Title Blaine's Outlines of the veterinary art : or, A treatise on the anatomy, physiology, and curative treatment of the diseases of the horse, and, subordinately, of those of neat cattle and sheep : illustrated by surgical and anatomical plates. Translate
Author Blaine, Delabere P. Translate
Type Book Translate
Edition Sixth edition, revised throughout, and considerably improved, by the introduction of many important subjects both in the foreign and British practice of the art, Translate
Imprint London : Longman, Brown, and Co. ; Translate
Year 1854. Translate
Technique illustrations (some folded) Translate
Size 23 cm Translate
Annotation Includes index. Plates signed: "W. Bagg. ad nat. del. [and] H. Adlard, sc." Separate half title: "The veterinary materia medica; or, An alphabetical and descriptive list of the various medicinal articles at present employed in veterinary practice." Translate
Comment SECTION I. HISTORY OP VETERINARY MEDICINE. PAGE Was first sown in Greece ; next nurtured in Rome—Languished during the dark ages—Revived in the sixteenth century—Aided by the translation of the writings of Vegetius—The succeeding age still further cultivated it—The eighteenth century marked by veterinary writings of acknow- ledged merit, and by the establishment of the first public school of the art—The subsequent march of veterinary science may be legibly traced in the works of the many eminent authors who have since written on it. 1—4 SECTION II. HISTORY OF VETERINARY MEDICINE IN GREAT BRITAIN. Our first improvements were coupled with the arts of the menage borrowed from France and Germany—The early writings on the subject were mostly translations from the French—The English school was stimulated by the works of Sollysel, towards the middle of the last century ; Great Britain also began to furnish native writers and eminent practitioners— History of the Veterinary College—A short sketch of the more promi- nent English writers on the subject......4—6 SECTION III. THE HISTORY OF THE VETEBINARY COLLEGE. St. Bel makes two attempts to found a Veterinary School—He is appointed professor—Review of his deserts—Messrs. Coleman and Moorcroft ap- pointed to succeed him—Medical Committee established—Review of Coleman's character—Succeeding professors up to the present time—Her Majesty grants a Charter to the Veterinary Profession . . 6—11 SECTION IV. THE NATURAL HISTORY OF THE HORSE. Whether Job had horses, discussed—Change of breed induced by altera- tions in National customs—Comparison made between horse and dog— The external conformation of the horse—The teeth as indications of the age—Also to be depended upon in other animals—Exterior conforma- tion continued—The Colours and Markings of Horses . . . 11—50 SECTION V. THE CONDITION OF HORSES. The Conventional Term of Condition, its real meaning—Morbid Condition —System of getting a Horse into Condition—Injury of purgatives as promoters of condition . ......51—55 STABLING OF HORSES. PAGE The Stable itself—Summering of Hunters—Summering at grass—Food of Horses—Grooming—Exercise ....... 55—59 SECTION VII. THE ANATOMY OF THE HORSE.--THE BONES. Description of Plate I.—The Composition of Bones—Bones of the Skull— Of the Face—The Posterior Jaw—Anatomy of the Teeth—Bones of the Trunk—The Vertebrae—Pelvic Bones—The Coccygeal Bones—Bones of the Thorax : Costae or Ribs, Sternum—Bones of the Anterior Extremities— Scapula or Shoulder-blade Bone—Humerus or Real Arm—Radius and Ulna —Carpus or Knee—Metacarpus or Cannon—Small Metacarpals or Splint Bones, Suff'raginis or Pastern, Lesser Pastern and Foot Bones—Bones of the Posterior Extremities—The Femur or true Thigh Bone—Patella or Stifle—Tibia or Leg Bone, and the Fibula—Tarsus or Hock Bones— Mechanical Structure of this latter assemblage—Metacarpal, Coronary, and Coffin Bones—The Mechanism of the Skeleton considered . 