Annotatie | Verschenen als No. I-X in een atlas behorende bij: History of the war in France and Belgium, in 1815 : containing minute details of the battles of Quatre-Bras, Ligny, Wavre, and Waterloo / by Captain W. Siborne. - London : T. and W. Boone, 1844. Voor krt. No. XI zie: Part of France / engraved by J. Kirkwood, Dublin. Met 2 schaalstokken (English miles; French metres). I. Part of Belgium. II-III. Field of Quatre-Bras. IV-V. Field of Ligny. VI-VIII. Field of Waterloo. IX-X. Field of Wavre. "The red, green and blue colors represent the general distribution of the Anglo-allied, Prussian and French armies respectively, at the commencement of hostilities". | Vertaal