Annotation | Printer's device on title page. Signatures: a⁴, A-Q⁸, R⁴ (R4 blank). Page 129 is mispaged 111. Colophon: Excudebat Parisiis Annetvs Briere typographus, stipendiis ... Petri l'Huillier Bibliopolæ, Ann. Do. M. D. LXVI. Idibus Nouemb. French books III & IV, 70732 Expounds the antagonism between the realm of Christ and the realm of Satan. Reaching back to De Civitate Dei and recalling some the Exercices Spirituels of Ignace of Loyola, Melchior emphasises the spiritual or internal character of the realm of Christ, and links it to the regnum sanctum ecclesia sancta; that is the spiritual realm of all properly baptised Christians, where the latter can find spiritual peace. The work is dedicated to King Charles IX, and evokes the destruction caused by Protestant heretics. | Translate