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TitleA treatise on veterinary medicine Translate
AuthorWhite, James,Translate
ImprintLondon : printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, and Brown [etc.]Translate
Techniqueill. Translate
Size18 cm Translate
AnnotationI. The 11th ed., considerably enl., and with additional plates. II. A new ed. III. 2nd ed. I. Containing a compendium of the veterinary art, or, an accurate description of the diseases of the horse, and their mode of treatment, the anatomy and physiology of the foot, and the principles and practice of shoeing. Illustrated by plates, with observations on stable management, feeding, exercise, and condition. II. Containing the materia medica, and pharmacopoeia. III. Containing practical observations on some important diseases of the horse ... IV. Containing observations on the diseases of cows, sheep, swine, and dogs: also, particular directions for performing the most important operations in farriery. Illustrated by several plates, and remarks on the epidemic catarrh, commonly called distemper, in horses. With some additional observations on certain diseases of the horse's eye. Also available in online version. Translate
Comment"A. AiJTJOMEN, or J1ELLY......3 -------------, viscera of, . . . . • >1 Abscess described ...».». 3p ----------, treatment of, , . . . . 3J Agc of a horse.......i&S/S .'\ I ■) Rti ■ Tivr-i......' . ■■■?'? . _--------- for the nuiiiye ► MP .-----,------—r—mercurial . . . . . . ■!■• --------1--------balls and powder . . \Q'i, HO, ii3 Anatomy of the internal organs ... j -------------of the foot . . . . , .162 Anodyne draught.......50 ----------clyster........»""$• Apoplexy, or staggers.....92 Appendix.........27S Astringent lotion.......114 ----------------ointment......115 ----------------powder . . . . • .116 B. Balls, cordial...... . .276 ----------diuretic.......217 ----------purging or cathartic . . . .216"" ----------tonic........32S ----------expectorant.....67, 367 ----------alterative .... .107,110,113 j---------for suppression of urine . . . . 100 ----------for flatulent colic or gripes . . . 91 Bile, description of,......20 Bladder, description of, ..... 25 Bleeding ......... 206Blisters......... 220 Blood......... 206 Body, divisions of the, ...... 3 Borrs, see Worms, ---------sometimes injurious to the stomach . 53 Bowels, diseases of, ...... 34i Broken wind ........ 78 —------ knees........ 133 Bruises......... 136' C. Canker......... 201 • Catarrh........ 64, 3oO Cf llclar mpmbhasb ...... 5 Chronic cough......,67, 360 Circulation of the biood..... B Clysters ......... 224 Cold, we Catahhh. Colic, flatulent, or gripes .... 8S"", 343 ---------how distinguished from inflammation of the bowels...... 51 Condition . ■...... 227 Cordial balls....... 276 Corns......... X9Q Cough, see Catarrh. Curb......... . lol Cutting......... 203 ©• Diabetes, or exressive staling .... 97 Diaphragm, or midriff...... Diarrhoea, or purging . . . . . 95 Digestion........ 17 Distemper........ 331 Diuretics ,...... 217 Dropsy of the chest...... 5 E. Embrocation-, mustard,..... £0INDEX. Exercise, see Feeding. Eyes, diseases of, .'.... TO, 317 F. Farcy....... . 125 Feeding and exercise ...... 247 Fever........33, 32.5 -----------symptomatic ...... 36 Fistula ........ 141 Fomentations....... 223 Foot, anatomy of,...... J 62 ■----------, Jiseases of, . . . . . . . 187 Fret, see Colic. . . Fucg, tee Foot. G. Gangrene........ 31 Gastric juice, see Digestion. Glanders .............118 Glystek, see Clysters. Greasi: . ... ....... . 110,355 Gripes^ see Colic. . Grooming, see Feeding. H. Haw, see Eye. Heart........ Hidebound........105 Hoof, see Foot. I. Inflammation ' ..... . . . 1,26 ----------------------, external, ..... 28 --------------■------, internal,..... 32 ----------------------of the lungs .... 39 --------------------------------intestines 44 --------------------------------stomach .... 52 -------------------------------k .'neys . . , . . 56 ----------.------.---------------bladder .... ib. ■----------------i---------------r liver..... 53Inflammation of the eye, see Eye. Intestines, description of,..... 15 ------------------, length of,...... ib. J. Jaundice......... 84 Joints, structure of, ...... 306 —I-------, wounds of,.....134-, 306 Journey, management during a, . . . 272 K. Kidneys, description of, . .... 24 --------------, inflammation of,..... 58 Knees, broken,....... 13S L. L£cT£«ts....... 22, 2* Lampas......... 76 Larynx ......... 4 Laxatives . . 96, 100, 219, 328, 331., 343 Locked jaw.......75, 323 Lungs......... 3 Lymph, coagulable, see Bleeding. M. M-A I.ANDERS........ IIS Management during a journey .... 272 Mange......... 10S Mediastinum........ 4 Mesentery ........ 16 Molten grease ....... 31.5 Mortification, see Gangrene. Mustard embrocation..... 50 O. (Esophagus........ 11 P. Pancreas......... 22 Peritonaeum ........ 24 Pharynx ......... 12 PHYSIC......... 211 Pleura......... * Pleurisy, see Inflammation of the Lungs. Poll evil ......... 143 Poultice, 221 : also Materia Mcdica, or Vol. II. Pulse ............ 225 Purgatives, see Physic. PURGING, see DlAIlRHCEA; Pylorus ......... 15 Q. 4JuiTTOR.........197 R. Respiration ......... 6 Restringent draught . . . . . 50 RlNC-BONES ......... 157 Roaring.........77 Rowels .......♦ 224 S. Raddle galls ........ 146 Salanders . . . . . . . .lis Sand cracks........ 195 * Shoeing........ 178, 369 Sinews described...... . 150 SlTFASTS ......... 148 Spavin ......... 159 ""Splents ......... 26. Stable management . . . , . . 240 Staggers........92, 334 Stomach......... 11 - purgative...... 341 •-------------- staggers.....92, SSI- Strains ......... 149 Strangles........ 60 supphession of urine ...... 100, 350 Surfeit......... 107 Teeth, see Age. Thoracic duct • .• ,• . Thorax .... . ThOrough-pim • . • • 67 Thrush • • . • . 198 Tonic ball , . . . . 323 Trachea, see Lungs. U. Ureters . » ""• • » . 25 Urinary diseases .... . 350 V. Valve of the throat . Ventricles of the heart Viscera of the abdomen ----------- of the chest . It 8 11 3 W. Warbles, see Saddle galls. Wind, broken, Wind-galls . Worms..... Wounds..... 7« 158, 312 . ','.! 132, 27S Y. Yellows, see Jaundice. "Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberODA 4835Translate
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