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Title | In Helenae pontificiae, hoc est transsubstantiationis Esauiticum nuper a Francisco Agricola, alias Georgao editum, patrocinium, Carmen Leoninum | Translate |
Author | Verus, Vincentius, | Translate |
Type | Book | Translate |
Imprint | Leidae, : [publisher not identified] | Translate |
Place | Homberg | Translate |
Publisher | Gevaerts, Nicolaes | Translate |
Year | Anno M. D. LXXVI. [1576] | Translate |
Size | 20 cm (4to) | Translate |
Annotation | Vincentius Verus is probably a pseudonym. Fictitious imprint. According to STCN printed in Homberg (Germany) by Nicolaes Gevaerts. Signatures: A⁴ B⁶. Short title catalogue Netherlands, Valkema Blouw, P. Typographia Batava, 1541-1600, Not in: Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16) 168176769 5277 | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | E qu 276 (Rariora) dl 5 | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |