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TitleA new and exact map of France : dividid into all its provinces and acquisitions, according to the newest observations, and that accurate survey made by the King's command by Mr. Picar and de la Hire, with the post roads and the computed leagues from town to town, the passes of the Pirenean mountains, and many other remarcks &c. Translate
Scale Schaal [ca. 1:1.700.000].Translate
Region FranceTranslate
Imprint[London] : printed for H. Moll ... D. Midwinter ... ; P. Overton ... and T. BowlesTranslate
Year[ca. 1715]Translate
Techniquekopergrav., in kleur Translate
Sizetezamen 61 x 98 cm Translate
AnnotationMet: An alphabetical table of the principal towns of France ..., met bijbehorende: The use of the tables .. Met: A list of the ports or passes of the Pyrenean mountains. Legenda. Met 13 schaalstokken. Translate
CommentEerste afbeelding is samengesteld uit twee scansTranslate
CommentFirst image is merged from two scansTranslate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call number*VIII*.E.i.26 (Dk40-5)Translate
All metadata as Marc21XMLOpen Marc21 XML in new windowTranslate