Title Decis. Capelle Tholos. : Decisiones materiarū[m] quotidianarū[m] et que quotidie in Practica obueniun[t] in capella sedis archiepiscopalis Tholose decise, Translate
Type Book Translate
Region France Translate
Imprint Lugduni : in officina Benedicti Bō[n]nyn Translate
Place Lyon Translate
Publisher Bonyn, Benoît Translate
Year 1543. Translate
Size 19 cm (8vo) Translate
Annotation Regulatory and procedural decisions made by judicial or other ecclesiastical authority in the Archdiocese of Toulouse, unofficially compiled before 1416 by Jean Corsier and ca. 1500 edited, with commentary, by Étienne Aufreri. Place of publication and publisher from colophon, which gives publication date as: Mcccccxliij [1543], die X. mensis Martij. Imprint: 1543. Title page in red and black, within woodcut title border. Signatures: A-C⁸ a-z⁸ aa⁸. Initials; printed marginalia. Jacques Giunta or Vincent de Portonariis may have been the publisher, based on title page border (according to Gültlingen). Gültlingen, S. von. Bibliographie des livres imprimés à Lyon au seizième siècle, IV, p. 197 (123) Translate
Location Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht Translate
Call number L oct 202 Translate
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