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TitelA philosophical and practical treatise on horses,Vertaal
AuteurLawrence, John,Vertaal
Edition3d ed., with large additions.Vertaal
ImpressumLondon Sherwood, Neely, and JonesVertaal
AnnotatieIndexes: v. 1, pages xiv-xix; v. 2 p. v-xi. Vertaal
CommentaarCHAPTER I. INTRODUCTORY Chapter—Design of the work—" Critical account of Veterinary Writers—Impartial examination of Mr. Tapliiis plea of originality.... 1 CHAPTER II. The Horse in general, with some account of the breeds of different countries.......................... 83 CHAPTER III. The Rights of Beasts.......................... 125 CHAPTER IV. The Philosophy of Sports ...................... 176 CHAPTER V. Running Horses and the Turf ....................214 CHAPTER VI. The Apellatives, Qualities, Habits, and Defects of Horses .................................... 267 CHAPTER VII. The Paces and the Equestrian Art, or modern Method ofridinrr on Horseback, as practised by both Sexes. .335 CHAPTER VIII. Draught Cattle, and their Use and Management, both in Town and Country, Political Economy, <5,c.......394CHAPTER IX. TAGS The Menage ..................................447 chapter x. The Economy of the Stable, Diet, Exercise, Condition, Soiling, S;c................................. 453 CHAPTER XI. The Art cf Shoeing.......................... . 547 CHAPTER XII. Purchase and Sale.,.....,......................588INDEX.Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurODJ 7855Vertaal
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