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TitelTo the Right Honourable the Secretary of State for the Colonies, &c., &c., &c, this chart of New Zealand from original surveys is respectfully dedicated by his very obedient servant James Wyld Vertaal
AuteurWyld, James,Vertaal
Edition3rd ed.Vertaal
Schaal Schaal [ca. 1:2.500.000].Vertaal
Gebied Nieuw-Zeeland.Vertaal
ImpressumLondon : WyldVertaal
Techniekkopergrav., in kleur Vertaal
Afmetingen77 x 54 cm Vertaal
Annotatie'To the Committee of the Church Missionary Society the publisher is deeply indebted for the valuable information kindly communicated by them. And also to the New Zealand Land Company for the use of their valuable surveys'. 'Published Febr. 9 1851, by James Wyld, Geographer to the Queen, Charing Cross East. Inzetten: Plan of the entrance to Port Manoukao -- Plan of the bar and part of the Hokianga River -- Plan of Victoria, Bay of Islands, New Zealand -- Oyerri or Pelorus River -- Port Nicholson -- Plan of Southern Port, Stewart's Island -- Plan of Dusky Bay. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurKAART: Ackersdijck 892 (Dk27-20)Vertaal
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