celebrated Dutch Painter F. Post, (about 1640). — On pannel, 25 by 15J. centim. — Exceedingly well preserved. 140.— 458 - Similar Landscape, in the same style somewhat larger. On the quot;foreground some negroes with their cliildreu; on the second plan a faun with the landlord and his wife, palmtrees, etc.; in the distance a river and several houses in a cultivated country. By the same artist, but not signed. Oi l painting on pannel, 27 by 20 centim. — In the same nood condition as the former. 140,— The llnfch pnint\'ir F. Post accompanied Count John Maurice of Nassnii, Guvernur of Hrazil frofn 1638—1614, to that country, where he made many sketches, some of which (53), he afterwards engraved to illustrate the now rare work: liarlaeus, Rerunt p-r Octoenniuin in Braziha yestarum sub prae/ectura J. Mauriiii Nass. hiamp;toria. Amsi. 1647. fol. See N0. 228. Old-palntings by this artist very rarely occur. -The above described are undoubtedly made on tiik spot, oei AFTKIt SKÜTCHKS TAKEN in bkazii,. 459 - Dress and habits of the natives : the Ta- poys and other tribes. 9 old engrav. sq. 4quot;. A[1 mounted. — From Uontanus\' America and Moore\'s Voyages. 2.— 460 Bree, H van, Dutch Navigator. A, L. S. (in Dutch) to 0. Iluygens, from the Islands Mauritius, Jan. 4. 1606. 1 full p. fol. — Interesting and rare autograph. 4. Tidings of the squndroon of Matellef de Jonge, on which van Bree was embarked. 461 [Breugel (G- p. c. v.)| Dagverhaal van eene reis naar Paramaribo en Suriname. Amst. 1842. 8vo. (1.20) .75 (Journal of a voyage to Paramaribo and Surinam.) 462 Breeden-Raedt aende Vereenichde Neder-landsche Provintien. Gomaekt eude gestelt uyt diverse ware en waeraihtige memorien door i.A. G. W. C. Tot Antwerpen, Fr. van Duynen, 1649. 4to. 45 pp. (Asher No. 834.) 175 - {llomely Advice to the United DuUh Provinces, made up from divers and faithful documents) This excessively rare pamphlet is, no doubt, the most important doenmeut existing on New-Nether-land; its Importance was discovered by Mr. Asher In ransacking in 1849 my 30 a 25000 pamphlets. See on It at large Asher s Essay pp. 183—200. It was entlrily translated by Mr. 11. C. Murphy and printed at the expense of Mr. J. l.enox, but not put into commerce. 403 _ Kxtracls from a work called: ,,lireeden Kaedt aende Vereen. Nederl. Provintien,quot; printed |
in Antwerp 1649. Translated by Mr. C.(owan) Amst. 1850. 14 pp. 8vo. 2.— These extracts of the most important passages from the extremely scarce original were translated by Mr. F. W. Cowan, English teacher at Amsterdam, and only printed and sold in a limited number. 464 Breitkopf, J. G. J., Ueber don Druck d. geographischeu Charten. Nebst Probe einer Land-charte dnrch d.quot; Buclulruekerkunst. Lcipz. 1777. 40. 1.50 465 Breton (J. de) Notlcia hlstor. da vida e das obras de Josti llaydn. Doctor era Musica. Traduz. (com appendiee do traductor.) Rio de Janeiro. 1820. 8vo. 1-50 466 Brief van NNV aan zijnen vriend A. te Amsterdam betr. de verbetering van den West-lnd. handel. Amst. 1765. 8vo. —.75 {Letter by Mr. N. N. to a friend at Amsterdam on the amendment of the IV. I. Traffic.) 467 Brief van het Algemeen Synode der llollandsehe Gereform. Kerk van de Ver. Staaten v. N. Amerika, aan de Leden .. . der Gereform. Kerk in Frankrijk. Uit h. Fransoh, met aanteek. Amst., 1830. 40 pp. 8vo. 1-— (Letter from the General Synod of the lief. Dutch Church in N. Jiuer., to the members i.f the ^ lief. Church in Prance.) On the unity of the lïeformed Doctrine. 468 Brief van een zeker lieer aan W. Pen, eyge-naar en gouverneur van Pennsylvania, beneilens zijn antwoord daarop. Uit het Eng. Amst., 1689. 4to. — Rare. 18. • {Letter of a certain gentleman to IP. Penn, owner and governor of Pennsylvania with his rejflj.) 469 Brief Statomant of opinions, given in the Board of Commissioners, under the 6th article of the Treaty of Amity with greath Britain. W ith an Appendix. Philadelphia, 1800. sd. uncut. 8vo. Sabin N». 7904. 3.50 (Letters written by banished priests from French Guiana to their families in Belgium.) 472 Bring (S.) De plscatuns in Oceano Boreali. Loud. Goth. 1750. 4to. I-— 473 BrifeSOt, (Warvillo J. P ) Nouvi in voyage dans les Ftats-Unls de I Aiiiéri(jue. Paris, 1791. Vol. 1. 2. sd. uncut. Svo. 1.50^ The 3d (last) volume treats exclusively of the coin-w mercial relations between the U. States and France. 474 - Nieuwe ^yze In de Vereen. Staten van Noord-Amerika. Vert, en met bijvoegselen v r-meerd. Amst. (1792.) 3 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 Dutch translation of tbc preceding work, with annotations. 47 5--Nya Resa genom Nord-Americanska Fri- Staterna ivr 1788. Fran Franska Origin, sammen. i\'llEDElUK. MuiJ.Bll ik 0quot;., |
dragon, och mod Anmarkn. af J. R. Forster. Stockholm, 1799. hf. calf . 8vo. 2.50 Swedish traiislntioii , with annotations. — Not mentioned in Sabin\'a Bibliography. 470 Brodhead (J. Romcyn) History of the State of New-York. New-York, 1853—71. Vol. 1. 2. cloth, map of New-Nelherland. 8vo. 15.— 477 - 7 Nos. of the Amsterdamsche Courant. 1805, containing articles on the early history of New-Netherland till its conquest by the English. Taken trom a discourse held by J. R. Broadhead af Now-York. fol. 1,50 478 Broeck (Matth. v. d.1 Journael, ofto histo-toriaelse beschrijvingo van \'tgeen hy self\'s ghesion ende waorachtigh gebeurt is, wegen de revolte van de Portugese in Brasiol. Amst., 1051. 4to. - (Ashcr No. 272.) 12.50 {Journal of M. v. d. Broeck of what he has seen himself, concern, the revolt of the Portuguese in Brazil.) quot;Opuscule contenant des particularites très-iulé-ressautes, et inconnu ü la plupart des bibliographes et des historiens, qui out traité de l\'histoire dn Bré-sil. t;e qui lui donne une grande valeur, e\'est la rue de Pernambueo qui s\'y trouve jointe et qui est faite spécialement pour eet ouvrage.quot; — 1\'römel, No. 265. With map of Brazil, 2 engravings and the large and rare view Pernambueo, — in all 3 plates. The 4th plate properly belongs to »(?. Oo^- Ind. Reys-beschrijvitigequot;. 47!) - The same, with plates, and bound up with : Journael oltc Oost-lndischeReys-beschr[jvinghe, ghedaen door Corn. Claesz van Punnerendt, verhalende veel vreemdigheden van Jlosambiecko en üoa. 4o. Ibid, 1051. 15._ (Journal or East-India l\'oyaqe iy C. Clness of Purm^endt, contain, many curiosities of Masam-bique and Goa.) Complete with all the plates, the fourth being inserted (in its right place) at p. 31 of the 2d work. 480 - Lykstati... van Matth. van den Brouke, Burgermeester ... Dordrecht, 1085. 4to. 1.50 (Funeral procession at the death of M. v. d. Brouke.) The same person who wrote the foregoing work, and afterwards Burgomaster. 481 Broecke iPt. v. den) Korte Bistoriael ende Journaelsche aenteycken. van de langhduerighe Reysen nae Cabo Verde, Angola, en iusonder-beytlt na Oost-Indien; beneff. de beschryv. cuaf-beehL v. verscheyden Steden v. indien. Amst., J. ihtrtyers, 1048. bds. 4to. H it/i one plate in 6 divisions. (Tiele Nu. 211.) 3.50 (Short historical journal of the long voyages to Calju Verde, Angola, and especially Bast-India. With the description and representation of various towns of India, etc.) First edition of this highly interesting journal by the navigator himself. |
482 Broeoke (Pt. v. den), The same. — Amst., G. J. Saeghman, (1003.) hf. vellum. 4to. Very fine copy. (Tiele No. 212.) 4.50 With the fine portrait by A. Matham, but in bad impression, and 23 pi. (18 woodcuts and 5 pi., the 5 last from Hartgers\' ed.) Abridged reprint of the preceding. 483 - Korte Bistoriael en Journaelse aanteeke- ninge, enz. Leeuw., 1717. bds. uncut. 8vo. Very rare. 0.— Popular reprint, of the former edition, 188 pp K without plates. — 1 have never seen nor heard of this edition before. Not mentioned by Tiele. 484 Broes (W.) Ue kerk en lt;lc staat in weder-r.ijdsche betrokking, bijzonder in de Nederlanden en in Noord-Amerika. Anisterd. 1832. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. (4.80) 1.75 (Church and State in their mutual relation, especially in the Netherlands and in North America.) 485 Bromwell (W. J.) History of Immigration to the United States from 1819—55. New-York, 1850. cloth. Svd. 1.50 480 Brooks. John, served in the Revol. War, Governor of Massaohus. 1810—23. — A. L. S. to General Eben. Mattoon, dat. Medford, Dec. 30 (no year). 1 p. 8\'. 1.50 487 Brooks (J. Tyrwhitt), Four months among the gold-tinders. — B. Bryant, What I saw in California, description of its soil, climate, product, and gold-iuines. Paris, 1849. maji. large Svo. 1.— 488 - The same. Dutch translation of the first work. Amst., 1849. sd., map. 8vo. (1.80) —.00 48\'J (Brossos (de)] Histolre des navigations aux Terres Australes, depuis 1501, contenant ee que Ton syait des moours et des productions des con-trées déeouvertes etc. Paris, 1750. 2 vols, calf, maps. 4to. 5.50 Cont. the voyages of Am. Vespuceius, Magellanes, I\'r. Drake, Cavendish, J. Ie Maire, G. Schouten, Tasman, Koggewin (Koggevem) etc. 490 - Vollstiindige Geschichte der Scliiflfarthen nach den unbekannten Siidliindern. Uebersetzt u. m, Zusiitzen von J. Chr. Adelung. Halle, 1707. 2 vols. in 1. calf, map. 4to. 4.— 491 Brouckner, Nouvel Atlas du Globe Terrestre. La Haye, 1759. bds., 13 maps. fol. 1.50 492 Broughton (W. R.i Voyages de déeouvertes dans la partie septentrionale de I\'Ocean Paciflque, 1795--U8. Trad. par li. B. E(yriès.) Paris, 1807. 2 vols, map and plates, hf. calf. 8vo. 1.50 493 Brouwer (H.) Journael ende Historis verhael van de Reyse gedaen by Oosten de Straet Le Mairs, naer de custen van Chili, in 1043, vervatende der Chilesen manieren, etc. Met eene bescliryvinghe van het Eylandt Eso by Japan. Amsterd., Broer Jansz., 1040. plates and map. 4to. (Tiele No. 204.) Hare. 20.— (Journal and histor. account of the voyage made through the Strait Le Maire to the coasts of Chili |
in lfi43, describing the customs of the Chilians etc. WUh a description of the Island Eso near Japan.) Very interesting journal, only once reprinted about 1600. The description of Eso near Japan, written by Mrt. Gerr. Vries, is of the highest interest. 494 Brown, Jacob, of Brownville.— A. L. S. to Isaiah Townsend of Albany, dat. Browuville, April 28, 1812. 2 pp. fol. 2.— Brown is scandalized by- and asks for explanation of a rumour spread by Townsend, Spencer, a. o., that quot;lie was to receive somethiny very considerable Jor his exertions in favor of the Bank of America.quot; 495 Brown, James, Senator 1812-17,1810—24, Minister to France 1324—29. — A.L.S. to Mr. le Comte de Forbin, dat. Paris, Sept. 13, 1827. 1 p. 4°. * 160 40G Brown (Rob.) Dor Engelsche Held n. Ritter F. Dracke in einer ausl\'iihiiichcn Besehreibung von dessen Leben, Thaten n. See-lleisen. Aus dem Engl. Mit Anl ang: Von dem erstaunenswiird. Schiffbrueh des Ost-l nd. Jagd-Sehiffes, der Schelling genannt. Leipzig, (1740?) calf neat, portr. of Drake. Svo. 4.— As no work on Drake by H. Brown is known, Sabin thinks, this s a translation of R. Barton\'s •/English Hero, or Sir Fr. Drake.quot; The appendix is a translation of the Dutch work: Vervarelijke Schip-breuk van ... ter Schelling. Ainst., 1075, mostly appended to the reprint of Strays\' Voyage to Russia etc., in 1718. 497 Brownists. — Belijdonisse des Geloofs, ofte verantwoordinghe van soodanighe Christenen, vvel-cken doorgaans (doch t\'onrecht) Bronwnisten ge-noemt worden. Tegens d\' aantijgingen ... van d\' opperhoofden en leeraren in de Hooge School van Oxfort . .. Amsterd., gedruckt by Gahr. Uen-dric/csz. voor F. P. en z[jn te koop by Joh. Bruy-ningh, 1670. vellum. 8vo. Excessively rare. 18.— {Confession of faith, or Apoloyy of the Christians called {but injusthj) Brownists, against the imputations of the University of Oxford.) In an Advertisement the reader is informed that here the Confession of Mr. Ainsworth is reprinted: then follows the Apology against the University of Oxford (p. 1—7) and the Confession in Dutch, conform to the Latin edition of Amsterd. 1598. 498 Bruce (P. H.) Memoirs, containing an account of his travels in Germany, Russia, Tartary, Turkey, the West-Indies, etc. (1710-45). London. 1782. hf. calj. 4to. 3.— 499 Brum molk amp (A.) Stemmen nit Noord-Amorika. Amst. 1847. 8vo. 1.— {Voices from North-America.) 500 Brutel de la Riviere iP. M.) Togtvanhet Engelsche barkschip Pagoda, naar de Zuidpool. {Exir. 1850.) 8vo. L— {Voyage of the Engl, hark Pagoda, to the South-pole.) |
501 Bry (de\\ Grands Voyages. German Text. Sammlung von Reisen nach dem Occidentali-Kohen Indien. Herausgeben von J. u. Th. de Bry. Franckfurt. Vol. I —IX and XII. — 14 vols, maps and plates, half morocco violet, top gilt. fol. 375.— Very fink copr from the Sobolewski Library, composed of the following editions. Vol. J. 1020. Third edition, according to the collations of Brunet. Vol. IT. 1Ö03. Second edition, according to Brunet. Vol. 111. 1593. Second edition. With the plate Adam and Eva, according to the description of Brunet. Vol. IV. 1594. First edition, according to Brunet. Vol. IV. 1013. Second edition. The title of the edition in Latin, with date of 1594, and the map: quot;Nova Hispania etc. 1595.quot; Besides as in Brunet. Vol. V. 1 595. First edition. The map of New Spain is bound in the foregoing volume (2d edit, of vol. IV), besides as in Brunet. Vol. V. 1613. Second edition. Title in Latin, with date of 1595. The plates 9, 10. 17, 18 are of the first edition; plates 10 and 19 wanting. Vol. VJ. 1597. First edition. According to Brunet. Vol. VI. 1019. Second edition. The map of America wanting; besides as in Brunet. Vol. VII. 1017. Third edition. The title of the plates with date of 1024. Vol. VIII. 1024. Second edition. With preface only to W. Raleigh; besides according Brunet. Vol. IX. 1001. First edition. Title without date, with the quot;Historische llelationquot; dated 1601, and «Additamentumquot; dated 1002. According to the description of Brunet. Bound in 2 vols. Vol. XII. 1023. Only edition. The map quot;America s. novus orbisquot; and the plan of Cusco wanting; else according to Brunet. All the volumes very clean and with large margins, uniformly bound. 502 Bry (de) Grand Voyages. German Text. Part I. Franckfurt, 1590. fol. First edition, raris- sime. 14.— Warhafftige Contrafacturen nnd Gebrauch der Inn-woliner derjenigen Landschaft in Americe, welche Virginia ist genennet ... Printed title, preface, map, plate 2—8, 10, 20— 23; of the quot;Pictensquot; the explanations, and plate 4 ond 5 ; Register and impressum, 3 leaves. — The 5 first leaves mounted or mended. 503 - Grand Voyages: Latin Text. Franco- furti. 1500 — 1605. Part 1 — 7 in 2 vols, vellum, fol. 125.— T. Admiranda narratio fida tamen de comrnodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae. . . ab Anglis inven-tae... Francof. 1590. 27 plates and map of Virginia. 1st and 2d edition. — Mixed copy. The first line of the dedication ending with: Ma. — The verso of the Index praecipuarum rerum blank. The last leaf blank. - - Plate 3, 0, 10, 11, 12 from the 2d ed. |
II. Bi\'ovis narratio eoruin que in Florida, Americae provincia, Gullis acciilenmt. . . 1591. Map and 42 plates. 1st and 2d edition. — The plates of the first edition. The text has partly the particularities of the first, partly of the 2d edition, according to Bru-net\'s collation. III. Americae tertia pars, memorabilem provinciae Brasiliae historiam continens gennanico sennone scriptuni a Joa. Stadio. 1605. 2d edition. IV. Americae para quarta, sive. .. historia de re-perta priinum Occidentall India a Christ. Colombo... scripta ab liter. Beuzono. 1594. 21 plates. First edition, but the verso of page 115 blank. V. Americae pars quinta. . . llier. Benzoni secundac sectiouis Ilia [Historia] ... 1595. Map and 22 plates. 1st edition. The word Hia (abbreviation for Historia) added between the fourth aud fifth line. VJ. America pars sexta, sive historiae ab llier. Beuzono scripta sectio tertia, 159(5. 28 plates. Ist and 2d edition. The text of the first, the plates of the 2d edition. 3 plates mounted. VII. Americae pars VII... descriptio praecipnarum quarundam Indiae regionum et insularum ... ab Ulr. Kabro invent ... 1599, 1st edition. The 3 plates belonging to this part are always in the 8th part. Good and very tall copy, even with temoins, measuring 31i, 8 mill, by 25. but wanting: I. Plate of Adam aud Eve. plate 4, Pictonum plate 1—3,5.— III. Title, dedication and privilege (3 leaves), map, pp. 41—4ü, (j5, CO, 71.7^, 135, 30. — IV. Frontispice before the plates, pi. 3. 23, 24.— V. Map, pi. 10, 20, 21. — VI. Begins at page 7, wanting map of America, pp. 9 —10, plan of Cnsco, pi. 8, 20. — Vll. Title. 504 Bry(de)Grands Voyages,Latin Text,Part III. Historiae Antipodum, sive Kovi Orbis, vulgo Americae, ct Indiae Occident, nomine, pars 111«, complect. ... Terrae Brasiliae ... histor. ... repur-gata et in ortl. red. stud. J. L. Oottofridi. Fran-cof., M. Merian, 1620. plates. I\'ol. 20.— Contains the voyages of J. Staden and J. Leriua to Brazil. — Third edition couforui to Brunet. No engraving on pag. 86. 505 - lirevis narratio eorum quae in Florida, Americae provincia. Gallis acciderunt, secunda in illam navigatione, duce K. deLaudonnière. Auctore j. Le Moyne, cui cognomen est de Morgues. Fran oof. a. M. 1691. I\'ol. 12.— 2d part of the Grands Voyages. First edition (only pi. 18 of the 2d edit.) — Wanting pi. 15, 19 — 21, 31—34, and text; privilege 1 leaf, Meu-dae quaedam, 1 leaf. The map damaged. 506 - Petits Voyages: Latin Lext. Franco- furti, 1598- 1607. Part 1—8 in 1 volume, vellum. fol. — First edition. 100.— |
