Title | Bos' schoolatlas der geheele aarde. | Translate
Author | Bos, P.R. | Translate
Type | Book | Translate
Edition | 19e, verb. en verm. dr. / | Translate
Imprint | Groningen : J.B. Wolters | Translate
Year | 1910. | Translate
Technique | krt. | Translate
Size | 39 cm. | Translate
Annotation | Omslagtitel: Schoolatlas der geheele aarde. 1e dr. 1877. Koeman VI BosP A19 Titel wordt gedigitaliseerd voor de Universiteitsbibliotheek Vrije Universiteit in het kader van Metamorfoze. | Translate
Comment | The second hemisphere map is a later version of the first hemisphere map; this later version was published in the Bosatlas from about 1930. Probably this map was erroneously added during the new binding of the atlas around the year 2000. | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | KAART: *VII*.A.a.8. | Translate
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