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TitelCompendium theologiae : methodi quastionibus tractatum Vertaal
AuteurHeerbrand, Jakob,Vertaal
ImpressumVVitebergae : Excudebant Haeredes Joannis CratonisVertaal
Jaaranno 1582.Vertaal
Afmetingen22 cm (4to) Vertaal
Opmerkingp.1072 als p.1073.Vertaal
Annotatie"During the negotiations of the Tübingen theologians with the patriarch of Constantinople, this work was translated into Greek and published in a bilingual edition"--Preus, R. Theology of post-Reformation Lutheranism. Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Signatures: *⁸)(⁸ A-3X⁸ [$5 signed ( -*1, 2G5, 2V3, 3I5, 3M5; Y4 signed "Y5", 2B2 signed "2B3", 2Y5 signed "2X5")] Title page verso is blank. Printer's device on t.p.; initials. National union catalog, pre-1956 imprints, Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), v. 238, p. 120, 0233908 H 973 Greek and Latin in parallel columns. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurE qu 90Vertaal
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