In the first three parts tome leaves and plates stained or torn, the remaining parts in very good condition. All with good margins. — By a collation with Brunet the following differences have been remarked: I. Regnum Congo, hoe est Vila descriptio regni Africani. Fraucof. 1598. 14 plates.— Agrees with Brunetquot;s indications. II. Pars Indiae Orien\'alis. lu qua Joh. Hug. Navigatio in Orieutem. Fraucof, 1599. 38 plates and 4 maps. The leaf containing Liuschoten\'s preface damaged. Plate 4 wanting, plate 37 damaged — The 4 maps at pp. 18, 48, 72, 96 bound np with those of the 3d part; two of them (those of Goa and Java) damaged. — At the cud of the text no blank leaf, but 2 unnumb. leaves of indejforMii edition. Brunet mentions them only for the second edition. III. Tertia Pars Indiae Orienlalis qua continettur: lu. Secunda pars uavigatiunum J. Hug. Linscho-ten. 2quot;. Navigatio 1 lollandoriim in insnlas Orieu-tales, Javam et Sumatram. 3°. Tres navigationes Hollandorum per Glacialem Dceanum. Franeof. 1601. 58 plates et 5 maps. 2 Plates (Augra and Goa) and 2 maps. {Delineatio trium navi(jationam and llydoyraph. chart) much damaged. — Without the map of Nova Zembla on the verso of pi. 58. IV. Pars (^uarla Indiae Orientalis, qua primum vara generis auimalia describuutur; secuudo novissima Hollandorum in Indiain Orientalem navigatio. Fraucof. 1601. 21 plates, fol. Page 27—28 slightly damaged. V. Quinta Pars Indiae Orientalis: qua continetur descriptio navigatiouis quam llollandi cum oetunis navibus in Terras Orientales snsceperunt. Franeof. 1601. 20 plates. VI. Indiae Orientalis Pars VI. Veram et hiatorieam descriptionem auriferi regni Guineae, ad Africam pertinentis, continens. Franeof. 1604. 26 plates. Plate 2 ami 3, as usually, with the misplaced explanation. VII. Indiae Orientalis Pars Septima; navigationes duas, primam a Georgio Spilbergio in iudiam, alteram a Casper Balby, Gemma ro Veneto, auno 1579 Babyloniam versus. . ad regnum Pegu usque eontinuatam. continens. Fraucof. 1606. 22 plates. The dedication with the coats of arms of J. Adam, surmounted by those of J. Swiehard. VIII. Indiae Orientalis Pars Oclava: navigationes quinque, primam a Jae. Weceio. seeundam a Job. Hem. de Bree. tertiam a Corn. Nieolai. quartam a Corn, de Vena, quintam sub Steph. de Hagen in Iudiam Orient, susceptae continens. Fraucof. 1607. 18 plates. The right part of pi. 18 wanting. 507 Bry (de) Petits Voyages. Latin Text. Pt. 3. Iconcb sive ... delineationes quarundam mapparum, locorum maritimorum, insularum, nrbium et popu-lorum ... c. descript., omnia in IndicS navigatione versus Orieutem suaoepta ... incisa per |
Jo. Th. ct Jo. I sr. dc Brtj. Erancofurti, 1G01. Title, 58 ylates and Table of dislances. bds. I\'ol. 17.50 Separnto edition of the plates from the Petits Voyages in Latin, \'Ad Part, belouginff to the seeond voyage of Linschoten, the voyages of the Dutch to Kast-India, and to the North. — Without the map of Nova Zeiubla on the verso of pi. 58. 508 Bry (do) Petits Voyages: German Text. Part V.: EÜnflter Thoil der Orientalisehen Indien, ey-gentliclier Bericht der Reise, so die Hollander mit 8 Schiffen in die Oriental. Indien gethan. Auss Niederliind. Verzeichnuaa in liochteutseher Spraeh lieachriebcu dnreh G. Arthus. Erankl\'uvt, 1601. \'20 plates. I\'ol. First edition. 18.— Voyage of J. C. Van Neck. T/ie blank leaf after the preface wanting. 50i)---Map: Conterfactur der 3 Scliifffarten, welche di {sic!) Hollander (lurch das Mitnaelitischen Jler... (lurch Waygats noch (sic!) don Orientalisehen Indien fuhrgenomen... 1 leaf. I\'ol. 9.— The same map as in the 3d part of l)c Bry\'s Petits Voyages in Latin, but with considerable differences, belonging to the German edition of the 3(1 part of de liry. 510 - Camus (A. Q.) Mumoire sur la collection des Grands et I\'etits Voyages, et sur la collection des Voyages de M. Thcvenot. Paris, 1802. bds. uncut. 4to. 10.— The copy of the well known collector of De liry\'s Voyages, Mr Sobolewski, with some MSS. annotations of hia hand. Valuable copy. 511 - Woigol (T. O.) Bibliographische Mitthei- lungon Ubcr die deutschen Ausgaben von De Bry\'s Saramlungen der Keiscn naeh dem abend- u. mor-genliindischen Indien. Leipzig, 1845. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.— Keprinted from the quot;Serapcnm.quot; ölld--The same. sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.— Valuable copy with numerous corrections in the handwriting of Mr. Sobolewski, the celebrated collector of the De Bry\'s Voyages. 512 Bry, Theod. de, the head of the celebrated family of engravers and editors of the fine set of voyages, cet. — A. L. S. (in French), to Franc. Ra-phelengius, (Frans van Ravelengien) Hebrew Prof, and editor at Leiden, son in law of C. Plantinus, dat. Franckf\'., Sept. 11), 1595. 1 p. I\'ol. — Fine facsimile in lith., on tinted paper 3.— Interesting letter on hia publications, especially on the 5th part of his Grands Voyages, of which lie sends a copy to Kaphelengius. — From; 11. J.tnn-pertz, Jiilderhefte d. liuchhandels. 513 Bryant (Ed.), Voyage en Calilornie. Description de son sol, do son clirnat, de ses mines d\'or. Trad. p. X. Marinier. Paris, (1849.) sm. 8vo. map. (1.90) 1.— 514 Büchler (J. U.) Lotgevallen van een Zwit-Bcrsch landverhuizer op zijne veizo naar Noord- |
Araerika en de West-Indiön. Haarl. 1819. uncut. 8vo. (2.40) 1.— (Adventures of a Swiss emigrant on his voyage to North-America and the West-Indies. Transl. from the German.) 515 Buchon, J. A., Atlas góographique, statistique, histor. ct chronolog. des deux Amcriques et des Hes adjacentes. Paris. 1825. hf. bound. Uncut. Coloured maps. toy. I\'ol. 6.— Contains G3 fine maps, each in a border formed by the extensive text. 516 Bucquoi (J. do) Aanmerkelyke ontmoetingen in de zestien jaarige reizo naa de Indien. Haarlem, ./. Hosch, 1744. hf. calf, map and pi. 4to. 2.— (Memorable occurrences during «16 years\' voyage to India.) 51 7--Zestien jaarige Reise naa de Indien, Rio de la Goa, Madagascar, Batavia enz. 2de druk, vermeerd. met de Waterwereld. Haerlem, 1757. 2 vols. in 1. Ids., portr., maps and plates. 4to. 4.— Second edition of the preceding, augmented with the Waterworld, (See following title.) 518 - De waterwereld ... en do byzonderheden langs de kusten aangeweezen ... b|jzond. van Oost. en West-lnd. handel. Haerlem, 1752. map, hf. calf. 4to. 2.50 (The IVatenoorld; the particularities of the coasts for commerce and navigation, specially on the E. and IV, Indies.). Pages 61—105 treat of Amcrica and the North. 519 Buddingh (D.) Ontdekking van Amerika en herhaalde zeereizen derwaarts in de XI—XIV eeuw. \'s Gravcnli. 1838. 8vo. I.— (Discovery of America and .repeated voyages thither in the 11—\\Uh century.) 520 - De Kcrk, school en wetenschap in dc Vereen. Staten van Noord-Amerika. Utrecht. 1853. 3 parts in 1 vol. 8vo. (8,20) 3.50 (Church, School and Science in the United States.) This work Is the result of the author\'s voyage to America to investigate the important subjects mentioned on the title. The 1st part contains the history of the Dutch Reformed Church in North-America. 521 Bugglo (Sam. B.) Report to the International Statistical Congress at the Hague, 186quot;). Part. I. Cereals of the United States of America. (The Hague, 1869.) large 4to. 1.25 522 „The Bull broke loose.quot; English caricature, 1780. Publ. by J. Kearby Stafford, sq. I\'ol. 1.50 523 The Bull overdrove, or the drivers in danger.quot; English caricature: a running bull driving before him an American between a Frenchman and a Spaniard. 1780. Publ. by J. Harris. sq. i\'ol. 2.— 524 quot;The Bull roasted, or the political cooks.quot; — English caracature; an American sitting at table |
between a Frenchman and Spaniard: England, as a bull, roasted, etc, 1780. Publ. by J. Harris. sii. lol. 4.— 625 Bulletin des sciences géographiques, économie publique, voyages. Public sous la direction de .U. le Baron de Férussac. Paris, 1824—1831. 28 voi. hf. calf. 8°. (150.—) 25.— Highly esteemed journal, with contributiuns by Ckanipollion-Figcac, Ibireau de Lamalle, de Kenissac, de Kreyoinet, Juinard, Klapruth, de Laborde, Abel Kcmusut, Walkenaer, a. o. — A host of articles treat on American geography, (physical, political, statistical, etc.); besides on commerce, cartography and voyages. 526 - of tbe American Geographical and Statistical Society. Vol. I. part III. New-York. 1854. maps. 8vo. 1.— Cout.; Description of Natal, by H. A. Wilder. With map, — Description of 1 lie Isthmus of Panama, or quot;Darien,quot; by G. 15. Watts, etc. 627 Buma (J. Acronius a) Argo Belgica, s. de expeditione Belgica in Africa et America, sub celeb. heroë Mich. Kutoro carmen chronicum. Da-ventriae (ca. 1605.) sin. 8vo. — Rare. 10.— 528 Bunjan (J) Eens Christens reyse na de ecu-wigheyt. Utr. 1088. Ifoodculs. 12iiio. 7.— (The Pilgrimm\'s frogrcss.) Kare Dutch edition. 529 - The same. Op nieuw bewerkt naar de oorspronk. uitgave, met aanteek. van Th. Scott, niet levensberigt v. d. schrijver etc. door J. 11. Gunning. Amst., 1804. 2 vols, with 60 fme steel-engravings and poriraii. roy. 8vo. 12.— (The same. New edition made after the original, with notes by Theod. Scott, and the author s life by J. II. Gunning.) 630 - Den heilighen Oorlogh. Uit bet Eng. Anist., 1685. vellum. 12uio. 7.— (The Holy IFar. Transl. from the Engl.) Very rare edition, with many tiue plates by Luy-ken. — Somewhat stained by water. 531 - Komst en Welkomst tot Christus, etc. Harderwijk, 1711. jortr}? calf. 12mo. 3.— (Come and welcome to (hrist, with a circumstantial account of the author\'s conversion, etc.) 532 - The same. Leeuwarden, 1718. vellum, portr. 12nio. fine copy. 2.50 633 - liet leven en sterven van Mr. Quaat, ofte eens godloosens reyse na het eeuwige verderf. Uit het Eng. 4de druk. Amst., 1102. vellum,plates. lOmo. Fine copy. 5.— (Life and death of Mr. Bad, or a godless\'s pro-grens to eternal perdition.) 534 - De Leer der Wet en der Genade verklaart. Uit het Eng. door J. Koss. Groningen, 1740. hf. calf. 8vo. Neat copy. 4.— (The doctrine of Law and Mercy explained. Transl. from the Engl, 6ij /. Ross.) |
Fine copies of Bunyan\'s works are rare, as is quite natural, cousidering they were very papular in Hol-bind ant not only bought but really read. His principal work is still much read and used in popular editions; the elegant editions a\'e not much sought. 535 Eürck (A.) Magellan oder uie crste Heiae uni die Erde. Leipz. 1844. sd. uncut, portr. 8vo. 1.— 530 Buran, Martin Jan, 8tli President of the U. S. 1837—41. Governor of N. Y. 1828.. — A. L. S. to Mr. Mills, dat. July 8, 1820. 4°. 4.— 537 (Burke [Edm.]) Account of the European Settlements in America, comprising a history of the discovery of that part of the World, the manners of the original inhabitants, etc. 5tli edit. Lond., 1770. 2 vols, calf, maps. 8vo. 2.25 538 - llistoire des colonies Kuropéenues dans rAintirique. Trad, de l\'Angl. p. M. E(Ulous,. Paris, 1707, 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.— Sabin says, that this is mainly the work of Eil-mnn\'.l Burke, assisted by his brother Richurd and bis fiiend Will. 13-jurke. — In this French translation it is ascribed to the latter under the name of. W. liurck. 539 Burkhard (J. G.) Geschichte der Methodisten in England. Niirnb. 1795. 2 vols, iu 1. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.25 The 2d vol. cont. a biography of the founders of Methodism: J. Wesley and G. Whitefleld, who passed a long period of their life in America, and founded there many churches. 540 Burmeister (H.) Keise durch die La Plata-Staaten, mit besond. Rtlcksicht auf d. pbysis. Be-schaffenheit u. d. Culturzuatand d. Argentin. Ke-publiU, 1857—00. Halle, 1801. 2 vols. sd. maps. 8vo. (11.40) 5.50 541 Burnaby (A.) Travels through the middle settlements in North-America, in 1759—00. 2d edit. Lond. 1775. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.— 542 Burnet (Juc ), Notes on the early settlement of the North-Western Territory. New-York, 1847. cloth. 8vo. (6. —) 4.50 543 Biisching (A. F.) Nieuwe Geographic. 6de deel: Vereen. Staten van Noord-Ainerika (door Ebeling). Haarlem, 1798. 8vo. (6.90) 2.60 (New Geography, i\'ith part: United Stales of North-America.) A stout volume of 896 pp., exclusively treating of the States of New-England (New-Hampshire and Massachusetts.) At pp. Xll — Xill the author names the sources he has used, among which wo notice: Smith, General history of New-England ... Loml. 1626. — New.England in America. 1627. — Morton\'s New-English Canaan. Amst. 1637. — books now alltogetber very scarce. 544 Biittner (J. G.) Die liochdoutsehe reformirte Kirche in den Verein. Staaten van Nord-Amerika, von Hirer Grilndung bis auf die neueste Zeit.Nebst I Beilagen. Schleiz, 1846. 8vo. 1.60 |
545 Bydragen tot de konnis dor Nedcrlandsche on vreenule Koloniën, bijzondor botrokkolijk de vvyiating dor slaven. Utrecht, 1844—47. 4 vols. 8vo. All published. (Ui.—) 3,— {(\'onlributims io Hie kwowlndye of the Dutch and Foreign Colonies, spociaUi/ on the Emancipation of the Slaves.) 54G Byekorf (Don Nodorlandschen): waor in gliy beschreven vindt, al tghene dat nu wtghe-gaen is. o]) den Stilstant otto Vrede... Int jaor zestien liondert on acht ... (M? place nor printer\' s name.) 41o. (Ashor No. ■26—28.) .18 |iioces and 85 duplicates in other editions. Unique collection. 75.— [Netherlands .Beehive: in which you will find all that has been published till now on the Truce or\' Peace, in the year IC08.) This is the title of a very inlerestiuy collection of 38 pamphlets published during the years 1607—8, against the truce with Spain, which truce prevented the erection of the .Dutch West-India Company, proposed by W. Usaelincx. Asher in his Essay gives a list of the pieces, contained in his cullection, in all 38, but he does not mention the different editions of them, except the 3 editions of the first with the general title; Byekorf. The present copy docs not only contain the 38 pieces, mentioned by Asber, but, besides, 35 other editions differing from those. Even 251) years ago complete copies were judged rare, now they may be called very rare, — a copy of such an extraordinary completeness as the present may boldly be called unique, the more so as all are in very good condition — 22 even uncut. In the following I give the list, according to Asher, of the pieces which arc in different editions: No. 1 (3 editions.) — No. 2 (3 editions.) — No. 3, the scarcest of all pieces, in uncnt state. — No. 4 (4 editions.) — No. 5 (4 editions.) — No. 6 (2 editions.) — No. \'J (2 editions.) — No. 10(3 editions, one of which in-8vo, very rare.) — No. 12 (2 editions.) — No. 15 (2 editions.) — No. 16 (2 editions.) — No. 17 (2 editions.) — No. 23 (2 editions.) — No. 24 (2 editions.)—No. 27 (3 editions.) — No. 30 (2 editions.) — No. 31 (3 editions.)—■ No. 32 (3 editions, one of them extremely rare.) — No. 36 (2 editions.) — No. 37 (2 editions.) — No. 38 (3 editions.) — Stncken in de Byekorf (3 editions.) A early complete list of al the different editions may be found in; Twle\'s Jitbl. van l:ampjh.tten I. p. 88—Si). The most interesting pieces are those by Usselinc.v (No. 4, 15, 22, 29, 30) and others relating to the navigation to America. 547 - The same, the 1st piece in 3d edition. 38 pieces. 4to. (Asher No. 28.) 20.— Part 3, 6—8, 21, 29, wanting. A large numbir of separate pieces in stockj incomplete copies completed, if possible, at reasonable terms. |
548 Byler (H. C. v.) Libellonim rarlorum partim editor, partim inedit. fasciculus primus (unions.) Gron., 1788. sm. 8vo. 7.50 This collection cont.: Narratio ct continuatio rcrum omnium a Draco et Norreysio, post felieem ex Occidental. Insulis reditum in sua expeditione 1\'urtu-galiensi singulis diebus gestarinn. 549 Cabo St. Augnstin, in Brazil, stormed and taken by the Fleet of the Dutch W. I. Comp. under I. C. Lichthart, 7 March. 1634. The Fort on the coast, with the Uutch Hoot, and inscription in the upper right hand corner, sip lol. — (From: Commelin, t\'red. Henry. 1651.) 1.50 550 - Same subject, reversed. — (From Commelin, 1652.) 1.— 551 Cabot, George, Amor. Statesman confidential friend of Washington and Hamilton, Senator 1791—6. — A. L. S. to Rev. Jos. Dana of IpswiTi, dat. Oct. 12, 1797. 1 p. 4°. 2.50 On the education of bis son. 552 Cacegas (Fr. L.) Historia do S. Domingos particular do reino o conquistas de Portugal. Ke-ibnnada por Fr. L. de Sousa. Lisboa, 1767. 4 vols. calf. tol. 32.50 A rare and valuable history of the order of St. Domingo in Portugal and the Portuguese colonies. 553 Cadix. — Large view ol the city with its harbour, as it was when Columbus set oil\' from thence to America. On the plate the figures of 2 animals, with inscript.: (\'anis leporarius ex Indiis Occidentalibus allatus, 1565 and 2\'ica Peruviana allala, 1578. G. Hoefnagel px., ongrav. (by Hogen-berg). Ig. fol. With Latin explanation 1-24. — (From the rare work: Braun et Hogenberg, (Avitatei urbis terrarum. Col. 1572.) 6.— 554 Caerden (Pt. v.) Journael v. de reyse naar O. Indien met 4 schepen, onder d. Adm. Pt. Both, in 1599—1601. (Amst., 1646.) bds. squ. 4to. 3.— (Journal of the voyage to Kast-India, with 4 ships under Adm. P. lioth.) 120 pp.; no plates nor separate title; part of the collection; Begin N0. 272. With iuteresting notices on New-Guinea and the treaty with the natives. 555 - Loffelycko Voyagie op O. Indien mot 8 schepen, uytgevaren 1606, tusschen Madagascar en Abissena dour. (Amst., 1646 ) sqn. 4to. 2.— (Praiseworthy voyage to E.-India with 8 ships, setting sail in 1606, and passing between Madagascar and Abyssinia.) 48 pp., no plates nor separate title; from the collection; Begin N0. 272. This voyage is the sime as that described by Corn. Claesz v. Purmerentbnt both accounts are entirely different. This jomnul seems to be composed by a companion of the Admiral v. Caerden. 556 Caerte (de) van der zee om oost ende west to seylen, ende is van do beste piloots ghecorii-geert, ende elc oust opt zyn gcstelt, elckuietzjjn ligucren verbetert. Amstelredam, Corn. Claeszoon |
