Title De la puissance legitime du prince sur le peuple, et du peuple sur le Prince. : Traité tres-vtile & digne de lecture en ce temps, Translate
Author Languet, Hubert, Translate
Type Book Translate
Imprint [Geneva] : [Francois Estienne] Translate
Place Geneva Translate
Publisher Estienne, François Translate
Year M.D.LXXXI. [1581] Translate
Size 17 cm (8vo) Translate
Note p.27 als p.21, p.31 als p.21 Translate
Annotation Signatures: A-Q⁸ R⁴. Originally published in French in 1577. Translated by François Estienne II. Imprint: M.D.LXXXI. Place of publication and printer from Renouard. Attributed to Hubert Languet; also attributed to Philippe de Mornay, and formerly to Beza, Hotman and others. Errors in pagination: 27 misnumbered 21; 31 misnumbered 21. With printed marginalia. Said to be the first book to establish the contractual theory of government. "Preface de C. Superantius" -- pseudonym of Hubert Languet. Errata on page 264. Adams, H.M. Catalogue of books printed on the continent of Europe, 1501-1600, in Cambridge libraries, GLN 15-16, Index Aureliensis, Chaix, P. Livres imprimés à Genève de 1550 à 1600 (1966 edition), Grässe, J.G.T. Trésor de livres rares et précieux, Renouard, A.A. Annales de l'imprimerie des Estienne, Hauser, H. XVIe s., L 151 2858 126.097 100 I, 558 p. 160 III, 2220 Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number K oct 54 dl 1 Translate
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