Title | Biblia | Translate
Type | Book | Translate
Imprint | Basileae : per Joannem Oporinum | Translate
Place | Basel | Translate
Publisher | Oporinus, Joannes | Translate
Year | Anno Salutis humanae M.D.LIIII [1554] Mense Martio. | Translate
Technique | illustrations | Translate
Size | 39 cm (folio) | Translate
Annotation | Date from colophon. Imprint: Baseileae, per Ioannem Oporinum. Colophon: Basileae, ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno Salutis humanae M.D.LIII. Mense Martio. Printer's device, Arion on delphin, on title page and last page at end. Printer's motto on last page at end: Invia virtuti nulla est via. Errata: p. [1]-[3] at end. Printed in double columns. Numbers 577-580 omitted in column numbering. Second edition of Castellion's Latin version of the Bible. Signatures: a⁴ b-z⁶ A-Z⁶ Aa-Hh6; AA- XX⁶; a4 and Hh6 are blank Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries. B 2628 B 1049 | Translate
Comment | De nummering van de kolommen is op 2 plaatsen incorrect. De nummers 577 tot 580 en 893 tot 902 zijn overgeslagen. | Translate
Comment | The numbering of the columns is incorrect in two places. It skips the numbers 577 to 580 and 893 to 902. | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | 106 D 1 | Translate
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