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TitleBiblia Translate
ImprintBasileae : per Joannem OporinumTranslate
PublisherOporinus, JoannesTranslate
YearAnno Salutis humanae M.D.LIIII [1554] Mense Martio.Translate
Techniqueillustrations Translate
Size39 cm (folio) Translate
AnnotationDate from colophon. Imprint: Baseileae, per Ioannem Oporinum. Colophon: Basileae, ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno Salutis humanae M.D.LIII. Mense Martio. Printer's device, Arion on delphin, on title page and last page at end. Printer's motto on last page at end: Invia virtuti nulla est via. Errata: p. [1]-[3] at end. Printed in double columns. Numbers 577-580 omitted in column numbering. Second edition of Castellion's Latin version of the Bible. Signatures: a⁴ b-z⁶ A-Z⁶ Aa-Hh6; AA- XX⁶; a4 and Hh6 are blank Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries. B 2628 B 1049 Translate
CommentDe nummering van de kolommen is op 2 plaatsen incorrect. De nummers 577 tot 580 en 893 tot 902 zijn overgeslagen.Translate
CommentThe numbering of the columns is incorrect in two places. It skips the numbers 577 to 580 and 893 to 902.Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call number106 D 1Translate
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