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Title | An exact draught [being an actual survey] of the sea coast from Arundel in Sussex to St. Albans in Com. Dorset : shewing all the sands, shoals, beacons, buoys, sea-marks, soundings, bays, harbours, havens, rivers, creeks, streams &c ... at each end of the Isle of Wight and the respective harbours herein contained | Translate |
Author | Avery, Joseph. | Translate |
Type | Map | Translate |
Scale | Schaal [ca. 1:95.000]. | Translate |
Region | Isle of Wight (England) | Translate |
Imprint | London : sold by R. Mount & Comp. on Tower Hill | Translate |
Year | 1731. | Translate |
Technique | kopergrav. | Translate |
Size | 62 x 115 cm | Translate |
Annotation | Legenda. Met schaalstok (miles). | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | Moll 511 (Dk43-11) | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |