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Title | Modus legendi abbreuiaturas in vtroque iure | Translate |
Type | Book | Translate |
Imprint | In alma vniversitate Coloniensi imp[re]ssus : p[er] me Johan[n]e[m] Gulde[n]schaeff | Translate |
Place | Cologne | Translate |
Publisher | Guldenschaff, Johann | Translate |
Year | [approximately 1485] | Translate |
Size | 30 cm (folio) | Translate |
Annotation | Title from incipit, which reads: Incipit liber dans modum legendi abbreuiaturas in vtroque iure. Place of publication and printer's name from colophon, which reads: ... p[er] me Johan[n]e[m] Gulde[n]schaeff in alma vniversitate Coloniensi imp[re]ssus. Werner von Schussenried is named as author in an acrostic in the text. (ISTC). Signatures: a-b⁸ c⁶; a1, and c6v are blank. Incunabula short title catalogue, Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke, Incunabula in Dutch libraries, im00746000 M24956 3264 | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | L fol 757 (Rariora) dl 2 | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |