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TitelRecommendation to farriers & shoeing-smiths throughout the United Kingdom of Great Britain, in respect to the injurious practice of slicing and cutting away the horn from the frogs of horses' feet.Vertaal
AuteurClark, Bracy,Vertaal
Edition3d ed.Vertaal
ImpressumLondon : T. White, Printer, 59, Wych Street, Strand.Vertaal
Afmetingen41 x 32 cm. folded to 24 x 16 cm. Vertaal
AnnotatiePrinted in double columns, within decorative border. BM, 39, col. 1000 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurODU 2701 dl 4aVertaal
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