1588. hf. calft many small woodcuts, rcpresentinfi the outlines of the coasts, etc. 12mo. 20.— (Map of the sea for saiiiny to the East and Jfest, compiled by the best pilots, with a view of each coast etc.) Of the highest rarily, as all Dutch works ou pilotage of the IGth century. 557 [Caines (Geo)] Enquiry into the Law mor-chant of tlit United Statos; or Lex Mercatoria Americana, on several heads of comniemal importance. Vol. I. New-York, 1802. sheep. 8vo. 3.— 558 Calancha (Ant. do la) Het wonderlyck mar-telie vanden salighen Pater Didacns Ortiz, eerste Martelaer van Pern. fAntwerpon, 1671. calf 8vo. Fery rare. 6.50 (The wonderful martyrdom of the blessed father Didacus Ortiz, first martyr of Peru.) Translated from Spanish into Latin by J. lirulius, aud from liis Latin hi^tuiy uf IVru into Dutch by some Augustine Lathers, 559 Calborn, J. C, distinguished Amer. Stutes-man, upholder ol\'slavery. — A. L. S. to W. J. Watt, dat. Paddleton, Oct. 21, 18i6. 2 pp. 4°. 2.— 5G0 Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series, 1574—1000, preserved in the State Paper Department of II. M. PuMie lieeonl Oliiee. Edit, hy \\V. Noël Sainsbury. London. 1800. clol/i. roy. 8vo. (\'J.—) 0.- A stout volume of 580 pp., büinjs an abstract aud catalogue of all the documents in the I\'ubl. Kecord Off. relating to the English colonies in America (1574—1000) with notices of their couteuts etc., chronologically arranged ; indispeusable to every American historian. 501 California. — Costume and mode of fishing of the inhabitants. Engl, engraving, fo!. 1.— 502 --„Naufrago de Mr. La Horde sur les eanols de La Peyrouse aux ports des Pranqais dans la Californie.quot; 1780. Crépin px., engraving by Prut. Ig. sq. lol. 2.— 503 ICalkoen (H.)] Systéme politique de la Hé-genee d\'Anisterdam, exposé dans un vrai iotir; et sa conduite Justitlée ... eontre l\'accusation du Chev. Yorke. Trad, du Holland. Ainst. 1781. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 On Amsterdam\'s conduct during the Amer. War of Indepeud. 504 Calligraphic testimonial on: „America\'s Independence when cemented by the blood of Heroes, established in 1770,quot; written by (\'. S. Hare, (about 1815). Very Ig. tbl. — The corners at the bottom restored. 4,— 505 Callimaohi Hymni, epigrammata et fragmonta, c. notis H. Stcphani et alioruni. Hdid. J. A. Er-nesti. Lugd. Bat. 1701. 2 vols, calr gilt, coats of arms on sides. 8°. 3 — We insert this book here only uu account of this copy, that gives a fair testimony for the Dutch en- i |
thusiasm for the American cause. On the fly-leaf of the first vol. we find the following inscription: quot; Praestantissimus juvenis, liinso Koopmans hoc Callimacho . . . praemio or nat,is ah Ampliss. Leo-vardiemibus Magistralibus qunm Gymnasio valedixit, verba facien*. in laudem illustrissimi Americano-rum Hero is, Richardi (Gcurgi) IV ashing tonis. 1787.quot; 566 Cambodia en Louwonlant in Oost-Indien (Vreuide Oesi\'hiedenisRen in) 1635 — 1041. ^Mitsgaders de Key se der Ncdcrlanr.ers van Cambodia na Winejan. llaerlem, P. Casteleyn, 1669. hf. vellum. 4to. — Rare. 18.— {Curious histories from Cambodia and Lonwen-land in the East- Indies, 16.\'i5—4 k With the voyage of the Dutch from Cambodja to Winejan) One of the rarest and most interesting relations of voyages ever published. It is the only old account of the country of Cambodja near Siam, since not visited by Europeans, till recently in 1S66 —OS by the French, (see the articles of Mr. de Carno —in the R vue des deux Mondes 1809.) 567 - (Garnier (Fr.) Voyage lointain anx roy- anmes de Cambodge et Laonwon par los Néerlan-dais (^t ee qui s\'y est passé Jiisciu\'en 1044. (Bulletin de hi Société de Géo^raphie. Paris, Sept.— Oct. 1871.) map. 8vo. 2.50 Trauslatiou of the foivgoing No. 568 Campagnes de Virginie et de Maryland en 1862 j Documents ofliciels sonmis an Congres. Trad, de rAngl., avee introduct. et annotations par F. Lecomte. Paris, 1868. hf. cloth, map. 8vo. 569 Campagnes et eroisières dans les Etats de Venezuela et de la Nonv.-Grenade; par nn OiKi-cwt des Laneiers Vênézuéis Trad, de l\'Angl. Paris, 1827. map and portr. sd. roy. 8vo. 2.— 570 Campanius (Thomas) Holm., Kort Bquot;skrit-ning om Provineien Kya Swerige nti America, som nu forti den af the Engelske kallas Pennsylvania. Stockholm, trycki uti Kongl. Boktr, 1702. vellum. 4to. — Fine clean copy. SO.— 8 unnumb. leaves, 190 numb, pp., 1 leaf Errata. With 10 maps and plates. The title-page aud pi. 10 in facsimile. This excessively rake work is of the highest interest for the history of Pennsylvania. It is divided into 5 parts; 1. Ou America in general, pp. I—20. — II. Description and history of New-Sweden, otherwise called Pennsylvania, pp. 27 — 1 10. — III. Account of the Aborigines of Pennsylvania, with very curious details of their manners etc., pp. 110—153. — IV. a treatise of the language of the natives, with vocabularies, pp. 153—ISO. Appendix: On the Mynckussar Indians and their language and //various marvellous thing from America.quot; 1°. Plate to face the title: Novae Sueciae seu Penn-sylvauiae in America descriptio. — Engraved, but in this copy in facsimile. 2°. Map, numbered 1 to face page 10: Totius Amc-ricae descriptio. -- Engraved. |
Squot;. Plate, numbered 2 to face page 4.; Cataract of Niagara. — Engraved. 4n. Map, numbered 3 on page 10; Torre de Jesso. — In woodcut. öquot;. Map, numbered 4 lo face page 26.; Nova Succiae Tabula. — Kugraved. G0. Map, numbered 5 to face page 36.: Novae Suceia, hodle dicla Pennsylvania. — Engraved. 7°. Map, numbered 6 to face page 52.: Virginiae, N. Angliae, N. Hollandiae delineatio. — Engraved. 8°. Plate, numbered 7 on page 76. : Trefalldigbeets Forte. — Woodcut. 9°. Plate, numbered 8 on page 81.: Cliristinae Skantz. — Woodcut. 10°. Plate, numbered 9 to face page 110.: Three Indian Aborigines. — Engr. (facs.) 571 Campanius. — The same. Titlopngo and nn. 1, 6 ami 10 of the plates in facsimile. 37.50 572 Campbell, Alox., Baptist Minister in Washington 1800, founder of the sect called, „Camp-bellites.quot; — A. L. S., in French, to Rev. P. II. Marron of Paris, without date. 2 pp. 8°. 1.50 On a volume of sermons, published by Campbell. 573 Campbell (John\') Tegcnwoord. Staat Oer volken van het Spaanse he rijk in America, mot een byzonder verhaal van d. Koophandel, etc. Anisterd. (ca. 1740.) vellum, maps. 8vo. 2.— (Present slate of the peoples of the Spanish empire in America; with a particular account of the commerce, etc.) 574 Campo (J. H.) Do ontdekking van America, ter aangenaame leezing voor kinderen en jonge lieden. Anisterd. 1782—83. 3 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 (The discovery of America, a pleasant lecture for children and young men.) First Dutch edition, made on the German original. 575 - The same. 3 vols. sd. uncut. 2.50 576 - Histoire de la découverte do rAmériquo. Trad, do l AUemand, av. notice biograph. sur I\'au-tour p. Lairnaudière. Nouv. edit. Paris (1830). 2 vols, sd., plates. 8vo. 1.50 577 Camper iP.) Over de voortteeling der Ame-ricaansche Padden. (Haarlem. 1761. Extr.) plate. 8vo. —.50 (On the procreation of American toads.) 578 Canada. — Partio de la Nouvelle France. Paris, JI. Jaillot. 1685. sq. fol. 65 by 46. — Fine map. 2.— 570 - Canada and the Lakes, 2 Maps from La- hontan. Voyages. La llaye. 1703, sq. fol. 55 by 41 and 65 hy 28. 4.— Interesting maps, one bearing the inscription: I\'Carte que les Gnactisares out dessiné sur des peaux de certs;\'quot; on both historical annotations. 580 - Carte des Pays connus sous 1c nom de |
Canada, dédiéo au Comtc d\' Argcnson pour le département do la guerre par K. de Taugondy. Paris, chés PAuteur. 1753. sq. fol. 67 hy 48. — Coloured. 2.50 581 C inada. — Partie orientale de la Nouvelle France on du Canado. (Nurnberg), Homann. 1755. Map. sq. fol. 54 by 42. 1.— 582 —— The countries of the Hudson\'s Hay and the North-Western parts of N. America. Amst., Is. Tirion. 1769. Colour, map. sq. fol. 44 by 31. 1.50 583 - Topographical Dosoription (A short) of II. M.quot;s province of Upper Canada in North-Amerlca. To which is added a provincial gazetteer. London, 1799. bds. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 584 --Religious, nuptial and funeral ceremonies of the Canadian tribes. —\' Engraved plates by Bern. Picart. 12 represent, with French subscript, on 5 sheets, fol. — First impress.- From: Picart, Cérémonies. 2.50 585 - „Canadiens au tombeau de leur Enfant.quot; Le Barbier px., engraving hy Ingouf le Jeune. 1786. Ig. fol. — Full marg. Stained. 2.— 586 - Autograph. — Anonyme. French Prince or Nobleman. — A. L. in French to Count Verhuoll at Paris, from Canada, 3 May 1835. 4 pp. 4to. 3.— Curious letter signed M. N. D. quot;Depuis plusieurs annees il languit an sein des foièts de Canada et mange le pain de la misère en se livrant l\'instriic-tion de la jeunesse. La mort de Franfois II (l\'em-pereur d\'Autriche) le fait csperer de revendiqner les droits d\'apanage sur le principauté de Wcsterwald, mais il craint que Metternich,quot; etc. etc. 587 Candish. — Journalen v. 3 voyagicn: 1°. v. Th. Candish, door Magell. in 1586, enz. 2°. v. F. Draeck en J. Haukens, naer West-Indien, in 1593, ete. Amst., J. P. IVachter, 1643. calf. 4to. l\'ery fine copy. Rare. (Tiele No. 282.) 9.— Kxact reprint of the edition of 1598, but the na-mes of Javanese princes omitted. Sec Tiele p. 298.— The voyage round the world by I\'lleremite in 1623 is the 3d voyage mentioned on the title, but having a separate title and paging, it sells separately. 588 Canterbury Papers. Information concerning the principles, objects, plans and proceedings of the founders of the settlement of Canterbury in New Zealand. Loud., 1850. 6 parts. H\'ith map. 8vo. 1.50 58\'.) Canzler, F. G., Ncno wochentliche Nach-richten von nenen Landkarten, geograph., statist., histor., wie auch Ilandlungsblichern. Gött. 1788 — 89. 2 vol. 831, 982 pp. IFith porlr. of P. Egede. brds. Squot;. 4,50 Appeared in weekly parts, the last pages of each mentioning the new cartographical publications. — Hare. 590 Capo-Breton. — De importantie en voordec- |
ligheid van Ka^p-Breton, aangotoont in enno naauw-kcur. bcscliryving cte. Uit hot Eng. Delft, 1746. 2 maps calf, 8vo. 2.quot;25 [Importance and advantage oj Cape Breton, staled in an exact description etc. Transl. from the Emjl) 591 Capellon (J. D. v. d.) Diatingnishecl Patriot, promotor of tlio American interests, etc. — 2 A. L. S. in Dutch, dated Arast. 14 March, Zwol, 7 April 1782. 4 pp. 4to. 2.50 On the American nITairs; Ailnms i8 ncknowlcdged as Minister of the Un. States. 592 Capitein (J. E. J.) Disscrtatio politico-thoolog. de Scrvitutfi, libcrtati Cliristianae non contraria. Lugd. Bat. 1742. 4to. 4.— The author was captured as a Negro buy, 10 years old, from the tribe of the Ashantines, on the coast of Guinea, brought to Holland, and educated at Leiden under special tutorship of the celebrated Prof, of Theol., T. II. van den Honert; he studied nfterwarda Divinity, took his degrees by the writing and defence of this book and was shortly afterwards sent to Africa to christianize his tribe; but nuthing more was heard of him, and it is generally accepted that he by and by joined his people and was totally lost. i have once had an edition of his version of the Pater Noster in Ashantine tongue, 4 pp. 4to, but saw never any other copy. 593 - The same, translated into Dutch. Leiden, 1742. 4to. uncut. 3.50 A portrait of the author by Bleyswyk added. 594 Capture of the Admiral and Vice-Admiral of the Honduras, commanding 2 very richly laden vessels, by the ships and yachts of the \\V. I. Company under direction of the Dutch Admiral 1\'ieter Adnacnsz. (Ita), 1 Aug. 11328. On the foreground the battle, at the right Havana, sq. Col. — Plate from: Commelin, Life of Fred. Henri/. 2.— 595 - Same subject. Differ, representation, smaller. On the frontispiece of IVassenaer, Hist. I\'er-hael. 4°. 1.-- 596 Capture of the Sugar prizes in the Bay Todos los Sanctos in Brazil. 1027. Plate, sq. (ol.|— (Belongs to Commelin, Life of Fred.. Henry.) 2.- 597 Carey (H. C ) The Slave trade, domestic and foreign: why it exists, and how it may be extinguished. Lond. 1853. 420 pp. 3vo. 2. — 598 Carey (M.), Short account of the plague, or malignant fever lately prevalent in Philadelphia with a statement of the proceedings that took place on the aubiect in different parts of the United States. Philad. printed; London reprinted, 1794, 92 pp. and list of meteorol. observat. sd. 8vo. uncut. 4.60 Pp. 86—92; List of the inhabitants of Philadelphia, whe have died since the tirst of Aug. 1793. 599 Caricature (English) on the defeat of the French by the English near Brest. — An English sailor drives a French one „into Brest\'s sculking |
holequot; by wiping his naked posteriors. 1778. With address llr. Itichardson. sq. 4quot;. 3.— 002 Caricature on George III; he is deprived of his clothes by two Americans; near them Lord North, as King, on horseback, etc. 1780. - With Dutch explanation, sq. iquot;. — I\'er;/ rare. 4.— C03 ---new Flan for raising the Royal George, !,y a Lady.quot; ■— English caricature. 1780. 81\'. —.75 004 CuriDnis Chronica van den Beginne des we-relts aen tot op den Keyser Carolnm V. In\'t Latijn door Melanchthonem en C. Pencenm. Overg. door W. v. Zuylen van Nyevelt. Arnhem, 1629. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, fol. Scarce. 0.— (The Chronicle of (\'avion, since the beginning of the world to the Emperor Charles C. Described in Latin by P. Afelanchton and C. Fencer; transl. into Dutch by If. v. Zuylen v. Nyevelt ) Contains: Part V, pag. 148—168; History of the conquest of the New World. 005 Cartier (Aug.), De I\'esclavage dans ses rapports avec rUnion Américaine. Paris, 1862. sd. 8vo. 1.50 000 Carling (R.) et C. Cliristianson, Primau lineaj Unionis civitatium {sic) America) Septentrion. Upsal. 1813. 4to. Rare, not mentioned by llich. 3.— 007 Curocbi (Hor.), Comp. de Jesus, Compendio del Arte de la lengua Mexicana: dispucsto ... por Ign. de Paredes. Mexico, 1759. engrav. frontispiece, representing Ljn. de Loyola, 12 leaves prelim. 202 pp, vellum. 4to. 37. — I\'lne copy of a very scarce work, sold in auction liaetzel 140 Kranes; Quatremère 90 francs. 008 Caron (P.), Beschryv. v. h. machtigh Coninckr. Japan, aert en eygenschappeu v. \'t Landt, nianiere der Volckeren, als mede hare grouwel. vvreedt-heyt teghen de lioomsche Christ. Amst., J. Ilart-gers, 1649. hf. vellum. 4to. — Fine copy. (Tide No. 278.) 7.— (Description of the mighty kingdom of Japan; nature and peculiarities of the country, manners of the nations, also t\'/eir horrible cruelly towards the Roman Catholics.) Rare 2d edition. Reprint fro-n the edition of 1646 in Begin en Coortgangh (No. 272) at the end of the Journal of Hagenaer\'s voyage. 009 -- The same. Amst.,/. llartgers, 1652. ir/j.\'lto. Rare 3d edition; reprint of the former. 010 Caron s Japan. — The same.\'s Grav ,/. Ton-gerloo, 1601. bds. 4to. (Tiele No. 230.) 5.— liare. With 2 separate pi., and I in the text. Short copy, the map wanting. 011 —- The same, \'s Grav.. J. Tongerloo, 1662. ids. 4to. (Tiele No. 232.) 0.— With map of Japan, and the 2 separate plates. The plate in the text has a printed sub cription. 612 Caron and Schouten. — A true description of the mighty kingdoms of Japan and Siam. Writ- |
