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TitleFasciculus temporum.Translate
AuthorRolevinck, Werner,Translate
ImprintTutrecht : by my volmaect Jan VeldenaerTranslate
PublisherVeldener, JohannTranslate
Year14 February 1480Translate
Techniqueillustrations, diagrams (woodcuts) Translate
Size30 cm (folio) Translate
AnnotationTitle and date from colophon leaf 330r which reads: "Hier Eyndet dat boeck dat men hiet fasciculus temporum in houdende die Cronijcken van ouden tijden ... By my volmaect jan veldenar woennende tutrecht opten dam Int jaer ons heren MCCCC lxxx op sinte valentijns dach op die vastelauont &c." On leaf 330r Veldener's device of two lions supporting a blank shield, with his mark and the arms of Utrecht in the upper border. On preliminary leaf [1]v, Veldener's device surrounded by the text of the Gospel of John, chapter 1, verses 1-14. With additional chronicles; for details of contents see Bod-inc, which references M. Carasso-Kok, Repertorium van verhalende historische bronnen uit de middeleeuwen (The Hague, 1981), pages 340-345, nos. 311-319, who suggests that Veldener was the author of all of the additions. Collation: folio: [unsigned, 1-29⁸ 30⁶ 31⁸ 32⁴ 33-43⁸]; 338 leaves, folios [8 unnumbered] [i] ij-Clxxxiiij Clxxxvi-CClviij CClviij-CCCxxx [=330]. Signatures: [unsigned, 1-29⁸ 30⁶ 31⁸ 32⁴ 33-43⁸] Type: 114B; also 89B in portions of the text of gathering 2, and occasionally for names in circles, etc. "The cuts are from blocks used in Veldener's Louvain edition of the Fasciculus temporum, 29 December, 1475, with the addition of twelve new ones, and a set of coats of arms used only in the supplementary chronicles. Of the new cuts, those representing the Creation (9a), the destruction of Nineveh (43a), the destruction of Babylon (46b), the rebuilding of Jerusalem (52a) and the city of Jerusalem (52a) appear to have been suggested by illustrations in the edition of Rudimentum novitiorum, printed by Lucas Brandis at Lübeck, 5 August, 1475"--BM XVth century Incipit: Inden beghinne was dat woert. Incunabula short title catalogue, Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, Incunabula in Dutch libraries, Incunabula printed in the Low Countries, Catalogue of books printed in the fifteenth century now in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, Catalogue of books printed in the XVth century now in the British Museum, ir00278000 M38760 3950 1883 R-128 IX, 12 (IB. 47086) Type: 114B Type: 89B Translate
LocationUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtTranslate
Call numberMAG: S fol 44 (Rariora)Translate
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