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TitleBos' schoolatlas der geheele aarde.Translate
AuthorBos, P.R.Translate
Edition19e, verb. en verm. dr. /Translate
ImprintGroningen : J.B. WoltersTranslate
Techniquekrt. Translate
Size39 cm. Translate
AnnotationOmslagtitel: Schoolatlas der geheele aarde. 1e dr. 1877. Koeman VI BosP A19 Titel wordt gedigitaliseerd voor de Universiteitsbibliotheek Vrije Universiteit in het kader van Metamorfoze. Translate
CommentThe second hemisphere map is a later version of the first hemisphere map; this later version was published in the Bosatlas from about 1930. Probably this map was erroneously added during the new binding of the atlas around the year 2000.Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberKAART: *VII*.A.a.8.Translate
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