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TitelThe gentleman's stable directory, or, Modern system of farriery ... Vertaal
AuteurTaplin, William,Vertaal
Edition9th ed., considerably enl., and carefully corr.Vertaal
ImpressumLondon : G. KearsleyVertaal
Techniekportrait Vertaal
Afmetingen22 cm Vertaal
Opmerkingjaar van uitg. is schattingVertaal
CommentaarA ARABIANS, p. 4, 30. Abortion, case of, 61. Author, anecdote of, 121, 124, 127,402. Alderman an, comparative view of, 191. Animal Magnetifm, 253. Alteratives, 269. Agriculture Society, Odiham, 270. Aliment, its procefs, 207. Adventurer, legerdemain, 355. Anecdotes, 367. Afcot, plate won, 61. Aliment, of different kinds, 93. Authors, a review of, 135 B Breeding, p. 1. Blood Horfes, 4, 316. Breeders, northern, 7. ———, inconfiftent, ir. , penurious, 49. Bowdrow, 18. Bloodftock, current price of, 24. Bracken, remark upon, 31, 213, 219, 253, 255. Breaking, 105- Breakers, intoxication of, 109. ----------, qualifications, 113. Barrier, 157, 161, 182, 213. Bleeding, adverted to, 216. Blind Stallions, 7, 36, 40. Blood, the flute of, 217, 272, 299. Bone, confidered, 314. «' Black Legs,"" who fo called, 387. Blindnefs, by hard running, 4 c. — —'—, by too frequent covering, 41. Bar Shoes, remarks upon, 183. c Cumberland, former duke of, p. 17, 65. Cantharides, dangerous ufe of, 44. Carrots, great utility of, 95. Clergyman, anecdote of, i)^ Country Farriers, 120. Cripples, by flioeing, 155. Corns, caufe of, 171, 173. —........, cure, 174- Cutting, caufe of, 176. Cleanlinefs, neceffity of, 194, 202. Clarke, Mr. remark upon, 217, 272, 341. Cafes, of difeafed eyes, 233. Chafe, of flag or fox, 292, 320, 325. Chambermaid, liberality to, 372.. Courts, of law, 379. Colts, improvement of, 69. D. Draft Horfe, Englifli, p. 10, 26. Dungannon, 18. Dealers practice of, 107. Difpofal, proper mode of, 38;,Eclipfe, dam of, p. 17. ■ , get of, j 8, 20. Evergreen, 20. Equeftrians, Juvenile, 193. Exercife, 203, 344. —, comparative view of, 245* — -—, in the metropolis, 25a. Eyes, defeats in, 144, 295, 348, ———, lofs of, 193. Enemies, to improvement, 99, F Foaling, proper time of, p. 47, jr. Foal, time of mares going with, 55. ——, brought up by hand, 65. Feet, different kinds of, 158. Flefliy, footed horfes, 181. Feet, attended to when young, 183. Fundaments, artificial, 257. Figure, in the Field, 291, 323. Feeding, 337, 339, 356. Farmer, a ftory of, 358, Fortunes, annihilated, 386. "" Family the,"" defcribed, 387. Fired horfes, the caufe of fo many, 109. Farriers, ability of, 168. G Gunpowder, p. 18. Gibfon, 135, 157- Gentlemen, advice to, 139,Gamblers, 387. Generofity, of Sportfmen, 140. H Hunters, Englifh, p. 5. Herod, King, 20. Highflyer, 20, 102. Hamilton, Lord Spencer, 40. Horfes, ftarting, 115. Humours, the erFeft of repletion, 208, 212, 223. Hunters, 289. ■---------, condition of, 291, choice of, 313* Heroes, on horfeback, 188, 327. Harriers, mentioned, 319. Hunter, management of, 321. • —, in the chace, 325. ———, after the chace, 328. Hard Riders, mentioned, 367. Horfes, fele&ion of, 350. J