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Psalterium Latinum

PSALM XXXIII (34), f. 19r.
In the upper right of the picture, the beardless, nimbed Christ-Logos holding a sword is standing within a mandorla flanked by six angels. Another angel at the right flies up to receive the sword from the Christ-Logos (verse 8, (7)). Rays from the mandorla 'lighten' (verse 6, (5)) a group of people headed by the psalmist, who is pointing to his mouth (verse 14). Some of the rays also extend to the bottom of the picture where three martyrdoms are being enacted: St. Peter, with his head downward, nailed to the cross; St. Paul beheaded; and St. Lawrence held on the grill (verse 20). An angel stands behind each of the martyrs to receive his soul ('the angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them,' verse 8, (7)). At the extreme right, five angels are attacking 'them that do evil, to cut off the remembrance of them from the earth' (verse 17, (16)). A fiery pit yawns to receive them. To the left of the picture the psalmist, enthroned, is addressing a group of children ('Come, ye children, hearken unto me; I will teach you the fear of the Lord,' verse 12, (11)).