59—90 SECTION VIII. OF THE APPENDAGES TO BONE. Cartilages Articular — Non-articular, Attached and Unattached — Peri- osteum, Medulla or Marrow, Connecting and Capsular Ligaments ; Syno- via ............90—92 SECTION IX. OF MHSCLES. Description of Plate II.—Muscles, their Structure and Functions — Voluntary and Involuntary — Tendons, Aponeuroses, Fascias—Mus- cles of the Head and Neck—Of the Trunk and Abdomen—Muscles of the Anterior Extremity—Of the Posterior Extremity—Description of Plate III............92—118 SECTION X. OF BCRS/E MUCOSA. Organs of Anti-attrition, as Mucous Capsules and Mucous Sheaths to the Extensor and Flexor Tendons.......118,119 SECTION XI. OF ARTERIES AND VESSELS, Description of PUte IV.—The Vessels of the Body—Arteries, their Struc- ture and Function — Uses of Absorbents — The Pulse, and its vari- ous indications—Mean Pulsations per minute—Differences under varied circumstances—Where most conveniently felt in the Horse—Variations a guide to our judgment in Disease—Distribution of the Arteries—An- terior Aorta—Furnishes the Fore Extremity—Carotids—Supply the Head —The Posterior Aorta—Distribution to the Trunk and Hind Extremity ■—Pulmonary Arteries. Veins, Structure and Functions—The Anterior Cava—The Posterior Cava— The Vena Portse........119-149 SECTION XII. OF THE NERVES. PAGE Description of Plate V.—The Brain—The Cerebral Nerves—The Spinal Nerves—Distribution of the Spinal Nerves—Nerves of the Fore Extre- mities—Of the Hinder Extremities—Physiology of the Nervous Sys- tem ............149—166 SECTION XIII. OP GLANDULAR STRUCTURES. The Structure, Functions, and Distribution of the Glands—Their Division into Folliculose, Glomerate and Conglomerate Masses . . 166—168 SECTION XIV. OF THE VARIOUS VISCERA. Teaches the Knowledge of the Viscera of the Body and its Coverings— The Common Integuments—The Hair—-The Cuticle and Cutis—Sense of Touch—Adipose Membrane and Fat—Subcutaneous Muscles—Panni- culus Carnosus. Of the Head Structurally—Description of Plate VI.—The Outer Ear —The Inner Ear—Sense of Hearing—The Eye, Anatomy of—'Physio- logy of Vision—The Nose—Physiology of Smelling—The Cavity of the Mouth—Its Muscles, Lips, Gums, Bars, Palate, Palatine Arch, and Tongue—Physiology of Tasting—The Cavities of the Pharynx and Larynx—Functions of Mastication and Deglutition—Glands of the Head : the Parotid, Submaxillary and Sublingual, as Salivary Glands—The Neck, anatomically considered—Trachea and Oesophagus—Description of Plate VII. Anatomy of the Chest : Its Pleurae, costal, pulmonic, and mediastinal —The Diaphragm—The Heart: its Auricular and Ventricular Cavities, and Valvular Apparatus ; Physiology of its Agency in the Circulation of the Blood — The Lungs; Physiology of Respiration—Nature and Properties of the Blood ; Aeration of it in the Blood ; becomes the source of Animal Heat—Description of Plate VIII. Anatomy of the Abdomen : Abdominal Regions—The Stomach ; Phy- siology of Digestion—The Intestines—The Economy of the Intestines— in continuing the Digestive Process—The Liver—The Pancreas and Spleen, the Renal Capsules and Kidneys—Anatomy of the Pelvis—The Bladder—Physiology of the Urinary Secretion—The Male Organs of Generation—The Female Organs—Description of Plate IX. . 