Title | Iosephus Macropedii, fabula sacra, pietatis & pudicitiæ cultoribus perlegenda. | Translate
Author | Macropedius, Georgius, | Translate
Type | Book | Translate
Imprint | Antverpiae. : Excudebat Michael Hillenius in Rapo. | Translate
Place | Antwerp | Translate
Publisher | Hillen van Hoochstraten, Michiel | Translate
Year | Anno Domini M.D. XLIIII [1544]. | Translate
Technique | illustrations (music) | Translate
Size | 16 cm (8vo) | Translate
Annotation | Printer's device on title page, with slogan: Tempus; Nihil operum quod non revelabitur; Ouden esti kekalummenon ho ouk apokaluphthēsetai Signatures: A-E⁸. Two lines of notated music on E6 verso. Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 1541-1600, 2016 | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | X oct 177 (Rariora) dl 4 | Translate
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate