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TitelPauli Aeginetae medici insignis Opus diuinum, quo uir ille uastissimum totius artis oceanum, Laconica breuitate, sensibus argutis, merisq[ue] aphorismis in epitomen redegit. Vertaal
ImpressumBasileae : per Andr. Cratandrum et Io. BebeliumVertaal
UitgeverCratander, AndreasVertaal
Jaaran. M.D.XXII. [1532]Vertaal
Afmetingen33 cm (folio) Vertaal
AnnotatieTranslation of books 1-5 and book 7 of De re medica. First edition of the first Latin translation of the major part of the work; based on the Greek text of the Aldine edition of 1528. Book 6, omitted from this version, was translated by Joannes Bernardus Felicianus and issued separately by the same publishers in 1533 under title: De chirurgia liber. To it Alban Thorer appended 4 pages of corrections of his translation of books 1-5, 7. Printers' names taken from colophon which reads: "Basileae, per Andr. Cratandrvm, et Io. Bebelivm, mense Martio, an. M. D. XXXII." Printer's devices on title page and on verso of last leaf. Signatures: [alpha]-[beta]⁶ a-z⁶ A-V⁶. Includes ornamental initials, head-piece and printed marginalia. Includes index. Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, P 1028 P 491 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurO fol 112 dl 1Vertaal
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