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TitelSimplex et fidelis narratio de instituta ac demum dissipata Belgarum, aliorumq[ue] peregrinorum in Anglia, Ecclesia[rum], : & potissimum de susceptis postea illius nomine itineribus quaeq[ue] eis in illis euenerunt. In qua multa de Coenae Dominicae negocio, alijsq[ue] rebus lectu dignissimis tractantur. Vertaal
AuteurUtenhove, Jan,Vertaal
Gebied EnglandVertaal
ImpressumBasileae, : ex officina Ioannis OporiniVertaal
UitgeverOporinus, JoannesVertaal
Afmetingen18 cm (8vo) Vertaal
AnnotatieDescription of the founding of the Belgian Protestant congregation in London, of its dissolution at the accession of the Catholic, Mary Tudor, to the throne, and of the author's exile, together with 175 church members. The work also includes material on the Lord's Supper critical of the Lutheran position. Place of printing and printer's name from colophon. With an address to the reader by Johannes a Lasco. Colophon: Basileae, ex officina Ioannis Oporini, Anno Salutis humanae M.D. LX. Mense Martio. Signatures: a-t⁸ u⁴. Initials (some decorated or historiated); printed marginalia. Errata on pages [1]-[2]. Includes index. Last leaf blank. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), U 389 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurH oct 353 (Rariora) dl 1Vertaal
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