ten originally in Dutch by Francis Caron and Joost Schorten (sic!) and now rendrcd into English by Capt. Roger Manley. London, Rob. Buul-ter, 1671. hds., a folding map. 12ino.— Very rare. \' 10,— 613 Carolina. — Carte générale ot particniière do la Caroline, par S(unson). Amst., P. Mortier, (about 1700). 2 maps. f\'ol. 4!) iiy 57 and 00 by 48. — Coloured. 3. — 014 Carrel (Arm), Oenvres littéraires ot öcono-niiqnos, publ. et annotécs par Ch. Romey. Préc. tVune notice biograph. par E. Littró. Paris, 1854. hf. cloth. 8vo. 1.50 Cunt, un article on the mother of Washington. 015 Carthagena. — Journal de tout ce qui s\'cst passé a la prise des I\'orts de Bocachica etau siège de Carthagcne aux Imlos Occidentales, tiré lt;lcs relations do i\'. de Eslaba. (JVo place, but printed in Holland.) 1741. 4to. 2.— On the defeat of the English fleet. 010 - Plans of Carthagena, Porto-Hello and Havana, with their fortiticatious and harbours. Amst., J. Covens et C. Mortier, (about 1735). 3 maps on 1 sheet, eacli 31 by 21^. o.— 017 - New and correct plan of tho Harbour of Carthagena in America, by i\\ Chassereau. Also a view of the (English) fleet as they anchored ... to besiege the town. Loudon, Th. Bowles. 1741. sq. foi. 51 by 41. 5.— With English text in 6 eolniuus relating to tho siege. 018 - Plan du Port, de la Ville et des Forte- resses de Carthagcne suivant lo dessein apportè . . . par la {sic) Capitaine G. Laws. Amst., Covens amp; Mortier (1741). sq. foi. 00 by 51. 5.— A plan differriug from the foregoing, with explanation on tho posilions and operations of the English fleet in 0 columns. 019 Cartier. Kelatiou originnle du voyage do J. Cartier au Canada en 1534. Documents inédits sur J. Cartier et lo Canada. (Nouvelle sério) Publ. I). II. Michelant et A. Kamé. Paris, Tross, 1807. \\ sd. uncut, 2 portr. of Curlier and i views of /lis mansion. 8vo. 8.— 020 - Brof roeit et succincte narration de la navigation faite en 1535 et 1530 par le Capitaine Jacques Cartier aux iles de Canada, Hoehelaga. Sagucnay et autres. — Réimpression flgurée de 1\'edition originate rarissime de 1545. Avee uue introduction histor. p. M. d\'Avezac. Paris, Tross, 1803. sd. uncut. 8vo. 8. — 621 Carver (Jon.) Keizo door de binnenlanden van Noord-Amorica. Vert, door J. D. Pasteur. Leyden, 1796. 2 vols. 8vo. sd. uncut, map and col. plates. 2. — (Iravels through the interior parts of North-America.) Vol. II. p. 150—173: on tho Indian languages, with a Chippewny and Naudowess vocabulary. The |
work contains curious details on the American Indian tribes. 622 Castriotto d\'Albanio (Stephan-Annibale) Oeu-vres choisics, contenaut le portrait caractérist. du Prince hérédit. (le Prusse, une left re au Congres de f Amérique, etc. (Bruxelles) 1782. sd., Portr. 8vo. 3.— Privately printed, very rare. The author is the famous impostor Stefano Zannowich. 023 Catalogues of American Literature, comprising collections by /ƒ. Stevens, O. E. Mason, Crow-nimjshield and others, sold in London, nearly 100 day\'s sales, 1850—01. Bound in 4 thick vols. hf. morocco. 8vo. 30.— Contain a vast mass of valuable materials for Ame-riciu bibliographers; of special interest is the collection of II. Stevens, being the bulk of what appeared in his Nuygets, and being accompanied by highly interesting notes, descriptions, collations, etc. 024 - Catalogue do la Bibliothèque de J. M. Andrade. Loipz. et Paris. 1809. Prix imprimes. 8vo. 2.50 Important collection of books and MSS., especially on America, comprising the rarest works relating to Mexico, once the propriety of the infor-tunate E nperor Maximilian. 025 Catalogue of maps and surveys, in the offices of the Secretary of State, of the State Engineer and Surveyor and in tho Now-York State Library. Albany, 1851. sd. 8°. — 288 pp. 1.50 626 Catalogue of the Manuscript maps, ehurts, and plans in the British Museum. London. 1844.2 vol. cloth. 8quot;. 0.— Page 3—8 of Vol I contain tho description of the MS. copies of Ptolemy; pp. 11—38 the maps of tho World, portulani, etc. 027 Catalogue des Cartesgéographiques, topograph, et marines de la bibliothèque du Prince Alex. La-hanofp de Kostoff a St. Pétcrsbourg. Paris 1823. ids. uncut, roy. 8quot;. — 494 pp. 6.50 A rare and highly esteemed eatalogne made up by the Prince himself and printed at his expense for private distribution only, enriched with b blio-graph. and other notices. — N0. 51 —112 cont. the maps of the World and the general Atlases, N0. 1480 —1543, the maps of America. 628 Catalogue do la collection Géographique, his-torique et cartographiquo de feu le Baron Derfel-den de Hinderstoin. Utrecht. (1858). 8quot;.//. — With some prices in MS. 2.— Interesting eatalogne of geographical and caito-graph. treasures; pretixed a biography of Derfelden. 029 Catalogue par ordre chronolog. et géograph. d. cartes, plans, vues do cotes, mémoires, etc. qui composent I\'Ihidrographie Franfaise. Paris. 1860. 2 vol. hf. cloth. 8°. 3.— Seo for a list of American charts, in geograph. order, pp. 74—124. 030 Catalogus der verzameling v. Kaarten v. het |
Ministerie van Marine, \'s Gravenhage. 1872. 1284 pp. 8°. 5.— Catalogue of the mapj and charts of the Dutch Marine-Uepavtement, made up by P. A. Lcupc, Mnj. Dutch Navy. Ample description of 110 Ailasrs, of 70 maps of the Arctic regions, and of about 250 maps and charts of North-America. (181 Catechism. — The Hcidelbergh Catochism, or Method of Instruction in the Christian religion, as the same is taught in tne Kelormed Churches and Schools ot Holland. Translated for the use of the Keformed I\'rotest. Dutch Church, of the city of New-York. N.-York, J. Holt, 1704. calf. 8vo.— Very scarce. 8.— C33 Caton (Will.) Den Mateiyken Ondersoekor voldaen, in een klare beschrjjvinge ... aengaende het vorsmaede \\olk, geineinlijk Quakers genaemt. Uit hot Engelsch vert, Amsterd.. 10(30. 4to. 2.— ( The moderate inquirer satisfied, by a clear description ... of the despised people, commonlj called Quakers.) 033 Cavori (Gomelli), Voyage du tour dü monde. Trad, tie I\'ltal. p. 1/. M. N. Paris, E. Ganeau. 1710. 6 vols, calf, plates and maps. 8vo. 5.— first edition; a second appeared in 1727.— The name of the translator has remained unknown. De Jiure in his Hibliographie Instruct., sais it was Le Noble, while Barbier, Dictionn. des Anonumes thinks it more probable that Dubois de St. Genois made the translation. 034 Cayenne. Map of the island and the colony, with plan of the city and the fortress. (Amst,, Is. Tirion. 1705 ) fol. 42 by 30. Coloured. 1.26 G35 —— View in the country, with inscription; quot;C\'est en cet endroit que se doit rendre la nouvelle Colonie Franfoise, cet. Dressre par Mr. Bctcow, Ingénieur.\'quot; (1775 ?)( — French plate, coloured, sq. 4°. 1.50 63f) Cellarii, A., ITarmonia Macroeosmica. Amst., J. Janssonius. 1601. — Frontispiece of this work with 0 portr. of astronomers among which Galilei, Tyclio Brahé and Copernicus. Fine engrav. by /*\' M. van Hoven. Ig. fol. 1.50 037 - Same plate nicely coloured and illuminated at the time of the publication. 2.— 038 Celsius (O.) Iter in American]. Upsal. 1725. 8vo. Very rare. 12.— 0.39 Census. — Report of the Superintendent of the census for December 1st 1852. To which is appended the report for 1851. Washington, 1853. cloth. 8vo. 1.— 040 Ceremonies, (religious, matrimonial and funeral), of the American tribes. Engrav. by Bern. 1\'icart. 71 representations with French subscript, on 34 sheets, fol. — Fine impress, on large paper, uncut. — From: Ficarl, Ceremonies religieuses. 10.— 641 - Idols of Yucatan and Tabasco; religious cerenionies in Panama, engrav. by Bern. Picart. |
0 represent, with Frenchsunscript. on 3 sheets, fol. — First impress. — From ; 1\'icart, Cérémonies. 1.50 042 [Ceiisier] Le Destin de rAmérique on dialogues pittoresques sur la cause des événements actuels, la politique des puissances de I\'Europe dans cette guerre. Trad, de I\'Angl. Lond., (1780.) uncut. 8vo. . ].25 643 --The same, bound together with: [Tickell] La cassette verte. 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 1.50 644 Cartificates of the marriage, the good behaviour and the births of three children of Juan Deaz \'Aetna and Agneda de Espinosa, with legalisation of the signature of the Vicar in Mexico, 1004. 22 pp. fol. f).— Manuscript in calligraphy, with different ornamental borders in colours. 045 Cospedos y Menoses (G. do) Primera parte dclla historia de D. Fiiippe IV. Key do las Es-panas. Lisboa, I\\ Graesbeeck, 1031. (Vol. I. (,nly pnbl.) vellum, fol. 0.— Contains the Spanish history of the years 1005 — 28, and gives many particulars on the colonies in America, the contests with the Dutch in Brazil, etc. 646 [Chambon.] Traité general du commerce de rAmérique, cont. l\'histoire des découvertes dans cotte partie du monde, etc. Amsterd., 1783. 2 vols. marbled calf gilt, maps ami plates. 4to. 3.50 647 Chabert (X.), Abrégé histor. de la vie et d. aventures d\'Adola, chef de la peuplade des Puns, av. la descript. d. moeurs d. sauvages du pays. (Paris, 1820 ?) 8vo. 1.25 648 Chamfort (de), Do ionge Indiaane, bljjspel. Naar bet Franscb. \'s Uravenh. (1780? 8vo. 1.50 (The young Indian woman, comedy. From the French.) 649 Channing (W. E.), Memoir of —, with selections from his correspondence. Lond. (1851.) cloth. 8vo. 535 pp. i,50 050 [Chanvalon (Th, de)] Voyages a la Martinique, contenant diverses observations sur la physique, I\'liistoire naturelle, l agriculture, les moeurs, etc. Paris. 1763. hf. calf. 4to. 3.50 quot;Relation très-estimée.quot; Lederc. 651 Chappell (E.) Voyage to the Newfoundland and the Southern coast of Labrador. Lond. 1818. ///. calf, map and pi. 8vo. 2.50 652 Charlevoix (P, Er, X. do) Ilistoire du Paraguay. Paris. 1757. 6 vols, many maps, calf. am. 8vo. \' 9.— 653 - Voyage to North-America: undertaken by command of the present king of Franco. Containing the geographical description and natural history of Canada and Louisiana. Dublin, 1760. 2 vols. calf, maps. 8vo. 10.— Some pencil-nnnotatious on the margins. 654 Chastellux (Caev. de) Voyage en Amériqne. (Cassel?) 1785. calf. 8vo. Scarce edition. 1-25 «This appears to be the subreptitiuus edition of |
Ch.\'s travels, printed at Cassel, which is referred to iu the Paris editiou of 1780.quot; Rich, 655 Cliastellux (Chev. de) The same. Paris et Bnixoilcs, 178G. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1 — 056 _ Voyages dans rAmériquc Septentrion. 2o edit. Paris, 1788—91. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo, 2,50 657 Chevalier (H. Em.), Notice sur F. Gabriel Sagard Tlióodat et sou oeuvre, servant d\'introdue-tion a la nouv. edit, de ITIist. du Canada, p. lo F. Sagard. Paris, 1866. 8vo. 1-— 658 Chevalier (Mioh.) Lettres sur rAmérique du Nord. Paris, 18:i6. 2 vols. hf. calf neat. 8vo. 2.50 659 Chili. — „Figure of an unkwown monster, discovered in Chili, high 10 feet, with a man\'s head, a lion\'s mane, ... two wings and the tail of a mermaid, cot.quot; — Curious engraved broadside, with Dutch explanation (about 1780). 4°. — 1\' cry rare. 2.— 660 - Dross of the inhabitants of the Island Conception. Dutch engrav. (about 1760). sq. fol. 1.— 661 China. — British relations with the Chinese empire in 18S2. Comparative statement of the English and American trade with India and Canton. Lond. 1832. 8vo. 1- — 662 Choris (L.), Voyage pittoresquc autour du monde, avec d. portraits do Sauvages dWménque, d\'Asie, d\'Afrique, et d. iles du grand Océan; d. paysages, vues maritimes et pluaieura objets d\'hist. naturelle; accomp. de Descript. p. Cuvier et A. de Chamisso, et d\'Observations s. 1. cranes humains p. Gall. Paris, Didot, 1822, hf. calf, large, fol. r 35.— With portrait ami 110 coloured plates, published at the price of 330 francs. 663 Christmann (Pr.) Australien, Oeschichte der Entdeckungsreisen u. d. Kolonisation ; Ililder aus d. Leben in d. Wlldniss u. d. Stiitten d. Kultur d. neuesten Welt. Leipzig, 1870. 120 woodcuts, 4 maps and 5 plates cloth gilt. 8vo. 1.50 664 Chroniclo of the Dutch Whalefishery in the years 1753—1773. — Notices of the vessels, which have sailed in each year to Greenland, the Strait of Davids etc. for the whalefishery. with details of their success etc. Dutch MSS. 28 pp. 4to. 6.— 665 Chronological table of the progress of Christianity in the four parts of the World from 100 -1800. Aquatint by Roosing. sq. 4°. 1.— 666 Ciiys (A. M. M. van der), Wed. W. Storm, Het Cooper\'s Instituut te Nicuw-York.\'s Gravenh. 1863. woodcuts, large 4to. 1— (Description of Cooper\'s Institute at New-York.) 667 Cinerii (P.) Dissertationes litterariae. Floren-tiae, 1742. vellum. 8vo. ^O Cont. Dissert. V. VI. p. 69—106; De Gron-landia veteri. — De Gionlandiao veteris et novae geographia. 608 Clarkson (T.) Essay on the impolicy of the |
African Slave-trade. 2d edit. Lond. 1788. 2 parts. — Idem, on the Slavery and commerce of the human species, partlc. the African. 2d edit. lb. 1788. — Idem, On the comparative efficiency of regulation or abolition, as applied to the slave-trade, lb. 1789. — in 1 vol. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.50 669 Clarkson (T.) Memoirs ot the public and private life of Will. Penu. New edition, with a preface by W. E. Forster. Lond., 1849. cloth, map of Fennsghania, plan of Philadelphia, and plate. 8vo. 1.25 670 Clavigero (P. X.) Geschichte von Mexico, aus Span. u. Mexican. Geschichtschreibern, HSS. u. Gemalden der Indianer. Aus d. I tal. von C. Cnl-len ins Engl, libers. Lelpz. 1790. Vol. II. map. sd. 8vo. 671 Clay, Henry, Orator and Statesman, Secret, of State under J. Q. Adams. — A. L. in the 3d person. 3 lines. 4°. !•— 672 Clay (J. Curtis) Annals of the Swedish on the Delaware, with the Charter of the United Swedish Churches. Philad. 1835. porir., hf. calf. 12mo. 2.50 673 Clayton (Joh.) Flora Virginica, exhibens plantas in Virginia observatas. Edid. J. Fr. Grono-vius. Lugd. Bat. 1762. With map. 4to. At» copy, cnlirely uncut. ^*^0 674 (Clerc, N. de), Tooneel der Keyzeron en Koningen. Delft. 1615. folio, vellum. Numerous portraits. {Theatre of the Emperors and Kings, 1450—1600.) The last 30 pp. treat on America, with the portr. of Cortez, Montezuma and Athabaliba. 675 Clinton, Admiral George, Governor of New York 1743-53, Gov. of Newfoundland till 1761. — S. Document, to Will. Johnson Esq. Colonel, dat. N. Y. May 9. 1748. 1 p. fol. — With seal (broken). 4.25 Military orders to protect the frontiers and annoy the enemy. 676 Clinton, George, first President of the State of N. Y, 1777, Vicc-Pres. of the U. S. 1804—12. — A. L. S. to Henry Glen, dat. I\'oughkeepsie, May 2, 17Y8. 1 p. 4quot;. 15-— Some military arrangements during the Kevol. War; Clinton was then Brig. General. 677 --A. L. to S. De Witt Esq., dat. Greenwich, Sept. 6, 1791. 1 p. fol. 1.25 Attested iu a notice by Kev. Will. B. Sprague as the handwriting of llev. George Clinton. 678 —— A. S. Message, in conveyance of some papers relative to the Onondago, Caynga, and Delaware nations, etc., dat. Jan. 29, 1802. 1 p. 4°. 3.50 679 Clinton, Do Witt, Amor. Statesman, Lieut-Governor of New York, \'1815. — A. L. S. to Dr. Griffin, Pres. of Williams Coll., dat. Albany, July 24, 1824. 5 lines. 4°. l ^ |
Offers thanks to Or. G. for his excellent adresses delivered in N. Y. G80 Clinton, De Witt, A. L. S. to A. Campbell Esq., dat. Nov. 11, 1826. 1 page. 4°. 1.76 081 - A. L. S. to Maior (Wcat?) of West Point, dat. N. Y. May 18, 1827. 1 p. 4». 1.75 682 [Cluny (Al.)] Le voyageur Américain, ou observations snv l\'état aetuel, le commerce des colonies Britann. en Araérique, etc. Trad, de I\'Angl. Angin. d\'un précis sur rAmèrique Septentr. et la Képubl. des Etats-Unis, par J. M(andrillon.) Ain-sterd., 1782. sd. uncut, map. 8vo. 1.60 683 - The same. Ibid. 1783. uncut, map. 8vo. 264 pp. 1.60 Both editions have the same contents; but the first is preferable, being splendidly printed on thick paper. 684 Coast-Survoy (Report of the Superintendent of the) showing the progress of the survey during the year 1855—60 and 62. Washington, 1856 - 64. 7 stout vols, cloth, with about 430 maps anil charts. 4to. 20,50 685 Cockburn(J.) Reis-besthryving door de Spaanse West-Indien. Amst., 1740. 8vo. sd. uncut. 1.50 (Vofjage. through the Spanish Wnil-Indies.) 686 Codazzi, Aug., Mapa fisico y politico do la Kepublica de Venezuela, dedicado al Congreso Constituyente de 1830. Caracas, 1840, 4 leaves, coloured, with indication of the height of the moan-tains, etc. liemarkahly well executed. Largest fol. hf. bd. 6.— Uricochea, Mapoteca Columbiana, page 141, N0.41. 687 Coinage. — Report of the operations of the Mint and branch mints of the Un. States. (Public Documents.) Washington, 1824—45. 33 pioces in 1 vol. Ii[. cloth. 8vo. 5.— 688 Colleccao de noticiaa para a historia e geo-gratta das naQioes ultramarinas que vivem nos dominios Portugnezes, ou I\'hes sao visinhas, publ. pela Academia Real das Sciencias. Lisboa, 1812— 13. vol. I. II. in 1. hf. calf. sm. 4to. 10 — Very valuable collectiuu of doenraents on the eariy history of the Portugneze maritime discoveries. We notice amongst them : Nave^oes de L. de Cada-mosto. — Cartas de Arner. Vespucio 1 Pedro Sode-riui. — Navegacjoa a Indias Orientaies escrito par J. de Empoli (1503.) etc. — A complete list of the contents will he found in Leclerc\'s liibl. Aiuer. N». 357. 689 Collection of Autograph Letters of celebrated persons from the 16th century to the present time, engrav. in fac-simile. Stuttgart, 1849. hf. calf. 4«. (),50 Some of the valuable documents and autogr., amounting nearly to 300, relate to America, f. i.: Adams. I I-a Fayette. i Buchanan. Columbus. I Monroe. | Raleigh. Pp. 77—124 wanting. 690 Collection of Hymns, for the use of the Pro- |
