Title | Ad repetita F. Turriani monachi Iesuitae sophismata de ecclesia et ordinationibus Ministrorum Ecclesiae, Responsio. : In qua refelluntur omnes tum responsiones, tum obiectiones à Turriano propositae in libro defensionis Sophismatum, quem ille perperam, Defensionem locorum Scripturae, inscripsit. ; Accessit Tractatus De legitima Vocatione Pastorum Ecclesiae Reformatae. | Translate |
Author | Sadeel, Antoine de, | Translate |
Type | Book | Translate |
Imprint | Morgiis, : venundantur in officina Typographica Io. le Preux, Illust. D. Bernensium Typog. | Translate |
Place | Morges | Translate |
Publisher | Le Preux, Jean | Translate |
Year | M. D. LXXX [1580] | Translate |
Size | 17 cm (8vo) | Translate |
Annotation | A. Sadeel is a pseudonym of Antoine de Chandieu. Printer's device on title page. According to GLN 15-16 printed in Geneva. Contains also text by Turrianus (=Francisco Torres). Signatures: *⁸ a-z⁸ aa-gg⁸ A-E⁸8 F²; *1v, *8 and gg8v are blank. GLN 15-16, 2832 | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | E oct 248 dl 2 | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |