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TitelLes nauigations, peregrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie, Vertaal
AuteurNicolay, Nicolas de,Vertaal
Gebied TurkeyVertaal
ImpressumEn Anvers, : Par Guillaume Silvius, Imprimeur du Roy.Vertaal
JaarM.D.LXXVI [1576]Vertaal
Techniekillustrations Vertaal
Afmetingen20 cm (4to) Vertaal
AnnotatieEngravings are numbered in sequence with the pagination, but are printed on only one side and numbered as only one page each. Engravings: relief printing / letterpress. Engravings in decorated borders. According to Hollstein, engravings by Leest. According to Belgica typographica, engravings by A. van Leest, I. Croissant, A. Nicolai, G. Jansen van Kampen, en C. Muller. Originally published in 1567 under title: Les quatres premiers livres des navigations et pérégrinations orientales, printed in Lyon by Guillaume Rouillé. Date precedes printer's name on title page. "Avec priuilege pour six ans."--Colophon. Title page in decorated border. Printer's device on title page. Signatures: a⁸ b⁴ A-Z⁸ Aa⁸ Bb-Dd⁴ Ee⁶. With initials, head-pieces and printed marginalia. Pagination errors: page 3 numbered 7; page 116 not numbered; page 117 numbered 116; page 248 numbered 284; page 259 numbered 159; pages 299-309 numbered 298-308. "Elegie de P. de Ronsard gentil-homme Vandomoys, à N. de Nicolay daulphinoys, seigneur d'Argeuille, varlet de chambre & geographe ordinaire du roy": leaves a5r-a6v. Includes index. Hollstein's Dutch and Flemish etchings, engravings and woodcuts, ca. 1450-1700, Cockx-Indestege, E. Belgica typographica, 1541-1600, Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, Universal short title catalogue, 10, p. 43 2201 N 254 1421 Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurT qu 74 (Rariora) dl 1Vertaal
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