TitelḤamishah ḥumshe Torah : [Neviʼim Rishonim, Neviʼim Aḥaronim, Ketuvim].Vertaal
EditionNidpas shenit; [2nd quarto ed.].Vertaal
ImpressumṾenetsiʼah : Daniyel BombergiVertaal
Jaar281 [1521]Vertaal
Afmetingen22 cm (4°) Vertaal
AnnotatieSignatures in Arabic and Roman numerals: 1-17⁸ (1₁ verso blank) 18⁴ (18₄ blank, included in foliation) 19⁸ 20¹⁰ (20₁₀ verso blank) 21-34⁸ (21₁ verso blank) 35⁶ (35₆ verso blank) 36-49⁸ (36₁ verso blank) 50¹⁰ (50₁₀ verso blank) 51-54⁸ (51₁ verso blank) 55⁴ 56-57⁸ 58¹⁰ (58₁₀ blank, included in foliation) 59-66⁸ 67⁶ (67₆ blank). "Arbaʻah neviʼim aḥaronim"--Half title. End of printing: "Nidpas shenit ʻim rav ha-ʻiyun ʻal yede ha-aḥim bene Barukh Adel Ḳind be-ḥodesh Elul 281[Aug./Sept. 1521] be-shem Daniyel Bombergi ube-veto"--Verso of last fol. "Ṿe-khen ha-shem yizkenu lehashlim kol ha-Talmud ṿe-gam Sefer ha-Alfasi ha-gadol kefi retson adonenu Daniyel ha-n.l. she-ʻad ha-yom ha-zeh aśinu ḥameshet ṿe-eśrim masekhtot meha-Talmud u-shenayim aśarah [sic] ḳunṭresi.[m] mi-Sefer Rav Alfas"--Verso of last fol. The name of Felix Pratensis disappears from this edition and the brothers Adelkind appear in the colophon. With the exception of the Psalter, which is in double columns in this edition, each page begins and ends with the same word as the first edition. Most important difference between the two editions is the marginal readings. Darlow & Moule, Ginsburg Introduction to the Massoretico-critical edition of the Hebrew Bible, Steinschneider, M. Cat. librorum hebraeorum, Cowley, Habermann Bomberg, Mehlmann/Yudlov Ginze, Darlow-Moule, Vinograd Venice, 5084 p. 952-956 9, 39 76 67 27 5084. 58 Vertaal
CommentaarScans van het boek zijn vanwege het grote aantal in drie delen opgesplitst.Vertaal
CommentaarDue to its size scans of the book have been split up into three parts.Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurTHO: RAR 1-56 octVertaal
Volledige metadata als Marc21 XMLOpen Marc21 XML in nieuw vensterVertaal