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TitelMissal Grote of Maria Magdalenakerk [1],Vertaal
Jaar[between approximately 1440 and 1460]Vertaal
Afmetingenapproximately 340 x 250 (250 x 175) mm Vertaal
AnnotatieDescription mainly based on MMDC (Medieval Manuscript in Dutch Collections). Dating: approximately 1440-1460 (based on Delft penwork), with later additions. Material: parchment. Calender with saints for the diocese of Utrecht in red, possibly Holland (St. Pontian). Additions (masses for St. Joseph and St. Anne) in Gothic hybrida in the back of the manuscript. On the first flyleaf prayers against the plague. Layout and script: 2 columns, 35-40 lines or 11 staves, littera textualis. Foliated in Roman numerals 1-218 (fol. 1, 85, 95, 208 now missing), unfoliated calender of 3 folia, unfoliated eucharistic prayers of 5 folia (2 are now missing) between fol. 126 and 127: written space 240x175, 1 column, 22 lines or 13 staves, Gothic littera textualis. Binding: contemporary medieval binding; blind tooled binding and stamps with a deer, with slightly younger wrapper ('hunselband') sewn around the original binding, glued to the boards. Illustration and decoration: pen-flourished initials; first leaf, probably with border decoration and decorated initial, taken out: contemporary foliation begins at leaf 2 in the middle of a sentence and Abklatsch on opposite leaf. Two leaves after fol.126, with the canon plate and decorated initial, also taken out. Region of origin: Holland; date and localisation (Delft) based on the style of the decoration. Localisation supported by calendar. Publication about described material: C. Dekker, Een schamele landstede : geschiedenis van Goes tot aan de Satisfactie in 1577. Goes 2002. p. 466 and p. 452. Publication about described material:. G.J. Lepoeter, ‘Het zevengetijdencollege in de H. Maria Magdalenakerk te Goes. De bewaard gebleven missalen, tastbare herinnering aan een bijzonder aspect van de katholieke eredienst in de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw’, Bulletin Stichting Oude Zeeuwse Kerken 86 (april 2022), pp. 3-9. Digitized version: Gemeentearchief Goes Electronic reproduction. Utrecht: Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht, 2023 Originating from the Church of St. Mary Magdalene, Goes. Probably brought to the town hall of Goes during or shortly after an iconoclastic outbreak in 1578 and since then in the city archives. Contemporary medieval binding; blind tooled binding and stamps with a deer, with slightly younger wrapper ('hunselband') sewn around the original binding, glued to the boards. C. Dekker, Een schamele landstede : geschiedenis van Goes tot aan de Satisfactie in 1577. Goes 2002. p. 466 and p. 452. G.J. Lepoeter, ‘Het zevengetijdencollege in de H. Maria Magdalenakerk te Goes. De bewaard gebleven missalen, tastbare herinnering aan een bijzonder aspect van de katholieke eredienst in de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw’, Bulletin Stichting Oude Zeeuwse Kerken 86 (april 2022), pp. 3-9. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
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