testant Church of the United Brethren. With Supplement. Philadelphia, 1813. 2 parts in 1 vol. calf. 8vo. 2.— 691 Collections of tho New-York Historical Society. Mew-York, J.8J1. Vol. I. calf. 8vo. 428 pp. 7.— Contents: S. Miller, discovery of New-York. — Belation of John de Verrazzano of the land discovered, 1521. — The voyages o( Hudson, 1607—8.— Abstract of Hudson\'s Journal, 1611\'. — Laws established by James Duke of York, 1604. 692 Collection of Voyages in Trench, published by Cora. Claesz. (Corn. Nicolas or Nicolai) at Amsterdam from 1605 to 1610. 5 parts in 1 vol. vellum, fol. With tho plates of the original Dutch editions. 100.— A very tall and flue copy, even with rough leaves, but portions of the upper interior margins of of part 2 and 4 stained with oil. Contents : I. Premier livrc de 1\'llistoire de la Navig. (de C- Houtman) aux Indes Orient. Par. G. M. A. W. h. (Guill. Lodewijks.) 1609. II. Le second livre. Journal ou comptoir, eont. la narration histor. du voyage par 8 navires d\'Amst. en 1598 sous J. C. Nee, etc. 1609. III. Description du peniblo voyage, fait autonr de I\'Uuivers du globe terrestre par Ol. du Nort d\'Utrecht, de 1598 ii 1601. Amst., Vefoo de Corn. Nicolas, 1610. IV. V raye description de 3 voyages de mer, faits en 3 ans, par les navires d\'Holl. et Zulande an Nord, etc. Par G. de Veer. 1609. V. Description et reeit historial du riche Koyanme d\'or de Gnnca nomine de Mina. . . en Afrique. P. ü. M. (Par Pierre de Marees.) 1605. These 5 vols, form the complete collection (without a collective title) of the French translations of the original Dutch editions, published by the same bookseller. — lu Holland they are all rare, especially complete. As far us we have duplicates of them, they will be found under the separate editions of these voyages. 693 --The same collection of 5 parts, with tho same titles and dates. — No. 2 (van Neck), 3 (van Noort), 4 (de Veer), are in other, probably earlier edition. In 5 vols. hf. vellum, fol. — Unique Collection. 125.— Till now these different editions (of No. 2, 3 aad 4) were entirely unkwowa and no bibliographer mentions them; only reeenlly, in dressing up the catalogue of our extensive cullection of voyages, we discovered by chance notable differences on nearly every page in the copies of de l eer; going on, we discovered also the existence of reprints of the 2 other voyages; but wo have not been able to find variations in the copies at our disposal, of the Premier livre (1) nor of Marees (V.) In the voyages of Van Koort the margins of se- CLINTON — COLLECTION. |
vcral pages arc mended and some very few, 10 of 20 words of the last page added in MS. The 6lli part (Marees) 1ms a title in MS. and the last 5 pages are carefully restored. 094 Collection oi\'Voyages undertaken by thn Dutch East-India Company, for the improvement of tntde and navigation. Translateil into English. London, 1703. calf, maps. 8vo. 5.— Contents: pp. 1—G8. The 3 lirst voyages of the Hollanders in quest of a passage to China; pp. 08— 70. The voyage of Hudson, 1009; pp. 71—89. Description of Siberia quot;taken from Muscovites writings;quot; pp. 89—93. Pontanus\' dissertation upon the North Passage; pp. 91—290. The two first voyages of the Dutch to the East-Indies; pp. 297— 330. The voyage of 5 Dutch ships to the Streights of Magellan. 095 Collootion (A new) of voyages, discoveries and travels in Europe, Asia, Africa and America. Loud. J. Knox. 1707. 7 vols., m\'any maps and plates. hj. calf. 8vo. ü.— Interesting collection, comprising the four voyages of Colomb, the conquest of Mexico by Cortes; of Peru by Pizaro; Voyage to South America, by G. J. and A. do Ulloa; to Brazil, by J. Nienhoff; to Darien, by L. Wafer; Bouquet\'s Expedition against the Ohio Indians, 1704; Voyages of Drake; Dam-pier, Rogers, Anson, eic., etc. 090 Colloctiou of 25 tracts in Dutch and German on the colonies and colonization in America, principally the Dutch colonies, 1830—54. 8vo. 5.— Interesting also for the history of immigration. 097 Collins, Acconnt or the English colony in New South-Wales, with remarks on the native inhabitants. Loudon, 1804. bds. uncut, many plates and maps, some coloured. 4to. 3.50 With vocabularies of the aboriginal languages. 698 - The same. hf. cal(. Neat copi/. 4.50 699 Colonial Essays. Transl. from the Dutch. Lond. 1804. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.— Cont. pp. 31—158; Survey of the English possessions in America and particularly that of Guiana. 700 Colonies Francaises. Tableaux do population, do culture, do commerce ot do navigat. pour 1\'annce 1805. Paris. 1807. sd. 8vo. 1.50 701 Colom, Arnold, Zee-Atlas ofte Waterwereldt. Amsterdam, (A. Colom, 1050?) vellum, roy. lol. I\\rst edition, — lia,re. 10,— 18 plain charts, including besides a fine map of the World, 0 charts of the American coasts, viz.: Brazil and New-Netherland (copied after Theu-nis Jacobs!:, but larger and more correct). South America, Carybe Islands (2 maps), New-Netherland (with Virginia and New-England), the Pacific. The chart of N. Netherlaud is not mentioned in Asher\'s list. 702 -- Same Atlas, same edition, but with Latin title: Ora maritiina Orbis Uuiversi s. Atlas mari-timus, ids. 18 Coloured maps, fol, 10.— |
703 Colom, Arnold, Same Atlas, later edition. Amsterdam. (1050). vellum gilt, gilt edges. Title wanting. fol. 6.— 16 Plain maps, the same as in the first edition; that of the Pacific wanting. The charts are here with dale, in the first edition without date. 704 Colombia, being a geographical, statistical, agricultural, commercial and political account of that country. Lond. 1822. 2 thick vols. bds. map, portraits. 8vo. 3.— 705 Columbus. — Frimera Epistola de Colon dando cuenta do su gran descubrimiento a Ü. Gabr. Sanchez; accompaua al texto original Castellano el de la traduccion Latino do Leandro de Coseo, por Volafan (F. A. de Varnhagen). Valencia, 1850. sra. 4to. 9.75 The Spanish text is from an early MS., which serves to correct the original letter in Castilian as published hitherto by Navarrete and others. 700 --Folieta (Ubertus), Clarorum Ligurum elo- gia. Romae, a pud haeredes Ant. Bladii, 1573, vellum. 4to. 9.— Pagg, 32—35 contain the elogy of Christophorua Columbus, 707 —— The same, calf extra, gilt edges. — Large Paper. 12.— Columbus staying full length on board of his ship, which is conducted by Tritons to the coast of America. 709 - Same subject. C. Ruben px., galvonoplasfce by IlnnfsUingl. Ig, br. fol. 4.— 710 - arrives in Spain, covered with chains, an 1 received by a mass of people. Challe px., engraving by Vidal. Ig. tol. — Pull marg. Vine. 1.75 711 - Same plate, proof before all lett. — Full marg. Fine. 2.— 712 Columbus\' dwelling-place at Sevil- la. — Largo view of this Spanish city; the houses and gardens very distinctly drawn; oue 01 these last, a garden near the Puerta de Goles, adjacent to the Guadalquivir, bears the inscription; Guerta de Colon (Garden of Colon.) Prospect of the same city, with inscription at the top of one of the houses; Casa de Colon (House of Colon); with prospects of Cadix and Malaga, on one sheet. — 2 Plates engraved by F. llogen-berg. Ig. fol. Coloured. — From: Jiraun et II)gen-berg, Civitates, Coloniae. 1572. 20.— As the biographers of Columbus are still uncertain where be lived at Sevilla, these indications of Hogenberg deserve some further investigation. 713 Commelyn (J.) Leven en bedryf van Frede-rich Hendrick van Nassauw. Utrecht, 1652. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, fol. 6.— {Life and actions of Prince Frederik Henry of Nassau.) |
Contaiuing the history of Holland from 1C27— 1647, with an ample account of the events which took place in this period in the Dutch colonies and possessions in America. This edition of 1653 is the best, coulaiuing the fins etchings by D. Sloop. Some of the many other plates represent the Dutch achievements in America, as p. 21 Capture of (he Sil-verlleet, p. 23 Capture of the snjiar vessels in the Bay of Todos los Santos, p. 101. Taking of Olinda, p. 185 Kio Grande in Brazil taken, p. 209 view of Paraiba etc. 714 Commelyn (J.) Hiatoire do la vie ct actes méinorables de Frederic Henry de Nassau, Prince d\'Orange. Translat, du Flainand. Amsterd. 1656. 2 parts in 1. vallum, fiorlrait and many plates, fol. 9.— The plates are the same as in the preceding original Dutch edition. 715 Compaon (Claos) \'t Begin, Midden en eynde der See-Eooveryen; hoe liy met weynlch Schepen de Zee onveylich geinaeekt, een ongeloof. Bnyt en groot getal Schepen gerooft heelt. Ainst., Wt\'d. Gysb. de Groot, 1697. ids, 4 to. 3.— (Commencpment, middle and end of the piracies of Cl. C., I /tow he made Die sea unsafe with a few ships, and took an incredibly booty and large number of ships.) With 3 woodcuts in the text and one on the title. 716 -- The same. Amst., tf\'ed. Gysb. de Groot, 1707. bds. 4to. 3.— 717 - The same. Amst., Ifed. Gysb. de Groot, 1715. In nrig. wrapper. 4to. 3.— 718 - The same. Amst., Erfj. Wed. G. de Groot en A. v. Dam, 1723. 4°. 3.— 719 - The same, lb., G. de Groot Keur, 1756. 720 - The same. Amst., Erve H. v. d. Vutte en 13. Boekholt, 1781. In original wrapper, woodcuts, 4to. 3.50 73t - The same. Title wanting, edition of 1780 or thereabout; text complete. 4to. 2.— Popular edition which may be recognised by a printing-error in the motto under the preface, viz. Nihil occulsmn, for; Nihil occultum. 722 Company (Danish). — Kuvtze historisch Nach-richt von dom Diinischen Ost-hui. nachherigen Asiatisehen Companie-Handel. (1616—1752.) Manuscript (1760 ?) 23 pp. fol. 2.50 Historical Summary of the Commerce of the Danish East-Indian or Asiatic Company. 723 Company (East-India.) — Short History of the E. 1. Coiup. exhib. a state of their affairs, abroad and at home, political and commercial. 2d ed. with an abridgment of the NewAct. F. R. Lond. 1793. uncut, large 4to. \'2.50 724 - Historiesch Verhaal van het begin, voortgang en tegenwoord. staat der koophandel van de Nederl. üost-lnd. Comp. Arnhem, W. Troost, 1768. 2 vols. hf. calf, uncut. 8vo. 3.50 |
{Historical Account of the origin, progress and present state of the commerce of the Dutch East-Ind. Comp.) Contains a complete history of all the voyages made in behalf of this Company; a sort of abridgment of the quot;Begin en Voorgangquot; of 1646. See NO. 272—274. 725 Company (Austrian Eatvt-ïndia). — Octroy de Sa Majesty pour restabl\'.ssement de la Com]), aux Indes Orient, et a la Guinêe. Hruxel-les, 1698. 4to. 1.25 726 - Vertoog van het regt van de Vereen. Nederl. Oost-lnd. Maats\'happye op de vaart naar Oost-Indien tegen lt;!e imvoonders van de Ooston-r[)ksche Nederlanden. Amsterd. (1698.) 4to. 1.50 {Account of the right of the Dutch East-India Comp. to the navigation to East-India, against the inhabitants of the Austrian Netherlands.) Written by A. Westerveen, Doctor in law; ft reply to the foregoing. 727 - Lettres patentes d\'Octroy aceordées par S. Maj. Impér. pour 30 années a la Compagnie génerale a ètablir dans les Pays-Has Autrichiens pour le commerce et la navigation aux Indes-(Orient et Occid.) Bruxelles, 1723. cloth. 4to. 2.— 728 -- Refutatie argumcntoruni quae a DI). Di- rectoribus Societatis turn Orientalis tum Occiden-talis in Foederato liclgio stabilitae obtruduntur adversus libertatem exercendorum in remotis cli-matibus commerciorum per lielgli incolas. Bruxel-iis, 1724. sd. 8vo. 1.50 Reply to the preceding No. 727. 729 - Lauraguais (Comte de) Mémoire sur la Compagnie dos Indes. Paris, 1769. 4to. uncut. 82 pp. and 17 statist, tables. 2.— Advice of dissolving the Company. 730 Company (French India). — Examen de la róponae de M. N*quot; au mémoire 1\'abbö Morellet sur la Compagnie des Indes, par l\'auteur du Mémoire. Paris, 1769. sd. uncut. 4to. 151 pp. 2.— 731 Company (Laud-). — Plan of Association of the North-American Land-Company, established February, 1795. Philad., Printed by It. Aitken amp; Son, 1795. 8vo. 8.50 732 Company (South-Sea ) — Brieven van con voornaam Lord ... op den naem van Cato geschreven, bohelz. een tafereel van liet gedrag der gewezene Bewindhebbers der Zuid-zee Kompag-nie, en van den val van die Kompagnie, etc. Uit het Eng. Delft, 1722. 397 pp. calf or vellum. Svo. 1.75 (Letters of an English Lord, written under the pseudonym of Cato, on the conduct of the late Governors of the South-Sea-Comp., and the fall of that body.) 733 Company (West-India). — Conditiën voor de West-lnd. Comp. to tourneren een fonds ... tot do bohandelmge van do Gout Custe iu Guinea, |
raitsftaders Ardra, Popo ende Benyn. 1G66. 4to. uncul. 2.— (Conditions. for the Weat-Ind. Camp... to trade to the Gold Coast of Guinea, and also to Ardra, Popo, and Benyn.\') 734 Company fWest-India). — Consideratie... waarom liet voor do Oost-lnd. Comp. oninogolick is, cm met do West-lnd. Comp. in één Octroy ende Societeyt to treden, \'s Gravenli. 1044. 4to. (Asher Is\'quot;. 201.) l amp;O {Considerations. on the impossibility for the Ed si-India-Com p. of a combination into one Patent with the H\'est-Iitd. Comp.) 735 - Consideration ondo Redenen der Bowind- hebb. van de West-lnd. Comp. nopende de togonw. deliberatie over den Treves met den Coning van Hispanjen. Haerlem, 10)29. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 130.) (Considerations of the Directors of the 1F. I.-C. on the firesent deliberations on a iruce with the King of Spain.) 73G - The same, with slightly different title and without date. 4to. Not cited by Asher. 3.— 737 - Copio van llequesten v. Amsterdam, etc. . Requeste van do West-lnd. Comp. aen Prince Frederick Henrtrick etc. 1628. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 111.) 2.— (Copy of Requests etc. .. Request of the W.-I.-C, to the Prince I\'redenk Henry.) 738 —— The same, other edition, with slight variations in the typograph. arrangement, ffearly uncut. Not mentioned by Asher. 3.— See for a firm reply to this pamphlet: — Ondersoeck. 739 - Copye van sekcr articulen beraemt inde vergaderinghe vande bewindhebberen... vande West-lnd. Comp. Ghedr. in \'tjaer 1023. 4to. (Asher No. 63.) 2.- (Copy of certain articles laid down in the assembly of the directors. .. of the If.-I.-Comp. 740 —— Copye van de Resolutie van Burghem. van Amsterdam op \'t stuck van de West-lnd. Comp., gen. in Aug. 1G49. Uytrecht, 1G49. 4to. (Asher No. 252.) 2.— (Co;y of the Resolution of the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, on the question of the W.-X.-C!.) 741 - The same. Reprint of the foregoing, without place, tto. (Asher No. 250.) 2.— A refutation tu tliis pnmpldet is No. 74G: Examen. 742 - Deduction (Twee) aeng. de Voreenlnge (Txoo deductions regarding the Union of the East and If est-1 nd.-Comp.) 743 - Directeurs (De ghemeene) gestelt tot het formeren van de Capitalen van de West-lnd. Comp .. 1022. (Asher No. GO.) 3.— |
One fulio-sheet, beginning with the above words, and containing an Kdict of the Directors of the W.-I.-Comp. regarding the subscription for the Capitals. 744 Company (West-India). — Discours opver-scheyde voorslaghen rakende d\'Oost enWcst-lnd. Trafyken. liet le Deel. 1G45. 4to. foot uncut. (Asher No. 200.) 2.50 (Discourse on different proposals regarding the E. and ir. India Traffic.) 745 - Discours (— Andorde — Derde —) daer in kortelyck ende grondigh werd vertoont, hoe veel de Vereen. Nederl, gholegen is aen de Oostende West-lnd. Navigatie. Arnhem, 1021-22. 3 pieces. 4to. (Asher No. 94, 95, 90.) 10.— (Discourse [Ij*, 2d, IW] proving of how much importance it is to the Unit. Netherl. to preserve the E. and If. India Navigation.) 740 - Examen van de valscho Resolutie van Burgem. van Amsterdam, Op\'t stuck van de West-lnd. Comp. Amst. 1049. 4to. (Asher No. 253.) 2.— (Examination of the false Resolution of the Burgomasters of Amst. on the question of the ltr .-Jnd.-Comp.) Reply to: Copye van de Resolutie. — See N0. 740. 747 - Extract uit \'tacteboek van de West-lnd.- Comp. tor Camero van Stadt en Lande. 1659 — 60. — Negotieerde penningen tot laste van de W. Ind. Comp. van Stadt en Lando, gecalculeert A0. 1655. — Contemporary Manuscript. 10 pp. 4lo. 2.50 (Extract from the acts of the W. Ind. Comp., Chamber of Stad and Lande. — List of the trade-amount at the Charge of the W. I. Comp. of Stad and Lande.) Grouingeu.) 748 ---Extract nit de A eten en Resoliitien van de ... W. Ind. Comp. in de Vergad. der Negen-thienen Aquot;. 1668. Comtemporany manuscript. 50 pp. 410\' 10.— (Extract from the acts and resolutions of the W. Ind. Comp in the Sessions of the 19 Directors.) With the printed: Conditiën etc. (Conditions for the W. 1. Comp. to trade to the Gold Coast of Guinea, to Ardra, I\'opo and Benyn), marked as Concept. See N0. 733. 749 - Extract uit de Notulen vau de Vergadering der Negentynen Aquot;. 1759. Contemporary manuscript. 10 pp. 4to. 2.50 (Extract from the acts of the Sessions at the Nineteen Directors.) 750 --- Extract uit de Notulen dor Thienen van de Nieuwe West Ind. Comp. tot Amsterdam vergadert A0. 1674 en 1675. Contemporary Manuscript. 10 pp. 4to. 1.50 (Extract from the acts of the Ten (Directors) of the New If. Ind. Comp., held at Amsterdam A0. 1674 and 1675.) 751 -- Extract nyt ... do resolution by den Ge- comtn. van de ... West Ind. Comp. representor. |
de vergaderinge van do XIX. 31 Aug., 3 en 5 Sept. 1654. Contemporary Maniscript. 8 pp. fol. 1.60 {Extract from the resolutions of the If. hid. f\'omp. in the Session of the 19 Directors.) Kor giving up the furt 1\'rinee William alias d\'Afo-gados in lirnzil; on the Oflicers returned from Brazil, etc. 752 Company (quot;West-Tndia\'). — Fin do la Guerre. —- Dialogus of\'t Samenapreekingo ... over do Wost-lnd. Intorprinee. Arnst. (1623.) 4to. «mck/. (Asher No. 101.) 4.— {Fin de ia Guene. Dialogue ... on the West-Indian enterprise.) 753 - Loosen handel van de Actionisten, die dob- bole partyon maacken... 1642. 4to. 1.— (The treacherous traffic of the Actionists, making double parties, etc.) 754 - Memorie over do aehterstallighe subsidien by den Rtaat goconsenteert aan do West-lnd. Comp. etc. {No place, 1674?) 4to. 4.— {Memorial regarding the subsidies in arrears, granted by the State to the W.-fnd.-Comp.) 14 pp. without a title, contain, all the publications from the year 1031—54, with treat of the different snbsidiea granted by the Statea Gen. etc. to the W.-I.-C.) 755 - Middelen en motivon om het kopen en {Means and motives to charge with taxes the buying and selling of the E. and W.-1 .-shares.) 756 - Octroy. — Placcaot van de Staten Gene- rael, ghemaeckt op \'tbosluyt van do West-lnd. Comp. \'sGrav. 1621. 4to. Entirely uncut, not even cut open. (Asher No. 50.) 3.— {Edict of the States General on the resolution concern, the establishment of the W.-lnd. Comp.) 757 - Octroy by de Staten Gener. verleent aon de Wost-lnd. Comp. \'sGrav. 1621. 4to. (Asher No. 54.) 7.50 {Patent granted by the Stat. Gen. to the ll\'est-lud. Comp.) The original edition; rare. 758 - Octroy by de Staten Gen. verleent aon do West-lnd. Comp. 3 Juni 1621. Motto ampliation en h. accoort tusschon de Bowindhebberen oude Hooltparticip. lt;lers. Comp. \'s Grav. 1623.4to. 7.50 (Asher Nquot;. 55.) 7.50 {Patent by the States-General to the West-India Comp., 3 June 1621, with the amplification and the agreements between the Directors and the Chief Shareholders.) 759 - Octroy concédé par les Estats Gén. do la Comp. dos linies Occident. 3 Juin 1621. Ensemble la le ou 2o ampliation. Amst., Jaq. de Wachter, 1623. 4to. (Asher No. 62.) t\'enj rare. 10.— 760 -Publicatie: Prolongatie van \'t octroy d. |
46 West.-lnd. Comp. (30 March .1673.) \'sGrav. 1673. 1 fol. sheet. 1.50 (Publication: Prolongation of the patent of the w.-i. a.) (Pu!evil granted by the States-General to the West-lnd. Comp.) Kirst edition of this second patent, quite different from lliat of 1621, publ. after the definitive cession of New-Nelherland to England. 762 - Octroy by do Staten Gencrael verleent aon de West-lnd. Comp. 20 Sept. 1674. prolongatie voor 30 jaren. 30 Nov. 1700. \'s Gravenh. 1701. 4fo. Uncut. 1.50 {Patent granted by the Slates-General to the West-lnd. Comp. 1074. With the prolongation for 30 years, 1700). 763 - Nader prolongatie van hot Octroy voor do West-lnd. Comp. 8 Aug. 1730. \'s Gravenh. 1730. 4to. Uncut. 1.50 {Further prolongation of the Patent of the West-lnd. Comp.) 764 - Nader prolongatie van het Octroy voor de West-lnd. Comp., 31 Dec. 1761. \'sGrav. 1761. 4to. uncut. 1.50 {Further prolongation of the Patent for the West-lnd. Comp.) 705 --Ondersocck der Amsterd. Requesten tot verdedigingh der onschuldighe ende ondorrech-tingh dor misleyde. 1628. 4to. (Asher No. 112.) 2.50 {Investigation of the Amsterdam Requests, for the defence of the innocent and information of the mis-led.) This pamphlet affords an interesting insight into the position of the leading parties of Amsterdam, that played such an important part in the history of the W.-I. Comp. 766 —- Ontwerp eu voorstel tot remedie van twee swarigheden in de West-lnd. Companie. Noplace. 1644. 4to. (Asher Nquot;. 190). Stained in the upper margin. 1.-- (Plan and proposal as a remedy for two difficulties in the W. hid. Comp.) 767 - Ooghen-Salve tot vorlichtinghe van alle Participanten, so van de Oost- ende West-lnd. Compagnien, aang. haar vereeniginghe.\'sGravenh. 1644. 4to. (Asher No. 193.) 3.50 (Eye-salve, for clearing the eyes of all the shareholders of the E. and W.-I. Comp.) 768 - Placeaet d. Staten Gen. tot verbod van den handel op West-lndiSn, enz. (24 Mei.)\'a Gravenh. 1624. 1 folio-sheet. Not mentioned bu Asher. 2.50 {Edict of the States-Gen.: Prohibition to trade within the limits of the W. I. Company.) 769 - The same (14 Jimlj.) \'sGrav. 1632. 1 folio sheet. Not in Asher\'s Essay. 2.50 - COMPANY. |
770 Company (West-India). — Placcaet op\'t stuck van \'t verkoopen omte transporteeren van Actien in de O. ondo W. hid. Comp. quot;s Gravenh. 1621. 4to. Entirely uucut, not even cut open. 5.— (Edict concerning the sale and transfer of shares in the E. and //\'. Ind. Camp.) This edition is uot muntioueil by Asher, who cites only (Nu. 72) the reuewiil of this edict in 1030. 771 - Kemonstrantie... by de W. Ind. Comp. Jegens verscheyde raeraorien van den HoerJChavi-siiis wegens de (gepretendeerde) Deensche Afri-caensuhe Comp. Amsterd. 1004. 4to. foot uncut. (Asher No. 320.) 4.— (Remonstrance,,. by the W.-Ind. Comp. against several memoirs of Mr. Charisius, concent, the {pretended) Danish African Comp.) 772 - Schaede, die den Staet der Vereen. Nederl. en d\'lnghesetenen van dien, is aenstaende. by de versuymenisse van d\'Oost en West-lnd. Negotie onder een Octroy en Sccicteyt te begrijpen, \'s Gravenh. 1644. 4to. (Asher No. 191.) 4.— (Damage menacing the Unit. Netherl.for neglecting to unite the E. and 11\'. - Ind. Commerce under one Charter and Company) 773 - Toestant der swevende verschillen tussohen de Oost- en West-lnd. Comp. v. Engelant en v. de Vereen. Nederl. 16\'34. 4to. (Asher No. 322.) 4,— {State of the present differences between the English and Dutch E. and IP.-I. Comp.) 774 - Dutch W. I, Company erected. Emblematical plate: the various Dutch Trade-Companies, viz. the E. I. Comp., the W. I. Comp., that to the North, and to the Levant, represented each by a female, receiving tribute from all parts of the world. Etched plate (by Romeyn de Ilooghe). Ig. sq. 4°. 2.50 775 - The Hag of the Company, used in its Colonics and on its fleet, bearing the interlaced initials G. //\'. C. (Geoctrogeerde llrest-Indischc Compagnie.) — Dutch engrav. Coloured, sq. 8°. 2.— 770 Concopt tot veroveringe en verdelinge van de Spaensche West-lndiën tussehen llollant en Engelant. (1707.) MS. 8 pp. fol. 2.50 (Project for conquering and division of the Spanish iVest-lndiesy between Holland and England.) 777 Conditiën door Bnrgemeesteren van Amsterdam, volgens \'tgemaeckte accoordt met de West-lnd. Comp. ... gepresenteert aen alle de gene die als Coloniers na Nieuw-Nederlandt willen vertrekken. Amst., E. Nieuwenhof. 1056. 4to. 20.— (Conditions offered by the Burgomasters of Amsterdam, according to the agreement with the West-India Comp., to all those who will go as colonists to New-Net herland.) This editiou slightly differs from that hehiud; van der Donck\'s Description of New-Netherland. 778 - The same. Amst., J. Banning, 1056. 4t0. Nearly uncut. (Asher No. 337.) 20.— |
A very rare and most important document, translated by O\'Callaghan II, p. 328. 779 Conditiën. The same. Amst., Wed. J. Banning, 1659. 4to. (Asher No. 338.) 30.— These new Conditions offer very considerable changes from those, published in 1056, and are of the same, if not greater rarity. A comparison of both may be found in Asher. 780 Conduct (The) of the Dutch, relating to their Breach of treaties with England, particul. their broach of capitulation, for the surrender of Surinam in 1667 and their oppressions committed upon the Engl, subjects of that colony, with a full account of the case of Jer. Clifford, late Merchant and Planter of Surinam, etc. London, 1760. 8vo. 220 pp. In red morocco, richly tooled, but binding cracked. Very rare. 10.— This scandalous pamphlet is issued by the descendants of a certain Jer. Clifford, in 1760, in order to get at last abolition of a sentence pronounced in Jan. 1092 against Clifford by the Council of Surinam for mutiny, condemning him to the cord (to be hanged). That sentence was mitigated to 7 years\' imprisonment and at last entirely remitted. 781 Connecticut (Map of) by D. F. Soizmann. Hamburg, 6\'. E. Bohn. 1790. sq. fol. 44 by 36. — Coloured. 1.50 782 Connecticut. — The Political Greenhouse for the year 17\')8. Addressed to the readers of the Connecticut-Conrant, January 1st 1799. Published according to Act of Congress. Hartford, Printed by Hudson amp; Goodwin (1799.) sd. uncut. 8vo. 7.50 In verses. Very rare, not mentioned by Rich nor by Sabin, under the heading Connecticut. 783 Consideratie over de tegenwoordige ghele-genlheydt van I i nisi I. In twee Doelen gestelt. Int eerste werdt aenghewesen op wat maniere men aldaer alles beter coop sal connen hebben, endo wat voordoelen aldaer uyt staen te verwachten. Int tweede deel ofte profi|tel(jcker is dat sulex geschiede door de Compagnie sell\'s, wide hare Dienaers alleen, ofte door Particuliere. Alles met redenen beveaticht ... Amst., 1044. 4to. (Asher N0. 184.) 5.— (Considerations on the present situation of B\'a-sil; in two parts: The first showing how one may have every thing there much cheaper, and u hat advantages may be derived therefrom; The second, whether it be better thd this should be done by the Company alone and by her servants or bj private Persons. All proved by good reasons, etc. 781 Consideration op de Nadere Memorie van het nomen der schepen van deezen Staat door de Engelschen; uitgeg. onder den tytol van: De Vrye Vaart en Handel, etc. \'t Hage, 1758. fol. 1.50 (Considerations on the second Memorial on the prizes made by the English on vessels of this State, etc.) 785 Constitutie voor de Vereenigde Stacton van Amer., den 17 Sopt. 1787. (\'s Grav. 1791.) 8vo. 2.50 COMPANY — CONSTITUTIE. |
FllEDEKIK MüLLEll amp; 0°.,
{Comtilution of the United States of America, 1787.) 78G Constitutie. The same. — Annexed-. Do Fran-sche Constitutie van 1701. Ibid. 1791. 8vo. 2.76 787 —- Do Constifutio der liepublick Colombia, mot het decreet betrekkei. de aiachafflng der sla-verny. Amst. 1822. 8vo. 1.26 {Constitution of Colombia, with decree on abolition of Staverny.) 788 Constitutions of the United States of America, tho Declaration of Independence, etc. Trenton, 1813. sheep, sin. 8vo. (a few wormholes.) — 1__ 789 - The American\'s guide compris. tho Declaration of Independence; tho Articles of Confederation; tho Constitution of the U. S., and the Constitutions of the several states composing the Union. Philad. 1828. Sheep. 12mo. 1.— 790 - Constitutions of the several States of the Union and United States, including the Declaration of Independence and Articles of Confederation. Now York, 1852. clol/i. 8vo. (7.20) 2.— 791 - - des treize Etats-Unis deTAmcrique. Paris, 1792. 2 vols. sit. uncut. 8vo. 2.— 792 - Do la Croix, Constitutions des princi- paux ótats de l\'Kurope et des Ktats-Unis do l\'Aiiié-rique. Paris. 1791—1801. 0 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 4.— (complete copies are ratlier scarcc. — The 2(1 volume (pp. 321—385) contains tbu constitution of the United States of America. 793 - Verzameling van de Constitution der Vereen. Staaten van Amerika, benevens de acte van onafhankelijkheid, enz. Uit het Engelsch en Fransch vert. Dordrecht, 1781—82. 2 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.60 (Collection of the Constitution of the United States, with the act of independence, etc.) 794 Constitution federal de los Estados Uuidos Mexicanos (Mexico.) 1824. calf gilt, tjilt edges, sm. tol. 3,— Official edition, quot;imprenta del Supremo Gobieruo de los Estados-Uuides Mexicanos en palaeio.quot; 795 Constitucion del Estado de Venezuela. 4a edition. Caracas, 1842. hf. calf. 18mo. 1.50 79G Constitution of tho French Republic ... by the National Convention. Translat. Philadelphia B. Franklin Bache. 1795. 8vo. uncut. 1.50 797 Cook (James) Voyages autour du monde. Trad, do I\'Augl. Paris, 1774—89. 14 vol. numerous maps and plates, calf gilt. 4to. 15.—• i\'iue complete set of Capt. Cook\'s Three Voyages, viz ; Hawkesworth\'s Voyages daus l\'hcraisphère meridional; — Voyage dans l\'héinisphère austral et autour dn monde; — Troisième voyage ik l\'Oeean Pa-cifique, etc. — Vie du Capit. Cook, par Kippis.— All uniformly bound in old calf gilt. 798 - An Account of the voyages undertaken for making discoveriea in the Southern Hemisphere, |
by Byron, Wallis, Carteret, Cook, drawn up by Banks, publ. by J. Ifawkesworlh. Lond., 1773. 3 vols. — Voyage towards tho South Polo and round tho world in the years 1772—75, by J. Coot. With Capt. Furneaux\'s narrative. Ibid. 1784. 2 vols. — Together 5 vols, calf uniform, many plates and maps. 4to. 12.— These two works must be kept together, forming a complete account of Cook\'s first and second voyage. 799 Cook (James), J. Hawkesworth, Voyages de découvertes dans rhémisphére meridional, executes par Hyron, Carteret, Wallis et Cook, liédigée par Banks. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1774. 4 vols. hf. ealf, 52 maps and plates. 4to. 5.— Account of Cook\'s first voyage. 800 --The same. Amst., 1774. 4 vols, hf calf, uncut, 52 plates and maps. 4to. 6.—- The same Paris edition, as the preceding No., only with a new title, and a privilege of the States General to the Uutch publisher, ami a very curious preface of them about their promises of this work, its price, etc. 801 - Voyage dans rhémispliöre austral, et autour du monde, 1772—75, daus loquel on ainaéré la relation du Capt. Furneaux et celle de M. For-ster. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, 1778. 5 vols, calf gilt, many maps and plates. 4to. 5._ Account of Cook\'s 2 voyage. — The 5th vol. of this French edition contains; Forster, Observations sur la geographic, I\'hist. natur. etc. faitcs pendant le second voyage de Cook. — In English this has been published separately; it is not included in the above No. 798. 802 - Reizen naar don stillen Oceaan en rondom de wereld, vertaald door J, D. Pasteur. Leyden, 1797—1803. 13 vols. 8vo. hf. calf aud Atlas of 133 plates and maps. hf. bd. fol. (40.—) 10._ {Voyage to the Pacific Ocean and round the world.) 803 - Reizen van een matroos met Capt. Cook, gedaan rondom de waereld, met een geschiedenis van alle de zeereizen rondom de waerold. Am-sterd., 1796. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1,— (Voyages of a sailor with Capt. Cook round the world; with a history of all the voyages round the world.) 804 - Death of Captain J. Cook. Webber px., Engraving by Bartolozzi and Byrne, sq. fol. 1__ 805 [Cookman (G. G.)), Hot vergaan der stoomboot De President. Amsterd. (1851). with plate. 8vo. 1._ (Shipwreck of the Steamer The Presidentquot;, diary found in a bottle, on the coast of Cape Breton.) 80G Cooley (W.) Geschiedenis der aardrijkskundige ontdekkingen. Uit het Eng. niet aanteek. v. d. vertaler (N. G. v. Kampen.) Haarl., 1835—37. 4 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 2.50 (History of the geograph. discoveries from the earliest times till the present day.) CONSTITUTIE — COOLEY. |
The first edition was published in 1635. — The work of Cornutus is the first specifically botanical book on America. — Rare.
815 Cornwallis (K), The new El Dorado; or British Colurabia. 2d edit. Lond. 1858. map and flate. cloth. 8vo. 1.50
816 CornwalliB surrenders his army. French engraving by P. 6\'. Marilher. With French text. sm. 4°. 1.50
817 Correspondanco politique de I\'Europe. Par une Société do Gens de Lettrca. (Amsterd.) 1780. 3 parts. 8vo. 2.—
On the war in America, etc.
818 Cortes, Fern. — Esta ea vna carta que el muy ilustrc Senor D. Hernando Cortea, Marquea que luego fue cl Valle, escriuio a la S. C. C, M. el Emperador... Fecha en la Gran Cibdad de Temistitan, Mexico, e la nueua: a XV dias del mea e Octubrc 8, M.D.XXIV. 12mo. 18.—
Reprint in Gothic letters: Mexico 18B5. Published by J. Garcia Icazbalceta. — Only 70 copies printed, and entirely out of print.
819 - Cartas y relacionea al Emperador Carlos
V., colegldas é ilustva las por D. Pascual de Gayan-gos. Paris, 1806. sd. roy. 8vo. 10.—
Contains many documents of the highest importance, which are here published for the first time.
820 - Correapondance avec I\'Emp. Charles-Quint
sur la conquête du Mexique. Trad. p. de Flavigny. En Suisse, 1779. hf. calf. 8». 2,—
821 - Brieven aan Karei V wegens de verovering van Mexico. Amst. 1780. 2 vols With mep. 8vo. 2.50
Dutch translation of the foregoing work.
822 F. Cortez\' interview with Montezuma. — Montezuma\'s cruelty to the Spaniards. 1519. — 2 Eugrav. by P. van Gunst and J. C. Philips, sq. 40. — From: v. d. Aa, Collection of Voyages. 1.—
823 Cosmographia, das iat: Warhaffte Besehrei-bung des Erdbodena, neralich Europe, Asie, Aft\'rice, vnd die nacli Ptolemeo neuw erfundenen Insein, Americe vnd Magdlane (so jetzt die ueuwe (sic /) Welt genennt.) Franckfurt a. M., S. Feyerabend, 1581. fol. fi-50
A translation of the text of Ortelius\' French Atlas, or perhaps a reprint of the text of the first German edition of Ortelius, 1572?
824 Costume of the nativea of Florida, Brazil and Paraguay. — 3 Engrav. by A. Melaer. fed. — From : iiazart, Hist, of the IParid. 1607. 2.50
825 Cotton (John), The Doctrine of the Church, to which ai\'e committed the Keys of the King-dome ot Heaven. Second edit. Lond. 1643. 4to. — Rarissime. quot;■—
The author was «Teacher of the Church in Boston in New-England,quot;
826 Coup d\' oeil sur la Grande-Bretagne. Lond. (en Holl.) 1776. sd. uncut. 8vo. 1.50
On the differences between England and America.