168—250 SECTION XV. REPRODUCTIVE SYSTEM. Physiology of the Work of Generation—GSstrum or Heat—Generative Act—Conception and Pregnancy, Gestatory Period of the Mare, Par- turition or Foaling—Lactation or Suckling—The Fcetal Colt and his Organization ; the Fcetal Circulation ; Descent of his Testicles and Evo- lution of his Form to the Adult Period—Anatomy and Physiology of the Foot—Structure and Economy—External Parts—Internal Parts—De- scription of Plate X.........250—266 THE DISEASES OF THE HORSE, &c. &c. PAGE Of Disease generally.........269—271 CHAPTER I. OF PURE FEVER. Simple Fever in Horses—Diffused or General Inflammation in Horses— Epidemic Catarrhal Fever in the Horse—Symptomatic Fever—Pur- pura Hsemorrhagica—Fevers of Horned Cattle—Dropping after Calving —Garget or Inflammation of the Udder in Cows—Hoose, Cough or Cold in Cattle—Influenza or Epidemic Catarrh in Cattle—The Vesicular Dis- ease in Cattle, or the Epidemic of 1841-42 .... 271—299 CHAPTER II. MADNESS, OR PHRENITIS, OR INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN IN HORSES. Madness, Phrenitis, or Inflammation of the Brain—Mad, Sleepy, and Sto- mach Staggers—Pneumonia or Inflammation of the Lungs—Pleurisy— Pleuro-Pneumonia—Inflamed Lungs in Neat Cattle — In Sheep—Inflam- mation of the Heart—Inflammation of the Muscular Coat of the Intes- tines—Inflammation of their Mucous Surface, or Dysentery—Peritonitis, or Inflammation of the Outer Coat of the Intestines—Inflamed Bowels in Neat Cattle—Inflammation of the Liver—In Neat Cattle—Inflamma- tion of the Kidneys—Hcematuria in Cattle—Inflammation of the Bladder —Spasm of the Neck of the Bladder—Inflammation of the Womb 299—341 CHAPTER III. INFLAMMATION OF MUCOUS MEMBRANES. Simple Catarrh, or Common Cold—Sore Throat—Bronchitis—Roaring— Chronic Cough—Thick Wind—Broken Wind—Glanders—Farcy—Dy- sentery—In Cattle.........341—374 CHAPTER IV. DISEASES OF THE BRAIN AND NERVES. General Considerations of the Nervous System—Phrenitis—Apoplexy— Megrims—Paralysis, or Palsy—Spasm—Tetanus, or Locked Jaw— Stringhalt..........374—385 CHAPTER V. DISEASES OF THE ALIMENTARY CANAL. Spasmodic Colic—Colic in Horned Cattle—Chronic Indigestion—Acute Indigestion, or Stomach Staggers—Hove, or Blown in Cattle—Lampas —Worms—Parasitic Animals in Cattle—Costiveness—Diarrhoea—Ditto in Cattle—Scouring in Calves—Cribbiting—Morbid Displacements of the Intestines—Hernia—Reduction of Strangulated Hernia—Hernia Con- genital—Involutions, Strictures, and Invaginations of the Intestines 385—407 CHAPTER VI. DISEASES OP THE GLANDS. PAGE Jaundice—Yellows—In Cattle and Sheep—True Red Water in Cattle— Hematuria, or Bloody Urine—Profuse Staling . . . 407—412 CHAPTER VII. DISEASED COLLECTIONS OF FLUID WITHIN CIRCUMSCRIBED CAVITIES. Hydrocephalus Internus, or Dropsy of the Head—Hydrothorax, or Dropsy of the Chest—Operation of Paracentesis Thoracis—Hydrops Pericardii, or Dropsy of the Pericardium—Ascites, or Dropsy of the Belly 412—417 CHAPTER VIII. DISEASED COLLECTIONS OF FLUID WITHIN THE CELLULAR MEMBRANE. Anasarca—Water Farcy—G3dema of the Extremities, or Swelled Legs— Ecchymosis, or Extravasation of Blood—Emphysema, or Extravasation of Gas............417—422 CHAPTER IX. CALCULUS, OR STONY CONCRETIONS. Calculus Concretions—Intestinal Calculi, or Stones in the Intestines—Uri- nary, or Stone in the Kidneys—Vesicular, or Stone in the Bladder 422—425 CHAPTER X. ANIMAL, VEGETABLE, AND