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TitelThe history of signboards : from the earliest times to the present day Vertaal
AuteurLarwood, Jacob,Vertaal
EditionNinth edition.Vertaal
ImpressumLondon : Chatto and WindusVertaal
Techniekillustrations Vertaal
Afmetingen19 cm Vertaal
AnnotatieIncludes index. General survey of signboard history -- Historic and commemorative signs -- Heraldic and emblematic signs -- Signs of animals and monsters -- Birds and fowls -- Fishes and insects -- Flowers, trees, herbs, etc. -- Biblical and religious signs -- Saints, martyrs, etc. -- Dignities, trades, and professions -- The house and the table -- Dress, plain and ornamental -- Georgraphy and topography -- Humorous and comic -- Puns and rebuses -- Miscellaneous signs -- Bonnell Thornton's signboard exhibition. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurODA 7846Vertaal
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