807 Cooper (Thorn.) Renseigncraents sur l\'Amè. rique. Trad, de I\'Angl. Paris, Maradan, 1795. sd. uncut, map of the United Stales. 8vo. 1.25
Trentiug principally of Pennsylvania.
808 Cooper, William, American Botanist. — A. L. S., in French, to Mr. M. C. van Hall in Amsterdam, dat. N. Y, Dec. 29, 1830. 1 p. 4».
809 Coperuious (Nic.) De revohitionibus orbium coulcstiuin, libri VI. Norimbergae, apud Jo. Petreum, 1543. figure» in woodcut, ornamented initials, original binding in vellum, sm. fol. — Fine and largo COpy. 50.
„Fikst and barest edition of this cjlebratcd Work.quot; (Libri.) — See Fol. 2: -Magia id eril cla-rura, si adduntur insalaequot; etc. Hurrisse (N0. 241.] cites only a copy in the British Museum.
810 Copies or Extracts, of the Despatches from the Governor of Britsh Guiana, showing the state of the dispute between the Combined-Court and the Governor. 1849. 200 pagg. fol. 150
811 Coreal (Fr.) Voyages aux hides Occidcntales en 1060—97. Trad, de I\'Espagnol. Avoc uno relation de la Guiane de Walter Raleigh et le voyage de Narborough a la filer du «ud par le Detroit de Magellan. Amsterd., J. Fr. Bernard, 1722. 3 vols. /■ƒ. bd. uncut, maps ana plates. 8vo. 8.—
812 Cornells Claesz v. Purmerent, Journael of Ü, ind. Reysbeschryvinge, verbal, het belegeren v. Mosambiêcke en Goa met h. veroveren v. d. Portug. Schepen. Amst., G. v. Goedesbergen, 1051. 4to. (Tiele No. 208.) ) 16.—
(Journal or account of a voyage to h. /., narrating the siege of Mosamb. and Gna, and the capture of the Portug. ships.)
Kine and tall copy in original state, stitched with wrapper. With 1 pi. uumbercd : 4. Complete, liuund up with M. v. d. Broeck\'s voyage.
This voyage is made under P. v. Caerdon (see N0. 554,55), but this journal is kept by Corn. Claesi, pilot of an other ship of the fleet. — It is printed in the same year and by the same publisher as M. V. d. Broeck\'s History of the revolt of the Portuguese against the Dutch iu Brazil (kw Nquot;. 478), and although both books bear no relation to each-other, and each has a separate title and paging, yet Claesz\' journal is nearly always fouud bouml up behind that of v. d. Broeek, and the only plate belonging to the Journal of Claesz, is numbered 4, forming a continuation of pi. 1 to 3 in v. d. Broeek.
813 _ The same, without v. d. Broeck\'s Journal; no plate. 6.
814 Cornuti (J.) Canadensimn plantumm, aliarum-que nondum editorum historia. Paris., 1002. calf, plates. 4to.
quot;Cornutus was never in Canada. The plants described by him were observed in the gardens of Paris. The figures are very good... He deserves the credit of having described about 40 American plants for the first time.quot; Rich.
827 Courant (Haarlemsohe). Ilaarlom. Joh. En- so/iedé ty Zoonrn, 1 to 80 Dec. 1781. 155 Nos. lol. uncut. 0.— Higlily interesting annual series ol this esteemed Newspaper, then published three limes a week, and containing ample notices of the news concerning America and the war between Holland and England. — N0. 1 contains thu Declaration of War of England, 20 Dec. 1780. 828 Covens, C., Hanillelding tot do kennis on het gebruik d. hemel- en aard-globon. Amst., 1802. plates. Ig. 8I). 2.— {Manual for the knowledge and use of both globes.) 829 Coxe (Tench) View of the United States of America, in a series of papers, written between 1787 and 1794. Interspersed with authentic documents. Philadelphia, if. Hall, 1794. calf. 8vo. 5,— Original edition. Scarce. 830 Coxe (W.) Account of the Russian discoveries between Asia and America. With the Conquest of Siberia, etc. 2d ed. corr. Loud. 1780. calf, 4 folded maps. 4to. 2.— 83 1--Les nouv. découvertes des Russes entre l\'Asie et l\'Amörique avec I\'liist. des conquêtes de la Slbérie, etc. Paris, 1781. l^ith maps and plates. 4to. 1.50 832 --Die neuen Entdeckungon d. Russen zwi- sclien Asien u. Amerika. Nebst d. Gesch. d. Kr-obcrung Sibericns, etc. Frank!\'. 1783. IPith maps and plates. Svo. 1.— 833 Crane (J. G. do) De Joanne Mauritio Nas-saviae Principe, cognomine Americano. (Groning.) 1806. 4to. 1.— 834 Cranz (D.) Historie von Grönland, enthalt. die Beschroibtmg des Landes u. der Einwohuer, ins-besond. die Gesehichte der dortigen Mission. Barby, 17G5. hf. calf, 8 plates and maps. 8vo. 2.50 History of the Moravian mission in Greenland; bnt by far more valuable for the history, geography, natural history, the manners of the natives, etc., which fill pp. 1—400. — Page 277—290 cont. a treatise on the Greenlandish language, p. 1096 — 1101, letters of natives, Greenbndish and German. 835 - Historie van Groenland. Haarl. or Amst., 1767. 3 vols. sd. or bound, maps and plates. 8vo. Dutch translation of the preceding work, with 12 plates and 2 maps. The maps are larger and more correct than in the original German edition. 836 - Hedcndaagsche historie, of tegenwoordige staat van Groenland, en Straat Davids, benevens eene uitvoerige besehryving van de walvisch- en robbenvangst. Amst., 1786. 3 vols. hf. calf, maps and plates. 8vo. 2,— {The present history and state of Greenland and the Strait of Davids, with an ample account of the whale- and seal-fishery.) Exactly the same work as the preceding, only the title reprinted. |
837 Cranz (D.) Fortsotzung von D. Cranzen Bril-der-Historie. Ir bis IVr Abschnitt. 1769—1801. Barby u. Gnadau. 1791 — 1816 3 vols. bds. 8vo. 4.50 History of the Moravian Brethren and their various missions in North-America, West-India, Grönland, Tranquebar, Ceylon, etc. etc. 838 Crawfurd, William Harris, President of the U. S. Senate, 1812; Judge of the North Circuit Court of Georgia 1827—34. — L. S. to J, Butler, dat. Treas. Departm. Dec. 16, 1822. 1 p. 4quot;. 1.50 839 Crisp (Steven) Do wacrheydt tvmmphorondo over valschheyt, in eon antwoort op dertig val-sche beschuldigingen tegen hut volck Gods, Quakers genaemt. Amst., 1670. 4to. 1.75 (Truth triumphing over falsehood, being a reply to 30 false accusations of the people of God, called Quakers.) 840 - Do Gronden en Oorsaecken van do olleude dor Nederlanden ontdockt, als mode de middelen van derselvcr herstellingen aangewezen. Amst., 1670. 4to. 1.25 {\'Ihe foundations and causes of the misery of the Netherlands, and the means for their restoration {by Quakerism.) 841 - Do oude waorheyd ontdekt, on het licht Josn Christi, \'t wolk voele eeuwen verborgen hooft geweest, verhoogd, en wederom aan de mensehen geprcodikt. Rotterdam, 1684. vellum. 4to. 6.— (The old truth discovered, and the light of J. dir., which was hidden during many centuries, held up and preached again to mankind.) A stout volume of 645 pp. containing tracts, letters etc. by W. Penn, G. Kox, S. Crisp, P. Hendricks, G. Keith, W. Caton, W. Ames, J. Park, and others, collected and edited by Steven Crisp. After the prefacc of the editor isto he found a printed list of all the pieces of the collection. 8-12 [Crevecoeur, (H. H. John de)] Voyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie et dans 1\'état do New-York, par un mombre adoptif do la nation Onéida. Trad, ot public par l\'autour dos „Lettres d un Cultivateur Américain.quot; Paris, 1801. 3 vols. plates and maps, portr. of Washington, hf. cf. 8vo. 5.50 «Cot ouvrage renferme de curienx détails sur l\'état des penples indigenes avant l\'arrivce des Kuropcens. II n\'est pas nne simple traduction, comme rannonce son titre, mais bien I\'onvrage original de John Crevecoeur.quot; Leclerc. 843 - Agriculturist, author of the; Voyage en Pennsylvanie, 1801, etc., came to America 1754, French Consul at N. Y. 1783. — A. L. S. »au citoyen Maradan,quot; dat. 18 lirumaire (1800 P) 1 p. 4\',. 2,— On the publication of a work (probably his: Vcyage dans la Haute Pennsylvanie.) 844 - A. Ij. S. to the same, no date \' p. 4°. 1.50 Same subject. COURANT — CREVECOEUK. |
84.5 Crockett, Exploits and adventures in Texas, with a topograph., histor. and polit. view or Texas. Loud., 1837. bils. 8vo. 1.— 84G Cruelty of the Spaniards in the West Indies. 1519. Hutch etching (school oi Romein de Hooij/ie). sq. lol. 1.50 847 Cuba, Jamaica und St. Domingo (with southern part of Florida). — [Anist. 1057.] — sq. fol. 51 by 41. — Coloured. Dutch text on verso. \'2.50 848 - Cuba, Hispaniola, Jamaica, etc. Amst., K. el J. Ottcns (about 1750;. sq. fol. 58 by 50 — Coloured. 2.50 This map, iucliiding Central Amcrica, the coast of Florida, etc. was published on account of the war 1750—03, as is imlicatud by the Dutch title. 849 - Cuba, St. Domingo, Jamaica and the Isthmus of Panama. Amst,, li. el J. Otteus. (about 1700). 2 sheets, fol. Together 55 by 85. — Coloured. i,— With separate plans of Havana, St. Domingo, and St. Augustiu, with their harbours. Besides indications on the route and on the traffic of ships, etc. 850 -— Cuba and Martinique. 3 maps by G. Hollos. (about 1780). sq. 4°. 24 by 17. 1.— 851 Cunha de Azovedo Ooutinho (J. J. du) Eusaio econouiico sobro o Comercio de Portugal e suas Colonias. Lisboa, 1794. sd. uncut. Mo. 1.80 852 --Political essay on the commerce of Portugal and her colonies, partic. of Brasil. Transl. from the Portug. Lond., 1801. tós. w«c«/. 8vo. 1.— 853 - Ueber Brasilien und Portugals Handel mit seine Kolomen. Aus dem Portug. iibers. von K. Murhard. Hamb., 1808. 8vo. 1.— 854 Curacao with plan of Fort Amsterdam and St. Annas Bay. Amst., G. v. Keulen (about 1720). fol. 59 by bi. 1.— 855 - Map ot the Island, with indication of the plantations, separate plan of the city and harbour, etc. Amst., O. Hulst v. Keulen, 1830. Largo sq. fol. 60 by 51. — Coloured. 1,50 85G -- The Island, with separate map of the Ca- raibs and plan of Fort Amsterdam. (1820). sq. fol. 51 by 30. 1.50 857 - 2 Diti\'erent views on the harbour and town. Drawn on the spot by li. Jt\\ van liaders, 2 tlno coloured aquatints by U. Hoogkamer. (1820). Ig. sq. fol. 0.— 858 - The Lutheran Church at Cnra^jau. Dutch engraving with address of B. Mounk. (1750). sm. 4°. 1,— 859 - Explosion of the Dutch man of war: Al- phen in the harbour of Curasao, 1778 by J. Punt. sq. fol. 2.— 800 - Same plate, later impression, with address: P. Conradi. 1787. sq. fol. 1.— 801 - Same subject. Different disposition, by 5, i\'okke, sm. sq. i\'ol. 1.— |
802 Curacao, Same cngrav. Proof bef. all lett. 2.— 803 - Same subject. Differ, disposition, by S. Fokke, sm. 4°. —..50 804 - Funeral procession at Curasao, in honor of the killed by the explosion of the Alphen. Dutch engrav., with addr. B. Mourik. 4°. 1.50 805 ■ Reglement op het beleid van de regering ... op Curasao, \'s Grav. 1815. Svo. 1.— 800 - Ontwerp-reglement op het beleid der regering in do kolonie Curasao, (\'s Grav. 1800?) Svo. 1.— {Project-regulation of the government in the colony of (Jurapao.) 807 - Catechismo pa uso di Catolicanan di Curasao. — Catechismus ton gcbruike dor Katholy-ken van Curasao, door M. Joh. Niewindt. Curasao (1840?) 157 pp. 8vo. — t\'ery scarce. 5.— Text in the language of Curasao (Papiement) with the Dutch at the opposite pages. 808 Qurita (G-eroa.) Anales de la corona de Ara-gou (714—1616.) ^\'aragossa, 1010-21. 7 vols. calf. fol. 55,__ Besl edition; verg rare. — Vol. V. VI comprise the years 14U2—1516, and contain some communications on America: Del descubrimiento de las Islas del Oceano Occidental que llama os Iiklius. {ï\'ol.. V. Chapt. 13.) — De la diferencia que se movio entrs los reves de Castilla y Portugal sohre el nnevo des-cnbi\'iiniento del mar Oceano del Occidente. {Uid. Chapt. 25.) — De la concortlia que se assento sobre el descubrimiento de las islas y tierra firma del Oceano Occidental {Ibid. (\'hapt. 2\'.).) etc. — The 7th volume contains the general index. 809 - Lanuza (V. Blasco de) Historiaseccle- siast, y seculares de Aragon, en que se continuan los annales de yurita, y tiempos de Carlos V, con historias ecclesiast. antiquas y modernas. Cara-go^a, 1022. 2 vols, in 1. vellum, fol. Fine copy. 22.— This valuable and very rare work (a Supplement to Cnrita down to 1018) contains Vol. 1. pag. 70— 74 a Narrative of the discovery of America by Columbus; pag. 163—0 .r a Narrative of the voyages of Hernando de Magellanes, etc. 870 Dagboek van het Britsch Ministerie, sedert het begin der N. Americ. onlusten ... Uit het Eng. ... door Will. Pen, Secundus. Amst., 1781. 1 plate. 8vo. 1.50 (Diary of the British Ministry, since the beginning of the A\'. American troubles (i Jan.—7 April). A political satire under the name of W. Penn, by Elis. Wollf and Agatha Deken. 871 Daggett, David, Senator and Chief-Justice 1832—34. — A. L. S. to E. Mills, Senator, dat. New-Haven, Jan. 7, 1824. 1 p. 4°. 1.50 872 Dalmas, Hist, de la revolution de St. Doinin-gne (1789—93); suiv. d\'un mémoire s. Ie rétablis-sement de la eolonie. Paris, 1814. 2 vols. bds. 8vo. 2.50 |
FllEDERIK Mui.LBB amp; C.,
A corner of the title and of the 10 first pagg. torn oft 873 Datnrymple (Alex.) An historical collection of the. sovoriil voyages and discoveries in the South Pacilic Ocean. Lond. 1770—71.\'2 vols, in X.boan/s. With mavy maps and plairs. large 4to. 5.— The 1st vul. of this very interesting book, contains a literal translation of the Spanish writers; the 2il the Dutch voyages (of Schouten and Ic Maire, A. J. Tasman and J. Roggeveen.) With index to both vols. 874 - Voyages dans la Mor dn Su l, par les Es- pagnols et les Hollanrtois (1520 — 1722.) Trad, de 1\'Angl. p. M. de Fréville. Paris, 1771. calf, \'A maps. 8vo. 2.— French translation of the preceding. 875 [Dalrymplo (J.)] Les droits do la Grande Bretagne établis contro les priStensions des Amé-ricains ... Trad, de I\'Angl. ... par (A. F, J.) Fréville. La Have, 1770. 8vo. .id. vncid. 1.25 87G Dalton (H. G-.) History of liritish Guiana, comprising a general description of the colony with an account of its climate, geology, natural history, etc. London, 1855. 2 vols, cloth, maps and plates. 8vo. 9.— 877 Dampier (Will.) Nieuwe Roystogt rondom de Waereld, waarin omstandiglyk beschreven worden de landengte van Amerika, verscheydene kusten en oylanden In Woatindiii, Chili, Peru, Mexiko, enz. (1(171)—01.) Uit het Eng. \'s Gravenh., 1698— 1700. 2 vols, or 3 parts in 1. villitm, maps and plates. 4to. 4.— (iVc!» voyage round the world, wherein are minutely described the Isthmus of America, various coasts and islands in the West-Indies, Chili, Peru, Mexico, etc.) The 2d vol. is divided into 3 parts, the last of which contains a description of the Isthmus of l)a-rien, by L. Wafer. 878 - Derde deel van W. Uauipiers Reystogt rondom de Werrel\'J, behelz. zyne reystogt na Nieuw-Holland in \'t Jaar li!99. Uit het Eng. \'s Grav., 1704. sd. uncut, maps and olates. \\{o. 1.— (Third pari of W. Vampier\'s voyage round the world, cont. his voyage to New-Holland in 1699.) This forms, together with the preceding, a complete copy of the first Dutch edition of Dam pier\'s voyages. 879 —— The same. New edition, with the voyage to New-Holland. Amsterd., 1716—17. 4 vols inl. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. 3,— 880 - The same. New edition. Nymegen, 1772. 4 vols, in 1. hf. calf, maps and plates. 4to. 2.-• 881 - The same edition. 4 vols, in 3. sd. uncut. Large paper. ;i.50 882 - Nieuwe reize naa de Zuidzee, en verder rondom dc Waereld, in 1708—U. In \'t Eng. door W. Rogers. Amsterd., 1715. vellum, maps and plates. 4to. 2.— |
(Jfeo voyage to the South-Sea and further round the world, in 1708— 11.) quot;To this work, written in the style of a plain, blunt sailor, and full of correct information, particularly relative to the numerous islands iu thel\'acilic Ocean, (\'ook, Byron, and others have been greatly indebted.quot; Lowndes. 883 Dampier (G.) Nonv. Voyage ar,tour du Monde, oil Ton déerit en particulier I\'lsthme do 1\'Amê-riquo, etc. (Trad, de I\'Angl.) Anist. 1701. 2 vols, et Suppléni. — Id. Voyage anx Terr?a Austrnles, avee les voyages de IVond, S/w)\'/), etc. II)., 1713.— Id. Le tnêtne, avec le Voyage de £. Wafer, con-teu. la description de I\'lstlime de Darien, etc. lb., 1735. — Together 5 vols in 3, calf, manrj maps and plates. 8vo. 5.— 884 Dana, Daniol, President of Dartmouth University. 1820. — A. L. S. to Governor Bell, dat. Londonderry, Doc. 30, 18-22. 1 p. 4». 1,50 On preparing a sermon for the ensuing election. 885 [Dana (il. H,)], Twee iaren vonr den must... Zeereis naar de N oord-West-Ku;t van Amerika. Uit h. Eng. Dev. 1842. 2 vols. sd. 8vo. 1.50 (Two years before the mast.) Voyage to the North-West-Const of America. From the Engl. 886 Danckers, J., Atlas. Amsterdani. (about 1680). /«/\'. calf. foi. 20.— Contains 75 coloured maps, amongst which Map of the Globe, General map of America, West-Indian Islands, New Netherland on which the view of New Amsterdam, with Danckers\'\' address and inscription: Nieuw-Yorck. (See Asher\'s List N1\'. 19.) 887 - Atlas. Amst. (about 1680). Ms. fol. 12.— Contains 30 plain maps, 3 of which of America: New-Netherlaiid with view of New-Amsterdam, etc. all the same as in the foregoing number. 888 Dane, Nathan, Member of Congress 1785— 88, distinguished author on Amor. Law. 1823— 29. — A. Ij. S. to Th. Dwight, \'dat. N. Y., Sept. 14, 1788. 1 p. fol. 1.50 State-affairs. 889 Daniel (L.) La guerre aux Etats-Unis. Paris, 1862. map. 8vo. —.90 890 Dapper (O.) Collection of Voyages and description of foreign countries in Dutch, by Dapper and others. iVo collective title. Amsterdam, 1669— 1729. 13 vols, vellum or calf. fol. 40.— Contains the following works, each of 800 to 1200 pages, all with a large number of maps and plates : iVlontanus (A.) Beschryvinge van America en het Zuidland. Amst., 1671. — Gezantschappen der O. I. Maatsehoppy in\'t Vereen. Nederland, naar Japan, lb. 1669. Nienhof fJ.) Brasiliaansche Zee- en l.antreize benevens Beschryv. van Nederl. Brazilië, lb. 1682. — Gczantschap d. Nederl. O. I. Compagnie naar China, lb. 1070. Baldaeus (C.) Beschryvinge van Malabar, Choro- |
