Title | Hodgson's New map of the County of Kent; divided into hundreds | Translate |
Type | Map | Translate |
Scale | Schaal [ca. 1:275.000]. | Translate |
Region | Kent (England) | Translate |
Imprint | London : published by Hodgson & Co. | Translate |
Year | Nov.r 18.th 1824. | Translate |
Technique | kopergravure, gekleurd | Translate |
Size | 35 x 43 cm | Translate |
Annotation | Impressum rechtsboven, binnen kader: London : Published by Hodgson & Co. 10, Newgate St.t 1824. Impressum midden onder, buiten kader: London : Published Nov.r 18.th 1824, by Hodgson & Co. 10, Newgate Street. Legenda's ('Explanation'; 'Reference to the lathes & hundreds'). | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | Moll 318 | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |