Title | La derniere sovppe a l'ognon povr Mazarin : ov, la confirmation de l'arrest du huictiéme ianvier mil six cens quarante-neuf en vers bvrlesqve. | Translate
Author | Le Dru, Nicolas. | Translate
Type | Book | Translate
Region | France | Translate
Imprint | A Paris : Chez Nicolas Iacqvard, ruë Chartiére prés le Puits-Certain, au Treillis Vert | Translate
Publisher | Jacquard, Nicolas | Translate
Year | M. DC. XXXXIX. [1649] | Translate
Size | 23 cm (4to) | Translate
Annotation | Title page vignette. Attributed to Nicolas de Laffemas whose pseudonym was Nicolas Le Dru. Cf. Moreau, I, 303. Signed: Nicolas Le Drv. In verse. In this issue there are two rows of type ornaments at head of p. 3. Published between March 22 and 30, 1649. Cf. Moreau III, 314. Moreau, C. Bibliographie des mazarinades, 1028 | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | MAG: 468 F 14 dl 57 | Translate
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