mandel eu Ceylon; en een Malabar. Spraakkonst. 1b. 1072. Kaempfer, Beschryving v. Japan. Uit h. Eng. v. J. G. Seheuchzei\'. \'s Hage, or 1733. Dapper (O.) 2e en Se Geziintschap naar China, en Beschiyvinge van Sina. 1b, 1070. — Asia, of Busehryvinge van bet Ryk (les Groot en Mogols. Ib. 1073. — Beschryvinge van de Afrikaensche Gewesten. 2d edition, lb. 1070. — Bcsebryvinge van Syria on Palestina etc. Ib. 1G77. — Bcsebryvinge van Mesopotamie, Babylonie, Assy-rie, Kl. Asie. lb. 1080. — Besebryvingc der Eylanden in den Arebipel der Middel. Zee. Ib. 1083. — Bcsebryvinge van Morea, etc. Ib. 1088. 891 Dappor (O.) Tho same. Large paper, old gilt calf. — Very fine copy. 50,— A fine set, but wanting Kacmpfer\'s Japan. 892 Darion. — Koddige Ueisbeschi-yving naar Da-rien, (12 Aug. 1081 till 25 Jan. 1082.) Contemporary Manuscript, copied by V. v. d. Schelling, 44 pp. tol. 27.50 (Comical Voyage to Darien.) Under tbis title is bcre a serious md very interesting account of a Voyage in 1081 of a Dutch fleet to the gulf of Darien, tho arrival at St. Pedro and the Capture of a Spanish ship; the exploits on the river St. Jiigo and the conquering of the city of Puna; arrival at and description ofTruxillo (battle with the Spaniard); at Callno de Lima, Baldivia, Castro; description of Chili, Terra del Fueyo and Staaten-land, etc. This journal has, besides the cxact description of the voyage and of the countries visited, a special interest for the history of the discovery of Terra del Puego by Bartbol. da Fontc, whose voyage to the North West of America has been so often disputed, and whose visit to Terra del Fuego should be fancied. 893 Darinol. — La Sphere des deuxmondea, ooin-posée en Frangois, par Darinel, pasteur des Ama-dis. Avec un Epithalame, que le mesme auteur a i\'alct, sur les nopees et mariage de ... Don Philippe Roy d\' Angleterre etc. Commenté, glosé et enrichy de plusieurs l iblos poetictiuea, par Grilles) Biui\'lleau) D(e) U{uillon.) Anvcrs, J. Richart, 1B55. figures and 17 maps in woodcut, ids. 4to. Tho lirst leaves somewhat stained by water, the margins of tho last leaf partly cut oft; else a very good copy. 07.50 Very hake and intkuestino. This cosmographic poem, little known, has as the end 17 curious geographical maps, one of America, with the Strait of Magellanes, and named at the top; quot;Peru. Brevis exact, totius Novi Orb is ejusq. insntorum descriplio recens a Joan, liillero edita.\' Besides these and the map of the World, there are maps of Sarmatia, Sarin. Moscovia, Brevis exactaque Moscoviae descriplio (large folding map), Hongrie, etc. etc. with a versct on each in the text. |
A copy sold at the Sobolewski Library, Leipsic 1873, for 101 Thaler. 894 Darwin (Ch.) Journal of researches into the natural history and geology of the countries visited during the voyage of H. M. S. Beagle round the world. 2d ed. with additions. Lond. 1815. hf. calf. sin. 8vo. 3.50 895 Daum (G. C.) Eene Nederlandsch-Amerikaan-sche stoomvaart- en spoorwegverbinding-maatschappij. \'s Gravenh. 1870. 8vo. —,75 (On a Society for Butch-American steam-navigation and railway-connexion.) 890 Dauvion Lavayssa (J. J.), Voyage aux lies do Trinidad, de Tabago, de la Marguerite, et dans Venezuela. Paris, 1813. 2 vols. sd. 2 maps. 8vo. 1.50 897 - Reise nach den Insein Trinidad, Tabago u. Margaretha, so wie in Venezuela. Uebers. von E. A. W. v. Zimmermann, 1816. map, hf. calf. 8vo. 1.— 898 Davenport, James, Amer. Statesman, distinguished Member of Congress 1790—99.— A.L.S. to Sam. M. Hopkins of N. Y., dat. Stamford, July 21, 1790. 2 pp. 4°. 3.— Requests Mr. II. to dispose by sale in Europe of 40.000 acres of land in Virginia. 899 Dawson (A. B.) The Sons of Liberty in New York, A paper read before the N. Y. Historical Society. (N. York,) 1859. 8vo. 3.50 Printed, as Manuscript, fur private circulation. 900 Day, Jer., distinguished Mathematician, Pres. of Yale-College 1817—40. - A. L. S. to Rev. Edw. D. Grirtin, dat. Yale-Coll. Nov. 2, 1818. 1 p. 4». 1.- 901 Doan (II.) Hocus Pocus; or the whole art of IjOgerdemain, in perfection. Philadelphia, printed fur Mat hew Cary, 1795. bds. 1 plate, woodcuts, sin. 8vo. — Rare. 4.— 902 Declaration des Ambassadeurs d\'Espaigne, toucbant une brefve pour Portugal. Miinster, 1047. 4to. Uncut. French and Dutch. Not in Asher\'s Kssag. 2.50 903 Dodol (G.), Disput, jurid.-politiea de Colours. Lugd. Bat. 1820. sd. uncut. 4to. Large paper. 1.75 1.- 901 The same. 8vo. 905 Deductie van d. Ambass. v. Portugael, dat den vrede tusschen Z. M. en de Staaten Oener. in do deelen des werelts buyten Europa z\\]n begin mocht nemen op den 25 Oct. 1002. \'s Grav. 1003. 4to. 1.50 (Deduction of the Ambass. of Portugal, thai the peace between II. Maj. and the States Gener. might begin in the extra-European parts of the world the 25 Oct. 1062.) 90G Deductie van den representant... van de West-hid. Comp. over de saake van Iseqnebo en Demerari. 1707. {Deduction of the representative of the West- |
Ind. Com;;, on the state of Essequebo and Deme-rary.) With othor official documents relating to the aftairs oi\' these colonics, 1765—72. 4 parts. I\'ol. 3,— 907 [Do Poo (D.)] Des welt-beriihmten Engclliin-dcrs Robinson Crusoe Eeben und gantz unge-meine Begebcnheitcn, insond. da er 28 Jahre lang auf einer unbewohnten Insul auf d. American. Kflste gelebt hat. Franckf. u Leipz. 17\'20. plates, bils. 8vo. slightly stained; one plate damaged. 7.50 First German edition, very scarce. The origiiml English was imblished; London. 1719. 908 Delacoste (J. C.) Geschiedk. on waar verhaal der gebeurtenissen, welke in de Colonic Demerary by en zedert het vertrek van Haron van Oro-vestins hebben plaats gehad. Uit h. Fransch d. C. Hitters, \'s Hage, (1798.) 2 vols. sd. 8°. 2.50 {Histuricat and true account of the events in Demerary, at the departure of Baron van Grove-stins. \'Trans!, from the French). 909 Delano (Amasa) Narrative of voyages and travels in both hemispheres, comprising three voyages round the world, etc. lioston, 1817. calf, porlr., map and plates, the last leaf slighthj damaged. 8vo. .1.50 Comprising voyages to Chili, Peru, the Sandwich Islands, New-Holland, the West-Indies etc. 910 Della-Colla (P.) Voyage dc Tripoli dc Bar-barie aux frontières Occident, de I\'Egypte, 1817. Trad, de I\'ltal. (Extr. Paris, 1823.) Notes USS., map and fujg. drawn, hf. cloth. Svo. 1.25 911 [Dellonl Aanmerkelijk historisch verhaal van de inquisitie der Portiigeesen in (ion. Middelburg, 1688. vellum, jdates. 12ino. 1.50 {Important historical account of the Inquisition of the Portuguese at Goa.) 912 Del Eio n. Minutoli, Beschreibung einer alten Stadt in Ouatimala entdekt. Berlin, 1832. Only the Atlas of 11 plates, lol. obi. 2.75 913 Demerara and Essequebo Vade-Mecum; cont. th.; principal Laws and Kcgulation of the united Colony, and miscellaneous articles of local importance. Georgetown, 1825. cloth. 12mo. 1.50 914 - The same, with Addenda contain, the laws and regulations from May 1825 — 28. Ibid. 1828. hf. el. 12mo. 1.75 915 Demorary, formerly Immerary, by /,. L. van Berchnjck. (Amst., 11. de Leth 1740.) Largo sq. lb 1. 100 by 44. — Coloured. 0.— With indication of the sugar-mills and of the productions. — In the under-margin a list uf the plantations, the number of acres and the names of the proprietors. — This colony belonged to the Dutch till 1815, when it was ceded to England, 91G - Same map, later edition, with a special survey of the coast. 5. — 917 Démounier, l\'Amérique Indépendante, on les diffcrentes Constitutions des 13 provinces des |
Etats-Unis. Av. I\'histoire de chaque province, et des remarques sur les constitutions, la population, les flnanoes, etc. Gand, 1790. 4 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.— The 4th volume, being a supplement, is often wanting; it treats exclusively of New-York and Virginia. 918 Denys (Nic) Geograph. en histor. Beschrijving dor Kusten van Noord-America, met de natuurlijke Hist, des Landts. Amsterd., 1G88. 4to. 3.— (Geograph. and histor. description of the coasts of North-America, with the natural history of the country.) This work is properly the 2d part of; Hennepin, Beschrijving van Louisiana, on the title of which it is mentioned; but it has a separate title, new pagination and signature. 019 Dapons, (P.), Voyage a la partie orient, de la Torro Ferme dans l\'Amérique Méridion. conf:. Ie Caracas, etc. 1801—4. Paris, 1806. 3 vols. sd. map and plans. 8vo. 1.50 920 Dos Barres (J. P. W.) Nautical remarks and observations on the coast and harbours of Nova-Scotia. (No place.) 1778. fol. obi. 1.50 921 Des Combes, Géographie universelle. Laus., 1790. 4 vols. hf. calf. 8vo. 2.— Tom IV. contains America. 313 pagg. 922 Doser (E.), Les cascades du Niagara, et leur marche retrograde. Neuchatel, 1853, map and pi. Svo. 1,— 923 Desjardins (E.) Le Pérou avant la conquête Espagnole, d\'aprèa les princip. historiens originaux et quelq. documents inédits sur les antiquités de ce pays. Paris, 1858. hf. bd. 8vo. 1.75 924 Dos Marots (H. et D.) Uistoire curieuse de la vie, de la conduite et des vrais seutimens de Jean de Labadie dont Ie nom et la reputation font taut de bruit panny les geus de bien. La Hayc, 1670, 359 pp. calf gilt. 12ino. 7.50 Very rare; nicely printed volume in the Elsevier style, one of the best works on Labadie and his doctrine. — It eontalns also Labadies\' Declaration chrét. contre le Synode dit Wallen. — At the end of the vol.: quot;Copie de denx Lettres qui se doivent joindre amp; I\'llistoire curieuse etc. La Haye, 1670.quot; Some of his mystical sect went to America. 925 Dotectio frati Hudsoniani. — Collection of Hessel Gerrltsz, (s. .Massa\'s and de Quir\'s tracts on the Arctic Voyages, — on Siberia, — on H. Hudson\'s 3d voyage, — and on Australia. Facsimile reproduction of the rare Dutch edition ot Amst. 1612, and reprint of the Latin edition of Amst. 1613. — With a new English translation by P. J. Millard, and historical introduction by S. Muller Fz. — Amst., 1\'. Muller. 1875. ^to. lyUh 2 maps. 25.— The title indicates the various subjects this edition contains, viz; reprints of the nearly unique |
Dutch work, basis for all works on the North West passage, the Tmtin edition, ete. The historical introduction explains the origin and the special purpose of the rare original collection. The book is printed on a fine modern imitation of old paper, nncut; the Dutch edition of 1(112 is reproduced in photolithography by Mr. A. Kroon. 926 De Witt (Thorn.) Discourse dnliverod in the North Reformed Dutch Church (collegiate) in the City of New-York, Aug. 1856. N. York, 1857. many plates, cloth. 8vo. — Vrivalely printed. 2.50 Very interesting for the History of the Dutch Reformed Church in New-York and America, containing a list of the Ministers from 16^)3 till 1800, and other histor. particularities. 927 Dickens (Ch.) Uitstapje naar Noord-Amerika. Uit liet Eng. Ainst. 1842. plate, ids. 8vo. (4.50) 1.25 (Trip to North-America.) 928 Dickorson, Mahlon, Governor of New Jersey 1815—17, U. S. Senator 1818—34. — A. Signature. 1.— 929 (Dickinson), Lettres d\'un fermior ile Pensyl-vanie, aux habitans de l\'Aniérique Septentrionalo. Trad, de I\'Angl. (par Barben du Hourg.) Amsterd. 1779. calf. 8vo. 2.— Thesezetters contain a review of the griefs of the American colonies against the British Government. 930 Dickinson (R.) A geographical and statistical view of Massachusetts Proper. Greenfield, f8i;i. ids., uncut. 8vo. 80 pp. — Rare. 3.— 931 Dioroville. Relation du voyage du Vort Royal de l\'Acadie ou de la Nouvelle Franco. Ainst., 1710 vellum, sm. 8vo. (wants engraved frontisp.) 6.— 932 Dillon (P.) Voyage la Mer du Sud, 1827— 28, et Relation do la deconverte du sort do La Pérouse. Paris, 1830. 2 vols. pi. and map. hf. calf. 8vo. 1.75 933 [Dinouart] Vie do Dom Jean de Palafox, Evêque d\'Angélopolis et ensnite Evêque d\'Osme. Cologne et Paris, 1767. calf, pnrlr. and plates. 8vo. 3.— quot;Get ouvrage est public en grande partie sur celui de Champion, Jcsuite, l\'impression dnquel fut arrctce it cause dc la franchise de I\'auteur.quot; Leclerc, Sold fr. 20.— 934 Dionysii Aloxandrini, de situ orbis liber, Graeoe et Lat. (interprete A. Papio.) Antv. C. Flantinus, 1575. vellum. 8°. 1.50 935 - et Pomp. Melae Situs orbis descriptio, Aethici cosmographia et Sollni Polyhistor, cum interpret. 11. Srephani, annotatt. J. Olivarii, scho-liis J. Simleri, ete. (Gen.), 11. Stephanus. 1577. 4 prts. 1 vol. vellum. 4°. 3.50 936 - Orbis descriptio, commentario critieo et geographico illustr. a G. Hill. Loud., 1678. Maps, amongst which oae of the New H\'orld. vellum. 8°. 2.50 |
937 Dionysii Alexandrini, Orbis descriptio cum vetorum Scholiis et Eustathii Commentariis. Ace. Periegcsis. Prisciani. (Edidit E. Thwaites). Oxon., e Theatro Sheldoniano. 1697. Mapt. vellum. 8\'\'. 2.50 938 - Do situ orbis liber, (Graeco et Lat.) cura S. Havercampi. Lugd. Bat. 1736. hf. calf. 8quot;. 1.50 939 Dirck Albartsz. Raven\'s shipwreck on the eoast of Spitsberg. 1637. — Rare engraving, sq. 4quot;. — Very fine impression. 3.— 040 Discours over dc gholegentheyt van de nieuwo Cruyssers, daer hot wel-varon van de Zeevaert, oude allo lughesotenen van hot Lant, op\'t hooghsto aan gelogen is. (Middelburg), 1645. 18 leaves. 4to. Slightly stained at the upper margin. 2.50 {Discourse at the occasion of the new Cruisers, necessary to the welfare of the navigation and the inhabitants.) At the end a list of 30 Spanish ships, taken in one year, by the Cruisers of the West India Company. 941 Discours (Second) d\'un bon ITollandais a ses corapatriotes sur differents objets intéressants. No place, 1799. uncut. 8vo. 1.50 On the insurrection of the Engl. Colonies in America. 942 Discussions impovtantes, débatues au parlement d\'Anglotorre par les plus célóbres orateurs depuis 30 aus. Paris, 1790. 4 vols. sd. uncut. 8vo. 3.-- Contain many interesting discussions on the American war; almost the whole 3d volume is filled by them. 943 Dissel (S. v.) Curasao. Herinneringen on schetsen. Loyden, 1857. 8vo. (2.50) 1.— {Curafan. Remembrances and sketches.) 944 Distressed situation of the Quebec, when on fire and of the Suneillante, a French ship of war. 1779. li. Paton px,, engraved by littler. Ig. fol. 3.— 945 Dobereinor von Tiirschenreut(Ph.) Sendt-schreybon vnd warhaffte zeytungen. Von auffgang vnd erweiterung des Christenthumbs, bey den Hayden inn dor newen welt: Auch von veruol-gung vnnd haliigkait, der Gaistlichen Apostoli-schen Vorsteher daselbs... jetzt inn teutseno spraach transsforiert (Last page-.) Gedruckt zu MUnchen, bey Adam Berg, 1571. sm. 8vo. 11.— Tittle, 15 unniunb. leaves for the preface, 95 nn-numb. leaves of text. Kine clean copy of a vtry rare work, contain, a translation of the Epistolac Indiae Patrum Soc. Jesn. It contains an account by P. Diaz of the massacre of 40 missionairies by J. Soria, General of Navarra, during their voyage to Brasil. 946 Dobrizhoffer (M.) Account of the Abipsnos, an equestrian people of Paraguay. (Transl. by Miss Sarah Coleridge.) Lond. 1822. 3 vols. 8°. calf gilt. - Very fine copy. 14.— 947 —- Geschichte der Abiponor, oincr berittenen und Kriegerischen Nation in Paraguay. Aus dem DE WITT — DOBRIZHOFFER. |
PllUDEHIK Mni.l.KB. lt;Sc C.,
Lat. übersctzt von A. Kreil. Wicn, 1783. 3 vols. maps and plates. 8vo. Vncui. 7.50 948 Documents relative to the Colonial History of tiie Statu of New-York, procured in Hollaml, England and France, by J. R. Brodhoad. Edited by E. B. O\'Callaghan. Albany, 1860—58. 11 vols, cloth, maps, etc. large 4to. 55.-— 049 Documents (Public) printed by order of the Senate of the United States, 2il Session of the •iOd and \'Jlst Congreas, 1828 —30. Washington, 1828—30. 4 vols. sAeep. 8vo. 5.— |