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TitelParuum theatrum vrbium sive Vrbium praecipuarum totius orbis breuis et methodica Descriptio. Vertaal
AuteurRomain, Adrien,Vertaal
Gebied EuropeVertaal
ImpressumFrancoforti : Ex officina Typographica Nicolai Bassaei.Vertaal
PlaatsFrankfurt am MainVertaal
UitgeverBassée, NicolasVertaal
Jaaranno M.D.XCV. [1595]Vertaal
Techniekillustrations, maps Vertaal
Afmetingen21 cm (4to) Vertaal
AnnotatieContains numerous woodcut views and maps of cities in Europe. Title page in red a black, within simple lined border. Printer's device on title page. All printed text enclosed in a plain rule border. Signatures: ):(⁴ A-Z⁴, Aa-Zz⁴, Aaa-Ccc⁴, Ddd². With woodcut initials, head-piece, tail-pieces and printed marginal notes. Errors in pagination: pages 257-258 omitted, pages 327-330 repeated, pages 363-365 (following page 366) repeated. "Descriptionis vrbivm vniversalis pars qvarta: in qua de novo orbe sive India Occidentali", p. 359-365, has separate caption title and contains descriptions of New France, Florida, New Spain, Nova Galicia, Yucatan, Cuba, islands in the West Indies, places in Central America, Brazil, Peru and others. Contains a prefatory verse titled "Vrbium Italicarum descriptio", attributed to the English poet Thomas Edwards. Contains a verse titled "De Eminentia Theatri Urbium" by Wendelin Helbach. "Dr. A. Ruland, in the Bibliophile Belge V, p. 252, says that the text of this work is only a translation of the indices, annexed to teach of the 6 volumes of the German edition of G[eorg] Braun and F[rans] Hogenberg's Civitates Orbis Terrarum (1586). He adds that Romanus had made this translation originally for his private use; by chance it came into the hands of the publisher N. Bassaeus of Frankfort, the same who had published the different editions of A. Saur's German Parvum Theatrum (which is likewise nothing else but a reprint, geographically arranged of the above mentioned alphabetical indices of Braun and Hogenberg). At the earnest desire of N. Bassaeus, Romanus permitted his translation to be printed, and for the illustration of it the publisher made use of the same views, which are in Saur's work. It is in this manner that the curious coincidence of the 2 works must be explained."--Taken from Muller. Includes index. On title page: "Cum gratia & priuilegio Casaerae Maiestatis speciali ad decennium." Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Kiessling, N.K. Library of Robert Burton, Verzeichnis der im deutschen Sprachbereich erschienenen Drucke des 16. Jahrhunderts (VD 16), Sabin, J. Dictionary of books relating to America from its discovery to the present time, European Americana, Shaaber, M.A. Check-list of works of British authors printed abroad, in languages other than English, to 1641, Frederik Muller & Cie. Catalogue of books, maps, plates on America, and of a remarkable collection of early voyages, R 694 1361 R 3024 73000 595/65. E 19 1376 (p. 160-161) Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurT qu 36 dl 1Vertaal
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