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TitelIoan. Goropij Becani Origines Antwerpianae, siue, Cimmeriorum Becceselana nouem libros complexa.Vertaal
AuteurGoropius Becanus, Johannes,Vertaal
Gebied BelgiumVertaal
ImpressumAntuerpiae, : Ex officina Christophori Plantini.Vertaal
UitgeverPlantin, ChristopheVertaal
JaarM.D. LXIX. [1569]Vertaal
Afmetingen32 cm (folio) Vertaal
AnnotatieSignatures: a-c⁴ d⁶ A-Q⁴ R⁶ S-Z⁴ ²a-²d⁴ e⁶ [e6 is blank] f-z⁴ AA-KK⁴ [2K4 is blank] LL-ZZ⁴ aA⁴ [aA4 is blank] bB-oO⁴ [oO4 is blank] pP-zZ⁴ aa-hh⁴ [hh4 is blank] ii-zz⁴ [zz4 is blank] ²AA-²QQ⁴ RR⁶ [RR6 is blank] ²SS-²XX⁴ [XX4 is blank]. In 9 parts. From the second book on, each book has its own title page and a dedication. "Typographus lectori S[alutem]. Habes hîc, candide Lector, Gentium origines, longè aliter, quàm à quoquam hactenus scriptæ sunt, explicatas; et infinitos errores ex Historiæ scriptoribus, tum vetustis, tum recentioribus sublatos: totam denique Historiam et Poësim ad Mosem, et Orpheum reuocatam. Vale, & fruere." Chain lines are horizontal. Errata on second to last page [34]. Includes index. With initials. With printer's device on title page with slogan "Constantia et labore". "Summa priuilegij ..." on last page [35]; date and location: Brussels 17th of December 1567. Includes a poem by Laevinus Torrentius and a Greek poem by Gerhard Falkenburg. Includes a dedication by A. Grapheus to Christophe Plantin. On title page: Atuatica, I. [1-127]-- Gigantomachia, II. [129-226]-- Niloscopium, III. [229-327]-- Cronia, IV. [327-446] -- Indoscythica, V. [449-557] -- Saxsonica, VI. [561-666]-- Gotodanica, VII. [669-798]-- Amazonica, VIII. [809-918]-- Venetica, & Hyperborea, IX. [921-1058]. Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 1541-1600, Voet, L. Plantin Press, 1555-1589, G 877 1317 1254 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurS fol 499Vertaal
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