MINERAL POISONS. Rabies or Madness—The Bites of Venomous Reptiles—Vegetable Poisons —Mineral Poisons. Principles and Doctrine of Local Inflammation—Characters of Local Inflammation—Adhesive Process—Suppurative Process—Gangrene 425—436 CHAPTER XI. WOUNDS. Surgical Treatment of Wounds generally—Particular Wounds—Of the Head—Of the Neck—Of the Chest—Rupture of the Diaphragm— Wounds of the Abdomen—Wounds of Articular and Bursal Cavities, or Wounds of the Joints generally—-Wound into the Knee Joint particu- larly—Knees Broken without penetrating the Joint—Wounds of the Arteries—Of the Veins—Inflammation of the Veins . . 436—454 CHAPTER XII, OF ABSCESS. Acute Abscess—Strangles— Warbles . » . . . 455—459 CHAPTER XIII. OP CHRONIC ABSCESS AND ULCERATION. PAGE Ulcerative Process—Individual Ulcerations : Poll Evil—Fistulous Withers —Salivary Fistulse—Of the Parotid Gland .... 459—466 CHAPTER XIV. SPRAINS, OR STRAINS. Membranous and Ligamentary Injuries called Strains or Sprains, considered generally—Shoulder Strain—Strain of the Flexor Tendons, or their liga- mentous Connexions—Overreach-—Rupture of the Suspensory Ligaments —Rupture of the Back Sinew—Strain of the Fetlock Joint—Sprain of the Ligaments of the Femur—Of the Patellee or Stifle—Bruises—Rheu- matism Acute and Chronic—In Cattle—Sitfast—Indurated Elbow- Point ...........466—478 CHAPTER XV. OP ENCYSTED SWELLINGS. Varix, or Blood Spavin—Windgalls — Distended Bursas, called Bog Spavin—Thorough-Pin—Capped Hock.....478—481 CHAPTER XVI. FRACTURES AND DISLOCATIONS. Considerations of these Injuries generally—Particular Fractures: of the Skull—Of the Face—Of the Jaw-Bone—Of the Ribs—Of the Pelvis— Of the Vertebra?—Fractured Bones of the Extremities—Of the Scapula —Of the Humerus—Of the Radius—Of the Femur—Of the Tibia—Of the Olecranon—Of the Cannon before and behind—Of the Pastern Bones—Of the Navicular Bone—Of the Patella—Dislocations—Patella or Stifle Bone..........481—488 CHAPTER XVII. DISEASES OP THE BONES. Caries of Bones, commences by Inflammation—Exostosis—Particular Exos- toses : Splint—Spavin—Curb—Ringbone—Exostosis of the Coffin Bone —Anchylosis..........488—497 CHAPTER XVIII. DISEASES OP THE EYE. Simple or Common Ophthalmia, or Inflammation of the Eye—Specific or Periodical Ophthalmia—Cataract—Amaurosis, or Gutta Serena—Ex- crescences, &c. on the Eyes.......497—507 CHAPTER XIX. DISEASES OF THE SKIN. Grease—Small-pox among Sheep—Swelled Legs—Mallenders and Sallen- ders—Warts—Mange —Hidebound......507—522 CHAPTER XX. DISEASES OF THE FEET PAGE Founder or Inflammation of the Feet—Acute Founder—Chronic Founder —Shoeing of Horses—The Pumiced Foot—Navicularthritis—Corns— Thrush—Sandcrack—Foot pricked by a nail—Tread or Overreach— Quittor—Canker—False Quarter ...... 522—560 OF SURGICAL OPERATIONS. The necessary Restraints employed on such occasions—The Trevis— Casting—Slinging—Veterinary Obstetrics, or the necessary assistance rendered in difficult Foaling—Embryotomy—Castration—By Cauteriza- tion—The French method—By Ligature, &c.—Lithotomy—Tracheo- tomy— Esophagotomy—Neurotomy—Periosteotomy—Division of the Flexor Tendons—Amputations : Of the Penis—Docking—Firing—Blis- tering—Rowelling—Setons—Blood-letting—By the Arteries—By the Veins, or Phlebotomy—The Physicking of Horses—The Use and Abuse of Purgatives—Diuretics........561—607 THE VETERINARY MATERIA MEDICA . . . 609—660 Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number DGKMG: C 682[6] Translate
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