Jupiter, p. 18, Jerry Sneak, 40. Ignorance, of grooms, 239, 294. Juvenile Equeftrians, 193. Inns, defcribed, 351. ------, their figns emblematic, 354. Ill ufage in fhoeing, 143. K King's T. the Hon. blind ftallion, p. 39. L Lelcefterfhire, p. 5, 26. Lincolnflilre, 5, 26. Lewenhock, upon Male Semen, 41. La Fofle, 160, 182. Livery Stables, 190, 203. Light, advantages of, 20 r. Labour, probable, 251. Landlords, defcription of, 35Z. * Lets go,"" its utility, 360. Lottery Office Keepers, 383. Lamenefs from fhoeing, 166, 169. M Mare, fpider legged, p. 7. Marfk, 16, 21. Mercury, 18. Meteor, 18. Milkfop, reafon why fo called, 65. Mare, management of, after foaling, 65. ■------, when taken to horfe, 83. Medical ftudent, anecdote of, 362. Mare, compulfively covered, 54. —----, her time of going with foal, 55. Major O'Flaherty quoted, 190. Medicines, author's, follow Index. Matches, of the author, 401, 403. N Newmarket, p. 4. 394. Northamptonfhire, 5, 26. Nutrition, effect of, 8, 75. Nitre, its ufe, 241. ------, its abufe, 243. Noble Lord, anecdote of, 384.Ofmer, quoted, p. 148. ___'s felf-contradi&ion, 161. Oftler's, defcription of, 329, 354, 357. ———, reward to, 372. Obligation, mutual, 142, P Perfpiration, explained, p. 210. —, its obftru£tion, 248, Purging, the confiftency of, 296, 301^ __---------j difference of action, 308. Purges, mercurial, 311. Parliament, petition to, 353. Pofthorfes, 373. Pawnbrokers, 383. Perfevere and conquer, 128. Quackery, danger of, p. 239 Quixotes, equeftrian, 189. R ReftifFhorfes, ill ufage of, p. Ill, 127, 129, 14c. Rowelling, 253, explained, 256. •------------, anecdote of, 235, 263. ————, investigated, 277. ---------1—, conclufion drawn, 283, &c. Repletion, and its effects, 189, 191, 208, 338. Racing, in the chace, 327.Road horfes, 349. Road horfes, management of, 365. , on a journey, 369. Repofitory, local law of, 377. Running horfes, number of, 387. Riders, alias jockies, 388, 395, 397* s Stallions, blind, p. 7, 36, 40. ---------, of falhion, 16, 35, 39. ———, Shakespear, 17, ---------, Marfk, 17. Soldier, 18. Sweetbriar, 20. Sulphur, anecdote of, 60. Shoeing, 130. Sportfmen, liberality of, 140. Smiths, ill ufage of horfes, 143. Stabling, 187. Stimulus, cathartic, 305. Sound, its meaning, (in law) 379* Sporting, bankrupts, 383. Swampy, four grafs, 68. T Turf, p. 19, refinement of, 107. Tradefman, Manchester, 188. Tony Lumpkin, 293. Twitch, its ufe confidered, 348. Turf, the, 382, villainy of, 388. Trainers, 388. Tax, minifterial, 387-Training, expenfive, p. 385. Turf, integrity, 405. U Unions, heterogeneous, p. 6, 10. V Verturruius, p. 18. Ventilators, recommended, 201. Veterinarian education. 270- W Woodpecker, p. 20. Woodcock, 54* Weaning foals, 85, ici. Writers, difFerent, review of, 135. Water and its efFecb, 248, 330, 339, 342, 357, 370, 373 Warm Arables, 356. Wignell, anecdote of, 363. Waiter, reward to, 372. Weftminfter Hall, 380. Y Yorkfhire breeders, p. 5, 26, "Vertaal
LocatieUniversiteitsbibliotheek UtrechtVertaal
SignatuurODA 3650Vertaal
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