Title | Ludus Sylvani Hessi in defectionem Georgij Vuicelij ad Papistas. | Translate
Author | Hessus, Sylvanus, | Translate
Type | Book | Translate
Imprint | Vitenbergae : Excusum ... Per Nicolaum Schirlentz | Translate
Place | Wittenberg | Translate
Publisher | Schirlentz, Nickel | Translate
Year | 1534. | Translate
Size | 19 cm (4to) | Translate
Annotation | Sylvanus Hessus is pseudonym of Antonius Corvinus (VD 16). On title page: Responde stulto iuxta stulticiam suam, ne videatur sibi sapiens. Printer's name from colophon, which reads: Excusum Vitebergae per Nicolaum Schirlentz. Imprint: Vitebergae. 1534. Signatures: A-F⁴; A1v and F4 is blank. Initials, printed marginal notes. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), C 5410 | Translate
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate
Call number | F qu 289 (Rariora) dl 1 | Translate
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