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TitelEpistolae aliquot eruditorum : nunqu[am] antehac excusae, multis nominibus dignae quae legantur a bonis omnibus, quo magis liqueat, quanta sit insignis cuiusdam sycophantae virulentia.Vertaal
Impressum[Antwerp] : [Michiel Hillen van Hoochstraten]Vertaal
UitgeverHillen van Hoochstraten, MichielVertaal
Jaar[approximately 1520]Vertaal
Afmetingen21 cm (4to) Vertaal
AnnotatieSignatures: B⁴ ²B⁴ C-N⁴ O⁶. With initials. Place of publication, printer's name and year of publication from Nijhoff-Kronenberg. Edited by Wilhelm Nesen according to P.S. Allen in "Opus epistolarum D. Erasmi Roterodami", t. 4, Oxford, 1922, nr. 1083, page 210, which also gives the date May 1520. Contains letters written in response to "Annotationes Edouardi Lei in Annotationes Novi Testamenti Desiderii Erasmi". LeafB2 Leaf 2B3 Leaf 2B4 Leaf F1 Leaf F3 Leaf F4 Leaf G1 Leaf G3 Nijhoff, W. Nederlandsche bibliographie van 1500 tot 1540 (1923-61 edition), Allen, P.S. Opus epistolarum D. Erasmi Roterodami (1922), 765 1083 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurF qu 150 dl 5Vertaal
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