Title | Incipit liber qui dicitur Bonum vniuersale de p[ro]prietatibus apum. | Translate |
Author | Thomas, | Translate |
Type | Book | Translate |
Imprint | [Cologne] : [Johann Koelhoff, the Elder] | Translate |
Year | [1478-1480?] | Translate |
Size | 30 cm | Translate |
Note | ongepagineerd jaar van uitg. is schatting | Translate |
Annotation | Colophon: Explicit liber apum qui dicit[ur] Bonu[m] vniuersale quia de p[r]elatis et subditis tractat, de quo sit deus benedictus in secula Amen. Leaves [127b]-[134a]: Tabula. Leaf [134b] blank. Signatures: a-q⁸, r⁶. One- to five-line spaces left for capitals. Capitals supplied in red. Hain. Repertorium (with Copinger's Supplement) *3644; Proctor, 1042; Brit. Mus. Cat. (XV cent.) I, p. 223 (IB. 3523); Goff. Third census, T-347 | Translate |
Location | Universiteitsbibliotheek Utrecht | Translate |
Call number | F fol 82 (Rariora) dl 2 | Translate |
All metadata as Marc21XML | Open Marc21 XML in new window | Translate |