Title | Regni Angliae nova tabula, exhibens principatum Walliae &, aliarum provinciarum, civitatum, oppidorum, una cum itineribus ab uno in aliam civitatem | Translate
Author | Ram, Johannes de, | Translate
Type | Map | Translate
Edition | E novissimis atque oculatis observationibus correcta. | Translate
Scale | Schaal [ca. 1:350.000]. | Translate
Region | Wales. | Translate
Imprint | Amstelodami : apud R. & I. Ottens | Translate
Year | [ca. 1740] | Translate
Technique | kopergrav., in kleur | Translate
Size | 50 x 59 cm | Translate
Annotation | 3de staat. Legenda en 3 schaalstokken. Aan linkerzijde: Alphabeticall table of the cities and market-townes ... Shirley, Printed maps of the British Isles, 1650-1750, 120, De Ram 1 | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | *VIII*.E.e.4 (Dk39-14) | Translate
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