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TitelLi cinque ordini dell'architettura civile di Michel Sanmicheli Vertaal
AuteurPompei, Alessandro,Vertaal
Gebied Italy.Vertaal
ImpressumIn Verona : Per Jacopo VallarsiVertaal
Techniekillustrations, plans, portraits Vertaal
Afmetingen31 cm (fol.) Vertaal
Opmerking76 als 67Vertaal
AnnotatieA variant issue has title: Li cinque ordini d'architettura civile di Michel Sanmicheli, non più vedute in luce / ora publicati, ed esposti con quelli di Vitruvio, e d'altri cinque dal Conte Alessandro Pompei. Signatures: pi⁴ ( -pi3) *⁴ A-M⁴. First gathering (p. [3]-8) preceded by leaf of plates. Illustrations: 38 prints : etching ; full-page. Comprise frontispiece (allegorical port. of Sanmichele) by Antonio Balestra and 37 prints, numbered T. I-T. XXXVII, depicting the orders of architecture, most signed A[lessandro] P[ompei] f., C.B. d. -- 10 prints : etching ; plate mark 9 x 15 cm. or smaller. Comprise t.p. vignette, 5 headpieces (including ports. of 4 of the architects discussed) and 4 tailpieces. Vignette and portrait headpieces by Balestra; ornamental headpiece and tailpieces by Pompei. Berlin. Ornamentstichsammlung, Comoli, A. Bib. storico-critico dell'architettura civile, Fowler 2631 IV, p. 227-235 286 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurODZ 2840 dl 1Vertaal
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