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TitelBeati Theodoreti Cyrensis episcopi In quatuordecim Sancti Pauli epistolas Commentarius, Vertaal
ImpressumFlorentiae : Excudebat Laurentius TorrentinusVertaal
UitgeverTorrentino, LorenzoVertaal
JaarMDLII. [1552]Vertaal
Afmetingen32 cm. (folio) Vertaal
OpmerkingP. 198 als 168.Vertaal
AnnotatieSignatures: *⁸, a⁶-z⁶, A⁴. Last leaf ([2] pages) is blank. Woodcuts: the Torrentino device on title page, featuring the Medici ball crest surmounted by a crown; ornamental white initials of different sizes. Text printed in roman type; marginal notes in smaller roman, with some Greek; introductory material in italic type. Not in Short-title catalogue of books printed in Italy and of Italian books printed in other countries from 1465 to 1600 now in the British Museum. Moreni, D. Annali della tipografia fiorentina di Lorenzo Torrentino impressore ducale, Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, EDIT 16, Grässe, J.G.T. Trésor de livres rares et précieux, NUC page 218, no. XIX T-500 CNCE 48534 VII:118 The first of two volumes of commentary on the Epistles of Paul by Theodoret, bishop of Cyrrhusis, followed by commentaries on books of Titus and Philemon. Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
Signatuur109 E 4 dl 2Vertaal
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