Annotation | Preface by Theodore de Bèze. Signatures: A-C⁴ a-r⁴ s² ²A-G⁴ H⁶. Initials. Printer's device on title page. "Valentini Gentilis iusto capitis supplicio Bernae affecti breuis historia, & contra eiusdem blasphemias orthodoxa defensio articuli se Sancta Trinitate ... auctore D. Benedicto Aretio ... ", 67, [1] pages at end, has separate title page, pagination and signatures. With contributions by J. Calvin, J. Simlerus, A. Hyperius, J. Wigand, A. Alesius, B. Aretius, T. de Beze. Errata: page 139, 2nd count. Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Peter, R. Bibliotheca Calviniana, Index Aureliensis, G 428 A 1625 67/4 118.665 | Translate