Title | Beschryving van Zee-kusten, voornaamste baayen en ankerplaatsen, mitsgaders de daartoe behoorende land-vertooningen van het Eyland Ceylon, | Translate |
Type | Manuscript | Translate |
Region | Sri Lanka | Translate |
Imprint | [Place of production not identified]. | Translate |
Year | [between 1757 and 1800] | Translate |
Technique | illustrations, maps | Translate |
Size | 317 x 400 mm | Translate |
Annotation | Preliminary title. Dating: 18th century. Description of sea-coasts, principal bays and anchorages, together with the land-displays belonging thereto of the island of Ceylon. Cite as: Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Hs 6 A 23. Prof. G. Moll. Gift; Donated by prof. Gerrit Moll (1785-1838); in Oct. 1911 transferred from the library of G. Moll to the manuscript collection. L. Bes, Dutch sources on South Asia c. 1600-1825 II. Delhi 2003. p. 201, 226-227. | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | Hs 6 A 23 | Translate |
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