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TitelSenatus populique Genuensis rerum domi forisque historiæ atque annales : Cum luculenta variarum rerum cognitione dignissimarum, quæ diuersis temporibus, & potissimùm hac nostra tempestate contigerunt, enarratione. Vertaal
AuteurBizzarri, Pietro,Vertaal
Gebied Genoa (Italy)Vertaal
ImpressumAntverpiæ, : Ex officina Christophori Plantini Architypographi RegijVertaal
UitgeverPlantin, ChristopheVertaal
JaarM.D.LXXIX. [1579]Vertaal
Afmetingen35 cm (folio) Vertaal
Opmerkingp42 als p41, 43 als 42, 176 als 180.Vertaal
AnnotatieSignatures: [leaf]⁴ A-Z⁶ a-z⁶ AA-XX⁶ aa-cc⁶ ††⁶ †††⁴; CC6 is blank. Printers' device on title page. Initials; printed marginalia. On title page verso two winged angels witht the arms of the Republic of Genoa, and with the inscriptions 'aurea libertas' and 'vexillum genuen'. The cross in the arms is painted in red. Includes index. Contains a separate title page: Leges novæ reipvblicae Genvensis, a legatis svmmi pontificis, Cæsaris, et regis catholici, in quos per Rempublicam collata fuerat auctoritas, conditæ, et Genvæ die XVII. Martii M.D.LXXVI. pvblicatæ. Page 176 misnumbered 180; pages 42-43 misnumbered 41-42; Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Jaspers, G.J. De zestiende eeuw in de Stadsbibliotheek Haarlem, Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 1541-1600, Voet, L. Plantin Press, 1555-1589, B-2089 98 I, 322 726 Bizzari describes in this work the history of Genoa in 23 books from the foundation of the city to 1578. These include the eight expeditions to Syria and Palestine, the wars against Pisa and the fight against Emperor Frederick II in the first half of the thirteenth century. This work also contains the latest version of the laws of Genoa. Titel is geselecteerd voor digitalisering voor de Koninklijke Bibliotheek in het kader van het Google Books-project. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurS fol 149 dl 1Vertaal
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